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Water and Wastewater Engineering Dr. Ligy Philip Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture-19 Microbiology

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Water and Wastewater Engineering

Dr. Ligy Philip

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

In the last class we were discussing about the secondary wastewater treatment systems.
The secondary wastewater treatment systems are very very important because they try to
remove the organic matter present in colloidal form as well as in the dissolved form.
These organic matters which are removed in the secondary treatment system are
biodegradable and hence the microorganisms are one of the reactions for removing the
organic matter. So the other reactant that is required in this system is the dissolved

It is essential for us to know about some aspects of microbiology connected with the
wastewater treatment system that is secondary treatment of wastewater. So in this
particular instance we were discussing about the bacterial growth curve and we also
discussed about kinetics of bacterial growth to some extent. These are two important
things we should study to understand the secondary wastewater treatment systems which
employ the microorganisms.

So, in the kinetics of bacterial growth we did derive a fundamental equation for the
growth of microorganisms dx by dt is equal to mu into X this equation we developed
so X is the weight of biomass in milligrams per liter and mu is the specific growth rate
of microorganisms. The specific growth rate is dependent upon type of food available
for the microorganisms and also the type of microorganisms themselves. So it is a
function of food as well as the microorganisms.

(Refer Slide Time: 3:33)

Now, this specific growth rate is not a constant but it is a function of the substrate
concentration, S is the substrate or the food for the microorganisms. The food for the
microorganisms should provide carbon source and energy source that is what we
discussed in the last class. This also could be the bio chemical oxygen demand BOD
of the wastewater is the substrate. So this is a function of, there is a mu specific
growth rate which is the function of the substrate concentration given by the equation
mu is equal to mu max multiplied by S over kS plus S.

(Refer Slide Time: 5:23)

In the last class we had defined all the terms, still I would try to redefine these terms.
This equation is Monods equation developed from mi clase mendense equation. In
this mu max is the maximum specific growth rate constant, this is the constant this is
the maximum growth rate constant and S is the substrate concentration and k s is the
saturation substrate concentration. So, if want to plot this particular graph (Refer Slide
Time: 5:25) the graph looks like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 6:15)

That is if I make a plot between S that is the substrate in milligrams per liter again the
substrate is measured in milligrams per liter as well as microorganisms are measured
in milligrams per liter versus mu that is specific growth rate of the microorganisms
then as the substrate concentration is zero the mu is also zero there is no growth rate
and as we increase the substrate concentration mu also increases. This particular thing
reaches the maximum value and this is called mu max.

So mu will reach a maximum value for a specific concentration of the substrate and
even if we increase the concentration of the substrate the mu will be only mu max.
That is, when mu reaches mu max it is independent of substrate concentration, till
such time the mu that is the specific growth rate is a function of the concentration of
the substrate. When it reaches mu max it is no longer a function of concentration
substrate, this particular equation. This particular curve is nothing but a rectangular
hyperbola, equation of rectangular hyperbola and now we define the ks here (Refer
Slide Time: 7:10) saturation constant is nothing but concentration of the substrate this
is ks then mu is equal to half of mu max that is what we discussed in the last class.

Now we move forward from this equation. this is the what is the equation what we
have; the dx by dt now can be written as mu max S over ks plus S multiplied by X so
this is the equation substituting for the mu so this is the value of the mu that is the
specific growth rate. In terms of maximum growth rate constant, saturation
concentration of the substrate and the substrate concentration itself that is what the
equation is. Now here this is our fundamental equation may be you call it number one.
(Refer Slide Time: 8:20)

Now we consider two cases; case number one. In case number one, what I consider is
I have unlimited concentration of substrate so S is unlimited that is I have very high
concentration of substrate available to me available to the microorganisms. That
means plenty of food is available. So when plenty of food is available this particular
condition is possible only during the initial period of the reaction when we have plenty
of food.

During that particular time we can assume substrate is unlimited as a result of which ks
is very very less compared to S that is in the denominator k s is very less compared to S
and hence we can say ks plus S is approximately equal to S itself.

