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National Centre for Innovations in Distance Education

Indira Gandhi National Open University

IGNOU is in the twenty-seventh year of its existence. The rules, regulations, norms and procedures
followed at IGNOU have evolved along with its journey over the last 27 years. The functionaries
of IGNOU spread all over the country face a lot of questions which have been compiled along
with the answers in the form of this booklet. We have directly picked up questions sent by the
learners facing one problem or the other. The questions have been prepared based on the queries,
observations, suggestions received at different establishments of IGNOU. We have by and large
maintained the language of the queries as sent by the learners, but have made some necessary
corrections. The answers are valid as on the date of publication of this booklet. An electronic
version of this booklet is uploaded on the IGNOU website where necessary
updating will be done from time to time. Suggestions/observations/comments from the readers
are welcome.
There are ten chapters in the booklet. Chapters 1 to 8 have been categorised based on the
various issues like Registration, Evaluation, Recognition, etc. In Chapter 1, we have attempted
to answer queries on the general rules and administrative issues, and the recognition of IGNOU
programmes. Chapter 2 deals with queries on registration, re-registration and re-admission
issues. In Chapter 3, an attempt has been made to handle the queries on the credit system
followed by IGNOU. Chapter 4 answers queries on the evaluation system. In Chapter 5, queries
on project, practical and assignments have been answered. Chapter 6 deals with questions on
student support services. Chapter 7 answers queries on issues related to Ph.D. In Chapter 8,
we have highlighted the various IT initiatives undertaken by the University.
After making the compilation for Chapters 1 to 8 it was felt that there were further issues which
had not got covered through those chapters. So, we created Chapter 9. In Chapter 9, we have
inter alia selected actual and representative case studies. Several academic programmes are on
offer at IGNOU which do not have parallel in the conventional system and the learners have
many queries regarding them. We have listed those in Chapter 9 which we had received from
time to time.
A compilation of 60 questions has been made in Chapter 10 and it has been named ODL - Quiz.
These questions are the outcome of the discussion with the participants during various training
programmes. We hope that the readers will enjoy the quiz.
We once again invite suggestions and comments from our esteemed readers.

The Booklet Preparation Team

Q1.1 What is an open university?

Ans. It is a university which follows the system of open learning, which is the manifestation
of the philosophy of openness in teaching-learning transaction through several features
as detailed under:

Learner Centredness
It is a system where all approach towards the teaching-learning transactions is
oriented towards the need of the learner. For example, it offers socially and
academically relevant programmes based on student need analysis. The conventional
system is more teacher-centric, that is oriented towards the norms, procedures
adopted by the teachers.

Flexible Entry Norms

The entry norms are flexible. For example, there is no upper age limit. A candidate
has to be 10+2 pass for getting entry into BA/B.Com but it is not essential for him
to secure particular threshold marks. One can join an academic programme at
IGNOU while being a student of another university.

Individualized Study
Conventional system follows a synchronous mode of study. Here, a learner has the
scope of studying according to his convenience. He can read the self-instructional
printed material as per his desired schedule. Similarly he can switch on the tape or
the DVD player according to his convenience. He can freely use e-resources like
open educational resources and other technology based teaching learning tool.

Trascendation of the Barrier of Space and Time

The learner can pursue her study from anywhere and also at anytime. At IGNOU,
examinations are held twice a year, in June and December. It is like two buses, say
between Delhi and Jaipur. One may be in the morning and the other in the evening.
If one misses the morning bus one can take the evening bus. If the morning bus
develops some trouble in the midway, one has the option for waiting and travelling
by the evening bus. Similarly if one misses the June examination, one can appear at
the December examination. If one misses out on some courses during the June
examination, one can get them cleared at the December examination. Thus the
examination system has been made user-friendly to the extent that a learner appears
at the examination only when she feels satisfied about her preparation. IGNOU has
started the scheme of On-demand examination for some of the programmes and
this facility is likely to be extended for all programmes.

Use of Modern Educational and Communication Technologies

In spite of tremendous advancement in technology, Print medium happens to be

the mainstay in the instructional system. However, electronic media like audio,
video, interactive audio (via radio), interactive video (via satellite) and virtual
classroom (via internet) are used for teaching-learning transaction.

Modular Approach Towards Study

There are two facets of the modular approach.

i) Quite a few programmes are offered, at all levels, i.e. certificate, diploma and
bachelors. For example, in case of tourism studies, IGNOU offers Certificate
in Tourism Studies (CTS), Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS) and Bachelor
of Arts in Tourism Studies (BTS). Now CTS is a subset of DTS and DTS is a
subset of BTS. Thus one can complete CTS and opt to quit or do so after
completing DTS. While doing DTS he will not have to re-do CTS. It is not
necessary that everyone has to study till BTS. However, while studying BTS,
one does not have to re-do CTS and DTS.

ii) At IGNOU every academic programme of study is a combination of courses,

every course is a combination of blocks, every block is a combination of units.
The books are provided in the form of blocks, i.e., small modules rather than
a fat text book which may demotivate the learner. The modules are supposed
to be written in increasing order of degree of difficulty so that after completing
one module, that is one block, the learner feels motivated to go over to the
next block. It is like trekking from Pahalgaon to Amarnath. Say, after one
reaches Chandanbari and looks back at the terrains one has crossed, one feels
motivated to cross the further difficult terrains ahead. Thus, from Chandanbari,
one reaches Pissu Top, Seshnag and finally the Amarnath cave. Similarly, one
goes from simpler to relatively more difficult modules while going through
ones study.

Resource Sharing

IGNOU shares the resources of the host institutions of its study centres at times
which do not clash with their usual working hours, thus IGNOU does not have to
pay for the brick and mortar infrastructure of the study centres. The aspect of resource
sharing turns out to be a significant cause behind the low cost of the programmes
which becomes beneficial for the institution as well as the learners.

Option of Free Choice of Courses

In IGNOU we follow a cafeteria approach. In a cafeteria the names of the dishes

are provided in the menu card along with their prices. We can draw an analogy
between the dishes and the courses and the prices with the number of credits. At
the cafeteria one can select the dishes as per ones choice, of course within the

limits of ones affordability. In other words, one has to keep track of the money in
ones pocket. Likewise, here one has to select courses up to the total number of
credits earmarked for a programme and one has the option of free choice. One can
select courses as per ones aptitude and capability.

Scientific Scheme of Evaluation

It follows a very scientific scheme of evaluation which is an aggregate of self-

assessment (Nil weightage), continuous evaluation (25 to 30% weightage) and term-
end examination (70 to 75% weightage).

Cost Effectiveness

This aspect has already been dealt with under the head Resource Sharing.

Nationwide Support Service Network

It has a network of learner support centres throughout the country in the form of
regional centres, study centres, work centres, skill development centres, partner
institutions and institution collaborators.

International Jurisdiction

It also has an international jurisdiction having presence in 37 countries abroad.

Collaboration and networking with the conventional universities, state open

universities, other institutions and organisations.

A unique feature is the provision of collaboration of IGNOU with the conventional

universities, other open universities, the distance education directorates, the
correspondence course institutions and several other institutions/organisations of
repute. By other institutions/organisations we generally mean such establishments
which may not be involved in academia but have expertise in some relevant areas
such as vocational studies. Under such circumstances IGNOU collaborates with
that institution/organisation for launching the relevant programme.

Facilities of Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption

The university follows the credit system for its programmes of study. It has the
provision of transferring the credits earned by a learner at IGNOU or say at other
institution, thereby providing much relief to the learners. Credit Exemption is
allowed for several programmes where the learner concerned does not have to
undertake exercises meant for continuous evaluation. She has to appear only for
the relevant term-end examination.

Associate Studentship

The system provides the facility of Associate Studentship, that is, one can register
for a particular course without registering for the whole programme. Suppose a

student wants to study only Thermodynamics. He does not have to register for
the BSc Programme. He can register as an Associate Student only for the course on
Thermodynamics. On successful completion he will get a certificate of completion
of the Thermodynamics course. For entry, however, he will need to have the
eligibility required for admission to BSc.

Convergence with the Conventional System

Last but not the least it is to be appreciated that for the sake of capacity building
and strengthening of the conventional university and the Collegiate Education
System a scheme of convergence has been conceived jointly by UGC, IGNOU,
Distance Education Council and AICTE under the guidance of the MHRD. Under
this scheme there is likely to be a provision for colleges affiliated with the
conventional universities and university departments offering academic programmes

Q1.2 What is Distance Education?

Ans. It is a concept wherein the learner is at a distance from the teacher. The teacher is
inbuilt in the learning material as a judicious combination of the following components:
Interactive Audio via radio
Interactive Video via satellite
Virtual classroom via internet
This means that the teacher is omnipresent. After interacting with this teacher through
the above components the learners get the benefit of face-to-face counselling and
guidance at the learner support centres.

Q1.3 What is ODL System? How does it differ from the Correspondence System?

Ans. ODL means Open and Distance Learning. It is an aggregate of the Open Learning
System and the Distance Education Methodology. In the Correspondence System
the teacher is absent. So is he in the ODL System. But in the ODL System he is
omnipresent, as the style of all learning material, be it print or audio/video, is self-
instructional. The learners are supposed to get taught by these omnipresent teachers.
They are supposed to get clarifications pertaining to the doubts and difficulties faced
by them from the academic counsellors at the learner support centres. The back-up of
support services through the network of the learners support centres is of cardinal
importance in respect of the ODL System.

Q1.4 Why do you at all have entry restrictions in an Open System?

Ans. We are concerned about the acceptability of our students in the society, hence we have
to ensure equivalence of the degrees/diplomas of IGNOU with that of the conventional
universities. So we have to keep restrictions, e.g. one has to be a 10+2 for joining BA/
B.Com/BSc, but that 10+2 need not be with a threshold marks. In other words,
restrictions are there but they are minimal.

Q1.5 We have heard that one can do graduation at IGNOU even without being a 10+2.
Is it really possible?

Ans. Yes, if you are 18 or above, you may join our Bachelors Preparatory Programme. It is
a six months programme where you have to select any two among three preparatory
courses in social sciences, commerce and mathematics. If you qualify you may join
BA, BCom (not BSc) and for that matter any academic programme of IGNOU for
which (10+2) is an entry qualification.

Q1.6 Does it mean that BPP is equivalent to 10+2?

Ans. Not, at all. It is only an enabling mechanism for joining graduation and some other
programmes of IGNOU by those who for some reason or the other had missed the
opportunity of passing 10+2.

Q1.7 You have mentioned about the flexibility regarding the choice of time for appearing
at the term-end examination. If I avail myself of that facility how can I complete
the academic programme in time?

Ans. For every programme there is a minimum period and a maximum permissible period.
You have to complete all the requirements for assessment, that is assignments, term-
end examinations, practicals, field work and projects (if there are any) within the
maximum permissible period.

Q1.8 What happens if I fail to complete even within the maximum permissible period?

Ans. There is scope for re-admission for most of the programmes of IGNOU. If you have
not been to able to complete your programme successfully within the maximum
permissible period, then you may take re-admission. You have to complete only the
part you had failed to accomplish and you also have the provision of seeking credit
transfer for the courses you had already completed during your earlier period of
registration. The period of validity of registration after re-admission is not unlimited
and it varies from programme to programme.

Q1.9 Do you have facility of on-demand examination?

Ans. As of now we have the facility for about 135 courses covering 50 programmes. Under
this scheme a learner can be permitted to appear at the examination only after completion
of the minimum required study period. For example, the said period for a diploma
programme is one year. Therefore one cannot be allowed to appear for the examination
before one year has elapsed after ones taking admission into the programme.

Q1.10 You claim to increase your access, but on the other hand you restrict admission to
B.Ed only to in-service teachers. Does it not go against the facets of openness?

Ans. As far as B.Ed is concerned if you assess the situation little analytically you would
realise that our stand helps in increasing the access. This is due to the fact that it is not
very convenient for an in-service teacher to do B.Ed through the conventional system.
Now, if our B.Ed is made open even for the freshers there is a likelihood of the freshers
fairing better at the entrance test and thus reducing the scope for the in-service teachers.
So our stand in a way provides increasing access to those who are otherwise deprived
of it.

Q1.11 I had been studying BA at a conventional university. I have left my studies midway.
Can I take admission at IGNOU and complete my BA?
a) Shall I require a migration certificate?
b) Is there any scheme of exemption in a particular course of IGNOU for the
students coming from other institutions?
c) Is it possible for a student to take direct admission in second or third year in
IGNOU if he has done his first/second/year from other university?
Ans. a) You can very well join IGNOU BA.

b) You will not require any Migration Certificate.

c) Yes, there are schemes of credit transfer and credit exemption

d) A student will have to take admission in the first year and thereafter apply for
credit transfer or exemption as the case may be. There is no exemption for the
Foundation Courses.

Q1.12 Can I pay fees through Credit Card?

Ans. Yes. As a matter of fact fees can be paid through demand draft, bank challan and credit

Q1.13 Is there any reservation of seats in a particular programme for SC/ST/OBC etc.
in IGNOU as per the Government of India rules?

Ans. Yes, for those programmes where admission is regulated by way of drawing a merit
list. For other programmes admission is open to all eligible candidates.

Q1.14 Can I apply for a teaching job with MA in Education? Is it equivalent to M.Ed?

Ans. MA in Education basically prepares yourself for the Education profession. However,
you may apply for teaching jobs in your basic discipline provided you fulfill the
conditions. MA in Education is not equivalent to M.Ed.

Q1.15 Can a student who has completed his graduation from IGNOU apply for the IAS
Examination conducted by the UPSC?

Ans. IGNOU learners are eligible to appear at any Examination conducted by UPSC (like
IAS etc.), SSC (School Service Commission, Government of West Bengal) or by any
other Commission in any State or Union Territory of India.

Q1.16 Are IGNOU learners eligible to take admission in any university after successful
completion of their programme in IGNOU?

Ans. After completion of a particular degree at IGNOU learners are eligible to take admission
in any Indian university subject to fulfilling other criteria laid down by the university

Q1.17 Is the B.Ed degree awarded by IGNOU considered valid by all other universities?

Ans. B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) offered by IGNOU has the recognition of NCTE (National
Council of Teacher Education) and should be considered valid by all universities.

Q1.18 Please give me the recognition detail of M.Ed offered by IGNOU.

Ans. M.Ed (Master of Education) offered by IGNOU is recognised both by DEC (Distance
Education Council) and NCTE (National Council of Teacher Education).

Q1.19 Are IGNOU Degrees/ Diplomas recognised?

Ans. IGNOU Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates are recognised by all member universities of

the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/
Certificates of all Indian Universities/ Institutions, as per UGC and AIU guidelines. If
required the below-mentioned Notifications may be referred to:-

Notification No.IV/II(00)/86/ dated 12.12.1986 issued by Association of Indian

Universities admitting IGNOU to the membership of AIU.

Notification No.IV/II(449)/94/176915-177115 dated 14.01.1994 issued by Association

of Indian Universities regarding recognition of Degrees/Diplomas of Open Universities.

Notification No.F.1-8/92(CPP) dated February, 1992 issued by University Grants

Commission regarding recognition of Degrees/Diplomas awarded by Indira Gandhi
National Open University.

Q1.20 Where should one seek information about the recognition of IGNOUs Programme?

Ans. You can get the information from the IGNOU website ( from the
DEC website (

Q1.21 Are MBA and MCA Programmes offered by IGNOU recognised by AICTE?

Ans. Yes, they are.

Please refer to Notification F. No. AICTE/Academic / MOU DEC / 2005 dated May
13, 2005 issued by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, regarding
recognition of IGNOUs MBA and MCA Programmes.

Q1.22 I have completed B.A. from IGNOU. Can I get admission in MBA at Tripura

Ans. Yes. The TU (Tripura University) has recognised that the Degree/Diplomas/Certificates
awarded by IGNOU are deemed to be equivalent to TUs corresponding Degree/
Diplomas/Certificates. Thus, our students may get admission in any Programme of TU
subject to fulfilling the conditions laid down by TU.

Q1.23 I have completed BPP from IGNOU. Is it possible to take admission in B.A. from
Tripura University?

Ans. Directorate of Distance Education, Tripura University has made a provision by way of
which successfully completed BPP students of IGNOU will get the scope of admission
in B.A. Programme of Tripura University under distance mode.

Q1.24 I have completed my MCA programme from IGNOU. Is this programme

equivalent to M.Tech (Computer Science)?

Ans. No.

Q1.25 I have done BTCM from IGNOU. At present I am a homemaker and want to
apply for Masters of Arts in English in a conventional university. Am I eligible
for admission to that particular programme?

Ans. For this you should follow the eligibility criteria of that university.

Q1.26 I have completed my MCA Programme from IGNOU. I came to know from an
advertisement that IGNOU has launched a new programme M.Sc in Mathematics
with Application in Computer Science. Am I eligible for taking admission to this

Ans. Yes, you are eligible.

Q1.27 I am a student of IGNOU DNHE since 2005. My qualification is B.Sc, DCA, DMLT
and I have experience as Medical Representative for four years and am presently
working as a Manager-cum-Receptionist. Can I take admission in MBA?

Ans. If you have scored minimum 50% at the graduation level (45% for SC/ST) you are
eligible for appearing at the Entrance Test for MBA.

Q1.28 Are the programmes which are unique to IGNOU considered valid by other

Ans. Every programme of IGNOU has due recognition of UGC and AIU. The programmes
that are unique to IGNOU are generally professionally and vocationally oriented and
they serve the said purpose for the learners who successfully complete them.

Q1.29 Is there any exemption scheme in a particular course of IGNOU for the students
coming from accredited institutions?

Ans. IGNOU has a Credit Exemption Scheme as explained under response to Q-1.1.It is
quite general in nature with reference to courses completed by the learners from other
universities and institutions of higher learning.

Q1.30 I am a working professional. I want to pursue MCA from IGNOU. I want to

know that whether I will be eligible for GATE with a degree of MCA from IGNOU.

Ans. Yes.

Q1.31 I am a student of BSCN(PB) Programme from IGNOU. Is this programme

recognised by the Indian Nursing Council? After completing this course shall I
be eligible to work as a nurse in a hospital?

Ans. Yes, it is recognised by the Indian Nursing Council. As a matter of fact, your BSCN(PB)
from IGNOU would facilitate your working as a nurse in a hospital. However, you will
have to fulfill other conditions laid down by the hospital concerned.

Q1.32 In IGNOU Prospectus we have seen the text of the recognition document issued
by UGC in Feb. 1992. Is there any further document of recognition by UGC which
is valid for all Open Universities in general?

Ans. Notification No.F1-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 5th May 2004 issued by University Grants
Commission regarding recognition of Degrees awarded by Open Universities.

Notification No.F1-52/2000(CPP-II) dated 2nd Nov. 2004 issued by University Grants

Commission regarding recognition of Degrees awarded by Open Universities.

Q1.33 Is there any specific guideline of UGC as regards regulating the standards through
non-formal/distance education in the faculties of Fine Arts and Music?

Ans. It is not only in Fine Arts and Music. It covers other disciplines also. Please refer to
Notification No.F.1-1117/83 (CPP-II) dated 18th October, 1995 issued by University
Grants Commission for publishing in the Gazette of India (Part III Section 4) regarding
amendment in UGC Regulations pertaining to the minimum standards of instructions
for the grant of first degree through non-formal/distance education in the faculties of
Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences.

Q1.34 Is there any reference of the NCTE notification regarding recognition of IGNOUs
B.Ed? It is being demanded by my school.

Ans. Notification No.F3/DL-83/99/7807-7812 dated 31.05.1999 issued by National Council

for Teacher Education, Northern Regional Committee, Jaipur, for publishing in the
Gazette of India (Part III Section 4) regarding recognition of IGNOUs B.Ed. (Distance

Q1.35 Is there any specific document which clearly states that there is no difference
between B.Ed. (face-to-face) and B.Ed. (distance mode)?

Ans. Letter D.O.No.62-5/2003/NCTE(N&S)Vol-II/69560 dated 09.08.2007 addressed to

Shri Manoj Kumar, Principal Secretary (Basic Education), Govt. of Uttar Pradesh by
Shri V.C.Tewari, Member Secretary, National Council for Teacher Education, New
Delhi, stating that there is no difference between B.Ed. (face-to-face) and B.Ed.(Distance

Q1.36 I am an MBA student of IGNOU working in a multinational company. My office

has asked for the reference of the notification related to the recognition of IGNOU


I am the teacher of Computer Science in a college and I have obtained the job on
the strength of my MCA degree from IGNOU. My institution has asked for the
recognition of IGNOU MCA by AICTE.

Ans. Notification F.No.AICTE/Academic/MOU-DEC/2005 dated May 13, 2005 issued by

All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, regarding recognition of
IGNOUs MBA and MCA Programmes.

Q1.37 I am working as a nurse in a sub-divisional hospital and I am expecting my

promotion to the rank of a Senior Nurse. I have done Post Basic BSc Nursing
from IGNOU. My hospital asked for the reference of the recognition of Post Basic
BSc Nursing from Indian Nursing Council.

Ans. Certificate No.20-30/99-INC (Resolution No.72/3/ FEBRUARY/2000) dated 2nd June

2000 issued by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, regarding recognition of IGNOUs
Post Basic B.Sc.(Nursing) Programme.

Q1.38 I am working in a hospital and I want to do the PG Diploma in Hospital and

Health Management (PGDHHM) from your University. I want to know about
the recognition of this programme.


I am working in a hospital and I am expecting my promotion. I have done Post

Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC) from IGNOU. I want to know
whether this programme is recognised by Medical Council of India?


I want to do the PG Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) from

your University. I understand it is a one year Diploma programme. Is it recognised
by the Medical Council of India (MCI)?


The PG Diploma Programme in Geriatic Medicine (PGDGM) is offered by

IGNOU. I am a doctor serving in Government hospital and I have specialised in
Medicine. Will it help in any way in my job?

Ans. As a preamble to the answers to this question one must know that according to MCI,
the definition of a student is one who attends face-to-face classes. For each of the
above cases the student is a distance learner. So he is not a student as per the MCI
definition. PGDCC is an exception. For that programme, though the students are
provided with self-instructional study materials as in every other programme of IGNOU,
by and large most of the teaching-learning transactions take places in the face-to-face
mode. However, another requirement of MCI is that the duration of a PG Diploma
Programme should be two years whereas for each of the PG Diploma programmes
stated above, the duration is one year. Thus IGNOU has not made any issue regarding
the recognition of these programmes from MCI. However, in no way does it affect the
importance of these programmes. Each of these programmes provides enrichment to a
learner (who is an MBBS doctor in the area specified) and it raises his employability

Q1.39 Tell us in general about the job prospects of the programmes on offer by the
School of Vocational Education and Training (SOVET)

Ans. SOVET has planned its academic programmes on the basis of the feedback received
by the University from all possible stakeholders over the years. Moreover, many
organisations have approached the above School with the proposal of launching need
based training programmes in tune with their activities. With such a background, it is
expected that there would be reasonably good job prospects.

Q1.40 IGNOU has launched programmes which require hands-on skill, like Pottery
Design, Jewellery Design, Shoe making, etc. How do you handle the training of
these programmes through the distance mode?

Ans. Most of these programmes are for those who can read and write. The study materials
provided to the learners have been written in a language which is easily readable and
understandable. The study centres are not housed in academic institutions, but these
are with institutional collaborators. The practicals are conducted by resource persons
drawn from such collaborators. The attendance in practical is compulsory and the
learners acquire the desired skills at such practical sessions.

Q1.41 IGNOU is known for offering programmes which are generally not offered by
the conventional system. I am a retired teacher and I have ideas about several
such programmes for which there is a very strong need base. Who should I contact
with my proposal?


Our institution wants to offer a need based programme in collaboration with

IGNOU. How should I go about it?

Ans. In IGNOU the academic home of each programme is a School of Studies. Please visit
IGNOU website and get to know about the Schools of Studies. Identify
the School which according to you is the most suitable for launching your proposed
programme. You have to send your proposal to the Director of the School or to the
Director, Academic Co-ordination Division. Please mention clearly about the following
in your proposal :
Rationale/Need base (If you have made a survey or a need analysis then send a
copy of the relevant report).
Level of the programme (i.e Masters/ Bachelors/ Diploma or PG Diploma/
Certificate/ Awareness).
Eligibility of Admission
Proposed Fees
Delivery mode and mechanisms (clearly mention about support services).
Evaluation Methodolgy

Q1.42 I am doing BA from Sagar University. I want to pursue MA with IGNOU. Do I

need a Migration Certificate?

Ans. No

Q1.43 I have completed my B.Com with IGNOU. I would like to pursue M.Com with
another University. What is the procedure for getting the Migration Certificate

Ans. Apply through the format prescribed for MC with the requisite fees to your Regional
Centre. The application may be sent by post or presented in person.

Q1.44 I am a student of IGNOU. My Studentship Certificate is required for myself

availing some benefits from a voluntary organisation. How should I go about
getting the Studentship Certificate?


I want a certificate telling that I am a bonafide student of IGNOU. Whom should
I contact for that?


I want a Character Certificate from IGNOU. How should I go about it?


I have passed out from IGNOU three years back. I want a certificate that I had
been a student of IGNOU. Whom should I contact?

Ans. Your records are available at your Regional Centre. So you are requested to contact
your Regional Centre. For Character Certificate you can contact your RC but you
should also mention your Study Centre (SC) because RC may ask your SC about your
conduct as a student.

Q1.45 I want to contribute to IGNOU programmes as a course writer. How should I go

about it?

Ans. Please identify the School of Study which is relevant in respect of the course for which
you intend to be a writer. Thereafter contact the Director of the said School with your

Q1.46 I am a retired person and I have a reasonably good experience in teaching at the
undergraduate level. I wish that my academic expertise be utilised by IGNOU.


I am a retired teacher. I wish to become an academic counsellor of IGNOU. How

should I go about it?

Ans. If you intend to serve as a Course Writer or as a member of any Course Preparation
Team, please contact the relevant School of Study as explained through the answer to
Ques. 1.45.

