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Personal View: Daniel Vigo, Graham Thornicroft, Rifat Atun

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Personal View

Estimating the true global burden of mental illness

Daniel Vigo, Graham Thornicroft, Rifat Atun

We argue that the global burden of mental illness is underestimated and examine the reasons for under-estimation Lancet Psychiatry 2016;
to identify ve main causes: overlap between psychiatric and neurological disorders; the grouping of suicide and 3: 17178

self-harm as a separate category; conation of all chronic pain syndromes with musculoskeletal disorders; Department of Global Health
and Population, Harvard T.H.
exclusion of personality disorders from disease burden calculations; and inadequate consideration of the
Chan School of Public Health,
contribution of severe mental illness to mortality from associated causes. Using published data, we estimate the Harvard University, Boston,
disease burden for mental illness to show that the global burden of mental illness accounts for 324% of years MA, USA (D Vigo MD,
lived with disability (YLDs) and 130% of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), instead of the earlier estimates Prof R Atun FRCP); Waverley
Place Program, Psychotic
suggesting 212% of YLDs and 71% of DALYs. Currently used approaches underestimate the burden of mental
Disorder Division, McLean
illness by more than a third. Our estimates place mental illness a distant rst in global burden of disease in terms Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA
of YLDs, and level with cardiovascular and circulatory diseases in terms of DALYs. The unacceptable apathy of (D Vigo); and Centre for Global
governments and funders of global health must be overcome to mitigate the human, social, and economic costs of Mental Health, Institute of
Psychiatry, Psychology and
mental illness. Neuroscience, Kings College,
London, UK
Introduction nosology of disorders, but aim to better gauge the disease (Prof G Thornicroft PhD)
Mental health is dened by WHO as a state of well-being burden of mental illness. An important benet of a new Correspondence to:
in which every individual realizes his or her own GBD estimation is to inform prioritisation of health Prof Rifat Atun, Department of
Global Health and Population,
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can needs and resource allocation, so our aim is to provide
Harvard T.H. Chan School of
work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a decision makers, who rely on specialists to design and Public Health, Harvard
contribution to her or his community.1 This state, implement policies, with a new set of assumptions and University, Boston, MA, USA
however, is disrupted in one of every three individuals tools to produce more accurate estimations using existing

or moreduring their lifetimes.2,3 data.

Worldwide the magnitude of mental illness has been
emphasised by studies on the global burden of disease.4 Burden of mental illness: measurement
Yet, in spite of the very considerable burden and their challenges
associated adverse human, economic, and social eects, We argue that the burden of mental illness has been
global policy makers and funders have so far failed to underestimated due to ve reasons: the overlap between
prioritise treatment and care of people with mental psychiatric and neurological disorders; the grouping of
illness.5,6 Consequently, people with mental illness suicide and behaviours associated with self-injury as a
worldwide are largely neglected.6 Pervasive stigma and separate category outside the boundary of mental illness;
discrimination7,8 contributes, at least in part, to the the conation of all chronic pain syndromes with
imbalance between the global burden of disease musculoskeletal disorders; the exclusion of personality
attributable to mental disorders, and the attention these disorders in mental illness disease burden calculations;
conditions receive. Stigma, embodied in discriminatory and inadequate consideration of the contribution of
social structures, policy, and legislation, produces a severe mental illness to mortality from associated causes.
disparity between services geared to physical health and We discuss each of these measurement issues and
mental health, with lower availability, accessibility, and methodological considerations. Diagnostic classications
quality of services for the latter.9 such as the ICD-10 system present challenges: they need
Globally, rapid economic, demographic, and epi- to consider both the clinical syndrome and the aetiology
demiological transitions mean a growth in populations of each disorder, with the goal of providing a system that
that are living longer, but with greater morbidity and is meaningful at the individual explanatory and
disability.1013 Mental disorders are a major driver of the therapeutic levels, considering the presentation of the
growth of overall morbidity and disability globally.14,15 illness as well as its natural history. Further, ICD-11,
Five types of mental illness appear in the top 20 causes which is under development and is expected to be
of global burden of disease (GBD): major depression released in 2018 by the World Health Organization, is
(second), anxiety disorders (seventh), schizophrenia identied by the Advisory Group for ICD-11 as a better
(11th), dysthymia (16th), and bipolar disorder (17th) were method for categorising burden of mental illness than
leading causes of years lived with disability (YLDs) in ICD-10, but without specic mention of improvements
2013.11 In this context, this Personal View aims to: oer a in the estimation of GBD related to mental disorders as a
constructive critique of current estimates of GBD related goal for the revision.16
to mental illness; argue that in aggregate mental illness The GBD estimation framework uses a comprehensive,
is underestimated; and explore an alternative approach to mutually exclusive hierarchical list of disorders based on
produce more realistic GBD estimates of mental the ICD-10 classication mainly for two reasons: to take
disorders worldwide. We do not propose a dierent advantage of a common nosological language, and to Vol 3 February 2016 171