So substituting this in this equation dx by dt I have now equals mu max over mu max
into X. This is one equation I have, this is the second equation (Refer Slide Time:
9:45) I can call it substituting this ks plus S is equal to S and then that S and this S
cancels out and multiplied by X this is the first order equation for the growth of
(Refer Slide Time: 10:00)

And this equation can be solved now. I can solve this particular equation because mu max
is constant and dx by dt depends upon the concentration of the microorganisms. That
means if you try to solve that equation now, it is very simple; dx by dt dx by X equal to
mu max into dt then integrating this particular thing at time t = 0 we assume that the
microbial concentration is X0 and at time t = t the concentration microorganisms is X.
Then solving this particular equation I have ln X over X 0 with the boundary conditions
mu max into t or X = X0 mu to the power of mu max into t. So this particular equation is
the first order equation. It represents exponential growth phase of microbes in microbial
growth curve.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:30)

We considered microbial growth curve last time which is nothing but the exponential
growth curve. Again may be I can plot this exponential or growth curve of
microorganisms. Let us redraw the growth curve and identify where exactly this equation
holds good. That is, t is the time and this is the microorganisms concentration, I have a
lag phase, this is X0, this is the initial organism, lag phase and lag phase is lagging behind
and this is log growth phase (Refer Slide Time: 12:30) that is growing exponentially and
we have what is called a stationary phase and decline phase. These are the four phases
which we discussed. Just I wanted to reiterate that particular thing. So this is the equation
whatever I have written, it is for this particular phase log growth phase.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:00)

This represents a log growth phase (Refer Slide Time: 13:06). In log growth phase I have
a substrate unlimited. That means this particular curve can be represented by the equation
dx by dt equals mu max into X this is the log growth phase. What is happening
afterwards in log growth phase is the microorganisms are growing in log exponential
order and the food that is available is getting depleted as the result of which with time the
food gets depleted. So, as the food is getting reduced, the quantum of food is getting
reduced we can consider this as the second case, case number two.

Phase number two is when the food is limited S is limited. The first case is unlimited
food and second case is limited food. What would happen in this particular case is the
concentration of substrate is less than ks. That means the concentration of food is less
than ks, ks is the saturation concentration of substrate and the food available is less than
that particular thing.

In most cases, in wastewater treatment plants particularly in domestic wastewater

treatment we encounter this particular scenario, this scenario is there while in the
industrial wastewater where the BOD of the wastewater is very very high we may get the
first exponential growth phase. Here food is limited, food is getting exhausted and it is
limited. So when this is the scenario what we do is k s plus S is approximately equal to ks
itself. Substituting this particular thing substitute in equation one and substitute in this
particular equation what would happen is dx by dt now would be equal to mu max over k s
multiplied by S into X.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:40)

In the denominator ks plus is made equal ks only because S is very small and in the
numerator I cannot neglect that S so I am writing S into X is equal to, dx by dt is equal to
mu max over ks multiplied by S multiplied by X. So you can see here there are two
variables; one is the S and another is X and I cannot definitely solve this particular
equation like I could solve the other equation. So mu max is constant, ks is constant these
two things are constants, this particular value is a constant (refer Slide time: 16:30).
However, dx by dt varies is a function of concentration substrate and concentration
microorganisms because of the simple fact that the food is limited.

When the food is limited the growth rate is the function of the concentration of the
substrate. When the food was not limited then it was not the function of the concentration
of the substrate that is what it tells here very clearly. So when lot of food is there then the
growth rate is not dependent on the concentration of the food but when it is limited it is a
function of the concentration of the food.

Now, S and X if you try to look at them as what is this S and what is this X they are
dependent variables. What we mean by that? That means, as the substrate concentration
is increasing, when the microorganisms utilize the substrate and hence substrate
concentration is decreasing then the microbial concentration increases.

In other words as S is decreasing as shown with an arrow mark then X will increase.
There is increase in the concentration of X because of decrease in the concentration of S
that is why they are dependent variables. Hence I can derive an expression between S and
X. So that expression is nothing but what is called yield coefficient. Yield coefficient
gives the relationship between S and X, yield coefficient is given by weight of biomass
produced. biomass is X here I will put it as X produced per unit time in a given time
divided by the weight of substrate that is the food utilized by the microorganisms in unit
time. This is what is called yield coefficient.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:05)

So mathematically I can write this y; y is the yield coefficient that is nothing but how
many kilograms of microorganisms are produced in a unit time per kilogram utilization
of substrate by the microorganisms. If microorganisms utilize one kilogram of substrate
how many kilograms biomass is produced that is nothing but yield coefficient. It is just
like the yield of the crop.

