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FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 en Evaluation of FSC Values Health and Safety in CoC

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Forest Stewardship Council


Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC Values

and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN

2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values

and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody
Document reference code: FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN

Approved by: Head of Policy and Standards Unit

Contact: FSC International Center

Policy and Standards Unit
Charles-de-Gaulle Str. 5
53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49-228 / 367-66-0
Fax: +49-228 / 367-6630

2013 Forest Stewardship Council, A.C. All rights reserved.

No part of this work covered by the publishers copyright may be reproduced or copied in
any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, recording taping, or information retrieval systems) without the written permission
of the publisher.

Printed copies are uncontrolled and for reference only. Please refer to the electronic copy on
the FSC website ( to ensure you are referring to the latest version.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an independent, not for profit, non-government
organization established to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and
economically viable management of the world's forests.

FSCs vision is that the worlds forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and
needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations.

FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN
Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

FSCs mission is to promote the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically
viable management of the worlds forests. It is increasingly recognized that association between
FSC and organizations that are involved in unacceptable forest-related activities is harmful to
FSCs reputation and ultimately to its ability to deliver on its mission. In order to address this
concern, in July 2009 the FSC Board of Directors approved a policy establishing the criteria for
the association of third parties with FSC, called Policy for the Association of Organizations with
FSC (FSC-POL-01-004).
In March 2011, the FSC Board of Directors approved a recommendation from the FSC Policy and
Standards Committee that mandated FSC to promptly incorporate the requirements of FSC-POL-
01-004 into all relevant system documents (e.g. standards, contracts).
Through the incorporation of these requirements in Chain of Custody certification, FSC expects to
improve the overall consistency of the FSC System bringing more confidence to consumers in
relation to respect of workers rights throughout the complete supply chain.

Version History
1-0 (approved 19 August 2011): initail version

1-1 (approved 13 November 2013): Annex C added and the related Clause 3 revised to
incorporate the consensus decision of the FSC International Board of Directors reached at
their 64th Meeting in Nicaragua regarding the Self-Declaration on compliance with
fundamental workers rights (as expressed in the ILO Core Conventions and defined in the
1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work). The decision states
that with immediate effect, COC-certified companies can sign an alternative version of the
self-declaration on the Policy for Association compared to the one required by Annex B of
FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-0, in order to satisfy Clause 1.5 of FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1.

FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN
Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

A Scope
The scope of this document is to provide the procedures that shall be used by Certification
Bodies for assessing the certificate holders commitment to FSC values and occupational health
and safety. However, Certificate Holders and other interested parties can also consult this
document in order to learn the procedures used by Certification Bodies when assessing these

B Effective and validity dates

Approval date 13 November 2013
Publication date 10 December 2013
Effective date 13 November 2013
Period of validity until 31 December 2016 (or until replaced or withdrawn)

C References
The following referenced documents are relevant for the application of this document. For
references without a version number, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.

FSC-POL-01-004 Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC

FSC-STD-40-004 FSC Standard for Chain of Custody certification
FSC-STD-20-011 Accreditation Standard for Chain of Custody Evaluations

D Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this procedure, the terms and definitions given in FSC-POL-01-004, FSC-
STD-20-011 and FSC-STD-40-004 apply.

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Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

1 Introduction

FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1 (Clause 1.5 and 1.6) introduced new requirements in Chain of Custody
(CoC) certification by incorporating the requirements of the Policy for the Association of
Organizations with FSC (FSC-POL-01-004) and by requiring certificate holders to demonstrate
their commitment to occupational health and safety.

These requirements aim to avoid practices within FSC certified operations that are not in
accordance with FSC values. They represent a significant step towards the improvement of the
overall consistency of the FSC system, and bring additional confidence to consumers in relation
to social aspects throughout the complete supply chain.

