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Gr. I English 3rd Quarter

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School CANAN ES Grade Level ONE

Grades 1-12 Teacher ANNALIZA I. HITEROZA Learning Area ENGLISH

Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 21 Quarter 3rd Quarter

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Recognize rhyming words in Use words that are related to Use/Respond appropriately to Recognize sentences and Listen to short stories/poems
nursery rhymes, poems, and self, family, school, polite expressions phrases (EN I G-IIIa -1.1) and note important details
C. Learning Competencies/ songs heard community, and concepts (EN I OL-IIIa-e-1.5) Recognize similarities in the pertaining to character, setting
Objectives Write the LC code (EN I PA-IIIa-3-2.2) such as the names for colors, Greetings way sentences are and/or events
for each shapes, and numbers (EN I OL-IIIa-e-1.5.1) formed/structured in MT, (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1)
(EN I V-IIIa-e-5) Leave takings Filipino, and English
(EN I OL-IIIa-e-1.5.2)
Rhyming Words Song: Finger Family Song Polite Expressions: Greetings Sentences and Phrases Story: Polite Cora
and Leave Takings
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 10-12 pp. 12-15 pp. 15-18 pp. 19-21 pp. 21-23
2. Learners Material pages p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of the song Hello, Lyrics of Hello, How Do Poem Clap Your Hands Poem Clap Your Hands
How Do You Do? You Do? and Finger Family
2. Microphone (real or made Song
B. Other Learning Resources
of paper mache)
3. Pictures and labels

Introduce the song Hello, Checking of homework. Teacher sings a songs, Hello, Teacher introduces the poem Teacher introduces the poem
A. Reviewing previous lesson How Do You Do? Teacher gives the pupils 1-2 How Do You Do? and Clap Your Hands in the Clap Your Hands in the
or presenting the new lesson minutes to discuss their work. Finger Family Song with class. class.
the pupils.
Divides the class into small Teacher calls 3-5 pupils to Teacher shows pictures of a Teacher reads while pointing Teacher reads while pointing
B. Establishing a purpose for groups with 4-6 members. show their work in class. situation when greetings and at the words of poem. Pupils at the words of poem. Pupils
the lesson Each group forms a circle. Pupils also share who in their leave takings are used. recite while doing the actions recite while doing the actions
Members of the group pass family helped them do their in the poem. in the poem.
around a special microphone homework.
and introduce themselves to
their group mates. Teacher
moves around the room as the
pupils do the activity.
-My name is (teachers
name). Whats your name?
Teacher reads the song How Introduce the action song Teacher posts the greetings in Teacher posts a sentence and Teacher shows a picture of a
C. Presenting examples/ Do You Do? while pointing Finger Family Song in the English for each picture on a phrase on the board. Pupils Grade 1 pupil receiving a
instances of the new lesson at the words. class. the board and reads them to study the examples. ribbon from her teacher.
the class.
Pupils will identify the Pupils sing while doing the Pupils say each greeting. Teacher reads the examples Pupils will study the picture.
D. Discussing new concepts rhyming words in the song. actions of the song. and explains the difference
and practicing new skills #1 between a sentence and a
Teacher shows pictures of Teacher introduces leave Teacher uses pictures to tell
E. Discussing new concepts family and separate pictures takings to the class. the story Polite Cora. Pupils
and practicing new skills #2 of each member of the family. listen and answer the teachers
questions about the story.
Teacher shows pictures of Teacher will post the picture Teacher posts the leave Teacher posts a table on the Teacher asks the following
rhyming words in class. of the family first before takings in English for each board. Pupils read the questions about the story. (See
She/He then reads the names posting the other pictures. picture on the board and reads sentences in the table and TG page 23)
F. Developing mastery
of the picture. Pupils say the She/He also puts labels under them to the class. Pupils then study each one. Teacher
(Leads to Formative
name of the pictures after the each picture. Pupils then say say each leave taking. explains that sentences in
Assessment 3)
teacher reads each one. who are in the pictures. Mother Tongue, Filipino, and
English have similarities and
G. Finding practical Say: Draw you family and tell Teacher asks pupils to Teacher reads sample Do the following action.
application of concepts and All- ball something about it. practice saying greetings and sentences and phrases posted 1. Cora smiling brightly.
skills in daily living leave takings by groups/pairs. on the board.
Teacher asks the pupils to cut Divide the class into 5 groups. Teacher posts a list of Pupils will say whether what When do we say Good
H. Making generalizations and paste pictures of rhyming Assign a stanza of the Finger greetings and leave takings the teacher reads is a Morning?
and abstractions about the words from old newspapers Family Song to each group. for pupils to copy in their sentence or a phrase.
lesson and magazines on their notebooks.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 1. Refer to LM, page 2. Refer to LM, page 3. Refer to LM, page 4. Refer to LM, page 5.
Encircle the rhyming words of Remind the class to review at Pupils will choose a greeting Remind them to review the Remind them to review the
J. Additional activities for the word listed. home the things they have and leave taking and draw a lessons at home. lessons at home.
