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Practice of Epidemiology Meta-Analysis: Richard M. Martin, David Gunnell, and George Davey Smith

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American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 161, No.

Copyright 2005 by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Printed in U.S.A.
All rights reserved DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwh338


Breastfeeding in Infancy and Blood Pressure in Later Life: Systematic Review and

Richard M. Martin, David Gunnell, and George Davey Smith

From the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.

Received for publication January 29, 2004; accepted for publication June 25, 2004.

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The influence of breastfeeding on blood pressure in later life is uncertain. The authors conducted a systematic
review of published studies from which estimates of a mean difference (standard error) in blood pressure between
breastfed and bottle-fed subjects could be derived. They searched MEDLINE and Excerpta Medica (EMBASE)
bibliographic databases, which was supplemented by manual searches of reference lists. Fifteen studies (17
observations) including 17,503 subjects were summarized. Systolic blood pressure was lower in breastfed
compared with bottle-fed infants (pooled difference: 1.4 mmHg, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.2, 0.6), but
evidence of heterogeneity between study estimates was evident (216 = 42.0, p < 0.001). A lesser effect of
breastfeeding on systolic blood pressure was observed in larger (n 1,000) studies (0.6 mmHg, 95% CI: 1.2,
0.02) compared with smaller (n < 1,000) studies (2.3 mmHg, 95% CI: 3.7, 0.9) (p for difference in pooled
estimates = 0.02). A small reduction in diastolic blood pressure was associated with breastfeeding (pooled
difference: 0.5 mmHg, 95% CI: 0.9, 0.04), which was independent of study size. If causal, the small reduction
in blood pressure associated with breastfeeding could confer important benefits on cardiovascular health at a
population level. Understanding the mechanism underlying this association may provide insights into pathways
linking early life exposures with health in adulthood.

blood pressure; bottle feeding; breast feeding; cardiovascular system; hypertension; infant nutrition; milk,
human; review literature

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.

Evidence is growing that blood pressure levels in both with the lowest breastfeeding rates (10) and the highest risks
childhood and young adulthood are influenced by factors of premature cardiovascular disease (11), and it may
operating early in life (14) and are associated with later increase understanding of cardiovascular disease mecha-
cardiovascular disease (5). Specifically, several cohort nisms operating through early life exposures.
studies suggest that blood pressure may be determined by Interpreting individual studies of the association between
early nutritional exposures, including sodium intake in breastfeeding and blood pressure in isolation is complicated.
infancy (6), consumption of formula feed (7), and breast- Firstly, cohort studies include infants born in different
feeding (8). Detection, treatment, and control of hyperten- decades during the 20th century (8, 12, 13). The composition
sion in adulthood does not reduce cardiovascular disease risk of bottle (artificial) feeds has changed during this time, and
to normotensive levels (9), supporting efforts to identify associations with particular components of these feeds may
primary prevention interventions that could be started in explain differences in results. Secondly, different definitions
early life. Any long-term effect of breastfeeding on blood of breastfeeding have been used (13, 14). Thirdly, the
pressure levels may have implications for policies promoting strength of the relation may depend on the age at outcome
breastfeeding, particularly among the least affluent families measurement (15, 16). Finally, control for confounding

Correspondence to Dr. Richard M. Martin, Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, Canynge Hall, Whiteladies Road, Bristol,
United Kingdom, BS8 2PR (e-mail:

15 Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
16 Martin et al.

factors may have been inadequate (17). We conducted a study to determine its impact on the overall pooled mean
systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting on difference.
blood pressure levels in breast- and bottle-fed subjects and Selected study characteristics, chosen a priori, were
explored possible sources of heterogeneity using meta- entered as indicator variables in separate meta-regression
regression (18). analyses (18) to assess their impact on between-study varia-
tion (heterogeneity), as follows: study size (<1,000/ 1,000);
MATERIALS AND METHODS reliance on maternal recall of breastfeeding beyond infancy
(yes/no); whether breastfeeding occurred for at least 2
Included studies months (yes/no); whether breastfeeding was exclusive for at
least 2 months (yes/no); age at measurement of blood pres-
Articles were included if they fulfilled the following sure (<10 years/1145 years/>45 years); decade of birth
criteria: 1) having been breastfed in infancy was compared (before 1980/after 1980); proportion of target population
with bottle (artificial) feeding, 2) systolic or diastolic blood included in the main analysis (<30 percent/3160 percent,
pressure had been measured as an outcome, and 3) an esti- >61 percent); method of blood pressure measurement (auto-
mate of the mean difference in blood pressure between mated/manual); and whether effect estimates in the final
breast- and bottle-fed groups could be extracted from the models controlled for social factors in childhood or adult-
article. Our review was restricted to human subjects. hood (yes/no), maternal factors in pregnancy (yes/no), or
current weight (yes/no). Papers that assessed blood pressure
in infancy only (age <1 year) were investigated separately

