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Pavement Dowel Bars-WSDoT PDF

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Dowel Bar Size Construction Division

Regardless of type, dowel bars are 1.5 inches in diameter, 18 inches in length and placed State Materials Laboratory
at the mid slab depth spaced on 12-inch centers. If fiber reinforced polymer dowel bars
are eventually approved they may be specified in diameters greater than 1.5 inches.

Application of Dowel Bar Type Selection

Dowel Bar types from Left to Right: Stainless

The conventional application practice for mainline 12-foot lanes is eleven bars spaced
12 inches apart with the first bar 12 inches from the pavement edge. Modification to this
practice is allowed for lanes 3, 4 and 5 of multi-lane facilities (greater than two lanes in Dowel Bars for New
and Existing Concrete
Steel Clad, Stainless Steel Tube with Epoxy each direction), HOV lanes, and intersections. The modification is eight bars per joint (four
Coated Insert, MMFX 2 , Zinc Clad, ASTM A934 in each wheel path) with the first and last bar located 12 inches from the lane edge. Dowel
Epoxy Coated (Purple), ASTM M284 Epoxy bar retrofits use three bars per wheel path with the outer bars located 18 inches from the
Coated (Green), and Fiber Reinforced Polymer.
pavement edges.

Installation of Dowel Bars in New and Existing Pavements

Pavements February 2013

Dowel Bars in Baskets Dowel Bar Inserter

Faulted concrete pavement. Corroded epoxy coated dowel bars.

