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Children As Archaeological Enigma

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Children as Archaeological Enigma

Gner Cokunsu

The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to
Lloyd De Mause, The History of Childhood

T he notions of children and childhood are seriously underresearched subjects in

archaeology. This is regrettable for several reasons, discussed below. This volume is
a modest attempt to redress this imbalance.
I should admit that the theme of this book, children in the archaeological record,
is not my specialty but a product of my long-lasting curiosity. My curiosity greatly
increased during my PhD research. While my specific interest in the presence of ancient
children in archaeological contexts goes back to my first field experience while in col-
lege, I became more conscious of these children during my PhD research while, firstly,
observing potential knapping marks of children on flint artifacts and secondly, observing
current-day rural childrens activities and objects, which were sometimes found in a very
similar form and context to those in archaeological excavations on which I have worked.
Through my graduate course, Children in Archaeological Context (Advanced Archae-
ological Research, APY 736 COS), and the preparation of the Third IEMA Visiting
Scholar Spring Conference (Children as Archaeological Enigma: Are Children Visible
or Invisible in the Archaeological Record?), as well as the preparation of this subse-
quent volume during and after my postdoctoral fellowship at the Institute for European
and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA) at SUNY Buffalo, the subject became of great
interest to me. Since then I have delved further into this essential subject in order to
explore it more deeply and to contribute to a better understanding of the development

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of childhood from an archaeological perspective. I hope that this volume will open new
vistas to archaeologists who have not thought about the children of the past.
Interest in the archaeology of children and childhood is very recent and, for several
reasons that will be discussed later, moves forward slowly despite continuing research
by some archaeologists (all women!), many of whom are contributors to this volume.
These include Kathryn Kamp, Jane Eva Baxter, Joanna Sofaer, and Traci Ardren. These
researchers are following in the footsteps of seminal work by Jenny Moore and Eleanor
C. Scott in Invisible People and Processes: Writing Gender and Childhood into European
Archaeology, which appeared in 1997. This, in turn, was followed by Scotts The Archaeolo-
gy of Infancy and Infant Death two years later, Joanna R. Sofaer Derevenskis Children and
Material Culture in 2000, Jane Eva Baxters The Archaeology of Childhood in 2005, Traci
Ardren and Scott Hutsons The Social Experience of Childhood in Ancient Mesoamerica in
2006, and by the IEMA Conference organized by me in 2010 and the present volume.
The Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past (SSCIP) and this multidisciplinary
societys journal, The Journal of Childhood in the Past, are certainly worthy of mention in
this overview for their effort to promote the study of childhood and children in the past
through conferences, lectures, and publications since the late 2000s under the editorial
direction of Eileen Murphy and Sally Crawford.
Save for a few early pioneers such as Andrew T. Chamberlain, this newly emerged
interest has now started to capture widespread attention among male colleagues, most
notably including professors Frank Hole, David Soren, and Jack Meacham, and Paul
Bahn, Scott Hutson, and Kyle Sommerville (all in this volume). Until a decade ago, chil-
dren were almost completely missing from many archaeological discourses despite their
various important, active roles in households, workshops, temples, and in various other
economic activities, and despite the fact that given the relatively low average lifespan of
adults in ancient societies children must have represented a larger demographic compo-
nent of those societies than they do in the modern world. Yet, children are still largely
ignored, not only by archaeologists but also in many cases by ethnographers, historians,
social scientists in general, and even scholars in feminist studies (Ardren 2006; Baxter
2005, 2006, 2008; Kamp 2001; Sofaer Derevenski 1997, 2000a, 2000b; in addition to
their chapters in this volume).
Despite the importance of studies of children and childhood in antiquity, few
studies have been dedicated to children in archaeology (e.g., Ardren and Hutson 2006;
Baxter 2005; Crawford 2010; Crawford and Shepherd 2007; Kamp 2002; Moore and
Scott 1997). Seeking to help remedy this intellectual gap, in 2009 I organized an inter-
disciplinary colloquium on this still largely enigmatic subject in order to better understand
it, disseminate pertinent available data, and discuss current methodological and theoretical
approaches relevant to the subject. Additionally, an important goal of the colloquium was
to discover alternative methodologies and theories pertinent to studies of children and
childhood in antiquity by promoting intellectual discussion between archaeologists and
scholars from varied pertinent disciplines not fully represented in earlier conferences (e.g.,
developmental psychology, genetics, cognitive studies). To this end, the conference was
planned as an open academic platform where both the speakers and the audience could

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Introduction 3

have an opportunity to meet the diverse group of scholars from different disciplines who
work on comparable subjects and who would have much to learn from one another in
terms of new research strategies and possible new collaborations, resulting in the present
volume. Its main goal is to advance research on the archaeology of children and advance
our understanding of the evolution of childhood though time.

