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EDM Installation Guide

2007 Landmark Graphics Corporation

Release 5000.0.0 December 2007

2007 Landmark Graphics Corporation
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

This publication has been provided pursuant to an agreement containing restrictions on its use. The publication is also protected by
Federal copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,
or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic, manual, or otherwise, or
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Landmark Digital and Consulting Solutions

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P.O. Box 42806, Houston, Texas 77242, USA
Phone: 713-839-2000
Fax: 713-839-2401

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Landmark EDM Installation Guide


About this Manual .......................................................................................................... 1

Overview............................................................................................................................. 1
How To Use This Manual ............................................................................................ 2
Platform Notes ............................................................................................................. 2
Whats in this Manual .................................................................................................. 2

Quick StartThe Installation Process In a Nutshell................................... 4

Installation .......................................................................................................................... 5
System Requirements and Software Download.................................................................. 5
Download Software From Landmark Software Manager................................................... 5
Read the Hardware/Software Requirements....................................................................... 5
Prerequisites........................................................................................................................ 6
Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) .................................................. 7
Third-Party Components Installation ........................................................................... 9
FLEXnet Publisher for USB Bitlocks Installation ....................................................... 10
EDM Database and Tools Installation ......................................................................... 11
Install Behavior with SQL Server 2005 Express ................................................... 11
Upgrading the EDM Database ............................................................................... 11
Windows Security Warning ................................................................................... 11
EDM Installation Workflow .................................................................................. 11
EDM Installation Procedures.............................................................................................. 12
SQL Server Utility ....................................................................................................... 16

Uninstall Procedures .................................................................................................... 17

Complete Uninstall of All EDM-Related Components ...................................................... 17
EDM 5000.0 Uninstall ........................................................................................................ 18
The Modify Option ...................................................................................................... 18
The Repair Option ....................................................................................................... 19
The Remove Option ..................................................................................................... 19
SQL Server 2005 Express Uninstall ................................................................................... 21
EDM 2003.21 Uninstall ...................................................................................................... 22
EDM 2003.21-related Third-Party Component Uninstalls .......................................... 22
MSDE Uninstall.................................................................................................................. 23

Understanding Engineers Data Model .............................................................. 24

The Engineers Desktop EDM Installation......................................................................... 24
Engineers Data Model ................................................................................................ 24
EDM Administration ............................................................................................. 24

Release 5000.0.0 Contents iv

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

SQL Server 2005 Administration .......................................................................... 25

Drilling Data Migration ......................................................................................... 25
Database Upgrade Utilities .................................................................................... 26

Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 27
Basic Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 27
EDM Database is not installed when using the Modify option in the EDM installation 27
Problem .................................................................................................................. 27
Workaround ........................................................................................................... 27
SQL Plus Not Found Error .......................................................................................... 27
Problem .................................................................................................................. 27
Solution .................................................................................................................. 28
Missing Font Error ....................................................................................................... 28
Problem .................................................................................................................. 28
Solution .................................................................................................................. 28

Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Express (Release 5000.0.0) ....................................................................................... 29
Viewing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Database Contents Using Microsoft Access
(5000.0.0 Release) .............................................................................................................. 30
Using the EDM SQL Server Utility.................................................................................... 34
Backing Up the EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Database (5000.0.0 Release) 36
Restoring the EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Database (5000.0.0 Release) ... 38
Installing Additional or Replacing EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Databases
(5000.0.0 Release) .............................................................................................................. 40
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express Installation Issues ................ 42
SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express Selection of Ports When MSDE Exists 42

Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart .................................................................... 43

Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents ................................................. 48

Release Notes...................................................................................................................... 48
Manuals............................................................................................................................... 49
Planning the EDT Installation ...................................................................................... 49
EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide ....................................................... 49
EDM Installation Guide ............................................................................................... 49
EDT Drilling Installation Guide .................................................................................. 50
EDM Drilling Database Guide .................................................................................... 50
EDM Drilling Data Migration Guide ........................................................................... 50
EDT on Citrix .............................................................................................................. 51
Online Help......................................................................................................................... 52
How to use Online Help ............................................................................................... 52
Using Microsoft HTML Help ................................................................................ 52
Using WebHelp ...................................................................................................... 52

Release 5000.0.0 v
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Appendix D: Landmark Support ............................................................................ 53

Contacting Support ............................................................................................................. 53

Index ...................................................................................................................................... 58

Release 5000.0.0 vi
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

About this Manual

ATTENTION: The installation has been broken up into three separate installs, which should
berun in this order:

Third-party components


Drilling applications

Run the Third-part Components install first. When it completes, run the EDM install. After it completes, install
Drilling applications.

For an outline of various installation scenarios, see the Planning the EDT Installation guide available in
\EDT\Docs\EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf. For complete installation details, see the following online guides, which
can be found in the EDT_Documentation.ZIP file downloaded with the software:

EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide (EDT_ThirdParty_Install.pdf), EDM Installation Guide

(EDM_Install.pdf), and EDT Drilling Installation Guide (EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf).

To get going quickly, refer to Quick StartThe Installation Process In a Nutshell on page 4.


The information in this manual is applicable to the Engineers Data

Model (EDM) applications and tools.

This manual is designed for system administrators or others who are

responsible for installing EDM applications on the users machine.

An overview of possible installation scenarios is provided in Planning

the EDT Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf). For detailed
installation instructions, please refer to the three installation guides
provided with the download of this release in
EDT_Documentation.ZIP: EDT Third-Party Components Installation
Guide, EDM Installation Guide and the EDT Drilling Installation

Release 5000.0.0 About this Manual: Overview 1

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

All pertinent installation and database documentation is available in

EDT_Documentation.ZIP. After installation, these PDFs are available
in the \Documentation folder.

How To Use This Manual

Before you use the procedures in this manual, certain third-party
applications should be installed. The installation of third-party
applications is covered in detail in the accompanying manual EDT
Third-Party Components Installation Guide

This manual contains information and procedures for installing the

Engineers Data Model (EDM). This manual does NOT include
information on upgrading from other versions of EDM, nor does it
include migration of data. If you are unsure if this manual will suit your
purposes, or to access information on the Engineers Desktop
applications, upgrades, and data migration, please see the
accompanying manual Planning the EDT Installation

Once the EDM installation has been completed, the EDT Drilling &
Completions applications can be installed using the procedures
outlined in the EDT Drilling Installation Guide

Platform Notes
For detailed information on certified and supported platforms and other
system requirements, see the accompanying document Engineers
Desktop 5000.0.0 Summary Level Release Notes

Whats in this Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:

Quick StartThe Installation Process In a Nutshell on page 4 -

This chapter gets you started quickly.

Installation on page 5 - This chapter reviews the requirements for

the installation, prerequisites for the installation, procedures for the
installation, and the details of the installation.

Uninstall Procedures on page 17 - This chapter outlines the

procedures for uninstalling the EDM database and database tools and

Release 5000.0.0 About this Manual: Overview 2

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express. Each of these applications are

installed by the 5000.0.0 installation. EDM 2003.x and MSDE uninstall
procedures are also included.

Understanding Engineers Data Model on page 24 - This chapter

contains descriptions of the Drilling and Completions applications
available for installation.

Troubleshooting on page 27 - This chapter contains information to

help the user or administrator solve problems that may occur with the
EDM installation and database.

Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release

5000.0.0) on page 29 - This chapter details procedures for viewing,
backing up, and restoring the EDM database.
Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart on page 43 - This chapter
contains a flow diagram of the Engineers Desktop Implementation

Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents on page 48 - This

chapter contains a brief description of Landmark documents related to
the EDT Drilling and Completions applications. These documents can
be used to expand your knowledge of the Engineers Desktop as a

Appendix D: Landmark Support on page 53. This chapter

contains contact information for Landmark Technical Assistance
Centers and District Support Offices around the world.

Release 5000.0.0 About this Manual: Overview 3

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Quick StartThe Installation Process In a


Installation sequence of events is VERY IMPORTANT, and MUST be

done in the following order:

1. First, uninstall your older license Client or Server BEFORE

installing the 5000.0.0 releasethere is new FlexLM licensing for
the 5000.0.0 release.

2. Next, you must run the Third-Party installation. If you do not

install this first, errors will occur. Reboot.

3. Next, run the EDM installation. Reboot. (EDM must be installed

before Drilling and Completions applications, or certain services,
such as Reporting, will not register correctly.)

4. Finally, run the Drilling and Completions installation.

5. If you have an existing EDM database, it must be updated to the

2003.21 or greater version before you can upgrade to 5000.0.0 (in
any application, click Help > About and check the version number,
if you are not sure.) If your database vintage is pre-2003.5, you
must migrate the data using the Data Migration utility.

Note: Manuals in PDF format that contain details of these procedures

are located in the EDT_Documentation.ZIP file included with the
software download from Landmark Software Manager.

Details of the EDM installation follow in later sections, but this is the
mandatory sequence of events.

5000.0.0 4
Landmark EDM Installation Guide


This section describes the install procedure for the Engineers Desktop
5000.0 EDM Database and database tools and Microsoft SQL Server
2005 Express.

Documents described in these chapter are also available in PDF format

when each of the installations is run. Once an installation has been
completed, the PDF is accessible in the
<installdir>\ Landmark\EDT_5000.0\Documentation folder.

System Requirements and Software Download

Hardware and software requirements are outlined in the Engineers

Desktop 5000.0 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes
(EDT_Drilling_SummaryReleaseNotes.pdf), which is included with
the software download for Release 5000.0. After installation, the PDF
is accessible in the <installdir>\Documentation folder.

Download Software From Landmark Software Manager

Starting with Release 5000.0, all Landmark software will be made

available on a server for customers to download, using the Landmark
Software Manager. See the Landmark Software Manager online Help
for details.

Read the Hardware/Software Requirements

Please refer to the System Requirements section of Engineers

Desktop 5000.0 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes and read the
requirements before starting the install.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: System Requirements and Software Download 5

Landmark EDM Installation Guide


The Engineers Desktop 5000.0 requires that certain steps be taken

prior to running the EDM installation. The following checklist outlines
these pre-requisites.

1. Upgrade the Operating System, if necessary. For both Windows

XP and Windows 2003 Server, Service Pack 2 must be installed.

2. Before installing products you must install Adobe Acrobat

Reader to read the available documentation.

3. Install and patch Oracle (if you are using Oracle).

EDM on Oracle

For information on installing EDM on Oracle see the following manuals:

Drilling & Completions users, see the EDM Drilling Database Guide

4. Uninstall any previous versions of EDM using the procedures in

EDM 2003.21 Uninstall on page 22.

5. Uninstall any existing FLEXlm license servers (LAM servers)

older than 5000.0.0 (FLEXlm version 11.3). LAM 5000.0.0 does
not co-exist on the same machine with LAM 2003.

6. Install the Third-Party Components. Without the Third-Party

Components, Drilling & Completions applications will not run.

7. The Engineers Desktop EDM 5000.0 installation should be

completed prior to running the Drilling & Completions install.

8. Migrate or update existing databases. See the accompanying

document EDM Drilling Database Guide
(EDM_Drilling_Databse.pdf) and EDM Drilling Data Migration
Guide (EDM_Drilling_DataMigration.pdf) andPlanning the EDT
Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf).

9. Obtain licensing or bitlock from Landmark.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Prerequisites 6

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow)

This section outlines the installation of EDT Third-Party

Components, EDM, and Drilling & Completions software:

1. Log in: Log in using the PCs local administrator account.

Important Installation Notes!

The person completing the installation MUST be logged in with local

administrator privileges; otherwise programs will fail to install properly.

In addition, when installing from a network location the administrator MUST

have permission to access the network source location. This allows the installation
to restart after a reboot (i.e., to install the Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistribution
package and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express).

ALL open programs should be closed prior to the commencement of the

installation, including the Windows Office Toolbar.

Windows Vista only: If you are installing on Windows Vista, you must
log in using the true Administrator account (a user account with
administrator privileges will not work).

Note that this super Administrator account is only needed to install EDT
5000.0you should run EDT 5000.0 using your normal user account.

By default Microsoft disables the Administrator account, but you can enable it,
using the Computer Management section of Vistas Administrative Tools Control
Panel. Refer to the Microsft on-line help for details.

2. Install Third Party Components: Launch the Third-Party

installation by navigating to \ThirdParty and double-clicking on

See EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide

(EDT_ThirdParty_Install.pdf) for instructions to install the
third-party applications.

Reboot. A reboot of the machine is not required if the EDM

installation is to be run immediately following this installation.
However, Landmark strongly recommends that the system be
rebooted prior to running any applications or tools. Some

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) 7

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Landmark applications, tools, and services may not work

properly until the system has been rebooted.

3. Install EDM: Launch the EDM installation by navigating to

\EDM and double-clicking on Setup.exe.

Reboot. A reboot of the machine is not required if the Drilling

& Completions installation is to be run immediately following
this installation. However, Landmark strongly recommends
that the system be rebooted prior to running any applications or
tools. Some Landmark applications, tools, and services may
not work properly until the system has been rebooted.

4. Install Drilling & Completions: Launch the Drilling &

Completions installation by navigating to \Drilling and double-
clicking on Setup.exe.

For EDT Drilling and Completions

There are no longer separate EDM installs for Stand-Alone or Server. Users who
will be installing the Engineers Desktop (EDT) Drilling and Completions
applications should install EDM as described in this document and then follow the
instructions in the EDT Drilling Installation Guide (EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf).

Refer to the EDT Drilling Installation Guide

(EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf) for details.

Reboot. Landmark strongly recommends that the system be

rebooted prior to running any applications or tools. Some
Landmark applications, tools, and services may not work
properly until the system has been rebooted.

5. Obtain licensing or bitlock: See the LAM Guide, Linux, Solaris,

and Windows document for details on obtaining a license.

6. If you have an existing EDM database, upgrade it to 5000.0 (refer

to the EDM Drilling Database Guide
(EDM_Drilling_Database.pdf) for details.

Verify that the Engineers Desktop EDM 5000.0 database is


7. Log in to the database and start using the applications.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) 8

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Third-Party Components Installation

A number of third-party applications must be installed prior to
installing EDM or the Drilling & Completions applications. If Third-
Party Components htave not been installed, the Engineers Desktop
5000.0 installation will not continue. Failure to install these
applications prior to running the EDM Database and applications will
cause problems when using the database, applications, and tools.

The Third-Party installation is available on the the Landmark Software


See Third-Party Applications and Why They Are Needed In

EDT_Drilling_SummaryReleaseNotes.pdf for detailed descriptions of
each of the third-party applications.

See EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide

(EDT_ThirdParty_Install.pdf) for instructions to install the third-party

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) 9

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

FLEXnet Publisher for USB Bitlocks Installation

If you are using a FLEXlm dongle (bitlock), you must install FLEXnet
Publisher 11.4 for USB bitlocks on the standalone or client machine.

Bitlocks and OpenWorks

Bitlocks are not supported by OpenWorks. Clients who want to connect to

OpenWorks must use regular network licenses, and not USB bitlocks.

Therefore, clients using OpenWire, EDM to OpenWorks, and COMPASS Live

Link must use Network licences.

IMPORTANT! If you are using a FLEXnet Publisher 5000.0.0 dongle (bitlock),

you must install 5000.0.0 LAM (FLEXnet Publisher 11.4) on the standalone/
client machine.

To install FLEXnet Publisher 11.4 for USB bitlocks:

1. Go to your installed \LAM\FLEXID folder, and run

FLEXidInstaller.exe to install the bitlock drivers.

2. In the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Macrovision

FLEXid Drivers screen, click Next.

3. In the Select Features screen, select FLEXid 9 and click Next.

4. In the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.

5. In the InstallShield Wizard Complete screen, click Yes to restart

your computer, then click Finish.

6. To request a bitlock license, insert your USB bitlock dongle into a

USB port on your system, and run Start > Programs > LAM
5000 > lmtools. Select the System Settings tab; provide the value
you see in the FLEXID field.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) 10

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

EDM Database and Tools Installation

Install Behavior with SQL Server 2005 Express

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is the standalone database
provided with the Engineers Desktop 5000.0 release. SQL Server 2005
Express is a technology that provides local data storage that is
compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2005. It is designed and
optimized for use on smaller computer systems, including a single-user
computer or small workgroup server.

There are no known installation issues impacting PCs with SQL Server
2005 Express installed.

Upgrading the EDM Database

This installation is NOT an upgrade from a previous version of the
Engineers Data Model. The EDM Installation is meant for new users
of the Engineers Data Model. For information on upgrading the
Engineers Data Model, or migrating data to the 5000.0 version of
EDM, see Planning the EDT Installation (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf).

Windows Security Warning

A security warning may appear when trying to install software on
Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003 Server SP2, and Windows Vista

Security Warning: Do you want to run this software?

Click Run to proceed with the EDM installation.

EDM Installation Workflow

The following section describes the step by step procedure for
installing the Engineers Data Model and database tools on a Windows
XP system. A flowchart version of this installation is available in
Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart on page 43.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: Overview of the Complete EDT Installation (Workflow) 11

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

EDM Installation Procedures

This section describes the stop-by-step procedure for inalling the EDM
applications and tools on Windows XP , Windows 2003, and Windows
Visa systems.

If a Previous Version Is Installed On Your Machine

If a previous version of EDM exists, you must uninstall it using the procedures in EDM 2003.21 Uninstall on
page 22.


Engineers Desktop 5000.0 is a new product. If you are currently using a pre-2003.21.0 EDM database, you must
upgrade your EDM database to 2003.21.0 prior to upgrading to the 5000.0 release. Once the database has been
upgraded to 5000.0, you will no longer be able to access it using the 2003.21 EDT applications.

Install 5000.0 in a different directory than the previous release. After installing EDT 5000.0, upgrade your
existing EDM 2003.21.0 database to 5000.0.

Refer to the Installation section of the Engineers Desktop Release 5000.0 Drilling Summary Level Release
Notes for details.

Important Installation Notes!

The person completing the installation MUST be logged in with local administrator privileges; otherwise
programs will fail to install properly.

In addition, when installing FROM a network location the administrator MUST have permission to access the
network source location. This allows the installation to restart after a reboot (i.e., to install Microsoft J# .NET 2.0
Redistribution package and SQL Server 2005 Express).

ALL open programs should be closed prior to the commencement of the installation, including the Windows
Office Toolbar.

Network Location Installation NOT Supported

Installing TO a network location is NOT supported by Landmark for the 5000.0 release. This type of installation
must be performed from the machine the installation is taking place on. Placing the installation in a network
directory may cause errors during the install. Windows long file names may truncate to the 8.3 format due to path
length limitations (256 characters) in the Operating System. This may result in the installation not finding the files.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: EDM Installation Procedures 12

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

1. Log in using the PCs local administrator account.

2. Download the EDM installation files from the Landmark Software


3. Navigate to the \EDM folder and double-click Setup.exe.

Windows Installer Flashing

If you see Windows Installer windows appearing multiple times, you MUST
let them finish; do not cancel these windows. Windows Installer is repairing
your registry, which might have been corrupted by previous installations.

The InstallShield Wizard opens and displays the Landmark

Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (EDM) window.

4. Click Next.

The Landmark Third-Party Components Warning window opens.

5. If Third-Party Components have not yet been installed click

Cancel to exit setup and run the Third-Party Components
installation. Otherwise, click Next.

The Customer Information window opens.

6. Enter the User Name and Company Name and select an install

Anyone who uses this computer - This option will place

Desktop Shortcuts and Start Menu items under the All Users
folder in Documents and Settings.

Only for me - This option will place Desktop Shortcuts and

Start Menu items under the current users folder in the Windows
user profile.

7. Click Next.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: EDM Installation Procedures 13

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

The Custom Setup window opens.

8. By default, all of the Engineers Data Model features will be

installed: Database Upgrade Utilities (Database Creation and
Database Update), the Administration Utility, Drilling Data
Migration, and SQL Express Administration.

To change the default, select the dropdown ( ) for each

applicationa and choose one of the following options:

- adds the currently seclected component to the

- adds the currently seclected component and its child

- removes the component from the installation

9. In the Install to area, use the default location or click Change to

navigate to a different folder where EDM is to be installed. UNC
and Network Mapped Drives are NOT supported as Destination
Folder locations.

10. Click Space to see the disk space available and disk space required
for the components selected.

The Space Required on drive informs the installer about the

amount of disk space that will be used by Setup for the

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: EDM Installation Procedures 14

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

selections made. Changing the selections will affect the

amount of disk space required.

The Space Available on drive lets the installer know the

amount of disk space that is available on the system. This is a
good indicator as to whether the drive can accommodate the
selected applications or database tools.

Click OK.

11. Click Next.

The Desktop Icons window opens.

12. Click Yes to place shortcuts on the desktop. If No is selected, you

must then create your own desktop shortcuts or use the Windows
Start menu to launch the EDM applications.

13. Click Next.

The Ready to Install the Program window opens.

14. Click Install if you are ready to install. If necessary, use the Back
button to make changes to settings in any of the Setup windows.

The installation will start to copy files to the appropriate

destinations. The Setup Status window will display the progress of
files copied.

When all the selected EDM components have been installed, the
InstallShield Wizard Completed window opens.

15. Click Finish to complete the installation.

16. When the Restart window opens, click Yes to restart the computer,
or select No and restart the computer manually at a later time.


A reboot of the machine prior to running the Drilling & Completions installation
is not required. Landmark strongly recommends that the system be rebooted prior
to running any applications or tools. Some Landmark applications, tools, and
services may not work properly until the system has been rebooted.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: EDM Installation Procedures 15

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

SQL Server Utility

The SQL Server Utility installs automatically after rebooting.

A command window and an Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

window open while the utility installs.

