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Kari S. Leong

Dissertation Committee:
Sarah J. Twomey, Co-Chairperson
Steve Shiraki, Co-Chairperson
Val Iwashita, Field Mentor
Lynn Mochizuki, Field Mentor

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, education, business, Hawaii





Dedications and Acknowledgements


Eight million jobs within the United States were lost when the Great Recession hit in

December 2007. This was the steepest decline of employment since the end of World War II

(Fairlie R. W., 2013). Fairlie (2013) found that with an unstable economy, local labor markets

played a major factor in whether people start their own business. Entrepreneuralism encourages

people to find the next opportunity to make it big in business and promote wealth and jobs in the

economy (Louw, van Eeden, Bosch, & Venter, 2003). Academic interest in entrepreneurism grew

in colleges as they strove to develop entrepreneurial programs that would prepare incoming

entrepreneurial students to start their own business. However, as the number of small business

startups increased, so did the number of small business failures (Small Business Administration,

2012) within the first two years.

In order to support the growing interest of entrepreneuralism in the state of Hawaii,

Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation (HSDC) promotes economic development and

economic diversification through a return driven investment program in partnership with private

capital. Although funding was available for startup companies and entrepreneurs, the returns

remained tepid as to the long-term success of these businesses.

The dynamics of globalization and information has spurred competition between

countries, cities, and employers, which have increased the interest in entrepreneurial activities

(Weiser, 2011). Although there are a number of existing studies on entrepreneurship education,

few have explored the role that educational experiences had on the development of successful

entrepreneurs. Furthermore, data is limited on the impact that educational experiences have had

on Hawaiis entrepreneurs due to the few formal entrepreneurial programs available, both past

and present, for students grades K12. This study explores the role educational experiences had

on the development of successful entrepreneurs by using data from questionnaires, interviews,

and partner interviews. Furthermore, this study explores the development of key knowledge,

skills, and dispositions in successful entrepreneurs in Hawaii and insights into whether

entrepreneurs are made or born.

Table of Contents
Abstract.......................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1....................................................................................... 10
Introduction..................................................................................... 10
The Problem..........................................................................................13
Purpose of the Study.................................................................................14
Significance of Study.................................................................................15
Definition of Terms...................................................................................16
Chapter 2....................................................................................... 18
Literature Review............................................................................... 18
The Role of Education...............................................................................18
Types of Educational Experiences...................................................................20
Formal Education.................................................................................................... 21
Informal Education and Non-formal Education...............................................................24
Experiential Education............................................................................................. 25
Educational Opportunities in Hawaii...........................................................................28
Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions of an Entrepreneur..........................................31
Knowledge............................................................................................................ 31
Skills................................................................................................................... 33
Dispositions of Entrepreneurs..................................................................................... 37
Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?.................................................................41
Entrepreneurs are Born............................................................................................. 42
Summary of Key Points..............................................................................47
Chapter 3....................................................................................... 49
Participant Sampling................................................................................50
Data Collection.......................................................................................51
Demographic Survey............................................................................................... 51
Consent to Participate.............................................................................................. 51
Interviews............................................................................................................. 51
Partner Interviews................................................................................................... 52
Researchers Field Notes........................................................................................... 54
Data Analysis.........................................................................................54
Coding................................................................................................................. 54
Final Member-Check................................................................................56
Threats To Validity...................................................................................56
Limitations of the Study.............................................................................58
Summary of Methodology...........................................................................59
Chapter 4....................................................................................... 60
Data Analysis................................................................................... 60
Seeds Waiting To Sprout........................................................................................... 61
Knowledge And Values Nurtured By Mentors.................................................................63

Leaves And Fruit With Seeds..................................................................................... 70
Climbing The Mountain Toward Success.......................................................................71
Acquiring The Tools And Skills For Support..................................................................72
Steady Climbing With Cheerleaders.............................................................................73
Falling And Challenges............................................................................................. 74
Being In The Crevice............................................................................................... 76
Making It To The Summit......................................................................................... 78
I Am Lucky!.......................................................................................................... 79
Traveling To Find Oneself In An Empty Bowl Filled Across The World.................................79
Experiences Prompt Lifelong Learning.........................................................................80
Entrepreneurship And Risk Taking............................................................................... 82
An Underachieving Academic Student with Goals...........................................................85
Being Alone And Growing With Mentors......................................................................85
Playing For Team Hawaiian And Finding His Niche........................................................87
Find Your Teammates............................................................................................... 88
The Underdog Who Succeeded...................................................................................89
My Beloved Mother................................................................................................. 91
A Smile, A Glow, And Hope....................................................................................... 92
Motivation For A Better Life...................................................................................... 92
Investing In Herself................................................................................................. 94
The Greater Good................................................................................................... 96
Cross-Case Analysis..................................................................................96
Rich Experiences That Shaped Their Future...................................................................97
Influential People Who Shaped Future Entrepreneurs.......................................................99
Facing Challenges With Optimism.............................................................................102
Connecting Passion With Purpose.............................................................................. 103
Summary of Cross-Case Analysis.................................................................104
Chapter 5.....................................................................................105
Findings, Implications, Conclusion...........................................................105
Research Question #1:............................................................................................ 105
Research Question #2:............................................................................................ 108
Research Question #3:............................................................................................ 115
Implications for Entrepreneurs and Those Who Desire to be Successful Entrepreneurs......118
Implications for Educators........................................................................119
Implications for Future Research.................................................................123
An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Learning.....................................................125
An Educational Perspective........................................................................127
Appendix A................................................................................... 131
Appendix B................................................................................... 133
Appendix C................................................................................... 135
References.................................................................................... 138

Chapter 1


During the Industrial Revolution, in the period of 1760 to 1840, a new manufacturing

process started transitioning from hand production methods to machines making production

factories more efficient with development of goods. Throughout this time, many immigrants

were coming to America from Europe and Asia to work in factories because the pay was poor in

their countries and America was the land of opportunity. These immigrants had little money and

few possessions but had a good work ethic (Roberts, 2010).

The world is moving towards globalization hiring practices in which employees can work

from any site. These employees, coined virtual, are often computer workers who do data entry,

writing, editing, test video games, and anything that can be done on a computer not at a

designated location (Cherry, 2010). Companies are outsourcing low wage jobs to foreign

countries with highly skilled and educated employees who work for relatively low-wages while

many American college graduates are left with limited job choices, minimal work experience,

and high pay expectations (Nader, 2014).

After the recession in 2008, many more American companies began utilizing highly

skilled and educated professionals from other countries. American companies found that their

dollar stretches farther with foreign workers because many offshore workers are paid at wages

below the average American worker for the same occupation within the United States (Nader,

2014). This has affected the American college graduate market. More American companies

outsource work, which obviously darken(s) job prospects for Americas struggling young

scientists and engineers (and workers) trying to find jobs commensurate with their skills (Nader,

2014, para. 4).

I recently had an engaging conversation with a college graduate who shared with me the

challenges of getting a job. He said that he would like to have his own business but did not know

how, regardless if he just completed his Bachelors degree in Business Management. As I

reflected on this conversation, I began to worry about my childrens future and what choices they

would have when choosing a career or college pathway, and that neither might promise a good

job and/or success.

As I embarked on this study, I discovered that a college degree no longer translated into

higher earnings and more employment opportunities. Businesses are now expanding their search

for work teams globally and are using the Internet as a tool to communicate with team members

at a low to no cost. Friedman (2005) refers to the world as being flat and mentions that individual

entrepreneurs as well as companies, both large and small, are becoming part of a large, complex,

global supply chain extending across oceans, with competition spanning entire continents.

The dynamics of globalization and virtual communication has spurred competition between

countries, cities, and employers, which have increased the interest in entrepreneurial activities

(Weiser, 2011).

Over the last 50 years, there has been an increased interest in entrepreneurship in the

United States?. With the challenge of finding job opportunities within local and national

companies, college graduates are considering entrepreneurial opportunities. Downsizing, head-

hunting, early-retirement, and outsourcing have now become commonplace throughout the

nation, which has also driven individuals to start their own business and become entrepreneurial

to maintain a desired lifestyle (Hisrich, 2002).

Diverse educational opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs have been created in over

1,500 colleges and universities worldwide (Charney, 2000). However, although there is academic

and community interest in entrepreneurship, there are emerging contradictions between of

education and entrepreneurship with regard to the nature/nurture debate... Collett (2012) believes

that encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit through education is the key to entrepreneurship that

leads to job creation and improving competitiveness and economic growth throughout the global

market economy. Conversely, Shane (2010) believes that a person is born with the

entrepreneurship gene and that some people are more likely than others to become

entrepreneurs because they were born with the variants of genes that increase their odds (p.


As a teacher, a mother of four children, a doctoral candidate, and an entrepreneur for 20

years, I was interested in exploring how educational experiences might have a role in the

development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an entrepreneur. While education is

important to me, Mandell (1995) states that many entrepreneurs do not believe that formal

education makes any difference in their endeavors. Conversely, Hisrich & Peters (1995) and

McGrath and MacMillan (1992) argue that educational experiences do impact an entrepreneurs

journey. As an English Language Learner teacher who works with minorities in a low socio-

economic area of the island (56% of student bodys family income under $15,171 annually), I

want to inspire and provide my students with the ability live the American Dream that many of

their parents hoped for their children when moving to America. However, following the

traditional education system that provides a set curriculum that limits students thinking will keep

them in the same class living level throughout their lives. According to the Functionalists view,

the three main functions of education is: 1) role allocation; 2) providing skills; and 3)

socialization. Concerned with the way of life for my students, I strive to identify in my study the

key knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful entrepreneurs that are imperative to prepare

them for the real world and life. It is my hope that by identifying these key qualities and helping

my students to develop them, they will have the ability to think effectually and learn how to

create opportunities in whatever career pathway they choose later in life. According to the Small

Business Economic Report (Moutray, 2008), there is a positive link between education and

entrepreneurship. The report suggests a robust performance when an educated person chooses an

entrepreneurial route. However, there is no correlation between the level of education and the

success of an entrepreneur.

Questions continue to emerge concerning the complex relationship between education

and entrepreneurial success. The purpose of this study was to explore the connections between

educational experiences and entrepreneurship to add to our understanding of the phenomena of


The Problem

As previously stated, it is no longer the case that continuing to higher education will

provide a person with more job opportunities and higher pay. A person with a college degree is

not immune to local and national economic problems that affect the job market. Unfortunately,

business owners need to do what is best to keep their business running. As stated, many

businesses are now outsourcing work to other countries to stay competitive and profitable where

the wages are lower, yet quality of work is up to an American standard.. According to the Small

Business Administration (2012), most businesses shut down within two years of opening for

different reasons like financial challenges, lack of customer interest, inability to build a strong

team of experts to move the companys mission and vision forward, and the inability to create

systems for the business to grow.

Interest in entrepreneurship is on the rise and is proving as a positive trend for Hawaii

because of a tough job market, fierce competition in the local workplace, and more outsourcing

of jobs. Hawaii was ranked eighth in CNN Moneys Top Ten Entrepreneurial Places in America

(Kavilanz, 2013). So how do we properly prepare people exiting the work force to start their own

business? How can the education system support aspiring young entrepreneurs to succeed?

The current curricula in entrepreneurship education varies in topic and extends its focus

from developing skills to learning about entrepreneurship as a phenomenon (Rassmussen, 2006),

experiencing learning techniques in concert with traditional teaching methods (Pittz, 2014), and

examining of traits, characteristics, and motivation of entrepreneurs (Vanevenhoven, 2013). In

addition, other curricula develop entrepreneurial skill sets in students, developing a mindset as an

entrepreneur, or creating a holistic competency-based approach in an entrepreneurship tool box

(Winkel, 2013). While there are a variety of approaches to teaching entrepreneurship, there is not

enough evidence showing which elements and methods are most useful to help with the success

of entrepreneurs.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore the role that educational experiences have on the

development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful entrepreneurs in Hawaii. In

doing so, the research may provide useful information and an understanding of the relationship

between educational experiences and entrepreneurial success. The study was guided by the

following research questions:

1. How have educational experiences impacted the development of successful

2. What are some key knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful entrepreneurs?
3. Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Significance of Study

This research aims to address the connection between educational experiences and the

success of entrepreneurs in Hawaii. I first begin by defining entrepreneurship. I then explore the

educational experiences that might have played a role in the development of knowledge, skills,

and dispositions of five aspiring entrepreneurs in Hawaii. The discussion on the development of

entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and dispositions hopes to answer the last research question of

whether entrepreneurs are born or made. With Generation Z predicted as the most

entrepreneurial, tech savvy, connected worldwide and self-educated (Schawbel, 2014), this

research hopes to provide useful information that addresses the role that educational experiences

have in shaping aspiring entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, this study provides a clearer connection between education and

entrepreneurship. The results of this study serve to aid those who are deciding on their career or

educational path to create the life that he/she wants. By exploring the various educational

experiences that influenced an entrepreneurs success, aspiring entrepreneurs will see that each

phenomenon is unique. I believe this study, regardless of economic circumstances and job

opportunities, one can rely on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that have been developed

through educational experiences to help him/her create his/her own career and become the next

successful entrepreneur.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of this study, I define the following terms and definitions as follows:

Business success: Ibrahim & Goodwins (1986) defines a business was successful if it

remained in business for five or more years and achieved positive sales growth.

Educational experience: As defined by The Glossary of Education Reform (2013):

an educational experience is also known as a learning experience. A learning experience

refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in which learning takes

place, whether it occurs in formal or traditional academic settings (schools, classrooms)

or non-formal or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school locations, outdoor

environments), or whether it includes traditional educational interactions (students

learning from teachers and professors) or nontraditional/informal interactions (students

learning through games and interactive software applications) (para.1).

Entrepreneur: The definition of "entrepreneur continues to change and evolve

with no universal definition. Merriam-Webster (2015) defines an entrepreneur as a

person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money. (para.1)

Chapter 2

Literature Review

The review of literature is aligned with the purpose of this study an exploration of the

role educational experiences have on developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions of

successful entrepreneurs in Hawaii. The following sections will reflect the process as outlined:

1) provide a contextual background about educational experiences of an entrepreneur; 2) identify

knowledge, skills, and dispositions entrepreneurs possess and; 3) provide more insight into

whether an entrepreneur is born or made.

The Role of Education

The role of education in todays society is seen as a vehicle to provide students with

curriculum that teach skills that will prepare them physically, mentally, and socially for the world

of work later in life (Szarowicz, 2004). The government has been trying to improve education by

providing more opportunities for young people to be introduced and trained for a specialized

workforce. Marxists argues that the educational system does not work for everyone in the United

States and that ethnic minorities do not have an equal opportunity to move up in working and

living classes, but to remain in their role in society, develop skills, and socialization (Szarowicz,


Traditional education systems have been designed to train its pupils to rely on standards

through prescribed curriculum. However, creativity skills, the sense of inquiry, use of

imagination, and the ability to synthesize information are not nurtured. With the art of creativity

being lost, students are led down the path of being less innovative, discomfort in taking risks,

and a low capacity for divergent thinking.

With the change in economy and the high rate of unemployment, the government and

academias are identifying ways in which to educate and train our students to think more

entrepreneurially. Reynolds et al. (2000) and Sanchez (2010) believe that the government is one

factor that influences the rate of entrepreneurship growth through legislation and educational

systems. Sarasvathy (2004) stated:

Traditional education systems around the world are very good at teaching students to

think causally, to set a pre-determined goal and then acquire the means and resources to

find the most efficient way of achieving it. People who use effectual reasoning, on the

other hand, start with a given set of means and allow goals to emerge and change over


Raposo (2011) states:

[F]irst, education provides individuals with a sense of autonomy independence and self-

confidence. Second, education makes people aware of alternative career choices. Third,

education broadens the horizons of individuals, thereby making people better equipped to

perceive opportunities, and finally, education provides knowledge that can be used by

individuals to develop new entrepreneurial opportunities. (p. 454)

The motivation to teach students to think entrepreneurially is to help them develop a

different mindset that encourages effectual and causal thinking. An entrepreneur will develop

his/her idea utilizing effectual thinking, based on logic, to use a given set of means and allow

goals to emerge and change over time by voyaging onto unchartered waters. The entrepreneur

will eventually move to causal thinking of expanding the business and conquering the market.

Rae & Carswell (2000) states, Learning theories offer several understandings of the role

of learning in entrepreneurship (p. 221). Kolb (1984) says that learning is an experiential

process through which conceptualization stems from and adapted by experiences. Education is

provided through learning experiences in different formatsformal, non-formal, and informal

but there is no agreement as to which plays the biggest role in the development of an

entrepreneur. Raposo and Paco (2011) believe that entrepreneurs become successful through the

experiences in their lives. They also point out that entrepreneurship education can help to access

the skills and knowledge that a person has and the requirements to start and grow a business.

Kuratko (2005) feels that an entrepreneurial perspective can be developed through experiences

within an organization if given the opportunity to create ideas and be innovative. The 2006 Small

Business Economic Report finds that the highest levels of entrepreneurship link to individuals

that have some college education (Raposo, 2011).

Influences of entrepreneurial growth are based on exploitation of entrepreneurial

knowledge as a source of economic development. Depending on the availability of

entrepreneurial knowledge creation and commercialization of entrepreneurial knowledge, growth

performance is affected. According to Karlsson et al. (2009), there is a correlation between

knowledge, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Knowledge is a broad concept that can be

developed in many different ways. For this study, the development of knowledge is explored

through educational experiences that impacted the success of these entrepreneurs.

Types of Educational Experiences

In this section I look at the educational experiences that have played a role in the

development and success of an entrepreneur. For this study, the term educational experiences

refer to learning experiences. According to the Glossary of Education Reform by Great Schools

Partnership (2014):

a learning experience refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in

which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic settings (schools,

classrooms) or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school locations, outdoor

environments), or traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers

and professor. (para. 1).

Living life is naturally full of education; there are many lessons learned and knowledge

gained through experiences. American philosopher John Dewey (1893) encourages people to

stop thinking that education is a mere preparation for later life, but to find the full meaning of life

by living in ones present life of experiences. Cortes-Ramirez (2014) reviewed Sir Francis

Bacons theory of ideology and culture that knowledge is power and found that humans learn

knowledge through different educational experiences such as formal, informal, and non-formal.

Formal Education

For the context of this research, formal education for entrepreneurs refers to education

that occurs at an institution of higher education, which follows a curriculum to develop

knowledge and skills. According to Finkle, Kuratko, & Goldsby (2006), formal education for

aspiring entrepreneurs in the United States is available at over 1,600 different schools with 2,200

courses, 277 positions, 44 referred academic journals, other mainstream management journals,

and over 100 funded centers focused on entrepreneurship. Hoy (1994) states:

[T]he growth of entrepreneurship as an academic discipline is well documented. It can be

measured by the expanding number of schools instituting entrepreneurship courses, by

the proliferation of courses within colleges and universities, by the frequency of

academic meetings addressing entrepreneurship education and research, by the increase

in faculty and faculty positions specializing in entrepreneurship, and by the new journals

in the field. (p. 216)

As educational institutions create curricula to offer entrepreneurship classes and

programs, there is very little agreement on the specific elements and methods that should be used

to teach entrepreneurship (Vanevenhoven, 2013). There are contradicting beliefs about what

should be included in entrepreneurial programs to prepare aspiring entrepreneurs because of the

lack of accepted theories of entrepreneurship education and the infancy of entrepreneurial

interest. There are a few approaches within entrepreneurship education literature that has been

identified of how entrepreneurship preparation could be attempted (Bernstein, 2011). Vesper and

McMullen (1988) believe that preparing entrepreneurs must include skill-building courses in

negotiation, leadership, new product development, creative thinking, and exposure to

technological innovation. Charney and Libecap (2000) suggest that a program for entrepreneurs

should cover a broad set of goals including: integrating various courses and disciplines;

providing the foundation for new businesses; improving graduates employment prospects;

promoting the transfer of university-based technology; forging links between the business and

academic communities; and providing an opportunity to experiment with curriculums. Envick &

Anderson (1995) view the growth of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities

differently. They believe that the formal education realm of colleges and universities are working

to profit from this trend of entrepreneurship interest without a certain path of developing

successful entrepreneurs.

Leitch (2012) believes that Entrepreneurship education is a key input to the development

of appropriate knowledge and skills (p. 733). Additionally, Fayolle and Gailly (2009) agree and

suggest that entrepreneurial education should include activities that foster entrepreneurial

mindset, attitude and skills, idea generation, start-up, growth, and innovation. Leitch (2012) also

mentions that entrepreneurship education is important and states, A key instrument in the

development of entrepreneurial attitudes is education, which can be particularly influential in

increasing an individuals intent to start a business (p. 734).

While the interest in entrepreneurship education has grown, educators continue to find

challenges in meeting the learning needs of each student with varying learning needs and styles.

Additionally, a persons educational experiences affect the learning curve of developing

entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Vanevenhoven (2013) notes:

Some of the challenges of determining entrepreneurship education are students learning

at different rates, having different motivations, start with different bases of knowledge

and experience, and have access to different resources and networks. In addition, another

challenge is educators have different discipline specialties, different levels of capability,

and different resource networks. (p. 467)

Although institutions and organizations are still trying to figure out the elements and methods to

teach entrepreneurship, a study conducted by Luca (2012), found that the involvement of

entrepreneurship courses is the beginning of future entrepreneurial activities. Extending the

focus of entrepreneurship education from skills development to learning and entrepreneurship as

a phenomenon increases not only entrepreneurial awareness but also entrepreneurial knowledge

in individuals who may work for entrepreneurs or get involved in entrepreneurial activity

(Leitch, 2012, p. 734).

