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Grade 11 Physics Study Guide Notes For Final Exam SPH3U1

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Unit 1: Kinematics + Intro

How to count signifi cant fi gures:

-Embedded 0s count (i.e. 101 has 3 sig figs)

-Any numbers that arent zeros count (i.e. 5263 has 4 sig figs)

-0s after the decimal place count (i.e. 1.00 has 3 sig figs)

-Trailing 0s (i.e. 2000 has 4 sig figs)

-Numbers after the first non-zero (i.e. 0.0002102 has 4 sig figs)

How to add and subtract numbers with proper sig fi gs:

The result will have the least amount of numbers after the decimal place.

(i.e. 1.23 + 1.3 + 10.004 = 12.5)

How to multiply and divide numbers with proper sig fi gs:

The result will have the least number of sig figs

(i.e. 3.0 x 12.60 = 38)

Big 5

v 2=v 1 +a t d =0.5 ( v 2 +v 1 ) t

1 1
d =v 1 t+ a t 2 d =v 2 t a t 2
2 2

v 22=v 12+2 a d

d = Area under a velocity-time graph a = Slope of a velocity-time graph

v = slope of a distance-time graph

Vector Addition(tip to tail)

Vector = both magnitude and direction Scalar = only magnitude, no direction

Ex. Time = scalar, displacement = vector

Graphical Vector Addition
Adding two vectors A and B
graphically can be visualized like two
successive walks, with the vector sum
being the vector distance from the
beginning to the end point.
Representing the vectors by arrows
drawn to scale, the beginning of
vector B is placed at the end of vector
A. The vector sum R can be drawn as
the vector from the beginning to the
end point.

The process can be

donemathematically by finding
thecomponents of A and
B,combining to form the components
of R, and then converting to polar

Example of Vector Components Finding the components of vectors

for vector addition involves forming a
right triangle from each vector and
using the standard triangle

vector sum can be found
bycombining these components
and converting to polar form.

Polar Form Example

After finding the components for the
vectors A and B, and combining them
to find the components of the resultant
vector R, the result can be put in polar
form by
Air Navigation Problems (Tail to tail)

This sort of problem is when you have one full vector and 2 partial vectors.


1- Draw the full vector

2- Pick the partial vector of which you know the direction. Draw it tail to tail (or
tip to tip) with the full vector
3- Draw the other partial vector TIP to TAIL

River Crossing Problems (Tip to Tail)

This sort of problem is when you have 2 full vectors and you are missing a partial


1- Draw both full vectors

2- Use the vector component, Pythagorean theorem method

Vector Acceleraton

To determine vector acceleration we must use vector subtraction first to solve for v2
v 2v 1
- v1 first as in a=

Now technically v2 - v1 is the same as adding the negative vector of v1 to v2.

i.e. x + (-y) = x - y

Basically, to subtract 2 vectors you need to add the opposite vector.

** this only affects the directions not whether the magnitude itself is positive or

i.e. to make 12m/s [N] negative, it becomes 12 m/s [S]

i.e. to make 30m/s [S10W] negative, it becomes 30m/s [N10E]

Then, you need only draw out the diagram and do vector addition as usual.

Unit 2: Forces and Motion

Newtons Laws of Motion

1- Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of

motion unless an external force is applied to it.
2- The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the
applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by
their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of
the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
3- For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Free body Diagrams

Fg = mg

Fg = Fn when a
= 0 on the
vertical plane

Fn = mg

Means acceleration

Force, Friction, Motion, General Notes

Force = a push or pull in a given direction

Friction = force that resists motion between objects whose surfaces are in contact
due to microscopic welds

Uniform Motion = motion in a straight line at a constant speed

Net force = Mass times Acceleration

Coeffi cients of Friction

The greek letter (pronounced mew) represents the coefficient of friction

Kinetic Friction: Friction that occurs when object is moving k

Static Friction: Friction that occurs when the object is not moving but a force is still
being applied to it s

Formula for friction: Ff = kFn

The coefficient of friction has no units because when rearranged, its newtons over
newtons which cancel out.

