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Jewish Standard, June 9, 2017

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JUNE 9, 2017
VOL. LXXXVI NO. 36 $1.00 86 2017


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2 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

Page 3
Aly Raisman is the most famous
Jewish athlete in the world,
according to ESPN
Three Olympic gold medals. Six
Olympic medals in all. Captain of the
victorious 2012 and 2016 U.S. womens
gymnastics teams.
Now Aly Raisman can add one more
accolade to her list: Most famous Jew-
ish athlete in the world.
Raisman, 23, the two-time U.S.
Olympian from Massachusetts, is the
only Jew on ESPNs 2017 list of the 100
most famous athletes worldwide. She
sneaked in at number 99, immediately
below Aussie golfer Adam Scott (not
the guy who plays Ben in Parks and
Rec), and above Mohamed Salah, an
Egyptian soccer player for the Italian
team Roma.
Raisman is one of only eight women
on the list, which includes her U.S. gym-
nastics teammate Simone Biles (#48),
stop her. Raisman won three more
medals that year: a gold for the team Want to buy a Jews old jersey?
martial artist Ronda Rousey (#16), and win, and two silvers for all-around and If you want to buy this Sandy Kou- best pitchers of all time, but memo-
tennis pros Serena Williams (#19) and floor exercise. fax jersey, you might need the salary rabilia from an athletes rookie (or
Maria Sharapova (#23). Raisman will be 26 when the 2020 first full) season is always worth more
of a major league baseball player.
Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese Olympics kick off in Tokyo, but shes than from later years. is auctioning a Sandy
soccer icon, topped the list. LeBron planning to compete again. If she wins The Lelands auction also includes
Koufax rookie jersey from 1955. As of
James, the basketball superstar now two more medals, for a total of eight, a baseball that might have been used
Tuesday morning, the bid was close
gunning for another NBA champion- shell break the all-time record for U.S. in the 1963 World Series game in
to $200,000, but the auction site es-
ship with the Cleveland Cavaliers, was women gymnasts. which Koufax, then playing for the
timates that it could sell for as much
number two. ESPN calculated the rankings by Los Angeles Dodgers, beat the New
as $500,000. The auction, which
Raisman won her first Olympic golds looking at endorsement money, social York Yankees and recorded 15 strike-
started last month, ends June 30.
as an 18-year-old in 2012, and won our media following, and Google search outs. Koufax pitched that gem in the
According to the site, the shirt is in
hearts by performing her first-place results. Raisman has a paltry $450,000 series first game, but Lelands can
great condition. Its only noticeable
floor exercise to the tune of Hava in endorsement deals (by comparison, confirm only that the ball is from one
blemishes a few moth holes on
Nagila. Her adorably anxious parents, LeBron does $55 million in endorse- of the first two games in the series.
the back of the collar and under the
Lynn and Rick, only added to her Jew- ments), but she boasts 2.2 million Lelands also recently auctioned off
Koufax name, which is stitched on
ish charm. followers on Instagram and nearly a mil- an extremely rare baseball signed by
the bottom right corner on the front.
Raisman took home two golds in lion on Twitter. Jewish player Moe Berg for $35,000.
A Dodgers minor league player got it
2012 for the team win and floor exer- She also has excelled outside of the Berg, who played for five teams be-
from Koufax in 1957.
cise as well as a bronze for the bal- arena. Raisman placed fourth on ABCs tween 1923 and 1939, was a catcher
Though he was only 19 in 1955,
ance beam. In 2016, she was nicknamed Dancing With the Stars in 2013, and who later became a spy for the CIA
Koufax helped lead the Brooklyn
grandma because she was the teams she can do a mean box jump. (then the Office of Strategic Servic-
Dodgers to its only World Series win,
oldest member at 22. But age didnt BEN SALES/JTA WIRE SERVICE es). He spoke seven languages and
with a 2-2 record and a very respect-
able 3.02 earned run average. From once was called the strangest man
there, of course, the Jewish southpaw ever to play baseball.
would go on to become one of the GABE FRIEDMAN/JTA WIRE SERVICE



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Last August, we brought you the sto-

ry of Rabbi Micha Odenheimer, whose Helping
organization, Tevel bTzedek, fights pov- Nepal
erty in Nepal with help from Israeli and Rabbi Micha Odenheimers
third-world mission page 22
Candlelighting: Friday, June 9, 8:09 p.m.
diaspora Jewish volunteers.
Now, Tevel bTzedek is offering a
Shabbat ends: Saturday, June 10, 9:18 p.m.
journey of tikkun olam in the Hima-
layas, a 10-day trip to Nepal, led by PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is
Rabbi Odenheimer and Yossi Klein CONTENTS published weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every
October, by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck
Halevi, who wrote our article as well NOSHES ...............................................................4 Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack,
as many other things, including the BRIEFLY LOCAL .............................................20 NJ and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck,
award-winning book Like Dreamers. COVER STORY ................................................ 22 NJ 07666. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state sub-
The trip ranges from Kathmandu to JEWISH WORLD ............................................ 26 scriptions are $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00.

remote villages reached only by dirt OPINION ...........................................................34 The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does
THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE ...................40 not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid
roads. Its a chance to discover the cul- political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any
CROSSWORD PUZZLE ................................40
ture of Nepal, delve into the deep con- ARTS & CULTURE ...........................................41
candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or
any employees.
nections between Judaism and global CALENDAR ...................................................... 42 The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit-
social justice, experience Jewish and OBITUARIES .................................................... 45 ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited
editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
Eastern spirituality, and ponder Israels costs $2,500, excluding international CLASSIFIEDS ..................................................46 assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
place in a changing world. air fare. For more information, email of- GALLERY ..........................................................48 JEWISH STANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment
REAL ESTATE..................................................49 editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
The trip starts on September 4 and LARRY YUDELSON written permission from the publisher. 2017

MARCH 3, 2017 3
I can give you a little bit of Luck Be A
Lady in Hebrew
Ben Platt, best actor Tony nominee for Dear Evan Hansen, on Late
Night with Seth Myers, about how he played Guys and Dolls Sky Masterson
at Camp Ramah; he explained that theres no word for lady in Hebrew
BANDAGES, PLEASE: before launching into the songs opening lines.

A woman Mummy
stalks the screen
on Cruise control
The Mummy is question: Is Rachel a up thereafter. (2) The
the newest entry murderer who is plan- comedians hang out at
in the procession ning to murder Philip, Canters (Jewish) Deli, an
of Mummy too? LA showbiz institution
movies that have come By the way, there was for decades.
out since the 1930s. This a 1952 film of the same The Queen of
time, though, the name starring Olivia Soul, Aretha
mummy is a woman. She DeHavilland, now 100, Franklin, 75, says
was unjustly mummified as Rachel. Its amazing she winding
in ancient Egypt and that 65 years later shes down her touring
awakens in our time in a alive to see a remake of schedule after 54 years of
very bad mood and her film. live performances. But
proceeds to wreak havoc On May 30, she hasnt stopped
on mere mortals. Nick Netflix began recording and plans on
Alex Kurtzman Jenny Lumet Sarah Silverman
Morton (Tom Cruise) streaming a new releasing a new album
attempts to stop her. The stand-up special this January that will
film was directed by starring SARAH feature guests artists
ALEX KURTZMAN, 43. SILVERMAN, 46. She including virtuoso violinist
Hes written or co-writ- takes up many topics, ITZHAK PERLMAN, 71.
ten several hits, including from the silly (the odd Lebanon banned
Star Trek (2009). He habits of squirrels) to the theater showings
co-wrote the story for very intense (abortion). of Wonder
The Mummy that On June 5, HBO Woman on May
others turned into a premiered a 31, citing title star GAL
screenplay. His story documentary, If GADOTs service in the
co-writer was JENNY Youre Not In the Israeli military and
LUMET, 50, the daughter Obit, Eat Breakfast. support for the Israeli
of the late, great director CARL REINER, 96, is the invasion of Gaza in 2014.
SIDNEY LUMET. main interviewer, check- Carl Reiner Itzhak Perlman Gal Gadot (Gadot, 32, said then: I
RACHEL WEISZ, ing in with other very am sending my love and
47, plays the title elderly celebs and asking prayers to my fellow
role in My them how they managed wood comedy club, payoff is experience and (ARI GRAYNOR, 34), a Israeli citizens. Especially
Cousin Rachel. to live so long. Interview- Goldies, which is Goldies sway with talent funny Jewish woman to all the boys and girls
Its based on a novel of ees include NORMAN modeled a great deal bookers, who can turn from a small Texas town. who are risking their lives
the same name by LEAR, 94, KIRK after The Comedy an unknown into a star (Felder is largely mod- protecting my country
Daphne du Maurier DOUGLAS, 100, Betty Store, which was overnight with the right eled after comedian against the horrific acts
(Rebecca). Philip, a White, 95, and, of course, founded by MITZI TV booking (especially ELAYNE BOOSLER, now conducted by Hamas,
young man, comes to Reiners best friend, MEL SHORE, now 86 (the The Tonight Show star- 64.) I think Graynor is who are hiding like
suspect foul play when BROOKS, 90. Reiner also mother of comedian ring Johnny Carson). a great talent who may cowards behind women
his rich former guardian, talks to two remarkably PAULY SHORE, 49). Goldie, we learn early have finally found the and children.)
a cousin of his, marries fit regular folks. Like Shore, Goldie on, is Jewish. (She men- right vehicle to turn her Many Lebanese pro-
Rachel, a mutual cousin, An original (Melissa Leo) rules her tions that a relative is into a star. By the way, tested, pointing out that
and dies shortly thereaf- Showtime series, club with an iron hand. a Holocaust survivor the comedians hang out previous Gadot films,
ter. However, Philip Im Dying Up She doesnt pay com- and translates a Yid- at Canters (Jewish) Deli, including several of the
suppresses his suspicions Here, premiered ics anything, but she dish record for a young an LA showbiz institution Fast and Furious flicks,
when, shortly after his on June 4. The first has a great eye for tal- comedian.) Two Jewish for decades. played Lebanese the-
guardians death, he episode is available free ent and brings comics comedians are promi- Two footnotes: (1) The aters. As I write this, the
meets Rachel for the first on the Showtime along from playing nent characters: Eddie, first episode is rather film is still scheduled to
time and quickly falls in website. Its set in the her cellar, to, when she a ballsy comic from heavy. Critics whove open in Egypt, Algeria,
love with her. The plot 1970s and the action thinks theyre ready, the Boston (Michael Anga- seen most of the first and Tunisia.
then turns to one key centers around a Holly- clubs main stage. The rano) and Cassie Felder season say it lightens N.B.

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Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 5

Peace army
Local group hosts disabled Israeli vets; gives much, gets much more
Abigail Klein Leichman

efore Ori Grinstein got married
last September, she decided to
make her own chuppah.
As she created the wedding
canopy she worked with the artistic input
of people special to her. That included the
nine Bergen County families with whom she
had become close over the course of a two-
week stay more than three years earlier.
The former Israeli combat soldier
shipped the panels of white fabric to the
families, asking them to decorate them as
they wished. Today, the chuppah has been
transformed into a curtain in her bedroom.
Such is the impact of Zahal Shalom of
Bergen County, now marking its 25th year.
The group hosts disabled Israeli veterans in
local homes for two weeks of touring and
Our slogan In Our Homes for Two
Weeks. In Our Hearts for a Lifetime is so
true, Scott Krim of Wyckoff said. It sums
up our experience with hosting these amaz-
ing heroes. Mr. Krim is president of Zahal
Shalom Zahal is the Hebrew acronym for
Israel Defense Forces.
On June 15, Zahal Shalom of Bergen
County will celebrate its silver anniversary
with a fundraising gala at Temple Israel Jew-

photos by Joanna Resnick Rosen

ish Community Center in Ridgewood. Israeli
veterans this summers cohort will be there
to speak with guests, and there will be a
silent auction for prizes ranging from wine
to gift certificates.
Mr. Krim said that some members of
the Glen Rock Jewish Center created Zahal
Shalom in 1993. The program has evolved
over time. But the basic premise is the
same: Every year, the Zahal Disabled Vet- Guests and hosts spent a day in Manhattan; their itinerary included Lincoln Center and Times Square.
erans Organization picks 10 Israeli veter-
ans, ranging from their mid-20s to mid-50s, connection with Israel by bringing over from as far south as Eilat and as far north as Park, Rockefeller Center, Central Park, Met-
each suffering from a 35 percent disability Israelis. Haifa. This is the first time that they are host- ropolitan Museum of Art, Chelsea Market,
caused, for example, from anything rang- He and his wife, Pam, signed up to be a ing a Druze veteran, but its not unusual for the High Line, Chinatown, and Greenwich
ing from post-traumatic stress disorder to buddy family 10 years ago. But a host fam- a non-Jewish soldier to be part of the group. Village, plus a Broadway show.
more overtly physical issues, to come to ily had to drop out, so the Krims became All of them are involved in rehab activities at Israel Blum, a vice president of Zahal
Bergen County each June. Every participant the primary host for one veteran. It was Beit Halochem centers affiliated with Zahal Shalom who lives in Englewood and is an
is hosted by a family and also has a backup an amazing experience for us and our four Disabled Veterans Organization. IDF veteran, has been involved with Zahal
buddy family. children, he said. One year we had a soldier with such Shalom since 1999. Every year, he treats
The impact is far and wide-reaching, The Krims hosted again the next year bad PTSD that he hadnt left his house for the group to a Moroccan-style lunch at
Mr. Krim said. Its really about having a and then took their first trip to Israel. My three years, Mr. Krim said. When he came his hardware store in Manhattan, where
son Jesse loved it so much that he decided here, he said he hadnt smiled in those three theyre entertained by singing children
What: 25th anniversary celebration of to study abroad for a semester at Tel Aviv years. His wife said he came back a changed from Chabad of the West Side.
Zahal Shalom of Bergen County University last year, Mr. Krim said. Weve person and became a leader at Beit Halo- Basically we give them the time of
been back three times. This April, we were chem. Weve seen time and again that they their lives for two weeks, Mr. Blum said.
When: June 15, 7 to 11 p.m.
joined for dinner at Sarona Market in Tel come here depressed and go back smiling. They come as friends and they leave as
Where: Temple Israel Jewish Aviv by 15 veterans who had been on our This years cohort, touring from June 4 to family. The Israeli veterans also met with
Community Center, 475 Grove St.,
program. They came from all over Israel to 18, has a typically full itinerary. It includes Chief Jacqueline Luthcke of the Ridgewood
meet us there. lots of sightseeing in New York City Police Department and with students at
How much: $60 per person. Tickets This is the seventh time the Krims are Columbia University, Zabars, Lincoln Cen- Pascack Valley High School. Theyll go
may be bought that evening, but
hosting Zahal Shalom veterans. Theyve ter, a Circle Line cruise, the 9/11 Memorial, shopping at Bergen Town Center and have
reservations are requested by June 10.
opened their home to men and women the Brooklyn Bridge, Washington Square See peace army page 47

6 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

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Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 7



Yiddish Soul
Zalmen Mloteks third annual Jewish roots
concert to play in Central Park this week
Joanne Palmer Next week, the sounds coming from the huge

green-and-brown expanse of woods, streams, Zalmen Mlotek
ou could make the argument that just as Jeru- hills, gardens, rambles, fields, paths, boulders,
salem is at the center of the world certainly overlooks, and vistas, carefully landscaped to look mostly Its produced by the Folksbiene, which is headed by
our liturgy does you also could say that Cen- accidental, the place that functions not only as the citys musician, Yiddishist, musicologist, and impresario Zal-
tral Park is at the center, the emotional core, of heart but also as its lungs, will be Jewish. men Mlotek of Teaneck. The Klezmatics headed by the
New York City. Central Park will host the third annual presentation of newly honored (and soon to be formerly honored) Sir
To play a concert there, outside, at Summerstage, is Yiddish Soul, a concert featuring the Klezmatics, Zusha, Frank London more about that later will be the house
a major big deal, a huge accomplishment, an enormous the Maccabeats, and two well-known Orthodox cantors, band, backing the others as well as performing alone.
acknowledgment, an unmistakable honor. Junes perform- Yanky Lemmer of Lincoln Square Synagogue and Chaim The concert is kind of a phenomenon, Mr. Mlotek
ers include George Clinton, the Metropolitan Opera, and David Berson of the Jewish Center, both on Manhattans said. For the last two years, we have brought out several
Elvis Costello. Upper West Side. thousand people to hear Jewish, cantorial, and chasidic

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8 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

music. This year, there will be a little less salsa or the philharmonic. And so to play it
cantorial music and a bit more emphasis proudly and loudly in New York is so much
on younger performers and the younger fun! There is something thrilling about see-
audiences they attract. The two cantors, ing thousands of people there, dancing
both of whom draw raves from Mr. Mlotek, and having a great time.
are young themselves, he said, and they One more thing, Mr. London. Whats
represent two major Orthodox communi- this about being Sir Frank?
ties in Manhattan. And both Zusha and Its bittersweet, he said. Last year, the
the Maccabeats are young musicians who Hungarian government made him a Knight
draw young crowds. of Cross, so he belongs to the lowest rung
We wanted a New York base and a of the countrys Order of Merit.
younger presence, Mr. Mlotek said. It was a great honor, and it is so much
The ideas behind the concert have fun to be Sir Frank, he said. Its weird.
evolved since it first was conceived, he I was knighted for my work in providing
said. Originally, I wanted to appeal to both Jewish and multicultural work in Hun-
a community of Yiddish speakers that gary. He has no Hungarian ancestry, but
doesnt come to Yiddish theater or con- he has worked in Hungary for many years.
certs. To that end, he made sure that Thats the sweetness, but the bitter
all the performers were men, and even part is there as well. I soon will be ex-Sir
today, when you look at a list of the acts, Frank, he said. Since he was honored,
you see no womens names. But its The Klezmatics; Frank London, second from left, holds his trumpet. the government took a step even further
slowly changing. to the right, and gave the same knighthood
Zusha which includes Mr. Mloteks son Elisha and years Apikorsim on its cover art, the name appears to some really repugnant, anti-Semitic, anti-Roma racists.
Zachariah Goldschmiedt, both from Teaneck, as well as spelled out in English and in Yiddish, and translated. It So he is planning on returning the honor.
Shlomo Gaisin, who is not plays music that its members means Heretics. Then Ill be able to say yeah, I was knighted, but I gave
prefer not to label but is among other things neo-chasidic, The Klezmatics are not heretics, but they tease with it. it back, he said.
soul, and folk, as passionately felt by deeply-Jewish-and- I think the Klezmatics have always walked this very fine
open-to-the-world downtown millennials. Among many line which the Folksbiene also walks, although they do
other things. it differently and its really a three-pointed line, Mr.
The Maccabeats is the decade-old a cappella group from London said. It really navigates three things being reli-
Yeshiva University that has a distinct style each wears a giously Jewish, being culturally Yiddish, and being cultur-
skinny black tie, white shirt, and dress pants a deeply ally Jewish. Since the culture itself is based on the religion
Jewish, clever, and engaging sound, an educational bent, but has its own separate reality, there are three poles. And
and an Orthodox worldview and a devoted following. the question of being spiritual and Jewish without neces-
Daniel Kahn of Painted Bird, a Berlin-based band, sarily being halachically religious what you see in our
entered our heads and stayed there when he reacted to concerts is sort of a reaction to all of them.
Leonard Cohens death by posting a video of himself sing- We, the Klezmaztics, dont follow Orthodox hala-
ing Hallelujah in Yiddish, staring at us through the glass cha, but we are totally engaged with Jewish spirituality.
of the screen, just him and his shining guitar, in a white We perform music about faith, about the coming of the
shirt and a black vest and a dark background, with sub- moshiach, and songs based on religious texts, alongside
titled translations of his not-literal translation. Its haunt- songs in Yiddish about social justice. Songs of doubt along-
ing and sad and lovely. He too will play at Yiddish Soul. side songs of faith.
Its also an opportunity for us to make a statement Hes looking forward to playing with the other perform-
about the quality of Jewish music, Mr. Mlotek said. Its ers; both he individually and the Klezmatics as a group
gotten a bad rap over many years, as schlock music, as have stayed vital as musicians by doing collaborations,
wedding music. As not being inventive. We are present- he said. By allowing ourselves to be put in different situ-
ing artists who are looking at their material with respect, ations and contexts. Hes been working with Cantor Lem-
using all their artistic background to create new sounds. mer for about five years, he added; together, working with
Its exciting for us to be able to present their new kind of Michael Winograd, theyve formed a group called Ahava
expression in Jewish music. Raba. The name means much love, great, abundant, heap-
Its our opportunity as Jews to manifest our culture ing love, and its the beginning of a prayer thanking God
proudly and to enjoy it, he continued. For all of our for so very much love. Its also the name of a musical
issues with America, for all the problems and the injus- mode, Mr. London added.
tices that still exist today, never have the Jews experienced Its great when the Klezmatics get to be with someone
such a community, and such freedom of expression. like Cantor Lemmer or Cantor Burson, because of their
Never before in Jewish history have these outward affinity to the old style of chazzanut. The musical roots of
manifestations of Jewish culture existed. klezmer and old Yiddish music and the traditional Ashke-
Once upon a time, the role of the Yiddish theater was nazic nusach are the same musical roots. The audience enjoys the music at last years Yiddish
to help the masses understand American culture. Today, Often, when you hear contemporary chazzanut, the Soul concert in Central Park.
we see our job as promoting Jewish culture, and making accompanying band is not necessarily steeped in the Yid-
sure that Yiddish and Jewish culture are heard on the best dish tradition. But the Klezmatics are; and we make the Who: Zalmen Mlotek of the Folksbiene: National
possible stages and venues, so that people are aware of its music that we play with them sound every bit as Yiddish Yiddish Theater
riches. So that they can be inspired by it. and as Jewish as they make the vocal part sound. That What: Presents Yiddish Soul, the third annual Jewish
Frank London plays trumpet for the Klezmatics, and he allows us to go in a certain direction. Roots-Rock concert
is one of the bands most well-known members. He played On the other extreme, working with Zusha is finding a When: On Wednesday, June 14, at 7 p.m.
at the first two Yiddish Soul concerts, but this is the first new way of playing Jewish music.
Where: At Summerstage at Central Park; enter the
time that the band will be there too. And then theres playing in Central Park. Its fun, Mr.
park at 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
The Klezmatics are 30 years old now. The group has London said. Its joyous. And to play klezmer in the
How much: Its free
been central to the revival of klezmer music, and theyve park? This kind of klezmer can be defined in many ways,
always maintained the tension between then and now, the he said. This may be a little self-serving, but I think that it For more information: Go to or call (212)
world they not as much inherited as unearthed and the is real New York music. It is one of the sounds one of the 213-2120, ext. 204.
new one that spreads before them. Its latest album is last many sounds of New York. Its right up with listening to

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 9

10 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017
Daughters of Miriam earns Five Star ranking
ursing homes throughout the United States
all have one thing in common: They are
inspected annually by their state health
departments if they receive Medicare and Medicaid
funds. These inspections, along with other quality
indicators, are then used to rate the nursing homes
on a scale of one to five, with five as the highest
possible rating. Daughters of Miriam Center/The
Gallen Institute, located in Clifton, has now joined
the ranks of five-star nursing homes, placing it
among the top facilities in New Jersey.
Daughters of Miriam Center is one
of 365 nursing homes in New Jersey
that are annually inspected and
rated. According to the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services

(CMS) Nursing Home Compare
Five-Star Quality Rating System,
a five-star rating places a nursing
home in the much above average
category and is the most coveted
rating both for facilities and for CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES
families searching for a safe envi-
ronment for their elderly or impaired
family member.
The New Jersey Department of Health conduct-
ed its annual state survey of Daughters of Miriam
Center in March 2017. The unannounced survey
is carried out by a New Jersey Department of
Health multidisciplinary team of nurses, pharma-
cists, life safety inspectors, and other profession-
als over a one-week period. The team completes
their investigation through visual inspections,
interviews with patients and staff, desk reviews
of medical and administrative records, and direct
observation of procedures and patient care. More
than 1500 federal and state metrics are reviewed
and evaluated. The annual survey provides a
means to assess the quality of the operations and
the care given to patients. Given the standardized
approach, a person can easily assess a nursing
homes performance and compare one nursing
home to other facilities in the state.
Continuing an upward trend that began in
2016 when it was awarded four stars, the Centers
achievements can be attributed, in part, to contin-
uous and ongoing training and education of staff,
as well as the implementation of a cutting-edge
electronic medical record system.
We are very proud of our staff for their hard hospice care, a respite program, and senior hous- shop, there is ample opportunity to engage in
work in achieving this milestone, said CEO ing with supportive services. social activities.
Frank DaSilva. At nearly one hundred years Situated on the campus of Daughters of Mir- Founded in 1921, the Center is a 501(c)(3) not-
old, the Center is one of the oldest nursing homes iam Center/The Gallen Institute, the Esther and for-profit, non-sectarian organization licensed by
in the area and we are pleased that we are being Sam Schwartz Building (Miriam Apartments II) the New Jersey Department of Health, accredited
recognized for the quality care we provide to the consists of 150, one-bedroom apartments with 28 by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
seniors of northern New Jersey. units specially adapted to make them accessible to Healthcare Organizations, and serves as a univer-
Daughters of Miriam Center/The Gallen persons with mobility impairments. Tenants at the sity-affiliated teaching center.
Institute is a state-of-the-art long-term care and Esther and Sam Schwartz Building enjoy the inde- The Centers mission is to provide quality health
subacute facility providing broad-based services to pendence of their own home while also benefiting care services and housing for seniors in an envi-
seniors. Emphasizing a continuum of care focus, from the community atmosphere created by the ronment which enhances and respects individual-
Center divisions include a skilled nursing facility, many active gathering places. Whether enjoying ized traditions and lifestyles. We work to meet the
a subacute care wing, a dementia care pavilion, a restaurant-style dinner meal in the main dining emerging needs in our community and to advance
a rehabilitation program, a sheltered workshop, hall or a casual lunch at the grill in the coffee geriatric care through research.


Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 11


Justice for survivors was her mission

Her husband remembers restitution advocate
Marilyn Henry by donating her books to Teaneck library
SHAMMAI ENGELMAYER business editor.

Clearly, she had a promising career at
azi. Holocaust. Loot. Repara- Newsday, but she still felt something was
tions. Restitution. missing. She would find it, she believed, by
These are not words heard in making aliyah. That is how she got to the
most Jewish homes on a daily Jerusalem Post.
basis, but for most of our 23 years of mar- We met in Jerusalem in September 1988
riage, they were heard every day in our and were married in December. We were
home, because they were locked into the going to live in Israel, but Marilyn decided
very fiber of my wifes being. that we had to move back to New Jersey
And it wasnt just words. It also was temporarily, for personal family reasons.
books. Books, most Shoah-related, filled We put our possessions in a warehouse,
the shelves in two rooms of our house. and came here. First we moved to Hacken-
These words and books all played a role in sack; a few years later, we made our home
defining my wifes life. in Teaneck, where I still live.
I recently gave those books to The transition to New Jersey at first
the Teaneck Public Library in my proved too much for Marilyn, and she
wifes memory. returned to Jerusalem and to the Post
Her name was Marilyn Cohen Henry. a few months later, but our separation
That was the name on which she had built proved even more difficult. She returned
her reputation as a journalist. After gradu- to New Jersey and took up her new job as
ating from Rutgers University and obtain- the New York area correspondent for the
ing a masters in statistics from Penn State, Jerusalem Post.
she returned home to St. Augustine, Fla., Again, she found purpose still lack-
and took a job as a reporter for the Jack- ing. Covering the Jewish organizational
sonville Times-Union. She quickly rose world, and the goings-on at the United
to become its wire editor the person Nations, simply did not give her a sense
responsible for sorting through and edit- of fulfillment.
ing the seemingly never-ending news feeds She thought she would be a better
from the Associated Press, United Press reporter for an Israeli newspaper if she
International, and Reuters. had a better understanding of the Islamic
For Marilyn, though, living and working world, so she began amassing an impres- Marilyn Henry and her husband, Rabbi Shammai Engelmayer, on Masada.
in the northernmost part of Florida (or, sive collection of books on Islam and
as she often described it, the southern- enrolled in a masters program at Colum- adviser, Dr. Peter Awn (she affectionately the time of her death in 2011. She read
most part of Georgia), meant something bia University for a degree in Islamic his- referred to him as Peter the Great), simi- every one, and kept extensive notes. She
was missing: purpose. She took a report- tory. Her thesis, on the Sunni-Shiite rift, so larly urged her to do so. was particularly interested in restitution
ing job on the financial desk at Newsday impressed the late Dr. Fouad Ajami that he While she still was considering pursu- issues, and in repatriation of Jewish cul-
on Long Island. Soon, she was its night encouraged her to pursue a doctorate. Her ing her doctorate, she met two men and tural property. She also began making reg-
the direction of her life changed forever ular fact-finding trips to Europe.
Rabbi Israel Miller and Mr. Saul Kagan, Soon Marilyn became recognized as
may their memories be for a blessing. the go-to person for information and
They were respectively the president and advice on Holocaust restitution matters.
the founding director of the Conference on While such words as Nazi, loot, repara-
Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. tions, and restitution now were everyday
Returning to Israel now was put off words in our home, after a while there was
indefinitely, in part because a warehouse another unusual feature: telephone calls
fire destroyed all of our possessions there, from the U.S. State Department, or attor-
and in greater part because Marilyn had neys involved in restitution cases, or from
found her purpose in life: to bring to pub- ambassadors involved in restitution mat-
lic attention the need for complete justice ters, each picking Marilyns brain about
for the survivors of the Shoah and for their one issue or another.
families. She could do that best from her Judah Gribetz, the New York attorney
base in the United States. and special master who prepared the
Immediately after her first meeting with plan of allocation and distribution for U.S.
Rabbi Miller and Saul Kagan, she pro- District Judge Edward R. Korman in the
posed to her editors a change in her job 1996-97 Swiss bank Holocaust restitution
description. She would head the New York suits, said this of Marilyn following her
bureau, but from there she also would death: The journalism profession and the
cover Holocaust-related news from East- Jewish world have lost a shining star at the
ern and Central Europe. Her Jerusalem top of her game.
Post editors agreed. Since meeting her in 1999, I have mar-
Marilyn immediately immersed herself veled at Marilyns wisdom and knowl-
in learning everything she could about the edge of the complex world of Holocaust
Egon Schieles 1912 Portrait of Wally Neuzil was instrumental in helping Marilyn Shoah, mainly by amassing yet another restitution, he said. Her more than
Henry decide to devote her life to Holocaust art restitution. WIKIMEDIA COMMONS library of books, numbering over 200 by 100 articles about this lawsuit reflect her


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Local 411,000 likes. Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
unswerving and outspoken commitment to Holo-
Like us on
Interior Designer
caust survivors. (former interior designer of model
In 1997, another event occurred that pushed Mari- rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store)
lyn even further into the restitution arena. Then New
York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau ordered the
seizure of a painting on display at the Museum of Mod- For a totally new look using
ern Art Egon Schieles famous Portrait of Wally. your furniture or starting anew.
The painting was on loan from the Leopold Museum in
Vienna, and it also had been looted from a Jewish art Staging also available
dealer named Lea Bondi during World War II.
Many more books soon were added to our grow- jewishstandard 973-535-9192
ing Shoah collection as Marilyn sought to master this
thorny field. She also took a side job as a contributing
editor to ArtNews, and began covering the field of cul-
tural property restitution in a big way.
Morgenthau, who considered Marilyn a friend, later
called her a remarkable person and a great reporter
unequaled in her understanding of the U.S. Jewish
community and its relationship to Israel.
Marilyn was the author of Confronting the Perpe-
trators: A History of the Claims Conference (Vallen-
tine Mitchell), with a foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert
(2007), a contributor to the Encyclopedia Judaica and
the American Jewish Year Book. In addition to the
Jerusalem Post, articles by her appeared in the Los
Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Forward,
Israel leads the world in
and Aufbau, and in publications in Germany, Switzer- cyber security, and researchers
land, Britain, and the Netherlands. She also served as
an archivist for the American Jewish Joint Distribu- from Ben-Gurion University
tion Committee.
Nearly 300 people attended a memorial service for
lead Israel.
Marilyn, and heard remarks from Saul Kagan, Rabbi
Andrew Baker of the American Jewish Committee, and
Gideon Taylor of the JDC, as well as two ambassadors
a former U.S. ambassador to Germany and an Israeli
ambassador who was involved in restitution issues.
A restitution conference in Manhattan sponsored by
New York University stood for a moment of silence in
her memory.
There was, of course, yet another aspect to Marilyn
the rebbetzin of what then was known as Temple
Israel Community Center | Congregation Heichal Yis- And you can help, too.
rael in Cliffside Park. The late Donald Rosenberg, a
longtime former president of the shul, said, She did By establishing an AABGU Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA), you will receive lifetime
her job as rebbetzin she tried hard to bring the Tem- income with fixed rates that are among the highest in the country, while helping to
ple Israel community together.
But, he added, she didnt want to be called the reb-
protect Israels virtual borders.
betzin; she wanted to be called Marilyn. Your tax-saving CGA will support Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, including
In fact, she was vehement about it. She did not see
researchers at its Cyber Security Research Center who are working to defend Israel and
herself in the mold of my late aunt Esther Saltzman
or the Teaneck Jewish Centers Aviva Feldman, about its allies from cyber attacks.
whom she wrote a column of high praise.
Her attitude changed while covering an American
Jewish groups mission to Prague. Late on a Friday
Sample Annuity Rates
afternoon, the missions organizers announced a very
non-Shabbat-oriented activity for that evening, after Age 65 70 75 80 85 90
Shabbat would have begun. She protested, saying it
was unseemly for a Jewish organization to hold such
Rate 6% 6.5% 7.1% 8% 9.5% 11.3%
an event. When she was told the activity was appro- Tax Free* 69.6% 72.8% 75.4% 77.9% 81.8% 84%
priate, given the people on the mission, she declared:
Dont tell me Im wrong. Im a rebbetzin. * In the month you use cash to establish a gift annuity, a final calculation is made determining the portion that
Her first email to me after Shabbat said, I cant will be paid to you tax-free.
believe I called myself rebbetzin. From that point
on, she gladly accepted the title, but in its Hebrew For more information or to request a CGA rate illustration, call 646-452-3693,
form, rabbanit.
e-mail or visit
Marilyns tombstone reads, Her people were her
passion; justice for survivors was her mission.
Beyond her work, her legacy is her extensive Holo-
caust library and the more modest Islamic collection.
It is my hope that donating both to the Teaneck Public
Library will inspire others to pick up where she left off. WWW.AABGU.ORG
May her memory be for a blessing.

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(201) 560-0200 FROM SMALL SEEDS

Emily, left, and Alexa Char in their Woodcliff Lake living room, which doubles
as the staging area for Project Hearts to Homes.

Hearts to Homes

Woodcliff Lake sisters distribute

supplies to low-income new parents
Abigail Klein Leichman Our entire lives weve known there

are people in poverty, but seeing that

n entire room of the Char list and knowing they live 10 minutes
family house in Woodcliff from us was totally eye-opening. So we
Lake is piled high with baby- decided we needed to do something

care items, even though the about it.

youngest of the three Char daughters is 15. Emily nodded in agreement. A
This is because Alexa, 16, and Emily, 12-year-old girl asking for toilet paper

15, pack up plastic laundry baskets and underwear instead of a toy or a cell
full of basic supplies for distribution phone thats unbelievable. And this is
to low-income parents of premature happening right in our backyard.
babies and to single teen moms who The sisters approached Valley Home
lack familial support. Care to determine how best to direct
Play Fore! the Kids Not just a glorified bat mitzvah their efforts. They told us they have at

Golf & Games

project, Project Hearts to Homes is a least 50 families a month with prema-
501(c)3 nonprofit charity that happens ture infants, Alexa said. These fami-
to be run by two teenage girls. lies are struggling under the burden of
monday, august 7, 2017 Alexa explains that their father, health care costs for their fragile babies.
Montammy Golf Club, Alpine, NJ Daniel, works at the Valley Hospital in It took about eight months to get
Ridgewood, where every December registered with the IRS and build the
Come play with us to support the JCCs programming, services the affiliated Valley Home Care agency website, Emily said. It was a lot of
sponsors a giving tree to match giv- work, but in September 2016 our web-
and camps for children with special needs.
ers with client families who dont have site rolled out and we started collecting
the means to buy holiday gifts. donations through our PayPal account.
Join us for Mah Jongg, Bridge or Canasta. Plus, Mens or Womens Tennis. Families like ours sign up and Weve gotten about $25,000 so far, plus
receive a list of gifts the family has a lot of donated supplies.
Visit requested, and we go out and buy Theyve made approximately 100
them and wrap them, Alexa said. In baskets, and counting. There are three
For information, contact Michal Kleiman at 201.408.1412 or email
2015 we got our list and we saw that varieties: one for preemies thats filled
the gifts really werent gifts there with diapers, bottles, wipes, baby
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades were basic necessities like bath towels powder, towels, bibs, and tissues;
taub campus | 411 e clinton ave, tenafly, nJ 07670 | 201.569.7900 | and toothpaste. another, for new parents, containing

14 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017


such household necessities as deter- and didnt give up until they got one Tikkun olam is a huge part
gent, soap and toilet paper, and a fam- positive response a $2,500 grant from
ily package that combines items for Valley National Bank. They also received of Jewish community life and
both baby and household. contributions from Costco and BJs we were brought up to
The sisters had enough resources to wholesale clubs.
include a second distribution channel. We buy most of our supplies from Target understand the importance
They chose Zoes Place in Garfield, a Chil- we have our own Project Hearts to Homes of giving back to the
drens Aid and Family Service facility that account there and once Target found out
provides supervised housing and other why we were buying so much, they donated community. We were taught
support services for pregnant teens and a few hundred dollars to us, which was very that doing a mitzvah is holy.
teen moms and their children. helpful, said Alexa, a student at Pascack
The abundance of resources is the Hills High School in Montvale.
result of the Char girls proactive style. Nancy Graves, president and chief for their bar or bat mitzvah. how much we are affecting people.
They didnt sit back and wait for dona- executive officer at Bank of New Jersey The girls sold coupons in conjunc- The sisters in turn expressed their
tions to pour in. They reached out to and Bancorp of New Jersey, agreed to tion with Lord & Taylors Shop Smart Do appreciation for the continual sup-
schools, synagogues, and businesses. mentor the girls and secured a corporate Good fundraising day a couple of months port of their parents, Felice and Daniel
Emily, a Dwight Englewood student donation for them as well. Since she has ago, yielding not only proceeds from pur- Char, and their older sister, Ilana. The
and a member of Pascack Valley Bnai so many connections, she is able to help chases made that day but also an addi- family belongs to Temple Beth Or in
Brith Girls, asked delegates to two recent us in many ways, Emily said. tional $400 from Lord & Taylor for assist- Washington Township.
Bnai Brith Youth Organization regional The sisters sell chocolate bars for $1 at ing with the event. We were born and bred to donate,
conventions to bring along one or two Lakeland Regional High School in Wanaque, And they were nominated for a 2017 Emily said. Tikkun olam is a huge
items for Project Hearts to Homes. I donating the profits to creating baskets Russ Berrie Making a Difference Award. part of Jewish community life and
spoke to a lot of my peers and its great packaged with the help of volunteers from We didnt win the top prize but we got a we were brought up to understand
to see that they want to know how to be Lakeland and their own schools. certificate, Emily said. the importance of giving back to the
helpful, she said. Alexa went to a Kehillah Partnership The best prize, however, is the expres- community. We were taught that doing
The sisters made a presentation to the program to tell sixth- and seventh-grade sions of appreciation they receive from Val- a mitzvah is holy.
Paramus Rotary Club, which gave them religious school students from across ley Home Care and Zoes Place and from T h e p ro j e c t s we b s i te i s w w w.
$100 on the spot and provided valuable North Jersey about Project Hearts to the baskets recipients. Its nice to hear and the Char sis-
contacts. They spent a couple of hours Homes, hoping to spark interest from from people who appreciate our work, te r s m ay b e re a c h e d at p ro j e c t -
walking to area banks seeking support kids looking for worthy causes to support Emily said. Thats our reward, to know






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Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 15

Aphasia Task Force first of its kind

Senate Majority Leader helps raise awareness of communication disorder
Lois Goldrich

ew Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta
Weinberg of Teaneck hasnt seen it all, but
shes seen quite a bit.
Ive been around long enough that, fortu-
nately and unfortunately, there are not too many things
to legislate about that I havent seen, said Ms. Weinberg,
who has been a member of the New Jersey Senate since
2005 and a public servant for many years before that.
Speaking about her successful efforts to educate
the senate about aphasia she spearheaded the drive
to name June Aphasia Awareness Month, and more
recently she helped spur the creation of the Mike Adler
Aphasia Task Force Ms. Weinberg said that her mother
lived with aphasia for many years, and that her sister has
the condition now.
My sister was a radio broadcaster, living in Califor-
nia, Ms. Weinberg said. She was with me for a cou-
ple of years. I took her to the Adler Aphasia Center. Ill
always remember what happened on one of the first
days. Mike [Adler] came up to her and said, in his own
slurred speech Mr. Adler had aphasia as well Dont
ever let anyone convince you that you cant improve.
Ill always remember that, she said noting that her
sister, now back in California, took Mr. Adlers words
to heart. There are certain moments in time that stick
with you. That was one of those moments the courage
of this man who had been a hugely successful executive
now devoting these years to helping other people. Mr.
Adler died in 2015 at the age of 91. His wife, Elaine, has Senate Majority leader Loretta Weinberg of Teaneck, left, with Mike and Elaine Adler.
been carrying on the centers work.
Sponsored by Ms. Weinberg and Assemblywoman Val- The Department of Health shall provide professional
erie Vainieri Huttle of Englewood, the task force named and clerical staff to the task force as may be necessary
for Mr. Adler was created to assess the needs of peo- for the task forces purposes, and the task force shall
ple with aphasia and their families, and to ensure that There are certain also be entitled to call upon the services of any State,
adequate support services and information are available
to them.
moments in time that county, or municipal department, board, commission,
or agency, as may be available to it for its purposes.
It is the only state task force of its kind, just as the stick with you. That was Its mission, says the legislation, is to monitor the
Adler center was the first, and, for a while, the only cen-
ter offering support to aphasics and caregivers, Ms.
one of those moments prevalence of aphasia in New Jersey; to assess the unmet
needs of people with aphasia and their families; to iden-
Weinberg said. The legislation passed unanimously and the courage of this tify, and facilitate the establishment of aphasia support
the governor signed it, she added. Seats on the task force
will be filled by professionals or caregivers.
man who had been a groups and other support and informational resources
designed to assist in satisfying the unmet needs of resi-
We want more general recognition, she continued. hugely successful dents with aphasia, and their families; and to provide
This is so widespread, and people dont even know
what they have. Also, its equally important to help
executive now devoting recommendations to the governor and legislature for
legislation or other governmental action that would fur-
get research dollars to find a treatment, and to con- these years to helping ther facilitate the support of people with aphasia, and
tinue providing services to people with aphasia and
their caregivers.
other people. their families.
Ms. Tucker said that many of the items in the mis-
Ms. Weinberg said that as she continued to learn more sion statement can be contracted out to a nonprofit,
about aphasia, she realized that many more people suf- speaks admiringly about its mock trials, musicals, and and, in fact, we are doing many of these items already.
fer from it than she originally thought. It could come advocacy work. She also mentioned the centers store, Ms. Weinberg said the task force legislation was able
from a stroke, or traumatic brain injury, she said. She which sells jewelry made by the members. I used to to get bipartisan support partly because of her long-
recalled an unpleasant incident in the state Senate, tease my sister that she spent more time shopping than time educational efforts she brings some of the cen-
when somebody with a communication disorder came she did in her groups. ters clients to the Senate floor and talks about aphasia
before the Judiciary Committee. Someone on the com- Ms. Weinberg said she works every year to get money every year as she recognizes June as aphasia month. She
mittee went after this person, she said. But when it was for the center in the budget. She has been a supporter of knows, she said, that law enforcement personnel need
time to vote, Ms. Weinberg, together with former state the facility since its inception, having worked for many more information about aphasia, recognizing, for exam-
senator Barbara Buono, who had a relative with aphasia, years with Mike and Elaine Adler on various endeav- ple, that a person may not be able to respond during a
stood up and said that the man in question suffered from ors in the community. She also served for a while on its traffic stop not because they are drunk or uncoopera-
the condition. They stressed that while aphasia impairs board. But now legislators no longer are able to sit on tive, but because they have a speech disorder. Doctors
speech, it does not affect intellect. the board of nonprofit organizations, said Karen Tucker, also need more information, she said, since doctors
Ms. Weinberg said she respects the Adler center not president and CEO of the Adler Center. dont know much about treatment after people have
only because it helped her personally through my tri- Ms. Tucker noted that the new task force, under the passed through the acute phase after a stroke.
als and tribulations, but for the work theyve done. purview of the Department of Health, will receive funds While the creation of the task force is a major achieve-
She has convened several legislative meetings there and for its clerical staff from the department. The bill reads: ment, we need funding, money for research, and

16 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

grand re-opening
JUNE 16 & 17
creation of the task
force will raise
awareness about
aphasia, now that
the condition has
risen to the level of
other governmentally treasures of the
conditions, such hudson river
as autism. friday 6/16
treatment protocols, Ms. Weinberg said. And its
very frustrating for the caregivers, Ms. Tucker 4 - 9 PM
added, acknowledging these challenges but noting
that she is very proud to be part of the long history
Opening Ceremony with
of getting aphasia raised to the governmental level. Mayor Michael McPartland
Its a first for states, and were the first state in
Dance performances by PEAK PAC
the country to do it, she said. She hopes that the
creation of the task force will raise awareness about Live reggae by Cheezy & the Crackers
aphasia, now that the condition has risen to the NY/NJ Baykeeper Discover Deck
level of other governmentally recognized condi-
with touch tank, shell painting,
tions, such as autism. She hopes as well that this
will guarantee continued state funding for apha- photo booth, prizes and more!

saturday 6/17
sia funding through the state and encourage more
facilities to begin programs.
One positive development, she said, is that the
state health department now will take note of 12 - 5 PM
patients with aphasia when they check in to a hos-
pital. While the department estimates that there Captains Galley Outdoor Food Court
may be 50,000 to 70,000 people with aphasia in Live Caribbean band, AfriCarib
the state, theyll now be keeping statistics.
Plenty of people are living isolated in the com-
Tiny Pirates Cove with face painting,
munity without access to services, Ms. Tucker balloon sculptures & more!
said. Once they leave the health care system,
its more difficult to find out about the services.
We need to look at the full breadth and scope of
needs, she said, adding that while the Adler Center
works to provide social support, connecting people
with aphasia to one another, there also is a need
for housing support and vocational rehab training.
There are people at our center who could prob- FOR THE FULL LINEUP OF ACTIVITIES:
ably work with the right support, and there are
people living in nursing homes who shouldnt be CITYPLACEPROMENADE
there, she said. They should be in an indepen-
dent living apartment.

