Beauty From The Inside Out
Beauty From The Inside Out
Beauty From The Inside Out
The contents of this book are for information only, and are
intended to assist readers in identifying symptoms and conditions
they may be experiencing. This book is not intended to be a sub-
stitute for obtaining proper medical advice and must not be relied
upon in this way. Always consult a qualified doctor or health prac-
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illness arising out of the failure to seek medical advice from a doc-
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assume no responsibility for your actions.
ISBN: 978-0-473-25304-2
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Also by Dr Libby Weaver
Accidentally Overweight
INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 7
The Mysterious Pull of Beauty ......................................11
Avocados.................................................................... 55
Beans......................................................................... 55
Beetroots ................................................................... 55
Blueberries ............................................................... 55
Brazil Nuts ................................................................ 56
Broccoli and Cauliflower ........................................... 56
Coconuts.................................................................... 56
Cucumbers ................................................................ 57
Eggs ........................................................................... 57
Figs ............................................................................ 57
Fresh Oily Fish ........................................................... 58
Green Tea .................................................................. 58
Kale............................................................................ 58
Kiwifruit ..................................................................... 58
Lemons...................................................................... 59
Nettle Tea .................................................................. 59
Olive Oil ..................................................................... 59
Organic Butter ........................................................... 60
Parsley ....................................................................... 60
Peppermint Tea ......................................................... 60
Pomegranates ........................................................... 60
Spinach ...................................................................... 61
Sprouts ...................................................................... 61
Sunflower Seeds ....................................................... 61
Sweet Potatoes.......................................................... 61
Tomatoes ................................................................... 61
Walnuts...................................................................... 62
Watercress ................................................................ 62
Eating More, Not Less Eating Real ............................62
Chapter 4 Part 1 Not-So-Beautiful Stress
Hormones .................................................................133
The Three Parts of the Brain ......................................134
The Adrenal Glands ....................................................136
Adrenalin, Sugar Cravings and Your Shine ................137
How Coffee Amps You Up and Can Impact on
Your Shine ...............................................................141
Living Life in a Hurry...................................................148
Cortisol Friend or Worst Nightmare?.....................149
How Cortisol Works................................................. 150
Understanding the Cortisol Problem ..................... 156
Silent Stress ...............................................................158
Guilt and Cortisol ................................................... 159
Worrying is No Good for Your Health .........................161
Adrenal Fatigue ..........................................................164
How Do You Approach Stress? ....................................168
The Importance of Perceptions............................... 168
The Importance of Rest .......................................... 169
The Importance of Diaphragmatic Breathing ........ 171
The Importance of Laughter .................................. 175
Thyroid Medications ............................................... 258
Hyperthyroidism: Over-active Thyroid Gland
Blood Tests and Normal Ranges .............................266
Your Blood Tests .........................................................268
Emotional and Holistic Approaches ...........................272
Breathing as Messenger ...................................... 400
Your Bodys Feedback ........................................... 406
Options .................................................................. 408
Functional Movement.............................................. 410
Seven Primal Movement Patterns........................ 411
Inner Needs and Rhythms ..........................................412
Exploring Your Inner World and Emotional
Landscape ...............................................................506
The Serenity Prayer ...................................................512
Strategies to Assist You Chapter-by-Chapter ...........513
HYDRATION .................................................................... 513
NOT-SO-BEAUTIFUL STRESS HORMONES ............................. 515
Solutions for Adrenal Support ................................ 515
Adrenal Fatigue Supplementation .......................... 518
The Restorative Power of Real Food ....................... 518
Peri- and Postmenopause ...................................... 519
BEAUTIFUL SEX HORMONES ............................................... 519
Menstrual Cycle Challenges ................................... 519
Oestrogen Dominance .......................................... 520
Endometriosis ......................................................... 522
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) ..................... 523
Menopause Strategies ............................................ 523
BEAUTIFUL THYROID HORMONES ......................................... 525
BEAUTIFUL PITUITARY HORMONES ....................................... 527
BEAUTIFUL DETOX ........................................................... 528
Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption......................... 528
Liver Support Herbs ................................................ 529
Additional Solutions ................................................ 530
BEAUTIFUL DIGESTION ...................................................... 531
Solutions ................................................................. 531
Colonics ................................................................... 535
BEAUTIFUL SLEEP ........................................................... 535
BEAUTIFUL POSTURE AND MOVEMENT ................................. 536
BEAUTIFUL SKIN, HAIR AND NAILS ..................................... 537
Skin care .................................................................. 538
Additional Beautiful Solutions to Beauty Bumps in the
Road ............................................................................538
Eyes and Around the Eyes ....................................... 538
Dark Circles .......................................................... 538
Newly Oily Skin and/or Oily Scalp ......................... 546
Oily Skin at the Same Time as Dry Skin ............... 546
Pale, Grey-Tinged, Dull Skin ................................ 547
Pigmentation on Face Newly Appearing .............. 547
Pimples and Blemishes ........................................ 547
Psoriasis ............................................................... 547
Redness on the Face; Flush Easily ....................... 548
Rosacea ................................................................. 548
Scars ..................................................................... 548
Stretch Marks ....................................................... 548
Eating Habits ...............................................................548
Inability to Stop Eating ............................................ 548
Not Eating Enough .................................................. 549
Emotional Habits ........................................................549
Struggling with Frustration..................................... 549
Struggle with Insecurity .......................................... 550
Relying on External Validation and Appreciation.... 550
Beautiful Ways to Soothe Body, Mind and Soul..........551
Beautiful Oils for a Bath ......................................... 551
Lavender Oil .......................................................... 552
Lemon Oil ............................................................. 552
Rosemary Oil......................................................... 553
Sage Oil ................................................................. 553
Spruce Oil.............................................................. 554
Calendula ................................................................ 554
The Immense Beauty and Gift of Nature ................ 557
The Final Wrap-Up ......................................................558
Acknowledgements ...................................................567
s research for this book, I asked some pre-
cious humans what they felt dulled their
shine. Here is what they said:
Processed food
Bad sleep
Energy drinks
Family issues
Urinary problems
Reproductive problems
Audrey Hepburn
eauty really is an inside job. How many of
us stop to consider that our outer layer is
merely a reflection of inner processes, com-
pletely reliant on the health of the 50 trillion cells
that you are made of? And the health of those cells
is impacted by everything from the food you eat,
the nutrients present or missing from your blood,
and the hormones and messages your body makes
based on whether your thoughts are fearful or lov-
ing. Think about that.
When most people think about improving their
appearance, they usually focus on a product, another
quick fix. Yet when you consider that the skin
cells on your face are a small percentage of the total
number of cells in the whole body, it seems crazy
that we dont spend more time getting the majority
of the cells functioning optimally, leading us to the
outcomes we seek.
Throughout these pages, we will decipher beauty
like never before, and you will be guided on which
levers to pull to help you create, recognize, and
deeply appreciate your beautiful shine. The chap-
ters vary in length from one another, not based on
importance but simply because some topics require
more explanation. We will explore your outer world
the food you choose, the nutrients you ingest,
hydration, posture, movement, skin, hair and nails
and we will delve into your inner world of sex
hormones, stress hormones, detox, digestion, elimi-
nation pathways, thyroid and pituitary functions,
and how both worlds relate to your sparkle. This is
not a book teaching you how to cleanse, tone and
moisturise. We will look into the superstar beauty
support that sleep offers, and at ways to make sure
your sleep is restorative. I will explain what your
body needs to create lovely nails, lustrous hair, spar-
kling eyes, and clear, luminous skin, and you will
also be guided to deal with very specific bumps in
the road, such as dark circles under the eyes, eczema,
pimples, and hair that is falling out, just to name a
few. Just as importantly, we will explore your inner
world, by taking a heart-opening look at your emo-
tional landscape because, for many, that is where the
real elixir is.
So, this book takes you on a journey through the
you struggle with insecurity, it may be because you
are comparing your behind-the-scenes with every-
one elses highlight reel, a sentiment that has been so
beautifully shared by Steve Furtick.
There is so much beauty on offer to us 24/7,
inside us, around us, and shining from us. For so
many, a veil just needs to be lifted so you can experi-
ence your own radiance. Lets see what we can do!
As a society, our relationship with beauty is in
crisis. We are told that beauty exists only in certain
forms, images, and at certain ages. We can feel bom-
barded with images that lead us away from our own
unique beauty and encourage us to try to look like
someone else rather than become and accept more
of who we are. While adults can be affected by such
messages, these messages can be particularly dam-
aging to children and teenagers who so desperately
want to be loved, approved of, considered special,
and seen as beautiful. From an emotional maturity
perspective, wanting to fit in is natural at this age,
and many teens today will tell you they believe they
have to look good to fit in.
Equally damaging can be the perception that
beauty is unattainable beyond a certain age. In this
era, youth is worshipped, and many attempt to deny
the aging process. Yet due to the advances of medi-
cine, hygiene, and technology, we are living longer
So why does beauty seem to have this mysterious
pull? Why are we attracted to what we consider to
be beautiful? Why is it that you seem to become a
powerful magnet for people and opportunities when
you, yourself, feel beautiful? The reason beauty calls
to us is because it arises from love, which is itself
the most nourishing and desired force in life. Beauty
is the consequence of love. Think about that. And
beauty therefore announces the presence of love, to
which we are inherently drawn.
Would you believe me if I told you that your
experience of your own beauty is dependent on
you loving yourself? I am not saying that you just
need to affirm that you love yourself and its a done
deal. Every humans greatest fear is that they are
not enough, and that if they are not enough they
wont be loved. We are born this way. It is Human
Psychology 101, and it is hardwired into a part of
our nervous system that we cannot access with our
thoughts. The reason not being loved is our greatest
fear, and one with which we are born, is because
without love a human baby dies, as someone has to
care for us enough to feed us and provide us with
clothing and shelter. Other animals can forage for
food and find shelter and survive. So this is not some
artificial construct that develops over time it is
It is very difficult to be patient and kind with
yourself and others, when you are filling yourself
with stimulants such as too much caffeine and
refined sugars, and eating a diet high in processed
foods that is virtually devoid of nutrients.
Dr Libby
hen it comes to your physical health and
beauty, the foundation stone is the way
you nourish yourself through the foods
you choose. Nothing, and I mean nothing, com-
pares to what real food offers your physical health
and radiant self. When it comes to food, Nature gets
it right, while human intervention can get it very
wrong. Let me explain why this matters so much
and why it is essential that you take good care of the
way you nourish yourself.
Nutrition is one of the most debated topics in
the health arena. People are constantly looking at
new ways they can improve their nutrition, and
consequently their health and how they look, but
unfortunately there are huge amounts of misinfor-
mation out there. Theories about the healthiest way
to eat abound, yet what science has firmly estab-
lished is the protective benefits of a largely plant-
based diet.1 Whole foods contain all of the foods
vitamins and minerals, as well as their natural plant
compounds which are known to support human
health. After all, it is nutrients that keep us alive.
Really think about that. Without nutrients, we die,
and we get our nutrients primarily through the
foods we choose. Eating real food is about all of the
perks you get (for example, nutrient density), but
it is also about what you miss out on the poten-
tially harmful substances in processed food that can
disrupt your bodys natural rhythms, biochemistry,
communication systems, and hormonal systems.
When you eat mostly real food, you omit most of
the artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, preserva-
tives, and additives that can be present in processed
foods. You also miss out on ingredients that have
been bleached and/or pummelled so that any nutri-
ents that may have been in the original food have
will be far more sustainable for you and/or your
When you begin to focus on taking great care of
your physical health, a huge part of that involves
taking good care of the way you feed yourself. It
is difficult to be kind, compassionate, and patient
with others, as well as yourself, when you are filling
yourself with stimulants and food that contains very
little, if any, nutritional value. Think about that. As
Hippocrates so perfectly suggested:
Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food.
Nutritionally, leafy greens are superstars. They
not only contain vitamins and minerals, but they
enhance the quality of your blood. Leafy green vege-
tables also contain amino acids, which are the build-
ing blocks of proteins. In your body, amino acids
make up the cells of your immune system that help
defend you from infections and cancer; they create
the neurotransmitters that influence your mood, and
they build the muscles that drive your metabolic
rate and give you physical strength. The power of
greens is well demonstrated by the way gorillas live,
and, given that they are similar to humans from a
DNA perspective but have not been influenced by
marketing, we can learn a lot from their innate food
choices. The diet of gorillas is over 50 per cent piths,
shoots, and green leaves, and yet they have one of
the highest muscle masses of any living creature.
They eat some animal protein, which they obtain
mostly from insects, but the ratio of greens to ani-
mals is enormously in favour of a high-plant diet.
Our bodies thrive on being supplied with living
foods, so the more plants we incorporate into our
diet, the better we feel. One of the main reasons
plants accumulate nutrients is to develop future
seeds so they can reproduce and the species can
survive. Seeds require a high density of nutrients to
fulfil their reproductive functions. Even once they
for canning, refining sugars, and milling flour, all of
which led to an unprecedented shift in the human
diet. As people began to eat in this progressive
way, choosing more and more convenience foods,
they significantly reduced their intake of whole
foods, particularly green vegetables, replacing them
with more white flour and white sugar than had ever
been consumed before throughout all of human his-
tory. When the human diet is based on highly-pro-
cessed foods that are virtually devoid of all nutri-
ents, health suffers.
Yet, I am often asked, given that people tend to be
living longer these days in the Western world, if our
diet is in general so lousy, why is longevity increas-
ing? I answer this question with another question:
Are we living too short and dying too long? It is
quality of life that I care about so passionately. Now
and always, you do not want to lose your indepen-
dence and have to rely on another person to tie your
shoelaces because you can no longer reach them
because you are stiff or your tummy is so large you
cant reach over it. You dont want to have to go to
the hospital every other day to be hooked up to a
dialysis machine because your kidneys can no lon-
ger clean your own blood. Yes, genes play a role. Of
course they do. But, we need to remember that the
health choices we make today influence the genes
ammonia is then excreted in the urine, along with
chloride ions that are needed to balance the electro-
chemical charge.
If all of that sounds too scientific, all you need
to know is that too many foods that push your
blood to the acidic end of the spectrum will drive
your body to release minerals that are alkaline in
their nature from their storage houses, the bones,
into the blood, in order to even out the effects of
the acid. The blood is happy, but your bones have
been thinned in the process. I personally believe this
is one the major reasons why we see so much more
osteoporosis in the West, compared with those eat-
ing a traditional Eastern diet, which is based mainly
on plant foods, and little or no processed food.
Amp up your greens for outstanding bone health,
as this way your body will not need to call on your
bones to release their precious minerals to coun-
terbalance the effects of an overly acidic lifestyle.
Your muscles will also love you by preventing the
progressive muscle wasting that can come from an
overly acidic diet. Given that your muscles signifi-
cantly influence your metabolic rate, your ability to
utilize carbohydrates for energy, and your strength,
they are worth maintaining or, preferably, building.
Blood pH is also believed to influence the bodys
ability to burn body fat or store it. The best way to
on the prevention of these undesirable biochemical
states, and hence a wonderfully positive and power-
ful effect on your quality of life and the way you age.
Eating more organically or biodynamically grown
food, or simply choosing spray-free options, can
play a major role in achieving this. When it comes
to pesticides, in my opinion we are guinea pigs when
it comes to the effects of long-term consumption of
these substances. The reason a conventionally grown
apple looks so perfect is because it has been sprayed
to make it look that way. We cannot see or taste the
chemicals on its skin, but they are there. Pesticides
have to be tested before they can be used on food
for human consumption. However, they are often
tested for such a relatively brief amount of time that
I do not believe we can compare tests done over,
say, a six-month period, to being exposed to these
substances over an entire lifetime. What also cannot
be tested is what happens when the chemicals are
mixed, and they get mixed inside our body every
day, when we eat conventionally grown produce.
Fresh food the way it comes in Nature is an incred-
ibly important part of our diet. While I do not want
to scare you off from eating a conventionally farmed
apple, I do want to encourage you to choose organic
produce whenever you can. Also think about the
way you eat the food. We peel a banana. It may have
been sprayed, but how much gets through the skin?
We actually dont know. But surely there would be
less chemical residue in the flesh of a banana than
on the skin. So perhaps choosing a conventionally
grown banana is not too bad. No one really knows
yet. When it comes to an apple, though, we usually
eat the whole fruit, so you would be better to choose
an organic (or biodynamically grown) apple wher-
ever possible.
What is biodynamic agriculture? It is the scien-
tific use of crop rotation, composting, integrated
soil, crop, and pest management, and animal hus-
bandry pioneered in the early 20th century. These
agricultural practices were later popularized by
the organic movement. Both forms of agriculture
are ecologically sound, and are fundamental to the
health of the Earth, plants, and human beings. As
Dr Rudolf Hauschka described, biodynamic agri-
culture applies an organic and sustainable approach
to farming that considers not only the health of the
ecosystem but also the rhythms of the universe. The
sun, moon, planets, and stars all influence how plants
grow. It also applies herbal preparations to the earth
to enliven and harmonise plants, compost, and soil,
but he didnt kill the snails. Instead, he collected
them in a bucket and fed them to the chickens, to
keep them in the food chain as he so delightfully
put it.
Consider each of these scenarios. Spray in under
30 minutes versus crawling around on your haunches
for two days. For me, that illustrates precisely why
organic and biodynamic food costs more. The price
reflects the real cost of food, plus many foods grown
this way have a greater nutritional value. The more
of us who choose it, the cheaper it will become.
Every time you spend money, you are casting a
vote for the kind of world you want. The more we
demand organic and say no to synthetic chemicals,
the more organics will have to be supplied.
If organic food is simply not available in your
area or it is too costly for you to buy, try this solu-
tion to remove pesticides. Pesticides tend to be fat-
soluble, and general washing does not remove them.
Washing food can remove dirt and germs, but not
most pesticides. To wash food for both dirt and
pesticides at the same time, fill your sink with three
parts water to one part vinegar, and wash your fruits
and vegetables. Then rinse them in fresh water, pat
them dry, and store them for use. Do what is practi-
cal for you.
Plants have innate mechanisms designed to help
Skin Care
You can also decrease the synthetic chemical load
in your life by considering what you put on your
skin. You only have to think about how nicotine
patches work to realise that your skin is a direct
route to your blood supply, and that your detoxi-
fication systems will have additional work to do.
There are some beautiful skin-care companies out
there who create highly effective products that con-
tain zero synthetic ingredients. In my ideal world
you could eat your skin care! This concept is dis-
cussed in more detail in the Beautiful Skin, Hair
and Nails chapter.