FSC understands the significant impacts that these changes may have on Certification Bodies
activities and certificate holders adaptation and conformance. Therefore, this procedure was
designed to allow for a smooth process regarding the introduction of these new requirements in
FSC Chain of Custody certification.

In order to achieve this objective, the implementation and evaluation process of these new
requirements are divided into two phases:

In the first phase, each organization will be required to demonstrate their commitment by signing
a self-declaration stating their commitment to FSC values and by developing and maintaining
occupational health and safety procedures for the sites within the scope of the FSC certificate.
Certification Body auditors are not required to look for additional evidence to support the
organizations compliance with FSC values and occupational health and safety requirements,
unless they have witnessed objective evidence of non-conformance while touring the companys
facilities during an audit (e.g. child labour, lack of safety equipment, etc.). In such a case the
auditor may use the suggested indicators (Annex A) to further evaluate the commitment.

Non-conformities identified shall be raised to the organization as Corrective Action Requests

(CARs) as applicable.

In the second phase, FSC will further develop detailed auditable requirements based on the
example indicators listed in Annex A and based on experience gained and feedback received
from stakeholders.

2 Auditor qualification

Lead chain of custody auditors qualified according to FSC-STD-20-001 V3-0 Annex 2 are
considered to also be sufficiently qualified to audit Clause 1.5 and 1.6 of FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1.

3 Assessment of Clause 1.5: Commitment to FSC values

The Certification Body is responsible for auditing the organizations compliance with Clause 1.5
by verifying the following element:

Organizations self-declaration: The organization has either signed the FSC self-
declaration form (see Annex B) or the alternative FSC self-declaration form (see Annex

The absence of a signed declaration shall be treated as a major nonconformity.

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Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

4 Assessment of Clause 1.6: Occupational Health and Safety

The Certification Body is responsible for auditing the organizations compliance with Clause 1.6
by verifying the following quality management elements:

Appointed representative for occupational health and safety

Company procedure(s) for occupational health and safety
Training of staff on health and safety procedures

NOTE: The extent of the quality management system documentation and training can differ from
one organization to another due to:
a) The size of organization and type of activities;
b) The complexity of processes and their interactions;
c) The competence of personnel.

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Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

ANNEX A. Examples of indicators that CB auditors may use to support the evaluation of the
organizations compliance with Clause 1.5 and 1.6 of FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1.

Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood of forest products

Requirement Example Indicators

Existence of laws regarding to wood trade in the
Trade in illegal wood or forest country/region (e.g. EU FLEGT regulation, Lacey Act,
products national wood trade regulations)
- Existence of authorities control.
- Evidence of wood purchase records (Purchasing
contracts, invoices)
- Evidence of payment of royalties or other fees, when
- Evidence of timber transportation documents (Copies of
transport or sales permits with specification of species
and volumes as applicable)
Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Requirement Example Indicators

- Evidence of collective bargaining and negotiations
Freedom of association and between the organization and its workers or workers
right to collective bargaining associations.
- Organizations policies recognizing the workers rights and
freedom of association.
- Interview with organizations workers and, when
applicable, workers representatives;
- Evidence of third party audits covering this requirement
(e.g. SA 8000)
- Existence of national legislation and governmental
authorities control.
- Existence of a workers association operating within the
Note: In countries where legislation and/or interference of the
state restrict the freedom of association and right to collective
bargaining, as a minimum, the organization shall not forbid its
workers to freely elect their own representatives, if they so
wish. In this case, the organization may be considered in
- Employment contracts.
Forced Labour - Results of governmental authorities control and
monitoring (e.g. inexistence of forced labour in the
country/ region or in the organizations sector).
- Interview with organizations workers and contractors
workers operating in the certificate holder facilities and,
when applicable, with workers representatives;
- Evidence of third party audits covering this requirement
(e.g. SA 8000);
- Existence of national legislation and governmental
authorities control.
FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN
Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

