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Abe Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics in The Global Environment - Syllabus - Level 7

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QCF Syllabus

Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics

in the Global Environment

Unit Title Corporate Strategy, Governance and Ethics in the Global Environment
Unit Reference Number A/602/6092
Guided Learning Hours 180
Level 7
Number of Credits 25

Unit purpose and aim(s):

This unit aims to give learners a sound understanding of:
how to analyse the business environment and the development of an international business organisation
the dynamics between an organisations resources, products or services and its environment
how to evaluate business ethics from a global perspective
the concepts and perspectives of corporate governance
corporate social and environmental responsibility
how to manage corporate governance and ethics to achieve corporate goals
how to implement and monitor governance and ethical issues in developing a corporate strategy

Learning Outcome 1

The learner will: Know how to analyse the business environment and development of an international business organisation.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
1.1 Undertake, and assess the 1.1.1 Evaluate the impact of the external environment on an organisation with an
relative importance of, international perspective by use of relevant data sources, appropriate search
environmental search for concentration and employment of a variety of techniques such as PEST, STEEPLE
organisations with an and other derivatives, market screening for identifying appropriate markets for
international perspective. expansion (including techniques such as country and segment screening, cluster
analysis), sources of competition and national advantage.
1.1.2 Appraise the sensitivities of organisations to specific types of environmental change
to enable appropriate prioritisation of search mechanisms.
1.1.3 Assess the relative importance of environmental search to strategy development in
real organisations that have a global/international perspective.
1.2 Assess the benefits and 1.2.1 Appraise the benefits and challenges of globalisation such as business and country
challenges of globalisation and of risk, resource availability and arbitrage, economies of scale and other cost reduction
operating in an international factors, technology, cultural factors, markets, diversification, capital sources,
environment. taxation, transfer, regulation etc.
1.2.2 Critically evaluate the push for localisation and its impact on globalisation (for
example, dissent, de-globalisation, demographics, natural resources, technological
1.3 Critically evaluate the 1.3.1 Critically evaluate strategic approaches, their viability and impact on global
development of international development in real life organisations: joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions,
organisations and their organic growth, franchising and licensing, foreign direct investment.
organisation and management 1.3.2 Appraise the concerns management faces in designing global organisational
structures. structures.
1.3.3 Critically evaluate organisational forms used by real organisations for managing
global companies, such as geographic, functional, hybrid, matrix, strategic business
units, virtual and horizontal corporations.

Learning Outcome 2

The learner will: Understand the dynamics between an organisations resources, product/services and its environment.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
2.1 Undertake an audit of an 2.1.1 Critically appraise the impact of the organisations hard and soft system factors on
organisations tangible and success and failure when competing in a global environment: financial, human and
intangible resources to assess physical resources, operational aspects (such as lean enterprise, TQM, supply chain
competences and congruence management), information systems (support systems, data protection).
with goals. 2.1.2 Critically evaluate the organisations intangible resources that support achievement
of goals, such as goodwill, patents and trademarks, intellectual capital.
2.2 Critically examine the 2.2.1 Assess the extent to which the organisations growth strategies acknowledge
effectiveness of growth changes in the environment: product/market development, diversification, internal
strategies in relation to operations, acquisition, alliances, joint ventures, licensing/franchising.
environmental change.
2.3 Critically evaluate an 2.3.1 Assess the relative importance of the effective management of stages of the
organisations products/services product life cycle to accomplishment of organisational goals.
in relation to changes in the 2.3.2 Critically evaluate the organisations sensitivity to environmental factors, including
global environment. cultural norms, when developing new products and services in a rapidly changing
global environment.

Learning Outcome 3

The learner will: Know how to evaluate business ethics from a global perspective.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
3.1 Critically assess the impact on 3.1.1 Appraise the considerations necessary for organisations to build an ethical
business practice of creating a framework in a global environment, such as ethical perspectives, choosing criteria,
business ethics institutional prioritising the options.
framework. 3.1.2 Critically assess the impact that implementation of the framework will have on
business practices including costs and operational policies and procedures.
3.2 Critically evaluate the moral and 3.2.1 Appraise links between morality and ethics from different cultural perspectives:
ethical questions facing Anglo-American, European, Asia-Pacific (and South Africa, India, Brazil).
organisations in different 3.2.2 Critically evaluate philosophical ethics in the context of mainstream business ethics
cultures and systems. from Anglo-American, European and Asia-Pacific and other viewpoints.
3.2.3 Critically appraise the international framework of business ethics: inter-
governmental institutions (the UN system, OECD and WTO for example),
international law and other voluntary codes.
3.3 Appraise the contemporary 3.3.1 Critically evaluate the ethical issues facing global businesses, such as use of child
issues facing global businesses labour, corruption etc.
including tensions between 3.3.2 Critically evaluate the tensions between the costs of ethical management,
ethical management, profitability organisational profitability and obligations to shareholders from the view point of
and obligations to shareholders. Anglo-American, European and Asia-Pacific and other cultural groups.
Learning Outcome 4

