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United States Patent (191: Brunke Et A1. (11) Patent Number: (45) Date of Patent

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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,753,924

Brunke et a1. [45] Date of Patent: Jun. 28, 1988

[54] PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 3,217,718 11/1965 Roberts ............................. .. 131/276
4,4,7-TRIMETHYL-3,4,7,8-TETRAHYDRO 3,655,720 4/1972 Lif?ngwell ....................... .. 568/374
[75] Inventors: Ernst-Joachim Brunke, Holzminden; Roberts et a1., Chem. Abst., vol. 78, #2099y (1973).
, Ludwig Tumbrink, Hoxter, both of
Fed. Rep. of Germany Primary ExaminerJames H. Reamer
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robbins & Laramie
[73] Assignee: Dragoco Gerberding & Co. GmbH,
Fed. Rep. of Germany [57] ABSTRACT
[21] Appl. No.: 860,812 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphtha1en
one is obtained by an elimination reaction from 3-oxo
[22] Filed: May 8, 1986 a-ionol by way of direct addition thereof to a solution
[30] Foreign Application Priority Data of a protonic acid in an inert solvent at an elevated
May 10, 1985 [DE] Fed. Rep. of Germany ..... .. 3516931
temperature, or following its conversion into a low-car
bon alkyl ester, particularly acetate, by way of the treat
[51] 1111. cm .............................................. .. A61K 7/46 ment of the latter, preferably with sodium acetate, in a
[52] US. 01. .................................... .. 512/15; 426/538; polar non-protonic solvent at 150l4 300 C., wherein
131/276 the output can be increased by raising the temperature
[58] Field of Search .................. .. 568/374; 252/522 R; of reaction. The product of the process is suitable, in
512/15; 426/538; 131/276 pure form or as mixed with simultaneously produced
[56] References Cited 3,5,5-trimethyl-4-buteny1idene-cyclo-hex-Z-en-l-one, as
an odiferous substance or as a fragrant substance for
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS foods and tobacco.
3,211,157 10/1965 Rowland ........................... .. 131/276
3,217,717 11/1965 Roberts .......... .. 131/276 4 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent Jun. 28, 1988 Sheet 1 0f 4 4,753,924

3;:3m1.2:2.8 30%.3:



rR(min) (%)
S nil a r IT


\ 3.6 3 Tgwin W32


US. Patent Jun. 28, 1988 Sheet 3 014 4,753,924

i 5 I625

3500 5600 2500 2600 I600 1600 who who who 860 cm-'


220 260 300 340 380 420 460(nm)

US. Patent Jun. 28, 1988 Sheet 4 of4 4,753,924


(b) 2.2m)

(0) (e) (1.04m

5.9-6} 5.53(b)

1'; I3 '2 dlppmlb


1 2


The invention relates to the bicyclic ketone compo
nent. 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthal
en-one, which is useful as an odiferous substance or as a
fragrant substance for food and tobacco and the novel
processes for its preparation.
Chromatographic and spectroscopic methods con
tribute to the detection of increasingly more and more
fragrant substances used for aromatizing foods and
semi-luxuries such as tobacco, and odiferous substances
utilized in the cosmetic industry. The chemical struc
ture of these substances is determined and their syn 20
thetic production follows if required. A major part of
the research is done on fragrant components of various
kinds of tobacco. A review of a large number of such
tobacco components can be found in a paper by C. R.
_ Enzell, J. Wahlberg, A. J. Aasen, in Fortschritte der 25
Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe, vol. 34. Springer-Ver
lag, Vienna and New York (1977) p. l-79. An important
sensor-active group of those natural fragrant tobacco 6
components are carotenoid derivatives. Within this
group, a key compound is 3-oxo-a-ionol (formula 1 The megastigmatrienones (3) thru (6) have also been
below), isolated from tobacco by A. J. Aasen, B. Kim detected in the kudzu (Puerania lobata) essential oil
land and C. R. Enzel (Acta Chem. Scand., 25, by S. Shibata et al. (J. Agric. Biol. Chem, 42, 195-197
l481l482 (1971)), due to the fact that the compound
(1978)) and as an ingredient of liquid components of
can be used as a starting material to obtain other deriva 35
tives (compare Enzell et al. referred to hereinabove). kukoshi berries (Lycium chinense M.) by A. Sannai et
Such derivatives are, among others, dehydration prod al. (J. Agric. Biol. Chem., 47, 2397-2399 (1983)).
ucts resulting from (1) and designated by numerals (2) The first synthesis of the megastigmatrienones (3)
thru (6), which have also been detected in tobacco thru (6) was described as early as 1963 (Us. Pat. No.
(compare A. J. Aasen, B. Kimland, S.-O. Almquist and 40
3,211,157 to R. L. Rowland), i.e. long before these sub
C. R. Enzell, Acta Chem. Scand., 26, 2573-2576 (1972),
the publication being referred to as Reference A herein stances were known to be tobacco components (see
after). A term megastigmatrienones was proposed by Reference A). The synthesis involved the reduction of
the above authors to name these products. dehydro-a-ionone (7) with sodium borohydride to alco
hol (8) which was then converted into an allyl alcohol
(9) using 2N sulfuric acid. The allyl alcohol (9) was then
\\ oxidized, using manganese dioxide, to give the megas
tigmatrienones (3) thru (6).
o 50