When speed is constant, acceleration = 0 and therefore, net force = 0 based on the
Fnet = ma formula
Universal Gravitation

G = Universal Gravitational Constant

N m2
G = 6.67 x 10-11 (measured in )
kg 2

G m1 m2
It is used in the formula F g=

Where r is the distance between the centres of the 2 objects

G m1
Also, g=

For the Earth, g = 9.8m/s^2


Mass: kg

Time: s

Distance: m

Speed: m/s

Forces: N (newtons)

Acceleration: N/kg or m/s^2

Unit 3: Energy

A force through a distance

Work = applied force times displacement

W= Fd

**Force and displacement have to be in the same direction

Work is measured in Joules (J)

A joule is equal to a Newton times a metre (J = Nm)

In some situations, there may be force and motion but no work is done
1- No applied force; no force required to keep object moving
2- No displacement; unable to move object though a force is exerted
3- Force and displacement are in different directions

Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy

GPE is the energy stored in an object due to its distance above the Earth (measured
in Joules)

Symbol = Ep or Eg

formula = Ep= mgh

m = mass

g= 9.8

h = height

(mg as in Fg=mg and h as derived from W= Fd, but the d is h)

Kinetic Energy is the energy of a moving object

Also measured in joules

Symbol = Ek

Formula = Ek=mv2

Conservation of Energy

In any transfer of energy, the total amount of energy remains constant.

ET = Ek = EP

ET = Total Energy

ET1 = ET2

Effi ciency and Power

When energy is transferred from one form to another, some energy is transformed
to a form that is not useful (though no energy is actually lost)

Efficiency = (useful output enery/total input energy)x100

Power = rate at which work is done

Measured in Watts

Power = work/time
Heat Capacity

The amount of heat that can be added to a sample of matter is dependant on the
heat capacity.

~= the amount of heat required to raise the temp of an object by 1 degree Celsius

Specific heat capacity = the amount of heat that must be added to raise the temp
of 1kg of a substance by 1 degree Celsius (Joules/kilogram times degree Celsius)

Formula: Q = mcT

Q = amount of heat energy gained/lost in joules

m = mass in kg

c = specific heat capacity in Joules/kg degree Celsius

T = change in temperature

Heat Transfer

When two substances at different temperatures are mixed together, the amount of
heat lost (transferred) from the hot substance equals the amount of heat gained
(transferred) to the cold substance.

Qgained = -Qlost

Unit 4: Electricity and Magnetism

Electricity - Current, Potential Diff erence, Resistance, Power

Location Charge Mass

Electron Electron cloud Negative 1/2000 amu

(atomic mass

Proton Nucleus Positive 1 amu

Neutron Nucleus Neutral 1 amu

*Charged objects attract neutral objects

There are 3 methods of charging: Contact, Induction, and Charging by Grounding

Symbol Measured in Which equals Other info

Current I (or A for Amperes 1A=1 1 A = 6.24 x
amperes) (amount of coulomb/secon 1018
charge/second d electrons/seco
) nd

(1 coulomb =
6.24 x 1018

Potential V Volts Joules/coulomb Amount of

Difference/ energy each
Voltage electron is
given from the

Resistance Ohms Volts/ Amperes Opposition to

charge flow

Power measured in Watts

Power = IV (current times voltage) = the rate at which electric energy is passed

Ohms Law: V =IR

** Conventional current flow is from positive to negative while in reality current

flows from negative to positive (think poles of a battery)

Series vs. Parallel

The following rules apply to a series circuit:

1. The sum of the potential drops equals the potential rise of the source.

2. The current is the same everywhere in the series circuit.

3. The total resistance of the circuit (also called effective resistance) is equal to the sum of
the individual resistances.

