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Liberia Transport Master Plan

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The key takeaways are that the Government of Liberia's priorities are the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of roads and bridges. It aims to implement a National Transport Policy and Strategy with objectives such as rehabilitating, reconstructing and constructing roads as well as improving transportation systems and building capacity. A National Transport Master Plan is being prepared to help achieve these objectives.

According to the document, the Government's priority in the first 5-year PRS period is the Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance of roads and bridges in Liberia. It provides a table summarizing the status of PRS-I deliverables from 2008-2011 for different types of roads.

The recommended organizational framework for implementation centers on a 'Steering Committee' chaired by the Minister of Transport and composed of Government Ministers and other stakeholders, and an 'Implementation Coordination Committee' chaired by a MoPW coordinator and composed of technical personnel from line ministries to oversee implementation.


Executive summary
0 Executive summary

0.1 Project Background

The Government of Liberia (GoL) Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), 2008, has four pillars, the
fourth of which is Rehabilitating Infrastructure and Delivering Basic Services. Within this pillar are a
number of components. Two of the most important centre on:
roads and bridges; and

In 2009, in an attempt to set a framework for implementing a programme of rehabilitation, the first
National Transport Policy and Strategy (NTPS) was produced. Its focus was on a number of strategic
objectives, namely to:
rehabilitate, reconstruct and construct primary/secondary, feeder and neighbourhood roads;
improve the transport sector through effective systems and infrastructure for quality service
improve urban and rural transport; and
build human resource capacity.

The NTPS noted that in order to accomplish these objectives, Liberia needed:
a National Transport Master Plan, and
an effective Road Maintenance Management System.

The Programme Capacity Development for the Transport Sector, financed by the German Govern-
ment through the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and
implemented by GIZ, has been applied to support the GoLs efforts in these objectives and has been
focusing on:
the implementation and further development of Transport Policy; and
the preparation of the above-noted National Transport Master Plan has put particular emphasis
on roads: one of the most important features of this Plan has been the prioritisation of infrastruc-
ture rehabilitation with options have set out depending on the availability of funds it is believed
that funding limitations, not forecast economic returns, would be the major constraint on project
the development and implementation of a modern Road Maintenance Management System;
capacity development and training - with focus on the Ministry of Transport (MoT) and Ministry
of Public Works (MoPW).

This executive summary highlights the major findings of the Master Plan. Prominence is given to
those findings that impact the domestic transport sector. The international gateways (Monrovia
Free Port and Robertsfield International Airport) are, of course, also important and there is much in
the Main Text that concerns these facilities. They have, however, been the subject of other studies
and the data and findings reported herein are frequently from secondary sources that have already
concluded a course of action. It has, nonetheless, been important to take into account the impact
of developments at these gateways on domestic transport and to make recommendations that go
beyond the findings of the first studies.
II Executive summary

0.2 Existing infrastructure

Existing infrastructure is shown in chapter 4, Figure 4-1.

The priority of the Government in the first 5-year, PRS period is the Construction, Rehabilitation and
Maintenance of roads and bridges in Liberia. The Table below contains a summary of the status of
PRS-I deliverables (2008 2011) according to MPW data.

Table 0-1: STATUS OF PRS-I DELIVERABLES: 2008 2011

ROADS (2008 2011) PLETED ON-GOING Dec. 2011)
Primary Paved Roads 100 miles 38 miles 6 miles 56 miles
Primary Laterite Roads 1,187 miles 991 miles 196 miles 0 miles
Secondary Laterite Roads 300 miles 219 miles 84 miles 0 miles
Urban Laterite Roads 150 miles 150 miles 0 miles 0 miles
Urban Paved Roads 69 miles 14 miles 33.85 miles 21.15 miles
Feeder Roads 400 miles 164 miles 428 miles 0 miles

Status of PRS-I Development Targets in the Road sub-sector (2008 2011)

The Goal of governments intervention in the roads sub-sector in the post-PRS (PRS-II) period is
to ensure that all roads are pliable year round to enhance accessibility and connectivity for the
socio-economic growth and development of Liberia. The Table below contains a projection of PRS-II
deliverables (2012 2017) according to MPW data.

Table 0-2: PRS-II DELIVERABLES: 2012 2017

ROADS & BRIDGES (2012 2017)
Construction, rehabilitation & maintenance of Primary, Secondary 8,174.79 mi (13156.04 km)
and Urban Roads
Construction and rehabilitation of Feeder Roads 2,092.38 mi (3,367.36 km)
Construction and maintenance of Bridges 165 bridges

Many roads, particularly in the East have been found to be located far from where indicated on the
Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geographic Information Systems (LISGIS) maps. Three esti-
mates of the extent of the road network are shown below.
Executive summary
Table 0-3: Estimated extent of road network
Source Km in class/surface type
Primary Secondary Feeder
Paved Gravel Paved Gravel Paved Gravel
LISGIS 579 1,884 n.a. 2,190 n.a. n.a.
GIZ/MoPW 574 1,752 n.a. 2,636 n.a. n.a.
MoPW 734 1,130 n.a. 2,350 n.a. 5,702

The majority of roads are unpaved and unable to provide all-year access to either county or district
headquarters. Vehicle operating costs, fares and tariffs are, consequently, very high.