Two prerequisite components are installed:

Microsoft SQL Native client

Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files

Then, a number of components are installed:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Microsoft SQL Server Destop Engine
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
MSXML 6.0 Parser

The command window and the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
window close automatically when the SQL Server Utility installation is

If you have multiple versions of SQL Server Utility running on the

same machine, you will be prompted to log in to each instance.

The Landmark EDM SQL Server Utility window opens.

See Installing Additional or Replacing EDM Microsoft SQL Server

2005 Express Databases (5000.0.0 Release) on page 40. Use these
steps to create an empty EDM ODBC data source.

Release 5000.0.0 Installation: EDM Installation Procedures 16

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Uninstall Procedures

This section describes the procedures in uninstall EDM 5000.0 and

EDM 2003.21, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express, and Microsoft
SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE).

Complete Uninstall of All EDM-Related Components

To completely remove all EDM 5000.0-related components, use the

Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to remove the applications in
this order:

LAM 5000.0.0

Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (3rd Party Components)

Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (EDM)

SQL Server 2005, consisting of the following components:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files
Microsoft SQL Native client
Microsoft SQL Server Destop Engine
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
MSXML 6.0 Parser

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: Complete Uninstall of All EDM-Related Components 17

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

EDM 5000.0 Uninstall

There are three options when uninstalling the Engineers Desktop.

Modify adds new components or removes selected


Repair reinstalls all previously installed components.

Remove removes all installed EDM components.

The Modify Option

1. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select
Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (EDM) and click the
Change button.

The Welcome window opens.

2. Select the Modify option and click Next.

The Select Features window opens.

3. Select the component(s) to install and deselect the component(s) to

uninstall. Click Next.

A dialog opens confirming the products to be installed and


4. Click OK to proceed with the changes, or click Cancel to cancel

the operation and alter your choices.

Setup will now install selected components and remove deselected


The Setup Status window opens.

The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.

5. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now to reboot and

complete the installation. Select No, I will restart my computer
later to reboot at a later time.

6. Click Finish.

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: EDM 5000.0 Uninstall 18

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

7. Landmark strongly recommends rebooting.

The Repair Option

1. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select
Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (EDM) and click the
Change button.

The Welcome window opens.

2. Select the Repair option and click Next.

The Setup Status window opens.

Any repairs to Engineers Desktop applications and components

will be made at this time. This option replaces files and
executables that would have been copied during the original

The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.

3. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now to reboot and

complete the installation. Select No, I will restart my computer
later to reboot at a later time.

4. Click Finish.

5. Landmark strongly recommends rebooting.

The Remove Option

When EDM components are uninstalled, Landmark strongly
recommends running a Repair on the Drilling & Completions

1. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select

Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 (EDM) and click the
Remove button.

The Welcome window opens.

2. Select the Remove option and click Next.

The Confirm Uninstall dialog box opens.

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: EDM 5000.0 Uninstall 19

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

3. Click Cancel to return to the Setup Welcome window.


Click OK to continue with the Uninstall.

The uninstall will begin the removal of files. The Setup Status
window will display the percentage of files removed.

The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.

4. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now to reboot and

complete the installation. Select No, I will restart my computer
later to reboot at a later time.

5. Click Finish.

6. Landmark strongly recommends rebooting.

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: EDM 5000.0 Uninstall 20

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

SQL Server 2005 Express Uninstall

Use the procedure in this section to uninstall an SQL Server 2005

Express stand-alone database.

Stopping the SQL Server 2005 Manager

Prior to uninstalling, stop and exit the SQL Server 2005 Manager located in the
Windows System Tray. If this service is not stopped and exited prior to the
uninstall, errors may occur.

1. Right-click the SQL Server 2005 Manager icon in the Windows

System Tray and select Stop. Click Yes when prompted.

2. Right-click the SQL Server 2005 Manager icon in the Windows

System Tray and select Exit.

3. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and click the Remove button.

The Add/Remove Programs dialog box opens.

4. Click Yes.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 dialog opens and begins removing
the software.

5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to remove

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files
Microsoft SQL Native client
Microsoft SQL Server Destop Engine
Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
MSXML 6.0 Parser

6. Close the Add/Remove Programs window.

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: SQL Server 2005 Express Uninstall 21

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

EDM 2003.21 Uninstall

Use the procedure in this section to uninstall EDM 2003.21.

1. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select

Landmark EDM Engineering 2003.21 (EDM) and click the
Remove button.

The Welcome window opens.

2. Select the Remove option and click Next.

The Confirm Uninstall dialog box opens.

3. Click Cancel to return to the Setup Welcome window.


Click OK to continue with the Uninstall.

The uninstall will begin the removal of files. The Setup Status
window will display the percentage of files removed.

The InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens.

4. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now to reboot and

complete the installation.

5. Click Finish.

EDM 2003.21-related Third-Party Component Uninstalls

Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to remove the
following applications:

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistribution Package 1.1
Landmark LAM 2003

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: EDM 2003.21 Uninstall 22

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

MSDE Uninstall

Use the procedure in this section to uninstall an MDSE stand-alone


Stopping the SQL Service Manager

Prior to uninstalling MSDE, stop and exit the SQL Service Manager located in the
Windows System Tray. If this service is not stopped and exited prior to the
uninstall, errors may occur.

1. Right-click the SQL Service Manager icon in the Windows

System Tray and select Stop. Click Yes when prompted.

2. Right-click the SQL Service Manager icon in the Windows

System Tray and select Exit.

3. From the Windows Add/Remove Programs window, select

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine and click the Remove

The Add/Remove Programs dialog box opens.

4. Click Yes.

The Microsoft SQL Sever Desktop Engine dialog opens and begins
removing MSDE.

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine is no longer present on the

system. The MSDE Database files are not removed by this uninstall.
These files (. MDF and .LDF) are located in the Landmark installation

Release 5000.0.0 Uninstall Procedures: MSDE Uninstall 23

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Understanding Engineers Data Model

The Engineers Desktop EDM Installation

The Engineers Desktop is deployed from the Landmark Software


Engineers Data Model

EDM (Engineers Data Model) is Landmarks newest integrated
database product. Engineers Desktop Release 5000.0 enables the
migration of legacy data from COMPASS, WELLPLAN, and DIMS
applications into the new common database. CasingSeat and
StressCheck can directly import legacy data files. Common data from
each legacy database can be merged into one set of shared business
objects, preventing future duplication of information.

The EDM database allows for centralization of Drilling application

data sets and enables naturally integrated engineering workflows. For
this release, integrated workflows are available between Drilling
applications only.

EDM Administration
The EDM Administration Utility is used to configure and implement
database settings from a single location for all the applications. This
prevents future duplication of information. The following operations
can be performed using the EDM Administration Utility:

Create and customize EDM Output Reports (you must purchase

EDT Report Manager to enable this), System Settings, and Unit
Management Sets

Create and customize OpenWells Data Entry Forms, Preview

Panes, Shortcut Bars, OpenWells Carryovers and Status Colors

Configure EDM Security

Release 5000.0.0Understanding Engineers Data Model: The Engineers Desktop EDM Installation 24
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Import and Export source files and EDM Administration Utility


Generate EDM Schema for output reports.

