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2013 FEB 28 PM UtkZ

TO: DEANNA J. SANTANA F R O M : Howard A. Jordan


SUBJECT: First Fridays Impacts DATE: February 27,2013

City AdministratorV Date ^

ATOroval j M d K ^


Staff recommends acceptance of this informational report on the costs of providing security for
the First Fridays events in downtown Oakland and on the existing contract agreement with V M A
Security, the private security company providing services for Frank Ogawa Plaza and within the

The purpose of this report is to respond to the City Council's inquiry and to inform the City
Council of new security measures established for the March 1, 2013 First Fridays street festival
in downtown Oakland and related impacts of the monthly event on City/Oakland Police
Department services.


The monthly First Fridays street festival is an offshoot of Art Murmur which started seven years
ago as a gallery stroll produced by non-profit Oakland Art Murmur Association (OAM). The
gallery stroll showcasing 1,200 artists in nearly 300 exhibitions annually has generated extensive
positive local, regional, national, and art world publicity for Oakland. Attendance at the popular
event has grown steadily over the years, by summer 2011 attracting several thousand attendees.

On July 17, 2007, Council passed Resolution No. 80743 C.M.S. granting the Rock Paper
Scissors Collective (RPSC) a conditional encroachment permit to close one block of 23"^ Street,
between Valley & Telegraph between the hours of 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. The RPSC applied for
the permit on behalf of the individual galleries that had not yet formed as an organization.

On December 21, 2010, Council approved the revocation of Resolution No. 80743 C.M.S. while
simultaneously approving Resolution No. 83118 C.M.S. granting an encroachment permit to
close to 23'^'' Street to the newly formed Oakland Art Murmur Association.

Public Safety Commitee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 27, 2013 Page 2


Beginning with the August 2007 Art Murmur event, the City granted organizers a permit to close
one block of 23rd Street to advance pedestrian access and create an outdoor area to
accommodate vending and additional arts activities for the monthly gallery stroll. By late
summer 2011, however, it was becoming increasingly clear that closing 23'^'^ Street alone would
not suffice to accommodate the ballooning unregulated spin-off activities such as rogue vending,
public drinking, and amplified music spreading out onto the side streets and eventually
Telegraph Avenue, thereby creating safety and other concerns for both the City and the galleries.

In spring 2012, the OAM determined that the challenges had exceeded its capacity to manage
and approached the City for help in addressing the rapidly growing street festival which was not
part of the original scope or planning for Art Murmur. Concurrently, the situation was creating
heightened concern for the City due to the need for OPD to respond to the emerging crowd
control and traffic safety issues. The event had previously required little involvement on the part
of the City and OPD because it was largely contained to inside the galleries and one block of
23rd Street.

Mayor Quan then convened a series of meetings with representatives fi-om OAM, the two
downtown and Koreatown Northgate Community Benefit District (KONO) community benefit
districts, City Administrator's Office and other City staff to begin addressing the concerns. The
challenge was iirmiediately apparent ~ how to ensure public safety of an "organic" event with an
attendance of several thousand and growing while preserving itsfi-ee-flowingartistry. It is
important to note that at the time, there was no actual organization behind the growing street
festival. It literally had a life of its own, promoted by artists, vendors, and community members
that were not organized as a group. The lack of inlrastrueture became even more evident in '
August 2012 when festival participants took it upon themselves to physically close portions of
Telegraph without City permits, thereby escalating crowd, pedestrian, and traffic safety

Role of City
Recognizing the need to implement broader public safety measures, and at the request of some
downtown stakeholders, the City began expanding its role in the interest of traffic, pedestrian and
public safety and acknowledging that the large crowds would continue to present themselves on
every First Friday.

