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Application Note - Cement Kilns

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Application Notes

Rotary kilns for the cement industry

Cement used by the construction industries today is known The original kilns introduced limestone as a slurry directly
as Portland cement, derived from a process established late into the kiln. This required that the kiln first act as a dryer
in the 19th century. This process utilizes calcium carbonate before it could perform the calcination process. These wet
(limestone), silica (clay), and minor amounts of other kilns were widely used until the 1960s and 1970s when
materials heated to a temperature of 1,450 C, at which improvements in dry milling of the limestone allowed dry
point calcination occurs forming the clinker that will be raw material to be fed into the kiln. Further design changes
milled to a fine powder with other additions to the final led to the design of pre-heater towers which utilized the
cement product. waste heat from the process in progressive stages of
cyclones to preheat the raw materials prior to kiln entry. The
The cement kiln is the heart of the cement process lying latest improvement implements a fuel driven pre-calciner
midstream between the raw material preparation and the incorporated into the tower in line with the pre-heater
final product grinding for packaging or shipment. The cyclones. Each of these improvements increases the
cement plant is a continuously operating plant, where temperature of the material entering the kiln and thus
equipment availability is absolutely critical. Cement plant reduces the necessary length and overall fuel consumption
operators will schedule periodic shutdowns, during which of the kiln itself.
all required scheduled maintenance procedures are carried
out. Unscheduled shutdowns present extreme challenges in Kiln drive system criteria
time, cost, and production losses. With most modern kilns utilizing either two or three
support piers along the length, the pier typically closest to
A modern cement kiln is a rotary kiln, set upon piers across its the kiln inlet will support the kiln drive system. The other
length. The kiln, installed at a slight pitch, is rotated slowly piers will have large bearings in place on either side of the
transporting the material the length of the kiln. Over the kiln that engage with a smooth tire around the circum-
years, the standard configuration of the kiln used has evolved ference supporting the kiln. The drive system is installed at
with advancements in the process, lowering overall energy the same pitch angle as the kiln itself for proper alignment.
requirements and improving the overall plant efficiency.
Older designs tended toward a girth gear being installed at the reason variable speed controllers are universally used to control
location of the drive system pier. This girth gear was then this critical parameter. A typical time of 60 seconds to acceler-
driven by either one or two drive systems with pinion gears to ate from zero to full kiln speed is often cited to prevent this
engage the girth gear. These pinion gears were driven by drive type of damage.
systems based either on electric motors (DC originally, then AC
with modern drive systems) or in some instances hydraulic When dual drive systems are used for kiln control, it is very
motors. The vast majority of the DC drive systems have been important that they operate in a synchronized mode. A drive
replaced over the years, primarily due to maintenance costs and system must provide load sharing between the two systems.
downtime issues. This reduces the chance for mechanical stress or wear on the
components caused by differences in speed and or torque. It is
The modern approach, known as the friction drive, is seen very common with AC motors with VFDs to employ a control
typically with kilns that utilize two support piers. The closest strategy that employs speed as the outer control loop for the
pier, again, supports the drive system. With this newer friction master and the slave controller, with the master providing an
drive approach, instead of a girth gear, a smooth tire is in reference torque signal to the slave controller as setpoint to the
place. The tire is engaged by the rollers themselves, which are inner control loop in order to ensure they provide equal torque
in turn driven by the electromechanical drive system. When to the kiln.
driven by an AC motor with a VFD for control, this approach
greatly minimizes any harmonics being transmitted to the kiln The size of the actual motors, drives, and gearboxes is dependent
from the drive system. upon the size of the kiln and whether the drive systems are single
or dual. A newer pre-calciner kiln producing roughly 4000 tons
A cement kiln is considered to be a constant torque load up to per day of clinker, with dual drive systems, would employ 400 hp
nominal speed, and a constant power load above nominal motors with appropriately sized drives and gearboxes. A very
speed. The ability of the drive system to provide sufficient large modern kiln producing 12,000 tons per day, for example,
breakaway torque is a critical requirement of the drive system. utilizes dual 1250 hp motors. Because the size of the older
In addition to the sheer mass of the kiln, consideration must technology kilns is larger per ton, the size of these drive systems
also be given to friction, product present in the kiln during is also larger.
start, and lubrication or alignment issues with the kiln drive and
support system. Typical kiln manufacturer specifications require Environmental conditions
the system be able to provide 250% of full load torque for up to In addition to the above considerations, another important
60 seconds to accommodate for all potential inertial loads. Full element for a kiln drive system is that key components
consideration of this parameter must be given when sizing the including the motor, couplings, gearbox, and the driven system
motor (vs. breakdown torque) and when sizing the current itself are fully exposed to the outdoor ambient conditions.
capacity of the VFD. When running, this can include temperatures up to 48 C.
Like all motors in a cement plant, a protection rating of IP54
The primary concern from a process control point of view is to or greater is used to protect the motor from dust and other
control the speed of the kiln. The speed will determine the flow of contaminants.
material through the kiln, as well as the residency time of the raw
material in the calcination zone. It is this time that is critical to
the quality of the final product. The current technology used for Benefits of an integrated kiln drive system
speed control is an AC motor driven by a variable frequency drive
system. Linear encoders are also typically employed at the kiln When given the ability to specify the complete drive
shell to provide direct speed feedback. Improvements in perform- system, Siemens ensures that complete consideration is
ance and the simple economic justification of using standard AC given to all factors. This allows for matching the motor,
induction motors have driven this solution to become the defacto drive, gearbox, and coupling specifications to meet or
standard for kiln control. exceed all known factors. This provides the operator with a
system that is designed to provide optimized performance,
The typical speed of a kiln running at steady state is 3-5 rpm. In efficiency, and maintenance free operation. The fact that
starting or stopping a kiln, the rate at which the kilns speed is this can be provided by a single vendor provides more
changed is very critical to the amount of mechanical stress that efficient procurement, engineering, commissioning, and
is placed on the entire length of the driven equipment. Failing maintenance; with no coordination between multiple
to properly control the speed could result in severe damage to vendors required.
mechanical components through the entire drive train. For this

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