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We never had a problem before

Israels rabbinate stops Jewish kids from reading from a Torah scroll
Larry Yudelson

group of eighth graders from New Jersey visiting
Israel last month got an unpleasant message from
two kibbutzim they stayed at: Dont let us catch
you praying with our Torah scrolls.
Why couldnt they?
Because, like 90 percent of American Jews, the students
from the Academies at Gerrard Berman Day School in Oak-
land believe that both women and men can read from the
Torah and lead prayers.
Its not that the two kibbutzim that wouldnt share their
Torah scrolls with the Conservative schools students were
Orthodox. But they had been threatened with loss of their
kosher certification from their kashrut supervisors, who are
Orthodox. In Israel, kashrut supervision is a legal monopoly
overseen by the governments Orthodox rabbinate.
The student group could use the kibbutz Torah scroll, they
were told, only on condition that they use with a mechitza
the barrier used in Orthodox services to separate women
from men. The kashrut supervisor would attend to make sure
the mechitza was up.
The leaders of the tour group rejected the offer. Berman
is a Solomon Schechter school, affiliated with Conservative
Judaism, as were the two other schools taking part in that trip:
Solomon Schechter School of New York, based in Manhattan, Solomon Schechter of New York students during their trip to Israel.
and the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford
in Connecticut. Back home after the trip, however, he told his students who rented a private dining room in the Ritz Carlton in
Instead, the students davened without a Torah scroll and what really had happened. He gave them his essay in the Herziliya, one of the fanciest hotels in the country, he
read the days Torah reading from photocopied sheets. Forward, and showed them the Channel 10 report. He said. A family was celebrating a simcha with a Shabbat
The kids had prepared in advance for reading from the asked them to discuss their feelings, but also to try to lunch and wanted to show a computer presentation.
Torah, Moshe Gold, the director of the Ramah Israel Institute, take on the perspective of the kashrut supervisors who The hotel originally told the family that it would be fine.
said. The institute handled the trips logistics in Israel. Its not made the decision. But then they were told that there would be a problem.
a little thing for them to read the Torah in Israel. I want my students to be able to be empathetic and to The Herziliya kashrut department head had a very
Last year, Conservative groups had no problems using guest have a respect for Clal Yisrael the Jewish people that interesting line, Rabbi Regev said. He said, Im aware of
house or hotel Torah scrolls. I dont know if this is a directive was so absent from the mashgichim, the kashrut supervi- the new rules, but here in Herziliya, out of respect to the
from the rabbinate, or the supervisors acting on their own sors, who refused us access to a sefer Torah, he said. I elderly city rabbi, all of the hotels have voluntarily been
initiative, Mr. Gold said. want my students to understand there will be different types keeping the old regulations.
But an investigative report on Israels Channel 10 last month of Jews in the world, with different religious commitments. In the end, the projector was allowed on a Sabbath
showed the situation to be widespread. The broadcast played No country is perfect, he said. Even when they dont clock, with a gentile hotel employee as a backup in case
several conversations in which a reporter sought to book a treat me like Id like them to. Even as we offer them a cri- it doesnt work.
hotel for a non-Orthodox prayer service and was denied, on tique, I want them to know Im standing strongly in support Rabbi Regev said his organization is now preparing to
the grounds that it would cost the hotel its kosher certification. of Israel. Well continue to advocate for whats right for our take some hotels to court for not following the new regula-
The Masorti movement, the Israeli branch of Conservative religious community, but not allow our commitment to the tions. He said the hotels that refused to provide Torahs to
Judaism, said it is preparing legal action against the hotels. State of Israel to be diminished. the Schechter group may be among them.
The Israel rabbinate, which sets standards for kashrut In Israel, meanwhile, Rabbi Uri Regev says he too may be From his standpoint, its a clear-cut legal issue of dis-
supervision, refused to respond to Channel 10. taking this case to court. crimination. Theyre refusing to provide the Conserva-
We never had a problem before, said Benjamin Mann Rabbi Regev, who is Reform, heads Hiddush, an organi- tive group that stays in those hotels with the full service
of Teaneck, who is the principal of the New York Schech- zation that advocates for religious freedom in Israel. The they provide other Jewish groups, namely the ability to
ter school. abuse of authority by the rabbinate and kashrut supervi- use the synagogue and the ability to use the sefer Torah,
He said that his schools annual eighth-grade trip is the cul- sors is an ongoing story, Rabbi Regev said. They attempt he said.
mination of its Zionist message. We want our students to feel to force their beliefs and religious convictions in enforcing Rabbi Regev said that Mr. Manns going public with his
that the Jewish story thats playing out in the Jewish state is other areas of religious observance, not just in assuring the schools experience is a very important development.
their story, and that they have a stake in it, he said. food is kosher. More and more people and organizations, including fed-
When the Jewish communities theyre connected with are In theory, the use of Torah scrolls shouldnt even be an erations, are not willing to choose the other cheek.
devalued by the religious authorities in Israel, its a stumbling issue. The rabbinates kashrut division has authority over At least one Israeli Orthodox rabbi believes that the
block to building the kind of Zionist commitments I want my food only. Recently, following pressure from Hiddush, the position taken by the kashrut supervisors is ridiculous.
students to have, he added. rabbinate issued revised kashrut guidelines that made clear The legal basis in inconceivable, Rabbi Seth Farber said.
As he put it in an essay published in the Forward and the that the law authorizes the rabbis to use their discretion only Rabbi Farber heads Itim, an organization that often
Jerusalem Post: Why would young American Jews feel con- with regard to food and nothing else, Rabbi Regev said. challenges the rabbinate. A couple of years ago, he said,
nected to a country and culture that rejects them? This was meant to end the practice of hotels being told he was at an Orthodox bat mitzvah. The plans were for
Mr. Mann said that the educators decided not to explain that they could not put up Christmas trees to cater to a womens service where women would read from the
why they did not have a Torah scroll for services. We Christian pilgrims, or that events in private dining rooms Torah. There were to be no men present. But for the
didnt want to have our students feel diminished or deval- could not use electricity on Shabbat. But implementation supervisor in charge, it might as well have been a mixed-
ued in any way, he said. We wanted to stick to the goals is another matter altogether, Rabbi Regev said. gender service.
of the trip. He said he recently was involved in a case of someone See PROBLEM page 47

18 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

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Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 19
Briefly Local

Photos courtesy Mark Levenson

Attending the meeting, from left, Leonard Posnock, Lawrence Mandel, Robert Salame, Dov Ben-Shimon,
Howard Bookbinder, Amir Sagie, Mark Levenson, Ofir Akunis, Leonard Cole, former Congressman Herb
Klein, Duvi Honig, Ruth Cole, Cathy Scangarella of Choose New Jersey, Judith Sheft, and Lee Schwartz.

New Jersey Israel Commission briefed by official Israel Deputy Consul General for New York Amir Sagie,
Last month, Mark Levenson hosted a meeting of the New between New Jersey and Israel, and gave his view of the left, Ofir Akunis, Israels Minister of Science, Technology,
Jersey Israel Commission in his Newark law office. It fea- situation at home. and Space, and Mark Levenson, chair of the New Jersey
tured a presentation by Ofir Akunis, Israels Minister for Mr. Levenson, chair of the New Jersey Israel Com- Israel Commission stand next to the Empire State Chair,
Science, Space, and Technology. Mr. Akunis highlighted mission, spoke about the New Jersey-Israel trade a project of the WAE center of the Jewish Service for the T
initiatives in these areas and the ongoing cooperation relationship. Developmentally Disabled, which Eta and Mark Levenson t
bought for the Eric Eliezer Levenson Foundation for a
Hope. It is now on display at the law offices of Sills r
Ginny Wasserman named Cummis & Gross in Newark. p

volunteer of the month

Virginia Ginny Wasserman was named the May 2017 Volun-
teer of the Month by the Bergen County section of the National
Council of Jewish Women.
Ms. Wasserman grew up in the Bronx and worked as a psy-
chotherapist and social worker in a number of community
agencies and education and academic facilities. She retired
from Hackensack Medical Center in 2002, after more than 20 Virginia Wasserman
years as a behavior health clinical supervisor and administrator. Courtesy NCJW

After joining NCJW, she co-chaired the highly successful

Council Trips program, and for the past six years she participated in the human traffick-
ing advocacy program and served on program, study group, and nominating committees.
For information on NCJW BCS and its upcoming programs, go to
Courtesy BCHSJS

Some of last years visiting Israeli teens relax together. Courtesy OH, OH.

Summer host families are sought

for Israeli kids affected by terror
BCHSJS graduates a class of 12 A few more host families are needed
for this years Open Hearts, Open
Host families drop off children
at the YJCC in Washington Town-
Homes program. ship between 8 and 8:30 each morn-
The Bergen County High School of Jew- Temple Emanuels president, spoke about The group was created in 2002 by ing and pick them up there at about
ish Studies held its annual graduation the synagogues early years in Paterson and the Bergen County YJCC, which then 5 p.m. Teens spend the day sharing
at Temple Emanuel of North Jersey in its transition to Franklin Lakes. Rabbi Dr. had its headquarters in Washington activities with a teen group from the
Franklin Lakes. This years 12 graduates David Fine of Temple Israel in Ridgewood, Township. It responded to the needs of Rockland JCC. This years program is
were Jessica Baer, Camryn Bolkin, Steven who sits on the schools board, gave the Israeli teens affected by war, violence, from June 30 to July 23. Carpools can
Grossman, Eden Hirsch, Melissa Knopf, Dvar Torah, and school board president and terror. The teens, whose lives for- be arranged. A few overnights are
Benjamin Kosiborod, Benjamin London, Sy Blechman and senior seminar teacher ever were changed through the death planned and there are many extra-
Bennett Rosner, Daniel Siefken, David Barnett Goldman spoke to the graduates. of a loved one, a personal injury, or liv- curricular activities on some nights
Stack, Walter Stack, and Benjamin Unger. The senior academic award for five ing in constant fear, spend three sum- and weekends.
Jessica Baer and Benjamin Kosiborod led years of excellence in studies was given mer weeks enjoying respite, home hos- For information or to volunteer, call
the Star Spangled Banner and Hatik- to Camryn Bolkin, Bennett Rosner, David pitality, and fun with American peers Cindy Mendelaw at (201) 739-2906 or
vah. The schools principal, Fred Nagler, Stack, and Walter Stack. in a teen travel camp. To date, 450 email her at;
introduced board members, rabbis, and Parents Eve Bolkin and Michel Knopf Israeli teens have participated in the email Elana Prezant at Eprezant@yjcc.
congregational principals and highlighted were recognized for their volunteer work program. org, or go to
the schools programs. Alvin Reisbaum, at the school. A reception followed.

20 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

Briefly Local
Photos courtesy Mark Levenson

Srivki Weisberg
Valley Chabads 100 leadership teens honored at celebration
The Valley Chabad Teen Leadership Initia- River communities in the Initiatives pro- affected them personally. were there. The program is led by Rabbi
tives annual appreciation event was held grams: Friendship Circle, CTeen, Linking Every teen received a certificate and a Yosef and Estie Orenstein under the guid-
at the Woodcliff Lake Hilton on May 15. It Hearts, and Eternal Flame. gift for their volunteering and participa- ance of Valley Chabads executive director,
recognized more than 100 teen partici- Teens representing each of the four tion. Parents, friends, community mem- Rabbi Dov Drizin.
pants from the Pascack Valley and Saddle programs spoke about how the programs bers, and Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi

Sinai to show
student art Brightview.
Sinai Schools and Bear Givers host
Unique Presentations, a student
Bright Life!
art show and auction, on Thursday,
June 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. The show,
in memory of Jocheved Orbach, will
be at the Joseph Kushner Hebrew
Academy in Livingston.
In the five years since Sinai
Schools established its Miranov-
Paley art therapy program, art
therapist Sarah Tarzik has made sig-
nificant breakthroughs with her stu-
dents by helping them create beauti- Discover exceptional senior living
ful works.
The community is invited to the for Mom and Dad
free show and auction, which is
based around works created by Sinai Respectful, customized care
students. Bear Givers, a co-sponsor,
is a non-profit organization dedi- Cultural and social events
cated to empowering children who Inspiring Experienced associates
have special needs. The artists will
be at the event; attendees can buy
or commission artwork, which will
Bright Luxury amenities
support Sinai. All proceeds will ben-
efit its scholarship fund. for All Our Gourmet meals
Residents Specialized dementia
care neighborhood
This art, created by Sinai
students, will be up for Call Richard or Gina to schedule
auction on June 15. your personal visit.
Courtesy Sinai 201.817.9238
55 Hudson Avenue Tenafly, NJ 07670

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 21

This classroom is at Rashi, a Reform movement
day school in Dedham, Massachusetts.

Cover Story

not homogenizing
Prizmah helps day schools face challenges together across denominational divides
Joanne Palmer also give it form and structure. Many of no way out of it. striking how much the Jewish educational

them come together occasionally at JCCs And then there is Prizmah. world is attracted to acronyms, initials,
ometimes the world seems as and federations, but even there we tend to The year-old midtown Manhattan- and capital letters. There is no doubt a
if its divided into so many little stick with our own kind. based organization, whose name in doctoral dissertation in that.)
never-intersecting bubbles that Jewish day schools also generally are full, its Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day PEJE dealt with Jewish education in gen-
its coming out of a gigantic plas- shaped by the movements they repre- Schools appropriately means prism, eral; the other four organizations repre-
tic wand a crazed giant is waving in the air. sent; there are some community schools was formed from five groups. In alphabet- sented Orthodox, Conservative, Reform,
We see the dangers of that separation, for progressive families, and at times Con- ical order, they are PARDES (the Progres- and community schools.
that state of walled-offness, all around us; servative parents send their children to sive Association of Reform Day Schools), Amazingly, the professional and lay
in our politics, in our news sources, in our Orthodox schools and Reform parents to PEJE (Partnership for Excellence in Jewish leaders of all these organizations agreed
understanding of the world. We certainly Conservative ones, but those crossovers Education), RAVSAK (the Jewish Commu- to merge their bubbles and work together,
see it in the Jewish community. Each of the are relatively rare. nity Day School Network), the Schechter with the understanding that they are
streams is locked into its own riverbed, Many people despair of this segmenta- Day School Network, and YUSP (Yeshiva stronger together, and with the resolve not
imprisoned, it seems, by the banks that tion even as they continue to live it, seeing University School Partnership). (Yes, it is only to acknowledge their differences but

22 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

Cover Story

to cherish them as they discover common

needs and work to fill them.
There are about 375 schools that are
members of Prizmah; that includes most
of the day schools in Bergen County.
Prizmah is a startup that is a phenom-
enal model, its new COO, Elissa Maier of
Englewood, said. It sends a powerful mes-
sage about one Jewish community, work-
ing together to serve day schools. The
only similar organization she can think
of, she added, is the Foundation for Jew-
ish Camp (which oddly enough is headed
by Jeremy Fingerman, also of Englewood.)
Prizmahs number one goal is to make
Jewish day school education a priority
across the community, Ms. Maier said. We
want Jewish day schools to be the top choice

It sends a
powerful message
about one Jewish Above and below right, educators work together at Prizmahs annual conference in Chicago in April.
working together
to serve
day schools.
for Jewish parents. To that end, Prizmah
will work with schools in four areas pro-
viding tools to foster educational excel-
lence, to work toward financial viability, to
develop professional and lay leaders, and to
make the case for day schools.
One way to work toward that goal is to
build a network to connect schools across
the country, she added. Network con-
nections are critical to helping people do
their jobs more effectively.
Most day schools face similar problems Elissa Maier
first, most pressing, most unavoidable
among them being the tuition bills they around. And each school has its own Mandel Center for Leadership Excellence. job hes a private investor but I live
present, based on the expenses they must characteristics. At Prizmah, I will be overseeing opera- and breathe this stuff, he said.
pay. But northern New Jersey is unlike Across the country, though, you have to tions, marketing, and finance, she said. Hes a big fan of the way the group mod-
most other parts of the country in that it make the case for why day school. The chal- I will be working on managing the team els cooperation, and hes realistic about
is well stocked with day schools. In many lenge there is when you dont have as large in the office. It is a merged organization, the needs that drove its creation. None of
parts of the country, administrators have a population to feed into the schools, when with people who came from all five of the the five groups were sustainable on their
to scramble for students, whose parents you have a community that is declining in different organizations that make it up. I own, he said. Essentially it became clear
often have to be convinced of the schools size or strength. The challenge is very much will be doing a lot of work building culture that we could save the Jewish community
value. Here, many parents enter the school determined by where you are located. and leadership development. Its sort of a lot of money and get a much better prod-
search pre-convinced, but have to decide All schools need money, however. We a model within a model of cooperation, of uct for the schools by combining them.
which school is best for them. provide guidance and resources to help reaching beyond preconceptions, of real- Each of the organizations had its own
Does that make Prizmah less valuable schools identify sources of funding and izing that the whole is stronger and more strength. We wanted to see the best pro-
here? No, Ms. Maier said. Not at all. There grants, and help them create fundrais- resilient than any of the pieces. grams, which until now had been deliv-
definitely is an environment of competi- ing models that they can work with, Ms. Nathan Lindenbaum of Teaneck has ered only to one stream, being delivered
tiveness, but Bergen County already has Maier said. been active in many local schools hes to them all.
shown that there is value in bringing day Prizmah is open to all schools that focus been president of Moriah in Englewood, For example, YUSP had very effective
schools together for conversation and on both Jewish and secular subjects, she has been and continues on the board of leadership and coaching programs, but
sharing resources. Initially there can be said. Yeshivat Noam in Paramus, and is a trustee only Orthodox schools were taking advan-
a reluctance to come together, but when Ms. Maier has just begun to work at at SAR in Riverdale, N.Y. Hes also a founder tage of them. Similarly, the other move-
we show them the value when it demon- Prizmah; until now she has been at the of TeachNJS, an organization that advo- ments had programs that were not cross-
strates itself that changes. Jewish Federations of North America, cates for state funding for day schools. pollinating. And on top of that, there was
Here, we have a large enough com- where she was the vice president of finan- Perhaps unsurprisingly, he also sits on so much overhead. This way, there are
munity, with enough students to go cial resource development and headed the the board at Prizmah. He does have a day some economies of scale.

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 23

Cover Story

And then theres the but that is not the only way but its not rote. Thats clear. acknowledges the implications
message underlying the to slice and dice differ- Each one says it with passion of those differences for how
practicalities. ences between schools, Mr. and conviction. The realiza- they define success and what
This model is a great thing Lindenbaum said. There tion of that is the essence of they need to do to grow and
for the Jewish people, Mr. are schools in metropolitan Prizmah. Its why it works. flourish, and then we custom-
Lindenbaum said. We can New York and schools out- Mr. Bernstein lives in West- ize the things we do for them
model cooperation without side here; larger schools and chester County now, but he according to those needs.
homogenizing. small ones. We are able to grew up in London. I am a For example, if you are run-
That was a concern that deliver programs along these day school alum, and there ning a professional develop-
many people had could we matrices, as well as others. never was any question of ment day in a school, you want
still meet the unique needs And the more schools you where my kids would go, to make sure that it fits with
of the various streams and Nathan Lindenbaum have involved, the better first in London and then for Paul Bernstein the schools curriculum and
movements but there is so you are able to do this kind the last six years at Schechter pedagogy. Some schools will
much that we have in common in terms of customization. in Westchester, he said. It is a core part run a more integrated dual curriculum and
of administration, fundraising, gover- A big part of creating the various net- of everything we believe in an incredibly some run those things separately, so what
nance, continuing education, professional works is that we can allow educators to good Jewish and secular education experi- you do for training is mindful and respect-
development. There is far more that we group themselves, so people can reach ence and values, in a school that has been ful of that.
have in common than is unique to each out with ideas and questions to similarly nothing but supportive of their growth. Not all pedagogic choices are neatly
movement. minded and similarly experienced peo- There is a real driving force that unites predictable by religious affiliation, he
This is an example of how the whole ple, he added. day schools across different religious affili- added. It might seem as though the more
community can work together without The networks work mainly online this ations, he continued. Thats because we to the left in the Jewish world a school is,
coming up with something bland. Each is, after all, a vast country but there also are after the same ultimate goal, in terms the more likely it is to have a unified cur-
movement retains its own identity. is a big annual conference. This years was of success. What we are doing is working riculum, but thats not necessarily true.
There are many networks a reshet, as in April, in Chicago. We had more than with the schools, individually and collec- There are some schools to the left that
each one is called representing different 1,000 people there, Mr. Lindenbaum said. tively, in achieving success. That means a would run them as separate tracks, Mr.
commonalities among member schools. Paul Bernstein is Prizmahs founding lot of work is shared. Bernstein said. And the balance between
One of the ways in which ideological, CEO. Realizing that there is more that unites secular and Jewish and Hebrew studies
theological, and philosophical differences There is more that unites day schools than divides us, there also is much that depends on individual choices that are
are acknowledged is that some program- than divides them, Mr. Bernstein said; separates us. We work to create an envi- designed to fit the community. So much
ming and networks are divided by stream, everyone involved in Prizmah says that, ronment that recognizes these differences, for stereotypes. We will meet the school

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Jewish Standard
bk - JEWISH JUNE 9, 2017
STANDARD - PASSBOOK-STATEMENT-BONUS - EFF DATE 3-7-2017.indd 1 2/27/2017 3:27:08 PM
Cover Story

where it is, and help develop programs around those

We are open to work with all schools, Mr. Bern-
More than
stein said. A number of charedi schools work with 411,000 likes.
us. Obviously there are many charedi schools that
are organized and operate differently in ways that Like us on
would make their administrators profoundly uncom-
fortable in the more mainstream Prizmah but we Facebook. We offer:
Kulanu - a dedicated class for Enroll
are welcoming of all who wish to be part of our collec-
tive effort for excellence.
students with special needs. in Gan by
At the conference in Chicago, as at any conference
Our Gan class for children in Kindergarten Tuesday, June 13
Prizmah holds, the sessions that everybody shares
meets twice monthly on Sundays. and receive
are run in a way that is suitable for all audiences, cov- Our curriculum includes instruction $150 OFF
ering subjects that are appropriate for everyone he in conversational Hebrew (Ivrit BIvrit), tuition
said. Everyone talks about financial issues, and lead- prayers, Israel, trips and special programs (member and non-
along with art, music and family education member rate)
ership, and even some aspects of Hebrew and Jewish
studies, particularly the study of the Hebrew language. to enrich our students experiences.
But then we also create space for people to explore To register and for more information about
the subjects that are specific for their affiliations. We tuition fees and curriculum, please contact
have affinity groups for them, so they can work on or 201-652-6624.
their own issues. So there will be a yeshiva affinity
group, and one for community schools, Schechter jewishstandard 682 Harristown Road Glen Rock, NJ 07452
schools, and Reform movement schools. They choose 201-652-6624
their subjects.
The reality is that there are schools that are growing
and schools that are challenged, Mr. Bernstein contin-
ued. There are rising standards in day schools, which
ultimately helps the general health of the sector but
causes some problems for some schools along the way,
he didnt add but hinted at. And on top of that, 2008
to be specific, that years financial meltdown cre-
ated a different economic climate for everyone.
No one will pretend that those challenges have
disappeared, but people have become smarter in
determining that they will do what they can to make Oliver classic cotton pique polo available
day schools accessible even for families who cant in 10 colors, xs-xxl. Reg.$ 69.50 Sale $34.50
afford it. Hugo Boss logo swim trunks in blue, black,
In creating Prizmah, the day school world is launch- Aqua and Orange. MSRP $74 Special $49.90

ing a new chapter for day schools, Mr. Bernstein

concluded. And he has words of praise for the north-
ern New Jersey community. You have a vibrant com-
munity and set of schools, and great examples of
schools, he said. Those that are thriving, and those
that are trying new things, to make sure that education
keeps moving forward. We innovate to improve, and
our schools are as accessible as we can make them.
I salute all the options available in the region. It is a
really good thing something that we could wish for
as well in other communities.
The Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen
County in New Milford is one of the local schools that
has joined Prizmah.
I think it is good for us, because Prizmah is a con-
solidation of all the services and all the programs
and all the expertise and all the resources and the
framework that Jewish day schools may need to be
supported, Ruth Gafni, Schechters head of school,
said. Rather than going to several places if you
need professional development, go here; if you need
financial development support, go there; if you need
development support, go somewhere else rather
than going to all those resources on your own, you
have this consolidation.
But, she added, its also something more. Its not
just regular, ordinary resources that it offers, she said.
Its a consolidation of best practices. That, I feel, is
the game changer. The quality of whats coming out,
and what will come out, of the organization is going MON.-THUR. 10AM-9PM FRI. 10AM-3PM
to be unparalleled. All the people I know who are
involved in it are forward-thinking leaders, who are
passionate about Jewish continuity and sustainability
516.295.5006 718.676.7706 718.972.4665 732.987.9480
for the long run.

