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The Process of Architecting For Software / System Engineering

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The Process of Architecting for

Software / System Engineering


Department of Computer Science

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, U.S.A.

September 9, 2010

Contact Author: Prof. Osman Balci

With the advent of potent network technology, software/system engineering has evolved from a
traditional platform-centric focus into a network-centric paradigm where the system of systems
perspective has been the norm. Under this paradigm, architecting has become a critical process in the life
cycle of software/system engineering. The need for a structured description of the architecting process is
undeniable. This paper fulfills that need and provides a structured description of the process of
architecting a software-based network-centric system of systems. The architecting process is described
using a set of goals that are specific to architecting, and the associated specific practices that enable the
realization of these goals. The architecting process description presented herein is intended to guide the
software/system architects.

Keywords: architecting process, network-centric system architecting, process area, software

architecting, software architecture, software-based system architecting, system architecting,
system of systems architecting.

1 Introduction

The ubiquity of the network and the ability to deploy software over a network has changed the
underpinnings of software-based solutions. The system of systems perspective [Maier 1998] dominates
much of the engineering now as new systems are composed of multiple interconnected systems to support
emerging missions. One reason behind this shift is the need to reach beyond tightly-coupled environments
to access data and functionality that reside on remote systems deployed on different platforms, and which
are possibly owned and managed by different entities. Another reason is the dynamic and complex
structures of todays organizations, where the organizations computing resources can span multiple
national and international locations.

These changes gave rise to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) paradigm, where software-based systems no
longer reside on users own computing devices. Instead, software-based solutions are provided as services
over a network, and users access these services through a plethora of network-capable devices that range
from mainframe computers to smart phones.

Under the SaaS paradigm, architecting has become a distinct and essential life cycle process for software
engineering as well as system engineering. Today, architecting is well-recognized in practice as
evidenced by job titles such as Software Architect, Solution Architect, Enterprise Architect, Application
Architect, Integration Architect, and Information Architect. In addition, several programs exist to confer
professional certification and certificates to architecture practitioners. Most of such programs are
organizationally-based promoting individuals along the organization ladder, and are typically focused on
in-house technologies and products. Examples of such programs include:

IBM Professional Certification Program [IBM 2010].

Microsoft Certified Architect Program [Microsoft 2010a].
Raytheon Certified Architect Program [Raytheon 2010].

Other programs exist to grant professional architecture certification to practitioners who are interested in
going through the certification process. Examples of such initiatives include:

The International Association of Software Architects (IASA): Certified IT Architect Program

[IASA 2010].
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI): Software Architecture Professional Certificate Program
[SEI 2010].
The Open Group: IT Architect Certification Program (ITAC) [The Open Group 2010].

On the one hand, the architecting discipline has moved from mere qualitative observations of the structure
of working systems into a rich repertoire of concepts, methods, standards, frameworks, and tools to
create, document, analyze, and assess architecture specifications. Architecting has become an
indispensible process in the software/system engineering life cycle [Shaw and Clements 2006]. This
indispensability makes it vital for software-based solution providers to execute best architecting practices
in order to deliver quality solutions.

On the other hand, the adoption of the current architecting knowledge is dependent on the existence of a
defined architecting process that integrates with system/software life cycle processes. Processes are
important to streamlining the work required to develop a software-based solution from inception through
operation and to retirement. Solution providers typically focus on three dimensions of their development
approaches: people, methods, and tools [SEI 2006]. To link these dimensions together, organizations
follow processes of the software/system engineering life cycle to ensure the production of systems with

the desired functionality and quality, on time, and within budget. However, published life cycle models
leave out architecting from their processes.

The Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV) is a widely-used process
improvement and appraisal approach, which provides a reference point to organizations to assess their
competencies in process areas related to software/system development [SEI 2006]. A process area is a set
of specific practices that achieve a set of specific goals for making improvement in that area. A specific
goal of a process area is a distinctive objective that must be met in order to satisfy that area. A specific
practice is an activity that must be carried out to achieve part or all of a corresponding specific goal.

CMMIs basic philosophy is that the quality of a product or service is positively-correlated with the
processes used to develop such product or service. However, CMMI also leaves out architecting as one of
its 22 defined process areas. Although CMMI helps organizations identify process areas crucial to
developing quality products and provides a framework to improve such processes, architecture is briefly
discussed as part of a Specific Practice (SP 2.1 Design the Product or Product Component) of a Specific
Goal (Develop the Design) of the Technical Solution Process Area.