\ 55


3 4
-continued -continued


E. Demole and P. Enggist (I-Ielv. Chim. Acta, 57, OH

2087-2089 (1974)) describe a synthesis starting from a
ketoketal (10) obtained from oxo-isophoron. The keto
ketal (10) was subjected to exchange reactions with
dianion of but-3-in-2-o1 and subsequently with lithium
aluminium hybride to yield a mixture of megastigma
trienones (3) thru (6) with various hydroxy ketones of 14
megastigmic type (11) thru (14).
S. Torii, T. Inskuchi and H. Ogawa (Bull. Chem. Soc.
0 60
Japan, 52, 1233-1234 (1979)) started from dimedone
(15). They obtained enolized diketones (16) by aldol
eCECH-C?-k condensation of the enolate with crotonaldehyde and
30 subsequent dehydration. The diketones were subjected
to exchange reaction with methylithiurn and megastig
to matrienones (3) thru (6) were obtained.
B. M. Trost and J. L. Stanton (J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,
10 97, 4018-4025 (1975)) reduced 3,4-dehydro-B-ionone
35 (17), and obtained, through subsequent dehydration and
/ 1/\ sulfenylation, a compound (18) which was converted
+ into the megastigmatrienones (3) thru (6) by way of a
0 sulfenate-sulfoxide rearrangement.
O. Takazwawa, H. Tamura, K. Kogami and K. Haya
(36) shi (Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 55, 1907-1911 (1982)) de
scribed a synthesis of the megastigmatrienones (3) to (6)
using isophorone (19) as a starting compound. Isopho
\ rone trimethylsilyl enol ether (20 a) was condensed with
on crotonaldehyde to give oxo-damascol (20 b). The latter
45 was dehydrated, resulting in a mixture of megastigma
trienones (3) to (6).

.13 15
9 Nb 9



\ i? o / / 71
> 1

.17 18

(C1193 SK)
i1 \

The acid-catalyzed dehydration of 3-oxo-a-ionol (1)