On another note, some herbicides contain com-
pounds that can mimic oestrogen in the human
body, in both males and females of all ages. This
is of great concern. For oestrogen or oestrogen-like
compounds to exert their effects, they have to bind
to oestrogen receptors, and when they do, the lovely,
or not so lovely, effects of oestrogen are felt. Given
that children today are exposed to herbicides for
their entire lifetimes, it is likely that their exposure
to oestrogen-like compounds in addition to what the
body produces itself (mostly from puberty onwards)
is contributing to the earlier age of menarche being
reported across the Western world. Please pause and
consider the ramifications of this.
in bought cakes and biscuits, muesli bars, and deep-
fried food), and refined sugars. The liver also has to
detoxify substances your body makes itself, such as
oestrogen and cholesterol, which can have their own
impact on inner health and outer beauty, as explored
in greater detail in a later chapter.
When I am guiding people with what foods serve
their health, one element that is firmly in my mind
is minimizing (or, in some cases, eliminating) what
I call the liver loaders, as this allows the body to
pull stored toxins out of storage to be processed and
excreted. This is of critical importance to amazing
skin, which I will discuss in more detail later. Sec-
ondly, food is designed to supply the body with the
nutrients necessary for the detoxification processes
in the body to work efficiently. For example, the first
stage of detoxification by the liver requires B vita-
mins for that process to occur. Our best food sources
of B vitamins are whole grains, and yet many people
have cut them out, or at least back, in this high-
protein era we are currently living through. Many
people feel better without grains (or with less or
only specific types, for example gluten-free grains)
in their diet, and I am by no means suggesting you
suddenly go back and eat bucket-loads of grains to
get your B vitamins if you feel better without them.
All I want to point out is that, unknowingly, people
button six times, wondering how on Earth it can be
morning already? Mostly I hear the latter.
What is your energy like over the course of a
day? Do you feel like your blood glucose is less
like the even flow of a river, and more akin to a
roller coaster, with dramatic highs and lows in your
moods and also your energy levels? When you have
a burst of energy, does your temper explode? Or are
you someone who simply wishes you could spend
the next year in bed? My point? Your energy lev-
els significantly influence the quality of your life and
your shine.
Food is designed to energize us in a lovely, even
way. If what you have been eating makes you want
to go to sleep, then it hasnt been serving you. Eating
real food helps support the energy systems in your
The concept of photosynthesis may not be some-
thing you have considered since high school or
maybe you are currently at high school and you
dont feel too compelled to learn about it. Well,
heres how it relates to your beauty. Photosynthesis
is a process essential to life. Photosynthesis is a pro-
cess used by plants, and other organisms, to convert
the light energy captured from the sun into chemical
energy that can be used to fuel the organisms activi-
ties. Diagrammatically it looks like this:
Knowing this, it is hard to imagine how there
could be life on Earth without greens. They produce
chlorophyll, which, simply put, is liquid sunshine.
Chlorophyll has powerful health properties of its
own. In fact, haemoglobin, a component of human
blood that helps transport oxygen around the body,
is almost identical to chlorophyll.
All of the energy in food comes from the sun.
Think about this every time you eat your greens,
and amp up their proportion of your diet to enhance
your energy systems and your sparkle.
The way energy is actually created within the
body involves a series of biochemical pathways that
nutrients drive. I had them pinned all over the walls
of my bedroom while I was at university. I wont
bore you by pinning them inside this book, although
I am tempted to blow your mind at just how aston-
ishing your body is, to show you the immense power
of nutrients to drive your biochemistry and nourish
you, and to remind you that life truly is miraculous!
Just know that by increasing the nutrient density of
your diet, you help enhance your energy systems,
which can lead not only to a healthier life but a
much happier one, too.
you want, or what a rule you created for yourself,
possibly years ago, dictates, if this rule no longer
serves you or the planet. A flexible approach enables
you to nourish your body with what it needs, when
it needs it. For example, there will be days when you
feel that a meal that includes rice will nourish you
beautifully, whereas there may be other days when
you feel that rice wont serve you; you may feel like
you will feel tired after eating it. But if you have
a rule that says, for example, carbs after 3pm are
bad, then you wont eat rice for dinner, no matter
how much your body needs what rice offers. I find
people also define themselves using how they eat as
a descriptive: Im a vegetarian, for example. And I
have met countless people who judge others for how
they choose to eat, but judgement does not serve
your health, or the planet, or anyone you meet. Eat
in a way that feels right for you, and allow others to
do the same.
If you eat meat, opt for grass-fed, free-range, or
preferably organic. I appreciate that these options
may cost more economically. However, in my opin-
ion and based on my observation of peoples diets
over the past 15 years, many people would benefit
from reducing their portion sizes of meat. Choose
good-quality cuts of meat, and serve approximately
a fist-sized portion for a main meal. Organic lamb,
ficial for brain development. Flaxseeds (linseeds) are
high in another omega-3 fatty acid known as EPA.
The human body can convert EPA into DHA, a pro-
cess that is upregulated during pregnancy. Again, I
encourage you to eat what nourishes you. Just be
sure to include some omega-3-rich foods.
If you eat chicken, purchasing organic chicken is
highly recommended. Organically-grown chickens
have been fed an organically-grown diet and have
been raised without the use of antibiotics, and free-
range chickens have been allowed access to the out-
doors as opposed to being confined to the henhouse,
with some producers also feeding them an organic
diet. Chicken is a good source of protein and also
contains niacin (vitamin B3), which helps the body
convert food into fuel (energy). Additionally, nia-
cin is involved in the production of sex and stress
hormones in the adrenal glands, critical processes
for inner and outer health, which youll learn more
about in later chapters. It also contains methionine,
an amino acid involved in mood regulation and the
maintenance of our DNA.
If yours has been a meat with every meal
household up until now, consider starting meatless
Mondays, and eat only plant-based foods that day.
Once you and/or family members/housemates expe-
rience the taste sensation of a vegetable-based meal
saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated.
Of concern more recently is the generation of trans
fats, which are found mainly in processed foods, spe-
cifically deep-fried foods, bought cakes and biscuits,
and muesli bars. Some research suggests that the
type of fat you eat is actually more important than
the total amount. Depending on the current state of
your diet, I often encourage people to consume more
fats, particularly from whole food sources. Consum-
ing adequate fat, and the right fats, helps you man-
age your mood, stay alert, and regulate blood sugar;
it even assists with weight management.
Fats are also needed to help absorb vitamins such
as A D, E, and K, as well as to maintain healthy skin,
as explored in more detail in the Beautiful Nutrients
chapter. They are an integral part of our immunity
and brain development. Fat is also our most concen-
trated source of energy, and helps to keep us warm
and protect our organs. The Mediterranean diet, high
in monounsaturated fats, is linked with low blood
pressure and lower incidences of heart disease.
By choosing real food, you will naturally avoid
poor-quality fats such as trans fats. If you experi-
ence sweet cravings in the afternoon, add more fat
to your meals, particularly at lunch (and even more
so if it was very low in fat), in the form of avocado,
coconut, nuts, seeds, organic butter, tahini, or oily
Fats in a Nutshell
Fats are a vital component of the human diet.
There are numerous types of fats, some of which
are essential for survival. This means that the body
cannot synthesize them and that they must be eaten.
The different types of fats are:
saturated, such as those found in coconut
monounsaturated, such as those found in
olives, avocadoes, and macadamia nuts, as
well as the oils from these foods
polyunsaturated, of which there are two
o omega-6, such as those found
predominantly in certain nuts and
seeds, and oils from these foods
o omega-3, such as those found in oily
fish, linseeds (flaxseeds), walnuts, and
pecans, and oils from these foods.
The above fats all play crucial roles in obtain-
ing and maintaining optimal health. They help our
immune system defend us from infection and cancer,
and they help create our sex hormones, which are
vital for fertility, happiness, and the appearance of
our skin just to name a few effects! Importantly,
they also help mediate inflammation, which is one
of the ways we age from the inside out. The list of
benefits is almost endless.
You have to eat fat to burn fat, and I have met
thousands of people who eat too little fat. If you
eliminate fat or eat too small an amount, your body
tends to believe that there is some sort of famine
going on, and it stores body fat, thinking it is doing
you a big favour by helping you get through this
period of supposed restriction.
Include fat from whole food sources. Such foods
add to the satiety factor of each meal, as well as to
the nutritional content. For the body to be able to
extract fat-soluble vitamins from food, for example,
they must be in the presence of fat. So often I am
asked: How much avocado can I eat? When you
start to eat more real food meals, you will be able
to answer that question yourself! Your body is your
best guide, and I want you to be in touch with its
signals rather than having them masked by a diet
full of processed fats, and refined sugars and flours.
aspect of the Beauty from the Inside Out concept is
guiding you to prevent or certainly limit the dam-
age done by oxidation. It has significant inner health
and outer beauty consequences. Oxidative damage
is done by substances known as free radicals, which
are single oxygen molecules that can hurt your tis-
sues and other vital substances in your body.
Humans stay alive through a process called res-
piration, meaning that we breathe in oxygen, and
we exhale carbon dioxide. If you could see oxygen
in space, it is two Os (two oxygen molecules) stuck
together. The diagram below illustrates what I am
about to describe.
O- (free radical)
A/O (antioxidant/donator)
Oxidation is explored in detail in the Beautiful
Detox chapter, but to thoroughly link this process
to skin, I offer you this explanation. Your immune
system is designed to protect you from infection
and to play a role in dampening down inflamma-
tion. Immune cells will attack any substance that
shows up in your body that they decide is foreign
or poisonous, or that they believe you are better
off without. These substances may appear in your
food, water, or as viruses or bacteria that you ingest,
which then generate free radicals (also known as
oxidants). As you now understand, free radicals
are highly reactive molecules, and they destroy cells
and tissues by causing them to age, form scar tissue,
and die. Free radicals cause all living things to age
and decay. They are the reason an apple left on your
bench turns brown and shrivels up.
In your skin, free radicals cause the moist colla-
gen fibres that form its super-structure to become
dry and shrivelled. When the foundation of your
skin shrinks, the surface folds over on itself, forming
wrinkles. The more free radicals in your system, the
more your collagen shrinks, and the more wrinkles
appear on your skin.
Free radicals also cause the inside of your arter-
ies to become a landscape of lesions and sticky cho-
lesterol plaques, described in detail in the Beautiful
organs, for example. Inflammation is essential to
keeping us alive, but it also causes collateral dam-
age, such as scarring and wrinkling.
The more pollutants we are exposed to, the more
inflammation our body experiences, and the more
rapidly we age.
Beauty Foods
When it comes to real food, for me they are all
super foods. Each food has its own unique combina-
tion of nutritional value to offer you and your glow.
Here is a list to show you some of the beauty ben-
beautiful and delicious berries counteract premature
for inner health and outer beauty.
considered a high-carotenoid fruit both of these
nutrients have been shown to slow down cellular
damage from free radicals.
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched ~ they must be felt
with the heart.
Helen Keller
rom the soil, health and beauty are born. The
soil contains minerals, such as calcium and
magnesium, which we need to live. But we
cant eat the soil, so we need a medium that is able
to supply us with the earths nutrients. The middle-
men are plants, as they absorb the nutrients from the
soil and make them available to us as food. Isnt that
an incredible way to think about how we obtain the
nutrients that sustain our life?
However, if the soil is deficient in nutrients, then
those nutrients are not in the food. So the quality of
the soil where our food is grown plays an enormous
role in our health and beauty.
You have probably noticed that certain nutrients
appear in skin care for topical application. I am a
fan, however, of supplying all of the cells of the body
with nutrients so that they can be distributed where
they need to go, including nourishing your skin.
Lets take a look at the key nutrients involved
with outward shine. Firstly, we will explore the
role of the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E,
and K, and, secondly, the water-soluble vitamins,
which are all of the B-group vitamins and vitamin
C. And, thirdly, we will look at some phytochemi-
cals, fatty acids, and other substances that play a
role in beauty mechanisms, substances all naturally
occurring in plants. You will notice that some nutri-
ents have a more detailed explanation about their
involvement in your shine, while others are briefer.
All vitamins and minerals are critical for your inner
health and outer beauty, but some mechanisms of
action require more explanation!
Fat-soluble vitamins
normal vision, fighting infections, for red blood cell
production, and also for pregnancy. During gesta-
tion, retinoids contribute to the babys embryonic
growth, including the development of the heart,
lungs, kidneys, eyes, and bones, and the circula-
tory, respiratory, and central nervous systems. They
are also particularly important for women who are
about to give birth, because they help with postpar-
tum tissue repair.
Carotenoids also provide unique health benefits.
Most carotenoids function as antioxidants and have
anti-inflammatory effects, two of the processes that
are key in slowing the aging process from the inside
out. Two of the better-known carotenoids are lutein
and zeaxanthin. Similar to retinoids, both of these
carotenoids are essential to vision and are associated
with the prevention of age-related macular degen-
eration. Some carotenoid (plant forms) of vitamin
A can effectively be converted into retinoid forms in
some individuals. Many different factors influence
whether you are able to convert carotenoids forms
into retinoid forms. Digestive system problems,
excessive use of alcohol, exposure to toxic chemi-
cals, or an imbalanced vitamin A to D ratio as a
result of high-dose supplementation and/or medica-
tions can all interfere with the bodys ability to
power of a real food, high plant-based diet can be
game-changing when it comes to your skin.
The most vitamin A-rich foods are liver and cod-
liver oil, but other sources include kidneys, organic
butter from pastured (grass-fed) cows, and egg yolks.
Vegetarian sources of vitamin A include leafy green
vegetables, orange and yellow vegetables, toma-
toes, and certain fruits, such as apricots and grape-
fruit. Toxicity from food is very rare; when it does
occur, it is usually due to the excess consumption
of liver. Carotenoids are fat-soluble, so adequate fat
at the time of consumption is necessary for optimal
absorption. To tackle this practically, when you eat
a vegetarian source of Vitamin A, such as carrots,
pair it with tahini, nut butter, organic butter, or avo-
cado to improve absorption.
For the treatment of acne, the most-prescribed
retinoid drug is 13-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin).
Notice the name, even though it is a big, long sci-
entific word? Notice the retinoic acid part of the
name? That means it is vitamin A-based. This man-
made vitamin A-based drug is designed to reduce
the size and secretion of the sebaceous glands and
reduce bacterial numbers in both the ducts and the
explore this in greater detail in the Beautiful Skin
Vitamin A in a Nutshell
There are two basic forms of vitamin A
(retinoids and carotenoids), and both forms
provide unique health benefits. Retinoid
forms are derived from animal sources,
whereas carotenoids are derived from
If you are a vegetarian/vegan, your body is
able to convert carotenoids into retinoids.
You dont have to eat animal foods to
obtain retinoid forms of vitamin A. How-
ever, it is possible for this conversion to be
Many factors can compromise the bodys
ability to convert carotenoids into retinoids,
including digestive problems, gut dysbiosis,
excessive alcohol consumption, excessive
exposure to toxins, imbalanced intake of
vitamin A and vitamin D in supplement
form, and medications.
Some vitamin A health benefits require you
to eat foods that are rich in specific carot-
enoids. A great example is eye health and
exposing a plant sterol to ultraviolet energy, thus pro-
ducing vitamin D2. Because their function is almost
identical, D2 and D3 are lumped together under the
name vitamin D, but neither functions until the liver
and kidneys transform them into active vitamin D.
This is diagrammatically represented below.
experiences oxidative stress, cells can become weak,
and your skin may look dull.
An optimal intake of vitamin E may also help
reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and, when
applied topically, vitamin E soothes dry or rough
skin. Food sources of vitamin E include sunflower
seeds, almonds, and avocados. Vitamin E deficiency
signs include dry skin and poor wound healing.
As an aside, when I was a teenager, the Western
world was bombarded with the message that fat was
bad and that dietary intake of fats was to be kept to
as low a level as possible for good health. Being the
health-conscious girl I was, I did as I was told and
pretty much cut fat out of my diet. My dear mum
suggested on occasion that fat was actually very
important for health and that I needed to include
some from whole-food sources. But I thought the
media knew better than Mum, until I stayed at a
friends house one night. Just before we went to bed,
my friend asked her mum, who was rather cool, if
we could have one of her vitamin E capsules, and
she agreed. When I asked my friend what it was
for, she said, Mum says it prevents wrinkles. Yet,
when I looked at the capsule, it looked just like oil.
So I read the label and, sure enough, it was 100 per
cent wheat-germ oil. On my return home to my
that people who cannot metabolize vitamin K end
up with severe premature skin wrinkling. Adequate
dietary vitamin K appears to prevent the hardening
of our skins elastin, the protein that gives skin the
ability to spring back, which helps smooth out lines
and wrinkles. Researchers believe that vitamin K
deficiency is highly likely to be linked to wrinkling
because vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is necessary to
stop calcium from depositing into elastin fibres.
Optimal vitamin K levels are also believed to assist
in the prevention of varicose veins.
Unlike the other fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A,
D, and E), vitamin K is not stored in the body, so it
must be provided daily, and a real food way of eat-
ing is critical to getting the nutrient density neces-
sary. So amp up your greens! Despite vitamin K2s
production by healthy intestinal bacteria, humans
can develop a deficiency of the vitamin in as few
as seven days on a vitamin K-deficient diet, a situa-
tion that is likely to occur even sooner if digestion is
Absorption of vitamin K, like that of other fat-
soluble nutrients (A, D and E), depends on healthy
liver, gallbladder, and digestive function. Deficiency
is more likely in people with digestive problems like
celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome, or those
Water-soluble Vitamins
nutrients we consume. With low vitamin-B levels,
our food is unable to energize us effectively. B vita-
mins are essential to liver detoxification processes,
critical for great skin, and are also vital to adrenal
health, explored in detail in the Not-So-Beautiful
Stress Hormones chapter.
Even though the B-group vitamins are found in
many foods, they are water-soluble and delicate.
They are easily destroyed, particularly by alcohol
and cooking. Food processing can also reduce the
amount of B-group vitamins in foods, making white
flours, breads, and rice less nutritious than their
whole grain counterparts.