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Data sources
because the focus of our inquiry was on the long-term, rather
We systematically searched all published papers, letters, than acute, effects of breastfeeding. Funnel plots, the Egger
abstracts, and review articles on infant feeding and cardio- (weighted regression) test, and the Begg and Mazumdar
vascular disease, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and (rank correlation) tests for funnel plot asymmetry were
growth by using the MEDLINE and Excerpta Medica conducted to examine the relation between sample size and
(EMBASE) bibliographic databases from their inception to observed mean differences in blood pressure by infant
April 2003. We used a combined text word and MESH feeding group (21).
heading search strategy (refer to the Appendix), and we
manually searched reference lists of all studies that fulfilled
our eligibility criteria. Using the saved searches and auto Sensitivity analysis
alerts automated facilities incorporated within the We examined the likely impact on the overall pooled
MEDLINE and EMBASE databases, we reran the search relation between breastfeeding and blood pressure of also
every week until May 2004. No restriction was made including the five potentially eligible studies that did not
regarding language of publication. Two papers then in press provide quantitative estimates (table 1). In all five studies,
but not yet published (19, 20) were also considered for inclu- null results were reported, and a mean difference in systolic
sion. When clarifications were required, we corresponded blood pressure of 0.0 mmHg between breast- and bottle-fed
with the authors, but no additional data were supplied. One subjects was assigned. The meta-analysis was then
of the authors (R. M. M.) assessed study eligibility and repeated to estimate the pooled mean difference when all
extracted data by using a prepiloted, standardized form. studies were included (i.e., both those with published esti-
We did not use a simple quality score, which might be mates and the five studies without published estimates).
arbitrary. Instead, we conducted meta-regression analyses to For the five studies without quantitative data, an estimate
assess specific aspects of quality, including control of of the standard error was based on the sample size and
confounding, loss to follow-up, recall bias, definition of assumed a standard deviation of 10 mmHg where this
breastfeeding, and sample size (refer to the information parameter was not reported (2224).
Statistical analysis
Description of studies
A meta-analysis of the mean differences, and their stan-
dard errors, in systolic and diastolic blood pressures between The electronic search yielded 3,403 references. Abstract
breastfed and bottle-fed infants was conducted. The fully review suggested that 17 were potentially relevant to the
adjusted estimates from individual studies were used in the analysis relating breastfeeding with blood pressure beyond
meta-analysis where available; otherwise, the crude esti- 12 months (8, 1216, 2333). Ten other papers were identi-
mates were used. Heterogeneity was assessed by using the Q fied from a manual search of reference lists (22, 3442). Of
test (18). Because heterogeneity was marked, random- the 27 studies, 12 published studies were included in the
effects models were computed. One paper followed up meta-analysis (8, 1216, 2527, 3436) (Web table 1; this
subjects at ages 1316 years (15), some of whom were information is described in the supplementary table referred
included in an analysis based on follow-up at ages 7.58 to as Web table 1 in the text, which is posted on the
years (16). Because the two studies cannot be considered Journals website ( Reasons for
independent in a meta-analysis, we performed a meta- exclusion (n = 15) are given in figure 1. Together with the
analysis with and without including this later follow-up three additional studies identified after April 2003 (which

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
Breastfeeding and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review 17

TABLE 1. Studies reporting on associations between method of infant feeding and blood pressure beyond 12 months of age that
were not included in the current meta-analysis