is known so far to have been described only once in OH (1)
technical literature. Aasen, Kimland, Almquist and 15
Enzell (see Reference A) heated 3-oxo-a-ionol (1) to
gether with potassium bisulfate at 100 C., solvent-free,
or with p-toluene sulfonic acid (benzene as solvent, o
under re?ux) for 2 to 3 hours. As a result, a mixture of
isomeric megastigmatrienones (2) to (6) was obtained at 20 is subject to an elimination reaction either by adding
all times. The proportion of the respective isomers in 3-oxo-a-ionol to the solution of a protonic acid in an
the mixture was determined using gas chromatography inert solvent at an elevated temperature and separation
to be ' of water of reaction in a conventional way, or by con
verting 3-oxo-a-ionol into its low-carbon alkyl ester and
25 treating the latter with hydroxides or acetates of alkali
metals or alkaline-earth metals in a non-protonic solvent
According to Reference A, a similar mixture of ?nal at temperatures of 150 to 300 C. The 4,4,7-trirnethyl
compounds can be obtained under the above conditions 3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthalen-one, if necessary,
starting from an acetate prepared from compound (1). is separated from the resulting mixture for enrichment
However, experimental details have not been disclosed. 30 or recti?cation.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION When the 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)
naphthalen-one is accompanied by 3,5,5-trimethyl-4
The invention relates to the bicyclic ketone com butenylidene-cyclo-hex-2-en-l-one the latter is cy
pound 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naph clized, before or after the separation of the naphtha1en~
thalen-one, which is suitable as an odiferous substance 35 one produced heretofore, to yield further amounts of
or as a fragrant substance for food and tobacco. the 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthal
The invention further relates to process for the pro en-one by extending the reaction involving the conver
duction of 4,4,7-trirnethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro2(6H) sion of 3-oxo-a-ionol into its low-carbon-alkyl ester by
naphthalen-one by an elimination reaction from 3-oxo treating the latter with hydroxides or acetates of alkali
a-ionol by way of direct additive thereof to a solution of 40 metals or alkaline-earth metals under analogous condi
a protonic acid in an inert solvent at an elevated temper tions.
ature, or following its conversion into a low-carbon In the description of hitherto-conducted syntheses
alkyl ester, particularly acetate, by way of the treatment (i.e. syntheses of prior art) of the megastigmatrienones
of the latter, preferably with sodium acetate, in a polar (2) and (3) thru (6), no remark can be found about bicy
non-protonic solvent at 150-300 C., wherein the out 45 clic by-products which is particularly remarkable in
put can be increased by raising the temperature of reac view of the comprehensive and detailed work of Enzell
tion. et a1. (see Reference A) wherein monocyclic com
More particularly the present invention relates to the pounds (2) thru (6) only were obtained by dehydration
production of 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H) of 3-oxoa-ionol (1). Dehydration of a~ionol by F. B.
naphthalen-one of the formula 50 Whit?eld and G. Sugowdz, (Aust. J. Chem, 35,
591-600 (1982)) also resulted in monocyclic products
At that stage, it was discovered, surprisingly, that
3-oxo-oL-ionol can be converted under speci?c process
55 conditions into 4,4,7-trimethyl~3,4,7,8-tetrahydro
2(6H)-naphthalen-one (compound (21)) which was
mentioned in the literature only once so far, namely by
in pure form or as mixed with 3,5,5-trimethyl-4 D. L. Roberts and W. A. Rohde (Tob Sci., 16, 107-112
butenylidene-cyclo-hex-2-en-l-one of the general for 1972)), hereinafter referred to as Reference B) who
mula 60 described the ketone (21) as a component of Burley
tobacco. D. L. Roberts and W. A. Rohde isolated com
pound (21) using column chromatography and gas
chromatography. No synthesis of compound (21) is
known to have been described thus far. As shown in the