SQL Server 2005 Administration

Use the SQL Server Utility to perform the following functions:

Install SQL Server 2005 Express if it is not present on the local

Create a blank copy of the EDM database
Attach an EDM database file to SQL Server 2005 Express
Create three default users for new SQL Server 2005 Express
username: EDM, password: Landmark1 (Default application
username: EDM_SA, password: Landmark1 (Administration
username: EDMADMIN, password: Landmark1

Drilling Data Migration

The migration of pre-2003.5 COMPASS and WELLPLAN legacy data
to EDM is a three-step process using the Data Migration Toolkit
provided with the Engineers Desktop 5000.0 release. Legacy DIMS
data can also be migrated using this utility. Tubular casing design data
from StressCheck and CasingSeat applications cannot be migrated
using this process. After installing EDM, CasingSeat and StressCheck
users may import legacy data sets in either .SCK , .PDI, or .XML
format from previous versions directly into EDM using the File >
Import menu within the applications. To accomplish the migration of
data from pre-2003.5 databases to EDM, the following tools are used:

Drilling Field Mapping Tool

Drilling Data Migration Tool
EDM Data Merging Tool

This data migration process is critical to ensure integrity of the EDM

data set created. Further information of the Data Migration process is
available in the EDT Drilling Data Migration Guide
(EDM_Drilling_DataMigration.pdf) shipped with the EDM Release.

Release 5000.0.0Understanding Engineers Data Model: The Engineers Desktop EDM Installation 25
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

After the data migration, the first time that COMPASS is launched it re-
calculates definitive surveys for new data based on the survey program
and survey station data.

If you install WELLPLAN, the WELLPLAN 2000 wfw Migration

utility will also be installed. This utility allows you to migrate .wfw
transfer files from WELLPLAN 2000 into EDM.

Database Upgrade Utilities

Database Creation
Creation of the Engineers Data Model (EDM) in a SQL Server or
Oracle environment can be accomplished using the Database Creation
utility. This utility runs scripts, which can be edited by the EDM
Administrator to create a brand new EDM schema in the SQL Server or
Oracle environment.

Database Upgrade
SQL Server or Oracle versions of Release 2003.21 of the Engineers
Data Model (EDM) can be upgraded to Release 5000.0 using the
Database Upgrade utility. This utility runs scripts that upgrade the old
database tables and create new database tables while keeping the
integrity of the existing data.

Release 5000.0.0Understanding Engineers Data Model: The Engineers Desktop EDM Installation 26
Landmark EDM Installation Guide


Basic Troubleshooting

EDM Database is not installed when using the Modify option in the
EDM installation

When using the Modify option to add an Engineers Data Model, SQL
Server 2005 Express does not launch to install the database and connect
the ODBC drivers.

Launch the SQL Server 2005 utility manually to add the new SQL
Server 2005 Database. The SQL Server 2005 utility can be launched
from the following location: <installation folder>\EDM\SQL Server
Utility/SSUtils.exe. For information on adding a new database, see
Installing Additional or Replacing EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Databases (5000.0.0 Release) on page 40.

SQL Plus Not Found Error

While running DBUPDATE.EXE to update an Oracle server, an EDM
database an error occurs because the SQL Plus utility cannot be found.
The message appears as follows:

The SQL Plus utility was not found under the

specified Oracle Directory, please check ODBC setup
for this source.

This error occurs when multiple installs of Oracle exist.

Release 5000.0.0 Troubleshooting: Basic Troubleshooting 27

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

To solve this problem, verifiy the correct Oracle Home is selected using
the Home Selector tool provided by Oracle. The path defined as
Oracle Home should have sqlplus.exe located within it. If sqlplus.exe is
located under a different folder, copy it to the Oracle Home location.

Missing Font Error

When generating Output Reports that have been customized in a pre-
5000.0 version the following error may occur:

This error occurs when Microsoft Office is not installed.

The solve this problem by changing the font used in the Landmark
Output Report .RPT file from 'Arial Unicode MS 8' font to 'Arial 8.5'

This error may still occur for Output Reports created or customized in a
pre-5000.0 version of EDM. To fix this, install Microsoft Office on the
machine where the Reports are being generated or change the font used
in the .RPT file to 'Arial 8.5'.

Release 5000.0.0 Troubleshooting: Basic Troubleshooting 28

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Express (Release 5000.0.0)


This section details the procedure for viewing, backing up, and
restoring the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express EDM database.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is Microsofts replacement for

MSDE, the middle-tier database engine used by Landmark for
Engineers Desktop stand-alone implementations.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is intended to run as a background

service on the PC, and administers itself. Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express is also fully compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

5000.0.0 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): 29

EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Viewing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Contents Using Microsoft Access (5000.0.0 Release)

In previous versions of Landmark Drilling Data Management Well

operations reporting (DIMS) software, the System Administrator had
the ability to view and manipulate the database tables using Microsoft
Access 2000 or later. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express has no user
interface that can both view and manipulate the database tables. A
procedure is available that uses Microsoft Access to view and allow
manipulation of the SQL Server 2005 Express database contents.

This section outlines the procedure for viewing the SQL Server 2005
Express database tables through Microsoft Access. The steps to
accomplish it are:

1. Open Microsoft Access 2000


This procedure will only work with Microsoft Access 2000 or later.

2. Follow the menu path:

File > New

The New dialog box appears.

In Microsoft Access
2003, there are links in
a panel located on the
right side of the main

3. In the General tab, select Project (Existing database). (For

Access 2003, select the Project using existing data... link from the
right panel.)

30 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Viewing Microsoft SQL
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

The File New Database dialog displays.

4. Navigate to the location where the new Microsoft Access project

(.ADP) file will be stored and specify a name for the project file in
the File name field (for example,
C:\Landmark\EDT_5000.0\EDM\SQL Server Utility\DB\EDM

5. Click Create.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Viewing Microsoft SQL Serv-
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

The Data Link Properties dialog box appears.

6. Use the dropdown to select the Server name from the list of active
SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express databases, or
enter the Server name in the Select or enter server name field.
An example of the Server name is <Machine Name>\edm.

7. In the Enter information to log on to the server area, select the

Use a specific user name and password option button.

8. Enter the user name and password in the fields provided.

Default Account

The default account user name for the EDM database is edm; the default account
password is Landmark1.

9. Select the Select the database on the server option button.

32 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Viewing Microsoft SQL
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

10. Use the dropdown listbox to select the database name from the list
of active SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express
databases, or enter the database name in the Select the database
on the server field.

11. Select EDMDB.

12. Click the Test Connection button.

A dialog box should appear with the message, Test connection

succeeded." If this message is not received, review the procedure
and try again. If it is still unsuccessful, contact the administrator or
Landmark Support.

13. Click OK.

Access now works against SQL Server 2005 Express exactly as

though it was an Access (Jet) database. All the tables are visible,
and the database contents can now be manipulated.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Viewing Microsoft SQL Serv-
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Using the EDM SQL Server Utility

The Landmark EDM SQL Server Utility performs the following


installs a SQL Server 2005 Express database server if one is

not present on the local machine,

copies a blank EDM database file (edm.mdf),

attaches the EDM database file to the SQL Server 2005

Express database,

creates the user:

username: edm, password: Landmark1,

creates the default administrator account:

username: sa, password: Landmark1,

creates default EDM Data Source Name (DSN) for ODBC

(EDM 5000.0.0 Single User Db).

Using the Default Account

The default administrator account (i.e., sa) should NOT be used to enter data or
run applications besides MSDEUtils and when configuring security in the EDM
Administration Utility.

