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on Construction and Safety Management Seminar held last Aug. 23, 2016 at AVR 2 UM


Health and safety in construction is not a matter to be taken lightly. In fact, health and
safety needs to be front of mind in every aspect of construction at all times. The construction
industry is prone to many hazards and accident potential. Construction materials, tools,
machinery and handling techniques all come with their own dangers. The main types of
accidents which cause death or serious injury on construction sites include falls, incidents
with site vehicles, collapsing materials and contact with overhead power lines.

While for some it may be too early for undergraduate civil engineering students to take
part in this kind of seminar since they are not in the field yet, and that this might be just
learned elsewhere or in class, the organizers firmly believe that such this seminar would
bolster up the knowledge and understanding on safety and construction management of the
students or rather our soon-to-be engineers. Thus, this exposure and awareness might
come handy as students immerse eventually to the real world and practice engineering work,
whatever field it may be.

The organizers have proposed a seminar that will run 2-3 hours and that
encompassed some practical works to be seen in the field. The organizers have tapped a
competent accredited safety practitioner in the person of Mr. Camilo Paulo Mijares, who is
also the head safety officer at Makati Development Corporation-Davao.

Event Report

The event kick started with an interpretative doxology that and ceremonial rites. After
which, while waiting for other participants to finish signing in their names on the attendance
sheet, there was an intermission number to entertain a total number of 46 attendees. At
exactly 8:30 AM, the speaker took the stage to start the discussion. In his presentation, he
mainly talked about the Department of Labor and Employment D.O. No. 13 Series of 1998
which is also otherwise known as Guidelines Governing OSH in the Construction Industry.
Every practicing individual in the construction shall have this as guidelines to ensure a
proper and smooth construction safety and management. The objectives of which is to
ensure the protection and welfare of workers employed in the construction industry; ensure
protection and welfare of the general public within and around the immediate vicinity of any
construction worksite as well as the promotion of harmonious employer-employee
relationships and to take into consideration industry practices and applicable government

As explained by Mr. Mijares, one of the salient features of the D.O 13 series of 1998
is the Construction Safety and Health Program is the Section 5 that states that before the
start of actual construction, the construction project manager shall prepare and submit to
DOLE Regional Office a comprehensive construction safety and health program. The report
shall have a complete discussion of safety policies, penalties and sanction, orientation,
instruction and training as well as waste disposal practice. These shall be executed and
verified by the Construction Project Manager to be submitted to Regional Offices for
approval and modification. Cost shall also be integrated into the project cost, provided it shall
be a separate pay item.
Moreover, the speaker has also reiterated that under section 6, all employers must
provide personal protective equipment for all employees needing such equipment. All other
persons entering the construction site must wear the necessary protective equipment. The
equivalent cost for the provision of PPE shall be an integral part of the project cost. In
section 7, means of coordination must be established wherein the main or general contractor
shall have overall management and coordination of all safety and health officers /personnel
working within the construction site. These full-time safety and health personnel must be
accredited by DOLE. And as the number of workers increases there should be additional
construction SH Officers depending on the required safety officer to workers ratio. In section
9, there should be an adequate construction safety signages, mandatory provision of safety
and warning signs are reiterated not only for the protection of workers, but also the public in
general. Accordingly, signs must conform to the standard requirements of the OSHS. Under
section 10, during pre-construction, operators and heavy equipments must be tested and
certified by TESDA, DOLE or its recognized organizations. Also, during construction, careful
mobilization or transport of heavy equipment, standard procedure in erection and
dismantling and routine inspection must be observed. There should also be direct accident
prevention efforts in accordance with rules/ program like conducting toolbox meetings
everyday, reviewing inspections and accident investigation reports, and submitting to DOLE
minutes of committee meetings, work accidents and illnesses, and other reporting
requirements, assisting government inspectors, initiating/ supervising safety and health
training for employees and developing and maintaining a disaster contingency plan, among
others that were discussed.

It was an interactive discussion since the speaker asks the audience from time to
time, encouraging them to provide their own inputs and understanding and correcting them
whenever there is a false belief. It was also a lively seminar since the speaker has found
time to have ice breaker to liven the mood. In the latter part, the speaker has presented the
continuous cycle of Occupational Safety and Health System: Act : review against objectives
and standards and take appropriate action; Do: Implement plans to achieve objectives and
standards; Check: Measure progress with plans and compliance with standards; and Plan:
Establish standards for health and safety management based on risk assessment and legal
requirements. He has finished with the statement that should be remembered everytime,
When you bet Safety, YOU bet your LIFE.

The certificate of appreciation for the speaker has been given by the class president
and the seminar has formally ended at around 11:15 AM.

Problems Met During The Activity

All in all the activity was a smooth one and has gone according to plan. There was no
any major problems during the activity, in fact the attendees were in praises of how they
have gained a lot of knowledge during the seminar and how they have admired the speaker.
But still some attendees were late, with some excuses why there were, but still making it
look very unprofessional to the speaker.

Suggestions and Recommendations

For future endeavors, it is highly recommended to enforce stricter reprimands and

heavier punishment to students not to be late during these activities. And if they had to be,
must inform the organizers beforehand.
Budget and Expenses Liquidation

Fund Raising:

No. of Attendees 46
Registration Fee 75.00
TOTAL Funds: (46 x 75) 3450.00


Speakers Token 1000.00

Speakers Meal 99.00
Snacks for Participants 1380.00
(Burger from Jollibee)
Snacks for Participants 210.00
Frame for Speakers 69.00
Frame for Companys 99.00
Paper for the Certificate 1st 78.5
Paper for the Certificate 2nd 39.25
Certificate Printing for 260.00
Participants and Speaker
Certificate Printing for 10.00
Companys Certificate
Cutting Fee for Certificates 20.00
Mineral Water for Speaker 15.00
Fare 28.00

Cash on Hand: Total Funds Total Expenses

= 3450.00 - 3307. 75

= 142.25

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