65 following reaction diagram and explained below in
0/ more detail, dehydration of (1) using the reagents de
scribed by Enzell et al. in Reference A but with an
wherein 3-oxo-a-ionol of the formula inverse reaction course results in a mixture of products
7 8
including megastigma trienones (3) to (6) and up to a similar mixture was obtained when a solution of (l)
about 10% of the bicyclic ketone (21). and p-toluenesulfonic acid was boiled in benzene under
According to the invention, it is also possible to con-' dehydrating conditions.
vert a 3-oxo-a-ionol low-carbon alkyl ester obtained in It was found, however, that the reaction conditions
a conventional way from compound (1), for instance speci?ed by Enzell et al. in Reference A for preparing
3-oxo-a-ionol acetate (22) into a mixture of (3) thru (6) the mixture of (2) and (3) . . . (6) from 3-oxo-a-ionol and
and (21). It can be accomplished preferably with the use its acetate (22), that is heating the ionol with KHSO4 in
of sodium acetate in polar non-protonic solvents, dry state or toluene, were applicable for compound (1)
wherein the formation of compound (2) is very strongly
suppressed. The percentage of bicyclic ketone (21) in only and not for the acetate (22). Further studies
the mixture can be stepped up by increasing the temper showed that when the compound (22) was heated with
ature. potassium bisulfate at 100 C. or boiled with p-toluene
sulfonic acid in benzene, unchanged substrate was re
covered exclusively.
As shown in Example 2, an inverse course of reaction
\ PTS/4> according to the invention, i.e. adding dropwise the
__3% solution of 3-oxo-a-ionol (l) to a boiling solution of the
acid results unexpectedly in a production of larger por
tions of the bicyclic ketone (21) in addition to the mono
20 cyclic ketones (2) thru (6). Simultaneously, the amount
of the ketone (2) is considerably reduced, as seen in the
chromatogram of FIG. 2. It appears, further, that the
proportion of the bicyclic ketone (21) can be increased
2-6 +
through a rise in temperature, for instance by maintain
O 25 ing the reaction at the boiling temperature, e. g. by using
boiling xylene as solvent.
21 The reaction can also be carried out using other aryl
sulfonic acids (e.g. benzenesulfonic acid, p-bromoben
zenesulfonic acid) or acid ion exchangers in various
aromatic solvents (e. g. benzene, toluene, xylene, chloro
\ benzene, nitrobenzene) or high-boiling ethers (e.g. di
NaOAc ethylene glycol dimethyl ether, ethylene glycol dibutyl
o/ / ether).
As shown in Examples 3 and 4, the 3-oxo-a-ionol
22 35 acetate (22) produced from compound (1) in a conven
tional way can also be converted into a mixture of (3) to
(6) and (21). This process being carried out, advanta
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS geously, with the use of sodium acetate in polar non
The invention is further explained by the accompany protonic solvents. When sodium acetate/ethylene
"l'ing drawings in which; glycol mixture is used at 180 C. (Example 3), a mixture
FIG. 1 is a gas chromatogram of the mixture of prod; containing ca. 15% of compound (21) is obtained (see
ucts obtained according to a prior art method (see Ex gas chromatogram of FIG. 3).
ample 1), The proportion of the bicyclic ketone (21) can be
FIG. 2 is a gas chromatogram of the mixture of prod increased by increasing the temperature of the reaction,
ucts obtained from 3-oxo-a-ionol according to the in 45 e.g., by using a high-boiling solvent. When a mixture of
vention (see Example 2), sodium acetate and ethylene glycol is used at 200 C.
FIG. 3 is a gas chromatogram of the mixture of prod (Example 4), the resulting product mixture contains ca.
ucts obtained from 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate according to 70% of compound (21) (see gas chromatogram in FIG.
the invention (see Example 3), 4). Reaction conditions analogous to those above may
FIG. 4 is a gas chromatogram of the mixture of prod 50 also be applied in order to cyclize the mega-stigmatrie
ucts obtained from 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate at compara
tively high temperature (see Example 4), nones (3) thru (6) to obtain the compound (21).