1. To create an SQL Server 2005 Express database if one has not

been created before, run the SQL Server Utility installed with the
Engineers Desktop 5000.0.0 release. This utility can be found in
the Windows Start menu as follows:

Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 >

Tools > SQL Server Utility


If an MSDE database is currently installed, see Installing Additional or

Replacing EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Databases (5000.0.0
Release) on page 40 for instructions on installing additional databases.

34 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Using the EDM SQL
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

2. From the Landmark EDM SQL Server 2005 Express Utilities

window, use the default path for the SQL Server 2005 Express
Directory or click the ... button to browse to the location where the
SQL Server 2005 Express Server will be installed. The default
location is <install directory>\EDM\Databases.

3. Use the default path for the Database Directory or click the ...
button to browse to the location where SQL Server 2005 Express
database will be stored. The default location is <install

4. Click the Install and Start SQL Server 2005 Express button to
begin the installation of the SQL Server 2005 Express Server. The
progress of the installation is shown in the Status area of the SQL
Server 2005 Express Utilities window.

5. When the message Configuration successful appears in the

status window, the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine is
installed, and the Database Name field in the Manage Database
area becomes available.

6. Click the Create EDM Instance button. The creation process is

displayed in the Status area.

7. When the message Database <database name> attached. Users

and DSN created. appears in the status window, a new instance of
the EDM database creation is complete.


Rebooting the PC is not necessary.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Using the EDM SQL Server
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Backing Up the EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Express Database (5000.0.0 Release)

To back up the EDM database from within the SQL Server Utility:

1. Follow the menu path:

Tools > Backup Database

The Select a Database... window appears.

2. Select the database to be backed up in the Database Instance area.

3. Click the Backup button.

4. Navigate to the location where the backup of the database will be


5. Enter a File name for the backed up database.

6. Click Save to save a backup of the database.


7. Click Cancel to return to the main window. A message will appear

stating, SQL Server Backup File was not specified. Click OK.

Backup Permissions

Special permissions are required to backup a database. Permissions can be added

to a user profile in the EDM Administration utility. Ensure that default edm users
have permissions.

36 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Backing Up the EDM Mi-
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

8. Click Cancel to return to the main window.

9. Click Exit to exit the SQL Server Utlity and close the window.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Backing Up the EDM Mi-
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Restoring the EDM Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express

Database (5000.0.0 Release)

To restore the EDM database from within the SQL Server Utility:

1. Follow the menu path:

Tools > Restore Database

The Select a Database Backup File window appears.

2. Browse to the database file that will be used to restore the EDM

3. Select the database to be restored and click Open.

Applications Running Against SQL Server 2005 Express

The restoration of a database will impact all users/applications, as the

database being used will be replaced by a backup copy. Ensure that no
applications are running against the SQL Server 2005 Express instance.

The Restore from Backup window appears.

4. Select a database in the Select a backup to Restore... area.

38 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Restoring the EDM Mi-
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

5. Click OK to return to the SQL Server Utility window. The

database is restored and the database files that were replaced is
renamed with a _00x suffix.


6. Click Cancel to return to the main window. A message will appear

stating, SQL Server Backup File was not specified. Click OK.

7. Click Exit to exit the SQL Server Utility and close the window.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Restoring the EDM Microsoft
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Installing Additional or Replacing EDM Microsoft SQL

Server 2005 Express Databases (5000.0.0 Release)

The SQL Server 2005 Express Administration utility attaches the

database files (.MDF and .LDF) to SQL Server 2005 and creates an
ODBC connection to the database.

From the Windows Start menu launch the SQL Server Utility.

Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 > Tools
> SQL Server Utility

The Landmark EDM SQL Server Utility window appears.

1. Click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the database

files (e.g., edm_5000.mdf)

40 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Installing Additional or
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

2. To add a new database, select the Add New option and enter the
name of the new database instance in the field provided.

Alternatively, to replace the SQL Server 2005 Express database,

select the Replace option and select the database to be replaced
from the list provided. A clean EDM database will overwrite the
existing EDM database.

3. Activate the AutoShrink checkbox to enable the autoshrink

setting. This setting will reduce the database file size by removing
unused space periodically. There will be no requirement to
manually compact the database.

4. If the default administrator account (sa) created when SQL Server

2005 Express is initially installed has been removed, enter the
appropriate Administrator Account name and Administrator

5. Enter the new Data Source Name.

Overwriting ODBC Connections

Verify that the Data Source Name does not currently exist. Selecting an existing
Data Source Name will overwrite the ODBC connection to the current database.

6. Enter the Maximum Server Memory.

7. Click OK.

A message appears when the new instance of the EDM database has
been created.

8. Click OK.

5000.0.0Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Installing Additional or Re-
EDM Installation Guide Landmark

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005

Express Installation Issues

SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express Selection of Ports When
MSDE Exists
The EDM 5000.0.0 installation automatically detaches the EDM
2003.21 instance from MSDE and attaches it to the SQL Server 2005 or
SQL Server 2005 Express. MSDE uses port 1433 as the default, which
is also the default port used by SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005
Express. Since MSDE is already using port 1433, the SQL Server
installation will randomly choose another port.

External users of the EDM 5000.0.0 SQL Server database will need to
know the port in order to connect. To determine which port is being
used by SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express:

1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 >
Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2. From the hierarchical tree in the left panel, navigate to and select
SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration > Protocols for
<Instance Name>

3. From the right panel, double-click on the TCP/IP protocol name.

The TCP/IP Properties dialog displays.

4. Select the IP Addresses tab.

The port used by SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express is
listed as the TCP Dynamic Ports.

42 Appendix A: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express (Release 5000.0.0): Microsoft SQL Server
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart

This section describes the implementation process for installing the

Engineers Desktop database and suite of applications. Where
applicable related documents are referenced. The location of each
related document can be found in Appendix C: Useful and Related
Documents on page 48.

Check that the Engineers Desktop System Requirements have been met for
each machine to be used. See EDT Drilling Summary Level Release Notes.

Install Adobe Acrobat Reader

Uninstall FLEXlm license servers older than 5000.0.0

(FLEXlm version 11.3)

Choose the
Database Platform

Oracle SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 Express


Release 5000.0.0 Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart 43

Landmark EDM Installation Guide


Oracle SQL Server SQL Server 2005 Express

See EDM Drilling Database Guide

Obtain Licensing

Citrix environment?

See EDT on Citrix

Install Third-Party Component Installation. (See

Third-Party Components Installation on page 9)

Install EDM Database and tools. (See EDM

Database and Tools Installation on page 11)

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart 44

Landmark EDM Installation Guide


Install Third-Party Components

(See Third-Party Components Installation
on page 9)

Install EDM
(See EDM Installation Workflow on
page 11)

Install Engineers

See EDT Drilling Installation


Release 5000.0.0 Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart 45

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Server Select Drilling and

Installation Type

Run Client Installation from

the Client machine. (See EDT
Drilling Installation Guide)

Migrate Data Migration or No Legacy Data


For pre-EDM Landmark data see EDM Drilling
Data Migration. Guide
For non-Landmark data, contact Customer See EDM Drilling Database Guide.
Support for information on custom data

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart 46

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Copy the following legacy files:

EDM images/logos <install directory>\Common Files\Images;
WELLPLAN templates .TPT <install directory>\WELLPLAN\Report\Output\Workspace;
COMPASS magnetic files .GAM <install directory>\COMPASS\Config\Geomagnetic
StressCheck templates .SCT <install directory>\StressCheck\Client;
PROFILE templates .PPC can be copied to the template folder defined by the user.
PROFILE symbols .PSY <install directory>\Common Files\WellSchematic\Symbols;
OpenWells filters .QRY users Windows profile e.g., C:\Documents and
Settings\<user>\Application Data\Landmark\OpenWells\Queries.

