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Lithological and Structural Controls On Gold Mineralizaton in Buhweju. Uganda

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FEB21, 2011

Dr. T. Woldai
Drs. B. J. de Smeth
Inter-Relationship between
Lithology and Structure and its
Control on Gold Mineralization in
Buhweju area, SW OF UGANDA


Enschede, The Netherlands, February 21, 2011

Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth

Observation of the University of Twente in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-information Science
and Earth Observation.
Specialization: Applied Earth Sciences

Dr. T. Woldai
Drs. Smeth


Prof. Dr. F. D. van der Meer
Dr. D.G. Rossiter
This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and
Earth Observation of the University of Twente. All views and opinions expressed therein remain the sole responsibility of the
author, and do not necessarily represent those of the Faculty.
Poor accessibility, dense vegetation and lack of outcrops are detrimental to conventional field geological
mapping. The Buhweju area is poorly explored area with high vegetation density and known to host
alluvial gold. The challenge is to look the interrelationship between lithology and structure in Buhweju and
to assess the control on gold mineralization in the area. A new geological map as well as the inter-
relationship between lithology and structure of Buhweju was presented through individual and integrated
interpretations of geophysical data, multispectral data and published geological map. Previous studies of
both regional and local scales including the result of this study have generally revealed the complexity of
structural and lithological evolution of the area.
Applied image processing and enhancement techniques substantially improved the various data sets of the
Buhweju area for better visual interpretation. The amount of geological information that could be
obtained from multispectral data analysis was greatly hindered by various factors including complex
topographic setting, vegetation cover and less variability in reflectance of the different lithological units.
The geophysical data has also proved to be a valuable tool to understand the geology of Buhweju. The
gamma ray data has found to be an invaluable aid, which together with modern enhancement and
integration techniques have assisted in the visualization and discrimination of lithological units of the area.
The interpretations made on the aeromagnetic data have depicted worthful information regarding
lithomagnetic domains and tectonics of Buhweju.
The structural orientation analysis has revealed three dominant lineament orientations which determine
the tectonic grain of the area, NNW-SSE, ESE-WNW and NNE-SSW. These orientations were found
consistent with the regional tectonics. Non-orientation density analysis applied on the individual surface
and subsurface lineaments has indicated that the Buhweju group rocks and undifferentiated between schist
and amphibolites were affected by high lineament concentration.
The control of Buhweju gold field was assessed in terms of the improved geological units and interpreted
lineaments of the area. Accordingly, no spatial association was observed between most of the gold
occurrences and Buhweju sediments of pelitic and psammitic bands. On the other hand, most of the gold
occurrences were found variably in Lubare quartzite, schist and gneissic units. The prominent NNE
trending fault, identified from the aeromagnetic data has apparently controlled the distribution of gold
occurrence of the area. Furthermore, most of the gold occurrences of Buhweju have showed an intimate
association with interpreted high magnetic zones and quartz veins of the area. It was also evident that
lithological units affected by high lineament density have hosted some of the gold occurrences in

I would like to thank my advisors Dr. T. Woldai and Drs. B. J. De Smeth for constructive advises and
effort they have made for fulfilment of this research. Special thanks go to Dr. Frank van Ruitenbeek, Dr.
John Carranza and Mr. Chris Hecker for their help to make me familiar with new techniques of mineral
exploration. I would like to thank Dr. Nigel Stack and Dr. Sally Barritt for they gave me permission to use
high resolution geophysical imagery for this research. Warmest thanks to local people around Buhweju for
their undesirable help during field work.


1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................7
1.1. Research background ..................................................................................................................................................7
1.2. Research problem ........................................................................................................................................................7
1.3. Research Objective ......................................................................................................................................................8
1.4. Research Questions .....................................................................................................................................................8
1.5. Research Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................................................8
1.6. Overall research methodology .................................................................................................................................8
1.7. Available data sets .................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.8. Study Area.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
1.9. Justification for using various remote sensing data set ...................................................................................... 12
1.10. Thesis organization .................................................................................................................................................. 13
2. Previous Work.................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1. Regional geology, Structure and Mineralization .................................................................................................. 14
2.2. Local geology, strucutre and mineralization ........................................................................................................ 16
3. Multispectral Image Processing and Interpretation ..................................................................................... 19
3.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
3.2. Correction for Vegetation Effect .......................................................................................................................... 19
3.3. Univariate Analysis of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ data ................................................................................ 21
3.4. Principal component analysis ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.5. Summary of multispectral processing and interpretation .................................................................................. 26
4. Surface Lineament Interpretation ................................................................................................................... 28
4.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 28
4.2. Summary .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
5. Processing and Interpretation of Gamma Ray Data .................................................................................... 34
5.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.2. Data processing......................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3. Image Enhancement and Interpretation .............................................................................................................. 37
5.4. Summary of Radiometric data interpretation ...................................................................................................... 44
6. Processing and Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data ................................................................................. 45
6.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 45
6.2. Data processing and Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 45
6.3. Summary on aeromagnetic data interpretation ................................................................................................... 50
7. Data integration and Geological Map Compilation ..................................................................................... 51
7.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 51
7.2. Lithological boundaries ........................................................................................................................................... 51
7.3. Compiled Lineament Interpretation ..................................................................................................................... 56
7.4. Mineralization ............................................................................................................................................................ 56
8. Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 61
8.1. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................. 61
8.2. Recommendations .................................................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 1-1: Flow chart of the research methodology .............................................................................................. 9
Figure 1-2: Display areas the different data sets used in this study. .................................................................... 11
Figure 1-3: Location of the study area ..................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3-1: NDVI Images of the study area ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-2: Subscence of Landsat ETM and ASTER color composite images in (RGB) ............................ 22
Figure 3-3:Subscence of OIF color composite in RGB order ............................................................................ 22
Figure 3-4: Subscens with interpreted lithologies .................................................................................................. 24
Figure 3-5:. Subscens with interpreted Lithologies ................................................................................................ 25
Figure 3-6: ASTER and Landsat interpretation map of Buhweju ....................................................................... 26
Figure 4-1: Subscenes of A) ASTER 721 in RGB order ...................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-2: Interpreted lineament map .................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-3: Color shaded relief images..................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 4-4 :SRTM DEM Subscens of the area. ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-5: SRTM DEM Subscens of the area. ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-6: Interpreted lineament map .................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-7: Final interpreted surface lineament map of the area ......................................................................... 32
Figure 4-8: Lineament density map of the area ...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 5-1: A) Element weathering and gamma ray response ............................................................................. 35
Figure 5-2: Box plot showing the distribution of radioelement per litholohic units ........................................ 36
Figure 5-3: Images of individual radioelement grids ............................................................................................. 38
Figure 5-4: Images radioelement ratio grids ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 5-5: Various IHS composite images of gamma ray data........................................................................... 39
Figure 5-6: Different enhancements made on Ternary image . .......................................................................... 40
Figure 5-7: Previously mapped lithology ................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 5-8: Lithological interpretations on gamma ray data ................................................................................. 42
Figure 5-9:Interpreted lithologic units from radiometric data ........................................................................... 43
Figure 5-10: Interpreted lithological map. Numbers indicate the newly identified units ................................ 43
Figure 6-1: Enhanced Aeromagnetic images of the area .................................................................................... 47
Figure 6-2: Vertical derivative images calculated from RTP ............................................................................. 48
Figure 6-3: A) Regional litho-magnetic domains interpreted from RTP. .......................................................... 48
Figure 6-4: Interpreted structural map of the area.. ............................................................................................... 49
Figure 6-5: Magnetic lineament density map .......................................................................................................... 50
Figure 7-1: Subscens showing interpreted lithological units ................................................................................ 52
Figure 7-2: Subscenes showing interpreted lithological units .............................................................................. 53
Figure 7-3: Field photos of different rocks ............................................................................................................. 54
Figure 7-4: Improved geological map of Buhweju ................................................................................................ 55
Figure 7-5: Lineament map of Buhweju .................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 7-6: Field data and lithological interpretation on mineralization. ........................................................... 58
Figure 7-7: Distribution of gold occurrence areas.. ............................................................................................... 59
Figure 7-8: The Twangiza and Gieta trends............................................................................................................ 60
Figure 7-9: Structural corridors ................................................................................................................................. 60

Table 1-1: Radiometric characteristics of ASTER and Landsat ETM data ...................................................... 10
Table 1-2: Stratigraphic units of the study area. After(Reece, 1961) .................................................................. 17
Table 3-1: Correlation coefficient of Landsat ETM+ data in the study area.................................................... 21
Table 3-2: Correlation coefficient of ASTER VNIR-SWIR data of the area ................................................... 21
Table 3-3: The first six highest OIF index ranking of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ bands........................... 23
Table 3-4: Eigen vector loadings of principal components ................................................................................. 24
Table 3-5: Eigen values of the principal component of ASTER SWIR data of the area................................ 24
Table 3-6: Eigen values of principal components of Landsat ETM data and their variance ......................... 25
Table 3-7: Result of image interpretation based on image characteristics. ........................................................ 27
Table 4-1: Soble filter in four main directions applied in this study .................................................................. 29
Table 5-1: Correlation between radioelements ...................................................................................................... 36
Table 5-2: Radiometric correlation of the newly identified units ....................................................................... 44


1.1. Research background
Geological maps with their subsequent derivative are considered to be the most reliable geosciences
information having immense economic and societal value. A geological map provides information not
only about the distribution and thickness of individual rock units but also reveals relationship among
strata and structures which provide insight to many aspect example mineral potential. Acquiring geological
information has nowadays greatly assisted by remote sensing technology as lots of works have already
been documented.
Analysis and integration of multi disciplinary geoscientific information is becoming an advanced
technique to ameliorate the geosciences knowledge. The problems in traditional geological mapping
like limited exposed outcrop, extensive regolith and vegetation cover and subtle changes in geological
features caused mapping largely based on geological inference. In integrated approach however, the
information in each data set is analyzed separately and finally integrated to resolve the uncertainties and
geological inferences. In integrated geological mapping the individual data layer is brought with
different spectral and spatial resolutions that enable to extract more information and even to map
subtle variations in geological feature, when integrated they are particularly useful.
The deeply dissected mountainous ridges in the east and the western rift valley are typical topographic
features characterizing the study area, Buhweju. The geology of the area is presumed to be complex which
undergone through different sequences of geological events accompanied by folding, refolding,
recrystalization and metasomatism. The area is covered by various lithological units ranging from
Precambrian metamorphic complex which have been extensively weathered and eroded to Pleistocene rift
filling unconsolidated sediments and volcanics.
Buhweju is one of the gold and base metal producing areas in the country. Various compilation works on
the mineral resources of Uganda showed wide spread alluvial gold in Buhweju and its surroundings. Three
sulphide veins have also been identified at Kitaka, Kampono and Kanyambogo lead-zinc mines emplaced
in shcists and gneiss. In these mines coarse crystalline gold also occur in vughs lined by quartz crystals.
The aim of this research is therefore to see the relationship between lithology and structure of the area and
to assess control on mineralization
Analyzing, interpreting and compiling the information contained in various data sets can result
in producing necessary information related to lithological map, structural map and various thematic
information before and after ground truthing. The geographic information system (GIS) has played
major role in integrating and overlaying the various geosciences data and then producing maps which
could be taken to the field to assist field mapping and ground truthing. Reliable geoscientific information
in the form of geological map, structural map and mineral potential map could then be produced
which are very vital for exploration and development of mineral resources.

1.2. Research problem

The study area, Buhweju, in the south west of Uganda is one of the prospective regions for gold and other
base metal mineralization where presently gold is being extracted by artesian from alluvial deposit. The
nature of gold and base metal mineralization and mineralized host rock in the area are unknown. The
geotectonic, structural setting and ore mineralogy is compatible with an orogenic gold type mineralization
(Buchwaldt et al., 2008; Gabert, 1990; Groves et al., 1998; Link et al., 2010; Pohl, 1994; Rumvegeri, 1991;
Tsige, 2006). The traditional geological map of the area was published in 1961 and recently the geological
survey of Uganda has acquired various remote sensing data sets and has already started mapping the
whole of Uganda including Buhweju. However, surface geological mapping could not be sufficient to
explain the control and nature of mineralization of the area. Therefore, an account should be taken to
further establish the relationship between lithology and structure of the low grade metamorphic terrain to
assess the control on mineralization. The final goal is to characterize the relationship between structure
and lithology which could decipher localization and control of mineralization of the area. These
problems were addressed by applying different techniques including integration analysis of all the
acquired remote sensing data, field mapping and known mineralization occurrence data.

1.3. Research Objective

The primary objective of the proposed research is to use various remotely sensed data and apply GIS
techniques to establish the inter-relationship between lithology and structure and to assess its controls on
known mineralized areas of Buhweju. Some of the specific objectives that will be addressed include:

To produce improved geological and structural map of the Buhweju area

To assess the inter-relationship between lithology and tectonic structure of the area
To assess the control of lithology and structure on g o l d mineralization

1.4. Research Questions

The following research questions are addressed in this study:
Can structural and lithological relationships assist in the identification of potential
mineralization sites in low grade metamorphic terrains of Buhweju?
Which remote sensing data discriminate more lithological units exposed in the area?
What are the dominant structural settings of Buhweju?
Does relationship exist between surface and subsurface structures/lineaments?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

Association between lithology, structure and metamorphism will assist for identification of
potential mineralization sites.
Remote sensing data sets are important for geological mapping with varying ability in
discriminating subtle differences of geologic features.
Mineralization of an area can be controlled by lithology and structure

1.6. Overall research methodology

In order to reach objectives of the research and to answer the research questions several steps were carried
out. The research was carried in three major phases:

1.6.1. Pre-field work

In the first instance literature review was carried out to extract the regional geology and mineralization of
the study area. Other geological regions in Uganda were broadly explored since there is no much literature
on only the Buhweju area. Projection of all the data sets used in the study to the same projection system
was done during this phases of the research. During this time data preparation, preliminary pre-processing
and interpretations of optical and airborne data were conducted to be taken to the field.

1.6.2. Field work

Field work was conducted to have ground truthing for some pre-processing and interpretations made in
the above phase. The study area is topographically rugged and covered with protected forests for which
access to majority of the area was difficult. However, traverses were designed to access as much areas as


possible. During field work lithological descriptions and structural measurements were collected at about
140 observation points (Appendix 1). In addition various abandoned and active mine areas were surveyed
GPS location and geological descriptions were taken.