There is no connected rail network. The Nimba Railway is under rehabilitation, and the Bong
Railway is operational but has restricted operations, and renovation is proposed within five years.
The Mano River Railway was dismantled during the war. A fourth railway may be built to the Putu
Range, where the explorations of iron-ore resources are now in a pre-feasibility stage.

Seaports and coastal shipping

The port of Monrovia currently accounts for almost all of Liberias seaborne trade. Since the end of
the war, some progress has been made with rehabilitation but much remains to be done. The port
of Buchanan is being used to a very small extent for exports of logs and woodchips and imports of
cement. The port of Greenville is presently not operational, whilst the port of Harper is being used
on a small scale for coastal shipments of equipment and supplies to United Nation Mission in Liberia
(UNMIL) troops.

The nucleus of civil aviation is Roberts International Airport (ROB) a Code 4E airport with a 3,300
metre instrument runway. It is the only airport in Liberia capable of offering Cat II Instrument Land-
ing System (ILS) based approaches. ROB also has apron space totalling about 85,000 m2. It faces no
operational constraints with respect to runway and apron capacities and has a substantial land bank
of about 2,084 ha.
Monrovias James Spriggs Payne Airport (MLW) is in a very different situation, constrained by its ur-
ban surroundings. The nature of installations and fixtures, and standards are all substantially lower
than one would expect in a well-run viable facility.
There are about 30 other domestic or rural airports with unpaved runways ranging between about
900m to 1,800m and cleared for Visual Flight Rules (VFR) only operations.

Public transport
Public transport infrastructure basically consists of a number of bus stops in Monrovia and major
county capitals and the MTA bus depot and workshops in Monrovia. There are no terminal buildings
at any of the major transfer points, particularly at Douala Market and Red Light.
Public transport services are considered to be inefficient and are almost entirely provided by the
informal sector through taxis and mini buses. They concentrate on Monrovia and its surroundings,
IV Executive summary

but also provide on-demand services to county capitals. The basic public transport network in Mon-
rovia comprises eleven routes operating along main roads, most of which are served by conventional
buses (albeit at very low frequencies), minibuses and taxis. Vehicles are generally in unsafe and
uneconomic conditions.

0.3 Data sources and availability

Road traffic surveys

Two road traffic surveys were conducted - during the dry season in November/December 2009 and
during the Wet Season in April/May 2010. Both surveys consisted of classified counts of all vehicles
(06:00 to 18:00) and random road-side driver interviews. Three night surveys supplemented the data
and allowed the estimation of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT).
Matrices of inter- and intra-county movements by (i) vehicle categories, (ii) passenger numbers and
(iii) freight tonnages were also established and information on average vehicle occupancies and trip
purposes determined.
The derived present pattern of movements is shown on Figure 5-1 in chapter 5.

Road inventory
A road inventory to describe the assets of the highway network is being developed. The inventory
for the primary network is substantially complete but will need to be updated on a regular basis as
assets are upgraded, removed or changed. The inventory for the secondary network is underway.
Responsibility for the maintenance of the inventory should be clearly vested in the management
structure at the government entity in charge of the national road network (MoPW).The data was col-
lected by observers equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers.

Road Condition Survey

The Road Condition Survey (RCS) has populated a database related to the road inventory with
information that has been used to determine the volume and cost of works to rehabilitate and then
maintain the road network at a satisfactory level of serviceability.
Executive summary
Other modes
Data for the rail, shipping and air transport sectors and for the public transport investigations relied
on material provided during discussions with stakeholders and information in previous reports.
There was no primary data collection and no modeling.

Other sources
There is a general lack of secondary data sources.
IMF forecasts of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were used to establish short-term growth trends
these were extrapolated to provide longer-term forecasts. Forecasts of population growth came from
the Final National Population and Housing Census - Consolidated, LISGIS, 2008.
Elasticities of demand for travel against growth in income have been derived from a limited amount
of data on vehicle registrations held by the MoT and comparisons with developments in other West
African countries have been made.

0.4 Methodology

The methodology adopted is summarised in Figure 0-1. It has centred on the rehabilitation of infra-
structure and the development of transport policy (taking due account of practicalities relating to
A flexible approach was necessary1 as from time-to-time, it was necessary to adjust the approach to
take account of: (i) findings to date; (ii) data availability; and (iii) constraints in the timely achieve-
ment of planned deliverables and results. The areas most affected by these problems have been
In its approach to infrastructure, the methodology focused on forecasts of transport demand and,
then, on:

the practicalities of providing increasing capacity this was not difficult to achieve in the roads,
shipping and aviation sectors, but was a particular constraint on the rail sector;
the lack of finance for capital and recurrent expenditure a constraint relevant to all sectors. As a
consequence most recommendations concerning the rail, coastal shipping and aviation sectors
centre on private finance/private sector initiatives. Funding constraints will have a significant
effect on road rehabilitation and maintenance as well;
economic returns that are clearly needed to prioritise rehabilitation (as well as rehabilitation
needed prior to the introduction of maintenance management), particularly in the roads sectors;
the limited amounts of data available and data processing constraints.