In September 2012, the City Administrator's Office applied for and was issued a permit to close
Telegraph from 27'*^ to 19"^ Street to vehicle traffic on First Fridays and was compelled to begin
providing both public safety services because our police services are spread thin, the City began
using V M A services by amending the first contract issued and which still had hands remaining.
This contract was amended administratively in September 2012 to include other outdoor areas
at/near City facilities (e.g. libraries, parks. City sponsored special events) and within the
downtown, including First Fridays. V M A has provided security services at First Fridays since

Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 25, 2013 Page 3

September 2012, with the exception of January 2013 due to a gap between the existing contract
and the new contract approved. This action came after discussions in July and August where it
was clear that the informal event organizers could not preserve pedestrian, traffic, and public
safety on their own and that the City required improved crowd control management of attendees.
The City/OPD also worked with the two downtown and KONO community benefit districts to
address security concerns and arrange for the CBD ambassadors to provide additional assistance
with respect to crowd management.

Under the direction of Deputy City Administrator Arturo Sanchez, the CAO simultaneously
began working with community representatives in an effort to build organizational capacity so
that they could eventually assume full responsibility for producing all aspects of the event,
including planning, programming, logisfics/security, marketing, and fiandraising. To date, there
has been progress relative to programming and managing food vendors, however.the community
group has yet to establish sufficient organizational infrastructure and capacity required to
produce a multifaceted monthly street festival that has now reached an attendance of 10,000 ~
25,000. As such, the community organizers are not in a position to provide or raise sufficient
funds to pay for event-related expenses, with the exception of Si,700 being provided monthly by
KONO for port-a-potties and a clean up crew. KONO has expressed concerns about whether
they can continue to sustain these expenses as they exceed the organization's annual operating
budget. Also important to note is that the Lake Merritt-Uptown CBD had been providing
ambassadors and a street closure crew from September 2012 - January 2013, but has since
ceased providing the street closure crew due to lack of capacity.

Given the nature of the event, where the structure is substantially organic/informal in nature,
outreach and planning do not exist in a manner that mirrors a structured event and it continues to
be that large crowds will show up on each month's first Friday and present traffic, pedestrian,
and public safety issues for the City which draw down our resources. Despite the fact that these
expenditures have been absorbed by the existing operating budget, the City continues to need to
quickly mobilize to manage liability issues resulting from pedestrian, traffic, and public safety
issues and has detennined that street closures offer an efficient way to contain the crowd and
provide for a more focused area to assign resources. The City facilitated the street closure out of
increasing concern for pedestrian and traffic safety and liability heading in to the February event.
Absent the availability of a City crew, staff sought quotesfromoutside vendors, with Traffic
Management, Inc. submitting the lowest of three bids at a cost of $2,854 per month (see page 6
for summary of First Fridays costs incurred by the City).

VMA Security

On January 22, 2013, Council passed Resolution No. 84184 C.M.S. authorizing the City
Administrator to extend the existing contract with V M A Security to continue providing private
security services on and "as needed" basis from January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, or until
the addifional capped amount of $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars) is expended,
whichever is earliest. The staff report focused on Frank Ogawa Plaza safety and areas within the
downtown-thus, the City has used V M A for First Fridays.

Item: _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 27, 2013 Page 4

February First Friday Event

Nearly an hour after the 10:00 p.m. close of the First Fridays event on February 1, 2013, a tragic
shooting one block away from the event took the life of 18-year-old Oakland resident Kiante
Campbell and wounded three (3) others. The incident underscored the need to address ongoing
issues related to overall event management, crowd control, and other logistics and long-term

To that end. Mayor Quan convened a First Fridays Stakeholder Working Group that includes
representatives from First Fridays, Oakland Art Murmur Association, the two downtown and
KONO community benefit districts, key City staff, Uptown area residents, businesses and
performance venues. The group has met four times over the past few weeks, with a follow-up
meefing scheduled for Thursday, March 6. The meetings have been facilitated by District 3
Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney. To date, the discussion has centered primarily on
planniiig for the March 1 First Fridays event, with an inventory of additional issues and ideas to
explore moving forward tofijtureevents. The stakeholder meetings have generated a wide-range
of feedback and ideas including possible cancellation of the event; increasing or narrowing the
footprint; enhancing OPD and private security; hiring a professional event producer; curtailing
the overall street party environment by making the event alcohol-free and/or focusing more on
youth, family, and peace/unity in the community.