1.6.3. Post-field work

The major tasks of the study including detail processing, analysis and interpretation were conducted
during this phase of the research. Data sets were analysed and interpreted both in separate and integrated
approaches to extract lithological contacts, lineaments and other geological features. Univariate and
transformations (PCA) were applied on Landsat ETM and ASTER data then appropriate band
combinations were chosen for lithological and structural interpretations. The SRTM DEM data was
variously integrated with other data sets to increase geological interpretations of the area. Furthermore,
processing and qualitative interpretations were applied on the gamma ray data for extraction of lithological
information in terms of distribution of radioelement. This data was also integrated with optical and
elevation data to increase interpretation. The underlying surface information was also achieved through
qualitative interpretation applied on different aeromagnetic data layers. Finally, all the acquired lithological,
structural and field collected data sets were integrated and digitized to produce the revised geology and
structural maps of the area. Relationship between lithologies and structures was then established
qualitatively and their control towards the prevailing mineralization was assessed. The general
methodology followed in this research is shown in figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1: Flow chart of the research methodology

1.7. Available data sets

1.7.1. Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric data

The ministry of Energy and mineral development of the republic of Uganda has conducted airborne
magnetic and radiometric surveys during survey date 07/12/06-31/05/07. The data was acquired and
processed by Fugro airborne surveys. Survey flight lines with a spacing of 200m were flown in NE-SW
direction and tie lines with a spacing of 2000m in NW-SE direction. The survey was conducted with mean
terrain clearance of 80m and with a sample interval of 0.1s and 1s for magnetic and radiometric data

1.7.2. Multispectral data

The multispectral data sets of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ were used in this study. Radiometricaly
calibrated and geometrically co-registered level 1B ASTER data with VNIR, SWIR and TIR bands was
provided together with the multispectral Landsat ETM+ data having seven bands. The radiometric
characteristics of ASTER and Landsat ETM data are given in (Table 1-1) below.

1.7.3. Other data sets

Elevation data of the area was provided both in gridded SRTM DEM format with a resolution of 33m and
digital contour shape file format. Analog and digital geological map of the area was also provided and used
in this study. In addition, field collected lithological, structural and mineral occurrence data were used in
the study. All the above described data sets didnt cover the whole of the study area. The map in figure 1-2
shows the areal coverage of the data sets used in the study.

Table 1-1: Radiometric characteristics of ASTER and Landsat ETM data


Figure 1-2: Display areas the different data sets used in this study.

1.8. Study Area

1.8.1. Location and Accessibility

The study area, Buhweju is found in the south western Uganda consisting elevated ridges and mountains
of western Mbarara city, about 300km far from Kampala, capital city. The area comprises most parts of
the international Uganda geological sheet 76 which is geographically bounded by (9944373-999954) N and
(166162-221728) E. The eastern side of the Western rift valley cuts and bounds the north western part of
the area where as the central part has occupied by complex mountains of Buhweju. Some part of the area
is accessible through minor roads which are branching out from the major asphalt roads running in the
west, south and east parts of Buhweju. The area consist different district counties including Bunyarunguru,
Buhweju, Bushenyi, Ntsida and others which made some parts of Buhweju easy to access. The area is
generally densely vegetated with two extensive forests protected by the Ugandan Forestry department. The
Kasyoha forest and the Kalinzu forest have covered large areas in the northern Lubare ridge and in the
southwest of the study area respectively. However, areas covering the rift valley and the eastern most parts
of Buhweju are relatively less vegetated where short grass and bushes are common.

Figure 1-3: Location map of the study area

1.9. Justification for using various remote sensing data set

ASTER image data has offered advantage over Landsat data in both spatial and spectral resolutions
hence, become increasingly important to geological and mineral mapping. A lot of Researches have
already been conducted by utilizing ASTER data for its potential in discriminating lithologies
and alteration areas especially in arid and semi arid regions. For example with the help of ASTER data,
three additional lithologies namely granitic, granodioritic and a more maffic class consisting maffic
gneiss, amphibole and variable mixtures of carbonates and silicates rocks have been mapped (Rowan &
Mars, 2003). According to Khan & Glenn (2006) new strike slip faults and lithological units were
mapped with the help of field and ASTER data that has yielded regionally significant results.
Aeromagnetic and gamma ray surveys have been conducted in support of geological mapping and
mineral exploration based on the fact that radioelement concentration and magnetic susceptibility
change with geological units. Application and interpretation of aerial gamma ray surveys for geological,
regolith, alteration mapping and applied geomorphology were well documented (Dickson & Scott, 1997;
Shives et al., 2000; Wilford et al., 1997). Application and interpretation of aeromagnetic data for sub
surface geological and structural mapping were summarized (Allek & Hamoudi, 2008; Jaques et al., 1997;
Porwal et al., 2006) and more works have already been done by various researchers. However, the
complex geological nature of an area remained fully unexplored through the analysis of single remote
sensing data and hence, an integration of various data sets has required for better definition.
Recently, researchers have already started the utilization of integrated data sets especially for improving
available geological maps and mineral potential mapping. For example, the spectacular work by
Schets elaar et al. (2008) has showed integrated interpretation of remotely sensed data to support
geological mapping in Mozambique. The work has explained the appropriate methodologies employed
for subsequent image enhancement, data integration and geological interpretation. The importance of
remote sensing and GIS Technologies for improvements of geological structures interpretation and
mapping has well documented (Saraf et al., 2002). Integration and analysis of Landsat ETM and


SRTM data was carried out by E. A. Owusu et al. (2006) which greatly improved the geological map of
the Kibi area in Ghana. Integrated approach aided with field data discriminated lithological units with
limited spectral contrast and covered by vegetation(Schetselaar et al., 2000). It is well established in
many publications that lithology and structure play a determinate role in emplacement and
localization of mineralization. Aeromagnetic a n d remote sensing data integration has been
(Chernicoff et al., 2002 ) to identify crustal lineament control on magmatism and mineralization in
northwestern Argentina. An integration of airborne and optical data have been utilized to map the
regolith cover in Western Australia(Wilford et al., 1997).

1.10. Thesis organization

The organization of this research work is as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Previous work
3. Surface lineament interpretation
4. Processing and interpretation of gamma ray data
5. Processing and interpretation of aeromagnetic data
6. Data integration and geological map compilation
7. Conclusion and recommendations

2.1. Regional geology, Structure and Mineralization

2.1.1. Regional Geology

Most portion of Uganda has underlain by Archean and Proterozoic basement rocks whereas the
remainder covered by recent sediments and volcanic related to rift activities. According to various authors
(Hepworth & Macdonald, 1966; MacDonald, 1966; Muwanga et al., 2001) these basement rocks of
Gneissic granulite complex which were also referred to as Ugandan Basement complex (MacDonald,
1966) are further classified in to four tectonic belts based on their structural and metamorphic
characteristics. These includes: Aruan gneiss and Watian granulites (Leggo, 1974) representing archean
rocks of Toro-Ankole and western Nile regions, the Buganda-Toro belt which is sometimes called the
Ruwenzori Fold belt (MacDonald, 1966; Tanner, 1970) consisting metamorphosed early proterozoic
rocks, the Karagwe-Ankolean system (Elliot & Gregory, 1895) representing young proterozoic low grade
rocks which are also part of Kibaran belt (Cahen et al., 1984) and the early proterozoic high grade
Ubendian belt (Cahen et al., 1984) bordering the southern end of Tanzanian craton. In addition, the
Mozambique Fold belt (Leggo, 1974) and its associated events have resulted relatively younger
neoproterozoic basement rocks in eastern Uganda. The study by (Saggerson & Turner, 1972 ) also
indicated that the Nyanza shield including both Nyanzian and Kavirondian systems, comprise rocks of
gneissic complex of the northern Uganda and found well developed around Lake Victoria. Mesozoic and
Cenozoic sediments and volcanic rocks which are related to the rift activities have covered the eastern and
western borders of the country whereas; the down faulted western rift has apparently filled with tertiary
and recent sediments.
The East African Rift System (EARS) is made up of three rift branches among which, the western branch
runs from Tanzania craton, Tanganyika through Malawi and ends at western Uganda forming the
Albertine rift system. The variable thickness of the lithosphere in western Uganda (Link et al., 2010),
obtained from the geochemical signature of Virunga volcanoes of Toro-Ankolean, was explained as a
cratonic root beneath the thrust belt in the Rwenzori regions. This recent study by Link et al. (2010) has
therefore, concluded the existence of a continuous cratonic crust between Congo and Tanzania blocks in
western Uganda covered by folded, thrusted and metamorphosed proterozoic and Archean units.
According to the explanation given by Link et al. (2010) the Toro-Ankole region of the western Uganda
basement is composed of locally migmatised gneisses interlayered with micaeous schists, amphibolites and
quartzites of Buganda-Toro belt. The Mesoproterozoic age and NE-NNE trending Kibaran belt
(Buchwaldt et al., 2008) has covered large areas of south and central Africa passing though Zambia,
Tanzania, Brundi, Rwanda and terminate at SW Uganda. The kibaran belt is essentially intra-tectonic
metasedimentary belt formed between 1400 and 900Ma (Pohl, 1994) consists two dominant supergroups
namely the kibaran supergroup and the Brundian supergroup. Starting from its type area (Kibaran
Mountains of central Congo) northwards along the strike to the corresponding Burundian supergroup and
SW of Uganda, the kibaran belt is composed of schist, phyllite with some intercalated quartzite,
conglomerate, and mafic-felsic volcanic rocks. The slightly metamorphosed metamorphic rocks of the
Ankolean-karagwe group, covering most of the SW Uganda, has been found intercalated with gneiss and
intruded by different suits of granite of the same source magma. In addition (Pohl, 1994; Rumvegeri,
1991) have overviewed and classified lithologies of the whole kibaran belt as lower, middle and upper
kibaran units. Generally two geochronological studies have been conducted by Buchwaldt et al. ( 2008) on


late Archean granitic rocks of Northern Uganda and by Ikingura et al. (1992) on granitic rocks sampled
from Zaire, Burundi and SW Uganda. These have led to a conclusion that at least three distinctive tectonic
events have been taken place in SW of Uganda which were consistent with granitic emplacement ages in
various parts of kibaran belt.

2.1.2. Structure and Mineralization

It is concluded that structures and metamorphism in Pan-African belts including the various microcratons
were orogenic (Black, I967 ; N. K. Grant, 1967 1969 ). It is also known that most of the east African
countries are covered by oldest rocks which have been affected by orogenic structures. The Precambrian
orogenic fold belts and shear zones, rift valley of Miocene times with associated volcanic centers and the
Pleistocene warping form the major tectonic controls of Uganda. It has explained (Riad & El Etr, 1985)
that the Precambrian orogenic belts have showed consistent trends as seen at Aruan and central Karamoja
areas where the gneiss structures approximately trend North south and the Northwesterly trending folds
continued to Karagwe-Ankolean of S W Uganda forming prominent topographic ridges.
Precambrian shear zones in Uganda appear in several places, particularly in the north. Among which, the
Aswa shear zone (Shackleton, 1976) become extensive in several areas trending in north west direction.
Other similar trending but relatively narrow and younger in age possibly related to Mozambique orogeny
occur at Karomoja, Ancholi and west Nile regions (Riad & El Etr, 1985). The basins of Lake Edward,
George and Albert and the Ruwenzori mountain blocks clearly represent major structural features of the
western rift in Uganda. According to previous study by (Riad & El Etr, 1985) the rift movements in
Uganda has began during early Miocene times and continued to mid-Pleistocene with major movements.
The periods of faulting of the eastern and northern part of western rift have also believed to be
contemporaneous with varied amount of movements from place to place (Baker, 1971 ). Two different
views have been suggested regarding the interpretation of structural behaviour of north-eastern kibaran
belt. According to (Klerkx et al., 1987; Pohl, 1994; Rumvegeri, 1991) extensional tectonics with
sedimentary cover decollemented over the basement (D1) and granitic magmatism were considered as
early structural development followed by compressional tectonic accompanied with upright folds (NE-
SW) and shearing (D2). Whereas, the recent geochronological and geochemical investigations on alkaline
intrusive suit led to interpretation for Kibaran evolution that crustal thickening was resulted due to mantle
derived intrusions which reflected tectonic collapse (Tack et al., 1994). The general geodynamic model,
tectonic movements and associated deformational events in kibaran orogeny have been presented in detail
(Rumvegeri, 1991).
The lithostratgraphic and tectonic setting of gold mineralization in the Archean cratons of Tanzania and
Uganda has been discussed by (Gabert, 1990) and showed the control of lithology, metamorphism and
tectonic on location of gold mineralization. Accordingly three main types of primary gold mineralization
of Nyanzian green stone belt have been recognized. These are strata bound syngenetic gold
mineralization, epigenetic hydrothermal gold mineralization and epigenetic metasomatic gold
mineralization. The study by Harris, (1961) showed that the majority of known gold-quartz vein deposit
occur in conjugation with mineralized shear zones. He also noted that in supercrustal rocks eluvial gold
occurs probably derived from auriferous quartz veins which may be related to the late orogenic granitic
activity. Panning of alluvial materials and physical searching of mineralized outcrops were the various
practices which have been used in the past to discover mineral deposits in the kibaran belt. However,
recently geochemical and geophysical methods have been used which have resulted in the recognition of
different mineralized belts within kibaran like in Burundi and Tanzania (Radulescu, 1982). According to
the inventory of mineralized zones that has been made so far, (Pohl, 1994) has synthesized the general
aspect of mineralization of kibaran belt. Thus the possible mineralization recognized in the belt include:
mineralization syngentic with the kibaran sediments, Mineralization associated with mafic layered
intrusions and mineralization associated with tin granites. Among which mineralization associated with tin
granites represent the base of old and present mining within kibaran belt.