Shefsky (1994) points out those instructors who teach entrepreneurship sometimes

present a challenge to prepare entrepreneurs for success. Those who teach entrepreneurship do

not have any personal experience of actually starting a business; however, they may possess

traits of an entrepreneur. They choose another career and keep their interest in entrepreneurship

hidden. Shefsky (1994) uses the term divergent-path syndrome to describe a person who

makes a choice about their career path, yet has an interest in entrepreneurship. While these

entrepreneurship educators teach from the perspective of having an interest in entrepreneurship,

they teach the academics of it and not the process of being an entrepreneur. Teachers instruct to

avoid risk and making mistakes, likening it to choosing the wrong answer when doing academic

work and earning a penalty. Except in business, wrong choices may cause dramatic and fatal

consequences or it can go well and the business could really succeed.

Shefsky (1994) admits that not all businesses require the entrepreneur to have formal

education. However, according to Charney & Libecap (2000) those who were involved in formal

entrepreneurial education spent more time in research and development related activities and was

able to able to promote the use of technology products to communicate globally about a

companys service or product.

Informal Education and Non-formal Education

One of the enduring themes in the literature is that formal education is not the only way

to learn. Informal and non-formal education provides learning opportunities for a person to be in

control and feel empowered while understanding the social structure around them (Fordham,

1993). Informal learning is more about influencing behavior or change of attitudes.

Entrepreneurial behaviors and attitudes may be affected by relationships, mentorships,

apprenticeships, or partnerships with ones own family, friends, and community. Ronstadt (1987)

believes that entrepreneurship education programs should include showing students both how to

behave entrepreneurially and introduce them to people who may help to facilitate success.

McConnell (2015) also strongly believes in the importance of mentors for aspiring entrepreneurs

and says that having the advice from someone who has been around the block is always

helpful. Mentors may help new entrepreneurs with advice from making mistakes that he/she has

already learned from, provide a different perspective on the business idea, and provide

introductions to senior executives or larger companies with whom a seasoned entrepreneur may

have a relationship with.

Non-formal education is engaging learners with opportunities to learn about their

interests (Fordham, 1993). This can happen through reading material and attending conferences.

Countless courses and books are available to teach a person how to run a business. Hawaiis

Small Business Development Center offers courses about how to develop a business plan, the

fundamentals of running a business, intellectual property, patents and licensing, government

contracting, and breaking into or expanding international trade. These programs offer all stages

of business for continuing education courses to develop, build, or expand a business idea (Small

Business Development Center, 1990).

Experiential Education

Itin (1999) notes that according to the Association for Experiential Education

Experiential education is a process through which a learner constructs knowledge, skill and

value from direct experience (p. 91). According to Durrant (2014), the current entrepreneurship

programs offered in the United States are more action-oriented and experiential. Experiential

learning is designed to give students experience in proper context, which includes the processes

of design, implementation, evaluation and feedback. Experiential learning is beneficial for

students to experience situations in a contextual environment that includes fostering positive

aspects while still allowing mistakes and failures to occur while learning is taking place (Itin,


Shefsky (1994) agrees that start-up entrepreneurs develop hands-on expertise as they go.

He recalls a story told by one of his interviewees, Gary Greenberg, who went into the food

distribution for the airlines. He saw the lack of specialized distribution system for serving

millions of meals for the airlines, so he asked his friend to partner with him in a venture that

would create a system for food distribution for the airlines. Using their specialized experiences

from prior jobs they grew their business to one that was worth over $50 million. Gary admitted

that he and his partner knew they would make mistakes along the way, possibly lose some

money, but they would also learn and grow. Neither held a Masters in Business and both lacked

experience in managerial programs. However, they focused instead on what they learned from

their business in day-to-day experiences.

Student Attitudes Toward Experiential Entrepreneurial Experiences

The following two studies on the impact of entrepreneurship education suggest the

complementary effect it has on the students enrolled in classes or programs for two years.

Stamboulis & Barlas (2014) studied how entrepreneurship education impacted students attitudes

at a Greek university. There were 169 student participants; 124 were male and 45 were female.

Most of the participants were electrical and computer engineering students. The majority of

students were not exposed to or had not experienced entrepreneurship with family members. At

the beginning of the study, 146 participants said that they wanted employment from a company,

47 planned to seek out employment in the public sector, and 17 wanted to start their own

business in the future.

Questionnaires were completed by participants to measure what they felt the impact was

on their mindset and comfort level of being entrepreneurial, before and after taking

entrepreneurial classes. Evidence indicated that the entrepreneurial classes made a significant

impact on the students attitudes toward creating their own business after their academic

program. The students perceptions of entrepreneurship and openness to try entrepreneurship in

the future became more positive than prior to taking entrepreneurial classes. There was also an

improvement in students attitudes about entrepreneurship that was reflected in the question

whether entrepreneurship suits his/her character. Lastly, there was a substantial improvement and

appreciation of entrepreneurship.

The University of Otago Master of Entrepreneurship program in New Zealand

(University of Otago, 2017) is a three-semester program that admits students with the following

two criteria: holding a tertiary degree in any discipline or having relevant business experience.

The programs structure is flexible, interactive and incorporates an experiential learning

approach. The goal of the program is to emphasize experiential learning to encourage

connections of theory to real life situations.

Kirkwood, Dwyer and Gray (2014) also looked at Otago Universitys Masters of

Entpreneurship program that utilized hands-on and experiential learning.There were 29 students

who participated in the study; 18 male and 11 female. Students were asked to keep a reflective

journal about their capstone project as they experienced identifying a market need, developing a

business model to exploit the opportunity, conducting a feasibility study, conducting primary

market research and writing a business plan, while being supervised by an Academic Leader.

Researchers also kept a reflective journal to capture the value that students gained from the

entrepreneurial experience.

The most prevalent theme that emerged from the students reflections was the increased

confidence in their ability to become an entrepreneur. Students also gained confidence,

decreasing their fear of failing. Students did not see failing as something bad, rather a stepping-

stone to learning. Eighty percent of the students appreciated the higher-level skills taught such as

strategic planning and financial literacy. Additional skills and topics that were helpful to learn

were time management, editing, word processing, and market research.

Students also gained value from the entrepreneurship program by learning skills that they

would use in their future. A quarter of the students also mentioned the networking that was

invaluable for raising finances and human resources. Kirkwood, Dwyer and Gray (2014) found

that overall, evidence shows that majority of students who took part in the 18-month

entrepreneurial program gained five types of value: confidence, entrepreneurship knowledge and

skills, a sense of reality, practical solutions, future ideas, and networking.

Taking a closer look at the different ways entrepreneurship is learned is important

because there is no evidence that proves formal, informal, non-formal, or experiential learning is

the most effective way to teach entrepreneurship. However, examining the experiential

entrepreneurial programs in Greece and New Zealand gives evidence that a combination of

formal, informal, non-formal, and experiential entrepreneurship education increases students

confidence in their knowledge, skills, and ability to turn their ideas into a possible new venture

(Kirkwood, 2014). There is also a growing acceptance that learning is a constant process of

sense-making, evolving, and their sense of meaning through what they experience and how they

talk about it. Learning emerges as people explore and understand their experiences to make sense

of their identity as an entrepreneur (Rae, 2000).

Educational Opportunities in Hawaii

Since 2011, Lemonade Alley has offered participants a fun activity that teaches about

business and how to save the economy through entrepreneurship. Lemonade Alley activities

include raising money, creating a simple business plan, creating products, building a store front,

developing a market strategy and partnering with a non-profit organization to donate funds to.

Some schools are also utilizing Junior Achievements Entrepreneurial program that introduces

high school students to start an entrepreneurial ventures while learning about advertising,

competitive advantages, financing, marketing, and product development.

The University of Hawaii offers a major in Bachelor of Business Administration with an

emphasis on entrepreneurship. The degree program provides a focus on identifying, analyzing

and evaluating global and local business opportunities, developing creativity and understanding

of innovation, ethical and social responsibilities for entrepreneurs, and taking many more classes

that give students a range of business outlooks. Also, the Pacific Asian Center for

Entrepreneurship (PACE) at the Shidler College of Business in the University of Hawaii was

founded in the year 2000, and offers over twenty entrepreneurial programs that provide

mentorship, inspiration, training and resources that encourage entrepreneurial thinking across


In 2013, the Kauffman Foundation ranked Hawaii as 8th in the nation for entrepreneurial

activity in the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity (Fairlie R. , 2014). The startup rate in

2012 was 400 per 100,000 adults. With Hawaiis top industries being tourism and military, there

has been continuous entrepreneurial growth with a surge in technology startups. Colleen

Hanabusa, U.S. House of Representatives, told CNN Money, the worlds largest business

website, Though the cost of living and operating a business can be higher in Hawaii than in

other states, entrepreneurs are overcoming these factors. They see the appeal of being their own

boss in the creative environment that Hawaii offers (Kavilanz, 2013).

According to Kauffmans Index of Entrepreneurial Activity (Morelix, 2015), Hawaii

decreased its ranking to 14th in the nation, but improved to 12th by 2015. The ranking is affected

by the percent of the adult population that became entrepreneurs within a given month, the

opportunity share of new entrepreneurs that indicates market opportunities, and the startup

density that is based on the number of startup firms per 100,000 resident population.

Hawaii is also a popular location for immigrant entrepreneurs. The Immigrant Policy

Center reported that between 2006-2010, 15,997 immigrants in Hawaii became new business

owners. In 2010, new immigrant business owners generated $771.7 million, which is 19.8

percent of all net business income in the state (Immigration Policy Center, 2013).

Governor David Ige plays a significant role in Hawaii by supporting efforts that help

develop the innovation ecosystem, in turn, creates high growth businesses and creates high wage

jobs. Twenty million US dollars of investment capital focuses on the innovation ecosystem by

establishing the Launch Akamai Venture Accelerator Program that provides funding to Blue

Startups and GVS Transmedia Accelerator (State of Hawaii, 2016). These programs provide

entrepreneurs with a structured framework to build and launch their businesses by providing

promising entrepreneurs with mentors, seed capital, supporting resources, and exposure to

follow-on investment capital for future growth and expansion (State of Hawaii, 2016). These

accelerators promote collaboration and community building by providing a facility for

companies to work side-by-side while building their business.

There are also a variety of informal learning opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs who

are adults, that share a wealth of experience and knowledge. Workshops, counseling and

mentorships to support entrepreneurial dreams are offered at the Hawaiis Small Business

Development Center, SCORE Hawaii, and Small Business Administrations Hawaii District


In this study, I identify key knowledge, skills and dispositions of successful

entrepreneurs. In addition, I examine the various educational experiences that developed the

mindset and behaviors of participating successful entrepreneurs. Lastly, the next section

concludes with an investigation of whether entrepreneurs are made or born.

Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions of an Entrepreneur

As the traditional education system in the United States continues to

train students to be good employees and succeed in the workplace, highly

skilled and affordable employees from other countries are displacing them.

With the high rate of unemployment, and people finding it difficult to find a

job, people are turning to entrepreneurship and looking for ways to support

their interest through the development of knowledge and skills to succeed in

business (Patel, 2015). Lame and Yusoff (2015) states that entrepreneurship education is

about teaching someone to run a business, promote a strong sense of self-worth,

empowerment, and innovation. Raposo and Paco (2011) identify the core knowledge

entrepreneurship education includes which are:

The ability to recognize opportunities in ones life.

The ability to pursue opportunities, by generating new ideas and find the needed

The ability to create and operate a new firm.
The ability to think in a creative and critical manner (p. 454)


Most colleges and universities encourage in-coming freshmen to have an interest or an

idea of what specialized knowledge he/she will claim as their major prior to their junior year.

The educational system influences the knowledge base, the achievement of skills, competencies

and attitudes on which future career choices are based (Raposo, 2011, p. 456). For the past few

decades, the interest in entrepreneurship has grown and the development of curriculum has

varied within different schools. A concern is the lack of research and evidence that show how

learning strategies influence the development of entrepreneurial competence that transfer into

new ventures.

Some believe that the idea of entrepreneurship is broad and can cover anyone with a

specialized knowledge who decides to open a business. However, others see it as developing

competency in specific areas. In the current landscape, anyone who starts a business is

considered an entrepreneur. Vaynerchuk (2016) shares that someone shows up to tryout and

theyre automatically referred to as an entrepreneur and someone who builds businesses (p.1).

Fayolle, Gailly, and Lassas-Clerc (2006) and Kuratko (2005) believe that entrepreneurial

students need to develop an entrepreneurial perspective characterized by opportunity-seeking

behavior, the tenacity to take an idea from concept through to reality, and the ability to move

beyond personal comfort zones for the sake of potential reward (p.703). However, according to

MindTools (2016), successful entrepreneurs possess knowledge and competency in the following


Business knowledge - for functional areas of sales, marketing, finance and operation
Entrepreneurial knowledge - knowing how to raise capital to start or grow your

business to the next step. Knowing how to work hard by innovating and creating to

stay competitive.
Opportunity-specific knowledge - competency of the market youre about to enter;

have an idea of the market trends and cycles to be prepared for the ups and minimize

the downs.

On the other hand, Shefsky (2004) believes that Education is important, but no amount

of formal education is as important to entrepreneurs as common sense (p. 21). Common sense is

simply described as a sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge (para. 3) according

to Ringer (2017). He continues to explain that common sense is developed through purposeful

awareness and habit through self-discipline of doing the right thing, as opposed to what makes a

person feel good at the moment. Ringer (2013) equates common sense to the wisdom of gaining

sound understanding of how life works through the experiences that one has that leads to

consequences. As one matures, their knowledge increases from the experiences that they have



In addition to having knowledge and competency of business, having the business and

entrepreneurial skills is key to the success of entrepreneurs. A skill is something that one can do

well. Burns (2001) says that entrepreneurs do have certain skills and dispositions that make

them stand out. For example, entrepreneurs possess skills such as effective communication;

strategizing, personal and business branding (Demers, 2014); sales expertise (Vaynerchuk,

2016); financial expertise; resourceful expertise; people-oriented expertise (Aileron, 2013);

visionary expertise; adaptability (Tobak, 2016), and leadership expertise (Shefsky, 1994).

According to different studies, (Clifford (2013), Collins (2004), Daley (2013), Demers

(2014), and Shefsky (1994) there are a wide range of skills that a successful entrepreneur must

possess. One skill that the literature cites consistently is leadership. Entrepreneurial leadership is

different from someone who is a simply a leader. For an employee leader who may be leading a

group of other employees, he/she has a boss who has a road map to fulfill his/her dreams. An

entrepreneurial leader has no boss and has to devise their goals and plans, supply a dream, create

procedures to attain the dream, be responsible for the success or failure of the company, and

determine shared rewards.

Leadership in entrepreneurs

From an article (10 Skills You Need to Be the Next Great Entrepreneur), Steve Tobak

wrote in that if youre not deemed management material, you never get your shot at the

big-time. You never get the chance to learn or hone those skills that will enable you to someday

start your own business. Unfortunately, a lot of people who might have turned out well never get

the chance to find out. Some people may have the skills without the experience and decide to

make a giant step into entrepreneurialism and figure it out as they go. Two examples of this are

Larry Page, co-founder of Google and Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook, who learned

how to be effective leaders as their companies developed.

Shefsky (1994) states that characteristics of a leader include a realistic but clear vision

of a goal, the means to accomplish it, and a sense of how, once achieved, success will be

measured and rewarded (p. 170). He also believes that leadership is something you have or you

do not have, and not everyone can lead. He stated, You can judge peoples ability to lead by the

results they achieve (Shefsky, 1994, p. 169). As he found in one of his studies, a gentleman was

given the opportunity to lead in a series of experiences. People listened to him and followed him,

regardless of his achievement that day. Eventually his leadership achieved success in various

projects and his following of people increased. Shefsky believes,,nothing succeeds like success

(Shefsky, 1994, p. 188).

Seetubtim (2014) said, Being an entrepreneur takes guts, another level of courage, and a

totally different mindset. The earlier you learn, the better (para. 1). She describes the

importance of mindset in an entrepreneurial leader who can create solutions to problems,

communicate effectively, sell an idea, conceptualize a product or business concept, be

resourceful through outsourcing work that saves time and produces more money, and can create

a good team that creates synergy.

Good with people

Some say that reaching success on ones own can be a lonely journey and others say that

it simply cannot be done. Bowser (2016) quotes Jim Rohns tweet on Twitter who shared his

thoughts about the importance or working as a team toward success saying, You can not

succeed by yourself. It is hard to find a rich hermit. He continues to say that we do not want to

become a rich hermit, but strive to build rich teams. Seeing someone successful at doing what

they do creates followers, because nothing motivates like success (Shefsky, 1994, p. 188).

Being good with people is two-fold. Entrepreneurs need to work with a team of

employees and have a social network of like-minded people (Aileron, 2013). Entrepreneurs need

to know how to leverage employees, vendors, and other resources. A business owner is not good

at everything, so surrounding oneself with others who have different strengths can add to the

strength of the organization. Having great people on your team will give you access to new

strengths and build a company culture of which everyone wants to be a part of (Patel, 2015).

In addition to having a corporate team, having a social network of like-minded people is

critical to the success of entrepreneurs. A group of like-minded people provides a safe place

where he/she can bounce off ideas, get advice, and also leverage peers or colleagues as a

financial resource. Patel (2015) continues to highlight that there may be a point in an

entrepreneurs career that he/she may need to raise money to expand or help his/her struggling

company. Pittz (2014) also emphasizes that Success in entrepreneurship is dependent not only

on personal knowledge, but on the network of individuals with whom the entrepreneur is

connected (p. 180). Patel (2015) also believes that if you have friends who are entrepreneurs,

they will understand your struggles and provide insights differently than friends who are

employees or managers.

Effective communicator

Being an effective communicator is another key skill for entrepreneurs. They need to

communicate with team members, vendors, customers, and prospects on the phone, or via email,

social media, video chat, and messages. The messages sent by an entrepreneur can help or hinder

a company. Effective communication to employees is important in communicating company

goals clearly and the plan for achieving success together. Communicating the successes of the

company, providing acknowledgement, and praises for achievement lead to more loyalty.

Nothing increases a followers dedication more than seeing how much his or her leader cares

(Shefsky, 1994, p. 188). On the other hand, poor communication can lead to decreased

productivity, low morale, or mistakes when instructions are not clear. Effective communication

to customers and prospects can help with branding and building an online reputation on social

media or content publications (Shefsky, 1994).


Entrepreneurs do not usually associate themselves with a salesperson; however, they are

selling themselves, their service, or product daily. Whenever someone asks an entrepreneur about

his/her company, he/she gives a brief elevator pitch, which sells someone the idea of the

company. Demers (2014) explains that negotiating with a vendor or persuading someone to do a

task is selling someone on an idea or action.

Entrepreneurs must sell themselves from the beginning. When writing a business plan,

they need to sell someone on their dream to obtain moral support or financial backing. They need

to build the right team by selling others on the dream. On a daily basis, the entrepreneur needs to

sell the companys product or service, negotiate with vendors, and convince customers to support

the company (Demers, 2014). While these are not actions that a typical salesperson would make,

it is the action of promoting and convincing another person on a product or idea.

While refining the study of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, I also linked

entrepreneurial disposition to be important to the development and success of a business venture.

The follow section reviews studies that have looked closely at the various dispositions of

entrepreneurs depending on the entrepreneurs cultural setting, education, and government


Dispositions of Entrepreneurs

According to Stewart (2003), there have been studies worldwide about the dispositions of

entrepreneurs. However, there are no lists of common dispositions that all entrepreneurs must

possess. Akhter & Sumi (2014) suggests that dispositions of entrepreneurs vary according to

culture. External influences of entrepreneurial dispositions are the different settings, availability

of entrepreneurship education, and government policy. However, according to Stewarts (2003)

research, entrepreneurial dispositions in the United States link three classic hallmarks:

achievement motivation, risk-taking, and preference for innovation.

Achievement Motivation

Understanding the motivational characteristics that trigger people to

pursue entrepreneurialism and why some succeed is related to achievement

motivation (Collins, 2004).

Shefsky (1994) notes:

Entrepreneurs are the prototype of the American persona. Unlike managers (no matter

how successful they may be), entrepreneurs have an added dimension. Just having the

determination to follow their dreams entitles them to respect and admiration and makes

them the envy of those who thought about it but chickened out (p.1)

According to McClelland (1961) if entrepreneurial people decide to pursue a job instead of

starting their own venture, they are most likely to choose a career path that offers a moderate

level of risk and provides more direct and immediate feedback on performance. Those with

entrepreneurial dispositions have a high degree of individual responsibility for outcomes that

require individual skill and effort. Shefsky (1994) adds:

Entrepreneurs are very different because unlike most people, who neither need nor desire

a change from the status quo, entrepreneurs cant cope with the way things are and are

willing to take a different approach (p. 107).

In addition, McClelland (1965) adds that entrepreneurs with high achievement motivation are

more likely to overcome obstacles, utilize resources for help, compete, and improve their skills.

Tang (2007) also finds that entrepreneurs achievement motivation is related to an entrepreneurs

risk-taking propensity.


A popular view of entrepreneurs is that they are risk takers. Risk reflects the degree of

uncertainty and potential loss associated with outcomes which may follow from a given behavior

or set of behaviors. Entrepreneurs refuse to let their fears hold them back (Shefsky, 1994, p.