1 The figure summarises the finally adopted approach after these modifications.
VI Executive summary

The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) was the measure intended2, and wherever possible
applied, for initial prioritising of projects both within, and between, sub-sectors. When constrained
budgets were being examined, the approach was to maximise Net Present Value (NPV).
Central to the analysis of the road transport mode was the World Banks Roads Economic Decision
Model (RED) which was used to prioritise road rehabilitation investments within the limits of antici-
pated budgetary constraints.
In order to ensure planned maintenance, Roughton Internationals Maintenance Planning System
(ROMAPS) has been recommended. Once the roads have been returned to a maintainable condition
this second level of modelling, for the important Road Maintenance Management System shall be
A Geographic Information System (GIS) to relate different information in a spatial context and to
reach conclusions about and demonstrate these relationships has also been developed.
After the assessment of the primary road network an agricultural surplus-deficit-analysis has been
done for the area with the most unbalanced production areas, i.e. areas which export or import
agricultural products from other regions of Liberia. The purpose was to identify secondary roads
with potentially high traffic growth rates. These roads have then been surveyed (inventory and con-
dition) and included into the GIS.

2 EIRRs were used in the initial examination of expenditure in an unconstrained budgetary situation. A paucity of data and difficulties with
meeting people outside the road sector led to difficulties in generating EIRRs for projects outside the roads sector the Master Plan
conclusions for the rail and coastal shipping sectors nonetheless remain clear.
Roads Rail Coastal Shipping Ports/Shipping Domestic Air Urban Transport

Existing Base Existing Base Existing Base Traffic Existing Base Existing
Traffic Ore Traffic Traffic Forecasts Traffic Situation

Origin and Destination Data Potential Road Potential Road to Rail Potential Road to Coastal Capacity Potential Road to Air Policy
Survey Coding Diversions Transfer Shipping Transfer Assessments Transfer Options

Condition Inspections Condition Inspections

Classified Count Data Base Costs of Further work/ Costs of Recommendations/ Capital Costs of Investment
Coding Traffic Volumes Providing for New Traffic Providing for New Traffic Investments Providing for New Traffic Options

Comfortable Roughness Diversions Practicalities of Operating Cost Airports/Air Services Operating Cost Recommendations/
Driving Speed Estimates (Other Modes/routes) Providing for New Traffic of New Ports/Services International of New Air Services Costs
Figure 0-1: Summarised Methodology

Unit Rehabilitation Link-by-Link Saved Road Vehicle Saved Road Vehicle Existing Base Saved Road Vehicle Customs/Trade
Costs Rehabilitation Costs Operating Costs Operating Costs Situation Operating Costs Facilitation

Growth in GDP/ Traffic Growth RED Costs and Costs and Capacity Costs and International
Per Capita Incomes Model Benefits Benefits Assessments Benefits Protocols

Spatial/Sectoral Risk-Based
Development Plans EIRRs Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations Customs Analyses
for Next Stage for Next Stage Electronic


Prioritised Investment Programme

Budget Risk Considerations Refinements
Executive summary


Note: the flow of activities was generally intended to be downwards along the thick black lines.

Tasks shown thus were intended but could not be performed to the extent originally conceived because of lack of data/difficulties in meeting with counterpart organisations/non-mobilisation of specialist staff
VIII Executive summary

0.5 Recommendations: Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Maintenance

Traffic was forecasted following a review of the macro-economic context and trade policies. By 2030
it was forecast that.
passenger-vehicle movements in and around Monrovia: could be 6.64 times present values;
passenger-vehicle movements in more rural areas: could be 4.43 times present values; and
base freight-vehicle movements: could be 2.17 times present values on certain routes where
there is substantial growth in the production of produce that has a low value per unit weight, the
growth could be much higher.