Personal View

account for 100% of the disease burden without double mental disorder. Suicide and all forms of self-harm,
See Online for appendix counting (appendix). But GBD diers from nosological which are to a large extent imputable to mental disorders,
systems: instead of the individual level, it is mainly are coded under injuries, and are excluded from
concerned with the population level; and instead of calculations of the eect of mental illnesses.10,20,21
informing individual aetiology and therapy, it needs to Ferrari and colleagues21 studied mental disorders as
allow for a better understanding of disease distribution risk factors for suicide by reviewing existing literature,
and transitions, to guide prioritisation of population pooling relative-risk estimates, and then estimating what
health needs and organisation of health services. percentage of deaths by suicide could be causally linked
The actual grouping of disorders used by the GBDa to several mental disorders (mainly mood and anxiety
hierarchical cause list comprising four levels of disorders, substance misuse, and schizophrenia). After
aggregationis sometimes based on clinical grounds reviewing the psychological autopsy studies available, the
(such as with cardiovascular and circulatory conditions, a authors assign ceiling values to account for cultural
level 2 aggregation), and sometimes on a mix of disease variability in the causal relation between mental illness
or anatomical criteria (such as diabetes, urogenital, and suicide, and suggest an addition of 22 million DALYs
blood, and endocrine disorders, also level 2).17 amounting to 09% of total DALYs to the mental illness
Consideration of more pertinent criteria for aggregation burden. These estimates would have been higher if all
is warranted (appendix). self-harm (suicide, attempted suicide, and self-injurious
behaviour) due to mental illness and sub-syndromal
The psychiatricneurological interface conditions were included. Ferrari and colleagues reduce
Traditionally, disorders both aecting the central nervous the attribution of lethal self-harm to the mental illness
system and producing mental disorders were divided burden based on two arguments: the authors put a cap of
between psychiatric and neurological conditions: if the 68% to suicides attributable to mental illness taking
syndrome had a clear neuroanatomical or neuro- place in China, India, and Taiwan, which account for
physiological basis it was considered neurological; if not, 500% of the worlds suicides, and of 850% to those
it was deemed psychiatric. However, this dual distinction happening elsewhere, and they do not include suicides
has more to do with professional areas of competence in the context of sub-syndromal states (eg, impulsive
than scientic logic. For example, schizophrenia, states, which are common in the context of personality
considered a psychiatric disorder, aects the brains disorders, also excluded from the GBD).
anatomy and physiology, and secondarily produces the From a clinical and public health perspective we have
cognitive, aective, and behavioural symptoms that three caveats with the approach used by Ferrari and
constitute the mental syndrome. On the other hand, colleagues:21 rst, it does not account for non-lethal self-
epilepsy, typically considered a neurological disorder, harm, which includes both attempted suicide and
includes conditions such as temporal-lobe epilepsy, in self-injurious behaviour; second, by excluding suicides in
which a clearly identiable psychiatric syndrome is the context of sub-syndromic states and restricting the
frequently accompanied by an absence of electro- assessment to specic disorders, it leaves around 250%
encephalographic abnormalities. Given that the of the worlds suicides and 390% of suicide burden in
nosological classication for these disorders is in ux the category of injuries, along with trac accidents,
and the division between them is somewhat arbitrary, where they clearly do not belong; and third, the
other criteria should be used when aggregating diseases assignment of a low ceiling due to cultural considerations
for measuring burden. In this respect, in addition to in China, India, and Taiwan is questionable because
their presentation as psychiatric syndromes, these cultural dierences could mean that stigma associated
disorders pose a common challenge at the primary care with mental illness but not with suicide leads to under-
level, particularly in low-income and middle-income reporting of the causal link. For example, in China,
countries, and a common grouping would make this suicide has been established as a frequent outcome in
more visible to planners and funders. the context of mental syndromes, even in the absence of
full diagnostic criteria. Case-control studies of non-lethal
Categorising suicide and intentional self-harm attempted suicide have shown that people had
In 2013, mental illness accounted for 212% of the YLDs substantially higher stress, impulsiveness, and
worldwidehigher than any other group of conditions.11 aggression, more severe depressive symptoms, and were
However, using the composite measure disability- more likely to meet criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis. Of
adjusted life-years (DALYs), the burden of mental illness the psychological factors, severity of depressive
accounted for 71%, ranking fth overall in terms of symptoms in the two preceding weeks was the most
GBD.18,19 The gap between the burden of mental illness as substantial, to the extent that suicide in China is linearly
measured by years lived with disability and that measured related to severity of depression.22,23 The limitations of the
by DALYs is explained by the fact that DALYs psychological autopsy studies on which Ferrari and
underestimate mental illness mortality due to suicide, to colleagues base their rationale for excluding a third of the
the disease process itself, and to reasons secondary to the global self-harm disease burden from mental disorders

