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Drivetrain Report

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SAE Baja - Drivetrain

Ricardo Inzunza, Brandon Janca, Ryan Worden
Team 11

Engineering Analysis

Submitted towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Mechanical Engineering Design I Fall 2014

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 Manual Transmission......................................................................................................... 4 -5

3.0 Sequential Transmission........................................................................................................ 5

4.0 Final Design Selection............................................................................................................. 6

4.1 Selection........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Gearing Analysis........................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Hill Climb... 7-8
4.2.2 Acceleration.........8-9
4.2.3 Gear Ratio Selection.. 9
4.3 Final Assembly... 10

5.0 Project Plan.. 10-11

6.0 Conclusion. 11

7.0 References/Equations... 12
7.1 References
7.2 Equations

1.0 Introduction

The Northern Arizona University Chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
has instructed our team to design and build a vehicle for the Baja SAE Series. This entails
designing a single seat off road vehicle capable of performing in the top 10 in the collegiate
competition at Portland, Oregon from May 27-30, 2015. This competition is a challenge for
colleges to design an off road vehicle capable of exceptional performance and customer appeal.
The performance aspect of the vehicle is measured from the accomplishments of the vehicle in 5
dynamic events: the Acceleration, Hill Climb, Maneuverability, Rock Crawl, and Endurance
The drive train team is responsible for the design of the engine through to the wheels. This
will include the engine, transmission, differential, and any power transmitting shafts. The engine
is a constraint in our design, as SAE requires the use of a Briggs & Stratton Model 20 engine.
This specific model of engine proposes a challenge due to its maximum power output being 10
horsepower. Our particular engine is only 8.5 horsepower, which was discovered through the use
of a dynamometer.
This year's drive train team has set a goal of placing in the top ten in two specific events:
Acceleration, and Hill Climb. These events were chosen because the Bajas overall performance
in these individual events depends greatly on the design and execution of the transmission
design. The set performance goals to achieve this objective are to complete a 100 foot distance in
4 seconds from a complete stop, and for the vehicle to be able to drive up a hill of about 60
degrees. The contents below describe the analysis on the two chosen designs - a sequential
transmission and a manual transmission - to prove both logically and mathematically which
transmission will be used in the NAU Baja during the May 2015 competition.

2.0 Manual Transmission

One of the two designs the team chose to continue with is the manual transmission. The
design of a manual transmission is fairly complex, but the team has chosen this as a possible
design because it meets all of the requirements as requested by the client. A physical
representation is shown below in Figure 2.1.

(Manual Gearbox, Figure 2.1)

The gear sets are driven by an input shaft that is connected to a clutch. The clutch acts as
a means of transmitting power by engaging a spring or hydraulic lever that will connect or
disengage the input shaft to the set of gears. In order to shift from one ratio to the next, a shift
fork is used to choose each gear. The shift fork is connected to a lever that the operator may use
to select any gear he wishes. The gears are engaged by the use of a dog ring that is connected to

one of the shift forks. In a manual transmission, the dog ring and gear must match up in a 1:1
ratio in order to shift into each gear. In order to do this, the clutch must be engaged each time the
operator wants to shift into another gear.
There is a drawback to the manual transmission, however, as there is a loss of power that
will occur in between each shift. On average, it takes around 1-2 seconds to shift between each
gear, depending on which gear is being selected. The clutch must also be used when engaging
and disengaging each gear ratio. Between each shift, there is a brief period where there is no
power being transmitted to the wheels. This can negatively impact the teams overall performance
in both the Hill Climb and Acceleration tests, since there will be wasted time engaging and
disengaging the clutch between each shift.

3.0 Sequential Transmission

The sequential transmission is nearly identical in every aspect to the manual transmission,
except for the way in which the gears are selected. The sequential dog ring has a square
geometry, as shown in Figure 3.1, and thus more room to engage to the gear. This allows the
gear and ring to engage at different speeds, as opposed to a manual gearbox which requires both
the gear and ring to be spinning at the same 1:1 ratio in order to engage the two. This means the
clutch does not have to be engaged each time the operator wants to shift from one gear ratio to
the next.

(Manual (left) versus Sequential (right) Dog Ring, Figure 3.1)

There are many advantages when using a sequential transmission. First, there is little loss
of power because the clutch does not need to be engaged in between each shift. On average, it
takes around two-tenths of a second to shift into each gear. This means there will be a minimal
amount of time power will not be transmitting to the wheels, which causes an increase in
performance during acceleration.

4.0 Final Design Selection and Analysis

This section will introduce the final decision matrix of the drive train, the analysis of the Hill
Climb and Acceleration Challenges, and detail the teams final assembly.

4.1 Selection
This is the Decision Matrix the Drive Train Team came up with in order to determine
which of the transmissions, manual or sequential, to begin analyzing and testing:

(Decision Matrix, Table 4.1)

Scale 1-5 Gear Efficiency Reverse

5 = Best, Ratio (Loss of Simplicity Gear
1 = Worst Cost Range Power) Weight of Design Reliability Size/Volume Capable Total

Sequential 3 5 5 4 3 4 4 3 3.95

Manual 3 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 3.85

Weighting 15% 15% 20% 10% 5% 10% 5% 20%

From the data that the Decision Matrix provides, it becomes clear that the team should
pursue evaluation of the sequential transmission, as it will be more efficient, lighter, and overall
smaller than a manual gearbox.