This can be mathematically written as biomass increase dx and decrease in the substrate
concentration minus dx by dt and for a unit time dx by dt I put it here and ds by dt I will
put it here (Refer Slide Time: 20:00). Therefore, in other words y is nothing but dx by dt
over minus ds by dt. Here I am using the minus sign because substrate is being utilized
and hence there is a decrease in the substrate concentration. Now this particular equation
can also be written as, in the finite terms of time. Suppose I take a finite time suppose X
is the concentration of microorganisms at any time minus X 0 that is initial time X 0
divided by the concentration of substrate again, utilization of concentration of substrate,
use of substrate concentration, initial substrate concentration is S0 at time t equals to zero
minus S. This is the expression we have.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:55)

Hence, in this particular thing X0 is the concentration of microorganisms at time t = 0, X

is the concentration of microorganisms at any time, similarly X 0 is the concentration of
substrate at time t = 0 and S is the concentration of substrate at any given time. So this X 0
minus S is the substrate that is being utilized by the microorganisms. When they utilize
the microorganisms this much amount of biomass is produced. So this is the equation
what we have. Let us see little more about this yield coefficient. When we consider the
yield coefficient this is what we have to follow.

Suppose I give the substrate, substrate again I will reiterate, substrate is the food,
substrate is the BOD biochemical oxygen demand that is present in the wastewater. So
when the substrate is given to the microorganisms that means I will give the substrate to
the aerobic microorganisms. Aerobic microorganisms are the organisms which utilize the
organic matter in the presence of oxygen that is why they are called aerobic. They will
use in this fashion, they will use around 50% of the substrate for production of energy
and energy production is manifested by the production of carbon dioxide and water.

In any biological reactions if carbon dioxide and water are produced it means that the
energy is produced, the cell is deriving the energy from the substrate, remaining 50% of
the substrate is going for the biosynthesis, this is biosynthesis (Refer Slide Time: 23:00).
Biosynthesis means, this results in increase in biomass that is nothing but X minus X 0
increase in biomass concentration X minus X 0 that is what I have written there in a unit
time that is what it is going to happen.
(Refer Slide Time: 23: 30)

In an aerobic system 50% goes for energy, 50% goes for biosynthesis. If that is the case
can you tell me what would be the value of y in this particular case? The value of y in this
particular case is 0.5 that is the maximum value. That means as you can see here the
denominator is the weight of biomass produced over unit weight of substrate utilized, unit
weight of substrate utilized is this, 50% goes for the energy, 50% goes for the synthesis
and hence whatever is in synthesis the y where y has the maximum of 0.5, in fact in
actual case it will be less than point five which can be the maximum value. That is the
importance of the yield coefficient in the aerobic systems.

Suppose the same substrate if I give to an anaerobic systems, anaerobic microorganisms

the anaerobic microorganisms do not utilize the oxygen, oxygen is not supply to them, no
oxygen. In the absence of oxygen they work. When these works in the absence of oxygen
what would happen is they would tend to use 70 to 80% of the substrate for production of
energy. For energy production they use about 70 to 80% of the substrate. The end product
of this particular thing could be carbon dioxide, water and also another gas called
methane. Some energy is locked up in the methane that is why substrate is used for the
energy production. Anaerobic organisms are not very efficient in oxidizing the organic
matter for the production of energy while remaining part that is 20 to 30% of the
substrate goes for the biosynthesis in the anaerobic system, only 20 to 30%.

Now you can see what is the yield coefficient for anaerobic system. The yield coefficient
for anaerobic system is approximately 0.2 to 0.3 or even less than that. This is the
maximum possible value but in actual practice this will be less than 0.2 also. So you can
see here the yield of microorganisms in anaerobic system for the same amount of
substrate is less, for aerobic system it is more. That means if you are employing aerobic
systems for the treatment of wastewater then you will produce more microorganisms in
the aerobic system and you will produce less microorganisms in the anaerobic system.
This is one of the differences we can right away say between the aerobic systems and
anaerobic system.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:46)

with respect
to the yield
you can see
here from
equation; dx
by dt is
equal to
minus y
times ds by
dt where y is less than one that is why dx by dt is not equal to ds by dt but it is less than
ds by dt because y is less than one. Now instead of this negative sign what I will do is the
negative sign I can take it inside and write it as ds by dt utilized, ds by dt u is the rate of
consumption of substrate or utilization of substrate, rate of consumption of substrate.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:10)