35). Rosenman (1933) quotes President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for saying, The only thing

we have to fear is fear itself (para. 1). Entrepreneurs take risks and seem overconfident with the

results that they can produce. Baron (1998) echoes this assertion that entrepreneurs often

underestimate risk and overestimate the likelihood of success (p. 1). According to Gupta (2014),

entrepreneurs take risks to move forward toward their goals and dreams with foresight of future

success. Risks are taken with the presumption that with failure there is the possibility of another

opportunity to try. Failure teaches you that failing isnt fatalFailing teaches you what not to

do and, thus, how to succeed (Shefsky, 1994, p. 59). Gupta (2014) states that not giving up in

the face of failure with adverse circumstances brings the crowning glory of success. Shefsky

(1994) states:

Entrepreneurs dont aim to fail but do consider failing an acceptable, expected, natural

occurrence. They liken their failings as hash marks on their sleeve of their business

uniforma kind of decoration of valorand they know that the more hash marks they

have earned, shows the learning and experiences they have gained (p. 131).

Successful entrepreneurs tend to have a growth mindset (Demers, 2014). Dweck (2007) shares

that two mindsets for learnersa growth mindset and fixed mindset. Individuals with growth

mindsets, believe that intelligence grows as you add new knowledge and skills. Those with

growth mindsets value hard work, learning, and challenges. These growth mindset people also

see failure as a message that they need to change something in order to succeed next time.

An alternative view of entrepreneurs as risk takers is provided by Drucker (1985), who

subtly argues, the notion that entrepreneurs love risk is exaggerated (p. 160). Cronin (2012)

explains that excessive risk is costly, disruptive, and can lead to failure, so entrepreneurs are

focused on minimizing risk and increasing opportunity, while being innovative, as much as


However Lange, a professor at Babson College has seen students start out with an

interest, and through entrepreneurship classes, teachers have been able to enhance a students

ability to become a good entrepreneur (Daley, 2013). However, one trait that Lange mentions is

that an entrepreneur must be able to take risks. He describes himself as no daredevil, yet has a

lot of experience as an entrepreneur. Further he explains that there are people who will not take

any risk, some who will take considerable risk, and those in the middle. For entrepreneurs like

him and those in the middle, he explains that as an entrepreneur, you must be willing to take

some risks to the degree that is necessary to advance or keep the business going.

As a professor of entrepreneurship, Lange does not teach students how to take risks with

their business decisions, rather, he teaches opportunity recognition, which is teaching students to

look at something with a slightly different lens and evaluate whether it has potential can help

students to see opportunity. If students can see the opportunity, Lange says that it is more likely

that they will act on the opportunity to shape and create something innovative that everyone

wants and everyone needs.

Preference for Innovation

Cronin and Genovese (2012) describe the early stages of innovation like a cocktail party

where conversations are casual, but serious. Exploration of new ideas of innovation while

eliciting reactions to listeners and having fun with what they are doing. According to a study by

Schumpeter (1934), entrepreneurs are generally considered innovators, catalysts of change and

creative destructors. Cronin and Genovese (2012) describe creative destructors as people who

shatter set patterns of thinking and threatening the status quo (p. 161). Cronin and Genovese

(2012) said that innovative entrepreneurs yearn to experiment and have a passion for improving

things. Shefsky (1994) also adds that entrepreneurs are godlike about their creativity and


It is key for entrepreneurs to generate and recognize a novel and useful idea that develops

into new goods or services that would be attractive to customers to stay competitive. Drucker

(1985) considers innovation as being the specific tool by which entrepreneurs exploit

opportunities. Not only is innovation important to the idea of starting a business, but crucial for

entrepreneurs to continually evolve their business by devising ways to carry out actions in a

more efficient and effective way that will save time and cost. Optimizing time and costs to

increase profit for a company provides a competitive advantage. By staying innovative and

thinking out of the box, an entrepreneur can offer something new, interesting, and versatile to

customers without re-marketing something that already exists (Anastasia, 2015).

According to Drucker (2002), despite the amazing things one can create as an innovator,

it is not magical. When creating, one looks and approaches things with a different perspective.

Innovation is learning a process that is currently working, transform it, combine it, and/or tweak

it to make it better.

As academia continues to reveal through studies the key knowledge, skills, and

dispositions of entrepreneurs, the debate continues whether or not these can be developed

through teaching entrepreneurship or if someone is born a natural entrepreneur. Ideas called to

question are the impact that entrepreneurial education has on aspiring entrepreneurs and whether

or not a person born with an entrepreneurial gene will naturally choose to be an entrepreneur and


Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

Is entrepreneurship a natural talent or learning to use ones strengths and skills?

Fouladgar-Mercer (2016) compares entrepreneurs with athletes. He says that they both have

laser-focus on the task at hand, have a diehard dedication for what they do, and possess skills that

gives them an edge over their competition. As such, the question remains: Are entrepreneurs born

or made?

Entrepreneurs are Born

Greathouse (2015) believes that entrepreneurs are not created in classrooms and are born

with an entrepreneurial personality and innate qualities. Shane (2010) also feels that:

[Y]our genes influence the odds that you will become an entrepreneurThere is nothing

in your genetic make up that will guarantee you will become an entrepreneur and nothing

that will preclude it. Even if you lack the versions of the genes associated with starting a

business, you can always overcome your genetic predispositions. But, if you have the

genetic variants that increase the probability of becoming an entrepreneur, the odds will

be in your favor. (p. 147)

Shane (2010) connects his beliefs to well-known entrepreneurs Richard Branson, Alan

Sugar, and Theo Paphitis, whom all dropped out of school at an early age and started their

careers in the world of business. Those that believe that entrepreneurs are born suggest that they

can spot opportunities, think differently and take risks. Shane also (2010) states:

Studies have now shown that a number of different genes, particularly those that

influence the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin (chemicals that

control brain function) affect risk taking, responsiveness to stress, impulsivity, novelty

seeking, and a host of other human attributes that influence work life. (p. 134)

Clifford (2013) conducted a study looking at a hundred of the richest people in the world

and found that 27 of them inherited their fortune, 36 were born to humble households (but some

did not have a family at all), and 18 had no college degree. How did these people get so wealthy?

They all took enormous risks. Five of them invested during hard times, four bought companies

that were all but ruined at the time of purchase and had to turn it around, three had one lucky

deal that changed the course of their life, seven were early adopters of trends that needed

recognition, and half of the self-made billionaires invested in multiple businesses. The big risks

these entrepreneurs took paid out big long-term. They took big risks that others were not willing

to take.

Daley (2013) interviewed a professor and co-author of a book focused on entrepreneurial

personality, James Koch. Koch believes that people are born with personalities that are more

favorable to entrepreneurship. He thinks these are the ones who have the personality and ability

to bear risk. Based on his literature reviews on the genetics of entrepreneurship, Koch found that

60 percent of critical personality characteristics are heritable, like the willingness to take risks,

the ability to tolerate ambiguity, and uncertainty. He strongly believes that he can teach his

students economics and accounting, but changing their personality to make them to want to take

risks is more difficult. He believes that you can teach people how to be better accountants,

economists, and tax lawyers, but you cant change the someones genetic preference for risk.

Shane (2010) states that:

[R]esearchers have long known that individuals whose moms and dads are entrepreneurs

are much more likely than other people to start their own businesses. The academics have

just attributed that pattern to the parents efforts to teach their children about

entrepreneurs, either directly or indirectly. (p. 165)

He continues saying that there is nothing in the genetic makeup that guarantees that someone

will or will not become an entrepreneur. Daley (2013) agrees and adds that interaction with

external forces, such as environment, people, or education, may trigger a persons entrepreneurial

gene causing them to start a business and act entrepreneurially. Others may carry the gene but it

may lie dormant and never used.

Schultz (1975) states that entrepreneurial ability is not only innate, but may also be

enhanced by experience and education. Moreover, he shares that mental skills can be learned or

at least, enriched by education. The debate highlights both viewpoints, and starts off with the

stance that entrepreneurs are made through the influence of educational experiences.

Entrepreneurs Are Made

A ten-year literature review by Gorman, Hanlon, and King (1997) of enterprise,

entrepreneurship, and small business management education found that most of the empirical

studies surveyed indicated that entrepreneurship could be taught, or at least encouraged, by

entrepreneurship education. Pinker (2002) believes that most management research assumes

business-behaviors are learned and that the human mind is a blank slate that can be shaped by

parents, schools, and culture (p. 3). He argues that human behavior is substantially shaped by

evolutionary psychological adaption and the mind has no innate traits. Durrant (2014) also

supports this position that: Scholars reached consensus that entrepreneurship is a discipline and

at least certain facets can be taught (p. 295). MaRS (2016), a company that partners to help

entrepreneurs launch and grow innovative companies through training also believes in teaching

entrepreneurialism. MaRS refers to successful programs like StartUp Weekend, the NEXT

program, and other incubator programs that help teach methodologies and provide tools for

entrepreneurs to get started building a business.

By teaching entrepreneurs a process they can use to build their startup, these programs

and tools support the talent and skill development of entrepreneurs who may have to

repeat the process many times, with several ventures, before finding success

(Damen, 2014, p. 1).

Entrepreneurship educational programs offer experiences for aspiring entrepreneurs and MaRS

believes that these experiences give credibility to entrepreneurship as a valid career choice.

Entrepreneurship education supports entrepreneurs by giving them tools to organize and analyze

their business ideas and thoughts, methodologies to approach the market, community support,

and feedback by working with a network of like-minded students, and a general business

knowledge to grow and build the different components of the business. Shefsky (1994) found:

Countless courses and books are available to teach you how your business should run.

They can be very helpful if you remember that, no matter what they are called or how

they are described, they teach you how your business, not you, should be run. (p. xv).

The Huffington Post recognizes the importance of business education before starting an

organization to build a strong foundation to succeed in the long run (Humpage, 2014).

Daley (2013) refers to Lange, a professor at Babson College, who believes that you can

not teach a student to be passionate about entrepreneurship, but you can help them to discover

their passion for entrepreneurship in the classroom. His research in the past five years, as a

professor of entrepreneurship, has concluded that exposing students to the ideas and lessons of

entrepreneurship will have lasting effects even though students are not natural entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs Are Both Born And Made

Development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an entrepreneur is similar to that

of an athlete. An athlete is rated by his/her set of actions or behaviors when playing his/her sport,

as an entrepreneurs success is measured by his/her actions or behaviors that leads to business

success. Some athletes have developed their knowledge, skills, and dispositions since childhood

from coaches through community teams, from mentors of the game, and some are natural born

athletes. Devenney (2015) argues that entrepreneurs are both born and made and should know

what one has to offer in life and how to use it. Learning how to invest in the talents one was born

with improves the opportunity for success. He suggests that recognizing this opportunity can be

learned. Landstrom and Sexton (2000) also believe that children are seen as entrepreneurial by

birth (p. 455) and encourage education to support the development of knowledge, skills, and

dispositions to promote success.

Devenney (2015) continues to make his point that entrepreneurs can succeed through a

combination of natural abilities and the right environment to apply those talents. One without the

other is not enough. He describes entrepreneurs as independent, problem solvers, and lifelong

learners. As a lifelong learner, entrepreneurs continually learn and are exposed to new

opportunities to recognize their strengths and abilities. He also emphasizes, Being an

entrepreneur isnt only about drive, passion, and seeing answers others dont. It is also about

management, leadership and strategy (p. 1). He talks about being a smart entrepreneur that

utilizes both nature and nurture to make it as an entrepreneur successfully. Devenney (2015)

advises smart entrepreneurs to:

Clarify their unique ability and understand who they need around them;
Clarify the real problem behind the opportunity to ensure they gain traction; and,
Clarify the management processes require to translate a great concept to a great

business. (p. 1)

The discussion whether entrepreneurs are made, born, or both: made and born continues

on with good arguments without a clearly determined answer.

Summary of Key Points

Research revealed much about the mechanisms and factors that could lead to the success

of an entrepreneur. Different research shows how educational experiences could play a factor in

entrepreneurial success through formal, informal, non-formal, and experiential education.

The literature provides different perspectives about what knowledge may be effective in

helping entrepreneurs to succeed, which suggests business knowledge, entrepreneurial

knowledge, and opportunity-specific knowledge. Shefsky (2004) also mentions that common

sense is developed as a person matures and has more experiences in life to make good decisions.

Certain entrepreneurial skills are essential and may affect the success of an entrepreneur.

These skills include leadership with vision, being good with people in order to develop a network

and grow a good team, being an effective communicator, and having salespersonship to sell the

companys good ideas, products, and services to investors and customers.

Dispositions of entrepreneurs were generally inconclusive. Current studies suggest

dispositions of an entrepreneur seem to vary and depend on culture that creates distinctions in

different settings, degree of support of entrepreneurship programs by the community, and

government policy. The three hallmark dispositions of entrepreneurs in the United States were

achievement motivation, risk-taking, and preference for innovation.

The literature highlighted studies to support different perspectives on whether

entrepreneurs are born or made. As noted, there are strong arguments that entrepreneurs are both,

born and made. However, there are also strong arguments that entrepreneurs are born with skills

and dispositions, which are triggered through exposure to entrepreneurship education, or a life

change that motivates the person to become an entrepreneur.

Additionally, the literature provides support to comprehend the phenomenon of

entrepreneurship. Raposo and Paco (2011) state that education for entrepreneurs not only

develops knowledge and skills, but it should influence beliefs, values, and attitudes of an

entrepreneur. However, there are contradictions in research studies regarding the phenomena of

entrepreneurship that does not provide clarity to the effects of educational experiences that

develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful entrepreneurs.

Recently, Hawaii has had a few programs and organizations offer a variety of

educational experiences to introduce and develop key knowledge, skills, and dispositions for

aspiring entrepreneurs. However, due to its recent developments there is no research that

supports or proves that these educational experiences are effective in helping entrepreneurs

succeed in Hawaii.

In conclusion, the literature is rich in what we currently know about entrepreneurship and

provides insight into the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions that affect an

entrepreneurs success. However, there is less research on how to develop aspiring entrepreneurs,

especially in the context of educational programs offered. Current and participating

entrepreneurs can provide the best perception into what affected their development as an

entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs know through personal experience of what it takes to become a

successful entrepreneur in the state of Hawaii, nationally, and internationally. This research adds

to the current literature of entrepreneurship by examining the educational experiences that played

a key role in the development of successful entrepreneurs in Hawaii. The following chapter

explains further my research design, describes the rationale for participant sampling, data

collection methods, data analysis techniques, threats to validity, and limitations of the study.

Chapter 3


Qualitative research is a method used to take a closer look at any human condition or

experience in depth and with rich detail. The rich details can provide valuable understanding to

learn about people and their experiences. Merriam (2009) finds:

Qualitative methods facilitate study of issues in depth and detail. Therefore, qualitative

methods are used within context to study and understand how people interpret their

experiences, how they construct their worlds, and what meaning they attribute to their

experiences. (p. 5)

Within the context of case study research, this study was conducted using five

participants, with each being a separate case. These participants offer considerable insight into

role that educational experiences had on the development of knowledge, skills and dispositions

that promote success in entrepreneurs. Patton (2002) adds that information-rich cases are those

from which one can learn a great deal about issues of central importance to the purpose of the

research (p. 47). Donmoyer (1990, as cited in Merriam, 2009) provides three rationales for the

value of qualitative case study research.

First, these studies allow us to experience situations and individuals in settings that we

would not normally have accessSecond, case studies may allow us to see something

familiar, but in new and interesting ways..Third, vicarious experience is less likely to

produce defensiveness and resistance to learning. (p. 258)

Consistent with case study methodology, exploring educational experiences that played a role in

entrepreneurs may lead to discovery and possibly construction of a conceptual framework.

Participant Sampling

The selection of purposeful sampling was used to select participants within the

entrepreneurship community that I felt would present a range of different entrepreneurial

experiences, yet shared a common expertise of entrepreneurship. Learning from the experiences

of these entrepreneurs would have the potential to provide a richer, deeper within-case and cross-

case analysis for an in-depth understanding of the role educational experiences had on the

success of entrepreneurs in Hawaii.

Merriam (2009) states that when making a criterion-based selection, one should create a

list of attributes that are essential to the study and then locate or find someone that would best

meet the criteria. As suggested by Merriam (2009), criteria identified for selection was: 1) an

entrepreneur who started with an idea and built a business organization that has existed for at

least 5 years with positive sales growth; and, 2) an entrepreneur who was educated in Hawaii for

a minimum of three years. As selected, participants were poised to provide a breadth of

experience and rich details of their educational experiences in Hawaii that possibly impacted the

development of their entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

The selection of purposeful sampling for this study was to include knowledgeable experts

within the entrepreneurship domain that varied in ethnicity, marital status, level of education, and

type of businesses owned. Participants in the study reflected different generations,

socioeconomic backgrounds, gender, and industries, which helped to provide a range of

perspectives shared by entrepreneurs born, raised, and nurtured in Hawaii. All participants were

selected based on their capacity to share first-hand educational experiences from different time

periods, and knowledge of the few entrepreneurial programs available currently in Hawaii.

Data Collection

Data collection methods for this research study included a survey of demographic

questions for the five participants, semi-structured individual and partner interviews, a total of

eight and researcher field notes.

Demographic Survey

In the demographic survey, participants answered questions about their educational

background, extra-curricular activities that they participated in, and what they thought were

important experiences that served to develop their knowledge, skills, and dispositions as an

entrepreneur. Each participant received a survey by email (See Appendix A) that collected

demographic information, along with information on the participants educational background

and career experiences. All surveys were completed before the scheduled individual interview.

Consent to Participate

Before the study, emails were sent to participants to review and sign the Consent to

Participate (See Appendix B). The Consent to Participate form informed participants that if, at

any time, they did not want to answer a question or wished to withdraw from participating in the

study, they were free to do so. Participants were asked to bring the signed document to the

individual interview session. Participants received a copy of the form for their records.


Participants were asked a series of eight to ten questions during a sixty-minute interview.

The questions (See Appendix C) were designed to build off the information shared in their

survey results as well as explore how educational experiences contributed to their development

and success as an entrepreneur. Probing questions allowed participants to provide additional

information and clarify responses. Patton (2002) explains, The purpose of interviewingis to

allow us to enter into the other persons perspective (p. 341). The chosen method of individual

interviews was to focus the conversation on ones journey, to build trust with the participant, and

to allow the participant to feel comfortable in an informal setting.

With the consent of each participant, each interview was recorded digitally to help

document the dialogue. Interview dates, times and locations were scheduled by telephone or

using a meeting scheduling application by email. This form of communication allowed

participants to schedule interviews to suit their convenience.

At the beginning of the interview, I took time to explain the purpose and nature of the

study. Participants were assured that all information and data collected would be kept

confidential, thus responses that could be shared openly and honestly.

Semi-structured individual interviews provided a closer look into the entrepreneurs lives

now and a reflection of the journey that got them to becoming a successful entrepreneur. As

Merriam (2009) states, Interviewing is necessary when we cannot observe behavior, feelings, or

how people interpret the world around them. It is also necessary to interview when we are

interested in past events that are impossible to replicate (p. 88).

Partner Interviews

Upon completing all five individual interviews, partner interviews were scheduled

amongst the group. Partners were paired by availability of schedule. One participant s schedule

did not align with any of the other participants schedules, so did a follow-up interview

individually. As Madriz (2000) explained in a multi-person interview, participants are in a safe

environment where they can share ideas, beliefs, and attitudes in the company of people from the

same socioeconomic, ethnic, and gender backgrounds (p. 835). The goal of the partner

interviews was to discuss emerging themes that arose through the individual semi-structured

interviews, as well as ask any follow up questions that emerged as a result of the initial analysis

of interview data. A different series of eight to ten questions were posed during the sixty-minute

partner interview session. The questions were designed to explore their entrepreneurial journey

more deeply to gather additional details, and to allow participants to share stories and recall their

own experiences relative to those shared by other participants.

The partner interviews allowed participants to expand on ideas that were shared

individually, and a discussion developed around common key factors and themes that developed

from the interviews. Patton (2002,) expounds:

Unlike a series of one-on-one interviews, in a focus group participants get to hear each

others responses and to make additional comments beyond their own original responses

as they hear what others in the group have to say. However, participants need not agree,

disagree, or reach any kind of consensus. The objective is to get high-quality data in a

social context where people can consider their own views in the context of the views of

others. (p. 368)

Similar to the scheduling of individual interviews, participants participated in a digital app email

to find a date and time when partner interviews could convene. Partners were determined based

on the availability of participants schedules. Four of five participants were included in a second

partner interview session. Due to a scheduling conflict, one participant did not participate in the

second interview with a partner. However, a follow up semi-structured one-to-one interview was

completed with I asking the participant the same pre-scripted partner interview questions and any

additional questions that were needed to clarify thoughts from the first interview.

With participants consent, the discussions were recorded electronically.

Participants were assured that all information and data collected would be kept confidential to

encourage open and honest discussions among the participants.

Researchers Field Notes

Descriptive and narrative field notes were kept in a journal during data collection and

immediately after to capture Is insights, ideas, inspiration, observations, clarifying questions,

along with any thoughts regarding patterns, themes or categories that began to emerge from the

data. The field notes were utilized as another source of data that prompted the triangulation of

data in the process of analysis.

Data Analysis

Analysis of data for the research drew on an inductive process, allowing themes and

patterns to emerge (Merriam, 2009). Upon the completion of each interview, a third party

transcribed the recording. I reviewed the transcripts while listening to the recording to ensure

accuracy of data.


