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Morsum Magnificat The Original Morse Magazine-MM21

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The document discusses an international magazine called Morsum Magnificat that covers all aspects of Morse telegraphy. It provides information on subscriptions and details about the magazine's history and circulation.

Morsum Magnificat aims to provide international coverage of all aspects of Morse telegraphy, past present and future. It is for all Morse enthusiasts and brings together material that would otherwise be lost to provide an invaluable source of interest and record relating to Morse traditions and practices.

Morsum Magnificat now has a circulation of around 550 readers in 15 countries in western Europe and 11 other countries worldwide.

Numer 21 utumn 1991


Mcyazinefor Morse Zfegmpy

Mag11%;;ch morse wregmpy

MORSUM MAGNIFICAT was first published in Holland, in 1983, by the late Rinus
llellemons PAOBFN. Now published in Britain, it aims to provide international
coverage of all aspects of Morse telegraphy, past present and future.
MAGNIFICAT is for all Morse enthusiasts, amateur or professional, active or
retired. It brings together material which would otherwise be lost to posterity,
providing an invaluable source of interest, reference and record relating to the
traditions and practice of Morse.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Issues Nos. 2124 (Autumn 1991 Summer 1992):

United Kingdom: 8.50 per annum, postpaid
Europe, including Eire: 8.50 sterling
Other countries: Surface mail 9.00 sterling (or US $17.00 cash)
Airmail 11.00 sterling (or US $21.00 cash)
Cheques payable to G C Arnold Partners'. Payment by Access, Eurocard, Mas-
tercard or Visa also welcome; quote your card number and expiry date. Please note
that, owing to greatly increased bank charges for currency exchange, we regret that
we are no longer able to accept overseas cheques, drafts, money orders, etc., unless
drawn on a London clearing bank and payable in sterling.



Morsum Magnicat, 9 Wetherby Close, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 818, England.
Telephone: Broadstone (0202) 658474; lntemational +44 202 658474
CONSULTANT EDITOR Tony Smith G4FAI, 1 Tash Place,
London N11 IPA, England. Tel: 081-368 4588
G C Arnold Partners 1991 ISSN 09536426
Printed by Hertfordshire Display Company, Ware, Hens.


Improved key. about 1845. Photo: Smithsonian Institution
Conanmt Cantata
ISSUE marks the fth anniversary of 2 News
THIS the English-language edition of Morsum 7 Book Review
Magnicat. Not such a milestone as the Morse Code: The
recent Morse bicentennial, of course, but signicant Essential Language
nevertheless for a magazine which deals with a 8 DX Pile-ups
subject which many would try to dismiss as obsolete, 10 Alfred Vails Friendship
or at best as archaic. with Morse 2
Nostalgia is seemingly one of the few growth 16 MM Back Issues &
industries in these days of economic hardship In the Next Issue
people are seeking escape from the difculties and 17 Review Three Keys
uncertaintiesof today in the certainties of yesterday, from Canterbury
albeit sometimes viewed through rose-tinted specta- 19 Readers Adverts
cles. This is just as true in the eld of telegraphy 20 Restoration of a
as anywhere else. I am reassured, though, by the Morse Sounder
number of readers who are still actively using Morse 26 Club Profile3:
on the amateur bands, and by the newcomers to the FISTS CW Club
art who are discovering what a rewarding activity 28 The New UK 5wpm
communicating by Morse code can be. Novice Morse Test
Thislet issue seemed a good time to complete 31 Radio Bygones
the updating of the magazines style which I began a 32 Low Power DXing
year ago easing you into it gently, as it were! I hope 35 Bits & Pieces:
that you like the new two-column layout. Airborne Earth
Our circulation has its ups and downs, as always, Arc Signals
though it has had a welcome boost recently as a result 36 Who Was the First
of the publicity surrounding Morses 2001h birthday. Sound Reader?
MM is now mailed to some 550 readers in no less 39 Your Letters
than 15 countries in western Europe and 11 across
the rest of the world. If you come across a Morse 46 Index to Issues 17-20
enthusiast who is not yet a subscriber to MM, or who 48 Just Rambling...
has let their subscriptionlapse, tell them what a mar-
vellousread it is and that they should sign up. If there
is someone who regularly reads your copy, encour-
age them to take out a subscription for themselves.
Remember that the continued health of the magazine
depends on maintainingand hopefully increasing our

4S Chevet Books
readership. )
CO yl/Vf l 16 Sequoia Press

|, G3GSR

Microwave Records on CW
GMDSS Comes Nearer TWO world 2-way long distance records
THE Federal Communications were set by Paul Lieb KH6HMEand Chip
Commission has issued proposals Angle N6CA, on Sunday 29 July 1991.
. . .to implementthe Global Maritime KH6HME is located at the 8200 foot
Distress and Safety System to Improve level of Mauna Loa volcano on the island
the Safety of Life at Sea. of Hawaii. N6CA transmitted from the
International requirements dictate city hall parking lot at Rancho Palo
that ocean-going vessels must have Verdes, California. The claimed distance
certicated Radio Electronics Ofc- is 2469 miles.
ers on board. The FCC has previously The rst record was on 3456MHz, CW,
interpreted this to mean that radio at 1.25 pm. Hawaii time, and the second
ofcers must hold either the rst on 5760MHz, CW, at 2.36 pm. Paul was
or Second Class Radiotelegraphy using 3 watts to a 4-foot dish antenna.
Operators certicate. Chip was also using 3 watts to a 3 or 4 foot
It is now proposing to require a dish. KH6HME maintains beaconsat VHF
GMDSS maintainers' endorsement and UHF on Mauna Loa. (Info KH6B).
to the rst or Second Radiotelegra WSYI REPORT, 15 August 1991
phers licence, the General Radio-
telephone Operators licence or the Laser Communication Records
Marine Operator Permit after an Also on CW
operator has demonstrated, through A NEW world record for laser communi-
written examination, satisfactory cations was achieved on 8 June 1991, by
knowledge of GMDSS practices and WA7LYI, WB7SLY and N7PMO on
procedures. Towers mountain, 50 miles north of
This basically means that Radio Phoenix, and KY7B and WA7CJO on
Electronics Ofcers aboard large Mount Lemmon just north of Tucson,
ocean-going ships no longer must be Arizona, 3 distance of 153.97 miles.
code procient in order to be certi- Operation was on 442 nanometres
ed. The General Radiotelephoneand (or around 668kGHz) in the deep blue
Marine OperatorPermit will be raised (visible) light range. Power was about
to international certicate level. lSmW, employing helium-cadmium
WSYI REPORT, 15 July 1991 lasers. The CW QSO took over 5 hours
to complete, due to poor weather it
Morsecodians Update
FURTHER information has now been to the Australian National
received about the Sydney Morsecodi- Research Expedition station
at Mawson
ans celebration of the Morse bicenten- in Antarctica, where
a unit was made up
nial at the old telegraph station, in time for a number of celebra-
Alice Springs, which was
E tory contacts to be made
briey reported in the last between Mawson and the
issue of MM. NSTC via satellite link.
During the week lead- While sounder equipment
ing up to April 27, the
landline was kept busy
passing messages for tour-
:mr' was used in Canberra, it
is presumed that the
Mawson operators used a
ists visiting both Alice local oscillator set
Springs and the National Sci- The rst ever polar wireless
ence & Technology Centre (NSTC) at experiments were carried out by the
Canberra. On April 2728, 26 direct Australasian Antarctic
Expedition of
calls were made to MTC members in 19121914, led by Douglas Mawson,
the USA via the dial-up system and from the site of the present Mawson
the Morsecodians also joined in on Base, and
part of the Morse celebrations
one MTC hub circuit included the re-transmission of an
On the radio side, amateur station exchange of
messages between Mawson
VI91AG was operated at Alice Springs and his future wife when he notied
by members of the Morsecodians, mak- by radio of his safe return after being
ing over 300 contacts, while VK9lSM overdue and losing two companions on
was operated in association with the an extended sledging trip.
telegraph position at the NSTC by
members of the Wireless Institute of (Thanks to John Houlder and Allan
Australia, making over 900 contacts in- Moore for the iryormation contained in
cluding MORSE in the UK on 21MHz. this report. There will be an article about
Prior to the celebrations the NSTC the wireless achievements the Maw-
had faxed a copy of the dial-up circuit
son expedition in afuture MM. Ed.)

conditions and the remnants of a forest short-wave listeners world-wide. All con-
re affecting reception, visual sighting tacts with (or SWL reports to) stations in
and alignment of the beam. Monaco must be 2-way CW only. Several
Reported in CQ Magazine QSOS are permitted with the same station,
but on different bands only. All bands
New 3A-CW Award
may be used, includingWARC.
THIS new award, issued by the 3A-CW All QSOS mustbeafter 1 January 1981.
Group, is available to radio amateurs and Each QSO counts as 1 point. Contact with
a Joker station counts as 2 points (on one indicate a twoway CW contact and be
occasion only). Jokers are 3AOCW, dated after 1 January 1991.
3A2ARM, 3A2OOSM, 3A7A, 3A8A, Zone maps, printed rules, and applica-
3A9A, 3A7JO. tion forms for the WAZ programme are
Award classes for Europe are Basic, available from the WAZ Awards
requiring 4 points; First Class, 8 points; Manager, CQ Magazine, 76 North
and Excellence, 12 points. Outside Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA.
Europe, Basic, 2 points; First Class, Send a 6 x 9in self-addressed envelope
4 points; Excellence, 6 points. Cost is with $0.75 postage (USA). DX stations
20 IRCs or US $8 (plus 8 IRCs or should send an address label and 3 IRCs.
US $3 for registered airmail). Upgrading,
5 RC5 or US $2. EUCW Still Growing
Applications should include log book CURRENT applications for membership
entries certied by a National Award of the European CW Association include
Manager or an ofcial country CW club, EHSC (Extremely High Speed Club) and
or QSLs may be submitted. Applications the Clube de CW Aguias do Sol (Southern
should be sent to Claude Passet 3A2LF, Eagles), Brasil (fratemal link). The Brasil-
7 Rue de la Turbie, MC 98000 Monaco ian Club contacted EUCW after leaming
Principaute (Europe). about the Association through MM!

ngher Speed Exams

Available In Australla
FOLLOWINGreceipt of a sugges- FOR the purpose of obtaining an overseas
tion by the U-QRP Club (USSR), amateur station licence, the Department
the GQRP Club has received unan- of Transport and Communications
imous support from major QRP (Australias licensing authority) will now
clubs around the worlds for the accept applications for examination in
adoption of a new operating sig Morse code at speeds higher than the
nal, 72, meaning wishing you normal 10 words per minute.
good QRP, to be used in contacts The fee is A$25.00 and documentary
between low power stations. evidence is provided to successful appli-
cants for submission to the appropriate
authorities overseas.
Amateur Radio, journal of the WIA,
C0 WAZ Now Has Two-way CW Award June 1991
CQ Magazine has announced an addition
to its WAZ (Worked All Zones) awards KW Trophy for CW

programme. This is the new ALL CW ROWLEY SHEARS G8KW has present-
WAZ Award, available to both subscrib- ed the RSGB with a magnicent silver
ers and non-subscribersof the magazine. cup, the KW Trophy, to be awarded each
To qualify for the award, a QSL card from year to the leading UK single operator
each of the 18 CQ Zonesworld-widemust station in the C0 WW CW contest.

4 MM21
GSKW is well-known for his associa- valid for the award.
tion with KW Electronics which produced Applications and fee (DM7; US $5;
some of the rst British purpose-built or 8 lRCs) should be submitted by
amateurradio rigs including the Vanguard, registered letter to Vladimir Stepanenko
Valiant and Viceroy, as well as the UBIRR, PO Pox 28, Chernigov-
KW2000 series. Postamt, 250 000 Ukraine, USSR.
Reported in Radio Communication,
August I 991 UCWC Morse Award
FOR any CW contacts after 1 January
UCWC Award 1991, totalling 200 points, scored as
THE USSR Radio Telegraphy Club follows: rst gure in a contacts prex
Award is available for CW only contacts shows the number of points. gure 0
(all bands) made with UCWC members gives 10 points. For example, a contact
after 1 January 1990. Class 3 is awarded with DLODF will give 10 points; UA3QG
for contacts with 10 members; Class 2 = 3; 9M2RR = 2; Y41AA :4, etc.
for 25 members; Class 1 for 50 members. At least 10 UCWC members must be
QSLs from UCWC-SWL members are contacted. QSLs from SWLs & UCWC If

CW Actlvlly Calendar
WHILE care has been taken in preparing this information it is offered as a guide only
and prospective participants should contact the activity organisers to obtain the rules
and check that the dates are correct

October 1617 RSGB 2nd 1.8 contest

5 AGCW-DL 40m Straight Key 1617 WIA Oceania QRP contest
Party. 1617 OVSV-AOEC Austrian
5 RSGB Straight Key Day, 40m. 160m DX contest.
6 UCWC contest 0000 to 1617 INORC contest
08OOGM'I. 17 AGCW-DL Home-brew &
20 RSGB 70MHz contest Old-time Equipment (HOT)
20 RSGB 21MHz contest. Party. See rules on page 6.
23 RSGB 144MHz cumulative 2324 CQ World-Wide DX
contest CW contest.
November December
3 HSC contest. 78 ARRL 160m CW contest
3 RSGB 144MHz contest. 78 ARSI VU2 GCity contest
23 144MHz Marconi/RSGB 78 TOPS Activity Contest,
24 hour contest 3.5MHz.
8 RSGB 144MHz cumulative 22 UFl contest 06001800UTC
contest 2631 G-QRP Winter Sports (29th is
16.17 EUCW Fratemising CW Party. Anglo-French Day).