The body has a limited capacity to store most
of the B-group vitamins, except for B12 and folate,
which are stored in the liver. A person who has
a poor diet for a few months may end up with a
B-group vitamin deficiency. Some low-carb diets
also lead to a B-group vitamin deficiency. For this
reason, it is important that adequate amounts of
these vitamins be eaten regularly. Supplementation
with a high-quality B-complex or multi-vitamin
supplement has also been shown to be highly ben-
Good food sources of vitamin B1 include seeds,
particularly sesame seeds, legumes, nuts, savoury
yeast, and pork. Whole grains are also a good source
of the most common and earlier signs include red-
ness and irritation in the skin, particularly around
the nose and mouth, cracks at the corners of the
mouth, a dermatitis-type rash, particularly when
under stress, and hypo- or hyper-pigmentation may
occur with chronic low vitamin B-intake. With B12
and folate deficiencies, the nails take on a spoon
shape. Instead of getting frustrated with your body
if you dont like your nails or the cracks in the cor-
ners of your mouth that wont heal, use these signs
as indicators that your body needs you to eat, drink,
think, move, believe or perceive differently. When
you listen and take action, not only will the bits that
frustrate you clear up, but also many other bodily
processes will be more efficient and healthier in the
Minerals and Trace Minerals
Minerals play vital roles in inner health and,
therefore, outer beauty. Alkaline in nature, they help
support a vast array of biochemical processes in the
body. They also help balance your sex hormones,
help your body relax, and promote happiness. Yet,
today, I am deeply concerned that too many people
dont get enough, let alone the optimal amounts of
certain minerals. By definition, macro- minerals are
those that the body requires 100 milligrams or more
of per day, while trace or micro-minerals are those
that the body requires in doses of less than 100 milli-
grams per day. Although we require smaller amounts
of trace minerals, they are just as important to our
health as macro-minerals. Lets explore those miner-
als that are intricately linked to your beauty.
absorption of calcium so, for some, nail health in
particular will improve when caffeine consumption
is decreased or at zero.
Food sources of calcium include green leafy
vegetables, nuts, seeds (particularly sesame seeds),
tahini, figs, and sardines. If you take a calcium sup-
plement, the citrate form of calcium is well tolerated
and absorbed, and it is good to take one that also
contains magnesium, boron, and vitamin D, as all
of these nutrients are essential for great bone health
and nails.
menstruating women, and pregnant women. In New
Zealand, it is estimated that up to 25 per cent of chil-
dren under the age of three have some degree of iron
deficiency, a deeply concerning statistic. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), a staggering
2 billion people in the world, in both developing and
industrialized countries, are iron-deficient. Between
20 and 30 per cent of women of child-bearing age in
Australia and New Zealand, research suggests, are
Many people are confused about the difference
between iron deficiency and another term you may
have heard of, anaemia. Immature red blood cells
require iron to be converted by the body into a
form they can use in order to mature. When fully
mature, they will become the oxygen carriers of the
body, distributing oxygen from the lungs to all the
other cells throughout the body. They have a big and
important job to do!
Iron deficiency is the first step towards a decrease
in the amount of oxygen-carrying, iron-rich hae-
moglobin within each red blood cell. As red blood
cells are deprived of the quota of iron, they become
contracted and smaller, known in medical terms as
becoming microcytic. Anaemia develops when the
immature red blood cells, deprived of their quota of
In the gut, calcium and iron compete for absorp-
tion, and calcium is a larger substance, so it always
wins out. This is great news for your bones but not
always so good for the oxygen-carrying capacity
of your blood, low levels of which cause fatigue,
which can take away from your shine. Consuming
calcium-rich foods away from iron-rich foods can
make a difference to iron absorption.
Iron is absolutely critical for great energy, spar-
kling eyes, and a vitality that lasts all day. The main
symptoms of iron deficiency include exhaustion,
shortness of breath, especially on an incline, muscle
aches and cramps, rapid pulse and heart palpitations,
increased anxiety, brain fog, poor memory and con-
centration, headaches, depressed mood, hair loss,
and an increased frequency of infections. A simple
blood test from your doctor will establish whether
you are iron-deficient or not. Testing is important
because some people have a tendency to store too
much iron in the body and this needs to be avoided,
or treated if it already exists.
Good food sources of iron include beef, lamb,
eggs, mussels, sardines, lentils, and green leafy veg-
etables. Variety is key, as there is a small amount of
iron in many foods. If you do not eat animal foods,
do not assume you are iron-deficient. For some veg-
I have already waxed lyrical about the immense
benefits of certain fats in the diet, especially with
regards to the appearance of your skin, but there
are some fats that deserve special mention in this
Beautiful Nutrients chapter. They are what are
called the essential fatty acids (EFAs), of which there
are omega-3 and omega-6 types. They are literally
essential, meaning they have to be consumed daily
for us to be well, on the inside and outside, as we
cannot create them from other fats we eat or gen-
erate. The others fats that deserve special mention
when it comes to inner health and outer beauty are
the medium-chain triglycerides, in particular lauric
baked goods, and grains and lacking in omega-
3s. DHA is found in cold-water fish, such as salmon
and mackerel, while the other omega-3 fat, EPA, is
found in flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. A good
choice in the omega-6 EFA category is evening prim-
rose oil, which contains GLA and has been shown to
help people with eczema take up fat into their skin,
allowing it to soften and be moisturized.
Balancing the intake of omega-6 fats with omega-
3s can result in smoother, younger-looking skin.
Countless people have commented to me that when
they focus on increasing the EFA content of their
diet through food and/or supplementation, after
only a few weeks they can feel and notice a differ-
ence in the softness of their skin.
As I mentioned, you can supplement your diet
with EFAs. I have seen great results for health and
skin when a food-based, liquid fatty acid that con-
tains a variety of plant-based oils is used in addition
to a real food diet, high in antioxidants.
Some EFA deficiency signs include dandruff, dull
skin, dry skin, cracked heels (on the feet), skin sen-
sitivity, keratosis pilaris, which are tiny dots often
described as a chicken skin appearance on the
backs of the arms and legs (which can also be caused
by too much fruit in the diet).
enzymes in the saliva and gastric juices so that pan-
creatic fat-digesting enzymes are not even essential
for their digestion, which is great for people who
experience challenges with their digestive system.
In the digestive system, MCTs are broken down
into individual fatty acids (MCFA). Unlike other
fatty acids, MCFAs are absorbed directly from
the intestines into the portal vein (a vein that goes
straight to the liver) and sent straight to the liver
where they are, for the most part, burned as fuel.
Other fats require pancreatic enzymes to break
them into smaller units. They are then absorbed into
the intestinal wall and packaged into bundles of fat
(lipid) and protein called lipoproteins. These lipo-
proteins are carried by the lymphatic system, bypass-
ing the liver, and then dumped into the bloodstream,
where they are circulated throughout the body. As
they circulate in the blood, their fatty components
are distributed to all the tissues of the body. The
lipoproteins get smaller and smaller, until there is
little left of them. At this time, they are picked up by
the liver, broken apart, and used to produce energy
or, if needed, repackaged into other lipoproteins
and sent back into the bloodstream to be distrib-
uted throughout the body. Cholesterol, saturated
fat, monounsaturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat
are all packaged together into lipoproteins and car-
Additional Antioxidants
produced naturally all the time in your body. It is a
combination of three building blocks of protein, or
more precisely the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and
glutamine. Normally, glutathione is recycled in the
body, except when the toxic load becomes too great,
which unfortunately is occurring more frequently
for people these days, due to poor dietary and life-
style choices as well as environmental exposure to
pollutants. Glutathione is also reduced in many
chronic diseases including diabetes.
It is so important because its main role is to recy-
cle antioxidants. It is considered a master antioxi-
dant as it works to support the other antioxidants.
Free radicals can be generated from everyday meta-
bolic processes, exposure to toxins and household
chemicals, and they can inflict damage upon other
compounds by stealing electrons from them, which
initiates bouts of inflammation. To defend and pro-
tect the tissues of the body, the free radicals get
passed around antioxidants, often from vitamin C
to vitamin E, to lipoic acid and then finally to gluta-
thione which cools off the free radicals, and recycles
other antioxidants. After this happens, the body can
reduce or regenerate another protective glutathione
molecule. Isnt that incredible?
However, problems occur when we are over-
whelmed with too much oxidative stress, including
three times a week is also helpful. In the
Beautiful Posture and Movement chapter,
I will offer guidance on choosing the right
movement activities for your body.
Supplement with alpha-lipoic acid: The
body usually makes it, but, given all the
stresses we are under, we often become
depleted. Supplementing with alpha-lipoic
acid can help (see below).
Methylating nutrients (vitamins B6 and B12):
These nutrients are perhaps the most critical
to glutathione production. Methylation and
the production and recycling of glutathione
are two of the most important biochemical
functions in your body.
Consume optimal amounts of selenium:
This important mineral helps the body recy-
cle and produce more glutathione.
Consume optimal amounts of vitamins C
and E: These vitamins work together to
recycle glutathione. Include vitamin C-rich
fruits and vegetables in your diet for your
vitamin C, and eat almonds to help increase
your vitamin E.
Consume milk thistle (silymarin): This herb
about remembering! Just know that other antioxi-
dants, like vitamin C, vitamin E, or glutathione, can
only neutralize one kind of free radical. Researchers
often refer to alpha-lipoic acid as the universal anti-
oxidant because it can neutralize such a wide variety
of free radicals.
Not only is alpha-lipoic acid able to neutralize
free radicals, it is also able to recycle or regenerate
several other important antioxidants, including vita-
min C and glutathione. When an antioxidant scav-
enges a free radical, it becomes oxidized in the pro-
cess and is not able to scavenge additional free radi-
cals until it has been reduced (saved). The reduced
form of alpha-lipoic acid, called dihydro-lipoic acid,
is able to reduce the oxidized antioxidants, enabling
them to be useful again. I love how clever alpha-
lipoic acid is.
Because of its antioxidant activity, alpha-lipoic
acid is wonderful for your skin and for slowing the
aging process. Your body is able to synthesize some
alpha-lipoic acid.
Alpha-lipoic acid is found in abundance in ani-
mal tissues with high metabolic activity, such as kid-
ney, heart, and liver, and, to a lesser extent, in fruits
and vegetables. Non-animal sources are spinach,
broccoli, tomatoes, peas, and Brussels sprouts. All
prevent some of the damage they cause. Research
has shown that CoQ10 may help with heart-related
conditions, because it can improve energy produc-
tion in cells, prevent blood-clot formation, and act
as an antioxidant. Its anti-aging effects have also
been noted on skin. Here are some ways CoQ10 has
been shown to impact positively on skin.
Young skin has ample amounts of CoQ10, and
therefore lots of energy, and energy is needed to
repair damage and make sure the skin cells are
healthy. CoQ10 has been shown to protect against
photo-aging, premature aging due to overexposing
the skin to the sun. CoQ10 may rejuvenate skin by
stimulating skin cell activity. Active skin cells get rid
of toxins easily and can make better use of nutri-
ents. When your skin ages, all of these processes
slow down, causing dull, sallow, and wrinkled skin.
CoQ10 counteracts this by stimulating collagen pro-
duction. As a reminder, collagen is the protein that
tends to decrease as we age, leading to wrinkles and
leathery skin. And as CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant,
it, importantly for your beauty, acts against oxida-
tive damage. This damage is done by, for example,
UV rays of the sun, pollutants, and stress. Damage
all leads to one thing: premature aging that shows
up on the skin. When metals oxidise, we call it rust.
When humans oxidise, we call it aging! Sometimes
and prevent blood clots even more reasons to
amp up the plant content of your diet.
Nutrients: A Summary
You can see from the explanations above that all
nutrients are essential to your inner health and outer
beauty, and even if only one is deficient in the diet,
there are both visible and silent consequences. I
cannot encourage you enough to obtain as many
nutrients as possible from your food, and when your
diet is mostly real food and high in plants you have
the opportunity to maximize every mouthful. Make
this what you do. However, the nutrient density of
the food you eat is dependent on the quality of the
The parts of your body that frustrate or sadden you
are simply messengers asking you to eat, drink,
move, think, believe or perceive in a new way. See
them as the gift that they are.
Dr Libby
ater is the basis of all life, and that includes
your body. The muscles that move your
body are 75 per cent water. Your blood,
responsible for transporting nutrients throughout
your body, is 82 per cent water. Your lungs, that take
oxygen from the air, are 90 per cent water, while
your brain is 76 per cent water. Even your bones are
25 per cent water!
Most people are aware of the critical importance
of great hydration for their health, and of course for
their skin in particular. But few people truly under-
stand what beautiful hydration is and how to ensure
it. Scientists believe that when we are born we are
about 75 per cent water, but by the time we are 30
most adults total body water content has dropped
to around 5760 per cent. I will use 70 per cent as an
average to make this discussion simple. Think about
this concept: 70 per cent of your physical body is
water. Wow. No wonder the impact of dehydration
is significant on our inner health and outer sparkle.
Our health is truly dependent on the quality and
quantity of the water we drink. Unintentional chronic
dehydration can contribute to pain and inflamma-
tion in the body, and it can even be involved in the
development of many degenerative diseases. Help-
ing your body prevent such ills by ensuring great-
quality water intake on a regular basis is a crucial
step with any health and/or beauty focus.
Here is an article I wrote for a magazine in New
Zealand, which is useful to include here.
The Science
Without water, a human will usually
only live for a mere three days. So essen-
tial is this liquid to our survival that we
need it more than food. Science currently
tells us that we need 33 millilitres (mL) of
water for each kilogram (kg) of our body
weight. A 70kg person, therefore, requires
2310mL (2.31 litres) a day. We do, however,
tend to forget that many plant foods have
a high water content, and this contributes
to our overall daily water consumption.
Herbal teas and soups also add up. Foods
and drinks containing caffeine and alco-
hol, however, draw water out of our body,
so the larger their presence in our diet, the
greater our fluid requirements.
Fruits and vegetables are almost
always over 70 per cent water, so the more
of these we eat, the less we need to con-
sume as fluid. Naturally, perspiration and
increased breathing rates generated by
exercise increase our need for water, but
the specific amounts necessary are diffi-
cult to determine and will be highly indi-
vidual. Trust your thirst when it comes to
this. Thirst is Natures way of letting you
know you need to drink!
Thirst and Hydration
Some people rarely feel thirsty, while for
others their thirst never seems quenched.
Some people resist increasing their fluid
intake as they tire of frequently running
to the loo. Yet, for others, increasing their
fluid intake makes them feel swollen and
uncomfortable. With all of these different
scenarios, it is not surprising that there is
so much conflicting information out there.
So whats behind these differences and
what can you do about it?
Just because you drink water, or even
enough water for adequate hydration,
does not necessarily mean that the cells
of your body are hydrated. Ideally, every
cell of your body looks like a grape; this is
the case when your cells are hydrated. A
dehydrated state means your cells appear
more like sultanas, and this can be the
result of inadequate water intake, a lack of
minerals, or poor adrenal gland function,
often due to chronic stress, physical and/
or emotional trauma, or excess caffeine or
To absorb the water you drink into
your cells, you need calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium, and chloride. Some of
these minerals make their home inside
the cell, while others reside outside the
cell wall. These minerals all talk to each
other, and if one has an excessively high
People with low blood pressure often
feel better with a slightly reduced fluid
intake, as excess water dilutes their blood
levels of minerals. Increasing your intake
of all of the minerals above can, however,
make a significant difference in that low
blood pressure feeling.
Your body uses minerals to, among
other things, create electrolytes. Often
described as the sparks of life, electro-
lytes carry electrical currents through the
body, sending instructions to cells in all
body systems. Electrolytes are also neces-
sary for enzyme production. Enzymes are
responsible the biochemical processes
that drive the function of the body, as well
as for digesting food, absorbing nutrients,
and they impact both muscle function and
hormone production as well. Poor mineral
intake and/or balance as well as dehydra-
tion, therefore, affect all body systems and
take long for you to feel the benefits. Water
is a simple and wonderful investment in
your long-term health.
the day to ensure that the elimination of
waste via the urine is well supported. It is
also important to minimize, or omit, your
consumption of soft drinks and alcohol. If
you have any type of skin condition, this
is even more critical, and is particularly
important for children and teenagers.
Integrity reveals beauty.
Thomas Leonard
hen it comes to radiant beauty, the bio-
chemistry of the endocrine system is a
key influencer on how you look, feel, and
experience life. Here is a little bit of science made
simple to help you on your way through this chap-
ter. This knowledge, combined with the juicy bits
that come later, will lead you to the aha moments
that have the potential to transform your life, and
deeply enhance your shine.
regulate the activity of things like smooth and car-
diac muscle and some glands, it significantly affects
virtually all other tissues in the body as well.
Nerve impulses tend to produce their effects
within milliseconds. While some hormones can act
within seconds, others can take up to several hours
or more to bring about their responses. Also, the
effects of stimulating the nervous system are gen-
erally brief compared with those of the endocrine
So with that out of the way, lets get into the
details of how the biochemistry of your endocrine
system affects you; how you feel, look, and function
every day.
Housed inside a part of your brain, the pituitary
gland is the master gland, or switch, of the endo-
crine system. Technically, the hypothalamus, an
organ with some endocrine tissue within it, influ-
ences the function of the pituitary; however, for
ease of explanation and to keep the Beauty from
the Inside Out message concise, the hypothalamus
wont be explored in detail. It is briefly discussed in
the Beautiful Thyroid and Beautiful Pituitary chap-
ters within this Beautiful Hormones section.
The pituitary gland sends the signals out to your
other endocrine system glands, alerting them to the
hormones they need to make. Likewise, the thyroid
People often say that beauty is in the eye of the
beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing
about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.
Salma Hayek
hen it comes to substances inside your
body that can take away your shine, stress
hormones, when produced consistently
and over extended periods, can have a pronounced
and visible impact. Stress hormones themselves can
interfere with your sparkle, and they have a signifi-
cant impact on whether your sex hormones are bal-
anced or not, which, as you will see from the next
Susans Story
This strikingly slim and physically
beautiful woman had an appointment to
see me. I did what I do with every client,
and asked her how I could help and what
she would like to get out of our session.
Susan apologized for what she thought
would sound vain and said that she had
gained three kilos (seven pounds) recently
and was seeing me because nothing in
her diet or activity level had changed and
could be attributed to the weight gain. She
Eleanor H. Porter
nother system intimately involved in whether
we feel like we have got our sparkle on or
not, and in our capacity to feel calm, cope,
and be happy involves the various glands and tis-
sues that produce our sex hormones. In females, the
ovaries are the main source of sex hormone produc-
tion; however, both the adrenal glands and fat cells
make sex hormones, too. The body also contains tis-
sues that produce hormones themselves, but are not
sensitive to hormone levels in our body. The reason
Fluid Retention
I am convinced that many women feel fat when
really they are either bloated or retaining fluid. As I
said earlier, I never weigh clients and I dont encour-
age them to weigh themselves. I do this for many
reasons, but one is that as hormone levels fluctuate
over the month so can the amounts of fluid being
retained, until the hormones return to balance.