4.2 Gearing Analysis

4.2.1 Hill Climb

To begin the engineering analysis for the Hill Climb Challenge, the team used Google, the
transmissions text, and equations stated in texts from previous classes in order to find the static, friction,
and drag forces on the Baja. Any equations not shown in this section have been stated in the
References/Equations section at the end of this report. Based on last years Hill Climb in El Paso, Texas,
last years average wind speed in May in Portland, Oregon, as well as the altitude of Portland, the team
assumed a hill angle of 60 degrees, a coefficient of drag of 0.62, a wind speed of five miles per hour, and
an air density of 0.00228 slugs per cubic foot. Then, the team assumed a coefficient of friction of 0.16,
based off a table in the transmissions textbook for driving over dirt, the maximum surface area of the Baja
to be 9.98 square feet, the power of the supplied Briggs & Stratton engine to be 8.5 horsepower, or 4675
pound-feet per second, and the weight of the Baja to be six hundred pounds.

With these assumptions in mind, the team generated that the static force pulling down on the Baja
to be 519.615 pounds, the friction force to be 48 pounds, and the drag force to be 0.379 pounds, leading to
a total resisting force of 567.994 pounds. To calculate the velocity of the Baja travelling up the hill, we
divided the power of the engine from the total resisting force, giving us a velocity of 5.616 miles per hour.
From this, Team Drive Train decided to be conservative, and assume an overall resisting force of 600
pounds and a vehicle velocity of 6 miles per hour.
Assuming this 600 pound force resisting the vehicles upward momentum, an upward angle of 60
degrees, and the engines production of 8.5 horsepower, the team can achieve a velocity of 6 miles per
hour up the hill, as stated previously. The maximum torque the engine can output is 14.5 foot-pounds in
the range of 1800-2800 rpms.
With this in mind, the team used a gear ratio formula in order to find the optimum ratio that
would keep the engine between 1800-2800 rpm at a 60 degree incline. First the angular velocity of the
wheels were found to know exactly how fast the engine speed is, in relation to how fast the wheels would
need to be turning using this formula:

Relating the angular momentum to the engine speed to find the gear ratio needed using these formulas:

We found that the minimum gear ratio that is needed at 1800 rpm is 19.63:1, and the ratio needed
at 2800 rpm is around 30.54:1. The team decided to take the average of these two ratios at 25.089:1 so
that the engine would stay in the range of 1800-2800rpm.

Error! No text of specified style in document. (Hill Climb Free Body Diagram, Figure 4.1)

4.2.2 Acceleration

The Drivetrain team has set the goal of achieving a 100 ft distance in 4 seconds from a dead stop
on pavement. To start our calculations the team used the basic dynamics formula to find the required
constant acceleration to achieve the desired goal

: Time = t = 4 seconds Initial Velocity = V0 = 0 ft/s

VFinal = a * t2 = 33.733 ft/s

Then using the forces of resistance on the vehicle: air resistance, and rolling resistance, the team
calculated what the total resistance force on the vehicle would be as follows for Low Gear when V = 0
ft/s and High Gear when V = 33.733 ft/s.

Mass (m) = 18.65lbm Cross Sectional Area (c_a) = 9.92 ft2 Resistance Coefficient (c_w) = 0.62

FTotal Low Gear = 241 lbf FTotal High Gear = 250 lbf

Using this information and the engine torques at the idle (1800) and top (3900) rpm the team
than calculated what the needed overall gear ratios were for Low and High Gear for the acceleration

RTire = 11in = 0.9166 ft

From this we got that the Low Ratio needed to be 11.05: 1 and the High Ratio needed to be 8.8: 1.
From the power curve calculations we calculated that the middle gear should be around 9: 1

4.2.3 Gear Ratio Selection

In Figure 4.2 is a basic concept representation of our drive train layout.

(Gear Selection, Figure 4.2)

4.2.4 Final Assembly
In figure 4.3 is a preliminary cad assembly of the drivetrain transmission and engine
combination. It is currently sitting at 2 in x 2 in x 13 in and weights 130 lbs. This is still larger
than our desired dimensions and weight. The will be further optimization of layout and materials
to reduce weight and size.

(Preliminary CAD Assembly, Figure 4.3)

5.0 Project Plan

The drive train team has been progressing through the projects plan, as displayed in the teams Gantt
Chart, shown in Figure 4.1. However, the Calculations and Parts Choosing sections were pushed
back a couple of weeks, due to illnesses throughout the team and because two of the drive train team

members were away between November 4-6, 2014 at SEMA, an automotive convention, attempting to
find sponsors for the entire Baja team. Luckily, a couple companies seemed interested in sponsoring the
group, which will immensely help the team.

(Gantt Chart, Figure 5.1)

6.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the Drive Train Team chose to use and analyze the design of the sequential
transmission for the Baja vehicle, due to its superiority over the manual transmission, for the
Baja Teams purposes. After selecting which transmission to implement into the vehicle, the
team calculated the forces against the vehicle in the Hill Climb Challenge. Using this data, the
Drive Train Team then calculated the gear ratios needed to climb up the hill in a reasonable
amount of time. From there, the team assumed moving 100 feet in around 4 seconds for the
Acceleration Test, letting the vehicles top speed hit around 35 miles per hour; gear ratios again
were calculated to take these values into account. Afterwards, Team Drive Train compared the
gear ratios needed for the Hill Climb and Acceleration Tests, respectfully, which led to the final
gearbox assembly.

7.0 References/Equations
7.1 References

1. The Transmission Bible: Transmission, or Gearbox?, Manual vs. Sequential Dog Ring Picture
2. Transmissions Textbook: Lechner, G., Harald Naunheimer. Automotive Transmissions:
Fundamentals, Selection, Design and Application. Berlin: Springer, 1999.
3. Direct Drive Picture

7.2 Equations

1. 14.
2. 15.
3. 16.

4. 17.

20. VFinal = a * t2
9. 22.
10. 23.
11. 24.



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