Location ( city and state): 178 Mrak Hall, One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
Admissions Profile
Percentage or ratio of applicants accepted: 42%
What programs and activities (these can be sports, studying abroad programs, student
government, fraternities/sororities, student organizations, etc.) are offered that will help you
engage more in your education or will support you with achieving your personal goals?
List 2 majors the school offers that you would be interested in majoring in:
Based on the pictures, quotes, and information presented on the website and any other research
you have conducted, write a paragraph explaining what you like and don't like about this
school/program. Make sure that you highlight aspects about the school/program that makes it
different from other schools/programs you have researched.
I really like Davis because they have very interesting programs and tuition is not that
expensive. Davis has a good medical program and hospital. I really appreciate that Davis
has a organization for black scientist and women who want to be doctors. I don't like that
Davis is in the middle of nowhere and there is just cows around.
Based on your academic profile, would you classify this school/program as "safety", "likely", or
"reach"? Write a paragraph explaining your classification.
Davis is a school that i will likely apply to and might have a great chance of getting into
To be competitive I think I just need to stay on track and keep doing well in all my classes.