172 Vol 3 February 2016

Personal View

allow for a very dierent conclusion: the existence of a as disorders of the nervous system by the ICD-10
psychiatric diagnosis was established indirectly by classication but should be considered as mental and
interviewing family members, and personality disorders behavioural disorders) or somatoform disorder
were excluded from the assessment, potentially leading (considered as mental and behavioural disorders in
to substantial under-registry.24 In this context, the ICD-10); the prevalence of these pain disorders in
attribution of self-harmlethal or notto impulsiveness, patients with a major aective, anxiety, or stress-related
aggression, and availability of a lethal tool, does not disorder exceeds 30%, and in certain samples with
disprove the existence of an underlying mental disorder. post-traumatic stress disorder reaches 80%; and they
The authors draw attention to these limitations, converge with chronic mental illness at the therapeutic
acknowledging that the conventional wisdom that suicide and service delivery level. These caveats suggest the
is almost always the outcome of mental illness will not be existence of subpopulations with a common syndrome,
altered by their studies.25 In other words, the absence of which are dicult to classify from a nosological
unequivocal evidence of the causal link is not evidence of perspective (appendix). We argue that when estimating
absence of a causal link. Hence, the decision to allocate disease burden, it is reasonable to attribute a proportion
disease burden from suicides to injuries or to mental of these conditions to mental illness.
disorders needs to be carefully considered.
In this context, and with insucient evidence, what is Including people with personality disorders
the preferred choice between dierent burden estimation Personality disorders are common (415% in point
methods? The rationale by Ferrari and colleagues21 to prevalence community surveys)27 and when severe impose
leave all non-lethal self-harm and a quarter of the worlds a substantial burden both at personal, family, community,
suicidestherefore more than a third of self-harm and population levels. People with personality disorders
DALYsin the injuries aggregation does not seem have shorter life expectancy and higher comorbidity with
justiable. We nd it preferable from a population health other general and mental illnesses than the general
perspective to aggregate all self-injuries with the mental population.27 However, due to the inconsistent quality of
health-related disease burden, with the caveat that it is the evidence, personality disorders were not included in
likely to incorrectly include the burden of suicides that GBD 2013 estimates within the overall category of mental
can be judged to be non-mental health related, such as illness.26 Although a proportion of the disease burden of
assisted suicide (producing a much smaller error than personality disorders might be under the other mental
the alternative approach). and substance use disorders aggregation, this hardly
captures their true relevance and the need to consider
Chronic pain syndromes them in their own right. Another portion, arguably
Musculoskeletal conditions were the second major cause substantial, might be captured under the musculoskeletal
of YLDs11 and seventh ranked cause of DALYs in 2013 aggregation, given that 30% of people diagnosed with
globally.26 These conditions include anatomically based chronic pain syndromes also have personality disorder.28
disorders (such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Finally, we have seen that personality traits such as
arthritis), and also syndromes and symptoms (eg, impulsivity and aggression, as well as depressive
bromyalgia, low back pain) characterised by pain but symptoms, frequently provide the psychological context in
without specic anatomical correlates. The allocation of which self-harm occurs, providing a rationale to aggregate
the burden corresponding to these syndromes in total to self-harm under the mental disorder burden. Though our For the Global Burden of
the musculoskeletal aggregation is problematic because: re-allocation of self-harm and a fraction of chronic pain Disease Study 2013 data
downloads see http://ghdx.
a substantial proportion of these disorders, which (see below) partially recaptures this burden, there is not
account for up to 61% of DALYs globally, should actually enough data to comprehensively account for the burden disease-study-2013-gbd-2013-
be classied as either chronic pain syndrome (considered of personality disorders. data-downloads

