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Junior problems

J211. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that a3 + b3 + c3 = 1. Prove that

1 1 1 81
+ 5 2 + 5 2 .
a5 (b2 2
+c ) 2 2
b (c + a ) 2 2
c (a + b ) 2 4

Proposed by Titu Zvonaru, Comanesti, Romania

J212. Solve in real numbers the system of equations

(x 2y)(x 4z) = 6
(y 2z)(y 4x) = 10
(z 2x)(z 4y) = 16.

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

J213. For any positive integer n, let S(n) denote the sum of digits in its decimal representation.
Prove that the set of all positive integers n such that n is not divisible by 10 and S(n) >
S(n2 + 2012) is infinite.

Proposed by Preudtanan Sriwongleang, Ramkamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand

J214. Let a, b, c, d, e [1, 2]. Prove that

ab + bc + cd + de + ea a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 e2

and find the values for which the equality occurs.

Proposed by Ion Dobrota, Romania and Adrian Zahariuc, Harvard University, USA

p6 7
J215. Prove that for any prime p > 3, 3 + 2p2 can be written as sum of two perfect cubes.

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

J216. Let be a circle and let M be a point outside it. Draw the lines l1 , l2 and l3 intersecting
and consider the intersections l1 = {A1 , A2 }, l2 = {B1 , B2 } and l3 = {C1 , C2 }.
Denote P = A1 B2 A2 B1 , Q = B1 C2 B2 C1 and R is one of the points of intersection
between P Q and . Prove that M R is tangent at .

Proposed by Catalin Turcas, Warwick University, United Kingdom

Mathematical Reflections 6 (2011) 1

Senior problems

S211. Let (a, b, c, d, e, f ) be a 6-tuple of positive real numbers satisfying simultaneously the

2a2 6b2 7c2 + 9d2 = 1

9a2 + 7b2 + 6c2 + 2d2 = e
9a2 7b2 6c2 + 2d2 = f
2a2 + 6b2 + 7c2 + 9d2 = ef.

Prove that a2 b2 c2 + d2 = 0 if and only if 7 ab = dc .

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

S212. Consider a circle (I, r) and let be a point inside it such that I = `. Using only the
straightedge and the compass, construct a triangle such that is its incircle and its
Gergonne point.
//Note. The Gergonne point of a triangle is the intersection point of the lines determined
by the vertices with the corresponding tangency points of the incircle with the opposite
sides of the triangle.

Proposed by Ivan Borsenco, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

S213. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that a2 b2 + bc + c2 . Prove that

b c2
a > min (b, c) + .

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

S214. Let x > y be positive rational numbers and R0 a rectangle of dimensions x y. By a cut
of R0 we understand a dissection of the rectangle in two pieces: a square of dimensions
y y and a rectangle R1 of dimensions (x y) y. Similarly, R2 is obtained from a
cut of R1 , and so on. Prove that after finitely many cuts the sequence of rectangles
R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk ends into the square Rk . Find k in terms of x, y and find the dimensions
of Rk .

Proposed by Mircea Becheanu, University of Bucharest, Romania

S215. Let ABC be a given triangle and let A , B , C be the lines through the vertices A, B, C
and parallel to the Euler line OH, where O and H are the circumcenter and orthocenter
of ABC. Let X be the intersection of A with the sideline BC. The points Y , Z are
defined analogously. If Ia , Ib , Ic are the corresponding excenters of triangle ABC, then
the lines XIa , Y Ib , ZIc are concurrent on the circumcircle of triangle Ia Ib Ic .

Proposed by Cosmin Pohoata, Princeton University, USA

Mathematical Reflections 6 (2011) 2

S216. Let p be a prime number. Prove that for each positive integer n the polynomial P (X) =
(X p + 12 )(X p + 22 ) . . . (X p + n2 ) + 1 is irreducible in Z[X].

Proposed by Cezar Lupu, University of Pittsburgh, USA, and and Tudorel Lupu,
Decebal High School Constanta, Romania

Mathematical Reflections 6 (2011) 3

Undergraduate problems
U211. On the set M = R {3} the following binary law is defined:
x y = 3 (xy 3x 3y) + m,
where m R.
Find all possible values of m such that (M, ) is a group.
Proposed by Bogdan Enescu, B. P. Hasdeu National College, Buzau, Romania
U212. Let G be a finite abelian group such that G contains a subgroup K 6= {e} with the
property that K H for each subgroup H of G such that H 6= {e}. Prove that G is a
cyclic group.

Proposed by Daniel Lopez Aguayo, Institute of Mathematics, UNAM, Morelia, Mexico

U213. Let x0 (0, ) fixed. For n N we set xn = sin xn1 . Show that

31/2 33/2 ln n
xn = + O(n3/2 ).
n1/2 10n3/2
Proposed by Anastasios Kotronis, Athens, Greece
U214. Prove that
cosh k 2 + k + 12 + i sinh k + 12
Y e2 1 + 2ie
lim =
cosh k 2 + k + 12 i sinh k + 12 e2 + 1

Proposed by Moubinool Omarjee, Lycee Jean Murcat, Paris, France

Z 1
U215. Let f : [1, 1] R be a continuous function such that x2 f (x)dx = 0. Prove that
Z 1 Z 1 2
2 9
f (x)dx f (x)dx .
1 8 1

Proposed by Cezar Lupu, University of Pittsburgh, USA, and and Tudorel Lupu,
Decebal High School Constanta, Romania

U216. Let N be a positive integer and let fN be the discriminant of the polynomial fN (x) =
xN x 1. Prove that for any prime p dividing fN , the reduction modulo p of fN (x)
has one double root and N 2 simple roots.
Note. The discriminant f of a polynomial f of degree n is defined as
Df = an2n2 (ri rj )2 ,

where an is the leading coefficient and r1 , . . . , rn are the roots (counting multiplicity) of
the polynomial in some splitting field.

Proposed by Cosmin Pohoata, Princeton University, USA

Mathematical Reflections 6 (2011) 4

Olympiad problems

O211. Prove that for each positive integer n the number 4n + 8n + 16n + 2(6n + 9n + 12n ) has
at least three prime divisors.

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

O212. Let f0 (i) = 1 for all i N and let fk (n) = i=1 fk1 (i) for k 1. Prove that
fj (n 2j) = Fn ,

where Fn is the n-th Fibonacci number.

Proposed by Ivan Borsenco, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

n 1
O213. Let n be a positive integer and let z be a complex number such that z 2 1 = 0.
2k 1
z + 2k 1 .

Proposed by Titu Andreescu, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

. . . , An of a regular polygon lie on a circle C of center O. Is it true

O214. The vertices A1 , A2 ,P
that the map P nk=1 P A 1
4 , defined on the set of points of the plane outside C, is a
rational function in OP ?

Proposed by Gabriel Dospinescu, Ecole Polytehnique, France

O215. Prove that there are no positive integers a, b, c, d that are consecutive terms of an
arithmetic progression and also satisfy the condition that ab + 1, ac + 1, ad + 1, bc + 1,
bd + 1, cd + 1 are all perfect squares.

Proposed by Cosmin Pohoata, Princeton University, USA

O216. Let f Z[X] be a monic polynomial of degree greater than 1. Suppose that f (X n ) is a
reducible polynomial in Z[X] for all n 2. Does it follow that f is reducible in Z[X]?

Proposed by Gabriel Dospinescu, Ecole Polytehnique, France

Mathematical Reflections 6 (2011) 5

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