SWL members are valid on the same ba- CW News Bulletins
sis. Applications and fee DM7; US $5; or AGCW-DL
8 IRCs) by registered post to Vladimir lst Sunday in month, 3.5553.560MHz,
Stepanenko UBlRR, address as above. 0800UTC. In German.
3rd Sunday in month, 7.0257.030MHz,
Come to the HOT-Party! 0800U'FC. In English.
AGCW-DLS annual Home-brew and Old- RSGB
time Equipment Party will be held on Every Sunday. 7.0475MHz, 1000 UK time.
Sunday, 17 November 1991, from 1300
to 1500UTC on 7.0107.040MHZ, and Scottish Museum of Communlmtlon
1500 to 1700UTC on 3.5103.560MHz. A REMARKABLE collection, totalling
All readers of MM are cordially invit- some 25 tons and including many items of
ed to attend this party using homebrew sound and visual telegraphy equipment.
equipment (new or old) or commercial It is the brainchildof Harry Matthews.
equipment more than 25 years old. Home- To assist him in his endless task of
brew or old-time receivers may be used restoring and preserving the exhibits, a
with modern transmitters or vice-versa. specialist support group, The Scottish
Mode, CW only. Power input to nal must Museum of Communication Foundation
be below 100 watts. Call CQ HOT. is to be established and will hold its
There are three classes. A: Complete inaugural meeting in Edinburgh in
transmitting and receiving station (i.e., TX January 1992. Its aim, like the Museum it
plus RX or transceiver) homebrew or older supports, will be the study, restoration,
than 25 years. B: RX or TX home-brew or collection and exhibition of communica-
older than 25 years, used with a modern tions and information technology.
commercial TX or RX. C: QRP-TX For details of the collection and the
below 10 watts nal input or below 5 support group, contact the owner and
watts output, home-brew or older than curator, C.H.C. Matthews, 22 Kinglass
25 years, used with any RX. Avenue, Boness, West Lothian,
Exchanges RST, serial number Scotland, telephone 0506 824507.
(starting with 001 on both bands), and
class, for example, 579001/A. Scoring Keys, Keys, Keys
ClassAwithA;AwithC;CwithC=3 THIS NEW BOOK written by Dave
points. Class B with A; B with C = 2 Ingram K4TWJ, looks at keys from the
points. Class B with B = 1 point. earliest to the present day and includes a
Logs, including a description of the wealth of photographs. It is available from
homebrew or old-time equipment used, CQ Communications Inc., Main Street,
should be post-marked not later than Greenville, NH03048, USA price $9.95
December 15 and sent to Dr Hartmut plus p. & p. Payment welcome by
Weber DJ7ST, Schlesierweg 13, W-3320 Mastercard, Visa or American Express.
Salzgitter 1, Germany. Descriptions of A review of the book appears in
stations should include bibliographical the October/November 1991 issue of
references, etc., where possible. Radio Bygones. MM

6 MMZl
HIS EXPANDED second Although aimed at begin-
edition puts L. Peter Canons
ners, this is not just a how to
book well on the way to learn Morse book and it provides
becoming an ARRL standard publica- , much information and material of
tion. It starts with, and convincingly interest to more experienced operators.
answers, the question Why the Code?. Of particular interest to readers of MM is
It provides a short history of telegraphy a 24-page Compendium of CW-related
and then goes on to articles listing
a comprehensive articles which have
chapter on Leam-
ing to Receive and Morse COde The appeared in various
publications over
Send. '
Essenual the last 10 years or
Afterdescribing Language so, including no less
various techniques ABook Review than 48 references
of learning, and toMM!
providing plenty of by Tony Smith (MFA,
Apart from the
good advice for usual lists of abbre-
beginners, thereare viations, Q-codes,
pages of useful learning exercises plus and explanation of the RST system, there
advice on gaining receiving experience is information on Morse-related books,
and achieving a good sending style. periodicals,organisations and associations,
A chapter on high speed operation has
museums, sources of telegraphic equip-
helpful sections on Improving your read- ment and addresses of manufacturers.
ing speed, Mechanical sending devices, Although primarily addressed to an
Elecuonic keyers and related subjects American audience, the book has much of
such as CW keyboards, automatic code value and interest to readers outside the
readers, and home computer interfaces. USA. It would be of great assistance to a
The author stresses, however, that no beginnerand a useful addition to any Morse
machine has yet been devised that is enthusiasts bookshelf.
capable of copying very weak or poorly Morse Code: The Essential Language,
sent Morse as effectively as the human 2nd Edition 1991, by L. Peter Carron Jr
ear. W3DKV, is published by the American
Further chapters cover CW operating Radio Relay League, price $6 plus post-
practices, reporting distress calls (with age $3 (USA). In the UK, the book is
an emphasis on American practice), and normally available (members or non-
advances in Morse technology, including members) from RSGB Sales, Lambda
Coherent CW, Super CW, narrowband House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar
filters such as the switched capacitor EN6 31E, (but be sure to specify the 2nd
audio lter (SCAF), advanced code edition; at the time of writing they still
generators and computer software. only had the lst edition in stock). MM
T IS NOT DIFFICULT to miss a use this type of operation. If you come
pile-up when casually tuning across it, all you can do is call with the
through the amateur hands. And others and hope for the best.
when you nd one it is easy to conjure up 2. Split Frequency Working To over-
a picture in ones mind of hundreds of come the above problem, the DX station
red-faced and frustrated operators trying may send UP at the end of his overs. This
to out-gun each other in an eerie echoing means that stations can call on anything up
maelstrom. to, say, 5kHz above
It really can his frequency. This
sound quite daunt
DX gives him a better
ing, and the tempta- Pile-ups chance of picking
tion may be to Another Approach out calls as the
leave the scene calling stations will
by Jon Hanson GOFJT
quickly! On closer be more spread out.
examination, So what can you
though, there is a lot do? First of all, be
more happening than is at rst apparent, thankful that you now have a good chance
and one soon realises that two things of getting through! But dont be hasty,
need to be done to improve the chancesof stay calm and take your time. Patience
getting through, i.e., listen carefully and and quiet condence will have you run-
use a logical approach. ning circles around the big guns who are
First of all, spend a few minutes in a frustrated frenzy already! A lot of
listening, tuning up and down through the stations will be doing everything wrong,
racket. During the quiet moments, nd and they represent no competition to you.
the DX station and establish how he is
working. At the Receiving End
The two most common types of pile- Let us look at things from the DX
up are as follows: stations point of view. With his transmit-
1. Single Frequency Working. This is ter tuned to, say, 14.025MHz, he will tune
where the DX station works others on his his receiver through the calling stations
own frequency. He may do this when he and pick one out He may then work sev-
rst comes on the air, for a couple of eral more stations while transmitting on
contacts. Then, when things get busy, he 14.025, again tuning his receiver through
will go to split frequency working. the SkHz of calling stations to nd them.
Single frequency working is imprac- What you need to do, therefore, is
ticable with a lot of stations calling on the get your own transmitter onto the same
same frequency. The DX station will nd frequency as the calling station that the
it difcult to pick out callsigns as all the DX station has just worked. You call
calling stations will be interfering with the DX station on that frequency, then
each other. Experienced DX stations dont move your receiver back to 14.025 to hear
if the DX station is responding to you. megawatts either, but a chirpy note
This may seem a little complicated, so
may catch his attention more than a
here is a step by step guide of what to do Yagi/linearcombination.
to help you get the idea.
Good Luck!
What To Do After some practice, you will quickly
1. Note the DX stations frequency.
get the feel of pile-up busting. It is very
2. Tune above him and satisfying, especially if you get through
listen to all the E, quickly. DXing, however,
calling stations is a big subject and I am
3. When you hear one

\ thurf.
of those stations

sending 599 73
TU, net your
k \\\%
that stations

frequency. E

- k .
[1% 9

3% r

g 4* LA


Law (3/ U f

4. Tune your
receiver back down to
the DX station and listen for

You do not
necessarily need a
a reply, e.g., . DX Pile- U P 9. lot of gear. Your best
weapon is technique,
5. If you think that they were working, through careful listening. A DX station
send your own callsign once or twice. may have another way of doing things,
6. If you get no response, repeat steps different to that described, but you will
2 to 5. soon work out his system.
7. When you have got through and A lot of this may seem obvious, but
nished the exchange, dont immediately so many people just dive in, get nowhere,
leave the scene because sometimes QSL and write off DXing as a waste of time.
information comes up only at intervals If you are patient, however, and use the
and you could lose out. You can also use
technique I have described, then you may
this time to make sure you have the DX well be rewarded with some really worth-
stations call correctly. He may also say while cards on the shack wall. MM
something about his location. (Jon Hanson will be operating CW
8. It helps if you can make your calls
from Ascension Island as ZD80K for six
distinctive, and I don't mean 10 BUCKS months from October 1991. Try his own
10 BUCKS DE G....! I dont mean
technique on him! Ed.)
IFFICUL'I'IES arose when entirely satised. The President proposed
Morse acted independently the following sentence: The enemy is
from Vail. In a letter to his near to Prof. M. silently so that I could
father Alfred wrote: Prof. M. seems not and did not hear it. It was then put up
inclined to go by himself (and) appears on numbers and written on the register...
unwilling that I should accompany him Note the numerical code was back in use.
to see any of the Great Folks has called Was the dot-anddash system too new to
upon the President. .. risk before such dis-
and (Patent Commis- tinguished guests?
sioner)... Morse thought
Alfred showed
Alfred Vails that the US Post
amazing restraint. Ofce should run
There are few Magnetic Friendship the telegraph service
known instances and hoped to per-
when he spoke
with Morse suade Congress to
to Morse directly Part- 2 Further development; delays; appropriate $30 000
about a slight He government support; success! to build an experi-
wrote about one to mental line between
George: In regard Washington and
to Prof. M. calling me his assistant, this Baltimore. Despite what Morse and
isseuledandhehassaidasmuchasto Alfred believed, however, many Con-
apologize for using it, that he supposed it gressmen were dubious, sometimesdown-
synonymous with partner, colleague. right hostile. Cave Johnson, unfortunately
On 17 February 1838, Alfred reported later Postmaster General, suggested sarcas-
from the Oommittee Room on Commerce tically that the appropriation be divided
(at the Capitol); The labors of the week equally between experiments in mesmer-
have cleared and with unexpected suc- ism and the other absurdity'. There would
cess. Hundreds have witnessed the be no appropriation for ve years.
operation of the machine and its almost
incredible powers... I see members of New Partner
Congress eager to witness the powers The Chairman of the Commerce
of the machine and... utter exclamations Committee, Congressman Fog Smith
of wonder and amazement... The of Maine had, however, recognised the
President and Cabinet have signied their telegraphs vast possibilities immediately
intention to come. and expressed a wish to become a partner
in the enterprise. Morse agreed, recognis-
President Satised ing the need for a promoter familiar with
On February 21, President Van Buren Washingtonsintrigues and another source
and his Cabinet came. of cash.
.. they were highly delighted and Alfred and Gale apparently agreed for