2.2. Local geology, strucutre and mineralization
Explanation of the geology of Buhweju (Reece, 1961) and related reports are the only existing geological
information available in the area and all of which form the foundation of this work . According to the
explanation, rocks of Buhweju are classified in to five groups. The Igara group represents a sedimentary
sequence which has been metamorphosed and granitized units including schist, quartzite and granitic
rocks. The Buhweju group consist a sequence of psammitic and pelitic rocks unconformably lying on the
Igara group. They have recrystallized the basal formation granitized contemporaneously with the Igara
group. Ibanda quartzite forms an isolated outcrop and its relationship with Igara and Buhweju groups is
not known. Doleritic dykes and quartz veins represent intrusive rocks which are younger than the
Buhweju but older than the Pleistocene rocks. The Pleistocene rocks are poorly consolidated and volcanic
occupying the rift valley. The various volcanic fields consisting of fine grained and highly calcareous tuffs
were well explained by (Reece, 1961). The Buhweju group is further classified in to five different lithologic
units including Lukiri mudstone, Isingiro conglomerate, Lubare quartzite, Kasyoha shales and Munyoni
quartzite in the order of from bottom to top in lithological succession. The geological succession and
description of each geologic units of the area has shown in (Table 1-2).
The general geological history and sequence of geological events of the area have been summarized as
follows: (1) deposition of the Igara group under shallow water marine condition followed by intrusion of
doleritic rocks. (2) Folding of the Igara group about north trending axes, accompanied by low grade
(greenschist) regional metamorphism. (3) Deposition of the Buhwehu group as deltaic sediment and later
as shallow water conditions. (4) Folding of parts of the Buhweju group along WNW trends with some
refolding of the Igara group accompanied by local felspathisations and metasomatism. (5) Intrusion of
quartz veins. (6) Formation of rift valley and intrusion of dolerites and quartz veins. (7) Deposition of
Pleistocene sediments.


Table 2-1: Stratigraphic units of the study area. After(Reece, 1961)

The structure of the area was described by (Reece, 1961) from both field data and thin section analysis
especially for the Igara and Buhweju groups. The structure of Ibanda quartzite is not known but some
explanations suggested that it has affected by tectonic thickening which caused its size disproportional.
Rift valley and associated Pleistocene rocks didnt exhibit visible tectonic structures resulting most
structural explanations were entirely of topographical.
Foliations and lineation were explained as common structures apparent on schist, quartzite and gneiss of
the Igara group. Almost parallel NW foliation has been described on gneissic rocks marked by mineral
banding and preferred direction of feldspar porphyroblasts. Foliations were also described on schist with
weak planes marked by white mica flakes. Interpretations have showed that two foliations were affected
the Igara group rocks. The first dominant foliation was associated with early folding events trending
NNW and nearly isoclinals nature. The second foliation (slip cleavage), evidenced by drag folds and
fracture cleavage, was found superimposed on the older folds. Beddings, cleavages and linear structures
were described on various lithological units of the Buhweju group which led to an interpretation that the
Buhweju group has been folded in WNW trending axes.
Generally the Igara group has folded isoclinically about steeply dipping northerly trending axial planes
with a refolding about WNW trending axes in the south west. The Buhweju group has folded about
horizontal in WNW trending axes with intensity of folding increase to the south.
According to the various unpublished reports, first mining operations were carried out by African smelters
to extract iron ore from ferruginous brecciaed zones in the kasyoha shales. In the following years (Cobme,

1932) economic quantities of alluvial gold were found in south of Lubare ridge and a deposit was opened
by a private company on the Buhweju plateau (Wayland, 1934). Various compilation works on the mineral
resources of Uganda showed that Buhweju was still the main gold producer came entirely from wide
spread alluvial mining where the source rock is still unknown. Alluvial of Karagwe-Ankolean rocks occur
in streams, stream courses and swamps with heavily vegetated surroundings. Different observations have
also indicated that the gold was mostly found on the lower parts of the gravel and couldnt be detected in
the bed of the stream. However, at some areas like Kanyambogo and Kitaka gold has been mined from
the veins cutting the basement Igara schists. According to Wayland (1934) reef gold has also been found
in Muti area forming stockwork of quartz strigers transecting a quartzite bore of pyrite and fine gold. He
has also showed the gold occurrences in the sandy transition of the quartzite and pelites. Three sulphide
veins have also been identified (Reece, 1961) at Kitaka, Kampono and Kanyambogo lead-zinc mines
emplaced in shcists and gneiss. In these mines coarse crystalline gold also occur in vughs lined by quartz
crystals. In Kitaka mine galena, chalcopyrite and gold have been carried by undulating quartz veins
emplaced in shears within metadolerite. According to the explanation by Reece (1961) gold mineralization
is in general epithermal as is shown by its often coarsely crystalline occurrence in vughs. As inferred from
the previous study by Pohl (1994) mineralization has been started ca 1250 Ma related to post orogenic
rifting. Mineralization at ca 950 Ma however considered as dominant which has been related to post
orogenic metamorphism.



3.1. Introduction
Multispectral remote sensing basically depends on measurement of electromagnetic energy (EM) reflected
from the various surface cover in ranges of wavelength bands. The landsat ETM+ and ASTER are
common multispectral remote sensors which are being used to acquire Earths surface information.
Immense works have already been conducted in geological mapping by utilizing the multispectral data sets
especially in Arid and semi arid areas (Benomar & Fuling, 2005; Qari, 1992; Rowan & Mars, 2003; Wickert
& Budkewitsch, 2004; Won-In & Charusiri, 2003 ). Depending on the presence of outcropping lithology,
the various ASTER and Landsat wavelength regions have been used as a complement for lithological
mapping. Lithological units which are mainly composed of transition metals like iron, carbonates and
hydroxyl minerals could be easily identified on ASTER VNIR and SWIR bands entirely due to absorption
feature observed on these mineral spectra. However, rock forming minerals like quartz and feldspar dont
readily exhibit absorption features due to their less susceptibility to weathering and hence less identified
through analysis of mineral spectra. For the areal coverage of multispectral data in Buhweju is shown in
(Figure 1-2) Bothe ASTER and landsat scenes were projected to the same projection system, UTM zone
36S projection and WGS84 datum. The two ASTER scenes covering the study area were mosaiced at
resolutions of 15m, 30m, and 90m using ENVI image processing software. Image resampling was carried
out as required usually at resolution of 15m and 30m during various image enhancements. The radiometric
characteristics of both ASTER and Landsat are generally summarized in (Table 1-1).
Standard image processing algorithms such as selected band composite, principal component analysis,
decorrelation stretch and rationing techniques were applied to both Landsat ETM and ASTER data to get
lithological, structural and morphological information of the area. An overview of these techniques is
given by (Benomar & Fuling, 2005; S. P. Chavez et al., 1991; Gad & Kusky, 2007; Gillespie et al., 1987;
Yesou et al., 1993). The aim of this chapter is therefore, to map various lithological units and hence to
evaluate the importance of multispectral data for lithological mapping in Buhweju area.

3.2. Correction for Vegetation Effect

Terrains in tropical and semi tropical areas are most often covered with vegetation of various types.
Reflectance of dense vegetation interferes with barren land surface, thereby obscuring the information of
the underlying surface. This greatly affects geological mapping of vegetated areas. The previous work by
(Crippen & Blom, 2001) has showed that, in multispectral images the accuracy of discriminating lithologic
units will be lost if the vegetation cover exceeds the land surface, which is typically the case in Buhweju
area. Therefore minimizing the effect of vegetation from images should be carried out prior to any
interpretation. However, this becomes effective only if the image pixels contain spectra of both vegetation
and land surface unlike in Buhweju where some areas are completely covered with dense protected forest.
Normalized Difference Vegetation index (NDVI) images were produced for both ASTER and Landsat
images (Figure 3-1) and then the densely forested areas were masked out for they consist purely of
vegetation spectra. Vegetation suppression, in which most of the methods are also described by (Crippen
& Blom, 2001) was then applied for the rest of areas with open canopies. Vegetation suppression helps in
better interpreting geologic features by removing the vegetation spectra from red and near infrared bands
of multispectral images. The algorithm models the amount of vegetation per pixel calculates the
relationship of each input band with vegetation and decorrelates the vegetation component of the total
signal pixel by pixel for each band. The results were then compared with the original devegetated images

(Figure 3-2) and used for further enhancements and interpretations. Most of the subsequent image
enhancement and analysis were made on the eastern part of Buhweju due to its complexity covered by
Precambrian Buhweju and Igara groups as compared to the western part, covered by recent volcanic and

Figure 3-1: NDVI Images of the study area A) ASTER image B) Landsat ETM+

Figure 3-2: Subscenes of ASTER A) before B) after suppression


3.3. Univariate Analysis of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ data

Selection of appropriate triplet color composite images was performed in two different ways; the
correlation coefficient method and the Optimum Index factor (OIF) method. The less correlated bands
are good for image visualization in RGB color space (Drury, 2001).

3.3.1. Correlation coefficient method

The correlation Coefficient was calculated for the reflective bands of Landsat ETM data (Table 3-1).
Band4 has showed less correlation with the other reflective bands followed by band5 and band7.
Therefore the RGB images 751 and 541 (Figure 3-2) are selected for better visual interpretation of the
area. Similarly univariate correlation coefficient analysis was applied to the nine reflective ASTER
VNIR/SWIR bands after resampling the SWIR bands to the same resolution with VNIR bands (15m).

Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 7

Band 1 1
Band 2 0.9 1
Band 3 0.8 0.92 1
Band 4 -0.41 -0.17 -0.2 1
Band 5 0.12 0.42 0.6 0.48 1
Band 7 0.35 0.56 0.77 0.06 0.87 1
Table 3-1: Correlation coefficient of Landsat ETM+ data in the study area

A positive correlation has observed between the nine ASTER VNIR-SWIR bands (Table 3-2). The first
three bands especially band 1 showed very low correlation with the other bands except band 2 (0.81).
Therefore an appropriate triplet bands in RGB 741, 731 and 721 (Figure 3-2) are selected which gave
better color composite for visual interpretation. Generally, ASTER741, ASTER721, and ETM751 were
selected for further interpretations of lithology and structures since they showed better reparability in
Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9
Band 1 1.00
Band 2 0.81 1.00
Band 3 0.17 0.53 1.00
Band 4 0.29 0.75 0.87 1.00
Band 5 0.33 0.78 0.79 0.98 1.00
Band 6 0.37 0.81 0.78 0.98 1.00 1.00
Band 7 0.33 0.78 0.78 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00
Band 8 0.34 0.79 0.76 0.97 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00
Band 9 0.24 0.73 0.78 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99 1.00
Table 3-2: Correlation coefficient of ASTER VNIR-SWIR data of the area

3.3.2. Optimum Index Factor (OIF)

Selection of better color composite for visual interpretation of images was also made by the statistical
approach, Optimum Index Factor. OIF approach takes into account the total variance within bands and
the correlation coefficient between bands (Benomar & Fuling, 2005). The individual bands were enhanced
and stretched separately before the technique was applied and the SWIR and TIR ASTER bands were
resampled to the same resolution with ASTER VNIR bands. Triplets with higher values of OIF (Table 3-

3) were used for better extraction of lithological information (Figure 3-4) since they use bands with highest
variance and least redundancy (Qaid & Basavarajappa, 2008).

Figure 3-2: Subscence of Landsat ETM and ASTER color composite images in (RGB) A)ASTER731 B)ASTER721

Figure 3-3:Subscence of OIF color composite in RGB order A) ASTER TIR13 VNIR2 VNIR3 B) ASTER VNIR1
TIR13 VNIR3 C) ETM742 D) ETM431


ASTER (VNIR-SWIR) bands Landsat ETM+ bands

Color composite (RGB) OIF rank Color composite (RGB) OIF rank
1 VNIR 1, TIR 13, VNIR 3 88.9 ETM 741 25.5
2 VNIR 1, TIR 14, VNIR 3 88.67 ETM 431 18.6
3 VNIR 1, TIR 11, VNIR 3 87.55 ETM 541 17.2
4 VNIR 1, TIR 11, VNIR 3 87.05 ETM 421 15.4
5 VNIR 1, TIR 10, VNIR 3 96.34 ETM 742 12.1
6 TIR 13, VNIR 2, VNIR 3 82.71 ETM 432 11.3
Table 3-3: The first six highest OIF index ranking of ASTER and Landsat ETM+ bands

3.4. Principal component analysis

The various bands in multispectral images are highly correlated and often appear similar giving the same
and redundant information. The PCA is then a technique designed to reduce such information
redundancy in multispectral images. It is a statistical method that transforms a multivariate data set of
intercorrelated variables into a data set consisting of new uncorrelated variables (Benomar & Fuling, 2005;
Qari, 1992; Yesou et al., 1993).The first principal component accounts for as much of the variability in the
data as possible and each succeeding components accounts for the remaining variability. PCA is then a
widely used enhancement technique in which the information content of the different bands become
compressed and confined within the first few bands. The individual Landsat ETM and ASTER bands
were normalized to reduce errors encountered due to different effects like sensor quality and difference of
dynamic range (Yesou et al., 1993). The PCs were calculated for the normalized 6 Landsat ETM, 9
ASTER VNIR-SWIR and 6 ASTER SWIR spectral bands. The individual PC image or any three of the
resulting components were then enhanced linearly and displayed as single or composite images for further
interpretation of lithology and structures. Statistics were computed for the individual images and
percentages of data variations were produced.

3.4.1. PCA on ASTER data

PCA was applied to the nine ASTER VNIR-SWIR bands since they account better information in
identifying rocks composed of iron, carbonate and hydroxyl minerals. From the computed statistics and
percentage of data variation (Table 3-4) the first PC image showed the highest variation (79.75%) which
goes decreasing and the last two PCs contribute very small variance that mostly accounts for noise. As
shown in (Table 3-4), PC1 explains the highest variance (albedo) with positive loadings at each band.
Lithological and structural information were extracted through visual interrelations of the PC1 image
(Figure 3-4). PC2 attains most of its information from band3 and band1and this image enhanced the
exposed Lubare and Ibanda quartzites having bright tone on image. Drainage patterns were observed on
PC3 and PC4 images and the associated structures were interpreted. However, the color composite images
of PCs were not used in interpretation due to over-emphasized color variations. Principal component
analysis was also applied on the six normalized SWIR bands of ASTER data to get more information that
couldnt be obtained from the VNIR-SWIR bands. The statistics was computed showing the loadings of
eigenvalues and percentages of variance (Table 3-5). The first principal component has explained the
highest percentage variance of all the bands (98.88%) with all positive loadings. PC2 has high loadings at
band1 and band3 and the image enhanced quartzite ridges of the area. The individual images were then
enhanced and displayed for further interpretations.