Panel Replacement Dowel Bar Retrofit

For More Information:
Pavement Section - State Materials Laboratory - Construction Division - Engineering and Regional Programs WSDOT has over 2,300 lane- third of these pavements have in all new concrete pavements
Jeff Uhlmeyer Mark Russell miles of concrete pavements. some measure of faulting due to to ensure a 50-year service
State Pavement Engineer State Pavement Design Engineer Seventy-five percent of these the loss of aggregate interlock life. Dowel bars must stand
360-709-5485 360-709-5479 pavements have exceeded their at the transverse contraction up to repeated loadings from
20-year design life and have joints. Dowel bars are being traffic and resist corrosion to
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information: This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing the Title VI Statement to Public: It is the Washington State Department of Transportations (WSDOT) policy to assure that no
received over twice the traffic used to retrofit many of these be effective for this extended
WSDOT Diversity/ADA Affairs team at or by calling toll free, 855-362-4ADA(4232). Persons who are deaf or person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, be loading for which they were older pavements which extend service life. This folio was
hard of hearing may make a request by calling the Washington State Relay at 711. excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise discriminated against under any of its federally funded
programs and activities. Any person who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint with WSDOTs designed. In general, they have their life by more than 15 years. developed to assist in selecting
Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO). For additional information regarding Title VI complaint procedures and/or information regarding
our non-discrimination obligations, please contact OEOs Title VI Coordinators, George Laue at (509) 324-6018 or Jonte Sulton performed well. However, one- Dowel bars are also required the best dowel bar for a project.
at (360) 705-7082.
than the previously used green ASTM M284 coating. Uncoated
The Need for Dowel Bars Dowel Bar Selection Protocol Dowel Bar Alternatives
plain steel dowel bars are not allowed in any application.
Since dowel bars must last the entire life of the surrounding There are three types of dowel bars currently allowed; (1) stainless
The majority of the concrete pavements built in the 1950s Non-metallic fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) dowel bars are
concrete pavement, a protocol was developed for the steel alternatives, (2) corrosion resistant steel alternatives, and
through 1970s were on interstate highways constructed as part currently being evaluated to determine their performance in
selection of the appropriate dowel bar type based on the risk (3) epoxy coated alternatives. The stainless steel alternatives
of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. Most of these pavements pavements exposure to heavy loadings from traffic.
of corrosion. Corrosion risk is dependent on the moisture and include solid stainless steel bars, ordinary steel bars surrounded
are still in service while receiving little or no rehabilitation (which
deicing compound exposure, which varies across the state. by a stainless steel cladding, and stainless steel sleeves with
Dowel Bar Cost and Application
has primarily been in the form of panel replacements, dowel bar
Western Washington pavements, in general, have the greatest an epoxy coated dowel bar insert. The corrosion resistant Costs noted in the table are contract bid prices for projects
retrofits and diamond grinding) while carrying anywhere from
exposure to moisture, while most of Eastern Washington is alternatives include MMFX 2 steel bars which are high chromium between 2003 and 2012. There were only two projects that
two to five times the originally estimated traffic volumes. This
considerably drier, experiencing more snow but less rainfall. content bars just below the threshold of being classified as used solid stainless steel bars and only a handful used
longevity reflects well upon the structural capacity of these
Mountain passes, particularly those with clear pavement stainless steel. The other corrosion resistant alternative is zinc stainless steel clad bars. The MMFX 2 bars are currently
pavements but may also be a reflection of an original design that
protocols (highways maintained in a snow/ice free condition) are coated black steel bars. Epoxy coated dowel bars must meet the bar most often selected by contractors. The zinc
was overly conservative for the estimated 20-year design life.
exposed to higher amounts of corrosive salts and other deicing ASTM A934 epoxy coating requirements. The purple ASTM clad bar is a recent addition to the list and has not seen
The design for these pavements was 8 inches of concrete
treatments during winter months. All Interstate routes which A934 epoxy coating is a more damage resistant epoxy coating much use due to costs that exceed MMFX 2 bars.
over 6 inches of clean granular material. For large volume
include Snoqualmie Pass are clear pavement roadways.
roadways in wetter climate areas, the concrete thickness
was increased to 9 inches while keeping the same 6
Dowel Bar Cost versus Corrosion Resistance
inches of clean granular base. In some cases an asphalt Corrosion resistance of the dowels increases as does
Dowel Bar Type Cost Application Comments
treated base was placed beneath the concrete slab. cost when moving from uncoated black steel to the most
corrosion resistant solid stainless steel. Additionally, there Statewide use including
The older pavements did not use dowels but relied on $30.00-$40.00 Mainline, intersections,
is a direct link between cost and risk: less risk higher cost, *Solid Stainless Steel mountain passes for new
aggregate interlock to prevent movement of adjacent panels. Ave. $35.00 roundabouts
concrete construction
lower cost higher risk of corrosion before 50 years.
Unfortunately, over time the aggregate interlocking of the slabs
failed resulting in faulting. The decision to forgo dowels was Statewide use including
$17.00-$20.00 Mainline, intersections,
*Stainless Steel Clad mountain passes for new
based largely on the potential for the plain steel dowel bars Ave. $19.00 roundabouts
concrete construction
used at the time to corrode and lock up the joint. Locked joints
Statewide use including
were viewed as more detrimental to performance than faulting. *Stainless Steel Sleeve Mainline, intersections,
No Data mountain passes for new
with Epoxy Coated Insert roundabouts
concrete construction
A combination of the 1993 AASHTO Guide for the Design of Corrosion
Dowel Bar Type Cost
Pavement Structures and the Mechanistic Empirical Design Guide Resistance
Statewide use including
$9.00-$24.00 Mainline, intersections,
(MEPDG) is currently used to design the thickness of concrete MMFX 2 mountain passes for new
Solid Stainless Steel Highest Best Ave. $14.00 roundabouts
concrete construction
pavements. Pavement designs are based on the expected traffic
loading over a 50-year design life which results in thicknesses of Stainless Steel Clad Statewide use including
$13.00 Mainline, intersections,
11 to 13 inches on interstate routes. This includes an additional Zinc Clad mountain passes for new
One Project roundabouts
Stainless Steel concrete construction
inch to accommodate future diamond grinding to remove wear
Sleeve with Epoxy
from studded tires. Dowel bars are required at all transverse joints. Coated Insert
Statewide use for concrete
Epoxy Coated Steel $8.00-$12.00 Panel replacements and
Dowel bar retrofitting began in 1992 with the construction of rehabilitation, not acceptable
MMFX 2 (High (ASTM A934) Ave. $10.00 dowel bar retrofit
on new construction..
the first test section on I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass. Since Chromium Steel)

that date approximately 571 lane miles have been retrofitted. Zinc Clad Fiber Reinforced
Retrofitting involves cutting slots in the pavement at each Polymer and Glass Fiber No Data Test sections only Under experimental evaluation
Reinforced Polymer
transverse joint; placing dowel bars at mid slab height in the Epoxy Coated Steel
(ASTM A934)
slots; backfilling the slots with concrete patching material and * Stainless steel alternatives are not being used due to high cost. Stainless steel clad bars are no longer
then diamond grinding the pavement to remove the faulting. Plain Steel (uncoated) Lowest Worst available however it is appropriate to document WSDOT experience with all dowel bar types to date.

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