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Making A Material Balance

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Combustion Concepts

Art Morris | Thermart Software | 858-451-5791 |

Making a Material Balance

material balance evaluates the stream composition Table 1. Initial ledger from the aluminum-ingot heating-process
a flow into and out of a system. Making one is material balance
n easy because of the presence of several chemical P (atm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
s chemical reactions and the need to convert T (C) 25 25 1800 800 25 25 550
measured flow values into moles to simplify the balance arithmetic. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Mass Mass
Here we show the use of Excel in preparing a material balance (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3) (kg) (kg)
for a simple example steady-state heating of aluminum ingots in a Spec-
Vol. % Vol. % Vol. % Vol. % Vol. %
Mass Mass
natural-gas-fired furnace. The specific objective is to calculate the unit (kg) (kg)

unknown stream compositions and flows and convert the results Burnr Cmbst Stack
Str-name Nat gas Leak air Cold al Hot al
air gas gas
to a form suitable for making a heat balance. The details are in the
Streams 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
downloadable Excel workbook MatBalCalc.
xls. Well also use three workbooks from Flow 32 361 ? ? ? 800 800
earlier columns: VolCalc.xls, StoichCalc. Al (c) 800 800
xls and HeatCalc.xls. CH4 (g) 95.00%
Figure 1 shows the example flowsheet. C2H4 (g) 3.00%
The ingots move counter-currently to the CO2 (g) ? ?
flow of gas. The heating furnace is really H2O ? ?
a heat exchanger, where hot combustion
N2 (g) 2.00% 79.00% ? ?
gas transfers heat to the charge. The fuel
O2 (g) 21.00% ? 3.30% 21.00%
is 95% CH4, 3% C2H6 and 2% N2, which is
burned with dry air (21% O2). The pressure is 1 atm, and the listed 2O2 + CH4 CO2 + 2H2O [1]
instream flows are actual (not STP). An unknown amount of air
3O2 + C2H6 2CO2 + 3H2O [2]
leaks into the charging door (stream 5). The stack gas is analyzed
on-line for percent O2. Next, create a ledger that lists all of the known stream flows and
compositions. Enter a ? where the stream flow or composition
The Material Balance is unknown. Table 1 shows such a ledger, with one additional
Material entering a process is consumed, used productively, and value calculated from workbook StoichCalc.xls. It shows that the
is either lost or leaves the system as waste. A material balance volume ratio of air/NG is 11.27 at 18% excess air, so the airflow is
can pinpoint changes that have the greatest potential to decrease 11.27 32 = 360.6 m3.
waste production and, if done properly, allow a what-if calculation Material-balance calculations are easier using molar flows, so
to show the effects of a process change on other process variables. next we use workbook VolCalc.xls to calculate the natural gas
Making one involves several steps. (NG) flow as 1,308 g-mole/min, and airflow is 14,739 g-mole/
First, write the chemical reactions that occur. Both reactions min (2.884 lb-mole NG/min and 32.50 lb-mole air/min). For one
proceed to completion with excess air and show that 3 moles of g-mole of natural gas burned, workbook HeatCalc.xls shows that
product are formed for every mole of CH4 burned (but no change the CO2 and H2O production is 1.01 and 1.99 g-mole respectively,
in volume) and 5 moles for every mole of C2H6 (with mole and it requires 2.005 g-mole O2 for stoichiometric combustion.
increase in volume). These are multiplied by 1,308 to obtain values commensurate
with the actual instream flows. The leak airflow is calculated from
Heat loss 4 Stack gas the increase in stack gas flow required to bring its composition to
Hot combustion gas Heat loss (3.3% O2, 3.3% O2. Table 2 (online only) summarizes the calculated flow
Natural gas 1 (1800C) 800C)
(32 m3/ for each substance. We see that about 2% of the air entering the
min, 25C) 3 Leak air
Burners (25C) furnace comes from the air leak.
Burner air 2 Ingot heating furnace 5
Worksheet MatBalCalc.xls has a step-by-step explanation for
stoich, 25C) each stream calculation, and it has a material-balance ledger in
7 6
composition units. The results are presented in the correct form
aluminum ingots (800 kg/min, 25C) for making a heat balance, which well cover next month. IH
(800 kg/min, 550C)
Tables and workbook at
Fig. 1. Flowsheet for a steady-state aluminum-ingot heating process
References available online

20 November 2012 -

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