A Brief Overview

One of most important questions in the emerging field of the archaeology of chil-
dren and childhood is the definition of childhood. The notion of childhood in both
prehistoric and early historical times is full of controversy. Despite seminal work on
childhood conducted from a historical perspective by Philippe Aris (1962) and Lloyd
De Mause (1976), and from an ethnographic perspective by Margaret Mead (1928), a
lack of attention to children as agents still generally characterizes much of the work that
humanists and social scientists have done on ancient societies. While the reasons for this
are varied, I would argue that the subject of the evolution of childhood in antiquity is
too complex to be fully understood from a single perspective, due to its time-, history-,
region-, culture-, and memory-situated nature. Only with an interdisciplinary approach
can we get close to understanding it.
By its very nature, archaeology is a dynamic field and its interests have been dramat-
ically broadened in the last decade by new archaeometric methods and interdisciplinary
approaches. Anthropological archaeology in particular has started to focus on the overlap-
ping human agencies that created the archaeological material remains that we study, and
much well-deserved attention has been paid to significant issues that before were only
marginally studied, such as social identities, ethnicity, gender, and nationalism. Despite
these promising developments, however, archaeologists still pay insufficient attention to
the role of children, who were active agents in past societies. Only a small group of
archaeologists have cared about multivocality in ancient times, or about the marginalized
social identities of women and children who are often invisible in archaeological publi-
cations. Prominent among these scholars are archaeologists and anthropologists studying
gender issues who noted the small role of women and children in archaeological inter-
pretations almost twenty years ago (Ardren 2008; Brumfiel and Robin 2008; Conkey
and Spector 1984; Conkey and Gero 1991). Their work inspired new theoretical and
methodological approaches for considering social identities, including those of children.
Recently, for instance, Kathryn Kamp challenges us with questions such as, Where have
all the children gone? and, Why are children invisible in the eyes of archaeologists?
(Kamp 2001:1). As a consequence, in the last decade the study of children in archaeology
has become an increasingly important avenue used to reconstruct ancient societies with
all their diverse agents. This is evidenced most clearly in the work of Kathryn Kamp,
Jane Eva Baxter, Joanna Sofaer, Traci Ardren, Grete Lillehammer, Andrew Chamberlain,
and, to a smaller degree, in the work of a number of other archaeologists as well (e.g.,
Baxter 2005, 2006, 2008; Benthall 1992; Bluebond-Langner and Korbin 2007; Cohen
and Rutter 2007; Gottlieb 200; Kamp 2001; Lillehammer 1989, 2000, 2008, 2010;

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Lorentz 2003; Moore and Scott 1997; Panter-Brick 1998; Park 1998; Scott 1999; Sofaer
Derevenski 1994, 1997, 2000a, 2000b; Wileman 2005).
The main focus of study for such archaeologists has involved the consideration of
children as social identities and cultural agents and defining the nature of childhood in
antiquity (Hgberg 2008). Recently, the point of view in the study of childhood has been
broadened further by a number of studies focusing on social, cultural, political, economic,
behavioral, cognitive, symbolic, religious, artistic, sexual, genetic, medical, and technolog-
ical issues (e.g., see Baxter 2005; Hgberg 2008; Sofaer Derevenski 2000a, 2000b; and
all authors in this volume for specific case studies from different regions). Happily, the
recent interest in children in antiquity is not limited to archaeology but is mirrored in
related disciplines such as: classics and art history, as seen in the publications of Susan
Landgon, David Soren, Jeannine Diddle Uzzi (all in this volume), as well as Christian
Laes (2011), Ian Jenkins (1980), Stephanie Lynn Budin (2001), and Ada Cohen and
Jeremy Rutter (2007); and anthropology (including medical and ethnographic studies),
as seen in Nurit Bird-Davids studies on the notion of childhood in indigenous studies
on hunter-gatherer Nayaka people in India (Bird-David 2005 and in this volume), and
the research of Berry S. Hewlett (2005), Robert A. Levine (2007), and Jonathan Benthall
(1992). Anthropological archaeology owes thanks to these scholarly pioneers who inspired
new theoretical and methodological approaches for considering the social identities of
children and women in archaeological contexts. Thus, the previously overlooked women
and children of prehistory are now the subject of increasing archaeological debate and
research. However, as I mentioned before, the interest in childhood for archaeology has
still not been fully established and the process of recognizing children in the archeological
record is still in its infancy.