The following rules apply to a parallel circuit:

1. The potential drops of each branch equals the potential rise of the source.

2. The total current is equal to the sum of the currents in the branches.

3. The inverse of the total resistance of the circuit (also called effective resistance) is equal
to the sum of the inverses of the individual resistances.

Mixed Circuits

-Separate circuits into parts (the parallel circuit thats connected to the series one or
vice versa) and calculate things separately for each and then bring it all together

Laws of Magnetism

-magnets are made out of ferromagnetic substances

-Like poles repel

-Unlike poles attract

N-pole = north-seeking pole (not just North pole)

S-pole = south-seeking pole (not just South pole)

-if you break a magnet, itll break into more magnets


South(Inside)North North (Outside) South

Inside a magnet, the field lines go from south-seeking to north-seeking poles.

Outside a magnet, field lines go from north to south.

Earths magnetism: The earth is a giant magnet. Geographic north is the earths
south-seeking pole while geographic south is the north-seeking pole.

-A compass will always point in the direction of the field lines

Right Hand Rules (RHRs)-Straight Conductors

into the page out of the page

For straight conductors, point the thumb of your right hand in the direction that the
symbol tells you to (into or out of the page). The wrapped fingers point in the
direction of the field lines around the conductor.


Right Hand Rules (RHRs)-Coiled Conductors

-Wrap your fingers (right hand) around the coil (fingers into the page where it says
so and wrapped around back out of the page where it says so)

-Your thumb will point to the N-seeking pole



-magnetic forces produced by an electric current

Motor Principle

To make an electromagnetic field stronger:

1- Add more loops

2- Higher current
3- A smaller cross-sectional core,

Faradays Motor Principle: when a current-carrying conductor is located in an

external magnetic field perpendicular to the conductor, the conductor experiences a
force perpendicular to itself and to the external magnetic field.

The right-hand rule for force on a conductor can be used to determine the direction
of the force experienced on the conductor: if the right thumb points in the direction
of the current in the conductor and the fingers of the right hand point in the
direction of the external magnetic field, then the force on the conductor is directed
outward from the palm of the right hand.

**An external field is a permanent magnets field

Electromagnetic Induction

~ = using magnets to generate electrical energy

-Galvanometers detect current

-Faradays law: whenever the magnetic field in the region of a conductor changes,
electric current is induced in the conductor.

Lenzs Law

-For a current induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field, the current is in

such a direction that its own field opposes the change that was produced in it.


An induced current is always in such a direction as to oppose the motion or change

causing it"

~ use mutual induction to change electricity at one voltage and electricity at
another voltage

To do this, the primary circuit of the transformer must have a different number of
windings (loops) than the secondary circuit.

Step-Up Transformer = the number of windings increases for the secondary circuit

Step-Down Transformer = the number of windings decreases for the secondary


P = Power, V = Voltage, I = Current, N = number of windings

Pprimary = Psecondary

P = IV

IpVp =IsVs

Vp/Vs = Is/Ip = Np/Ns Main formula to memorize

** = The purpose of transformers are to prevent machinery from Frying


-made of a magnet and a coil

-turns rotational mechanical energy into electrical energy (AC)

-in order to generate DC, a split-ring commutator would be used

-Generators use slip rings

-Generators are difficult to spin so poles of a magnet are the opposite of what you
would normally think in relation to the rotational direction (as in Lenzs Law). It is
because of the difficulty to spin it that electrical energy is created.

This website explains things really well:


-Motors use slip rings to make DC

-turns electrical energy into mechanical rotational energy

-opposite of a generator (even in diagrams; inner magnets poles are opposite. The
magnet rotates because each time it is either repelled or attracted by the
permanent magnet and has to move that way.)
Unit 5: Waves and Sound
3 types of Vibrations

1- Torsional: an object twists around its axis at the rest position Ex. A twisted tire

2- Longitudinal: the particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the motion of the
wave Ex. Sound

3- Traverse: when an object vibrates perpendicular to its axis at the rest position
Ex. A pendulum OR the particles in the medium vibrate at right angles to the
direction that the wave travels in Ex. Waves of a musical instruments strings,
like guitar strings.