Evidently, architecting requires more prominence in the life cycle than what it currently has in the CMMI
models [Valerdi et al.]. We advocate that architecting should have its own process area. The purpose of
this paper is to provide a structured description of the process of architecting software-based network-
centric system of systems. We propose that such a description of the architecting process be added as a
CMMI process area at Level 3. We describe the architecting process area following the CMMI-DEV
structure. However, for the purposes of this paper we only emphasize the specific goals and specific
practices of the architecting process area.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents an overview of the architecting
process area. The specific goals and practices of the architecting process are described in Section 3.
Finally, concluding remarks are provided in Section 4.

2 The Architecting Process Area

We define the architecting process area and propose it as an Engineering Process Area of the CMMI-DEV
at Maturity Level 3. Engineering process areas are processes that span the entire development life cycle of
a system from its inception to retirement. Maturity Level 3 process areas are established processes within
the organization and are executed in a proactive manner.

The purpose, activities, and performers of the architecting process, as well as the uses of architecture
specification are described below.

2.1 The Purpose of the Architecting Process

The purpose of architecting is to develop an architecture specification for a software-based system (or a
system of systems). The process of architecting takes the Problem Specification and Requirements
Specification as input and produces an Architecture Specification as an output work product.

The development of an architecture specification focuses on several objectives. The primary objective is
to ensure that system quality attributes (i.e., non-functional requirements) such as interoperability and
security are architected for early on in the development life cycle. Another objective is to ensure that the
architecture specification is a usable asset for decision makers to evaluate investment alternatives of
resources such as systems, system components, and middleware technologies that will be used in the

development of the system. Moreover, the development of an architecture specification focuses on
ensuring that the produced architecture is represented from different perspectives to facilitate
communication among various stakeholders.

2.2 Activities of the Architecting Process

The architecting process area encompasses all activities performed to produce artifacts constituting the
architecture specification. An architecture specification describes the fundamental organization of
components, the relationships among these components, the mapping of these components to their
environment, and the principles and guidelines governing the system design and evolution [IEEE 2007].

The activities of the architecting process focus on:

Identifying system components and establishing the relationships among them based on the
system requirements.
Creating an architecture that satisfies the requirements by either choosing an existing architecture,
making up a composite architecture, or creating an architecture from scratch.
Describing the architecture using a multi-view description approach and evaluating it to ensure
that it meets the system requirements.

The architecting process typically follows a systems perspective [Kossiakoff and Sweet 2003]. It looks at
the system as a whole. Externally, the architecting process takes into account interfacing systems, the
operating environment, and the users of the system. Internally, it focuses on the architectural
arrangements that represent the system. Therefore, the architecture specification must include software,
hardware, and human (when appropriate) components.

2.3 Performers of the Architecting Process

The architecting process is carried out under different roles. The roles and job titles of architecting
practitioners vary by organization and domain. However, these roles can be categorized as follows:

A single architect who is solely responsible for the entire architecting process.
A team of architects (also referred to as the architecture team) who collaborate throughout the
entire architecting process. In this case, there is often a lead architect who manages the team.
A single architect who leads a team of engineers (for requirements, hardware, network, database,
usability, security, etc.) throughout the entire architecting process.

We use the term architect to refer to any of the roles listed above.

2.4 Uses of Architecture Specification

An architecture specification is used by several stakeholders for various reasons including [DoDAF
2009a, b, c]:

Making acquisition decisions about whole systems, system components, and technologies that
can be used in the development.
Discovering the true requirements of the system and refining existing ones.
Creating an overall strategy for aligning independent systems into a common use or purpose (i.e.,
system of systems).

Evolving the system by deploying new technologies, adding services, and replacing/retiring old

Equally important, architecture specifications are used as means of communication between the architect
and the stakeholders, and among stakeholders. Therefore, architecture specification is produced from
multiple perspectives (viewpoints) to enable such communication since stakeholders often have disparate
stakes in the architecture.

CMMI-DEV defines a process area by identifying the specific goals of that area and the associated
specific practices that enable the realization of those goals. We follow the CMMI-DEV structure and
describe the specific goals and practices of the architecting process area below.

3 Specific Goals and Practices of the Architecting Process

We define the process of architecting for software/system engineering in accordance with the CMMI-
DEV structure by using a set of specific goals (SGs) and their associated specific practices (SPs) as
shown in Table 1. Each SG and SP is described below.