Why are Children Missing in Archaeological Interpretations?

Archeologists have been neglecting the role of children in antiquity for several probable
reasons (see also Ardren, Baxter, Kamp, Sofaer, all in this volume, for a detailed discus-
sion): (1) the supposed intangible nature of childhood in the archaeological record and
the a priori assumption that children lack easily recognizable archaeological correlates
(yet few archaeologists have made the attempt!); (2) conceptualizations that see children
as socioeconomically unimportant; (3) acceptance of a universal/stereotypical view of
childhood; (4) gender biases; (5) cultural biases; and (6) the lack of substantial interdis-
ciplinary collaborations on the subject.
Whatever the real reason(s), the field needs to move beyond the present situation
by materializing children in antiquity, and several of the chapters in this volume discuss
how we can address this lacuna (e.g., Baxter, Bahn, Hutson, Kamp, Langdon, Moses).
This materialization of children in the archaeological record will go far in answering
questions about how the concept of childhood has evolved in human societies through
time, while setting directions for more detailed archaeological and interdisciplinary studies
of children in the future.

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Why Do Archaeologists Need to Care about Ancient Children?

As Chamberlain (1997) noted, there is no question that children existed in ancient times
and are represented in the archeological record, irrespective of whether we archeologists
are careful or competent enough to recognize them. Thus, there is an urgent need to
bring archaeologists and scholars from several disciplines to both clarify the problem and
establish current definitions about notions of children and childhood. We also need to
develop theoretical and methodological approaches to analyze the archeological record
in order to explore and understand the role of children in the formation, reproduction,
and maintenance of past cultures.
From historical and ethnographic accounts it is known that children are significant
actors in social, economic, symbolic, artistic, and political arenas, and they are often
very important in the families and societies they lived in, some of which are covered in
this volume. Children are visible in a vast array of archaeological remains regardless of
whether archaeologists think about them and see them. Past children are evidenced by
fingerprints on ceramics and other clay objects as well as on cave walls, as Kathryn Kamp,
Paul Bahn, and Scott Hutson demonstrate clearly in this volume (see also Barbour 1975,
Kamp et al. 1999; Kamp 2002, Krlk and Nejman 2007, Krlk, Urbanov, and Hloek
2008; Livingstone 2007, and Van Gelder and Sharpe 2008 for more case studies from
North America, Mesoamerica, the Near East and Europe; and Acree 1999, and strm
and Eriksson 1980 for the application of methodology and biases). Childrens fossilized
behaviors are discernible in the making of stone tools (Cokunsu 2007; Hgberg 2008;
Stout 2002) and bead production (Kenoyer et al. 1991; Mackay 1937; Roux and Blasco
2000); as well as in the making of playthings and toys, as Jane Eva Baxter, Kathyrn Kamp,
Sharon Moses, Scott Hutson, and Kyle Somerville all highlight in their contributions to
this volume (see also Baxter 2005; Casey and Burruss 2010; Kohut 2011; Park 1998;
Sillar 1994; Somerville and Barton 2012). Children are also recognizable in data from
mortuary, skeletal, DNA, and isotope analyses, presented in this volume by Susan Lang-
don, David Soren, Eva Rosenstock, and Keri Brown (see also Beck and Sievert 2005;
Bentley 2006; Djuri et al. 2011; Finlay 200; Georgiadis 2011; Halcrow and Tayles 2008,
2010; Hamilton 2007; Ingvarsson-Sundstrm 2003; Lewis 2007; Lorentz 2003; Mays
1997; Oxenham et al. 2008; Perry 2005; Redfern et al. 2011). The behaviors of children
can also be detected in architectural features, the spatial distribution and arrangement of
domestic material and activities, and microstratigraphy, as Joanna Sofaer, Sharon Moses,
and Scott Hutson elaborate in case studies in this volume (see also Hutson 2006; Sofaer
2006). Children are also visible in artistic, iconographic, and textual records of the past,
as discussed in the chapters by Paul Bahn, Susan Langdon, and Jeannine Diddle Uzzi
(see also Budin 2011; Oppenheim 1967). Finally, information about children can also
be inferred from figurines, which can be products of art, magic rituals, or playthings, as
argued by Kathryn Kamp, Scott Hutson, Peter Biehl, and Sharon Moses in this volume,
who interpret figurines as the material records of children in the context of social identi-
ty, representations of body, production, learning, socialization, play, and ritual. Pursuing