Jewish standard JUne 9, 2017 25

Jewish World

Israels government is right-wing

but its taking climate change seriously
Ben Sales his decision. the dangers of extremist Islamism, and their lead-
Even if theres a 50 percent likelihood that climate ers have heaped praise on each other with regard to
One of Israels strongest condemnations of Donald Trump change and global warming are caused by human activ- everything from military action to economic policy.
wasnt about the peace process. It didnt concern Trumps ity, it is our duty to act to minimize risks, Steinitz posted But Israels stance on climate change shows that in
broken promise to relocate the U.S. embassy, or his reported on Facebook last Thursday, the day when Trump made his some ways, its more like the rest of the world than like
leak of Israeli intelligence. announcement. The Paris accords were a rare occurrence the United States.
It was about climate change. in which the world united save for Syria and Nicaragua After Israel signed on to the Paris accords in 2015,
After President Trump announced the United States with- to care for the welfare and health of future generations. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus speech to his
drawal from the Paris accords, the landmark 2015 agree- Like the United States, Israel has a right-leaning govern- cabinet sounded like it could have been given by
ment to fight global warming, Israeli Energy Minister Yuval ment, with left-wing parties largely limited to protest votes. then-President Barack Obama. Netanyahu called the
Steinitz joined the chorus of international leaders criticizing The American and Israeli governments appear to agree on accords an important agreement. He acknowledged
the reality of global warming and pledged to combat
it. Enforcing the agreement, he said, demands inter-
national discipline, which is not easy, but for the good
of humanity, I hope that it will be found.

To that end, Israel promised to keep greenhouse
t Pl
. 5 0
gas emissions at about their current levels through
ar k
2030. Taking population growth into account, the

e y M
plan amounts to a per-capita reduction of green-
1.25 %
M o st R ate house gas emissions of approximately 26 percent.


Israels plan also included an eightfold increase in

1 .
renewable energy sources, implementing greener

1.00 %
te building codes to promote energy efficiency and
st Ra
investing in public transit.

1 . 2 APY* 0 At the time, Israeli climate activists called the com-

$2,0 00,00 mitments insufficient. But they welcomed the plan as
st R ate 0, 000 -
Intere $1,00 a first step.

1 . 00 APY*
0-$ 999,9
Israels climate change pledge also played into the
countrys self-image as a leader in environmentalism,
a country whose founding story includes making the


desert bloom and rejuvenating forests from north to
9,99 9 south. Israel recycles the vast majority of its water, lines

- $19

be r s its apartment buildings with solar water heaters, and

has pioneered agritech innovations to save water and

Now Open to energy. The country boasts massive offshore natural gas

COMMERCIAL fields that can provide cleaner energy than coal or oil.

In supporting the agreement, Netanyahu wasnt an

outlier among conservative leaders. Right-wing govern-

ments, from the United Kingdom to Russia to Turkey,
have remained committed to the global fight against
With human-caused climate change, even as Americas con-
some brokerage servative president has questioned its existence.

rms and banks paying

0.05% or less there isnt much to add. Briefs

If your money market account is barely adding New app to help pro-Israel N
anything to your balance, come to Kearny Bank. activists streamline efforts
Well put your cash to work in our competitive A first-of-its-kind app has been launched to help pro- A
Israel activists streamline efforts to defend and promote U
Tiered Money Market Plus Account and you can the Jewish state across the world. d
watch the returns grow. The Act.IL app developed by the Israeli-American a
Council, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and Macca-
At Kearny Bank the numbers bee Task Force directs users to pro-Israel tasks that a
they can perform, then rewards them based on the per-
add upfor you. formance of the tasks. These rewards, which are based G
on points collected by the users, are converted into l
prizes and compiled into global rankings. t
Act.IL offers a simple and scalable solution that will o
strengthen and unify the pro-Israel community world-
wide, fight BDS, and combat anti-Semitism, said IAC
CEO Shoham Nicolet. Using cutting-edge technology,
42 Banking Oces 1-800-273-3406 we are interconnecting online and offline pro-Israel
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. APYs in effect as of 2/21/17 and subject to change without notice. Minimum daily balance of $100,000 is communities all across the U.S. This platform amplifies
required to earn interest and avoid a monthly service fee of $25. Interest is not earned on balances up to $99,999. Fees could reduce
earnings. Transaction limitations apply. Deposit limits may apply. Accounts earn a blended rate on the tier requirements. New money only. the impact of each individual activist to create a power-
New money means funds that are not on deposit with Kearny Bank. One account per depositor. See an account representative for details.
ful pro-Israel network nationwide. JNS.ORG

26 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

Jewish World

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Solar panels in Darajat, a Bedouin village in Is- READERS
raels Negev desert, in 2009. Uriel Sinai/GeTTY iMaGeS CHOICE
Fighting climate change is one of many domes-
tic issues thats politicized in the United States but is
supported by the right wing in Israel and elsewhere.
Shared feelings between Republicans and Likudniks
on halting Irans nuclear ambitions dont extend to
such contentious domestic issues in America as gun
control, universal health care, or abortion.
For example, despite mandatory military conscrip-
tion, private gun ownership is a privilege with strict
limits in Israel, rather than a right, as it is in the United
States. Last year, Netanyahus government trumpeted
its expansion of federally funded health benefits.
Abortion in Israel is covered by health insurance and
it is available in 99 percent of cases. The closest thing
Israel has to an American-style pro-life group is a non-
profit called Efrat, which offers financial support to
dissuade women from abortion but does not cam-
paign for legislative restrictions.
Netanyahu and Trump may be engaged in a public
love-fest when it comes to combating terrorism in the
Middle East. But as for the future of the planet, Israel is
standing with everyone from Lebanon to Luxembourg
and not with the United States. JTa Wire SerViCe

Nikki Haley blasts UN bodys

chronic anti-Israel bias
A day before embarking on her first trip to Israel as
U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley
demanded that the U.N. Human Rights Council Vertu silk ties. Fine woven designer ties
address its bias against the Jewish state. in subtle textures and vibrant colors.
It is essential that this council address its chronic Reg. $45 Sale $29.99 or 3 for $75.
anti-Israel bias if it is to have any credibility, Haley
said at the opening of the UNHRCs 35th session in
Geneva. Before addressing the council, Haley pub-
lished an op-ed in the Washington Post asserting that
the UNHRC must end its practice of wrongly singling
out Israel for criticism. JnS.OrG


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Jewish standard JUne 9, 2017 27

Jewish World
SAR Academy
SAR High School
Rabbi Tully Harcsztark
who has been awarded the
2017 Covenant Award
and recognized as one of the top
Jewish educators in North America

The winners of the Covenant Award are selected by the Covenant

Foundation for leadership and excellence in Jewish education. Rabbi
Tully Harcsztark, SAR High School Founding Principal, is one of three
2017 winners.
President Donald Trump meets with Qatars Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad
Under Rabbi Harcsztarks exceptional and visionary leadership, Al-Thani in a hotel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on May 21.
SAR High School has become a national model of Jewish  Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

Arab countries turning

education. Rabbi Harcsztark introduced the concept of the Grand
Conversation balancing tradition and modernity, promoting a
conversation between Torah and the world. He has nurtured a spirit
of collaborative thinking which fosters a culture of professional on Qatar. What does
growth for faculty and vibrant learning for students.
it mean for Israel?
SAR High School Dedicated to the Memory of JJ Greenberg zl Ron Kampeas efforts to roll back Iranian ambitions in
503 West 259th Street R iverdale NY 10471 w Syria. But it is also a small nation that for
WASHINGTON Five Arab nations cut years has sought to appease the loom-
their ties with Qatar on Monday, escalat- ing giants surrounding it the Saudis to
ing a long-simmering competition for the south and west, the Iranians across
preeminence in the region into actions the Persian Gulf. Qatar shares a gas field
that could set the stage for war. with Iran, signed a security agreement
Saudi Arabia, which is leading the with the country, and was almost alone
Youve graduated... charge, has cut off Qatars only land
crossing and what one Saudi-friendly
among Gulf states in welcoming the 2015
Iran nuclear deal that Saudi Arabia and

now what? estimate says is as much as 40 percent

of the tiny emirates food supply. The
Israel revile.
Qatar is a small country that survives
other four nations cutting all ties with by balancing its friends against its ene-
Qatar are Egypt, the United Arab Emir- mies and not making clear who are the
ates, Bahrain, and Yemen. friends and who are the enemies, said
Meanwhile, Iran is pledging humani- Simon Henderson, a fellow at the Wash-
tarian support for Qatar. Given Irans ington Institute for Near East Policy.
propensity for meddling and its relative
military strength, any robust Iranian Its about the
assistance to the emirate could unsettle Muslim Brotherhood
Contact Dr. Norma Brecker, the region even further. Qatars ruling Al-Thani clan has sup-
the Career Doctor, The tensions come as President Don- ported some of the Islamist movements
ald Trump hopes to align U.S. allies in the that long have roiled the region. It was
for a free resume review. region including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, especially galling to Qatars neighbors
and Israel in a united front to contain that precisely in the period following the
Iran and crush Islamist terrorists. September 11 attacks, when governments
Whats fueling the crisis, and what in the region were seeking to suppress
does it mean for Israel? the extremist Islamist tendencies that
underpinned the terrorists ideologies,
Its about Iran Qatar continued to help nurture Islamist
Containing Irans influence is the num- movements. Egyptian President Abdel
ber one priority for Saudi Arabia. The Fattah al-Sisi especially resents Qatar
oil-producing behemoth has watched for its backing of the short-lived Muslim
with alarm as Iran has exploited regional Brotherhood presidency of Mohamed
unrest to expand its influence in nations Morsi, whom al-Sisi ousted in 2013.
where the Saudis once had consider- For years, the emirate has offered safe
able sway nations that include Syria, haven to the leadership of Hamas, the
Contact Norma Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen. The Sau- Brotherhood affiliate that runs the Gaza
REACH OUT: at dis, like Israel, also believe that Iran has Strip. And in 2014, it joined with Tur-
(201) 986-1716 ambitions to become a nuclear weap- key in attempting to broker an end to
NORMA@MYCAREERDOC.COM ons power. Hamas war with Israel that would have
Qatar houses the largest U.S. airbase been friendlier to Hamas than Israel
in the region and has contributed to wanted. Egypt intervened and helped

28 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

Jewish World

Israel impose an end to the war that was more to Isra- happy with the presence of Hamas in the capital of a major
els liking, and that kept Hamas isolated. U.S. ally. On the other hand, he said Israel has been work-

Its about Al-Jazeera Five Arab nations just ing with Qatar since 2014 to keep the Gaza Strip from col-
lapsing into chaos.
Qatar houses and underwrites Al-Jazeera, the muck- pulled off what Israeli And while Israels outward posture toward Iran has been
racking, at times pro-Islamist and generally provoca-
tive satellite television channel that has proven an
Prime Minister Benjamin one of confrontation, it appreciates Qatars efforts to mod-
erate the Iranian regime, if only because that could mitigate
irritant to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the other regimes. Netanyahu has wished the dangers of a regional arms race, said Anthony Cordes-
Depending on who is talking, Qatars critics hate the
light the network casts on their oppression, or they
for years that the West man, who holds the Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for
Strategic and International Studies.
are sick and tired of what they see as its agenda-driven would do: Exact a From Israels viewpoint, you have to decide if you want a
fake news.
Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi, a UAE-based columnist
painful price on a constant arms race or you want the kind of pressure on Iran
that will moderate it, he said.
for Newsweek, says that the nations effectively block- nation for flirting with What should Israel do?
ading Qatar want nothing less than for the channel to
be shut down.
Hamas and Iran. Stay out. Stay quiet. Theres no upside to buying in,
Cordesman said.
The best position is to hope that if Israel stays out of this,
Its personal when it hosts the World Cup in 2022. The late Shimon Peres, what you will get is a compromise that will, on one hand,
The father of Qatari leader Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad when he was deputy prime minister, in 2007, made a high- put more pressure on Qatar in terms of Islamic extremism,
Al-Thani, who relinquished power to his son in 2013, profile visit to Qatar. particularly the financing of extremists, but it will not freeze
seized the country from his own father in 1995 in a Jonathan Schanzer, a vice president at the Foundation for the situation with Iran as a whole, he said.
coup, prompting Saudi Arabia to attempt at least one Defense of Democracies, said the Israelis have not been  JTA Wire Service

countercoup to reinstall the father. In recent weeks

there have been ugly tit-for-tat exchanges between
partisans of the Qataris and the Saudis over which
clan was more compromised in the distant past
by dalliances with British colonials and (horrors!)
their women.
Also seen by Qatars neighbors as bad form, accord-
ing to the Financial Times: $1 billion paid by Qatar to
Iranian officials and an al-Qaeda affiliate to free 26
members of the ruling clan who had been on a fal-
conry expedition in Iraq. (No word on the status of
the birds.)

Its Trump
Trumps message last month when he visited Saudi
Arabia and addressed regional leaders was twofold:
Lets unite to crush terrorism and contain Iran, and
what you do on your own time is not our business. It
looks like the Saudis were listening.
The Qatari crisis isnt the first time Trumps winks
and nods precipitated trouble. Just days after top
Trump officials said last month they would be okay
with the Assad regime in Syria outlasting the civil war
another break with years of U.S. policy the Syrian
regime allegedly launched its worst gas attack on civil-
ians since 2013.
Trump himself also has made contradictory noises
about Qatar. In a meeting with Al-Thani in Saudi Ara-
bia last month, Trump referred to Qatars purchase of
beautiful military equipment from the United States.
But in a tweet early Monday after news of the Saudi
squeeze broke, Trump wrote: During my recent trip
to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be
funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar

Its good for Israel

Five Arab nations just pulled off what Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has wished for years
that the West would do: Exact a painful price on a
nation for flirting with Hamas and Iran.

Its bad for Israel

Qatar was the only Persian Gulf nation that allowed
Israel to run a semi-diplomatic mission a business
interests section on its soil. That was from 1996 to
2000. Its consistent posture on the boycotts that so
aggravate Israel is that they are counterproductive. It
has hosted Israel at its tennis tournaments and said
that should it win a spot, Israel would be welcome

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 29

Jewish World

These four women started a Reform congregation in Madrid

nity of Madrid the only Madrid
MADRID At the conclusion of a recent congregation affiliated with the
Friday night service at the Reform Jewish European Union for Progressive
Community of Madrid, the space quickly Judaism was founded three
transforms from a meeting hall into a din- years ago by four women: Yael
ing room. Cobano, Ruth Timon, Keren Her-
Several people assemble a long table. rero, and Leidy Andrade. Theyre
They adorn it with a white tablecloth, place the ncleo duro, the hard core,
chairs on both sides, and set two challahs as Timon, the synagogues trea-
topped by a cover in the center. surer, calls them. Since 2014, the
Men and women lay out plates of knishes congregation has grown from a


and bourekas, shakshuka and kugel, a Span- gathering of a some 20 regulars to
ish tortilla and an almodrote, a Sephardi egg- a viable community of 26 families,
plant dish. When the table is set, everyone complete with a rabbi, a Torah
gathers around for Kiddush. A monthly com- scroll, and a host of cultural and
munal Shabbat dinner begins. educational events, from Hebrew
While such a scene may be typical at Jew- classes to book clubs.
ish communities across the United States, Across Europe, there are fewer
in Spain it is something of a rarity. The exis- than 200 active congregations From left, Yael Cobano, Ruth Timon, Rabbi Stephen Berkowitz, and Zohar Ben-David
tence and evolution of a progressive con- practicing progressive forms of participating in the Torah reading at the Reform Jewish Community of Madrid.
gregation, as Reform congregations typi- Judaism. Just six of them are in
cally are known outside North America, Spain. congregations are in the works, he of Madrids LGBTQ community, people
is a departure from the citys traditionally Spain has been one of our three key added, and he expects a national federa- who come from interfaith families, and
Orthodox-dominated Jewish life. For the emphases for the last five years or so, said tion of Spanish Reform communities to those at various stages of conversion
people gathered around the Sabbath table SINAI SchoolsLeslie
and Bear Bergman,
Givers present the immediate past presi- open by the end of this year. have found their Jewish home here.
its a welcome development, one the Span-
ish capital needed for some time.
dent of the European Union for Progres-
sive Judaism. At least four more Reform
Student Art Show and Auction
UNIQUE INSPIRATIONS Looking back at the congregations
100% of thebeginnings,
proceeds from the sale we found that Jewish
There are about 50,000 Jews in
Spain; 10,000 of them live in Madrid.
of the studentscommunityartwork will benefit life in Madrid didnt fulfill At the time when the ncleo duro
110 South Orange AvenueLivingston, NJ 07039

Come experience the world through our students eyes. SINAI Schools Scholarship Fund.
us, Cobano, the congregations presi- formed, Jewish life in the city
students artwork will benefit SINAI Schools

Come experience the world through our students eyes

Admission is free.