Table 1 Specific goals and practices of the architecting process

SG 1: Identify System Components

SP 1.1: Identify Architecturally-Relevant Requirements
SP 1.2: Decompose the System into Components
SP 1.3: Assess the Component Decomposition
SG 2: Establish Relationships among the Identified Components
SP 2.1: Establish Structural Relationships
SP 2.2: Establish Behavioral Relationships
SG 3: Create the Architecture
SP 3.1: Select an Existing Architecture
SP 3.2: Make Up a Composite Architecture
SP 3.3: Create an Architecture from Scratch
SG 4: Describe the Architecture
SP 4.1: Describe the Architecture from an All Perspective
SP 4.2: Describe the Architecture from a Capability Perspective
SP 4.3: Describe the Architecture from a Data and Information Perspective
SP 4.4: Describe the Architecture from an Operational Perspective
SP 4.5: Describe the Architecture from a Project Perspective
SP 4.6: Describe the Architecture from a Services Perspective
SP 4.7: Describe the Architecture from a Standards Perspective
SP 4.8: Describe the Architecture from a Systems Perspective
SG 5: Evaluate the Architecture
SP 5.1: Evaluate the Architecture Based on the Four Ps
SP 5.2: Evaluate the Architecture Following a Risk-Driven Approach
SP 5.3: Evaluate the Architecture Based on a Set of Scenarios

3.1 SG 1: Identify System Components

Goal Statement: System components are identified to satisfy the requirements.

The architecting process starts with identifying the software, hardware, and human (e.g., users, operators)
components that will constitute the system under development. Human components may or may not be
relevant parts of the architecture depending on the context of the system. These components should be
identified so as to satisfy the requirements and provide the mandated capabilities. To achieve this goal,
the following specific practices are employed.

3.1.1 SP 1.1: Identify Architecturally-Relevant Requirements

Practice Statement: Requirements that are germane to the architecture are identified to
guide the architecting process.

Before identifying the components that will make up the system architecture, the requirements that are
germane to the architecture should be identified. Architecturally-relevant requirements are those that have
far-reaching implications on the architecture and span more than one component of the system.

Architecturally-relevant requirements include the functional requirements that describe major capabilities
of the system capabilities without which the system cannot satisfy the purposes intended for its use.
Such requirements are important to identify system components and the relationships among them.

Architecturally-relevant requirements also include non-functional requirements (also referred to as quality

characteristics or attributes) such as dependability, interoperability, and performance. Such quality
characteristics are germane to the architecting process because they affect the quality of the entire system.

Quality attributes often tradeoff. For instance, enhancing security by adding extra layers of authentication
and data encryption introduces a communication overhead and therefore affects the performance
negatively. Thus, it is essential to identify such tradeoffs among quality characteristics to ensure that
proper architecture decisions are made when creating the architecture.

The outcome of this specific practice should consist of a list of architecturally-relevant requirements
functional and non-functional. In addition, this specific practice should produce a set of potential tradeoffs
that may exist among the identified quality characteristics.

3.1.2 SP 1.2: Decompose the System into Components

Practice Statement: The system is decomposed into components that satisfy the
identified architecturally-relevant requirements.

The system should be decomposed into software, hardware, and human components based on the
requirements that the architecture must satisfy. A component is a conceptual representation of an
identifiable part of a system [Kossiakoff and Sweet 2003]. A component can be a software or hardware
module that encapsulates a set of related functions, data, or responsibilities associated with a user or

A component is identified by mapping a function (or a set of related functions) that the system must
perform into a conceptual representation that will carry out that function (or those related functions). Each

component should be given a name that describes its functions. Techniques such as modularization,
separation of concerns, and information hiding should be applied in component identification.

The quality of a component is determined by examining two characteristics: cohesion and coupling. In
principle, a component should be put together to have the highest possible cohesion and the lowest
possible coupling. Cohesion is the degree to which the components elements are related to each other. It
depicts the togetherness among the elements comprising the component. A component with high
cohesion directs all its elements towards achieving a single objective. Coupling, on the other hand, is the
degree to which a component is built based on the logic of another component. Low coupling is desired,
implying that there is minimal or no logical dependence among the components. When components are
created with the highest possible cohesion and the lowest possible coupling, several architecture quality
characteristics are enhanced, namely maintainability and modifiability.

Decomposition or modularization of a system into components continues until the component at the leaf
node (i.e., the one that is no further decomposed) possesses the highest possible cohesion and the lowest
possible coupling. Two approaches are commonly used to carry out this decomposition: vertical and

Vertical decomposition slices the system vertically by decomposing it in a top-down fashion. It starts by
decomposing the system into components at level 1. A level 1 component is selected for decomposition
into components at level 2. Then, a level 2 component is selected for decomposition into components at
level 3. This decomposition continues until reaching the leaf component that has the highest possible
cohesion and the lowest possible coupling.