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the psychological reflections of past children and childhoods in the archaeological record
seems difficult, at least for now, since archaeologists and anthropologists are usually not
well grounded in developmental psychology. However, in an intriguing chapter in this
volume Jack Meacham approaches childrens development, learning, and social identities
through the use of four metaphors (essence, organism, machine, and historical context)
that offer much promise for the development of new research questions, theories, and
methodologies for archaeologists.
Childrens involvement in ceramic, stone tool, and bead production, art (both as
subjects in artwork and producers of art), sacrifice as victims, hunting, and the fact
that they sometimes had special status have been documented in the archaeological
literature of both the Old and New Worlds. Culture is not static and is not created
only by adults of one gender. Instead, it is constructed by individuals of different ages,
gender, class, ethnicity, and occupation. In other words, children are active agents of
culture wherever it is present, and therefore children and childhood must be an integral
part of archaeological research.
From my own field experience I know well that the role of children varies greatly
between urban centers and rural areas. For instance, while the majority of modern urban
children do not need to worry about domestic and nondomestic tasks, those who live
in rural areas have to take care of their younger siblings, haul water, fish, hunt, spin,
tend to small livestock, mine, gather fuel, prepare food, maintain fire, etc. on a daily
basis (see Chamberlain 1997 for a discussion of the decrease in the amount of labor
and the creation of more leisure time that industrialization and technology have created
in Western notions of childhood). Hence, doubtlessly, prehistoric children of nonelite
families were also responsible for such crucial tasks (Ardren 2006).
Lillehammer (2000) has argued that children probably took on a greater number
of roles when societies shifted from foraging to agriculture, since most likely women had
more work to do, which in turn resulted in increased work demand for small children
(see Claassen 2002 for a study of early agricultural societies of North America using bioar-
chaeological data). Algaze (2008) and Yener (2000) emphasized child labor and childrens
serious involvement in production of ancient Mesopotamias two major exports, textiles
and metal, in early urban economy. One source for the economic importance of children
in early urban economies are Mesopotamian texts, which make it clear that children
provided a big chunk of the very substantial labor involved in textile production (Algaze
2008). According to Algaze, without children the export economy of Mesopotamia would
have been insignificant. Additionally, children provide a big chunk of the labor in mining
(e.g., small shafts etc.) and in production of metals, the biggest economic export of the
periphery. See also Yener (2000) for the domestication of metals and the ethnographic
documentation of how mines are operated in traditional preindustrial societies. In short,
without a doubt, child labor was crucial to that trade if the largest part of ancient Near
Eastern exchange was textiles from the south and metals from the north.
When adults had a heavy burden of labor outside the domestic sphere, they might
not have been able to take good care of their children (Ardren 2006; Vogt 1970). See
Bird-David (2005; and in this volume) for more on the notion of childhood from a

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non-Western point of view, children-parent/adult relations, and childrens self-education