Eigen Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Band6 Band7 Band8 Band9 Variance
vector (%)
PC1 0.21 0.34 -0.03 0.34 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.36 79.75
PC2 0.44 0.30 0.74 0.24 -0.80 -0.10 -0.12 -0.19 -0.22 8.77
PC3 -0.42 -0.63 0.54 0.24 0.13 0.10 0.14 0.11 0.14 6.77
PC4 -0.10 -0.1 -0.35 0.76 0.10 0.11 -0.10 -0.26 -0.45 1.9
PC5 -0.60 0.52 0.10 0.26 -0.32 -0.20 -0.15 -0.05 0.37 0.92
PC6 -0.46 0.35 0.15 -0.31 0.50 0.13 0.10 0.03 -0.55 0.65
PC7 0.15 -0.03 -0.03 0.00 0.70 -0.21 -0.40 -0.05 0.40 0.52
PC8 0.10 -0.03 -0.04 0.18 0.21 -0.70 -0.21 0.63 -0.16 0.37
PC9 -0.02 -0.02 0.02 -0.03 -0.03 0.53 -0.80 0.32 0.00 0.36

Table 3-4: Eigen vector loadings of principal components for ASTER VNIR-SWIR data and their variance
Eigen vector Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Band6 Variance (%)
PC1 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.96 98.88
PC2 0.67 0.36 0.48 0.26 0.20 -0.28 0.68
PC3 0.71 -0.27 -0.43 -0.29 -0.38 0.10 0.32
PC4 0.12 -0.21 -0.55 0.05 0.61 -0.04 0.09
PC5 0.06 -0.85 0.50 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.03
PC6 0.06 0.10 -0.01 -0.76 0.64 -0.01 0.01

Table 3-5: Eigen values of the principal component of ASTER SWIR data of the area.

Figure 3-4: Subscens with interpreted lithologies A) ASTER VNIR-SWIR PC1 B) ASTER VNIR-SWIR
PC2 Sc=schist Gr=granite Gn=gneiss Pl=pelite Qzt=quartzite Und=Undifferentiated unit


3.4.2. PCA on Landsat ETM+ data

Principal component analysis was computed for the six reflective bands of Landsat ETM image (Table 3-
6). The first principal component explains the highest variance (63.34%) of all bands followed by the
second (17.16%). PC1 has positive loadings at all bands with maximum information coming from band 3
and mainly used for lithological interpretation and PC3 were mostly used for interpreting lineaments of
the area (Figure 3-5).
Eigen vector Band1 Band2 Band3 Band4 Band5 Band7 Variance (%)
PC1 0.38 0.43 0.50 0.01 0.45 0.47 63.34
PC2 0.08 0.21 -0.13 0.91 0.14 -0.28 17.16
PC3 -0.72 -0.27 -0.02 0.17 0.47 -0.41 12.02
PC4 -0.56 0.53 0.47 -0.13 -0.15 -0.40 2.18
PC5 -0.01 -0.34 0.55 0.35 -0.60 0.31 1.25
PC6 -0.15 0.54 -0.46 0.10 -0.44 0.54 1.06

Table 3-6: Eigen values of principal components of Landsat ETM data and their variance

Figure 3-5:. Subscens with interpreted Lithologies A) PC1 and B) PC3 of Landsat ETM+ Gr=Granite
Gn=Gneiss Sc=Schist Pl=Pelite Qzt=Quartzite Und=Undifferentiated granite, schist and gneiss. Location
see inset map in (Fig. 3-4)

3.5. Summary of multispectral processing and interpretation
The complex topographic features, less variability in reflectance of the various lithologies and vegetation
cover have greatly influenced the amount of geological information that could be obtained from the
enhanced composite images. Correlation coefficient, OIF and PCA techniques were applied to both
ASTER and Landsat ETM+ data. Transformations of color space to IHS and decorrelation stretch were
also performed on various composite images but interpretation became difficult due exaggerated colors.
Consequently, the different PC combinations and band ratios couldnt be used to enhance the various
rock types composed of mainly of iron, carbonates or hydroxyl minerals. However, the univariate and
PCA analysis have resulted better enhanced images for photo geological interpretations. Combinations of
color composite image including ASTER721, ASTER741 and ETM751 were found considerably useful
for lithological and structural interpretations of the area. In addition the various single PC images
including PC1 (albedo) images were used to interpret surface lineaments of the area. The multispectral
interpretation of the area has discriminated some lithologies which were mapped as same unit by (Reece,
1961). For example, the previously mapped undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist have separated in to
two different units based on the absence and presence of drainages. Accordingly, a generalized discussion
on geology and an interpreted lithological map (Figure 3-6) of the area were made from the analysis
presented above with a comparison of previous study and field work (Table 3-7).

Figure 3-6: ASTER and Landsat interpretation map of Buhweju


Unit name Image characteristics Field observation A.W.Reece,1961

(younger to older)
Unit 15 Low relief less resistant Whitish weathered and friable Tuff and
rough texture due to rock covering the rift, lakes conglomerate
volcanic depression are prominent and drainage
are less
Unit 14 Low relief, very smooth Rift filling sediments Conglomerate, sand,
texture, less resistant and including sand and silt and clay
no drainage developed conglomerate
Unit 7 Sloppy relief, smooth Quartzitic conglomerates, Conglomerates and
texture and bright image steeply dipping and bounding grits
tone quartzite ridges having
reddish to greyish color
Unit 8 Low relief and subdued Less resistant weathered and Pelite with quartzite
topography, smooth friable pelites and politic bands
texture, less resistant with schist
few drainage patterns
Unit 6 Low medium relief, No access due to dense Pelite with quartzite
covered with vegetation protected forest bands
having rough texture
defining NW-SE pattern
Unit 5 Low relief, covered and No access due to dense Pelite with quartzite
has smooth texture protected forest bands
Unit 3, 4 and 9 Low-medium relief, Resistant, reddish weathered Pelite with quartzite
rough texture, vegetated, color and dissected terrain bands
developed drainages and
dissected terrains
Unit 2 High relief, resistant, Resistant quartzite at the top, Quartzite with pelite
rough texture and down slope covered by less bands dominantly
drainage features resistant material psammitic
Unit 1 High relief, resistant, Well bedded, dipping and Ibanda and Lubare
bright image tone resistant ridges quartzite
Unit 11 and 16 Low-medium relief, Not accessed Politic schist
shattered, rough texture
Unit 12 Low-medium relief, Not well accessed Undifferentiated
dendritic drainage, bright granite, gneiss and
image tone schist
Unit 13 Low relief, no well Dominantly schist and very Undifferentiated
developed drainage, less weathered gray to dark color granite, gneiss and
resistant rock schist
Unit 10 Low relief, smooth, Gneissic/granitic rocks Gneiss
bright tone with less covered with alluvial and
drainages weathered exposed part
Table 3-7: Result of image interpretation based on image characteristics in comparison with field observation and
lithologies interpreted by Reece, (1961).

4.1. Introduction
Different definitions have been given since early times for the commonly used term in geology called
Lineament. However, most researchers have agreed that lineaments are mappable linear or curvilinear
surface features which distinctly differ from adjacent patterns and presumably represent topographic
expressions and subsurface phenomenon (Gupta, 1991; Masoud & Koike, 2006; OLeary et al., 1976;
Williams, 1983). Lineament extraction from multispectral imageries has been used extensively basically to
determine the structural grain of a region and for various other purposes like mineral exploration.
Multispectral satellite images are considered to be better tool in discriminating lineaments since they are
obtained from varying wavelength intervals of the electromagnetic spectrum (Casas et al., 2000).
According to (Abdullah et al., 2010; E. A. Owusu et al., 2006; Sarapirome et al., 2002; Singh & Dowerah,
2010; Soulakellis et al., 2006). Manual interpretation and automatic extraction are the two commonly used
methods to extract lineaments from multispectral images. In this study visual extraction method was
applied on ASTER, Landsat ETM and SRTM DEM images to discriminate lineaments of the area.
Elevation data provides the topographic expressions of an area and have been applied for structural
interpretation by various investigators in the past (Henderson et al., 1996; A. E. Owusu et al., 2006;
Soulakellis et al., 2006). Elevation data can be represented in different forms among which the grid forms
(DEMs) are preferably useful for interpreting linear geologic structures which have topographic
expressions due to offset of the surface. The ability of producing different shaded relief images because of
the freedom to select illumination from any angle (Henderson et al., 1996) makes DEM selectively useful
over Arial photographs (Abdullah et al., 2010; E. A. Owusu et al., 2006; Sarapirome et al., 2002; Singh &
Dowerah, 2010; Soulakellis et al., 2006). According to the authors, solar elevation and azimuth are
important elements to examine topographically related and dependent features. DEMs could also be fused
with other multispectral images to increase interpretability and obtain more information than can be
derived from each of the single image alone (Soulakellis et al., 2006). The various image enhancement
techniques including directional, edge and soble filters can be applied to DEM to enhance different linear
structures (Henderson et al., 1996). Therefore, extraction of surface lineament, assess their general pattern
and density to decipher structural information of the area, is the main aim of the chapter.

4.1.1. Multispectral Interpretation

Knowledge and experience of the interpreter plays great role in visual interpretation. Image interpretation
criteria such as topographic valleys, linear ridges, scarps, troughs, systematic river offsets, vegetation
patterns, rock boundaries and sudden tonal variations are used to identify lineaments. The various
color composite and PC images which were produced in chapter three are also used for lineament
interpretation. In such a way that the composite images of ASTER721, ASTER741, ETM541, ETM751
and stretched individual landsat ETM bands (Figure 4-1) were mainly used for lineament extraction. The
albedo images represent most of the information contained in ASTER and Landsat ETM bands and were
highly valuable for lineament interpretation of the area. Directional filters are useful in extracting linear
features by creating artificial effects (Drury, 2001). Large and small scale features could be extracted from
high pass and low pass filtered images. Edge detection or directional filters were also designed to extract
linear features oriented in specific directions. The gradient-Soble filter (Table 4-1) was applied to Landsat
ETM band 5 as this image gave better boundary delineation.
The final lineament map (Figure 4-2a) was then generated from successive interpretations made above. A
total of about 243 lineaments were extracted from multispectral image interpretations. The azimuthal
statistics (Figure 4-2b) showed that most of the extracted lineaments are NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW
trending and mainly concentrated at the central part of the Buhweju complex.


Figure 4-1: Subscenes of A) ASTER 721 in RGB order B) Landsat ETM5 overlaid by with extracted lineaments

Table 4-1: Soble filter in four main directions applied in this study

Figure 4-2: Interpreted lineament map A and Azimuthal distribution B

4.1.2. SRTM DEM interpretation
The SRTM DEM of the Buhweju area having a 33m resolution provided good topographic and structural
information for use in lineament analysis. The extraction of lineaments from SRTM DEM in the Buhweju
area involved three steps: (1) shaded relief images were produced, (2) shaded relief images were fused with
multispectral data and (3) linear vector features were extracted from the processed images. Shaded relief
images were produced (Figure 4-3) from eight different Azimuth directions namely N, NE, E, SE, S, SW,
W and NW. These relief images were helpful for enhancing the size, height, and slope variations of a
morphology. Different sun angles like 00, 150, 300 and 450 were tried to get more information among
which 300 was finally selected for its better interpretability. Figure 4-3 shows the images produced by
combining the different shaded relief images facing to the same direction. The shaded relief images with
illumination directions N, NE, E were stacked and stretched to enhance E-W, N-S and NW-SE
lineaments (Figure 4-3a). The other shaded relief image was produced by combining N, NW and W
direction relief images to enhance E-W, N-S and NE-SW lineaments (Figure 4-3b.) These shaded relief
composite images in general led to better interpretation of lineaments since they superimpose the
information contained in various single shaded relief images.
Fused images were generated by multiplying the landsat ETM band5 with the eight shaded relief images
produced before. Band5 was selected because of its better information on topography and boundary
delineation as compared to other bands. From the multispectral datasets describe in (section 3.3)
ETM741 color composite offered better delineation of lithologic units in comparison to lineament
extraction. Good lineament interpretation however was possible when transformed to IHS and Intensity
enhanced by the color shaded image (Figure 4-4).
The final interpreted lineament map (Figure 4-5a) was then produced with a total of about 248 lineaments
extracted from SRTM DEM. The azmuthal distribution (Figure 4-5b) indicated that most of the
lineaments are trending to NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW direction directions and distributed though out the
Buhweju and Igara complexes.

Figure 4-3: Color shaded relief images. A) Composite SRTM image with illumination directions of 45, 90, 360
B) Composite image of SRTM with an illumination directions of 270,315 and 360 degrees.


Figure 4-4 :SRTM DEM Subscens of the area A) SRTM DEM with illumination angle at 450 B) IHS image of
Landsat ETM741 in RGB, Intensity modulated by SRTM DEM. White arrows indicate enhanced linear features
trending in different directions.

Figure 4-6: Interpreted lineament map A and Azimuthal distribution B

4.2. Summary
From the above sections it has observed that almost the same number of lineaments was extracted from
both interpretations. However, there are lineaments which were identified in multispectral data but not in
SRTM DEM and vice versa. Therefore, the final integrated lineament map of the area (Figure 4-7) was
produced by synthesizing these preliminary interpretation maps. The following interpretations were
generally made concerning the surface lineament of the area:
1. As clearly seen from the SRTM DEM, the central part of the area (Buhweju complex) has a
remarkable elevation difference as compared to adjacent areas. This area is entirely covered with
Precambrian Buhweju group rocks consisting of pelites and psammites intimately mixed with
quartzite. The lineament interpretation has showed that the area is topographically complex,
highly dissected and hence high lineament density (Figure 4-8) has observed.
2. The Lubare quartzite has showed a prominent emplacement bounding the southern part of
Buhweju. This unit has also dissected by several strike slip faults of various (N-S, NNW-SSE and
NE-SW directions.) throughout its length from west to east with alternating dextral and sinistral
movements. The Lubare quartzite at the northern part however is dissected by lineaments with
NW-SE and E-W orientations.
3. The western part of the study area partly constitutes eastern portion of the western rift valley and
hence different NE-SW trending stepping normal faults are clearly observed crossing the recent
rift volcanic and sediments.
4. The density lineament map was revealed that the Buhweju group rocks especially the Lubare
quartzite was highly affected by high lineament concentration.
5. Two prominent lineament orientations are interpreted from the rose diagram. These are
lineaments trending in about N10-50E and N0-40W both occurring mainly on the Buhweju
complex and the former mainly attributed to the rift related faults.