Horizontal decomposition modularizes the system level by level. It starts by decomposing the system into
all of the components at level 1. Each level 1 component is further decomposed into components at level
2. Then, each level 2 component is further decomposed into components at level 3. All of the components
at a level must be identified before proceeding to the next level. When a component is identified as
possessing the highest possible cohesion and the lowest possible coupling, it is designated as a leaf
component and is not decomposed further.

Both vertical and horizontal decomposition approaches can be intertwined for the same architecting

3.1.3 SP 1.3: Assess the Component Decomposition

Practice Statement: Decomposition of the system into components is assessed against

all architecturally-relevant requirements.

Component decomposition should be assessed based on coverage and depth. The identified components
should cover all of the requirements identified in SP 1.1. A matrix should be created to map each
architecturally-relevant requirement to a component (or a set of components) that addresses that
requirement. Gaps identified in this mapping should be addressed by either mapping a requirement to an
already-identified component or by identifying a new component. Identifying a new component to
address a particular requirement should follow the guidelines outlined in SP 1.2.

Component decomposition should also be assessed based on depth. Decomposition depth is evaluated by
examining abstraction level and cohesion and coupling of each component. If a component is found to
have an undesirable amount of cohesion and/or coupling, the principle of separation of concerns [Dijkstra

1982] should be applied to determine whether it should be decomposed further or combined with another

This specific practice ensures that each architecturally-relevant requirement can be addressed by the
identified components and that each component is properly created.

3.2 SG 2: Establish Relationships among the Identified Components

Goal Statement: Relationships among identified components are established.

Relationships among the identified components should be established. A relationship defines how two
components relate to each other in the context of the system being architected. Many perspectives exist
from which a relationship can be established; for example, based on structure or behavior.

The Specific Practices that enable the accomplishment of the goal stated above are described below.

3.2.1 SP 2.1: Establish Structural Relationships

Practice Statement: Structural relationships among identified components are


Structural relationships represent how the components can be structurally organized to form a unified
blueprint of the system. This perspective focuses on the static layout of these components, which can be
either a logical or a physical layout.

The logical layout of components is concerned with the conceptual grouping of these components. The
following are example types of logical relationships:

Dependency: Component A depends-on Component B.

Use: Component A uses Component B.
Hierarchy: Component A is-part-of Component B or Component A is-a-child-of Component B.

The physical layout of components is concerned with relationships among software, hardware,
infrastructure, and deployment components. The following are example types of physical relationships:

Interfacing: Relationships that highlight the interfaces between two hardware components,
between a software component and a hardware component, or between a software/hardware
component and a human operator/user.
Deployment: Relationships that highlight, among other aspects, the distribution of components
over the network, resource-sharing, and communication channels.

3.2.2 SP 2.2: Establish Behavioral Relationships

Practice Statement: Behavioral relationships among identified components are


Behavioral relationships among components represent interactions. This perspective focuses on the
dynamic behavior of the system during execution. Behavior can be represented in many ways including
processes, events, and services.

Process: Component A starts/pauses/stops a process X.
Service: Component A sends a request to Component B and Component B processes the request
and may send a reply back.
Event: Component A publishes a notification and one or more components subscribe to receive
that notification.

Structural (static) and behavioral (dynamic) relationships help in the identification of a suitable
architecture. For instance, the decomposition of the system into components may reveal that some
components are responsible for producing data or performing tasks for other components. In such a case,
the client-server architecture may seem plausible as a candidate architecture for the system under
development. Therefore, the set of relationships identified in this specific practice provides the foundation
to begin the creation of the system architecture.

3.3 SG 3: Create the Architecture

Goal Statement: System architecture is created based on the identified components and
the relationships among them.

The identified components and the relationships that exist among them form the basis of the overall
architecture. Architecture creation, therefore, consists of making decisions about which architecture(s)
best satisfies the requirements of the system.

Three approaches to making architecture decisions exist: (1) select an existing architecture, (2) make up a
composite architecture from existing ones, or (3) create an architecture from scratch.

3.3.1 SP 3.1: Select an Existing Architecture

Practice Statement: An existing architecture is selected as the overarching architecture

of the system.