and maintenance in the Nayaka hunter-gatherer group in South India, which is a situation
quite unfamiliar to Western notions of childhood and motherhood identities. Additional-
ly, Somerville presents the case of middle-class Victorian childhood and identities (in this
volume). Meachams and Sofaers arguments in this volume, respectively, show similarities
in the dynamics involved in childrens learning and childrens reactions toward instruc-
tions they are given, but they depict a different picture from Bird-Davids arguments
for hunting and gathering societies (see Hole for his comments on Meachams chapter;
in this volume). Going back to Lillehammers point, she argued for the possibility of
children assuming a caretaking role for other children while adults shifted to other labor
in ancient societies, particularly those societies in which life expectancy was relatively
low (Lillehammer 2000:23). In short, like adults, children play important roles in their
societies and they help shape, transmit, and maintain their culture, as well as their own
lives. Without acknowledging the agency of ancient children in the creation of culture,
archaeologists interpretations of data and reconstructions of past societies must necessarily
be incomplete. It is time, therefore, to bring ancient children back into archaeological
research. Children were important in the past and at times they were as fundamental
to ancient cultures as their mothers, fathers, grandparents, and rulers. We need only
think of the reign of some child rulers who had a supreme, political, or spiritual power
in history of the world, such as Thutmosis III and Tutankhamen of ancient Egypt, the
seven-year-old Norwegian king Magnus Erlingsson, and three-year-old Chinese emperor
Henry Pu Yi. Child rulers did not appear only in highly stratified civilization but also in
socially less complex civilizations and cultures, such as in nomadic tribes with the son of
the leader of a tribe or chief of a village. Wherever children were present, the specifics of
their role and influence were no doubt dependent on the religious, political, and social
values and practices of the societies they formed a part of. Environmental, biological,
and cognitive factors may also be added to this list. However, we should not fall into
the trap of thinking that biology and skeletal remains fully capture the importance of
past children. This is an important point made by Sofaer both in an earlier publication
(2006) and in this volume, and is a point reflected in ongoing debates (mostly in Britain)
between socially oriented archaeologists and bioarchaeologists (e.g., Halcrow and Tayles
2008; Hamilton 2007). According to some bioarchaeologists, skeletons cannot provide
any information about the social and cultural aspects of childhood and children (see
Lally and Ardren 2008; Sofaer 2006 and in this volume for two strong criticisms of this
view). Like some scholars, (e.g., Halcrow and Tayles 2008), I favor a cross-disciplinary
perspective that bridges both approaches and that, when applicable, brings in other
pertinent perspectives to the study of ancient children.
It follows from the preceding that understanding the role that children played in
ancient societies, both as active and passive agents, is crucial if we are to reconstruct those
societies as a whole. However, we should not create stereotypes based on modern Western
conditions in our analysis of the data (Ardren, Bird-David, and Kamp in this volume;
Kamp 2001) and we should be aware of cross-cultural studies that alert us about the
nonuniversal perceptions of childhood and social identities, as Bird-Davids cutting-edge

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chapter demonstrates (see also Meachams chapter for how psychological effects related
to identity formation can be similar due to cognitive features and heredity, regardless of
culture; see also Hole in this volume). By neglecting children in their reconstructions of
ancient societies, archaeologists are unwittingly adopting a universal notion of childhood
which is unwarranted on theoretical and evidentiary grounds.
Additionally, some current archaeological literature draws potentially wrong conclu-
sions about past societies due to the use of inapplicable methodological and/or theoretical
approaches. I strongly believe that the lack of attention to children in archaeological
interpretations, the use of unclear definitions of notions of childhood, and the uncrit-
ical acceptance of a universal notion of childhood combine to cause a misleading or
incomplete reconstruction of past societies (see Bird-David for concrete examples and a
thorough discussion). The historian Aris (1962) was surely correct when he argued that
the concept of childhood is constructed both socioeconomically and culturally and that
it differs across time and space (see also Ardren, Bird-David, Kamp, and Sofaer in this
volume; Kamp 2001; and Sofaer Derevenski 2000 for similar arguments). Often, the age
definition of life cycles employed by archaeologists is based on Western perceptions of
children, rather than on concepts about the nature of childhood that existed in the past.
It should be noted here that some of the most common conflicts among archaeologists
regarding the definition of childhood and children in the material record derive from
age determinations and terminology in the study of bioarcheology (Perry 2005). Since
there is no consensus about these, there is a general tendency in our field to study chil-
dren as incidental or irrelevant and to insist on seeing children as visible only through
burial remains (Baxter, in this volume). There is a lack of harmony in applying different
methodologies with interests in the social aspects versus the bioarchaeological aspects of
children. Rotshchild (2002) warns us that we cannot expect to find childhood in every
society and that the definition of what constitutes childhood is often constructed by
Western notions of biological realities. The definition of childhood is also not clear in
religion; a range of symbolic meanings are adduced to childhood. The image of children
is represented with a diversity of meanings, and it is full of metaphors. The notion of
who is a child changes due to age, condition, lineage, or sources of imagery as well as
an authors own point of view (Francis 2006:14, 283). The bottom line is that a uni-
versal view of childhood results in inadequate reconstructions of past societies and their
cultures. Hence, the definition of childhood has to be discussed further by scholars, and
more cross-cultural studies need to done.
An example of biases in current research methodologies and theories in the archae-
ological study of childhood can be obtained from the mortuary record (i.e., skeleton and
dental remains; grave goods; type and location of burial; etc.). The burial rates of children
are highly dependent on the nature of preservation (commonly incomplete); the type of
burial (single or multiple burials with parents; cremation or inhumation); whether or not
child burials are incorporated into adult mortuary areas (spatial segregation); recovery tech-
niques; data analyses; definition of age and sex by experts; and the level of experience of
experts (Chamberlain 2000). Due to these factors, information about biometric, population,
health, social status as well as the ethnic identity of children in mortuary contexts is often