Login, and start using Applications.

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix B: Installation Flow Chart 47

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Appendix C: Useful and Related


Release Notes

Landmarks Release Notes are an integral part of each release. These

documents outline important installation information such as hardware
and operating system requirements, installation pre-requisites, product
dependencies, and licensing. Release Notes also include a summary of
enhancements and new functionality for the products. In addition to
lists containing fixed and known problems, information on contacting
Landmark Support is included.

Release 5000.0 contains three separate installations, each with its own
Release Notes document. These documents are:

EDM Release Notes

EDT Drilling Summary Level Release Notes

5000.0.0 Release Notes

In addition, Release Notes are available for the following Drilling

& Completions applications: OpenWells, PROFILE, Data
Analyzer, WELLPLAN, COMPASS, StressCheck, and
CasingSeat. These documents can be found in the Windows Start
menu once the Drilling & Completions installation has been
completed (e.g., Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop
5000.0 > Documentation > Release Notes).

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents: Release Notes 48

Landmark EDM Installation Guide


Landmark manuals are available with each release of the Engineers

Desktop. The main function of these manuals is to help clients deploy
the Engineers Desktop with ease, and to answer questions that may
arise during its deployment. Manuals are available in .PDF format on
the Landmark Software Manager (LSM), and accessible through the
Windows Start menu once the installations have been completed. This
section describes each of the manuals available with Release 5000.0.

Planning the EDT Installation

The Planning the EDT Installation manual explains the different
installation procedures for implementing the Engineers Desktop
5000.0 based on client needs. This manual also details where to find
information on upgrading previous versions of EDM, migrating data
from pre-EDM applications, and using the applications.

This document is available in .PDF format (EDT_PlanningInstall.pdf)

when each of the installations is run. Once an installation has been
completed, it is accessible through the Windows Start Menu (e.g., Start
> Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 > Documentation
> User Guides).

EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide

The EDT Third-Party Components Installation Guide contains
information on and procedures for the installation of the Third-Party

This document is available in .PDF format

(EDT_ThirdParty_Install.pdf) when the installation is run. Once an
installation has been completed, it is accessible through the Windows
Start Menu (e.g., Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop
5000.0 > Documentation > User Guides).

EDM Installation Guide

The EDM Installation Guide contains information on and procedures
for the installation of the Third-Party applications and the Engineers
Data Model (EDM) on a SQL Server 2005 Express (MSDE

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents: Manuals 49

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

replacement) platform. This guide also offers a Troubleshooting


This document is available in .PDF format (EDM_Install.pdf) when the

installation is run. Once an installation has been completed, it is
accessible through the Windows Start Menu (e.g., Start > Programs >
Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 > Documentation > User

EDT Drilling Installation Guide

The EDT Drilling Installation Guide contains information and
procedures for installing the Engineers Desktop 5000.0 Drilling &
Completions applications. In addition, this guide includes a Getting
Started chapter to familiarize clients with the basics of the Drilling &
Completions applications.

This document is available in .PDF format (EDT_Drilling_Install.pdf)

when the installation is run. Once an installation has been completed it
is accessible through the Windows Start Menu (e.g., Start > Programs >
Landmark Engineers Desktop 5000.0 > Documentation > User

EDM Drilling Database Guide

The EDM Drilling Database Guide contains information on database
creation on an Oracle or SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express
environment, as well as information on how to upgrade previous
versions of the EDM database to version 5000.0. This manual is meant
for Drilling & Completions users of the EDM database only.

This document is available in .PDF format

(EDM_Drilling_Database.pdf), and can be accessed from the Windows
Start Menu once the Drilling & Completions installation has been
completed (e.g., Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers Desktop
5000.0 > Documentation > User Guides).

EDM Drilling Data Migration Guide

The EDM Drilling Data Migration Guide explains the process of
migrating pre-EDM versions of DIMS, COMPASS, and WELLPLAN
data to the EDM platform. This manual takes the user through the
process of preparing the data for migration, and the three steps involved

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents: Manuals 50

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

in migrating the data. The migration of StressCheck and CasingSeat

data is also briefly covered in this manual.

This document is available in .PDF format

(EDM_Drilling_DataMigration.pdf) and can be accessed from the
Windows Start Menu once the Drilling & Completions installation has
been completed (e.g., Start > Programs > Landmark Engineers
Desktop 5000.0 > Documentation > User Guides).

EDT on Citrix
The EDT on Citrix guide outlines procedures for installing the
Engineers Desktop in a Citrix environment. This document is
available in .PDF format (EDT_Citrix.pdf) on the Landmark Software

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents: Manuals 51

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Online Help

How to use Online Help

The Engineers Desktop uses two types of online help for each
application. Most online help formats are shipped using Microsoft
HTML Help. Online help can be accessed from the applications
menubar or by using the F1 key to access context-sensitive help.

Using Microsoft HTML Help

Microsoft HTML Help is an online Help system that is based on the
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) format. HTML Help is
comprised of a single .CHM file. This file launches the tri-pane HTML
Help Viewer. The three panes are as follows:

The toolbar pane is used to navigate back and forward through

topics, print topics, and Show/Hide the HTML topics.

The navigational pane is used to navigate a Table of Contents

(Contents tab), a list of key words (Index tab), and online glossary
items (Glossary tab).

The topics pane is used to display the various topics in HTML


Using WebHelp
WebHelp is also an online Help system that is based on the HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) format. WebHelp also contains a similar
tri-pane layout to HTML Help, but it is an uncompiled help system.
This uncompiled Help system supports a variety of browsers and
platforms. WebHelp features include: a table of contents, an index, a
glossary, and full-text search. WebHelp is compatible with most

Refer to Online Help Viewing Problems Due to Microsoft Security

Updates section in the EDT Drilling Summary Level Release Notes for
accessing online help.

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix C: Useful and Related Documents: Online Help 52

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Appendix D: Landmark Support

Contacting Support

Landmark operates Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) in Houston, Texas, Leatherhead, UK

and Perth, Australia. Additional support is provided through district support offices around the
world. If problems cannot be resolved at the district level, our escalation team is called to resolve
your incidents quickly.

Support information is always available on the Landmark Graphics Support internet page located
at: http:\\\customersupport.