Besides, when you weigh yourself, remember that
all you are really weighing is your self-esteem. I have
met thousands of women who can gain three kilos
(six pounds) in a day to say that this messes with
their minds is an understatement. If you get on the
scales in the morning and weigh 70 kilograms (155
pounds), and by the evening you weigh 73 kilograms
(161 pounds), especially if you have eaten well and
exercised that day, and even if you havent eaten
well or exercised that day, it is easy to feel incredibly
disheartened and wonder how on Earth this could
possibly happen. Weight can feel like just another
thing to worry and panic about, which does little to
help with your glow.
Remember this: it is not physically possible to gain
Healthy Breasts
When it comes to breast health, there
is so much we now understand that con-
tributes to the creation and maintenance
of healthy breast tissue. Empowering
women to take charge of this incredibly
important aspect of their health is vital
to the future of all women, and educa-
tion must begin at a young age. Part of the
challenge is deciphering fact from fiction
or fad, so lets explore what we know cre-
ates healthy breasts.
Minimize Exposure To
The final thing you need to know about
the creation and maintenance of healthy
breast tissue involves what is best kept to a
minimum. Minimizing exposure to growth-
factor-like substances, including insulin,
may be an important aspect of maintain-
ing healthy breast tissue. Dairy products
naturally contain growth factors. Cows
Endometriosis is a condition where the cells that
were intended to line the uterus migrate elsewhere
outside the uterine cavity and adhere. Common
sites for adherence are around the fallopian tubes,
ovaries, bladder, bowel, pouch of Douglas (the area
between the uterus and the bowel), and peritoneum.
These cells respond to the hormonal signals com-
municating with the lining of the uterus and, as with
the endometrium (lining of the uterus), the outlying
cells thicken and fill with blood. When menstrua-
tion occurs, the cells outside the uterus also bleed,
and this can be intensely painful and debilitating.
Nine out of 10 women with endometriosis also have
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can be even
more unpredictable during menstruation. Some
newer theories about what is behind the condition
involve the immune system, and I have no doubt
Physiological Aspects
On a physical level, endometriosis is a condition
of significant oestrogen dominance. That is, there is
too much oestrogen, particularly in the second half
of the cycle, compared to progesterone. As you now
understand, progesterone doesnt just play a role in
fertility but it is also a powerful anti-anxiety agent,
an antidepressant, and a diuretic. Think about what
life is like with very little of a hormone that plays all
of these vital roles. Not much fun!
To get these sex hormones balanced for someone
with endometriosis, the focus needs to be on both
the liver and the adrenals. The liver makes the deci-
sion whether we excrete oestrogen or recycle it, and
when the liver is too busy dealing with the typical
liver loaders, as you will learn in the Beautiful Detox
chapter, it tends to recycle the oestrogen. This means
that, even for a good progesterone producer, it can
be very difficult to have balanced hormones.
To remind you of the adrenal road to oestrogen
dominance, it looks like this. For the first half of
the menstrual cycle, oestrogen is supposed to be
dominant. The adrenal glands are the only place
we make progesterone from at this stage, but they
Emotional Aspects
From an emotional perspective and this is hard
to write, but it comes from a place of love and deeply
wanting to help women with endometriosis may,
on some level, blame others, usually their parents or
partner for what happens to them. I find that one
of their big life lessons is to truly learn to live from
the space that life doesnt happen to them, but that
life happens for them. No one else is responsible for
them or for situations they find themselves in. Only
they are. It is no ones fault. It can actually be quite
difficult for women with endometriosis to see this
aspect of themselves, but once they do I have seen the
symptoms of the condition go and not come back,
Physiological Aspects
From a hormonal perspective, in PCOS not only
do the two pituitary hormones, LH and FSH, tend to
flat-line, but the other female sex hormones of pro-
gesterone and oestrogen also tend to be out of bal-
ance. Progesterone trends low while oestrogen tends
to be high; however, there are also exceptions to this
scenario where oestrogen is low as well (although,
for almost all women with PCOS, oestrogen is still
Emotional Aspects
Exploring health conditions from an emotional and
a metaphysical perspective often allows individuals to
Physiological Aspects
First, the OCP is successful at preventing preg-
nancy because it shuts down the ovarian produc-
tion of hormones, and ovulation cannot occur. The
number of women of all ages I meet who have no
idea how this powerful medication works astounds
me. I am neither pro-pill nor anti-pill; I simply want
people to make informed choices. I will say it again:
the pill shuts down ovarian production of hor-
mones, and the body relies entirely on the synthetic
version of hormones being supplied by the tablet.
Substances in patented medications, such as the pill,
Biochemical Aspects
The second issue that needs to be explored is the
biochemistry associated with the onset of menstrua-
tion. This is the first time in a girls life that her pitu-
itary gland sends signals to her ovaries. For approxi-
mately the first five years, the chemical messengers
released by the pituitary follow a road to the ovaries
that looks like a goat track, meaning that it is a path
that sometimes reaches a destination, in this case the
ovaries, and sometimes winds up heading off into
no-mans-land. In other words, sometimes the pitu-
itary signals miss their mark. After about five years,
this pathway, if it has been allowed to become estab-
lished, behaves like a five-lane highway. The route is
clear, straight, and unhindered.
What I see repeatedly, though, are girls who have
gone onto the pill to manage irregular or very heavy
periods, rather than for contraception, shortly after
menstruation begins. If sport is a big issue, or severe
period pain is causing an adolescent girl to miss
school, well-meaning adults, and/or health profes-
sionals in the girls life may suggest that she go on
the pill. But the pill simply masks the truth. If a girl
Vitamin A (retinol)
Various studies have shown disruption to vitamin
A levels in the blood. Some show increases in retinol
levels, which may simply mean less of the vitamin
is stored in the liver. Other studies show a marked
reduction in beta-carotene, the precursor to vitamin
A. The implications are not yet clear for those on the
pill. Eyesight changes can result from a deficiency
in vitamin A, as this vitamin is needed for the nor-
mal, healthy functioning of the eyes. Increased sus-
ceptibility to infections, dry and scaly skin, lack of
appetite and vigour, defective teeth and gums, heavy
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
Although studies are inconclusive, there is a high
probability that OCP takers are deficient in vita-
min B1. Signs and symptoms include fatigue, weak-
ness, insomnia, vague aches and pains, weight loss,
depression, irritability, lack of initiative, constipa-
tion, oversensitivity to noise, loss of appetite or
sugar cravings, and circulatory problems.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
The bodys requirements for vitamin B2 are
increased by use of the pill, which, if not addressed,
can lead to deficiencies. The implications of this
include gum and mouth infections, dizziness, depres-
sion, eye irritations, skin problems, and dandruff.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Depletion of this nutrient among women on
the pill ranges from marginal to severe. Symptoms
include nausea, low stress tolerance, lethargy, anxi-
ety, depression, weakness, nervousness, emotional
flare-ups, fatigue, insomnia, mild paranoia, skin
eruptions, loss of muscular control, eye problems,
Folic Acid
Research shows that levels of folic acid are sig-
nificantly reduced on the pill. The most concerning
and severe problem resulting from this deficiency
arises when conception takes place while a woman
is on the pill, or in the immediate period following,
when the body is still recovering its folic acid stores.
Since folic acid is required by the body to facili-
tate cell division, a process that begins immediately
after conception, if this nutrient is deficient there is
a much higher risk of abnormal synthesis of DNA
and congenital abnormalities, including neural tube
defects, spina bifida, deformed limbs, and mon-
golism. Deficiency can also lead to damage to the
wall of the small intestine, anaemia, and elevated
Vitamin E
There is an increased need for vitamin E as a result
of oestrogen levels being higher when you are on the
pill. Vitamin E actually helps to normalize oestrogen
levels. The impact of insufficient vitamin E includes
anaemia, muscle degeneration, subsequent low fer-
tility, changes in the menstrual cycle, and hot flushes
(flashes). Vitamin E is also necessary to help offset
the greater risk of blood-clot formation and the pos-
sible carcinogenic effect of some forms of oestrogen.
Selenium is critical for this anti-cancer role, as it
needed for the body to be able to absorb vitamin E.
Selenium levels are also decreased by the pill.
Levels of magnesium are reduced in those taking
the pill. Deficiency can cause a variety of premen-
strual symptoms, lumpy breasts, muscle cramps,
anxiety, sleeplessness, chocolate or sugar cravings,
and cardiovascular problems.
While on the OCP, absorption of copper is
increased, pushing the bodys need for vitamin C
even higher. Elevated copper disrupts the zinc-to-
copper balance in the body, which can lead to symp-
toms such as insomnia, depression, migraine, and
hair loss, as well as the possibility of high blood
pressure and clotting tendencies.
As you learnt in the Beautiful Nutrients chapter,
zinc is another superstar nutrient when it comes to
your shine. Levels of zinc are significantly lowered by
the pill, which can lead to poor blood glucose man-
agement, sugar cravings, loss of appetite, poor resis-
tance to infection, skin infections, lowered fertility,
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
hen it comes to our sparkle, the thyroid
gland is another part of the endocrine
system that both contributes to, and is
affected by, our environment and our perceptions.
And again the pituitary gland, in this case influenced
by the hypothalamus, controls thyroid function.
Understanding where any dysfunction may have
come from and the mechanisms involved are crucial
to improving your health, your body size, and how
you look and feel on a daily basis. Skin tends to be
very dry, for example, if the thyroid is not working
Thyroid T3 and T4
Mineral Deficiencies
Since hypothyroidism can be influenced by defi-
ciencies in selenium, iodine, and iron, choose foods
that are rich in these minerals. Eat Brazil nuts daily
for selenium, and use Celtic sea salt with iodine and/
or cook with seaweeds, such as kombu, for iodine.
To review, good food sources of iron include beef,
lamb, eggs, mussels, sardines, lentils, green leafy
vegetables, and dates. There is a small amount of
iron in many foods, so eating a varied diet is impor-
tant. And remember that absorption is enhanced by
vitamin C. If you do not eat animal foods, do not
assume you are iron-deficient. For some vegetarians,
their body utilizes the iron from vegetable sources
very efficiently, but it is worth testing.
The other option is to take a supplement that cov-
ers these nutrients. There are some excellent thyroid
Iodine is a trace mineral so essential
to our health that our body begins to shut
down without it. Our thyroid gland loves
iodine, and it cannot make thyroid hor-
mones without it. Symptoms of an under-
active thyroid include a deep tiredness, a
sluggish, heavy feeling, dry skin or hair,
feelings of cold, a tendency to be consti-
pated, puffy eyes, and a propensity to a
depressed mood. Increasing dietary iodine
intake can make a big difference, if iodine
is an issue for you.
Thyroid hormones essentially deter-
mine our metabolic rate as adults and our
growth as children. Iodine is also essential
Oestrogen Dominance
Too much oestrogen can suppress thyroid func-
tion, while optimal progesterone levels support
its function. Apply the strategies for dealing with
Thyroid Medications
Typically today, if someone has been diagnosed
with an under-active thyroid, they are prescribed
thyroxine (T4). Some people feel brilliant on this
medication and all of their hypothyroid symptoms
disappear, including what is likely to have been
unexplained weight gain. If this has not happened
for you despite taking this medication, try a different
Patricias Story
Thyroid Antibodies
The importance of testing thyroid anti-
bodies is best demonstrated with this
story. A precious lady arrived at my prac-
tice asking for assistance with her health.
When I asked how I could help, she burst
into tears and said she had known that she
had an under-active thyroid for about 30
years. Patricias blood tests always come
back within the normal range, and no one
would treat her. She had gained over 100
kilos (220 pounds) over the 30 years, and
it all began when her dear mother passed
away. Patricia said she had eaten poorly
for about three to four months after her
mothers death, and put on weight, but her
grief gradually eased and, as it did, she
started to eat better again, as she always
had. But nothing changed. Her size kept
increasing. So then she didnt just eat well,
she signed up for a gym membership and
she started to eat even better. When I saw
her, Patricia was unable to exercise due to
Sues Story
A client came to see me for help with
her debilitating fatigue and her inability
to lose weight. She had been on thyroid
medication for three years. Sue worked
as a schoolteacher, was married, and
had two teenage children. Her day con-
sisted of dragging herself out of bed to go
to work and, as soon as she came home
in the afternoon, she had to go to bed and
sleep, or she couldnt function the next
day. She shared with me how grateful she
was to her husband for his support, as
Karens Story
A 24-year-old who had tried all sorts of
things to solve her skin congestion reached
out to me. She had read Rushing Womans
Syndrome and had learnt so much about
how skin is simply a reflection of interior
processes. Here is what Karen wrote:
My skin had been playing up. I assumed
my skin wasnt good because of my diet so I
really amped up green smoothies and greens
in meals, etc. I also went off fried foods and
chocolate and religiously took my fish oil
and flax fibre with evening primrose oil and
saw no change.
So I bought some ThyAdren (selenium
and iodine as well as herbs Id read about in
your book), as I felt I was probably lacking
in iodine. I have noticed huge improvements
to my energy levels but also my skin. The
reason this is interesting to me is that techni-
cally I shouldnt have low thyroid func-
tion. My blood tests are normal, and I dont
have any of the symptoms. I have no trouble
art of what I always aim to do for people is
get to the heart of their particular health mat-
ter, with the view to resolving or healing what
they want to work on. I also always look for the big-
ger picture that this particular health and/or beauty
challenge is offering. This usually involves exploring
what is happening for an individual physically and
There are numerous body systems intricately
involved in our physical and emotional health, how
we look, how we feel, and how we behave. And as
Stage 1
Adrenalin is our acute stress hormone,
the one that makes our heart race. It can
make us shake, drive our thoughts to race,
or make us jump when we are startled.
It also stops our digestive system from
working optimally, as adrenalin wants you
to stay focused on whatever is threatening
your life. Adrenalin puts us on red alert,
meaning we are geared to fight or flee.
Initially, when we get a shock, this is the
bodys survival response, designed to get
us out of danger.
Adrenalin is the initial, primary stress
hormone made by anyone involved in, or
directly affected by, the recent earth-
quakes. Some people get biochemically
stuck in this state because the fear of
another earthquake, or concerns for fam-
ily, continue psychologically. Sleep can
then be affected, since your body per-
ceives that your life is in danger. If you
Stage 2
After the initial shock, the second
stage of stress is typically initiated. This
involves the production of a different
stress hormone called cortisol, which
historically humans only produced in
excess during floods, famines, or wars; all
times when food was scarce. As a result
of this, cortisol often makes you eat too
much food, because when food abounds,
your cortisol-fuelled body thinks you are
so lucky to have found a whole packet of
crackers! Sleep is affected in this state,
Stage 3
The next biochemical stage of stress
that can occur, especially if the stress
has been prolonged, may involve cortisol
falling low. If you have had a high level of
cortisol output for many, many years, your
adrenal glands may not be able to stand
the tension and so they crash. In general
terms, you burn out. In more recent times,
this has become known as adrenal fatigue,
Real Food
Although I often recommend supple-
ments of herbs and/or nutrients during
times of stress, never underestimate the
healing and restorative power of food the
way it comes in Nature. Taking supple-
ments is not a reason to eat a poor-qual-
ity, low-nutrient diet. I simply recommend
supplements where appropriate and espe-
cially to assist in the restoration of health.
Finally, human kindness goes a long
way towards healing, and we have been
privileged to witness extraordinary acts of
compassion in the aftermath of the earth-
quakes. The courage of this nation is spec-
Dr Seuss
hen it comes to health and beauty, the
liver packs a mighty punch. It is one of
the big guns when it comes to your skin,
your eyes, your hormonal balance, and your vitality.
In conjunction with the gallbladder, the liver works
endlessly to help us excrete fatty substances that the
body no longer needs, including old hormones, pes-
ticides, as well as stored body fat.
The liver is the bodys second largest organ after
our skin. It sits behind your right ribcage. Its pri-
mary role is detoxification, a concept that has had
much confusion surrounding it confusion I want
to resolve for you!
the skin not only does it protect and
house your organs, but toxins are able to
leave the body via perspiration
the respiratory system even the hairs
inside your nose help filter the air you
breathe in while many people dont con-
sider the lungs as a part of your detoxifica-
tion squad, they are responsible for filtering
out fumes, allergens, mould, and airborne
toxins; when we are stressed, we tend to
shift from slow belly breathing to short,
shallow upper chest breaths, which in turn
can reduce the lungs ability to transport
oxygen to all tissues; for those of you who
know my work, you now know another
reason (other than the nervous system and
stress-hormone-lowering benefits) why dia-
phragmatic breathing is my number one
health tip.
Detoxification is a process that goes on inside us
all day, every day. The choices we make influence
how efficiently the liver is able to do its job. Detoxi-
fication is essentially a transformation process. Any
substance that would be harmful to you if it accu-
mulated in your body must be changed into a less
harmful form so that it can then be excreted safely
Phase 1
For the first stage of detoxification, numerous
nutrients, including B vitamins, are essential. Whole
grains are one of the richest sources of B vitamins
we have in the food supply; however, many people
feel much better with fewer or none of these foods
in their diets. People decrease or cut grains out of
their diets for varied reasons. Some first experienced
rapid weight loss with the advent of the high-pro-
tein, very low-carbohydrate diets, purported as the
ultimate answer to weight-loss desires in the late
1990s, a repeat of the popular dietary concept from
the 1970s, and a natural progression from the high-
carbohydrate, super-low-fat guidelines that had
preceded them. Others simply started to notice that
foods made from grains induced reflux or made their
tummy bloated, and they took action to change how
they felt. If grains feel good for you and energize
you, then enjoy them in whole food form; some are
best soaked prior to consumption. If they dont suit
you, dont eat them. Your body knows best what
works for you. Simply be aware that if you have a
low intake of B vitamins, your phase 1 liver detoxi-
fication processes may not function optimally. It can
be useful to take a supplement if you eat a low-car-
bohydrate diet or avoid/limit grains.