10 MM21
Fig. 1. Register, incorporating Alfreds idea for recording with the indentations
of a steel point on paper working in combinationwith a grooved roller.
Used on the first line, Baltimore to Washington, 24 May 1844
Woodengraving from Alfred Vaisbook. The AmericanEledro Magnetic Telegraph, t845

the same reason. Smith was to provide Mr Vail, however, as it slung the ink side-
legal counsel and pay for a 3-month trip ways when it was jerked by the action of
for Morse and himself to seek European the magnet, and he spent some days in
patents. Morse remained the majority devising a remedy. (Also) the fountain
shareholder.Smiths portion was 5/16. Al- pen was unreliable and sometimes failed
fred and Georges was lowered to 3A6, to mark. We made a gang of four pens, on
and Alfred went back to Speedwell to make the theory that at least one of the four
two instrumentsfor Morse to take abroad. would record the message.
Morse and Smith sailed for England in
Inking Problems May with one of the two models. A sec-
He made more changes. A gravity ond was to be sent to France. In England,
feeder for the type was added to the Morse was refused a patent on the tech-
transmitter. The recorders lead pencil, nical ground that his invention had
which frequently smudged, was replaced already been described in print in
by four pens attached to an amiature that America even if it had not been patented.
moved vertically. Baxter wrote: The real reason was chauvinistic, a pro-
Vail contrived a fountain pen that tection for Englishmen seeking telegraph
made a uniform line. It did not suit parents.
Friendlier Reception year. Gale dropped out and at one
In France, the reception was friendlier point Alfred saved the project from
but no more productive. Morse demon- bankruptcy. In mid-March 1844, the rst
strated an improved model, received from wires were hung along the tracks of the
Alfred, before the French Academy of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. One set of
Science where it was greeted with high instruments was left at the Capitol for
praises. However, receiving a French Morse to operate. Alfred transported
patent had no meaning. French law the other from place to place along the
required that a line be built within two route. On May 23, the wires reached
years or the patent would lapse. Since their destination in Baltimore.
neither the government nor a private
company would nance such a line, there Success at Last
was no hope of keeping it. On May 24, the line was ofcially
While in France, Morse also talked to opened with formal ceremonies in the
representatives of the Russian govemment, Supreme Court Chamber in Washington,
reaching what he thought was an accord, when Morse sent the Biblical phrase
but this was later negated by the Emperor. What Hath God Wrought to Alfred in
Morse returned to the United States Baltimore. The recorders used were of a
empty-handed. new design incorporating Alfreds idea
for recording with the indentations of a
Patent Issued steel point on paper, working in combina-
The American patent for the telegraph tion with a grooved roller. Alfred attached
was issued to Morse in June 1840, a note to the base of his instrument in
nanced, as agreed, by the Vails. Morse Baltimore stating that he was the sole and
was now ready to resume the battle for the only inventor of this mode of telegraph
$30 000 Congressional appropriation. He embossed writing.
received the support of Professor Henry, Between 19 December 1843, and
who, having seen the machine in opera- 19 August 1844, Alfred conducted 58
tion, wrote him a letter full of praise and numbered experiments and several un-
support that could be used persuasively numbered ones. He experimentedsuccess-
with Congress. fully with operating both sending and
On 3 March 1843, the money was receiving circuits with the same battery,
nally appropriated for a 41-mile line a discovery that doubled the speed of
between the Supreme Court Chamber in line construction. Using a copper plate in
Washington and the Mount Clare Depot Washington and a zinc plate in Baltimore
in Baltimore. Morse was appointed with a single connecting line, he proved
Superintendent at a salary of $2000. that the ground was a good conductorand
Dr Leonard Gale ($1500), and Alfred that a battery was not needed at all!
($1000, later raised to $1400) were
Assistant Superintendents. First Hand Key
Difculties during the construction He also constructed a simple circuit
delayed the opening of the line for over a closer in the form of a spring nger key.
Fig. 2. Alfred Vail's
first hand key
May 1844
From Samuel F.B. Norse.
His Letters and Journal, by
Edvard Lind Morse, 1914

This key made the complex transmitters a result, the only way that historians and
obsolete. In other experiments he discov- researchers have been able to prove his
ered that electricity would cross broad substantialcontributionshas been through
rivers like the Potomac and Susquehanna. the diaries, memoranda and letters that
In early 1845, Morse and Alfred wait- became available after his death.
ed in vain for a Congressional Act to ex- He continued to make signicant
tend the experimental line from Baltimore improvements until 1849. These included
to New York. The Post Ofce Department an 1848 Register and the rst use of
took over the telegraph in March 1845, guttapercha as an insulator. He became
but in 1846 Congress voted to allow lines Chief Operator of the MagneticTelegraph
to be sold or leased to private companies. Company in 1847 and was recognised as
The Magnetic Telegraph Company was the man knowing most about all phases of
formed and soon lines were criss-crossing the telegraph.
the country just as Alfred had predicted.
In 1845, he published The American WorkAbandoned
Electro Magnetic Telegraph, with the In early 1849 he published The Register
Reports of Congress, and a Description of Electra-MagneticTelegraph Companies
of All Telegraphs Known Employing using Morses Patent with the Rates of
Electricity or Galvanism, illustrated with Charges. He was called upon to assist
81 wood engravings. in the installation of new lines, work on
machinery and nd the source of problems.
Exasperation In July 1849, however, Alfred left
This book is both enlightening about Washington and work on the telegraph
the telegraph and totally exasperating to forever and returned to Speedwell,
the reader seeking the full truth about severely weakened by his exertions and
Alfreds contribution. It should have dis- fearful of a cholera epidemic sweeping
pelled forever any doubts about this, in- the South. 1 have to leave the telegraph
stead it perpetuated the myth about Morses to take care of itself, he wrote, since it
invention. Alfred did not even credit him- cannot take care of me.
self with the embossed writing method. There is no doubt about it. Alfred Vails
The one accomplishment he claimed contributions were deliberately suppressed,
for himself was a never-constructed 1837 his reputation was submerged, and he was
Electro Magnetic Printing Telegraph. As a party to it Why?
MM21 13
By Agreement mend every possible concession to him
In March 1848, Alfred had written in except in new discoveries which you
his Journal: Prof. Morse is making a new should now keep secret.
specication of his invention. I think I When George suspected that Alfred
shall take out a patent for my pen was considering patenting on his own,
key; disconnecting key; my compound he wrote Stephen that Alfred must not
receiving magnet with circular armature claim now, what he did not when the
and circular back piece combinations for patent was taken out. Perhaps there was
connecting and disconnecting circuits in nothing to be done. The Vails were caught
various ways; new mode of banging the in a seemingly hopeless dilemma because
grooved roller upon pilots; my new of a contract with no clear rights and a
accommodating paper reel; improvement partner reluctant to share fame.
in the form of zincs; lightning protector, Certainly the differences in person-
horizontal register magnet ality between Morse and Alfred played a
In July 1854, in Morristown where part Alfred had once written that though
he had the time but perhaps not the Morse was rather domineering and I
health, he wrote: If ever I write the resisting, still we get along very well.
history of the Tel. I shall do it honestly Baxter (his apprentice in the early days
and it will appear what service I have of the project) wrote: Vail was modest,
done in the whole concern. amiable and unselsh, willing... to labor
Yet he neither applied for the patent in the cause of science for the love of
nor wrote the story. He evidently felt that science and from a genuine feeling of
the 1837 agreement barred him from loyalty for his friend.
patenting any new inventions connected
with the telegraph and the other patentees Friendship Survived
did nothing to dissuade him. Speaking of It is fascinating that a friendship
his recorder, he wrote in a letter, What- between the Vails and Morse survived.
ever Mr Smith or Dr Gale or myself Alfred backedMorsesclaims in the many
should invent or discover, going to lawsuits against the telegraph patent, and
simplify or improve Morses Telegraph, there were cordial letters between the two
would belong to all jointly and became a men on the subject. Alfred willed to
part of the original invention. I could not Morse a box of 18 pieces of memorabilia,
therefore have taken out a patent for the including his spring key. When Alfreds
invention for myself. Beloved Jeannie died, he wrote Morse
hoping he would design a suitable monu-
Family Pressures ment for his wife. When Stephen died,
His brother George, whose money had George invited Morse to be a pall-bearer.
been spent and not yet repaid, wrote to There is no record he did either, but these
Alfred: I saw Prof. Morse when in New requests indicate a continuing regard for
York. I made up my mind that we could this strange but apparently captivating man.
get nothing without his friendship and Alfred died a poor man. As new lines
inuence... . Therefore I would recom- opened, they paid the patentees in stock.
14 MM21
improved 'Lever Correspondent, November 1844. Described by
Fig. 3. Vails
him as alever acting on a fulcrum'. Virtuallyall subsequent hand keys have
been based on this principle. See The Story of the Key', MM6

Shareholders who could afford to wait saw commissioned by the Morse family, but
the value of their shares soar. Alfred had this chapter was suppressed.
no sense of money and was often in debt. Smith, however, continued to work on
Always in need of cash to support his wife a book about Alfred. When Smith died,
and children, he sold his shares while they the manuscript was discovered missing,
were still greatly under-valued. and after some years his daughter con-
He once wrote of his situation; I do cluded that a drunken son and the female
not seek renown for myself, I care little copyist gave (sold?) the manuscript to a
for the worlds applause... But what I Morse family member or representative.
do desire is truth, in relation to the After writing an article in the Century
history of the improvement of the magazine of April 1888, Franklin L. Pope
Magnetic Telegraph... as may be equiva- of the Franklin Institute,where Alfred and
lent to the risk I have run, the interest I Morse had demonstrated years before,
have shown, and the improvements wrote to Amanda Vail, Alfreds second
I have made in the enterprise. wife and widow, I nd much from other
sources conrming the view... that the
Biogmphers universal telegraphic system today is in
After his death, four people began fact based upon the work of Mr Vail,
work on biographies of Alfred but death rather than upon Mr Morse.
claimed all authors before a book could be In an article some years later, Pope
prepared. The strangest story surrounds raised the tantalising question of who
Fog Smith. He had been asked to write invented the dot-and-dash alphabet
a chapter about Alfred in a biography known as the Morse Code and con-
of Morse by Dr Samuel Iraneous Prime, cluded that it was Alfred. "Ihe grandeur
HREE SMART-LOOKING for the job. On a temporary basis, I used
Canterbury keys, two straight four small pieces of Blu-Tack to over-
and one twin-paddle, are of- come this problem which of course is
fered by KW Communications Ltd. They common to all lightweight keys.
are made for the company a few at a time The gap adjuster is awkward to use,
by a local engineering rm so there is but once the gap is adjusted satisfactorily
sometimes a waiting list for them. one is unlikely to return to the adjuster
very often so this is
Standard Key perhaps no great
The Canterbury
Standard Key has a Three Keys from problem. The key
loaned for review
main assembly of had been on display
polished brass on Canterbury at rallies, etc., and
a gleaming black A Revlew the spring contact
(material unknown) strip had been bent
sub-base mounted by Tony Smith G4FAI
upwards by rough
on a polished wood handling, presum-
main base 130 x ably by heavy
87mm. The tension pressure on the key
spring is concealed lever, as can be
within the adjusting seen in the photo.
screw which gives a Obviously a proud
very neat appear- owner would not
ance, and adjust- treat a key in this
ment is smooth and way, and inanycase
pOSitive. The keying the strip appears to
contact is mounted The Canterbury Standard Key be easily replace-
onasteelspring strip able, but the possib-
under the lever, making keying slightly ility of such damage should not be
soft. The back stop is made of nylon or overlooked.
plastic, resulting in quiet keying. Overall, this is a nice looking, well
Electrical connection to the key is via proportioned key which handles well.
a standard 3.5mm jack socket in the back Price 52.90, including VAT. The prices
end of the base, giving an unclutteredlook quoted throughout this review are as at
to the assembly. The key is not, however, June 1991.
very heavy (approximately 390g) and
needs to be xed to the table in some Super Silent Key
way to prevent it slipping about in use. The much larger Canterbury Super
Contributing to this instability are three Silent Key is a real eye-catcher. The gen-
small plastic stick-on feet quite unsuitable eral basis of construction is the same as
MM21 17
the standard key, i.e., polished brass Overall, this is an extremely smart
mounted on a gleaming black sub-base, looking key with some very nice features.
mounted in turn on a polished wood main Price 92.00, including VAT.
base, with electrical connection via a
3.5mm socket in the base, but the detailed Twin Paddle
construction is different. The Canterbury Paddle Key completes
The base measures 205 x 107mm, the trio, and is once again a striking-
and the overall weight of the key is about looking instrument with contrasting black
850g. Due to its weight, there is no slip- base and polished brass mechanism. The
ping about on the base is of96 x 70 x
desk with this one, 12mm solid cast
even though its four metal, nished in
feet are once again matt black, and the
small plastic stick weight of the key is
ons. The adjustment approximately 830g.
of gap and tension The gaps can
is smooth and posi- The CanterburySuper Silent Key be individually ad-
tive in both cases. justed and locked
The keying without difculty,
contact is again although the adjust
mounted on sprung ing screws might
steel, but this time benet from a ner
it extends from the thread to facilitate
end of the lever, ne adjustment On
reminiscent of the the review model,
style of the Swedish The Canterbury Paddle Key the contacts did not
key. The spring line up very well
strip is somewhat longer than on the although this did not affect the function of
standard key and does not seem to be so the key. The tension spring is compressed
vulnerable to abuse. Keying is soft and between the two paddle arms and this is
smooth, and with a small gap the key is not adjustable apart from the change of
virtually silent, resulting in the suggestion tension which results from varying the
by KW that it is particularly suitable individual gaps. The paddles are polished
for use in domestic locations where the black plastic. Electrical connections are
noise of a hand key might otherwise be made via solder tags underneath the base
objectionable. and a retaining clip keeps the cable in
The bearing pin seems rather small for place.
such a big key. By contrast, the smaller Without taking the key apart, the
standard key has a much larger pin. The bearing appears to be a small brass bolt
small pin is nevertheless in keeping with which secures the entire assembly to
the lines of the bigger key and may well the base. In the review key there was a
be perfectly satisfactory. small amount of upand-down play in this