application or remediation 1. Boy ( lot, toy, ball) learned. situation using the chosen
greetings or leave takings.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 22 Quarter 3rd Quarter

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Use words that are related to Talk about the stories heard: when and where it took place the Use appropriate expressions Recognize simple sentences,
self, family, school, characters and some important details of the story in expressing gratitude and similarities and differences in
community, and concepts (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.3.1) apology (EN I OL-IIIc-1.5.3) the way sentences are
such as the names for colors, Listen to short stories/poems and give the correct sequence of formed/structured in MT,
C. Learning Competencies/ Filipino, and English
shapes, and numbers the events (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1)
Objectives Write the LC code
( EN I V-IIIa-e-5) (EN I G-IIIb.1.4)
for each
Listen to short stories/poems
and give the correct
sequence of three events
(EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1)
Read aloud Story: Sampung Magkakaibigan (Ten Friends) Polite Expressions: Thank Simple Sentences
II. CONTENT Author: Kristine Canon You and Im Sorry
Illustrator: Ruben de Jesus
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 34-37 pp. 37-39 pp. 40-42 pp. 43-44 pp. 45-47
2. Learners Material pages p. 6-7 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of Ten Little 1. Lyrics of Ten Little 1. Lyrics of the Rainbow 1. Lyrics of the Thank You 1. Lyrics of the Thank You
Fingers Fingers Song 2. Pictures 2. Pictures (fiesta, cat, red
2. Microphone (real or made 2. Sampung Magkakaibigan 2. Picture of a rainbow apple, blue bag)
B. Other Learning Resources
of paper mache) (Ten Friends) by Kristine 3. Microphone (real or made
3. Pictures Canon of paper mache)
3. Pictures 4. Pictures
A. Reviewing previous lesson Introduce the song Ten Little Sing the song Ten Little Introduce the Rainbow Sing the song Thank You Sing the song Thank You to
or presenting the new lesson Fingers to the class. Fingers with the pupils while Song in class. to the class. the class.
doing the action for the song.
Pupils will sing the song and Teacher will asks the pupils to Pupils will talk about the Teacher shows the pupils two Teacher divides the class into
do the actions. share the story they heard characters, setting, and events pictures. small groups with 3-5
from their family members. of the story they heard from members. Each group will
They will talk about the their families in the class. form a circle and pass around a
B. Establishing a purpose for characters, setting, and events special microphone and
the lesson of the story with their introduce themselves to their
seatmates. group mates.
-Hi, Im _____.Im _____
years old. My favorite color/s
is/are ______. How about you?
Divide the class into small Teacher asks the pupils to Divide the class into small The first picture shows a Cal 3-5 pupils to introduce
groups with 3-5 members. retell any part of the story groups with 3-5 members. little girl receiving a gift themselves in front of the
Each group will form a circle they heard. Each group will form a circle from her mother. The other class.
and pass around a special and pass around a special picture shows a little boy
C. Presenting examples/
microphone and introduce microphone and introduce bumping into his classmate.
instances of the new lesson
themselves to their group themselves to their group
mates. mates.
-Hi, Im _______. Im ___ -Hello everyone! My favorite
years old. How old are you? color/s is/are ______.
Teacher shows the cover of Teacher reads pages 14-19 of Teacher shows the pages of Pupils will describe the Teacher brings out the picture
the read aloud book Ten the story. the book that were read to the picture and say the of a fiesta and posts it on the
D. Discussing new concepts
Friends in class. Pupils then pupils yesterday. Pupils retell appropriate expressions for board.
and practicing new skills #1
recall information about the the events of the story using those situations.
book. the pictures.
Refer to LM, page 6. Teacher explains the meaning Teacher reads pages 20-29 of Teacher shows the class a list
E. Discussing new concepts of the difficult words in the the story. She/ He will explain of sentences and phrases about
and practicing new skills #2 story using gestures, facial the meaning of the difficult the poster to the class.
expressions, pictures, etc. words in the story.
Teacher reads the story in Pupils will answer few Pupils will answer a few Teacher asks the class to act After reading the sentences
F. Developing mastery chunks. Pupils will listen and questions about the story. questions about the story. out situations when Thank and phrases, teacher encircles
(Leads to Formative answer a few questions about You and Im Sorry are the sentences and asks the
Assessment 3) the story. used. pupils some question about it.
(refer to TG, page 46)
G. Finding practical Teacher asks a few questions Teacher writes the new words Teacher writes the new words Pupils discuss with their Teacher calls 3-5 pupils to
application of concepts and about the story. on the board. on the board. seatmates the situation they introduce themselves in front
skills in daily living will act out. of the class.
Teacher posts three pictures Teacher posts three pictures Teacher will read the Pupils will copy the Teacher shows pupils pictures
H. Making generalizations on the board showing events on the board showing events questions about the story expressions Thank You of people and things from the
and abstractions about the of the story. Pupils arrange of the story. Pupils arrange written on the board. Then the and Im Sorry in their poster. Pupils then give
lesson the pictures accordingly. the pictures according to the pupils will answer the notebooks. examples of simple sentences
events in the story. teachers questions. using the pictures.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 7. Refer to LM, page 8. Refer to LM, page 9. Refer to LM, page 8. Refer to LM, page 8.
Ask the pupils to tell their Pupils will copy new words Draw some pictures. The first Make a Thank You card. Asks their family members to
families about the story they written on the board in their picture shows an event in the help them to write two
heard. Pupils then ask their notebooks. Review the words story when they think Karlo sentences in their notebooks.
J. Additional activities for
families to tell them a story in at home. was unpleasant to his friends.