Phase 2
There is one road into the liver and five pathways
out of the liver. Just as for phase 1 reactions, phase 2
Liver Loaders
There is a group of substances I lovingly label liver
loaders. Can you guess what they are? They include:
trans fats
refined sugars
synthetic substances (for example, pesti-
cides, medications, skin care)
infection (for example, viruses such as glan-
dular fever Epstein-Barr virus, mono-
As outlined in the Beautiful Foods chapter, when
we consider our exposure to synthetic substances
we must consider skin care. We are crazy if we
think that we dont absorb things through our skin.
You only have to look at the way nicotine patches
work to realize that the skin is a quick and easy
route from our skin to our blood stream, carrying
the blood that the liver will need to clean. There are
plenty of wonderful skin-care companies out there
who do not use synthetic ingredients. Seek them out
or even make your own. I love to suggest to people
that it would be good if they could eat their skin
care! You want to be able to recognise the words on
the label of your skin care, just as you do with food.
liver roll
a tender point in the centre of your torso
(which can indicate gallbladder issues, past
emotional heartbreak, or massive disap-
pointment); if your gallbladder has been
removed, your liver has to make the bile
the gallbladder once did, so additional liver
support is often required
short fuse or bad temper
episodes or feelings of intense anger
liverish, gritty, impatient behaviour
premenstrual syndrome
cellulite (lymphatic or cortisol related also)
congested skin or skin outbreaks related to
the menstrual cycle
skin rashes
eczema, rosacea
overheating easily
floaters in your vision (can also be a sign
of iron deficiency)
waking around 2am
poor sleep on an evening you consume alcohol
waking up hot during the night
not hungry for breakfast when you first get
up in the morning
Cholesterol is an extremely important substance.
We only ever hear bad press about cholesterol; how-
ever, we would melt without it. It is the building
block of all of our steroid hormones, including pro-
gesterone and testosterone. The process that choles-
terol undergoes to form steroid hormones is illus-
trated in the diagram below.
The reason I include the above biochemical dia-
gram is to literally illustrate the way substances in
the body flow onward to create other substances.
Only some of the cholesterol that the body makes,
or that you obtain from your diet, remains as cho-
lesterol. You do not want too much cholesterol
accumulating as cholesterol; you want it to turn
into progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and oestro-
gen. All of the words in the diagram that begin with
Oest are different forms of oestrogen.
Your diet contributes to approximately 20 per cent
of the amount of cholesterol in your blood, while
your liver creates the other 80 per cent. Your liver
makes cholesterol when it needs to protect itself, as,
in such situations, cholesterol behaves like an anti-
inflammatory. What are some of the things that may
inflame the liver and drive additional cholesterol
production? The liver loaders listed above! One of
the most successful ways to manage your blood level
of cholesterol is to take extra good care of your liver
and deal with any inflammation in the body with a
good-quality essential fat supplement. To illustrate
the immense power of your liver: there is not one
person in 15 years whose cholesterol I havent low-
ered back into the normal range simply by guiding
them to take care of their liver. Over time, I have
also been able to witness the other incredible health
whether this is actually true from a heart disease per-
spective; my opinion is that cholesterol is not related
to heart disease, and science is starting to show that
the original conclusions drawn from the research
linking cholesterol and heart disease were most likely
incorrect. Cholesterol is only a problem in your blood
if the wall of a blood vessel is damaged by a free radi-
cal, which occurs if there arent enough antioxidants
present to pair up with the free radical, or if there
is elevated blood glucose, as this leads cholesterol
to become sticky and act like a plaster covering and
protecting the site of the damage. The other is that
you now have lower levels of sex hormones being
produced. Your steroid hormones make you feel vital
and alive. They are an enormous contributing factor
to whether you bounce or stagger out of bed each
morning, and whether your skin is free from blem-
ishes, and glows. When your sex hormones are bal-
anced and at optimal levels, you feel amazing.
For cholesterol to be converted into sex hormones,
you must have great zinc levels; essential fatty acids
are also important. Our best sources of the omega-3
fats are the oils in fish, flaxseeds (linseeds), wal-
nuts, and pecans, while evening primrose oil and
borage oil are good sources of the essential fats of
the omega-6 type. The richest food source of zinc is
oysters. Beef and lamb also contain some, and our
cholesterol metabolism and liver health involves the
excretion of cholesterol. The same mechanism also
applies to oestrogen, so for any female who read the
previous section about sex hormones and identified
oestrogen dominance in her life, this is incredibly
When a liver loader, either consumed (exogenous)
or made as a result of internal chemistry (endog-
enous), arrives at the front door of the liver, it has
arrived to be transformed. So when any of the liver
loaders (in this case, lets remain focused on choles-
terol) arrive at the front door of the liver, they undergo
their first stage of change (phase 1 liver detoxifica-
tion). Between the front door and the middle of the
liver, cholesterol is still cholesterol, but it has been
altered somewhat. This slightly changed cholesterol
then wants to go down one of the five phase 2 detox
roads, and, once it has done that, it has been slightly
altered again, and it is this substance that can then be
excreted gone from your body forever.
Health problems can arise, however, when the traf-
fic on the phase 2 pathways gets all banked up like
traffic on a motorway. After years of regularly con-
sumed liver loaders, and/or hormonal or bowel prob-
lems, the roads out of the liver can become congested.
Conventional blood tests for liver function do not
reveal this. The liver usually takes years of battering
of the wrong type are the problems, because of the
oestrogen itself and also because progesterone pro-
duction can never match it. The liver is involved in
countless mechanisms linked to beauty so be sure to
read some of the additional free blog posts at: www.
rior of the arteries. Where once the blood could flow
through a wide, open vessel, it now has a very nar-
row, restricted path to weave. Your blood is the only
way oxygen and nutrients get around your body.
Your heart is a muscle, and it needs both oxygen
and nutrients to survive. If it is starved of either of
these for long enough, it can lead to a heart attack.
The good news, though, is that this condition is
reversible. The hardened, built-up cholesterol is LDL
cholesterol, which is why it is commonly known as
bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol (HDL cho-
lesterol) comes along and unsticks each globule of
cholesterol and carries it off to guess where? You
guessed it: the liver. It arrives at the front door of
the liver to undergo its detoxification process and,
when the liver is functioning well, the cholesterol
is processed, excreted, and gone forever. However,
as outlined previously, if the liver is loaded up with
substances that it must prioritize higher up the detox
order than boring old, homemade cholesterol, then
the cholesterol reaches the midpoint of the liver, gets
released too soon, and gets reabsorbed. And that is
one major way our blood cholesterol goes up and
up and up. Cholesterol can also be elevated when
thyroid function is poor.
As the festive season draws to a close,
the effects of too much alcohol may still be
silently, or loudly, reverberating. Whether
it is increased body fat or cellulite, less
energy, worse bouts of PMS, or mood fluc-
tuations . . . or perhaps your get up and
go has got up and left, the price of over-
consumption is just not worth it. As fun as
it can be at the time, alcohol can rob you
of your clarity and purpose. And so Janu-
ary often sees us making big statements
about our health, alcohol reduction, or
avoidance. Some wait until February to
take a break, as theyve worked out it has
the least number of days! I know others
who do Dry July in July or Oct-sober in
We drink for wide and varied reasons.
For some, it is the way they socialise, or
the way they wind down from the day.
Some use alcohol to distract themselves
from thoughts and feelings theyd rather
avoid. It can be a way that people cope.
Regardless of the reason, many of us over-
drink without even realising it.
A standard drink is 100 grams of alco-
hol, in whatever form that comes. In Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, 100 grams of
alcohol is a 330-millilitre bottle of 4 per
cent beer, a 30-millilitre nip of spirits, 170
millilitres of champagne, or a measly 100
millilitres of wine about four swallows!
Next time you pour yourself a glass of
wine, measure it, and see what your nat-
ural pour is. For most, it is considerably
more than 100 millilitres, and, as a result,
many of us are overdrinking without even
The current recommendations pro-
vided by heart foundations say that for
women no more than two standard drinks
per day with two alcohol-free days (AFDs)
per week is OK, while, for men, three stan-
dard drinks per day and two AFDs is OK.
We have long heard the heart health
benefits of red wine publicly sung, and, for
hyde can be excreted. This is the nasty
substance that can accumulate and give us
a headache/hangover excessive consump-
tion. If the liver doesnt do its job properly
and alcohol accumulates in our blood, we
can go into a coma and die. Alcohol is a
poison to the human body and I dont say
that lightly. But, thankfully, usually our
liver jumps to action and starts the con-
version process and we can carry on. Over
time, though, this takes its toll.
When we drink daily, or, for some, just
regularly, the liver can be so busy dealing
with alcohol as its priority that other sub-
stances the liver has to change so they can
be excreted dont get any attention and are
recycled. Oestrogen and cholesterol are
two examples. It is often the reabsorption
of these substances that leads to elevated
levels in our body, and that can lead to
health challenges.
If you want to cut back or cut out alco-
hol for a while, or even if you just want to
break your habit of regular drinking, still
pour yourself a drink at the time you would
normally have a glass of wine, and do what
you would normally do. Sit and chat to your
partner, make dinner, talk on the phone to
a friend. So often we have mentally linked
the glass of wine to a pleasurable activity
when it is actually the pleasurable activity
that we dont want to miss out on! So have
additives, or preservatives, all of your beauty bits
may not be getting the fuel they need to shine. For
example, if there isnt enough calcium being eaten
and absorbed (caffeine blocks calcium absorption),
then your nails have little chance of being lovely.
Furthermore, excellent elimination also plays a
vital role in many aspects of our appearance. The
whites of the eyes tend to be more on the bloodshot
side when digestion and/or the liver need some sup-
port. Using your bowels daily, or twice daily, is very
healthy and is the main passage of waste out of the
body. One of the best ways to support optimal elimi-
nation is through eating a diet high in real food, par-
ticularly plants. Your body knows how to digest real
food. I cannot guarantee that it knows what to do
with man-made food.
It may be time for some liver love! Here are some
ideas to take your liver support to the next level.
in numerous traditional medicine systems,
the liver is the seat of anger in the body, and
can be expressed in long-term skin chal-
o understand that anger may be a sign
that your needs are not being met and
work to alter this
Scatter sunshine.
Dr Libby
hen making changes to optimize your
health and beauty, improving your diges-
tion is a key place to start. We all know
that it is best to build your house on a strong foun-
dation, and building a robust digestive system is
much the same. Gut issues are widespread, with one
in five women in many Western countries reportedly
suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You
only have to look at the amount of advertising tar-
geted at improving gut health to see the prevalence
of this problem. Improving digestion can have the
most profound effect on your overall health and
appearance. With simple, easy steps, you can make
radical changes.
It never ceases to amaze me how magnificent and
how clever our bodies really are, and it astounds me
how many processes go on inside the body without
us having to give them any thought. Digestion is one
of those processes, and it is central to our beauty; it
is the way we get all of the goodness out of our food,
and the nourishment we get as result of good diges-
tion is an extraordinary gift without which we would
not survive. Digestion is intricate and complex, and
yet relatively robust. And it is intimately connected
to how you feel and function every single day, from
your energy level to the fat you burn, from the tex-
ture and appearance of your skin to whether you
have a bloated tummy, right down to your mood.
Digestion is responsible for so much that goes on
inside us. If it is a body system that gives you grief, if
you are bloated most evenings, if you have intermit-
tent diarrhoea and constipation, or if you get reflux,
you can reach a point where you feel like that is how
life is always going to be. It must just be how you
are. Perhaps you believe it is in the family. Well,
bowel challenges do not have to be your reality.
Digestion is the perfect, and actually the first,
place to start for amazing health and when you want
to solve any beauty challenge. It can be a challenge
to balance hormones, for example, if your digestion
is the bane of your life. Likewise, if the gut is not
and into the small intestine, through the small intes-
tine and ileocaecal valve into the large intestine, and
then any waste is excreted out the other end. When
this process works well, you look and feel fantastic.
When it is in any way impaired, the opposite can be
true, and correcting it can change your life.
swallow it before you put the next mouthful in. I
know that sounds simple, but try it. It can take an
enormous amount of concentration for food inhal-
ers to change their eating behaviours. Put your fork
or spoon down between each mouthful if that will
help. Engage in conversation if you are eating with
others. Or think of your own technique to slow
yourself down if you rush your food. You need to
pay attention when you eat to how you eat.
they are mostly water, as we discussed in the Beauti-
ful Hydration chapter. Remember that.
(stomach acid)
000 00 000 000 00 0000 00
Digestion: The action of stomach acid on whole foods
breaks them down into their smaller components.
that the burning sensation they experience with
heartburn means they are producing too much acid
when the opposite is usually true. They are usually
not making enough stomach acid and/or the pH of it
is too high. To understand this, remember the food-
as-a-string-of-circles analogy and that stomach acid
plays a vital role in breaking the circles apart. A pH
that is much higher than 1.9 cannot effectively break
the circles apart, and larger segments of, for example,
seven circles in length may be the result. The body
knows that if something seven circles in length contin-
ues along the digestive tract, it is not going to be able
to further digest these partially broken-down circles.
Rather than allowing that food to proceed down into
the small intestine for the next part of its journey, the
body regurgitates the food in an attempt to get rid of
it, and you then experience the acid burn. It burns
you, because anything with a pH that is too acidic for
the tissue to which it is exposed will create a burning
sensation. When the acid is contained inside the stom-
ach pouch, all is well; however, when it escapes out
of this area, the lining of the oesophagus and the first
part of the small intestine are not designed to cope
with such acidic contents. Many people with reflux
respond well to the stimulation of stomach acid and/
or omitting problematic foods, and experience much
fewer symptoms as a result.
The Potential Effect of Drinking Water with Meals
We need the pH of our stomach acid to sit at
around 1.9. Water has a pH of 7 (neutral pH), or
above, depending on the mineral content (the higher
the mineral content, the higher/more alkaline the
pH). When you add a liquid with a pH of 7 or more
to one with a pH of 1.9, what do you potentially do
to the stomach acid? You dilute it. And we need all
of the digestive fire we can muster to get the maxi-
mum nourishment out of our food and the best out
of us. In my ideal world, we wouldnt drink water
for 30 minutes on either side of eating.
You do not need to be concerned about the water
content of food, nor do you need to focus on omit-
ting all beverages at every meal. Simply aim to drink
water between meals, not with meals! It can be a
challenging habit to break. Set yourself a goal of not
drinking with meals for one week and then prefer-
ably keep the new habit going. Or add a squeeze of
fresh lemon juice if you want water with your meal.
Just cut it out for a week, one little week out of your
very long life, and see if you feel any different.
needs to jump to action and produce bicarbonate
and digestive enzymes is to have good stomach acid
production at optimal pH. The digestive system
runs off a cascade of signals from one organ or area
to the next, via the brain. Use the suggested strate-
gies, especially chewing food well, to stimulate the
pancreas to fulfil its role.
There are occasions when I have suggested clients
use supplements of pancreatic enzymes, and this is
appropriate if there is a genuine lack of digestive
enzymes rather than simply poor stomach acid con-
ditions. I usually suggest the aforementioned strat-
egies before trialling supplements; however, when
symptoms are severe and once other causes have
been ruled out, a gastroenterologist may measure
pancreatic enzyme levels.
Promote Absorption
As food moves through the small bowel, diges-
tive enzymes are secreted from the pancreas and the
brush border (lining) of the small intestine. The role
of these enzymes is to continue what the stomach
acid began, which is to continue to break down the
food we have eaten into its smallest, most basic com-
ponents. It is in the small intestine where you absorb
all of the goodness (vitamins and minerals) out of
your food. Think about that. All of the nutrients that
which can have an impact on both inner health and
outer beauty. Give yourself the best opportunity to
absorb as much goodness out of your food as pos-
sible through applying the tips above. It may add
energy to your years and years to your life.
Some of the bacteria in your large bowel (colon)
are good guys and some are bad guys. You want more
good guys than bad guys. The role of the gut bacteria
is to ferment whatever you give them. To come back
to the circle concept of food illustrated previously,
gut bugs love it when you give them something that
is one or even two circles in size. They know what
to do with that. But if a previous digestive process
was not completed sufficiently, the gut bacteria in
our colon may be presented with fragments of food
that are five or even seven circles in size, and all they
know to do with any food is ferment it.
What word springs to mind when you think
of fermentation? I love asking this question at
my seminars, as the answers usually amuse me as
well as the audience. People will often say beer,
wine, sauerkraut! But usually I eventually get
the answer I am after, which is gas. Fermentation
involves bacterial action on a food source, and the
subsequent production of gas. Some gases are essen-
tial to the health of the cells that line our gut, while
others seem to irritate the gut and give us a bloated,
uncomfortable stomach as the day progresses,
whether we have eaten in a healthy way or not.
The trouble with a bloated stomach for many
women is that it messes with their brain. When they
look down and see a swollen tummy, something
Address Stress
Poor digestion can be due to stress or, more pre-
cisely, adrenalin. As we have discussed elsewhere,
stress causes the adrenalin to divert the blood supply
away from your digestive processes and concentrate
the blood in your periphery, your arms and legs.
With the blood not focused on digestion, you are
more likely to get out of the perceived danger you
are in, and it keeps you focused on escaping the dan-
ger. If blood were still concentrated on the digestive
system, there is a risk you would be distracted by
food, putting your survival at risk. These concepts
have been explored in detail in the Not-So-Beautiful
Stress Hormones chapter.
your green vegetable intake and decrease the pro-
cessed foods in your diet for a week and see if that
makes a difference, especially given that green veg-
etables are good sources of magnesium, water and
fibre, amongst other things. You may be suspicious
of a food or a group of foods that are causing this
feeling for you, but because you love this food you
are reluctant to remove it. I cannot encourage you
enough to remove your suspicious food from your
diet for a trial period of two weeks (four is even bet-
ter). Two little weeks out of your very long life an
expression I use regularly with clients to highlight
the relatively short time period necessary to poten-
tially offer enormous insight into their health chal-
lenges. For some, however, a longer trial of three
months is necessary. You may get an answer to
your challenge over the trial period and, if not, you
can relax and thoroughly enjoy this food without
silently worrying. But I can hear you already ask-
ing: What if it works? What does that mean? Will
I never eat that food again? My answer is always
that it is your choice.
I have witnessed people be resistant to dietary
change, but after a time feel so different, so much
better, that they have no desire to ever go back to
the way they used to eat. I have met others who,
even though they may feel better, may still miss a
Softening Waste
One of the reasons I am so concerned with bowel
evacuation is that, if this process is inefficient, waste
can remain inside the bowel for too long. While it is
there, it is fermenting. This can give the liver addi-
tional and unnecessary toxins to process, as well as
suffocating the cells that line the colon. The waste
can also dry out and harden, sticking itself to the lin-
ing of the bowel wall, narrowing the tube through
which the new waste can flow. If you have ever seen
soil in the middle of a drought, cracked, dried-out,
and unable to absorb a brief shower of rain, that is
the way hardened faeces can behave in your colon.