Global burden of disease DALYs (%) Reallocating neurological DALYs (%) Reallocating self-harm DALYs (%) Reallocating chronic pain DALYs (%)
2013 disorders* syndrome
Rank 1 Cardiovascular disease 135% Cardiovascular disease 135% Cardiovascular disease 135% Cardiovascular disease 135%
Rank 2 Common infections 102% Common infections 102% Mental Illness 112% Mental illness 130%
Rank 3 Cancer 81% Mental illness 98% Common infections 102% Common infections 102%
Rank 4 Neonatal 77% Cancer 81% Cancer 81% Cancer 81%
Rank 5 Mental illness 71% Neonatal 77% Neonatal 77% Neonatal 77%

Analysis based on data from Murray and colleagues (2015) and from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 data download website. *Neurological disorders repositioned to mental illness: dementias,

epilepsy, migraine, tension-type headache (66 872 300 DALYs). Self-harm repositioned to mental illness: 35 170 400 DALYs. A third of the 131 697 900 DALYs (18%) of potential chronic pain syndrome
currently attributed to musculoskeletal disorders is reattributed to mental disorders.

Table 1: Eect of reallocating disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) of neurological disorders, self-harm, and a fraction of chronic pain syndrome Vol 3 February 2016 173

Personal View

Global burden of YLDs (%) Reallocating YLDs (%) Reallocating self- YLDs (%) Reallocating YLDs (%)
disease 2013 neurological harm chronic pain
disorders* syndrome
Rank 1 Mental illness 212% Mental illness 272% Mental illness 273% Mental illness 324%
Rank 2 Musculoskeletal 209% Musculoskeletal 209% Musculoskeletal 209% Musculoskeletal 157%

Analysis based on data from Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators. *Neurological disorders repositioned to mental illness: dementias, epilepsy, migraine, and

tension-type headache (46 579 100 YLDs). Self-harm repositioned to mental illness: 231 600 YLDs. Applying the same rationale and repositioning the same proportion as
in table 1 from musculoskeletal to mental illness (51 percentage points [about a third of 157%], which are the YLDs attributable to chronic pain syndromes and other
musculoskeletal disorders, excluding anatomically based lesions).

Table 2: Eect of reallocating years lived with disability (YLDs) of neurological disorders, self-harm, and chronic pain syndrome

Disease burden as percent of mental illness burden


Global burden of disease 2013 YLDs

Authors estimates 324%

Mental illness burden (%)

Missing from global burden of disease






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Figure 1: Comparison of Global Burden of Disease 2013 years lived with disability (YLDs) with the authors estimates
Analysis based on data from Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Collaborators.11

Premature mortality The result with current methods, which does not count
People with severe mental illness have up to 60% higher excess deaths due to self-harm and increased overall
chances of dying prematurely from non-communicable mortality, is that in the case of mental illness, DALYs are
diseases29 that are neglected because of the underlying basically YLDs. The issue of self-harm can be partially
mental condition. They die 1020 years younger than addressed through aggregation (see below), but the issue
their peers in high-income countries, and 30 years of increased mortality due to general conditions poses a
younger in low-income countries.3032 Charlson and very complex challenge. GBD methodology is based on
colleagues33 estimate that up to 8% of years of life lost zero-sum attribution, which means that if a patient with
globally corresponded to excess deaths due to mental schizophrenia suers a fatal myocardial infarction at age
health-related conditions including dementia, epilepsy, 55 years as a result of smoking, for which she is at
and migraine. A recent systematic review estimated that increased risk, and neglected metabolic syndromea
143% of deaths worldwide, or about eight million deaths likely consequence of antipsychotic medicationthen
each year, are attributable to mental disorders.32 However, her years of life lost will be included in the cardiovascular
mental disorders appear to only account for 05% of total DALYs. In the context of increasing non-communicable
years of life lost because GBD estimates only show deaths disease comorbidities, the tradition of attributing
directly attributed to mental disorders recorded in death mortality to a single disease should be reassessed, and
certicates (mostly due to schizophrenia and substance alternative approaches explored, such as partial attribution
misuse), which leads to zero global deaths attributed to of years of life lost resulting from a single death to
bipolar disorder, depression, and other mental illnesses. dierent frequently co-occurring disorders.