Plans for March 1 First Fridays Event

After careful consideration of all input received to date, through the leadership of Mayor Quan
and Councilmember McElhaney, the City established the following parameters for the March 1,
29013 First Fridays event:

1. The City/OPD has established that the event footprint/closure will be from West Grand to
27'*' Street. This means that there will be no First Fridays or other programming/activities
south of West Grand to 19^"^ Street as in previous months. OPD will establish a mobile
command post at Telegraph & West Grand. OPD has invited a First Fridays representative to
join them in the mobile command post.

2. Vehicle traffic will flow regularly on Telegraph south of West Grand. As such, no First
Fridays or other programming will be allowed south of West Grand. This includes the Eat
Up food pod at 21^^ & Telegraph permitted separately by the City. The City is reaching out
to community groups for volunteers to help with any potential loitering, spill-over crowds
south of West Grand.

3. Event will be alcohol-free. This means no open containers or beer garden will be allowed
within the footprint and no alcohol licenses will be approved for area art galleries. ABAT
(Alcohol Beverage Action Team) will enforce alcohol rules at liquor store and bar
establishments. Officers will cite event participants in violation of drinking in public laws
and ordinances and provide greater presence with respect to enforcing the law.

Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 25, 2013 Page 5

4. Two (2) music stages with amplified sound will be allowed within the established footprint.
The City recommends that any additional music activities within the event footprint be
acoustic only.

5. The March 1, 2013 First Fridays event will end at 9:00 pm - one hour earlier than the
previous month.

6. City suggests a 9:00 pm moment of silence at the stage in addition to the one planned by the
First Fridays organizers for 7:30 pm.

7. City will begin street closures at 3:00 pm; vendors can start arriving for setup at 4:00 pm.

8. First Fridays Block Coordinators, the community volunteers who organize the First Fridays
activities block-by-block, will be responsible for vendor management as follows:

A. No unapproved/non-permitted vendors allowed (both food and non-food). Block

Coordinators are asked to advise any unauthorized vendors that they are not
permitted to set up. Should the Block Coordinators experience any difficulties with
unauthorized vendors, they may contact V M A for back-up assistance only if
absolutely necessary.

B. Block Coordinators are asked to submit names, contact information and location for
all food vendors to Nancy Marcus, City of Oakland ( by
12 noon on Friday, February 22.

C. Block Coordinators are asked to submit a complete list and proposed locations for all
non-food vendors/exhibitors and art activities to Samee Roberts, City of Oakland
fsroberts^ by 12 noon on Monday, February 25. This information
will be distributed to OPD, VMA and appropriate City staff so that everyone is aware
of the activities that have been eurated/approved by the Block Coordinators and the
location of said activities.

D. Block Coordinators will be relied upon to remind all vendors and exhibitors that the
event closes at 9 p.m. and assist in ensuring that all vendors and exhibitors begin to
close down promptly at 9 p.m. Should Block Coordinators experience difficulties
with vendors and exhibitors not closing down as directed, they may contact V M A for
back-up assistance. Block Coordinators should make every effort to ensure closing
down of vendors and exhibitors and only relay on VMA for back-up so that VMA
can continue to focus on the first priority to assist with public safety. .

E. Block Coordinators will use a central telephone to be provided for the OPD Mobile
Command Unit to contact VMA for on-site communications and security response.

Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 27, 2013 Page 6

V M A will bring OPD in when appropriate. OPD will circulate the new telephone
number no later than Monday, February 25. The K O N O offices at 2633 Telegraph
(510-343-5439) will confinue to be used for lost & found, other inquiries.

F. Block Coordinators are encouraged to wear consistent, highly-visible outerwear

(vest, tee shirt or hat) for the purposes of identification.

Looking ahead to Future First Fridays Events

Staff will closely monitor the March 1 event to determine the effectiveness of the new security
measures and recommend any needed enhancements moving forward. As this report was written
prior to the March 1 event, staff will be on hand to provide a verbal update at the March 12, 2013
Public Safety Committee meeting. In addition, staff will continue to evaluate all aspects of the
event and assist the First Fridays organizers in developing an overall event management plan and
budget that includes strategies for fundraising through sponsorships, foundations, and other
sources. The event management plan will include recommendations for building organizational
capacity within First Fridays community and may also include other recommendations such as
suggesting that the group hire a professional event coordinator and/or paid event crew; establish
a central communications command; implement a more comprehensive trash collection and
recycling progriam; and improve coordination of food and other vendors participating in the
event. The purpose of the management plan will be to provide a much-needed blueprint for
long-term safety and sustainability of the monthly event.