Monday June 8th, 2015, 6:00 8:00 p.m. dent, said. although quite developed for a coun-
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the

Come experience the world through our students' eyes

The Avenue, 1382 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
or call Bear Givers We saw the possibility of a commu-
at 212.224.0140 try that dispensed with its Jews more
Thursday June 15th, 2017
Student Art Show and Auction
In Memory of Jocheved Orbach, ZL

Cocktails and dairy hors doeuvres will be served Children are nity model
encouraged to thats
attend. inclusive, happy, where than 500 years ago was limited to the
you can have a Jewish identity of the main Orthodox synagogue, a handful
Cocktails and hors doeuvres will be served
Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy

and and
Bear Givers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing joy to the lives of children and adults with the symbolic

Present 21st affect

century, she said, pointing to the of smaller Sephardic Orthodox syna- Present
or call Bear Givers at 212.224.0140

gift of a loveable Teddy Bear. Bear Givers believes that the altruism of some can exponentially the lives of
many. Its programs facilitate an environment where givers are empowered by bringing joy to others and enabling
Reform movement in the United States gogues, Chabad, and the Masorti (Con-
Children are encouraged to attend
Jocheved Orbach Dining Hall


young people with special needs, like the students of SINAI Schools, to feel the satisfaction of being able to give

back to others.
and the United Kingdom, as well as to servative) Bet-El congregation.
UNIQUE INSPIRATIONS Bet Shalom, the 10-year-old Progressive
Operating inclusive special education schools for Jewish children Grades 1-12 as well as programs for adults, SINAI
is widely regarded as one of the countrys leading Jewish schools for children with learning or developmental
There was no pluralistic alternative
Jewish Community of Barcelona.
disabilities whose needs cannot be met in a regular education setting. SINAI Schools serves children with a wide
to look at Judaism from other perspec-
Art Art Show
andand Auction
Student Art Show and Auction
6:00 8:00PM

range of disabilities, providing individualized programming, highly specialized services, in-house therapies, and a 1:2
Scholarship Fund

Student Show Auction A large part of that model is egalitari- tives, and especially, the liberal one,

teacher-to-student ratio. Each of SINAIs schools is housed in a regular education partner Jewish Elementary or High
School, creating an inclusion experience that is personalized for every single child.
In Memory of Jocheved Orbach, ZL
Admission is free

In Memory of Jocheved Orbach, Z"L anism and inclusiveness. The founders, Cobano said. Where a womans role
In Memory of Jocheved
Thursday Orbach,
June 15th, ZL
all female, have led the congregation, would be different from what existed
Thursday June 15th, 2017 and women lead Shabbat services. The until now for example women offi-

Thursday June- 8:00

6:00 8:00PM
6:00 15th,
communitys members come from Pan-
ama, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina,
ciating at services, a community open
to the society, contributing as Spanish

Jocheved Orbach Dining Hall

8:00PMKushner Hebrew Academy
Brazil, and Israel. Additionally, members Jews, and open to ideas of social justice,

110 South Orange AvenueLivingston, NJ 07039

Jocheved Orbach Dining Hall
Cocktails and hors doeuvres will be served
Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy
110 South of the proceeds from the sale of theNJ 07039
students artwork will benefit SINAI Schools
Cocktails Scholarship
and hors doeuvres
Fund will be served
Come experience the world through our students eyes
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the
students artwork
or call will
Bear Givers benefit SINAI Schools
at 212.224.0140
Scholarship Fund 11

Admission is free
Children are encouraged to attend
Come experience the world through our students eyes

Jocheved Orbach Dining Hall Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy
or call BearSouth
110 Orange
Givers Avenue, Livingston, NJ 07039
at 212.224.0140
Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will be served
Admission is free Children are encouraged to attend
Admission is free
100% of the proceeds from the sale of the students' artwork will benet SINAI Schools' Scholarship Fund
Children are encouraged to attend Members of the Reform community celebrate Israels Independence Day in
RSVP: or call Bear Givers at 212.224.0140 Madrids Retiro Park. MARGARITA GOKUN SILVER


Jewish World

in a sense of wanting a better society for everyone Torah and the rabbi the Reform community of Madrid Members of the congregation cite the inclusivity and the
including the Jews, but not only. remains true to its roots. Women continue to lead services, communal atmosphere as the reasons they joined. My
When the congregation first formed, it met in a its doors are open to those in search of their Jewish origins, inclusion in the Reform Jewish Community of Madrid has
small space rented from a local wine shop. We didnt and members are involved in Madrids social justice work. a primordial place in my life, Liliana Levy, a community
even know if we were going to be able to pay the rent This last aspect interactions with the citys non-Jews is member, said. Without these experiences, my life wouldnt
that first Kabbalat Shabbat, Timon recalled. somewhat anomalous in Madrid, where Jewish communi- be what it is today. Each of its members is essential. Why not
The event was a success, and many more monthly ties often are seen as closed. The Reform congregation has another community? Simply because here I feel at home.
Shabbat services followed, each accompanied by a participated in an event for refugees at the Madrid Central Cobano agrees. Nowadays people want to live their Jew-
potluck dinner. As the word spread, the congregation Mosque, given presentations to non-Jews about Jewish spiri- ish identity in a more cheerful manner, with more culture,
soon outgrew the space and found a home in a build- tuality, and has taken part in a collection of groceries for more knowledge, she said. They come because they see
ing with flexible hours and a kitchen. Madrids food bank. It is also beginning to collaborate with our community as more friendly, more open like a model
The kitchen plays a crucial role; communal Shabbat a restaurant thats helping to feed the homeless. with more of everything. JTA WIRE SERVICE

meals are central to the life of the congregation. Stay-

ing for dinner and sitting down at a table together has
always been connected with us, Cobano said. It

creates community, family spirit, links, audacious

Eighteen months in, in the fall of 2015, the commu-
nity decided to bring in a rabbi, because text study was
important to the congregations members. And the
community realized that hiring the only non-Ortho-
dox rabbi in Spain would be a draw for those intrigued
by progressive Judaism.
To reduce expenses, the congregation teamed up
with Barcelonas Bet Shalom to hire a full-time rabbi
whom the two communities could share.
With the financial assistance of EUPJ, the congre-
gations found a French-speaking American rabbi
who was willing to relocate to Barcelona from Paris.
Since then, Rabbi Stephen Berkowitz has learned

We saw the
possibility of a
community model
thats inclusive, Help provide a home, love,
happy, where you can and education to thousands
of poor, orphaned, and at-risk
have a Jewish identity children across Israel. Lift them
of the 21st century. from the deepest of despair
to a bright, dignified and
productive future.
enough Spanish to lead services although often
with Cobanos help and he visits Madrid once a Visit
month. Berkowitz divides his time between the two
communities during the High Holy Days and hes
available for Jewish lifecycle events as well as ongo-
ing pastoral support.
Its a privilege to be a part of the current Jewish cul-
tural and religious revival in Spain, Berkowitz wrote
in an email. It is also a great honor to both teach and
accompany individuals eager to deepen their involve-
ment in the Jewish tradition through the approach
of Progressive Judaism. The Reform Community [of
Madrid] offers a unique community spirit which is
warm, creative and participatory.
The congregation also recently got its first Torah,
albeit on a temporary basis. As part of the EUPJs
Torah-lending initiative, it received the scroll last year.
The community will have to return it in 2018, however,
to make it available for the next small progressive Jew-
ish community.
What happens next? Well keep looking, Cobano
said. We cannot afford a Torah ourselves yet, but per-
haps there is a community out there, either in the U.S. Lighting the way.
or the U.K., that would help and give us one.
Although now more established with both the

AMFO_NJJewishStandard_HalfPageIsland.indd 2 JEWISH STANDARD JUNE 9, 2017

1/12/17 31
1:01 PM
Jewish World

Ex-army chief warns infighting

is wearing away Israels defenses
Former IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz warned last week that Isra- and conflict. The survey found that 50 years after the 1967 them up again, Schueftan
els ability to withstand attacks could be weakened not by outside Six Day War, Israelis both Jews and non-Jews are patri- said. The thing that best
forces, but by the increasing infighting between the groups that otic and optimistic, but they are afraid of terror attacks, defends your house looks
make up Israeli society. though to a lesser extent than they were last year. unstable from the outside,
We have, of course, a challenge with international delegitimi- Former U.S. ambassador Dan Shapiro, who also spoke even though it is the thing
zation, but we have a more important challenge in internal differ- at the conference, noted that in his time in Israel, he has that allows stability.
ences, Gantz said. seen that citizens have to have the ability to sweep up the The professor also
The former military leaders comments were made at a Haifa glass, heal the wounds, and return to a normal life. doubted the ability of
University conference about the institutions new study on the However, according to Gantz, that ability increasingly is Israeli society to come
countrys national resilience its ability to withstand hardship at risk. together, since some parts
As an example, the retired lieutenant general (and, some of the population find
believe, potential politician) brought up a recent meeting Former U.S. Ambassador themselves separated
hed had with a group of former high-ranking officers to Israel Dan Shapiro in from the rest of the coun-
imagine the best kind of people you can in which they his backyard in Raanana, try by what they consider
were on the verge of violent outbursts over the actions by Israel, on March 2, 2017. fundamental, existential
radical elements of the ultra-Orthodox community that  ANDREW TOBIN issues.
have been violently protesting military conscription and Schueftan led the study
attacking uniformed soldiers. on Israels national resilience alongside Gabriel Ben-Dor,
These things that are starting to stir in society, they are head of the universitys National Security Studies program.
poised to become dangerous, he said. The survey has been conducted every year since 2000,
According to Gantz, a shift occurred 50 years ago with the though this is the first time its results are being made public.
1967 Six-Day War, though he admitted the view was based Over 2,000 people were polled, asked to give a score
on anecdotal evidence only. Before the 1967 war, he said, from one to six on topics like how patriotic they felt, or how
Israel was a mobilized society, with everybody generally much they trusted the government or feared terrorism.
working together toward a common goal. A score of six indicated a high level, while a score of one
IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, with binoculars, tours Gantz said that he has seen the rifts in Israeli society grow- indicated a low level. A full report on the survey has not
the Israeli border with Syria on May 21, 2013. ing between religious and secular, right and left, black and yet been released because it was completed very recently,
 TAL MANOR/IDF SPOKESMAN/FLASH 90/JTA white, Arabs and Jews. a university spokesperson said, but the main findings were
The military, Gantz said, is providing an adequate released last week.
defense response to what we are facing. But in an ever- In what the university described as a surprising find,
changing world, he said, Israeli society needs the person- Israeli women were found to be more patriotic, more opti-
S aam m yyss alities and values to stand up to anything. mistic, and more militant than their male counterparts.
S m m As an example of the new threats facing the world, Gantz The level of patriotism among Jewish and Arab women
cited challenges arising from fast-changing technologies, was 4.68 out of a possible score of 6, compared to 4.38
like the hacking attack that brought down the British health- among men; their optimism 4.7 out of 6 was 0.2 points
North Jerseys Premier Italian care system last year. Thirty, 40, 50 years ago, this dimen- higher than males; and their support for Israels military
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The former army chief completed his term as head of
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Less surprisingly, levels of patriotism varied greatly
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tion Protective Edge. Many analysts speculate that Gantz
will enter politics as soon as his legally required cooling-off
this year, which is similar to the scores for the past 17 years,
the university said. For Arab Israelis, the patriotism level
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a dramatic increase over the ho-hum score of 3 that they
gave in 2010.
with drinkfor it for the last 20 years and
You asked to become a progressive society led by the advances
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his prepared speech, the former army chief
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replicated in a similar
without approval from North

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receive a the national resilience study. in a statement. Among Jewish Israelis there is an increase
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purchase Schueftan disputed Gantzs belief that the country must from a level of 4.56 in 2010 to a record high of 4.86, while
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Israeli Strategic Affairs Ministry unifies the pro-Israel network
On Sunday June 4, Israeli Strategic Along with civil society initiatives
Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan such as the application devel-
launched an unprecedented initiative oped by Israeli-American Council
to unify the activity of people around (IAC) and IDC students, we believe
the world who are standing up for that this will be a game-changer in
Israel, and combating the anti-Israel defending Israel online and around
propaganda and de-legitimization the world.
being increasingly spread online. Since its establishment, the
Under the brand 4IL, the Min- Ministry of Strategic Affairs has
istry of Strategic Affairs launched a met dozens of public diplomacy
new website which includes videos, organizations in Israel and around
graphics, articles, and other content. the world, which take an active part
At the same time, the Israeli Amer- in civil pro-Israel activities. These
ican Council and the Interdisciplin- organizations constitute a signifi-
ary Center in Herzliya launched the cant force in the pro-Israel network, app, which provides simple but and the aim of this campaign is to
effective online tasks for anyone who AlExI RoSENfEld
enhance their activities while pro-
wishes to stand up for Israel. These viding Israels supporters in Israel
tasks take less than two minutes a and around the world with mate-
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, center, and Israeli Strategic
day to complete, but their impact is rials and methods for defending
Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, right, lead the Celebrate Israel Parade.
wide-ranging. Israel online.
The 4IL global campaign was als during which Minister Erdan presented the The public diplomacy campaign
launched with a series of events, beginning at campaign to the next generation of activists. will be led by Israels former beauty queen,
the annual Celebrate Israel Parade up Man- The campaign, which is being launched si- Titi Aynaw, and actress Ariel Mortman, star
hattans Fifth Avenue. The parade, hosted by multaneously in the U.S. and Israel, and soon of the Greenhouse series, which is cur-
the Jewish Community Relations Council of in Europe as well as in other regions, is aimed rently being filmed for a Netflix adaptation
New York (JCRC-NY) first began in 1965 and at creating an energized online community to in the U.S. A video featuring Titi and Ariel
this year marked the 50th anniversary of the combat the online lies, calls for boycotts, and in the United States and Israel will headline
reunification of Jerusalem. The parade was led the de-legitimization of the State of Israel. the campaign in encouragement to join the
by Minister Erdan and New York Governor The State of Israel, Minister of Strategic movement.
Andrew Cuomo, and was attended by digni- Affairs Gilad Erdan said, is under constant As part of the Ministrys encouragement
taries including Members of Knesset, the may- attack by de-legitimizers working to demonize of civil initiatives in the struggle against
or of Jerusalem, senators and congressmen, Israel online and undermine our legitimacy de-legitimization, a dedicated app was also
alongside some 40,000 supporters of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish People. For be launched in New York. The app, initiated
who painted the avenue in blue and white. this reason I am initiating an international by the Israeli American Community (IAC),
The official launching ceremony took place at effort to unite Israels supporters around the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya (IDC) as
the IACs Celebrate Israel Festival, while 4,000 globe and provide them with a platform that well as Maccabis, was developed with a vision
participants from the Jewish-Israeli commu- strengthens their activities, with tools that will to create an international community which
nity collectively completed the first task of the help all of us fight hatred together, and with can take action online in, real time to defend
campaign dedicated to the city of Jerusalem. resources to spread the truth. As part of the the State of Israel.
The festivities came to an end at the IAC Dor campaign, we will provide Israels supporters The English version of the 4IL initiative can
Chadash Rooftop Party for Young Profession- with videos, graphics, articles, and content. be found at


Thoughts on celebrating Israel
Truth Regardless of Consequences

Israel should bomb

E Syrian crematorium
very year the Celebrate Israel parade in Manhattan, was led by our extraordinary chaz-
is oddly different and strikingly simi- zan, Ari Priven, one of those rare men who look

lar. And every year its broken into two good in shorts. He carried an accordion; his voice
parts the part before, when we wait, is heavenly, stirring, strong, supple, lovely. He can
and the part during, when we walk. and did play accordion, sing, and walk at the same erusalem I spent the morn- neighbor. We taught the world
Last year it drizzled and misted and poured; we time. ing at the Israeli Parliament, that every human being is created
wore dark wet coats that covered the vivid colors Behind us, the group from Beit Simchat Torah, meeting with Israeli mem- equally in the image of God and
of the shirts that we are asked (in what I always the citys LGBT shul, sang too. bers of the Knesset and that life is the highest value.
find a bit of overreach, because I simply do not It is a joy to walk up Fifth Avenue, in the middle some government ministers, in A crematorium operating just
dress that way) to wear. of the broad street, with palatial apartment build- an effort to discuss Syria. 140 miles from the Jewish state in
The year before that, it was hot. The colors were ings and the hugely looming Temple Emanu-El on The State Departments rev- the year 2017 is abomination. It
bright, but we wilted. the east side and the deep green of the park on elation, made about three weeks cannot stand.
So if last year was Baby Bear and two years ago the west. There were fewer spectators than there ago, that Syria is operating a cre- Just over 70 years ago, Frank-
was Papa Bear, this year was Mama Bear. It was just used to be maybe because its not so easy to get matorium is shocking and vile. lin Roosevelt failed to bomb Aus-
right. (It started raining soon after the parade, and in to see it but the ones who were there were U.S. satellite photos identified the chwitz camp and other death
rained the rest of the day, but whatever) enthusiastic. crematoria at Syrian President camps, allowing the Nazis to
So the walk downtown, like the parade itself, There was, as always, the one disgusting part; Bashar Assads Sed- continue to mur-
was glorious. But the thing about getting there, the the men of Neturei Karta, dressed like charedim naya prison. The der millions of Jews
thing about the parade itself, the sobering thing, is but hurling insults like rage-driven long distance killing centers appar- with impunity. If the
how hard it is to get in. truckers. They waved their foul signs at us. Next ently were built to phrase Never Again
As always, the perimeter of the parade is marked to them, most of the Palestinian demonstrators destroy evidence of is to have any mean-
by concrete barricades and swarms of police offi- there were just a few seemed to model restraint Assads mass murder ing, the Western
cers. They are there to protect us. I know that. But (but of course everything is relative). of innocent civilians powers that stand
the reason that they have to be out in such force Most of the guards were New York City police and political oppo- for moralit y and
is frightening. officers, in their recognizable uniforms, but among nents in Syria, amid against genoc ide
I walk with my synagogue. We were told to meet them I also saw it would have been hard to miss a growing genocide. must immediately
on 55th Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues at men in black uniforms, carrying what I assume Im well aware Rabbi bomb the Syrian
10:30, to leave at 11 sharp. To get there, you have to were submachine guns, with their hands on the that Israel has mas- Shmuley crematorium.
navigate barricades, cordons, and police officers triggers. The cops seemed more or less relaxed; sive security prob- Boteach Israel is not
who politely but firmly ask you where youre going, these guys were staring at the crowd in front of lems of its own and absolved of that
who youre going with, and why. Last year, I didnt them or the buildings and park behind them. That is surrounded by r e s p o n s i b i l i t y.
think clearly enough, and tried to get in through we needed them was terrifying too. genocidal enemies intent on its Indeed, its proximity begs for
Fifth Avenue, which is harder. There were more The march is short. It starts at 55th Street and annihilation. Im also aware that action.
barricades on the east side of the parades; had it ends at 74th, with a curt sign that says something if Israel were to bomb the Syrian When I went to the Knesset I
not been for my rabbi, whom I ran into in the park, like Route ends here. Stop music now. And so we crematorium, many Arab nations brought with me the Torah scroll
I might not have been able to talk my way in, even made a right turn and were funneled onto the side would see it not as a humanitarian that we wrote in the name of vic-
though I belonged there. street and then to Madison Avenue, with a quick act but as an act of aggression. Im tims of the Holocaust, the Rwan-
This year, our garish shirts did their magic, and stop for a group picture of the 50-odd of us and also well aware of the fact that so dan genocide, and Elie Wiesel. I
I got in fairly quickly. I walked from the west side our banner. many people are so anti-Semitic told the lawmakers I met that if
of the block to the east side, seeing, among other At least in the part of the walk that I see, there is that no matter what good Israel Elie Wiesel were alive, he would
groups, students from Moriah and the Torah a huge range of groups, representing the range of does, they still will attack it as an be demanding action from worlds
Academy of Bergen County, as well as Israeli scout Jewish love for Israel. We all recognize that there aggressor. leaders. He would be horrified
troupes from Tenafly and Fair Lawn. are complexities; the parade is not the place to And still, Israel should bomb that the pages of major newspa-
When you walk, you see spectators and the display them, although there is never a time to the hell out of the Syrian cremato- pers around the world published
groups that wait near you and walk before and pretend that they do not exist. Probably my own rium and remove it from the earth. pictures of crematorium and the
after you, and thats all you see. I saw the float group represented at least 50 opinions. Maybe Why? Because we Jews are a world did nothing.
from the Jewish National Fund, which drew up more, because we all change our minds at least light unto the nations. We taught Now, as we approach Elie Wie-
alongside us before moving ahead. I saw children occasionally. the world that murder is the sels first yahrzeit, the responsi-
sitting on it, looking a bit ill-at-ease; the small band But the feeling of joy in Israel, in being Jewish, supreme crime and that no man bility to stop innocent Arab men,
on it played Zum Gali Gali over and over again, in being part of this vast, fractious community, in may stand idly by the blood of his women, and children from being
and a small girl on the float vigorously and open- being on Fifth Avenue, in being in New York, in
mouthedly chewed gum to its rhythm. being alive it is surprisingly uncomplicated, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach of Englewood is author of 30 books, including his
Our group, from Congregaton Bnai Jeshurun it happens every single year. JP most recent, The Israel Warrior. Follow him on Twitter @RabbiShmuley.

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34 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017


slaughtered in Syria falls to all of us.

Elies son Elisha was the keynote speaker at our The U.S., the fate of liberty,
gala dinner on May 21. I also accompanied Elisha
to Auschwitz for the March of the Living, where and the fate of the USS Liberty

he electrified the audience with a demand that we
finally become our brothers keeper. Twelve thou- he Jewish world, together with supporters of the deliberate. Some Americans speculated that the attack was
sand young Jews walked down the same paths as Zionist dream beyond our communal borders, occasioned by American jamming of Israeli communica-
those whose lives were extinguished, whose bodies find ourselves in heady times as we celebrate the tions, or by fear that the Liberty would compromise Israeli
and souls were burned in crematoria, and whose fiftieth anniversaries of the liberation of Jerusa- intelligence regarding the Golan campaign at a point when
remains floated to heaven. lem and the Israeli victories of the 1967 Six Day War. the Jewish states very survival was at stake.
How many of those who were murdered would We look ahead with grateful wonder to the coming years Thankfully, the presidents response prevailed, and for
have lived had Roosevelt decided to bomb the seventieth anniversary of the State of Israels founding. We the most part it has defined historys perspective on the
trains to Auschwitz, and the death camp itself? The have much to celebrate and good reason for thanksgiving. attack on the USS Liberty. It is impossible to determine if
allies already were bombing the IG Farben indus- Each new day seems to recall further details of perilous, LBJs stated perspective reflects his actual beliefs, or if it is
t trial plants near Auschwitz. What would it have decisive, and, one might say, miraculous events now half grounded in self-sacrificing and calculated realpolitik (like
taken to destroy the crematorium? A single bomb- a century past. the facts of the incident itself ). The 36th presidents words,
t ing run? Two? One historic anniversary associated with that remarkable however, speak volumes as to his attitude toward the Jewish
Roosevelt, who ultimately defeated Hitler, has period, however, is far from cause for celebration. On June state: America and Israel have a common love of human
- seen his legacy suffer tremendously for this cata- 8, 1967, Israeli military forces launched a devastating attack freedom, and they have a common faith in a democratic
- strophic moral omission. on the USS Liberty, a technical research ship belonging way of life. Whatever Johnson truly believed, and whatever
The same is true of Bill Clintons refusal, in 1994, to the United States Navy, in international Mediterranean the facts, he did not allow the attack on the Liberty to derail
to bomb the radio antenna from which the Hutu waters north of the Sinai Peninsula. The Liberty was torpe- a critical alliance at the height of the Cold War.
- were broadcasting and coordinating the annihila- doed, strafed with machine-gun and cannon In addition to explanations and apologies,
tion of the Tutsi in the Rwandan genocide. Presi- fire, and set aflame with napalm bombs. The Israel also placed a memorial to the Libertys
dent Clinton ultimately apologized for doing abso- attack killed 34 Americans, wounded 171 crew American casualties in its Naval Museum. The
lutely nothing in Rwanda. But that provides scarce members, and left a hole in the ship 39 feet by plaque lists their names and bears an inscrip-
- comfort to the families of more than 800,000 who 24 feet wide. It has been reported that a num- tion in Hebrew: We express deep sorrow
were murdered. ber of Jews, specifically assigned to the Liberty for the 34 friends who died at our hands, in
Each genocide is different, and the Holocaust is because of their facility with the Hebrew lan- a battle that was not theirs, aboard the USS
a crime that has no parallel in human history. Still, guage, were among the American casualties. Liberty, June 8, 1967... May their memory be
the words Never Again must mean the same in all The Liberty incident represents the most a blessing!
y situations of mass murder. perilous moment in the historic, strategic, and The inscription is poignant in its acknowl-
Hitler was emboldened by the worlds failure to diplomatic relationship between the State of Rabbi Joseph edgement of responsibility (they died at our
act after the Nuremberg laws were enacted, after Israel and the United States. It also represents H. Prouser hands) and in its description of American
t Kristallnacht foreshadowed the fate of European the nightmare scenario for American Jews, as military personnel as friends of Israel. The
t Jewry, after his explicit declaration of his intent citizens both fiercely loyal to the United States assertion that the Libertys crew members lost
. to exterminate the Jews, and after learning of the and profoundly committed to the Jewish state. their lives in a battle that was not theirs (bkrav lo la-hem),
r Final Solution. The causes of the attack are a matter of considerable however, is far more unsettling. It is true that Israel, like any
Barack Obama did nothing while Assad terrorized historical debate and mystery. Israel contacted American sovereign nation, bears ultimate responsibility for its own
I and used chemical weapons on his people. Worse, authorities immediately after the incident, explaining that defense. It is true, too, that the United States had estab-
Obamas failure to enforce his red line embold- the Liberty had been mistaken for an Egyptian warship, lished its official neutrality during the 1967 war, rendering
- ened Assad to gas his people again. Recently, while that it was believed (admittedly in error) to have been shell- the conflict a battle that was not theirs. Yet this phrase,
- being interviewed by John F. Kennedys grandson, ing strategic Sinai positions in advance of an invasion force memorializing the lamentable events of 50 years ago, also
I the former president brazenly claimed that his inac- designed to flank Israeli forces. Army Chief of Staff Yitzchak conveys a subtle moral indictment. Israels daily fight against
f tion in Syria required political courage, as if a fail- Rabin, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, and Prime Minister terror, against explicit threats of annihilation and genocide,
ure to punish the gassing of children is something Levi Eshkol explained that standing orders to attack any are rightfully Americas battle as well. American claims of
that merits applause. unidentified warship in the area had been issued, and that a neutrality in 1967 or in 2017 are not a defense; they are a
To his credit, Donald Trump took decisive action series of errors and the fog of war had led to the tragic and statement of moral failure and culpability.
- in response to Assads last chemical attack. It was his lethal attack on Israels American allies. Israeli authorities This principle was never stated more forcefully or clearly
proudest moment as president. By attacking Assad conveyed abject formal apologies for the attack to the Amer- than by William J. Bennett, former U.S. Secretary of Educa-
for gassing Arab children, he enforced the red line, ican administration. President Lyndon B. Johnson accepted tion, in his book Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War
something that Obama refused to do. Now, Trump the Israeli apology and explanation. In fact, he devoted little on Terrorism.
- should be equally decisive by sending cruise missiles attention to the tragedy in his memoirs, going so far as to Our essential kinship with Israel is a deep-rooted feel-
- or whatever munitions are required to reduce the under-report casualty numbers. ing of linked destinies, a feeling that echoes back to our
, crematorium to rubble. Not all Americans were as sanguine about Israeli expres- founding and to the birth of freedom which our fathers
But none of this absolves Israel of its moral respon- sions of remorse. Rear Adm. Isaac Kidd, senior officer in the identified with the biblical Israelites emergence from the
sibility to destroy the crematorium, should America American Naval Court of Inquiry investigating the attack, darkness of bondage. And I believe it also has to do with an
and other nations refuse to take action. Of the Israeli reportedly referred to the Israelis responsible for the attack understanding, almost religious in nature, that to our two
leaders whom I met at the Knesset, the person who as murderous bastards. Capt. Ward Boston, senior counsel nations above all others has been entrusted the fate of lib-
most understood this was Minister of Agriculture Uri of the Court of Inquiry, described the incident as a delib- erty in the world.
Ariel, whom we had honored at an evening paying erate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire On the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty, it
tribute to Elie Wiesel. crew. Secretary of State Dean Rusk insisted that Israel had behooves us, too, to contemplate the fate of liberty in the
When President Trump came to Israel recently he confirmed the identity of the Liberty, and its American sta- world, as Secretary Bennett so aptly framed the issue. That
was asked to make a mandatory visit to Yad Vashem, tus, fully an hour before the attack, which, he said, evinced battle certainly is ours, wherever it may manifest itself. In
the museum and memorial to the six million Jews reckless disregard for human life. The official policy of the that continuing battle, neutrality is no virtue.
who were murdered in the Holocaust. And during USS Liberty Veterans Association is to consider the attack as See liberty page 38
that visit, just 150 miles away, Syria was and is still
running a crematorium that is an affront to God,
decency, and every Jewish value.
Israel should electrify the world with its total The opinions expressed in this section are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the newspapers editors, publishers,
destruction. or other staffers. We welcome letters to the editor. Send them to