Age at which
First author, source No. breastfed*;
Infant feeding Infant year of Age at which infant outcome Description
(year of publication) no. bottle fed
comparison birth feeding was assessed measurement of results
(reference no.) (sex)
Baranowski, families 245 total (M + F) Duration of any Not stated Interviewer 34 years No significant correlations
from an ethnically breastfeeding administered between duration of
diverse population in questions to mother breastfeeding and SBP
Texas (1992) (22) 34 years after or DBP observed;
infants birth quantitative estimates not
Cobaleda Rodrigo, 1,893 total (M + F) Ever vs. never 19651983 018 years; method 018 years No significant differences
Madrid, Spain (1989) breastfed unclear between duration of
(23) breastfeeding and SBP
or DBP observed; no
quantitative estimates
Simpson, births in 692 total (M + F) Ever vs. never 19721973 3 years; method 7 years No significant difference in
Dunedin maternity breastfed unclear breastfeeding rates or
hospital, New Zealand duration of breastfeeding
(1981) (37) when comparing children

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with high, medium, and
low blood pressure; no
quantitative estimates
Marmot, subsample of 95; 47 (M + F) Exclusively breastfed 1946 First and third year of 3132 years There were no consistent
238 eligible subjects for 5 months vs. life; methods not differences [in blood
living in London and exclusively bottle stated pressure levels] between
Bristol, United fed those who had been
Kingdom who were breastfed and those who
part of the 1946 had been bottle fed; no
national birth cohort quantitative estimates
(n = 5,362), England given
(1980) (24)
Fall, 297 women born 279; 11 (F) Breastfed, bottle fed, 19231930 During infancy; infant 6071 years No differences occurred
and still living in East breast- and bottle feeding mode between the three
Hertfordshire (total fed recorded by health feeding groups in any of
births = 5,585), visitors the risk factors
England (1995) (41) measured (included
systolic and diastolic
blood pressures); no
quantitative estimates

* Includes partially breastfed.

involved 10,062 subjects) (19, 20, 43), 15 studies with From these 15 studies, 17 estimates of systolic blood pres-
17,503 participants were included in the meta-analysis sure differences were derived, of which 12 included males
relating breastfeeding with blood pressure beyond 12 and females combined and five were sex specific. Eleven
months (Web table 1). systolic blood pressure observations (nine studies) were of
Two of these 15 studies were based on a follow-up of a children (aged 116 years), and six observations (five
randomized controlled trial in preterm infants (15, 16), eight studies) occurred in later adulthood (age 17 years). One
study reported results for diastolic blood pressure only (25).
were prospective cohorts (8, 14, 20, 2527, 36, 43), and one
From the 15 studies, 13 estimates of diastolic blood pressure
was a historical cohort (13); in four cross-sectional surveys
differences were derived, 12 of which included males and
of blood pressure, infant feeding history was based on retro- females combined and one of which was for males only.
spective recall by the mother (12, 19, 34, 35). These studies Nine diastolic blood pressure observations (eight studies)
included populations from the United Kingdom, Finland, were of children aged 116 years, and four observations
Holland, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, South (four studies) occurred in adulthood (age 17 years).
Africa, and Australia. Individual studies were relatively
homogeneous with respect to ethnicity. The year of birth of
Definitions of breastfeeding
the subjects ranged from 1918 to 1994. The proportion of the
target population included in the main analysis was unstated The 15 studies used different definitions of breastfeeding.
in one paper (35), less than 30 percent in four studies (12, 13, In a randomized controlled trial with follow-up at ages 7.5
15, 36), 3060 percent in four studies (8, 20, 27, 43), and 8 years (16) and ages 1316 years (15), preterm infants were
more than 60 percent in six studies (14, 16, 19, 25, 26, 34). randomly assigned to donated, banked breast milk or

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
18 Martin et al.

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FIGURE 1. Summary of outcomes of studies retrieved for analysis, 19662004.