If this scenario occurs, waste can only move
through the middle of this newly formed, faeces-
lined tube, and the efficiency of waste elimina-
tion is decreased. The old, hard, compacted faecal
matter remains. When the cells that line the bowel
are coated with hard faeces, they are unable to
breathe, and a process that was once described in
medical textbooks as autointoxication can ensue. To
remedy this, chamomile is one of the best things you
can take. Either drink lots of tea, or take capsules
with each meal. Once the waste has dried out, it is
difficult to rehydrate it so it can move through and
be excreted. Chamomile softens the waste and helps
the bowel wall relax.
Another potential remedy is one about which
many people have very strong opinions: colon
hydrotherapy, or colonics. This process involves a
tube being inserted into a persons rectum through
cleaning our body. Help prevent bowel cancer by
ensuring efficient bowel evacuation using methods
that suit you! Always seek advice from a health pro-
fessional before undertaking colon hydrotherapy if
it appeals to you.
0000000 or
ages of two and five, depending on the individual
child and their health and life experiences in the
early years. Sadly, for some this maturation process
may be stunted by constant ill health until gut health
is addressed.
The cells that line the gut can, however, also come
apart during adulthood as a result of a gastrointes-
tinal infection or stress. The chronic production of
stress hormones can compromise the integrity of the
gut cells and signal to them that they need to move
further apart so that more nutrition can get through
to the blood, as nutrient requirements increase dur-
ing times of stress. Everything about us is geared for
When food travels through a gut with good cell-
lining integrity, it can only go straight ahead. How-
ever, if it travels through a gut in which the cells have
come apart, it may go straight ahead or it may move
out of the gut and into the blood. Fragments of food
are not intended to enter the blood. Nutrients, the
vitamins and minerals from food, are. If fragments
of food enter the bloodstream, the immune system,
which is what protects you from infection, thinks
that the food fragment is a germ and it mounts an
immune response against it. This is one way adults
develop food sensitivities. Poor gut integrity is also
described as leaky gut. Once you were able to eat
are substances that help humans feel good. They
also modulate pain. We have our own natural feel-
good hormones, endorphins, which have an opioid-
based structure. In our brain and in our gut, we
have what are called opioid receptors. To review:
just because your body makes a substance (chemical
messenger/hormone) that doesnt mean you neces-
sarily get the effects of that substance. For you to get
the effect generated by that hormone, the substance
must bind to a receptor, just like a lock and a key
fitting together. In this case, when we make endor-
phins and they bind to the opioid receptors, we feel
pleasure. Heroine and morphine are opioids, and
they, too, bind to the opioid receptors in the brain.
Anything that gives a human pleasure has the poten-
tial to be addictive, hence the aforementioned drugs.
You can also see from this example how someone
might become addicted to exercise. Activity cer-
tainly generates endorphins when we partake. So
whatever give you pleasure like a sunset, a spin
class, a football game, or a childs laughter what
has happened in that moment is that you have made
endorphins and they have bound to opioid recep-
tors, and you have felt pleasure.
How does this relate to food and beauty? Some of
the fragments of food that can escape out of a leaky
gut into the bloodstream can also have an opioid
Food was never intended to fill these roles for
humans. However, on a physical level, where there
is a leaky gut, it is possible that the opioid effect that
some foods have the potential to create might be one
of the factors behind food addictions and, hence, for
some, over-eating or eating and not feeling like you
can stop. This is an area that deserves much more
research, time, and money, as the opioid excess the-
ory may be involved in numerous health conditions
as well as obesity. Much research has already been
done in relation to children with autism and adults
with schizophrenia, where these exorphins (opioids
from an exogenous source that is, consumed
rather than made by the body) have been found to
play a role in the expression of symptoms of these
Food not only has the capacity to affect our skin,
body shape, and size, but also our mood. Our diges-
tion of some foods may also be incomplete, leading
to the generation of an opioid effect and addiction
to particular foods. If you suspect this process is
going on for you, omit all sources of that dietary
component (gluten and/or casein) for a trial period
of four weeks. The first four to seven days will be
the most difficult, but persevere. The results may
be enormously worth it. If you do omit significant
dietary components from your diet for extended
TCM practitioner can also help you heal your gut,
which in turn helps every aspect of your well-being,
including your skin.
ing on food combining is not for you right now, or
perhaps the zigzag concept might appeal. I am cer-
tainly not prescribing this for you. I simply want to
offer you options to help you experience your best
health and sparkle.
If you suspect a parasite infection, the herbs
black walnut and Chinese wormwood are
excellent, as is oregano oil.
If you suspect you have some not-so-nice
gut bacteria that are fermenting your food,
apply all of these strategies first to see if that
helps, as often the bad guys have been able
to take over because of the pH of the large
intestine, and this is mostly influenced by
what goes on higher up the in the digestive
system. If these strategies dont work, trial a
probiotic supplement that is based on Bifi-
dobacterium species.
If you suspect you are reacting to a food,
strictly omit that food from your diet for
a period of four weeks. If it makes no dif-
ference, bring it back. If it helps, leave it
out for three months, and then try it again.
Or, if you are happy to go without it, then
do so. If it is a food that is a rich source of
nutrients for example, gluten-containing
foods tend to be a good source of B vita-
mins then you will need to supplement. It
will also be necessary to supplement with a
mineral supplement that contains a combi-
nation of calcium, magnesium, manganese,
When you arise in the morning, think of what a
precious privilege it is to be alive: to breathe, to
think, to enjoy, to love.
Marcus Aurelius
leep is a topic I feel incredibly passionate
about for a huge number of reasons. When
we are exhausted, everything in life feels more
difficult. So I want to give you very practical infor-
mation, things you can actually apply to your life to
make a really big difference in this area. Before we
discuss what to do about sleep that is not restorative,
it is first important for you to understand why sleep
can become disrupted and ineffective in its purpose
of rest, repair, and restoration. I also want to show
you how common it is now to sleep poorly com-
mon, but not normal, as I like to say.
In February 2013, my team and I conducted a
survey asking people who read our Facebook page
( about their sleep.
Over 500 people answered our questions. Of those,
97 per cent shared with us that they wake up tired.
Only three per cent of people reported waking up
with energy.3 Think about that. Waking unrefreshed
is a really big deal. Furthermore, the majority of
people who responded couldnt sleep through the
night either, and this is an area that, once it is opti-
mal, will make a significant difference to so many
aspects of your health and beauty. As I said, every-
thing feels more difficult when we are exhausted. So
lets get you sleeping restoratively.
Sleep, and the rest and repair it offers our body,
is critical to life. With great sleep, we have improved
memory, cognition, and better immune function.
Sometimes when I talk about immune function, I
sense that the importance of this system doesnt fully
register with some people. Many people simply link
great immune function with minimizing how many
colds and flus they get. Yet your immune function is
but it is not normal. Many people blame age for
why they start to feel more and more tired as the
years go by, but it doesnt have to be this way. If low
energy truly was down to age, then every 82-year-
old I know would be exhausted, and theyre not!
We can make a really big difference to how we feel
and function, both on the inside and the outside,
through good-quality sleep.
If you have been jotting down things that speak
to you as you have gone through this book, now is a
particularly important time to keep that paper close.
Your willingness to open and consider new choices
in all the areas we have discussed so far begins with
a good nights sleep
was their sleep. This brought home to me just how
invaluable sleep is. In the middle of a retreat, with
every soul-nourishing amenity available, the best
gift for so many was restorative sleep. It is amazing
how we can feel when we actually sleep well and for
long enough.
become such a challenge? Lets keep exploring and
you will soon see why and just as importantly
what to do about it.
A common scenario is that people go to their
general practitioner (GP) and complain that they
are not sleeping well. The GP, who has more and
more demands placed on them, is more and more
time-poor. So when a patient comes in who is not
sleeping well and the patient may even ask for
sleeping pills just to get things back on track, the
GP might just offer the prescription And so people
start, without any real investigation done into why
they arent sleeping well, and they take the medica-
tion, thinking they will only use it short term, just
to get a good nights sleep. However, poor sleep can
be just another sign the body gives you that the way
you eat, drink, think, move, believe, and/or perceive
needs to change.
portions, as this may positively impact your sleep.
Maybe the last time you slept well was after
abstaining from alcohol. The reality is that alco-
hol disrupts rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the
fourth part of our sleep cycle, during which time the
critical repair work is done inside our body. Even
though alcohol actually tends to make people fall
asleep quite quickly, it can disrupt our sleep cycles,
as it interferes with REM sleep. Notice how alcohol
affects your sleep, and consider making changes.
The last time you slept well may have been before
you had children. If you sleep quite well but your
sleep is interrupted because little ones need you in
the night, please remember that they are young for
such a short amount of time and there will come a
time when they sleep through the night. Worrying
about your sleep, and the disruptions that you cant
do anything about, only serves to disrupt your sleep
further. So I encourage you to accept that right now
your sleep will be disrupted, and make the most of
the nights when it is not!
Commit to doing this for a week minimum, and
begin to notice the difference.
Melatonin has an antagonistic relationship with
serotonin, one of our happy, calm, content hor-
mones. Antagonistic means that both substances
cant be elevated at the same time. When one is high,
the other tends to be low. Your circadian rhythm
guides serotonin to be high during the day, helping
you to feel good, and melatonin is designed to be
high through the night, supporting your sleep.
The serotoninmelatonin seesaw, as I have come
to call it, is I think one of the reasons why couples
tend to have big conversations in the evening. Up
until late afternoon, you may have been going along
just fine, content, regardless of what was or wasnt
going on in your life. Your serotonin level is still
OK, and you arent focused on anything you want.
Then, if serotonin levels plummet instead of gradu-
ally falling away, you may start to feel like you want
something, but you dont know what it is. Whenever
you ask your brain a question, it always comes up
with an answer, so be very aware of the quality of
questions you ask yourself! Perhaps you say, I feel
like I want something. Im not sure what it is, but I
want something. A minute ago I felt fine and now
I feel like Ive got an itch I cant scratch and I want
with the sun, as we dont feel rested. If we dont have
early-morning commitments and just wander out of
bed at some point during the morning, our mela-
tonin slowly seeps away, and our serotonin slowly
rises. On a day like this, we feel like we need a few
coffees to get us going.
If this tale is ringing true for you, and the carb
fest in the evening feels out of control, the solution
is not initially dietary. Step one is to start getting up
at the same time each morning and going outside
and moving. Or at least open the curtains and rec-
ognize that a new day has dawned. Welcome the day
with tai chi, a walk, or a run, whatever feels right
to your body. Commit to doing this for four weeks,
every day. Your sleep and your serotonin will love
you for it.
on what your life and your perceptions are like, you
may internally, or out loud, respond with: That
sounds like a walk in the park compared to what
Ive got going on!
Your body doesnt understand that it is safe when
you are churning out adrenalin, even if all you have
done is had a few coffees and felt overwhelmed by
how many emails you have! And some of you live
on adrenalin and no longer even really fell stressed
because you have become so used to it. It feels nor-
mal to you now. You tell yourself it is just how life
is these days. If that resonates with you, I cannot
encourage you enough to read Rushing Womans
Syndrome. And if you dont have time to read the
book because you are in too much of a rush
do the Rushing Womans Syndrome Quick Start
course ( to coach
yourself out of the rush and back to living from the
green zone again.
Back to sleep. If you are churning out stress
hormones and they are communicating to every
cell in your body that you are not safe, your body
does not want you to sleep deeply, as you need to
be able to wake up quickly and save your own life.
Your body has your best interests at heart. You
just need to communicate to it that you are safe
also by decreasing, or omitting, caffeine and begin-
ning to identify where you perceive pressure when
you dont need to in your life. These shifts will help
the SNS lose its dominant position in your nervous
system, which for some of you will resolve your
sleep challenges beautifully.
Other Factors
Any additional mechanisms that interfere with
your bodys ability to relax can lead to poor-quality
sleep. Some of these additional factors include mag-
nesium deficiency and worry.
Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium and other minerals are critical for
the body to physically relax, particularly the mus-
cles. However, many people today dont consume
enough magnesium. The bodys magnesium require-
ments fluctuate, too, for when we are stressed and
producing adrenalin, each unit of adrenalin that is
made utilizes extra magnesium. This can lead to
the muscles not having enough magnesium for suf-
ficient relaxation. For beautiful sleep, include opti-
mal amounts of magnesium in your diet. Review the
Beautiful Nutrients chapter for more information.
Another factor, discussed in the Stress Hormones
change your response, if it is hurting your health,
especially if the stress hormone production trig-
gered by your subconscious emotional responses
wont allow you to deeply rest. And I want you
to truly learn: there is no peace when you have to
keep the peace.
By trying to keep the peace, you have no peace,
and the impact on your nervous system tension, of
always living in the red zone, can take a significant
toll on your health. Realize that you dont have the
peace you so desperately want by trying to keep the
peace. With this new understanding you may find
that you are able to gently and calmly have con-
versations with numerous people in your life that,
before this insight, you would never have imagined
yourself being able to do. Walking on eggshells
doesnt serve you or the other person. Use your
voice calmly and with good intention, as this may
be your best sleep tonic.
Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
s Audrey Hepburn so elegantly said: For
beautiful eyes, look for the good in oth-
ers; for beautiful lips, speak only words of
kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge
that you are never alone. Poise is, in itself, beauti-
ful. It is way of carriage that communicates a deep
appreciation for, and connection to, life and ones
own self-worth. It is a way of holding yourself that
doesnt get expressed when you feel unworthy or
worthless on the inside. How you feel on the inside
Breathing as Messenger
I meet thousands of clients who, if the calorie
equation were truly the only factor in weight loss,
would be stick monsters (skinny), but they arent.
Incorporate exercise that you actually enjoy. If
you dont like running, dont force it. Take a long
stroll around the block, through a park, or by the
sea instead. Appreciate your surroundings; enjoy the
feeling of moving your body, noticing how the air
feels on your face. Try a bike ride or an activity you
have always wanted to try, such as a dance class.
Even gentle movement will benefit your health, and
if you enjoy it, you are more likely to continue on a
regular basis.
Consider the expectations you place on yourself.
So often I hear people say that they dont exercise
because they used to be an athlete, or a runner, or at
least a lot fitter than they are now. Their sheer frus-
tration prevents them from doing any exercise. Start
small if that feels good for you. Consider trying a
form of exercise such as restorative yoga, Pilates, tai
chi or any other activity that focuses on breathing.
Functional Movement
A concept I want to encourage you to explore is
functional movement. It is based on real-world
situational biomechanics, which is not my area of
expertise. I have, however, worked alongside pio-
neers in this field who possess the health, youthful-
ness, vitality, and physique that are testaments to
these practices. The movement philosophy at the
beautiful Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat is based on
functional and restorative movement. I simply want
to introduce it to you, as I believe one of the focuses
of movement needs to be on function. We are blessed
to have bodies that give us the opportunity to enjoy
and make the most of life, yet many people treat
their body with no respect or gratitude for what it
does for them and/or allows them to do.
We need to make sure that for our whole life,
not just when we are young, our body is able to
perform all the movements that are necessary for
daily life and an active lifestyle. Imagine not being
able to bend over and tie your own shoelaces in the
second half of your life. Now imagine losing that
Dr Libby
iven that this is a book about beauty, I have
decided to dedicate almost an entire chapter
to beautiful skin, as the beauty question I am
most frequently asked is: How do I get beautiful
skin? Well, here is skin and skin care explained
from all of the science, experience, observations,
and intuition I have applied to date to help people
have beautiful skin. What is nutritionally necessary
to nourish hair and nails is also explained.
The epidermis itself is made up of layers, the top
layer being the shield. As soft and supple as the skin
can be, it is also a form of armour. Depending on
your belief systems, you may perceive that it is a
tough world out there and that you need protec-
tion from drying winds, rain, dust, as well as harsh
words. The skin itself can handle all of that and a
lot more.
The surface of the skin is made of dead skin cells
that are flat and flexible. The cells that form the sur-
face layer originate at the bottom of the dermis, a
region known as the basal layer. Once they are born,
these cells migrate upward to the surface. On their
way, they are transformed into protein-producing
cells called keratinocytes. Whenever the skin is cut
or grazed, the keratinocytes signal the dermis to
The dermis is a water world, and housed inside
that wonderful world are blood and lymphatic ves-
sels, small muscles, and nerves that convey our sense
of touch. Wow! Doesnt that alone fill you with won-
der? Also embedded in the dermis are sweat glands,
hair follicles, and sebaceous glands, the glands that
produce sebum. The body is constantly supplying
the dermis with water to keep it moist, healthy, and
Now heres some more incredible skin science.
Traversing the dermis are fibrous strands, about 80
per cent of which are made of collagen, which is a
protein. Collagen forms a dense matrix that protects
the skin from splitting when it is pulled or twisted.
The remainder of the strands are the elastin, another
The Forehead
Remember the threefold explanation of the skin
Healthy Skin
Skin Problems
The processes involved in acne can be common to
other skin challenges. From my perspective, healing
acne is different from treating acne; it is important
to first understand the precise process that creates
acne, for then you can see why I suggest what I do
to heal it. Acne arises when the sebaceous glands
become over-active and sebum collects and blocks
hair follicles and pores. As the keratinocytes migrate
upward from the lower levels of the skin, they get
bogged in the sebum. These cells dont live for very
long, so soon they die, and they become trapped in
Skin Problems
When it comes to what Louise refers to as skin
problems, she suggests that you explore if you are
anxious or fearful. She describes skin issues as being
related to old, buried guck, or a perception that
you are threatened.
For rashes, Louise suggests you explore irritation
For psoriasis, try on a fear of being hurt. Deaden-
ing the senses of the self. Refusing to accept respon-
sibility for our own feelings. There are dietary sug-
gestions and other support ideas for psoriasis in the
Beautiful Solutions chapter.
According to Louise, the feeling behind vitiligo is
feeling completely outside of things. Not belong-
ing. Not one of the group. Please remember that
this is the persons perception, not necessarily how
you may see the life of someone with vitiligo. This
perception needs exploring as, in my experience, it
has always been a story someone made up so that
they could feel safe. I have seen that this emo-
tional exploration, coupled with a diet excluding
either casein (one of the proteins in dairy food) and/
or gluten (found in wheat, rye, oats, barley and triti-
cale), also makes a difference.