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 35


Using water to create a wave of support for Israel

ow often have you looked at with federations across the state, we suc- Israels Solution for a Water- helping our own community.
the endless torrent of anti- cessfully advocated for anti-BDS legislation Starved World, Seth Sie- The response to the fed-
Israel propaganda and won- in the New Jersey legislature, achieving gels best-selling account of erations advocacy efforts has
dered how so many people overwhelming support from our senate the development of Israels been enthusiastic. In meeting
can believe that nonsense in the face of and assembly for outlawing state pension water resources. Our chair of after meeting, our elected rep-
Israels miraculous achievements? investment in funds that boycott Israel. government relations, Stan- resentatives have expressed
If you are reading this column, theres The success of these efforts shows the ley Goodman, had a brilliant appreciation for our bringing
a good chance that like me, you live in a strength of our community and its support thought: Why not educate ideas to help critical problems
semi-perpetual state of awe-filled admira- for the Jewish state. our legislators on Israeli solu- our state faces, as well as a
tion for the Jewish state. This week, espe- tions to water problems New Laura Fein strong desire to consult Israeli
cially, as we relive the rebirth of Israel Jersey faces? Elaborating, he experts and apply Israeli solu-
through its seemingly impossible victory explained: New Jersey has tions. A number of officials
in the Six-Day War, it seems irrational not newfound water challenges, while Israel and their aides attended a dinner with Mr.
to believe in miracles. From decimating New Jersey has has a history of water experience in tech- Siegel and asked detailed questions on how
the Egyptian air power in a daring flash of nology and management! Connecting New Israels innovations might be applied locally.
chutzpah-fueled brilliance Let there be newfound water Jersey and Israel is basic problem-solving Although efforts are in their early stages,
light! to reuniting the Jewish people with challenges, 101! Why reinvent the wheel? simply raising the issue has transformed
their beating heart, the Kotel, for the first Since March, Mr. Goodman has led the conversations about Israel from an ask to
time in millennia And behold it was very while Israel has a federations effort to meet with state legis- an offer. As solutions are implemented, a
good! the wars impact is as wondrous as history of water lators to discuss the many ways New Jer- broader audience will grow to appreciate
the story of creation itself. Is it an accident sey could benefit by adopting practices Israels contributions.
it took just six days? experience in and technologies that have transformed Indeed, this already has begun. In one of
Following the 1967 war, Israel was an technology and Israel from a nation of severe water short- the more inspiring school projects Ive ever
example to the world of overcoming ages to an exporter of water. The exper- seen, Israeli water innovation was show-
adversity, leveraging opportunities, and management! tise that underlies that transformation cased in Teaneck as part of a broader proj-
standing together to defeat any challenge. STANLEY GOODMAN already has created productive partner- ect sponsored in memory of Jack Flamholtz.
Unfortunately, the David-beats-Goliath ships with Israels neighbors and around (The Jewish Standard wrote about it in the
story got turned on its head, and in recent Our dedication to building support for the world, from Africa to China to Califor- May 11 issue, in a story called Let It Rain.)
decades Israel has been portrayed as an Israel requires us not only to defend, but nia. Similarly, New Jersey can benefit from On a bright sunny May day, a few hundred
aggressor and oppressor. As a result, our also to promote it. Earlier this year, the Israels knowledge. New Jersey has a range public school students at the Hawthorne
community has focused significant efforts Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey of water concerns, including inefficient Elementary School gathered with legisla-
on fighting anti-Israel and BDS forces on was looking to highlight Israel to state leg- water management (there are some 475 tors, elected leaders, and members of the
campus, in the media, and with our legis- islators during our state legislative advo- different water authorities in the state), community for an hourlong ceremony to
lators. The Jewish Federation of Northern cacy day. Having passed the anti-BDS law aging infrastructure, and wasteful usage celebrate the completion of a hands-on
New Jersey convened the iCAN teen con- so recently, we wanted to find another leading to shortages, contamination, and STEM education project, where students
ference, the nations largest such regional reason to engage legislators meaning- more. Israels existence rests on its ability helped install a system to recycle rainfall
meeting, to prepare teens to understand fully with Israel. Meanwhile, federations to handle these very problems. Our goal is to flush the school toilets and water the
and respond to questions with confidence annual One Book/One Community pro- to create new opportunities for education grounds. Many of the officials and commu-
and pride. Additionally, in cooperation gram had selected Let There Be Water: about and partnership with Israel, while nity members who are so excited to apply

Dying to get closer to death?

hat is the Jewish fascina- drive me to visit living relatives more? mile markers in history, and cutting-edge address in cur-
tion with death? Why not? to the significance they hold ing cancer?
We seem to put a dis- We seem to be preoccupied with death for our people. Each of these Which one tells the Jewish
proportionate amount of on more than a personal level. Take a first- moments and countless oth- peoples story better?
energy toward the notion of memory and timers trip to Israel as a case in point. Sta- ers, all riddled with pain, suf- I suppose that question is
visiting (and re-visiting) places of death. ples of the visit undoubtedly are Masada, fering, and death, shaped the tantamount to defining Juda-
My loved ones who have left this world are which is an homage to mass suicide, and Jewish community as we are ism as either a people or a
interred in Michigan. Nary a time passes Rabin Square, where the prime minis- today, both collectively and religion, when indeed we are
that I am near their final resting place ter was assassinated in 1995. Everyone, individually. both. So too when it comes
that I do not make a journey to pay my regardless of how short their visit to Israel But is it our focus? Should Rabbi to Israel we are a country as
respects. Often, I make special pilgrimages might be, makes an obligatory stop at Yad it be? David-Seth much fashioned by our past
just for the occasion. Vashem, Israels Holocaust Memorial. Why When a head of state vis- Kirshner as we are working to shape
I am not quite sure why I do it. It is not are we eager to tour death and murder? its Israel for 36 hours or less, our future. So why the fixa-
to be closer to their presence or memory. To further this point, more Jewish visi- and time allows just one visit tion on what happened to us,
That happens to me intermittently, at the tors have gone to Auschwitz and Birkenau outside the traditional handshakes and as opposed to what we are making happen
least expected moment, on any given day then they have visited the synagogues that meetings with the prime minister, should to the world?
or location. What force drives me there to are growing today. that leader lay a wreath at Yad Vashem A few years ago, I visited a water
that physical space? Does that same force Dont think that I am numb to these or visit a technological start-up that is a reclamation plant in Israel that was

36 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017


Children from Hawthorne Elementary

School learn about water conserva-
tion; this water tank is part of the
schools new system.  Laura Fein

Israeli solutions in New Jersey attended, and Rain Harvest. Amir Yecheli, the Israeli sci- They learned how Israel shares its knowl- America, our ability to broaden our base
left inspired, knowing they can find ways to ence teacher who designed the system and edge with needy communities in Africa, is enhanced when we not only share
gain access to Israeli expertise. offers the blueprints for free, has installed using similar systems to provide the first knowledge of these achievements, but
Through the school project, students similar systems in more than 140 schools in clean water some villages have ever seen. also make them relevant to the needs
learned the technology and science that Israel, the United States, and Kenya. As he We can expect that these positive lessons of those around us. By combining these
made the system work, as well as impor- spent time with the students explaining how will leave a lasting impact, building broader streams, the federations efforts could
tant lessons in ecology and conservation. the system works and training them to oper- understanding of Israel that will endure on unleash a flood of support for Israel that
They also could not miss absorbing the fact ate it, students got to know an Israeli, some campus and beyond. will grow for years to come.
of Israels unique attributes and contribu- for the first time. They learned how Israel Israels ability to overcome incred-
tions. The system itself was Israeli designed developed the technology out of necessity, ible challenges and channel them into Laura Fein is the director of the Jewish
and manufactured, complete with cisterns and observed the Israeli culture of problem- sustainable success provides endless Community Relations Committee at the
bearing Hebrew labels from Yevul Mayim, solving, determination, and perseverance. inspiration. As supporters of Israel in Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.

recapturing 90 percent of Israels waste generations tell their stories.

water and purifying it for use with irri- We can never forsake our past. It Indeed, George Santayana was pro-
gation and farming. This technology is
being exported to drought-ravaged coun-
might be prudent, however, for us to phetic when he said those who cannot
remember the past will be doomed to
tries to help them conserve resources devote a similar amount of energy repeat it. We can never forsake our past.
better. What is painful and fascinating to
me at the same time is that I have never
to our future, and those who are It might be prudent, however, for us to
devote a similar amount of energy to our
been back to visit there again. Most of my alive now, as we devote to reflecting future, and those who are alive now, as we
friends and colleagues barely even have
heard of it. But I have been to Masada
on our past. It could bridge the gap devote to reflecting on our past. It could
bridge the gap between the generations,
more times than I have fingers and toes to between the generations. and inspire us to dream more and reach
count. The same is true for Yad Vashem, further for our future.
Mount Herzl, and Rabin Square. through the visitation of death? kids today want to be inspired, not
Death is fascinating because it is the One of the widening divides between depressed. They want to dream more David-Seth Kirshner is the senior rabbi
unknown and the great equalizer. Deaths people who were born before the Yom than they want to reminisce. That is not of Temple Emanu-El of Closter, president
permanence dials into our emotions. But Kippur War and those who were born only a result of their age. It has nothing of the New York Board of Rabbis, and
why do we keep coming back to tell our after has much to do with how we to do with apathy towards Judaism. It is vice president of the North Jersey Board
story and remind ourselves of our origins externalize memory and death. College about the lens through which different of Rabbis.

Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 37


Jerusalem is our beacon Liberty un-American to define those battles too

narrowly, or to treat those commitments

from page 35
as negotiable or as blunt instruments of
y mother and been in Jewish hands since Fifty years later, the attack on the U.S.S. financial leverage. Early American states-
grandparents, the destruction of the Sec- Liberty presents all thoughtful Americans man Henry Clay articulated the principle
Holocaust sur- ond Temple in 66 CE. Being American Jews among them with a in terms particularly resonant on the anni-
vivors, moved able to walk openly as a Jew series of compelling lessons and daunting versary of the Liberty attack: I prefer the
to Israel after the creation of the within the old walls of Jeru- challenges: troubled ocean of war to the tranquil,
Jewish state. salem is something I never How critical it is that the president of putrescent pool of ignominious peace.
My aunt was born in Siberia will take for granted. the United States be a person of selfless More to the point, on this historic anni-
in 1944 and my mom in Tem- For many of us, theres moral clarity, who is aware of and respon- versary, as we contemplate both the fate
pelhof, a displaced persons an aura around the Old sive to the weight that a presidents words of liberty and the fate of the U.S.S. Lib-
camp, in Berlin in 1946. The Jason City. It calls to you, radi- and example carry, especially in times of erty, we affirm that Israels battle is our
family settled in a one-bedroom Shames ates as a spiritual beacon, conflict and loss of life. own. We do well to remember Secretary
stone hut in an alley off Bezalel and represents something How critical it is that the president of Bennetts closing words of counsel:
Street, less than a mile from the thats greater than any of the United States respond to crises and Keeping faith with the people of Israel
walls of Jerusalems Old City, a place that us. Through the ages, Jerusalem has repre- set-backs and perceived offenses (per- in their still unfinished confrontation
was forbidden to them. sented Jewish unity and hope for a strong sonal and national) out of measured prin- with evil is, to me, a species of keeping
My moms family remained in Israel until Jewish community. ciple, nuanced deliberation, and historic faith with ourselves; breaking faith, a spe-
they moved to the States in 1956. I was born So many of our ancestors yearned to sensitivity, rather than with raw emotion, cies of self-abnegation. It is exactly that
in Brooklyn but raised in the Bronx. My walk, pray, and reflect within the walls of egocentric self-interest, or the short-term simple, and exactly that difficult, and
upbringing was quite dissimilar in every way Jerusalem, but they couldnt. We, though, gains of political posturing. exactly that consequential.
from my moms. But we did share one thing. are fortunate. We can. How different it is How critical it is that American leaders May all Americans be privileged to cele-
Neither of us would freely pass through the today than it was before June, 1967. I am both civilian and military understand brate Israels 70th Independence Day free
Old City walls until 1983, when we went on often in awe of that fact. the sacred trust of safeguarding intelli- from the fog of war, and blessed with the
a family trip to Israel to celebrate my bar It is my sincere hope that my generation, gence provided and secured by our allies. principled moral clarity, mutual esteem,
mitzvah. my kids generation, and the ones that fol- How critical it is to acknowledge that recognition, and support that worthy alli-
It was hard, if not impossible, for me to low never take a Jewish Jerusalem, our City Americas allies are many, and conse- ances demand.
understand the significance of being able of Gold, the eternal holy city, for granted. quently our battles are many. In addition
to walk to the Kotel for my bar mitzvah in to the state of Israel, the United States has Joseph H. Prouser is the rabbi of Temple
1983. Today, in 2017, some 34 years later, I Jason Shames is CEO of the Jewish Federation longstanding mutual defense commit- Emanuel of North Jersey in Franklin
totally understand it. Jerusalem had not of Northern New Jersey. ments to 27 NATO allies. It ultimately is Lakes.


Sometimes email is better that you wish him/her a refuah shelayma. How it is Thank you, B.H.O.
Dear Rabbi Zahavy, done should depend on the patients comfort level, not Anyone can see at the Jewish Standard needs an enormous
I read with interest your response to Mobile Mitzvah the well-wisher. amount of help selecting worthy articles for publication.
Man (Dear Rabbi Zahavy, June 2). He wrote that he had Shari Baran Ive read The Five Odd Moments From Trumps Israel
a friend in the hospital to whom he had texted a get-well Teaneck Trip by Joseph Dolstein/JTA wire service in your May 26,
message. His wife and you both seemed to indicate that 2017 issue. Left wing prejudicial, and asinine are just the
such a response did not constitute adequate fulfillment of [EDITORS NOTE Rabbi Zahavy responds: I do concur beginning of a list of adjectives that many of us apply to the
the mitzvah of bikkur cholim. with you that the patients needs should always come first. material published on page 3 . The focus is on trivia, and the
I beg to differ somewhat. Nowadays, when someone is Thanks for your good advice.] bias against our President ,Mr. Trump, is obvious. If Mr. Dol-
hospitalized, it is because they are very ill and/or in great sten wants to inform your readers of real political events, he
pain. As a friendly visitor with the Teaneck Bikkur Cholim More on Nathan Rapoport should write about how Mrs. Clinton stole the election from
at Holy Name Hospital and the relative of people who have I found it interesting that there was a yahrzeit service in Bernie Sanders. How about writing that our former Presi-
been hospitalized over the past year, I can tell you that memory of the sculptor Nathan Rapoport (Yahrzeit ser- dent, Barack Hussein Obama thinks that climate change is
many people in the hospital dont necessarily want in-per- vice will honor sculptor of Liberty Park Liberation monu- more evil that ISI, and that ISIS is a JV team. Why not write
son visitors. Being in bed in a hospital gown (not the most ment, June 2.) It is unfortunate that it was on the same about how B.H.O. started the Affordable Care Act which
modest clothing), often attached to medical parapherna- day as the Salute to Israel Parade. The State of Israel issued is financially killing Americans. How about writing about
lia, and legitimately often not in the most sociable mood, a State Medal in 1995, called Liberation using the statue how B.H.O. took millions away from Medicare for his A.C.A.
many patients would prefer quiet time. Often a text or in Liberty State Park as the subject matter. How about B.H.O. freeing the murderous scum and FALN
email that can be read by the patient or to the patient can I first saw his work while on Kibbutz Yad Mordechai in leader,Lopez Rivera .How about writing about the time that
convey the senders wishes just as well. Phone calls/video 1961. By the water tower of the kibbutz is the larger than Obama whispered to Russian Prime Minister Medvedev, Ill
calls/Skype can also be less intrusive but just as effective life statue commemorating Modechai Anielewicz, one of be more flexible after the election. Talk about collusion
in letting the patient know that he/she is being thought of. the commanders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, who the and anti-Americanism !!!
In-person visits might be more welcome once the patient kibbutz was named after. Many years later I saw the two Many loyal Americans believe in the Constitution and the
is home recovering. monuments at Yad Vashem that are almost identical to Bill of Rights. Saving this country from the left-wing radi-
I would recommend always checking with the patient those erected in Warsaw, commemorating the Warsaw cals, Communists, Marxists, and the majority of Democrats
or a close family member first to find out if an in-person Ghetto Uprising and the The Last March. There are is the number one reason the body of America voted for Mr.
visitor would be welcome. other large works by him in other parts of Israel. Trump to be our 45 President of these United States.
Also, check to find out if there is a particular time that Mr. Rapoport sculpted many monumental works on Richard Jurasin
would be best for a visit. exhibit in Israel as well as Poland and the United States. Barbara Ina Rosen
The most important thing is to let the patient and Howard J. Cohn
his/her family know that you are thinking of them and New Milford See More Opinion page 44

38 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017

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The Frazzled Housewife Crossword

Parade 2017
The Final Frontier?

