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The Advancing Course of The Syncretistic Axis of The Vatican, Athens, and The Phanar

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We, the resisters, offer our comments...

Two official visits with manifold implications

The Advancing Course of the Syncretistic

Axis of the Vatican, Athens,
and the Phanar
and the inconsistent movement
of New Calendarist Anti-Ecumenism

T he two wheels upon which the caisson of Orthodox-Papist ecu-

menism has been borne since the 1960s have, hitherto, revolved
around the axis of the Vatican and the Phanar.
The ecumenists have seen fit
to bolster and reinforce this syn-
cretistic axis yet more and to ad-
vance it more explicitly: to re-
inforce it through the active and,
indeed, energetic participation of
the Archdiocese of Athens in in-
ter-Christian Ecumenism (Arch-
bishop Christodoulos, by synodal decision, is to visit the Vatican on
14 December), and also to advance it through the sensational pere-
grination of Pope Benedict XVI to the Phanar (29-30 November).

1. There is no room for pleasantries

The manifold implications of these two visits do not per-
mit, in any case whatsoever, any pleasantry of this type:
I asked a brother:From whence are those who are go-
ing to the Vatican? And I received the answer:From
the Archdiocese, and of course with a bull from the Holy
This is all the more so, when we take into account the wholly
anti-Patristic stance of contemporary Athonite monasticism, which
has made haste to compose special hymnological ditties for inclu-
sion in the ecumenical reception service at the Phanar for the
Venerable Shepherd and Primate, His Holiness,
Pope Benedict, Bishop of Rome!2
As an historical footnote, in May of 1964, the Holy Mountain
was aquiver:
[A]t least 95 percent of the Athonite Fathers disap-
prove of the pro-Papal policy of the cumenical Patri-
arch, whose Polychronion [Pheme] they have ceased to
The vigorous promotion on the part of the New Calendarist Anti-
Ecumenists of their conviction that
the leadership of our Church is drawing all of us outside
the Church, in order to unite us with heresy and the One
World Religion,4
with the Athonites, unfortunately, playing first fiddle(!), leaves no
margin for pleasantries.

2. The foundations of the Faith are being undermined

At this critical time, when
the heresy of syncretistic ecu-
menism is being bolstered and ad-
vanced with full force, the Phanar
and Athens are speaking about
Orthodoxy and Papism as puta-
tive Sister Churches,which
ought to work in concert as Christian Churches, to coperate
in matters of common concern, independently of their theologi-
cal differences,5 and to aim not only at co-existence, but also at
close coperation, in order to confront not just social but oth-
er problems of the world, which is in need of religious conver-
gence both particularly and unitively;6 at this critical time, then,
it is imperative that we reaffirm, in word and in deed, that the
Rules of Faith and exactitude are the Saints, and it is them that
we follow.7
The anti-Orthodox nature of ecumenism is no longer in ques-
tion: the foundations of the Faith have been undermined for de-
cades now by the panheresy of Ecumenism,the tenets of which
have been repeatedly proclaimed by Patriarchs, Archbishops,
and theologians, who have now adopted another Gospel.8
The Holy Fathers, these true Yardsticks of Faith, neither in-
dulged in banter when confronting heresies, nor did they waste their
struggle on journalism, but severed communion with heretics, that
is, they resisted by walling themselves off, and were, for precisely
this reason, subjected to persecution...!
The declaration by the New Calendarist Anti-Ecumenists that
we struggle following the line of the Holy Fathers, and it is their
teaching that we put forth,9 if not deliberately misleading, is
nonetheless quite inadequate, indeed, utterly inadequate.
Saints Maximos the Confessor and Theodore the Studite, to
whom the New Calendarist Anti-Ecumenists advert, were virulent-
ly persecuted, not only because they did not hesitate to speak,10
but precisely because they did not hesitate to wall themselves

3. Not even for a moment...

The clear, very clear asseveration of the New Calendarist
Anti-Ecumenists that their syncretistic Shepherds are drawing
them outside the Church, that the foundations of the Faith
have been undermined for decades by these Shepherds, and that
they have adopted another Gospel underscoresindeed, with
especial emphasisthe anti-Patristic character of the truly inconsis-
tent movement of New Calendarist Anti-Ecumenism.
New Calendarist Anti-Ecumenists who maintain commu-
nion with their syncretistic Shepherds cannot conceivably proclaim
that they are of One Voice with, and Followers of, the Holy Fa-
thers,11 since the Saintsaccording to St. Basil the Greatnot
even for a moment (let alone for decades...!) accepted com-
munion or relations with those Shepherds whom they found to be
stumbling (lame) in the Faith.12

From the Chancery

of the Holy Synod inResistance
16 November 2006 (Old Style)
Holy Apostle Matthew the Evangelist


1. Protopresbyter Dionysios Tatses,

[The Archbishop at the Vatican], , No. 1665 (17 November
2006), p. 1.
2. Maria Antoniadou,

[Three New Troparia Will Be Chanted at the Doxology for
the Historic Visit of Benedict XVI, Who Will Recite the Our Father in Greek],
(26 November 2006), p. A36.
3. -, No. 40 (May 1964), pp. 1, 3.
4. , No. 1663 (3 November 2006), p. 1, lead article (see also
the issue for 20 March 2005, which features the views of Father S. Sarantou).


[Interview with Patriarch Bartholomew by Nikos Papachrestou],
(26 November 2006), p. 14.


[Interview with Archbishop Christodoulos by the Russian news ser-
vice Novosti], , No. 1665 (17 November 2006), pp. 1, 5.
7. Protopresbyter Theodoros Zeses,

[The Ene-
mies of the Church], , No. 1665 (17 November 2006), pp. 1, 5.
8. See note 7.
9. See note 7.
10. See note 7.
11. Seventh cumenical Synod, Mansi, Vol. XIII, col. 196D/
[Proceedings of the Holy cumenical Syn-
ods], ed. Spyridon Melias (Holy Mountain: Ekdosis Kalyves Timiou Prodromou,
1981), Vol. II, p. 823b (Fifth Session).
12. St. Basil the Great, Epistle 266, To Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, Patrolo-
gia Grca, Vol. XXXII, cols. 992-994.

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