The learner will: Understand the concepts and perspectives of Corporate Governance in an international organisation.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
4.1 Critically appraise the concepts of 4.1.1 Critically evaluate key concepts of Corporate Governance best practice: openness,
good Corporate Governance transparency, honesty, probity, accountability, judgement, reputation, sustainability
practice. with respect to current practice within global organisations.
4.2 Critically evaluate and appraise 4.2.1 Critically appraise the positive and negative aspects of Anglo-American, European,
the viability of alternative global Asia-Pacific and other Corporate Governance models.
models of Corporate 4.2.2 Critically appraise corporate financing; use of financial markets and alternative
Governance. options in relation to the models operating in Anglo-American, European and Asia-
Pacific and other regions (e.g. BRIC).
4.2.3 Assess the extent to which these models are complementary.
4.3 Critically assess the institutional 4.3.1 Assess the relative importance of regulation on Corporate Governance, on a
elements of corporate national and global basis.
governance. 4.3.2 Appraise key national and international reports such as Cadbury and King onwards
with regard to the nature and importance of compliance.
4.3.3 Assess the relative importance of the influence of institutional investors on
corporate governance in organisations.

Learning Outcome 5

The learner will: Understand the impact of corporate social and environmental responsibility on organisations and society.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
5.1 Critically evaluate changing 5.1.1 Appraise the various concepts of corporate responsibility that exist in organisations.
conceptual frameworks 5.1.2 Critically appraise the business case for organisations to adopt and implement
fundamental to the implicit policies on corporate responsibility.
contract between business and 5.1.3 Assess the impact of global standards such as UN Global Compact on corporate
society. responsibility practices in companies.

5.2 Critically evaluate social and 5.2.1 Critically appraise the social and environmental policies published by organisations
environmental responsibility in their corporate communications such as annual reports, speeches, press releases
policies and statements etc.
articulated by international 5.2.2 Assess the extent to which the organisational corporate responsibility policies have
organisations in annual reports, impacted on business practice.
press briefing etc.
5.3 Critically appraise the challenges 5.3.1 Assess the business opportunities arising from implementation of appropriate
and impact for businesses of polices to meet changing conditions.
changing social, political and 5.3.2 Critically appraise the challenges and restrictions that social, political and
environmental conditions. environmental changes will have on sustainable performance in the longer term.

Learning Outcome 6

The learner will: Understand how organisations manage corporate governance and ethics so as to achieve corporate goals.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
6.1 Critically assess the impact of 6.1.1 Appraise the impact of growing global information on corporate governance and
corporate governance and ethics ethics, in terms of changes in corporate strategy, business practice and of cost.
6.1.2 Critically evaluate practices evolving in companies using the different models by
polices on organisational using case studies of real companies.
strategy, business operations and
6.2 Critically evaluate the impact of 6.2.1 Critically assess the function and duties of Boards, the relationships between Boards
corporate governance on the and CEOs.
internal controls of organisations 6.2.2 Critically appraise the impact of active and passive boards on governance related to
in a global context. specific companies such as Enron, Parmalat, Worldcom etc.
6.2.3 Critically evaluate the changing roles, structures and functions of boards and
6.2.4 Assess the extent to which corporate governance control systems such as corporate
review, disclosure and audit influence practice within real life organisations.
6.3 Critically appraise the tensions 6.3.1 Best practice in governance in companies, statutory corporations and trusts.
between an organisations 6.3.2 Tensions between governance principles and CEO remuneration: agency theory,
corporate governance and profit, shareholder value.
stakeholder groups.

Learning Outcome 7

The learner will: Know how to effectively implement and monitor ethical and governance issues in developing an appropriate
corporate strategy.

Assessment Criteria Indicative Content

The learner can:
7.1 Critically appraise organisational 7.1.1 Appraise the pressure on organisations to employ ethical codes of practice.
arrangements for supervising 7.1.2 Critically appraise different codes of ethics and their limitations using models taken
governance, ethical, from real life organisations.
environmental and social issues. 7.1.3 Appraise the impact of best practice in ethical standards such as AA1000, GR1, SA
8000, ECS 2000 on the practices employed by real life organisations.
7.2 Critically assess the significance 7.2.1 Assess the extent to which corporate strategy, in real organisational contexts,
and importance of ethics and recognises and responds to social, environmental and ethical obligations to
social responsibilities in the shareholders.
development of corporate 7.2.2 Critically evaluate the impact of failure to meet the ethical considerations and/or
strategy in case study obligations to shareholders on performance and survival of the business in a fast
international organisations. moving global environment.

7.3 Critically evaluate corporate 7.3.1 Critically evaluate the significance and importance given to ethical and social
strategy in relation to ethical responsibilities by global organisations in the development of their corporate
considerations and obligations to strategy (organisations with Anglo-American, European and Asia-Pacific
shareholders. perspectives should be included).
7.3.2 Assess the extent to which shareholder and/or stakeholder balance, explicit
incorporation and enlightened self-interest impact upon the strategies.
7.3.3 Critically appraise the accuracy and extent to which information relating to ethics
and social responsibility is communicated to shareholders/stakeholders.


Written assignment of 3500 words, plus or minus 10% (unless otherwise stated).
All learning outcomes will be assessed.

Recommended Reading:

Please refer to the Tuition Resources section of the Members

Area of the ABE website ( for the list of
recommended reading for this subject.

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