preterm formula (either as the sole diet or a supplement to Breastfeeding and systolic blood pressure
mothers milk) until they weighed 2,000 g or were
The results for systolic blood pressure, shown in figure 2,
discharged to home. In the other studies, the exposure was
are based on 14 studies with 17 observations. Mean systolic
defined as 1) any breastfeeding in five studies (12, 19, 25,
blood pressure was lower in breastfed infants compared with
26, 35); 2) exclusive breastfeeding in five studies (exclusive bottle-fed infants according to 10 observations from eight
for the first 10 days only (13), for at least 3 months (27, 34), studies (8, 14, 15, 20, 26, 35, 36, 43). Seven observations
for at least 15 weeks (8), or for at least 12 months (36)); 3) (from six studies) showed no or little difference in systolic
both any breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding for at blood pressure among breastfed versus formula-fed infants
least 2 months in one study (43); and 4) any breastfeeding for (12, 13, 16, 19, 27, 34). Two of these seven observations
at least 3 months in one study (14) and at least 6 months in were from the randomized controlled trial in preterm infants
another (20). In all studies except the randomized controlled with follow-up at ages 78 years (16). When the original
trial (15, 16), the comparator group was exclusive bottle study was followed up into adolescence (ages 1316 years),
feeding. Five of the studies (providing six observations) having received breast milk was associated with a 2.7-
relied on maternal recall beyond infancy, ranging from 318 mmHg reduction in blood pressure (15).
years (14), to 3 years (27), to 57 years (34), to 2028 years In a random-effects model, mean systolic blood pressure
(12), and to 4460 years (19). was lower among breastfed infants (mean difference: 1.4

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
Breastfeeding and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review 19

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FIGURE 2. Mean difference (95% confidence interval) in systolic blood pressure (mmHg) for infants who were breastfed minus infants who
were bottle fed: studies reporting on the association between breastfeeding and systolic blood pressure, 19662004. The first author, the year of
publication, and the reference number (in parentheses) are indicated on the y-axis. These studies are arranged in descending order of mean age
at which blood pressure was measured. The box corresponding to each study is proportional to the inverse of the variance, with horizontal lines
showing the 95% confidence intervals of the mean difference in systolic blood pressure (mmHg). The combined estimate is based on a random-
effects model shown by the dashed vertical line and diamond (95% confidence interval). The solid vertical line represents the null result, that is,
zero mean difference in blood pressure. Lucas 1 or 2 denotes estimates using different comparator groups (Web table 1). * Female-specific esti-
mates; ** male-specific estimates.

mmHg, 95 percent confidence interval (CI): 2.2, 0.6; p = observed heterogeneity was explained by study size. In a
0.001) (figure 2). There was also evidence of marked hetero- stratified meta-analysis, a smaller effect of breastfeeding on
geneity between studies (216 = 42.0, p < 0.001). Exclusion later systolic blood pressure was observed in the larger
of the study by Singhal et al. (15) (because of lack of inde- studies (n 1,000) (difference: 0.6 mmHg, 95 percent CI:
pendence from Lucas et al.s study (16)) had little impact on 1.2, 0.02; p = 0.06) compared with the smaller studies (n <
the pooled difference (1.3, 95 percent CI: 2.2, 0.5). 1,000) (difference: 2.3 mmHg, 95 percent CI: 3.7, 0.9;
Controlling for study size in a meta-regression analysis p = 0.001). This difference was unlikely to be due to chance
lowered the 2 estimate of between-study variation from 1.69 (p = 0.02). There was evidence of heterogeneity in models
when study size was not included in the model to 0.47 when restricted to small studies (212 = 27.1, p = 0.007) but less
study size was included, suggesting that some of the evidence among the four larger studies (23 = 6.1, p = 0.1).

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
20 Martin et al.

In studies where the duration of breastfeeding was at least breastfeeding on later diastolic blood pressure was similar in
2 months, the pooled blood pressure difference between the four larger studies (n 1,000) (difference: 0.4 mmHg,
breast- and bottle-fed groups (2.0 mmHg) was on average 95 percent CI: 0.9, 0.1; p = 0.10) compared with the seven
1.6 mmHg larger (95 percent CI: 0.4, 3.5; p = 0.1) than in smaller studies (n < 1,000) (difference: 0.6 mmHg, 95
studies with a shorter duration of breastfeeding (pooled percent CI: 1.5, 0.2; p = 0.15). Studies that relied on
difference: 0.6 mmHg). Similarly, the difference in blood maternal recall of breastfeeding beyond infancy showed
pressure between breast- and bottle-fed groups was 1.4 pooled differences in mean diastolic blood pressure (0.0
mmHg greater (95 percent CI: 0.4, 3.2; p = 0.1) in those mmHg) that were 0.6 mmHg smaller (95 percent CI: 0.2,
born up to 1980 (pooled difference: 2.7 mmHg) compared 1.1; p = 0.004) than in studies that did not rely on recall
with those born after 1980 (pooled difference: 0.8 mmHg). (pooled difference: 0.7 mmHg).
Only four of the 17 observations on systolic blood pressure We found little evidence that between-study heterogeneity
controlled for potential socioeconomic (19, 20, 43) or in estimates was explained by age at measurement of blood
maternal antenatal factors (such as body mass index, pressure (p = 0.5), decade of birth (p = 0.2), stipulation of a
smoking in pregnancy, education, parity, marital status) (8, minimum duration of breastfeeding (p = 0.5), proportion of
20, 43) or current body size (8, 20, 43). Controlling for the target population in the main analysis (p = 0.2), whether
confounding produced a greater than 30 percent reduction in breastfeeding was exclusive for at least 2 months (p = 0.2),
crude effect estimates in two (19, 43) of three studies in method of blood pressure measurement (p = 0.4), or whether
which comparison with crude estimates was possible. In effect estimates controlled for socioeconomic factors (p =

