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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Engineering collage

Aeronautical Engineering Department

Solution Manual for:

Material Science and Engineering / 8th edition

Ahmed Mustafa El-Khalili




Basic Concepts of Dislocations

Characteristics of Dislocations

7.1 To provide some perspective on the dimensions of atomic defects, consider a metal specimen that has a
dislocation density of 10 4 mm-2. Suppose that all the dislocations in 1000 mm3 (1 cm3) were somehow removed and
linked end to end. How far (in miles) would this chain exten d? Now suppose that the density is increased to 10 10
mm-2 by cold working. What would be the chain length of dislocations in 1000 mm3 of material?


The dislocation density is just the total dislocation length per unit volume of material (in this case per cubic
millimeters). Thus, the total length in 1000 mm3 of material having a density of 104 mm-2 is just

(10 4 mm-2)(1000 mm3) = 10 7 mm = 10 4 m = 6.2 mi

Similarly, for a dislocation density of 1010 mm-2 , the total length is

(10 10 mm-2 )(1000 mm3 ) = 10 13 mm = 10 10 m = 6.2 10 6 mi

7.2 Consider two edge dislocations of opposite sign and having slip planes that are separated by several
atomic distances as indicated in the diagram. Briefly describe the defect that results when these two dislocations
become aligned with each other.


When the two edge dislocations become aligned, a planar region of vacancies will exist between the
dislocations as:
7.3 Is it possible for two screw dislocations of opposite sign to annihilate each other? Explain your


It is possible for two screw dislocations of opposite sign to annihilate one another if their dislocation lines
are parallel. This is demonstrated in the figure below.
7.4 For each of edge, screw, and mixed dislocations, cite the relationship between the direction of the
applied shear stress and the direction of dislocation line motion.


For the various dislocation types, the relationships between the direction of the applied shear stress and the
direction of dislocation line motion are as follows:
edge dislocation--parallel
screw dislocation--perpendicular
mixed dislocation--neither parallel nor perpendicular
Slip Systems

7.5 (a) Define a slip system.

(b) Do all metals have the same slip system? Why or why not?


(a) A slip system is a crystallographic plane, and, within that plane, a direction along which dislocation
motion (or slip) occurs.
(b) All metals do not have the same slip system. The reason for this is that for most metals, the slip system
will consist of the most densely packed crystallographic plane, and within that plane the most closely packed
direction. This plane and direction will vary from crystal structure to crystal structure.
7.6 (a) Compare planar densities (Section 3.11 and Problem 3.54) for the (100), (110), and (111) planes
for FCC.
(b) Compare planar densities (Problem 3.55) for the (100), (110), and (111) planes for BCC.


(a) For the FCC crystal structure, the planar density for the (110) plane is given in Equation 3.11 as

1 0.177
PD110 (FCC) = =
4 R2 2 R2

Furthermore, the planar densities of the (100) and (111) planes are calculated in Homework Problem 3.54,
which are as follows:

1 0.25
PD100 (FCC) = =
4 R2 R2

1 0.29
PD111 (FCC) = =
2 R2 3 R2

(b) For the BCC crystal structure, the planar densities of th e (100) and (110) planes were determined in
Homework Problem 3.55, which are as follows:

3 0.19
PD100 (BCC) = =
16R2 R2

3 0.27
PD110 (BCC) = =
8 R2 2 R2

Below is a BCC unit cell, within which is shown a (111) plane.


The centers of the three corner atoms, denoted by A, B, and C lie on this plane. Furthermore, the (111) plane does
not pass through the center of atom D, which is located at the unit cell center. The atomic packing of this plane is
presented in the following figure; the corresponding atom positions from the Figure (a) are also noted.