application or remediation
return. Remind them to The second picture shows an
remember the characters and event when Karlo is nice to
the events of the story. his friends.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 23 Quarter 3rd QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Use words that are related to self, family, school, community, Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Use appropriate expressions
and concepts, shapes, and numbers (EN I V-IIIa-e-5) and infer the characters and infer the characters for asking permission
Talk about stories heard: Listen to short stories/poems feelings and traits feelings and traits (EN I )L-IIId-1.5.4)
C. Learning Competencies/ when and where it took place, and infer the characters (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1)
Objectives Write the LC code the characters, and some feelings and traits Recognize simple sentences
for each important details of the story (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) and identify action words in
(EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.3.3) Give the number of syllables sentences
of given words (EN I G-IIIb-1.4)
(EN I PA-IIIa-b-3.1)
Places in the Community Read Aloud Story: The Tale of Lady Cabbage Polite Expressions: Asking for
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 56-58 pp. 58-61 pp. 61-64 pp. 65-66 pp. 67-69
2. Learners Material pages p. 12 p. 13 p. 14-15 p. 16 P. 17
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of the London 1. Lyrics of the London 1. Lyrics of the Jack and Jill 1. Lyrics of the Jack and 1. Lyrics of the Jack and Jill
Bridge Bridge 2. Story: The Tale of Lady Jill 2. pictures of places in their
2. Microphone (real or made 2. Real vegetables/pictures of Cabbage 2. Pictures and book of the community
B. Other Learning Resources
of paper mache) real vegetables and labels story entitled The Tale of 3. Pictures about Polite
3. Pictures and Labels Lady Cabbage expressions (asking
Introduce the song London Sing the song London Introduce the song Jack and Sing the song Jack and Jill Sing the song Jack and Jill
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Bridge to the class. Bridge with the pupils. Jill to the class. with the pupils while with the pupils while pointing
or presenting the new lesson
pointing at the lyrics. at the lyrics.
B. Establishing a purpose for Pupils will sing on their own Divide the class into groups Show the pictures of the Ask the pupils to show and Post the pictures of place in
the lesson and then by pairs. with 3 members. Each group vegetables discussed talk about the pictures of their community. Then they
forms a circle. Show their yesterday. Lady Cabbage to their will choose the places that they
comic strip to their group seatmates. always visit and talk about it in
mates and talk about it. the class.
Divide the class into small Show a real vegetables or Pupils choose the vegetable After 5 minutes, pupils post Post some pictures on the
groups with 3-5 members. pictures of real vegetables they like to eat among the their picture on the board. board showing different
Each group will form a circle mentioned in the story. ones posted on the board. Teacher calls 2-3 pupils to situations.
and pass around a special They will tell their seatmates talk about their work in front
C. Presenting examples/
microphone and introduce why they like to eat that of the class.
instances of the new lesson
themselves to their group vegetable.
mates. -I like ______ because ____.
-Hi! Im ______. I live in
_____. Where do you live?
Teacher posts some pictures Pupils may touch or look at Show the cover of the book Teacher uses pupils pictures Pupils will study the pictures
of different places in their vegetables. Tell the class the then the pupils say the title of and the book to discuss the and listen to the teacher as s/he
D. Discussing new concepts
community. The labels for English names of each the book in Filipino. story. Pupils will answer the reads the situation for each
and practicing new skills #1
each picture are posted on the vegetable. Post the name of teachers question. picture.
right side of the board. the vegetables on the board.
Pupils will identify the places Pupils will listen to the Teacher reads the story in Post a list of sentences about They will say the polite
and say a simple description teacher as she/he reads the class. Pupils then listen and Lady Cabbage. expression in Mother Tongue
E. Discussing new concepts of the place. names of the vegetables. answer a few questions about or Filipino for each situation.
and practicing new skills #2 the story. (refer to TG, pages Teacher will explain that they
63-64) are learning polite expressions
in English.
Teacher will write pupils Ask the pupils to count the Refer to LM, page 14. Pupils will say if the Pictures with polite
F. Developing mastery description on the board. number of syllables in the statement in the list of expressions are posted on the
(Leads to Formative vegetables names. sentences is true or false. board. Teacher will post the
Assessment 3) polite expression under each
G. Finding practical Where do you go to study? Show me an angry face. Write the new word on the Draw a happy face or sad Show more examples using
application of concepts and board. face beside the sentences. pictures to help them practice.
skills in daily living
Match the names/labels to the Pupils will read the names of Ask, what will happen to Ask them of what they think Show the pictures then the
H. Making generalizations correct picture. vegetables as they clap. Then, Lade Cabbage after Farmer about todays lesson. pupils will tell the polite
and abstractions about the they will tell the number of Tong cuts her head? expressions.
lesson syllables of vegetables
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 12. Refer to LM, page 13. Refer to LM, page 15. Refer to LM, page 16. Refer to LM, page 17.
Ask their family to tell a story Remind them to review the Ask the pupils to cut a picture Remind them to review the Remind them to review the
of a place in our words they learned. of a cabbage from old lessons at home. lessons at home.
J. Additional activities for
province/town/village. After periodicals and paste it on
application or remediation
listening to the story, make a their notebook. They will
comic strip that shows a story draw on the picture they
of a place. pasted to make it look like
Lady Cabbage.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 24 Quarter 3rd QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Use appropriate expressions Listen to short stories/poems and identify cause and/or effect of Recognize telling and asking Use words that are related to
for asking permission events (EN I OL-IIa-j-1.1) sentences (EN I G-IIIc-1.3) self, family, school,
(EN I OL-IIId-1.5.4) Identify the action words in community, and concepts,
C. Learning Competencies/
telling and asking sentences shapes, and numbers
Objectives Write the LC code
(EN I V-IIIa-e-5)
for each
Give the number of syllables
of the given words
(EN I PA-IIIa-b-3.1)
Polite Expressions for Asking Read Aloud Story: The Tale of Lady Cabbage Telling an Asking Sentences Places in the Community
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 78-80 pp. 80-82 pp. 82-86 pp. 86-88 pp. 89-91
2. Learners Material pages p. 18 p. 19 p. 20-21 p. 23 p. 24
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of the Down at the 1. Lyrics of the Down at the Lyrics of the Old Lyrics of the Old 1. Lyrics of the Old
Station Station MacDonald Had a Farm MacDonald Had a Farm MacDonald Had a Farm
2. Map of the Province 2. Map of the Province 2. Pictures and labels
B. Other Learning Resources 3. Sample statement posted on 3. Sample statement posted on
the board the board
4. Pictures (refer to TG, page
Introduce the song Down at Sing the song Down at the Introduce the song Old Sing the song Old Introduce the song Old
the Station to the class. Station to the class. Pupils MacDonald Had a Farm to MacDonald Had a Farm in MacDonald Had a Farm to
Pupils will sing along while will sing along while they the class. Pupils will sing and the class. Pupils will sing and the class. Pupils will sing and
A. Reviewing previous lesson
they pass around three balls. pass around three balls. The dance while they pass around dance while they pass around dance while they pass around 3
or presenting the new lesson
The pupils who hold the balls pupils who hold the balls 3 balls. Those pupils holding 3 balls. Those pupils holding balls. Those pupils holding the
when the song stops will be when the song stops will be the balls at the end of the song the balls at the end of the balls at the end of the song will
called to share information called to share information will be the sharers for the day. song will be the sharers for be the sharers for the day.