Readers 321229
assembly which, coupled with a certain
amount of springiness in the paddle arms,
allowed more movement in the paddles
than might be expected for any given
gap setting. WANTED
The key is very stable, even when Copy of the English language pilot issue of MM
subjected to the vigorous style adopted published by PAOBFN and PA3A1M in Ho]-
by some operators. The feet, once again, land in 1985. Monika PouwArnold PA3FBF.
are plastic stickons, but they are at least Raadhuislaan 31. 3641 EC Mijdrecht, Holland.
much larger than on the hand keys, giving Information on BUG'. Reader Jon Hanson,
better grip on the table, although the back GOFJT. is seeking information on the Bug
two are the product of one plastic foot Users Group (BUG). If anyone can help, please
cut diagonally in half. contact MM. Jon suggests there is a renewal
Overall, this is another attractively of popularity in the use of mechanical bugs on
styled instrument, its main drawback the amateur bands. He wonders if this is the
being a lack of tension adjustment which experience of other readers?
is something some operators will worry Information on the MON-KEY' made by
about more than others. Price 56.73, Electric Eye Equipment Co. Danville. Illinois,
including VAT. c.1950. I have been given one, but two of the
valves (tubes) are missing. Are they 12AU75 or
General Comments 12A'I75? Please write with any info to David
All three keys are of a most attractive Couch VK6WI', 9 The Grove, Wembley 6014,
appearance. They would look good in any Western Australia
shack and despite some minor criticisms Information on McKessy Ptmching. This
they could well meet the needs of many was used by the RCA Company to prepare a
operators. However, no-one should commercial sending tape in Chicago. at the
purchase, or reject, a key simply on the 1933 Worlds Fair, when McElroy gave a high
strength of a review. A key is a very speed exhibition of copying, said to be 76wpm.
personal thing and whenever possible I have the text, and would also like to lmow
it should be examined critically by its for how long it was sent. Gaspard Lizee
prospectiveowner before purchase. Points VE2ZK, 666 Lamarre Street. Laprairie.
mentioned in reviews, and the makers Quebec. Canada 15R 1M6.
claims, can then be considered and Spare copy ofMM No.4 to ll the gap in my
assessed before a nal decision is made. set. Gerhard Paul DF6SW. Adelberga Weg 3.
Canterbury keys are obtainable from D/W~7321 Bortlingen-Breech. Germany.
KW Communications Ltd, Chatham Information on large Naval key with NATO
Road, Sandling, nr Maidstone, Kent No. 5805-99-5808558.Who manufactured them
ME14 3AY. Telephone 0622 692773. and what sort of vessels were they used in? The
MM design appears to be of Swedish origin. but even
new keys in original boxes carry no clue as to the
Don tforget to tell yourfriends about
maker. Colin Waters G3TSS. l Chantry Estate,
Morsum Magnicat!
Corbn'dge, Northumberland NE45 51H.
AVING BECOME the before any work was done, and then keep
appreciative owner of a a photographicrecord as work progressed.
battered ex-GPO polarised This I did, and then dismantled the unit
morse sounder, I embarked on a completely, keeping notes where neces-
restoration process which convened an sary. It was during this phase that I noted
ugly duckling into a swan. I describe the the large amount of original hand tting
process here, with a few words of caution which had been done. As pieces were
for the unwary. removed, individual
Initial examina- le marks came to
tion showed the
sounder to be
Restoration of a light, as well as little
tting marks put
complete, but the
mature spring was
Morse Sounder there by the crafts-
men. Many parts
broken, thearrnature were stamped with
was stuck rmly the number 9, some
between the upper with 13.
and lower stops due Ilaterdiscovered
to the anvil bracket thatdun'ng manufac-
being bent, one coil ture these numbers
sleeve was miss- were applied to a set
ing, the coil cheek of parts picked at
broken, and one random fromabatch
corner of the and tted together
wooden base had to complete an
been badly knocked.
by Dennis Goacher G3LLZ instrument. Apart
The wood on that from the pans being
comer was nearly numbered, the com-
one and a half times plete unit was also
thicker than the rest of the base, and the given a Post Ofce serial number. During
comer had been pushed in for about a their years of service, these instruments
quarter of an inch. probably passed through the local work-
Funher, the sounder had been loose shops several times when in need of
stored, was very dirty and where the pro- repair and some components may have
tective lacquer on the brass had been been replaced. This could explain the
scraped away the brass was black. Some different numbers found on pans of my
of the screws were rusty, but fonunately sounder and the different GPO serial
in all cases this was only surface rust. numbers mentioned later.
The brass components were cleaned
Photographic Record up rst, partly because they represented
I decided to photograph the sounder the largest amount of metal pans, and

20 MM21
partly because they cleaned up well and some lacquer into an aluminium foil cup
provided encouragement to keep going. and then applied it with a very soft artists
For cleaning I used rubber blocks brush. The parts were hung up to dry for
impregnated with Carborundum, the type two days before touching them. I did not
used for rubbing down car bodies; ne use polyurethane varnish as it tends to
grades of wet and dry emery paper; a darken with age and I want my brass parts
breglass pencil brush; and Duraglit. to remain bright!
The rubber blocks removed the old I then turned to the iron and steel pans.
lacquer easily, and only a little work was Flat surfaces were cleaned with emery

Dennis Goacher's sounder before restoration...

needed with the emery paper and brush. paper and the screws with the rubber blocks
To get in the comers I wrapped small and the bre brush. The slots were care-
pieces of emery paper over a square stick. fully cleaned out with a junior hacksaw.
Final polishing was with Duraglit and a All these pans were then given a chemical
yellow duster. For cleaning out the slots black nish using gun blue (really!). This
in the large brass screws I used a smooth is Comet Super Blue which is available as
at needle le. The same le was also a liquid or a gel from gun shops.
used for removingburrs on comers caused The gel costs twice as much as the
by loose storage. liquid, but I am satised with the results
from the liquid. Follow the instructions,
Lacquer and Chemical Black remember it is poisonous, and throw
All brass pans were then coated with
away the cloth when you nish the job.
the lacquer used for xing Letraset dry The rst time I used the blue I left the
transfers, but not by spraying. I squirted cloth on my bench and several tools went
rusty overnight! The few remaining metal Rawlplug plastic wood. I used the

pans, including the magnet, were cleaned mahogany colour but the plastic wood
and painted black. Humbrol paint is very was a poor match and I will nd an alter-
good for this sort of job. native if ever I do a similar job. However,
the dents are small and the mis-match
Base As New is not too obvious.
The base and the coils now required For coating, I used polyurethane
special attention. For the base I read up varnish, three coats rubbed down between
methods of furniture restoration from applications, and I am very pleased with
library books. Expert advice was not the result. There were some numbers and
available from any craftsman, and the DIY letters stamped on the sides of the base.
shops were singularly unhelpful. Prior to varnishing I scraped these out,
The mahogany base had been nished using a scriber, and relled them with a
with a brittle varnish, or possibly French white Chinagraph pencil, making sure the
polish, which was badly chipped. It also Chinagraph was ush with the surface
had the comer damage previously men- after the varnish had dried.
tioned. At the front edge, I was puzzled
by a piece of similar wood that had been All Coils Different
let into the end grain to a depth of a To repair the damaged coil I was lucky
quarter of an inch, but with the grain to obtain two damaged spare coils, each
running from side to side. An ex-Great with a good cover sleeve. Removing the
Western Railway coach nisher in the old sleeve was easy, but as mentioned
factory where I work told me that this was earlier many of the pans were hand tted
to reinforce the end where four screws and every coil, including the spares, was a
were tted and prevent splitting. Obvious different size. As the original had been
when you are told! hand tted the replacement had to be also.
I dampened the damaged comer with I selected the spare nearest in length
water and left it overnight. This had the about V32 inch short and slid it over the

effect of softening the bres and opening bobbin. It was very loose, but as the end
them. Next day I injected resin wood glue cheek of that coil was the damaged one I
into the end grain in several places, using built up a new cheek with Plastic Padding
a hypodermic needle, and then clamped and secured the sleeve with the
the comer in a vice with some packing for Padding at the same time. After shaping
protection. with a craftknife and ne glass-paper, and
The result was a comer which had nishing with a coat of black Humbrol,
regained its original shape and thickness the join cannot be seen.
and required only a light dressing with The restoration described was carried
ne glasspaper. Beginners luck! The old out over three weeks, mainly during
varnish was then removed, using glass- dinner-time at work (the dirty jobs), and
paper only, the whole being given a nal an hour or so in the evenings at home.
rubdown with very ne paper. Final assembly, complete with new
A couple of dents were lled with spring, took about an hour one Saturday

22 MM21
afternoon, and getting the instrument to Final Observations
work properly another hour, at my work- This model has no gap adjustment, i.e.
place, the following Monday. there is no adjustable top or bottom stop.
However,where an adjusting screw would
Armature Re-bent normally be tted in the armature there is
The reason for this was my over- a brass plug, carefully nished so as to be
enthusiasm for perfection, and my failure almost invisible, which could be drilled
to look more carefully as I dismantled out and tapped to take a screw. The xed
the sounder. When dismantling, I found top stop also unscrews and could take a

... and after!

the anvil bracket was bent, preventing similar adjusting screw. Later, I may con-
the armature om moving. I straightened vert the sounder to an adjustable model.
the bracket by holding it in a vice and Themainbrassbaseplatehasanumber
gently hitting it with a soft hammer. I then engraved on it which does not coincide
noticed that the armature was bent by about with the number on the wooden base.
Via inch along its length. A
y press Could my sounder have been made up
straightened this, but on re-assembly while from two units?
the armature then hit the top stop correctly That concludes my notes on sounder
it struck the coil poles instead of the restoration. I have a few sketches of the
bottom stop. All that was needed was to pans of my sounder if anyone is interest-
re-bend the armature by about Aain and ed, and would supply them for 1.00 plus
both stops were struck correctly! Testing postage. My address is 27 Glevum Road,
at home that evening proved successful Swindon,Wilts SN3 4AA. I am now ready
when my small daughter came in to nd for another project! Has anyone got a
out what was making such a noise! clockwork inker they do not want? MM
Featuring keys and other collectors items of telegraphic interest.
If anyone can add to the information given please contact TS

Unknown key. Information required

Colledrbn/phola:Jon Hanson GOFJT

Unknown buzzer. Marked

DV17235 No. 14 on the magnet
and with the letters
R C T by the terminals.
Further information required
Collection/photo: Dennis Goacher G3LLZ

Restored Elec. Supply Co. sounder including a new matching wooden base
and a newbrass terminal. Coil resistance 4 ohms
Restoration by Dennis Goaoher GaLLZ. Photo: GJLLZ

Key, c. 1890, restored by the late GMsDDE. Property ofthe FerrantiAmateur Radio Club.
Possin a railway telegraph key, but unconfirmed
Comments or further information weloomed
Photo via Lee Grant 63XNG

OUNDED IN SEPTEMBER Thursdays, QRS (slow speed) net at
1987, the brainchild of Geo 2000 hours UK local time on 3.550MH2;
Longden G3ZQS, FISTS is now net control station 601me.
a well-establishedand recognised organi-
sation in the world of amateur radio. It has Activity Frequencies
a membership of some 800 enthusiastic UK and Europe; keep watch
CW operators which is growing all the on 3.558MH2. Overseas; keep watch on
time. The club has .058 (HF bands)
three simple aims especially on the
hour for 15 minutes.
to further the use of
CW on the amateur
Club Profile 3
QRS; keep watch
bands; to encourage FISTS CW CLUB on 21.120MHz and
newcomers to the 28.120MHz.
CW mode; and to
engender friendship Dial-a-sked
within the member- For nervous
ship. Accordingly, beginners, FISTS
membership open is operates a phone-a-
to all amateur CW sked service for '

operators and listen- the benet of all

(The Internatlonal
ers, irrespective of amateurs, not just
Morse Preservation Society) members of the club.
speed and ability.
A Century Award Thoseabouttogoon
is available to the air for the rst
members and non-members, including time can obtain sympathetic help from an
SWLs. The requirement is 100 points experienced operator who will gently
gained from contacts made with FISTS steer them through their rst contact on
members world-wide.One point is gained the key. A list of these operators, with
for working members in ones own their telephone numbers, is obtainable
continent; two points for members in from G3ZQS.
other continents; and three for
points con-
tacts with the clubs own station, GOIPX, Straight Key Week
from anywhere. The award isfreetomem- In September each year, FISTS holds
bers. The cost to non-members is 5 IRCs. a Straight Key Week open to members
and non-members. By having a whole
Nets week for this event amateur operators are
Sundays, at 0930 and 1430 UK local encouraged to re-create something of the
time on 3.550 or 7.029MHz, depending atmosphere of earlier days with leisurely,
on hand conditions; net control station is enjoyable and meaningfulcontacts on the
GOIPX/P. hand key. Nominations are invited from