For becoming an academic counsellor you have to contact a study centre activated for
the academic programme you intend counselling on and present your CV to the Co-
ordinator/Programme-In-Charge. If your CV is found suitable then they will make you
fill in your bio-data in a prescribed format and forward it to the competent authority
for approval.

Q1.47 I am a retired teacher of History. Can I be considered as an evaluator of IGNOU-


Ans. Yes. Express your interest with your CV, in confidence to the Co-ordinator of
the Study Centre (activated for BA/MA in History) you intend getting attached with.

Q1.48 I am a retired teacher of History. Can I be considered as an evaluator of IGNOU-
Term end answer scripts?


I would like to be a question paper setter for IGNOU examination. How should I
go about it?

Ans. Yes. Express your interest with your CV, in confidence, to the Registrar, Student
Evaluation Division, IGNOU, New Delhi-110068 or to the Regional Director of the
region you belong to.

Q1.49 I am a teacher in a Senior Secondary School which has an IGNOU Study Centre.
I am an academic counsellor of English and I have been taking sessions of
undergraduate students of IGNOU for the last three years. Can my experience be
considered equivalent to that of a college teacher?

Ans. No.

Q1.50 I am a retired school teacher of Mathematics and I was actively involved in taking
classes of Senior Secondary students. I am quite competent in teaching
undergraduate level mathematics as I am providing tuitions in Mathematics to
undergraduate students as well as to IIT, JEE aspirants. Can I be considered as
an academic counsellor of B.Sc Mathematics of IGNOU?

Ans. In general, no. But if there is a study centre (activated for courses in Mathematics)
located close to your place of stay, they may consider you, provided they have not been
able to identify academic counsellors of mathematics as per the given eligibility criteria.
They will have to clearly state the reason and situation pertaining to their inability to
identify an academic counsellor with the prescribed eligibility norms.

Q1.51 Are the Degrees/Diplomas of IGNOU and those of a State Open University
recognised mutually on reciprocal basis?

Ans. Yes.

Q1.52 Can a BPP qualified student of IGNOU secure admission to B.A./B.Com at any
State Open University?

Ans. Generally yes, but it is to be noted that every university has its own autonomy and
eligibility norms.

Q1.53 Is a non 10+2, BPP qualified graduate from IGNOU eligible to appear for civil
services examinations or any such other examination for which the eligibility is

Ans. Yes. However, if the eligibility requirement is a graduation with 10+2+3 pattern of
study then BPP qualified graduate will not be eligible.

Q1.54 I have done my BA in Political Science/History/Sociology and I am grateful to
IGNOU for this opportunity, because prior to my graduation I have studied only
up to Class VIII. I got the opportunity of admission to BA after qualifying BPP of
IGNOU. Now can I pursue MA on the basis of my degree?

Ans. You may pursue MA at IGNOU.

Q1.55 We find that on one hand several conventional universities have Directorates of
Distance Education and are offering courses through them, but on the other hand
they are not recognising the BA/MA degree offered by IGNOU. Why this kind of
an anomaly?

Ans. It is indeed an anomaly. However, a look into the issue of autonomy may provide some
clarification. Offering courses through DE Directorates is an effort towards increasing
the outreach. In such cases the students of the directorates have to appear at the same
examination of the university concerned in the subjects as that of the conventional
students of the university.

As a matter of fact for admission to the said academic programmes of higher learning,
a conventional university effectively keeps some seats reserved for their own students.
There is only a very small quota for the students of the outside universities, which
covers all outside applicants. An IGNOU pass out is treated as an outside applicant. He
has to compete with all the outside applicants for a few seats only.


Q 2.1 When does one take admission in IGNOU?

Ans. Normally, we have two admission cycles, one in January and the other in July. For the
two cycles of admission, generally the scheme is as under:

Activity Jan Cycle July Cycle

Last date for submission of 1st June to 1st December to

filled-in admission forms at 31st October 30th April
the Regional Centres
(without late fee)

Last date for submission of 1st November to 1st May to 31st May
filled-in admission form at 30th November
the Regional Centre (with
late fee of Rs 200/-)

IGNOU has also introduced online admissions.

Q 2.2 Where should I contact for seeking admission?

Ans. You have to contact the nearest Study Centre/Regional Centre for collection of admission
form and prospectus. The form may also be downloaded from our website. The filled-
in form with the requisite fee has to be submitted at the Regional Centre concerned.
You may also submit the form online.

Q 2.3 How do I come to know about the launching of academic programmes by IGNOU
so that I can take necessary steps for taking admissions?

Ans. IGNOU releases advertisement for admission in all important national and regional
dailies. Keep a watch on them as well as the IGNOU website. It may be noted that
there are programmes for which entry is through entrance test, for example the
management programmes, BSc Nursing (Post Basic), and B.Ed. In such cases filling
of form takes place in two stages, first for appearing at the entrance test and next for
final admission.

Q 2.4 How do I get to know the fees, eligibility criteria and other essential features?

Ans. From the Prospectus and the IGNOU website.

Q 2.5 From where can I collect the Prospectus and the Admission Application form?

Ans. The prospectus and the form can be downloaded from the IGNOU website. These are
available at the following outlets:
1) Any Regional Centre of IGNOU
2) Any Learner Support Centre of IGNOU
3) Public Information Unit at the IGNOU Hqs
4) IGNOU Hqs Sales Counter at the Students Registration Division
It may be noted that while Numbers 1,3 and 4 are permanent offices of IGNOU, No. 2
is not. You may visit the Learner Support Centres as per the timings followed by such

The cost of the Prospectus which contains the admission application form can be paid
in cash or through Demand Draft or IPO.

Q 2.6 How do I know that my admission has been confirmed?

Ans. The Regional Centre concerned will send a letter to you confirming your admission. It
would contain the necessary details regarding your Enrolment Number, Study Centre,
Programme and other relevant instructions regarding your study.

Q 2.7 Should I get any intimation if my admission gets rejected?

Ans. Yes, the letter of rejection with reasons for the same will be sent to you. Your programme
fee minus the registration fee will be returned to you in case you are rejected.

Q 2.8 Can I take admission at IGNOU in spite of myself being registered with any
other university?

Ans. You can take admission at IGNOU while being a student of any other university.

Q 2.9 I joined IGNOU BA more than six years back, so my registration has become
time barred. Incidentally I have misplaced all my documents and I have even
forgotten my Enrolment Number. I want to take admission afresh. What would
be my response to the questions 7a and 7b of the Admission Application Form,
which asks, Are you already registered with IGNOU? If yes, write the Enrolment
Number and Programme Code.

Ans. From your question it appears that your previous registration has become time barred
and that you are going to take admission to IGNOU afresh. So the answer to 7(a) must
be No and to 7(b) NA. However, if you intend to take re-admission then it would be
advisable for you to visit your former regional centre personally and get your details
searched in the computer records by keying in your Name, Date of Birth, Fathers
Name, etc.

Q 2.10 Who makes the allocation of the study centre?

Ans. The allocation is done at the Regional Centre which has been chosen by you.

Q 2.11 I have got my Enrolment Number, but the code number of the study centre does
not figure on my identity card. How do I get to know my study centre?

Ans. You have to contact your Regional Centre.

Q 2.12 I had opted for the SC-X, but I have been attached to SC-Y. Why my option
has not been adhered to?

Ans. Normally the allocation of the study centre is made on the basis of the option given by
the learner. But it has to be remembered that the Study Centres are not our own
establishments and so there may be instances where the host institution imposes
restriction on the number of students in a particular programme. If the number of
students alotted at SC-X crosses the threshold before your admission gets confirmed,
then you are attached with a different centre. In such a situation care is taken to see that
the Study Centre you are attached with is not very far from your residence. Such a
change is done only when the situation is extremely compelling.

Q 2.13 In the Admission Application Form I had mentioned the code number of the study
centre of my choice. But, now I have come to know that the said centre has been
closed by the University. Then what should I do?

Ans. The Regional Centre will find out an alternative and let you know. Till such time you
will have to wait.

Q 2.14 No study centre exists within 100km of my residence. But I have tremendous
urge to learn. What should I do?
There is an IGNOU study centre very close to my residence but it is not activated
for the academic programme I wish to take admission into. What am I supposed
to do under such a situation?
There is no IGNOU study centre in my town. How can I pursue an academic
programme with IGNOU?

Ans. If you intend to pursue a practical-based programme the location of the Study Centre
matters as attendance at the practical sessions is compulsory. If you are to pursue a
theoretical-based programme, we suggest that you take admission by selecting the
Study Centre which is nearest to your place of stay/work and try to attend as many
theoretical counselling sessions as is practicable.

Q 2.15 Why does not IGNOU open a study centre within its Regional Centre?

Ans. Normally at a Regional Centre we do not have the infrastructure like classroom, halls,
etc as it is available at the institutions where we have our study centres. However, for
certain computer education programmes (MCA,BCA,CLP), PGDLAN, etc. we hold
the counselling sessions (both theoretical and practical) at the Regional Centres.

Q 2.16 Is it possible for me to attend counselling sessions at a Study Centre which I am

not attached with?

Ans. Yes, provided it is a theoretical session. It is also true of practical sessions subject to
the green signal being given by the Regional Centre concerned. It may happen with a
lab course that practicals are not being held at a Study Centre where it is activated. In
such a situation the learner may have to go the Study Centre, may be outside his region.
So the permission of the Regional Centre concerned will be necessary.

Q 2.17 What is the difference between re-registration and re-admission?

Ans. Some of the programmes of IGNOU are of three years duration like BA, BCom, BSc
or BTS. Again for MBA one does not register for the entire programme in one go. Such
a student is supposed to re-register. A student of BA will re-register for the second year
while he is in the first year and for the third year while he is in the second year. Similarly,
a student of management programme has to register semesterwise and in a particular
semester he can register for maximum of four courses. So every registration he
undertakes after the initial admission is a re-registration in his case.

Now, for every programme of IGNOU there is a minimum duration and a maximum
permissible period. If a learner cannot complete the programme successfully within
the maximum permissible period then his registration becomes time-barred. He can
then exercise the provision of re-admission into IGNOU and he gets the facility of
credit transfer for all the courses he had successfully completed earlier.
Please also see the answer to 2.76.

Q 2.18 How do I get to know the schedule for admission into different programmes?

Ans. In general the progrmmes are offered in January and July. However, one must visit the
IGNOU website regularly and keep a watch on the advertisements released in different
important dailies.

Q 2.19 What am I supposed to do if I do not get timely information from my Regional

Centre regarding the confirmation of my admission?

Ans. Please keep visiting the IGNOU website. However, if you do not get information about
the confirmation of your admission from the website you may have to contact your
Regional Centre personally.

Q 2.20 I have qualified at the OPENMAT Examination. Do I have to take admission in
the current cycle?

Ans. Your Qualified status remains valid for two consecutive cycles starting from the current
cycle. So you have to take admission either in the current or the next cycle.

Q 2.21 What is the procedure for applying for the change of the following:
i) Address
ii) Medium of instruction
iii) Programme
iv) Study Centre within and outside my present Region
v) Regional Centre
Ans. For all the changes mentioned above there are proformas through which applications
are to be made. These proformas are given in the Prospectuses, Programme Guides
and are also available on the website. These are to be submitted at your Regional
Centres in person or by post. For (ii), (iii) and (iv) the application has to be accompanied
with the requisite fee.
However, there are some restrictions as mentioned below:
Applications for (ii) and (iii) are acceptable within a month from the time of receipt
of the first lot of study materials.
(iv) is permitted only from BA to BCom/BTS and BCom to BA/BTS/BSc only
during the first year of study
Change is also permitted between any two among MEG, MHD, MPS, MAH, MPA,
MSO, MEC, MARD and MCom and vice versa only during the first year of study.
In these cases, the fees deposited in respect of the first programme get forfeited.

As regards (v) and (vi), it may be noted that for BCA and MCA, the learner is supposed
to take a No objection certificate from Study Centre/Regional Centre he intends taking
transfer to. Change of Region is not permitted for B.Ed. Change of Study Centre within
the Region may be permitted if the number of students attached to the intended centre
is less than hundred.

Q 2.22 Can I register for more than one programme of IGNOU ?

Ans. Yes, provided one of them is a Certificate Programme.

Q 2.23 What is the maximum time limit for completion of the MBA ?

Ans. 8 years.

Q 2.24 Can I pay fee for DTS programme in instalments ?

Ans. No. IGNOU does not provide facility of payment of fees in instalments. However, for
several programmes like MBA, MCA, BCA, payment is to be made semester-wise.
For BA/BCom/BSc payment has to be made yearly.

Q 2.25 I have passed 10+2. I want to study Bachelors degree in Library and Information
Science. Can I do an integrated Bachelors Degree programme of 4 years leading
to BLIS ?

Ans. No. As of now, IGNOU does not offer an integrated Bachelors Degree Programme of
4 years duration.

Q 2.26 For no fault of mine I have now been asked by SRD to pay Rs.5000/- to take
readmission for non-completion of certain courses. I have indeed passed TEE for
the remaining courses and submitted the assignments also in time. The assignment
grades unfortunately have not been updated at Delhi. Why should I be penalized?
We expect greater coordination between the assignment updating section and the
readmission section at Delhi. In absence of that will I be allowed an additional
grace period for completion of programme rather than insisting on readmission?

Ans. We sympathise with you for the situation you have been caught in. It is a genuine
problem many other learners also must be facing. We are exploring the possibility of
how best the readmission section and assignment section at the Student Evaluation
Division could be streamlined to avoid such delays in future. You may apply for the
waiver of the readmission fee to the SRD by mentioning about the compelling

Q 2.27 What subjects do I need to study in the first year of BA?

Ans. The required details are available on IGNOU website and IGNOU prospectus. You
may also visit the nearest IGNOU Study Centre for knowing the details and seeking
necessary guidance particularly in view of the provision of the free choice option for
elective courses.

Q 2.28 I took admission for BA eight years back. I did not complete the programme. I
want to study it now, what to do?

Ans. There is provision to take readmission. You will be given an additional grace period of
two years to complete your study and your assignment grades will remain valid. The
credits which you have earned earlier will be transferred.

Q 2.29 Which programmes of IGNOU have entrance exam?

Ans. MBA, B.Ed, B.Ed(Special Edn), BHA, PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in
Endodontics) and PGCOI (Post Graduate Certificate in Oral Implamantology) are some
of the programmes for which admission is offered through entrance examinations.

Q 2.30 I am a student of BA first year. What is the process of taking admission to the
second year? Do I need to successfully complete all the courses I had taken in the
first year?

Ans. Through Re-registration. Likewise while in the second year, you are supposed to
re-register for the third year. It is not mandatory for you to successfully complete
all the courses of first year for doing re-registration for the second year. The same
principle holds for re-registration to third year, while you are in the second year.

Q 2.31 When am I supposed to do re-registration?

Ans. The time-schedule for Re-registration is given in the table below:

For July Session For January Session Late fee

1. 1st February to 31st March 1st August to 1st October Nil
2. 1st April to 30th April 1st October to 31st October 200.00
3. 1st May to 31st May 1st November to 30th November 500.00
4. 1st June to 20th June 1st December to 20th December 1000.00

Q 2.32 Is re-registration essential for every programme?

Ans. No, it is to be done only for those programmes for which the minimum period is more
than one year. Incidentally, BEd is an exception. It is a two-year programme but
registration has to be done only once.

Q 2.33 For programmes having modular structure (like CTS, DTS, BTS) is it essential
to do re-registration?

Ans. For BTS only, since it is a three-year programme. However, it may be noted that CTS
is a subset of DTS and DTS is a subset of BTS. So one who has done CTS, need not
repeat the courses under CTS while doing DTS and similarly for one who has done
DTS need not repeat the courses under DTS while doing BTS.

Q 2.34 Is it possible that I do the re-registration for the third semester before the same
for the second semester?

Ans. No, re-registration for different semesters is to be done sequentially.

Q 2.35 Do I need to follow any sequence while registering/re-registering for the courses
of MP?

Ans. By and large the issue is flexible. However, one cannot register for MS-100 (the project
course) before completing MS 1 to 11 and MS-91 to 95.

Q 2.36 I was supposed to re-register for the second year of BSCN(PB) last year, but I
could not do so for some compelling reasons. Can I re-register for both second
and third year now?

Ans. No, you cannot register for the second and third year together.

Q 2.37 What is the maximum period of validity of re-registration?

Ans. It varies form programme to programme.

Q 2.38 Where do I get the Re-registration form? Is it priced? Where to submit the re-
registration form?

Ans. It is made available on the IGNOU website. It is also available at the Study Centre/
Regional Centre during the prescribed period of re-registration. Incidentally, the
Regional Centre sends the RR-Form by post to the students of current batch. It is not
priced. It has to be submitted with the requisite fee through Demand Draft, Bank Challan
at the RC only.

Q 2.39 Can re-registration be done online?

Ans. Yes.

Q 2.40 If I take re-admission in any programme for which the usual minimum period is
more than one year, then am I supposed to re-register?

Ans. No. You are supposed to register for all the left over courses (irrespective of their
number) in one go, that is at the time of taking re-admission.

Q 2.41 If for a course having both theoretical and practical components, I have not been
able to attend the practical counselling sessions then what is the enabling
mechanism provided by IGNOU for me to compensate for the same?

Ans. The situation is like taking re-admission for a course you have not been able to complete.
You have to pay the fee in the usual manner for that course on a pro-rata basis and
deposit the fee with an application made on a plain paper. Please obtain the clearance
from the Regional Centre as regards deposition of the fees and produce the same at
your study centre. They will allow you to attend the practical counselling on the basis
of the permission from the Regional Centre.

Q 2.42 What is the time limit for completing a particular course in Management

Ans. Minimum One semester, Maximum Four semesters.

Q 2.43 Why a BCA student of other university cannot take the benefit of lateral admission
in MCA programme of IGNOU?

Ans. It is a policy decision.

Q 2.44 Is it possible to give additional paper in teaching of Hindi through IGNOU for a
student who had successfully completed B.Ed. of IGNOU?

Ans. No.

Q 2.45 My registration period has become time-barred. I wish to take re-admission. How
much time shall I get to complete the programme after getting re-admission?

Ans. It varies from programme to programme, as per the table given below:
Certificate Programme 6 Months
Diploma Programme 1 Year
Bachelor Programme 2 Years
Masters Programme 2 Years
Q 2.46 How much fees shall I have to pay for re-admission?

Ans. Re-admission fees has to be paid only for the courses not completed. This has to be
done on a pro-rata basis the details of which will be provided to you along with the re-
admission form.

If you have not registered for all years/semesters of the programme or have failed to
pay the prescribed full programme fee during the maximum permissible period of the
programme then also you are eligible for re-admission, provided you pay the full fee
for the missed year (s)/ semester(s) as per rate applicable for the session for which re-
admission is being sought. In addition to above the pro-rata course fees as mentioned
in the previous paragraph has to be paid.

Q 2.47 Where do I get the re-admission form and where it is to be submitted?

Ans. The form is available at every Regional Centre as well as on the IGNOU website. It
has to be sent to SRD, IGNOU headquarters with requisite fees to be paid in the form
of a demand draft in favour of IGNOU, payable at New Delhi. It can be submitted at
your regional centre or directly (by registered post/speed post) to SRD Headquarters.

Q 2.48 I have filled in my re-admission form and had submitted to SRD with the
prescribed fee. But again I find that I have some problems in pursuing my studies.
How long will the fee deposited by me remain valid?

Ans. The fee will remain valid for a period of two consecutive academic years, i.e. four
consecutive semesters. Your name will not be on the rolls of the University beyond the
above mentioned additional period.

Q 2.49 In case of re-admission will the credits earned by me through assignments and
TEE remain valid?

Ans. Yes, for the re-validated period.

Q 2.50 Will you supply study material afresh for the courses in which I had taken re-

Ans. Study materials will not be supplied on re-admission. If any of the earlier study materials
of the courses for which you had taken re-admission, is changed by the University then
you will be duly informed and you will have to buy the said study material.

Q 2.51 What happens if any course or courses among the ones in which I have taken re-
admission are abolished by the University?

Ans. Even after abolition of any course or courses the University keeps conducting
examination on the said course (s) for a certain period. Re-admission to such courses
is permitted as long as the examination in the said courses is conducted by the University.

Q 2.52 I have successfully completed all the theoretical courses. But due to stringent
requirement at my work place I could not attend the practical sessions and hence
I could not complete the courses having practical components. Can I apply for re-
admission to such courses(s)?

Ans. Yes, but you have to remember that the University conducts practical using infrastructure
owned by other institutions. So you need to be absolutely sure about organisation of
the practicals, current fees before applying for re-admission.

Q 2.53 Do you follow any reservation policy in admission for SC/ST/OBC candidates?

Ans. As per the Central Govt. rules for the academic programmes where admission is
regulated through entrance test or merit list.

Q 2.54 Is there any scholarship for the SC/ST/OBC students?

Ans. IGNOU has started merit based scholarship for the Post Graduate students. However,
an SC/ST candidate may apply to the respective state welfare department for
reimbursement of fees on the basis of our endorsement through the Regional Centre
concerned in a format prescribed by the said department. The money will be paid by
the social welfare department of the State Govt. concerned, and not IGNOU.

Q 2.55 For SC/ST/OBC candidates do you have provision of any relaxation in the
threshold limit of marks which is a part of eligibility criteria for admission to any
programme (For example, it is 50% at the Bachelor level for entry to BLIS)?

Ans. No.

Q 2.56 If a candidate qualifies at the OPENMAT/B.Ed. entrance test does

he get the study centre of his choice?

Ans. In case of OPENMAT, generally, yes. But for B.Ed. the allocation is done on the basis
of merit through counselling.

Q 2.57 I have not appeared for first year but have received the Re-registration form.
What am I supposed to do?

Ans. In the ODL system you have the facility of appearing at the Term end Examination
of a particular course according to your convenience, of course within the maximum
permissible time limit. Hence the issue of appearing at the examination and doing re-
registration have been delinked. You may even appear for examination of courses which
you have registered for the second and third years even before completing the same for
the courses registered in the first year. So, you may do the needful about filling in the
re-registration form.

Q 2.58 I have not filled the re-registration form, now what to do?

Ans. If you have not filled the re-registration form you will have to wait, till the time for re-
registration forms are to be filled again (For Management and programmes with two-
cycle admission, these are filled in Feb/March and Aug./Sept)

Q 2.59 Due to personal problem, I could not get re-registered. Can I start again?

Ans. Within the maximum permissible duration you can get yourself re-registered with the
same enrolment number; otherwise you have to seek re-admission.

Q 2.60 The maximum period of validity of my programme is going to expire and some of
the courses are yet to be completed. What do you suggest me to do?

Ans. If all the courses are not completed within the maximum permissible period, you will
have to get yourself readmitted for the incomplete courses. You will have to complete
these courses within six months in case of certificate courses, one year in case of
diploma/PG diploma and two years in case of degree/PG courses.

Q 2.61 I am a student doing Management Programme. I registered for four courses two
years ago but could not complete the courses, what to do?

Ans. For Management Programme, registration in a course is valid for two years, so you
will have to get re-registered for incomplete courses.

Q 2.62 I had submitted assignments, do I have to redo the assignments?

Ans. If you have already earned the credit corresponding to the assignment you have submitted
you need not do that again.

Q 2.63 For the next semester how many courses can I register for along with the old

Ans. In a semester, you can register for maximum four courses.

Q 2.64 What are the documents required for admission to various programmes?

Ans. The document required for admission to various programmes are:

1) Attested copies of Mark-sheet and Certificate of relevant qualification as per
eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Student Handbook & Prospectus.
2) Attested copy of proof of date of birth (10th/ Madhyamik / Secondary Certificate)
3) Experience Certificate (wherever applicable).
4) Caste Certificate (If the candidate belongs to SC / ST / OBC category).
5) Requisite fee in the form of a Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of IGNOU and
payable at the city of the Regional Centre.
6) Duly filled-in Identity Card (available in the Student Handbook & Prospectus)
with recent passport size photograph.
7) Duly filled-in Acknowledgement Card (available in the Student Handbook &
Prospectus) with requisite postal stamp.
8) The hall-ticket in original in case of admission by way of qualification at an entrance
Q 2.65 Are IGNOU admissions merit based?

Ans. Before answering this question it is being mentioned that merit should not be confused
with merit list.

IGNOU admissions are made strictly on the basis of merit. Only those students who
satisfy the eligibility criteria fixed by the University will be granted admission. Students
will not be admitted if they are not eligible. Therefore, the candidates should not be
misled by the false promises of admission made by any individual or private institution.

For certain programmes in which the number of seats are limited merit lists are drawn
as per criteria laid down by the University.

Those who are desirous of taking admission in IGNOU, should directly contact the
Regional Centre or the Co-ordinator of any Study Centre.

Q 2.66 Is provisional admission allowed in IGNOU?

Ans. No.

Q 2.67 Does the Programme Fee include Registration Fee?

Ans. Yes. Programme fee includes Registration fee of Rs.100/-. For Programmes where
admission is through an Entrance Test viz, MP, no Registration fee is charged. If
admission gets rejected then the Programme Fee minus the Registation Fee is refunded.

Q 2.68 In respect of experience requirement do you consider Voluntary or Honorary

Ans. Voluntary or Honorary Service are not treated as working experience/employment.

Q 2.69 What is the duration considered for counting the valid period of experience?

Ans. Experience means experience of a person during or after acquiring the qualifications
as specified.

Q 2.70 What is meant by a Professional?

Ans. Professional means a person holding a Degree in Engineering, Law, Medicine, Nursing,

Q 2.71 Specify the experience requirement for admission to PGJMC?

Ans. For PGJMC, experience may be as Scriptwriter, Reporter, Editor, Photographer,

Technical Assistant, PRO, etc.

Q 2.72 Are teachers in colleges and institutions of higher learning eligible for admission
to B.Ed.?

Ans. No.

Q 2.73 Is BPP equivalent to 10+2?

Ans. BPP is NOT equivalent to 10 +2.