Roads rehabilitation
The Master Plan has concluded that roads must continue to be the dominant domestic mode only
roads can provide access to all parts of the country and many trips made by other modes will inevita-
bly use roads for their initial and final stages. The Master Plan has consequently concluded that the
GoL should:
rehabilitate the all-weather strategic primary network that links Monrovia to the county capitals
and to its main border points with Sierra Leone, Guinea and the Ivory Coast including pavement
if funds are available ; And
construct two new links that could save substantial travel costs reduction: these are Buchanan
to Tappita and Buchanan to Harper, on condition that these new development will not negatively
impact resources to maintain existing infrastructure assets in maintainable condition
Addition links may be identified, provided that sufficient funding is provided to keep existing
infrastructure in maintainable condition and these links can be justified on the basis of technical
survey studying the financial, economic, social and environmental impacts.
Executive summary
Given the high costs of current travel and the level of frustrated demand that is believed to exist, the
Master Plan proposes to have this rehabilitated network completed as rapidly as possible and a five-
year timetable is proposed for re-establishing basic functionality.
To speedily restoring the living conditions in Liberia as soon as possible, the National Transport
Master Plan aims at providing access to all sections of the population and facilitating safe, comfort-
able transport at a design standard of 60 miles per hour or lower depending on the classification of
road on the primary, secondary and feeder road network. The National Transport Master Plan adopts
a flexible approach.
With the focus of transport policy centred on the need for speedy improvements, the Government
of Liberia chooses to take optimum use of its limited resources. Provided funding is available, the
National Transport Master Plan proposes to apply design standards at an economic optimum. In case
of budget constraints, the National Transport Master Plan suggests to select design standards at the
least life-cycle costs.
The RED analyses have indicated that a substantial rehabilitation programme and the construction
of two missing links would have substantial economic benefits. A five-year unconstrained emer-
gency rehabilitation investment programme is recommended by RED as shown on Figure 0-2. The
required total expenditure over the emergency rehabilitation programmes projected five-year life
would be about USD 172 million. Additionally, about USD 18 million per year would have to be spent
on recurrent maintenance to ensure that the network does not return to its present unacceptable
condition. The construction of the two missing links would add another about USD 10 million.
These are very large sums, believed to be beyond the capacity of the GoL, even if heavily supported
by donors. Where budgetary constraints exist RED recommends compromises in regard to stan-
dards and scope of programme which should be adopted. Five compromises, which remain aimed
at investing in the standards and projects that will maximise economic returns, given immediately-
available money, are presented in terms of the possible availability of funds.
Five-year rehabilitation programmes based on total 5-year emergency rehabilitation reduced bud-
gets of USD 100 million, USD 75 million, USD 50 million, USD 17 million, USD 10 million and, in the
last case, just USD 5 million are shown on Figure 0-3, Figure 0-4, Figure 0-5, Figure 0-6 and Figure

An examination of these figures shows that as the available budgets fall:

increasing proportions of the roads are recommended to be initially rehabilitated at reduced
standards; and
the rehabilitation of some other roads, where only basic standards are proposed: fall out of the
initial programme.
Additional investments to bring the network to full, economically-justified, standards must, of
course, be applied in a post-emergency rehabilitation follow-on period.
X Executive summary

A summary of the general 5 years Road Rehabilitation Plan and the 10 years Maintenance Program
is shown in the table below:

Table 0-4: NTMP: Primary Roads 5 Years Rehabilitation and 10 Years

Road Maintenance
No. Name Length (km) Costs (M$)
Number (M$)
5 Years
Year 1 to 10
1 RL100 M onrovia St Paul Riv-Klay-Lofa Bridge-M ano River 131,3 2,716 10,047
2 RL101 Red Light - 15th Gate-Ganta-Guinea Border 241,1 31,316 25,471
3 RL101 Ganta-Saniquellie-Zorgorwee-Louguatuo (Border to Ivory Coast) 81,4 0,627 2,377
4 RL114 Kakata-Bong M ines 29 0,223 2,001
5 RL123 Robertsfield-Gate 15 30,2 3,624 3,165
6 RL104 M adina-Bomi-Robertsport 41,4 0,224 1,477
7 RL102 Klay-Sinje-Bo Waterside,M ano River Bridge (Sierra Leone Bord.) 79,3 0 10,389
8 RL112 Gbarnga-Belefanai-Voinjama-Foya-M endikoma (Sierra Leone Border) 281,1 2,166 13,649
9 RL125 Voinjama - Bolongadi (Guinea Border) 16,4 0,126 0,262
10 RL106 Ganta-Saclepea-Tappita-Pouh Town-Zwedru 215,1 1,352 9,404
11 RL119 Tobli-Ivory Coast border 10,3 0,079 0,395
12 RL103 Zwedru-Kalowia-Kanweakan-Gbaebo-Sweken-Fishtown-Harper 264,4 2,036 8,689
13 RL226 Harper-Fish Town 32,2 0,223 1,329
14 RL116 Pleebo - Blebo - Barcleyville 76 0,584 4,937
15 RL110 Buchanan-Gio Town, Yarkpa Town, Cestos River, Greenville 202,7 1,091 7,623
16 RL105 M ile 20-Juarzon-Sapo -Pyne Town-Bambli 140,6 1,083 5,347
17 RL113 Yarkpa Junction - Cestos City 31 0 0,341
18 RL107 Kanweaken - Geeken-Norkwia Junction-Norkwia-Sasstown 86,3 0,665 1,382
19 RL129 Kanweaken - Glofaken 35,8 0,276 0,831
20 RL108 M onrovia-Schefflin-Harbel - Farmington River-Buchanan 122,3 0 16,022
21 RL109 Kunyan-Barclayville-Grandcess 46,4 0,357 0,742
22 RL115 Big Swen - Grand Cess 13,9 0 0,153
23 RL111 Seikempa-Yekepa 29,5 0 0,325
24 RL117 Zorgowee - Duolay 28,7 0 0,316
25 RL120 Harper-Cavalla 16,6 0 0,183
26 RL122 Uni. Farm - Bensonville 14,9 0,114 0,346
27 RL124 Warda - Fendell 3,2 0,025 0,123
28 RL127 Barclayville - Picnicses 10,3 0,079 0,239
29 RL129 Glofaken - Karloken 28,9 0,222 0,67
TOTAL = 2340,3 49,208 128,235
Executive summary
Road Development and Road Upgrading
The National Transport Master Plan recommends a flexible approach to the pavement of the primary
road network that links Monrovia to the county capitals and the main border crossings with neigh-
boring countries. This approach suggests the pavement of the 1,513 km of primary roads if funds are
available within 5 years, to an unconstrained budget of approximately US$1.5B, according to the
following investment plan:

Table 0-5: 5 Year Primary and Secondary Roads Unconstrained

5 Year Plan
Primary and Secondary Roads Unconstrained Investment Plan
Road Network km Proposed
( US$ M)
1. Paved roads in good condition 104,3 $0
2. Paved roads which need rehabilitation works 59,7 $5.930.000
3. Gravel roads to be upgraded to pavement 1288,1 $1.031.575.010
4. Liberian Infrastructure Trust Fund:
Monrovia (Redlight) -Ganta - Guinea border 241,1 $149.038.258
Cotton Tree to Buchanan 81,5 $45.800.000
5. Mineral Development Agreements:
Kakata - Hendi Road 40,2 $24.850.012
Zwedru Greenville 191,5 $118.377.546
Ganta - Sanniquellie 35,8 $22.130.110
6. New Roads
Buchanan Harper 586 $349.909.097
Buchanan - Tappita 180,8 $107.958.302
7. Bridges and culverts
More specific studies are required.
Culverts are included in the cost-estimades for roads.
TOTAL = $1.855.568.335

To pave all primary roads will require the mobilization and investment of massive external resourc-
es including the use of PPPs to compliment GOLs annual budgetary allocations for road works.
The National Transport Master Plan provides the current counts of the Average Annual Daily Traffic
on the different roads and road-sections, the expected traffic demand based on calibrated develop-
ment factors, the communication links in and in-between counties determined through origin and
destination studies (O&D), the actual condition of the road network and the economical return of
road investments on each primary road section, as a guidance or prioritization scheme, on where to
invest the resources that can be made available in the future.
XII Executive summary

Already, a steady flow of contributions is being recorded. So, through the Liberian Infrastructure
Trust Fund US$311M and US$50M are earmarked respectively to upgrade the primary road seg-
ments of the Monrovia (Redlight) to Ganta (Liberia-Guinea border) and of the Cotton Tree to Buchan-
an (Grand Bassah County).

Road infrastructure provided by Mineral Development Agreements

Of the five (5) MDAs signed by GOL with Concessionaires, only two (2) Agreements China Union
(Hong Kong) Mining Co. Ltd./China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Co., Ltd. and Putu Iron
Ore Mining Inc./Mano River Iron Ore Mining Ltd., - make specific commitment to provide road infra-
structure. Mittal Steel Holding A. G. and Mittal Steel (Liberia) Holdings commitment to provide road
infrastructure is said to be contained in a separate MOU with GOL.
The MDA requires China Union to rehabilitate, extend and build the Kakata to Hyendi Road 40.23
km, (25 miles). Although this is a secondary road, it has great economic importance. Additionally,
Putu Ore Mining is required to pave the 191.5 km(119 miles) Zwedru Greenville primary road link.
According to the GOL-Mittal Steel MOU, Mittal Steel is obligated to pave the primary road link be-
tween Ganta and Sanniquellie of 35.8 km (22,24 miles). No explicit obligation (s) for the provision of
road infrastructure is mentioned in the respective MDAs with BHP Billion and AmLib.
The various Mineral Development Agreements obligate Concessionaires to pave a total of 227.30
km (141,24 miles) of primary roads and 40.23 km (25 miles) of secondary road over the next five (5)
With respect to Mineral Development Agreements, the Transport Master Plan also recommends the
introduction of a new Transport Concessions Law which will set out a basic form and conditions for
the agreement on infrastructure between a concessionaire and the Government. The recommenda-
tions include a detailed checklist of some of the important issues to be considered when negotiating
a concession agreement.
Executive summary
Figure 0-2: RED - Scenario unconstrained budget
XIV Executive summary

Figure 0-3: RED Scenario budget A

Executive summary
Figure 0-4: RED Scenario budget B
XVI Executive summary

Figure 0-5: RED Scenario budget C

Executive summary
Figure 0-6: RED Scenario budget D
XVIII Executive summary

Figure 0-7: RED Scenario budget E

Executive summary
Roads maintenance
The programme is based on the proposal to rehabilitate 1,513km of primary roads in the forthcom-
ing five years. It is assumed that approximately one fifth of the total will be improved in each of the
years of this programme allowing them, then, to enter into the planned maintenance programme.
The cumulative network being maintained after twenty years will be 2,332 km.

The plan goes on to provide details for:

the establishment of a maintenance management administrative capacity;
among others through transforming the sector, creating a Road Fund and Road Authority
a pilot demonstration and training schema; and
required technical assistance.