Inasmuch as this plane does not pass through the center of atom D, it is not included in the atom count. One sixth of
each of the three atoms labeled A, B, and C is associated with this plane, which gives an equivalence of one-half
In Figure (b) the triangle with A, B, and C at its corners is an equilateral triangle. And, from Figure (b), the
area of this triangle is . The triangle edge length, x, is equal to the length of a face diagonal, as indicated in Figure
(a). And its length is related to the unit cell edge length, a, as
x2 = a 2 + a 2 = 2a 2

x= a 2

For BCC, a = (Equation 3.3), and, therefore,

4R 2

Also, from Figure (b), with respect to the length y we may write

x 2
y2 + = x2

x 3
which leads to y = . And, substitution for the above expression for x yields

x 3 4 R 2 3 4 R 2
y= = =
2 3 2 2

Thus, the area of this triangle is equal to

1 1 4 R 2 4 R 2 8 R2
AREA = xy= =
2 2 3 2 3

And, finally, the planar density for this (111) plane is

0.5 atom 3 0.11

PD111 (BCC) = = =
8 R2 16 R2 R2
7.7 One slip system for the BCC crystal structure is {110} 111 . In a manner similar to Figure 7.6b, sketch
a {110 } -type plane for the BCC structure, representing atom positions with circles. Now, using arrows, indicate
two different 111 slip directions within this plane.


Below is shown the atomic packing for a BCC {110 } -type plane. The arrows indicate two different 111 -

type directions.
7.8 One slip system for the HCP crystal structure is {0001} 11 20 . In a manner similar to Figure 7.6b,
sketch a {0001}-type plane for the HCP structure and, using arrows, indicate three different 11 20 slip directions

within this plane. You might find Figure 3.8 helpful.


Below is shown the atomic packing for an HCP {0001}-type plane. The arrows indicate three different
11 2 0 -type directions.
7.9 Equations 7.1a and 7.1b, expressions for Burgers vectors for FCC and BCC crystal structures, are of
the form
b= uvw
where a is the unit cell edge length. Also, since the magnitudes of these Burgers vectors may be determined from the
following equation:
a 2 1/2
u + v 2 + w2 ) (7.10)

determine values of | b| for aluminum and chromium. You may want to consult Table 3.1.


For Al, which has an FCC crystal structure, R = 0.1431 nm (Table 3.1) and a = 2 R 2 = 0.4047 nm (Equation



b = 110

Therefore, the values for u, v, and w in Equation 7.10 are 1, 1, and 0, respectively. Hence, the magnitude of the
Burgers vector for Al is

b = u 2 + v2 + w2

0.4047 nm
= (1 ) 2 + (1 ) 2 + (0) 2 = 0.2862 nm

For Cr which has a BCC crystal structure, R = 0.1249 nm (Table 3.1) and a = QP ( TXDW

als o, from Equation 7.1b, the Burgers vector for BCC metals is

b = 111

Therefore, the values for u, v, and w in Equation 7.10 are 1, 1, and 1, respectively. Hence, the magnitude of the
Burgers vector for Cr is

0.2884 nm
b = (1) 2 + (1) 2 + (1) 2 = 0.2498 nm
7.10 (a) In the manner of Equations 7.1a, 7.1b, and 7.1c, specify the Burgers vector for the simple cubic
crystal structure. Its unit cell is shown in Figure 3.24. Also, simple cubic is the crystal structure for the edge
dislocation of Figure 4.3, and for its motion as presented in Figure 7.1. You may also want to consult the answer to
Concept Check 7.1.
(b) On the basis of Equation 7.10, formulate an expression for the magnitude of the Burgers vector, | b| , for
simple cubic.


(a) This part of the problem asks that we specify the Burgers vector for the simple cubic crystal structure
(and suggests that we consult the answer to Concept Check 7.1). This Concept Check asks that we select the slip
system for simple cubic from four possibilities. The correct answer is {100 } 010 . Thus, the Burgers vector will lie in
a 010 -type direction. Also, the unit slip distance is a (i.e., the unit cell edge length, Figures 4.3 and 7.1). Therefore,

the Burgers vector for simple cubic is

b = a 010

Or, equivalently

b = a 100

(b) The magnitude of the Burgers vector, |b|, for simple cubic is

b = a (12 + 02 + 02 )1 / 2 = a
Slip in Single Crystals

7.11 Sometimes cos f cos l in Equation 7.2 is termed the Schmid factor. Determine the magnitude of the
Schmid factor for an FCC single crystal oriented with its [100] direction parallel to the loading axis.