BPP is an enabling mechanism for non 10+2 (having minimum age of 18 years) towards
getting admission into IGNOU and some State Open Universities to BA/BCom/BSW/
BTS/DTS/DAFE and some Certificate Programmes for which 10+2 is the entry

Q 2.74 Are admissions handled at the Study Centres?

Ans. Admissions are handled at the Regional Centres only, not at Study Centres. Likewise
every aspect of registration is handled only at the Regional Centres. Only for selected
programmes admission is handled by the Schools concerned at the headquarters.

Q 2.75 Is IGNOU accepting cash? If not then what is the mode to deposit the fees?

Ans. Cash is not accepted. The students can deposit the fees through Demand Draft. The
Demand Draft must be in favour of IGNOU and payable at the city concerned. Fees
can also be deposited through bank challan and online through credit card.

Q 2.76 Please elaborate on the difference between Re-registration and Re-admission by
making reference to the relevant programmes.


In order to complete the Programme within Minimum duration, existing learners must
re-register themselves for 2nd / 3rd year / II SEM / III SEM etc,( as the case may be) by
sending Re-registration Form along with requisite fee to the Regional Centre as per
the schedule specified by the University.

Re-registration schedule and Re-Registration Form are available in the Programme

Guide which is generally sent to each and every student during First year.
Students of MEG / MHD / MAH / MCOM / MPS / MPA / MSO / MEC / MTM /
MARD Programmes should re-register for 2nd year.
Students of BA / BCOM / BSC / BTS / BSW Programmes should re-register for
2nd and 3rd year.
/ PGDMM / DIM Programmes should register for II Semester / III Semester etc.


The students who are not able to successfully complete their Programmes within the
maximum permissible duration can opt for re-admission for additional six months
for Certificate Programmes, additional one year for Diploma Programmes and
additional 2 years for Master Degree (2 year duration) and Bachelor Degree (3 year
duration) Programmes in continuation of the earlier duration in the said programmes,
e.g. the maximum duration allowed to successfully complete BA is 6 years. If a student
is unable to complete BA within 6 years, by taking re-admission he / she may get
another 2 years to complete the Programme.

The student has to make payment per course on pro-rata basis. The detail of pro-rata
fee and the Re-admission Form is available with the Regional Centres and the IGNOU

The student who fails to pay the prescribed full Programme fee during the maximum
permissible duration of the Programme will have to pay full fee for the missed years in
addition to pro-rata course fee for re-admission.



Q3.1 What is meant by credit?

Ans. While designing an academic programme, the workload to be undertaken by a learner

pertaining to each course has to be fixed. For this the term Credit has been introduced.

One credit is equivalent to the workload which can be completed within 30 hours of
study time from the point of view of an average distance learner. It includes all learning
activities like reading and deciphering the self learning material, listening to the audios
and watching the videos, writing assignment responses, attending counselling sessions
face-to-face as well as through teleconferencing. An average learner is supposed to
work for about 1000 hours in a year. Accordingly during one year courses worth about
32 credits are offered by the university.

Q3.2 How do you arrive at the figure thousand hours per year?

Ans. Normally in a year there are 104 weekends. And in a conventional institution of higher
learning there are about two months holidays plus vacations and at least about a month
equivalent of working days is spent for all examinations. So, about 200 days are such
on which no classes are held. This leaves approximately 160 days for holding classes.
If on an average a student attends classes for 6 hours a day it means that he is taking
part in teaching-learning activity for 160 x 6 = 960 hours in a year.

Q3.3 In a college we have only classroom teaching. But here you have mentioned other
modes of teaching like reading the self instructional material, listening/viewing
of audio-video etc. How have you drawn the equivalence?

Ans. You are right to point out that self learning and teaching-learning transaction through
face-to-face modes are different. So, assessment about requirement of time for each
activity cannot be done in an equivalent framework. The exercise only helps to assess
the workload that can be taken up by a student within the limitation of his capability.

Q3.4 Do you work out any break-up of the 30 hours into different learning activities?

Ans. Though technology is used to a great extent by ODL institutions for teaching, the print
medium happens to be the mainstay. This means audio, video, satellite based teaching
etc. are by and large supplementary to this printed material. The reason behind such a
situation is that there are many students in remote areas where electricity is quite scarce
and one cannot be fully dependent on programme dissemination through electronic

However, as a rough estimate we generally assign 20 hours to the print medium that is
for reading and deciphering the contents and also for working through the exercises
given therein. The remaining 10 hours are distributed among study related interactions
which includes access to audio and video programmes and also the satellite based

As a matter of fact it need not always be both audio and video programmes. It should
essentially be a judicious combination of the electronic media subject to their availability
and demands of the curriculum.

Q3.5 How a credit is earned?

Ans. By taking examination. Normally for a six to eight credit course we have 100 marks
examination and for four and two credit courses we have respectively 50 and 25 marks
examination. Correspondingly you also have provision for continuous evaluation
through assignments.

Q3.6 Does the number of credit of a particular course reflect on the workload of the

Ans. It is an interesting question and the answer may be lengthier than what you might have

As explained earlier it basically reflects on the workload to be undertaken by the students

but as print materials have to be written it is necessary for a course writer to know how
much he has to write for a particular course. The analogous scenario in the classroom
situation is the practice of mentioning the number of lecture hours against the courses
to be taught as given in the syllabus booklet of any conventional university. If the
number of lecture hours is n, it implies that the course has to be covered within n
number of lecture hours. Depending on that the teacher makes adjustment regarding
the length of a lecture on a topic to be delivered at the classroom. Similarly the course
writer has to visualise how much a distance learner will be able to decipher within the
given number of hours. Hence, the course contents get regulated accordingly.

Thus the scheme in a way also reflects on the workload to be taken by the course

Q3.7 I have been told that one has to clear 96 credits in B.A./B.Com. How does one
select those credits?

Ans. B.A./B.Com etc. are called programmes in IGNOU parlance. Every programme is a
combination of courses. Every course is a combination of blocks (i.e. the booklets
which are prepared) and every Block is a combination of Units (which is the ODL
equivalent of Chapters). Credits are attached to courses. B.A./B.Com is a package of
courses worth 96 credits. Each of these being a three year course, in every year a
student has to take 32 credits.

Why is a student of B.A./B.Com made to study Foundation in Science &

Ans. IGNOU aims at developing in a BA/BCom/BSc learner reasonable language

competency and imparting broad based knowledge in the areas of Humanities, Social
Sciences, Science and Technology to every graduate.

Q3.10 What are the benefits of doing Application Oriented Courses?

Ans. Along with the general stream courses the students learn the real life applications of
work they study during their graduation. Thus their employability quotient gets raised.

Q3.11 How do you work out the credit allocated to the project courses?

Ans. It again depends on the workload which we expect the student to undertake. For example
in MBA a student has to take 21 courses out of which two courses are meant for the
project work. In other words 2/21 ~ 10 % of the total package of courses is to be
devoted for the projects. This means 10 % of the total credits allocated to MBA
programme is meant for the projects.

Q3.12 How many credits are assigned to a Certificate Programme?

Ans. Generally 16 credits for six month Certificate Programmes. There are some Certificate
Programmes of one year duration for that the number of credits will be more than 16.

Q3.13 How many credits are assigned to a Diploma Programme?

Ans. Generally 32 credits for one year Diploma. There may be variation in case of certain
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes.

Q3.14 How many credits are assigned to a Masters Programme?

Ans. For 2 year duration the number of credit is 64 (32 credits in each year).

Q3.15 You have related credits with time. What about someone taking more than the
allotted time?

Ans. No problem. One is free to take and devote time as per ones schedule, cognitive level,
etc. It is a facet of openness. The time durations have been decided from the point of
view of an average learner.

Keeping in view the requirement of a slow learner it is in the scheme of the ODL
system to provide for the provision of a maximum permissible time for the completion
of the programme.

Q3.16 How do you go about assigning credits to the practicals?

Ans. It depends on the number of hours a student has to work in the laboratory for working
through the practical experiments. Generally there are guided as well as unguided
experiments. The former is taken into consideration for conducting the practical classes.
The latter is related to examination.
By working through the practicals we mean the aggregate of all activities such as
understanding the task pertaining to the experiments, learning to handle the devices
and equipments, performing the experiments, presentation of the results through
calculations, graph etc, and responding to oral questions, if any.
By laboratory we do not essentially mean a science laboratory. For example for
B.Ed it can be a school, for DECE it can be a creche, for Nursing it can be a health
centre, for PGDMCH it can be a hospital, etc.

Q3.17 Can you explain the implementation of credits in a practical course, say for B.Sc?

Ans. In B.Sc there are 2-credit and 4-credit practical courses. For a 4-credit practical course
the total number of hours is 4*30=120. Hence, for a 4-credit course a student has to
work for 12 days (10 hours each) and for a 2-credit course he has to work for 6 days.
Within these 10 hours the learner is supposed to complete all the assigned activities.

Q3.18 Why are the unguided experiments not considered for determining the credits?

Ans. A student is supposed to perform the unguided experiment on the day of the examination.
Credits are regulated only with reference to the study hours which are determined by
way of the guided experiments.

Q3.19 Is there any flexibility regarding the number of credits to be selected for a practical

Ans. For certain programmes like those offered by SOET, SOHS, SOCIS, SOCE, SOE the
practicals are compulsory. For B.Sc there is a flexibility as well as a restriction. Out of
the 72 credits of elective courses one may choose any number of credits for a lab-based
elective, but out of those courses at least 25% of the credits should be for practical
courses. For example if someone has chosen 12 credits of physics than out of 12 at
least 3 credits should be selected, from among the practical physics courses.

Q3.20 What is the link between credit system and semester system?

Ans. Semester means 6 months. Out of these 6 months the total time for teaching-learning
transaction is about 3 to 4 months. The courses that are to be dealt within a semester
are planned prior to the beginning of the semester. While preparing this plan the quantum
of activity pertaining to the courses handled in a semester is always kept in mind.
Assigning the credits facilitate the above quantification. Likewise we may plan for
completion of the teaching-learning transactions of 16 credits in a semester.

Q3.21 I studied in Burdwan University for BA. I wrote the first year examination and
have passed. I discontinued my study while doing my 2nd year. I therefore could
not complete my three-year study and did not get the degree. If I join now in
IGNOU for BA programme, can I complete the study in one or two years and get
BA degree?

Ans. As of now you have to study three years in IGNOU to obtain BA degree. But you will
get credit exemption for the courses you have cleared at Burdwan University subject to
the equivalence of such courses in terms of number of credits being accepted by IGNOU.

Q3.22 I am a graduate. I have also done Diploma in Library Science (one year full time
course). I have 5 years of experience of working in a library. If I join for BLIS
from IGNOU, can I get any privilege like exemption from studying any paper or
from the practical papers?

Ans. As a matter of fact credit exemption is applicable only in such cases for which credit
equivalence of course completed elsewhere has been accepted by IGNOU.



Q4.1 Explain briefly the methodology of evaluation at IGNOU.

Ans. IGNOU has a three-fold package for evaluation

a) Self assessment, b) Continuous evaluation through assignments (c) Term-end


In respect of (a) the weightage is nil. For (b) & (c), it is 25 to 30% and 70 to 75%
respectively. The assignments are again generally two-fold:Tutor Marked Assignments
(TMA) and Computer Marked Assignments (CMA). A learner has to send the CMA
responses to the IGNOU Hqs, while TMAs are evaluated at the study centres. Term-
End Examinations are held twice a year during June and December for all the courses.

Q4.2 What methodology is adopted for practicals?

Ans. Practicals are handled in a two-fold manner, depending on the nature of the courses.
For computer based programmes practicals are held regularly at the designated study
centres and examinations are held as per schedules drawn by the Headquarters. This
schedule is sent to the Regional Centres who in turn send them to all the study centres.
Normally these practical examinations are held during January and July. The study
centres organise the examination and the marks are sent to the Student Evaluation
Division (SED).

For other practical based programmes like BSc, Post Basic BSc (Nursing), PGDMCH,
PGDGM, PGDHHM, the programmes offered by the School of Engineering and
Technology, the practicals are held in spells of one/two week duration based on the
convenience of the host institutions of the study centres. The learners are evaluated
continually during the holding of the practicals and at the end of each such spell an
end-of-the-term practical examination is conducted. The final grade is an aggregate of
the marks obtained at the continuous and term-end evaluations and the viva-voce
conducted during such spells. The practical marks are forwarded by the study centre to
the regional centre concerned.

Learners have to attend practicals also in B.Ed and DECE. These are called school
based practicals and the evaluation is done on the basis of the report prepared by the

Q4.3 When are the term-end examinations held?

Ans. The term-end exams are held in June and December.

Q4.4 What is the examination fee?

Ans. Examination fee is Rs 60/- per course.

Q4.5 When and where shall I deposit the examination fee and submit the examination
application form?

Ans. Examination application forms (with fees) may be deposited at any of the following
offices of IGNOU:

i) Any Regional Centre ii) SED, IGNOU Hqs. iii) SSC, IGNOU Headquarters. You
must keep the receipt of deposit of examination fee and a photocopy of the filled-in
form. In case of postal deposit, please remember to keep a photocopy.

The dates of submission are as under:

For June TEE Late Fee For Dec TEE Late Fee

1 March to 31 March NIL 1 Sep to 30 Sep NIL

1 April to 20 April Rs. 100/- 1 Oct to 20 Oct Rs. 100/-

21 April to 15 May* Rs. 500/- 21 Oct to 15 Nov Rs. 500/-

16 May to 28 May* Rs. 1000/- 16 Nov to 28 Nov Rs. 1000/-

* During these dates submit the examination form with late fee to concerned Regional
Centre (For outside Delhi): For Delhi, submit to the Registrar (SED). Examination
for these students will be conducted at the Regional Centre city only.

Q4.6 Can I submit the examination application form more than once?

Ans. No.

Q4.7 I have submitted my examination application form with the requisite fees about
a week back. Now, I feel that I shall be able to prepare myself for two more courses.
Can I fill in a second form?

Ans. No. Please make up your mind in accordance with the time frame mentioned as answer
to Q 4.5.

Q4.8 I appeared for the examination of a few courses at the June Term-End examination.
The results have not yet got declared while the last date for submission of the
examination application form is hardly a week away. Should I apply for appearing
at the examination of the same courses at the December Term-end examination?
Do I have to pay the examination fees for such courses?

Ans. It is advisable that students fill up the examination form without waiting for the result
of the previous examination. No examination fee is required to be paid for the courses
for which the student appeared in the preceding TEE and the result has not been declared
on the date of submission of the examination form.

Q4.9 When and how shall I get to know my term-end examination result?

Ans. From the IGNOU website. Visit the same sixty days after the examination.

Q4.10 Do you have provision for regional centre or study centre-wise declaration of

Ans. No.

Q4.11 My examination is scheduled for tomorrow and I have not yet received my Hall
Ticket. What shall I do?

Ans. If you have filled in your examination application form correctly with valid courses
for which you are duly registered then it seems that it is a case of postal failure. You
may visit IGNOU website and download the Hall Ticket and report to your examination
centre with your identity card. If possible you may also contact your Regional Centre.

Q4.12 I am attached to a study centre in Jodhpur under RC Jaipur. But during next
December for professional reasons I shall be staying in Kohlapur. Can I appear
for the December Term-end Exams from the IGNOU Study Centre there?


Can I appear for Term-end examination from anywhere in the country ?


Do I need to change my Regional Centre if I intend to appear for term-end

examination from a study centre not under the jurisdiction of my present Regional

Ans. While filling in the examination application form mention the code of the centre from
where you intend to appear for the examination. Before mentioning the said code please
make sure that the centre you are opting for is activated for the programme of study for
which you are appearing at the examination. You do not need to change your Regional
Centre for appearing for examination from a different region.

Q4.13 Can I change my centre option which I have mentioned in the TEE application

Ans. The change will be incorporated if the centre opted for is in existence and provided
allotment has not been made. Once allotted, change of centre is not permissible.

Q4.14 I had applied for appearing at the TEE for five courses, but in the Hall Ticket
only four course codes have been mentioned. What shall I do?

Ans. First check whether or not your registration for the fifth course (the one that is not
mentioned in the Hall Ticket) is valid. Mostly this discrepancy takes place due to
invalid registration. However, if this has happened despite your registration being valid
then please contact your Regional Centre or the Centre Superintendent with relevant
documents and seek provisional permission for appearing at the examination for the
fifth course.

Q4.15 I had appeared for examination in five courses. Even after a year of myself
appearing at the examination I find that the result of one of the courses has not
yet been declared while for the remaining four the declaration has been made.
What shall I do ?

Ans. It may so happen that your registration in the said course is invalid due to reasons like
error in data entry of registration or expiry of the maximum permissible period of
registration. There is also a small but finite probability of your answer script still lying
with the evaluator. Please get in touch immediately with SED at the IGNOU Hqs or
the Regional Evaluation Centre (REC) concerned.

Q4.16 When shall I get my degree certificate after successful completion of the
programme ?

Ans. The University keeps updating the result status of every student on the IGNOU Website
from time to time. So you will get to know about the completion status first through
the Website. After that the University will send you the complete grade card and the
provisional certificate. The main certificate will be given at the Convocation.

Q4.17 When is the University Convocation held? Do you send any invitation to the

Ans. The University Convocation is normally held during February/March every year. All
the students who have successfully completed any programme of IGNOU on or before
the June Term-end Examination of the previous year are invited to attend the
Convocation. Since it is not possible for students residing across the country to attend
the Convocation, the University holds the function in a unique manner. It uses technology
to hold the Convocation simultaneously throughout the country. The main function is
held at the IGNOU Hqs. at Maidan Garhi and the programme is telecast live through
the Edusat and the Gyan Darshan Network and received at all the Regional Centres of
the country. The programme is also webcast. An awardee is given the option of attending
the programme at the Hqs. or at any Regional Centre of the country where the televised
convocation is organised. Based on his option, his certificate is sent to the desired
station from where he can collect the same. The VC is present physically at the Hqs. to
confer the degrees and he is present on the TV screen via satellite at the Regional

Q4.18 What happens if I do not get the letter of invitation for attending the Convocation?

Ans. The status of the enrolment numbers of the awardees is given on the IGNOU website.
If your Enrolment Number figures there you are eligible and you may contact SED at
IGNOU Hqs or your Regional Centre.

Q4.19 I am not satisfied with the marks I have obtained in CS-60. What should I do?

Ans. There is a provision for re-evaluation. You may exercise the same.

Q4.20 Does re-evaluation mean only checking the correctness of the total?

Ans. No. As the name suggests it is rechecking of the answer scripts.

Q4.21 When will the re-evaluation result be declared?

Ans. Within a month of your applying for re-evaluation.

Q4.22 If after re-checking I get a lower score than the original, what will happen?

Ans. The original score is retained.

Q4.23 The University takes about 3 months to declare the result but I require my result
urgently. Can you help me?
I have appeared at the June-09 Term End Examination and I need my result by
July-09 as I have to apply for a job.
I have appeared for the last paper in B.A. and I need to produce my marksheet
for applying within a month for admission in M.A. in Jodhpur University. What
shall I do?

Ans. You can exercise the provision of Early declaration of result.

Q4.24 When we should apply for early declaration?

Ans. Such applications are not accepted on and from 15 days prior to the beginning of the
examination. You have to apply keeping this time frame in mind.

Q4.25 From where can I get suggestive questions for the Term End Examination?


Do you publish any Suggestions?

Ans. The assignment question can be considered as a good set of suggestion. IGNOU does
not publish any Suggestions separately.

Q4.26 IGNOU provides the model question for entrance test but the answers are not
provided. While practicing how can I make a self assessment?
Ans. The objective of giving the model questions is to make you aware of the kind of
preparation to be undertaken. However, if you are keen about self assessment you may
try similar other books like the guide book for GMAT for management aspirants.
Q4.27 What is the cut off marks for qualifying at the entrance test of B.Ed and Management?
Ans. Cut off marks is not spelt out. It is decided on the basis of the overall performance.
Q4.28 I have been told that my marks have been withheld for unfair means but I can
swear that I have not adopted any unfair means during examination. What should
I do now?
Ans. You will be asked to appear before the Unfair Means Committee where you can express
your views.
Q4.29 How do I know the examination dates?
Ans. The December examination schedule is released by 31st July and the June exams
schedule is released by 31st January. These are made available at the notice boards of
the Regional and Study Centres as well as on the IGNOU website.
Q4.30 I find that the schedule and the dates of the examination of two courses for which
I have to appear are clashing. What can I do under such situations?
Ans. Normally such clash of schedule would not happen in case you are appearing for the
first time for the courses. However, you have to remember that IGNOU conducts
examination for more than 5000 courses twice every year that also by making use of
infrastructure not owned by IGNOU. In order to fit in the overall schedule of the
examination always within one month (June and December) there may be such
unavoidable clashes. In such a case you have to appear for only one examination and
wait for the next occasion to clear the other paper. There is provision for On-demand
examination in some courses. You may take benefit of that if feasible.
Q4.31 Is there any provision of Amanuensis for the differently abled students?
Ans. Yes, Amanuensis can be provided on a request made by the student to the Superintendent
of Examination Centre.
Q4.32 In which cases the amanuensis will be provided.
Ans. In the following three situations:
In case of visually impaired candidates.
In case of illness rendering the candidates unable to write and duly certified by a
Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon of a Govt. Municipal
Hospital or Dispensary.
In the case of an accident involving injury rendering the candidate unable to write
which is duly certified by a Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant
Surgeon of a Govt. Municipal Hospital or Dispensary.

Q4.33 What arrangements are to be made by the Superintendent of Examination Centre
with reference to amanuensis?

Ans. The Superintendent of Examination Centre should arrange a suitable/separate room

for differently abled candidates and also appoint one special invigilator to supervise
his/her examination.

Q4.34 Will any fees be charged from the student for providing the facility of amanuensis?

Ans. No fees shall be charged from the student for providing the facility of amanuensis. The
Superintendent of Exam Centre concerned shall choose suitable amanuensis from an
institution as far as practicable and forward to the Registrar (SED) a report giving full
particulars of the credentials of the amanuensis. If any fees are charged by the
amanuensis, then the same is to be billed to IGNOU.

Q4.35 What should be the qualification of the amanuensis?

Ans. The amanuensis must be a student of a lower grade of education than that of the

Q4.36 I am 60 years old and suffering from several diseases. I am doing Post-graduation
from IGNOU. Is it possible that while taking examination I keep my mobile phone
with me as a measure of precaution?

Ans. No. Mobile Phone or any communication device/instrument in the examination hall is
strictly prohibited.

The Exam Superintendent and the invigilators will help you out regarding your disease
related issues.

Q4.37 I am doing B.Sc (Major) from IGNOU. Some instruments are needed in the
examination hall. Is it provided by the University or can we bring our own. Are
Calculators/log tables/Mathematical tables allowed inside the examination hall?
Ans. a) Drawing instruments are permitted, wherever necessary.
b) Use of stencils is permitted.
c) In Geography, stencils or templates for drawing outline maps is permitted.
d) Log tables/Mathematical tables are made available for use of students in
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Management, as per requirement indicated
by the paper setter in the question paper.
e) Calculators are allowed for use in the examination unless otherwise prohibited
through instructions in the question paper.
f) Availability of loose graph sheets with the centre before commencement of
examination should be ensured.
g) For Accountancy paper, blank Cash Book, Ledger and Journal may be supplied.



Q5.1 From where do I get the assignments?

Ans. These are sent along with the study materials. These are also put up on the website.

Q5.2 Where does one submit the assignment?

Ans. Tutor Marked Assignments at the Study Centre and Computer Marked Assignments
to SED, IGNOU Headquarters.

Q5.3 Who evaluates the assignment?

Ans. The academic counsellors at the study centre.

Q5.4 Are the evaluated script of assignment responses returned to the learners?

Ans. Yes. The learners get to know their results and also the comments made by the evaluator.
The learner is supposed to prepare himself further on the basis of the comments provided
by the evaluator.

Q5.5 While evaluating assignments I find that a learner has copied the answer
completely from the study material. What am I supposed to do?

Ans. You may give the learner the benefit of doubt that he has perhaps gone through the
study materials and give him Moderate Grades.

Q5.6 While evaluating assignments I find that two learners have provided the same
answer in their copies. What am I supposed to do?

Ans. You may ruthlessly penalize both the learners, give them ZERO.

Q5.7 While evaluating projects I could make out that the learner has picked up a project
from the market and copied from there. What am I supposed to do?
While evaluating projects I could make out that the learner has copied the project
from some student of a previous batch. What am I supposed to do?

Ans. In either case, ask the learner to re-submit the project.

Q5.8 My Assignment Grades have not been updated, though I submitted the
assignments at the Study Centre in time. The study centre has not issued me a
receipt since I had sent it by post. What can I do now?

Ans. You are required to produce the receipt of submission of assignments at the Study
Centre to pursue the matter. If you have the postal receipts of dispatch and photocopies
of the assignments that you had submitted please contact the Study Centre with these
documents so that they can once again forward to the regional centre the details of the
grades awarded to you for assignments.

Q5.9 How much time does a Project Co-ordinator take to check a project synopsis ?

Ans. It varies from programme to programme. It also depends on the quality of the proposal.
However, a learner may feel free to make enquiry through e-mail with the School

Q5.10 In how much time after the approval of the project synopsis, a learner is supposed
to submit his project report?

Ans. It varies from discipline to discipline. A Project Guide is sent from which you will get
to know the details.

Q5.11 Can a learner resubmit his project proposal with modification?

Ans. Yes

Q5.12 When are fresh assignments made available over the IGNOU website?

Ans. Generally at the beginning of the semesters.

Q5.13 The last date of submission of assignment responses coincides with a holiday at
the host institution of a study centre. Will the date be extended ?

Ans. Yes, it automatically gets extended to the next working day.

Q5.14 If the last date for submission of assignment gets extended, how does the
information get conveyed to all concerned?