After completing all individual interviews and partner interviews, I analyzed the data

from the demographic survey, interviews, and partner interviews to search for patterns or themes,

take notes, and identify key factors that may have helped entrepreneurs succeed. The notes

helped to identify data that I found interesting, potentially relevant, or important to the study.

Merriam (2009) advises in this step for I conduct analytical coding, which is coding that comes

from interpretation and reflection on meaning (p. 180).

Coding is a word or short phrase that assigns a summative, essence-capturing, or attribute

for a portion of the language-based or visual data. I used coding as a problem-solving technique

to analyze data. Shank (2002, as cited in Hendricks, 2009) describes the process of analyzing

data by stating:

There is an awareness in the mind of I that there are patterns of order that seem to cut

across various aspects of the data. When these patterns become organized, and when they

characterize different segments of data, then we can call them themes (p. 143).

Codes were compared and validated through review of the interviews and partner

interview transcripts. As patterns and commonalities emerged from the transcripts, I grouped

them together. As other transcripts were analyzed, existing codes were organized and new codes

were added. As new codes were created, some codes were combined to create a new code and

other codes were deleted.

While the data was being analyzed, I created an on-going code sheet that included quotes

from the transcripts and an explanation of codes used.

In the end, themes derived from the data and were made more robust by searching

through the data for more and relevant information. Refining of themes continued throughout the

analyzing process.


I triangulated data collected from demographic surveys, interviews, partner interviews,

and field notes to look for patterns, common themes, enrichment of data, and to find any

differences across the forms of data collection. The term triangulation was coined for the action

of I drawing on the metaphor of sighting two known points and connecting it to a third

(Maxwell, 2013).

Consistent with Pattons (2012) reasons for triangulation, he adds that gathering data

through diverse platforms allows a researcher to see a complete picture of the phenomena. He

also added, Consistency in overall patterns of data from different sources or reasonable

explanation for differences in data from divergent sources can contribute significantly to the

overall credibility of findings (p. 560).

Final Member-Check

Prior to finalizing the analysis, I provided each participant with their case study profile

and any direct quotes that were included in the analysis. Participants had the opportunity to

review and offer any corrections. The confirmation of details was to provide the participants with

a level of comfort in knowing that what they said and what was being used was accurate.

Threats To Validity

In this study, to minimize threats to validity, I referred to Maxwells (2013) checklist for

strategies to attempt to guarantee validity. Maxwell (2013) suggests using the method of

triangulation; using groups to help participants validate each others events, details, and stories to

create an accurate picture of what happened. Merriam (2009) also states:

Triangulation using multiple sources of data means comparing and cross-checking data

collected through observations at different times or in different places, or interview data

collected from people with different perspectives or from follow-up interviews with the

same people (p.216).

Another threat to validity is the concern for bias on the part of myself due to the partial

insider status as a researcher and entrepreneur, and prior relationships Ive had with some of the

participants. However, I believe that these relationships allowed each participant to feel

comfortable right away, trust was quickly established, and the sharing of information about

his/her journey as an entrepreneur flowed naturally and led to a richer conversation. To minimize

the threat, I acknowledged the relationship with participants, focused on the purpose of the

meeting, and attempted to conduct myself with professionalism as a researcher. Merriam (2009)

also suggests shifting from a wide angle to a narrow angle lensthat is focusing on a specific

person, interaction, or activity, while mentally blocking out all the other extraneous details (p.

150). This allowed me awareness of discriminating between thoughts and emotions of

participants and self.

An additional threat to the research is interpretive validity. I accurately documented the

stories and perspectives of the entrepreneurs journey as told, included member checks, and did

cross coding during analyzing the data as a way to create trustworthiness within my

interpretation of what was said. As suggested by Maxwell (2013), I planned to ask for

clarification, as appropriate, and not make assumptions about the statements or thoughts offered

by any of the participants. He also suggests respondent validation to minimize this threat,

therefore, I used member check-ins after each interview and focus group session to make sure

that the stories captured and transcribed were accurate.

Related to interpretative validity is the notion of researcher reflexivity. Merriam (2009)

explains reflexivity as the process of reflecting critically on the self as researcher, the human as

instrument (p.219). Bolton (2012) states that reflective practitioners write in order to learn: a

self-illuminatory and exploratory process, rather than one focused upon creating a product (p.8).

This strategy was used to begin to perceive the areas that needed further discussion at later times

of engagement.

In addition, another strategy used for reflexivity is what Merriam (2009) refers to as peer

examination. I asked her dissertation committee to read and comment on the findings presented

in the study to assess whether the findings are plausible based on the data.

Lastly, another threat to validity is related to the integrity of I. Four of the five

participants in the study are men and women with whom I have known through working on other

projects together. The fifth participant in the study is someone whom I has not worked with

directly or indirectly, but was introduced by a friend. To control this potential threat, participants

were reassured that information shared would be kept confidential and all data used for the study

would be approved before to making it available to the public. I asked for each participant to

speak openly and honestly to provide in-depth experiences that would provide detailed insights

into the phenomena.

Limitations of the Study

One limitation is the selection of entrepreneurs that participated in this study. Utilizing

entrepreneurs located in Hawaii made it convenient for I, who lives in Hawaii, to access the

participants, which increased the chances of participation in the study. Therefore, the findings of

this study are limited to the context of Hawaii.

The second limitation of this study is that all participants in this research knew that my

husband and I own and operate several business entities together. I believes that I was viewed as

someone who understood entrepreneurship, which could be construed as someone who can relate

to their individual journeys as entrepreneurs. To control this potential threat, I asked the

participants to speak to I as if she had no entrepreneurial expertise and to use laymans terms

when referring to entrepreneurial terminology, but with detailed stories of experiences as a

developing entrepreneur. Having a set of questions and protocols to conduct each interview and

partner interviews allowed me to follow a semi-structured process. When I felt that the

participants were using language that was not commonly known or understood, I used the

strategy of clarification, by asking for examples or definitions, while questioning the participants

so that the data would be understood in laymans terms.

Summary of Methodology

This chapter highlighted the design of this study and the rationale behind choosing a

qualitative case study and the selection of participants. This chapter also explained the data

collection methods used and explained the details of the analysis process of data. This chapter

concluded with explaining the technique of verifying data through triangulation and made

mention of the limitations of the study.

The following chapter includes a description of the demographics of the participants,

which provides a contextual background for each case. A within-case analysis provides themes

that emerged during individual interviews, followed by a cross-case analysis that highlights the

themes that intersected among interviews and were significant information to the study.

Chapter 4

Data Analysis

The purpose of this study was to examine the lives of successful entrepreneurs and

explore the role of educational experience on the development of knowledge, skills, and

dispositions that promote entrepreneurship as a career pathway.

The participants of this study were men and women who currently own or have owned

and operated a business in Hawaii and have a range of educational experiences in Hawaii. Each

participant shared their journey through a demographics survey, individual interviews and

partner interviews with I, sharing stories about their past childhood memories and educational

experiences. The data collected provided descriptions of key experiences that played a role in

their development throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

A brief demographic profile precedes each within-case analysis to provide a contextual

background for each participant of the study. Following is a within-case analysis that describes

each individuals educational experiences and the themes that emerged from their partner

interview. The within-case analysis looks closely at the formal, informal, and non-formal

experiences that shaped an individual, influential people that changed their mindset and attitudes

that affected the interactions, challenges and obstacles along their journey, and the experiences

that led them to entrepreneurship. Thereafter, a cross-case analysis describes the four themes that

were common among the educational experiences that played a role in the development of these

entrepreneurs: 1) rich experiences; 2) influential people; 3) facing challenges with optimism;

and, 4) purpose and passion. Although the participants educational backgrounds and experiences

were different, these four themes represented the common threads that permeated through their

different journeys. Sub-categories provided further details for each theme in the cross-case



John graduated from Punahou School, a private college preparatory school, located in

Honolulu, Hawaii with a 3.92 grade point average. He continued his education at the University

of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business where he obtained a Bachelors of Science in

Economics and Entrepreneurial Management.

In 2000, after returning from Pennsylvania, John founded Pono Pacific, a company that

provides natural resource management services to aid conservation agencies and landowners in

their efforts to preserve and protect the environment and restores Hawaiis precious ecosystems

(Pono Pacific, 2016). In 2007, John established a 501(c)(3) organization called Kupu Hawaii

that empowers future generations to create a more sustainable, pono (perpetuated) Hawaii

through hands-on training programs that develop a strong connection to the islands. Kupus hope

is that their participants become stewards of the Hawaiian culture and environment that they live

in for themselves and future generations (Kupu Hawaii, 2016).

John described his path to getting to where he is today as not a standard one, but as he

thought about it, he questioned whether there was a standard course. John contrasted the

development of an entrepreneur with the growth of a tree.


Seeds Waiting To Sprout

John said, There are many seedlings that come out of a tree, just as there are so many

people that want to be entrepreneurs. However, not all of them make it to maturity. John

believes that the experiences that he had were seeds of opportunities that helped to shape him.

Some of the experiences did not go far and remained just a good memory, while others triggered

an excitement within him to pursue further.

One seed was planted during a conversation with his cousin while in middle school at

Punahou. John remembers getting Cs in his classes and just getting by. My cousin reminded me

that I needed to make the most of the opportunity at Punahou since not everyone in our family

had the opportunity to attend Punahou School. John said that this conversation sparked his

motivation to do better academically and he started putting more effort into his work. Through

hard work and perseverance, John was able to sprout this seed and improve his grades to As and


Another seed that was planted for John was his involvement in sports. John represented

his school by competing in football, track and wrestling. He described himself as being very

athletic but shared, I wasnt the top athlete on any of the teams. John credited team sports as a

very important part of his development because he learned the skills of teamwork and

perseverance, both mentally and physically. Because John didnt feel like he was naturally gifted,

he said, I had to work really hard to keep up and built fortitude to keep on going. John likened

athletics to entrepreneurialism and said,

When people are naturally gifted, they dont build the skill set of fortitudes. As an

entrepreneur, you need to keep going and focus on your mission. You need to build the

disciplines necessary to make your work a lifelong commitment versus doing it right now

because you can.

Another lesson that John learned in sports and school is how to face challenges and use

them to his advantage. He remembered struggling and described himself as the slowest

teammate on the baseball team and I struggled to keep up. But I knew that if I worked at it, I

could persevere. John added, Knowing how to bounce back from rejection is important

because everything in life is not going to come easy. So, working hard to prove that you will not

give up is important.

One summer another seed was planted as Johns life was changed when he participated in

a youth conservation corps program where he learned about environmental conservation,

restoration, education, and cultural awareness. He said, This is where I discovered my love for

the outdoors and how special a place Hawaii is. This experience planted a seed in Johns life to

appreciate the islands in a special way.

An additional seed planted and developed during high school was the skill of relating to

people. John had the opportunity to work in Punahous peer-counseling program, the place where

John learned more compassion and empathy toward others. The peer-counseling program gave

John hands-on experiences to develop his confidence and skills in conflict resolution,

relationship building, and building self-esteem in others.

Through the seeds that were planted early in Johns life, he developed the skills of hard

work, perseverance, teamwork, fortitude, and building relations with others. He also realized that

he had an interest in the environment, especially sustainability of the beautiful land in Hawaii.

As these seeds, skills, and interests started to sprout, he developed roots that would hold him

firmly into the ground to take in nutrients from the land (wisdom from mentors/people in his life)

to help him develop and flourish.

Knowledge And Values Nurtured By Mentors

John explained that an entrepreneur needs to root. Roots are an important part of a tree

because they absorb water and nutrients that a plant needs to thrive. The roots of a person reflect

character, growth, and maturity. John said, If you don't have deep roots, its easy to fall and take

others down with you when mistakes happen. Deeper roots allow one to withstand the storms,

and even sometimes grow because of them. He explained,

The deeper the roots are for a person, you will know whether that organization or person

can withstand a drought; this also tells you if the plant/business is able to sustain itself for

a long time. If there is no connection to the land with deep roots, a plant may only be

drawing water from the surface. If the plant is rooted in the upper surface of the ground, a

strong wind could uproot the plant causing the plant to die or cause damage to the

community around it.

As Johns seeds sprouted through his high school experiences, roots grew for some interests that

have helped him to develop a strong foundation for the tree/business that he was eventually

going to grow.

Outside of school, John worked as a busboy next to his grandfather who owned and

operated Wailana Coffee House in Waikiki. Fortunately for John, his grandfather reached deep

within the roots of his family tree to mentor and share his knowledge and values of business with

relatives who were interested or needed a job. Working next to his grandfather, John developed a

strong work ethic and learned how much commitment and dedication was needed to build a

business and dream that was enough to provide for his family.

As a high schooler, John was given the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship with his

grandfathers encouragement. Starting out the same way his grandfather did, John opened a

concession stand on the side of Wailana Coffee House when there were events or parades in

Waikiki. John remembers selling drinks and snacks to people walking by. This experience early

on gave John the opportunity to explore entrepreneurship by learning the wants and needs of his

customers, providing products and services to meet those wants and needs, and gaining

experience in leading, managing, and supervising others in the context of running a small


While working next to his grandfather, John also learned that work was not just work. He

learned that as an employer, you are also impacting lives of those who work for you and the

patrons who support your business. John watched as his grandfather interacted with his

employees and could see that he believed in them. Johns grandfather gave his employees

opportunities to grow within the company, so it wasnt uncommon that a waitress would

eventually be promoted to a manager. John described the restaurant as a community of friends

and family. His grandfather took care of his workers and helped them out financially if needed.

John said, He didnt just give them a loan, he gave them a no interest loan. John described his

grandfathers safe when he passed away as having several IOUs that were never paid back. John

said that what he learned most and will always remember is, how my grandfather tried to

influence the community through his generosity and kindness. He also showed me that you could

go out and forge something new for the world and do it in a meaningful way.

John believed that the people whom he surrounded himself with made a huge impact on

who he is today. He emphasized the importance of being surrounded and supported by

individuals with optimism and integrity. In addition, having a mentor who was ahead of him on

their entrepreneurial journey, helped him to learn from their shared entrepreneurial experiences

because it was something different than what was learned from the traditional school system.

John said, I think there are teachers for skills that can convey information, but a mentor is

someone who can be there as a cheerleader and an instructor.

One professor who played a big role in Johns development as an entrepreneur at

Wharton was Professor Kent (a pseudonym). John remembers Professor Kent teaching through

experiences, rather than a textbook because he told his students that in business, it was important

to read situations and adapt quickly. While John contemplated his next steps after graduation,

Professor Kent helped John to see that his passion led him home to Hawaii to help the industry

of land conservation and to explore entrepreneurship. John remembers vividly being encouraged

to use your skills to influence the rest of the world through what you do and then help create

excessive resources so you can then start giving back and making a difference.

As a lifelong learner, John knew that it was important to continue his involvement in

professional development programs and networking opportunities with other entrepreneurs. The

Omidyar Fellows Director, Sean (a pseudonym), had a big impact on Johns development as a

leader. John recalls that Sean knew what he needed even before he did, due to the nature of

Seans experiences. John said that having someone who can relate to what youre going through

in business helps one to realize that every company goes through growing pains. While the

challenges may differ, an experienced entrepreneur can suggest small tweaks that can make a

difference. He also mentioned that the support system provided by Omidyar Fellows and others

gave him the courage and guts to push through and dig deep when facing challenges.

Johns vision of having his company rooted from watching his grandfather build a

community in the workplace that was family-oriented and trusting. His discussion with Professor

Kent encouraged him to return to Hawaii to pursue his vision and develop a grass-roots

organization that makes a difference in the community and changes the world. Lastly, John

grew deeper roots as he reached out through networking with other business and community

leaders. He believes that he is where he is today because of the continuous encouragement and

nurturing of his entrepreneurial spirit from those around him. John said, My challenges and

failures provided me with opportunities to continue learning and growing with support around


A Trunk That Gives Life And Protection

The deep roots help the trunk to grow thick and strong, which also reflects the leaders

words and actions. Often times people look to see the stability, and one can observe how

deep the roots go. If the roots are deep, the tree will start to get bigger and sturdier. But

you also have big trees with shallower roots that can be a liability.

John pointed out that big trees are like big companies that are not connected deeply within our

communities. He said, When those companies fall, they sometimes take communities down

with them.

A sturdy and stable tree trunk holds up the leafy crown of the tree and connects to the

roots. Below the trunk is the roots that help bring the nutrients and water up throughout the tree

parts and distributes food that is made through photosynthesis for the tree to grow. Johns trunk

is Pono Pacific. John described having humble beginnings working out of his mom and dads

home with just $3,000. The resources he used were owned by his family members, but shared

with him, which included the computer he shared with his mom and his uncles truck that he was

allowed to use, when it wasnt being used for fishing. He said, We kind of just bootstrapped it

together by being creative and effective. John was also spread thin during the work day because

he was not just leading the vision of the company, he was the accountant who looked at the

finances to figure out if the company could afford to do more and he was the human resources

manager who was hiring and managing a few employees. John said, Having the background in

accounting, finance and management from college really helped out because that provided me

with the basic skills that I needed in the beginning.

Pono Pacific was the hub of Johns vision, the inner bark that was built on small projects

in the community by focusing on producing quality work and building a good reputation. He was

also able to develop the outer layer of the trunk that protects the tree from injury, disease, insects,

and weather. This outer layer was developed through Johns faith. Since high school, John has a

strong faith and calls for Gods guidance when making decisions, facing challenges, and

celebrating milestones.

John said that when he needs guidance, the thinks about these verses:

Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be

frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Jeremiah 29:11-12, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for

welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and

come and pray to me, and I will hear you (Faithlife, 2016).

One fateful college experience that John remembers while in college was at an Ivy

League championship football game between the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. He

described a tradition at the University of Pennsylvania, where after the game students tear down

the goal post and throw it into the river as a celebration. John described how the school prepared

for the events leading up to the win by announcing on the speakers that anyone who came onto

the field after the game would be expelled from school. John said that the warning did not

prevent students from continuing the tradition. He described watching thousands of kids running

on the field and jumping on the goal post to push it down until it finally broke. As a bystander,

John walked to the bridge where the post would traditionally get released into the river. The

group carrying the post eventually made their way to the area John was standing and explained

watching They threw it over my head. It hit the back of my head and for a second, I was

between the railing of the bridge and the goal post. John remembers thinking that he was going

to die because the post was so heavy and it was a hard hit. But in the end, Johns tooth went

through his lip and he didnt get seriously injured. From that event, John felt that God had

protected him and claimed I was spared for a reason.

Branches Of Growth And Exploration

Branches grow out of the trees trunk and often split in different directions, making the

tree reach further out. As Pono Pacific grew, John had the desire to expand and develop his team,

other leaders, and fulfilling other needs in the industry.

John admits that retaining trust in others when building a core team is an important part

key of moving a company forward. As his grandfather modeled for him, he also found that he

needed to build good relationships with people and trust in their abilities. John reported that he

learned how to manage people and network with the right teams to make the vision move

forward through his experiences. He said,

When building my team, I sometimes have to take risks on people. That risk has

sometimes led to failure for me, because I hired people based on the experiences listed on

their resume. But Ive learned through the years that what is listed on a resume doesnt

tell the whole story. Now, I look at building my team with people who have a growth

mindset because I know that we can work, develop, and grow together.

John has had some failures in trusting and believing in the wrong people, but as branches break

and grow back in a different place, John has learned from each experience and continued to

move forward. Johns broken branches have not affected his ability to trust and believe in his

employees, but has taught him how to choose better people for his team and continue growing

again in another area of the trunk.

John saw the need to branch out Pono Pacific further, by creating Kupu Hawaii, a youth

program that focuses on hands-on, service-based job training for Hawaiis youth across the

state. John said that the idea of Kupu evolved while managing some land for a state program.

We saw this as an opportunity to create our own program to be able to empower people to their

potential. If we can help them to grow, they will grow to empower others and fulfill their own


Leaves And Fruit With Seeds

Leaves and fruit grow on the ends of branches as a tree grows. The leaves represent

people who work within Johns company with specific skills that help the operations run

smoothly and the fruit is the opportunities that one might have. John said the leaves are the

administrative components that run the operating team with different skill sets. Others within

the organization are the fruit or opportunity. These people will grow to their potential then one

day move on, and thats fine because they are planting more seeds and empowering others.


Chenoa graduated from Parker School, a small private school in Waimea, Hawaii, with a

3.8 grade point average. Growing up on an island, she had the urge to explore the mainland

which led her to the Univesity of California, Santa Cruz. There she earned a Bachelors in

Political Science. She went on to get a job with the Hawaii Department of Health as a planner

and later worked as a Special Assistant for the American Nurses Association in Washington DC.

Later, she decided to return home to Hawaii to further her education by getting a Masters


At the age of 27, Chenoa founded Farnsworth Consulting and applied at the University

Of Hawaiis Executive Masters of Business Administration program and two years later,

graduated with a 4.0 grade point average.

After graduating, Chenoa co-founded Kolohala Ventures in 2006, a Hawaii-based

venture capital firm that has invested $50 million into Hawaii-based technology start-ups. In

2009 she became the managing director of Hawaii Angels that seeds private equity investments

in Hawaii by providing expertise and due diligence to investors.

At present, Chenoa is the Managing Partner of Blue Startups, a Top 20 Accelerator in

the United States focused on helping scalable-technology companies, including web, software

and mobile compete on a global scale (Blue Startups, 2016). Chenoa works with other

entrepreneurs and as a corporate entrepreneur within a company that values entrepreneurship

thinking. For example, she works closely with a computer game designer and serial entrepreneur

known for revolutionizing the video game industry by securing the rights to Tetris.