Figure 4-7: Final interpreted surface lineament map of the area


Figure 4-8: Lineament density map of the area

5.1. Introduction
Nowadays, gamma ray spectrometric data are becoming popular method for surface geological mapping
and detection of alteration related to mineralization. Basically, the method measures the abundance of
most common radioactive elements, Potassium, Thorium and Uranium for the top 0.30 m of the Earth's
surface. Mapping the surface geology through interpretation of radioelement distribution relies on the
assumption that rocks are composed of rock forming minerals containing specific amount of radioactive
elements. In addition, the capability of surficial materials to retain significant and detectable compositional
difference between lithologic units determines the efficiency of gamma ray for surface geology mapping
(Dickson & Scott, 1997; Wilford, 2002). Various previous works have already been published on
utilization of gamma ray data for regolith and surface geology mapping (Dickson & Scott, 1997; P. J.
Gunn et al., 1997; Jayawardhana & Sheard, 2000; Johnson et al., 1979; Wilford, 2002; Wilford et al., 1997;
ZHANG et al., 1998) and for identification of alterations related to mineralization (Jayawardhana &
Sheard, 2000; Quadros et al., 2003; Ramadan et al., 2009; Shives et al., 2000).
There are several factors which affect the merit of gamma ray data for geological mapping including;
vegetation cover, detectable contrast in radioelement between lithologic units, weathering and soil
moisture. Despite of these controlling factors however,, gamma ray data has showed advantages over
other remote sensing data set for mapping the surface lithology in vegetated and weathered areas (Perrotta
et al., 2008). Gamma ray response from arid and unweathered terrain is directly related to mineralogy and
geochemistry of bed rock. Hence, this good correlation usually makes interpretation less difficult. In
tropical areas like Uganda, where vegetation, weathering and geomorphic processes are significant
however, radiometric responses are usually a difficult combination of responses from various surface
covers including fresh rock, weathered rock and transported materials (Dickson & Scott, 1997).
Weathering greatly affects the distribution and concentration of radioelement and hence understanding
how radioelements behave during weathering would be crucial to make an interpretation (Wilford, 2002).
The geochemical characteristics of weathered rocks are different as compared to the rocks from which
they were derived. This is because the intensive weathering over a long time have leached and transported
the soluble elements and have left behind the insoluble components (Butt et al., 2000). According to
Dickson & Scott (1997), Gunn et al. (1997), Wilford, (2002) and Wilford et al. (1997) therefore, a general
assumption could be drawn that in most rock types K concentration decreases with increasing degree of
weathering (Figure 5-1a) which also works true for U and Th but in felsic rocks only. Weathering of
intermediate, mafic and ultramafic rocks produce soils with relatively increased U and Th concentrations.
This is because K leaches very easily due to its highly soluble nature whereas U and Th are mostly
associated with resistant minerals and are scavenged by the weathering profile during weathering. The
study by Wilford et al. (1997) has shown that, geomorphic activities can also play a significant role in
radiometric signature. This implies that an actively eroding terrain reflects the bed rock response on
radiometric data whereas stable terrains reflect regolith and weathering responses (Figure 5-1b).


Figure 5-1: A) Element weathering and gamma ray response after (Wilford et al., 1997) B) Relationship
between gamma ray response and denudation balance in landscapes(Wilford, 2002)

Many previous geological remote sensing studies have highly recommended and demonstrated that
gamma ray data should be integrated with other remote sensing data for better knowledge of
interpretation (Dickson & Scott, 1997; Perrotta et al., 2008; Wilford et al., 1997). The geomorphic
activities and the corresponding gamma ray response will be well interpreted when integrated with
topographic data (DEMs). In addition, integration of gamma ray data with satellite images of better spatial
resolution have resulted better geological interpretation because the combined image enables the
geochemical properties contained in gamma ray to be interpreted in terms of actual surface features
(Dickson & Scott, 1997; Schetselaar et al., 2000; Schetselaar et al., 2008; Wilford et al., 1997).

5.2. Data processing

The gamma ray data didnt cover the whole of study area (Figure 1-2). The radiometric data of the area are
stored in a data base (*.gdb) format in Oasis Montaj consisting of different raw and processed channels. In
addition already processed K, Th, U and TC grids are provided. The processed K, Th, U and TC channels
from the data base are then gridded by using bi-directional gridding method and converted into maps
which show the distribution of each radioelement in the area. The grids are then further enhanced using
histogram equalization to obtain better contrast in distribution of radioelement over the area. The final
grid maps are projected to the same projection system with other data sets and exported to ArcMap for
further analysis.
Fully processed gamma ray data can be represented in different ways including contours, profiles and
grids. Because of the arising digital image processing techniques different ways of data representation have
been discussed by developed (Nicolet & Edric-Krausz, 2003). As a result, representation of radiometric
data in digital raster format which provide both color and spatial information has becoming popular. In
this study the processed data are presented in raster grid formats as shown in (Figure 5-3).

To observe the range of concentration of each radioelement over the area and to calculate the correlation
between the radioelements the following procedures were followed. First, a separate geo database was
created for each element in Oasis Montaji which consists of latitude-X, longitude-Y and concentration-Z.
Second these data were exported to xyz file for further statistical analysis. The approximate range of
concentration of the radioelements in the area is 0.05-2.89 %, 0.1-40.5 ppm and 0.5-10 ppm for K, Th and
U respectively. The correlation factor between the radioelements are also calculated and shown in the
(Table 5-1) indicating that generally high correlation exists between Th and U.

Table 5-1: Correlation between radioelements

The relation of each of the radiometric elements with topography is rather complex but generally showed
that elevation is directly proportional to Th and U concentration and inversely related to K concentration.
Statistical analysis was also carried out to depict the concentration of each radioelement per various
lithological units of the area. The mean values of each radioelement concentrations per lithological units
(Figure 5-2) suggested that it is possible to discriminate geological units based on their radiometric
signature mainly of K and Th.

Figure 5-2: Box plot showing the distribution of radioelement per litholohic units A) K-plot B) Th-plot C) U-plot D)
Key to the numbers of mapped lithologic units in A, B and C


5.3. Image Enhancement and Interpretation

5.3.1. Image Enhancement

The radiometric data represented in digital raster format can be enhanced for visual inspection and can
also be combined arithmetically with other data types forming color composite images and statistically
analyzed for further applications. The processed gamma ray data of the Buhweju area was enhanced in
various ways to increase interpretation for surface lithological mapping. The data is presented in different
radiometric parameters including pseudo color single band image, color composite images and ratio
images. Pseudo color single band images of K, eTh, and eU, element ratio maps and a ternary color
composite image have provided good enhancements possibilities to discriminate different surface
lithologies. The single band pseudo color images shows areas where a particular radioelement has relatively
higher concentration which can be directly correlated with the geochemical properties of the surface
lithology and regolith (Duval, 1983; Wilford et al., 1997). In addition the radiometric color composite
images provide an overall pattern of radioelement distribution over the study area. Ratio images of the
individual radioelement (Th/K, U/K and U/Th) have also resulted in better enhanced images (Figure 5-4)
through maximizing the contrast between radioelemts and suppressing the various environmental factors
such as vegetation, soil moisture and topography. Ratio image also enhances subtle features that are not
apparent in the original images by deccorelating the highly correlated radioelement grids. Furthermore, K,
Th and U composite images (Duval, 1983) were produced by combining for example K, K/Th and K/U
in RGB representing K- composite image (Figure 5-8b). These composite images showed some
enhancements for different surface lithologies and regolith.
Various integrated image enhancement techniques were also applied on the radiometric data by
arithmetically combining with other types of data. The principle of mapping co-registered images on
distinct perceptual attribute of human color vision using algebraic operation is the basis for digital
processing methods used to generate integrated image enhancement (Schetselaar et al., 2008). The Landsat
ETM band5 and band7 were merged with the radiometric grids (K, Th, and U) using HPF transform, a
method proposed by Chavez et al. (1991) where both were co registered to the same 30m resolution grid
cell size. The resultant enhanced image (Figure 5-5a and 5-5d) provided better interpretation possibilities
by adding actual surface features (like lithological contacts and faults) to the radiometric information
contained in the gamma ray data. To compute the red, green and blue channels of the color composite
image, the following arithmetic expression was generally followed (Schetselaar et al., 2008):

Where a, b and c are constants (a=1; b=2) used to weight the contrast between the landsat ETM band 5
and radioelement channels to increase or decrease the influence of one image with respect to the other. In
addition, C should always be the sum of a and b to obtain values which are in the same range as the
impute images.

Likewise, the radiometric data were also integrated with the STRM DEM data to add topographic
information. After co registering to the same grid cell size, the SRTM DEM data was combined with the
radiometric data basically by two different ways. The first approach involved the transformation of RGB
radiometric composite image (ternary) into Intensity, Saturation and Hue (IHS) which is more intuitive for
human color vision. Once RGB is transformed to IHS, there is a possibility to substitute the different
channels by another data as required. The intensity image was substituted by the SRTM DEM and an
inverse transformation of IHS image to RGB was carried as seen in the (figure 5-5b). The second
approach involves pan-sharpening; the low (50m) resolutions radiometric data is fused with a high
resolution (33m) STRM DEM (Figure 5-6c). In addition, the composite image (ternary) was enhanced by
SRTM DEM with hill shading in different directions (Figure 5-6d) using Oasis montaj. This has resulted
in a better enhanced image in comparison to the original ternary image. The IHS image obtained from the
RGB ternary image was not good as such and not used for further interpretation and analysis.

Figure 5-3: Images of individual radioelement grids A) K grid B) Th grid and C) Ugrid

Figure 5-4: Images radioelement ratio grids A) Th/K map B) U/K map and C) U/Th map


Figure 5-5: Various IHS composite images of gamma ray data, K, eTh, eU in RGB order A) The
Intensity data is substituted by Landsat ETM5. In B) the Intensity is substituted by SRTM DEM in
C) by PC1 image of ASTER VNIR-SWIR and in D) by Landsat ETM7

Figure 5-6: Different enhancements made on Ternary image A) Original ternary image KThU in RGB
B) Ternary image modulated by shaded relief of total count C) Ternary image pan-sharpened by SRTM
DEM D) Ternary image modulated by SRTM DEM with illumination from the 1st quadrant ( 450 ).


5.3.2. Interpretation
Qualitative photo geological interpretations were applied here similar to interpretations made in section 3
on multispectral images.. Lithological units were discriminated based on their Tonal/ color difference with
blue colors representing low and red representing high concentration of a particular radioelement. The
composite images including ternary one were used to display the distribution pattern of the three
radioelements (K, eTh, eU) in red, green and blue respectively.
Close inspection was made on the enhanced images produced in section 5.3.1 in comparison with the
previous geological map produced by (Reece, 1961). There was generally good agreement between the
radiometric signature and the mapped lithologic units except mismatching of lithological boundaries.
There are distinct lithologies which can easily be discerned from K and Th channel. These include: The
Pleistocene tuffs and agglomerates located in the NW corner; the Precambrian units including pelitic
schist in the SW; pelites with minor quartzite located in the central part and gneissic terrains in the SE part
of the study area (Figure 5-7a). In addition, interesting radiometric distributions were obtained from the
ratio images mainly Th/k and U/K from which Th and U enriched lithologies were clearly identified with
respect to K concentration. The Precambrian lithologies covering the western part of the area (Figure 5-
7b) including the undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist, Quartzite and gneiss in the SE part have
showed high concentration of Th and U while the pelitic schist, pelites (with minor quartzite) including
some of the areas previously mapped (Reece, 1961) as undifferentiated unit showed low Th/K ratio value.
As shown in the (Figure 5-7b) the undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist mapped by (Reece, 1961) has
showed high and low Th concentrations in the east and west of the Lubare quartzite respectively.
Interpretations were also made on the various enhanced composite images for example ternary (Figure 5-
8a) and K-composite images (Figure 5-8b). Ternary image discriminate best between the different
lithologic units of the area. The lubare quartzite, gneiss, pelitic schist and pelites (with minor quartzite) are
clearly identified from the ternary image. The gneissic terrain at the southern part showed higher eTh and
eU concentrations displaying cyan color on the image. The lubare and Ibanda quartzite are also
discriminated from other lithologies by their elevated eTh concentration appearing green to bluish green
on image. Pelites are clearly identified having white color which indicates higher concentration of K, eTh,
and eU. This unit became reddish in color going from east to west which could be due to effect of
vegetation that attenuates the penetration power of radiation from radioelements and hence decreases the
concentration of eTh and eU. The boundary of this unit was clearly outlined also in K composite image
as shown in Figure 5-8b. The quartzite band dominated by psammitic units showed increased K as
compared to other radioelement which could be related to the composition of psammitic units. The above
interpretations made clear that the undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist has apparently classified in to
units having elevated K and eTh as shown in (Figure 5-8a and Figure 5-8b).
The fused and sharpened images (Figure 5-9a and Figure 5-9b) have confirmed most of the above
interpretations extracted from the radiometric data. The intensity enhanced IHS image (Figure 5-9b) has
provided clearer and sharp lithology contact and drainages with their radiometric information. The image
also showed the effect of vegetation and topography on radioelement distribution of the area which
suppressed the concentration of mainly eTh and eU. Lithological and other structural features are
apparent and easily identified on the ternary image pan-sharpened by SRTM DEM. This image also
revealed the distribution of radioelement with topography of Buhweju.

