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Discipline Is Positive. Discipline Is Training. Teaching and Discipline Are Inseparable.

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employed only 173 per cent of workers, while the bigger Savings Scheme, 2007 where such interest

ch interest does not exceed

undertakings accounted for 709 per cent of the total ten thousand rupees during the financial year.
employment. This enhanced limit is also applicable from June 1,
50,000 Street Children to get Birth Certificates 2007 to payments of interest by banking companies and
cooperative societies engaged in the business of banking.
For the first time in India, around 50,000 birth
certificates will be provided at one go to street and
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
working children living in Kolkata, belonging to the Established
disadvantaged sections of the society. The Government on June 15, 2007 gave its approval
The birth certificate which is an important legal proof for the establishment of Indira Gandhi National Tribal
of age, is expected to protect these children from abuses University in Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh with
such as underage marriage, trafficking and child labour. Central Government funding. It also approved intro-
It will also establish their rights in matters relating to duction of the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
property and inheritance. Bill, 2007 in the Parliament.
The pilot project undertaken from 2005 by the Expansion of the Child Labour Project
Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC), the United The Government has proposed to expand the
Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) and City Level National Child Labour Project to all endemic districts
Programme of Action (CLPoA), registered the births of during the 11th Plan period.
those children living on the streets or the urban slums as
The scheme is operational in 250 districts in 20
part of an effort to count every child in the city and
states, where 7,328 special schools are functioning for
promote the system of birth registration.
children withdrawn from work.
The CLPoA, consisting of 75 non-governmental
Under the scheme, which is in operation since 1988,
organisations gathered data through the partners and
children withdrawn from work are provided with
discovered that of the 74,936 children covered 50,124
education, vocational training, nutrition, stipend and
children were born in the city, making them eligible for
registration under the KMC.
The existing norms required an affidavit and a late Chandrayaan to be Launched in 2008
fee of Rs. 100 for registering births once a child was over a Indian Space Research Organisation on June 25,
year old, the Department of Health and Family Welfare, 2007 announced that the lunar mission Chandrayaan will
West Bengal, reduced the late fee to a mere 50 paise. be ready for launch by mid-2008.
Jamshedji Tata Trust Pledges 18 million to The ISRO is establishing a 32-metre diameter antenna
LSE for the satellite bus besides instituting a line space
technology to aid in visual mapping of the moon and its
The Jamshedji Tata Trust has pledged 18 million to surface.
the London School of Economics and Political Science
ISRO would conduct a series of tests on the satellite
(LSE) to support research collaboration between the LSE
for the next six months.
and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India.
The partnership was announced at a public event on Kolkata to have Second Underground Railway
Sustaining growth and promoting inclusion in Indias Corridor
economy and society in London. Kolkata would be the first city in India to have a
LSEs association with the Tata family dates back second underground railway corridor. The project
almost a century, and this pledge has further streng- providing for Metro services along an east-west corridor
thened this relationship. that is to extend underwater across the Hooghly river to
Howrah on the other side was approved on June 14, 2007
Three CPSEs Conferred Navratna Status
by the West Bengal Cabinet. The construction work will
Navratna status was conferred on three Central begin in December, 2008 and is expected to be completed
Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs), viz., Bharat Electronics in 2013.
Limited, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Power The new project has been accepted by the centre as a
Finance Corporation Limited by the Finance Minister, central sector project. It will cost nearly Rs. 5,000 crore
Shri P. Chidambaram on June 22, 2007. and is to have 12 stations cutting across the city from Salt
Tax Exemption Limit Enhanced Under Senior Lake in the east to Howrah station.
Citizens Savings Scheme Satellite Based Distance Learning Launched
The Government has enhanced threshold limit for in the Vocational System
exemption from deduction of tax at source from Rs. 5,000 Satellite Based Distance Learning in the Vocational
to 10,000 on interest on any deposit under Senior System has been launched by the Directorate General of
Citizens Savings Scheme, 2004. This enhanced threshold Employment and Training (DGET) in the Ministry of
limit has come into force from June 1, 2007. Labour and Employment on a pilot basis. The DGET-
Hence, no tax will be required to be deducted at EDUSAT Pilot Programme was launched recently from
source on interest credited or paid or likely to be credited the Vishveswaraiah Technological University (VTU)
or paid on any deposit made under Senior Citizens studio in Bangalore. It is transmitted to 12 Industrial

PD/August/2007/192 Discipline is positive. Discipline is training. Teaching and discipline are inseparable.

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