later. later. the day.
Ask the pupils to think about Ask them to share their Pupils form 3 groups. Each Ask them to bring out their Ask them to think of the places
the places they want to visit homework with their group represents a farm drawing. they want to visit. Ask them
B. Establishing a purpose for and the reason of it. Give seatmates. animal in the song. All pupils what they like about these
the lesson them 5 minutes to think about will sing the song but only the places. Give them 5 minutes to
it. sound of animal assigned to think.
After 5 minutes, pupils will Call at least 3 pupils to come Ask them to think of the Pupils will show their The sharers for the day will go
share their thoughts in front of in front and about their places they want to visit. Ask drawings and talk about them in front to share their thoughts.
the class. homework. them what they like about with their seatmates. Example: I want to visit
C. Presenting examples/ Example: I want to visit -I want to ____ (play, watch these places. Give them 5 Afterwards, sharers for the Boracay because I love to
instances of the new lesson Boracay because I love to television, etc.) this weekend. minutes to think. day show their work in front swim.
swim. May I ______ this weekend? Example: I want to visit of the class.
Boracay because I love to
Ask them to recall the Post 3 related pictures on the Tell them that they are going Show two lists of sentences. Show pictures in the
expression to use when asking board. Pupils will identify the to reread The Tale of Lade The first is a list of telling community while the labels for
D. Discussing new concepts permission. Then, pupils will connection between the Cabbage. Teacher will sentences, and the other is a each picture are posted on the
and practicing new skills #1 share the expression with the pictures. highlight the events of the list of asking sentences. right side of the board.
class. story that show cause and
Divide the class into 8 groups. Explain the concept of cause Pupils will listen to the Let them identify which are Show some pictures of the
Assign a situation wherein the and effect to them. teacher and answer the telling sentences and which places that are not found in
pupils need to use the polite questions about the story. are asking sentences. their town/village but may be
E. Discussing new concepts expression when asking seen in other
and practicing new skills #2 permission. towns/cities/provinces. And
the labels for each picture are
posted on the right side of the
Pupils act out the situation Show them the picture then Post pictures of the events in Show a new list of sentences. Let them identify the places
F. Developing mastery
and say the appropriate pupils will answer teachers the story. Pupils will arrange Pupils will say if the and say a simple description of
(Leads to Formative
expression. questions. pictures based on the story. sentences in the list are one place.
Assessment 3)
telling or asking sentences.
Teacher will give another What happen to the bridge If you eat vegetables, what Do the action. How many syllables?
G. Finding practical
situation then the pupils will made of clay? will happen to your body? 1.Jump 1.papaya
application of concepts and
tell the appropriate expression
skills in daily living
in asking permission.
H. Making generalizations Let them tell the expression to After looking at the pictures, Pupils will identify the cause Ask them to identify the Count the number of syllables
and abstractions about the use when asking permission. ask if the pictures are and effect of the events. action words in sentences. in the words below. (refer to
lesson connected and how. TG, page 91)
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 18. Refer to LM, page 19. Refer to LM, page 21. Refer to LM, page 23. Refer to LM, page 24.
J. Additional activities for Ask them to think of Remind them to review the Post picture on the board. Remind them to review the Remind them to review the
application or remediation something they want to do lessons at home. Then, ask them to draw a lessons at home. lessons at home.
this weekend. Then they will picture showing the effect of
ask permission from their the scenario shown in the first
parents to allow them to do an picture. (refer to TG, page 86)
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 25 Quarter 3RD QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Use appropriate expressions Recognize telling and asking
and identify the speaker in the and identify the speaker in the and identify the speaker in the for offering help sentences(EN I G-IIIc-e-1.3)
C. Learning Competencies/ story or poem story or poem story or poem (EN I OL-IIIe-1.5.5) Identify the action words in
Objectives Write the LC code (EN I OL-IIIa-e-5) (EN I OL-IIIa-e-5) (EN I OL-IIIa-e-5) sentences
for each Give the number of syllables
of given words
(EN I PA-IIIa-b-3.1)
Read Aloud Story: Ang Read Aloud Story: Ang Read Aloud Story: Ang Polite Expressions for Telling and Asking Sentences
II. CONTENT Kamatis ni Peles (Peles Kamatis ni Peles (Peles Kamatis ni Peles (Peles Offering Help Counting Syllables
Tomatoes) Tomatoes) Tomatoes)
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 100-102 pp. 103-105 pp. 106-109 pp. 109-111 pp. 112-113
2. Learners Material pages p. 25 p. 26 p. 27 p. 28 p. 29
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of the Shape Song 1. Lyrics of the Shape Song Lyrics of the Shape Song 1. Lyrics of Baa Baa Black Lyrics of Baa Baa Black
2. Real microphones or ones 2. Baskets Sheep Sheep
B. Other Learning Resources made of paper mache 3. Round/Square/Rectangular 2. Pictures of Kundiman
3. Real/ picture of tomato objects and Tinikling Dance
3. Picture of marketplace
Introduce the Shape Song to Sing the Shape song with Sing the Shape Song to the Introduce the song Baa Baa Recite the lyrics of the song
A. Reviewing previous lesson
the class. Sing the song in the pupils. pupils. Pupils will sing the Black Sheep to the class. Baa Baa Black Sheep with
or presenting the new lesson
pairs or as a class. song in pairs or as a class. the pupils.