Chenoa likened the journey of an entrepreneur to a climber going up a high mountain.

She stated, No one gets there without a good dose of tragedy along the way.


Climbing The Mountain Toward Success

When youre on the bottom of the hill, you have the goal of getting to the top, and you

can only imagine how you will get there and what experiences you will have on the journey.

Similar to entrepreneuralism, Chenoa said that Many people want to be an entrepreneur because

they have an idea. But you need to do more than just have an idea; you have to do it. Start slow

and start small. Looking from the bottom of the hill, you need to take the first step to moving

forward. Chenoas response to peoples business idea is that Once you get started moving

forward with your business plan, the idea often changes. She explains that you can never know

whats ahead and that you have to be ready for how your idea may evolve into something

different. She said, Its a journey.

Acquiring The Tools And Skills For Support

As youre climbing a mountain, you may need to acquire tools essential to help you reach

the summit to success. If not, the trek may be challenging and unsuccessful. When starting a

business, Chenoa advises, Be brutally aware of your own shortcomings and supplement them

with people who have those skills. Dont be afraid to ask people for help. Chenoa emphasized

that the knowledge of experienced entrepreneurs or business people can be a good tool to help

someone getting started. She added, Often times there is someone with a great idea, but he/she

may not be the person to take the product/service to grow the company. Many CEOs dont like to

admit this. She continued to recommend, If you can step on the side and build a team that

compliments you and bring in the skills you dont have on your team, you can build something


Another tool that Chenoa calls attention to is the number of experienced entrepreneurs

and business people who can help. She said, There are a lot of people out there. A lot of people

who want to help. A lot of people who are willing to help if they are asked, but they are not

asked. As a high school student, Chenoa was bold and fearless because she knew that she had to

make money at a job if she wanted to have fun money to play on the weekends. Instead of

being bummed about her job as the school janitor, who cleaned toilets after school,

she asked the Headmaster of the school if she could run a snack shop, splitting the profits evenly

with the school. Through this experience, she asked her teachers for help on how to create a

budget and financial sheet, asked the students to support her business, and asked for parental

help to connect her with other business people in the community. At this young age, she also

learned how to develop and maintain relationships with suppliers for snacks and beverages to fill

her inventory in her snack shop.

Another tool that helped develop Chenoas entrepreneurial skills was her participation in

a business plan competition for university students. She developed a business plan for a store

similar to Whole Foods, which included her moms natural foods bakery, which was already

operating on the island of Hawaii. In addition, her store would offer healthy choices of organic

foods, produce, snacks, etc.

Steady Climbing With Cheerleaders

As Chenoa described, like the climber climbing the mountain, the top looks so close.

Often to entrepreneurs, striving for success seems like a simple journey. Chenoa claims that

entrepreneurs are delusional, by definition. Sometimes climbers dangerously continue on their

path to climb and ignore the signs of danger to their health or the area that surrounds them. Just

as entrepreneurs, sometimes they are overly confident and dont know when to throw in the

towel. Chenoa added, Entrepreneurs need to be confident but not overconfident in themselves

and their idea(s). She emphasized the importance of people, those who will support an

entrepreneur and give advice. Support and advice from others who are encouraging can

sometimes drive the entrepreneur to keep going, even when it may be time to quit.

Chenoa has been fortunate to have several cheerleaders in her life who have encouraged

her to keep climbing the mountain steadily. Chenoa had a mother who had faith in her and

encouraged her to try new things, take risks, and flourish through learning. Chenoa remembers

clearly how her mother believed in her, which made her almost fearless.

Chenoa said,

I truly believed that I could do anything. I definitely did think I could fly. I spent a lot of

time thinking that I was Peter Pan as a kid. I would just throw myself off of porches and

stuff. I guess I have flexible bones because I have never broken one.

Another person who supported Chenoa in her journey was a former boss, Sherry (a

pseudonym) who had a lot of confidence in her skill. She said, Because she believed that I

could do all of these things, I figured I must be able to. Chenoa described how she faked her

confidence to do things as tried them; as she accomplished what Jeri encouraged her to do, she

noticed her confidence grew which kept Chenoa going.

Another person that was a cheerleader in Chenoas journey was Susan Yamada, Executive

Director of the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurs. Chenoa said, Susan was another person

who had so much confidence in me, I was so lucky. As Chenoa continued on her journey,

developing the skills she needed, the confidence that her cheerleaders had in her got in her head,

which gave her the boost of confidence to step out of her comfort zone and take chances.

Falling And Challenges

Chenoa believes that with any journey, there will be tragedy along the way. She said,

That is a given. When you hit that first big boom, its not about your fall or failure its about

how you act after that fall. What is your response?

When choosing entrepreneurship as a career path, it is a different option that not many

select and can sometimes leave one feeling lonely and confused, not knowing where to go with

mixed emotions. Chenoa said, It is a path that is not considered by everyone and definitely not

what your neighbor is doing or even your dad. Without a specific plan that guarantees success,

Chenoa emphasizes that entrepreneurs need to be ready for tragedy.

One challenge that Chenoa faced was during the business plan competition, which she

entered while getting her Masters degree. It was brought to her attention that she was not a

natural presenter, which was imperative in winning the competition because she needed to

communicate her vision and dream to the judges. Although she had done well in school and her

career until this point, she did not consider developing this skill. However, on this new path, she

realized that she had two choices, to work on developing her skill or quit. She chose not to give

up and practiced her pitch over and over and over again. By doing so, she became more

comfortable. The more she did it, the better she got. Chenoa said, I wasnt a natural at it, but I

learned by doing it again and again. She said that if entrepreneurs are not able to improve their

communication skills, they should find someone who can communicate clearly with passion.

Chenoa advises others to be brutally aware of your own shortcomings and supplement them

with people who have those skills. Surround yourself with people who compliment your skills.

Another challenge that Chenoa has faced was learning to be a team player. She shared, It

was pointed out to me that I tend not to be a team player, so I have to be conscious of it. Its

important to use we instead of I. Although this disposition has not come natural for Chenoa,

she said she has consciously worked on it to improve herself as a person and as a team player.

She added that building a team is crucial for the leader in the company because surrounding

yourself with others who have strengths that the leader lacks helps the company to move

forward. She said, If youre weak in communication and you cant improve your skill, go and

find someone who is better. If you need a CEO, go find one.

Lastly, a challenge that Chenoa has faced is going into business with others and it not

working out. She said based on the history of people building businesses, partnerships in

business are the hardest, but the most necessary. Statistically, partnerships do better than solo

founders. She referred to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as well known founders of their companies,

but Chenoa pointed out that they all had partners. Often times for businesses There are two

skills that are imperative vision and execution. While it is important to think big about how to

creatively do something, 99 percent of business success comes from execution. She explained

that there are two perspectives of having a partnership. The good side is finding someone who

compliments your strengths to create a well-rounded team. However, the bad side can be having

poor communication between the partners. Chenoa said, In pretty much every situation with

partners, it became personal. Everyone was friends at the start; we started because we were

friends. She continued to talk about how partners may feel that the other was not delivering to

the other partners expectations, one might feel that he/she was doing more than the other partner,

or the workload was unequal. Based on her experiences, Chenoa advised, Head on and face the

challenges quickly, dont prolong the pain. The faster, the better. Just get it done. Regroup.

Being In The Crevice

Chenoa describes resiliency by referring to how one gets back up that matters the most.

She said, Your reaction after going through a challenge is the mark of a true leader or not. You

need to have the ability of resiliency in the face of a challenge. Its called being in the crevice.

Chenoa recalls being in the crevice at different points in her life but knowing how she

responded was the most important thing she could do. When challenges arise, she describes her

reaction as responding with maturity and optimism to move forward. I self-talk to fight back

harder and smarter. Chenoa remembers starting out as an entrepreneur and asking herself, Is

this going to work? Should I go get a job? Six months into starting her business was a tough

time, she recalls, especially because 9/11 (the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001) had just

occurred and the work she had evaporated. But, she emphasized that she just kept being

optimistic and was able to make it through it.

Chenoa mentioned that sometimes when she is in the crevice, she attends conferences and

seminars to re-energize?. She said, I think conferences are so much fun. I love learning new

things and meeting new people. She added that sometimes conferences reinforce what you

already know, but sometimes you come away with a good idea that you can implement or use in

your business. Chenoa travels nationally and internationally throughout the year for conferences

and develops her network to expand her business or refer others she knows.

Sometimes when sitting in the crevice, one needs to take a chance and try something new

to pull out of a plateau in life. Chenoa developed her confidence to take risks while doing high

school sports. She explained, My experience in high school sports was positive. It gave me the

chance to take risks, maintain good physical health, and learn team skills. Being at a small

school, Chenoa and the other students had the opportunity to try everything they wanted to

explore. Chenoa tried out for almost every sportcross country, tennis, soccer, and volleyball.

Chenoa explained, Because there was no cuts or segregation of the students by skill level, the

student body was always encouraged to try something new and to take risks. She continued,

Sports was just about trying new things and having fun and not getting caught up in the

winners circle. While Chenoa was exploring sports, she was able to feel successful and develop

the confidence to try new things that made her more aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Making It To The Summit

Chenoa has used her experiences, skills, and knowledge to climb the entrepreneurial

mountain. After arriving at the summit, she now shares her wisdom as the queen-bee mentor to

other entrepreneurs who are climbing the mountain. She said, With the high cost of living,

lower compensation for good jobs, and the limited supply of high value jobs in Hawaii, many of

Hawaiis brightest and talented are leaving Hawaii for school or work and not returning

(Price, 2016, para. 5). Instead of losing the young and talented people who are interested in

business or those who are trying to figure out what they want to do or can do, Chenoas mission

and vision are to create a place in Hawaii similar to Silicon Valley, staging a start-up ecosystem

for business ideas. Today, she has created a space where she helps other entrepreneurs make it to

the summit through funding, startup support, marketing to market, and growth. Chenoa said,

Ive made this my lifes mission: to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem, a diversified economy,

so my children can stay here, have good opportunities.


Ed attended Punahou School, a private college preparatory school located in Honolulu,

Hawaii. He graduated with a 2.9 grade point average and continued his higher education at the

University of Colorado (CU-Boulder) and graduated with a Bachelors in Science and Small

Business Management and Entrepreneurship.

During the summers of Eds sophomore and junior years in college, he worked as an

intern with CB Richard Ellis, one of the largest real estate companies in the nation. Ed was able

to work occassionally at the Denver, Colorado location and also worked in Hawaii during the

summer. When Ed graduated, he knew he wanted to return home to Hawaii, so he called CB

Richard Ellis to let them know he had graduated and they offered him a full-time position.

In the year 1995, Ed decided to leave his job at CB Richard Ellis, and he and his wife

backpacked around the world for a year. While travelling, Eds interest in cooking grew. When

they returned to Hawaii, he took culinary classes at Kapiolani Community College (KCC) and

worked at some restaurants. In 2005, Ed opened his first restaurant, Town. Over the years, he has

expanded his delicious delectables at Kaimuki Superette, Mud Hen Water, and Mahina & Suns.


I Am Lucky!

You can choose your friends, but you cant choose your family (Templar, 2013) is

inarguably a true statement that can sometimes leave you shortchanged in life. But this was not

the case for Ed. He shared, I was lucky to have a wonderful mother; one that I call a lifetime

mentor. He added, She has always been a dedicated, loving, and selfless mother, who was the

best cook I have ever known. As a single mom she worked hard, but her family always came

first. Ed said,

My mom had such an incredible work ethic and there was an understanding that

sacrifices were made. She raised my brother and me with the value that family was

important. Those values have carried on with me as a father now, and most of everything

that I do is for our family.

Traveling To Find Oneself In An Empty Bowl Filled Across The World

Ed remembers his wife telling him, quit your unfulfilling job and travel the world to find

yourself and figure out what is next. Ed did and found himself traveling, exploring and enjoying

great cuisine. Ed said, One day while eating pho in Hanoi, Vietnam, I realized that while eating

at new places, I met many different types of people. Food brought people together, made them

happy, and nourished their bodies. Ed had an epiphany that Food is the unifying fabric of

humanity, connecting us to the earth and each other (Kenney, 2015). Ed did not have a

background in cooking but realized he wanted to cook and own a restaurant.

After returning to Hawaii from his world travels, Ed learned to cook for the next ten

years at Kapiolani Community Colleges Culinary school. He also gained experience and

knowledge through working in many local restaurants, working with different chefs with

different styles, and tried to evolve his style. He had a vision of having a place for the

community to gather where decent food was served.

Experiences Prompt Lifelong Learning

Ed described himself as a rebellious child, mostly because of his disregard for authority.

He said, I was always kind of a rebel, like a punk rock, skater kid. He added that he wasnt

interested in school and was often told that he had potential but did not apply himself. Ed said, I

find that when Im really interested in something, I can learn it. I am a tactile learner or

experiential learner who learns by doing. He emphasized, My best learning experiences were

hands-on, interactive, and experiential.

Ed remembers opening up a lemonade stand as a young child on the side of the road. But

his lemonade business was short term with the focus of making some extra money and moving

on. He also remembers attending the Explorations program at Kamehameha Schools for a few

summers that taught him about land preservation and sustainability, which has led him to feel

connected to the land.

He also remembers developing a hypothetical triathlon and cycle apparel business in

college with a group of students. Although he knew it was not a business that he would continue,

the experience seemed real. I learned how to develop and run a businesss, make decisions,

manage orders and employees, work hard, and manage the time needed to make the business


Ed felt that school provided him with a place to learn about his strengths and weaknesses

however, never really saw the value in school. He said,

I was never a great student and frequently questioned what was being taught. But, I

believe that my experience at Punahou, University of Colorado Boulder, and Kapiolani

Community Culinary were invaluable in my growth as a businessman, chef, and person.

Ed continues to attend seminars, trainings, and workshops that help him to stay abreast of

important issues related to his industry and are relevant to his life. Every few years he attends a

James Beard Foundation Chef Bootcamp to work with other chefs from around the country and

discuss pressing food issues. Ed described one of the classes that he recently went to and said

I learned about marine sourcing and how the sourcing was engaged in the slave trade and

human trafficking. After learning how many of these people were catching fish and were

not being treated well, I decided not to support companies like that. As a business owner,

I need to know what is going on in my industry because it makes me reflect on my

choices and how it affects people and the environment in a positive or negative way.

In addition to the classes and trainings that Ed has attended, he said he also experienced a

lot of growth through his work experiences. While at the YWCA, Eds boss provided many great

opportunities for the employees to grow and learn about themselves and the organization. It was

those activities that Ed remembers making an impression on him and his values. His boss guided

the employees to see how their individual values were contributing to the team and organization,

which gave each of them a sense of ownership, belonging and acceptance.

Another thing Ed developed while at the YWCA was an interest in instilling a social

mission in a for-profit enterprise. At that time social entrepreneurship was becoming a

buzzword and people were talking about a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. When Ed

planned on opening his first business, he knew that he wanted to incorporate the 3 Ps into his

vision: bring people together to enjoy a meal together; be mindful of the planet by serving local

food that was grown in Hawaii from responsible food sources; and be profitable to sustain a

healthy business model. Working at different restaurants helped Ed to develop as a leader in the

food industry by taking the strengths from his prior bosses, developing his identity, and

providing a safe place for others to thrive at what they do best.

Entrepreneurship And Risk Taking

While continuing learning as an entrepreneur, Ed recalls an experience during the first

week of opening his first restaurant, Town.

My uncle was one of the ones who helped start Town with a bit of seed capital. So he

came in during the first couple weeks of opening. I was super excited that he was there

and I asked him what he thought. My uncle responded, I think it was amateur.

Ed could not believe what his uncle told him. It crushed him, but it motivated him to make his

business better.

As Ed continued learning and moving forward toward his goals, he maintained Town

Restaurant. Starting out, he utilized the knowledge that he gained from his business classes

when studying at the University of Colorado. However, he said,

At some point in growing your company, you cant continue to do everything and wear

every hat. You need to surround yourself with people who will complement your

weaknesses. Its not important to spend time developing your weak points when you can

spend the same amount of time developing your strengths.

So instead of continuing to watch his finances, profit and loss, and accounting daily, Ed decided

to hire a Chief Ffinancial Oofficer. He also relinquished human resources and legal

responsibilities. Ed said, You start off your business as the jack-of-all trades, but master of

none. You spread yourself really thin, but in the end, its best to hire people who are

[specifically] experts in those fields. As Ed built his team, he acknowledged the importance of

developing a team that sticks together through succeesses, and failures because those are lessons

everyone could learn from. Ed shared that his companys hashtag is #FPP, which means first

person plural. When talking about Eds team, he said, We try to make it a habit of using the

plurals we, our, ours. We dont allow people in our organization to say I or my. Its always our,

we, ours, us. #FPP first person plural.


Rob attended Henry Opukahaia School, a small private school in Keaau, Hawaii. He continued

to go to a public middle school, Waiakea Intermediate, and in his freshmen year, was accepted

into Kamehameha Schools, Kapalama Campus on the island of Oahu. After being dismissed

from Kamehameha Schools, Rob moved back to Hilo and was watched over by his father while

he attended Waiakea High School. Rob made it out of high school and graduated with a 1.7 grade

point average. Rob decided to continue his education at Monterey Peninsula College, junior

college in California. He later transferred to California Polytechnic State University in San Luis

Obispo and received his Bachelors degree in Architecture, six years later.

Rob was fortunate to get an internship at a Hawaii-based company, Wimberly Allison

Tong and Goo (WATG), one of the worlds leading design consultants for the hospitality, leisure

and entertainment industries. He worked in the overseas department that developed buildings in

Southeast Asia where he developed architectural designs in Kumpa Lumpur. He later moved into

a full-time position back in Hawaii where he started being more involved in projects where he

could infuse his knowledge and the stories of Hawaii.

In 2000, Rob co-founded Watanabe Chun Iopa and Takaki (WCIT) and later became the

sole owner? in 2001. Since 2011, he has popped up four new companies.

Rob also believes in inspiring the next generation as a published author of childrens

books. He has written, A ama Nui, which was printed in both English and Hawaii, and Hale

olelo, which is a collection of stories that weaves in the inspiration of design and architecture. In

these stories, Rob has a creative way of inspiring children by incorporating the depths of

architectural design of an actual home. Robs stories teach about architecture using Hawaiian

culture, stories, and history of Hawaii as it invokes legacies of mo oku auhau (genealogies),

mo olelo (stories, mo oka I (journeys), and mo owaiwai (valued practices) of the beautiful

Hawaiian islands where he lives.

Rob drew an analogy between being an entrepreneur and an athlete participating in high

school sports. As captain of his high school football and baseball teams, Rob was known in high

school for his leadership and athleticism. Rob pointed out that In sports, there is that nature

verses nurture theory that people wonder about. Going through entrepreneurialism, Rob said,

In life you are kind of dropped into a situation and you have to find your place. In

entrepreneurism you need to find your passion, your groove.


An Underachieving Academic Student with Goals

For Rob, he knew that he enjoyed mathematics and problem solving. On the day of his

high school graduation, his grandmother asked him with tears in her eyes, So, what are you

going to do now? Rob told her, Im going to be an architect. Despite being an underachiever

in school, Rob had a real interest in being an architect.

During his first year of college, Rob said, I had to take all the basic classes again like

mechanical drafting, precision drafting, and advanced math. Rob commented, I took those

classes in high school, but I think I just wasnt ready for them. I didnt do well. Once I got to

college, I knew I had to do well if I really wanted to do this. Rob pushed forward with

perseverance and focus and did well enough to be accepted into California Polytechnic State

University (Cal Poly) where he started pursuing his interest and passion for architecture and

developing the knowledge and skills he needed to do that kind of work. Rob admits, Besides my

early childhood education, going to college really opened my eyes again. My world opened up to

design, composition, and materialities. Once Rob was at Cal Poly studying architecture, he said,

I knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Being Alone And Growing With Mentors

In the year 2000, Rob decided to step out in faith with three other men to grow the

business of architecture in Hawaii, and became a partner in Watanabe Chun Iopa Takaki. But as

the business starting growing faster than anyone planned and at an uncomfortable rate, Rob

found himself alone. Rob explained, Watanabe decided to leave because the growth was too

much and Chun and Takaki passed away unexpectedly. Robs plans of going into business with

three older men for guidance and mentorship faded away quickly, and he was thrust into a

position of having to fend for himself. Rob said, I thought I would have these mentors for at

least the first decade of my entrepreneurial period, but I just had to figure out the way.

Right around this period, Rob was accepted into a young leadership development

program called Pacific Century Fellows (PCF). Rob met some younger guys who were in

business. He said, I was meeting business men who were almost ten years younger than me who

were doing well in business and also publishing books. Rob said, Even though my world was

caught up in design, these young business men inpsired me to do more and figure out my

business. Rob asked lots of questions about business and started learning that he needed to start

surrounding himself with this these people. Rob said, There was a period in time when I

focused on the business aspect. I attended seminars and trainings to learn and be influenced.

Rob kept his ears open and his feelers out for every opportunity to learn. However, he

shared, Im not really one to have a mentor because my pesonality type is one that tries not to

impose. But through business contacts or doing things together I have learned a lot and have

been mentored by many. Rob also mentioned Aron (a pseudonym), a Fellow with whom he

built a business relationship with that he said, has opened his business world. Since the

relationship has developed Rob has been included in other businesses opportunities that have

formed partnerships into investments that diversified his business portfolio.