We are asked to compute the Schmid factor for an FCC crystal oriented with its [100] direction parallel to the
loading axis. With this scheme, slip may occur on the (111) plane and in the [1 1 0] direction as noted in the figure

The angle between the [100] and [1 1 0] directions, l, may be determined using Equation 7.6

u1u 2 + v1v2 + w1w2
l = cos-1

( )(
u12 + v12 + w12 u 22 + v22 + w22
where (for [100]) u = 1, v = 0, w = 0, and (for [1 1 0] ) u = 1, v = -1, w = 0. Therefore, l is equal to
1 1 1 2 2 2

(1)(1) + (0)(-1) + (0)(0)
l= cos-1

[(1) 2 + (0) 2 + (0) 2 ][(1) 2 + (-1) 2 + (0) 2 ]

= cos-1 = 45
Now, the angle f is equal to the angle between the normal to the (111) plane (which is the [111] direction), and the
[100] direction. Again from Equation 7.6, and for u = 1, v = 1, w = 1, and u = 1, v = 0, and w = 0, we have
1 1 1 2 2 2

(1)(1) + (1)( 0) + (1)(0)
f= cos-1

[(1) 2 + (1) 2 + (1) 2 ] [(1) 2 + (0) 2 + (0) 2 ]

= cos-1 = 54.7

Therefore, the Schmid factor is equal to

1 1
cos l cos f = cos (45) cos (54.7 ) = = 0.408
2 3
7.12 Consider a metal single crystal oriented such that the normal to the slip plane and the slip direction
are at angles of 43.1 and 47.9, respectively, with the tensile axis. If the critical resolved shear stress is 20.7 MPa
(3000 psi), will an applied stress of 45 MPa (6500 psi) cause the single crystal to yield? If not, what stress will be


This problem calls for us to determine whether or not a metal single crystal having a specific orientation and
of given critical resolved shear stress will yield. We are given that f = 43.1, l = 47.9, and that the values of the
critical resolved shear stress and applied tensile stress are 20.7 MPa (3000 p si) and 45 MPa (6500 psi), respectively.
From Equation 7.2

t R = s cos f cos l = (45 MPa)(cos 43.1 )(cos 47.9 ) = 22.0 MPa (3181 psi)

Since the resolved shear stress (22 MPa) is greater than the critical resolved shear stress (20.7 MPa), the single
crystal will yield.
7.13 A single crystal of aluminum is oriented for a tensile test such that its slip plane normal makes an
angle of 28.1 with the tensile axis. Three possible slip directions make angles of 62.4, 72.0, and 81.1 with the
same tensile axis.
(a) Which of these three slip directions is most favored?
(b) If plastic deformation begins at a tensile stress of 1.95 MPa (280 psi), determine the critical resolved
shear stress for aluminum.


We are asked to compute the critical resolved shear stress for Al. As stipulated in the problem, f = 28.1,
while possible values for l are 62.4, 72.0, and 81.1.
(a) Slip will occur along that direction for which (cos f cos l) is a maximum, or, in this case, for the largest
cos l. Cosines for the possible l values are given below.

cos(62.4) = 0.46
cos(72.0) = 0.31
cos(81.1) = 0.15

Thus, the slip direction is at an angle of 62.4 with the tensile axis.
(b) From Equation 7.4, the critical resolved shear stress is just

t crss = s y (cos f cos l) max

= (1.95 MPa) [cos (28.1) cos (62.4)] = 0.80 MPa (114 psi)
7.14 Consider a single crystal of silver oriented such that a tensile stress is applied along a [001]
direction. If slip occurs on a (111) plane and in a [ 1 01] direction, and is initiated at an applied tensile stress of
1.1 MPa (160 psi), compute the critical resolved shear stress.


This problem asks that we compute the critical resolved shear stress for silver. In order to do this, we must
employ Equation 7.4, but first it is necessary to solve for the angles l and f which are shown in the sketch below.

The angle l is the angle between the tensile axisi.e., along the [001] directionand the slip directioni.e., [ 1 01] .
The angle l may be determined using Equation 7.6 as

u1u 2 + v1v2 + w1w2
l = cos-1

( )(
u12 + v12 + w12 u 22 + v22 + w22
where (for [001]) u = 0, v = 0, w = 1, and (for [ 1 01] ) u = 1, v = 0, w = 1. Therefore, l is equal to
1 1 1 2 2 2

(0)(-1) + (0)( 0) + (1)(1)
l= cos-1
[(0) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2 ][(-1) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2 ]

= cos-1 = 45
Furthermore, f is the angle between the tensile axisthe [001] directionand the normal to the slip planei.e., the

