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Meridian M2250 Datasheet

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M2250-EN 8/11/99 9:57 PM Page 1

Meridian M2250 Attendant Console

On line with customer service

In business, the first point of contact If telephones are not answered, is used to guide attendants through
with customers is often your tele- callers can automatically be returned the operation, making it quick, easy
phone attendant. The ability of the to the console, ending long holding and cost-effective to modify features
attendant to efficiently and effectively times, cutoffs and abandoned calls. as business needs change.
guide callers through the organiza- Programmable feature keys sup- With the Meridian M2250,
tion can often mean the difference port up to 20 features, such as Busy message-taking can be centralized
between a lasting customer and a Verify, Call Park, Auto Dial, Paging at the console, freeing secretaries
lost sale. and more. for other duties. Employees can be
The Meridian M2250 is a powerful, An Options Menu permits notified by an indicator on their tele-
fully digital attendant console that attendants to customize several phones that messages are waiting,
delivers efficient, high speed, call console features, such as contrast and lost or delayed messages are all
processing. It transforms the atten- adjustment, volume settings and but eliminated.
dant position into an efficient call choice of 15 languages.
answering/message center with The Call Party Name Display Easy-to-use
advanced capabilities to help manage feature provides the name and The Meridian M2250 has been
and streamline attendant services. extension number of each caller designed to be easy to use, and allows
within your system. Attendants attendants to function at maximum
Advanced feature capabilities know if the call is internal or exter- efficiency without fatigue.
Meridian M2250s advanced feature nal, and can respond accordingly. It features large, easy-to-read
capabilities give attendants the flexi- Multiple site businesses can take indicators and a built-in 4-line by
bility they need to handle calls most advantage of Meridian 1s Integrated 40-character liquid crystal display.
effectively and features can be easily Services Digital Network (ISDN) The display presents the essential
configured to support your companys capability, which extends the Call information required for prompt
unique requirements. Party Name Display throughout the call processing and professional call
Incoming Call Indicator Keys Meridian 1 network. answering and screening.
and Loop Keys allow the attendant With the Attendant Administration Both the display and the angle of
to either handle calls in sequence feature, the attendant can modify the keyboard are adjustable allowing
or prioritize answering for specific certain features assigned to the tele- attendants to choose the most com-
types of calls. phones in the office. A plastic overlay fortable viewing and operating angle.
M2250-EN 8/11/99 9:57 PM Page 2

Meridian M2250 Attendant Console

On line with customer service

Shift/Lamp Test
Modular Options RS232 connection to Attendant Con-
Display sole 24V AC transformer required
The DSS-9000 Direct Station Select unit
clearly indicates the busy/idle status
Built-in 4-line by 40-character display
Optional 2-line display mode enlarges Busy Lamp Field/Console
of each telephone. Using DSS-9000,
characters for optimal viewing Graphics Module
the attendant can maximize speed by
Non-glare, backlit LCD Busy/Idle station status
extending calls with just one or two
Contrast adjustment Supplementary employee status
keystrokes. The 100-button unit may be
Tilt adjustment information display
programmed to display the status of up
Scrollable to 128 characters (source Lithium battery included
to 150 consecutive Directory Numbers
and destination information) stores supplementary information
(DNs) in the Standard mode. Larger size
The display provides valuable call and start DN
businesses can use the DSS-9000 in the
Enhanced mode to display all DNs, in information:
groups of 100, throughout the DN range. Time/Date
The Busy Lamp Field/Console Call source and destination
Graphics Module (BLF/CGM) takes including alphanumeric
busy/idle status indication a step fur- Call Party Name Display For more information, please contact your local
Number of calls waiting Nortel Networks representative.
ther. The module may be programmed
to display a wide range of vital infor-
mation on the availability of each Console Options Menu In the Caribbean and Latin America
employee, for example the reason for Display screen contrast control Nortel Networks CALA Inc.
an employees absence (business Time and date format 1500 Concorde Terrace
trip, vacation, illness), the expected Key click control Sunrise, FL 33322, U.S.A
return date, and an alternate extension (1-954) 851-8000
Buzz volume/pitch control
to call for immediate assistance. Fifteen language selections * Nortel, Nortel Networks, the Nortel Networks
Call waiting format logo, How the World Shares Ideas, Meridian
and Meridian 1 are trademarks of Nortel
Design Summary Optional handset or headset operation Networks Corporation. All other brand and
Up to 20 Trunk Group Keys with
Right or Left Side product names are trademarks or registered
Carbon or Electret trademarks of their respective holders.
LCD indicators
Up to 20 Incoming Call Identifica- Dimensions Information subject to change. Nortel Networks
tion Keys with LCD indicators Corporation reserves the right, without notice, to
Length: 9.6 in. (245 mm)
6 Loop Keys with LCD indicators make changes in equipment design or
Width: 16.75 in. (425 mm) components, as progress in engineering or
8 Function Keys provide full Height (front): 1 in. (24.40 mm) manufacturing methods warrant.
attendant console functionality Height (back): 2.5 in. (65 mm)
10 Programmable Keys support up Copyright 1999 Nortel Networks Corporation
Height (with display panel up):
to 20 additional features, some of 4.5 in. (115 mm) P0739721
which include:
Auto Dial
Busy Verification
7 lb (3.15 kg)
Call Park Color
Charge Account Code Chameleon Ash
Display Source/Destination
Loop powered by the Meridian 1
Message Indication/Cancel
Meets or exceeds applicable CSA, UL
and EIA specifications.
Routing Control
Speed Call DSS-9000 Direct Station Select Unit
Stored Number Redial 100-button combined busy/idle sta-
tion status and direct station select
Supervisor Capabilities Three function keys:
Monitor attendant calls in progress Release
Override attendant position busy Release Destination

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