So when I write u utilize, then I take of the minus sign that is all. Now these two
equations are; dx by dt is equal to y times ds by dt utilized. These equations are mirror
images. Suppose if I want to plot this equation I can plot it like the following.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:40)

I have what is called this is the time, this is X and this is S, also the axis can represent
both S microbial concentration and substrate concentration so both are expressed in terms
of milligrams per liter, this also is expressed and this also is expressed in terms of
milligrams per liter, then at time t = 0 what would be the concentration of S,
concentration of S would be So let us take the maximum concentration so S o is the
concentration of substrate. As a function of time with respect to this equation dx by dt,
again I will write it here as dx by dt is equal to minus y time ds by dt utilized, this dx by
dt is equal to mu max S over ks plus S into X (Refer Slide Time: 29:48). So this is the
equation; dx by dt is equal to this or minus y into ds by dt is equal to this. That means at
time t = 0 the substrate concentration is S.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:20)

I try to solve this equation and the solution of this equation results in this particular graph
like this (Refer Slide Time: 30:10) so this is the variation of concentration of substrate
with respect to time, how exactly the concentration of substrate is varying with time, so
this curve is for S.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:45)

Now I can also use this equation to find out the variation of X with respect to time. So at
time t = 0 the concentration of X equal to X0 so this is X0 to start with and as a function of
time what is happening is the microorganisms are utilized in the food and they increase in
number so that particular number increase can be written like this (Refer Slide Time:
30:56) so this is the equation for X and this is equation for S. You can see the difference
between these two things; difference is not attaining the same level, X is not attaining the
same level of So the reason for that is because of the yield coefficient yield constant. So
the entire substrate is not going into the formation of biomass. This is because of the
yield coefficient difference. The difference in yield coefficient is this, taking place here.
This is the curve I can represent in this particular equation. They are mirror images. That
is dx by dt growth rate and then substrate utilization are mirror images.

Now let us consider one more factor. We have said that y is equal to X minus X 0 over S0
minus S this is what we have said. Yield coefficient is the weight of biomass produced
per weight of substrate utilized in a given amount of time; the same time is what is going
to happen. Now this particular thing is y into S0 minus S is equal to X minus X0.

Now let me locate a condition when the entire substrate is utilized entire S is used by
microorganisms. That means the microorganisms have consumed the entire food, the
food has been completely consumed so in that case what would be the value of S is it will
be equal to zero. S is completely consumed that means S is zero. When S is zero that is
when the entire food has been consumed then what is the concentration of
microorganisms produced at the time that X will take a value of Xmax.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:55)

That means maximum concentration of microorganisms is produced when the entire food
is utilized by the microorganisms. So in this particular equation if you substitute Xmax is
equal to, and this (Refer Slide Time: 33:28) I will take it this side X 0 plus S is zero y
times S0. So the maximum concentration of microorganisms is produced as per this
equation. The entire substrate has been used. So this is the equation what we can suggest
for this particular thing for the maximum growth of microorganisms.

I have been considering till now the bacterial growth rate that is dx by dt. Now I would
like to consider another aspect that is substrate utilization rate. According to the equation
the substrate utilization rate ds by dt utilized is equal to 1 by y into mu max S over k s plus
S into X this equation I can write it here. So this is substrate utilization rate is equal to
this mu max S over ks plus S X so this is one equation I can write, the substrate utilization
from the dx by dt type of equation where dx by dt is the growth rate of microorganisms.

Now what I can do is I can also write down, suppose this is one equation what we have
this is the equation (A) for the utilization of substrate. Now I can also write similar thing
like this. In a unit time, suppose if delta S is the substrate that is used in a unit time the
rate of substrate utilization is proportional to the X delta t. What is utilizing the substrate?
The microorganisms are utilizing the substrate and this is the biomass concentration. The
biomass is utilizing the substrate and hence there is a change in substrate. Change
substrate is because of the utilization of the substrate by biomass so that is what is
proportional to X into dt a small change, elemental change.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:46)