(0)(1) + (0)( 1) + (1)(1)
f = cos-1

[(0) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2 ][ ]
(1) 2 + (1) 2 + (1) 2

= cos-1 = 54.7

And, finally, using Equation 7.4, the critical resolved shear stress is equal to

t crss = s y (cos f cos l)

1 1
= (1.1 MPa) [cos(54.7) cos(45)] = (1.1 MPa) = 0.45 MPa (65.1 psi)
3 2
7.15 A single crystal of a metal that has the FCC crystal structure is oriented such that a tensile stress is
applied parallel to the [110] direction. If the critical resolved shear stress for this material is 1.75 MPa, calculate
the magnitude(s) of applied stress(es) necessary to cause slip to occur on the (111) plane in each of the [ 11 0] ,
[ 101 ] and [ 011 ] directions.


In order to solve this problem it is necessary to employ Equation 7.4, but first we need to solve for the for l
and f angles for the three slip systems.
For each of these three slip systems, the f will be the samei.e., the angle between the direction of the
applied stress, [110] and the normal to the (111) plane, that is, the [111] direction. The angle f may be determined
using Equation 7.6 as

u1u 2 + v1v2 + w1w2
f = cos-1

( )(
u12 + v12 + w12 u 22 + v22 + w22
where (for [110]) u = 1, v = 1, w = 0, and (for [111]) u = 1, v = 1, w = 1. Therefore, f is equal to
1 1 1 2 2 2

(1)(1) + (1)( 1) + (0)(1)
f= cos-1

[(1)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ] [(1)2 + (1)2 + (1)2 ]

= cos-1 = 35.3

Let us now determine l for the [1 1 0 ] slip direction. Again, using Equation 7.6 where u = 1, v = 1, w = 0 (for [110]),
1 1 1
and u = 1, v = 1, w = 0 (for [1 1 0] . Therefore, l is determined as
2 2 2

(1)(1) + (1)( -1) + (0)(0)
l [110]-[1 1 0] = cos-1

[(1)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ] [(1)2 + (-1)2 + (0)2 ]

= cos-1 0 = 90

Now, we solve for the yield strength for this (111) [1 1 0] slip system using Equation 7.4 as
t crss
sy =
(cos f cos l)

1.75 MPa 1.75 MPa

= = =
cos (35.3) cos (90) ( 0.816) (0)

which means that slip will not occur on this (111) [1 1 0] slip system.

Now, we must determine the value of l for the (111) [10 1 ] slip systemthat is, the angle between the [110]
and [10 1 ] directions. Again using Equation 7.6

(1)(1) + (1)(0 ) + (0)(-1)
l [110]-[10 1 ] = cos-1

[(1)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ] [(1)2 + (0)2 + (-1)2 ]

= cos-1 = 60

Now, we solve for the yield strength for this (111) [10 1 ] slip system using Equation 7.4 as

t crss
sy =
(cos f cos l)

1.75 MPa 1.75 MPa

= = = 4.29 MPa
cos (35.3) cos (60) (0.816) (0.500)

And, finally, for the (111) [ 01 1 ] slip system, l is computed using Equation 7.6 as follows:

(1)(0) + (1)( 1) + (0)(-1)
l [110]-[01 1 ] = cos-1

[(1)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ] [(0)2 + (1)2 + (-1)2 ]

= cos-1 = 60

Thus, since the values of f and l for this (110) [ 01 1 ] slip system are the same as for (111) [10 1 ] , so also will sy be

the sameviz 4.29 MPa.

7.16 (a) A single crystal of a metal that has the BCC crystal structure is oriented such that a tensile stress
is applied in the [010] direction. If the magnitude of this stress is 2.75 MPa, compute the resolved shear stress in
the [ 1 11] direction on each of the (110) and (101) planes.
(b) On the basis of these resolved shear stress values, which slip system(s) is (are) most favorably