Public transport
It is recommended that road-based public transport services should be provided by the private sec-
tor. Government may, however, regulate for price, quantity and route in its efforts to seek changes to
the structure of the industry and particularly in order to encourage the greater use of larger vehicles
and the adoption of a network of routes that penetrate off the main urban and inter-urban routes.
Where the GoL requires operators to provide services on routes that are not profitable (through regu-
lation) it will have to pay a subsidy to the operator for its service through a Public Service Obligation
agreement (PSO) in order to foster private sector participation.
This form of subsidy should be used where government recognizes that it is in the national interest
to provide otherwise unprofitable public transport services. In any case GoL should resist the temp-
tation to become an operator of services.

The number of ore trains and resulting excess capacity on each line are summarised below. There is
likely to be some spare capacity on all except the Nimba Railway.

Table 0-6: Estimated line capacities

Railway Section Ore traffic Non-ore traffic
Payload Wagons Train Annual
per wagon per train pairs capacity
[tonnes] per day [m Train pairs
tonnes] per day
Nimba Tokadeh Buchanan 95 70 12 24.0 0
Bong Bong Town Monrovia 65 60 10 11.7 1
Mano River Mano River 65 60 11 12.9 1
(1435 mm) Tubmanburg
Tubmanburg 65 60 15 17.6 1
Mano River Mano River 50 60 11 9.9 1
(1067 mm) Tubmanburg
Tubmanburg 50 60 15 13.5 1
XX Executive summary

Shown below is the minimum amount of additional traffic and the implied approximate investments
that would be required to achieve financial viability and assuming a Financial Internal Rate of
Return (FIRR) of about 10% is sufficient for this purpose.

Table 0-7: Minimum traffic levels for financial viability

Railway Minimum annual traffic Investment (USD)
Passengers Freight
Nimba 120,400 505,680 9,480,000
Bong 301,000 480,095 11,220,000
Mano River (1435 mm) 120,400 529,760 11,460,000
Mano River (1067 mm) 120,400 556,248 13,620,000
Monrovia Network (Bong Line) 301,000 430,430 15,930,000
Monrovia Network (Mano River Line) 120,400 430,430

There is presently no evidence that this traffic would be available, it is recommended that Govern-
ment does not rely on the rail sector for carrying non-mineral traffic and that it continues its hands-
off development policies in this sector.

Coastal shipping
The potential market for coastal shipping, will determine the sizes and types of ship that can be
used, and the service frequency. There is a virtuous circle in which more traffic results in lower
fares producing in turn more traffic.

In order to estimate generated traffic it has been necessary to break into the virtuous circle and
make some assumptions about the scale of the changes that can reasonably be expected in Liberia.
Executive summary
In this situation the role of GoL should amongst other things be to:
create an enabling environment for the development of private shipping services: by providing
information about potential demand, encouraging potential service users to coordinate their ship-
ments, and if necessary providing time-limited revenue guarantees during the initial start-up
period (3-5 years). The need for revenue guarantees should be carefully checked before they are
offered, by carrying out a detailed study of the commercial viability of the proposed services.
In the event that more than one potential service provider comes forward, revenue guarantees should
be offered to either a single company providing a mixed passenger/freight service, or a maximum
of two companies providing separate services for passengers (high speed) and freight (low cost):
The revenue guarantees should be assigned through competitive tendering for route franchises,
although other companies would be permitted to operate on the same routes without government

Air transport
It is recommended that:
Government should undertake a feasibility study to determine the viability of investing in the upgrad-
ing of Spriggs Payne to international standards, taking account of the potential for growth and the
investments that will be needed at Spriggs Payne and Roberts International. Consideration should
be given to security and strategic issues in the study. In the event that this study confirms that the
development will not be economic (and strategically a good choice) the domestic aviation activities
now occurring at Spriggs Payne should be relocated to Roberts International: Roberts International
should be redeveloped and any revenues raised should be used to improve it;
Government should seek to maintain only the core of domestic airports: other domestic airports
should either be sold or closed;
Government should encourage private sector domestic operators: in the same manner as is pro-
posed for rail there should, however, be no long-term subsidy; and
Enabling policies should be mandated to facilitate the safe and secure operation of aircraft and
airlines: they are the focus and the raison dtre for the existence of Liberias aviation sector.

0.6 Policy Refinement and Implementation

The Master Plan development process has raised a number of issues concerning the refinement, and
strategy for implementation, of Governments transport policy. The plan sets out recommendations
in the following areas:
intermodal policy: which is clarified in order to take account of findings regarding the practical
roles that road, rail and air transport can together, and separately, play in the regeneration of the
Governments wider development plans which should take into account risk: in this regard it is
noted that it is important to recognise that development strategies that centre around spare
capacity on rail corridors, the development of which are themselves highly dependent on devel-
opments in mining and in the wider world economy, will be inherently riskier than alternative
road-transport based development options.
XXII Executive summary

In the Liberian development context, the most important additional rail-associated risks are
those associated with presumed spare capacity for non-mineral ore traffic and the uncertainty
that the world demand for minerals will, from time-to-time, impose on the extent of that spare
rail capacity.
As long as there is no wider connecting international rail network, it will, clearly, be more
important that development nodes and corridors have good road access to Monrovia and the sea
than it is that they have good rail access. The Transport Master Plans findings are important and
should inform other planning initiatives particularly those now involving internal development
regulation will be used to promote economic efficiency: regulations and plans that could lead
to economic inefficiency, unless they have mitigating social benefits, will be revoked and/or

In order to facilitate the private sector concessions that are envisaged as major drivers within the
transport sector a new Transport Concessions Law is also proposed.