Ans. If the extension of date gets decided at the level of IGNOU Hqs. then through the
IGNOU website and if at the level of the Regional Centre, then through the regional
centre website. However, it generally does not happen like that. Rather, it is likely to
happen at the level of a study centre due to local problems like natural calamities
(flood, earthquake, landslide, etc), political disturbances, etc. In such situations, the
Study Centre Co-ordinator is competent to take decision of extension only is respect of
the students attached to that Study Centre subject to approval from the competent
authority at the headquaters. The announcement is generally done through the Study
Centre Notice Board.

Q5.15 What is the procedure of calculating assignment marks in final grade card?


What percentage of assignment marks is added in the final result?

Ans. First the average marks is calculated out of 100. If the required total number of
assignments to be submitted is two or three then the best two are considered for
calculation of average. For preparing the final result, 30% weightage is given.

Q5.16 Can you help me in selecting my Project Guide?

Ans. In general, our academic counsellors can act as Project Guides in their respective
disciplines. Our help would remain restricted among such persons. However, we have
kept the issue of selection of guide open so that the learners can take benefit of that.
We are explaining the situation with the help of an example:

Suppose, a teacher of management fulfills all conditions for becoming a Project Guide.
But, he may not have been involved in academic counselling because he does not have
time for that. The openness about the provision of selection of the guide provides an
enabling mechanism to identify such a person as a Project Guide, who may not be our
academic counsellor, however his engagement as Project Guide has to be approved by
the School concerned on the basis of his CV.

Q5.17 How do you select a topic for the Project?

Ans. Working for the project trains you in applying the acquired knowledge in the real life
situation. Hence based on the real life situations which you see around yourself related
to your study you may choose the topic. Ideally a learner should select his own topic.
We, however, provide some guidelines through the project manuals.

Q5.18 What is meant by Project Synopsis?

Ans. Any project work has to be planned. A write-up of the planning is the synopsis. It
should contain the summary of the work to be performed, the execution plan and the
expected outcome.

Q5.19 Is it necessary to get the approval of the synopsis?

Ans. Definitely yes. It is necessary to assess how you have planned the project and whether
or not the topic is project worthy. These aspects are to be checked by a senior teacher.
Sometimes they may suggest some modification and may provide some further
guidelines for your benefit.

Q5.20 Is it necessary to get the approval of the Project Guide along with that of the

Ans. Yes.

Q5.21 We face lot difficulties in carrying out the Project. We also do not get much help
from the Regional Centre and Study Centre. Cant the University withdraw the
requirement of Project?

Ans. As mentioned against answer to Q 5.17 project work is training towards conducting
yourself properly in the real life situation, so it cannot be withdrawn. University will
try to upgrade the services at the Study Centres and Regional Centres towards providing
assistance for Project work. However, one should not get demotivated on facing the
difficulties as handling of difficult situation will inculcate in you the right spirit of
working through the problems.



Q6.1 I have an apartment measuring about 300sqmt. I am also in touch with several
college and university teachers. I want to open a study centre. Please guide me.

Ans. We open study centres only with established academic institutions having some
credibility. We also open centre with NGOs for the sake of disadvantaged group like
women, SC/ST/OBC, remotely located people, rural population, religious minorities,
physically challenged people, etc. We even open centres for jail inmates at the
Reformation House (earlier called jails). So, first you have to establish your credibility
in the above lines and then approach the regional centre under whose jurisdiction your
institution falls.

Q6.2 How does one apply to become a study centre?

Ans. You approach the regional centre (RC) under whose jurisdiction your institution falls.
On the basis of an application made on a plain paper, the Regional Centre will provide
you with two documents, NSC-BI -1 and NSC -BI-2 with NSC-MOU.

NSC-BI and MOU respectively mean New Study Centre-Basic Information and
Memorandum of Understanding.

From NSC-BI-1 you will get the basic information regarding the opening of a study
centre. Through NSC-BI-2 and the NSC-MOU, you will get two proformas, which are
to be filled in by the host institution intending to become a study centre. From the
filled - in NSC-BI-2, we extract the basic information about the host institution, while
NSC-MOU is a Memorandum of Understanding between the host institution and
IGNOU which is to be signed by the head of the host institution and the Regional
Director concerned.

Q6.3 After applying how do I know that our institution has been considered for
establishment of a study centre?

Ans. Your application will be examined at the Regional Centre. Basically it will concentrate
on three issues: viability of enrolment, availability of infrastructure, availability of
teachers and other required resource persons.

If the Regional Centre becomes satisfied with your application, then a representative
[normally the RD (Regional Director) or a DD/ARD (Deputy Director/Assistant
Regional Director)] would make an on-the-spot inspection at your institution. If he is
satisfied he will sent an inspection report with his recommendation to the Hqs. At the
Hqs. the proposal along with the recommendation will be further examined at the
Regional Services Divisions and also by a committee constituted for this purpose.

The said committee will send its recommendation to the VC for his approval. On the
basis of that the host institution will receive a feedback from the Regional Centre

Q6.4 What is the viable number for initial enrolment at a Study Centre?

Ans. It depends on several factors. For a metro or a state capital, it should not be less than
250 or so, whereas for a district headquarters and at a place located beyond district
headquarters it may vary between 50 and 100. However, 50 is considered to be the
absolute minimum number.

Q6.5 Who decides regarding the activation of programmes at a new Study Centre?

Ans. It is a collective decision of the host institution, the Regional Centre and the School of
Studies concerned. However, IGNOU depends on the host institution for getting to
know about the demand, that is the educational need of the place and then of course an
analysis is made on the basis of the overall statistics of the region as well as that of the

Q6.6 What does IGNOU pay in return to the host institution?

What is the compensation package?

Ans. There is no provision for paying rent. It, however, makes payment to the part time staff
who are engaged for IGNOUs work on both fronts-academic and administrative.
IGNOU also pays for lab hire charges, consumables, etc.

Q6.7 What is a Sub-Study Centre?

Ans. Normally IGNOU targets to have at least one study centre in every district of the
country. In other words, it has been decided to have IGNOU presence in each district.
Now, if there is only one study centre in a district it is generally located at the district
headquarters. But if there is a cluster in the district little away from the district
headquarters which has a significant potential for enrolment in some of the programmes
on offer at IGNOU then we open a sub-study centre at a suitably connected place in
that cluster. The sub-study centre gets activated for the progammes for which there is
demand in the cluster and it is linked with the main study centre at the district
headquarters. It is headed by an Assistant Co-ordinator who reports to the parent study
centre. It has the delegation of powers equivalent to that of an Assistant Co-ordinator.
For all other financial and administrative matters it has to seek guidance and approval
from the parent study centre. It is not supposed to interact directly with the Regional
Centre concerned. In case the enrolment at a sub-study centre exceeds the threshold
required for a study centre it gets upgraded to a full fledged study centre subject to its
fulfilling every other required condition.

Q6.8 What is a special study centre?

Ans. With effect from the year 2000 IGNOU has started a scheme for opening study centres
for the disadvantaged and the marginalised sectors of the society. These include different
categories such as women, learners located in rural and remote areas and at places
having high density of SC/ST/OBC population, locations having high density of people
below poverty line, physically challenged, the religious minorities, the jail inmates,
etc. The idea is to provide support to these categories. IGNOU expects the host
institutions of these centres to have the desired capabilities towards serving these
peoples. Quite a few NGOs have come forward with proposals for having such special
study centres.

Q6.9 Can learners of other category take admission at a special study centre meant for
a particular class of disadvantaged people?

Ans. Yes they can, there is no bar to such cases of admission. However, it is expected that
the special requirements of the sector for which the centre is created are not lost sight

Q6.10 What does IGNOU pay the host institution of a special study centre ?

Ans. IGNOU follows a fee-sharing scheme which provides for different payment norms for
the different programmes like Certificate, Diploma, PG Diploma, Undergraduate and
Post Graduate. IGNOU pays a monthly honorarium to the Co-ordinator. It also pays all
charges pertaining to handling and evaluation of assignments. The host institution is
supposed to make all expenditure pertaining to the services provided at such study
centres from the fee-share amount.

Q6.11 Who hosts a special study centre?

Ans. NGOs and institutions of higher learning like college and even school having 10+2
with PGTs.

Q6.12 What services are provided at the study centres?

Ans. Pre-admission guidance and counselling as per requirement.

Counselling (theoretical and practical, wherever applicable) the learners are

supposed to get taught by the self instructional materials and get clarification form
the academic counsellors at the study centres. Counselling sessions are held as per
schedule drawn at the study centres. These are scheduled in such a manner that
these do not clash with the normal schedule of the host institutions. Thus academic
counselling sessions are held normally on Saturday/ Sunday and holidays. These
are also held during morning and evening hours of the weekdays depending on the

Practical sessions of BSc are held during vacations. Practicals for programmes
launched by the SOHS(School of Health Sciences), SOET(School of Educational
and Technology), etc are held in spells. However, computer practicals are held on
a regular basis.

Assignment Evaluation Tutor-marked assignments (TMA) is the most significant

component of internal assessment. Every aspect of TMA is handled at the study

Library Every study centre has a small reference library. The learners may use
the library. However, they are not allowed to borrow books.

Audio, Video (A/V) facilities A/V equipments are available at the study centres.
Learners may approach the centres for listening to the audio and watching the


These referred to the reception facilities for satellite based educational programmes.
The different facilities are as under:
1) DRS- Disc Reception System through which one can watch the programmes
and can have interactivity via phone and fax.
2) ROT- Receive Only Terminal for Edusat based programmes.
3) SIT- Satellite Interactive Terminal, again for Edusat based programmes and
interactivity is via Wireless Local loop (WLL). Basic requirement apart from
the terminal is a telephone with STD facility..
4) DTH- Technology is similar to DRS, but the dishes are small and are called
Direct To Home.

Examination Services Most of the study centres are centres for holding Term-
end examinations in June and December.

Information Services Last but not the least, every study centre is an information
centre for IGNOU.

Q6.13 What is a Programme Study Centre?

Ans. IGNOU has launched several programmes which have very significant practical
components, like BSCN(PB), PG Diploma in Maternal and Child Health by the School
of Health Sciences, B.Tech in Water Resources Engineering and Construction
Management by the School of Engineering and Technology. Diploma in Value Added
Products of Fruits & Vegetables and the Diploma in Dairy Technology by the School
of Agriculture and so on. The general degree colleges are incapable of providing the
practical support for these programmes. So, the University has tied up with Nursing
Colleges, Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, etc. for establishment of centres

for providing support in these specialised areas. These centres are activated for specific
programmes and are hence called programme specific study centres or simply
programme study centres. As per NCTE guidelines support services for B.Ed programme
are to be handled through a programme study centre. It is to be hosted by a teachers
training institution duly recognized by NCTE

Q6.14 What is a Recognised Study Centre?

Ans. These are of two varieties. First, those which are hosted by some institution and the
expenses incurred towards all services are met by the institution.

The second is the case of study centres IGNOU has with the defence personnel. In
order to extend services to the defence personnel, IGNOU has opened regional centres
with Army (IGNOU Army Education Project), Navy (IGNOU Navy Education Project)
and the Assam Rifles (IGNOU Assam Rifles Education Project). These regional centres
function on a fee-sharing basis. Study Centres have been opened under the jurisdiction
of these projects and these are also called Recognised Study Centres. The expenses
towards services provided at these centres are met from the funds of Army, Navy and
Assam Rifles.

Q6.15 What are the working hours of a Study Centre?

Ans. The office of a study centre is supposed to remain open at least for 20hrs per week.
Counselling sessions are held at a study centre at hours which do not clash with the
usual schedule of the host institution concerned.

Q6.16 Is attendance at the counselling sessions compulsory?

Ans. It is not compulsory for the theoretical sessions but for the practical sessions it is

Q6.17 Why I do not get proper responses to our queries at the Study Centre?

Ans. Every Study Centre is manned by part-time staff and there may be gaps in their
understanding of the system despite their best efforts. At present IGNOU offers a big
basket of diverse programmes and courses. It is not possible for an individual to keep
track of every minute detail of a programme. These may be the reasons for not getting
a proper response. However, the best source of information is the IGNOU Website.
You may also send e-mails to the School concerned.

Q6.18 I was trying the Study Centre telephone but there was no reply. I am not expected
to go all the way to Study Centre just for making a simple query. What can I do

Ans. It seems that you had not contacted the Study Centre during the working hours. Please
ring them up during the prescribed hours of Study Centre.

Q6.19 I am not a student of IGNOU. But I aspire to be one. I had gone to a Study Centre
with the intention of enquiring about some of the new course launched by IGNOU.
Since I am not a student I did not have students ID card. So I was not allowed to
enter the premises of the Study Centre. I am afraid this may be happening to
other students like me. How do you react to this situation?

Ans. I can understand your predicament. As a matter of fact the host institution of a Study
Centre is not owned by IGNOU. So we cannot exercise much of a control on their
regularity mechanisms. Restriction of entry to such premises of educational institutional
have now became a part of our lives due to many extraneous reasons which I and you
cannot regulate. However, you should be able to explain your position to the security
personnel or whosoever is incharge of the related operations. If this does not work then
you have to depend on the information provided on the website. You may also seek
information by writing directly to the Programme Coordinators. You may also contact
Regional Centre as per your convenience.

Q6.20 I am not a student of IGNOU. Can I use a Study Centre library for reading

Ans. There is no existing rule to address your query. You may contact the Study Centre Co-
coordinator and seek his permission.

Q6.21 Why dont you have lending facility at the Study Centre library?

Ans. As multiple copies are not available and also because it is not possible for us to distribute
multiple copies of every book to every Study Centre in the country.

Q6.22 Why many Study Centres do not have the EDUSAT Receiving Terminals?

Ans. Because it is being done in a phased manner based on demand and availability of funds.

Q6.23 We are a Study Centre. Can we become a Partner Institution?

Ans. If you fulfill the requirement of a Partner Institution you can become one.

Q6.24 How to distinguish between Institution Collaborators and other Study Centres?

Ans. Institutions collaborators are also Study Centres catering only to specific academic
programmes in which the said institution has expertise. For example, IGNOU has
Institutional Collaborators for the programmes related to Shoemaking with IGNOU-
FDDI (Footwear Design and Development Institute), NOIDA.

Q6.25 What is the difference between a Partner Institution and an Institution


Ans. Partner Institution is a generic term used primarily for such institutions who have
joined as partners of IGNOU in taking up some specific academic causes. The
partnership is not restricted to providing only the support services listed under Ans
6.12 but also having responsibility in course preparation and other aspects of course

When the academic cause relates to some area where IGNOU may not be having the
expertise but has mandate towards certification then the said institution is labeled as
an Institution Collaborator.

Q6.26 We had applied for having a Study Centre at our institution more than five years
back. At that time it was not considered. Can we apply again now?

Ans. Why not! However, please make sure that you have fulfilled all the conditions which
might have been wanting in your previous proposal.

Q6.27 We had proposed for activation of our centre for BCA but at that time it was
observed by IGNOU authorities that we lack proper computer facilities. So it was
not considered. Now we have a well equipped computer laboratory. Can we apply
for activation of BCA now ?

Ans. Yes, please apply afresh through your Regional Centre by mentioning about the facilities.

Q6.28 There is lot of demand at our place for studying MA in English. But we do not
have adequate teachers. Please guide us as to now we can go about for the activation
of our centre for MA in English.

Ans. It goes without saying that you should not apply for activation without ensuring
availability of the teachers. The interested students may be asked to avail themselves
of the facilities at the nearest Study Centre activated for the subject.

You may try to rope in a few good teachers by requesting them to come over to your
place for a week or so. You have to make necessary arrangement for that. If that is
practicable then you may think of holding the Counselling Sessions in the form of
extended contact programme. If you are sure that this arrangement is workable then
you may apply for activation.

Q6.29 Our Study Centre is not activated for Master degree programmes in the areas of
Social Science and so the reference library at our study centre has not been
provided with books at the Post Graduate level. If we have the books then these
may attract students towards pursuing PG level programmes. How can we get
the said books?

Ans. Please ask the competent authority of the host institutions to write to the Registrar,
MPDD, IGNOU for sending the desired books. These are priced. However, the cost is
subsidised and there can be some discount for purchase by an educational institution.

Q6.30 Our Study Centre has teleconference reception facility. However, it is activated
for limited number of programmes. If there is a teleconference session on any of
the programmes not activated at our study centre can we permit the students
concerned, who may not be attached to the Study Centre to view it ?

Ans. Yes, you must extend such facility. But make sure that you have checked the identity
of the students.

Q6.31 I am an approved counsellor for some courses of MA in English. I got empaneled
as a counsellor when I was posted in Ahmedabad. After retirement I have settled
in my home town, Surat and I find a study centre activated for MA in English.
Can my service be utilized there as an academic counsellor or shall I have to
apply afresh for empanelment.

Ans. You have to apply for empanelment.

Q6.32 I am an empaneled academic counsellor but I cannot spare time for evaluation of
assignments. Can I be forced by the Coordinator to evaluate assignments?

Ans. While applying for getting empaneled as academic counselor you had given an
Undertaking that you would also evaluate assignments. On the basis of that commitment
the Co-ordinator may demand for such service from you.

Q6.33 I am an empaneled academic counsellor but I find that the schedule of counselling
sessions does not suit me. However, I need not mind evaluating the assignments.
Is there any restriction like someone not being entrusted with the task of evaluation
of assignments unless he conducts counselling sessions.

Ans. There is no such restriction.

Q6.34 I have been empaneled as an academic counsellor but I have not attended any
orientation programme. How can I make myself familiar with the basics of services
we are supposed to render?

Ans. The fundamental orientation will be provided to you by your Co-ordinator/ PIC. You
may request him to organize a one-day orientation programme at the Study Centre for
the un-oriented counsellors. You also request your Co-ordinator/ PIC to take note of
the fact that you have not been oriented so that you can be accommodated in the next
available orientation programme. Last but not the least, the academic counsellor who
have been attached with the centre for long will be able to guide you.

Q6.35 I have been asked to attend an orientation programme at the Regional Centre/
Headquarters. Who will pay my TA/DA?

Ans. IGNOU will pay as per the prescribed norms of Govt of India. It will be advisable for
you to ascertain the norms before proceeding to attend the orientation programme.

Q6.36 Is it essential that I have to attend an orientation programme before I take up


Ans. It is not essential, but it is expected that you will familiarize yourself with the basic
tenets of counselling sessions. There are manuals available at the Study Centre which
may be consulted as per your convenience for your guidance.

Q6.37 I have been invited for attending an orientation programme which has been fixed
on two working days. If I add the days of travel then it amounts to four working
days at my parent institution. Cant IGNOU arrange for making provision for
On duty leave under such circumstances?

Ans. Every institution has its own set of administration rules and IGNOU does not and
should not encroach into them. Moreover, academic counselling is not the monopoly
of the college teachers. As IGNOU offers diverse discipline under its umbrella, academic
counsellors are drawn not only form Colleges/University department but also from
varieties of institutions of higher learning, hospitals, offices of public and private sector
enterprises, management institutions, software concerns, etc. Hence uniform regulation
may not be the answer in this regard. However, we hope that keeping in tune with the
spirit of collaboration between IGNOU and the host institutions of the Study Centre
we expect that On duty leave be granted to the participants of the orientation

Q6.38 There are several practical based courses. Do you organise orientation for such
courses too.

Ans. Yes, we give importance to the practical based courses and we also hold the orientation
programmes for them at the laboratory/work places as per the demand of the situation.

Q6.39 Information services at the Study Centre is primarily handled by the part-time
assistant staff. Is there any provision for training them?

Ans. Yes, the Co-ordinator/PIC have to make a requisition to the Regional Director concerned
indicating the objective, expected outcome of the progrmme with the budget.

Q6.40 I have applied for change of Study Centre from Study Centre X to Study Centre
Y. I have been told that the process of change will take some time. Can I attend
the counselling session at Study Centre Y during this interim period?

Ans. Yes, you may do so by taking the formal permission form the Co-ordinator. Please
dont forget to show your IGNOU identity card.

Q6.41 Study Centres are kept open on Saturday and Sundays. But if such a day falls on
a gazetted holiday will the Study Centre be kept open?

Ans. If the gazetted holiday is a National Holiday than it will not remain open. For any other
holidays you have to go by the notification issued by the Study Centre in this regard.

Q6.42 I have missed two counselling sessions as I was not well. Can this be repeated for

Ans. Generally, No. However, you may request the Co-ordinator/PIC to explore the

Q6.43 Our Study Centre is not activated for MA (History). My sister who stays with me
wants to get access to the books of MA (History) of IGNOU. Can my Study Centre
arrange for them?

Ans. Study Centre would be having self learning materials only pertaining to the programmes
for which it is activated. You may write to MPDD, IGNOU which has a provision for
selling the books at a nominal cost. So, your sister may approach them.

Q6.44 Cant you equip the Study Centre library with all books produced by IGNOU
irrespective of if being activated for said programmes or not?

Ans. Your suggestion is not practical. As on date, IGNOU has about 10,000 courses. Each
course has 4 to 8 blocks. So you can realize the magnitude of operation that is required
for sending even one set of each book. Moreover, more often than not the Reading
Room services at the Study Centre libraries are under utilized. So, we send only those
books which pertain to the courses activated at the Study Centre.

Q6.45 Can my Study Centre Co-ordinator issue my marksheet/degree certificate?

Ans. Certification/declaration of results are centralized. These are operationalised only

through SED at the headquarters.

Q6.46 Why are the services like Change of address/ Study Centre/Regional Centre/
Course/Elective/medium etc are not available to the Study Centre.

Ans. All the issues mentioned by you involve intervention with the Master Records. Our
Study Centres are not our permanent establishments and so we cannot open such services
at the Study Centres. However, we are trying to see that such facilities are provided

Q6.47 Why cant the access to Master Records be created at the Study Centres?

Ans. IGNOU has its website and its access is open to anyone having internet facility. There
is no bar towards the host institutions of the Study Centre creating such facility.

Q7.1 What should be the first step for doing M.Phil/Ph.D from IGNOU?
Ans. When you first aspire to do your Ph.D or M.Phil through IGNOU you should log on to
the IGNOU website at The Home Page opens and you get the link
Research Degree Programmes there. Here you will find detailed information on the
Research Degree Programmes of IGNOU viz., M.Phil and Ph.D. You would do well to
carefully read and even download this information and choose your area of research
based on this information.
Q7.2 When should I apply for the Research Degree Programme?
Ans. Look for Admission Advertisement on the Website. The University advertises for
research programmes twice a year, once for the January cycle and second time the July
cycle. The advertisement is placed, almost four months in advance of the impending
cycle, on the University website indicating the Disciplines which are offering Research
Programmes for that particular cycle. Please note that all the Disciplines may not offer
Research Programme in both cycles.
Q7.3 What are the criteria for admission?
Ans. A candidate is eligible for Admission and Registration for the M.Phil/Ph.D Programme
provided he/she has qualified:
a) For the award of Masters Degree of any recognized University/other qualification
recognized as equivalent thereto in such fields of study as are notified for the
purpose from time to time by the University. The minimum qualifying marks are
55% at Post Graduation level (50% in case of reserved categories), and
b) At the Entrance Examination conducted by the University at the national level on
the pattern of UGC/CSIR.
However, candidates holding M.Phil degree or those candidates who have cleared
JEST of DAE or UGC-NET or GATE of IIT or those having at least five years of
related Teaching/Practical/Industry/Professional experience as validated by the
respective Disciplines may be exempted from appearing at the Entrance Examination.
Q7.4 How do I get the application form? Where is the filled-in application form to be
Ans. The Application Form is placed on the Website. You may download the Application
Form. It can also be purchased from the designated Regional Centres and/or Study
Centres and IGNOU Headquarters at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi. The application forms
are to be submitted at the Research Unit.

Q7.5 Which are the documents to be attached with the admission application form?

Ans. You must ensure that the Application Fee, as indicated in the Advertisement, in the
form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi is made ready
before the last date indicated in the Advertisement and is attached with your Application
You must ensure that copies of all documents testifying the information submitted by
you in the Application are attached with your Application Form.
If you are required to attach a research proposal with your Application Form, you must
study the Guidelines: Research Proposal and prepare a Research Proposal accordingly.
Please note that if you intend to have a supervisor who is not an IGNOU faculty, you
will have to attach a CV of the supervisor and a letter of consent from the proposed
Q7.6 What is the Programme Fee?
Ans. The Ph.D Programme Fee is Rs. 7,000/- per annum for 2 years. M.Phil candidates are
to pay one-time fee of Rs. 10,500/- which is inclusive of the Course Fee. Individual
Disciplines may assign course work for Ph.D candidates for which additional fee may
be charged.
Q7.7 What are the durations of Ph.D/M.Phil?
Ans. The maximum durations of the Ph.D Programme and the M.Phil Programme are 5
years and 4 years respectively.
Q7.8 Does IGNOU follow any Reservation Policy for admission to M.Phil/Ph.D?
Ans. IGNOU follows the provisions of the Government of India Policy on Reservation for
admission to its Research Degree Programmes.
Q7.9 Please tell us about the process of scrutiny of the application form and the role of
the Doctoral Committee. Is there any entrance test?
Ans. Upon the receipt of your Application Form at the Research Unit, IGNOU, an initial
scrutiny will be made to examine if all the essential conditions of eligibility are met
and relevant documents are attached with the Application Form.
Thereafter, all information contained in your Application Form is recorded in the Master
Data Base of the Research Unit. The Application Form is then sent to the concerned
Discipline through the related School of Study for further consideration.
There is a Doctoral Committee in each Discipline which is vested with the power to
decide and manage admissions in the Research Programmes. The Doctoral Committee
will examine the Application Form and may get in touch with you to advise you to
revise and resubmit your Research Proposal for which reasonable time will be given to
you. The Doctoral Committee will thus shortlist candidates who are found to be suitable
for making their presentations before the Doctoral Committee.

At the same time, Application Forms of candidates who are supposed to take the
Entrance Examination before facing the interview will be screened and checked for
eligibility. The Discipline-wise list of eligible candidates who will appear in the Entrance
Examination will be displayed on the Website. Hall Tickets enabling the candidates to
take the Entrance Examination will be dispatched by the Research Unit and also
displayed on the Website. In case, you do not receive the Hall Ticket dispatched by
post, you are advised to download the same from the Website and appear at the
examination. You are advised to regularly check our Website for Research related
information and notifications.