The ds by dt if I write it here put limit delta t tending to zero this will be equal to ds by dt
proportional to X or this proportionality I change it by ds by dt is equal to the term called
q I will put it as q into X. Now I define what q is. Here q can be defined that means ds by
dt the food that is utilized is equal to q into X. The q is known as specific substrate
utilization rate. The units of this will be S and X are in the same units that is what is
milligrams per liter as what we said so both of them are expressed in the same units,
when we are expressing in the same unit then q will take the unit in inverse of time so
this is inverse of time the time inverse q is nothing but ds by dt utilized over X so this is
what is q value. The specific substrate utilization rate is this particular thing.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:00)

Now we have an expression here. if I plot this graph there is similarity between this
expression and another expression called mu, mu is the specific growth rate which is
nothing but dx by dt the growth of microorganisms may be I can write it as growth or g
simply, I can write it simply g or growth I am writing it here divided by X. So this is
specific growth rate and this is specific substrate utilization rate. I do not have to write it
here it is already there. Now I would like to know the relationship between the specific
substrate utilization rate and specific growth rate. Can you tell me what will be the

The relationship can be easily derived. The specific substrate utilization rate and specific
growth can easily be related. How we can relate them? We can relate them using the
yield constant or yield coefficient rather. So the yield coefficient is given by y, y is equal
to dx by dt over X divided by ds by dt utilized. Divide both sides both the numerator and
denominator by X that is what I am trying to do here. So it is dx by dt over X ds by dt
utilized over X. When I do so what happens is, y is equal to, this dx by dt over X is
nothing but dx by dt here in this particular equation, you can say that is equal to mu and
this particular thing dx by dt utilized over X is equal to q so that is q. That means this is
the relationship between specific growth rate and specific substrate utilization rate and
the yield coefficient.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:50)

So in other words yield coefficient is the ratio of specific growth rate divided by specific
substrate utilization rate. That is what we can see. This is one relationship which is
important, we will be using it quite often.

Now let us take the equation that is specific substrate utilization rate. It is; q is equal to ds
by dt utilized over X is the q value. In other words ds by dt utilized is equal to q into X.
Now this q specific substrate utilization rate is not constant just like mu, mu is not a
constant so q is also not a constant. Again, q is a function of substrate so this
functionality is given by qmax S over ks plus S, q = qmax multiplied by S over ks plus S.

What is qmax?
The qmax is just like mu max. There is a similarity between q max and mu max. The qmax is
my maximum substrate utilization rate. It is similar to mu max which we have discussed
already. So there is a similarity between these two things. Now let us take condition one
again. When the substrate is unlimited similar to the condition which we consider
previously in which I have got unlimited substrate, so when you have unlimited substrate
what is going to happen to this equation again is, S is greater than k s and S plus ks can
approximated to S as previously done and hence substituting in this equation may be I
call this equation as b so substitute in the equation b for this k s plus S then this equation
will be converted as q = qmax into S by S into X so this particular thing cancels out.
Therefore, q = qmax times X. That is what we have that is q = q max into X so this q (Refer
Slide Time: 44:28). Here there is a mistake, q = q max S over S that is in this particular
equation I am substituting so this ks plus S is S and q = qmax.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:40)

The q takes the value of qmax. That means the specific growth rate specific substrate
utilization is the maximum value so this particular thing I will substitute in the
fundamental equation. The fundamental equation is the following that is my fundamental
equation is ds by dt utilized is equal to q into X this is the fundamental equation.

(Refer Slide Time: 45:20)

In this now I substitute qmax into X ds by dt utilized. This particular thing I will substitute
in the particular qmax into X. So now this equation can be solved. This particular thing
again I will take, if take it to the bottom then it is q = q max, this is one equation what I am
going to get. This is the equation what we have ds by dt utilized is equal to q max
multiplied by X. In other words if you say ds by dt if you asy dx by dt utilized over X this
is nothing but for me q = qmax. So in this equation q equal to qmax this also I can write S to
the power of zero, a zero order equation with respect to substrate. So this is the zero order
equation with respect to substrate concentration.

Therefore, if I make a plot of this particular thing I make a particular equation it is

something like this. That is, I plot S here substrate concentration and I plot q here q is
nothing but ds by dt utilized divided by X the specific substrate utilization rate this is ds
by dt utilized over X. So if take this when S is unlimited when the substrate concentration
is very very high as we have taken a case when the substrate concentration is very high
case number one then this is independent of substrate concentration, this is zero order
equation, a line like this will come (Refer Slide Time: 47:35) when the substrate
concentration is very high. So this is my q = q max and this is the zero order with respect to
substrate concentration. That is the curve we get here.