The major architectures that have been in use for architecting a software-based network-centric system of
systems include: Client-Server Architecture, Distributed Objects Architecture, Peer-to-Peer Architecture,
and Service-Oriented Architecture. For a given architecting task at hand, one of these architectures can be
selected if it satisfies the requirements of the system under development.

8 Client-Server Architecture

The client-server architecture (CSA) consists of the following five conceptual layers designated with
circled numbers in Figure 1:

User 1

Controller / Business Logic

HTML Request
User 2 Database

JavaScript HTTP Server

XML Application
AJAX Presentation 1
Response Preparation
User N
4 3

Web Container Components Container

5 Application Server

Client Server Computer

Figure 1 Conceptual layers of the client-server architecture

Layer 1. Data Source Layer (e.g., a relational database management system)

Layer 2. Data Mapping Layer (e.g., Entity Enterprise Java Beans, ActiveX Data Objects)
Layer 3. Business / Application Logic Layer
Layer 4. Web Container Layer (consisting of controller/mediator and server-side presentation
preparation components)
Layer 5. Client Presentation Layer (e.g., Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Cascading
Style Sheets (CSS), Document Object Model (DOM), Extensible HTML (XHTML),
Extensible Markup Language (XML), Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
(XSLT), HyperText Markup Language (HTML))

Two major industry standards can be employed to build a system under CSA: Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition (Java EE) [Oracle 2010] and Microsoft .NET Framework [Microsoft 2010b].

9 Distributed Objects Architecture

The distributed objects architecture (DOA) consists of objects, which are software applications that run
on distributed computers with different hardware and operating systems. An object Oj can act as a server
and provide services S(Oj) or act as a client and consume services as depicted in Figure 2. The
communication among objects is mediated by the object request broker (ORB). Objects can be
implemented in different programming languages and can be integrated with ORB using an interface
definition language (IDL). A system created under DOA can be connected to another DOA-based system
using the Inter-ORB communications over a network to form a system of systems.

Two major industry standards can be employed to build a system under DOA: Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (CORBA) [OMG 2010] and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
[Microsoft 1996].

Network Network

O1 O2 On O1 O2 Ok
S(O1) S(O2) S(O ) n S(O1) S(O2) S(O ) k



Inter-ORB Network

Figure 2 Conceptual representation of the distributed objects architecture

10 Service-Oriented Architecture

The service-oriented architecture (SOA) consists of the conceptual layers as depicted in Figure 3. Layers
3 to 6 in Figure 3 make up the major components of SOA built on top of the network structure consisting
of layers 0 to 2.

Layer 6 Services Management Security

Application Services Orchestration Grid Computing Services

Specific Services Composition of Services Information Services
Layer 5 Data Services Policy-based Services
Enterprise Services BPEL Delivery of Services Other Services

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

Service Routing Conversion Transformation Service

Layer 4 Provider
Requestor (Service
Virtualization) UDDI

Web Services
Layer 3

Layer 2 HTTPS Protocols TCP/IP
SMTP Others

Communications Wireless Networks

Layer 1 Mobile Ad Hoc Networking Transport Wireless Sensor Networks
Multicast Networking Wireline Networks

Layer 0 Sensor Nodes Communication Nodes

Figure 3 Conceptual layers of SOA [Glass 2008; Balci and Ormsby 2008] Peer-to-Peer Architecture

The peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture consists of a set of networked computers, where each computer
makes some of its resources (e.g., computational power, storage, music files, and technical documents)
directly available to other computers on the network as depicted in Figure 4. A P2P computer (node) acts
as a supplier or consumer of resources.

Figure 4 Conceptual representation of the P2P architecture

3.3.2 SP 3.2: Make Up a Composite Architecture

Practice Statement: Two or more known architectures are selected to make up a

composite architecture of the system.

The second approach to architecture creation is to combine a number of known architectures to create a
composite architecture for the system under development. Known architectures include the ones
described in SP 3.1. In this context, known architectures are used to describe various parts of the system.
The result is an overall architecture that is made up of several known architectures.

Figure 5 shows an example composite architecture of a system consisting of CSA and DOA. This is the
architecture of a simulation development environment intended for use by geographically-dispersed users
over the network. The overall architecture is CSA. However, the CSAs business/application logic layer is
developed using the CORBA Component Model (CM) to satisfy the requirement for a heterogeneous
execution environment. Thus, a composite architecture is created by combining CSA with DOA.