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meta-regression analysis, there was weak evidence that 0.9), maternal factors in pregnancy (p = 0.9), or current
studies not controlling for socioeconomic factors (pooled weight (p = 0.9).
difference: 2.0 mmHg) had mean differences in blood pres- Studies that formally tested for interaction found little
sure 1.4 mmHg higher (95 percent CI: 0.6, 3.3; p = 0.17) evidence of sex differences in the association between
than in studies controlling for socioeconomic factors (pooled breastfeeding and systolic or diastolic blood pressure (20,
difference: 0.9 mmHg). In one study, a large reduction in 43). Repeating analyses after excluding the first published
blood pressure associated with having been breastfed for at (in 1981) of the included studies (35, 36), which could be
least 3 months (Web table 1) was reported to have been regarded as hypothesis-generating reports, made little differ-
somewhat attenuated after controlling for current weight, ence to the pooled-effect estimates for systolic (mean differ-
age, birth weight, time of birth, birth order, mothers age, ence: 1.1 mmHg, 95 percent CI: 1.8, 0.4; p = 0.003) or
and history of high antenatal maternal blood pressure (14), diastolic (mean difference: 0.5 mmHg, 95 percent CI: 1.0,
but quantitative estimates suitable for inclusion in the meta- 0.06; p = 0.03) blood pressure.
analyses were not available. Several studies controlled for
current weight (14) or body mass index (8, 15) or ponderal
Small study effects
index (20) in their final model, which may have had the
effect of overcontrolling for a factor on the causal pathway if For systolic blood pressure, there was evidence of differ-
breastfeeding lowers blood pressure by reducing later ential small study effects on inspection of funnel plots
adiposity (44). (figure 4) and the Begg (p = 0.09) test for funnel plot asym-
In meta-regression analyses, there was little evidence that metry, but there was no such evidence for diastolic blood
heterogeneity was explained by reliance on maternal recall pressure (Begg test: p = 0.3). That is, we found some
of breastfeeding (p = 0.9), age at measurement of blood pres- evidence that small studies (i.e., those with higher standard
sure (p = 0.8), whether breastfeeding was exclusive for at errors, located to the right of the figure), compared with
least 2 months (p = 0.6), method of blood pressure measure- larger studies, reported larger mean differences in systolic
ment (p = 0.2), or proportion of the target population blood pressure between infant feeding groups.
included in the main analysis (p = 0.9).
Excluded studies
Breastfeeding and diastolic blood pressure
Table 1 summarizes the results from the five studies not
The results for 13 observations (12 studies) relating to included in the meta-analysis because a mean difference in
diastolic blood pressure are shown in figure 3. Mean dia- blood pressure could not be obtained (2224, 37, 41). All
stolic blood pressure was lower among breastfed infants reported no statistically significant association between
according to nine observations from eight studies (8, 12, 15, breastfeeding and either systolic or diastolic blood pressure.
16, 19, 20, 25, 43). In a random-effects model, the pooled These studies were relatively smallonly 3,262 subjects in
mean diastolic blood pressure was lower among breastfed total compared with 17,503 included in the meta-analysis. In
infants (difference: 0.5 mmHg, 95 percent CI: 0.9, 0.04; a sensitivity analysis, inclusion in the meta-analysis of the
p = 0.03). There was less evidence of heterogeneity between assumed zero estimates from the five studies (table 1) with
estimates (212 = 20.2; p = 0.06) than in the analysis of no published mean differences attenuated the overall
breastfeeding and systolic blood pressure. Exclusion of the summary estimate for systolic blood pressure (mean differ-
study by Singhal et al. (15) had little impact on the pooled ence: 1.0 mmHg, 95 percent CI: 1.6; 0.4; p = 0.002), but
difference (0.4, 95 percent CI: 0.8, 0.01). The effect of there was still strong evidence of an inverse association.