here are so many to avoid. Because high
areas of life that school never ends. There
are timelines. will always be people who
School for exam- look the other way when
ple. You start when you are they see you a life lesson
little, you go through growth you are taught when it is
spurts and the joys of puberty, happening to you initially
and you finish when you are and then you teach your
old enough to get married own children. It is just the
and start a family. Buying shoes Banji way it is, unfortunately.
again, you start when you are Ganchrow Why cant we all just get
little, you finish buying for size along? Who knows.
instead of for sport when your When you get engaged,
feet stop growing. That is a timeline mile- you just have to go to the parade, because,
stone. (Some people by shoes for sport. I well, you are engaged. When someone
am not one of those people as evidenced asks you How have you been? you can
by the fake crocs that I have been wearing show them your ring.
for 12 years.) And then you decide to go as new par-
Unless, of course, you are a pregnant ents. Why? That I have no answers for. Is it
woman whose feet dramatically increase the love we have for Israel? No, it is prob-
in size, possibly to balance out your mid- ably an excuse to get out of the house and Across Down
dle section, which also grows dramatically hope the little ones will stop screaming 1. Brother of Rebecca 1. Item in Jacobs dream
in size but that is for another time. in the fresh air. My back still hurts when I 6. What a good IDF soldier keeps under 2. Pique, like (Eves) curiosity
pressure? 3. Product that might soothe aches after
Another area of life that is a timeline think about that parade when I thought it
10. One of Life, in Eden a long hike in the Golan
for where you are in the midst of it all is would be a good idea to wear son #2 in a 14. Pais or The Boston Garden 4. Shanah, in Spain
the Israeli Day Parade. The parade is actu- baby bjorn, while husband #1 pushed son 15. Small ox often found in crosswords 5. Portman or Wood, for short
ally a microcosm for so many other things #1 in the stroller. Sleep deprivation it 16. Eilat congers 6. Temple figure
as well, so let us take a look. I remember does funny things to the brain. 17. Sign on the Holy of Holies? 7. One might get rid of challah crumbs
19. Israels continent 8. Lisa who sings Feel What U Feel
marching in the parade as a little girl. And then your children start marching
20. Did some archeological work at the 9. Maples or Sokoloff
(when I say little, I actually mean young, in the parade. And you pack lunch and City of David 10. One might be stacked with sugar
since I was never little.) One year, the snacks and carry those ridiculous chairs 21. Observe shiva packets and kichel
school had us carry umbrellas as part that come with their own handy-dandy 22. David who briefly coached the Cavs 11. Sign for a Shabbat zone?
of a flower theme; of course, that year it travel bag. If you are in a thinner phase, 24. Son of Rebecca 12. Name with melech or sheva
26. Serenity ___! (Seinfeld line) 13. ___ Einai
rained, and my mom wouldnt let me par- you walk around so you run into people
28. Director J.J. 18. Gedi preceder
ticipate in the parade because she didnt or you are brave enough to walk with your 31. Longtime infielder on Wilpons Mets 23. Judge Judys org.
want me getting wet, which would lead childs school. Husband #1 was always a 33. Make like Nissim 25. Jared and Ivankas previous hood
to me getting sick. Even though we were big fan of walking with the boys. There 35. Original Jewish priest 27. Tref Lion King animal
holding umbrellas. Oh well. I remember he would be, blocks behind the rest of the 36. ___ Haderech 29. Danny on Happy Days with Henry
38. Elviss label Winkler
marching in the parade as a senior in high marchers, waving to the crowds on either
40. ___ Can (Sammy Davis Jr. 30. Upsherin sound
school. My friends and I carried the school side of him, talking to folks he hadnt seen memoir) 32. David to Jesse
banner and we thought we were it. No one in years. Husband #1 loves the parade, 41. Brandeis practiced it 34. 1994 Jeremy Piven comedy
especially when he finds parking on the 44. Sign for the Jews leaving Egypt? 37. Jordan to Israel, in 1967
street. If he has to put a car in a lot, well, 47. Org. that ranks Nadal and Sela 39. Holy box
48. Heavenly glow 41. Yalda, in Glasgow
he doesnt and then we miss the parade.
50. Word before Tamid or Kodesh 42. Rental from Hertz or Eldan
(He loves Israel, but not if it is going to cost
When you get him $20 extra for driving a minivan.)
51. Yes, in Ariel
53. Bird that might be featured in some
43. Sign for one wrapping tefillin around
a leg?
engaged, you And then there was this year. Son #3 bris invites 45. Film sch. that rejected Spielberg

just have to go was the only member of the family march-

ing in the parade. His old parents scored
55. Sacrificial animal
57. Cultural values
46. Sharon Osbourne, ___ Levy
49. Colonial workers in Jerusalem

to the parade, tickets in the VIP section so we could sit

61. Susan who wrote In America
63. Moshav work?
52. Higher power?
down and not have to schlep the chairs of
because, well, our youth. Son #3 said it was weird to be
65. Raba bar Rav ___ (Talmudist)
66. Monster and Gamliel
54. ___-El (Supermans real name, which
means Gods voice)
you are engaged. marching without any siblings. Husband 68. Award Julianna Margulies has eight
56. Like Solomon, compared to
everyone else
#1 and I thought is was weird that we had
70. TV Channel that once aired a #1 hit 58. Levantine dip
so little interest in seeing who was at the by 8-Down repeatedly 59. Those present at the start of
was cooler than we were. Our whole lives parade. We were just happy that neither 71. Most Israelis services, e.g.
were ahead of us, and we were leading the of us needed a bathroom. I guess that is 73. Sign for a fast Torah reader? 60. Grandmas
charge. Ahh, memory is a funny thing. the next stageahh, something to look 76. Oy! 62. Like many who have cholent
77. Game with Simon 64. Brother of Asher
That was to be the last year that I partici- forward to!
78. Para ___ 67. Israels isnt very wide
pated in the parade as a non-spectator. Or 79. Rival of Liebers and Utz 69. Rock genre for David Bowie or Marc
that I ever thought that I was it. Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck was happy 80. Israeli news site Bolan
I then went to the parade with my single that she has been to Israel since last years 81. Brother of 35-Across 71. Kahanes org.
friends, scouring the crowd for people we parade. She also hopes that all of her sons 72. Second Temple ___
74. Word before and after for an
wanted to see, guys we wanted to meet, will be at next years parade, but, you The solution to last weeks puzzle is 75. Words not said at many Jewish
and, of course, avoiding those we wanted never know on page 47. weddings


Arts & Culture
The tribe at the Tonys
NATE BLOOM with Jewish culture and her Jewish iden-

tity. Interestingly enough, the Tony-nom-
he 71st annual Tony Awards, given inated director of Vogels play, Rebecca
for excellence in the Broadway Taichman, wrote her own play about the
theater, will air live on CBS on events depicted in Indecent which the
Sunday, June 11, starting at 8 p.m. Yale Repertory Theater staged in 2000.
Kevin Spacey will host. This year features an Best (new) musical: Dear Evan Han-
extraordinary number of Jewish nominees sen, music and lyrics by BENJ PASEK
and works with a strong Jewish connection. and Justin Paul, both 32. Pasek and Paul
The following are confirmed Jewish nomi- wrote the lyrics for City of Stars, and
nees in all but the technical categories. won this years Oscar for best song with
Please note: the best play Tony goes to La La Land film composer JUSTIN
the playwright and the plays producers. HURWITZ, 32.
The best musical Tony goes to the musicals The duo, who met in college, had earlier
producers. The number of nominated pro- Ben Platt Bette Midler hits, including a Broadway musical version
ducers is so large that, with one exception, of A Christmas Story. However, Evan
just below, I simply cant cover them in this Hansen is the first show they wrote that
article. As in my regular column, Jewish after an absence of almost 50 years. Born & The Great Comet of 1812; and MICHAEL was not based on another source and they
folks mentioned are in capital letters. and raised in Hawaii, she moved to New GREIF, 57, Dear Evan Hansen. hit a home run.
York in 1965 and quickly landed a big off- Heres a little more about two of these The riveting story of Evan Hansen was
Acting categories Broadway role. Then, from 1966 to 1969, directors: written by STEVEN LEVENSON, 31, and
Leading actor in a musical: BEN she played Tzeitel, the oldest daughter, in Gold is the resident director of the Round- hes nominated for best book (script) for a
PLATT, 23, Dear Evan Hansen. Platt, the original run of Fiddler on the Roof. about Theater Company, one of Manhat- musical. (Pasek and Pauls score is nomi-
who became well known to movie audi- She told CBS Sunday Morning that she tans leading nonprofit theater companies. nated for best original score.)
ences as Benji Applebaum in the Pitch didnt return to Broadway sooner because Hes married to AMY HERZOG, 41, a Pulit- Groundhog Day also is nominated for
Perfect films, is a favorite to win the Tony. musical shows changed and had became zer-nominated playwright (4000 Miles). best new musical. Its a song-filled version
The fourth of five children, Ben is the musical theater. Her love was musical Zaks, the son of Holocaust survivors, has of the hit 1993 movie, which was written
son of MARC PLATT, 60, a leading show- comedy, and Hello, Dolly is certainly been a leading Broadway musical director by DANNY RUBIN, now 60, and the late
biz producer. The elder Platt is Tony-nom- that. She added that two years ago she for more than 20 years. He has two hits HAROLD RAMIS. Rubin is nominated for
inated this year for producing Indecent, had finished a successful run of her tour- now running simultaneously on Broad- best book for a musical.
a best-play nominee. The whole family is ing variety musical show and she was look- way: Hello, Dolly, and a musical version Finally, in this category, is the unlikely
musical and theres a family tradition of ing for a new challenge. Dolly was just of the hit 1993 movie, A Bronx Tale. Zaks hit Come from Away by IRENE
adapting show tunes for family events and the right challenge. grew up in Paterson. SANKOFF and DAVID HEIN, both 40.
singing them together (including at Bens Midler also told Sunday Morning that They are married and both originally are
bar mitzvah). she realized she would be judged against Best of from Canada. Previously, they were best
It was almost natural for Ben to start the original iconic performance by Carol The best play and best musical Tonys, as known for the cult hit musical My Moth-
performing professionally as a child and Channing. So she sought out Channing, noted above, are given to the shows pro- ers Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding. (Its
by age 11 he was in a national touring com- now 96, and, she said, They had a lovely ducers. Here are the Jews, many nominees based on Weins mothers real-life coming
pany of a Broadway show. Recently, he afternoon together. in their own right, associated with those out as an older adult.)
told Seth Meyers that he sang the part of S u p p o r t i n g a c t o r, m u s i c a l : best shows. Come from Away takes place in New-
Sky Masterson (from Guys and Dolls) BRANDON URANOWITZ, 30, Falset- Best Revival, Play: The Little Foxes, foundland, Canada, right after the 9/11
in Hebrew at Camp Ramah. He treated tos. He plays Mendel, a Jewish psychia- by LILLIAN HELLMAN (1905-84); Best attacks. Hundreds of planes were forced
Meyers audience to a few verses of Luck trist, in this revival of a musical originally Revival, Musical: Falsettos, music & to land in Newfoundland and the local
Be a Lady in Hebrew. staged in 1992. The show is about a Jewish lyrics by WILLIAM FINN, now 65, and people rushed to aid stranded passengers.
Evan Hansen is about a socially awk- family and ends with a bar mitzvah near book by JAMES LAPINE, now 68; Hello The musicals subtext the moral value of
ward teen who tells a big lie to become the deathbed of the bar mitzvah boys Dolly, music & lyrics by JERRY HER- helping strangers in need gives the show
more popular, and the ramifications of father. Uranowitz says he recalls practic- MAN, now 85. Best (new) play: Inde- a contemporary edge. Its both a critical
that lie. It was difficult, reviewers have ing for his bar mitzvah by singing Miracle cent, by PAULA VOGEL, 65. and audience favorite. (Hein and Sankoffs
noted, to make a very nervous protago- of Judaism, a Falsetto number. Indecent is about the controversy score is Tony-nominated for best original
nist whose lie exploits a familys grief sym- Uranowitz was born and grew up in surrounding the 1907 Yiddish play God score and the duo are nominated for best
pathetic. But, the critics say, Platt rose to West Orange. In 2011, he played the son of Vengeance by SHOLEM ASCH musical book.)
that challenge masterfully. He told the New of the late FLORENCE GREENBERG in (1880-1957). Aschs play, about a Jew- Worthy of Note: Oslo, a best play
York Times: I have had a struggle with Baby Its You, a juke-box musical that ish pimp who seeks respectability by nominee, is about the (true) efforts of two
anxiety, always, and as a proud Jew, thats had a brief Broadway run. Greenberg was donating a Torah scroll and marrying his Norwegian diplomats to bring together
not a surprising thing. But I dont think I a Passaic housewife who created her own daughter off to a yeshiva student, was Israeli and the PLO representatives for
have as much trouble as he [Evan] does record company and discovered the Shire- heavily criticized by many Jews when it secret peace talks in 1993. There are
connecting with people generally I think lles, a huge girl group, in the 1960s. first played New York, and the producers important Israeli characters.
Im pretty good at that, and thats Evans were convicted of obscenity. The verdict Danny DeVito and Patti LuPone are
biggest challenge. Directors later was overturned. nominated for acting Tonys for playing
Lead actress in a musical: BETTE Best director, play: SAM GOLD, 39, Vogel is the daughter of a Jewish father Jewish characters in, respectively, The
MIDLER, 71, Hello Dolly. Critics have A Dolls House, Part 2, and REBECCA and a Catholic mother. My sense is that she Price by the late ARTHUR MILLER,
said that Midler practically was born to TAICHMAN, 47, Indecent. Best director, was raised mostly in her mothers faith (if and War Paint. Lupone plays cosmet-
star in the title role. This revival is a smash. musical: JERRY ZAKS, 70, Hello Dolly; any faith at all). In a video interview, she ics mogul HELENA RUBENSTEIN
Dolly is Midlers return to Broadway RACHEL CHAVKIN, 37, Natasha, Pierre said that writing this play put her in touch (1872-1965).


Shabbat in Wayne:
In celebration of its
60th anniversary,
Temple Beth Tikvah
offers the Rocking
Spring concert during
services, 7:30 p.m., with
participation from Rabbi
Meeka Simerly, Cantor
Charles Romalis, Louise
Romalis, Cantor Mark
Biddelman, a five-piece
band, and the temple Dalia Rivkin
choir. Homemade
desserts. 950 Preakness Ice skating fundraiser:
Ave. (973) 694-1616 or Skate for Hope, a fundraiser for New
Jerseys Center for Hope
Shabbat in Teaneck: and Safety formerly
Temple Emeth s known as Shelter Our
Viewpoints group Sisters features Dalia
hosts its second Pride Rivkin of Teaneck, the
Shabbat celebrating U.S. Juvenile Ladies
gay pride month, 8 p.m. Figure Skating gold
Geneva Musgrave from medalist, at the Floyd
Lambda Legal will talk Hall Ice Arena in
about issues in the LGBT Little Falls, 1:15 p.m.
community. Viewpoints,
a shul committee JUNE Jewish Family and Childrens Services of Northern New (201) 370-9500 or go to
Jersey will hold its seventh annual Wheels-For-Meals Ride to
that celebrates the
diversity of the Jewish Fight Hunger on Sunday, June 11. The ride begins and ends at
community, includes
programs that highlight the Jewish Home at Rockleigh. Join to help raise funds and
the interfaith, interracial, awareness to fight hunger in the community. All proceeds support the
and LGBT communities. Kosher Meals-on-Wheels program and the JFCS Food Pantry. The Jewish
1666 Windsor Road.
(201) 833-1322. Standard is among the many sponsors. Choose from 3, 10, 25, 35, or 50-
mile bike routes. All riders receive a free shirt, patch kit, breakfast, and a From Is That You?
Saturday barbecue lunch. Family fun includes a DJ with music and games, face COURTESY JCCOTP

JUNE 10 painting, and prizes. For information, call (201) 837-9090 or go to www. Israeli film in Tenafly: or Pre-registration closes at 3 p.m., IAC Cinematec, a
Shabbat in Park Ridge: on Friday, June 9; walk-in registrants welcome on June 11. series of Israeli films
Temple Beth Sholom with English subtitles at
of Pascack Valley hosts the Kaplen JCC on the
its second annual Palisades, concludes with
St. (201) 444-9320 or Road, New City, N.Y. Is That You? by award-
Grandparent Shabbat,
10 a.m. Grandparents Sunday (845) 352-0017. winning film maker Dani
are encouraged to bring JUNE 11 Ramah scholarship Menkin, 7 p.m. Stuart
their grandchildren run: Ramah Day Weinstock, a director,
and grandchildren are Camp in Nyack holds screenwriter, and an
encouraged to bring its scholarship run at adjunct professor of film
their grandparents. Child- Rockland Lake State at Columbia University,
friendly kiddush. 32 Park Park, 299 Rockland Lake will host. 411 E. Clinton
Ave. (201) 391-4620 Road in Valley Cottage, Ave. (201) 408-1427 or
or www.temple-beth- N.Y. At 10:15 a.m., there will be a 5K run/walk; at center-special-events.
11, the camper fun run, Muriel Horowitz
Gitl Schaechter- and from noon-3 p.m.
Story telling in the Monday
a barbecue, family fun
Viswanath Yoga in Tenafly: The day, and alumni reunion
Hudson Valley: JUNE 12
Kaplen JCC on the Storyteller Muriel
Shabbat in Teaneck: at Ramah Nyack, 303
Palisades hosts its Horowitz gives two Music lecture in Tenafly:
The adult education Christian Herald Road, in
fifth annual Yoga on presentations, Sephardic Dumont historian Dick
committee of Nyack. (212) 678-8884
the Green with yoga Jewish Tales and Burnon talks about
Congregation Rinat or
instructors Alison Miller, An Ethical Cultural Funny Ladies of the
Yisrael in Teaneck scholarshiprun.
Robert Hoon, John Education: The Making of Stage and Screen
presents Gitl Quirk, and Jill Schwalbe. Martha Gruening, at the at a meeting of the
Hoboken arts festival:
Schaechter-Viswanath, 9-10:30 a.m. Opening Gomez Foundation for Senior Activity Center
Hudson County Jewish
Victor Weis co-editor of the new meditation by Mary Beth Mill House in Marlboro, at the Kaplen JCC on
organizations, including
Comprehensive English- Sigler. All levels welcome. N.Y., 1 p.m. Free tour the Palisades, 11:15 a.m.
HudsonJewish and the
Shabbat in Ridgewood: Yiddish Dictionary, Participants should United Synagogue of follows. Refreshments. 411 East Clinton Ave.
Victor Weis, executive discussing How a bring a mat, towel, and The Gomez Foundation (201) 569-7900, ext. 235,
Hoboken, will be at
director of Israels revolutionary English- water bottle and wear for Mill House works to or
the festival to meet
Heschel Center for Yiddish dictionary came sunscreen. 411 E. Clinton preserve the 300-year-
people and hand out
Sustainability, will into being in the 21st Ave. (201) 408-1477 or old Gomez Mill House, The Torah: The JCC of
information, 11 a.m.-
discuss Climate Change century, 6:55 p.m. 389 the oldest standing Fort Lee/Congregation
6 p.m. The festival offers
in the Mideast and Its West Englewood Ave. Jewish dwelling in Gesher Shalom hosts
food, music, art, and
Relation to National (201) 837-2795. Garage sale in New City: North America. 11 Mill The Torah in Time:
shopping. Washington
Security Issues during The West Clarkstown House Road, off 9W. Antiquity with visiting
Street from 8th and
kiddush after services at Jewish Center hosts a (845) 236-3126 or scholar Eitan Kastner
14th streets. Info@
Temple Israel & JCC in garage sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. for the shuls CSI
Ridgewood. 475 Grove 195 West Clarkstown Scholar Fund program,


8 p.m. Series continues Israel? 950 Queen caregivers at the Jewish scholar Eitan Kastner for
weekly through June
19. 1449 Anderson Ave.
Anne Road. Register at
Home at Rockleigh. Tai
Chi, 10 a.m.; program
the shuls CSI Scholar
Fund program, 8 p.m. Singles
(201) 947-1735. at 10:30. This months 1449 Anderson Ave.
Blood drive in Teaneck:
Holy Name Medical
discussion, Deep (201) 947-1735. Sunday
Tuesday Center holds a blood
Brain Stimulation for
Parkinsons, is led by
JUNE 13 Announce
drive with New Jersey
Blood Services, a
Linda Byrnes, a DBS
recipient, and Joe In New York Seniors meet in West
Jews of Harlem: At division of New York Pagano of St. Jude Nyack: Singles 65+
a meeting of REAP Blood Center, 2-8 p.m. Medical Research. Tuesday meets for a social
(Retired Executives and 718 Teaneck Road.
(800) 933-2566 or www.
get-together with
entertainment by an
Active Professionals) at (201) 750-4246 or
the Kaplen JCC on the email parkinsons@ exotic belly dancer at the
Palisades in Tenafly, Gene Museum mile festival: JCC Rockland, 11 a.m. All We welcome announce-
Sklar, retired executive The Jewish Museum are welcome, particularly ments of upcoming events.
director of the Union Blood drive in Teaneck: participates in the 39th if you are from Hudson, Announcements are free.
Settlement Association in Congregation Rinat annual Museum Mile Passaic, Bergen, or Accompanying photos must
East Harlem, talks about Yisrael holds a blood Festival, 6-9 p.m. The Rockland counties. be high resolution, jpg files.
the Jews of Harlem, drive with New Jersey opening ceremony at Refreshments. 450 West
11 a.m. 411 E. Clinton Ave. Blood Services, a 5:45 is at El Museo del Nyack Road. Gene Arkin, Send announcements 2 to 3
(201) 569-7900 or www. division of New York Barrio (Fifth Avenue (845) 356-5525. weeks in advance. Not every Blood Center, 3-9 p.m. at 104th Street). The release will be published.
389 W. Englewood Ave.
(800) 933-2566 or www.
Jewish Museums Florine
Stettheimer: Painting
Thursday Include a daytime telephone
number and send to: Poetry, is the first JUNE 15
major U.S. exhibition
Rabbi Arthur Weiner Widows and widowers


Marriage and divorce

Friday in more than 20 years
focused on the influential meet: Movin On, a
com 201-837-8818 x 110

class: Rabbi Arthur JUNE 16 American painter. Rain monthly luncheon

Weiner teaches a four- or shine. Free museum group for widows and
session class, Marriage Shabbat in Pompton admissions and outdoor widowers, meets at
and Divorce in the Jewish Lakes: Congregation art activities for children. the Glen Rock Jewish
Tradition at the JCC of Beth Shalom offers an (212) 606-2296 or Center, 12:30 p.m. 682
Paramus/Congregation improvisational and Harristown Road. $5 for
Beth Tikvah, at 2:30 interactive service lunch. (201) 652-6624 or
and again at 8:15 p.m. as part of the shuls email Binny, arbgr@aol.
Carolyn Enger Classes continue June 21, monthly Lab Shul com.
28, and July 5. 304 East series of experimental
Pianist in Fort Lee: Midland Ave., Paramus. davening with music,
The CSI Scholar Fund (201) 262-7691. 8 p.m. 21 Passaic Ave.
of the JCC of Fort Lee, Rabbi David Bockman,
its sisterhood, and the Alzheimers walk kick- Bockmonides@gmail.
Englewood & Cliffs off: Alzheimers New com, (973) 835-4845 or
chapter of ORT America Jersey hosts a party for
present a multimedia its fall Walk to Fight
performance by Carolyn Alzheimers with a Shabbat in Teaneck:
Enger. The program networking barbecue at Temple Emeth offers
includes parts of her CareOne at the Cupola musical services with
latest project, The in Paramus, 5-7 p.m. the Temple Emeth Band,
Mischlinge Expos. 100 West Ridgewood Cantor Ellen Tilem, and
Refreshments at Ave. (201) 261-6009 or Rabbi Steven Sirbu,
12:30 p.m., followed by 8 p.m. 1666 Windsor
the program. The project Road. (201) 833-1322 or
focuses on stories of
Mischlinge (half-Jews)
and German Jewish
converts in Germany
before, during, and after JUNE 19
the Holocaust. Carolyns Flat Rock Brook COURTESY SIERRA CLUB
father and godmother
were Mischlinges.
Lunch and learn: Rabbi
Aaron Katz leads a Sierra Club picnic in Englewood
1449 Anderson Ave. discussion on current
(201) 947-1735 topics over lunch at The Sierra Club of North Jersey hosts and food, including kosher selections.
Congregation Bnai its Party to Celebrate Nature, a fam- Paul Kaufman, an authority on environ-
Judaism 101 in Spanish: Rabbi Robert Jacob in Jersey City, ily-friendly spring benefit, on Sunday, mental principles and concepts in Juda-
Rabbi Aaron Katz leads a noon. 176 West Side Ave.
Scheinberg June 11, from 5 to 8 p.m., at the Flat Rock ism and GreenFaiths advocacy director,
Spanish-language class, (201) 435-5725 or www.
Judaism 101, focusing Jewish wedding Brook Nature Center in Englewood. It is among the speakers.
on history, philosophy, workshop: Rabbi will include a guided nature hike at 4. For information, email buddy.jens-
and Jewish culture, at Author speaking: or call (201) 567-4994.
Robert Scheinberg leads Festivities feature a live animal pre-
Bnai Jacob in Jersey a class on Planning a Teaneck-Hackensack
City, 7 p.m. 176 West Side Hadassah meets at sentation, tricky-tray auction, live music,
Jewish Wedding at
Ave. (201) 435-5725 or the United Synagogue Congregation Beth of Hoboken, 7:30 p.m. Sholom in Teaneck
Meet other couples to hear Professor
Wednesday who will be married
soon. 115 Park Ave.
Richard Rubin, author
of Jewish in America: Join the Paramus Relay for Life
JUNE 14 (201) 659-4000 or office@ Living George Washingtons Promise, Paramus offers the American Cancer director of the Valley Health System
Jewish learning in 1 p.m. 354 Maitland
Ave. Refreshments. Society Relay For Life during the week- Cancer Center.
Teaneck: Lamdeinu,
a center for Jewish Thursday (973) 530-3996 or end of June 16 and 17 at Paramus High Online registration is available until
learning that meets JUNE 15 (201) 837-8157. School. It is a celebration of the year- June 15 and participants also can regis-
at Congregation Beth
The Torah: The JCC of long effort to raise funds for the Ameri- ter at the event. For information, go to
Aaron, concludes a Parkinsons support: can Cancer Society. So far, more than, call
series on If I Forget Fort Lee/Congregation
The Jewish Home Family
You Jerusalem taught Gesher Shalom hosts $83,000 has been raised; the goal is the American Cancer Society at (800)
continues a monthly The Torah in Time:
by Dr. Elana Stein Hain, support group for people $150,000. An opening ceremony will 227-2345, press 2; or request Danielle
Middle Ages and Early
10:15 a.m. Discussion, Is with Parkinsons Disease, Modernity with visiting feature the Paramus Boy Scouts pre- Therese as a Facebook friend for Relay
There Holiness Outside their families, and senting the flags, and a speech by the updates.