participants for the best operator heard the survival of CW we must actively
and a plaque is awarded to the Fist of
encourage new blood.
the Year. To newcomers, he says, I would
counsel you to send no faster titan you are
Special Event Stations able to copy and, if it enhances the reada-
The club mounts special event stations bility of your code, even slower. A good
from time to time, and was particularly
operator is recognised in many ways but
proud to have originated the idea of the prime amongst these is the clarity of his
unique Morse bicentennial call MORSE, code rather than the speed at which he
which it had the privilege of operating sends. A love of CW is all you need to join
during the 1991 bicentennial weekend, FISTS. There is no requirement to send/
making contacts with over receive at some specied
60 counuies world-wide. .
So! You thought minimum speed.
"f c.w. was one of these? To experienced op-
The club is a member
Ask the erators, he says Your
Fl STS membership is highly valued.
of the European CW Asso- Please have patience With
ciation and members of FISTS C W
are eligible to participate in an
CLU'B those less experienced than
yourself. An ounce of tactful
They and constructive criticism
extensive range of activities /
arranged by the Association know is worth a ton of caustic
and by fellow memberclubs
across Europe (see MM18, ) better! comment

p.22 Ed.). Membership

The annual fee for membership of
Other Facilities, etc. FISTS is: UK 5; EEC 6; Europe
The club has a monthly newsletter, (non-EEC) 7; North America 8.50;
Key-note; a QSL bureau for member- other countries 10. A membership cer-
to-member contacts; and a Computer ticate, a beginners guide, a checksheet
Chapter. Club stickers are available, and for the Century award, and a current list of
FISTS QSL cards cost 25 per 1000. Mem- members is sent to all new members.
bers can obtain discounts from various Enquiries and applications for
traders. The club is represented at various membership should be addressed to the
rallies (ham-fests)at home and abroad. Club Secretary, Geo Longden G3ZQS,
119 Cemetery Road, Darwen, Lancs
Special Emphasis on Newcomers BB3 212, England. Readers in the USA
Geo Longden sums up FISTS as shoulddirect enquiries to Mrs Nancy Kott,
follows, The club, whilst open to all, is 5450 Diehl Road, Metamora, Ml 48455.
directed primarily at newcomers who MM
will nd we have a nucleus of very
experienced operators aware of the (Our thanks to G3ZQS for his
problems they are facing. To ensure assistance in preparing this prole.)
N ITS PRESENT FORM, the Agency (Britains licensing authority),
UK Class A Morse test is an training involves mandatory attendance at
extremely efcient method of a 30-hour course leading to the City &
assessing the ability of a candidate to read Guilds Novice Examination to qualify for
plain English text at 12 words per minute a Class B Novice licence. This licence
and gures at a slower speed. However, gives access to low power operation above
it falls far short of preparing anyone to 30MHz. To transmit on the HF bands
actually understand the Novice must
a live QSO on the additionally pass a
air. The vast major- Morse test at 5wpm
ity of successful
The New 5 wpm UK (or 12wpm).
Morse test candid-
ates cannot read
Novioe Morse Test Practical Aspects
mixed letter and This new UK
gure groups, which Novice course con-
means they cannot sists of instruction
read callsigns and on different subjects
are therefore incap- such as Propagation;
able of communic- Interference; Equip-
ating ontheairusing ment; and Com-mu-
CW. nication, during
To become pro- which the correct
cient and condent procedures are ex-
in the use of Morse plained and demon-
ontheHFbands, the strated for both
new licenwe needs voice and CW,
. . by Hoy Clayton G4SSH , _

either the assrstance 3368 Chief Morse Examiner including the. mean-
and guidance of an mg of abbrevratrons,
experienced CW Q-codes and proce-
operator, or (for the dural signals.
few lucky ones) attendanceat an advanced The Novice examination questions
Morse class, but these are few and far are based on the practical aspects of
between and can only be supported in operating, and the Novice Morse test
sufcient numbers in large cities. continues with this theme by testing a
1991 saw the introduction of a new candidates ability to communicate using
class of radio amateur licence in the UK, Morse procedures as used on the amateur
the Novice licence, for which the teaching bands. This test consists of a typical
method is LEARNING BY DOING. exchange of signals between amateurs,
Designed by radio amateurs in c0nsulta- both sending and receiving.
tion with the Radiocommunications The aim is to ensure that Novice


Receiving test The Q-codes, procedural signals,
2E4DKZ DE F6JVX GE OM punctuation and abbreviations likely to
TNX FER CALL UR RST 579 = QTH be used in the Novice Morse test are
IS 15 KM SOUTH OF PARIS ES as follows:
134 characters, timed at 5 minutes QSY, QTH.
and 30 seconds. El, CT-, W, W, W, 7, /, Erase (error).
Sending test CQ, CUL, CW, DE, DR, EL, ES, FR,
86 characters, timed at 3 minutes TNX, TU, TX, TXR, UR, VERT, VY,
and 35 seconds. WID, WX, XYL, YL, 73, 88.

licence holders, having passed the ensure that the Novice Class A licence
Morse test, are capable of using CW to holder has the basic skills required to com-
communicate on the air without further municate on the HF amateur bands using
instruction. The choice of whether they CW. There is no attempt to produce an
wish to retain this skill is then left for instant expert on DXing or ragchewing;
them to decide. this will come later as the new licensee
gains condence and experience on the
Nationwide Input air. With this in mind, there is a published
In order to arrive at a satisfactory list of abbreviations, Q-codes and pro-
format for the Novice Morse test, input cedural signals considered to be the mini-
was requested from all 300 UK Morse mum required to achieve this objective.
test examiners. Following this, meetings No doubt different amateurs will have
were held with representatives from the different opinions on this list. There has
Radio Society of Great Britains Training already been some criticism regarding the
and Educational Committee (who are re- omission of a full stop and comma. Never
sponsible for the Novice training course) having yet found occasion to use these
and the Radiocommunications Agency symbols myself, my own opinion is that
in London. the separation symbol, W, is perfectly
I am satised that the nal format will
adequate to provide breaks in text.
Format of the Test letters and gures used. Even though (in
In the receiving test the candidate will most cases) the entire alphabet will be
be expected to receive a typical over' used, each passage will vary slightly in
from a station replying to a call. This overall timing depending on the frequen-
will consist of callsigns, abbreviations, cy of use of individual letters.
Q-codes, procedural signals and some
punctuation. The test will contain a Farnsworth Method
minimum of 120 letters and 7 gures, In the most radical change since
and will take approximately 6 minutes. Morse tests began, the receiving test
A maximum of 6 uncorrected errors will will be sent from a cassette using
be allowed. computer-generated Morse, employing
In the sending test the candidate the Famsworth method of sending. The
will be given a written typical over to Famsworth method is the system employed
another amateur station, to send on a by most beginners to learn the Morse code,
manual Morse key. This will also consist where the individual Morse characters
of callsigns, abbreviations, Q-codes, are sent at a constant speed but the gaps
procedural signals and punctuation. The between letters and words are made
test will consist of a minimum of 75 letters longer to give extra thinking time and so
and 5 gures and will take approximately reduce the overall speed.
3 minutes to send. A maximum of 4 In the Novice Morse receiving test
corrected errors will be allowed. the character speed will be 12wpm, with
Experienced examiners can quickly extra long spaces used to reduce the over-
ascertain if a candidate has the ability to all speed to 5wpm. In the sending test
send readable Morse, therefore the send- the candidate will use a hand key and
ing test is much shorter than the receiving may use either the Famsworth method of
test. Some people have voiced the opinion sending or normal spacing as long as the
that the sending test should have been overall speed is at least 5wpm.
abolished; however,to suggest that some- A list of procedural signals, Q-codw,
one who can receive Morse code well abbreviationsand punctuation likely to be
will be capable of sending equally well is used in the test is provided by the RSGB
just not borne out in practice. Apart from for the benet of candidates. It is not
the common code I can see no relation- essential to memorise the Q-codes and
ship between the skills required to be a abbreviations but a working knowledge
competent Morse receiver and a com- of the use of these (as explained in the
petent sender. The need to be shown the Novice course) will be a distinct advant-
basic principles of how to hold a key, and age in helping a candidate understand the
the use of wrist movements to control the test QSO. (For example, RST will always
Morse symbols, is as important as ever. be followed by 3 gures, and QSY will
With the QSO format there is no set always be followed by gures.)
period for each test The content of the
text determines the overall timing of the Proper Context
test and this will vary with the number of As the purpose of the QSO format is to

30 MM21
prepare a candidate for a typical exchange using procedures they will be expected
of signals in the amateur radio service, all to be familiar with on the HF bands for
callsigns, procedures and Q-codes will be which they are seeking to be licensed.
used in the proper context. The callsigns
will be correct for the locations sent, which TrialPeriod
have been chosen from typical countries This new format is being run as a
heard every day on the HF bands. trial for 12 months, following which
The only departure from normal the test could be changed, amended or
operating procedures will be that key extended depending on experience gained.
words such as signal report, QTH and name Bearing in mind that the Novice licence is
will not be repeated as this would make intended as a stepping stone towards the
the test too easy, however the callsigns higher class of licences, comments and
will be repeated at the end of the over. suggestions are welcome and may be sent
There will be much debate in the to me at any time. (Write to Ray Clayton
coming months about the format of the G4SSH, Chief RSGB Morse Examiner,
Novice Morse test. Many newcomers will 9 Green Island, Irton, Scarborough
complain bitterly that it is much more Y012 4RN.)
difcult than the present 12wpm test We are no longer teaching or
which does not require an ability to read examining candidates just to pass the
mixed gures and letters plus a know- Morse test but are hopefully setting
ledge of additional procedural signals; and standards intended to make Novice
punctuation. Conversely, there will be candidates t to represent the United
many old hands who will regard the Kingdom on the international amateur
Novice test as much too easy, consisting airwaves. It may well be that the full
of a basic framework of callsigns, signal l2wpm test could change to a similar
report, QTH, name and closing calls. QSO format in the not too distant future.
Whatever the argument, it cannot be Indeed, this approach may herald a new
unreasonable to expect candidates to beginning in Morse code instruction for
demonstrate their ability to communicate radio amateurs. MM

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OW POWER (QRP) opera- like full legal power would result in
tion is not new in amateur mayhem within the building. As a result I
radio, but attempting it with obtained an American Ten-Tee Argonaut
intemal antennas would, on the face of transceivergiving an output on CW of just
it, seem to be a pretty pointless exercise. two watts! My main interest was Morse
Or would it? code. I had been taught by my father in the
How often do we hear My QTH is in early 19203 and had used it professionally
a poor location for before, but not dur-
HF, or Cant get a ing,WWII.
From May 1981
good antenna up,
etc., etc. Maybe we
Low Power DXing to the following
say such things our- with Indoor Antennas December I had
selves! Maybe, too, limited success. I
by Charles Austin G4MEW received various
we look with envy
at stations situated suggestions for an-
in what appear to be tennas, while one
ideal locations. However,we have to learn old-timer simply advised me to move as
to live with what we have, and endeavour it was doubtful if I would ever operate
to squeeze the maximum from whatever successfully from this particular location!
limited resources are available to us. My one asset was time, and I spent
I had retired before I obtained my A' hours trying all sorts of wire congura-
licence in May 1981 (I was then 66), and tions and amassing much useless data.
my location dictated QRP operation. I I can conrm however, that attempting to
was living on the 6th oor of a lZ-storey use a wire suspended from a shing rod
block of ats in the centre of Bedford, out of a sixth oor window in half a gale is
with 68 ats in the block. Their construc- not the best way to enjoy marital blissll
tion was of steel and reinforced concrete In practical terms, it seemed, the only
with, of course, a mass of electric wiring way I could operate was /M from my car.
and copper plumbing. There was, also, the
really serious drawback that every oor Promising Antenna
had under-oorelectric heating circuits. Then I found an article Feeding the
Under my feet and over my head Whip, by Charles Bryant GWSSB, in the
these created a veritable Faraday cage. Had Spring 1982 issue of SPRAT, journal of
I been given permission to erect antennas the G-QRP Club, which suggested the use
on top of the building, 120 feet high, life of loaded whips with a high impedance
would have been much simpler! It was, base for mobile or portable operation. I
in short, not the ideal QTH! had previously been trying to use a low-
impedance G-whip antenna with a sheet
Limited Success metal ground plane but experienced
It was obvious that to run anything inter-action between the plate and the

32 Main
under-oor heating elements. With its WorkedAll Continents
high impedance feed, however, the Now, on 15m, I could work into
antenna described in the article required Europe with reasonable success and I
no radials or earth connection and this decided to make a Mark 2 version, this
looked more promising. time with windings round a 23/4 inch diam-
Construction was as follows: Sixty-six eter cardboard tube. However, this second
feet of hook-up wire was wound round antenna gave no improvement so I placed
a garden cane. The bottom 44ft
was close-wound, and the Reflector
remaining 22ft was wound
with a spacing of one wire. The Fig. 1. Sketch of
feeder was about 4ft of single relative positions of
wire leading to a simple pi- two loaded whips for
match ATU. 'beam' operation
GW3SB recommended the
longest whip possible above
the winding (his own
version for portable
use was about
12ft high),
. I -

Drawing pins

it to one side and reverted to the

rst one. It was then that I had a
great stroke of luck. I had left
a eld-strength meter close by
the discarded antenna and while
keying the rig I noticed the meter
Max. radiation
beng excited.
I now explored the possibili-
ties presented and marked out
beam headings every 45 degrees
capacitance hat, but having a ceiling round the room by placing drawing pins
limitation I substituted a l-metre length in the carpet I was ready to see if I could
of halfinch copper tube and found that on confound the experts!
15 metres I could get a good SWR reading Using my new arrangement, with
right across the band. I later added two one free-standingunconnected antenna as
further metres of pipe plus a copper T on a reector approximately 0.15 wavelength
top to act as a capacitance hat. This gave (about 6ft for 21MI-Iz) from the radiating
me fair results on 20m and some limited antenna, I worked 285, 286, (South
success on 40m. Africa), PY2 (Brasil), and JA (Japan).
MMZl 33
During the following seven months getting into Southern Europe!
I worked all continents, including three I would have liked to have broken

contacts with VK (Australia), logging 68 the loop on the opposite side to the feed
countries, with 56 conrmed by QSL card. point to reverse the directional pattern but
Im sure the height of my at above having previously put my foot through
ground, about 70ft, was of considerable the ceiling I decided that discretion was
help although I later tried the same
arrangement for portable operation with
quite good results.