FIGS. 5 thru 8 represent the IR spectrum, UV spec Other suitable reagents include hydroxides or salts of
trum, 1H-NMR spectrum and mass spectrum respec low alkanecarboxylic acids, the metals being other al
tively of the bicyclic 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro 55 kali metals or alkaline-earth metals, e.g., sodium hy
2(6H)-naphthalen-one (21) obtained according to the droxide, sodium propionate, potassium hydroxide and
invention (see Example 3). potassium acetate.
Suitable solvents comprise high-boiling ethers, e.g.,
DETAILED DISCLOSURE ethylene glycol dibutyl ether or diethylene glycol di
The invention is also explained in more detail by the methyl ether, or corresponding high-boiling gasoline
examples set forth below. In the Example A, the reac fractions.
tion conditions given in Reference A have been re It is also possible, if necessary, to cyclize the 3,5,5
peated. Thus, a mixture of compound (1) and potassium trimethyl-4-butenylidene-cyclo-hex-Z-en-l-one which
bisulfate was heated at 100 C. resulting in the dehydra accompanies 4,4,7-trimethyl-3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)
tion of (l) and the formation of the megastigmatrie 65 naphthalen-one, before or after the separation of the
nones (2) thru (6) that were mentioned in Reference A, former, to yield further amounts of 4,4,7-trimethyl
though at a somewhat reduced concentration (see gas 3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthalen-one by extending
chromatogram in FIG. 1). A further study showed that the reaction time (5-10 h) in the presence of hydroxides
or acetates of alkali metals or alkaline-earth metals at affects adversely the use of such mixtures as odoriferous
elevated temperatures, preferably from 150 to 300 C. or fragrant substances.
As can be seen from Example 5, a'drastic rise in reac The ketone (21), on the other hand, possesses charac
tion temperature without the use of reagents, e.g., a teristic and decidedly highly-rated gustatory and olfac
pyrolysis of the acetate (22) at ca. 500 C. results in the tory qualities which could not have been expected on
formation of megastigma-trienone (2) only. In order to the grounds of the presence of (21) in tobacco. The
produce the bicyclic ketone (21) from (1) or (22), the faint woody aroma properties of (21) indicated in
presence of acids or bases seems to be necessary apart Reference B apply merely to the fragrance of tobacco.
from a certain temperature elevation. The properties were tested in conjunction with an un
The ketone (21) synthesized according to the inven 10 speci?ed tobacco and there is nothing in that Reference
tion can be enriched or produced in a pure form using regarding the purity of the isolated natural ketone (21).
conventional methods like fractional distillation as well As shown in Table 2, the presence of (21) beside the
as preparative-scale gas chromatography or column mega-stigmatrienones (3) thru (6) endows such mixtures
chromatography, also under elevated pressure (HPLC). with clearly improved properties.
Olfactory and gustatory properties
of compounds (2), (3) thru (6) and (21)
Odor Taste Taste
(10% on the smelling (0.5 ppm in sugar (0.005% in tobacco
test strip) sweetened water) American blend type
2 herbal green oily, green generally suppressed
(from slightly oily fruity tobacco effects: tobacco
Example unrelated green" type:
5) after-taste of fenugreek.
3-6 dry fruits, strong fruity, fuller. no foreign-to
(Example reminiscent of hay, balmy, tobacoo tobacco type, but still
1) woody, tobacco aspects. reduced ?ue-cured"
aspects. quality.
21 soft, herbal, soft, fruity, reduced tongue-burning,
(Example butter-milky some milk/cream intensi?ed mouth
4) (lactone-type) aspects, slightly ?lling, more body,
woody. increased inhalation
effect; stronger tar and
hay-like tinge; no
21+ sweet - balmy, sweet fruity, more fill and taste,
3-6 typical tobacco hebal, buttery, harmonious smoke,
(Example flavour, soft-woody honey-like (mouth- distinct sweetness,
3) (sandalwood), ?lling similar to stronger typical
dry-fruit/honey warm milk) American blend
features. character; no features
foreign to tobacco.