(a) This part of the problem asks, for a BCC metal, that we compute the resolved shear stress in the [ 1 11 ]
direction on each of the (110) and (101) planes. In order to solve this problem it is necessary to employ Equation 7.2,
which means that we first need to solve for the for angles l and f for the three slip systems.
For each of these three slip systems, the l will be the samei.e., the angle between the direction of the
applied stress, [010] and the slip direction, [ 1 11] . This angle l may be determined using Equation 7.6

u1u 2 + v1v2 + w1w2
l = cos-1

( )(
u12 + v12 + w12 u 22 + v22 + w22
where (for [010]) u = 0, v = 1, w = 0, and (for [ 1 11] ) u = 1, v = 1, w = 1. Therefore, l is determined as
1 1 1 2 2 2

(0)(-1) + (1)( 1) + (0)(1)
l= cos-1

[(0)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ][(-1)2 + (1)2 + (1)2 ]

= cos-1 = 54.7

Let us now determine f for the angle between the direction of the applied tensile stressi.e., the [010] directionand
the normal to the (110) slip planei.e., the [110] direction. Again, using Equation 7.6 where u = 0, v = 1, w = 0 (for
1 1 1
[010]), and u = 1, v = 1, w = 0 (for [110]), f is equal to
2 2 2

(0)(1) + (1)( 1) + (0)(0)
f[010]-[110] = cos-1

[(0)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ][(1)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ]

= cos-1 = 45
Now, using Equation 7.2

t R = s cos f cos l

we solve for the resolved shear stress for this slip system as

t R(110)-[1 11] = (2.75 MPa) [ cos (54.7) cos (45)] = (2.75 MPa) (0.578)(0.707) = 1.12 MPa

Now, we must determine the value of f for the (101) [ 1 11] slip systemthat is, the angle between the
direction of the applied stress, [010], and the normal to the (101) planei.e., the [101] direction. Again using
Equation 7.6

(0)(1) + (1)(0 ) + (0)(1)
l [010]-[101] = cos-1

[(0)2 + (1)2 + (0)2 ][(1)2 + (0)2 + (1)2 ]

= cos-1 (0) = 90

Thus, the resolved shear stress for this (101) [ 1 11] slip system is

t R(101)-[1 11] = = (2.75 MPa) [ cos (54.7) cos (90)] = (2.75 MPa) (0.578)(0) = 0 MPa

(b) The most favored slip system(s) is (are) the one(s) that has (have) the largest t value. Therefore, the
(110) [ 1 11 ] is the most favored since its tR (1.12 MPa) is greater than the tR value for (101) -[ 1 11 ] (viz., 0 MPa).
7.17 Consider a single crystal of some hypothetical metal that has the FCC crystal structure and is
oriented such that a tensile stress is applied along a [ 1 02] direction. If slip occurs on a (111) plane and in a [ 1 01]
direction, compute the stress at which the crystal yields if its critical resolved shear stress is 3.42 MPa.


This problem asks for us to determine the tensile stress at which a FCC metal yields when the stress is
applied along a [ 1 02] direction such that slip occurs on a (111) plane and in a [ 1 01] direction; the critical resolved
determine the values of f and l. These determinations are possible using Equation 7.6. Now, l is the angle between
[ 1 02] and [ 1 01] directions. Therefore, relative to Equation 7.6 let us take u 1 = 1, v1 = 0, and w1 = 2, as well as u 2 =
1, v2 = 0, and w2 = 1. This leads to

u1u 2 + v1v2 + w1w2
l = cos-1

( )(
u12 + v12 + w12 u 22 + v22 + w22

(-1)(-1) + (0)(0) + (2)(1)
= cos-1

[(-1) 2 + (0) 2 + (2) 2 ][(-1) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2 ]

= cos-1 = 18.4

Now for the determination of f, the normal to the (111) slip plane is the [111] direction. Again using Equation 7.6,
where we now take u 1 = 1, v1 = 0, w1 = 2 (for [ 1 02] ), and u 2 = 1, v2 = 1, w2 = 1 (for [111]). Thus,

(-1)(1) + (0)(1) + (2)(1)
f= cos-1

[(-1)2 + (0)2 + (2)2 ] [(1)2 + (1)2 + (1)2 ]

= cos-1 = 39.2

It is now possible to compute the yield stress (using Equation 7.4) as

t crss 3.42 MPa
sy = = = 4.65 MPa
cos f cos l 3 3

10 15
7.18 The critical resolved shear stress for iron is 27 MPa (4000 psi). Determine the maximum possible
yield strength for a single crystal of Fe pulled in tension.