In almost every case of significant, chronic, unre-
solved eczema, there is a rage at a masculine presence
in that persons life, quite often the father. I could share
Healthy Hair
Like all of the other aspects of beauty, healthy
hair is firstly dependent on great digestion, particu-
larly protein digestion. If this is a challenge for you,
review the Beautiful Digestion chapter as well as the
digestion support strategies in the Beautiful Solu-
tions chapter. I have also found that when undesir-
able changes to the hair are occurring, the adrenals
usually need support, outlined in detail in the Beau-
tiful Solutions chapter.
All nutrients contribute in some way to the health
of the hair. Some specific examples include:
Split ends are the result of the dead cells
that make up the hair flaking apart; vitamin
C and EFAs have been shown to slow down
the formation of split ends and help hair
that breaks easily.
Healthy Nails
Nails are mostly made up of amino acids, which
are the building blocks of protein. They also have
An Additional Consideration
These days it is possible to obtain fake versions
of beauty bits that we may not be satisfied with. If
we are dissatisfied with our nails, for example, it is
common for people to have their nails covered over.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this it
can be fun and bring you great pleasure, so by all
means do it. But I cannot encourage you enough to
also work on your nail health from the inside out.
Your nails can be a reflection of numerous interior
Marianne Williamson
ould you believe me if I told you that
your experience of your own beauty is
entirely dependent on you loving you? I
dont mean in a conceited way. Nor do I mean that
you just need to affirm that you love yourself and
its a done deal. Every humans greatest fear is that
they are not (good) enough, and as a result that they
wont be loved. We are born this way. It is Human
Psychology 101. Without love a human baby dies,
as someone has to care for us enough to feed us.
Other animals can forage for food and find shelter
and survive. So this is not some artificial construct
that develops over time it is hardwired into our
nervous system at our most fundamental level. A
condition called failure to thrive has sadly been
observed in babies who dont receive food and love.
So we are born with the belief that love is essential
to our survival. And in the early years it is. We cant
find our own food, clothing, and shelter, the basics of
human survival. Yet as adults, while a life with love
in it is delicious, love is not actually physically essen-
tial for survival. We can now obtain food, clothing,
and shelter for ourselves. However, many adults still
live as though love is still essential to their survival,
and this has an impact on every decision they make,
and therefore their choices and behaviour. Let me
show you how.
want to be loved and accepted, I need to be dull and
dim, and dumb myself down. Another example. If
we see our parents arguing about money, if money is
a source of conflict in our families, or if no one ever
talks about it, we give meaning to those situations in
the form of beliefs: If I want to be happy in a rela-
tionship, Id better not talk about, nor think about,
nor ever bring up the subject of money.
positivity, and they help you have hope that life can
be better and that situations can change. But you can
repeat I am lovable a thousand times a day, you
can put I am beautiful in your car, on your mir-
ror, your computer screen, inside your glasses if you
like, but if an earlier belief or conviction of being
unlovable or not beautiful is installed in your psyche
based on beliefs you created before you could talk,
you will only feel better for a moment, because you
wont actually believe it yourself.
If you dont do the actual work of deconstructing
your fundamental beliefs, the affirmations have no
place to land or stick, and their impact is unlikely to
be lasting. By all means do affirmations they can
be nourishment for your soul. Its just that I have yet
to meet someone for whom they alone dismantled
what was laid down at the beginning of their time
on Earth. Of course be positive and affirm that you
are loved and appreciated and beautiful. Just explore
your beliefs as well for lasting, sustained change, and
so that you truly, madly, deeply fall more and more
in love with yourself with every breath you take.
Reclaiming Beauty
Clearly it is taking different actions, not just nam-
ing beliefs, that leads to change, but in my expe-
rience with human health, self-love, and radiant
beauty, achieving long-lasting change is impossible
without first becoming aware of the deep-seated
convictions that are driving your behaviour. If you
dont realize that the way you are seeing things is
not the way they are, if you dont understand that
you see yourself, how you appear to others, your
family, your relationships with food, money, and the
world through a version of reality that you devel-
oped before you could talk, you believe there is no
other way to see and consider the world. You only
know what you have experienced, and therefore
those around you must be delusional if they describe
it or you any other way.
You were born knowing you are beautiful and
precious, but you had nothing to compare this to
then, because when you are very young you havent
separated from beauty. You are just you. Think of a
three-year-old little girl wearing a pretty dress, hold-
ing the skirt out, twirling around, singing la, la,
la for no one or no reason in particular that
little girl knows she is precious. She knows it in her
soul. She was born knowing. But there is no con-
sciousness for beauty at this age, because we dont
associate with it, because there is been no separation
from it. But as we experience more of life we begin
to create meanings from what people say, from the
expressions on their faces, about who we must be
to have that happen to us. And over time, every
each day recognizing all that you contribute to this
world, just by being who you are. And let that rec-
ognition light a flame inside you that with each day
grows stronger and brighter from the kindness you
show yourself through your lifestyle choices, includ-
ing how you feed yourself, and your thoughts. And
may that light guide you home to the radiance that
you are.
start happening for life. When you start happen-
ing for life, you have taken the pain, transformed
it into gifts, and now share that. You pass on what
you have learnt, and the transformation of someone
elses pain into gifts begins a ripple effect is gener-
ated when you share your journey. It is part of how
we contribute. It is part of how we learn and grow.
It is part of how we return to the knowing deep in
our heart, that life is precious, that we are very pre-
cious, and that we need to treat others and ourselves
they remained stuck in the judgment. If they felt
worthy themselves, they would never have per-
ceived him as better than them in the first place. It
is the getting stuck in the perception that prevents
growth, not the perception itself.
There are flipsides to this, too. If the people who
felt the speaker was better than them had actu-
ally been authentic and approached the speaker, and
said, You know what? You come across as though
you think you are better than us, it would give the
speaker the option to check in with himself and see
if that rings true so he can learn and grow. And if he
is a responsible adult and does not take offence at
their comments, he has the opportunity to enquire
with those judging him about what might be hap-
pening in their own lives for them to perceive him
this way that they feel they are less than him.
And and this so important if someone is
coming across as better than them, then those
judging need to enquire within themselves about
why that person would feel he has to show up as
better than other people. They would then catch a
glimpse of his wound and be able to bring empathy
to their connection; judgment would disappear.
Judgment doesnt light anyone up. Everyone has
reasons about why they are the way they are; plus
energy itself is undirected but immense, like the
wind and deep currents of the ocean, ever-changing,
beautiful, destructive, and the source of life.
Anytime you force yourself, or someone else
knowingly or unknowingly drives you, to be more
like a ship than an ocean, you are negating your
feminine energy. Any time your man talks to you
and expects you to analyse your mood and situation
to the point of being able to fix it, he is talking
masculine with you. You can do this you may
even be better at it than he is but it wont make
you a happy woman.
A happy woman is a woman relaxed in her body
and heart: powerful, unpredictable, deep, potentially
wild and destructive, or calm and serene, but always
full of life, surrendered to and moved by the great
force of her oceanic heart. Women do not become
free by analysing themselves. They become free
by surrendering to love. Not anyone elses love.
Their love. They become free by surrendering to the
immense flow of love that is native to their core, and
by allowing their lives to be moved by this force. It
may involve moments of analysis, but primarily it
involves deep trust.
The feminine purpose is the flow of love in rela-
tionships (intimate, family, and friendships). The
But feminine energy is deeper than this. Youth-
ful sexual attractiveness is a temporary aspect of a
much deeper and more fundamental quality of femi-
nine energy: radiance. Feminine radiance is not only
the flush of a womans cheeks or the glow of her
skin, it is the shine of her life force itself. A wom-
ans true radiance reveals the degree to which she is
open, trusting, connected, and loving. Her capacity
to love, in turn, allows her body to be moved by the
power of life force itself. Herein lies the true nature
of feminine radiance and power, far beyond the sim-
ple sexiness of a nave young woman.
When a woman is young, her body more easily
conducts life force, and so she generally appears
more radiant than an older woman. But even among
young women, there are those who appear to be
pretty just on the outside, and those whose beauty
seems to spring from their depths. As a woman ages,
through the processes you now understand, her skin
may start to lose its youthful capacity to conduct life
force. What remains obvious is her feminine radi-
ance and depth.
In fact, as Deida says, it is this deep beauty that
the masculine finds most attractive, even in young
women. There is a difference between a mans knee-
to end before you feel deep in your heart
what you have always known that you
are, and have always been, beautiful. Live
your life now, awake, and lit up with the
knowing, impacting the lives of others with
your light.
What is your word? What is the word
written in gorgeous handwriting across
your heart? What gift do you bring to
every situation when you really show up?
Name it. Is it fun, kindness, joker,
or quiet observer who then shares her
golden insights (more than one word, I
know!)? Or is it magician, angel, won-
der, fabulousness, or optimist? Never
underestimate the power you bring, the
difference you make, and the gift you are
to this world.
Never stop believing. Never stop
believing in your own radiance, even if you
feel others have urged you to dim your own
light. You dont stop believing in the sun
when the moon comes out. You dont stop
believing in the moon when the clouds
pass over her face. You may have a moment
when you judge yourself harshly. You may
have days or hopefully not weeks
when you feel anything but beautiful. But
never stop believing in your beauty, even if
it momentarily disappears from your own
view, because of choices you have made.
You are not your behaviour. You need to
take responsibility for your behaviour, but
Dont ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have
come alive.
Howard Thurman
t is always tempting when reading a book with
a chapter title like this one to jump straight to
the solutions, especially when you have an issue
that you want resolved as soon as possible! If you
think that you dont have time to read the whole
book, and you just want to cut to the chase and get
answers, and then put those answers into action and
get your results, well, please consider this
If you have come to this chapter first, I cannot
encourage you enough to return to the beginning of
this book and read it from cover to cover. Science sug-
gests, and I am certainly convinced from working with
people for 15 years, that it helps you taking action
when you know why you need to change something,
and that knowing why can lead to a commitment to
change. For, when the why is strong enough, change
is a natural follow-through. If the solutions offered
here were simply a list of instructions, then this sec-
tion could make up the whole book. But if I dont
show you why I am suggesting you change the way
you eat, drink, move, think, believe, or perceive to
get the beauty outcomes you seek, the solutions
will only be additions to your to-do list that you
may, or may not, do for two weeks, two months, or
two years. Either way, before long you will return to
how you have always done things, frustrated by not
getting the transformations you seek.
For example, without your knowing why, I might
ask you to focus on your breathing every day for the
next six weeks. You might do this for a brief period,
but as soon as you get beyond busy you will feel like
you dont have time and the breathing sessions will
cease. And with the subsequent elevated stress hor-
mones that will most likely return without the focus
on your breathing, all of the non-vital processes,
which include the strength of your nails, the gloss of
your hair, and the aliveness of your skin, are com-
promised. Soaring stress hormones cause your body
to believe that the best use of its resources, includ-
ing nutrients and blood flow, is to put them toward
go into a sense of being overwhelmed, pay close
attention, as this is likely a pattern you run regu-
larly in life. Explore this if that is the case, because a
sense of being overwhelmed is stressful for the body
and the mind, as well as for the people around you.
Remember, ordinary things consistently done pro-
duce extraordinary results.
Because there are solutions peppered throughout
each chapter, this chapter contains additional ideas
for each area we have covered, adding to the base
knowledge offered in each section. The first block of
solutions, however, are general concepts that encour-
age what I call restorative practices. Everyone can
benefit from them, whatever your individual situa-
tion. I go into detail about these in my book Rushing
Womans Syndrome, as well as in my 30-day coach-
ing course called the Rushing Womans Syndrome
Quick Start Course (
life) and the Condition the Calm Advanced Course.
Restorative practices are critical for you to live from
the green zone, with the parasympathetic nervous
system (PNS) activated. Living from here allows
the vital rest, digest, and repair work to take place
inside your body, enhancing both your inner health
and your outer radiance.
Restorative Eating
It is difficult to be kind, compassionate, and
patient with others when you fill yourself with
stimulants, such as too much caffeine, refined sug-
ars, and artificial ingredients, and eat a highly pro-
cessed diet virtually devoid of nutrients. I believe
that if each individual were to embrace compassion,
kindness, and patience, there would not be human
violence in the world. But if humans fill themselves
with too much caffeine, alcohol, and dead food,
it makes it much harder for them biochemically to
consistently access these gentle emotional states. A
real food diet also allows you to explore your emo-
tional landscape with clarity, and free yourself from
patterns that no longer serve you.
Food becomes part of you, and the nutrients from
food drive every chemical reaction inside of you.
Choose real food that nourishes you, and watch
your physical, as well as your emotional, health
Eat real food
o Nature gets it right
o eat food the way it comes in Nature as
often as you can
it contains theanine, which buffers
the effect of caffeine), herbal tea,
dandelion tea (made like a latte),
or occasionally order a decaf coffee
(make sure it is Swiss Water filtered to
limit your consumption of the usual
chemicals used to decaffeinate coffee
beans most cafs have the Swiss
Water filtered decaf these days); even
better, order a green juice
Restorative Movement
If you are sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
dominant from the way you live your life, add-
ing more factors to your world that promote SNS
dominance will not solve your rush. Remember, you
often resist the most what you need the most. I wit-
ness this in my work with people every week of my
life. If you are currently into loads of cardio, you
may tell me that yoga will bore you to tears. I call
cardio yang exercise, and I describe some forms
of yoga as yin. Most women need to incorporate
more yin movement into their lifestyle on a regu-
lar basis. I also encourage women to do some form
of regular resistance training, whether that be using
weights or simply using their own body weight, as
happens in yoga.
Yin movement includes:
o a delicious way to start the day
Restorative yoga
o if there is one form of movement that
is deeply nourishing and replenishing
for our nervous system, this is it it
truly lives up to its name and the
poses are simple to learn and easy to
incorporate into your daily life (see
more details later in this chapter)
persevered with it:
you know it, you will be expanding your
If you insist on continuing to cardio it up
every day, start your day with a yin ritual
such as qigong, or be sure to have some yin
days each week.
Restorative Sleep
As discussed earlier, there are a few things I link
to amazing health. They include optimal nutrition,
of course, fresh air, diaphragmatic breathing, liv-
ing from the green zone, movement, love, gratitude,
and great sleep. Sleep affects our physical and men-
tal health enormously. Sleep is often the only time
our PNS can dominate, and I suspect that for many
women who dont sleep well or long enough it isnt
even happening overnight. It is vital that you sched-
ule maximum sleep time for yourself if you want
to start feeling bliss from the inside out. Restor-
ative sleep is critical to every level of our health. Of
course, if you have little ones who need you during
the night, support yourself to sleep when you can,
and remember to breathe, and remind yourself that
they are little for such a short time.
If you do not sleep well, or you do not feel restored
after sleep, apply any (or all!) of the strategies below.
The overall concept here is to do whatever it takes
Omit alcohol
o you may feel like it helps you fall
asleep, but it tends to disturb most
peoples sleep patterns during the
night, as it prevents you from going
into the restorative, deep REM sleep
allows your happy, calm, content hormone,
serotonin, to surge
Avoid doing work for a minimum of two
hours before bed
Dont use backlit devices, such as laptops,
phones, or tablets for a minimum of one
hour, preferably two hours, before bed, and
do not take them to bed
Make your bedroom a wireless-free zone:
use an old-fashioned alarm clock if you
need a clock to wake you, rather than sleep-
ing with your phone beside your head, but
if you want your phone in your room, leave
it well away from your bed
Go to bed before midnight, since cortisol
begins to increase around 2am an ideal
time to sleep for most adults is from 10pm
until 6am
Consider the age of your bed
o dust, mould, and sweat all accumulate
in mattresses, plus beds lose their
support over time: you spend one-third
of your life in bed, so it is best to make
it a place that brings out an ahhh
moment of bliss when you fall into it
each night (this ahhh moment alone
Restorative Actions
Feeling like your life has purpose and meaning
is crucial to restorative actions. Contribution is key
here. When you make a difference in someone elses
life, your heart feels full. As the poet Rabindranath
Tagore so beautifully said: I slept and dreamt that
life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I
acted and behold, service was joy.
Pick up any litter you see
Call people you may not have caught up
with for ages they will be thrilled to hear
from you
o a male friend of mine who works in a
more than full-time job was standing
on a street corner collecting money for
the City Mission, who, among many
things, raise money for food to feed
people: he said he does a half day for
them every month I had no idea, as
he had never mentioned it and said
it was the least he could do because he
has so much
as cancer, or they see yoga as a preventative health
practice. Others think it is just a cool thing to do;
all of their friends are doing it. For many, whatever
their reason for practising yoga, it is how they bring
balance into their hectic lives. In yoga circles, they
talk of the Sages 10 Rituals of Radiant Living. I
encourage you to explore each ritual for yourself,
and embrace them in ways that are meaningful to
Stop Keep Start
I am going to I am going to keep I am going to start
stop getting eating a nourishing walking four days
caught up in breakfast every day. out of seven for the
gossip, as it is next two weeks,
exhausting. starting tomorrow
morning at 6am.
Stop, keep, and start plans can make change fun,
manageable, and suitable for your lifestyle.
The Journey
o created by the gifted Brandon Bays,
this process, described in her book of
the same name, allows you to see the
world as it really is, rather than the
stories you have constructed around
things: it allows you to see the beliefs
that no longer serve you and allow
them to effortlessly fall away
and, as you now understand, when
your beliefs change, your behaviour
changes, as your behaviours are the
outermost expression of your beliefs
restorative yoga
o I personally had never experienced
such deep stillness before restorative
yoga became part of my life (the
gracious, kind, and insightful Tracy
Whitton was my first teacher of this
beautiful practice, and I am eternally
grateful to her for developing Stillness
Through Movement thank you for
sharing this with the world, beautiful
your true consciousness/intelligence,
rather than the stories
in women who have PMS, girls with a
physically or emotionally challenging
puberty, and during menstruation or
Furthermore, no amount of topical nutrients can
make up for a lousy diet, nor can supplements mask
the potentially long-term aging and detrimental
effects of a poor diet. A focus on real food must
come first. Use the Real Food Chef cookbook, as it
is a whole cooking system born from the desire to
inspire you to eat low human-intervention food
real food the way it comes in Nature. Filled with
delicious, nourishing recipes, beautiful images,
quotes to inspire, and food education, the Real Food
Chef is designed to enhance your quality of life and
give you more energy to live the life you love.