Intermodal policy road, rail, coastal shipping and domestic aviation

The Master Plan has concluded that:
Roads must continue to be the dominant domestic mode only roads can provide access to all parts
of the country - many trips made by other modes will inevitably use roads for their initial and
final legs;
Coastal shipping could play an important role prior to the completion of a south coast road; and
Domestic aviation could play an important role as long as travel times by road remain long

Funds for the rehabilitation and the maintenance of

rehabilitated road sections: Initial strategy
Analyses were based on the assumption that Government adopts an emergency roads rehabilitation
program with a budget of USD 50 million and which is drawn down over the next five years at an
average rate of USD 10 million per year. Consequent upon the adoption of this programme and the
maintenance strategy described earlier, a further USD 15 million will (approximately) have to be
made available annually this additional expenditure is essential if the rehabilitation works are to
be preserved and the access required for economic regeneration is to be maintained.
Over the next five years, an annual total roads sector budget of about USD 25 million is, therefore,
required. It is believed this is also the minimum commitment from Government necessary to show
foreign donors that they are serious in their intent to restore road transport infrastructure. It is, how-
ever, a large sum within the context of present overall Government spending3 and it is unlikely that
Government will for next five years be able to fund these sums from its own resources.

The Master Plan solutions, therefore, rely on finding:

external sources: for the capital sums required for rehabilitation; and
local sources: for the recurrent maintenance budget these begin with:
a base levy on road fuel consumption4; and
a base levy derived from the fees for annual licences imposed on trucks.

3 Nearly 8% of the 2010/11, USD 330 million, projected total annual Government revenue source IMF.
4 This is in line with the recommendations of the NTPS.
Executive summary
Sustainable development of the transport sector is often very difficult to achieve under constrained
financial conditions. A long-term financing solution requires that all transport costs should be
covered in advance by a predictable source of revenues. It is estimated that one (1) US Dollar spent
for road maintenance saves three (3) US Dollar on costs of abrasion to both the road surface and
The NTMP recommends that road maintenance should be financed through earmarked levy. Funding
for road maintenance should be provided by those who use available infrastructure and transport
services. A fuel levy refers to the polluter liability (abrasion of roads, road accidents, emissions).
Those who use the roads more, pay more. This holds true for roads damaged by overloaded heavy
goods vehicles. Regulations reducing axle load and their strict enforcement are critical to the preser-
vation of road assets.
The fuel levy is the most important charge and usually accounts for over 80 percent of road fund rev-
enues. It bears a close relationship to the costs of road use. The levy is usually added to the existing
excise and sales taxes. Since it tends to be collected alongside, or as part of, sales and excise taxes
on fuel, it is important to administer the levy independently to ensure that the revenue is not inter-
mingled with the regular taxes applied to transport fuels. It appears best to specify the fuel levy as
a discrete charge added to the price of fuel and to emphasize that it is a road user tariff, that should
go directly to a national road authority, a public entity that must be specifically created to manage
funds derived from this road user tariff.
The NTMP suggests an initial fuel levy of $0.10 cents on each litre of fuel, an annual heavy truck
license fee and penalty charges. These charges should reflect the level of use and damage caused to
the roads. Transit charges are actually not in place. In order to encourage transit traffic, the interna-
tional conventions that govern the movements of cargo which was signed by Liberia in 2005, should
be implemented.

The following benefits of a fuel levy are anticipated to accrue to both road users and the government:
Reduced vehicle operating costs for all road users,
More predictable operating conditions for contractors providing infrastructure services,
More predictable level of service for road users including safer driving conditions, and reduced
travel times.
More predictable operating conditions for road transport providers and their customers,
Reduced financial, operational and legal risks for government, service providers and road users.
More predictable policy and planning environment for government
Improved understanding and valuation of road assets leading to improved accounting and report-
ing of public assets,
More transparent decision-making and improved performance monitoring, and
Reduced life-cycle costs of maintaining road assets
Wearing color intensive and differentiated equipment make the action of the maintenance crews
more visible on the road and it motivates the user paying the tariff.

Although the above mentioned fuel levy as local source is likely to still be insufficient, the shortfalls
would probably incur only in the earlier years and, as traffic grows5 (and revenue leakages become
smaller), these will turn into surpluses. In the early years the shortfall can, therefore, be met via a
combination of:
a small Government subvention: which will serve the double purpose of providing finance and
reassuring donors that Government is serious in its intents to the road sector; and
debt financing.