Now this is one condition always that is food is available in plenty, plenty of food is
available. Now when the food becomes limited that is case number two I will take it here,
case number two is when S is limited, limited food is available and again I would like to
reiterate the fact that most of the times domestic wastewater treatment we come across
this particular thing when the food is limited. When the food is limited now we can say
that the equation whatever we have is ds by dt utilized is equal to q max S over ks plus S
multiplied by X. In this particular equation what I will do is, concentration of S is less
than ks and when it is less than k s I have I can say k s plus S is equal to ks itself so that this
equation now becomes ds by dt utilized utilization of substrate is equal to q max over ks ks
plus S is also ks so qmax ks multiplied by S into X that is the equation we will get.

So qmax is the constant as we know, k s is a constant, this whole thing is a constant q max by
ks is a constant and this particular bracketed thing is a constant (Refer Slide Time: 49:55)
so this constant may be called as k, I can call it as k. So now, again taking that equation
we have ds by dt utilized divided by X then immediately this becomes q that is the
specific substrate utilization that will be equal to now K times that is the q max over ks is K
multiplied by S. So please look at this equation and the previous equation. This is one
equation which you have looked at; this equation is the first order equation with respect
to substrate concentration.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:51)

So, if I plot a graph this q that is in this plot will go, S versus q if I plot it this is the first
order equation this is the first order equation that is q = q max over ks into S so this is S to
the power of 1 so this is the first order equation (Refer Slide Time: 51:25). Now when the
substrate is limited it depends on the concentration of the substrate that is substrate
utilization depends on the concentration of substrate and when the substrate is unlimited
the utilization of substrate is independent of the concentration of substrate.

This is the zero order, this is the first order. So in between this first order should become
a zero order or zero order a first order so this particular thing is discontinuous that means
there is some other order here between these two things or connecting these two things
and hence this model is known as the discontinuous model for substrate utilization. Why
it is called discontinuous model? It is zero order when the substrate is available in plenty
and it is a first order model when the substrate is limited and in between the situation it is
a discontinuous model that is what it is said.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:48)

That means we have got two equations now. One is the specific growth rate, another is
the specific substrate utilization rate and two cases were considered in both cases. One is
when the substrate is limited and the other is when the substrate is unlimited and these
two things are connected by what is called the yield coefficient. Yield coefficient is very
very important and we have seen that particular thing.

One more point I would like to discuss before going further is, suppose if you give a
substrate to the microorganism, the microorganisms could be aerobic or anaerobic and
depending upon that the value of y will be different. So let us take into account that a part
of this is used for energy and another part is used for the biosynthesis. If you see further
this amount of energy that is produced is used for two purposes. One is what is called
energy required for growth of microorganism. growth of microorganisms increase the
weight of the biomass, energy required for the growth of microbes is one thing and the
second thing is, energy is also required not only for growing but energy is also required
for maintenance so it is the energy required for maintenance. Maintenance means the cell
has to do certain amount of work, it has to move from one place to another place, we are
using the flagellum it has to do certain other works so this is called energy required for
the maintenance. This energy is called maintenance energy and this energy is called
growth energy, energy required for growth. (G. E) is the growth energy (M. E) is the
maintenance energy.

(Refer Slide Time: 55:10)

When I give a substrate to the microorganism the microorganism utilizes a part of the
substrate for energy that energy goes for the growth of microorganism as well as growth
of maintenance energy. Now, the situation is the following: if I do not give any substrate
to the microorganism but if I give the substrate they will utilize in this fashion. Now what
would happen is that there is a condition already we have shown that when the substrate
is completely exhausted when S is completely exhausted when there is no food available
to the microorganisms what would the microorganisms do?

Definitely you can say that the microorganisms do not grow, grow in number, they will
not grow in large size, no growth takes place, growth ceases, cessation of growth, growth
disappears however, there is necessity for the maintenance energy. Maintenance energy is
to be met even if there is no substrate. Because the cell has to do certain amount of work,
it is not growing in size because there is no food but it has to be alive, for alive it has to
do certain work so that maintenance under this is required. Hence, this maintenance
energy is required for what is called a basal metabolism, to maintain basal metabolism.
Basal metabolism is the minimum metabolism that is required for the cells. So what I will
do in the next class is that we would see how this maintenance energy is met when the
substrate is not available for the microorganisms.

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