Client 1
(Thick Client) Application Components
Controller / Architecture Services
Request Mediator
Scenario (Servlets)
Builder Simulation Security
Manager Service

Client 2 Entity Database

Creation Data Scenario
Manager Manager


Executor 3rd Party Components
App Serv HLA
Manager Gateway

Simulation 2
Architecture Foundation
Client N
Admin Response
Display Foundation CORBA
Data Store 1
Pages Classes CM Interf ace


5 4 3 Application Logic Data Source

Figure 5 A composite architecture consisting of CSA and DOA

3.3.3 SP 3.3: Create an Architecture from Scratch

Practice Statement: A new architecture is created from scratch based on the identified
components and relationships.

The third approach to architecture development is to create an architecture from scratch. In such a case,
the architect uses the identified components and their relationships as the building blocks of the new
architecture. Therefore, the main purpose in this case is to come up with a novel organization of these

This approach is suitable in cases where known architectures do not provide the appropriate structure
needed to satisfy the requirements. Such architectures are sometimes called custom-made or domain-
specific architectures [Agrawala et al. 1992].

Custom-made architectures should follow basic guidelines such as the following.

The new architecture should propose a new structure that is not represented by a known
The new structure should specify the types of components, the types of relationships among them,
and should provide guidelines specific to how the architecture can be instantiated into a particular
The new architecture should be applicable to create architectures for similar systems. This is
because architectures provide reusable abstractions for a particular class of problems. A new
architecture should provide a new architecture solution to a class of systems.

3.4 SG 4: Describe the Architecture

Goal Statement: Architecture description consists of a set of models representing

multiple viewpoints of the system.

A network-centric system of systems architecture is a complex entity that cannot be described using only
one representation. We slice this complex entity in many different ways and come up with a
representation for each slice. DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides 52 representations (models) under the
following eight viewpoints (perspectives) to describe an architecture.

1. All Viewpoint (AV)

2. Capability Viewpoint (CV)
3. Data and Information Viewpoint (DIV)
4. Operational Viewpoint (OV)
5. Project Viewpoint (PV)
6. Services Viewpoint (SvcV)
7. Standards Viewpoint (StdV)
8. Systems Viewpoint (SV)

No one viewpoint can properly represent the entire architecture of a system. The best practice is to
describe the architecture under multiple viewpoints using a number of representations (e.g., DoDAF-
described models) under each viewpoint. Which viewpoints and which representations in each viewpoint
to use depend on the requirements specification given for a particular system [IEEE 2007; DoDAF 2009a,
b, c; Clements et al. 2003; Kruchten 1995].

The Specific Practices that enable the accomplishment of the goal stated above are described below.

3.4.1 SP 4.1: Describe the Architecture from All Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe aspects of the architecture that are
pertinent to all viewpoints.

The all viewpoint (AV) is concerned with information pertinent to the entire architecture specification.

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

AV-1 Overview and Summary Information

AV-2 Integrated Dictionary

DoDAF AV models describe the architecture effort with its scope, context, and findings, and defines a
common terminology (definitions of terms) used throughout the entire architecture specification.

3.4.2 SP 4.2: Describe the Architecture from Capability Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from capability

The capability viewpoint (CV) is concerned with the description of the capabilities provided by the
system. A capability is the ability to achieve a desired effect under specified standards and conditions
through combinations of means and ways to perform a set of tasks [DoDAF 2009b, p. 80].

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

CV-1 Vision
CV-2 Capability Taxonomy
CV-3 Capability Phasing
CV-4 Capability Dependencies
CV-5 Capability to Organizational Development Mapping
CV-6 Capability to Operational Activities Mapping
CV-7 Capability to Services Mapping

DoDAF CV models are used to represent the architecture by describing:

a strategic context for the capabilities,

a hierarchy (taxonomy) of capabilities,
planned achievement of capabilities at different points in time,
dependencies between planned capabilities,
logical groupings of capabilities,
fulfillment of capability requirements,
a mapping between the capabilities required and the operational activities that those capabilities
support, and
a mapping between the capabilities and the services that these capabilities enable.

3.4.3 SP 4.3 Describe the Architecture from Data and Information Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from data and
information viewpoint.

The data and information viewpoint (DIV) is concerned with conceptual, logical, and physical levels of
abstraction in representing the operational and business data and information.

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

DIV-1 Conceptual Data Model

DIV-2 Logical Data Model
DIV-3 Physical Data Model

DoDAF DIV models describe high-level data concepts and their relationships, data requirements and
structural business process rules, and physical implementation format.

3.4.4 SP 4.4: Describe the Architecture from Operational Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from operational

The operational viewpoint (OV) is concerned with the overall context within which the system operates
and the external systems with which the system interacts. Describing the architecture from this viewpoint
requires capturing all system elements in one or more models at a high level of abstraction.