Q7.10 When is the entrance exam held?

Ans. The Research Unit, in cooperation with Teaching Faculty of the University, will conduct
the Entrance Examination on the date fixed for the purpose and announced in advance
to help candidates from outside New Delhi make their travel arrangements. Generally
the Entrance Examinations are organized in the last week of April and September for
respective cycles of admission beginning July and January every year.

Q7.11 Do I need to present my Research Proposal?

Ans. Candidates who are successful in the Entrance Examination will be duly informed and
called for Interview/Viva/Presentation of Research Proposal before the Doctoral
Committee of the Discipline.

Those candidates who are exempted from appearing at the Entrance Examination will
also be called to make their presentations before the Doctoral Committee. Here again,
the Doctoral Committee may give guidance on your Research proposal. It is at the
discretion of the Doctoral Committee to conduct Interview/Viva/Presentations according
to the convenience of the Experts.

Q7.12 Please explain the process of finalization of admission.

Ans. The details of candidates who are finally selected by the Doctoral Committee along
with the allotted Supervisor/s in each case will be sent to the School Board for
consideration. In the case of M.Phil, the Topic of Dissertation will also be decided at
the time of Interview/Viva and will be recommended to School Board for consideration.

The admission of the candidates recommended by the School Board will be placed for
final approval to the Research Council/Research Council Standing Committee after
which an Offer Letter for Provisional Admission/Registration will be sent by the
Research Unit to the candidates. The Offer Letter will inform the candidate about her/
his selection and advise her/him to deposit the required fee for the M.Phil/Ph.D
Programme within a stipulated time.

It is only when you deposit the fee that you are admitted to the Research Programme
technically. You will then be assigned an enrolment number by the Research Unit.
Please note that failure to deposit the fee within the stipulated time will result in the
cancellation of your admission.

Q7.13 Is it necessary that the topic of research be finalised at the time of taking admission?

Ans. One would expect that your Topic of Research and Research Proposal are finalised at
the time of admission. However, if your topic of research and the Research Proposal
are not finalised at the time of interview you may be given a maximum of six month
time to work on your research topic to finalize the title, methodology, research approach,
and such aspects of your work as are advised by the Doctoral Committee. You will be
guided by your supervisor/s in this matter. You should finalize your topic and Research
Proposal within six months of your provisional Admission/Registration. In case you
fail to do so, your admission will be cancelled and no refund of fees will be made.
Please understand that it is your responsibility to finalize the Research Topic and
Research Proposal within the six month period.

After the finalization of your Research Proposal and its approval by the Research
Council/Research Council Standing Committee you will be issued a Confirmation
Letter. With this your admission into the Universitys Research Programme is formalised.

Q7.14 What are the steps to be taken immediately after admission into Research
Programme? Please also tell us about Course Work.

Ans. At the time of approving your Research Proposal the Doctoral Committee may also
assign Course Work related to the thrust areas of research and research methodology.
The details of Course Work, evaluation methodology and the teaching schedule will
be given by the Research Programme Coordinator.

Generally, Course Work is assigned to those candidates who are seeking admission to
M.Phil Programme and to the Ph.D candidates who have not done M.Phil. However,
Course Work can also be assigned by the Doctoral Committee to Ph.D candidates who
have done M.Phil.

The Course Work will have to be completed in a maximum period of one year. A
candidate shall be deemed to have completed the Course Work successfully on obtaining
at least C Grade (measured on a five point scale) or 50% of the maximum score in the
Course Work.

Q7.15 What is the constitution of the Doctoral Committee?

Ans. i) Director of the School - Chairperson
ii) Faculty of the Discipline concerned - Member
iii) At least one External Expert from a - Member
Panel recommended by the School
Board and approved by the Vice
iv) Programme Coordinator of Ph.D - Convener

Q7.16 Who is eligible to guide research?

Ans. All Research Supervisors approved by IGNOU in accordance with the Ordinance on
Research Degree Programmes can guide research students.

Q7.17 How is the progress of a student monitored?

Ans. The Progress of the research student shall be monitored by the supervisor(s). However,
generating the six monthly progress reports on the prescribed her/his progress report to
the supervisor for placing the same before the Doctoral Committee. The
recommendation of the Doctoral Committee will be placed before the School Board.
The minutes of the Doctoral Committee and that of the School Board will be forwarded
by the Director of the School for placing before the RCSC/RC. In case of unsatisfactory
progress over a time period of one year and/or non-submission of timely report/fee, the
University reserves the right to cancel the registration under Clauses 3.6 of the

Q7.18 Is there any requirement for pre-submission seminar?

Ans. Each research student will give at least two seminars prior to the pre-submission seminar
before the Doctoral Committee.

Q7.19 What is the maximum permissible duration after registration for the Ph.D

Ans. The maximum duration after registration for the Ph.D Programme shall be five years.
The maximum duration can be extended by a maximum of one year with the permission
of the Vice Chancellor. The request for extension shall have to be moved by the research
student through the Supervisor and the Doctoral Committee. In such cases, a prescribed
fee will have to be paid by the student for the period of extension.

Q7.20 What is the process of submission of Dissertation/Thesis?

Ans. When the research student is nearing the completion of his Ph.D work a pre-submission
seminar, open to all, will be organized by the supervisor. The report of the seminar, and
suggestions for improvement, if any, will be sent by the supervisor through the Director
of the School to the Research Unit for records. The supervisor will ensure that
constructive suggestions made in the pre-submission seminar to improve the quality
of research are incorporated in the thesis.

At least one research paper should be published/accepted for publication in a peer

reviewed/refereed Journal before the submission of thesis.

On the completion of your study, you shall submit a Summary of the Thesis in electronic
form and five hard copies of the same (3000-5000 words), duly approved by the
supervisor/s at least 45 days before the submission of Thesis. (M.Phil candidates are

Thereafter, four hard bound copies of the Thesis along with one in the electronic form
on a CD shall be submitted by you to the Research Unit through your supervisor/s and
the Director of the School. The Thesis shall include a Certificate signed by the
supervisor/s about the originality of your research work in the prescribed format. In
case of M.Phil candidates, two hard bound copies of the dissertation along with one in
the electronic form on a CD shall be submitted to the Research Unit through the Director
concerned. The dissertation shall include a certificate signed by the supervisor about
the originality of the work.

Q7.21 Who will examine my thesis?

Ans. The thesis will be examined by three External Experts nominated by the Vice Chancellor
from a list of seven experts submitted by the supervisor/s through the School Board
concerned. In case of M.Phil, the dissertation will be examined by one external examiner
nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a list of at least five experts submitted by the
supervisor through the School Board concerned. The report of the examiner/s in each
case will be submitted on the prescribed format.
Q7.22 What are the steps to be taken if any modification/re-submission of the thesis is
Ans. In case any examiner suggests certain modifications and re-submission of the thesis,
the same will be communicated to you and you will be asked to re-submit the thesis
incorporating all the modifications within six months. The supervisor/s will ensure
that the suggestions of the examiner are adequately addressed. The modified thesis
shall be referred again to the examiner concerned for re-evaluation.
Q7.23 Under what condition is a thesis rejected?
Ans. If one of the examiners does not recommend the thesis for the award of a Ph.D degree,
the thesis shall be referred to another examiner for independent evaluation. However,
if this examiner also rejects the Thesis, the Thesis shall be rejected by the University.
Q7.24 Shall get to know the reports received from the examiners?
Ans. Yes. The reports received from examiners of the thesis will be shown to you beforehand
so as to enable you to address the issues raised therein while preparing to defend the
thesis during the viva-voce examination.
Q7.25 What is the process of thesis defence?
Ans. An open defence of the thesis in the viva-voce shall be conducted at IGNOU by a
panel comprising one of the external examiners nominated by the Vice Chancellor and
the principal supervisor of the candidate. The Director concerned shall be the
Chairperson of the panel. The supervisor shall be the convener of the panel. The date
for open defence, venue, and topic of the thesis with a brief abstract shall be
communicated to the Research Unit by the supervisor. This will also be given wide
publicity to facilitate larger participation in the session. In case of M.Phil, after evaluation
of the dissertation by the examiner, the viva-voce shall be conducted by a panel
comprising the external examiner, the supervisor of the candidate, as Convener of the

panel, and the Director concerned as the Chairperson of the panel. The evaluated marks
will be given on the prescribed format.

A joint report of the viva-voce examination of the Ph.D candidate will be submitted to
the Research Unit by the Director of the School concerned on the prescribed format.

Q7.26 What is the criterion of successful completion of M.Phil?

Ans. Successful completion of the MPhil Programme will require the candidate to secure
minimum 50% marks in each course, 50% in the dissertation work and 50% in viva-

Q7.27 What happens if one does not secure the qualifying marks?

Ans. In case the candidate does not obtain the qualifying marks in the dissertation, the
evaluation report shall be sent to the supervisor who can guide the research student in
improving the dissertation for re-submission. This provision can be invoked only once.

Q7.28 What are the steps for award of the degree?

Ans. All evaluation reports and the joint report giving the final recommendation shall be
placed before the Vice Chancellor for approval. The Vice Chancellors decision will
be placed before the Academic Council through the Research Council.

After approval by the Academic Council/Research Council, notification about the award
of Doctoral Degree shall be issued by the Student Evaluation Division (SED) of the

Pending the approval of the Academic Council, a Provisional Notification of the award
of Ph.D will be issued by the Student Evaluation Division (SED).

Q7.29 Can UGC-NET, GATE, JEST qualified students enrol for Ph.D at IGNOU?

Ans. Candidates who have qualified UGC-NET, GATE, JEST, etc. and have been awarded
Fellowships by these and such other agencies are welcome to enrol for Doctoral Studies
at IGNOU. The University will disburse the fellowships awarded to them as per the
rules of the awarding agencies.

Q7.30 Does IGNOU offer any Research Fellowship? If yes, what are the terms and

Ans. The University awards Fellowships (IGNOU-Research Fellowship) to full time PhD
students of IGNOU. The objective of the IGNOU-RF scheme is to provide opportunities
to full time research students who have no other financial support to undertake research
leading to Ph.D degree in the Disciplines offered by IGNOU. The tenure of IGNOU-
RF is initially a period of two years from the date of the award. If the research work is
found satisfactory, fellowship for an additional year will be awarded to the candidate.
There is no provision for extension beyond three years. The value of the award is at
present Rs. 5000/- pm for all the three years.

Q7.31 Tell us briefly about the Research and Teaching Assistantship Scheme of IGNOU.

Ans. The University has the Research and Teaching Assistantship Scheme (RTA) which
provides opportunities to the researchers to undertake advanced studies and research
and teaching in the field of Open and Distance Learning. RTAs will have to work as
full time students in the University and will have to assist the faculty in teaching related
activities. The tenure of the award is initially a period of three years which is extendable
by two years based on satisfactory progress evaluated every year. There is no provision
for extension beyond five years. The value of RTA award is Rs. 18,000/- per month
with an annual contingent grant of Rs. 20,000/- for three years.

A training programme for the computer professionals of IGNOU

IGNOU students at a placement drive meet



Q8.1 If I do not receive study material on time is there any way for me to access the
study material of my course online?

Ans. Yes, IGNOU has a National Digital Repository called eGyanKosh to store, index,
preserve, distribute and share the digital learning resources developed by the Open and
Distance Learning Institutions in the country. It contains learning contents of IGNOU
programme available in text and video formats. You can access the content through the

Q8.2 Can you tell me about the various online learning resources provided by IGNOU
for the learners?

Ans. Yes they are as under:

i) eGyanKosh is the digital repository of programme based learning content

available in text and video formats.

ii) eGyanKoshWiki is a collaborative platform for curriculum based e-content

generation and dissemination. Teachers, students, researchers, NGOs and all those
associated with different areas of education are welcome to publish and share
learning resources to support development of rich repository of open education
resource for e-learning.

iii) Education Broadcast is a webcasting facility linking you to educational channels-

Gyandharshan, Gyanvani and EDUSAT. You can visit the following link http:// to access the facility.

iv) Virtual Class provides links to all the online programmes of the University. You
can visit the following link to
check the details of the programmes.

v) IGNOU Open Course Guide (IOCG): IOCG Wiki supports the IGNOU Open
Course Guide system for the courses on offer. All Schools/Centres/Divisions/
Institutes are invited to develop, post and manage their IOCG for their respective
courses in the IOCG Wiki. IOCG is an integral part of the Open Distributed
Technology Enhanced Learning (ODTEL) system. ODTEL is being adopted by
IGNOU as the open e-Learning framework for the conventional Open and
Distance Learning (ODL).

vi) IGNOU Wiki: The IGNOU Wiki is intended for the Schools, Centres, Divisions
and Units of the University to announce the details regarding their programmes
and activities dynamically.

vii) DEP-SSA Wiki:The DEP-SSA is the nodal agency for distance education
activities under the scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). It endeavours
strengthening the activities under SSA for Universalisation of Elementary
Education (UEE), using distance learning to reach large target groups in a cost-
effective manner. It aims to build capacities and empowers teachers and other
personnel to address issues related to quality education. It provides academic
and technical support to the states to enable them adapt distance education as an
integral part of SSA.

viii) Course Wiki: The IGNOU Course Wiki would be augmented by an open students
wiki area, for them to post their supplementary comments and start discussions.

The activity points (v) to (viii) are being developed and provided by Advanced
Centre for Informatics and Innovative Learning (ACIIL).

Q8.3 What is Sakshat?

Ans. Sakshat links you to the One Stop Education Portal of Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Govt. of India. You can visit the following link

Q8.4 Does IGNOU provide access to open courses for learners to gain knowledge and

Ans. Yes, IGNOU has launched FlexiLearn platform through which anyone can access free
and open courses of the Indira Gandhi National Open University. This is a personal
learning space where free learning resources are integrated with learning management
system for anyone who wants to learn, whatever be their educational needs and
experience. It facilitates informed learning wherein anyone can register and explore
courses free of cost to gain knowledge and skill in a particular area of interest. There is
provision of certification for courses after their successful completion subject to
fulfilment of prescribed norms and payment of the requisite fees.

Q8.5 Does IGNOU have in-house capacity for the development of e-learning content?

Ans. Yes, IGNOU has established Inter University Consortium for Technology Enabled
Flexible Education and Development (IUC-TEFED) to provide lead in the
transformation of the conventional distance learning to modern ICT-enabled, multimedia
based, online learning.

Q8.6 What are the activities of Inter University Consortium for Technology Enabled
Flexible Education and Development (IUC-TEFED)

Ans. Currently, IUC-TEFED is involved in the following major activities:

To promote technology enabled education and training for the overall development
of the country IUC provides training in the latest and upcoming ICT interventions
to the faculty and staff of ODL system.
IUC from time to time conducts workshops and seminars
It invites Research Proposals from teachers and academics of IGNOU, State
Open Universities and CCIs/DEIs to conduct short term research studies within
a period six months to one year in different areas of Open Distance Learning
It also develops Text and multimedia materials

Q8.7 The National Innovation Council has been set up to foster innovation in Education.
Has IGNOU taken any initiative to bring about innovation in Distance Education?

Ans. In 2005, the National Centre for Innovations in Distance Education (NCIDE) had been
set up at IGNOU. It is a facility for promoting, supporting, re-engineering and
disseminating innovations in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system. The NCIDE
is a ground for nurturing bright and inquisitive minds whose ideas and explorations
are expected to develop the ODL system to suit the needs of Gennext. The goal of the
Centre is to develop a culture of continued search for new and innovative solutions to
offer seamless education for all, achieve cost efficiency in its operations and provide
borderless access to quality education and training.

Q8.8 What are the activities of NCIDE?

Ans. The NCIDE has been successfully developing several cost effective, ICT-based,
innovative learning and support solutions for the IGNOU learners. The Centre
continuously explores the areas of innovations and takes up research studies in the
broad areas of quality indicators, quality assurance mechanisms and benchmarking.
The NCIDE is also actively involved in documentation and dissemination of various
innovations in the ODL system to facilitate easy reference by the stakeholders. The
Centre is also involved in encouraging creativity and innovation in the ODL system as
well as in the capacity building of teachers and learners.

Q8.9 Are there any innovative Learning Solutions developed by NCIDE?

Ans. Yes. NCIDE has developed a long-term innovative ICT enabled mechanism Interactive
Multimedia enabled IMNCI Package for Health Professionals to facilitate the
initiatives of Govt. Of India, UNICEF and WHO, for providing a quality assured,
dynamic, cost effective and accessible training of Integrated Management of Neo-
natal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) through trainee centric pedagogic approach, and
simple platform independent technology.

Q8.10 Are there any innovative Learner Support Solutions developed by NCIDE?

Ans. Yes. NCIDE has developed an innovative scheme of On-Demand Exam. The scheme
is fully operational for more than 135 courses through 18 Regional Centres. Several
students are appearing in On Demand Exam as per their need and convenience. The
software for generating individualized question papers and for online registration for
On Demand exam have been developed in-house in NCIDE with the help the Students
Evaluation Division, Regional Services Division and the Regional Centres of IGNOU.
The unique features of scheme include online submission of registration fee, issue of
online hall ticket, online attendance record etc.

Q8.11 Are there any other innovative solutions developed by NCIDE?

Ans. Yes. NCIDE developed the Virtual Training Lounge, which is a web-based platform
that enables trainers to provide training and capacity building of the ODL functionaries
online. This system is designed to provide not only synchronous training, but also to
sustain the learning experience of the trainees online. The ease of access to the VTL
anytime from anywhere makes it an ideal platform for training and its sustainability.

Q8.12 How is NCIDE a ground for nurturing bright and inquisitive minds?

Ans. One of the thrust areas of NCIDE is the identification, recognition and nurturing of
innovations in Distance Education. For this purpose the NCIDE has instituted an annual
Gold Medal Award for innovation in Distance Education.

Another initiative that has been taken up by NCIDE is for the IGNOU students who
wish to submit their innovative ideas for prototype development and scaling up.

Q8.13 Are there any other activities carried out by NCIDE to nurture innovations?

Ans. Yes. The NCIDE brings out an e-newsletter Ennovate to share and disseminate
innovative ideas and best practices. The newsletter carries articles/contributions from
the NCIDE faculty, IGNOU faculty and eminent experts. The NCIDE also bring out
posters on Interesting facts under the title Did You Know?. These facts usually go
unnoticed by us but have a bearing on our lives. These posters are aimed at stimulating
the curiosity in the students and teachers so that they are motivated to be creative and
innovative. The Electronic Media Production Centre at IGNOU telecasts and broadcasts
video and audio snippets based on Did You Know? respectively through Gyandarshan
and Gyanvani.

Another initiative is Science @Mobile which is an innovative scheme of science

popularisation through mobile. The Target Group for the Science @ Mobile, basically
includes all the people irrespective of age, gender, socio-economic background,
geographical location. As of today eight different types of sms items are being delivered
through mobiles, which include interesting science facts, science quotations, latest
science news, about scientists, science humour, health tips, green tips, and events and
days of scientific importance.

Q8.14 Does NCIDE carry out any research?

Ans: Yes. One of the thrust areas of NCIDE is to explore the areas of innovations and to find
out the suitable, cost effective and feasible solutions. For this, the NCIDE takes up
research studies. The broad areas of research and development as identified by NCIDE
1) Identification of the quality indicators, quality assurance mechanism and
benchmarking, for quality management of the programmes in ODL system.
2) Development of guidelines, mechanism and modalities for convergence of
different systems of seamless access, such as credit transfer, choice based learning,
3) Inculcation of values for the learners and other stakeholders in the ODL system.
Q8.15 What is the SMS alert service of IGNOU?

Ans. The SMS alert service of IGNOU is meant for providing crucial information like last
date of admission, submission of assignments, any exigency, etc. to the learners and
every other stakeholder from time to time. It also enables millions of IGNOU learners
across the globe to SMS their queries to IGNOU. Earlier, they used to send queries
using e-mail or post. The current facility enables all IGNOU learners as well as other
stakeholders to send their queries to IGNOU by SMS without accessing Internet.

Q8.16 What are the operational online facilities available with IGNOU?

Ans. There are several online facilities pertaining to learner support like registration,
submission of examination forms, checking of registration and evaluation status. On
the IGNOU website there is a link called STUDENTS ZONE which on browsing
provides all relevant information to the learners.



This chapter has been divided into three parts.

Questions 9.1 to 9.32 are typical case studies. Questions asked by learners facing
one problem or the other and our response thereto have been picked up directly
from the records.
Questions 9.33 to 9.47 are related to miscellaneous issues which have not got
covered through the previous chapters.
Questions 9.48 to 9.63 are related to the queries made by the learners regarding
several programmes on offer which generally do not have parallels in the
conventional system.

Q 9.1 The degrees of IGNOU are not being recognized by the Government of Kerala
and this has put our career in jeopardy. Please advice.

Ans. Sub: Recognition of IGNOU degrees by the Govt. of Kerala

The Certificates/Diplomas/ Degrees awarded by Indira Gandhi National Open

University, a Central University established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 (50 of
1985) , are recognized by Government of Kerala for purposes of employment in Kerala
Govt. service. I am sending in the Attachment Files, the Circulars issued by Govt. of
Kerala and Kerala Public Service Commission in this regard. Besides, the universities
in Kerala, including Kerala University, had also recognized various degrees awarded
by IGNOU for admission to academic programmes.

If you have encountered any specific problem regarding IGNOUs M.A. degree being
not recognized by University of Kerala, you may get it in writing from University of
Kerala and forward the same to us, so that the matter could be taken up at the appropriate
level. Please ensure that your Enrol. No. with IGNOU is invariably quoted while
writing to us.

Q 9.2 Being a student of 10 + 2 or its equivalent qualification, I was admitted to DIM

Programme in Jan 2007 Cycle and completed the four subjects of DIM (MS-1,
MS-2, MS-3 , MS-5) in June-07. Meanwhile I completed my degree in Engg. also
in Apr-07. As I became a degree holder, hence instead of applying for one pending
course of DIM, I filled the Re-admission form to change MBA stream from DIM
stream as per IGNOU procedure, and I attached the marksheet of my degree
along with Re-admission form and submitted it to IGNOU Regional Centre, Delhi-
1 in May-07 for the exam in Dec-07.

My Re-admission in MBA from DIM was approved and registered by the Regional
Centre in May-07 and I was allowed for next four MBA courses (MS-4, MS-6,
MS-7, MS-8) in Dec-07. And I completed these courses in Dec-07. You can see the
attachment of approved admission in MBA stream in May-07.

I had followed all the procedures of IGNOU for change of stream and only after
approval of stream change from DIM to MBA, I was allowed for the next
examination of MBA and otherwise it would had been rejected by IGNOU in
May-07 Cycle only and I also would not have been permitted for MBA exams. I
had not violated any rule of your university.

If my engineering degree institution Indian Institute of Industrial Engg., Navi

Mumbai was not approved by IGNOU then why my Re-Admission form was
accepted/approved in May-07 ? Why it was not rejected at that time only? Why I
was allowed for the exams of MBA? Raising this question right now after 3~4year
is not fair when I have completed my MBA along with Project Work with very
long hard study. It should have been told at the time of Re-admission three years

Note: This year only many colleagues of mine who are working with me have
completed their MBA from IGNOU having the engg degree from same institution
(IIIE, Navi Mumbai). Their results have been declared by IGNOU, only my result
has been stopped.

Sir, Kindly declare my MBA result also, otherwise my hard study which I had
done in my last 3~4 years for MBA would be worthless and it will adversely affect
my career growth.

Ans. 1) Forwarded to RD, Delhi-1, with a request to kindly peruse our e-mail dated
21.04.10 and examine the claim of the learner vide his e-mail dated 22.04.10.
He claims that his request for change of stream from DIM to MBA submitted
in May 2007 has been considered and acceded to by the RC, Delhi-1, based on
the Graduateship Exam, purportedly obtained by him from Indian Institute of
Industrial Engg, Navi Mumbai.

2) Please clarify as to whether any such permission has been granted to the learner
and, if so, the Order No. & date may be informed. Also clarify as to whether not
the Order has been endorsed to Registrar, SRED, now SED.

3) Incidentally, the degree purportedly acquired by the learner is not recognized for
purposes of admission to IGNOUs academic programmes.

Q 9.3 Please enlighten us regarding change of course from MS-56 to MS-10.

Ans. Ref: Letter from a Regional Centre regarding non-incorporation of the above change
requested by a learner.

Perusal of the case reveals that the learner had opted for MS-56 in July 2008 session
and successfully completed the course (TEE as well as assignments) in Dec.2008 TEE.
Hence, there is no question of change of this course in the year 2009 (last date for
change of course for July 2008 session was 16th August, 2008). Moreover, the
specialisation course once opted will not be changed as per university rules. Thus, her
request for change of course from MS-56 to MS-10 should have been rejected then
and there.
Further, it seems that the learner is not clear about the specialisation stream which she
wants to pursue (she had opted for OM in July 2008, FM & MM in January 2009).
In view of the above, the change of course effected by the RC vide letter referred to
above cant be updated in the Master records.
You may kindly clarify the circumstances for allowing the learner for change of course
indicated above.
Q 9.4 I am an MBA student in Marketing Management with IGNOU admitted in year
2007. My MBA in Marketing Management is about to be completed this year.
And I am interested to pursue MBA in Finance as well, that means I want to go
Please advice how can I go for DUAL MBA in Finance in continuation to my
present MBA in Marketing Management.
Ans. There is no provision for DUAL MBA. There is no provision to reflect more than one
specialization in the MBA Degree.
However, you can obtain an additional PG Diploma in another specialization of your
choice (other than the one reflected in MBA degree) under the same Enrol.No. Please
note that the additional PG Diploma will in no way be treated as a part of your MBA
If you are interested in additional PG Diploma, you can re-register for the courses of
your choice in the next admission cycle. Please contact the Regional Centre and submit
the Re-registration form with requisite fee, as per schedule. Re-registration Form can
also be downloaded from IGNOU website (STUDENTS ZONE).
Q 9.5 I am presently working in Uttarakhand Krishi Utpadan Mandi Parishad,
Rudrapur, as a fourth class employee. My promotion is delayed just because of
the question of validity of B.A.Degree from IGNOU. Please reply me soon referring
the case history. I am mailing you so that your precious advice can help me in my
Ans. In connection with the above subject and in response to your e-mail on the same subject,
I am to inform you that the Supreme Court judgment enclosed in the Attachment File
had already been received by us way back in Feb.2009. It pertains to the M.A. degree
awarded by Annamalai University without having a first degree under Open University
System (OUS), which we do not even recognize for purposes of admission to IGNOUs
academic programmes. The judgement is in no way linked with your case.