Dipole. lip-tip 18"

Twin leader

End loading wires.

each an long
Fig. 2. Sketch of shortened dipole

New Location Low Prole the better part of valour and that domestic
In August 1986 I moved to a new harmony should prevail!
location near Bedford which has a small
garden. However, as from the outset I An Educated Piece of Wire
wished to keep a low prole, I decided to Instead, I xed an 18ft wire dipole to
to attempt to use the roof space for my the ridgeboard As I had insufcientspace
antenna. This was somewhat cramped but for the full length for 15m operation it
I managed to install a 66ft loop with a was necessary to load the ends with T
6009 open-wire feeder. pieces of wire, each 3ft long following
The loop is about equal on all sides but the slope of the rafters. My rst contact
only two sides are horizontal (running east using this antenna, which incidentally
and west) while the other two sides are works well on 4010m (using 2in spaced
attached to the rafters in an inverted-V open~wire feeder), was with Chile.
conguration. The feed point is on the There was still a problem. With QRP,
north horizontal wire and this created an it is slick operating that gets results so -
interesting situation. how could I change these two antennas
For some months I plotted my trans- over rapidly at my Ezi-Match ATU? The
mission paths and found that I could only simple answer was to to join the two
work to the west at approximately 270 feeders together at the terminals on the
degrees through to north and then to the ATU. You can take a lot of liberties
east at about 95 degrees. The result was running low power! The matching on 15
I worked into ZL (New Zealand) before metres was excellent and now I could
work in any desired direction. more than 5 watts RF output with 60 club
Low power, with the availability of members (2-way QRP); 20 countries with
relatively inexpensive good kits and an 2-way QRP; and 75 counuies with sta-
educated piece of wire is a means of tions in those countries using any power
getting into a very fascinating aspect of while ones own power remains within
amateur radio. You cant expect to have a the 5 watt limit. I am proud to be the 36th
daily sked with your cousin in Wagga holder of this prestigious award, having
Wagga, but in three years with this used no more than 2 watts output (CW of
set-up, less a lot of time getting the garden course) for all my contacts. I havent been
in order, Ive succeeded in logging 115 able to conrm it, but it is quite possible
countries while ninning ea-power. that mine is the only Masters award
obtained using indoor antennas only!
QRP Master I hope these remarks will encourage
Comparedto the achievements of many anyone having a difcult location to
QRP operators around the world some persevere and to get as much enjoyment
of whom get great results with 250 milli- from the hobby as I have. For my own
watts or less, my own results are in no part, I hope to continue experimenting
way outstanding. Nevertheless, I still get and maybe come up with a few more
excited when I complete a l-watt 2-way unorthodox internal antennas!
contact over a four thousand mile path! (The above article is based on a
The G-QRP Club offers a QRP talk given by G4MEW t0 the Betford &
Masters Award to its members which District Amateur Radio Club, Autumn
requires conrmed contacts using no 1989.) MM

Bits mm; Arc Signals

Q. HOW CAN ONE TELL the difference
between signals sent by an arc station
and those sent by a station employingvalve
Airborne Earth A. The signals of an arc station are
IN THE BA'I'ILE of Fair Oaks, during commonly less clear and musical than
McClellans Seven Days Campaign in those of a station using a valve or high-
the Yorktown Peninsula, 3 telegrapher frequency alternator transmitter. Also the
in a balloon,whose name was Green, took signals are made by slightly altering the
a bucket of mud with him in the basket wavelength when a dot or dash is trans-
to provide an eanh ground. mitted. Thus, two sets of waves are radiat-
Funny? Possibly to us today, but back ed, the signalling wave and the spacing
in 1862 the telegraph was only about wave, the latter lling the spaces between
20 years old and they were still leaming dots and dashes. The two waves are heard,
by doing. of course, as two different musical notes.
Louise Ramsey Moreau W3 WRE (500 Wireless QuestionsAnswered, 1924)
MM21 35
O-ONE KNOWS for certain listened and smiled. I asked him why he
just when the early operators smiled. Oh! said he, that is Zantzinger
began to read incoming [1] of the Philadelphia ofce, but he is
trafc straight from the sound of their operating from Wilmington.
registers instead of taking it the proper How do you know that?
way, visually, from the paper tape Oh! I know his touch, but I must ask
coming off their machines. him why he is in Wilmington.
In a letter of 10 He then went
May 1869, Morse to to the instrument
wrote to Dr Leonard and telegraphed to
Gale stating, in
Who Was Zantzingerat Wilm-
in ton, and the
effect, that from the
time the alphabeti- the First regly
was that he had
cal code was adopt- been sent from Phil-
ed he had noticed Sound Reader? adelphia to regulate
that the different the magnet for the
lettershadeach their Wilmington opera-
own individual sounds on the instrument, tor, who was inexperiencedin operating. ..
although this seemed to be more curious 1 give this instance, not because it

than useful. It had therefore seemed desir- was the rst, but because it is one which
able to specify this fact in his letters I had specially treasured in my memory
patent, lest it might be used as an evasion and frequently related as illustrative of
by those seeking a way round the patent the practicality of reading by sound as
He continued, As to the time these well as by the written record. This must
sounds were practically used, I am unable have occurred about the year 1846.
to give a precise date. I have a distinct
recollection of one case, and proximately Continuing Debate
the date of it The time of the incident Forty years on the operators them-
was soon after the line was extended from selves, now old-timers, were arguing
Philadelphia to Washington, having a among themselvesabout who was the rst
way station at Wilmington, Delaware.The sound operator. A letter of 5 June 1886,
Washington ofce was in the old post- to the Electrical Review and reproduced
ofce, in the room above it. I was in the in The Journal of the Telegraph on
operating room. The instruments were for June 20, referred to a press dispatch
a moment silent now going the rounds about the late
I was standing at some distance James F. Leonard who began practising
near the re-place conversing with Mr telegraphy in 1848. The dispatch claimed
Washington, the operator, who was by He it was who discovered the art of
my side. Presently one of the instruments receiving messages by sound... in the
commenced writing and Mr Washington summer of 1848. It describedLeonard as

unquestionably the most accomplished Wood brothers, Sam Porter, did a little at
operator that ever handled a key, with a it, and months before the date in the above
record for speed in receiving as high as extract sound readers were quite plenty...
fty-ve words per minute, and reported but, except for conversation, this was
that funds had recently been raised to positivelyprohibited on all lines.
remove the remains of Mr Leonard to his Some of us did more than talk by
native place (Frankfort, Kentucky) and sound. We drummed musical rhythm on
erect a monument to his memory. the keys, and set others to guessing what



Ear/y sounder. From History, Theory, and Practice of the

Electric Telegraph, by George B. Prescott, Boston 1864

The correspondent, who signed him- tunes they were. There was plenty of
self An Old Timer, disputed Leonards time to do all this sort of light work in
claim, writing The lines from New York addition to the legitimate labors of the day
to Buffalo, and from this latter place to excepting always the cleaning of the

Lockport,were constructed in 18467. The Grove battery every night and get home
writer hereof was a sound reader, and by early bedtime.
discontinued the use of paper for conver-
sation that winter, and before him there A uthentic Records
were those who read by sound to the same A further letter appeared in the
extent. Swan, Caner, one or more of the following issue of the Journal of (he
EMM21 37
Telegraph, 20 July 1886. Otis E. Wood, Pittsburg, Anson Stager was the operator.
referred to authentic records from the Andrew Carnegie, Robert Pitcairn and
History, Theory and Practice of George McLean were messenger boys in
Telegraphy, published 1866, pages 340 roundabouts. One night, when we called
and 341, of the earliest sound reading: to copy the report, we found everything
The rst time we saw any one quiet and Stager, sitting by the little table
read in this manner was in the winter that held the instrument, reading. He told
of 1846 and 47, in New York, by us there would be no news that night
Mr Otis E. Wood at Harlem Bridge. When
Between 11 and 12 oclock Stager
he had stopped writing (i.e., sending came into the ofce of the Commercial
Ed.), he received a reply from the ofce Journal with a bundle of manuscriptin his
in New York. He gave us the questions hand. He said that while sitting at the
and answers as he received and sent them, instrument and listening mechanically
and although we have a thousand times to the clicking, it seemed to him that he
since accomplished the same feat, the could make out what it was saying by the
conversation and the occumences are still sound. Here it was. We published it, and
indelibly xed in our memory... found on comparison with Eastem papers
When the claims are all in, or so which came three days later, that there
much so as to render any more length were very few mistakes in it.
on this subject necessary, I should like to Whoever the rst sound reader was,
tell when and where I understood it to the transitioncould not have been difcult
have begun, which I believe to have been since, as Prof. Morse noted in 1867, "The
almost with the opening of the rst sounder is but the pen-lever deprived of
telegraph between New York and the pen. In everything else it is the same.
Albany, and when Buffalo was the The sound of the letter is given with and
extreme Western limit of all telegraphic without the pen. Once the practice of
communication.At the time in question I reading by sound was accepted by the
was an operator in the Buffalo ofce in telegraph companies, purpose-built
New York; subsequently, from 1850 to instruments evolved and the sounder
1855, I was superintendent of the New eventually became a standard Morse
York, Albany and Buffalo (Morse) Line. receiving instrumentaround the world.

Pittsburg Claim Reference

Perhaps to round off the debate, The [1] L.F. Zantzinger was a manipulating
Journal of the Telegraph followed Mr assistant on the rst Morse telegraph
Woods claim with the following extract demonstration line between Washington
from The Telegraph in America, by James and Baltimore, 27 May 1844. Accord-
D. Reid, page 570, then recently published: ing to The Telegraph Manual by
An article in the Pittsburg Times of Tal P. Shaffner, NY, published in 1859,
recent date says About forty years ago he was at that time still attached to the
(winter of 18478), when the OReilly profession of practical telegraphy and
line was the only telegraph wire into was then the oldest now in service. MM

38 M91121
Mth the unusually large amount of News appearing in the past two issues, plus all
the articles relating to the Morse Bicentennial, your letters have rather taken a back seat.
To remedy that we are doing some 'catching up' in the next few pages.
You might gain the impression that about half our readers must be in Australia,
but in fact its just the way the mail-bag turned out! Ed.