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

OV-1 High-Level Operational Concept Graphic

OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description
OV-3 Operational Resource Flow Matrix
OV-4 Organizational Relationships Chart
OV-5a Operational Activity Decomposition Tree
OV-5b Operational Activity Model
OV-6a Operational Rules Model
OV-6b State Transition Description
OV-6c Event-Trace Description

DoDAF OV models are used to represent the architecture by describing:

a high-level graphical operational concept,

resource flows exchanged between operational activities,
resources exchanged and the relevant attributes of the exchanges,
organizational context, role or other relationships among organizations,
capabilities and operational activities organized in a hierarchal structure,
context of capabilities and operational activities and their relationships among activities, inputs,
and outputs,
business rules that constrain operations,

business process (activity) responses to events, and
traces of actions in a scenario or sequence of events.

OV models serve as a means of providing the big picture of what the architecture is and what the system
is supposed to do. In addition, OV models form the architecture basis for communication among non-
technical stakeholders such as managers, customers, and decision makers.

3.4.5 SP 4.5 Describe the Architecture from Project Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from project

The project viewpoint (PV) is concerned primarily with architecture models that describe project
management activities. This viewpoint addresses assignments of development efforts and project

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

PV-1 Project Portfolio Relationships

PV-2 Project Timelines
PV-3 Project to Capability Mapping

DoDAF PV models focus on the following aspects of the architecture:

Development: Models in this category describe how architecture components should be assigned
to development teams. They also highlight the interdependencies among the components to
ensure that proper planning of milestones is achieved and that development bottlenecks are
Planning: Models in this category describe aspects of the system that relate to project
management such as cost estimation, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components, and release

3.4.6 SP 4.6: Describe the Architecture from Services Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from services

The services viewpoint (SvcV) is concerned with describing the services that provide access to system
capabilities. In general, a service is a means to access a system capability [DoDAF 2009b], and has a
predefined description of how it can be invoked [Erl 2008].

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

SvcV-1 Services Context Description

SvcV-2 Services Resource Flow Description
SvcV-3a Systems-Services Matrix
SvcV-3b Services-Services Matrix
SvcV-4 Services Functionality Description
SvcV-5 Operational Activity to Services Traceability Matrix

SvcV-6 Services Resource Flow Matrix
SvcV-7 Services Measures Matrix
SvcV-8 Services Evolution Description
SvcV-9 Services Technology and Skills Forecast
SvcV-10a Services Rules Model
SvcV-10b Services State Transition Description
SvcV-10c Services Event-Trace Description

DoDAF SvcV models are used to represent the architecture by describing:

services, service items, and their interconnections,

resource flows exchanged between services,
relationships among or between systems and services,
relationships among services,
functions performed by services and the service data flows among service functions (activities),
mapping of services (activities) back to operational activities (activities),
service resource flow elements being exchanged between services and the attributes of that
measures (metrics) of services,
evolution of services over time, and
rules, transition, and trace of services.

3.4.7 SP 4.7: Describe the Architecture from Standards Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from standards

The standards viewpoint (StdV) is concerned with the documentation of the required standards used and
that must be adhered to during the development and operation of the system.

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

StdV-1 Standards Profile

StdV-2 Standards Forecast

DoDAF StdV models describe operational, business, technical, and industry policies, standards, guidance,
constraints, and forecasts that are applicable to capability and operational requirements, system
engineering processes, systems, and services.

3.4.8 SP 4.8 Describe the Architecture from Systems Viewpoint

Practice Statement: Create models that describe the architecture from systems

The systems viewpoint (SV) is concerned with describing component systems that make up the overall
system. This viewpoint is relevant for the architecture specification of systems of systems, network-
centric systems, and families of systems.

DoDAF [2009a, b, c] provides the following models to represent the architecture from this viewpoint:

SV-1 Systems Interface Description

SV-2 Systems Resource Flow Description
SV-3 Systems-Systems Matrix
SV-4 Systems Functionality Description
SV-5a Operational Activity to Systems Function Traceability Matrix
SV-5b Operational Activity to Systems Traceability Matrix
SV-6 Systems Resource Flow Matrix
SV-7 Systems Measures Matrix
SV-8 Systems Evolution Description
SV-9 Systems Technology and Skills Forecast
SV-10a Systems Rules Model
SV-10b Systems State Transition Description
SV-10c Systems Event-Trace Description

DoDAF SV models are used to represent the architecture by describing:

systems, system items, and their interconnections,

resource flows exchanged between systems,
relationships among systems,
the functions (activities) performed by systems and the system data flows among system
functions (activities),
a mapping of system functions (activities) back to operational activities (activities),
a mapping of systems back to capabilities or operational activities (activities),
system resource flow elements being exchanged between systems and the attributes of that
measures (metrics) of systems, and
evolution, rules, transition, and trace of systems.