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
Breastfeeding and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review 21

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FIGURE 3. Mean difference (95% confidence interval) in diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) for infants who were breastfed minus infants who
were bottle fed: studies reporting on the association between breastfeeding and diastolic blood pressure, 19662004. The first author, the year
of publication, and the reference number (in parentheses) are indicated on the y-axis. These studies are arranged in descending order of mean
age at which blood pressure was measured. The box corresponding to each study is proportional to the inverse of the variance, with horizontal
lines showing the 95% confidence intervals of the mean difference in diastolic blood pressure (mmHg). The combined estimate is based on a
random-effects model shown by the dashed vertical line and diamond (95% confidence interval). The solid vertical line represents the null result,
that is, zero mean difference in blood pressure. Lucas 1 or 2 denotes estimates using different comparator groups (Web table 1). * Male-specific

Blood pressure in infancy mmHg (95 percent CI: 4.0, 0.6; p = 0.15), although there
was some evidence of heterogeneity (25 = 11.8; p = 0.04).
Overall, six studies were identified that examined the rela- The pooled diastolic blood pressure difference in infancy
tion between infant feeding mode and blood pressure associated with breastfeeding was 1.1 (95 percent CI: 4.0,
measured before 12 months of age (32, 39, 40, 4547) (table 1.8; p = 0.4; 23= 8.2, p = 0.04).
2). The mean difference in blood pressure by feeding mode,
and the associated standard error, could be estimated from
four of these studies (six observations) (32, 40, 45, 46). In
random-effects models, the pooled systolic blood pressure Breastfeeding was associated with a 1.4- and 0.5-mmHg
difference in infancy associated with breastfeeding was 1.7 reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respec-

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
22 Martin et al.

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FIGURE 4. Beggs funnel plot (with pseudo 95% confidence limits) for studies reporting on the association between breastfeeding and systolic
blood pressure, 19662004.

tively, although differences in systolic blood pressure association (49). When all the studies were considered, we
between feeding groups were reduced in large (difference: found similar effect estimates in studies with more than 60
0.6 mmHg) compared with smaller (difference: 2.3 mmHg) percent follow-up and in those with less than 30 percent
studies. These pooled estimates are similar to those found by follow-up, suggesting that the association between breast-
Owen et al. (48) in a recent review, even though the current feeding and blood pressure did not systematically vary
report includes recently published data on an extra 10,062 between studies according to follow-up rates.
subjects from three studies that included more than 1,500 Although reporting of ever having been breastfed after up
participants each. to 20 years is highly correlated with obstetric records (50),
breastfeeding duration may be remembered less accurately
Chance, bias, and confounding (51). Three cross-sectional studies relied on retrospective
reporting of exclusive (34) or any breastfeeding 7 years (34),
A number of studies reported inverse associations between 28 years (12), and 60 years (19) after birth, and these studies
breastfeeding and blood pressure, including two (of three) showed little evidence of an association between breast-
with more than 3,500 subjects each (20, 43), suggesting that feeding and blood pressure. In meta-regression analysis, reli-
these findings are unlikely to be due to type 1 error alone. ance on maternal recall was associated with an attenuation of
Selection bias would arise if excluded subjects had a the difference in diastolic (but not systolic) blood pressure
different breastfeedingblood pressure association between breast- and bottle-fed groups. Publication bias is a
compared with those who were included. In one study, a concern because most studies in this review were small, and
protective effect of breast milk on blood pressure was mean blood pressure differences were greater in the smaller
observed when 26 percent of the original cohort were compared with the larger studies.
followed up at ages 1316 years (15), but not when 81 Relatively few studies controlled for potential
percent were examined at ages 7.58 years (16), suggesting confounding factors, although adjusted effect estimates were
either the possibility of selection bias in the later follow-up attenuated by at least 30 percent in two studies (19, 43). In
or an amplification of the breastfeedingblood pressure the meta-regression analyses, studies controlling for socio-