Thus, the bicyclic ketone (21) and its mixtures with

As shown in Table 1, spectroscopic data for the isolated the megastigmatrienones (3) to (6), wherein isomer(2) is
synthetic ketone (21) correspond largely to the data avoided to a large extent, prove advantageous as odorif
pertaining to the natural substance, disclosed in Refer 45 erous substances or components of perfume oils for
ence B. cosmetic, commercial and technical applications as well
as fragrant substances or components of such mixtures
TABLE 1 useful for foods and semi-luxuries such as tobacco and
Spectroscopic data for 121! tobacco products.
Natural substance Synthetic product The invention is explained by the following examples
(according to Ref. B) (acc. to invention) without being limited thereto. The term gas chromato
IR, y l660,l622,1596 1665,1625,1595 (FIG. 5) gram is abbreviated as GC.
(cm-1) 1300,1250 1300,1250
UV, )tmax 287 (90.3) 289 (57.5) (FIG. 6) Example 1 (reference example)
H-NMR 5.95 (1H) (cc14) 5.94.1 (1H) (FIG. 7) 55 Dehydration of 3-oxo-a-ionol (1) using potassium
(solvent?) 5.62 (1H) 5.53 (1H) bisulfate
5 [ppm] 2.20 (3H) 2.21 (3H)
1.20 (3H) 1.18 (3H) (a) 10 g of 3-oxo-a-ionol (l) were mixed with 5 g of
1.15 (3H) 1.13 (311) powdered potassium bisulfate and heated at 100 C.
1.03 (2H, d) 1.04 (2H, d) with stirring. After 8 hours of stirring at 100 C. the
MS, m/e 190 (M+) 190 011+) (FIG. 3)
mixture was cooled down to room temperature and 100
ml of water was added. Multistage extraction with
The testing of olfactory and sensory properties of naphtha, neutral washing of the combined organic
(21) and mixtures of (21) with (3) thru (6) revealed that phase with a sodium bicarbonate solution and boiling
megastigma-trienone (2) with deconjugated double down under reduced pressure followed. A total of 8.1 g
bonding system (see Example 5 for preparation proce 65 of product mixture was obtained; see gas chromatogram
dure) has less desirable olfactory and sensory proper in FIG. 1.
ties. Hence, the presence of that compound in the mix (b) A solution of 10 g of 3-oxo-a-ionol (1) in 100 ml of
ture of products of elimination of 3-oxo-a-ionol (l) toluene was compounded with 5 g potassium bisulfate
11 12
and heated under re?ux for 14 hours. The mixture was (according to GC) was obtained; b.p. (0.2 mbar)=9
then cooled down to room temperature and washed 5125 C. Gas chromatogram shown in FIG. 4; output
with water and a sodium bicarbonate solution. The 32.8%. Distillation through an 80 cm column with
solvent was distilled off under reduced pressure. A total metal packing yielded 35 g of compound (21) of 90%
of 7.9 g of product mixture was obtained. Gas chro purity (according to GC).
matogram: GC column made by W. Guenther, Duessel
dorf (25 m glass capillary tube, stationary phase W6 11, Example 5
temperature program: l60220 C., 10 C./min): t, Pyrolysis of 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate (22)
(min)=9.1 (26% (2)), 10.4, 10.8, 11.4, 11.7, (2.1%,
23.7%, 3.6%, 30.4%, (3)(6)); no (21) at t,= 10.4 min. 10 50 g 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate (22) was passed through a
vertical 50 cm-long glass tube ?lled with glass packing
Example 2 (Raschig rings 5 mm dia.) during a two-hour period,
Dehydration of 3-oxo-a-ionol (1) using wherein acetic acid formed was distilled off under
para-toluenesulfonic acid slightly reduced pressure. The reaction product was
collected in a ?ask. The raw product was distilled
300 g of 3-oxo-a-ionol ( 1) was added dropwise within
1 hour to a solution containing 6 g of para-toluenesul through a 20 cm Vigreux column and 26.3 g of the
fonic acid in 900 ml of toluene, the solution being boiled ketone (2) of ca. 80% purity (according to GC) was
in a water separator. It was then allowed to cool down obtained. Another distillation through a 1 m spinning
to room temperature and neutral-washed with water band column produced 15.6 g of (2) at b.p. (1
and a sodium carbonate solution. The mixture was then mbar)=105 C. 1H--NMR (CC14): 8:097 and 1.05,
concentrated and distilled using a 20 cm Vigreux col 2s(1,1CI-I3), 1.90, s(5CH3), 2.57, s(6-H), 5.10 and
umn. 140 g of product mixture containing (2) thru (6) 5.20, 2m(10, l0-H), 5.56, m(7H), 5.90, s(4-H), 6.10,
and (21) was obtained. Boiling point (1 mbar)=10 m(8-H), 6.28 ppm, m(9-H).
0-120 C. (gas chromatogram in FIG. 2). Example 6
Example 3
Elimination reaction with 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate (22) at Perfume base of herbal - woody (ligneous) types Parts
180-190 C. Linalol l0
100 g 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate (22) was added dropwise, 30 linalyl acetate
lavender oil, French
with stirring, to a solution of 16 g anhydrous sodium bergamot oil, Reggio 40
acetate in 168 g ethylene glycol at 180190 C. within 2,2-dimethyl-3-phenyl propanol (Muguet alcohol) 200
1 hour. Acetic acid formed was distilled off. After two diheptyl acetate 80
hours of agitating at 180-l90 C. the reaction mixture acetyl cedrene (commercial name Ligno?x") 100
maliagonate 300
was allowed to cool, diluted with water and extracted
35 phyllantone N 20
with toluene. The combined organic phase was dried rosemary oil, 10% solution in dipropylene glycol 50
and concentrated under reduced pressure whereby 70 g oakmoss extract, 10% solution in dipropylene glycol 30
of raw product was obtained. Subsequent distillation hyssop oil, Spanish 10
patchouli oil 60
through a 20 cm Vigreux column yielded 35 g of prod
uct mixture containing (2) thru (6) and (21); b.p. (1
7 mbar): 100"-140 C. See FIG. 3 for gas chromatogram. (a) +50 parts of (21) (according to Ex. 4)
(7) +50 parts of (3) thru (6) and (21) (according to Ex. 3)
A solution of 5 g of the above-de?ned product mix
ture (2 to 6) and (21) in 10 ml of ethylene glycol and 1 This perfume base possesses a well-balanced herbal
g of sodium acetate was agitated for 16 hours at 200 C.
woody scent with fresh spicy aspects. The addition of
A common processing was applied which resulted in a 45
ketone (21) makes the overall sensory impression softer
raw product containing up to about 70% of (21) accord and more harmonious and preserves a natural emana
ing to GC. The ketone (21) was isolated by means of a
column chromatograph with 100 g of silicagel (length tion of the composition and also emphasizes its ?owery
130 cm, diameter 2 cm; grain size 0.063-0.20 mm; eluent
carrier-cyclohexane/ethyl acetate 4:1); purity 95% ac 50 Alternatively, the addition of the mixture of (3) thru
cording to GC; IR spectrum shown in FIG. 5, UV (6) and (21) enriches the original olfactory impression
spectrum in FIG. 6, 1H-NMR spectrum in FIG. 7 and through a sweet-herbal and a bitter-green tinge and also
mass spectrum in FIG. 8. makes it more harmonious.

