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Japan Airlines vs. CA

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Republic of the Philippines live up to its duty to provide care and comfort to

SUPREME COURT its stranded passengers when it refused to pay

Manila for their hotel and accommodation expenses
THIRD DIVISION from June 16 to 21, 1991 at Narita, Japan. In
other words, they insisted that JAL was obligated
G.R. No. 118664 August 7, 1998 to shoulder their expenses as long as they were
JAPAN AIRLINES, petitioner, still stranded in Narita. On the other hand, JAL
vs. denied this allegation and averred that airline
THE COURT OF APPEALS, ENRIQUE AGANA., passengers have no vested right to these
MARIA ANGELA NINA AGANA, ADALIA B. amenities in case a flight is cancelled due to
FRANCISCO and JOSE MIRANDA, respondents. "force majeure."

ROMERO, J.: On June 18, 1992, the trial court rendered its judgment
Before us is an appeal by certiorari filed by petitioner in favor of private respondents holding JAL liable for
Japan Airlines, Inc. (JAL) seeking the reversal of the damages, viz.:
decision of the Court of Appeals, 1 which affirmed WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered in favor of plaintiffs
with modification the award of damages made by ordering the defendant Japan Airlines to pay the
the trial court in favor of herein private plaintiffs Enrique Agana, Adalia B. Francisco and Maria
respondents Enrique Agana, Maria Angela Nina Angela Nina Agana the sum of One million Two
Agana, Adelia Francisco and Jose Miranda. Hundred forty-six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Six
Pesos (P1,246,936.00) and Jose Miranda the sum of
On June 13, 1991, private respondent Jose Miranda Three Hundred Twenty Thousand Six Hundred sixteen
boarded JAL flight No. JL 001 in San Francisco, and 31/100 (P320,616.31) as actual, moral and
California bound for Manila. Likewise, on the same day exemplary damages and pay attorney's fees in the
private respondents Enrique Agana, Maria Angela Nina amount of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos
Agana and Adelia Francisco left Los Angeles, California (P200,000.00), and to pay the costs of suit.
for Manila via JAL flight No. JL 061. As an incentive for
travelling on the said airline, both flights were to make Undaunted, JAL appealed the decision before the Court
an overnight stopover at Narita, Japan, at the airlines' of Appeals, which, however, with the exception of
expense, thereafter proceeding to Manila the following lowering the damages awarded affirmed the trial
day. court's finding, 3 thus:
Thus, the award of moral damages should be as it is
Upon arrival at Narita, Japan on June 14, 1991, private hereby reduced to P200,000.00 for each of the
respondents were billeted at Hotel Nikko Narita for the plaintiffs, the exemplary damages to P300,000.00 and
night. The next day, private respondents, on the final the attorney's fees to P100,000.00 plus the costs.
leg of their journey, went to the airport to take their WHEREFORE, with the foregoing Modification, the
flight to Manila. However, due to the Mt. Pinatubo judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED in all
eruption, unrelenting ashfall blanketed Ninoy Aquino other respects.
International Airport (NAIA), rendering it inaccessible to
airline traffic. Hence, private respondents' trip to JAL filed a motion for reconsideration which proved
Manila was cancelled indefinitely. futile and
unavailing. 4
To accommodate the needs of its stranded passengers,
JAL rebooked all the Manila-bound passengers on flight Failing in its bid to reconsider the decision, JAL
No. 741 due to depart on June 16, 1991 and also paid has now filed this instant petition.
for the hotel expenses for their unexpected overnight
stay. On June 16, 1991, much to the dismay of the The issue to be resolved is whether JAL, as a common
private respondents, their long anticipated flight to carrier has the obligation to shoulder the hotel and
Manila was again cancelled due to NAIA's indefinite meal expenses of its stranded passengers until they
closure. At this point, JAL informed the private have reached their final destination, even if the delay
respondents that it would no longer defray their hotel were caused by "force majeure."
and accommodation expense during their stay in
Narita. To begin with, there is no dispute that the Mt. Pinatubo
eruption prevented JAL from proceeding to Manila on
Since NAIA was only reopened to airline traffic on June schedule. Likewise, private respondents concede that
22, 1991, private respondents were forced to pay for such event can be considered as "force majeure" since
their accommodations and meal expenses from their their delayed arrival in Manila was not imputable to
personal funds from June 16 to June 21, 1991. Their JAL. 5
unexpected stay in Narita ended on June 22, 1991
when they arrived in Manila on board JL flight No. 741. However, private respondents contend that while
JAL cannot be held responsible for the delayed
Obviously, still reeling from the experience, private arrival in Manila, it was nevertheless liable for
respondents, on July 25, 1991, commenced an action their living expenses during their unexpected
for damages against JAL before the Regional Trial Court stay in Narita since airlines have the obligation
of Quezon City, Branch 104. 2 To support their claim, to ensure the comfort and convenience of its
private respondents asserted that JAL failed to passengers. While we sympathize with the
private respondents' plight, we are unable to the port of destination and has left the carrier's
accept this contention. premises. Hence, PAL necessarily would still have to
exercise extraordinary diligence in safeguarding the
We are not unmindful of the fact that in a plethora of comfort, convenience and safety of its stranded
cases we have consistently ruled that a contract to passengers until they have reached their final
transport passengers is quite different in kind, and destination. On this score, PAL grossly failed
degree from any other contractual relation. It is safe to considering the then ongoing battle between
conclude that it is a relationship imbued with public government forces and Muslim rebels in Cotabato City