Divide the class into small Pupils will sing the song in Ask them to share the news Show pictures showing the Explain that a sheep belongs to
groups. Ask them to show pairs or as a class. they heard last night to their Kundiman and the the same family of goats and
B. Establishing a purpose for
and tell about their favorite seatmates. Tinikling Dance in class. the wool from a sheep is used
the lesson
objects in their bags. to make crafts in other
C. Presenting examples/ They will describe the color Put some objects of different Call 3-5 pupils to share their Explain something about the Ask them to show and tell their
instances of the new lesson and shape of their favorite shapes in the classroom. news in front of the class. pictures. homework.
objects. Divide the class into groups -I found that we make baskets
-My favorite thing is my with four members. Each here in our province.
notebook. The shape of my group needs to collect objects
notebook is rectangle. The and put them in their baskets.
color of my notebook is Teacher will tell the pupils the
violet. objects they need to collect.
Show a real tomato/picture of Check the basket and the Ask them to recall the events Pupils will think of the art Ask them to recall the polite
tomato in class. They will pupils will say the name of of the story they heard form seen in their village, expressions they learned
D. Discussing new concepts examine the tomato. Teacher the things their group put in yesterday. town, or province. yesterday. Pupils will listen as
and practicing new skills #1 will ask questions about the their basket. the teacher reads the sentences
tomato. and let them identify the
asking and telling sentences.
Read the pages 2-7 of the Ask them to recall the events Read pages 16-27 of the story Show a picture of a Once they have identified the
E. Discussing new concepts story in class. of the story they heard in class. marketplace. Let them sentences, the teacher will read
and practicing new skills #2 yesterday. Read pages 8-15 of observe it. them correctly using the right
the story in class. intonation.
Pupils will answer few Pupils will answer few Pupils will answer few Let them enumerate the Pupils will follow after the
F. Developing mastery
questions about the story. questions about the story. questions about the story. things they see. Ask them teacher read the sentences.
(Leads to Formative
what they will do if they are
Assessment 3)
in the situation.
Write the new words on the Write the new words on the Explain the meaning of the Ask them to look for a Model the correct way of
G. Finding practical
board. board. difficult words in the story. partner and practice saying saying the sentences.
application of concepts and
Write the new words on the the expressions when
skills in daily living
board offering help.
Ask Who is impressed with Ask Was Peles close to Post picture on the board. Ask When someone offers -Identify the asking and telling
H. Making generalizations the healthy plants?. tears? Was he happy or sad Read some lines of the you help, what do you say? sentences.
and abstractions about the when he confided to Hugo?. characters in the story. Pupils What if you do not want their -Let them count the number of
lesson then identify the speaker of help? syllables in the given words.
the given line.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 25. Refer to LM, page 26. Refer to LM, page 27. Refer to LM, page 28. Refer to LM, page 29.
Draw a square object, a round Listen to the news on the Remind them to review the Find out the crafts made in Ask them to review the topics
object, and a rectangular radio or watch it on the lessons at home. their they discussed this week.
J. Additional activities for
object in their notebooks. television. neighbourhood/village/town.
application or remediation
Draw two pictures of those
crafts in their notebooks.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 26 Quarter 3rd QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Recognize names of persons, Talk about stories heard when Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Recognize names of persons,
C. Learning Competencies/ places, things, and animals and where it took place, the and predict possible ending of and predict possible ending places, things, and animals
Objectives Write the LC code (EN I G-IIIf-h-2.1) characters and some important a story read of a story read (EN I G-IIIf-h-2.1)
for each details of the story (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1)
(EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.3.1)
Naming Words Read Aloud Story: Ang Nursery Rhyme: Humpty Nursery Rhyme: Humpty Naming Words
II. CONTENT Kamatis ni Peles (Peless Dumpty Dumpty
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 120-122 pp. 123-125 pp. 125-127 pp. 127-128 pp. 129-130
2. Learners Material pages p. 31 pp. 33 & 35 pp. 37-38 p. 39 p. 41
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Poem of A Family 1. Poem of A Family 1. Poem of A Family 1. Poem: Barney Song 1. Lyrics of Barney Song
Fingerplay Fingerplay Fingerplay 2. Pictures of Humpty 2. Pictures
B. Other Learning Resources 2. Real microphones or the 2. Story: Ang Kamatis ni 2. Some pictures of the events Dumpty
ones made of paper mache Peles (Peless Tomatoes) in Humpty Dumpty
3. Pictures
Introduce the poem A Recite the poem A Family Recite the poem A Family Introduce the Barney Song Sing the Barney Song to the
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Family Fingerplay to the Fingerplay with the pupils. Fingerplay with the pupils. to the class. class.
or presenting the new lesson
Pupils will recite the poem Divide the class into small Ask them to bring out their Pupils will sing and act out Pupils will sing and act out the
while doing the actions. groups with 3 members. homework and show it to their the actions. parts of the song.
B. Establishing a purpose for
Pupils will show the feature of seat mates.
the lesson
their fathers and talk about it
to their group mates.