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Introduction 9

explored incorrectly (Baxter 2005). Archaeologists often assume that special grave goods
found in childrens graves signal social ranking within a given society (Crawfort 2000; Sofaer
Derevenksi 1997). However, from ethnographical and historical documents it is known
that health conditions and age at the time of death are not always related with socioeco-
nomic conditions and social status/wealth. The notion of childhood plays an ideological
and communicative role in the ancient Andean and Roman worlds. For instance, ancient
Andean societies sometimes sacrificed children as part of rituals intended to communicate
with saints and deities (Ardren 2011; Sillar 1994). Those selected for sacrifice were from
the nonelite class and they were fed well before being sacrificed.

How Do We Rescue Children in Archaeological Records?

The vital question to ask is not whether children are visible or invisible, but how archae-
ologists can correctly discern the activities, identities, and behavior of children in the
archaeological record for a more accurate construction of ancient societies. I argue that
we should accept the presence of children, as well as the fact that they played active roles
in the past, in order to refine the problem, define the kinds of anthropological questions
that can be addressed, establish methodologies for studying children archaeologically, and
improve current studies on this subject. This can be done most productively through
interdisciplinary exchanges, such as are reflected in both this volume and the conference
that gave rise to it.
Perhaps we will never be able to fully reconstruct what childhood was really like in
the past, but we can certainly bring abandoned children back into archaeological think-
ing and research and correct archaeologists erroneous and gender-biased interpretations.
By its nature, the study of childhood thus stimulates an interdisciplinary dialogue.
This is reflected in this volume, which brings together scholars who work on various
aspects of this question with experience in different regions, diverse methodological and
theoretical approaches, and evidence from sites spanning from the Paleolithic to the
historical ages both in Old and New Worlds. What is most attractive about this volume
is that it emphasizes linkages between anthropological archaeology, ethnography, and
anthropological theory, as well as other disciplines in the social sciences, humanities,
and natural sciences. I hope that the interdisciplinary nature of this work will result in
further dialogue and widen the range of perspectives that can be applied to the study
of childhood in the past. Each of the contributions in this volume expands the field of
childhood studies and provides a better understanding of the various meanings of the
notion of childhood and its social and cultural context. In addition, the contributions
of new dating and laboratory techniques, which are also emphasized by some of the
contributors to this volume, expand our comprehension of the subject. In this book we
discuss the notion of childhood in the past and the importance of children in social,
economic, cultural, psychological, symbolic, artistic, sexual, biological, biometric, and
health-related contexts. The volume considers how the notion of childhood is expressed
in artifacts and the material record and examines how it is described in the literary and
historical sources of people from different regions and cultures.

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10 Gner Cokunsu

I hope that the conference and its volume will broaden the perspective of many
non-Western archaeologists in a positive way and enhance their appreciation of gender
and childhood studies in archaeology, by being a timely addition to a current interest
among archaeologists in reexamining our assumptions.

Structure of the Book

The articles (sixteen) and commentaries (two) in this volume are revised versions of papers
initially presented at the Third Visiting Scholar Conference for the Institute for European
and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA) of the University of Buffalo, entitled Chil-
dren as Archaeological Enigma: Are Children Visible or Invisible in the Archaeological
Record? The conference was held on April 2425, 2010. It should be noted that three
challenging papers by Patricia Wattenmaker, Karen Johnson, Trina Arpin, and one very
promising poster presentation by Jessica Coone that were all presented at the conference
are unfortunately lacking in the volume. Originally, nineteen papers, one poster, and
four commentary speeches were delivered at the conference by scholars from the United
States, Europe, and the Middle East. Having speakers and authors trained in different
countries and cultures (some of them are even multicultural), provided a very produc-
tive dialogue and expanded our collective horizons. Fields represented at the conference
included Mediterranean and European archaeology, bioarchaeology, geoarchaeology, phys-
ical anthropology, classics, art history, psychology, and genetics. This interdisciplinary
approach to the study of ancient childhood and children presented opportunities to
question issues, present new studies, highlight what is important, what is not and what
type of techniques, theories, methods we need in order to elaborate a broader social and
cultural perspective on the evolution of childhood across time and space.
The volume is structured into three main sections that includes more specific sub-
jects and one commentary session:

1. Theorizing (In)Visibility, Legitimacy, and Biases in Archaeological Approaches

to Children and Childhood
2. Interdisciplinary and Archaeological Approaches to Studying Children and
Childhood in the Past
3. Case Studies in the Archaeology of Childhood.

These sections are followed by commentaries by Frank Hole and Traci Ardren. Steve
Dyson and Mehmet zdoan also acted as discussants at the conference, but their work
schedules prevented them from submitting written comments after the conference.
As a conclusion, I hope that this book will urge new research questions and will
be followed by many new publications and conferences to approach a better understand-
ing of the subject through new theories and methodologies. I hope that this book will
provide a forum clarifying what the current problems are, and what possible research
strategies and collaborations could be used to address those problems. Doubtless, we

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Introduction 11

are still at the very beginning of a long journey to bring back the unintentionally lost
children of the past.


I am deeply thankful to the authors of this book for their enthusiasm, patience, kindness,
understanding, cooperation, and support during and after the preparation of the conference
and this volume, as well as for their arduous efforts involved in traveling to Buffalo when
the Eyjafjallajkull Volcano in Iceland interrupted so much air and land travel in Europe.
I can never forget the joy I felt when almost all of our speakers finally could make their
way to Buffalo, one by one. I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the
authors also for sharing their ideas and helping me both before and after the conference
whenever I needed it. I am particularly indebted to Kathryn Kamp, Jane Eva Baxter, and
Traci Ardren for their comments and sound advice for structuring the book at various
stages of its publication. I am immensely thankful to Guillermo Algaze, Kathryn Kamp,
and John Whittaker for their thorough and critical editing of this chapter.
I owe thanks to the former and current members of the IEMA board: Peter Biehl,
Ted Pena, Samuel M. Paley, Tim Chevral, Stephen Dyson, Ezra Zubrow, Sarunas Milis-
auskas, and Bradley Ault for awarding me with the IEMA Post-doctoral Fellowship and
offering me the opportunity to organize this conference, to give my graduate course on
children in archaeology at the Department of Anthropology at SUNY Buffalo, and to
meet the distinctive speakers and authors of the conference and this volume. I owe many
thanks also to Prof. Donald Pollock, chair of the Department of Anthropology, and the
administrative staff of the anthropology and classics departments.
I would like to thank and express my appreciation also to my graduate students
at SUNY Buffalo who took my seminar course on the archaeology of childhood. Their
interest in the subject as well as the stimulating discussions and ideas kept my enthu-
siasm lively when I was both teaching and organizing the conference. Seeing some of
them, such as Kyle Somerville and Jennifer Faux, delving into the subject of childhood
archaeology at that time and later, and engaged in internationally recognized symposia
and writings in prestigious scholarly books and journals is a source of happiness, satis-
faction, and hope for me.
I am very grateful to my colleagues and friends Warren Barbour, Patricia
Wattenmaker, and Guillermo Algaze for intellectual and friendly support as well as for
their always wise advice; Elizabeth Dundon, Janet Akakal, Arkadiusz (Arek) Klimowicz,
Patrycja (Pati) Klimowicz, Mesut Aygn, Il Demirta, Sarah Ralph, Aleksander I. Oga-
dzhanov, Heather Cahill, Kyle Somerville, and UB Department of Anthropology and
Classics students for all their support, friendship, and guidance during the preparation
of both the conference and the resulting publication.
A very precious friend and scholar, Dr. Saubhagya Shah of Harvard University,
whom I lost at a very young age and to whom this book is dedicated, deserves deepest
thanks and appreciation for the many beautiful qualities he added to my professional
and private life.

2015 State University of New York Press, Albany

12 Gner Cokunsu

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