Figure 5-7: Previously mapped lithology overlaid on A) Th map and B) Th/K map Pl=Pelite with minor
quartzite Gn= Gneiss Sc=Schist SCC=Sand, silt and clay Lqzt=Lubare quartzite Tf= Tuff and
agglomerates Udf= Undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist. Black lines represent lithologic boundaries
by (Reece, 1961)

Figure 5-8: Lithological interpretations on gamma ray data A) Ternary Image B) K-composite image. White lines
indicate previously mapped lithology boundaries by (Reece, 1961) and Black line represent interpreted lithology
boundary. Gn=Gniess Sc=Schist Pl=Pelite with minor quartzite Lqzt=Lubare quartzite Scc= Silt,clay sand
Tf=Tuff and agglomerates


Figure 5-9:Interpreted lithologic units from radiometric data A) Ternary image pan sharpened by SRTM
DEM B) IHS Composite image, Intensity enhanced by Landsat ETM5. Black and white lines represent
interpreted lithology boundaries. Pl=Pelite Gn=Gniess Sc=Schist Lqzt=Lubare qaurtzite Qzt=Quartzite
with minor pelite dominantly psammitic Scc= Sand,cilt,clay Tf=Tuff and agglomerates Gr=Granite
Cgl=Conglomerates and grits

Figure 5-10: Interpreted lithological map. Numbers indicate the newly identified units
5.4. Summary of Radiometric data interpretation
Several image enhancement techniques were applied including single radioelement maps, ratio maps,
image fusions and pan-sharpening of radioelement with multispectral and SRTM DEM data sets. Most of
these enhancements have increased the interpretability of the radiometric data especially of the pan-
sharpened and IHS transformed images.
Radiometric data generally found better in delineating and discriminating the different lithological units of
the area. Most of the previously mapped lithological units (Reece, 1961) are in good agreement with the
prevailing radioelement maps. The radiometric data interpretation revealed new lithologies which were not
identified by Reece, (1961). These are schist and gneiss, identified from the previously mapped
undifferentiated unit located in the northern part of the area, granite identified from the gneissic terrain in
the SE of the area. The gneiss and pelitic schist in the SW have also showed variation in concentration of
K which might be due to variation in degree of weathering throughout the unit. However, the names
given for the newly identified units are entirely depending on their previous name by Reece, (1961).
Finally, lithologies identified from analysis and interpretation of radiometric data is presented in the map
(Figure 5-10) and their radiometric correlation is shown in (Appendix-2). The radiometric correlation for
the newly identified units has only presented here in the table below.

Interpreted Description and Radiometric signature
Schist -1 Compositionally rich in muscovite and biotite mica. Quartz is also common. Previously
mapped as undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist. Radiometric signature showed
elevated K/Th value and very low Th/K ratio value. It appears dominantly red on
enhanced ternary maps.
Schist -4 Compositionally the same with schist (1) and also mapped as schist by (Reece, 1961). An
increased K concentration is observed on most radiometric images. It appears green in K
composite images implying an increased K/Th ratio value.
Gneiss -2 and Mainly composed of quartz and feldspar with occasional muscovite and mapped as
5 undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist by (Reece, 1961). Gneiss (2) has showed the
same signature with other gneissic terrains in the SW corner (Figure 5-10) which
appeared cyan due to enrichments in eTh and eU. Whereas in gneiss (5) depletion in Th
and U was observed probably due to less weathering condition towards south.
Granite -3 and Compositionally composed of quartz and feldspar with occasional muscovite. Granite
6 (3) appeared dominantly white in ternary image due to higher concentration of
radioelement. Granite (6) has mapped before as schist by (Reece,1961)

Table 5-2: Radiometric correlation of the newly identified units



6.1. Introduction
Aeromagnetic data has played a prominent role in earth science through revealing subsurface information.
Aeromagnetic maps generally show the variation in the magnetic field of the earth and hence reflect the
distribution of magnetic minerals in the Earths crust. Mapping the variation of the crustal field, mainly
due to susceptibility of crustal rocks, has greatly assisted in geological mapping and mineral prospecting
specially in areas with limited outcrop (Allek & Hamoudi, 2008; Chernicoff et al., 2002; Ghazala, 1993;
Jaques et al., 1997; Porwal et al., 2006; Schetselaar & Ryan, 2009). A publication by Grant, (1985) relate
magnetic minerals with geology and mineralization. Areas where igneous and metamorphic rocks
predominate generally show complex magnetic variations. Meanwhile in sedimentary regions, magnetic
variations are small mainly reflecting basement lithology (Jaques et al., 1997). In areas like Buhweju, it is a
challenge to fully establish the inter-relationship between lithology and structure due to complex tectonic
history and several surficial factors as described in chapter 5. As a result, integrated interpretation
approach was followed believing that subsurface activities could fully and /or partly manifested on the
surface and so the relationship could be established. The aim of this chapter therefore is to process and
interpret the aeromagnetic data acquired over the Buhweju area and perform a qualitative investigation of
regional and local litho magnetic domains and subsurface structural setting of the area.

6.2. Data processing and Interpretation

6.2.1. Data processing

The aeromagnetic data didnt cover the whole of the study area (Figure 1-2) and the data was provided
both in grid and data base format (*gdb) that contains different information layers including IGRF
removed TMI and processed derivatives. Further processing related to image enhancement was performed
by using OASIS Montaj data processing and analysis software. Wavelength, relative amplitudes, geometry
and directions are basic characteristics of magnetic anomalies reflecting the respective orientation of
magnetic sources, lateral extent and relative magnetic susceptibility (Porwal et al., 2006). Magnetic maps
are most often dominated by large amplitude shallow depth anomalies which obscure subtle and deep
seated anomalies (Alsaud, 2008). In the last few years, a number of methods have been proposed to
normalize the signatures of the magnetic images in order to amplify subtle variations relative to stronger
and large amplitude anomalies. Some of the normalized derivatives applied for this study include: reduced
to pole of Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI), vertical derivative, analytical signal, tilt derivative and
horizontal gradient. The basic principle behind each method and the resultant magnetic images are
discussed in more detail in later section.
Even though various researches and publications were made using aeromagnetic data, interpretation
methodologies applied to aeromagnetic data are still ambiguous and largely based on individual
approaches and experience. In this study qualitative interpretation of aeromagnetic data was carried out,
by which geological information was inferred by visual inspection on images. Some of the previous works
on interpreting aeromagnetic data consulted in this study include those of (Alsaud, 2008; Jaques et al.,
1997; Porwal et al., 2006; Schetselaar & Ryan, 2009).
Analysis of the aeromagnetic data involves close observation at the various layers of information achieved
from the original data profiles. These include analytical signal (AS), reduced to pole (RTP) of total
magnetic intensity (TMI), tilt derivative, vertical derivatives and horizontal gradient. Magnetic anomalies
usually have complex shape due to the variation of Earths magnetic field at point of measurement. The
basic approach used to resolve this complex anomaly shape is reduction of the total magnetic field to the

pole. RTP positions the anomaly directly above the source and hence makes interpretation easier. For this
reason, other layers of information are derived from the RTP of total magnetic intensity (TMI) grid. The
enhanced RTP image of the area (Figure 6-1a) showed the magnetic field amplitude of about 110.4nT
indicating the variation of the magnetic intensity due to either lithological or topographical changes.
Analytical signal was calculated for the area (Figure 6-1b) which positions the anomaly at the centre of the
causative body by combining both vertical and horizontal derivatives. Analytical signal is considered better
enhancement technique since dipolar effects are absent and even for small bodies the peaks merge
resulting an anomaly cantered above the causative body (Alsaud, 2008). It is also observed that the vertical
derivative applied to the analytical signal has sharpened up and positioned the anomaly more exactly than
the original AS image. The tilt derivative (Figure 6-1c) applied to the RTP data has also provided better
information by positioning the anomalies above the causative body like RTP and analytical signal.
Horizontal gradient image was calculated from the RTP and upward continuations were performed at
various depths to depict deep seated anomalies and magnetic contacts. Upward continued to 1km was
selected for further interpretation as shown in (Figure 6-1d). The tilt derivative accentuates short wave
length anomalies and was found to be effective in allowing anomalies to be traced along their strike
(Alsaud, 2008). Both first and second vertical derivative images (Figure 6-2) were found better for
delineation of shallow surface magnetic structures. Various angles of illuminations were applied on AS,
RTP and tilt derivatives to produce shaded relief images which emphasized different sets of structures. In
addition, several ratio and composite images (e.g. RTP/AS, RTP/VD1, and VD1/AS) were used to
constrain interpretations.

6.2.2. Interpretation Interpretation of litho-magnetic domains

The first step considered during the interpretation of crustal domains from aeromagnetic data is to
understand the characteristics of magnetic anomalies such as: direction, relative amplitude and wave length
(Porwal et al., 2006). With the help of the RTP image therefore, three different litho magnetic domains
which constitute areas of the same magnetic signature as shown in the (Figure 6-1a) were defined. These
interpreted litho magnetic domains show good correlation and are complementary to the regional
stratigraphic units previously studied by (Reece, 1961). The Precambrian basement rocks of Igara group
occupying the southern and eastern part of Buhweju is characterized by regional magnetic high with high
amplitude and relatively shorter wavelength and hence grouped as Domain I. The Precambrian
sedimentary rocks occupying the central and northern part of the area show lower magnetic anomalies
with smoother, broader and longer wave length indicating deeper basement and then grouped as Domain
II. Domain III occupied both Precambrian sediment and Pleistocene rocks generally with very low
magnetic response which might be due thick rift sediment and westward deepening of the Precambrian
sediments of the Buhweju group. The RTP image generally showed deep source magnetic anomalies by
attenuating near surface anomalies as compared to other data layers.
Analytical signal has clearly showed both deep and shallow source magnetic anomaly areas (Figure 6-1b).
In addition analysis of analytical signal revealed the existence of various bounding bodies (anomaly peaks)
along which their contact was drawn along the strike. Anomalies with high magnitude, closely spaced and
shorter wave length were also observed at the south covered by pelitic schist and gneissic terrain, NE
corner covered by undifferentiated gneiss and granite and NW corner covered by Pleistocene volcanic and
sediments. Furthermore, two prominent dykes with NNW trend were interpreted from the analytical
signal. In tilt derivative most of the lithological units were underlain by closely spaced, sharp and short
wavelength near surface anomalies. Lithological contact between pelite and the underlying schist and
gneissic terrain was observed due to change in nature of magnetic anomalies (Figure 6-1c). In addition
anomalies in the area were easily traced along their strike. The horizontal gradient (HG) image of the area
has showed the dominant magnetic nature and orientation of magnetic anomaly beneath Buhweju area.
This image has amplified mainly of deep seated anomalies and hence anomalies underneath the


Precambrian basement, pelite and psamitic rocks were dominantly observed together with their dominant
orientation (Figure 6-1d). Finally, high magnetic zones were extracted from interpretations made on the
above layers as presented in the figure 6.3b.

Figure 6-1: Enhanced Aeromagnetic images of the area A) Reduced to the pole (RTP) of TMI B) Analytical signal
B) C) Tilt Derivative D) Horizontal gradient upward continued to 1km Black lines: Lithology boundaries Letters
indicate identified magnetic faults. For detail see text.

Directions of anomalies mainly depend on orientation of magnetic sources which in turn could be
tectonically controlled. Analytical signal, upward continued horizontal gradients and tilt derivative were
found particularly valuable in amplifying orientations of magnetic anomalies. These anomaly orientations
were then extracted and analysed separately (Figure 6-3) to decipher the tectonic grain of the area.
Accordingly statistical analysis was carried out to determine the azimuthal distribution and result showed
that the major magnetic anomalies are mostly trending in two prominent directions. These are N0-40 W
and N0-50E as shown in the figure 6-3b.

Figure 6-2: Vertical derivative images calculated from RTP A) First vertical derivative B) Second vertical derivative

Figure 6-3: A) Regional litho-magnetic domains interpreted from RTP. B) High magnetic anomaly
zones. Rose diagram shows the azimuthal distribution of orientation of magnetic


An overview by Gay, (1972) and Gunn et al. (1997) on the various criteria used for identifying magnetic
lineaments is used in this study. Some of these criterions which were used in this study are: offset of
apparently similar magnetic units, abrupt change in linear gradient, linear narrow magnetic highs and lows.
Lineament interpretations were carried on the various layers of enhanced images among which large
number of lineaments were identified from shaded relief of Tilt derivative image. Magnetic faults mainly
due to offset of similar magnetic gradients were identified from tilt, RTP and upward continued
Horizontal gradient (HD) images. A very prominent fault with high magnetic signature was identified
from all the data layers as shown in letter in (Figure 6-1). Very discernible magndeitc lineaments were
identified from different illumination directions applied in tilt derivative image (Figure 6-1c). Likewise
other magnetic lineaments were extracted through close inspection of various layers of enhanced images.
In the southern part of the area where schist and granitic gneiss predominate, short wavelength curvilinear
magnetic anomalies are evident on tilt and first vertical derivative images. These magnetic anomalies are
digitized and generally define rock foliation patterns. The structural framework of the area as interpreted
from the magnetic data (Figure 6-1 and 6-2) is shown in the (Figure 6-4). Three main groups of lineaments
were identified from this analysis based on their azimuthal frequency. Group of lineaments trending N0-
60E form the most conspicuous in terms of lineament frequency and corresponds to Pleistocene rift
structures. Most of these magnetic lineaments were seemed affect the Buhweju group rocks and found
less dominant in the Precambrian basement rocks. The other dominant group of magnetic lineament have
a trend of N0-60W which underneath most of the lithological units of the area. The dominant orientation
of magnetic anomaly of the area (section appears to be consistent with such trending structures. In
addition these structures could conduit different subsurface dykes found in the area. The N60-120E trend
magnetic lineaments were also common in terms of both frequency and length. These lineaments have
mainly affected the undifferentiated units found in the northern part of the area as also shown in the
lineament density map (Figure 6-5). The lineament density map has also revealed high lineament
concentration in the central part of Lubare quartzite.

Figure 6-4: Interpreted structural map of the area. Rose diagram shows the azimuthal distribution of the
magnetic lineaments.

Figure 6-5: Magnetic lineament density map

6.3. Summary on aeromagnetic data interpretation

The interpretation made on the aeromagnetic data of the area has resulted in extraction of valuable
information regarding lithology and tectonics of the Buhweju area. The presence of relatively good
outcrops of the Precambrian Igara group rocks placed at eastern and southern part could be the reason for
shallow depth anomalies observed on RTP image. The central part of the area which is mainly covered by
Precambrian sedimentary rocks of the Buhweju group, revealed deeper source magnetic anomalies as
compared to other groups. The orientations of possible magnetic highs (section revealed the
prevailing structural pattern of the area and are in good agreement with the orientation of the various
identified magnetic lineaments. Prominent magnetic faults mainly due to offset of apparently similar
magnetic domains are interpreted in addition to other magnetic lineaments identified in the area. It is
observed that these fault patterns act as a conduit for emplacement of both rounded and elongated high
magnetic intrusions at shallower and deeper sources. Particularly, the NNE trending fault persists
throughout the area highly affecting pelites and psammitic bands and dominantly underlain by high
magnetic bodies. Generally, three prominent structural patterns were discussed from the orientation
analysis made for all magnetic lineaments extracted from the area. These are: N-NNW, ESE-WNW and
N-NNE structural patterns in which the first two patterns could be interpreted in relation with the
Precambrian orogenic folds and shear zones whereas the third pattern corresponds to the western rift



7.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with compilation of various interpretations of geological features acquired from
different single and integrated images to create a modified geological map of Buhweju area. Compilation
involves the synthesis of results obtained from the analysis, integration and interpretation of different geo-
data sets. The different data sets used in this study are: aeromagnetic data, radiometric data, multispectral
data (Landsat ETM+ and ASTER) and SRTM DEM data. The final interpreted units and lineaments of
the area are based on synthesis of interpretations of lithology boundaries and lineaments obtained from (1)
RGB images of ASTER and Landsat ETM data and principal component images (chapter 3 and 4). (2)
Single band, ratio and composite images including ternary derived from radiometric K, eTh, eU and its
fused images with Landsat Band 5 and SRTM DEM (chapter 5). (3) Various derived images from
aeromagnetic data especially of RTP of total magnetic intensity (TMI), analytical signal, tilt derivative, 1 st
and 2nd order vertical derivatives and horizontal gradient image (chapter 6). The interpretations were
mainly guided by lithological units from the published geological map by Reece, (1961) and field data.