Example 4 Example 7
Elimination reaction of 3-oxo-a-ionol acetate at
200220 C. Strawberry fragrance Parts
amyl acetate 34.0
150 g 3-oxo-a-iono1 acetate (22) was added dropwise amyl butyrate 15.0
within one hour to a solution of 24 g of anhydrous amyl valerate 15.0
sodium acetate in 250 g ethylene glycol at a temperature anethole 1.5
of 200~220 C. with stirring. Acetic acid formed was benzyl acetate 85.0
distilled off. After two hours of agitating at 200220 butyric acid 15.0
cinnamic isobutyrate 7.0
C., the mixture was allowed to cool down to room cinnarnic valerate 9.5
temperature, diluted with water and extracted with oenanthic ether 1.5
toluene. Subsequently the combined organic phase was 65 diacetyl 10.0
neutral washed and concentrated to yield 98 g of raw ethyl acetate 50.0
ethylamyl ketone 15.0
product. After distillation through a 20 cm Vigreux ethyl butyrate 30.0
column, 53.5 g of bicyclic ketone (21) of 70% purity ethyl cinnamate 52.0
13 14
-continued DB-wax packing, temperature program l00200n
Strawberry fragrance Parts C., 2 C./min).
FIG. 4. Gas chromatogram of the mixture of products
ethyl heptylate 2.5
ethyl-methylphenyl glycidate 260.0 according to Example 4 (30 m glass capillary tube,
ethyl propionate 150 DBwax, temperature program l00240 C., 10
ethyl valerate 60.0 C./min).
hydroxyphenyl-Z-butanone 5.0 FIG. 5. IR spectrum (?lm) of (21).
(10% soln. in ethanol) FIG. 6. Uv spectrum (methanol) of (21).
B-ionone 6.5
citral 1.0 FIG. 7. 1H-NMR spectrum of (21) (60 mHz, CCl4, TMS
10 as inner standard).
maltol 70.0
methyl anthranilate 7.0 FIG. 8. Mass spectrum of (21) at 80 eV (m/z=m/e
methyl cinnamate
methyl salicylate
neroli oil 0.5
We claim:
phenylethyl alcohol 1.5 1. A process for scenting cosmetic goods, commercial
'y-undecalactone 58.5 goods or technical goods or for aromatizing foods or
vanillin 70.0 semi-luxuries which comprises adding a scenting quan
triethyl citrate 1000.0 tity to said cosmetic goods, commercial goods or tech
ethanol 60.0
nical goods or an aromatizing quantity to said foods or
semi~luxuries of a synthetic mixture prepared by sub
jecting 3-oxo-a-ionol of the formula
This composition, in conventional strengths, pos
sesses a strong strawberry-like fragrance. If, instead of
ethanol, 60 parts of ketone (21) are introduced, the
fragrance will be enriched by softer, creamy gustatory
aspects which liken the resulting impression to natural
strawberry aroma. Alternatively, when the mixture of
compounds (3) to (6) and (21) is introduced (Example
3), a favourable modi?cation of the original strawberry to an elimination reaction to produce 4,4,7-trimethyl
aroma is accomplished as more fullness is added but also 3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthalene-one of the for
some woody qualities appear which are reminiscent of mula
strawberry kernels.
Example 8