- Employment contracts.
Child Labour - Results of governmental authorities control and
monitoring (e.g. inexistence of child labour in the country/
region or in the organizations sector).
- Interview with organizations workers and contractors
workers operating in the certificate holder facilities and,
when applicable, with workers representatives;
- Evidence of third party audits covering this requirement
(e.g. SA 8000);
- Existence of national legislation and governmental
authorities control.
- Interview with organizations workers and contractors
Discrimination workers operating in the certificate holder facilities and,
when applicable, with workers representatives.
- Evidence of third party audits covering this requirement
(e.g. SA 8000).
- Existence of national legislation and governmental
authorities control.
- Organizations policies and recruitment advertisements
providing non-discriminatory opportunities of employment.
Note: A predominance of men or women in certain activities
does not necessarily imply discrimination. The auditor should
assess evidence that the organization does not actively
promote or accept discriminatory practises in terms of age,
sex, ethinicity and others.

Occupational Health and Safety

Requirement Example Indicators

- Existence of national legislation and governmental
Occupational Health and Safety authorities control.
- Evidence of purchase, delivery and use of protective
equipment by workers.
- Records of trainings, accidents, guidance materials.
- Evidence of programs and staff responsible for
occupational health and safety.
- Interview with organizations workers and contractors
workers operating in the certificate holder facilities and,
when applicable, with workers representatives.
- Evidence of third party audits covering this requirement
(e.g. OHSAS 18001).

FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN
Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

ANNEX B. FSC form for self-declaration regarding FSC-POL-01-004.

regarding FSC-POL-01-004
(Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC)

The signing Organization is associated with the Forest Stewardship Council A.C., Oaxaca,
Mexico, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates (hereinafter: FSC) by being either a member of or
having a contractual relationship with FSC. Hereby the signing Organization explicitly states that
it has read and understood the Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC as
published under This policy stipulates FSCs position with regards to unacceptable
activities by organizations and individuals which already are or would like to be associated with
FSC as well as the mechanism for disassociation.

In light of the above, the Organization explicitly agrees currently and in the future, as long as the
relationship with FSC exists, not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable

a) Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products;

b) Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations;

c) Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;

d) Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use;

e) Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations;

f) Violation of any of the ILO Core Conventions as defined in the ILO Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

City, Date

For the Organization
(Include the full name of the organization and representative, authorized signature and, if
applicable, the organizations stamp)

FSC-PRO-20-001 V1-1 EN
Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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2013 Forest Stewardship Council A.C. All rights reserved.

ANNEX C: Alternative FSC form for self-declaration regarding FSC-POL-01-004.

regarding FSC-POL-01-004
(Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC)

The signing Organization is associated with the Forest Stewardship Council A.C., Oaxaca,
Mexico, or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates (hereinafter: FSC) by being either a member of or
having a contractual relationship with FSC. Hereby the signing Organization explicitly states that
it has read and understood the Policy for the Association of Organizations with FSC as
published under This policy stipulates FSCs position with regards to unacceptable
activities by organizations and individuals which already are or would like to be associated with
FSC as well as the mechanism for disassociation.
In light of the above, the Organization explicitly agrees currently and in the future, as long as the
relationship with FSC exists, not to be directly or indirectly involved in the following unacceptable
a) Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products;
b) Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations;
c) Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;
d) Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use;
e) Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations;

In addition, the signing Organization recognizes that the principles established by the
International Labor Organization through the 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work (the Principles) serve to guide governments in the protection of the basic rights
of workers without defining a uniform path for every nation to follow. Based upon these Principles,
and consistent with applicable national law, rights, regulations, and administrative/judicial rules
and procedures, the signing Organization shall respect:
a) Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective
b) The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor;
c) The effective abolition of child labor; and
d) The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

City, Date

For the Organization
(Include the full name of the organization and representative, authorized signature and, if
applicable, the organizations stamp)
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Evaluation of the organizations commitment to FSC values and occupational health and safety in the Chain of Custody

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