interest. Failure on the part of the common carrier to and the fact that the private respondent was a stranger
live up to the exacting standards of care and diligence to the place.
renders it liable for any damages that may be
sustained by its passengers. However, this is not to say The reliance is misplaced. The factual background of
that common carriers are absolutely responsible for all the PAL case is different from the instant petition. In
injuries or damages even if the same were caused by a that case there was indeed a fortuitous event resulting
fortuitous event. To rule otherwise would render the in the diversion of the PAL flight. However, the
defense of "force majeure," as an exception from any unforeseen diversion was worsened when "private
liability, illusory and ineffective. respondents (passenger) was left at the airport and
could not even hitch a ride in a Ford Fiera loaded with
Accordingly, there is no question that when a party is PAL personnel," 10 not to mention the apparent
unable to fulfill his obligation because of "force apathy of the PAL station manager as to the
majeure," the general rule is that he cannot be held predicament of the stranded passengers. 11 In
liable for damages for non-performance. 6 Corollarily, light of these circumstances, we held that if the
when JAL was prevented from resuming its flight fortuitous event was accompanied by neglect
to Manila due to the effects of Mt. Pinatubo and malfeasance by the carrier's employees, an
eruption, whatever losses or damages in the action for damages against the carrier is
form of hotel and meal expenses the stranded permissible. Unfortunately, for private
passengers incurred, cannot be charged to JAL. respondents, none of these conditions are
Yet it is undeniable that JAL assumed the hotel present in the instant petition.
expenses of respondents for their unexpected
overnight stay on June 15, 1991. We are not prepared, however, to completely absolve
Admittedly, to be stranded for almost a week in a petitioner JAL from any liability. It must be noted that
foreign land was an exasperating experience for the private respondents bought tickets from the United
private respondents. To be sure, they underwent States with Manila as their final destination. While JAL
distress and anxiety during their unanticipated stay in was no longer required to defray private respondents'
Narita, but their predicament was not due to the fault living expenses during their stay in Narita on account
or negligence of JAL but the closure of NAIA to of the fortuitous event, JAL had the duty to make the
international flights. necessary arrangements to transport private
respondents on the first available connecting flight to
Indeed, to hold JAL, in the absence of bad faith or Manila. Petitioner JAL reneged on its obligation to look
negligence, liable for the amenities of its stranded after the comfort and convenience of its passengers
passengers by reason of a fortuitous event is too much when it declassified private respondents from "transit
of a burden to assume. passengers" to "new passengers" as a result of which
private respondents were obliged to make the
Furthermore, it has been held that airline passengers necessary arrangements themselves for the next flight
must take such risks incident to the mode of travel. 7 In to Manila. Private respondents were placed on the
this regard, adverse weather conditions or waiting list from June 20 to June 24. To assure
extreme climatic changes are some of the perils themselves of a seat on an available flight, they were
involved in air travel, the consequences of which compelled to stay in the airport the whole day of June
the passenger must assume or expect. After all, 22, 1991 and it was only at 8:00 p.m. of the aforesaid
common carriers are not the insurer of all risks. 8 date that they were advised that they could be
accommodated in said flight which flew at about 9:00
Paradoxically, the Court of Appeals, despite the a.m. the next day.
presence of "force majeure," still ruled against
JAL relying in our decision in PAL v. Court of We are not oblivious to the fact that the cancellation of
Appeals, 9 thus: JAL flights to Manila from June 15 to June 21, 1991
The position taken by PAL in this case clearly illustrates caused considerable disruption in passenger booking
its failure to grasp the exacting standard required by and reservation. In fact, it would be unreasonable to
law. Undisputably, PAL's diversion of its flight due to expect, considering NAIA's closure, that JAL flight
inclement weather was a fortuitous event. operations would be normal on the days affected.
Nonetheless, such occurrence did not terminate PAL's Nevertheless, this does not excuse JAL from its
contract with its passengers. Being in the business of obligation to make the necessary arrangements to
air carriage and the sole one to operate in the country, transport private respondents on its first available
PAL is deemed equipped to deal with situations as in flight to Manila. After all, it had a contract to transport
the case at bar. What we said in one case once again private respondents from the United States to Manila
must be stressed, i.e., the relation of carrier and as their final destination.
passenger continues until the latter has been landed at
Consequently, the award of nominal damages is in WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the
order. Nominal damages are adjudicated in order that a decision of the Court of Appeals dated December
right of a plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded 22, 1993 is hereby MODIFIED. The award of
by the defendant, may be vindicated or recognized and actual, moral and exemplary damages is hereby
not for the purpose of indemnifying any loss suffered DELETED. Petitioner JAL is ordered to pay each of
by him. 12 The court may award nominal damages the private respondents nominal damages in the
in every obligation arising from any source sum of P100,000.00 each including attorney' s
enumerated in article 1157, or in every case fees of P50,000.00 plus costs.
where any property right has been invaded. 13 SO ORDERED.
Narvasa, C.J., Kapunan and Purisima, JJ., concur.

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