Gone For a Burton? the tiny signal you were reading wm giv-
I read the suggested explanation of this ing you the last coordinatesof a crippled
phrase in MM18 with interest, but I dont bomber about to ditch in the sea, or the
believe it. crew ready to bale out, and they were
As far as I can remember, in 1943 all relying on you to give Air-Sea-Rescue
trainee RAF Wireless Operators learnt the their position before their aircraft went for
code (2 to 12wpm) in classrooms above a Burton!
Woolworths and Montague Burtons stores Jack Pemberton
on windy Blackpool sea-front. If you failed Seaford
a Morse test you were put back for FI" When I was at marine radio college, I
(further training), and if you were NBG seem to recall that it was only in the last
you were marked Cl" (cease training). week or two of the course that we were
To use Burtons as a basis for this subjected to any sort of interference when
expression seems unlikely, because all practising receiving in the Morse Room.
RAF ground and air crews used it, notjust I think that we derived more benet in
the few who went through No. 1 Radio that regard from operating the college
School, Blackpool. amateur station .
The big fault in my training as a Some years later, when I was serving
Wireless Operator in the RAF was my at sea, we got a request from one of the
ignorance of reading through interference. UK colleges to provide some tape record-
When I was put on a busy trafc channel ings of real live transmissions with QRM
in North Africa, raw from school, I which they could use for advanced stu-
was appalled to realise that it was the 83 dents. 1 was in a P & 0 passenger ship
note under half-aodozen $83 which I had at the time, doing Mediterranean cruises,
to read. and I remember that with evil glee. we
About a hundred radio hours later, my recorded a couple of hours of weather
ears could time easily to an 82 note and reports and navigationwarningsfrom Split
shut out the rest This selectivity became Radio/YUS in Yugoslavia, all in Serbo-
vital and sweat-producing when working Croat plus QRM. N0 guessing what the
on an aircraft distress channel at night and next letter was with that lot! Ed.
Welcome News coping with the language and clarity
Bctra I for one welcome the new format of MM, barrier. l have many pen-friends now
and the increased news content There are world-wide where we exchange photos of
not many other sources of CW news, and families, etc.
in fact I only learned of the Straight Key At the end of a foreign QSO I usually
Week in September 90 from Geo. of send Morse in their language with some
FISTS at the very last minute. of the phrases from CW in Foreign
I was pleasantly surprised to see my- Languages by VE3EIM and VE3MGY,
self mentioned in the report on EUCW which they appreciate. Morse is a marvel-
SKD 1990 in MM17. I worked 18 SKD lous mode and long may it continue and
stations, and was interested to note that Morsum Magnicat also!
out of my rst six QSOs, four were using John Davis GKCA
Kent keys (ve with me!) Broadstairs, Kent
My rig is in a convened wardrobe in
the spare bedroom, which can be locked What of the Future?
up when visitors are staying. 'Ihe ap that Regarding MM19, p.46, all of us had
hinges down has a six-inch extension to learn CW to get the licence. Most
under my right elbow, as when sending abandoned CW and surely lost half of the
CW I always rest my elbow on the table fun of our hobby. A few stayed with it
top and let the wrist do the work. I find it 5 per cent or less, I do not know.
more relaxing at my age (66 years), also Imagine if CW were not necessary
there is more feel and control I think. I to pass the examination, Would you
always try to send good Morse so that have learned the code without having to?
repeats do not have to be asked for what- Voluntarily, only for fun? Certainly not.
ever the conditions. It is my opinion that as soon as we
I much prefer the pump key but I have have the codeless licence, and that seems
a paddle key as stand-by. The reason I inevitable, nobody will learn CW any more
bought the paddle and keyer is because I and CW operation will slowly disappear
get arthritis, and in the event of it worsen- with the death of the older hams. As a CW
ing I can go on the paddle and just waggle enthusiast and old man (76) I am glad it
my finger-tips! will not happen during my lifetime.
I was a Wireless Op in WWII (Ground) Rich Kuhlmann PY3DK
mainly on AR88s, and in a Mobile Signal Gmmado, Brad!
Unit in Germany in RAF Transport Com-
mand. I didnt touch CW after the war Admiralty Pattem Key
until I retired, but never forgot the code. I have an AP7681 key, similar to those
People who ridiculeCW do not realise described by Jon Hanson in MMZO, p.33.
the satisfaction a good QSO gives when Mine has the serial number LM 1669. It
you have had a good signal and Morse at also has a cover, AP60803, serial number
both ends. Whatever the mode, the GDN 27 year LK, and was made by
ultimate aim is the world friendships that Goodbum Engineering Co Ltd, Uxbridge.
develop, and Morse is the best mode at Other Admiralty contractors, of course,
40 MM21
also made keys to this specication. 10F/20366 while the other side is marked
The company was most helpful when 12028 MPE 51.
I spoke to them recently. The original I believe this key came from a Valiant
company was sold after the death of Mr V bomber. The last one I saw was
Goodbum some twelve years ago, but installed in a Victor tanker.
continues to manufacture electrical, R. Wilson G3TBS
electronic and moulded products for the
Ministry of Defence. The marking GDN' Opposite of INT
is a Goodbum manufacturing reference Further to the discussion onW-T (MM18,
which appears on all parts made by them. p.14), while I never heard it used in the
Australian Post Ofce, we did use some-
thing very similar to indicate OK, i.e. the
opposite meaning. We used - - - ,
that is E E K sent as three distinct letters.
This went back to the American Morse
used by old-timers in Australia. Dit dit
is 0 in that code and K is the same in
both American and Intemational codes.
Gordon Brown VKIAD

Admiralty Pattern Key AP7681, A Ftendlsh Instrument

seriaIMLM1669 Tom Lloyd (MM16), Denis Whitbread
Photo: Jim Lyoatt (MM17), and Len Pearson (MM18) have
They advised me that several batches all brought back memories of long ago.
of Morse keys to AP7681 specication The knife and fork umpty-iddy bedlam of
were made by them from 1952 to 1964. Eddie Companymessroom in the 1930s,
The rst batch in 1952 comprised 2035 and the classroom dummy key sagas of
keys at a unit price of 5. 6s. 0d. Covers, all together now Ack to Monkey by
in grey painted brass, were made under
the front GO! That was how it was -
separate contract at a unit price of and it worked!
4. 14s. 3d. They suggest that the date Tom writes eloquently about the
letters refer to the year and month of sounder on which we all cut our teeth. Its
manufacture with the sequence starting action was of course upanddown, and I
from the rst year of the contracts (1952). always thought it was an excellent instru-
Thus a key manufactured in June 1955 ment and very easy to read. However,
would have the letters DF. those of us who subsequently found our-
Jim Lycett 60MSZ selves in India would not necessarily say
the same about its dreadful cousin, the
Comet Key Dubeme (or was it Dubume?) sounder.
I have an identical key to that illustrated in This instrument, as explained by Denis,
MM20, (p.10) as used in Comet aircraft. was used throughout India on the civil
The left side, as in the photo, is marked landline circuits. In the army such circuits
{MM1 41
manned by Indian civilian telegra- achieved by careful cutting of the aerials
phists but Royal Signals operators were (half-wave dipoles) and siting them with
required to qualify on Dubemes in order the aid of a compass.
:2 to take them over should the need arise. There is a runner on each side of the
43A The Dubeme sounder worked sideways key which used to slide into a correspond-
instead of up-anddown. Its horizontalarm ing groove in the transmitter to save
3 was a hollow tube and the whole was
holding the key with one hand while
encased in a kind of echo box. Its on keying with the other. The key was non-
click always seemed less audible than its adjustable and while some were better
of click, but once the ears had sorted than others I never liked them very much.
out which was which it was OK, but if the Instead, I used a key from a WWII Lucas
bloke next to you coughed (or dropped his Lamp mounted on a piece of timber and
pencil) all was lost and the clicks just found this to be very good. However,
became gibberish. for sending and receiving in the eld, with
A truly endish instrument, but the a low-powered set, speed was not the
Indian chaps had been brought up on it criterion.
and experienced no difculty. How I John Houlder
ever managed to pass out on it, Ill Churn wood, ACT, Australia
never know. Thank goodness I never had
to man one on the civil circuit terminals. Scoutlng Days
Jack Simpson G3CAA Tony Smiths article on Scout signalling
(MM18, p.36) brought back memories of
Unofclal Record my early days in that organisation. I was a
I recognise the fust key in Showcase member of a Croydon troop for several
in MM17, page 26, although I do not years as a scout, and later a rover scout,
recognise the rear unit attached to it The until I joined the RAF in 1940. I think my
key is identical to one supplied with an main signalling activity was semaphore
Australian Army battery powered eld but we had a local man who used to come
(Infantry) HF radio set known as the in, presumably to teach and test Morse.
A510, now no longer used, which was His name was Thomas and he was known
used mainly for voice communication. by all the scouts as Radio Tommy.
The set was in two basic pouches In 1940 we continued to meet weekly
(transmitter in one, receiver in the other, and hold camping weekends while wait-
connected together by cable), with each ing to go into the Services. Radio Tommy
unit containing its own batteries. The set came to one or two of our meetings and I
put out VzW on voice and 1W on CW. I strongly recollect his recommendationthat
only used the set once or twice on voice we should attempt to get into signals
(whip aerial) and found it next to useless. where one would have the opportunity to
On CW, however, it was a different do something useful whilst working as an
story. At one time, I was told, I held an individual.
unofficial Army record for the A510 by I took his advice and joined the RAF
transmitting over 500 miles. This was Volunteer Reserve before call-up, to be
42 MM21
accepted as a wireless operator, later Reverting to the transmitting plate,
converting to mechanic. What I didnt I am almost sure that a similar instrument
appreciate at the time was that this was sold before WWII by Premier Radio
Thomas was the renowned GoQB (I of Clapton. I seem to recall that it was
think that was his call), one-time editor of more of a toy than a serious learning
Short Wave Magazine, and very much a instrument.
leading light in the pre-war amateur world. Norman Burton
I dont think he was ever a Scouter, but he Revesby, New South Wales
obviously had a keen interest in pointing
people in the right direction! Fair Exchange
Ted Jones G3EUE On my desk sits a 1938 W. Willis & Co
Ltd straight key. I obtained it in Iraq,
Alrbome Transmitting Plate around 194142 when my outt was
I was interested in the article The First briey co-located with a B-Type Section.
Hand Key (MMl9, p.16). A similar They had senior NCOs; we had senior
instrument is shown in the 1919 issue of NCOs. They had lost a rie somewhere,
Telefunken Zeitung. It was used as an and somehow we had one to spare. We
ancillary to the radio equipment used by had a condential pow-wow togetherand
the Air Arm of the German Army in my share of the subsequent deal was
WW1. It is very similar to the transmitting Messrs Willis excellent brass key!
plate illustrated, i.e., the stylus was run It is now a treasured possession and
Over a letter on the plate and that letter gets an airing now and then. I use a bug
was transmitted. most of the time but the Willis key can go
The Germans had another piece of more QRS than the bug when the need
automatic equipment as it was called, arises.
which used two dials to convert simple Jack Simpson G3CAA
instructions into Morse. In my (not very
clear) Xerox copy, one dial appears to We Had Them Too
be labelled Right, Left, Behind, I was interested in the sketch, So thats
Forward, etc., and the second dial is what it is! (MM18, p.40). A similar de-
numbered, which I imagine signifies vice was standard on all Post Ofce bugs
hundreds of metres. in Australia (we called them jiggers).
From the text, I get the impression They were almost invariably owned by
that the observer in an artillery spotting the operator, and were considered slightly
aircraft tumed the dials to the appropriate indecent by the management They (the
symbols and these transmitted the appro- management) put a small tting in the
priate information to the ground artillery base of all hand keys. Inserting the bug
in Morse. In both cases, the text stresses tting in this put the bug in parallel with
that the instruments were for the use of the hand key, enabling either to be used.
observers who did not need to know The American practice seems to have
the Morse code. How successful they involved placing the bug tting directly
were is not stated. between the straight key contacts. This
1 was done here on the occasional hand key

3 that didnt have the base tting, but they

were pretty rare.
When we were young telegraphists,
and pretty cocky about our ability, we
used to indulge in a little horseplay
with one person sending the dashes on
the straight key and another sending the
dots on the bug. It took a fair bit of co-
operation between the two operators and
they needed to be pretty familiar with
each others style of sending. That was at above 3prm. The three of us met up in
many years ago. I wouldnt dream of various parts of the world but spent most
trying it nowadays! of the 503 and 603 on the Far East Station.
Gordon Brown VKIAD From left to right are Doug Cunningham,
Manuka, ACT, Australia nicknamed Kyushu after a programme
on Sasebo radio during the Korean war,
Morse-Vlklng Llnk? Johnny Williams, nicknamed Snake for
In A Few Thoughts on the Name sneaking off during a boozy party; and
Morse (MMI9, p.30) the possibility is myself, Dai Davies, nicknamed The
mentioned that the name Mors came from Death because I was an undertakers son.
Northern Denmark and was carried by a Johnny Williams retired in Australia
Viking expedition up the river Rhine. and the photo was taken to celebrate our
This is an interesting suggestion be- reunion (at Brymbo in June 1991) 40
cause in the Limfjorden in Jutland there years after starting our careers. None of
is a large island called MORS, and as us are licensed amateurs, but we can
many Vikings came from the western part still send CW at over 25wpm. It was a
of Jutland this hypothesis could well be fantastic reunion which brought back many
right happy memories.
Jens H. Nohns OZI CAR Wyn Davies
Bording, Denmark Brymbo, Clwyd, Wales