Please note that your case pertains to the B.A. degree (non formal stream, i.e. non
10+2 stream) obtained through Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP). As you
are aware, IGNOU offers admission to Bachelors Degree Programme (B.A/B.Com/
BTS etc.) to such applicants also who do not have 10+2 or its equivalent qualification,
but have attained the age of 18 years. Such applicants are required to pursue six months
Bachelors Preparatory Programme. However, at no stage BPP is treated at par
with 10+2. It is also not treated at par with Matric /Inter. No Certificate is issued on
completion of BPP. However, the B.A. degree issued under non formal stream (i.e.
non 10+2 stream) is based on the UGC Regulations published in the Gazette of
India vide Notification No.F.1-117/83 (CPP-II) dated 18th October, 1995. Thus, it
is considered at par/ equivalent with any other Bachelors Degree for purposes of
higher studies and/or employment in Government Services; wherever the eligibility
requirement is a Bachelors degree in any stream from a recognized university. A
copy of UGCs Notification could be downloaded from IGNOU website
(> Divisions> Student Registration Div.> Whats New> Recognition
of IGNOUs Degrees/Diplomas by AIU/UGC/AICTE/ NCTE/INC ).

It appears that as per letter of the Dy. Director (Admn), Uttarakhand Krishi Utpadan
Mandi Parishad, cited above, the requirement for promotion in your case is 10+2 or its
equivalent. As already indicated above, BPP is not treated at par with 10+2. However,
the degree awarded under non10+2 stream is a higher qualification than 10+2, but it
can not be equated with 10+2. Hence, it is the Deptt. of Higher Education to take a
decision as to whether or not you could be promoted to a higher post based on the B.A.
degree obtained under non-formal stream.

Q 9.6 Non-completion of MBA- reg.

Ref No: ENROLMENT No: (i) N1 (ii) N2 (iii) N3
With reference to the above enrolment nos. I would like to inform you that I got
enrolled for MBA(through INDOMAT TEST), PG Diploma in Marketing(Direct
entry), and PG Diploma in Operations Management (direct entry) before 2003.
Under the above three Enrolment Nos, I have cleared the following papers:
N1: MS-1, MS-91, MS-95
N2: MS-6
N3: MS-5, MS-8, MS-51, MS-54, MS-94.
I have already gone through the official website of IGNOU and also through the
Students Zone; but having failed to clear certain doubts of mine for getting re-
registered to MBA programme, I am writing this mail and also took this
opportunity to beg pardon for encroaching upon your valuable time. I would like
to have clarifications regarding the following points:
1) I wish to get re-registered for July 2010 Adms. Programme for four papers
with filling up of re-registration form and fee of Rs.1000/- per paper and
also late fee as applicable. I wish to submit the Re-registration form to
Vijaywada RC as presently I am based at East Godavari(Andhra Pradesh).
Is it sufficient ?

2) After completion of these 4 papers for the remaining (19+2=21)-4-9 (already
completed as above)=8 papers, can I get subsequent re-registration
automatically or have to go through the process of re-registration again and
how much time am I entitled to complete the above programme?
3) On re-registration will my Enrolment No. be different from above MP
Enrolment No. or will the same continue?
4) For transferring the credits of the above papers what process shall I have to
5) For the remaining 11 papers and project I wish to persue the following
papers: MS-2, MS-7, MS-11, MS-22, MS-23, MS-25, MS-26, MS-43, MS-52,
MS-63,MS-10+ project works. Is it sufficient to complete the course ?

As I wish to get enrolment at the earliest, I would like to have a clarification

about the above doubts and request your kindself to kindly response to my
above queries and oblige thereby.

Ans. 1) You were initially registered for MBA Programme (through Entrance test) in
January 1997 session (Enrol.No.E1) and during the 13 year duration successfully
completed three courses only (MS-1, 91 & 95). Prior to that you had taken
admission under DIRECT ENTRY SCHEME (PGDOM-E2), without the
requirement of clearance of Entrance Test, and PG Diploma in Operations
Management had been awarded to you at the 8th Convocation of the University
held on 08.03.1997 (based on successful completion of MS-5, 8, 51, 54 & 94 in
Dec.1995 TEE). Again you had taken admission under DIRECT ENTRY
SCHEME (PGDMM-E3), but completed only one course, i.e. MS-6.

2) Now, maximum duration of MBA Programme has been fixed at eight years. A
letter in this regard has been sent to all the old students of MBA Programme
(3.81 lakh students, including you) in Feb.2007 advising them to complete all
the requirements for the award of MBA degree latest by Dec.2010 Term-end
examination. It was also published in all national dailies as well as vernacular
newspapers. The Notification has been published once again in the newspapers
recently. A scanned copy of the Notification and the letter dated 01.02.2007 could
be downloaded from IGNOU website (STUDENTS ZONE).

3) However, the rules for registration remain unchanged, i.e., a course once registered
must be successfully completed within two years (i.e., four semesters) failing
which a student is required to remit the fee once again and the registration is
validated for two years again (it will not be extended beyond Dec.2010 for MBA
old students). The validity of registration of the courses done for July 2010
session by the students of pre-July 2003 cycle, will be ONE semester only, as
against the normal four semesters, due to fixing of maximum duration in
Management Programmes. In a nutshell you have left with one chance only

(Dec.2010 TEE) to complete all the requirements for the award of MBA Degree.
Please note that under no circumstances the duration would be extended beyond
Dec.2010. You can also appear in June 2010 TEE; provided registration of the
course(s) is/are valid.

4) Re-registration for July 2010 session is open now. Please contact the Regional
Centre and submit the RR Form with requisite fee, as per schedule. Re-registration
Form can also be downloaded from IGNOU website (STUDENTS ZONE). You
can re-register for maximum four courses for July 2010 session and the validity
would be over by Dec.2010. Since your records are at Regional Centre, Guwahati,
you will have to submit the Re-registration Form at RC, Guwahati only. RC,
Vijayawada, will not accept your Re-registration Form.

5) For any further assistance, please contact the Regional Centre immediately or
else write to MBA Programme Coordinator or to Student Service Centre. To
know the credit transfer policy, you may write to MBA Programme Coordinator
or to Director, School of Management Studies.

Q 9.7 I am working in Jammu and Kashmir Bank and have cleared both JAIIB and
CAIIB exams. I joined the above said course in January, 2009. You are requested
to mail me the procedure of credit transfer and also the subjects, which are to be

Ans. Please read carefully the Student Handbook & Prospectus-2009 of MBA (B&F).
Nowhere it is mentioned that credit transfer will be granted against the CAIIB Courses.
It has been dispensed with from 2009 cycle onwards.

Q 9.8 With due respect, I would like to inform you that I was a student of IGNOU for
the Bachelors Preparatory Program(BPP) and I have passed my Term End
Examination(TEE) in June, 2007. My subjects were PSS1 and PCO1 and the
respective marks scored were 43 and 29 out of 50. My Region Code was 16 and
my Study Centre Code was 1602. So, I beg to state that I am urgently in need of a
Duplicate copy of my Identity Card, Hall Ticket, Marksheet and Grade Card for
BPP programme as I have lost all my certificates. Currently, I am a student of
your University (IGNOU) for the Bachelors Degree Program (BDP) as I am
pursuing my III Year B.Com.

Therefore Sir, I still being a loyal student of your University humbly request you
to look into the matter and help me with the proper procedure of retrieving all
my certificates as soon as possible. I am ready to pay the full amount required for
further proceedings.

Please, help me with the issue.

Ans. 1) As you aware, IGNOU also offers admission to three year Bachelors Degree
programme, like B.A/B.Com under non-formal stream (non 10+2 stream) through

Bachelors Preparatory Programme (BPP). BPP is a Bridge course of six months
duration for those aspirants who do not have 10+2 or its equivalent qualification,
but attained the age of 18 years, and seeking admission to IGNOUs first degree
through non-formal stream.

2) Since you had successfully completed BPP and was admitted to B.Com. (under
non-formal stream) in July 2007 cycle, there is no need to have any DUPLICATE
Status Card of BPP (and not mark sheet and provisional certificate indicated in
your mail!). Please note that at no stage BPP is treated at par with 10+2 or its

Q 9.9 Request for availing Credit Transfer facility from other university for B.Com.

I am glad to know from IGNOUs website that IGNOU provides Credit Transfer
facility whereby credits may be transferred from any other University to IGNOU
after fulfilling the necessary requirements.

On browsing your website, I got certain information with respect to B.Com degree
as per the document present there in the path

I would also like to inform you that one of my relatives who has discontinued her
studies in B.Com in the conventional/regular course in another university, wants
to apply for B.Com in IGNOU by availing herself of the Credit Transfer facility.

I request you to kindly inform me how to apply for B.Com in IGNOU by availing
of the Credit Transfer from another university. It would be of great help to me so
that I can help my relative to pursue her studies.

Ans. 1) In connection with the above subject, I am to inform you that IGNOU is offering
B.Com programme. But, we do not admit students directly to 2nd /3rd year. You
need to seek admission to B.Com-1st year (like any other candidate), if you fulfil
the prescribed criteria for admission.

2) Although Credit Transfer Rules framed by IGNOU is given in the B.Com

Programme Guide (a copy of which you will receive along with the first dispatch
of self-learning material), brief norms are given as under for your information:

i) As per Credit Transfer Rules, a candidate is required to seek admission in

the 1st yr. of the programme, like any other candidate. Once the admission
is confirmed by the Regional Centre on allotment of Enrolment No., the
student can apply for transfer of credits in respect of the courses completed
from the accredited universities/institutions.

ii) Credit transfer will be done only on the basis of individual courses and not
on the basis of year to year courses, as in conventional universities.

iii) Students seeking credit transfer should apply, on the prescribed proforma,
directly to Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068 enclosing a Demand Draft @Rs.100/- per course drawn
in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi, along with attested copy of
marksheet and attested copies of syllabus/course curriculum of such courses
covered by them. Such cases will be examined by the respective Faculty of
the discipline in IGNOU, whose decision on the matter shall be final.

iv) The students by opting the courses in such a way to complete the balance
credits can reduce the period of study prescribed for the degree programme.
The students availing themselves of credit transfer would be allowed to
complete the programme in a lesser duration; provided they do not offer
more than 32 credits in a year.

v) In order to get a Diploma/Degree from IGNOU, a student will be required

to earn at least 50% credit from IGNOU. For example, a B.A/B.Com/B.Sc./
BTS/BSW student should earn at least 48 credits from IGNOU. The degree
certificate and the mark-list given to such students will specifically indicate
the credits earned in IGNOU and those obtained from other accredited

3) A copy of the prescribed proforma for applying credit transfer (external) is also
given in the B.Com. Programme Guide (which you will receive separately on
confirmation of your admission by the Regional Centre).

Q 9.10 I couldnt attend exams because of my job, our sales closing will be on June and
December every year and I am not getting any leave in these months, but for the
coming TEE exams I am fully prepared and I will clear most of exams.

Regarding the fees payment, I have paid fees for the fourth semester, I have
received fourth semester books and I got the fourth semester classes schedule
from the study centre as well. I have paid fees for fourth semester on 30.11.2009
and this month I will be paying the fees for fifth semester only because when I
enquired with the Hyderabad Regional Centre they told I can pay fees for only
one semester at a time (i.e. even if I have missed to pay fees for one semester next
time I cannot pay for the missed and the next semester , I can fees for one semester
only, so I am paying it like that).

Please let me know for this July term can I pay the fees for fifth and sixth semesters
or do I have to pay the fees for fifth semester for July term and for December
term I have to pay the fees for sixth semester.

Ans. You cannot pay for two semesters in one go.

Q 9.11 Subject: Courses exempted due CAIIB in the exams of MBA - Banking & Finance.

I have started MBA in Banking & Finance from IGNOU after doing CAIIB in
2007. Kindly guide me in regard to the courses which would be exempted for me
to pass due to CAIIB. And also tell me whether or not I have to fill in some specific
form to avail myself of this exemption.

Ans. Credit transfer against CAIIB courses has been dispensed with in the revised Programme
of MBA (B&F) launched from January 2009. For any further clarification on the
matter, student may directly write to MBA (B&F) Programme Coordinator.

Q 9.12 One of my friends has completed MBA in IGNOU after completing Diploma in
Mechanical Engineering & Graduateship in Industrial Engineering by Indian
Institution of Industrial Engineering, Navi Mumbai.

I have completed DIM conducted by IGNOU in June 2009.

Kindly accord your permission to pursue MBA in IGNOU.

Ans. 1) Graduateship Exam. of Indian Institution of Industrial Engg., Navi Mumbai, is

for the purpose of employment only in Govt. Services. It can not be accepted for
admission to IGNOUs academic programmes.

2) Moreover, you are a student registered for DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT and

not for MBA.

Q 9.13 I am an IGNOU student. I had completed PGDHRM in DEC.02 and pursued the
studies for DIM with the same registration number and written MS-01 & MS-04
in DEC.04. However, my results were withheld. It was understood that I was a
Direct Entry student and, hence, I have to qualify the OPENMAT and, then only,
the results will be declared. I could not continue my studies due to official exigency/
family problem.


QUALIFIED FOR THE ENTRANCE TEST. Accordingly, I had registered for
fresh MP Programme with the University.

In view of the above, I would humbly request you to take necessary action to
declare TEE result of my MS-01 & MS-04 written by me in Dec.04 at the earliest
to enable me to claim exemption for the courses so far I have completed with my
old registration number.

Ans. 1) Students admitted under DIRECT ENTRY SCHEME are not eligible to register
for the courses of MBA stream (they are eligible for completing five courses
only - three specialisation and two basic courses). Hence, your request can not
be acceded to.

2) However, you can apply for transfer of credits earned in the previous enrolment
to your new Enrol.No. Please read carefully the rules for credit transfer along
with the prescribed proforma given in the Student Handbook & Prospectus and
take action accordingly.

Q 9.14 I have completed my BCA through IGNOU. I would like to pursue MCA through
lateral entry system or integrated system in the next starting batch.

Kindly advice me regarding this. Is there any special application form for this?

Ans. 1) You are not eligible for direct admission to 3rd sem. Integrated MCA at this

2) Integrated MCA is of five year duration (max. duration is 8 years). Completion

of BCA is not mandatory for direct admission to MCA-3rd sem. under this
scheme. The only condition is that a student must have paid the fee for all the six
semesters and have at least two years left, out of the maximum duration of eight
years (in order to remit the fee for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th semesters of MCA). A
student has no liberty to seek admission under this scheme at any point of time.
Offer letter is sent to the eligible students ONCE only.

3) Please contact your Regional Centre for any further guidance on the matter.

Q 9.15 1) I took admission in MEG Programme of your esteemed University in 2002

and re-admission in 2008. After attending to my duties as a mother, as a
housewife of a senior I.A.S. Officer who remains on prolonged official tours
and as a school teacher, I managed to complete all papers excepting MEG
01 (British Poetry).
2) I may be given an opportunity to appear at the examination in this December,
2010 in above paper. I hope to complete the Programme.
3) I, therefore, pray kindly to grant me an extension of term by one year to
enable me to sit for MEG 01 paper in December, 2010.
Ans. 1) You were admitted to 2 year MA (English) programme in Jan 2002. Max. duration
of 6(six) years had expired in Dec 2007. Therefore, you had sought re-admission
by remitting the pro-rata fee of the leftover courses (MEG-01 & MEG-02), which
was granted and the duration extended by another two years commencing January
2008. The validity of re-admission was over in Dec.2009. As of now, there is no
provision to extend the duration beyond 8 years (6+2).
2) In view of above, you may seek admission afresh in MEG, like any other new
candidate. Once the admission is confirmed and a new Enrol.No. is allotted by
the Regional Centre, you can apply for transfer of credits earned in the previous
Enrol.No., which would be granted as per credit transfer rules of the university.
Detailed Credit Transfer Scheme of MEG would be uploaded on the website
(> Divisions> Student Registration Div.> Whats New>) very

Q 9.16 I have deep concern on this subject that the B.Lib. Degree of IGNOU has no
weightage at par with Library Technician Diploma in Canada. I had done B.Lib.
Degree in 2002 from IGNOU but it is not recognized here at the level of diploma.

So, Sir, you are requested to do something in this regard.

Ans. 1) Your Enrol.No. is not indicated in the mail !

2) Bachelor of Library & Information Sciences is a higher qualification than a

DIPLOMA in Library.

3) Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by IGNOU are considered at par with

the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by any conventional universities in
India as per UGC Notification No.F.1-8/92(CPP) dated February 1992. You can
down load a copy of the Notification from IGNOUs website (>
Divisions> Student Registration Div.> Whats New> Recognition of IGNOUs
Degrees/Diplomas by AIU/UGC/AICTE/NCTE/INC ).

4) Please send us the documentary proof in order to substantiate your claim of non-
recognition of IGNOUs B.LI.Sc. degree, so that the matter could be taken up at
the appropriate level.

Q 9.17 I am doing BCA from IGNOU. Only one course CS-75 is not showing completed
in Grade Card. Is there any provision for grace mark ?

Ans. Grace marks are not permissible in your case. Grace marks are allowed only when the
marks are short to 2% of the qualifying marks in a paper. Please reappear at the
examination and clear the paper.

Q 9.18 I wish to apply for the MA in History course. I am a Merchant Navy Captain with
a UK license (Masters Foreign Going) as Captain of a ship and I hold a UK
B.Tech Higher National Diploma in Nautical Science from South Tyneside College,
Newcastle, UK.

On the basis of these qualifications, I am eligible in UK and US to pursue a MBA

or a post graduate course but I cannot find information if the same qualifications
make me eligible for pursuing a post-graduation course with IGNOU.

I have a deep interest in History and wish to further my studies in this direction,
I request that I may please be accepted to this course. I am willing to take an
exam to get my knowledge assessed in the subject matter.

Ans. 1) The matter has been examined in detail. Since the duration of HIGHER
NATIONAL DIPLOMA in Nautical Science awarded by Edexcel is of five
trimesters, it can not be equated with a degree of B.Sc(Nautical Science). Thus,
you do not fulfil the eligibility criteria prescribed for admission to Maters Degree
Programme in IGNOU.

2) As regards the credential MASTER Unlimited awarded by Maritime and
Coastguard Agency, it has been conferred on completion of training in the relevant
field exclusively for employment purpose. Thus, it can not be considered
for admission to academic programmes in IGNOU.

3) We appreciate your interest in IGNOU programmes.

Q 9.19 I was informed by the Ahmedabad Regional Centre Director that you
are the person to get in touch with for student evaluation. I left USA only few
credits away from graduation with a BSc in Chemistry. I would like to finish
what I left off and receive my Bachelors in Chemistry. I went to Ahmedabad
Regional Centre with all of my transcripts from America but they told me that
only Delhi can award you credit for the courses that they deem equivalent to
satisfying the BSc in Chemistry. I have done most of the core courses in Chemistry
and most of the laboratory courses. Biochemistry and certain electives are missing.
I have documents of UNOFFICIAL transcripts that I can scan and send to you so
you can see what I have taken. I also have documents describing in full detail
each course that I have taken, so you can decide if this is good enough to award
me credit towards my degree. Please let me know if you are the right person to
talk to in regard to this, or direct me to the Coordinator who will help me in this
process. I also have OFFICIAL unopened, sealed transcripts from the university
I attended in America. If this is necessary for your evaluation then I will happily
courier them to your office in Delhi. But perhaps I can send you unofficially first
so you can give me an idea of what courses I will receive credit for. I am presently
enrolled for the Certificate in Environmental Studies Programme at IGNOU. I
have thus far been very happy with the University and would like to finish my
BSc here. I could not meet the deadline for July session and thus have to wait
until January session to enrol in BSc programme, especially because I have to
correspond with Delhi IGNOU to see what courses they will give me credit for.
Based on the courses you will give me credit for, I will then forthwith give in my
application for January session. Please let me know about any other document
which you will need from me, and I will send them to you via email or courier.

Ans. 1) IGNOUs B.Sc. degree has a weightage of 96 credits (i.e. 32 credits X 3 years).
Out of which max. credit transfer permissible is 50% (i.e. 48 credits), subject to
matching of the syllabus of the courses of the accredited university with that of

2) A student will not be allowed to opt more than 32 credits in a year. Hence, to
complete 48 credits, you will be required to spend a minimum of 2 years, as
B.Sc. programme is offered year-wise.

3) As already informed, syllabus/curriculum is examined by the respective Faculty

of the University. If you are applying for credit transfer of Science subjects only,
then it will be examined by the School of Sciences, and in the School by different
Disciplines (like Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Life Sciences). It may take 2-3
months from the date of receipt of the application for credit transfer.

4) If you are seeking admission in July 2012 session, you are eligible to write the
first term-end examination in next June 2013 only at the earliest (worth 32 credits).

5) You may take a decision considering the above points.

Q 9.20 I had completed Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from IETE-New
Delhi, 2.5 years before and having 2.5 years experience in related field after
diploma. I had inquired earlier at a study centre, they told me that diploma course
of mine is similar to BCA of your institute, so am I eligible for MCA course.

Ans. No, Diploma is not considered equivalent to BCA. Based on the qualification indicated
in your e-mail, you are not eligible for admission to MCA.

Experience is immaterial for admission to MCA.

Q 9.21 My name is Srinivas, I had done my BCA (regular) in a private college in Chennai
under the University of Madras, I am planning to do my MCA and am interested
to do in IGNOU through distance education, my question is, since I had done my
BCA, is there an option of completing MCA in 2 years?

Ans. There is no provision to seek admission to 2nd year MCA under Lateral Entry for the
students who complete their BCA from other Universities.

Q 9.22 I am basically Diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering and I have completed

DIM conducted by IGNOU.

Now, I have completed Graduateship in Industrial Engineering by Indian

Institution of Industrial Engineering, Navi Mumbai. Necessary support certificates
are attached. This course is recognised at par with a Bachelors Degree in Industrial
Engineering by any recognised Indian University. I have attached the Office
Memorandum in this regard.

I would request you to consider the Graduateship in Industrial Engineering Course

conducted by the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Navi Mumbai as
an eligibility for admission to MBA in IGNOU.

If I am permitted, I will study MBA in IGNOU. I have attached my Mark Sheet,

Transfer Certificate, Provisional Certificate awarded by Indian Institution of
Industrial Engineering.

Ans. 1) Recognition given by Govt. of India for the Graduateship Exam. of Indian
Institution of Industrial Engineering, Navi Mumbai, is for the purpose of
employment only in Govt. services, it cannot be accepted for admission to
IGNOUs academic programmes.

2) The Equivalence Committee of the University has already taken a decision to

this effect.

Q 9.23 A student of MP programme of IGNOU had applied for the course change by
forwarding an application with the required fees. Previously my courses were
MS- 52, MS-53, MS- 54 and I have changed it to MS- 21, MS- 22 & MS- 23. Sir I
have submitted the required assignment for MS- 21, MS- 22 & MS- 23 and also
appeared for the June 2009 Term End Exam, but now my result status is showing a
note that course not opted . So, Sir please do the needful and change my course,
so that my results can be declared as soon as possible.

Ans. As per university rules, specialization stream is not liable for change. The student
had opted for OM and changed to HRM which is not allowed. Please see the relevant
rules position given in the Student Handbook & Prospectus of Management
Q 9.24 I am interested to have a kind support from your side. I have done my BCA and
MCA from in IGNOU in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
I have also completed M Sc in Physics from HNB Garhwal University as a regular
programme in the year 2005 parallely with MCA. I am currently working with a
Govt. Organiztaion and organization is demanding for the G.O./ University Order/
based on which we can validate both the degrees (MSc and MCA) in the same
Kindly make it available as early as possible. I will be highly obliged.
Ans. IGNOU can validate only the degree done from IGNOU, not from elsewhere.
Q 9.25 I have joined MCA in the year 2002. I attended June 2009 examination. I have 6
arrear papers. The papers are CS-09, CS-12, CS-13, CS-14, CS-15, CS-54.
But my result is not declared. I get the following items.
Course Code Marks/Grade Max. Marks Month Year Remarks 15 * 06 09
Click here to enter DD details submitted by you while filling the Examination
Form for Term-End exam, June 09.
I have to complete MCA 3 years + 4 years = 7 years. As per condition, I am not
eligible to pay the re-admission fees up to December 2009. After that only, I have
to pay the amount. Please clarify the doubts, regarding this. Otherwise, you will
insist to pay the amount. Based on the above papers as well as credit, I have to
pay the amount Rs.13000. At that time, I paid the amount is Rs.5400+Rs.5400 =
But your Re-admission fees Rs.13,000/- is higher than Rs.10,800/-.
Please guide on this issue.
Ans. 1) You were admitted to three year MCA programme in Jan.2002. Max. duration
of 7(seven) years had expired in Dec.2008. Therefore, you were required to
remit the pro-rata fee of the left-over courses for re-validating the registration
(up to Dec 2010) before appearing in June 2009 TEE.

2) Since you had appeared in the TEE before re-validating the registration, you are
now required to remit the pro-rata fee as well as penalty (@Rs.1000/- per courses
for all those courses appeared in June 2009 TEE).

3) You will get a letter in this regard from Student Evaluation Division shortly.

Q 9.26 I am Satish Kanse from Indore. I had completed my BCA (020700169) from
IGNOU in June, 2009 session.

I had already passed the maximum time duration for integrated BCA-MCA

Earlier I had not applied for MCA during my BCA programme.

Now I had completed my BCA and would like to take fresh admission in MCA as
lateral entry in IIIrd sem of MCA.