Divide the class into 5-7 Call some pupils to share their Show and tell the feature of Divide the class into groups Ask them to share their
C. Presenting examples/
groups. Each group will form work in front of the class. their mother. with 3-4 members. They will homework with their
instances of the new lesson
a circle and pass around a My father is___________. My mother is___________. tell their group mates the seatmates.
special microphone and share His favorite color is _______. Her favorite color is _______. game that they usually play Example: My grandparents are
something about their family. His favorite food is _______. Her favorite food is _______. with their brothers or sisters. Jose and Maria. Their favorite
Example: There are seven of His favorite place is _______. Her favorite place is _______. song is Kundiman. It is a
us in the family. There is my His favorite shape is _______. Her favorite shape is ______. Filipino traditional love song.
father, my mother, my
brother, my sister, my
grandfather, my grandmother,
and me. How about you?
Post pictures of people, Divide the class into groups Show pictures of the events in They may teach their Divide the class into small
places, things, and animals on with 3 members. Ask them to the nursery rhyme Humpty classmates how to play the groups with 4 members. Each
D. Discussing new concepts
the board. The names of the retell the story Peles Dumpty. Post the words of game they usually play with group identify if the word the
and practicing new skills #1
pictures are posted on the Tomatoes. the rhyme under each picture. their brothers or sisters. teacher says is a name of a
right side of the board. person, place, thing, or animal.
Each member will retell only Let them look at the pictures Show pictures of Humpty Post a table showing the
E. Discussing new concepts a part of the story. and listen to the lines of the Dumpty and reads the lines answer. Read the words and
and practicing new skills #2 rhyme. of the rhyme in class. the pupils will repeat after the
Match the names to the Ask some questions after the Predict the ending of the Show and tell their drawings Let them read alone the words
F. Developing mastery
pictures. pupils retell the story. story. to their seatmates. posted on the board and tell if
(Leads to Formative
it is a name of person, place,
Assessment 3)
thing, or animal.
Read all the words on the Refer to LM, page 33. Refer to LM, page 37. They will talk about the Give another word and tell if it
G. Finding practical
board then arrange it possible ending to the rhyme. is a name of person, place,
application of concepts and
according to person, place, thing, or animal.
skills in daily living
thing, and animal.
Complete the table according Ask questions about the story. Ask What is the possible Post a picture showing the Let them give a word then tell
H. Making generalizations
to the four categories namely: ending of the story?. ending of the rhyme. Recite if it is a name of person, place,
and abstractions about the
person, place, thing, and the rhyme together with the thing, or animal.
animal. pupils.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 31. Refer to LM, page 35. Refer to LM, page 38. Refer to LM, page 39. Refer to LM, page 41.
Draw or cut and paste a Interview their mothers and Think of the game they Interview their Ask them to review the topics
picture of their fathers and write feature about her in their always play with their grandparents/parents and ask they discussed this week.
J. Additional activities for
make a short feature in their notebooks. brothers/sisters. They have to them about their favorite
application or remediation
notebooks. remember the rules or song.
mechanics of the game.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 27 Quarter 3RD GRADING

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Identify rhyming words in Recognize names of persons, Use words that are related to
and predict possible ending of and predict possible ending of poems, songs, nursery places, things, and animals self, family, school,
C. Learning Competencies/
a story read a story read rhymes, chants ( EN I G-IIIf-h-2.1) community, and concepts such
Objectives Write the LC code
(EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) (EN I PA-If-j-6) State possible actions/actions as the names for colors,
for each
words that persons or animals shapes, and numbers
can do (EN I V-IIIa-e-5)
Read Aloud Story: Si Pilong Read Aloud Story: Si Pilong Rhyming Words Naming Words Community Helpers
Patago-tago (Pilo is Hiding) Patago-tago (Pilo is Hiding)
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 138-140 pp. 141-143 pp. 144-145 pp. 146-147 pp. 148-150
2. Learners Material pages pp. 42-43 pp. 44-45 p. 46 p. 47 p. 48
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of Da Coconut 1. Lyrics of Da Coconut Poem: All Things Bright and Lyrics: Im a Little Tea Pot 1. Lyrics: Im a Little Tea
Nut Nut Beautiful Pot
B. Other Learning Resources 2. Story: Si Pilong Patago- 2. Story: Si Pilong Patago- 2. Picture of a community
tago (Pilo is Hiding) tago (Pilo is Hiding)
3. Picture of a drupe
Introduce the first stanza of Sing the first stanza of the Introduce the poem All Introduce the song Im a Sing the song Im a Little Tea
A. Reviewing previous lesson the song Da Coconut Nut. song Da Coconut Nut to the Things Bright and Beautiful Little Tea Pot to the class. Pot with the pupils.
or presenting the new lesson Pupils will sing while dancing class. to the class.
to the tune of the song.
Show an actual drupe or post Pupils will sing along while Ask them to bring out their Let them sing and do the Tell the class about their most
B. Establishing a purpose for a picture of it on the board. dancing to the tune of the favorite things. actions for the song. unforgettable weekend with
the lesson Ask them if they have seen song. their family.
and tasted a coconut.
List some food with coconut Post a picture of your favorite Show and tell about their Play your favorite song then Let them share their own
C. Presenting examples/
ingredients. They will also food. Then tell them about it. favorite things. ask them to share their experiences with their
instances of the new lesson
talk about their favorite dish Pupils will think about their -My favorite things are _____. favorite song in class. Let classmates.
with a coconut ingredient. favorite food and talk about it. I like them because _____. them sing their favorite songs -My most unforgettable
Example: Bukayo to their seatmates and explain experience is ____. We went
(sweetened coconut meat) has why they like it. to _____. I was with ______. It
a coconut in it. It is my was so much fun.
favorite dessert.