A few years later, Rob was invited to participate in the Young Presidents Organization

(YPO), an organization that unites more than 24,000 members in more than 130 countries

around the world with the shared mission of becoming better leaders through lifelong learning

and idea exchange (Young Presidents Organization, 2016, para. 1). Rob said, Initially I thought

YPO wasnt for me. But I talked to people in it and they told me how it was lifechanging because

of the international resources and people who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. The

organization is made up of people just like me, entrepreneurs trying to figure it out. Rob

decided to join. He added, Another benefit of the organization is being a part of a forum group,

which is similar to having a Board of Directors of entrepreneurs who he can talk to about

business ideas, challenges in business, and also personal issues. Additionally, Rob said that

being a part of a group where people really know what you are going through or how youre

feeling helps to know that the growth and challenges are normal, because it is not something that

you would call your best friend to discuss. Being surrounded by other entrepreneurs enables him

to figure it out with a good support system, so he does not feel isolated. Rob commented, The

Pacific Century Fellows program was my undergraduate schooling and YPO is like my graduate


While finding his way, Rob developed a friendship with a contractor named Ray (a

pseudonym). Rob respects Ray as a successful businessman, so he asked him, What is the secret

to success? Ray responded,

You are born lucky. You are born with a spirit to pursue. Luck happens to people that are

looking for it. They are looking for opportunities and then you take the risk. There is an

opportunity on almost every corner. It is just the matter of identifying it, analyzing it to

see if it has potential for a positive outcome, and execut[ing].

Playing For Team Hawaiian And Finding His Niche

After working on numerous projects and gaining experience developing projects in South

East Asia, Rob learned about designing architecture and integrating culture. His interest led him

back to Hawaii where he met a former head of the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association

and a sort of elder statesmen among Native Hawaiian consultants. In a magazine interview, the

former head of the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association shared the following thought, You

can not have a Hawaiian sense of place, if you dont have any Hawaiians involved in the

project being designed. Rob thought about his own identity being Native Hawaiian and had a

personal feeling of pride to become that person to design locations in Hawaii that merge the

Hawaiian culture, heritage, and traditions. Rob remembers wanting to design architectural

designs that told a story of Hawaii and something that embodied a Hawaiian sense of place.

Rob knew he had a big job ahead of him; although he was part Native Hawaiian, he didnt grow

up with the culture as a major aspect of his life. In a magazine interview, Rob shared the

following thought about his parents, My mother was a Caucasian from California and my father

was Hawaiian from Keaukaha. My dad was told growing up he was too Hawaiian, so he tried

to become more Western (Hollier, 2014). Growing up, Rob did not remember learning much

about his culture, but he knew that at this point in his life it was important to him and it was the

right opportunity to learn as he grew within his career.

Find Your Teammates

Rob stated, I am fascinated by shows like Survivor. You can try and survive alone or

work with a team. Rob adds, On sports teams, some people are just happy as a part of the

team. They are happy to find their little role and contribute. There are others that find a way into

leadership positions.

Rob found himself in those lead positions during high school sports which helped him to

develop the interpersonal relationship skills that he needed later in life. Those experiences also

helped him understand how to work as a team and discover how each person can contribute to

making the team better. He said, Sometimes people think that being an entrepreneur is good

because you can have it your way and you dont have to answer to anyone else. That is true if

you dont want to deal with the politics of other people. However, Rob adds that once a

company develops a certain amount of success, the leader or CEO will realize in order to grow,

the company needs to bring in someone or people that have a different skill that the current

leader does not have. Rob shared that he saw this when he was leading his company alone, I

have challenges from not being educated thoroughly enough, and Im bad at numbers. Im good

at math and problem solving, but I am challenged with financial data. So instead of holding his

company back from developing further, he hired other people that he could trust to support his

mission and vision.

While building his team, Rob said that it hasnt been easy because sometimes you have to

take leaps of faith in people. He said, Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesnt, but you

dont look back at the situation and say shucks, I shouldnt have done that. Because it is all

learning along the way.

The Underdog Who Succeeded

Thinking like an athlete, Rob also takes lessons from his past. He said that when he faces

challenges, He does not just cave in and go home to cry about it. I figure out how to get back up

on the horse and do it again. Thinking long term, Rob has learned that Its not just about

starting the business, but also keeping it running. Thinking about sustainability and the cycles of

economies. Rob explained that like all businesses, his has a cycle of economy, so it is

important to reach out, maintain good relationships, and touch bases with clients. To avoid the

dramatic ups and downs, Rob has tried to diversify his investments and involvement in different

business sectors that integrate architecture.

Every day is an opportunity to succeed on every corner. Rob explained that in trying to

grow his business, We go and compete in areas that may be underserved if I think there is

opportunity. Rob said, We have popped up four small businesses in the past five years, and now

I have a network and backbone that no regular start-up can compete with. I have a ten thousand

square foot space that we own. Rob explained that if he sees an opportunity in the marketplace,

he carves out a space and starts up a small company, and often it is a service related to his

architecture business. He said, If I need to popup an archaeology company with two people, I

carve out space in my building and see if it can grow. Since growing, and being able to do this,

Rob described the experience and said, It is a bit of risk, but it is exciting to see if these things

can blossom. It is empowering, but a bit overwhelming.

In the process of raising three children along with his wife, Rob tries to inspire and

empower them as they figure out their strengths and interests as individuals. Another investment

project that he has been involved in is publishing books that nurture creativity. Rob said, It is

my hope that through my stories, I am nurturing creativity. I think it is important to be creative

and also think logically about what youre going to do with your creation. He adds, I think

raising kids as free thinkers and exploring a variety of solutions helps children to think that

problems can be solved in many ways.


Christine attended Kalani High School, a public school in Honolulu, Hawaii.

She graduated with a 3.5 grade point average and continued her education at Kapiolani

Community College. Later she transferred to the University of Hawaii, Manoa where she

declared a major in political science so that she could be a lawyer or an accountant.

She took a side job at a small real estate development company where her interest in the

industry grew, so she changed her major to finance and started taking classes at Honolulu

Community College, as well as Hawaii Pacific University. When Christine graduated, and she

had a breadth of experience under her belt on a small scale, her boss encouraged her to learn

from larger companies. She moved to Castle and Cooke as a Project Coordinator in Planning and

Engineering and ended in the position as Senior Project Coordinator Project Development and

Acquisitions after five years. She was then recruited by another large development company

called Alexander & Baldwin (A&B Properties) as a project manager and became the Vice

President of Development after five years.

In 1999, Christine founded Avalon Development Company. Over the past seventeen

years, Christines boutique company has grown to become the Avalon Group, a multifaceted real

estate business that manages a $350 million portfolio of properties across Hawaii in partnership

with multinational companies and financial giants in real estate around the world.


My Beloved Mother

As a young girl, Christine remembers watching her mother working hard to support the

family. As an immigrant, her mom had difficulty getting a job because she had limited English

language skills. So instead, she was an entrepreneur who tried many businesses to make ends

meet. Christine remembers her mom gathering what she could to sell things at the swap meet and

also buying a bakery that sold day old bread and pastries for a discount. She would buy the

day-old goods from the bakery and then turned around to sell them. Her mother also bought a

mart that sold a variety of grocery items, but all three endeavors were colossal failures. Christine

knows that her mom never became rich, but she always managed to pay her bills and support the

family as best as she could. Through watching her mother, Christine learned a little about

entrepreneurship, taking risks, working hard, and not giving up.

A Smile, A Glow, And Hope

One day, when Christine was a junior in high school, she wanted to take control of her

life without finances being a burden any longer. She packed her stuff and ran away from home.

Because she worked three jobs, she figured she had enough money to support herself and rented

an apartment for $175 per month. Despite gaining her independence, she described the

experience and said, I remember being miserable because I was surrounded with a lot of other

teenagers and adults who were struggling in life,many who were involved in prostitution or

drugs. Christine could barely afford the rent, and remembers, I would boil water at a

neighbors to have warm water to shower. Christine stuck it out for a little while, but the

depressed atmosphere started getting to her. Eventually, she noticed a boy and girl in the hall that

lived in the building. They stood out because every day they had big smiles on their faces. They

just glowed, Christine said. So one day she stopped them and asked them why they were so

happy. They told her, We are just college students, we go to school. Thats when Christine

realized they had what she wanted a smile, a glow, and hope. By going to college, they were

hoping to create a better life, and were excited about their future. Christine said, It was then that

I decided to go back home to save my money because I wanted to go to college one day.

Motivation For A Better Life

Christine had hope for her future and attended college classes with a declared major in

political science, with plans to become a lawyer or an accountant one day. Needing to pay for her

classes, Christine took a job with a very small real estate company that was owned and operated

by an attorney. Christine was the only other employee besides the owner, so she had a lot of


She remembers often crying and thinking how life wasnt fair because of her familys

financial struggles and was envious of the opportunities others had, but her boss reminded her to

focus on herself and what she was doing to move her life forward. She said, He told me not to

compare myself to anybody else because if I continued to do that, I would always lose. He also

pointed out to her that There will always be somebody better, richer, or more educated than you,

but it does not matter because you can not change that; you can change yourself and who you

become. Christines boss encouraged her to focus on creating the future she wanted.

While working, Christine was expected to do many things from typing to drafting legal

documents. Christine never complained about the responsibilities, but saw it as an opportunity

and experience to learn something new. She said,

My boss was a big role model in my life at that time. He told me as I was learning

things that no matter how smart we are, we cant do things on our own. There will always

be someone that you are going to need to guide you. Luckily, my boss was that person.

Christine remembers the rich work experience that she gained through creating a marketing plan,

doing design work, and executing it. Gaining hands-on experiences at work, Christine

remembers the motivation to learn more,

So I started changing my educational plan in college to support the knowledge I needed

in the office. When I started doing some accounting work at the office, I registered to

take some accounting classes. When I was learning in class how to manage a budget and

create financial reports, I was really doing it at work.

Christine eventually changed her major to Finance.

Continuing to gain lots of experience and success from the small development real estate

company, Christine said, I didnt want changes. But her boss encouraged her to grow further

by gaining more experience in larger companies. She remembers being scared because she did

not have her college degree and she knew less than other people. But her boss encouraged her to

go and see how the big companies worked and let her know that if things did not work out she

could always return to work with him. Christine decided she had nothing to lose and changed her

perspective in using this as an opportunity to become more educated and grow. She said, when I

saw the move as an investment to learn, it no longer became scary.

Investing In Herself

Christine moved to Castle and Cook and realized that by gaining skills and experiences in

the small real estate development company, she was familiar with almost all of the departments

in the larger company. Christine recalls being confident because of the different experiences she

had from sales to marketing to advertising to leafing. so Castle and Cook could use her skills

wherever they needed. Christine recollects her goal was to help everyone on the team toward

success. She said, Sometimes I even did their work. It didnt matter who got the credit because I

got the opportunity to learn while helping others and the end goal was helping the company to


Christine continued to invest in herself through more experiences, and eventually moved

to Alexander & Baldwin (A&B) Properties. Because of all of her experiences thus far, she

became a project manager. Christine recalled clearly a turning point in her career that ignited a

fire, I was negotiating a huge multi-million dollar sale that I ended up losing. I lost the bid to

someone else for thousands of dollars short. I was so disappointed when the decision did not turn

in my favor. Thinking back on that experience, Christine remembers thinking to herself, Now

what? Knowing that she needed to move forward, she decided to use all of the knowledge and

experiences she had to start her company.

In 1999, Christine invested in herself and opened Avalon Development Company.

Success did not come right away. Christine remembers working harder than she ever had before.

She said, As the CEO of the company, you need to be the hardest worker in the company. You

need to be the first one in the office and the last one out. You also need to be doing whatever it

takes to make the vision happen. She also experienced another change, she was thinking about

her business 24-hours a day because it wasnt just her livelihood that she was thinking about, but

her employees whom she hired. She said, The first three years were very stressful. I would

review my financial reports to crunch numbers and sit in front of my checkbook, hoping to make

payroll. Within three years, Christine remembers, My company finally hit a comfortable place

financially where there was more money coming in than going out. I decided to invest again by

using the millions I had into land for projects to grow bigger and succeed. She was fortunate to

acquire the land she wanted but hit another big challenge when the economy took a downturn in

2008. She recalled feeling uneasy because she had just invested the millions of dollars that she

gained and the lenders whom she was counting on refused to fund her projects because it was too

risky. Christine remembers that many companies and individuals were defaulting on their loans

and filing for bankruptcy. She said, It was a stressful time because many people continually

asked me if I was going to file bankruptcy and take a loss. But Christine had integrity. She said,

I knew that if I did not pay back the bank what I owed, I wouldnt be able to continue to do

business in Hawaii for the next thirty years. My financial investment was in me and my

company for the long-term. She went to the lender and said, here is my share. Im going to

write you a check and give you a promise that youll get your money within the first year.

Christine worked hard to pay the bank back every penny by working as a consultant, a broker, a

property manager, and whatever work her company could do. She said, I saw larger companies

filing for bankruptcy and small companies going out of business, but I never gave up, and it

didnt matter what other companies were doing.

Her investment, hard work and integrity paid off in the end when the economy made its

way back and people started developing again. Christine said, When I went to the banks to get

my lenders support, they went out of their way to help me finance my projects. Looking back,

Christine said That experience made my company better. In the long game, I was able to raise

one hundred fifty million dollars, because I didnt walk away from a ten million dollar


The Greater Good

Christine said, As an entrepreneur, you need to continually learn how to think bigger

and to support the community that supports your business for the greater good. She said, I need

to take myself out of my business and understand what is going on in my community. I can be a

better leader for my business and employees if I understand affordable housing, park planning, or

transportation. I participate in many of these things even if it has nothing to do with my

industry. She added, The sheer number of people supporting the community are independent

businesses. They are people like me who started a business out of nothing, worked hard, gave up

their weekends to build their business so that they can give back to the community. In Hawaii,

we are 98 percent entrepreneurs. Christine encourages entrepreneurs to invest in themselves,

their dream, and the community that supports them.

Cross-Case Analysis

The following section provides a cross-case analysis of the data gathered from all of the

case studies. The following section is organized by the key themes and sub-themes that emerged

from the study. The categories include rich experiences, influential people, an optimistic attitude,

and having purpose and passion.

Rich Experiences That Shaped Their Future

Five different lives with a range of different rich experiences have provided hands-on

opportunities for entrepreneur participants to lead, innovate, and take risks. All five participants

acknowledged that earlier experiences in life helped to prepare them for what was yet to come in

leading their companies. John said, I was someone who was able to study entrepreneurism in

college. But I dont think that it was just about the classes that I took. Its about the experiences

that Ive had that that have also helped to shape me and get me where I am now.

Working As A Team

The three male participants acknowledged that sports was a big part of their lives and

provided experiences that developed their leadership, teamwork, communication, and

perseverance. Rob said, As a captain, you need to have those interpersonal relationships to

understand how to push each player to perform. Just like in the work place, youre working with

so many different personalities with different motivations. John shared how not being the best

athlete on the team pushed him physically and emotionally to work hard, get better, and

contribute to helping his team. Stankovich (2011) points out that athletes develop mental

toughness and fortitude while competing on the field, but they also need to also realize that in

real life, it is healthy to seek help from others by working as a team. The American Academy of

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry states that participation in team sports allows children to learn

skills that will carry over into their adult life. Among the skills named are leadership, teamwork,

and high self-esteem (Sutton, 2015).

Extracurricular Activities And Programs

Four out of five participants identified extracurricular activities and programs that played

a role in their developmental journey as an entrepreneur. Chenoa managed the schools snack

shop and Christine participated in the Junior Achievements business program. Both learned

basic business skills of identifying a need, creating a product, dealing with business people,

taking a product/service to market, and providing customer service. Christine said, My Junior

Achievement experience gave me exposure to talking to business people. Chenoa remembered

identifying the need and described the experience as, It was a fun learning experience to earn

money. It was better than cleaning toilets. I also learned so much more because I learned from

my teacher who was giving me advice.

John and Ed both were introduced to environmental programs at an earlier age that

develop a sense of connection to the earth. Ed said,

At Punahou, we had a small Hawaiian studies unit about values. The Kamehameha

Explorations program gave me one week to immerse myself into working in the land.

Because of these experiences, when I opened my business, I knew that we would

incorporate some of the native Hawaiian values, which also included farming.

Similarly, Dorsen, Carlson, and Goodyear (2006) found that providing adolescents and teens

with experiences may motivate them to consider the industry as they go into the workplace.


Christine, Ed, John, and Rob had many different experiences that provided them with the

opportunity to adapt and engage in a variety of tasks. Starting off with a small company, Ed

learned that he had to do anything to make my business succeed. He further explained that

included cooking, management, surrounding himself with good and organized people,

understanding numbers to analyze the finances, and understanding legal and insurance to cover

his workers. Christine also described how working in a smaller company allowed her to learn the

different functions of each department from sales to marketing to advertising. When moving to a

larger company, Christine was able to help in various departments because of her prior

experience. She said, When I started my own company, I knew how every department worked

and was able to anticipate what was going to happen next, which helped me stay one step ahead.

An entrepreneur often feels stretched with the need to juggle and develop a variety skills

in different departments to make sure his/her company succeeds. Finding someone else who is an

expert in these certain skills is more helpful when trying to grow the company and allow the

entrepreneur to focus on moving towards his/her vision. Ed stated that he tends to spend his

energy by using his strengths and finds other people who have other strengths to develop other

areas to help his business excel. Rob also admitted to having challenges in helping his company

thrive when he was not doing things on a day-to-day basis that used his strengths. He said, I hire

people that I trust. I know what I dont know, and in some cases I have no interest in learning

that. Rob added that he finds people to handle things in his business that he does not know

much about or may not utilize his strengths. We built a team that we can go and compete in

areas that may be underserved because there is opportunity. Rob advised that if you build a

team around you with various strengths, it helps with sustaining a business when the economy


Influential People Who Shaped Future Entrepreneurs

All five participants had influential people in their lives that helped shape who they are as

entrepreneurs and community leaders. One factor that highly affected participants success was

the encouragement and support they received from peers and colleagues.

Christine and Ed discussed the strong influence their bosses had on them during

important times in their lives. Their bosses had earlier experiences as business owners, so they

helped guide them not to make the same mistakes. Christines boss told her, No matter how

smart we are, we cant always do it on our own. There will be people in your life that you are

going to need to guide you. Shefsky (1994), who interviewed 200 entrepreneurs and drew from

their experiences said, Learn from those who have already done it (p. 7).

Chenoa and John acknowledged educators who influenced them to take risks and step out

of their comfort zone to take a path less travelled. Chenoa said, They all believed I could do

things, so I started believing in myself that I could do those things. I basically faked it till I made

it. It just worked for me.

Family Influences

All five participants acknowledged family members who influenced their attitudes toward

entrepreneurship. Interestingly, four participants acknowledged their mother as a person who

encouraged home experiences that provided learning. Ed mentioned that his mother worked a lot

but was a role model. She provided her children with different experiences to learn from herself,

other family members, or programs in the community so that her boys would be prepared for life.

Christine said, I saw my mom fail at many ventures. But because she failed, I saw her bounce

right back. Its not the end of the world; its a learning experience. Fox (2016) conducted

research on raising kids who take risks and find purpose in life, and found that all of the young

entrepreneurs she met, basically provided the same response, I had a mom who believed in me.

She told me I could accomplish anything I put my mind to (para. 4). Chenoas mom was an

entrepreneur and encouraged Chenoa to always try different things in school and out of school

activities. This fostered Chenoas ability to take risks and pursue her desires and interests.

A Supportive Network

One factor that influences the success of entrepreneurs is the connection to a supportive

resource that includes family and friends who make up the entrepreneurs biggest supporters.

These supporters encourage the entrepreneur to carry out his/her vision and are willing to

provide advice or work support to help the company reach its goals.

In general, participants of this study acknowledged people as an important factor in

entrepreneurial success for two reasons: 1) An entrepreneur puts together a team of people to

support his/her vision and goals and 2) People choose to or not to support your business which

affects its success. John expressed, I think nowadays it is becoming more popular for people to

see that it is not just about having a business but also knowing that you care. He added, In

order to build a strong team and maintain it, you need to know how to work with different

personalities and utilize the strengths of different individuals with different motivations. You can

have a company that stands apart from others if you know how to manage it all.

All participants brought other people together to help carry out their vision, in a

supportive network, mentoring relationship, or employee team. Rob said, I know my

weaknesses so I find people who I trust because I dont want to learn it. Ed also advised, Its

more important to spend time building your strengths rather than weaknesses because you can

always hire people to complement your strengths. Ed added, Working alone can only do so

much. Working with others allows each person to focus on what they specialize in. Bringing

excellence together can create something fascinating that can move the whole ship forward.

Based on his research findings on successful entrepreneurs, Shefsky (1994) found that to work

hard and work smart you need to do what it takes to make the dream real by bringing together

others or hiring people whom you can share your dream with and build it together.

In addition, Christine said, You need to create a network of people who you can trust

and ask questions of. Rob also acknowledged, having a network of experienced people, who

are on the same journey of entrepreneurship, who can advise me and share with me their

struggles and moments is different than a conversation with your best friend. Budding

entrepreneur, Jim told Greene (2013) in a magazine interview that having a network of

entrepreneurial friends could improve your odds of success by having people who understand

your struggles and can give much-needed insight.

Facing Challenges With Optimism

The journey of entrepreneurs was not an easy path for any of the five participants. It

came with mistakes, challenges, and a lot of learning experiences. Each participant explained

how having an optimistic attitude coupled with resiliency was key in promoting their success. Ed

said, You learn from experiences and will continue to make mistakes. I make mistakes over and

over and over again. But I learn from them so I know what to do and what not to do. Shefsky

(1994,) states:

The entrepreneurs natural adaption to the ultimate challenges were possible because of

the strength these people gained dealing with earlier difficulties. The entrepreneurs were

able to make an asset out of being different because they never let their earlier differences

become a liability (p. 115).