Alberto Nisman and Sarah Halimi:

A shared fate of 2 very different Jews

his is a story about
the shared fate of
two quite different
They were separated from
each other by continents and
oceans. His native tongue was
Spanish, and hers was French.
He lived in downtown Buenos
Aires, in a swanky bachelors Ben Cohen
apartment. She lived in a run-
down suburb of Paris, in a modest flat. He cut a dashing
figure, often being photographed in public and giving
frequent interviews to the media about his work. She
was a kindly, shy widow, loved and quietly revered in
her community for her work as a kindergarten teacher.
She was older than he was. But he died before she did,
at a younger age.
For all these differences, they had three important
things in common. They were proud Jews. They died
because they were Jews. And in both of their cases, that
latter fact has yet to be recognized, let alone acted upon,
by the investigating authorities.
This story is no hypothetical, though its underlying
themes would make for an interesting thought experiment In January 2016, a protest in Buenos Aires marked the first anniversary of Alberto Nismans death.
in any number of disciplines. JALUJ VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

I refer to the real cases of Alberto Nisman in Argentina

and Sarah Halimi in France. For simplicitys sake, Ill dis- agency, the Gendarmeria, which concludes that Nisman Parisian gang in 2006, Sarah Halimis inhumanly pain-
cuss each of them in turn. wasnt alone in his apartment when he died. In other ful death has been followed by an undignified, sleazy
Alberto Nisman, it will be remembered, was the Argen- words, the Argentine state may, just may, be about to rec- spin exercise about psychiatric evaluations and gang
tine special prosecutor investigating the 1994 AMIA bomb- ognize more than two years after it happened that warfare.
ing who was found shot through the head in his apartment Nisman was murdered. Nearly two months later, though, the atmosphere is
in 2015. For the previous decade, Nisman had been mak- In Sarah Halimis case, by contrast, nobody doubts that changing, as it has with Nisman. More Jewish leaders are
ing steady progress in identifying and tracking down the her death was murder. But as with Nisman in Argentina, calling for Sarah Halimis murder to be investigated as an
Iranian and Hezbollah terrorists responsible for blowing the potential political consequences of her death have anti-Semitic crime.
up the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires in July 1994, been a source of worry to both the French authorities and But as of right now, as far as officialdom is concerned,
in which 85 people were killed and hundreds more were the French media. Alberto Nisman killed himself, and Sarah Halimis murder
injured. But he kept coming up against roadblocks. Indeed, if you havent heard of Sarah Halimi before was not connected to her being Jewish two profoundly
The biggest block of all was the Argentine government now, that may explain why. Only a few journalists writing unsettling misrepresentations of why these two very dif-
of former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who in English, like Marc Weitzman in Tablet, have shed light ferent Jews are dead.
thought Nisman knew too much about the secret pact her on this act of sheer evil, which meant it took a few weeks These misrepresentations dont just mask the facts
foreign minister, Hector Timerman, negotiated with the even to get noticed. of these two cases, but the very spirit behind these
Iranian regime in 2013. The pact absolved Tehran of its In brief, this is what happened: Halimi was an elderly crimes. Nisman was a Jew investigating a terrorist atroc-
responsibility for the worst single anti-Semitic atrocity widow, a devoutly Orthodox Jewish woman living in Bel- ity against a Jewish center; everyone, including the Irani-
since World War II. leville, a rundown Parisian neighborhood where the Jew- ans, threatened the Jew Nisman with death, and thus
Nisman had been due to present a formal complaint ish population has declined as the Muslim population has it came to pass. Halimi, meanwhile, was a Jew unfortu-
about Kirchners governments dealings with the Iranians increased. At 4:25 a.m. on April 4, while the campaign for nate enough to be murdered by a Muslim in a country
before the Argentine Congress on January 19, 2015. He was the presidential election was in full force, a Malian immi- where public discussion of Muslim anti-Semitism is over-
found dead on January 18. grant, 27-year-old Kada Traore, broke into Halimis apart- whelmed even when a Jewish supermarket is the target
The first investigators Kirchners government appointed ment and beat her with abominable sadism. of a terrorist attack.
to examine Nismans death clumsily pushed its conclu- The police were alerted to Halimis screams, arriving As I said at the beginning, Nisman and Halimi died
sions toward suicide specifically, with a gun provided to to find Traore bellowing Allahu akbar (God is greater) in very different circumstances. But they died, funda-
Nisman by an employee of his named Diego Lagomarsino. and Shaitan (Satan) behind her front door. Assuming he mentally, because they were Jews who attracted the ire
But too much about that scenario didnt compute. For was a terrorist, they radioed for backup which arrived of Islamists the Shia Islamic Republic of Iran in the
example, the position of Nismans body when it was moments after Traore threw Halimis badly fractured AMIA bombing and thus in the Nisman case, and a single
found didnt match that of a suicide. The bullet entered body out of her third floor window. Sunni Muslim delinquent in Halimis. Both cases dem-
through the side of his skull, not the temple. The mess left Nobody not the police, not the government, not the onstrate once again that violent anti-Semitism is inte-
at the crime scene by the local police made it impossible centrist French politicians like newly elected President gral to Islamist ideology, to the point where its victims
to ascertain whether Nisman had been alone in his apart- Emmanuel Macron, not the media wanted to talk about are dehumanized in the very moment of death. We owe
ment at the time of his death. And so on. Sarah Halimi, before or after the election. They certainly them both of these very different Jewsour voices,
Nisman looked like the 86th victim of the AMIA didnt want to identify the murder as a frenzied hate crime now that they are gone.
bombing. committed by an Islamist, preferring to depict Traore as JNS.ORG

And then, in November 2015, Kirchner found herself the victim of a severe mental illness. They worried that
dislodged from power by the centrist Mauricio Macri. doing otherwise would give an electoral boost to the far- Ben Cohen writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
The wheels of justice began turning slowly again. Now, right presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen. Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published in
in recent days, the Argentine media has begun disclos- And so, like her namesake Ilan Halimi, the young man Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street
ing details of a forthcoming report from a federal security kidnapped, tortured and murdered by an anti-Semitic Journal and many other publications.


Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Inc
Obituaries Jewish Funeral Directors
Family Owned & managed
Generations of Lasting Service to the Jewish Community

Serving NJ, NY, FL & Our Facilities Will Accommodate

Morton Dropkin by children, Andrew of Texas, Donna Wright Throughout USA
Prepaid & Preneed Planning
Your Familys Needs
Handicap Accessibility From Large
Morton Dropkin, 92, of Edgewater, and Lori Benson of Colorado; Donna S. Wright, ne Brownstein, Graveside Services Parking Area
died June 1 at Villa Marie Claire five grandchildren, and two 52, of Lindenhurst, N.Y., died Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
Hospice in Saddle River. great-grandchildren. May 31.
Conveniently Located
He was a U.S. Navy World War Arrangements were by Eden Born in New York City, she was W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
II veteran and retired owner of Memorial Chapels, Fort Lee. an optometrist. 201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
textile companies in New York. She is survived by her mother,
He is survived by his wife, Bonnie Wagner Sharon Brownstein of Queens,
Grace, ne Smith; a daughter, Bonnie A. Wagner, ne Udin, and daughters, Jessica Bober of
Robin of Albany, N.Y.; a sister, 74, of Fair Lawn, formerly of the Florham Park and Julia Batchelder The Christopher Family
Phyllis Kaufmann of Houston; and Bronx, died May 31. of Maine. serving the Jewish community
two grandchildren. She was an active member of Arrangements were by Eden
Arrangements were by Eden the New Jersey Schnauzer Rescue Memorial Chapels, Fort Lee. since 1900
Memorial Chapels, Fort Lee. Network.
Predeceased by her husband, Paterson Monument Co.
Elaine Kadin Barry, she is survived by children, MAIN BRANCH
Paterson, NJ 07502 Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
Elaine Kadin, 84, ne Levy, of Fred of Hopatcong, Barbara Russo 317 Totowa Ave. 681 Rt. 23 S.
Paramus, died June 3. ( James) of Hamilton Township, Obituaries are prepared with 973-942-0727 Fax 973-942-2537 973-835-0394 Fax 973-835-0395
Born in Bayonne, she was a and Marsha of Saddle Brook, information provided by TOLL FREE 800-675-0727
member of Congregation Mogen and grandchildren, James and funeral homes. Correcting
Abraham, now part of the United Gianna Russo. errors is the responsibility
Synagogue of Hoboken. Donations can be sent to St.
of the funeral home. 201-791-0015 800-525-3834
Predeceased by her husband, Jude Childrens Research Hospital.
Irwin, and siblings, Stan Levy Arrangements were by Louis LOUIS SUBURBAN CHAPEL, INC.
and Sydelle Levy; and is survived Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn. Exclusive Jewish Funeral Chapel
Sensitive to Needs of the Jewish Community for Over 50 Years
Serving NJ, NY, FL & Israel
Graveside services at all NJ & NY cemeteries
BRIEF Prepaid funerals and all medicaid funeral benefits honored
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Sea of Galilee hits all-time-low recorded water level 13-01 Broadway (Route 4 West) Fair Lawn, NJ
Richard Louis - Manager George Louis - Founder
Israels Sea of Galilee, also known as the Kinneret, hit following the completion of the Israeli National
NJ Lic. No. 3088 1924-1996
an all-time-low recorded water level in May, prompt- Water Carrier in 1964. Yet in recent years, Israel has
ing concerns about Israels largest freshwater lake. substantially invested in water conservation, recla-
According to Israels Water Authority, the Sea of mation and desalination technology, allowing the
Galilee lost 15 centimeters (5.9 inches) of its water Jewish state to significantly reduce its use of water
level in May, decreasing the level to 9 million cubic from the Sea of Galilee.
meters (318 million cubic feet), an all-time low since Nevertheless, the lack of water flow into the Sea of
recording began in 1920. Galilee has led to deep concern over the lakes vital-
The situation in the Sea of Galilee has deteriorated ity, as the drop in water levels causes the salinity of
in recent years, as Israels north faces an ongoing the lake to rise, threatening marine life.
drought. Hydrologists estimate that the water level The Water Authority said the low level will lead
will drop by a meter (3.3 feet) before the rainy season to further withdrawal of water from the shores of the
begins in November. Sea of Galilee and to various environmental and eco-
The Sea of Galilee has played a prominent role logical phenomena.
in both Jewish and Christian history, with much of The low water level also poses a risk for the Dead
Jesuss early ministry centered around the shores of Sea, which receives water from the lake through the
the lake, according to the Christian Gospels. Jordan River, under the terms of an Israeli-Jordanian
For modern Israel, the Sea of Galilee has played a agreement. The Dead Seas water levels also have
key role in providing water for personal and agricul- been dropping by a meter each year.
tural use throughout most of the countrys history,  JNS.ORG

A Traditional Jewish Experience We continue to be Jewish family managed,

knowing that caring people provide caring service.

Pre-Planning Specialists Graveside and Chapel Services GUTTERMAN AND MUSICANT

Barry Wien - NJ Lic. No. 2885 WIEN & WIEN, INC. MEMORIAL CHAPELS
Frank Patti, Jr. - NJ Lic. No. 4169 800-322-0533
Arthur Musicant - NJ Lic. No. 2544 402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Frank Patti, Sr. Director - NJ Lic. No. 2693 ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
MARTIN D. KASDAN, N.J. Lic. No. 4482
327 Main St, Fort Lee, NJ Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged
201-947-3336 888-700-EDEN at the Funeral Home or in Your Own Home


Houses For Sale Crypts For Sale Situations Wanted
(201) 837-8818
Situations Wanted Personals Home Improvements
LOVING aide seeks position to
TEANECK - By Owner BURIAL Crypt available imme-
care for elderly as live-in, 24/7.
Great location! Split level, over- diately at SANCTUARY of Abra- 18 years experience. References. Chapter 3 Offers retirement age of the


sized 60x150 park-like lot. 3 ham & Sarah, New Cedar Park Will do light housekeeping. Call women the opportunity to stay
Home Repair Service
Bdrm. 1654 Buckingham Rd. Cemetery, Paramus, NJ., Bldg 201-982-8551 connected and engaged with
Steps away from Keter Torah & 3, crypt #10762. Current sale peers to share information, Carpentry Painting
short walk to Beth Abraham & price $13,000. Asking $8,500. skills and knowledge relevant Decks Kitchens
Bnai Yeshurun. $789K, Taxes Includes one-time mandatory LICENSED & INSURED MALE CHHA looking for position to and enriching for this stage of Locks/Doors Electrical
care for elderly. Full or Part-time,
$16K. Call Cherl 201-838-3238
No Brokers!
$1,500 in Associated Perpetual,
Maintenance, Deed Transfer FOR YOUR Live-Out. 7 years experience. Reli-
our lives. Whether formally re-
tired or still active in the work-
Fees, etc. payable to Sanctuary
of Abraham Sarah.
PROTECTION able! Drives! Speaks English. Call
place, this is a chance to make
new friends, hear speakers on Plumbing Maintenence
Call 732-637-2118 a variety of topics and enjoy Tiles/Grout Hardwood Floors
Condos For Sale Handpicked NURSES AIDE /CARETAKER General Repairs
COLONY, Ft Lee, 2 BR, 1.5 Bth
Certified Home available to care for your loved Meetings are the last Wednes-
apt, low floor. Estate Sale. Close to Health Aides ones. Over 17 years experience. day of the month at 5:30 pm, NO JOB IS TOO SMALL
Hourly - Daily - Live In Top of the line references. Very Rudys Restaurant, 24 Hour x 5 1/2 Emergency Services
House of Worship. Asking Situations Wanted competent. 201-993-4748 Hackensack, N.J. Cost is $27. Shomer Shabbat Free Estimates
$145,000. Call 201-406-4124 NURSE SUPERVISED
A responsible CHHA/CNA woman For further information and to
Apartment For Sale looking to care for elderly. Live-in Creative VETERAN/COLLEGE graduate be put on our email list, please 1-201-530-1873
or out. Reliable! Pleasant! Experi- companionship seeks employment in telephone call Susan 201-343-8374
APARTMENT for Sale- FT Lee enced! References. Waiting for
sales. 25 years experience in pur- Natalie 201-265-2087 Painting
Unique 2 Bdrm, 2 FBths, many your call 347-816-1363 chasing and marketing of diverse
closets. Newly renovated 60 ft
terrace facing River/GWB from CARING, reliable lady looking for conversation &
products. Proven success in gen-
erating new business through CHRIS PAINTING
all rooms. Open kitchen w/gran- employment to care for elderly, social outings building strong relationships, senior Driving Service INTERIOR/EXTERIOR
ite counters, new hardwood flrs. live-in or through the night $10.00 buyer of toys, hobbies, hard goods SHEETROCK
Indoor parking. Move-in condi- Downsize and bulk toys. Honest, hard work- POWER WASH & SPRAY SIDING
tion. Call 201-336-2120
hr. I drive. 20 yrs exp. 201-741-
3042 Coordinator er. MICHAELS CAR
CERTIFIED Home Health Aide
Assist w/shopping, Cleaning Service LOWEST RATES 201-896-0292
errands, Drs, etc. Airports Cruise Terminals 30 yrs. exp. Free est. Ins.
Cemetery Plots For Sale seeks 5 to 7 days position. Live-in
or out. Experienced. Good referen- Manhattan/NYC No job too small or too big
BETH-EL Cemetery - 6 beautiful
Organize/process A POLISH CLEANING WOMAN School Transportation
ces. 201-285-4091; lic. #13VH06003700
plots at $800.00 each. Please call paperwork, - Homes, Apartments, Offices- 201-836-8148
Howard at 201-914-8975 bal. checkbook, 15 years experience, excellent 201-314-9592
CHHA to care for elderly. Live-in or
references. Plumbing
live-out. Pleasant! 12 years experi- bookkeeping
ence! References! Drives/own car! Affordable rates!
CEDAR PARK-BETH EL 973-778-0884 Resolve medical Izabela 973-572-7031 Handyman APL Plumbing & Heating LLC
Cemetery insurance claims Complete Kitchen &
8 Gravesites
$14,000 by Cemetery Assoc. COMPANION: Experienced, kind,
Free Consultation
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Peace Army therapy for the back injuries and fibromyalgia resulting
FROM PAGE 6 from her service in the engineering corps she was a
Solution to last weeks puzzle. This weeks puzzle is dinner as a group with host families in Paterson, Frank- little wary of the idea of staying with a family of strang-
on page 40. lin Lakes, Wyckoff, and Woodcliff Lake. ers in Fair Lawn. But Barbara and Steven Kiel didnt
The trip includes stops in Asbury Park and Princeton, remain strangers very long, and Ms. Grinstein also got
as well as three days of touring in Washington. During close with the other host families during her time in
that trip, the group will meet with Congressman Josh New Jersey.
Gottheimer (D-5th Dist.). This is why she wanted to include them in her wed-
The $40,000 price tag for each years program is ding to a fellow veteran shed met at Beit Halochem. Sev-
raised from the Bergen County Jewish community and eral of the families even went to Israel for the occasion,
a few corporate sponsors. and others sent heartfelt cards of congratulations.
Ms. Grinstein, now 29, recalls that when she heard I am still grateful for all they did, and I stay in touch
about Zahal Shalom at Beit Halochem in Haifa where with them through Facebook and WhatsApp, Ms. Grin-
she continues to go weekly for physical and water stein said.

demanding that women who want to immerse without

Problem an inspector sign a waiver that they were not following
the rabbis instructions and the waiver must be filed
The mashgiach came over and said were not going with the rabbinate.
to let you do this, Rabbi Farber said. The deal we made Itim is pursuing another case that involves four people
was we found a separate sefer Torah scroll. Its a result of who status as Jews is being questioned by the rabbin-
the kashrut industry going unchecked, and rabbis who ate. All four had been married through the auspices of
are kashrut supervisors using their power to coerce peo- the chief rabbinate a decade or more ago; the rabbin-
ple into adopting their values. ate marries only people of whose Jewishness they were

PARTY Its bad for the future of Jewish life in Israel, he said.
I think it discourages people from coming closer to
observant life, because they resent it so much.
convinced. All four to be clear, married to four dif-
ferent people recently received a letter demanding
they prove their Jewishness or they would be added to

PLANNER He said that on another issue that his group has been
litigating, the religious establishment has been recalci-
trant and avoids keeping its agreements. That issue is
Israels mikvahs, which are government facilities under
the rabbinates list of non-Jews. Such a letter is a break
from long-held traditions and came as a shock to its
The letters were sent, Rabbi Farber said, after a cousin
the authority of the official rabbinate. came to the rabbinate to get married and didnt have
Itim succeeded in getting the rabbinate to stop insist- the right documentation to prove theyre Jewish.
ing that a mikveh watch women as they immerse in the The rabbinate, he added, has no jurisdiction to do
pool. The Jerusalem rabbinate, however, responded by that. Were going to the Supreme Court.

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1 2

3 4

n 1. Young families from Temple Emanu-
El in Closter enjoyed face painting, a
petting zoo, and food prepared by Rabbi
David-Seth Kirshner. COURTESY EMANU-EL

n 2. Emma Wiser, left, twins Malayna

and Hayley Leopold, Yossi Heitlinger,
and Michael Braun attend the JCC of
Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah He-
brew School graduation. The graduates
received Bergen County High School
of Jewish Studies sweatshirts. Most
already have registered for the He-
brew high school. COURTESY JCCP/CBT

n 3. Rabbi Yosef Carlebach, found-

ing rabbi/executive director of Rut-
gers Chabad House, presented Danny
Danon, the permanent representative
of Israel to the United Nations, with a game, using classroom computers and n 6. Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky, executive
leather-bound copy of Pirkei Avot. smart phones. COURTESY SHOMREI TORAH director of Bris Avrohom in Hillside, sec-
Danon was the guest speaker at a ond from left, presented tzedakah boxes
lunch at Manhattans Prime Grill with n 5. Congregation Bnai Jacob in Jer- to New Jersey Transit executives. The
Chabad supporters, and community and sey City welcomed Michael Billy, left, to gesture was in gratitude for permitting
student leaders from Rutgers. It was Shabbat services. Rabbi Aaron Katz is Bris Avrohom to place menorahs in many
sponsored by Chabad House at Rutgers pictured with him. Mr. Billy, an LGBTQ New Jersey Transit venues. With the
University. COURTESY RUTGERS CHABAD community advocate, hosted the PBS rabbi are New Jersey Transits regional
Emmy Award-nominated series In The manager, Thomas Clark, left; its executive
n 4. At the end of the term, religious Life and has been a cultural commenta- director, Steven H. Santoro, and its senior
school students at Shomrei Torah in tor on HLN and CNN. COURTESY BNAI JACOB director, John Leon. COURTESY BRIS AVROHOM
Wayne played a Jewpardy review


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Jewish standard JUne 9, 2017 49

Real Estate & Business


Students perform at Black Box Summer Rock Musical Theater Intensive

Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30

Black Box p.m. Performances will take place Sunday,
from page 49
Monday, and Tuesday August 6, 7, and 8;
audition technique, and more. All partici- and Sunday and Monday, August 13 and 14.
pants are required to audition and roles are Auditions will be held during the week
chosen specifically for each participant to of June 11 at Black Box Studios home, The
Call Susan Laskin Today
showcase his or her talents and give each Black Box Performing Arts Center, 200
To Make Your Next Move A Successful One!
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Students under 13 and over 19 (or other- dents spot and to guarantee an audition
wise not entering Grades 6 through 12 in slot.
September) may be accepted for an audi- For more information, photos, and
Fishing around for a mortgage? tion on a case-by-case basis.
The Intensive will take place from
video of past RMTI productions, or to reg-
ister online, visit
Wednesday, July 5, to Monday, August 14, summer.


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Bergenfield I Closter I Cresskill I Englewood I Hillsdale I Leonia I New Milford I Teaneck I Tenafly

The story of Rabbi Shai Held,

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50 Jewish Standard JUNE 9, 2017 Mechon Hadar, which
celebrated its 10th anniverary
CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED in Teaneck last weekend page 22
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