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
Breastfeeding and Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review 23

TABLE 2. Studies relating breastfeeding to blood pressure levels in infancy (before 12 months of age), by year of publication

Mean difference (breast-bottle) in

Age at which Age at which mmHg (standard error)
First author, source Covariates in
No. breastfed; Infant feeding Infant year infant outcome
(year of publication) Fully multiply-adjusted
no. bottle fed (sex) comparison of birth feeding was measurement Unadjusted or
(reference no.) adjusted models
assessed occurred simple model
Studies included in the meta-analysis
Pomeranz, infants born 7; 31 (M* + F*) Ever breastfed vs. Not stated Birth 6 months SBP*: 6.1 (2.0); Not given None
in a single hospital, milk formula DBP*: 7.3 (3.1)
Israel (2002) (45) made with
either mineral
water (low
sodium) or tap
water (high
Bernstein, term infants 43; 81 (M + F) Exclusively 1988 6 weeks 6 weeks Breastfed vs. low- Not given None
born in breastfed (n = sodium formula:
Johannesburg 43) vs. low- 1.6 (2.2);
Hospital, South sodium formula breastfed vs.
Africa (1990) (46) (n = 42) or high-sodium
high-sodium formula: 4.1
formula (n = 39) (2.0)

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Zinner, about 4% of 154; 264 (M + F) Breastfed vs. Not stated Infancy 16 days SBP: 0.0 (0.95); Not given None
infants born in bottle fed DBP: 0.7 (0.92)
hospitals in Boston,
Massachusetts, and
Rhode Island (1980)
Schachter, hospital 30; 141 (M + F) Breastfed vs. Not stated Infancy 6 months White ethnicity: Not given Results
births, Pittsburgh, bottle fed SBP: 0.5 (1.8); stratified by
Pennsylvania (1979) DBP: 1.5 (1.3). ethnicity
(40) Black ethnicity:
SBP: 3.3 (3.3);
DBP: 5.8 (3.5)
Studies excluded from the meta-analysis
Cohen, neonates born 7; 11 (M + F) Breastfed, bottle Not stated Infancy 2494 During a feed; blood
at two hospitals, fed hours pressure of
United States (1992) (mean: breastfed babies
(47) 55 approximately 15
hours) mmHg higher
than those bottle
fed but about 2
mmHg higher
(derived from
figure 2) before
and 3060
minutes after a
de Swiet, 500 infants Not stated Breastfed, bottle 1975 Infancy 4 days and No differences in
born in a hospital in (M + F) fed 6 weeks blood pressure
Kent, England levels between
(1977) (39) infants breastfed
vs. bottle fed

* M, male; F, female; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.

economic factors showed smaller systolic blood pressure pressure (54) and may influence infant feeding practices
differences between breast- and bottle-fed subjects. The (55). In the only study to examine this issue (43), the associ-
distribution of breastfeeding was less socially determined ation of breastfeeding with blood pressure was not altered by
before World War II (52) compared with now (10), and postnatal growth.
results from prewar cohorts may be free from confounding
by social class (53). The two prewar studies reviewed Relevance to contemporary cohorts
showed little evidence of any association between breast-
feeding and blood pressure (13, 19), although nondifferential Modern formula feeds, which more closely resemble the
misclassification is a possibility in the Caerphilly cohort that nutrient content of breast milk, were not developed until the
relied on recall of breastfeeding status 4460 years after mid-1970s (56). Previously, bottle-fed infants were given
infancy (19), and the Dutch famine cohort may not be gener- unmodified cows milk preparations and other alternatives
alizable (13). Accelerated postnatal weight gain is a potential such as condensed milk (52, 57). Several studies of infants
confounding factor because it is associated with raised blood born since 1980, however, show a blood-pressure-lowering

Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:1526
24 Martin et al.

effect of breastfeeding (8, 15, 20, 25, 26, 43), suggesting that draft of the paper, and coordinated its completion under the
if the results are causal, they are relevant to modern cohorts. supervision of G. D. S. and D. G. The first draft was signifi-
cantly revised after comments from these two authors. All
authors contributed to and approved the final version.
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Help in developing the electronic search of the MEDLINE
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