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Unit 8 Test B: Listening

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Unit 8 Test B

2 A ______________ can be dangerous. The sky is

Listening very dark, and its also often windy and rainy.
3 In winter, when its ______________, the roads
1 1.09 Listen to a radio programme about a
can be dangerous.
new wildlife expedition. Then write true or false.
Correct the false sentences. (10 marks) 4 A ______________ can be white, black or grey. It
1 Theyre going to go to China. sometimes brings rain.

2 Last year, they saw three pandas.
Language focus
___________________________________________ 6 Complete the affirmative imperatives with four
of the verbs. Then rewrite the sentences in the
3 Theyre going to take eight tents.
negative. (16 marks)
4 Its going to be hot. eat get speak take swim watch
___________________________________________ Get up early. Dont get up early.
5 Their cameras are quite expensive. 1 ______________ this food.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
2 ______________ in the river.
2 Complete the sentences. Use four of the words.
(4 marks)
3 ______________ this programme.
bag clothes kit phone repellent
4 ______________ waterproof clothes.
1 I packed a first aid _____________.
2 She sleeps in a sleeping _____________.
3 Use insect _____________ to protect yourself 7 Complete the sentences using the correct form
of going to. (8 marks)
from flies and mosquitoes.
I am going to go to the cinema. (go )
4 Wear waterproof _____________ when its rainy.
1 Paul _______________________ lunch. (make )
3 Complete the equipment words. (6 marks) 2 They _______________________ TV. (watch )
1 We use s___________ when its sunny. 3 I _______________________ tonight. (study )
2 We wear h___________s to protect our heads. 4 Ruby _______________________ us. (visit )
3 We use a s___________ to make dinner.
4 We use a t___________ to see in the dark. 8 Write predictions using the correct form of will
or wont. (8 marks)
5 We use a c___________ or a m___________ to
Carlotta / lost (get) Carlotta will get lost.
find out where we are.
1 they / in tents (sleep)
4 Write the opposites of the words. (2 marks) __________________________________________
1 cold (noun) ________________ 2 I / any parrots (not see)
2 cold (adjective) ________________ __________________________________________
3 we / dinner at the hotel (have)
5 Complete the sentences with four of the words.
(8 marks) __________________________________________

sun / sunny storm / stormy 4 Toms / on the expedition (not go)

cloud / cloudy ice / icy rain / rainy __________________________________________

1 When its ______________, many people go to

the beach and eat ice cream!

Unit 8 Test B
3 What is the weather often like in north Wales?
9 Make questions using all of the words. a stormy b rainy c sunny
Then write your own answers. (8 marks)
4 What food isnt Nikki going to eat?
you / are / going / on / to / Friday / play / football a vegetables b rice c burgers
Are you going to play football on Friday?
5 What is the text mainly about?
No, Im not.
a what its like to be a scout
1 are / go / to / school / tomorrow / going / to / you
b a camping holiday
___________________________________________ c the history of the scouts
2 at / will / rain / the weekend / it Communication
___________________________________________ 11 Complete the dialogue with five of the words in
___________________________________________ the box. (10 marks)

3 is / to / your watch / TV / tonight / going / mum good will sure right with about cant dont
A Im hungry! Why (1) ____________ we go to the
___________________________________________ Italian restaurant?
4 pop singer / become / a / famous / will / you
B We (2) ____________ do that. It is too far away!
___________________________________________ Lets find a shop.
A Im not (3) ____________ about that. How

Reading (4) ____________ going to my house? We can

cook pizza.
10 Read the text. Then choose the correct answers.
(10 marks) B OK. Thats a (5) ____________ idea.


Hi, Im Nikki, and Im a scout! The Scout 12 Complete the sentences. Use so and the
Association is a popular club for boys and girls. phrases in the box. (5 marks)
There are nearly 4000,000 scouts in the USA,
and more than 400,000 scouts in the UK. Around she ate I drank water we use torches
20,700 of those are girls. Im staying in he speaks English
This weekend, my scout group is going to go to
1 Hes from the UK, _________________________.
the Scottish mountains. We arent going to stay
in a hotel! The teachers have got small tents, but 2 I was thirsty, ______________________________.
my tent is large six scouts are going to sleep in 3 Its really cold, ____________________________.
it! It rains a lot of time in the mountains, and its
sometimes stormy there, too, but I hope it will 4 Its dark, _________________________________.
be sunny this weekend! 5 She was hungry, __________________________.
Its going to be fun! Were going to go for long
walks, and make dinner on stoves. Were going 13 Imagine you are going to go on your ideal
to cook lots of rice and vegetables. We wont holiday next month. Write about what you are
have any junk food, like burgers! going to do. Use the ideas to help you. (5 marks)

Paragraph 1: Where and when are you going to

1 How many British scouts are there? go? What is the weather going to be like?
a about 20,700 c about 400,000 Paragraph 2: What are you going to take on
b about 4000,000 holiday? Why?
2 Where is Nick going to sleep this weekend? Paragraph 3: What are you going to do?
a in a big tent c in a small tent
b in a hotel
Total marks: Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 20 Language focus _______ / 40
Reading _______ / 10 Communication _______ / 10 Writing _______ / 10 TOTAL _______ / 100

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