174 Vol 3 February 2016

Personal View

Disease burden as percent of mental illness burden

Global burden of disease 2013 DALYs

Authors estimates

Mental illness burden (%)


Missing from global burden of disease






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Figure 2: Comparison of Global Burden of Disease 2013 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) with the authors estimates
Analysis based on data from GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators.19

Revising DALYs (2013) estimates for mental illness Considering that a fraction of low back, neck pain,
For the reasons set out above we propose that when and 50% of other musculoskeletal pain potentially
estimating disease burden, certain neurological corresponds to chronic pain syndromes, and for the
syndromes (ie, the dementias, epilepsy, tension-type purposes of producing a more accurate estimation and
headache, and migraine) should be aggregated within stimulating debate, we assume given the limited data
the overall category of mental illness. This adjustment that one third (rather than zero percent, as it is now) of
would move the total rank of mental illnesses in the the disease burden of these pain syndromes is
GBD tables from fth to third place overall, accounting potentially attributable to mental disorders and explore
for 98% of DALYs globally (table 1). Repositioning all the eect on mental illness burden calculations:
DALYs related to self-harm from the category of injuries re-allocating 18% of global DALYs would increase
to mental health would increase the number of DALYs mental illness burden from 112% (with certain
from 98% to 112%, placing it second in the ranking neurological disorders and self-harm added) to 130%
(table 1). of total, practically tied with all cardiovascular and
Chronic pain syndromes can potentially account for a circulatory disorders, which account for 135% (table 1).
substantial fraction of the 54% of DALYs currently
attributed to low back, neck pain plus other Revising YLDs (2013) estimates for mental illness
musculoskeletal pain, once we exclude entities for In 2013, mental illness accounted for 212% of global
which there is evidence of a musculoskeletal critical YLDs, 35 times greater than the disability associated
mechanistic level (such as arthritides and gout). As with all infectious diseases (60% of YLDs), four times
shown in the appendix, a proportion of the burden that for all injuries combined (50% of YLDs), eight times
resulting from these syndromes should be aggregated the disability associated with all cardiovascular and
to the mental rather than musculoskeletal disorder circulatory diseases (28% of YLDs), and 24 times the
burden. However, due to a lack of primary disaggregated disability associated with all cancers (09% of YLDs).
data it is not possible to gauge with any precision which Musculoskeletal disorders (plus fractures and soft tissue
portion of the burden of musculoskeletal disorders injuries) accounted for 208% of total YLDs.11 As we have
corresponds to these chronic pain syndromes or which argued above, a substantial portion, which we assume to
portion of chronic pain syndrome burden corresponds be 51 percentage points (table 2), potentially corresponds
to centrally caused syndromes (and therefore to the to chronic pain syndromes that should not be considered
mental or neurological burden as previously dened). musculoskeletal, but are rooted in the CNS and therefore Vol 3 February 2016 175

Personal View

in non-communicable diseases (combined, accounting

Mental illness 04% for 820% of YLDs; gure 3),35,37 whereas none of the
MDGs referred to mental illness, which received 040%
Non-communicable diseases
of the development assistance for health despite
(except mental illness)
accounting for 324% of YLDs.
Other infectious diseases
The imbalance between disease burden, nancing, and
service access is reported in countries of dierent income
levels (appendix): global median spending in mental
Tuberculosis 32%
health stands at 28% of total government health
spending, more than two thirds of which is on average
Malaria 51%
allocated to neuropsychiatric hospitals in spite of
international evidence-based recommendations for
Unallocable 56%
community-based services.29 Low-income countries
Sector-wide approaches and spend a very modest 05% of national health budgets on
health systems support mental health, with up to 900% going to stand-alone
psychiatric institutions that provide, in population terms,
Maternal 93% very low rates of treatment (contact) coverage. Although
high-income countries provide more services for mental
Child 167% illness than low-income and middle-income countries,
there are variations in accessibility and coverage for
Other 229% geographical and socio-economic groups.3840