7.2. Lithological boundaries

Different lithological units are identified from the previous published geological map. The boundaries of
these lithological units could also be recognized from the various enhanced images but with different
boundary shapes. This implies that there exist good agreement between the published map and
interpretations acquired from different remote sensing data used in the study. However, there are
lithological units which have not been identified before but identified and mapped in this study. The
different interpretations are then combined to compile a modified geological map of Buhweju. During
compilation analyzing the geological significance and accuracy of different images together with field
knowledge of the area were considered to resolve the conflict between polygons resulted from
interpretation of different data sets. This will be discussed in more detail for each interpreted boundary in
latter sections. Geological maps are used for recognition of lithologies and hence the names of lithologies
as used in the map of (Reece, 1961) are adopted. The relative age of lithologies is adopted from the
previous maps and discussed in section 2. Here the discussion on major lithological units is presented with
more emphasis given to the newly identified units. The improved geological map is shown in (Figure 7-4)
with a classification accuracy of 56.34% (Appendix 3)

7.2.1. Undifferentiated gneiss, granite and schist

Reece (1961) has mapped this unit in the northern part of Buhweju covering relatively of large area (Figure
7-1a). The present study has resolved the unit in to separate lithological units even though some remained
undifferentiated between gneiss, granite, schist and amphibolites. The radiometric signature of these units
seemed to be affected showing a noisy uranium concentration due to the presence of topographically
elevated Lubare quartzite in between (Figure 7-1b). Lithological units are better interpreted using gamma
ray data (figure 7-1c). Multispectral data distinguish between these units based on their drainage nature.
The undifferentiated between gneiss and granite has showed prominent drainage patterns whereas the
other unit has devoid of such external drainage. Relatively large and deeper anomalies underneath the
undifferentiated gneiss and granite whereas smaller and shallow seated anomalies characterized the
undifferentiated schist and amphibolites. In this study two undifferentiated units were mapped across the
Lubare quartzite namely: undifferentiated schist and amphibole and undifferentiated gneiss and granite
(Figure 7-1d). Further explanation about the multispectral and radiometric signatures of the unit is
provided in (Table 3-7) and (Appendix 2) respectively.

7.2.2. Pelitic Schist
Previously this unit has been mapped distinctly in the south and with intimate mixture of granite and
gneiss in the north and east. Field investigation revealed that the unit is compositionally rich in mica with
gradation in quartz. Radiometric data was found valuable in discriminating the unit from other lithological
units due to its elevated K concentration (Figure 7-1b) and very low Th/K ratio. On the basis of similarity
of this radiometric signature and in contrast to the previous geological map this unit was also identified in
the northern part which has been previously mapped as undifferentiated granite, gneiss and schist (Figure
7-1d). The pelitic schist in the south has showed sharp enrichment of K towards its north which might be
due to variation in weathering and hence this study has mapped the unit separately. In the south the pelitic
schist has showed distinctive magnetic signature revealing short wavelength curvilinear anomalies which
defined folded rock foliation. The newly identified unit in the north however was characterized by the
emplacement of both deep and shallow seated high magnetic rounded bodies. Detail explanation on
radiometric signature of units is presented in (section 5.3.2).

Figure 7-1: Subscens showing interpreted lithological units A) Old geological map by Reece, 1961 B) Ternary image
C) Improved geological map by this study D) Interpreted lithological units from gamma ray data interpretation

7.2.3. Gneiss
The unit has been previously mapped in the SE and SW corners of Buhweju (Figure 7-2a). The previous
work by Reece, (1961) has indicated the intimate association of gneiss with granite and minor pegmatite. It
was difficult to characterize this unit in the field due to prolong intense weathering of the area but
compositionally mainly made of quartz and feldspar with minor muscovite. However, radiometric data
was found valuable in discriminating the gneissic terrains of the area through revealing higher
concentration of eTh and eU which appeared cyan color on ternary image (Figure 7-1b and 7-2b). In
contrast to the previous geological map more gneissic units were identified in the eastern and northern
part of the area on the basis of similarity of radiometric signature. For example the area under the Ibanda
quartzite (Figure 7-1b) has showed distinctive radiometric similarity with the already mapped gneissic
terrains found in the SE and SW corners of the area. In addition, this study has identified the variation of
K concentration throughout gneiss mapped at the SW corner (Table 5-2). This might be due to the

variation in degree of weathering within this gneissic terrain. The aeromagnetic data has indicated that this
unit has underlain by both shallow and deep seated high magnetic signatures (Figure 7-2c).

7.2.4. Granite
Reece, (1961) has mapped small units of granite in the south and east of Buhweju (Figure 7-2a). He has
also noted that the unit has found intimately mixed with gneiss, pegmatite and aplites. However field data
has showed relatively wider area covered by granite than mapped before especially in the southern part of
the area. The intimate mixture of the unit with gneiss has also proved by very close similarity in
radiometric signature. However, close inspection on radiometric composite ternary image has depicted the
presence of granitic signature (Figure 7-2b). Aeromagnetic data didnt exhibit considerable variation
beneath pelitic schist, gneiss and granite units exposed in the southern part of Buhweju (Figure 7-2c).
Therefore, a wider area was identified as granite in the southern part which has been previously mapped as
gneiss (Figure 7-2d).

Figure 7-2: Subscenes showing interpreted lithological units A) Old geological map by Reece, 1961 B) Ternary image C)
Analytical signal image D) improved geological map by this study

7.2.5. Quartzite
Two different quartzite types have been mapped by Reece, (1961): the Lubare quartzite and the Ibanda
quartzite (Figure 7-1a). The relationship between Lubare quartzite, gneiss and schist has not yet been
established. Previous study and field data indicated that both units were compositionally dominated by
pure quartz with minor feldspars and muscovite. Two conspicuous characters were observed at both
quartzite units: elevated topography and bounded by conglomerates and grits. This uplifting of
stratigraphicaly lower unit to its present position might be tectonically controlled. Both units have
indicated similar radiometric signature with elevated eTh concentration and hence appear greenish on
ternary image (Figure 7-1b and 7-2b). Generally low aeromagnetic signature was depicted underneath
quartzite unit.

7.2.6. Pelite and psammites
These units have covered large area of the Buhweju group rocks covered by dense protected forests and
intimately mixed with quartzite. The boundary of these units was identified in most of the data sets used in
this study. Generally elevated K, eTh and eU concentrations have been observed in pelite (Figure 7-2b).
The presence of dense vegetation cover to the west would be the plausible reason for the gradual decrease
in concentration of radioelement towards west. The quartzite bands (dominated by psammitic units) on
the other hand showed relatively less concentration of radioelement and seemed to be affected by the
topographic effect (Figure 7-2b). Two distinguishable units were depicted from visual interpretations
vegetation texture and pattern applied on color composite, PCA and single bands of multispectral data
(section 3.5). Broad, smooth and long wavelength magnetic anomaly was exhibited underneath these
lithological units which proved the presence of deep seated basement (Figure 7-2c). The eastern part of
these units has prominently intruded by a sub surface dyke with NNE trend. In addition, the boundary of
pelite (with minor quartzite) has marked by elongated high magnetic signature. The quartzite (dominated
by psammites) on the other hand has specifically underlain by shallow seated rounded magnetic anomalies.

7.2.7. Pleistocene units

These units have comprised of agglomerates, tuff, silt, clay and sand mapped covering extensive area in
west of Buhweju. Multispectral data could help to differentiate tuff and agglomerates due to their rough
texture on images. Radiometric data was rather found valuable tool in discriminating these units in to two
broad units. The tuff and agglomerates are characterised by elevated concentrations of K, eTh and eU and
hence appeared white on ternary image. The clay, silt and sand unit on the other hand showed elevated in
eTh and eU but less in K concentration. Both units have underlain by deep seated prominent dykes of
NNW trend. In addition, shallow surface high magnetic anomalies were observed on tuff and
agglomerates obviously due to the presence of shallow seated rift volcanic rocks.

Figure 7-3: Field photos of different rocks A) Weathered granite B) Lubare quartzite C)
Gneiss D) Folded tuff


Figure 7-4: Improved geological map of Buhweju

7.3. Compiled Lineament Interpretation
Detail surface and subsurface lineament interpretations and analysis have been carried out on multispectral
data, SRTM DEM data and aeromagnetic data (chapter 4 and chapter 6). The surface lineament density
analysis (Figure 4-7) has depicted that the Buhweju group rocks (pelites, Psammites and Lubare quartzite)
were affected by high lineament density along a narrow zone. It has also observed that this high density
lineament continued further to the north following a narrow zone trending NNE and underlain by
subsurface fault with high magnetic anomaly. The density analysis applied on subsurface magnetic
lineaments (Figure 6-5) revealed high lineament concentration affecting the northern undifferentiated
schist and amphibole including the newly identified pelitic schist. The Buhweju group rocks were also
influenced by the subsurface magnetic lineament however the correlation between surface and subsurface
lineament was generally considered weak. The orientation analysis has proved the existence of three
tectonic patterns namely: NNW-SSE, ESE-WNW and NNE-SSW. These tectonic patterns were found
consistent with the regional tectonic grain. The first two patterns are consistent with the regional Aswa
shear zone (Shackleton, 1976) and the refolding event of both Igara and Buhweju Group rocks (Reece,
1961) respectively. Lineaments and faults trending NNE-SSW were considered to be coherent with the
general trend of the western rift valley (Riad & El Etr, 1985). The orientation analysis applied on the
quartz veins has resulted two prominent directions: N50-80E and N20-50W. The Lubare quartzite in the
southern part is affected by sinistral movements as depicted from the multispectral, DEM SRTM and
horizontal gradient images. The interpreted lineament map of Buhweju is shown in figure 7-5.

7.4. Mineralization
The regional and local aspect of mineralization in Buhweju area was discussed in detail (chapter 2). Post
Kibaran orogeny events have been considered the prime cause for most of Kibaran mineralization.
Generally two episodes of mineralization have been recognized: mineralization related to post orogenic
rifting and mineralization related to post orogenic metamorphism (Pohl, 1994). The majority of gold
occurrence in Buhweju has been from alluvial deposits but reef gold associated with sulphide veins has
also been found (Reece, 1961; Wayland, 1934). The aim of this section is therefore to assess the control on
gold mineralization in Buhweju area by synthesizing field data, mineral occurrence data, and interpreted
lithological and structural data. The field surveyed gold mine areas and the provided gold occurrences data
(Appendix 1) are used primarily for this purpose. Field data and lithological interpretations (Figure 7-6a)
have revealed that Lubare quartzite and mudstone are the dominant country rocks hosting gold
occurrences of the Buhweju plateau. Gold occurrences found below the plateau were hosted by different
bedrocks including schist, gneiss, granites and amphibolites. In the surveyed mine areas, for example
Kitaka mine suphides which occur in quartz veins have provided gold and found disseminated throughout
the host rock (Figure 7-6b). As shown in (Figure 7-6c) most of the alluvial gold mines are located in low
land stream courses covered by vegetation.
Spatial association has observed between surface lineament density and gold mine areas where the high
lineament density and NNE tending narrow zone was observed hosting most of the gold mine areas. As
shown in (Figure 7-7a) most of the gold mine occurrences are densely clustered in two areas. These
clustered gold occurrence areas have showed difference in lithologies and subsurface magnetic signature.
The gold occurrences at Kitaka mine are hosted by schist (Figure 7-7b) and underlain by low magnetic
material (Figure 7-7c). On the other hand the gold occurrences at Katonga swamp are hosted by Lubare
quartzite and mudstone (Figure 7-7b) and underlain by relatively high magnetic material (Figure 7-7c).
There is also an association observed between the gold occurrences and quartz veins as shown in the
figure 7-7d.
Currently exploration works are being in progress at different gold fields found in Tanzania, Uganda and
Democratic Republic Congo (DRC). Two major strucutural corridors (gold trends) have been already
identified by Magnus and Banro exploration companies (Corporation, 2006; Magnus, 2003). The


Twangiza trend (Figure 7-8a) is a north easterly interpreted structural corridor which controlled different
gold deposits in Congo. The Geita trend (Figure 7-8a) is a north west trending interpreted lineament that
control major gold trends in Tanzania. These structural corridors have showed consistency with the major
regional trends like Aswan shear zone and the western rift valley. These trends are continued further to
the north affecting different areas in SW of Uganda including Buhweju (Figure 7-8a).

Figure 7-5: Lineament map of Buhweju


Figure 7-6: Field data and lithological interpretation on mineralization. A) Interpreted lithological units and gold
occurrence areas. Schist and Mudstone are the common lithologies which hosted most of the gold fields in Buhweju.
B) Field photo from Kitaka mine. Sulphide vein found disseminated throughout the schist (host rock) C) Field photo
showing typical morphology of alluvia deposit in Buhweju. Always located downstream and covered with vegetation.

In Buhweju, three common structural orientations were clearly recognized. Two of the orientations have
showed consistency with the trend of the Twangiza and Geita structural corridors. In the study area
different magnetic faults were interpreted (Figure 7-5) among which the most prominent fault zone
identified trends in NNE-SSE direction which could be the extension of the Twangiza structural corridor.
This fault is characterized by high lineament density (Figure 7-7a) and high subsurface magnetic anomaly.
In addition most of the gold occurrences in the study area are spatially controlled by this fault (Figure 7-
9a). The NNW-SSE trending structure in Buhweju could also be interpreted in terms of the Gieta trend
and the regional Aswan shear zone. The high lineament density zone and densely clustered gold
occurrences at Katonga might be due to the intersection of these oppositely trending structures. Generally
two trends could be recognized (Figure 7-9b) from the distribution of gold occurrences of the area that
could be related with the locally identified structures as well as the regional structural trends.