Kyushu, Snake and You Cant Miss a Spark

Dal the Death: Re-unlted Ihave never seen a really convincing ex-
The three men in the photo attended the planation why spark signals had a much
infamous(?) Wireless College at Colwyn greater range than AM. The early BBC
Bay in 1950. All from Wales, we joined stations, with their 1 or 2kW, managed only
the Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service together about 20 miles while a spark station could
where we gained a reputation for being come in from double that distance.
good operators, and for enjoyingourselves! I have always maintained it was one of
We could operate Aldis 10 and 20 the biggest blunders ever committedwhen
signalling lamps at up to 20wpm and CW spark was banned for emergency marine

use. You can easily miss a distress signal
if it is sent in CW and your receiver is
Published regularly, containing 1005 of
tuned some kc/s off its frequency, but you outofprint, old and collectable wireless
dont miss the broadly tuned spark! and TV books, magazines, etc. Send four
rstclass stamps for the next issue or
The lastsparkl heard was around 1950 2.25 for the next four issues.
when the 90 milers which carried coal SCOOP PURCHASES
between Sydney and Newcastle carried Early Wireless by Anthony Constable
automatic emergency spark transmitters This excellent book retraces the paths of
history which culminated in the nal
only. I heard one when my SX-28 was appearanw of the wireless set. Many early sets
tuned to the local broadcast station on are illustrated. Much information for the
wireless historian. 167 illustrations. Laminated
610kc/s. I assume the spark was on boards. Brand new. 8.50 plus 1.75 p. & p.
500kc/s but boy, you sure heard it! and Clandestine Warfare
he was a few miles away and off the coast. by James Ladd & Keith Melton
This informative book studies weapons and
Nomtan Burton
equipment employed by SOE and 088 in
Revesby, NS W World War II. Including a chapter on radio
communiations equipment with photos of
transceivers, etc., and a chapter on collecting
Latin Connection? military and industrial intelligence, selection,
I am surprised, in the article Deadhead training and sabotage. Large format Brand
new. Published at 14.95. Our price 9.95 plus
on p.26 of MMl9, to find no suggestion 1.50 p. & p.
of a connection between Morses use of The Authorised Biography of Sir
the skull as his emblem and the fact that Bernard Lovell by Dudley Saward
MORS is the Latin word for death. The man responsible for Jodreli Bank.
Contains detailed chapters on the development
Reverend Duncan Leak of wartime radar. including H28 and various
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. centimetric equipment. 320 large format
(In view of the suggestion in A Few pages. A must for those interested in the
development of radar and radio astronomy.
Thoughts on the Name "Morse" ', MM19, Many illustrations. A big book. Brand new.
8.25 plus 1.75 p. 8:. p.
p.30, that the original family name was
British Television the Formative
De Mors or Von Mors it would be inter- Years by R. Burns
esting to know if Morse ever used this Special purchase of an out of print book on
emblem in pre-telegraph days. If anyone early television. IEE History of Technology in
association with the Science Museum
can nd other references to the use of organised this book, which covers the period
the deadhead by Morse, in biographies. l922l939. 488 pages, well illustrated. A
highly collectable item based on written
articles, etc., in their possession, please primary source material. Published at 52. Our
send details to MM. Ed.) price 45 including p. & p.
A listing of new and unused valves of
PLEA SE MENTTON all types 1925 to 1975. Send SAE for
list with your requirements
E 'E
157, Dickson Rd, Blackpool FYI 2EU, Lanes.
ADVERTISEMENTS Tel: 0253 751858

Telephone orders accepted
Marsum Magni'cat
UCWC new EUCW member EUCWBulletin 20
VK YL CW trophy WIA 18
What became of
Index to Issues Nos 17 20 Ey En Toc barred? Eric McFarland 18
What bemme of India
(Auan 1990 - Summer 1991) . November Tango barred? Ron Wilson 20
What 01 the future? Roy Clayton G4SSH 19
('C = inside back cover)
ACTIVITIES/EVENTS Army radiotelegrapher Bill Pierpont 17 14
Celebs at Locust Grove Young-Morse Site 19 Civil War telegraphy Don K. deNeul 18 21
CW Activity Calendar July/Sap 1991 20 I
like the sound of Morse Denis A. Whitbread 17 16
Czech/UK ORP tests 1991 OK-ORP & G-ORP 18
East to West ORP 1990 OKORP 8 G-ORP 19 sumawssmms
Morse the Artist Enc. Brit. 1883 19
EUCW activity summary 819
EUCW 18 IVorses last mesage TS. 19
EUCW SKD 1990 Dominique Bourcarl 17
Fraternising CW Party 1990 EUCW 17 Aeroflot still using CW T. St JohnColernan 18
Happy birthday Prof. Morse Various 19 VF to the rescue/Postscr'pt R. Sleiansson 17
HOT-Party 1990 AGCWDL 17 Vol

Morse bicentenary award Bromsgrove& DARC 20 3. CLANDESTINE/SPECIAL OPERATIONS

Morse bicentennial,
advance information Various 18
The First 'Hand Key Tony SM!) 19 a
Morse bicentennial,reports Various 20 CLUBS
ONC! Autumn Challenge 1991 Scott Laugh/in 20 955:5
EUCW activity Summary 18
Straight Key Evening 1991 Edgware8 DRS 19 European CW Association News 17
Straight Key Week FlSTS 20 MEGS formed GmHYF/GWYCG 20
Profile 1: VHSC VHSC 19 #wagunm


Landlines in the RAF Robert K. Taylor 17 TOPS activities Chris Hammett 18
Which Burton? Guanian 18 U-OROC EUCW 18


Ark ol Peace/MM ROARS 18 :-
0 8 Z Codeka reprinted Dick Kraayveld 18
Controversyover Morse exams O 8 Z Codebook Dick Kraayveld 19
for handimpped US amateurs W5YI REPORT 20 O 8 Z codes Gerald Stanoey 17
CW as a licence requirement WM 18 @NN

What become at
Exit Heathkit W5YI REPORT 20 Ey En Toc barred? Eric M:Farland 18
From Sprog to What became oi India
Morse examiner Mile Davidson 20 N
NovemberTango barred? Ron Wilson 20
Higher GCW power confirmed DTI 20
Hungarian group to join EUCW EUCWNewsletter 19 EARLY WIRELESS
In praise ot sinplicity Rich' PYSDK 17 Tonic virtues O & A 1924 17
Israeli delegates challenged HaGal 18
Its always the keyer Ted Teeuwr'me 17 N HIGH SPEED TELEGRAPHY
New Australian CW trophy WIA 17 German Telegraphy
New Chiei Morse Examiner R868 18 wwwumomSamuBmA

Chanpionsh'ps 1991 EUCW Bulelin 20

No problems in VE yet W5YI REPORT 18 HST Champs, WG Report IARU Region 1 17
Novice exam contract to 08.6 DTI
18 HST Chanpionsh'ps 1991 lARU Region 1 19
Novice Morse test announced UT! 20 HST Champs. 1991, Rules lARU Region 1 20
NZART discusses Morse Test NZART 17
NZ Novice test speed option Gary Bold 17 ILLUSTRATIONS
More power Ior GCW R868 18 Marconi key, type 365A chk 0/ Tech Instm
Morse bicentenary award Bromsgrove& DARC 20 # for W/Telegraphrsts 17
Pse QRS Geo Longden 17 N _; Morse inker circa 1870 PorthcumoMuseum 18 000

O 8. Z codes Gerald Stancey 17 _.

Worked EUCW' Award EUCW 19
ONCI launched Scott Laughlin 20
RAYNET CW procedures RadCom 20 0.)me

SFBM code proficiency award ARRL 18 A Magnicent Invention Allred Vail 19
South African Novice Licence Barrie Bmkensha 18 Morse inker circa 1870 PorthcumoMuseum 18

46 M91121
The First Hand Key' Tony Smith 19 16 Norse 78's Norman Field 18 10
What Hath God Wroughtl T.S. 19 24 Which Burton? Guardian 18 13
Propagation data bulletins World Data Centre
KEY MAKERS World's fastest and tallest Harry Turner 17 15
e4zr=v Keys Gordon Crowhurst
KEYS From one code to another Tony Smith 19
Comet Key 8
T. 8. Hebrew telegraph code Dan K. deNeu/ 17
Showcase (photos) Various 17
Showcase Various 18 MUSEUMS
Showcase Various Telegraph exhibits Smithsonian 17 a)
So that's what it isl Gerald Stancey 18
The rst Hand Key' Tony Smith 19 NAVY
Aerials tor subs - 2 Chas Claydon 17
LEARNING MORSE Bermuda days Chas Claydon 18
Knives, Iorls 8 dummy keys
Len Pearson 18 Lampsand Whistles Gus Taylor
New approach to learning? Neil Trainer 18 Tapping the code David Prout 18
RAFARS slow Morse ORV (RA FA RS) 18
Slow Morse Service OBITUARIES
suspended Mercury(RSARS) 17 Phil Evans. GWBWJ/GWGAO Gus Taylor 18
WtAW code schedule ARRL 3m
18 Prol. S.F.B. Norse ILN 1872 19


A Magnioent Invention Alfred Vail 19 Higher GCW power confirmed 07/
Alfred Vails magnetic More power Ior GCW RSGB

friendship with Morse - 1 Historic Speedwell What became of

Alice on line again John Houlder 17 Ey En Toc barred? Eric MzFarland
All the lines are Morse S. FBMorse 1856 19 What became 01 India
Bains chemical telegaph Don K. (bNeu! 18 NovemberTango barred? Ron Wison
Bunnell wasnt therel Louise Moreau 20
Canada still has OPERATING SKILLS
annual Morse ine Ednonton Exam'ner 18 Its always the keyer Ted Teeum'sse 17
Civil War telegraphy Don K. deNeu! 18 SFBM code proficiency award ARRL 18
Deadhead T.S. 19
F.G. Creed, POEMS
Inventor Extraordinary Fred Barnes 17 Morse problem Ian Poole
I like
the sound 01 Morse Denis A. Whitbread 17
Landines in the RAF Robert K. Taylor 17 POST OFFICE
No Europeanpatents (1838) J. Munro (1891) 19 Swiss telegraphs Baedeker, 1901 18
On the mill Good Amold 18
Ouadruplex Don K. deNeul PRESS
Sounder drawingsavailable Denn's Goacher F.G, Creed,
Speedirrell and the Telegraph Tony Smith 19 Inventor Extraordinary Fred Barnes 17
SVviss teIegraphs Baedeker, 1901 18
The first Morse lite TS. 19 REFLECTIONS FROM UNCLE BAS
USA/Australia dial-up link Bill Dunbar 12 - Responsbilities Uncle Bas to
What hath God wroughtl T.S. 19
World's biggest sounder Don K. deNeul

Intro to key collecting Colin Waters 17
MARITIME OTC. a seagoing ofcer's
A Captainand a King Ero Erickson scrapbook GeoffAmold 17
An innocentabroad J.L. Sykes The Vbroplex 00, 1890-1990 Colin Waters 16288

Code exenption extended W5Yl REPORT Vibroplex collectors guide Colin Waters 17
In Memoriam, cassette tape Bruce Mom's
Larrps and Whistles Gus Taylor SCOUTING
Thank God for 500le Andy Bourasa Happydaysl Tony Srnih 18 8
A law thoughts on Atlantic cable signals 19
the name Morse' The Morse Society
CW coherer pills Canadian Amateur For availability of back Issues,
case see
Early Photography (SFBM) T8. the latest Issue of Morsum miles!
MM21 47
MANY THANKS to everyone who sent edition for its whole ve years, and some
get well cards or letters, or phoned, original readers of the Dutch edition have
following my recent accident. Im happy been with MM in one form or another
to report that I am now well on the way to since 1983!
recovery although my period of enforced So, Happy birthday MM! and thanks
inactivity has meant that one or two to you all for your continued support
special features planned for this issue of our unique magazine. It needs a lot of
have had to be deferred. editorial, production and administrative
However, we have lots of other work to produce it, and a lot of research
articles waiting on le and Geoff has and writing by its contributorsand authors
had no difculty in putting together an- to ll its pages, but no magazine can
other ne collection of Morse material survive without also having a loyal and
to celebrate the fth birthday of MM, supportivereadership.
which also happens to be itslet issue. MM, however, is not just a magazine
Of course, as many of you know, MM with readers. We are all part of the
was rst published in the Dutch language enterprise, it is a means of sharing with
in 1983 by the late Rinus Hellemons, each other our mutual enthusiasm for
PAOBFN, so the title is really eight Morse telegraphy in all its different
years old. The Dutch and the English aspects, on a worldwide basis.
issues ran together for a while but only Im sure we all agree Morsum
the international English version remains Magnicat really is unique!
today. It is encouragingto know that many
of our readers have been with the English 73, Tony G4FAI

Wit Best wises

Q?) affrearfers qfl/[orsum Magni'cat
f amid
or a Very imppy Cfin'stmas
Trosperow 1992
geqg395ameony g49-341
Siemens' Relay, showing anangement of permanent magnet N S, aqustabie
poie~peoes n n, and soft iron tongue a. The tongue is prolonged by a thin
brass arm b, which completes the local circuit by making contact at point c.
The relay is adjusted by means of screws A and 8
From Hananok ot Practimt Tebgiapny, by as Gaby, 1m
Masesends mewuegram
SamuelEB. Morse, invernoroflhefistpracmltelegaph,isshownsendngthe frstpwlic
telegamon24 May 1844. Thamesaage, WHATHATHGOD WROUGHTI', uassemm the
W171 Wadingbnowraw-mlb wirebBaImm

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