5 sA very rapid rise in road traffic volumes is predicted.

XXIV Executive summary

Estimates of present and likely future revenue from a USD 0.10/litre Road Fuel Levy and average
annual licences on trucks of USD 1,000 per year are provided. Also indicated are the effects of an an-
nual USD 1.0 million subvention from Government combined with a loan at 5% interest to bridge any
funding shortfall. The report shows that, in order to provide for the required expenditure, the loan
could be drawn down in stages. It would have a maximum value of about USD 13.9 million in about
2014 and, by 2019, could be repayable from projected revenue surpluses.
An alternative would be tolls. Toll is considered a possible source of revenue, but it has its limita-
tions within the current Liberian setting. The present traffic volume along major trunk roads in Libe-
ria is not sufficient for the introduction of a toll system in the near future. However, the construction
of roads in the country has shown significant improvement with construction of major highways that
will require funding for maintenance in the short and long term which will eventually necessitate a
toll system. It is anticipated that the Government will invite and encourage private sector participa-
tion in a toll system in the future.
A toll system may be economically viable on regional routes that interconnect ECOWAS countries. It
is estimated that traffic flows on some of these routes may equal or surpass the threshold required
for the viable operation of a toll system in the future. Toll roads are possible under Public Private
Partnerships arrangements as BOT projects if traffic volumes and potential revenues are high and if
Government wishes to capitalize on greater efficiency. Projects that could qualify for PPPs include
those related to seaports and airports, costal shipping besides the main inter-state high traffic trunk

Adjustment to Government Policy Statement

Consequent upon the adoption of these proposals for raising revenue for the roads sector it is, rec-
ommended that three clauses are added to the NTPS, viz:

Government will seek to instigate an equitable system for recovering the costs of the routine
road maintenance of rehabilitated roads from road users. In order to recover costs, a levy will be
imposed on all motor fuel sales. Initially this levy will be USD 0.10 per litre. Monies raised will
be deposited into a ring-fenced fund dedicated to the sole purpose of road maintenance. The levy
will be revised as appropriate, initially by the Ministers of Transport and Finance and later by the
Board of the Road Fund ;
Government will seek to instigate an equitable system for recovering, from road users, the costs
of repairing the structural damage to rehabilitated roads. Heavy vehicles will be charged ac-
cording to their Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and axle configuration and according to a schedule
approved initially by the Ministers of Transport and Finance and later by the Board of a Road
Fund. The minimum initial charge for a truck with a 6-tonne steering axle and single 11-tonne
rear axle will be USD 1,000 per year. All revenue that is collected will be deposited into a ring-
fenced fund dedicated to the sole purpose of road maintenance.
Government will at some later date seek to recover the costs for mitigating environmental dam-
age and air pollution from road users

A dedicated ring-fenced Road Fund for protecting the money raised and ensuring that is spent
on road projects is detailed. The Fund would be managed by a Board, reporting to the Minister of
Finance, and comprised of representatives from the Ministries of Transport and Public Works, as
well as road users.
Executive summary
Other policy measures
Other policy measures elaborated concern
investment programmes (annual, rolling, long-term etc.): which should be prioritised according to
rules that are clear and transparent;
international transit charges: which should be set in line with the likely damage and/or social
costs imposed on other road users they should not be penalistic;
the role for public-private-partnerships: the areas where these may be appropriate and the areas
where these would not are elaborated;
axle load control: important because heavy axles damage roads in a manner that is disproportion-
ate to the actual increase in load;
strategic planning: a unit dedicated to this purpose should be set up within the Ministry of Trans-
urban transport services: fares are high and the use of taxis is leading to unnecessary congestion -
the NTPS views the solution as investment in, and the promotion of, the National Transit Author-
ity - other complementary solutions involving the private sector and linked to fare and route
controls are, however, also recommended.
road safety: there is presently neither data on accidents, nor information on the costs of road acci-
dents to the economy it is therefore noted that transport policy should, incorporate appropriate
road safety goals and should elaborate the types of measures needed for:
the effective collection and analysis of road safety data; and
estimating present costs to the economy with and without mitigating measures and
hence leading to an effective programme for accident reduction.

0.7 Implementation
Successful implementation of the NTPS and of the refinements and strategies proposed in this Mas-
ter Plan will require, besides funds and technical expertise, leadership and effective coordination.

The recommended organizational and operational framework for implementation centres on:
a Steering Committee, chaired by the Minister of Transport and composed of Government Minis-
ters and other important stakeholders; and
an Implementation Coordination Committee chaired by a MoPW coordinator and composed of
technical personnel from important line ministries and the agencies they control.

The above committees should now be formally constituted and be given responsibility for all imple-
This National Transport Master Plan is valid for a period of ten years.
There shall be a periodic revision of the National Transport Master Plan, every five years. The MoT
and MPW will start the process at the beginning of the fourth year, involving all relevant stakehold-
Ministry of Transport Ministry of Public Works
Parker House / Broad Street Lynch Street
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia

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