Figure 7-7: Distribution of gold occurrence areas. A) The relationship between lineament density
and gold occurrences. Circles indicate the two clustered areas of gold occurrences and their density
pattern. B) Lithology and mineral occurrence association. C) Subsurface magnetic signature
beneath mineral occurrence areas. D) Quartz veins and gold occurrences. Explanation is given in
detail in the text.

Figure 7-8: The Twangiza and Gieta trends A) The gold occurrences in Congo and Tanzania controlled by the
Twangiza and Gieta gold trends (source: (Corporation, 2006; Magnus, 2003) B) The relationship established
between the gold trends and orientations of lineaments interpreted in the area. (a) Shows rose diagrams for surface
lineaments (b) for sub surface lineaments (c) for quartz veins (d) trends of high magnetic anomaly bodies

Figure 7-9: Structural corridors A) the spatial association of gold occurrences with interpreted
magnetic faults B) General alignment of gold occurrences in the area which showed consistency with
the interpreted lineament orientation as well as the Twangiza and Geita trends



8.1. Conclusion
The primary objective of the research was to use various remotely sensed data and apply the GIS
technique to assess the inter-relationship between lithology and structure and to qualitatively assess its
control on the Buhweju gold field. In this research the general outputs achieved are: 1) the improved
geological map of Buhweju 2) interpreted structural/lineament map of Buhweju 3) qualitative
interpretations on control of mineralization of Buhweju gold field. The general conclusions of the study
are presented here more focussed towards providing relevant responses for the major questions of the
The qualitative interpretation conducted on relationship between lithologies and structure in Buhweju has
showed remarkable result. Most of the gold occurrences in the study area were not found scattered and
dispersed rather localized in a preferred orientations and preferred host rock. Two major clusters of gold
occurrences were identified in Buhweju gold field. The cluster found at Kitka was characterised by low
subsurface magnetic anomaly and high subsurface lineament density. Whereas the gold occurrences found
at Katonga are hosted by mudstone and lubare quartzite and underlain by high magnetic anomaly. Major
structures were interpreted with respect to the regional structural corridors which have controlled the
distribution of gold occurrences in the area. Particularly the NNE-SSW, NNW-SSE trending structures
and their intersection have determined the localization of the most of the Buhweju gold occurrences.

Even though it was difficult to quantify how useful information was provided by each data set, in this
study all the available data sets have provided useful information. Particularly the gamma ray data has
found to be an invaluable aid, which together with modern enhancement and integration techniques have
assisted in the visualization and discrimination of lithological units of the area. Among the various image
enhancement techniques image fusion and pan-sharpening of the radiometric composite image with
multispectral data and SRTM DEM have resulted better lithological differentiation in the area. On the
basis of similar radiometric signature different Precambrian basement lithologies including schist, gneiss
and granite could be identified and mapped which were not mapped before. The SRTM DEM of the area
has revealed topographic and structural information of the complex Buhweju plateau. Useful information
was also depicted from aeromagnetic data about the distribution of sub surface magnetic domains.

Subsequent extractions of both surface and subsurface lineaments were carried on multispectral, SRTM
DEM and aeromagnetic data. The orientation analysis has revealed three dominant lineament orientations
which determine the tectonic grain of the area, NNW-SSE, ESE-WNW and NNE-SSW. These
orientations were found consistent with the two major regional tectonic trends. The NNE-SSW has
considered a major tectonic grain of the area related to the western rift valley while the NNW-SSE seemed
attributed to the regional Aswan shear zone. Non-orientation density analysis applied on the individual
surface and subsurface lineaments has indicated that the Buhweju group rocks were highly affected by
surface lineamnents whereas the Precambrian basement rocks were affected mainly by subsurface
lineaments. Generally the density patterns of surface and subsurface lineaments are weakly correlated.

8.2. Recommendations

Various enhancements applied in this study resulted better images for visual interpretation of structures
and lithological units. However, two main factors are identified which greatly hinder the interpretability of
remote sensing data especially multispectral and gamma ray. These are topographic effect and vegetation
cover. More than half of Buhweju is covered by two dense forests protected by forestry department of
Uganda. Moreover, Buhweju plateau is considered to be the highest land in west of Uganda. These
factors have seriously affected the information content of both multispectral and gamma ray data. This
study has made an effort to suppress the effect of vegetation even though the effect was still significant.
Therefore, this study highly recommend for the next studies to be conducted on Buhweju based on
remote sensing tools to seriously consider the effect of vegetation. Similarly the topography effect on
gamma ray data is significant by affecting the distribution of radioelement around the Buhweju plateau for
which this data should be exclusively corrected for topographic effects of Buhweju.
This study has better defined the tectonic setting of Buhweju area through integrated analysis of surface
and subsurface data. Hence similar approaches are recommended to other areas of SW Uganda. The
source of gold mineralization in Buhweju is still not fully known but this study has at least identified
subsurface high magnetic zones, magnetic faults and surface lineaments which could contribute an input
pertaining to search for source of mineralization. Therefore, detail geochemical investigation and high
resolution geophysical data interpretation are recommended for further understanding of the source of
mineralization in Buhweju gold field. New lithological boundaries are identified from multispectral data
interpretation but have not incorporated in the final map due to inaccessibility of the area but
recommended that they need to be verified.



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Appendix 1
Field collected lithological and structural data
ID X Y Z Litho-unit strike_dip dip dire/amount mine structutre
1 216758 9981046 1442 schist mine
2 211492 9978918 1524 micacious schist 40w/20 220/20
3 211252 9979763 1589 Fe rich quarzite
4 211107 9980183 1618 quarzitic conglomerate
5 211101 9980147 1626 conglomerate 10E/40 290/40
6 211076 9980198 1625 folded coglomerate Anticline
7 210598 9980288 1686 bedded sandstone
8 209923 9976519 1865 quarzite vein
9 209272 9968854 1865 quarzite qtz vein
10 208588 9966327 1848 quarzite gold minevein
11 208226 9965874 1848 quarzite mine vein
12 205130 9964770 1792 quarzite mine
13 202269 9963759 1639 granitic gniess
14 201356 9965460 1608 pellite 70w/20 250/20 vein
15 200377 9985882 1152 dolerite N70E mine qtz vein
16 200344 9985831 1182 dolerite kitaka
17 203148 9988118 1375 mica schist 080/90 350/90
18 203508 9988969 1334 amphibolite
19 204237 9987834 1381 schist
20 204342 9986184 1322 gniess 158/60 68/60
21 204242 9986223 1306 mica schist
22 204242 9986576 1312 gniess
23 198261 9989403 1057 gniess
24 194642 9988410 987 gravel, sand cilt
25 192263 99888028 955 gravel, sand cilt
26 190907 9985451 984 gravel, sand cilt
27 192463 9980082 1112 amphibolite 030/44 120/44
28 190203 997852 1068 conglomerate
29 190609 9978263 1138 quarzite 044/50 134/50
30 187216 9978479 1106 tuff
31 182042 9977883 1069 tuff syncline
32 177598 9977190 1075 tuff
33 176005 9972510 1248 tuff anticline
34 177576 9967524 1357 tuff
35 176367 9963119 1484 quarzite
36 176393 9961286 1568 quarzite 170/40 080/40
37 176630 9961047 1593 schist+quarzite 164/36 74/36
38 176573 9961085 1587 quarzite 070/20 160/20 syncline
39 181416 9956287 1408 gniess 040/58 130/58 mine
40 182084 9956592 1401 schist mine

41 182785 9957714 1424 schist mine
42 182831 9957757 1427 schist mine vein
43 183032 9958246 1461 schist vein
44 195495 9986150 994 quarzite
45 196251 9985397 1007 quarzite
46 196037 9984917 927 quarzite+schist
47 197203 9984437 1048 quarzite+schist
48 197343 9983817 1097 quarzite
49 197544 9983717 1125 biotite schist
50 197589 9983660 1137 biotite schist
51 202263 9982348 1378 schist mine vein
52 198312 9982877 1244 schist mine vein
53 196182 9983524 985 amphibolite 198/40 108/40
54 196242 9983381 977 granite mine vein
55 196174 9983303 981 granite
56 196274 9983118 964 granite mine
57 204180 9981516 1394 granite vein
58 205899 9985230 1510 schist 90/76 vein
59 205746 9985342 1471 schist
60 207298 9988723 1405 schist N30E
61 205383 9986749 1449 schist
62 205050 9982709 1448 schist
63 207783 9942882 1471 granite 100/70 010/70 vein
64 209107 9944694 1536 granite
65 208803 9946156 1572 granite vein
66 208902 9948392 1581 quarzite
67 215842 9953441 1525 schist
68 214810 9954058 1493 swampy area
69 214188 9954679 1505 conglomerate
70 213735 9956183 1525 schist
71 213884 9957293 1558 schist
72 213223 9958826 1547 conglomerate
73 214314 9960017 1588 quarzite
74 211815 9960615 1592 schist
75 210826 9960248 1672 schist
76 209003 9959668 1723 schist
77 212274 9960417 1572 schist mine
78 215649 9958750 1639 schist
79 216437 9957996 1723 schist
80 216741 9957333 1597 schist


81 217244 9957004 1523 quarzite

82 218011 9957958 1515 quarzite_schist 070/15 250/15
83 218713 9961414 1581 schist 070/15 250/15
84 219113 9962032 1712 quarzite_schist
85 216542 9966598 1717 schist
86 214698 9968093 1679 schist
87 243827 9968710 1636 schsit_conglomerate
88 213934 9968834 1569 quarzite
89 213855 9969903 1498 schist
90 213258 9971941 1461 pelite_schist
91 214035 9972556 1460 schist_qazri_pellite
92 214420 9975926 1449 conglomerate
93 203341 9989024 1291 amphibolite N90E mine
94 204107 9988413 1385 mica schist 104/30 194/30
95 204221 9987858 1391 schist
96 204730 9987205 1377 schist
97 205138 9986922 1422 schst vein
98 205410 9986708 1444 schist
99 205464 9985965 1439 schist_conglomerate
100 205430 9985598 1406 schist
101 205524 9985467 1413 quarzite
102 205616 9985283 1425 quarzite
103 205716 9984699 1417 quarzite_schist
104 204583 9983009 1415 quarzite
105 205063 9982762 1444 quarzite_schist
106 205586 9981421 1482 quarzite_schist
107 206392 9981116 1488 quarzite
108 266737 9880846 1487 quarzite
109 206727 9980393 1557 quarzite
110 208064 9978961 1572 quarzite
111 209563 9978285 1603 quarzite
112 209120 9979652 1705 quarzite
113 209686 9979575 1802 quarzite
114 210011 9977230 1810 quarzite 020/40 110/40
115 209404 9975487 1936 quarzite 008/50 98/40
116 208576 9974669 1976 quarzite 088/20 178/20 mine
117 209052 99773101 1860 quarzite
118 208236 9971516 1765 schist mine
119 206717 9971748 1681 quarzite 020/35 290/35
120 205839 9972855 1498 quarzite 010/40 100/40

121 205335 9970873 1467 schist
122 205391 9969870 1444 clay
123 204908 9969678 1407 clay_quarzite_cement mine_cement
124 204848 9969677 1392 quarzite
125 204528 9968734 1474 quarzite_mudstone
126 204570 9967809 1495 conglomerate
127 204359 9967757 1495 mudstone N50E mine
128 204627 9967211 1514 quarzite mine
129 204893 9966970 1534 quarzite N30W mine
130 204966 9966961 1538 quazite mine
131 204257 9967653 1501 quazrzite N20W mine
132 202754 9967313 1528 slate 170/10 260/10
133 202571 9966278 1517 schist?/ mine
134 204168 9962951 1699 quarzite mine
135 204616 9961614 1734 schist
136 206155 9958798 1736 schist
137 205291 9957320 1843 schist
138 203342 9955232 1928 schist
139 201398 9954714 1945 schist
140 201479 9952202 1785 quarzite
141 179462 9960225 1400 schist
142 179536 9959894 1490 schist_quarzite
143 180965 9959756 1413 schist
144 182472 9960197 1385 schist
145 182614 9960354 1364 schist


Appendix 2
Description and Radiometric signatures of the major lithological units of Buhweju

Units/Formations Descriptions Radiometric signature

Banyaruguru and other Tuff and agglomerates with occasional The unit has elevated Th and U concentration
volcanic lava. Compositionally mainly of relative to K and clearly evident at each
micacoues materials radioelement, ratio and composite images
Kaiso and Epi-Kaiso Entirely composed of gravel, sand, silt It has the same signature with Tuffs but more
beds and clay depleted in K and enriched in Th. It is easily
Munyoni Quartzite Quartzite with minor pelite dominantly discriminated
Almost seen aton ternary
every image composite
psammitic images clearly with high K and hence appear
reddish on ternary image.
Lubare Quartzite Very prominent Long and narrow Radiometric signature showed enrichment in
quartzite ridge mainly composed of eTh as compared to others and cleary seen on the
quartz muscovite and disseminated fused and sharpened ternary images with Landsat
Isingiro conglomerates hematite
Lenses ofare also seen. surrounding
conglomerates ETM and SRTM
Alternating eTh andDEM data were seen on
K elevations
the Lubare quartzite. Compositionally ternary images underlying the lubare quartzite
pebbles and grains of quartz in a quartz which is also influences by topography
muscovite matrix
Granite and gneiss Mainly composed of quartz and It is characterized by having higher concentration
feldspar with occasional muscovite and of eTh and eU appearing cyan on ternary images.
highly weathered The distinction between granite and gneiss by
using their radiometric signature is difficult due to
weathering but discriminated with the aid of field
data showed elevated K, eTh and eU due to its
Pelite and Pelitic schist Compositionally rich in muscovite and Pelites
biotite mica. quartz is also common intimate mixing with quartzite. Hence appearing
white on ternary and clearly seen on other
composite images. Pelitic schist relatively showed
Ibanda Quartzite Isolated quarzitic ridge high
It hasKthe
concentrations than pelites
same radiometric signature with Lubare
quartzite showing elevated eTh

Appendix 3
Confusion matrix accuracy report



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