Technical Assistance Centers

North America 713-839-2200 (Houston, TX, USA)
7:30 am - 5:30 pm Central Standard Time Toll Free 1-877-435-7542
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays (1-877-HELP-LGC)
Fax: 713-839-2168 (Houston, TX)
Fax: 512-292-2200, 2220 (Austin, TX)
Fax: 907-275-2655 (Anchorage, AK)
Fax: 303-796-0807 (Denver, CO)
Fax: 403-262-1929 (Calgary, Canada)


Latin America 1-713-839-3405 (Houston,TX,USA)

(Spanish, Portuguese, English) Fax: 713-839-3646
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Central Standard Time Email:
Local normal business hours
Toll Free from:
Argentina: 0800-800-5263
Brazil: 0800-891-0837
Chile: 800-201-898
Colombia: 01800-915-4743
Mexico: 001-888-438-1296
Peru: 0800-51634
Trinidad: 1-888-438-1296
Venezuela: 0-800-526-3627

Toll Free from local area:

Ecuador (Quito) (02)226-1908

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix D: Landmark Support: Contacting Support 53

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Europe, Africa, Middle East 44-1372-868686 (Leatherhead, UK)

8:00 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Fax: 44-1372-868601 (Leatherhead, UK)
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 44-1224-723260 (Aberdeen, UK)

Asia, Pacific 61-8-9481-4488 (Perth, Australia)

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time Toll-free 1-800-448-488
Monday-Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 61-8-9481-1580

Toll-Free from:
China: 10-800-6100-253
Indonesia: 001-803-61284
Japan: 00531-61-0021
Malaysia 1800-803-687
New Zealand 0800-400-555
Philippines 1800-1611-0207
South Korea 00308-61-0046
Taiwan 00801-61-1350
Thailand 001-800-611-2784

Toll Free from local area:

Vietnam: 84-8-9191901

District Support Offices

Republic de Angola (Luanda) 1-817-493-5900
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time Fax: 1-817-493-560
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Email:

Argentina (Buenos Aires) 54-11-4312-8411

9:00 am - 6:00 pm Toll Free 0800-800-5263
Local normal business hours Fax: 54-11-4311-9566

Australia (Perth) 61-8-9481-4488

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time Toll Free 1800-448-488
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 61-8-9481-1580

Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) 55-21-3974-4000 or

8:00 am - 5:30 pm Toll Free 0800-891-0837
Local normal business hours Fax: 55-21-3974-4002

Brunei (Bandar Seri Bagawan) 67-3-233-5319

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Email:
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix D: Landmark Support: Contacting Support 54

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Canada (Calgary) Toll Free 1-877-435-7542

7:30 am - 5:30 pm Mountain Time (1-877-HELP-LGC)
Monday-Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 403-262-1929 (Calgary, Canada)
Fax: 713-830-2168 (Houston, TX)

Chile (TAO TAC, Houston, Texas) Toll Free 800-201-898

Local normal business hours Fax: 1-713-839-3646

Colombia (Bogota) 57-1-326-4000-57-1-326-6710

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Toll Free 01800-915-4743
Local normal business hours Fax: 57-1-326-6717

Ecuador (Quito) 59-32-226-1844 (ext 146)

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Toll Free from Quito (02)226-1908
Local normal business hours Fax: 59-32-226-2590

Egypt (Cairo) 20-2-517-3095

9:30 am - 7:30 pm Local Time (ask for Landmark Technical Support)
Local Business Days, excluding holidays Fax: 20-2-353-2608

India (New Delhi) 91-11-622-1885

9:00 am - 5:30 pm Local Time (c/o Samit Enterprises)
Local Business Days, excluding holidays Fax: 91-11-647-9246

Indonesia (Jakarta) 62-21-3003-9039 or

7:30 am - 4:30 pm Local Time Toll Free 011-803-61284
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 62-21-3003-9088

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) 603-2164-1121 or

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Toll Free 1800-803-687
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 603-2164-1135

Mexico (Reynosa) 52-555-208-3533

8:00 am - 6:00 pm 52-555-208-3868
Local normal business hours Toll Free 001-888-438-1296
Local Office Fax: 52-555-514-7646
Support Fax: 1-713-839-3646

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix D: Landmark Support: Contacting Support 55

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

New Zealand (New Plymouth) 61-6-755-2318

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time Toll Free 0800-400-555
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 64-6-755-2407

Nigeria (Lagos) 234-1-262-0765

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time (ask for Landmark Technical Support)
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 234-1-262-0769

People's Republic of China (Beijing) 86-10-8486-4501

9:00 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Toll Free 10-800-6100-253
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Other Phone: 10-800-810-0209
Fac: 86-10-8486-4819

Peru (Lima) Toll Free 0800-51634

Local normal business hours Fax: 1-713-830-3646

Russia (Moscow) 7-095-755-8300

7:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time (ask for Landmark Technical Support)
Local Business Days, excluding holidays Fax: 7-095-755-8301

Taiwan Toll Free 00801-61-1350

8:30 am - 5:30 pm Local Time Fax:
Monday-Friday, excluding holidays Email:

Thailand (Bangkok) 66-2-278-8100

8:00 am - 5:00pm Local Time Toll Free 001-800-611-2784
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 66-2-278-8199

Trinidad & Tobago (TAO TAC, Houston, TX) Toll Free: 1-888-438-1296
7:00 am - 5:00 pm Central Standard Time Fax: 1-713-839-3646
(Houston, TX) Email:
Local normal business hours

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) +971-4-3313142

7:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time (ask for Landmark Technical Support)
Local Business Days, excluding holidays Fax: +971-4-3315837

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix D: Landmark Support: Contacting Support 56

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Venezuela (Caracas) 58-212-953-0774

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Toll Free 0-800-526-3627
Local normal business hours Fax: 58-212-952-3845

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City) 84-8-910-1901

8:00 am - 5:00 pm Local Time Toll Free 84-8-9191901
Monday - Friday, excluding holidays Fax: 84-8-910-1902

Helpful internet links are shown below.

Name Website Address

Landmark Graphics home page
Landmark Graphics FTP Site
Oracle home page
FLEXlm license management software
home page legacy_products/flexlm/index.shtml
Microsoft SQL Server home page
Adobe Acrobat Reader

Release 5000.0.0 Appendix D: Landmark Support: Contacting Support 57

Landmark EDM Installation Guide

About this Manual 1 LAM 6
Landmark Support 53
license 6, 8
B and OpenWorks 10
bitlock 8
bitlocks M
not supported by OpenWorks 10
Manuals 49
migration 6
D Modify Option 18
Database MSDE Uninstall 23
migration 6
upgrade 6 O
Database Creation 26
Database Upgrade 26 Online Help 52
Database Upgrade Utilities 26 Oracle 6
Documents 48
EDM Drilling Data Migration Guide 50
EDM Drilling Database Guide 50 P
EDM Installation Guide 49 Platform Notes 2
EDT Drilling Installation Guide 50 Pre-requisites 6
EDT on Citrix 51
Drilling Data Migration 25
E Rebooting 15
Release Notes 48
EDM Administration 24 Remove Option 18, 19
EDM Installation Procedure 12 Repair Option 18, 19
EDT Report Manager 24 requirements 5
Engineers Data Model 24
Engineers Desktop 24
F SP2 11
SQL Server 2005 11
FLEXlm 6, 10 SQL Server 2005 Administration 16, 25
SQL Server 2005 Uninstall 21
I SQL Server Utility 16

install 12
flowchart 43 T
modify 18 Third-Party Components 6, 9
remove 18, 19 Troubleshooting 27
repair 18, 19
Third-Party Components 6, 9
Installation Flow Chart 43 U
Uninstall 17

Release 5000.0.0 58
Landmark EDM Installation Guide

Database Tools 5
Modify installation 18
Modify Option 18
Procedures 17
Remove installation 18, 19
Remove Option 19
Repair installation 18, 19
Repair Option 19
SQL Server 2005 21
Upgrade 11
upgrade 6

Website Addresses 57
Windows XP SP2 11

XP SP2 11

Release 5000.0.0 59

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