Relationships between Frequency, Amplitude, Length, and Period

Wave = transfer of energy without the movement of matter

Amplitude = maximum displacement from rest (A)
Period = time for one cycle (T) measured in seconds
Frequency = # of cycles per second (F) measured in Hertz
Wave Length = distance between any 2 consecutive points on a wave (the wave
must be in phase) (; the greek symbol that is pronounced lambda)
Trough- the bottom curve of the wave
Crest- the top curve of the wave
Node- place of no amplitude=equilibrium (i.e. on the rest line/ no amplitude line)
Antinode- place of most disturbance
Height- double the amplitude or from crest to trough
Compression- size of wavelength decreases
Interference- two waves meet and get in each other's way
Longitudinal wave- 3-D wave that travels up/down, left/right, and forward
Transverse wave- 2-D waves that move perpendicular to each other
-mass and amplitude have no affect on frequency or period

Formulas and Relationships

T = t/N Period = time/Number of cycles

F = N/t Frequency = Number of cycles/time

F = 1/ Frequency = 1/wavelength

T = 1/F Period = 1/frequency

F = 1/T

L = length

Length and period are proportional

Length and 1/F are proportional

Period and Wavelength are proportional

Universal Wave Equation

V = speed of wave/velocity

V = F memorize this equation

dn = internodal distance = the distance between 2 consecutive nodes

dn =0.5

internodal distance = half of wavelength

-Standing wave: waves that are in phase with one another and constant in their
frequency, period, etc. They are characterized by points on their line of rest that do
not vibrate called nodes

-interspersed between the nodes are antinodes that alternate between crest and

Example Problem: A standing wave has a distance of 45 cm between 4 consecutive

nodes. What is the wavelength? What is the speed of the wave in the medium if the
frequency is 30 Hz (hertz)?

Given: L (length/distance) = 45 cm F = 30 Hz n = 4 nodes number of

dns = 3 dn = 15 cm = ? v = ?

L = 3dn dn = 0.5 L = 3(0.5) 45 =1.5

= 30 cm


V = (30hz)(30cm)

= 900 cm/s

*** = A Hz is equal to one over a second (1/s). thats why the units of the final
answer are in cm/s

Principle of Super-Position

When 2 or more waves act simultaneously, the resultant displacement is the sum of
displacements of simultaneous waves individually. There can be a supertrough if 2
troughs meet or a supercrest if 2 crests meet. Or, if a crest and trough meet, they
can cancel each other out.

If a supercrest or supertrough forms, its called constructive Interference

If cancellation occurs, its called destructive interference

Speed of Sound in Air

-In the context of sound waves, frequency refers to the pitch of the sound (NOT THE

-Sound waves are technically longitudinal but they are often drawn as traverse

-Sound travels at different speeds through different mediums depending on

temperature and air pressure

-air pressure is normally 332

-therefore, the formula for the speed of sound in air is

Speed of sound in air = (332 + 0.6T)m/s

*= T refers to the temperature in degrees Celsius

Mach #

Mach # = speed of object/speed of sound

A Mach # greater than 1 is considered supersonic and one that is less than 1 is
considered subsonic

Doppler Eff ect

~ = The sound heard anytime 2 objects pass each other with different velocities
while emitting sounds

If the object is moving toward you, the formula you use is:
f 1vs
f 2=
v sv o

If the object is moving away from you, the formula you use is:

f 1 vs
f 2=
vs + vo

A simple way to remember this is the formula with Addition in it is for when the
object is moving Away