The grass-roots event's significant growth in size and scope and its inability to self-regulate
required City to intervene to, which caused us to put resources in place to protect our interests
that were not previously budgeted. Since September 2012, the City Administrator's Office has
been incurring an estimated $16,204 in monthly out-of-pocket expenses as follows:

$ 11,000 Private Event Security - approximately 30 private security guards

(VMA contract staffing is subject to change to properly manage contract and needs between
Frank Ogawa Plaza and areas within the downtown.)

$ 2,854 Traffic Management Crew/Equipment

(Outside vendor - Traffic Management, Inc., lowest of three bids)

$ 900 Installation of No Parking Signs

(Outside vendor - Up & Down Signs)

$ 450 Overtime pay - City Special Events Coordinator

$ 1,000 Event Insurance

(To protect City's fiscal interests and minimize liability)

Public Safety Committee
March 12, 2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 25, 2013 Page 7

Recent discussions on the part of the First Fridays stakeholders working group led by Mayor
Quan and Councilmember Gibson McElhaney offer an opportunity to potentially bring some of
these costs down.

In addition, the City has been redirecting a range of police resources with a maximum thirty-five
(35) personnel fi-om the Special Resources Unit, four sergeants and one lieutenant assigned to
Bureau of Field Operations 1 (BFO 1) that are normally on regular downtown, north Oakland,
and Lake Merritt deployments to secure this event. These are the officers that are assigned to do
preventative patrols and work on neighborhood problems. The City originally attempted to
provide OPD coverage via overtime, but there was not sufficient sworn volunteers availing
themselves to work at this monthly event on an overtime basis. Upon such, the City began this
practice to ensure that this large crowd was relatively managed and, if something did occur, there
were resources in place to address security needs rather than having to pull them fi^om other areas
within the City. It is important to note that on some of the First Fridays, OPD is dealing with
multiple concurrent events such as protests, marches, and large crowds gathering outside popular
downtown venues. The costs associated with providing police services for First Fridays, and
other concurrent events with the downtown, depending on deployment and available resources.
These monthly costs are up to a maximum of $36,000 in straight time for high visibility, directed
patrols and enforcement of laws and ordinances and up to $7,500 in overtime to clear overflow
crowds from the event. Officers normally fiinded through Measure Y are paid via General Fund
when working this event on straight time.

In addition, the City has provided in-kind staff support to help coordinate the City's interests,
which directly takes staff capacity from other competing priorities.


There was no public outreach associated with this report.


This report was prepared jointly by OPD and the Office of Economic & Workforce Development
- Cultural Arts & Marketing. The Budget Office and City Attorney's Office reviewed this report
for fiscal and legal issues, respectively.

Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013
Deanna J. Santana, City Administrator
Subject: First Fridays Impacts
Date: February 27, 2013 Page 8


Economic: First Fridays is a monthly event that attracts between 10,000 - 20,000 attendees,
thereby generating foot traffic and sales at area businesses, establishments and venues. In
addition, the event supports up to 25 local food vendors/trucks and scores of local artists, arts
organizations, community groups and nonprofits.

Environmental: First Fridays organizers provide for trash collection following the event. The
group has expressed a desire to implement a more comprehensive trash collection, removal and
recycling program to meet City recommendations, however at this point, lacks the resources to
do so.

Social Equity : First Fridays is a free public event held the first Friday of every month. Local
artists, arts organizations, community groups and nonprofits are also invited to participate free of
charge. The event attracts a broad-cross section of the community.

For questions regarding this report, please contact Marketing Manager Samee Roberts at 238-
2136 or Assistant Chief Anthony Toribio at 238-3958.

Respectfully submitted,

Samee Roberts
Marketing Manager

Public Safety Committee
March 12,2013

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