3.5 SG 5: Evaluate the Architecture

Goal Statement: The architecture is evaluated to determine how well it enables the
system to exhibit the required quality characteristics.

System architecture influences many system quality indicators (attributes or characteristics) such as
adaptability, dependability, deployability, extensibility, interoperability, maintainability, modifiability,
openness, performance, scalability, survivability, and testability [Balci and Ormsby 2008]. The goal of
architecture evaluation is to find out how well an architecture enables a system to possess a desired set of
quality characteristics under a given set of intended uses of the system.

Architecture evaluation should be conducted by using a methodology such as the ones listed below:

MSAAM: Military System Architecture Assessment Methodology [Balci and Ormsby 2008]
ATAM: Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method [Bass et al. 2003]
SAAM: Software Architecture Analysis Method [Kazman et al. 1994]
CBAM: Cost-Benefit Analysis Method [Nord et al. 2003]
ALMA: Architecture Level Modifiability Analysis [Lassing 2002]
FAAM: Family-Architecture Analysis Method [Dolan 2002]

The Specific Practices that enable the accomplishment of the goal stated above are described below.

3.5.1 SP 5.1 Evaluate the Architecture Based on the Four Ps

Practice Statement: The architecture is evaluated from four perspectives: product,

process, project, and people.

Architecture evaluation is considered to be a confidence building activity. The more comprehensive and
detailed the evaluation is, the more confidence we can gain in the evaluation. Four major perspectives or
four Ps influence the architecture quality: product, process, people, and project. Architecture evaluation
can be approached from any one of the four Ps, but a combination of all four provides the best balance
and results in a much higher level of confidence in the evaluation. Therefore, an architecture should be
assessed from the four perspectives by way of assessing: [Balci and Ormsby 2008]

1. the architecture itself as a product,

2. the process used in creating the architecture,
3. the quality of the people employed in creating the architecture, and
4. architecture development project characteristics (e.g., capability maturity, documentation,
planning, risk management).

3.5.2 SP 5.2 Evaluate the Architecture Following a Risk-Driven Approach

Practice Statement: A risk-driven evaluation approach is employed to ensure early

identification and mitigation of risks.

A risk-driven approach is advocated for architecture evaluation. The evaluation should consider all
potential risks including the following: [Balci and Ormsby 2008]

Acceptance Risk is the probability that the system architecture will not pass the acceptance test
with respect to the prescribed acceptance criteria.
Integration Risk is the probability that the system architecture components will not be
successfully integrated.
Interface Risk is the probability that the system architecture will not successfully interface with
the required external systems.
Performance Risk is the probability that the performance of the system to be built based on the
proposed architecture will not be acceptable.
Reliability Risk is the probability that the reliability of the system to be built based on the
proposed architecture will not be acceptable.
Reproducibility Risk is the probability that a component of the proposed system architecture
cannot be reproduced. For example, if the component relies on a piece of specialized hardware
and the specialized hardware is no longer in production, then the system may not be reproduced
at a reasonable cost.
Supportability Risk is the probability that the system to be built based on the proposed
architecture cannot be properly maintained after its delivery. For example, there may be no

technical support, no support for correcting errors, and no support for making improvements and
Technological Risk is the probability that one or more components of the proposed system
architecture depend on undeveloped technologies that cannot be developed in an acceptable time
Utility Risk is the probability that the system to be built based on the proposed architecture will be
less useful than required by the system stakeholders.

4 Concluding Remarks

Architecting should be designated as a process between the Requirements Engineering and Design
processes in the life cycle models for software engineering as well as for systems engineering. The
architecting process plays a critically important role in engineering a software-based network-centric
system of systems.

Architecting a network-centric enterprise system, a system of systems, or a family of systems poses

significant complexity. The complexity can be overcome by way of modularization. The DoD
architecture framework decomposes the architecture representation into eight viewpoints (perspectives)
and defines a total of 52 models to represent the architecture under these viewpoints. Which models to
build for a particular project depends on the requirements specification document. Certainly, developing
all 52 models is an onerous task requiring significant resources and time.


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