I had also contacted Regional Centre, but they suggest me to discuss with you
directly as my case is different from others.

I had gone through the website and found the possibilities for admissions at this

Please enlighten me in this regard in details.

Ans. 1) You are not eligible for direct admission to 3rd semester Integrated MCA at this

2) Integrated MCA is of five year duration (max. duration 8 years). Completion

of BCA is not mandatory for direct admission to MCA-3rd sem. under this scheme.
The only condition is that a student must have paid the fee for all the six
semesters and have at least two years left, out of the maximum duration of
eight years (in order to remit the fee for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th semesters of MCA).
A student has no liberty to seek admission under this scheme at any point of
time. Offer letter is sent to the eligible students ONCE only.

3) Incidentally, in your case the duration of 8 years expires in Dec.2009, hence,

you do not fulfil the eligibility criteria mentioned at para-2 above and is not
eligible for direct admission to 3rd sem. Integrated MCA in January 2010

4) However, you can seek admission to MCA-1st sem. (like any other new candidate);
provided you have successfully completed BCA programme. Last date for
submission of filled-in admission form at the respective Regional Centre is
20.11.2009 (for Jan.2010 session).

5) Please contact your Regional Centre for any further guidance on the matter.

Q 9.27 I would like to draw your kind attention on the following matter.
Sir, I am a student of IGNOU and I have just completed my MBA in Human
Resource Management in last June 2010 and secured 1st class as assumed on the
basis of the results published in the University website. I have also secured Grade
A in the assignments for the papers results of which are showing incomplete in
the grade card (though the grades are yet to be incorporated in the website).
Q 9.28 I have been working at West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company
Limited (W.B.S.E.D.C.L.) since 1998(Emp. No 1975122501) and presently holding
a senior level position. Recently the company which is a Govt. of West Bengal
Undertaking, has advertised for recruitment of external candidates to the post of
both Engineers and Managers ( Simultaneously in a separate
Circular vide Memo NO. PP/D 349 (1-300) DT. 04.11.2009 from the DIRECTOR
700 091, the company extended the opportunity to its internal employees with
requisite qualification as well. I also applied for the post of ASST. MANAGER
(HR&A), but I was not allowed to appear at the written test. I was told verbally
by the competent authority of the concerned Personnel Planning Cell (PP Cell)
that the said post is for full time MBA holders only. I argued that IGNOU is
recognized by UGC and AIU. The MBA course itself has been approved by AICTE.
Moreover, I submitted several supporting documents to justify that it has been
decided by some central bodies that Degrees and Diplomas awarded by IGNOU
should be treated equivalent to those awarded by other universities/institutes.
But I was denied an opportunity to appear at the test and I failed to realize my
objective which I have been sincerely pursuing for last few years.
Sir, in this regard may I request you to kindly look into the matter as detailed
above so that my employer becomes convinced about the universal acceptance of
the MBA degree awarded by IGNOU.
Looking forward to your sincere attention.
Ans. 1) IGNOUs MBA has the approval of AICTE vide Notification No.AICTE/
Academic/MOU-DEC/2005 dated May 13, 2005. Copy of the Notification could
be downloaded from IGNOU website ( > Divisions> Student
Registration Div.> whats New> Recognition of IGNOUs Degrees/ Diplomas
AIU/UGC/AICTE/ NCTE/ INC). Download it and produce before the authorities.
2) However, in order to take up the matter with WBSEDCL, we require a copy of
Memo No.PP/D 349 (1-300) DT. 04.11.2009 from the DIRECTOR (HR), 7TH
FLOOR, BIDYUT BHAVAN, WBSEDCL, wherein MBA of distance mode has
been been purportedly debarred.
No action could be taken on the verbal orders conveyed to you purportedly by the
competent authority as it has no meaning in an organization of Govt. Undertaking,
which you are fully aware.

Q 9.29 I am grateful for the kind response show by you earlier. I am again looking forward
for help as my grievance is as :
Subject: Seeking of fresh admission in B.A applying of Credit Transfer Scheme
Respected Sir,
With profound regards, I submit a few lines for your kind and sympathetic
1) That I have been registered in the Indira Gandhi National Open University
in the year January, 2000 for Bachelors Degree Programme (Bachelor of
2) That I appeared in the ensuing December, 2009 Term End Examination for
the left over courses viz. EPA-03, FHS-01 and ESO-03 as a last attempt as I
was not able to complete during the maximum period of time prescribed by
3) That I only had to appear in EPA-03 as EPA-03 & ESO-03 come in Group-03,
had a date clash and was scheduled on the same date viz. December, 01,
4) That I did well in EPA-03 and FHS-01 and am expecting good result in TEE
December, 2009 and thus only ESO-03 would remain unclear.
5) That I came to know about the Credit Transfer Scheme, the final option to
clear the rest of the left over courses of BDP for which I have to admit myself
6) That I have submitted fresh admission for BDP (Application No. 66084)
January 2010 session along with Demand Draft of Rs. 1900/-, Challan No.
071887 dated 08-12-2009.
In the above, I request your kindself to process my admission so that I could
further opt for Credit Transfer Scheme including my left over course ESO-03. I
wanted to know everything about CREDIT TRANSFER SCHEME and wanted
to confirm that if, I can transfer all my credits (all 96 credits) including ESO-03
so that the assignment marks would be included under the new Enrolment No. in
the coming months in whole. I also expect that I could appear in ESO-03 in the
Term End Examination in June, 2010.
Sir, I am very keen to do my Bachelors Degree Programme as I am at the brink of
completion of BDP and am submitting my request for your kind support and
help for which I shall be highly obliged.

Ans. 1) Validity of re-admission period of two years is up to Dec.2009. If you fail to

successfully complete all the requirements by Dec.2009 TEE, then you will have
to seek admission afresh like any other new candidate. Thereafter you can apply
for transfer of credits earned in the previous enrolment, which would be granted
as per Credit Transfer Rules of the university.

2) Detailed Credit Transfer Scheme along with the prescribed proforma for applying
for credit transfer could be downloaded from the website [>
Divisions> Student Registration Div.> Whats New> Internal Credit Transfer
in BDP (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc./BTS/BSW ]. Detailed Credit Transfer Scheme
along with the prescribed proforma for applying for credit transfer could be
downloaded from the website [> Divisions> Student Registration
Div.> Whats New> Internal Credit Transfer in BDP (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc./BTS/
BSW ].

3) Please note that under no circumstances the duration would be extended beyond
Dec.2009 TEE.

4) Since you are appearing/appeared in the DEC.2009 TEE, you will have to wait
for the result. Let us hope you will come through. If not, you can seek admission
afresh (like any other new candidate) for July 2010 session. Please contact the
Regional Director for any assistance on the matter.

As regards transfer of credits earned in the previous Enrol.No., you can download
the detailed scheme and take action accordingly. Please note that as per Clause
(vii) of the rules & regulations of Credit Transfer, a student will have to spend at
least a minimum of one year duration to complete the left-over courses in the
new Enrol.No.

Please note that duration in your existing Enrol.No. can not be extended beyond
Dec.2009 under any circumstances.

Please contact your Regional Centre for any further guidance on the matter.

Q 9.30 I am seeking admission in B.A., I want to opt two subjects i.e. Sociology and
Public Admin. When I am about to select courses for the first year I didnt
understand the credit system. If I am opting Sociology as a subject its total credits
are 48, similarly P.A. also have total 48 credits, thus totalling 96 Credit of optional.
Also there are minimum 32 credits compulsory. Kindly clarify me regarding this,
how to opt both subjects along with compulsory subjects.

Ans. Please read carefully INSTRUCTIUONS for filling the Admission Form, especially
the clause B.A. Elective Courses. You need to choose 8 credits from Group-1 and 8
credits from Group-2 in the first year. If you are interested in Sociology subjects, then
you will have to opt ESO-11 (from Gr.1) and ESO-12 (from Gr.2). For choosing subjects
in 2nd and 3rd year, you will have to follow the guidelines given in the B.A. Programme
Guide, which will be supplied to you by the Regional Director on confirmation of 1st
year admission.

For any further clarification, you may contact the nearest Regional Centre or Study
Centre of IGNOU.

Q 9.31 Kindly reply us to whether or not IGNOU has taken decision to accept IIIE
Graduateship to pursue MBA study.

In this connection, IIIE Officials informed that they have approached your
goodself for approval. Since I have already completed DIM in IGNOU, I am
repeatedly requesting you Sir. Dont mistake me.

Ans. Graduateship Examination of IIIE, Navi Mumbai, is not accepted for purpose of
admission to IGNOUs Management Programmes, as of now.

Q 9.32 I would like to inform you that I have completed MBA (Banking & Finance)
vide enrolment No.072020761 in Dec, 2009 from your esteemed University.

On the basis of MBA, I had applied for membership of Actuarial Study

from Institute of Actuaries of India, Mumbai. But I was shocked to know,
that they have rejected my membership form with the reason that IGNOU MBA
Degree is not recognized by us.

Please advise me, so that I can get membership of above institute. Otherwise I
have to again pursue the degree from other university/ institute to get the
Ans. 1) As you are aware, IGNOUs MBA (B&F) is a collaborative programme with
Indian Institute of Banking & Finance. Admission is restricted too those who
have passed CAIIB Examination conducted by IIBF. Hence, it is recognized for
higher studies as well as for employment. The eligibility criteria is given in the
Attachment File.
2) If Institute of Actuaries of India, Mumbai, has not recognized, please send us
the specific reason so that the matter could be taken up a highest level. Please
also provide us the, name, designation, e-mail Id. and contact No. of the person
at Institute of Actuaries of India, Mumbai.
Attachment file:
Eligibility criteria for MBA (Banking & Finance):
This programme was launched as a result of an MoU between IGNOU and Indian
Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) in order to provide an avenue for Post-
graduate academic qualification for the members of the IIBF. This programme
has been considered necessary to upgrade the managerial skills, capability and
orientation of the in-service banking personnel through the award of this Post-
graduate level degree.
For admission to the MBA (B&F), the candidate should satisfy the following
a) He/she should be a graduate of a recognized University.

b) He/she should have passed the CAIIB examinations of the Indian Institute
of Banking & Finance, Mumbai and awarded the requisite qualifications/
credentials by the Institute.

c) He/she should be working in the Banking or Financial services sector for a

period of at least two years.

Duration: 2 years Medium of instruction: English

Q 9.33 I passed BA in 1988.from Rohilkhand University and that time the graduation
was of two years. So can I do MA from this university now. Please give me suitable
advice immediately.

Ans. Bachelors Degree of any Statutory University/ Institution under 10+2+2 stream is
valid for purposes of admission to IGNOUs academic programmes, subject to the
condition that students should have registered for the 2 year Degree Programme up to
the year 1996 and have completed their Degree up to the year 1998-99 (this is as per
condition imposed by UGC).

Q 9.34 I am in BCA III year. I have got a job in Dhaka. Can I write the TEE there?

Ans. Since IGNOU does not have a Partner Institution in Dhaka, you cannot write the TEE
there. However, you may approach under normal circumstances, the International
Division of IGNOU or explore the possibility of making arrangements with the Indian
Embassy in Bangladesh.

Q 9.35 I am doing MBA. I completed 17 courses. I want to appear at four courses in the
Dec. TEE 2010. But my office will send me to Bhutan during that period to
complete a project. Can I write TEE in Indian Embassy with any special

Ans. As on today, you cannot. Let us hope in future that the University will be able to make
such arrangements at the Embassy concerned. Please remain in touch with the
International Division of IGNOU for getting updated status on the matter.

Q 9.36 I have received study materials. Many pages of one block are missing. I went to
Regional Centre Library to get another copy but they dont have. What can I do
now? Will I get postage charges if I want to send it back to IGNOU in New Delhi
because it is not my fault that I got a damaged book?

Ans. The Programme Guide has a printed form which you can fill in and deposit at the
Regional Centre. The receipt of this may be sent to the MPDD to receive a new set of
materials. Now since the SLMs are distributed from the Regional Centres you must be
able to receive a fresh set from the Regional Centre itself.

Q 9.37 My friend wants to get transcript of the BA he did with IGNOU. He has applied
for doing MBA in US. The Colarado University should receive it within 15 days.
How long will it take for IGNOU to issue this? Is there any Tatkal scheme to get
it in 3 days so that I can assure my admission in US?

Ans. No, as on today such provisions are not available. However, you may clearly state the
reason behind the urgency of obtaining the transcript so that the University can expedite
the process.

Q 9.38 Can I change my study centre to any foreign country?

Ans. In foreign countries we do not have study centres, rather we have Partner Institutions
(PI). Transfer to such a PI is permitted provided at least one such exists in the country
you are looking forward to for the change. Since after joining the PI you will be regulated
by the norms existing at the International Division (like additional fees to be paid, etc)
it would be advisable to contact them.

Q 9.39 Is there any Campus Placement Cell of IGNOU in West Bengal through which I
can get employed after completing BA from IGNOU?

Ans. No. But if you are interested you can submit an application to the Regional Director
which can be forwarded to the Placement Cell functioning at IGNOU Hqrs at New
Delhi. Whenever a firm/company seeks the details of the learners, your name could be

Q 9.40 I am a national of Bangladesh. I passed senior secondary examination there and

now I want to take admission in BCom. I dont have any student visa, but I have
a visitor visa that is valid for a month. Shall I have to obtain first the student visa
to join for IGNOU programme or will University allow me to take admission
with the visitor visa and later allow me to apply for student visa on the strength of
being a learner of IGNOU?

Ans. For getting admission in IGNOU you have to produce a copy of valid student visa to

Q 9.41 I am a student of MCA programme and completed four semesters in Kolkata.

After my marriage I have to move out of the country for five years along with my
husband. I came to know that I have to enrol with one of the Partner Institutions
abroad to continue my studies. Since this is going to be very expensive for me I
would like to come back and continue my studies in India. Shall I be allowed to
do so beyond the maximum time limit considering my period of absence from the
country as frozen period of study as offered by some well known universities

Ans. As per the rules of the University, you have to take readmission upon expiry of maximum
time limit for study. Regarding frozen period of study IGNOU does not have any
scheme. On the basis of your query we shall take it up at the appropriate level.

Q 9.42 I am a Bangladeshi national. I have a regular student visa, which is going to
expire very shortly. I have only December TEE 2010 as the last chance to complete
my BCA programme. In between I got an offer from a European country for
further study with scholarship. This will not allow me to appear at the coming
TEE in India. I dont have the chance because no Partner Institution is located
near the place where I will be settled. Do I have an option of appearing at the
TEE of the remaining papers online or at the Indian Embassy there?
Ans. As on today, the rules do not permit this. However, in future let us hope that the
University will explore this avenue as it may benefit many learners. It seems that in
your case the best possible option will be to come to India during a future TEE and
appear for the same so that you can complete the programme for which you have toiled
so hard. However, you would be required to take re-admission for the courses which
will get time-barred after Dec-2010 examination.
Q 9.43 Is there any fee concession for single girl child in IGNOU in consonance with the
policy of the government? I could not gather any information on this aspect from
IGNOU website.
Ans. No.
Q 9.44 I am doing BCA/MCA programme through IGNOU. I have a system at my home/
office. Can I complete my practical work there?
Ans. The University does not make any compromise with the issue of actually attending the
practicals at the designated places. You need to attend the lab regularly and have 75-
80% attendance for being eligible to attend the examination.
Q 9.45 I am an International student of IGNOU doing MP from Dubai. I shall be shifting
to Vadodara. While in Dubai I was paying fees in Dollars. Can I pay in Rupees (at
par with Indian students) when I go to Vadodara?
Ans. An International student of MP of IGNOU is allowed to take admission without
appearing at the OPENMAT. You have got that facility. If you want to be treated at par
with Indian students doing MP you will have to seek fresh admission through
OPENMAT. You will however, get the benefit of credit transfer for the courses which
you might have already completed.
Q 9.46 I have done second year BSc (Bachelor of Science) from United States. Now I am
in India with a five year visa. I would like to finish my Bachelor Degree in Science
from IGNOU. How shall I go about it?
Ans. You have to take admission in the First year B.Sc of IGNOU and thereafter seek credit
transfer for the courses you have undertaken at US.
Prior to applying for credit transfer please write to the Association of Indian Universities
in order to get the exact information regarding the equivalence of your foreign degree.
The contacts of AIU are as under:
Association of Indian Universities
AIU House,
16 Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg (Kotla Marg), New Delhi 110002.
EPABX 23230059, Fax 011- 23232131, Website

Q 9.47 I have done first year and second year from IGNOU. But for some reasons I could
not complete my graduation. Now my time period has got lapsed and the time
period of re-admission is also finished. Now what should I do for completing my

Ans. You have to take fresh admission in first year. After confirmation of admission you
have to apply for credit transfer.



a) What is the target group of these programmes?

b) What are the merits of doing the said programme in IGNOU?

c) Which are the Courses/ Programmes I can do from IGNOU?

d) What are the job opportunities?

e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?

Ans. These are all programmes related to study about environment.

ACE is a non-credit awareness programme. It has been developed in collaboration

with the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. Through this
programme a learner gets access to information on national and international
environment issues. It helps in creating environmental consciousness among
administrators, professionals and other members of society who are supposed to play
active roles in urging the society towards environmental preservation. It facilitates
development of environmental leadership and promotes participatory organization of
environment upgradation.

CES is a certificate programme which aims at dissemination of knowledge in the areas

of human environment, ecology and tourism.

PGDESD is a programme prepared in collaboration with the South Asia Foundation

Learning Initiative (SAFLI) and other partners of the SAARC region. While this
programme also promotes environmental awareness, it also aims at dissemination of
information, knowledge and experiences gained in the pursuit of the goal of sustainable
development. It is further targeted towards strengthening regional co-operation in
environmental capacity building.

a) ACE- It is aimed at the common man who has a strong desire to educate himself
on environmental matters.

For CES and PGDESD- Professionals such as ecologists, hydrologists, foresters,
landscape architects. Occupational or social groups, for instance, administrators
and planners, engineers, industrialists and agriculturists, development functionaries,
government officials, journalists, policy makers, farmers, industrialists, grassroot
workers, environmentalists who have a stake in protecting the environment as
well as ensuring a better quality of life for the people of their countries.
b) All the programmes have provisions for project work which provides exposure
to the real life situation. Since the programmes have been designed in
collaboration with several other agencies/organisations like Ministry, other
universities have been involved in it. Experts from these agencies/organizations
are involved in teleconferencing and other teaching learning transaction which
are quite beneficial for the students.
c) All Tourism related programmes and if you are a graduate you may pursue Masters
level programmes of your choice.
d) Many projects have been undertaken by the Government as well as NGOs towards
preservation of environment. The expertise gained by you will be quite useful.
e) Same as (c) above.


a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme in IGNOU?
c) Which are the Courses/ Programmes I can do from IGNOU?
d) What are the job opportunities?
Ans. The ADCM programme is to train the polytechnic diploma holders engaged in
construction industry.

The B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management) programme has been designed to impart
training and continuing professional education to diploma level manpower engaged in
managing various construction related tasks.
a) Polytechnic diploma holders engaged in construction industry.
b) The merit of this programme is to provide opportunity for pursuing continuing
education with upgradation in their professional knowledge. Persons engaged in
construction industry get the benefit of enhancing their knowledge and skills
while in job.
c) No particular programmme can be related to ADCM/BTCM.
d) Upward mobility in construction industry.

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme in IGNOU?
c) Which are the Courses/ Programmes I can do from IGNOU?
d) What are the job opportunities?
Ans. ADWRE: To train the polytechnic diploma holders engaged in water resources sector
and to provide them opportunity of pursuing continuing education with upgradation in
their professional knowledge. To train polytechnic diploma holders engaged in the
water resources sector.

B Tech Civil (Water Resources Engineering) is a continuing education programme for

working polytechnic diploma holders engaged in the water resources sector. The
programme offers the same flexibility as the B.Tech Civil (Construction Management)
a) Personnel involved in engineering aspects of water harvesting, water resource
management, construction and maintenance of barrages and dams.
b) It is well packaged programme which contains all the need based elements
required for having a thorough understanding of subject backed up by adequate
practical knowledge.
c) No particular programme can be related to ADWRE/BTWRE.
d) Upward mobility in job in water resources sector. Moreover, since scheme of
rain-water harvesting is being taken up in a big way by the Government and
Non-government sectors as well, job opportunities will be available there.


a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme in IGNOU?
c) Which are the Courses/ Programmes I can do from IGNOU?
d) What are the job opportunities?
Ans. Fashion Design has developed from an upcoming to an established and much in
demand career. It holds great potential of employment opportunities in the rapidly
expanding designer label, luxury brands, apparel retail brands and ready to wear
fashion industry, in addition the market also offers immense scope for fashion
entrepreneurs to establish an enterprise with rising awareness of fashion and ever
increasing interest in being well dressed.

In this competitive environment a fashion designer needs to be equipped with
knowledge, skills and professional attitude to give shape to creative ideas through
technical interpretation. It is also imperative that the designer is finely tuned into the
needs of a market.

India has a rich history of textile design and a strong manufacturing base. The countrys
traditional, handloom sector co-exists with the highly mechanised mill sector and the
decentralized powerloom sector. The industry is also receiving global recognition with
many international designers now sourcing fabric from India. Designers in the textile
industry have a wide range of roles and responsibilities and are frequently required to
make design decisions throughout the manufacturing process. Therefore there is a
growing need for designers with technical and aesthetic proficiency. Design has emerged
as a serious concern as industry strives to create a new value proposition for competitive
niche positioning.

If you are interested in pursuing career in fashion design related areas than you may
take admission in such programmes.

a) Senior Secondary passed who have the intention of pursuing a career in Fashion
Designing, Textile designing and related areas.

b) By way of using electronic media dissemination of topics on fashion and textile

design becomes very elegant.

c) It was be advisable to do the undergraduate programme (BA/BCom)

d) Graduates work as -
Fashion Designers in the Apparel Industry and related lifestyle sectors
Fashion Coordinators, Stylists
Brand Designers
Visual Merchandisers in Retail Stores
Product Developers in Design Merchandising
Textile Designers for Apparel or Home Furnishing Industry
Designers for Furnishing or Floor Coverings
Fabric Managers for Textile Industry
Home Stylists
Design Coordinators

Q 9.52 Why should I study the programmes like BACHELOR PREPARATORY
a) What is the target group?
b) Is this programme available elsewhere?
c) What are the job opportunities?
d) What further study I can do?
Ans. Bachelors Preparatory Programme is offered by the University to those students who
wish to do Bachelors Degree but do not have the essential qualifications of having
passed 10+2. In the absence of such a qualifying certificate these students are deprived
of higher education. To enable such students to enter higher education stream, IGNOU
has designed this preparatory programme.
a) Non 10+2, intending to pursue BA/BCom/BSW/BTS.
The Programme aims at
giving you some basic concepts of General Mathematics, which is an important
element in the pursuit of knowledge.
familiarising you with the basic concepts, knowledge and role of Social
Sciences if you want to pursue BA.
provide you a base in Commerce if you choose to pursue B.Com.
help you in getting accustomed to the distance education system of this
b) State Open Universities.
c) The learners who have fulfilled the eligibility criteria can get a good job. One
becomes eligible to appear at Civil Services examination and all those avenues
get opened for which graduation is an eligibility criteria.

d) PGDIBO, M.Com, CA, CS, ICWA and Masters Degree Programmes in Arts and


a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme with IGNOU?
c) What are the Courses/Programmes I can do from IGNOU as well as from
conventional system?
d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?

Ans. The programmes of study in HIV and Family Education aim to develop in the learners
knowledge and skills needed for healthy human relationships, effective communication,
and responsible decision-making behaviour that will protect themselves and others
from HIV/AIDS/STDs and to create health awareness. The goals include promoting
behaviours that prevent the transmission of HIV/STDs, fostering attitude and behaviour
that will prevent discrimination against those who are infected with HIV/STDs, and
promote solidarity among them. The programmes aim at providing accurate and
complete information on the what, why and how of HIV/AIDS, family life education,
substance abuse, and related issues.
a) The specific target learners for these programmes of study are:
Teachers from schools, colleges and universities and other training institutes
Persons working with Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Health Care workers including physicians, nurses, hospital administrative
staff and other paramedicals.
Personnel and welfare officers from corporate sectors
College and university students
Parents of adolescents
Workers in social and social welfare institutions such as reformatory houses,
orphanages, rescue homes, hostels, boarding houses, rehabilitation homes, etc.
People working among sex workers and street children
Staff in de-addiction centres
Legal officers
Religious leaders
Journalists and media professionals
Persons employed in armed forces and paramilitary personnel
People involved in counselling services for family, youth, drug addicts,
hospitals, etc.
b) IGNOU is a premier ODL institution and has the necessary capabilities of reaching
out to the relevant target group. IGNOU is capable of making lot of technological
intervention through radio, television and Internet which would be quite useful
for dissemination of the said programmes.
c) A learner can do BSW (Bachelor in Social Work), MSW (Master in Social Work),
Ph.D in Social Work.
d) Opportunities mainly lie with the NGOs who are working for social upliftment
of the sex workers.
At the secondary level courses have been introduced on lifestyle education.
Teaching opportunities are also available provided other necessary conditions are
e) Ph.D in Social work subject to fulfilment of the eligibility conditions.

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme with IGNOU?
c) What are the Courses/Programmes I can do from IGNOU as well as from
conventional system?
d) What are the job opportunities?
Ans. Certificate in Business Skills has been developed jointly by IGNOU, Rajiv Gandhi
Foundation (RGF) and Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, with an aim to
enable NGOs and other agencies to develop business skills among the street children,
unemployed youth, rural and urban disadvantaged sections and women, so that these
groups can avail themselves of gainful self employment.

a) Candidates who have completed 10+2 or its equivalent and have the desire to
acquire entrepreneurship skill.

b) This is a vocational programme, as it gives more emphasis to self employment.