Christine described her optimistic thinking when faced with challenges,

Youve got two kinds of mental choices to make: 1) you can be that person who is likely

to succeed because you are looking for solutions, having optimism; or 2) you can be that

person who is finding all of the problems and asking why isnt this working? When Im

talking to people, I dont want to know why you cant do it, I want you to tell me the

different ways that we are going to make things happen!

Budding entrepreneur, Steimle (2014) shared that entrepreneurs make lots of mistakes. He

advised aspiring entrepreneurs to avoid mistakes by learning from others. He said, A wise man

learns by the experience of others; a fool, by his own (para. 2). Rob mentioned how his

membership with different professional groups and having entrepreneurial friends helped him to

grow as an entrepreneur and learn from others. He described how the relationships build within

the groups circle of trust that share ideas, beliefs, and experiences in a safe environment without


Connecting Passion With Purpose

One driving force that permeated throughout each entrepreneurs business success was

the passion and purpose they had for what he/she was doing. All entrepreneurs continuously

shared about how they would strategically make decisions for their company to attain their goals

and never lost passion for their purpose. Ultimately, their purpose and passion were similarly

focused on providing a better life and more opportunity for their family and children, and a better

Hawaii for the present and future.

While creating their business ideas, all five participants had a purpose bigger than

providing a quality service or product and to make a profit. In addition, they all had the aim of

contributing to solving a social problem that would affect change. Christines purpose of being

involved in community service is to support the community that supports her business. Ed and

John have created companies that support preservation and conservation of the land that feeds us

and nourishes our bodies, with the need to sustain this for the future. Rob represents his cultural

group of Native Hawaiians to bring a sense of what is Hawaiian to culturally informative

architectural designs. Chenoa is focused on developing a sustainable entrepreneurial and startup

environment in Hawaii so that people can create jobs for themselves and others without having

to move because of the high cost of living or lack of opportunities. In Patels (2015) article

summarizing the skills required for an entrepreneur to succeed, he stated, In the end, the best

and most enduring motivation is to make a positive change in the world. (para. 19).

Summary of Cross-Case Analysis

Through the cross case analysis emerged a number of important themes in regards to

educational experiences that played a role in the development of successful entrepreneurs.The

major themes are broken down into the categories of rich experiences, influential people, how

challenges were faced, and purpose and passion.

Participants shared numerous important educational experiences that have played a role

in their development as a successful entrepreneur. The most significant findings focused on early

entrepreneurial experiences and the nurturing of an entrepreneurial mindset, which affected

participants values and attitudes about the choices they could make as their careers evolved.

Additionally, participants were dedicated to building a good life for him/herself and family and

developing a better Hawaii for the present and future.

When examining how early experiences played a role in the development of an

entrepreneur, participants highlighted influential people that nurtured their entrepreneurial spirit.

Furthermore, optimism was pointed out as an important disposition that played a significant role

in the development of skills and overcoming challenges that entrepreneurs faced, which is

discussed further in the next chapter.

Chapter 5

Findings, Implications, Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to explore the role that educational experiences had on the

development of successful entrepreneurs in Hawaii. To gain a better understanding of the

growth of these entrepreneurs, a case study was conducted to further understand 1) the key

knowledge, skills, and dispositions of entrepreneurs in Hawaii; 2) the educational experiences

that supported the development of successful entrepreneurs; and 3) whether entrepreneurs are

born or made. This last chapter presents the studys findings, limitations, and important

implications from the study. Finally, the chapter will conclude with a reflection and final

thoughts, including possible next steps for further research.


Research Question #1:

What impact have educational experiences supported the development of successful


In this study, educational experiences are referred to as formal, informal, non-formal, and

experiential practices that played a role in the development of successful entrepreneurs. These

experiences were moments where participants were engaging in learning experiences that

empowered and prepared them as active, creative, and knowledgeable entrepreneurs as they

developed their vision.

All of the participants were educated in Hawaii but had different experiences that

developed their entrepreneurial knowledge as a child through young adulthood. All participants

acknowledged that it was a combination of formal schooling, experiential, non-formal, and

informal experiences that helped them develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an

entrepreneur in several ways. It helped them to develop knowledge of business, discipline,

awareness of self, perseverance, and resiliency.

Participants reflected back to their formal educational experiences and described the

different experiences that they had. Each experience played a different role in their development

as entrepreneurs. The findings reflected that two participants did not perform well in school and

were considered underachievers because teachers did not feel their academic work was

commensurate with their potential. Participants described their early formal learning

environment as being traditional and disengaging, compared to the hands-on, project-based and

experiential learning students are offered today. Not performing well academically, both

participants recalled their motivation being ignited later in life when they realized their interest

and passion of what they wanted to accomplish in their respective careers.

Some of the other findings that were mentioned by entrepreneurs as impacting their

development were learning about themselves and developing an awareness of their strengths and

weaknesses. Another useful skill that participants gained through formal educational experiences

was the discipline to self-monitor oneself in completing tasks and sticking to deadlines.

Foremost, the school was the first opportunity where participants experienced having failures

and challenges in his/her life and learned resilience to pick ones self up, keep going, and

surrounding oneself with a team that complemented his/her skills.

Entrepreneurism was not a prevalent interest of study when these participants attended

college, but many of them took general business classes that provided a basic foundation of their

business knowledge. This wisdom was key in starting the foundation of their companies to

manage, maintain, and project for future growth.

While education in a formal setting is all encompassing, experiential education played a

big role in the development for several participants. Having the experience of working in

business and observing others ignited an entrepreneurial interest. Having hands-on experience

helped a couple of participants realizing his/her strengths of managing finances, working with

people, creating a vision, setting goals, and implementing plans. Hands-on experiences also

provided participants with an acceptance that he/she needed to build a team that balanced skills

along with his/her strengths and weaknesses.

One non-formal educational experience that participants mentioned that played a role in

their development was the participation in exclusive leadership development organizations for

business, community, and entrepreneurial leaders. All participants valued learning and shared

that networking with similar professionals helped to support the achievement of their goals,

encouraged opportunities for personal growth and change, and provided them with a network to

other professionals who could help with projects. These networks also provided an opportunity

for shared experiences and learning that supported their developing leadership. Hall (2012)

encourages entrepreneurs to participate in entrepreneurial organizations. He says, Besides a

curated network of relationships, organizations also provide excellent opportunities to give back,

mentor others, and find resources to help businesses in need (para. 2).

One of the harsh realities of entrepreneurialism is that it does not promise success or have

a cookie cutter road map. Entrepreneurs found that having a mentor was another significant

experience that informally played a role in their development. Having someone as a role model

for guidance to learn from, ask questions, helps to avoid mistakes, and provide mental and

emotional support through the journey of entrepreneurship was important for all the participants.

Many participants mentioned their mother as the first mentor in their life who believed in them,

inspired them to dream big, taught them resilience, and provided consistent support physically,

mentally, and emotionally throughout the journey of entrepreneurship. Other influential people in

participants life were other family members, bosses, professors, friends, business associates, and

coaches. Eugenio (2016) stated that the right mentor might provide valuable connections, timely

advice, and spiritual and moral guidance that will leapfrog an entrepreneur to success. Several

participants mentioned mentors who were instrumental in key business decisions and guiding

them through challenging times, while coming up positive in the end. Morris (2012) studied top

performing companies in New York to identify entrepreneurial advantage. His study revealed

that many of the top performing founders had strong personal connections with other founders of

other companies. Morris also pointed out, 33 percent of founders who are mentored by

successful entrepreneurs went on to become top performers (para. 11).

It is evident that educational experiences played a role in the development of successful

entrepreneurs in Hawaii. The integration of formal, non-formal, informal and experiential

educational experiences were highly significant in each participants learning. Participants shared

through their stories that their learning was active, quick, and broad. While developing as an

entrepreneur, their learning was applied quickly and assessed through success or failure. It

continues to be apparent that entrepreneurial learning comes from a combination of structured

learning opportunities, in addition to their own and others shared experiences.

Research Question #2:

What are some key knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful entrepreneurs?


The findings suggest key knowledge that entrepreneurs should have to start and run their

business successfully include the knowledge of finance, industry, marketing, and an

amalgamation of different jobs.

The first area of knowledge that emerged from the study was the importance of

entrepreneurs knowing finance. The data from the previous chapter points to three areas of

finance to know: 1) how to read a financial statement; 2) how to project what cash flow will be

and where it will come from; and 3) how to manage funds to support your companys actions and

goals. A couple of entrepreneurs brought up the point that some people believe that you can just

hire a CFO to manage a companys finances, but also advised that not knowing ones books can

lead to a financial disaster where a company runs out of operating money or is unable to pay

back lenders.

The second important area of knowledge is to know about ones industry in a broader

sense. Because people are doing business worldwide, it is important to know what is happening

in different areas of the world too. Participants shared that involvement in local, national, and

international organizations was important in keeping abreast of what was happening on a global

level to help understand where ones industry fit in and the impact ones company could have.

The third critical area of knowledge was marketing. One participant described marketing

as the act of branding a companys products and services to the public who will support a

company financially through sales. Other participating entrepreneurs defined marketing as the

perception of what ones company is about and its mission. Notably, participants described the

benefits of building the publics perception of a company delivered positive results in building

community relationships with customers and developing associations with other companies in

the industry, and related industries.

The fourth fundamental area of knowledge that emerged from this study was the depth

and breadth of knowledge that participants had about how to run their company. Through their

various work experiences, participants learned how to wear different hats to fulfill different roles

in the company ranging from janitorial work to accounting, to human resources, marketing to

CEO. Whatever job that needed to be done day-to-day, when these entrepreneurs started, they

stepped up and did it.

Lastly, another significant theme that resonated in each participant interview, was

learning every day, through each experience, and taking the time to attend continuing educational

or professional development programs.. Being an example to employees by gaining knowledge

and growing ones perspective through educational opportunities was important in keeping the

company up to date on industry standards and innovative practices. Entrepreneurs shared their

learning with employees and had discussions about how their company could implement

innovative and mindful practices to lead their industry.


In addition to having knowledge, one must have the skills to take action on an

opportunity and execute. Skill is essentially applied knowledge (Lyons, 2010). The skills that

emerged from the study were vision and focus, hard work and drive, effective communication,

connecting and developing value-based relationships, and storytelling.

The first important set of skills that emerged in the study was a combination of vision and

focus. Not only is it important to foresee and plan where the company is going, but it is also

important to do whatever it takes to make the company succeed and not get distracted by other

opportunities. Participants echoed that having vision and being able to communicate it was an

important skill because of the need to share the companys goals and direction with others whom

he/she needed to ask for financing or hiring of new employees. It was also mentioned that vision

is important for an entrepreneur because it can be used as a reminder of the dream when he/she

or the company hit bumps in the road.

When a company is in its first three years, participants commented that there are many

things to do and a lot of responsibility that makes it easy for an entrepreneur to feel spread thin

and pulled in many different directions which may distract an entrepreneur from the goals of the

company. The findings advise aspiring entrepreneurs to give a company at least three years to get

up and running, focusing on getting the finances in the positive and paying lenders back if any.

The focus is key, but participants shared this might sometimes be exhausting as participants

found themselves thinking about their business during the day and evening.

Entrepreneurs noted having a strong work ethic and the drive to stay competitive, keep

growing, and maintain a foundation of happy customers motivated them to keep progressing

toward their vision. All five participants mentioned continued learning in their industry and out

of their industry to understand how their businesses also affect the community. Rob also

mentioned that he continues to invest in new businesses that can provide a service to the

architecture industry if he feels it can be done better. This is to provide his customers with great

customer service and experts to compliment what he may be doing. Participants stated that the

life of an entrepreneur is not as glamorous as most people think because it is a lot of work, which

they said sometimes, is a cause of entrepreneurs quitting and companies closing down.

The ability to meet people, connect, and develop a value-based relationship can help a

business to grow, in the short term and sustain beneficial relationships in the long term. One

participant described how her relationships were forged when the economy went bad and she

made sure that every penny of the loan was paid back on time. The result of not closing down

proved fruitful when the company needed another loan to expand. Another company invested

time to develop leaders within their company to help reach organizational goals and provide

employees with the sense of team and added value.

Participating entrepreneurs in this study highlighted communication as an essential skill

that allows entrepreneurs to deal with people partners, employees, customers, and investors.

When discussing the role that effective communication had on entrepreneurs, it was emphasized

that it entailed listening to others concerns, reading body language, and communicating ideas in

a clear, concise, persuasive, and purposeful way. Although effective communication was a

challenge for some of the participants when they started in the business, it was a skill that was

honed through practice. Messerschmitt and Stuck (2008) states that the value of effective

communication can bring success to convincing others of an idea, and why it is important to

support you, buy from you, or invest in you.

Another reason participants stated that effective communication is an important skill is

because they spend most of their days working with others to turn their ideas, goals, and dreams

into reality. Although people often dont like being coined a salesperson, many entrepreneurs

need to sell their thoughts and vision of a project, which many participants did through

storytelling to share information, break down barriers, build connections, and develop a sense of

interdependence. Participating entrepreneurs described their selling technique as a way to explain

to others the connection of the entrepreneurs actions, that was instilled in the product, that was

rooted and connected to the place. According to Ditkoff (2015), storytelling is imperative when

doing business because it helps to make meaning of something and helps to create engagement

and understanding of each other.


Each and every person in this world is born unique. Although children may be made up

of the same two parents, each childs physical traits and personalities or dispositions vary, which

affects their behaviors. This study looked closely at entrepreneurs and the inherent qualities of

mind and character that might suggest entrepreneurs share common dispositions. Notably, the

findings suggest that the participants dispositions echoed taking a calculated risk with an

optimistic attitude, being resilient, being a team player, the purpose of positively affecting the

community locally and globally, and having love for learning.

When describing an entrepreneurs disposition, risk taker often pops up on the list

(Aileron, 2013, Bernstein, 2011, Clifford, 2013, Daley, 2013, Demers, 2014, Devenney, 2015,

Kavilanz, 2013, Mandell, 1995, Shane, 2010, Tobak, 2016, & de Haan, 2010). While none of the

participants described themselves as a risk taker, they described themselves as entrepreneurs who

were courageous enough to take calculated risks. Optimism and having hope and confidence was

key. Shefsky (1994) describes entrepreneurs risk taking as, merely one factor in the equation;

risk is a flashing yellow traffic light that you glance at as you whiz by on the highway of

business (p. 83). All of the participants advised that when you go into entrepreneurship, you just

need to do things and not look back.

Having a vision and becoming an entrepreneur is a calculated risk, all on its own. It is the

risk of the unknown journey and outcome that will include good things, along with challenges

and failures. The findings reveal that participants in the study never regretted the risks they took.

Despite some losses, the participants saw taking risks as an opportunity to learn and grow. The

entrepreneurs did not ponder on their failures but were resilient to pick themselves up and keep

going. One participant summed it up by stating every failure for me was a lesson, and I think

that is what made me a stronger person and a better entrepreneur.

For an entrepreneur who starts up a company and leads people, being a team player is an

essential disposition for success. The findings indicate that all the participants had experienced

playing on a team in their younger years. These experiences helped them to understand that a

team can accomplish more than a single individual. Participants described how a team is able to

support the strengths and weaknesses of one another to create something greater. The findings

also reveal that entrepreneurs are aware of their weaknesses, and finding others to support those

weaknesses will strengthen the company.

Amidst the celebrations and challenges that each participant faced on their journey, their

passion and purpose to positively affect the community locally and globally was a significant

part of their vision. Many of the participants made reference to stewardship that led their purpose

to provide a better land, opportunity, and community in which their children can raise their

families. One participant captured the essence of stewardship toward the greater good as she said

that there are multiple criteria for success in her business. She doesnt just look at her profit and

loss statements, but asks these questions when considering a project: 1) Is it good for Hawaii? 2)

By doing this, am I strengthening my place in the community or weakening it? 3) How is what

we are going to do, affect others?

In summary, there are key knowledge, skills and dispositions that help an entrepreneur to

succeed. The knowledge gained through educational experiences prepare an entrepreneur for

business and management of the business. Skills are developed throughout ones lifetime and as

self-awareness grows, one is able to appreciate their own strengths and limitations. Dispositions

are identified traits that a person is born with, however, studies show that sometimes dispositions

are ignited through educational experiences that provide opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs

to explore. Although this study identifies key knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful

entrepreneurs, it was also determined that a person can develop a team to work with other people

to complement knowledge, skills, and dispositions that an entrepreneur may lack to find balance

in his/her company for a more successful operating company.

Research Question #3:

Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Given the results of the study, as highlighted in the data analysis, the answer to the

question of whether entrepreneurs are born or made is debatable. This study continued to ask the

important question to hear the perspectives of participating entrepreneurs and their stance on

whether entrepreneurs are born or made. The findings share an inconclusive stance on the

nature/nurture debate.

Entrepreneurs are Born

A few participants felt that entrepreneurs are born because of a certain something that

they feel is within them that drives them to take the road less traveled; one that is challenging,

exciting, and rewarding once you attain success. One trait that a few participants described

caused them to feel defiant, rebellious, along with the need to go against authority or a crowd.

Participants described moments of getting in trouble from authority figures for not staying on a

straight and narrow academic traditional path, while others were fortunate to have their creative

path nurtured by someone in their lives. Some other participants mentioned a drive to fulfill a

bigger purpose in life. Instead of taking the path of being an employee and working a nine to five

job that included fewer responsibility to other people and less demands, participants felt that

their life would not be as fulfilled. One participant could not explain the drive that he felt within

himself every day that caused him to do what he does. He found it challenging to explain to

people why he hasnt slowed down in all of these years.

Entrepreneurs are Made

It was argued by other participants that entrepreneurs are made and developed through

their experiences. Based on Christines experiences she stated, They [entrepreneurs] tend to be

children of parents who have started businesses of their own. Children get to see what their

parents experience. Seeing her mother fail and start over again several times, Christine had no

reservations about trying to start something of her own because she knew that every experience

was a learning one, whether one succeeded or failed. Lindquist, Sol, and Praag (2015) researched

to see the effects of entrepreneurial parents and the effects on their children and found that

parental entrepreneurship increases the probability of childrens entrepreneurship by 60

percent (p. 269).

In addition to the influences that parents had on shaping entrepreneurs, other individuals

who may have influenced an entrepreneurs values and attitudes included bosses, friends, and

business associates through the social contexts that they shared. Through her job, Christine found

a role model who provided a number of opportunities that ignited her entrepreneurial spirit and

interest in business. Gibb and Ritchie (1981) examined the characteristics and the effects of

changes in entrepreneurs and their personal relationships, found that entrepreneurs personalities

grow within the environment that they are in and the experiences they have. Their research

findings appear to indicate that social contexts and reference groups shape a person.

Rob described himself as a made entrepreneur by saying that he has a chip on his

shoulder because of the work and experiences that he has gone through to get him where he is

today. Yakowicz (2016) highlighted Stanglers stance that entrepreneurs can be made through

exposure and educational experiences through formal education and social networks. A lot of

entrepreneurs have a chip on their shoulder because there was an experience that they went

through. He continued and emphasized that entrepreneurs would rather say that they were made

through their hard work than just being born a successful entrepreneur. (para. 13).

Born With a Gift. Experiences Made an Entrepreneur

In general, participants felt entrepreneurs are both, born and made. They believe that

entrepreneurs are born with instinct and desire; are made through experiences,; entrepreneurs use

their drive to create solutions; are willing to blaze ones own path while taking calculated risks.

Participants believed that there are probably more entrepreneurs who are interested in

entrepreneurial activities than entrepreneurs that actually exist. Based on limited experiences that

a person may have, it may or may not unlock the entrepreneurial instinct, desire, and interest.

This could also depend on the persons need to be self-reliant, achievement motivation, the

environment of where this person is located, the availability of supports for entrepreneurialism,

and the confidence this person may have to actually take the risk to pursue entrepreneurial

desires. Devenney (2015) believes that entrepreneurs need both to succeed, the right combination

balance of natural abilities and the right environment.

The debate continues as to whether or not an entrepreneur is born or made. A person is

born with inherent traits and skills that may be developed over time. In time, those traits and

skills may be used to execute an entrepreneurial opportunity if identified. One participant

described igniting the gene when his/her innate personality came out,

I was very shy up until the point that I became known as the new immigrant in Hawaii,

and then I was faced with trying to fit in. The failures I had to go through each day. Every

time I succeeded in one thing or another, it made me much stronger and confident

somehow the innate me came out.

Comparing an entrepreneur to a leader, Shane (2010) stated,

Whether you become a leader or not isnt simply a choice that you make. And it isnt just

the result of how your parents raised you or what you learned in school. It comes, at least

in part, from what you were born with, your DNA (p. 147).

Shane strongly believes that a person carrying these types of genes needs to have experiences

and opportunities to ignite the interest and passion to bring that innate personality out.

Implications for Entrepreneurs and Those Who Desire to be Successful Entrepreneurs

While there is limited evidence to the question whether successful entrepreneurs are born

or made, the findings of this study suggest formal, informal, and non-formal educational

experiences are important components and contribute to the success of entrepreneurs. Students

should try to find value in their formal educational experiences to build their knowledge of

business management, marketing, and finance. Others, who do not have the opportunity to access

formal business education, but are interested in entrepreneurship, should take advantage of

learning opportunities that promote and increase business knowledge that can be gained through

finding a mentor, networking with other entrepreneurs, part-time employment, working with the

family business, or other entrepreneurial experiences.