Show the cover of the book. Ask them to recall the events Read again the poem All Post a list of words on the Post a picture of a community
Pupils will recall and say the of the story that they heard. Things Bright and Beautiful. board. Let them listen as on the board. Let them study
D. Discussing new concepts title of the story. Supply teacher reads each one. They the picture and identify the
and practicing new skills #1 information such as the name will say if the word is a name things they see in it.
of the author and illustrator. of person, thing, place, or
Read the story and stop Read the story on pages 14- Let them point out the Ask them to give actions that
E. Discussing new concepts reading on page 13. Ask some 29. Ask some question while rhyming words in the poem. the animals or persons
and practicing new skills #2 question while reading it. reading it. mentioned in the previous
Explain the meaning of the Explain the meaning of the Clap their hands when they Read the words: ice cream, Ask them to share about the
F. Developing mastery
new words in the story. Then new words in the story. Then hear rhyming words then tell Melissa, post office, table, people they see in their
(Leads to Formative
write it on the board. write it on the board. the rhyming words they heard. mouse, Karlo, classroom, community.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Refer to LM, page 42. Refer to LM, page 44. Let them copy the rhyming What animal can do? Draw their unforgettable
application of concepts and words on their notebooks. experience in the school.
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations Ask the seven questions about Review the words that they Give rhyming words they Ask them to say an action Show set of pictures and let
and abstractions about the the story. (refer to TG, page encountered and ask questions heard in the poem. words. them identify the people in the
lesson 140) about the story. picture.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 43. Refer to LM, page 45. Refer to LM, page 46. Refer to LM, page 47. Refer to LM, page 48.
Remind them to review the Bring two of their favorite Remind them to review the Think of their most Ask them to review the topics
J. Additional activities for
lessons at home. things to class. lessons at home. unforgettable weekend with they discussed this week.
application or remediation
their families.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 28 Quarter 3RD QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Use words that are related to Recognize names of persons,
and discuss, illustrate, and discuss, illustrate, and discuss, illustrate, self, family, school, places, things, and animals
dramatize specific events (EN dramatize specific events (EN dramatize specific events (EN community, and concepts (EN I G-IIIf-h-2.1)
C. Learning Competencies/ I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) such as the names for colors, Identify action words in
Objectives Write the LC code shapes, and numbers (EN I sentences and tell whether the
for each V-IIIa-e-5) action is in the present, past, or
Relate ones future
activities/responsibilities at
home (EN I PL-IIIc-1.17.1)
Read Aloud Story: Si Pilong Read Aloud Story:Si Pilong Read Aloud Story:Si Pilong Community Helpers Naming Words
Patago-tago (Pilo is Hiding) Patago-tago (Pilo is Hiding) Patago-tago (Pilo is Hiding)
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 158-159 pp. 160-161 pp. 162-163 pp. 164-165 pp. 166-167
2. Learners Material pages p. 49 p. 50 p. 51 p. 52 pp. 53-54
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Poem: Little Miss Muffet 1. Poem: Little Miss Muffet 1. Lyrics of Itsy Bitsy 1. Lyrics of Itsy Bitsy 1. Lyrics of Itsy Bitsy Spider
2. Story: Si Pilong Patago- 2. Story: Si Pilong Patago- Spider Spider 2. Pictures of community
B. Other Learning Resources
tago (Pilo is Hiding) tago (Pilo is Hiding) 2. Story: Si Pilong Patago- 2. Pictures of community helpers
tago (Pilo is Hiding) helpers
Introduce the poem Little Recite the poem Little Miss Introduce the song Itsy Bitsy Sing the song Itsy Bitsy Sing the song Itsy Bitsy
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Miss Muffet to the class. Muffet to the class. Spider to the class. Spider with the class. Spider with the class.
or presenting the new lesson
Pupils will recite the poem.
Ask them to talk about their Divide the class into groups. Pupils will sing and do actions Divide the class into groups Post the same pictures of
pets. If they do not have any Each group will form a small for the song. with 3 members. Each triad community helpers discussed
B. Establishing a purpose for
pet, let them talk about what circle. will form a circle. They will yesterday.
the lesson
animals they would like to talk about their parents jobs
take care of. to their group mates.
C. Presenting examples/ Pupils will share their Pupils will show and tell their Ask the pupils to answer some Tell about their parents jobs Post 5 sentences on the board
instances of the new lesson experiences and feelings drawings to their group mates. questions. (refer to TG, page and responsibilities. and let them identify the names
about having or not having 162) Example: My father is a in the sentences. Then, they
pet. Pupils will share their answers fisherman. He catches fish. will say if those are names of a
Example: I have pet cat. His with their seatmates and My mother is a vendor. She person, a place, a thing, or an
name is Kobe. He loves to eat classmates. sells fish in the market. animal. (refer to TG, page 166)
Tell the class that they will Ask them to recall the events Divide the class into six Show pictures of community Ask them to identify the action
listen to the story Si Pilong of the story they heard groups. Each group does a helpers. Pupils will identify words in the sentences and let
Patago-tago again. yesterday. different activity related to the each community helper and them ay if the action word is in
D. Discussing new concepts
story. (refer to TG, pages 162- tell what they do for the the present, past or future
and practicing new skills #1
163) community. tense. Teacher will underline
the action words in the
Teacher rereads pages 2-17 of Reread pages 18-19 as the Explain that everyone has an Let them too work in triad.
the book as the pupils listen to pupils listen to the story. important role to play in our They will complete a table by
the story. community. Even young giving 3 names of persons,
E. Discussing new concepts
people like them can help the places, things, and animals.
and practicing new skills #2
community. And ask them to think of
actions that the persons and
animals in their table can do.
Ask some questions about the Ask some questions about the Call each group to present Pupils will identify each Refer to LM, page 53.