Virginia - Enhancer tobacco fragrance

Angelica (root) oil (1% in propylene glycol)
cardamon oil (1% in propylene glycol)
bay oil (1% in ethanol)
fenugreek extract
levisticum oil


in pure form or mixed with 3,5,5-trimethyl-4-butenyle
dene-cyclohex-2en-l-one of the formula
furfural 5.0
cumarin 15.0
vanilla extract (10% in propylene glycol) 150.0
clove-leaf oil
coriander oil
amyl isovalerate
propylene glycol
0 Q5
wherein said synthetic mixture contains at least 0.1% of
said naphthalene-one.
At a dosage of 80 g per 100 Kg of tobacco, this com 2. A process for scenting cosmetic goods, commercial
position enhances the dark tobacco character and pro goods or technical goods or for aromatizing foods or
duces the impression of more mouth-?ll when smoking semi-luxuries which comprises adding a scenting quan
and also emphasizes the spiciness and tar presence. The tity to said cosmetic goods, commercial goods or tech
addition of 30 parts of the mixture (2) thru (6) and (21) 55 nical goods or an aromatizing quantity to said foods or
(Example 3) creates a fragrance which, at similar semi-luxuries of a synthetic distillation fraction pre
strength, has a clearly stronger Virginia tobacco char pared by ?rst converting 3-oxo-a-ionol of the formula
FIG. 1. Gas chromatogram of the mixture of dehydra
tion products according to Example 1 (KHSO4/ 100
C.) (60 m glass capillary tube, DB-wax packing,
temperature program 100-200 C., 2 C./min).
FIG. 2. Gas chromatogram of the mixture of dehydra 0
tion products according to Example 2 (60 m glass
capillary tube, DB-wax packing, temperature pro 65 into a low-carbon alky ester and then treating the ester
gram l00-200 C., 2 C./min). with an alkali metal hydroxide or acetate or an alkaline
FIG. 3. Gas chromatogram of the mixture of products earth metal hydroxide or acetate in a non-protonic sol
according to Example 3 (60 in glass capillary tube, vent at 180 C. to 230 C. to produce 4,4,7-trimethyl
15 16

3,4,7,8-tetrahydro-2(6H)-naphthalene-one of the formula 3. The process according to claim 1 wherein said

synthetic mixture is added to cosmetic goods, commer
cial goods, technical goods, or foods.
4. The process according to claim 2 wherein said
O H synthetic distillation fraction is added to cosmetic
goods, commercial goods, technical goods, or foods.
wherein said synthetic distillation fraction contains 10
from 1% to 95% of said naphthalene-one.









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