HIV 270% Discussion

The recent GBD (DALY and YLD) estimates produce an
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Total development assistance for health (%)
underestimate of the true eect of mental disorders on
populations due to: the overlap between psychiatric and
Figure 3: Development assistance for health per area as a percentage of total (US$3722 billion) from 2000 to neurological disorders; the grouping of suicide and
2014 behaviours associated with self-injury as a separate
Total funding in 200004, $3722 billion; HIV, $1004 billion; non-communicable diseases (less mental illness),
$40 billion; mental illness, $15 billion. Analysis based on data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
category outside the boundary of mental illness; the
(2015).35 conation of all chronic pain syndromes with
musculoskeletal disorders; the exclusion of personality
better understood as part of the burden of mental illness. disorders in mental illness disease burden calculations;
Applying our framework, the new YLD estimation of and inadequate consideration of the contribution of
mental health-related burden is 324%. severe mental illness to mortality from associated causes.
Our estimations of disability alone (YLDs) and Using the currently available evidence and specied
combined with mortality (DALYs) show that by assumptions to correct the overlap between psychiatric
excluding certain conditions from the mental illness and neurological disorders, the grouping of suicide and
burden current assessments underestimate both YLDs behaviours associated with self-injury as a separate
and DALYs by more than a third (gures 1 and 2). We category outside the boundary of mental illness, and the
also show that mental illness accounts for a third of the conation of all chronic pain syndromes with
global disability (table 2), instead of a fth, as currently musculoskeletal disorders, we provide a more accurate
estimated. picture of mental illnesses as a leading cause of GBD.
Mental disordersin various forms and intensities
Disproportionately weak global response to aect most of the population in their lifetime.2,3 In most
mental illness cases, people experiencing mild episodes of depression
The global development assistance for health allocated to or anxiety deal with them in ways that allow them to
mental illness is far below the levels warranted by the continue living a productive life. A substantial minority
eect of these disorders. The Millennium Development of the population, however, experience more disabling
Goals (MDGs)34 prioritised child health (MDG 4), conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder type I,
maternal health (MDG 5), and communicable diseases severe recurrent depression, and severe personality
(MDG 6), which collectively accounted for 469% of disorders. Whereas common mild disorders are
DALYs 25 years ago,18 and attracted most of the amenable to self-management and relatively simple
development assistance for health reaching 680% of the educational or support measures, severe mental illness
$359 billion disbursed in 2014.35,36 Despite the changing demands complex, multi-level care that might need a
burden of disease, characterised by multi-morbidity and longer-term engagement with the individual, and with
disability,12 from 2000 to 2014 only 15% of the the family. Hence, a more nuanced and accurate picture
development assistance for health was invested globally of mental health-related burden is crucial to eectively

176 Vol 3 February 2016

Personal View

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Contributors denitions, and metrics. Comprehensive systematic analysis of
DV and RA conceived the study. DV led the analysis with guidance from global epidemiology: denitions, methods, simplication of DALYs,
RA and GT. DV and RA wrote the rst draft and the nal manuscript and comparative results from the Global Burden of Disease Study
with contribution from GT. All authors have seen and approved the nal 2010. Lancet 2012; 380: 206366. Appendix.
version of the manuscript. 18 Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Global Burden of
Declaration of interests Disease 2010. Data Vis 2013.
visualizations (accessed Dec 27, 2015).
We declare no competing interests.
19 GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators. Global, regional, and
Acknowledgments national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and
DV is supported by the Leadership Incubator Fund (Harvard T.H. Chan injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries,
School of Public Health) and by the De Fortabat Fellowship (Harvard 19902013: quantifying the epidemiological transition. Lancet 2015;
University). GT is supported by the National Institute for Health published online Aug 27.
Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health 6736(15)61340-X.
Research and Care South London at Kings College London Foundation 20 Whiteford HA, Degenhardt L, Rehm J, et al. Global burden of
Trust. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily disease attributable to mental and substance use disorders: ndings
those of the National Health Service (NHS), the National Institute for from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2013;
382: 157586.
Health Research (NIHR), or the Department of Health. GT
acknowledges nancial support from the Department of Health via the 21 Ferrari AJ, Norman RE, Freedman G, et al. The burden attributable
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