F. Developing mastery
story. story. their performances or drawing community helper and tell
(Leads to Formative
to their classmates. what they do for the
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Review the words learned in Review the words learned in Act out. They will talk about their Put pictures on the table and
application of concepts and the text. the text. 1. Happy responsibilities at home. tell the names of the pictures.
skills in daily living
Ask them some questions Discuss the events of the Ask What are the events in Let them tell some What do call the words in the
H. Making generalizations about the story. story. Ask them to fill up the the story you have heard?. community helper and they word list?
and abstractions about the poster by looking at the events will tell what they do for the Eat
lesson and details in the story.(refer community. pray
to TG, page 161)
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 49. Refer to LM, page 50. Refer to LM, page 51. Refer to LM, page 52. Refer to LM, page 54.
Draw places where they think Remind them to review the Ask their parents about their Remind them to review the Ask them to review the topics
J. Additional activities for
it is best to hide. lessons at home. jobs and their responsibilities lessons at home. they discussed this week.
application or remediation
in their jobs.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
School Grade Level ONE
Grades 1-12 Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Date and Time WEEK 29 Quarter 3RD QUARTER

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for purposely literacy learning
B. Performance Standards The learner uses strategies independently in accomplishing literacy-related tasks
Recognize names of persons, Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Listen to short stories/poems Talk about stories heard, when
places, things, and animals and identify the problem and and identify the problem and and identify the problem and and where they took place, the
C. Learning Competencies/ (EN I G-IIIf-h-2.1) solution (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) solution (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) solution (EN I OL-IIIa-j-1.1) characters, and some important
Objectives Write the LC code Identify action words in details of the story (EN I OL-
for each sentences and whether the IIIa-j-1.3.1)
action is in the present, past,
or future
Naming Words Community Helpers Read Aloud Story: MA ME Read Aloud Story: MA ME Read Aloud Story: MA ME
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages pp. 176-177 pp. 178-180 pp. 180-183 pp. 183-184 pp. 185-186
2. Learners Material pages pp. 55-56 p. 57 pp. 58-59 pp. 61 & 63 p. 65
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials for
Learning Resource Portal
1. Lyrics of Sit Down, 1. Lyrics of Sit Down, 1. Lyrics of Jack and Jill 1. Lyrics of Jack and Jill 1. Lyrics of Sit Down, Youre
Youre Rocking the Boat Youre Rocking the Boat 2. Story: MA ME ME 2. Pictures Rocking the Boat and Jack
B. Other Learning Resources 2. Real microphones or the 2. Story: MA ME ME MUMU and Jill
ones made of paper mache MUMU 2. Small lamp

Introduce the round song Sit Introduce the round song Sit Introduce the song Jack and Sing the song Jack and Jill Sing the songs song Sit
A. Reviewing previous lesson Down, Youre Rocking the Down, Youre Rocking the Jill to the class. to the class. Pupils will sing Down, Youre Rocking the
or presenting the new lesson Boat to the class. Boat to the class. Pupils will and do actions for the song. Boat and Jack and Jill with
sing by group. the pupils.
Divide the class into 7 groups. Ask them to form a triad with Pupils will sing and do actions Ask them to bring out their Ask them to form big circle
Each group will form a circle. their seatmates. They will for the song. homework. Let them post and sit on the floor. In the
B. Establishing a purpose for
They will share their share with their group mates their pictures on board. Help middle of the circle is a small
the lesson
experiences of doing a chore their experiences when them to group the same lamp.
they do not like. somebody helped them. pictures together.
Call some pupils to share their . Teacher will share the things Ask them to share their stories Ask them to count the Pupils will bring out their
experiences of doing chore that s/he is afraid of. Pupils about their good deed with pictures. The monster with notebooks and get ready to
they do not like. will enumerate the things that their seatmates. Call some the most number of pictures share.
C. Presenting examples/
they are afraid of. pupils to share their stories in is considered the most
instances of the new lesson
class. popular. Ask them to share
their reasons for choosing the
Post an empty table on the Show the book in the class. Ask them to recall the events Divide the class into 4 Let them share the stories they
board. Pupils will say the And prepares them to listen to of the story they heard groups. Each group will get a heard.
D. Discussing new concepts names of the things they drew the story. yesterday. different set of pictures
and practicing new skills #1 on their worksheets and showing the events of the
complete the table on the story.
They will say the names of Reread pages 2-13 of the story Reread pages 14-27 of the Pupils will use the pictures to
E. Discussing new concepts the things they drew on their in the class. story in class. retell the events of the story
and practicing new skills #2 worksheets and complete the assigned to their group.
table on the board.
F. Developing mastery Refer to LM, page 55. Pupils will answer a few Ask some question about the Each group will come to the Ask some questions about the
(Leads to Formative questions about the story. story. front and retell the story. story.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Write in past form. Who are the community Refer to LM, page 58. Refer to LM, page 61. What is the moral lesson of the
application of concepts and 1.wash helpers you see in your story heard?
skills in daily living community?
Read the examples under each Ask What did the little girl Ask them the 6 questions Ask Will you retell some Ask them the place, characters,
H. Making generalizations
group. Ask them to recall the do? about the story. ( refer to TG, events in the story? and some important details of
and abstractions about the
actions that persons and page 182.) the story.
animals can do in the table.
I. Evaluating learning Refer to LM, page 56. Refer to LM, page 57. Refer to LM, page 59. Refer to LM, page 63. Refer to LM, page 65.
Remind them to review the Think and recall good acts Draw the picture of a monster Ask their Ask them to review the topics
J. Additional activities for
lessons at home. they did for their families, in the story they like best on a parents/grandparents to tell they discussed this week.
application or remediation
friends, or classmates. piece of paper. them a story about a monster.
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of Learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who
have caught up with the
D, No. of Learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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