We eat, on average, 35 times each week, and
these eating occasions supply the cells of your body
with nutrients to give you optimal health, energy,
and vitality. If right now seven out of your 35 meals
and snacks would get the Real Food Chef tick of
approval, then aim to include one new real food
meal and/or snack per week for the next two months
just one extra per week and in eight tiny weeks
you will be at 15 out of 35 meals getting the Real
Food Chef tick; and you will have literally doubled
the amount of nutrients going into your body. Dont
make the transition to more real food bigger in your
mind than it actually is. Do what you can to support
your inner health and outer beauty, and discover
how real food can revolutionize how you feel and
9 Spend five minutes, daily, focusing on and
giving voice to all the aspects of your life
for which you are grateful you cant be
stressed when you feel grateful.
Womans Syndrome book and courses) and
diaphragmatic breathing.
9 licorice
9 dandelion leaves
9 astragalus
9 Coffee can be another big-ticket item when it
comes to PMS, via liver congestion. Consider
swapping coffee for green tea for four weeks,
or preferably two menstrual cycles, and see
how you feel.
Oestrogen Dominance
For oestrogen dominance, which can be assessed
with a saliva test or a blood test measuring the dif-
ferent types of oestrogen and progesterone (as a
start), or if you relate strongly to what is described
in the oestrogen dominance symptom section:
9 Extracts of broccoli or broccoli sprouts. I am
all for getting what we need from our food,
but, when oestrogen is dominant, taking a
concentrated form of what broccoli has to
offer can make a big difference. I love MH
Enhance P2 Detox Powder.
Symptoms Mechanism treatment
PMS-4 Period pain Elevated pros- Bupleurum if
and clots taglandin clots
PGE2 (pro- Dong quai
inflammato- Magnesium
ry; increases P2 Detox
inflammation Essential fats
in the body) fish oil,
Deficiency of or flax oil if
anti-inflam- vegetarian
matory sub- Dairy free
stances diet trial;
Possible mag- sometimes
nesium defi- it is also
ciency necessary
to eliminate
Real food
o Dairy-free diet trial strictly for two
menstrual cycles.
Menopause Strategies
9 For hot flashes, consider whether the heat is
coming from low oestrogen, liver/gallbladder
congestion, or both.
the stress hormones solutions to refresh on
adrenal support strategies.
It is important for you to remember that there
are numerous ways our body detoxifies, as outlined
throughout the book. However, if you identify that
your liver health needs to be addressed to resolve
what may be ongoing skin challenges, PMS, or
intense eruptions of anger, here are some solutions
to support your liver detox processes.
Additional Solutions
9 Transform anger into passion by giving a
different meaning to a past experience; the
energy of anger and passion are very similar.
We get angry when we perceive that our needs
arent being met, so see anger as a sign of this.
Digestion is central and essential to every process
in our body, especially our beauty. It is the base on
which we build. So, whether your aim is to slow
down, weigh less, optimize your health and well-
being, improve a challenging or diseased gut, resolve
acute or chronic skin challenges, or all of the above,
understanding your digestive system is a crucial step
to optimal health.
9 Slow down! Chew your food. Swallow each
mouthful before you put the next mouthful in.
with less total food for that meal, than if you
simply eat carbohydrates on their own.
bacteria that are fermenting your food, apply
all of these strategies first to see if that helps, as
often the bad guys have been able to take over
because of the pH of the large intestine, and
this is mostly influenced by what goes on higher
up in the digestive system. If these strategies
dont work, trial a probiotic supplement that
contains Bifidobacterium species.
Another potential remedy is one that many people
have strong opinions about colon hydrotherapy, or
colonics. This process involves inserting a tube into the
rectum through which warm or cool water then gently
flows. This softens the hardened faecal matter allow-
ing the large bowel to empty fully, getting rid of built-
up waste that may have been there for a long time.
Colonics polarize people. Note, however, that
right up until the early 1900s, colon hydrotherapy
was part of general medicine, and was once accepted
as a very normal treatment method for a host of
health conditions, not just bowel issues. Seek advice
from a health professional before undertaking colon
hydrotherapy if it appeals to you.
Please refer to the Laying the Restorative Foun-
dation solutions above, as sleep is a critical aspect
of restoration, and ideas for better, more restorative
sleep are outlined there.
9 functional movement
9 weight-bearing movement
9 stretching.
9 vitamin C
9 zinc
9 vitamin E
9 all antioxidants.
Skin care
When it comes to your skin care, support the
functioning of this vital organ, rather than forcing
the skin to behave in a way that is not natural to
it. There are plenty of beautiful skin-care compa-
nies that create highly effective products without
any synthetic chemicals; they allow the skin to do
its work, which includes a self-regulating oil/sebum
mechanism. Embrace natural skin care for the planet
and for you.
Dark Circles
Focus on digestion and/or liver support. Based
on what you have learnt in this book and what has
welled up for you, trial either a dairy-free diet or
a gluten-free diet for four weeks to see if it makes
a difference. I have seen both dietary trials resolve
dark circles, and I dont say that lightly. Liver herbs
can also be beneficial.
Puffy Eyes
Adrenal support is very important. Drink only
water or herbal tea for two weeks and see if this
makes a difference.
Brittle Hair
Support your thyroid, adrenals, essential fatty
acids, and vitamin C.
are some less-than-friendly bacterial species living in
your large intestine, trial a diet where you eat zero
refined sugar, and eat carbs only from whole food
sources, such as root vegetables. Trial this initially
for four weeks, and, if you feel there is an improve-
ment, continue for a total of three months to assess
if it will resolve in this period. You might also like
to add more coconut to your diet, as the lauric acid
may also assist the scalp. Amp up the greens and the
whole food fat in your diet as well.
Grey Hair
Head hair going grey is mostly genetic and hered-
itary. However, traditional Chinese medicine treats
grey hair by using herbs to support the kidneys. I
have only known people of Asian heritage who have
used these herbs, but that is not to say they wont
benefit people of non-Asian heritage. If pubic hairs
start to go grey, it can be a sign that adrenal support
is necessary.
Hair Loss
Support your thyroid, adrenals, sex hormone bal-
ance, and vitamin D status.
Bad Breath
Focus on resolving gut/digestion challenges.
Chapped Lips
Focus on digestive system support, and support
stomach acid production, using lemon juice in warm
water or apple cider vinegar.
Dull Nails
This can indicate poor diet, poor digestion, or a
folate deficiency, especially if on the OCP. Amp up
your greens, along with supporting digestion.
Spoon-Shaped Nails
This is often due to iron deficiency. May also be
deficiencies in vitamin B12 and/or folate.
This follows the same process as described for acne.
Quite often a sex hormone imbalance perpetuates it,
arising from high levels of androgens in the skin, ele-
vated prolactin, or an imbalance between oestrogen
and progesterone. All of these situations can be tested
for if the condition is ongoing or if it doesnt respond
to the sex hormone balancing suggestions, including
liver support. The first place I start is with stress man-
agement, due to the role cortisol plays in the conver-
sion of other hormones to androgens, as explained in
the Beautiful Sex Hormones chapter.
Body Odour
This is usually a call for additional liver support.
Liver and lymphatic support has been shown to
decrease the appearance of cellulite. Rebounding is
a wonderful way to stimulate the lymphatic system.
Significantly limiting or omitting liver loaders has
also been shown to reduce the appearance of cellu-
lite or in some cases allows it to disappear.
Cold Sores
They are caused by the Herpes virus, so immune
support is vital; consider using additional vitamin C
and zinc, and some immune support herbs. Herpes
only reactivates itself when you trigger it with stress,
poor dietary choices, or too little sleep. Herpes is like
a seed in a desert. It will stay asleep indefinitely if the
signal to germinate isnt given. It is also important to
minimize intake of foods that can feed viruses, such
as reducing dietary exposure to the amino acid argi-
nine. When the amino acid lysine is higher in your
Cracked Elbows
This indicates an essential fatty acid deficiency
and/or zinc deficiency.
Cracked Heels
This often indicates a deficiency in essential fatty
Dry Skin
This may indicate an essential fatty acids defi-
ciency, poor skin-care choice, thyroid dysfunction,
poor diet, or poor digestion.
Eczema in Adults
Follow a strict dairy-free diet trial for four weeks.
If that doesnt make a difference at all, bring dairy
back, and omit all red foods, such as chillies, capsi-
cums (peppers), tomatoes, strawberries, apples (red
and green), for a four-week trial and see if that makes
a difference. Or, if you eat more than two pieces of
fruit a day, cut back to less than two, or omit fruit
for a trial period of four weeks to see if that makes a
difference. An evening primrose oil supplement can
also be highly beneficial, as it contains an enzyme
called delta-6-desaturase, which allows fat to be
incorporated into the skin, keeping it moist and
youthful. For chronic, widespread adult eczema, I
encourage you to also explore what was touched on
in the Beautiful Skin, Hair and Nails chapter, only if
it resonates for you (I am referencing any rage that
wells up toward a masculine figure in your life).
Avoid pork and tomatoes for a trial period of
four weeks. Essential fatty acid supplementation can
be beneficial as can additional zinc. Enquire if you
decided to thicken your skin to avoid emotional
Support the liver, and follow a strict dairy-free
diet trial for a minimum of four weeks. You will
notice significantly less redness by the end of this
trial period if you are going to respond. Essential
fatty acids can also be highly beneficial.
Consider taking additional vitamin C and/or zinc.
Using lavender oil and/or calendula oil can also be
beneficial to decreasing the appearance of scars.
Stretch Marks
They often indicate a zinc deficiency. You can also
use lavender oil to minimize the appearance.
example, if you feel frustrated, it may mean that you
believe things could be better and they are not. This
is a call to action, telling you there is something you
could do now to make this better. This negative
emotion is actually a gift if you use it effectively.
once a week if you love them. If you are not a bath
girl, then just using these plants as fragrances around
the home can be uplifting or soothing, depending on
what you feel like.
Lavender Oil
Lavender relaxes muscles and calms and soothes
the nervous system. Any time you are under stress or
on the edge of anger or fear, take a lavender bath to
bring you back into balance and harmony or use the
fragrance of the essential oil if a bath is not practical
for you. Lavender cools hot skin conditions, such as
inflamed capillaries and rashes. It relaxes and moist-
ens dry skin, soothes nerves, and reduces redness
and itching. Because it cools, lavender is great for
hot summer nights. It is a perfect evening bath.
Lemon Oil
Essential oil of lemon refreshes and restores us
when we suffer from physical exhaustion. Used
as a healing tonic in virtually every culture, fresh
squeezed lemon, or its essential oil, refreshes and
tones the skin. Lemon juice or lemon oil is also
used as an astringent to close oozing skin or treat
rashes and allergies that cause too much moisture in
the skin and sinuses. Lemon oil is an ideal bath for
spring and summer.
Sage Oil
Sage is used traditionally as a smudge (stick) to
cleanse the spirit before sacred rituals. A sage bath
can help neutralize hostile or negative thoughts and
emotions, drawing out anger, fear, and sadness. It
soothes and cleanses the internal rhythms of heavy
or dark emotions and thoughts. A sage bath can also
be used to treat body acne.
Spruce Oil
Spruce reins in emotions that seem out of con-
trol. It soothes and opens the lungs and the entire
rhythmic system, restoring us when we feel emo-
tionally exhausted, spent, or burnt-out. Spruce is an
ideal bath for late winter and early spring, as well as
whenever your lungs or sinuses are congested.
I am a huge fan of the Calendula4 plant. I love it
used as a medicinal herb and also topically as an oil.
I love it so much for the skin that it deserves a little
section of its own. Heres why
Calendula officinalis is a highly regarded medici-
nal flower with bright yellow, gold, and orange
blooms. Calendula is full of flavonoids, which are
antioxidants found naturally in coloured plant
foods such as vegetables and fruits; they give plants
ointment should be lightly applied, blending it with
cypress and lemon essential oils. When applied con-
sistently, this calendula oil combination has been
shown to decrease the symptoms of varicose veins
and venous congestion by inhibiting inflammation,
toning tissue, and promoting enhanced blood sup-
ply to tissue.
Further benefits of calendula oil:
9 It is an excellent remedy for soothing and
moisturizing dry and chapped skin and lips.
immense source of external beauty, but also a nur-
turing force that can restore physical and emotional
health and beauty. Spend time in Nature observing,
and feeling grateful, letting Natures grace wash
over you.
All this time
The Sun never says
To the Earth,
You owe me.
What happens
With a love like that.
It lights the
Beautiful References
& Resources
ere I include additional information that may
assist you on your journey. These are books
and articles I have cited in the text, listed here
if further reading in a particular area interests you.
Nutrition information is always changing, and I
am passionate about keeping you up-to-date. I want
you to have access to the latest and most insight-
ful discoveries in health and well-being. Please be
sure to visit my website and connect as a registered
reader. This is a free service that allows you not to
miss a thing! This service will also keep you informed
about my live seminars, as I travel extensively and
bring my message to life. It is my favourite thing to
do other than write books!
After reading Beauty from the Inside Out, you
may ask, whats next? I get many emails from peo-
ple all over the world saying they feel like I have
read their diary when it comes to describing how
Weaver, Libby. Restorative Calm. Auckland:
Little Green Frog Publishing, 2012.
Jenny, thank you for your wonderful knowledge of
human biochemistry and herbal medicine, and also
for your caring nature. To Dee, thank you doesnt go
close to conveying the enormity of my gratitude to
you for overhauling our systems, for your calm and
fun nature, and for the smile I can hear in your voice
when you answer the phone. Thank you to Anna-
bel for your assistance and proactive nature, and to
Leanne, otherwise known as Amazeballs, thank you
for your excitement, passion, insights, and deep care
for my intentions in the world, and for helping me
share these messages globally.
To the Real Food Chef team, chef Cynthia and
Courtney, thank you for nourishing my body, mind,
and soul with so many situations of glory while I
created this book, and for cracking me up time and
time again until my cheeks ached. #YoureJoking.
And thank you to the eWeb Marketing team whose
passion for spreading happiness, success, and fun in
the world is infectious and a joy to be part of.
Thank you to the beautiful humans who are my
treasured friends, Karen, Leisel, Petrea, Alexandra,
and Karloski, for the love, fun, music, film, insights,
philosophies and beauty you bring to my life and to
the lives of those you touch.
Heartfelt thanks to my beautiful-hearted editor,
Meet Dr Libby
My mission is to educate and inspire, enhancing
peoples health and happiness, igniting a ripple
effect that transforms the world. Dr Libby
Working at Australias leading health retreat
where Dr Libby frequently shared these insights,
Dr Libbys concepts were often described as life-
changing. She reaches a broad range of people,
from businessmen and businesswomen and stay-
at-home parents, to prominent sportspeople and
Hollywood stars. Dr Libbys powerful messages are
delivered through the pages of her bestselling books,
Accidentally Overweight, Rushing Womans Syn-
drome, and Real Food Chef, as well as through her
informative live events and online training courses.
Dr Libby has become one of the most sought-
after authorities on womens health. Through edu-
cation and insight, Dr Libby encourages women to
bring their bodies back into harmony naturally, and
to understand the impact of emotions and beliefs on
their biochemistry and behaviour. Her focus is on
getting to the heart of nutritional issues and pos-
sible hormonal imbalances arising from modern-day
life. She offers a refreshing and engaging perspective
with real, sustainable solutions. Armed with abun-
dant knowledge, scientific research, and a true desire
to help others see their own light and beauty, Dr
Libby empowers and inspires people to take charge
of their health and happiness.
linity, and Emotions. Dr Libby clearly demonstrates
how there is so much more to weight loss than the
outdated calorie equation that sees weight as a sim-
ple reflection of calories in versus calories out.
So many readers say that Accidentally Over-
weight could easily be called Optimal Well-being,
as the information is relevant to everyone regard-
less of their health goals. Whether consciously or
subconsciously, many people are frustrated by how
they feel about their body, including sometimes its
appearance, and this frustration can take up their
headspace and influence their moods. Many people
eat well and exercise regularly, yet their body fat
does not reflect their efforts. Others have gained and
lost the same 20 kilograms for the past 20 years.
This book explains the biochemistry and emotions
of weight loss to help free people from their battle
with their bodies.
What to eat and how much to eat for optimum
health and ideal body shape and size can seem like
confusing and, at times, overwhelming areas to
explore. Right now you could walk into a bookshop
and pick up a book that tells you to eat plenty of
carbohydrates, as they are essential for energy, and
right beside it on the bookshelf will be a book that
tells you not to eat carbs because they make you fat
and tired.
Rushing Womans Syndrome
Hot on the heels of Dr Libbys first number-
one bestselling book, Accidentally Overweight, Dr
Libbys second book, Rushing Womans Syndrome,
became another number-one bestseller. Rushing
Womans Syndrome describes the biochemical and
emotional effects of constantly being in a rush, and
body from a whole new perspective after reading
this book.
Rushing Womans Syndrome was inspired by Dr
Libbys clinical experiences and her empathy for
women and the many roles they now juggle. Dr
Libby believes we have to be educated and inspired
to make changes; her unique conversational style
makes you feel like she is speaking right to you. Dr
Libby combines two decades of personal experience,
14 years of university, and 15 years of clinical expe-
rience to offer you real solutions to both the bio-
chemistry and the emotional patterns of the rush.
are sure to impress even the fussiest of eaters and
offer nutrient dense alternatives to your favourite
foods. From blueberry cheesecake to satay chicken,
Real Food Chef is bursting with ideas and images
to inspire.
The Real Food Chef system focuses on using food
in its whole form, including all the foods vitamins
and minerals and the natural plant compounds
known to support human health; after all, it is nutri-
ents that keep us alive. The recipes are free from
refined sugars, dairy products, and gluten, with few
exceptions; they are, therefore, suitable for those
with some of the more common food allergies, or
intolerances. Anyone who wants to optimize their
nourishment would benefit from this book.
The Real Food Chef concept is a dynamic com-
bination of Dr Libbys nutritional expertise with
chef Cynthia Louises gift for transforming everyday
meals into nutrient-dense and incredibly delicious
versions of their former selves. As a team, they bring
you the why, and the how, to eat real food and amp
up the nutrition in your world.
The Real Food Chef is a whole cooking system
born from a desire to inspire you to eat low human-
intervention food, real food the way it comes in
Nature. Filled with delicious, nourishing recipes,
quotes to inspire, and food education, the Real Food