The results of this study suggest that entrepreneurs also need to learn effective skillsthe

ability to develop a vision with focus, have a strong work ethic, communicate effectively, be a

team player, and build a network that will support their ideas. It seems that the best way to get a

taste of entrepreneurism is just to jump in and get started. If an entrepreneur knows their

strengths and weaknesses, it is best to find a partner or build a team that can balance out ones


Participants in this study expressed times in their life when they felt like they did not fit

in. They were unsettled with where they were because of the need to explore new ideas, along

with the desire to be innovative, more autonomous, maintain control, and take risks with bigger

rewards. Entrepreneurs are known to defy conventional views about how to do things and will

more often than not, choose the unbeaten path to explore new things. They may use the

fundamental knowledge needed to conduct business, such as finance, leadership, business

models, and sales strategies, but may approach it in a new and unique way that hasnt been done

before. Often these people become isolated for being different and not conforming to the rest of

the group at school or in the workplace. Research (Ladimeji, 2016, Shane, 2010, Bariso, 2014)

indicates that these are qualities of an entrepreneur. Participants in this study described different

times that they felt they did not fit in so they created their path in life, challenged the status quo,

and fearlessly climbed to the top in their industry. Through the educational experiences they had

earlier in life, they used those experiences as the foundational knowledge to take risks, innovate,

and make sound financial decisions. Aspiring entrepreneurs are advised that they will work

harder than ever before, accept that their journey will not follow an ordinary path, will need to

innovative using alternative solutions to a problem, and surround oneself with people who can

support their goals.

Implications for Educators

A parallel exists between participants who had educational experiences that exposed them

to entrepreneurship and those who had knowledge, skills and dispositions of an entrepreneur.

More than ever, entrepreneurial skills are important due to changes in the economy, along with

the ability to utilize services, and access products worldwide that make resources available to

everyone. Seeing people get displaced in their jobs, by a robot that can be programmed to do the

same job, has shown that a college degree is not enough. Perhaps the traditional education

system needs to have options for those who want to pursue vocational jobs and those who desire

to have an open education that develops the mindset of an entrepreneur, allowing for active and

experiential learning where knowledge and skills are learned through hands-on and relevant


According to Foster (2017), one school district in Acton, Texas has partnered with a

billionaire to develop a K-12 curriculum that prepares students to develop the skills and mindset

of an entrepreneur. Employers are starting to see a generational shift of workers who do not stay

at one company for long, job hop looking to move up in positions, or are displaced from the

company. The Acton school district believes increased exposure to entrepreneurship at all ages

can lead to students thinking entrepreneurially and may affect their ideas about what they want to

do when they become older. Currently, schools are teaching 21st-century skills, such as working

with others, critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity, but these are being taught within

the walls of a classroom. Perhaps active and experiential learning will allow students to take

more field trips to explore innovative jobs, talking to professionals who are doing the type of

work one is interested in pursuing, more apprenticeships could be created for hands-on

experiences and applying learning from the classroom to real life work experiences.

In addition to having 21st-century skills, it is highly suggested that students learn to

develop a growth mindset. Entrepreneurs take risks in their daily decisions, big business

decisions, investments, and expansion deals, without any promise of a positive result.

Regardless, being able to take risks and have an optimistic mindset were qualities that each

participant spoke of as critical in decision making that helped ones business grow, improve and

accomplish great things. The participants stories suggest that in the event those risks dont

succeed in the way one hopes or plans, an entrepreneur must be resilient to find the learning

lessons along the way, pick up from the failure, and continue moving on to take more risks.

Success comes as a direct result of effort, learning, persistence, and strategy. The results of this

study suggest that entrepreneurs need to have an optimistic outlook when facing challenges and

taking risks. Early challenges were learning opportunities that allowed participants to reflect,

pick themselves up, and plan to move forward. Many described how mentors were key in

helping them utilize these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning. Successful

entrepreneurs must display optimism when working toward any successful entrepreneurial

venture because the work of an entrepreneur includes persistence, resilience, and the need to

adjust to changing conditions. An entrepreneur who thinks work will be easy and glamorous will

not be ready when challenged and give up. Thus, it is important that educators teach students to

persevere with determination, and maintain an optimistic outlook on the results of his/her efforts,

as life is full of challenges, disappointments, and learning opportunities. Currently, schools in

Hawaii are moving toward student-driven project based learning. This is a step forward in

encouraging students to take risks and pursue his/her own interests. However, with report cards

and grades still being the ultimate report of evidence in learning, students are focused on the

outcome of earning good or bad grades. I propose that our schools start implementing students

reflections within their learning assessments of their educational experiences. The emphasis of

accomplishments may focus more on what was learned, how it was learned, and the changes for

improvement. For the school subjects that develop basic skills needed within the application of

work, like Math, student reflections could concentrate on the relevance and importance that skill

has within ones life. This will connect learning to real life practical skills for a person to live and

contribute to a community successfully. Boud (1995) suggests that assessments should be

integrated and a beneficial part of the learning process.

The results of this study also suggest a weak connection between academic success and

an individuals success as an entrepreneur. This study included two participants who were told at

some time in their lives that they were not performing up to their potential and were under

performing in school. They both managed to do well in their careers and become leaders in their

communities and respective industries. The interviews suggested that participants did not

necessarily perform in well in school because either they learned in different ways from than the

ways they were being taught, or they did not see the importance of doing well in school at the

time. However, participants began doing well in their lives when they were able to focus and

develop their areas of interest through experiential learning opportunities. In addition, as they

became aware of the impact that their educational experiences had in helping to prepare them for

their careers and developing the knowledge needed, their self-efficacy increased. Therefore, I

suggest that there are potential and important benefits for schools to offer more experiential

learning for students that develop the skills and dispositions of an entrepreneur, based on the

understandings that have emerged from this study. These suggestions proposed are not with the

intent that all students will become entrepreneurs, but with the hope that students will consider

their career choices differently. The development of an entrepreneurial mind will hope to teach

students to appreciate the different ways in which ideas can be developed utilizing the effectual


Implications for Future Research

This study explored the role that formal, informal and non-formal educational

experiences played in the development and success of Hawaii entrepreneurs during a time when

not many formal or informal educational opportunities were available. Most of the participants in

this study are middle-aged; thus, future research might focus on other generations of

entrepreneurs who had limited educational opportunities available, yet developed interest, skill,

and know-how to succeed as an entrepreneur. Examining the experiences of entrepreneurs from

different time periods could help to provide a broader view of entrepreneurial development and

the influence that educational experiences played in their development and success. An extended

study of generational entrepreneurs could also take a look at how current educational

opportunities are affecting the success of new businesspersons in Hawaii. By taking a closer look

at how these programs have developed entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and dispositions, it is

possible to better understand the effectiveness of these programs. It would also provide further

evidence as to whether entrepreneurs can be taught entrepreneurship effectively?

Another area of future research could focus on different types of entrepreneurs

Lifestyle entrepreneurs, habitual entrepreneurs, mompreneurs, you-tube entrepreneurs, franchise

entrepreneurs, and small- and large- business ownerscomparing the types of knowledge, skills,

and dispositions that promote success. Participants in this study were mostly small business and

multi-business owners, thus looking further into another type of entrepreneurs or business

owners and their development may provide insights into the factors that attributed to their

success. The entrepreneurs may also provide different perspectives on the effect of educational

experiences that played a role in their development. It would be helpful to understand which

educational experiences changed over time and how it affected the development of knowledge,

skills, and dispositions in the journey to success.

There are many barriers women face in their career choices due to gender. Some of these

challenges are the glass ceiling, particularly not being promoted to a lead position in a company

or not receiving equal pay as their male counterparts. There were two females who participated

in this study and shared their entrepreneurial journey. Both women mentioned how being an

entrepreneur encouraged creative problem solving, to be in control of their learning ability, and

to work toward personal and professional goals. Neither of them mentioned feeling held back

because of their gender; however, one participant mentioned that she has seen that women

entrepreneurs had less confidence than men entrepreneurs. According to Davenport (2017),

Low confidence makes us doubt our abilities and judgment and prevents us from taking

calculated risks, setting ambitious goals, and acting on them (para. 3). Perhaps future research

could explore whether female entrepreneurs have the ability to succeed equally or more/less than

male entrepreneurs. In addition, comparing the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of successful

women entrepreneurs with those who have failed in business might provide some insight into the

support women may have needed to thrive.

Another future study could focus on the influence that the culture of Hawaii plays in the

success of entrepreneurs, specifically the support that the community provides local businesses

and entrepreneurs. Participants in this study reflected on the importance of building and

supporting their community within their companys mission. To whom much is given, much is

expected was a phrase one participant mentioned. Understanding the influence of an

entrepreneurs values of supporting the community and how the cultural practices in Hawaii

support these entrepreneurs, may provide a better understanding of the impact of the cultural

environment on entrepreneurial and business success.

An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Learning

In reflecting the findings and implications of this study, I came to realize that

entrepreneurship is a complex phenomenon. Regardless of the different of entrepreneurs, any

type of person who has started a business has taken a risk, and is trying to move from an idea to

something bigger is an entrepreneur. One of the participants asked if an old couple who started

and owned a store for 30 years would be considered an entrepreneur or just a business owner?

After examining the results of this study, I believe that the terms entrepreneur and business

owners are synonymous. Entrepreneurs of all levels may have many similar experiences but at

different intensities. Comparatively, business owners who have purchased a systemized

franchise, created a lifestyle business, expanded to an international multi-location business

owner, or started up a company, will go through similar stages from start-up to growth. These

stages include creating an idea, developing a process, planning a market strategy, being

innovative, expanding, sustaining oneself in business, increasing profitability, and reaching out

to the community. While every entrepreneurs journey does not happen in a predetermined order,

many entrepreneurs experience points in their companys growth when they must reflect, re-

evaluate, goal set, and plan how to execute to move forward. Every company has its story;

however, the evolution of an entrepreneur and their educational experiences are often relevant.

The findings of this study prompted me to begin reflecting on the development and

growth that my husband and I have gone through as entrepreneurs and business owners.

Conducting this study provided me with an external perspective, particularly as I listened to

participants stories as they recalled triumphs, challenges, and learning experiences.

Unconsciously, I also held an insider perspective as I reflected on the lessons from their

experiences and recalled similar experiences and feelings that we had. I realized that the way my

partnership is set up with my husband, we are very blessed that we have different strengths and

weaknesses; thus, we are one step ahead in finding others to balance our weaknesses. Upon

reminiscing on my experiences, I was fascinated that we shared many of the same sentiments

about entrepreneurshipthe mindset, actions, and attitudes. Perhaps our interest in

entrepreneurship, the drive for being innovative and taking chances to create something better

and bigger, helped me to connect with these entrepreneurs.

Growing up, I always had big dreams and goals of what I wanted to do and how I wanted

to live. I knew that business owners controlled how much money they made based on their

efforts and the efforts of others. However, I decided to become an educator because of my

parents influence, though I was always interested in starting a business. When I met my

husband, he was an independent contractor working with a multi-level marketing company that

allowed an individual to sell products, build a team to sell products, and expand ones team

internationally. The business plan was organized in a pyramid structure, very similar to a small

business that had employees working beside you to earn additional residual income. That multi-

level company eventually shut down, but the two of us knew that we worked well together as a

team and wanted to create a business to support our lifestyle. Within a few years, we partnered

with our product manufacturer and have been able to create a small lifestyle business that

provides for our familys needs. What I have learned through this study is that we have been

successful because of an entrepreneurial mindset, being optimistic, taking calculated risks, and

maintaining a balance between the two of us so that we complement one another to create a

strong team. I feel that we have become entrepreneurs through the experience of taking risks to

try new things and turning our ideas into action. There have been many challenges on the road

where we had to decide whether to keep our company going or shut it down. Being optimistic

about getting out of a rut and persevering made me want to continue to push myself to believe in

myself, taking risks, and knowing that our hard work would continue to build our company and

grow. This study reflected that entrepreneurs appear to emulate similar attitudes of persevering

through challenging times, keeping a focus on the goal, and doing whatever it takes to achieve


An Educational Perspective

As time goes by quickly, I strive to prepare the next generation with the skills needed to

survive and thrive in society. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) created the

Framework for 21st Century Learning, which was developed with input from business leaders,

education experts, and educators to define and illustrate the skills and knowledge that the next

generation needs to succeed in the workplace, life, and society. P21s framework focuses on

developing the 4 Cs (creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration), technology

skills (access and utilize information, media, and technology), and life and career skills

(flexibility and adaptability, initiative and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills,

productivity and accountability) (Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2016).

While federal and state governments are defining what schools must prepare students to

do for assessments that will measure achievement, there are several approaches and strategies

that have been implemented. A popular and new approach to 21st-century learning uses Project-

Based Learning (PBL), which is student-driven and teacher-facilitated. With this approach,

students pursue knowledge by asking questions about things that they are curious about, while

teachers may guide topics to cover. Students develop questions and discover answers to their

questions through research. A project that illustrates the students learning is created to share

what was learned and to share with others information. Children with similar interests and

inquiries can choose to work together cooperatively, which also nurtures other twenty-first-

century skills of collaboration and communication (Bell, 2010).

The focus on 21st-century learning skills and project-based learning develops skills that

entrepreneurs needeffective communication, networking, building relationships, innovation,

critical thinking, and risk taking. If educators implement curriculum to help students develop

these skills, children are more likely to have the skills needed to have the mindset of an

entrepreneur. Therefore, as an educator, I need to provide my students with the opportunities to

develop curiosity, a sense of inquiry, take risks, become resilient, develop leadership, work

collaboratively, and communicate effectively.

With respect to my students, the experiences shared in this study helped me as a teacher

of second language learners, understand the value of teaching them life skills, especially when

they have to learn a new language and become acclimated to a new culture. Los Angeles art

teacher Ginger Rose Fox told NEA Today (2014), We talk all the time about making our kids

college and career ready even at such a young age. Lets make them life ready first. As

mentioned earlier, having a growth mindset will help students to get farther in life because they

will not give up when working through uncertainty and ambiguity to discover possible solutions

and rich learning will occur. Students will also learn how to be resilient if the end to the means

may be different than one thought. Currently, one of the challenges that educators face is the

pressure to cover curriculum and ensure students are learning, which is measured by test scores.

The pressure causes teachers to teach students how to perform well on standardized tests and

students no longer have any extra time to explore and experience art, music, physical education,

and other interests that provide students access to a balanced education.

Many teachers, including myself, share Foxs thoughts. I hear many educators statewide

feeling the pressure of making sure their students do well on standardized tests. If students dont

perform well on state tests, parents may think that teachers are not doing their job and others may

think the school is not teaching effectively. As an English Language Learner teacher, many

immigrant children come into my classroom with little or no skills in English or school. In

general, there is a number of them who have never attended school before. They are given two

years to learn English, prior to being expected to take the state assessment and be considered

within the results of the learning that is taking place at the school. I always question if this

expectation is realistic. To have a student come in, with no school and English skills, is it

realistic to expect children to assimilate into a new environment, learn a new language, develop

school skills, make friends? While completing this study, I came to a realization that as an

educator, I need to prepare my students by helping them develop life skills. I would like to instill

in all of my students the love of learning so that they will continue to do that for the rest of their

lives. In this study, participants shared that they learned best when they were aware of their

strengths and weaknesses and the learning opportunities became relevant. Regardless of how

well each participant did in their formal schooling, they all succeeded in the path that they chose.

In the end, grades were not important; it was all about the journey.

Participants in this study mentioned the importance of being life-long learners who seek

out opportunities to improve themselves, their companies, and their communities. The reminder

about being a life-long learner made me reflect on myself as an educator and was reminded that

my job is to facilitate the process of learning about oneself and to share new knowledge gained,

which then reinforces learning. I was also reminded of the multiple learning styles that are

represented in a classroom and how the techniques and strategies for delivering material are

important. As educators, we need to make learning relevant, hands-on, and engaging.


Educational experiences and life experiences play an important role in the development

of entrepreneurs. Educational experiences provide learning through formal learning, informal,

non-formal and experiential, all which develop a persons knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

While it remains uncertain whether entrepreneurs are born or made, this study has shed some

light on the life experiences and developmental journeys of successful entrepreneurs. Each

journey was different, but an integral part of their learning adventure that has taught them to set

goals, to evaluate their place and strategies to move forward, and to execute their plans.

Ultimately, learning and growing through each experience has helped these entrepreneurs to face

challenges and overcome problems that would overwhelm most people. The essential factors that

got them to a place of success was having drive and focus, developing key relationships with

others, and possessing an optimistic attitude that identifies solutions and creative ways of solving

problems. Together, their educational and life experiences provided them with an understanding

of their own strengths and weaknesses and the resources they needed to utilize succeed.

Appendix A

Participant Information Form


High School

Location: City, State

Estimated High School GPA


Location: City, State

Estimated College GPA


Location: City, State

Estimated College GPA

Highest Level of Education Attained

Work History:



Number of years employed



Number of years employed



Number of years employed

Entrepreneur Education/Training: (if applicable)

Name of institution/school

Class taken

Name of institution/school

Class taken

Appendix B

Consent to Participate in Research Project:

Entrepreneurship Education: The Lives of Successful Entrepreneurs and their Educational

University of Hawaii at Manoa

My name is Kari Leong. I am a doctoral student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in the
Doctor of Education in Professional Educational Practice program. As part of the requirements
for earning my doctorate degree, I am conducting a research study. The purpose of my project is
to examine the lives of successful entrepreneurs and explore the role of educational experience in
the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that promote entrepreneurship as a career
pathway. I am asking you to participate because you are:
In the age range of 31-80 years old.
An entrepreneur who started with an idea and built a business that has existed for more
than 10 years
A successful entrepreneur in the current industry

Activities and Time Commitment: If you participate in this project, I will meet with you twice
at a location and time that is convenient for you. The first meeting will be an individual
interview. The one-to-one interview will consist of about 9-10 questions and will take an hour.
The second meeting will be a focus group with five entrepreneurs. The focus group will consist
of about 6-8 open-ended questions to allow participants an opportunity to build upon the
responses they provided in the interviews. It will take an hour.

I will audio-record the interviews and focus group so that so that I can transcribe the recordings
and analyze the data collected.

Benefits and Risks: There will be no direct benefit to you for participating in this interview. The
results of this project may help improve entrepreneurship education in schools. I believe there is
little risk to you in participating in this research project. You may become stressed or
uncomfortable answering any of the interview questions or discussing topics with me during the
interview or focus group. If you do become stressed or uncomfortable, you can skip the question
or take a break. You can also stop the interview or you can withdraw from the project altogether.

Privacy and Confidentiality: I will keep all information in a safe place. Only my University of
Hawaii advisor and I will have access to the information. The University of Hawaii Human
Studies also has the right to review research records for this study. After the conclusion of the
study, I will destroy the audio recordings and any other sources of data. When I report the results

of my research project, I will not use your name. I will not use any other personal identifying
information that can identify you. I will use pseudonyms (fake names) and report my findings in
a way that protects your privacy and confidentiality to the extent allowed by law.

Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. You may
stop participating at any time. If you stop being in the study, there will be no penalty or loss to
you. Your choice to participate or not participate will not affect your rights to services at the
University of Hawaii.

Questions: If you have any questions about this study, please call me at 225-5274 or email me at You may also contact my advisor, Dr. Steven Shiraki, Ph.D., at 808-285-
8892 or at If you have questions about your rights as a research
participant, you may contact the UH Human Studies Program at 808.956.5007 or

If you agree to participate in this project, please sign and date the following signature page and
return it to: Kari Leong at or fax 1-928-563-4428.

Please keep the section above for your records.

Tear or cut here

Signature(s) for Consent:

I give permission to join the research project entitled,

Entrepreneurship Education: The Lives of Successful Entrepreneurs and their Educational

Please initial next to either Yes or No to the following:

_____ Yes _____ No I consent to be audio recorded for the interview/partner interview
portion of this research.

Name of Participant (Print): ____________________________________________________

Participants Signature: _______________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________

Signature of the Person Obtaining Consent: _____________________________________

Date: __________________________

Appendix C

Interview Questions

1. What age were you when you first thought about becoming an entrepreneur and how did you
arrive at that realization?

2. How did you develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an entrepreneur?

3. In what ways did your formal education experience aid your growth and development as an

4. Please describe the first major challenge you confronted as an entrepreneur and what lesson was
learned from that experience?

5. What is the greatest lesson you learned that had an impact on the entrepreneur you became?

6. What advice would you give to any aspiring entrepreneurs?

7. How may the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of entrepreneurship be applied to any career?

8. Reflecting on your educational experience, what are the four most important things that you
learned about entrepreneurship?

9. What do schools need to do to prepare and develop entrepreneurs?

Partner Interview Questions

1. Do you believe entrepreneurs are born or made?

2. What are the key knowledge, skills, and dispositions a successful entrepreneur possesses?

3. Consider a skill or disposition that is second nature to you. In what ways might this skill or
disposition may be nurtured?

4. Please provide an analogy or metaphor that captures the learning curve of an entrepreneur?

5. What do you think is the best way for someone to learn to become an entrepreneur?

6. How might schools teach the key knowledge, skills, and disposition of an entrepreneur?
7. In your experience do you think success in school may be a predictor of an entrepreneurs

success? If so, how? If not, why?

8. Other than entrepreneurship, what other careers did you consider and why?


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