In these formulas, f2 refers to the sound that you hear

f1 refers to the sound emitted by the source

vs is the speed of sound

vo is the speed of the object

Mechanical Resonance

~ is the vibrating response of an object to a periodic force from a source that has
the same frequency as the natural frequency of the object Ex. The Tacoma bridge

Beat Frequency

~ is when two notes of slightly different frequencies sound together causing a

pulsating sound

(** , the answer needs to be in absolute numbers meaning it must

ALWAYS be a positive value)

Sound Intensity

Intenisty = Power/Area

I = P/A

Where area is measured in W/m2

Another important formula related to intensity is:

I1/I2= (r2)2/(r1)2

Decibel System

= 10log(I2/I1)

represents number of decibels

The constant for the threshold of human hearing is 1.0x10 -12 W/m2

Unit 6: Light and Optics

Refl ection

Laws of reflection:

1- The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection

2- The incident ray, the normal and the reflection ray will be in the same plane
(i.e. 2D, 3D)

Normal = the imaginary line that is perpendicular to the plane of the mirror

Total Internal Refl ection

-when light travels from a more optically dense medium to a less optically dense
one and the refracted angle is 90 degrees, the incident ray is reflected back into the
more optically dense medium

Critical Angle = the angle of incidence that causes the refracted angle to be 90

Formula is:

c= sin-1(n2/n1)

Where c is the critical angle, and n represents the optical density of the medium.


~ = the bending of a ray of light

-apparent when light moves from one substance to another

-reason = lights speed changes as it enters one object from another

Less dense to more dense means the ray will bend towards the normal

More dense to less dense means the ray will bend away from the normal

Snells Law

-shows the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction

Types of Lenses

2 types: Converging which bend rays IN and diverging which bend rays OUT

DivergingPeople with myopia, nearsighted people, require diverging lenses

Concave, Biconcave

Convergingpeople with hyperopia, farsighted people, require converging lenses

Biconvex, Convex

*= People with astigmatism see asymmetrically and require cylindrical lenses

**=People with Presbyopia see badly due to old age and need bifocal lenses

Index of Refraction

~ = the ration of the speed of light to the speed of light in a given material

C = speed of light = 3.00 x 108m/s


where n = index

c = speed of light

v = speed of light in the medium

Rules for drawing lens diagrams

1- A ray that is parallel to the PA (principal axis) is refracted through the PF

(principal focus)
2- A ray that passes through F or 2F is refracted parallel to the PA
3- A ray that passes through the optical centre goes straight through without
bending Any of the 2 rays may be used to locate the tip of the image
If the image is

Behind 2F = smaller, inverted, real

At 2F = same size, inverted, real

Between 2F and F = larger, inverted, real

At F = parallel = No image

In front of F = larger, virtual, upright

Thin Lens Equation


1/do = 1/di = 1/f

Sign Convention

1- All distances are measured from the optical centre of the lens
2- Distances of real objects and images are positive
3- Distances of virtual objects and images are negative
4- Object heights and image heights are positive when measured upward and
negative when measured downward from the principal axis

Magnifi cation

M = hi/ho = -di/do

M = magnifaction

i=image o=object

h=height d=distance

if Magnification is positive, the image is upright and if its negative, its inverted

Additive Colour Theory

Subtractive Colour Theory

Electromagnetic Spectrum

-the whole range of wavelengths, from longest to shortest


Laser = Light Amplification through the Stimulated Emission of Radiation

-when electrons drop from one orbit to another, they lose energy which is given off
as a burst of light called a photon

-There are two types of these emissions


-electrons dont like to stay in their excited state so when they fall, a photon is

-occurs in light bulbs


-when a photon comes near an excited electron which has the same energy as it
would lose in falling to the ground state, it will drop to the ground state and produce
a 2nd photon.

-lasers work like this

Lasers are special because:

1- They have only one colour/wavelength

2- Their beam is entirely straight
3- Waves are in phase
4- Can produce tremendously powerful short bursts of light

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