This certificate programme makes the learner competent in the areas of business
communication, entrepreneurship, basic computer knowledge, business
organisation and accounting.

c) PGDIBO, B.Com, B.Com(A & F), M.Com, M.Com (F & T)

d) Entrepreneurship in respect of developing business skills in street children,

unemployed youth, rural and urban disadvantaged sections and women.


a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme in IGNOU?
c) What are the job opportunities?
d) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?
Ans. PGDIBO is an innovative programme in the area of International Business. The main
objective of this programme is to equip the students with necessary conceptual,
entrepreneurial and analytical skills required for handling the international business
operations. The curriculum focuses on the applied aspects of international business.

a) The target group is the learners interested in pursuing career in the areas of
Business Process Outsourcing, Supply Chain Management and EXIM related
business operations and services.
b) The salient features of this programme are as follows:
Focus on operational areas of International Business

Courses designed and prepared by senior academicians in the field of
International Business
Opportunity to interact with the leading experts through teleconferencing
c) After completion of this programme you can get jobs in Export-Import houses
and other companies engaged in International Business Organization.
d) A learner can go for M.Com second year of IGNOU.

Q 9.56 Why should I study B.Com (A&F)?

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme from IGNOU?
c) What are the job opportunities?
d) Which other Courses can I do from IGNOU?
e) What further study can I do after completion of this programme?

Ans. The main objective of this programme is to develop skills and competencies of the
students in the field of Accountancy and Finance.
a) 10+2 or its equivalent who intends to acquire the above skills and competencies.
Those willing to pursue career in Chartered and Cost Accountancy.
b) Students can simultaneously study this B.Com with major in Accountancy and
Finance Programme with Chartered Accountancy at the first stage offered by
ICAI. Once a student passes Chartered Accountancy at the first stage, automatic
credit transfer is given.
c) There are multiple opportunities in accounting related works in public and private
d) We suggest CDM, CES, CIT from IGNOU and of course CA, ICWA if you
e) M.Com, M.Com (A & F).


a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits/demerits of doing the said programme in IGNOU vis-
-vis conventional system?
c) Which Courses/Programmes do you suggest me to do from the conventional
system and ODL along with the said programmes?

d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?
f) These programmes are not on offer in every state of the country. Why so?
What steps is the University taking for providing access to these programmes
to teachers of every state in the country?
g) You have a very stringent requirement in respect of attending practicals,
practice of teaching and workshops. Most of us are having families and
particularly for the ladies it becomes difficult to stay away from home for
long periods for attending to these requirements. Cant you be a little more
h) The schools where we teach are not well equipped from the point of view of
the manpower as well as infrastructure to provide mentoring for school
based practicals. What is the solution?
i) We get to learn so many things through these programmes but the pressure
of syllabus added with infrastructural limitation do not allow us to apply
most of the things which we learn. What are your comments?

Ans. Professional improvement and career enhancement of teachers should be addressed on

continuous basis. In order to keep the motivation of the children attending school alive
and to check the dropout rate it has been found that involvement of suitably trained
teachers is of crucial importance. These programmes have been developed with a view
to impart training to a large number of untrained and undertrained teachers in the
country. Several State Governments have been promoting these programmes for the
teachers belonging to their states.

a) These have been designed for in-service teachers working at the primary/
elementary school level.

b) Such variety of primary/elementary teacher education programmes are not on

offer through the conventional system. Moreover, it is not impossible for the in-
service teachers to do such programmes through the conventional system as they
would not be having time for attending classes. The number of such untrained
teachers is huge so the DE-mode is the most viable option. Further to above the
DE-mode has a distinct advantage of providing easy access to the learners to
quality contents. There has been phenomenal advancement in researches in teacher
education and the primary/elementary teachers of our country should get a feel
of the outcome of such researches which is possible through DE-mode.


EDUCATION), CIG (Certificate in Guidance), CTE (Certificate in Teaching of
English) and CTPM (Certificate in Teaching Primary School Mathematics) from

d) Learners can improve their professional competencies which would help them
in gaining upward mobility in their profession. They may also get fresh attractive
teaching jobs.

e) Presuming you will be in teaching job you may pursue BEd (Bachelor of
Education), MEd (Master of Education), MA(Edu.) [Master of Arts in Education],
PGDDE (Post Graduate Diploma in Distance Education), MADE (Master of
Arts in Distance Education) provided you fulfill the eligibility conditions.

f) Any teacher education programme needs the approval of NCTE (National Council
of Training Education). In so far as launching the programme across the states of
the country is concerned IGNOU is in the process of obtaining the approval
from NCTE in a phased manner. One of the reasons behind it is the number of
untrained teachers in every state, wherever the programme has been launched, is
huge. The infrastructure of IGNOU (in particular the manpower) is not adequate
enough to be able to handle all the activities pertaining to the programmes.
IGNOU gives priority to those states where the Government shows proactiveness
regarding offer of these programmes.

g) No. Ours is a quality programme prepared on the guidelines of NCTE and we

cannot make any compromise with the requirements. The hardship faced, if any,
has to be managed at the level of the teachers.

h) The provision of mentoring has been kept in order to facilitate the learners. If
that is not at all possible then you have no other alternative than to manage
yourself. You may take help from some video programmes of IGNOU on
classroom teaching.

The infrastructural limitation is a problem faced throughout the country. You

have to plan your practicals within the constraints of the infrastructural limitation.

i) There cannot be a turn-key solution to your problem. You have to develop a

strong mind set towards developing capability of utilizing whatever little
infrastructure you have in your school. Before complaining about the limitations
please make sure that you have fully utilized whatever is available.

A good teacher also should be a good manager. So it is expected that you will be
having the expertise in handling the syllabus in a manner which would not only
lead to its completion just for the sake of it but would also ensure that the students
are able to imbibe the content of the syllabous adequately.

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the advantages of doing the said programme through the distance
c) Which other Courses/Programmes can I do from conventional system and
d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?

Ans. The aim of the programme is to develop a knowledge base in areas of nutrition and
public health, and to promote awareness about concepts, principles and their applications
in nutrition and health education. It also aims to develop essential skills among the
health educators in the community. It further aims to impart basic knowledge related to
nutrition and health as well as to train learners in imparting this knowledge to the
community at large.

Further to above the Certificate in Food and Nutrition is basically a post-literacy level
awareness programme meant for people with basic reading and writing skills.
a) Being offered immediately on completion of 10+2, it will enable 10+2 pass-outs
to take up the programme without necessarily pursuing higher education.
CFN is open to learners, irrespective of gender who have completed 10+2 and
have concern for the health of the family and the community. However, the
applicant must be 18 years of age.
b) The DE mode provides opportunities to the learners to gain knowledge about
nutrition and public health from varieties of learning resources. It also enables
the learners to develop skills in communicating nutrition and health related
information to community using distance mode of instruction.
c) CFS, CNIC, CHCWM, CMCHC provided you fulfill the eligibility conditions.
d) People desirous of working in either government or non-governmental sectors
in the role of nutrition/health educators would benefit from this Programme.
These also acquaint you with the importance of food in ensuring healthy living
for yourself, your family and your community. It has potential both for standard
employment like Nutritionist, Dietician, etc. as well as self-employment.
e) CFS, CNIC, CHCWM, CMCHC, M.Sc (DFSM) provided you fulfill the
eligibility conditions.

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits/demerits of doing the said programme in IGNOU vis-
-vis conventional system?
c) Which are the Courses/ Programme I can do from IGNOU?
d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?

Ans. It provides a comprehensive knowledge of socio-economic factors affecting

transformation of the rural society. The contents are designed so as to impart an integrated
understanding to the learners about the crucial dimensions of rural development. It
aims at enabling the learners acquire skills related to planning, formulation, monitoring
and evaluation of rural development projects and programmes. The programme also
introduces the learner to the basic aspects of research and project work in rural sector.

a) This programme is primarily meant for all those who would like to work in the
field of rural development or are already engaged in the field of rural development
either in the government or the non-government sector with the Bachelors degree
in any subject.

b) The programmes will be useful to personnel working in various Government

Departments/agencies, NGOs, Co-operative Bank, other institutions engaged in
rural transformation. It will also be beneficial for fresh graduates interested in
pursuing career in the Disciplines of Rural Development. But such programmes
are not on offer by most of the conventional universities. Moreover, IGNOU
provides the facility of getting access to a variety of learning resources.

c) Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development, Post

Graduate Diploma in Participatory Management of Displacement, Resettlement
and Rehabilitation, BSW, MSW, CYP, DCYP and PGDSW.

d) The person who complete MARD will get the job in various Government
Departments Agencies and in Banks also. These also facilitate learners in acquiring
skills related to planning, formulation, monitoring and evaluation of rural
development projects and programmes.

e) Learner can go for Certificate in NGO Management, Certificate in Rural

Entrepreneurship. You can also pursue M.Phil, Ph.D in Rural Development.

a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits/demerits of doing the said programme in IGNOU vis-
-vis conventional system?
c) Which are the Courses/Programmes I can do from conventional system and
d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study can I do after completion of these programmes?

Ans. In recent years, Tourism has developed as an industry employing a large number of
people. Numerous operational areas in tourism also offer immense opportunities for
entrepreneurs to establish their own business - big or small. Yet, Tourism studies as an
academic discipline is not very well developed. Opportunities for its study are also
limited. A large number of work force has had no formal education/ training in the area
of tourism. These people, scattered all over the country, may not have access to
institutions offering only limited number of seats in tourism courses. Hence, these
programmes have been developed in IGNOU keeping in mind people who in future
intend to make their career in some branch of tourism related areas at various levels.
a) Those who are already employed.
Those who intend to take managerial jobs or make a career in the tourism
Those who are providing tourism related services through their own enterprise
or planning to become such an entrepreneur
Those who are associated with tourism awareness programmes and research
Those who would like to update their knowledge and skills in the field of

b) Tourism Studies have been developed keeping in view the learners who are already
employed in the tourism sector at various levels and those who intend to make a
career in tourism industry. The thrust at the Masters level is to train managers to
meet the tourism industry requirements. Such learners can not avail themselves
of the facilities at the conventional system. Hence DE-mode is more suitable.

c) Environment, CES, PGDESD from IGNOU and Management programmes from
IGNOU as well as conventional system subject to fulfilling the eligibility
d) Learner can take managerial jobs or make a career in the tourism industry (travel
agency, hotel, tour operator, etc.). They can upgrade their knowledge and skill in
the field of tourism.
e) Ph.D in Tourism Studies.
a) What is the target Group?
b) What are the merits of doing this programme from IGNOU vis-a-vis
conventional system?
c) Which are the other courses can I do from IGNOU?
d) What are the job opportunities?
e) What further study I can do?
Ans. The aim of the Masters Degree in Political Science (MPS) is to provide the learners a
sound base in political studies. The programme provides option for specializing in
Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Relations and Indian Government
and Politics.
The aim of the MPA is to provide comprehensive knowledge to the learners on the
nature and relationship of State, Society and Administration.
The M.A. Programme in Sociology is designed to provide advanced sociological
knowledge, perspectives and skills to a wide cross section of learners, including those
in remote inaccessible areas. It focuses on classical and advanced concepts and theories,
research methods and perspectives, state of Sociology Education in India, migration,
urbanisation and various issues of development of large section of the population and
emerging concerns in the contemporary society. It reflects on the rapid processes of
social transformation caused by globalization, penetration of ICT, expansion of new
frontiers of knowledge, paradigm shift in the development strategy, holocaust of global
terrorism, resurgence of local resistance against domination, grassroot assertion of the
marginalized groups to get the share of power and development.
a) The target group of this programme is Bachelor Degree holders or higher degree
holders from a recognized university.
b) Flexible methods of teaching-learning transaction and the provision for joining
the programme even without a Bachelor Degree in Political Science.

It will develop the conceptual faculties of the learners on various administrative

theories, postulates, models, processes, methods, instruments, techniques, etc.

This programme focuses on the following:
Various theories, concepts and methods applied to comprehend the processes
Social process and their inter-linkages with the global, regional and local
Issues involved in the process of development.
Diaspora and transnational communities.
Religion and related issues
Education, urbanisation, globalisation and such other social processes.
c) The learners can do CHR (Certificate in Human Rights), CIG (Certificate in
Guidance), CDM (Certificate in Disastr Management) and PGDDM (Post
Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management) from IGNOU.
d) Teaching and research oriented jobs.
e) M.Phil and Ph.D in Political Science.
a) What is the target group?
b) What are the merits of doing the said programme from IGNOU?
c) What are the job opportunities?
d) Which other Courses I can do from IGNOU?
Ans. Patent is the most significant form of Intellectual Property (IP) to encourage creativity
in science and technology and to protect invention and innovation from misappropriation
by others. It is a strategic tool for economic growth facilitating Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) and technology transfer, stimulating Research and Development (R&D) and
creation of new technologies and business, empowering enterprises, and expanding
business globally along with trademarks. Ironically at a time when India is being globally
recognised as an economic and knowledge giant, we suffer from an acute lack of patent
Literacy, i.e. our inventors and innovators as also our companies and legal fraternity
are by and large not well equipped to read or write patents. Hence, we miss opportunities
and fail to protect what we invent. The PG Certificate and Programmes in Patents and
Intellectual Property Rights have been launched to address these shortcomings.
a) Legal practitioner and others involved in patenting and IPR related activities.
b) The flexibility of ODL provides opportunity to in-service personnel. The
multimedia capability of IGNOU can be fruitfully utilised to a great extent.
c) There are many job opportunities in the Government organizations and private



Q.1 ICDE stands for:

a) International Committee of Distance Education
b) International Council for Distance Education
c) International Council for Open and Distance Education
d) Indian Council of Development Education

Q.2 Which among the following statements is incorrect in respect of the methodology
followed at IGNOU?
a) A Programme is a combination of Courses
b) A Block is a combination of Units
c) A Block is a combination of Courses
d) A Course is a combination of Blocks

Q.3 Who has said the following:

Education is a liberating force, and in our age it is also a democratizing force, cutting
across the barriers of caste and class, smoothing out inequalities imposed by birth and
other circumstances.
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Rajiv Gandhi
c) Indira Gandhi
d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Q.4 Which of the statements mentioned below is correct?

a) Open and Distance Learning System is the new name for Correspondence
b) Open Learning and Distance Education are different methodologies.
c) Open Learning is a philosophy while Distance Education is a methodology
d) Open Learning is a methodology while Distance Education is a philosophy.

Q.5 Which among the following has given a clear mandate to open education?
a) Radhakrishna Commission
b) Mudaliar Commission
c) Kothari Commission
d) National Education Policy, 1986

Q.6 Which of the following has not been recommended as a pillar of learning by the Delor
a) Learning to do
b) Learning to be
c) Learning to know
d) Learning to live

Q.7 If the knowledge level grows by two-fold in three years, by how many fold would it
grow in 15 years?
a) 10
b) 5
c) 32
d) 25

Q.8 Important landmarks in India in connection with educational satellite are the following?
P) EduSat
Q) Satellite Instructional Television Experiment
R) Training and Development Communication Channel
S) DD-Gyan Darshan
T) UGCs Countrywide Classroom
The correct chronological sequence of above is:

Q.9 The life of EDUSAT was n number of years
a) n=5
b) n=6
c) n=7
d) n=8

Q.10 A Special Study Centre, in general, is not meant for catering to:
a) SC/ST dominated areas
b) Prisons
c) Remote and rural areas
d) Minorities

Q.11 Which former Prime Minister of an European country was a dropout, but completed
his studies through a Open University?
a) Tony Blair
b) John Major
c) Francois Fillon
d) Vladimir Putin

Q.12 Who said, Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man?

a) Swami Vivekananda
b) Rabindranath Tagore
c) Mahatma Gandhi
d) Sardar Vallabbhai Patel

Q.13 In distance education, which of these is at the centre-stage?

a) Teacher
b) Learner
c) Self-Instructional Printed Material
d) Electronic Media
Q.14 Which of these autonomous bodies carries out periodical assessment of universities
and colleges in the country?

Q.15 The National Policy on Education: Programme of Action was implemented in the

a) 1990

b) 1992

c) 1994

d) 1995

Q.16 IGNOU follows Credit System for most of its programmes. The credit consists of
certain hours of self-study by the learner comprising of various learning activities.
Each credit in IGNOUs Open and Distance Learning System is equivalent to
a) 60 hours of study
b) 30 hours of study
c) 20 hours of study
d) 120 hours of study

Q.17 Read the passage below first.

An institution follows a 7-point grading system for which the framework is as under:

Quality Grade Grade Value

Excellent A 6

Very Good B 5

Good C 4

Fair D 3

Average E 2

Marginal F 1

Poor G 0

In a test comprising of four essay-type questions, the grades obtained by a student are
B, C, E and D respectively.

Sum of the grade values

The combined grade =
The number of questions


5 + 4 +2 + 3 14
= = = 3.5
4 4

So, combined grade = C

In case of Fixed Response Objective Questions, where there are only two possible
outcomes, i.e. Correct and Incorrect; the grading takes place on a 2-point scale 0 & 1
0 for incorrect and 1 for correct. Now, in a test which had the above four essay type
questions as well as 24 Fixed Response Questions (FRQ), the above-mentioned student
has answered 18 questions correctly. What is the combined grade for the FRQ?
a) F
b) C
c) B
d) E

Q.18 One of the provisions of 42nd constitutional amendment was to make education
a) a concurrent subject
b) totally a state subject
c) partly a state subject
d) totally a central subject

Q.19 Which month and year did the Commonwealth of Learning confer the Award of
Excellence for Distance Education Materials on IGNOU?
a) March 1999
b) April 2000
c) January 1999
d) March 2000

Q.20 The name of the One-stop Education Portal Project of the MHRD in which IGNOU is
a major contributor is
b) Gurukul-on-line
c) Saraswati-on-line
d) Education Helpline

Q.21 Name the location of the IGNOU Study Centre which is at the highest altitude in India.
a) Leh
b) Joshimath
c) Kupwara
d) Darjeeling

Q.22 The study centre of IGNOU located at which place gets the first ray of sunlight on a
a) Kohima
b) Lohit
c) Tinsukia
d) Port Blair

Q.23 Which country has donated much towards setting up of audio-visual equipment at
IGNOU hqrs, New Delhi?
a) China
b) Sri Lanka
c) Japan
d) Nepal

Q.24 The principal executive body of the IGNOU is its

a) Academic Council
b) Planning Board
c) Research Council
d) Board of Management

Q.25 At what time of the day does IGNOU Term-end Examination begin at its overseas
centre in Botswana as per their standard time?
a) 6:30 AM
b) 7:00 AM
c) 7:30 AM
d) 8:30 AM

Q.26 The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established by an Act of Parliament
a) 1984
b) 1985
c) 1981
d) 1986

Q.27 Which Gyan Darshan Channel is being used as interactive channel by the University
for tele-counselling, tele-lecturing, tele-training and virtual convocation.
a) GD-2
b) GD-3
c) GD-1
d) GD-4

Q.28 What does SIT stand for with reference to EduSat transmission?
a) Security Imposed Transmission
b) Special Interactive Transmission
c) Social Interface Terminal
d) Satellite Interactive Terminal

Q.29 What does ROT stand for with reference to EduSat transmission?
a) Relay Online Transmission
b) Remote Online Transmission
c) Receive Only Terminal
d) Remote Online Terminal

Q.30 Who was the Chief Guest at the IGNOUs First Convocation held in 1989?
a) Shri Arjun Singh
b) Dr. S.D. Sharma
c) Shri Rajiv Gandhi
d) Prof. James A Maraj

Q.31 Learning The Treasure Within is the theme of which one among the following?
a) National Policy of Education, 1986
b) ICDE Conference hosted by IGNOU in 2005
c) UNESCO Commission for Education in the Twenty First Century held in Paris
in 1996
d) Scheme of Convergence between Conventional and ODL-systems

Q.32 What is the full form of COL?

a) Computerized Open Learning
b) Commonwealth of Learning
c) Co-operative Open Learning
d) Credit-based Open Learning

Q.33 What is the full form of STRIDE?

a) Staff Training and Research Institute in Distance Education
b) State Training and Research Institute in Distance Education
c) School Teaching Regulated Distance Education
d) School of Training and Research in Distance Education.
Q.34 Find out the correct match in respect of IGNOU

P) First Vice Chancellor 1) Prof. V.C. Kulandai Swamy

Q) Second Vice Chancellor 2) Prof. A.W. Khan

R) Third Vice Chancellor 3) Prof. Ram G. Takwale

S) Fourth Vice Chancellor 4) Prof. G. Ram Reddy

Choose the correct options:

a) P(4), Q(3), R(2), S(1)

b) P(4), Q(1), R(3), S(2)

c) P(3), Q(2), R(1), S(4)

d) P(4), Q(2), R(3), S(1)

Q.35 Which IGNOU Regional Centre is located in a complex named after Mahatma Gandhi?
a) RC Delhi 1
b) RC Delhi 2
c) RC Ahmedabad
d) RC Rajkot

Q.36 When was IGNOU Study Centre at Tihar Jail inaugurated?

a) March 1993
b) July 1995
c) July 1994
d) March 1994

Q.37 Prof. G. Ram. Reddy Memorial Lecture is held every year on

a) 25th January
b) 14th August
c) 19th November
d) 2nd July

Q.38 Which discipline among the following does not figure under the heading Professional
in IGNOU parlance:
a) Engineering
b) Medicine
c) Nursing
d) Education

Q.39 Which of the following cities does not have an IGNOU Regional Centre?
a) Port Blair
b) Vijaywada
c) Gulbarga
d) Siliguri
Q.40 The total number of State Open Universities in India as on 1st October, 2012 is
a) 9
b) 10
c) 12
d) 13

Q.41 Name any country that practices distance education for teaching, because of its
geographical nature.
a) Australia
b) Fiji
c) New Zealand
d) Pakistan

Q.42 A dual mode University is that which teaches

a) through conventional as well as distance mode
b) regular as well as private courses
c) day scholar as well as regular student
d) full time and part time courses

Q.43 What is the name of the famous English movie that tells the story of a student of an
Open University?
a) Educating Rita
b) To Sir with love
c) My Fair Lady
d) The Sound of Music

Q.44 Which is the first Open University in India?


Q.45 The Student Services Centre in IGNOU Hqrs. was established in the year
a) 1997
b) 1998
c) 1999
d) 2000

Q.46 The Student Services Centre in IGNOU Hqrs has been dedicated to the memory of
a) Mrs. Indira Gandhi
b) Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
c) Prof. G Ram Reddy
d) Dr. BR Ambedkar

Q.47 Who is the Visitor of IGNOU?
a) President of India
b) Vice-President of India
c) Union Minister of HRD
d) Principal Secretary to the Ministry of HRD

Q.48 What is IRC in context of IGNOU?

a) IGNOU Radio Counselling
b) IGNOU Research Council
c) IGNOU Radio Channel
d) Interactive Radio Counselling

Q.49 Which programme of IGNOU is available in the largest number of languages?

a) CIT
b) CFN
c) BPP
d) CLP

Q.50 What is ECP in context of IGNOU?

a) Examination Counselling Programme
b) Extended Contact Programme
c) Entrepreneurship Certificate Programme
d) Enrolment Control Programme

Q.51 Which among the following statements is incorrect in respect of some of the programmes
on offer by the School of Education?
a) MA in Education and MEd are not equivalent.
b) A programme study centre for BEd can only be hosted by a Teachers Training
Institution duly recognised by NCTE.
c) Apart from the 12-day Workshop held in each year of study of BEd, a learner
does not have to undertake any other practical work.

d) PGDHE is a training programme for teachers in college, university and institutions

of higher learning.

Q.52 Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to conducting of term-end
examination in IGNOU?
a) A learner can choose his study centre as his examination centre.
b) If a learner intends to choose any centre other than his study centre then he must
first get his study centre changed.
c) A learner can choose any centre in the country as his examination centre provided
it is activated for the subjects in which he has to appear for the examination.
d) Even if a Bandh (i.e. strike) gets called in a particular state during a term-end
examination, the University does not declare cancellation of the examination.

Q.53 Which among the following expressions does not figure in the VISION of IGNOU?
a) Scientific temper
b) Seamless access
c) Skill upgradation
d) Global understanding

Q.54 In which year was EDUSAT launched?

a) 2003
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2006

Q.55 The first Learners Conference of IGNOU was held in

a) Kolkata
b) New Delhi
c) Guwahati
d) Mumbai

Q.56 A) Tagore Bhawan

B) Visveswaraiya Bhawan
C) Mother Teresa Bhawan
D) Raman Bhawan
P) Library

Among the two sets (ABCD) and (PQRS) given above, the below-mentioned matching
of pairs has been done. Which one among them is fully correct?
a) AP, BQ, CR, DS
b) AS, BQ, CP, DR
c) AS, CQ, BR, DP
d) AQ, BP, CS, DR

Q.57 I in NCIDE stand for

b) Informatics
c) Innovations
d) Interactive

Q.58 Who is the first recipient of Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa at an IGNOU
a) Mahasweta Devi
b) Sidharth Ramphal
c) General Manekshaw
d) Shiv Kumar Sharma

Q.59 Who leads the Academic Procession when it marches towards the dais for holding
IGNOU Convocation?
a) VC
b) Registrar
c) Chief Guest
d) Visitors Nominee

Q.60 What does D stands for in the alpha-numeric code of a Special Study Centre?
a) Disadvantaged
b) Disabled
c) Distance
d) Digital


A-1: c A-31: c
A-2: c A-32: b
A-3: c A-33: a
A-4: c A-34: b
A-5: d A-35: b
A-6: d A-36: c
A-7: c A-37: d
A-8: c A-38: d
A-9: c A-39: c
A-10: d A-40: d
A-11: b A-41: b
A-12: a A-42: a
A-13: b A-43: a
A-14: d A-44: c
A-15: b A-45: c
A-16: b A-46: c
A-17: c A-47: a
A-18: a A-48: d
A-19: a A-49: b
A-20: a A-50: b
A-21: a A-51: c
A-22: b A-52: b
A-23: c A-53: a
A-24: d A-54: b
A-25: a A-55: c
A-26: b A-56: b
A-27: a A-57: c
A-28: d A-58: b
A-29: c A-59: b
A-30: c A-60: a


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