In order to determine the maximum possible yield strength for a single crystal of Fe pulled in tension, we
simply employ Equation 7.5 as

s y = 2t crss = (2)(27 MPa) = 54 MPa (8000 psi)

Deformation by Twinning

7.19 List four major differences between deformation by twinning and deformation by slip relative to
mechanism, conditions of occurrence, and final result.


Four major differences between deformation by twinning and deformation by slip are as follows: (1) with
the atomic displacements occur in atomic spacing multiples, whereas for twinning, these displacements may be other
LRQV ZKereas only
small deformations result for twinning.
Strengthening by Grain Size Reduction

7.20 Briefly explain why small-angle grain boundaries are not as effective in interfering with the slip
process as are high-angle grain boundaries.


Small-angle grain boundaries are not as effective in interfering with the slip process as are high-angle grain
boundaries because there is not as much crystallographic misalignment in the grain boundary region for small-angle,
and therefore not as much change in slip direction.
7.21 Briefly explain why HCP metals are typically more brittle than FCC and BCC metals.


Hexagonal close packed metals are typically more brittle than FCC and BCC metals because there are fewer
slip systems in HCP.
7.22 Describe in your own words the three strengthening mechanisms discussed in this chapter (i.e., grain
size reduction, solid-solution strengthening, and strain hardening). Be sure to explain how dislocations are
involved in each of the strengthening techniques.

These three strengthening mechanisms are described in Sections 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10.
7.23 (a) From the plot of yield strength versus (grain diameter) 1/2 for a 70 Cu 30 Zn cartridge brass,
Figure 7.15, determine values for the constants 0 and k y in Equation 7.7.
(b) Now predict the yield strength of this alloy when the average grain diameter is 1.0 10 -3 mm.


(a) Perhaps the easiest way to solve for s0 and k y in Equation 7.7 is to pick two values each of sy and d -1/2

from Figure 7.15, and then solve two simultaneous equations, which may be created. For example

d -1/2 (mm) -1/2 sy (MPa)

4 75
12 175

The two equations are thus

75 = s 0 + 4 k y

175 = s 0 + 12 k y

Solution of these equations yield the values of

k y = 12.5 MPa (mm) 1/2 [1810 psi (mm) 1/2 ]

s0 = 25 MPa (3630 psi)

(b) When d = 1.0 10-3 mm, d -1/2 = 31.6 mm-1/2 , and, using Equation 7.7,

s y = s 0 + k y d -1/2

= (25 MPa) + 12.5 MPa (mm) (31.6 mm -1/2) = 420 MPa (61, 000 psi)

7.24 The lower yield point for an iron that has an average grain diameter of 5 10 -2 mm is 135 MPa
(19,500 psi). At a grain diameter of 8 10 -3 mm, the yield point increases to 260 MPa (37,500 psi). At what grain
diameter will the lower yield point be 205 MPa (30,000 psi)?


The best way to solve this problem is to first establish two simultaneous expressions of Equation 7.7, solve
for s0 and k y, and finally determine the value of d when sy = 205 MPa. The data pertaining to this problem may be

tabulated as follows:

sy d (mm) d -1/2 (mm)-1/2

135 MPa 5 10-2 4.47

260 MPa 8 10-3 11.18

The two equations thus become

135 MPa = s 0 + (4.47) k y

260 MPa = s 0 + (11.18) k y

Which yield the values, s0 = 51.7 MPa and k y = 18.63 MPa(mm)1/2. At a yield strength of 205 MPa

[ ]
205 MPa = 51.7 MPa + 18.63 MPa (mm) 1/2 d -1/2

or d -1/2 = 8.23 (mm) -1/2 , which gives d = 1.48 10-2 mm.

7.25 If it is assumed that the plot in Figure 7.15 is for noncold-worked brass, determine the grain size of


This problem asks that we determine the grain size of the brass for which is the su bject of Figure 7.19. From
Figure 7.19a , the yield strength of brass at 0%CW is approximately 175 MPa (26,000 psi). This yield strength from
Figure 7.15 corresponds to a d -1/2 value of approximately 12.0 (mm) -1/2 . Thus, d = 6.9 10-3 mm.
Solid-Solution Strengthening

7.26 In the manner of Figures 7.17b and 7.18b, indicate the location in the vicinity of an edge dislocation
at which an interstitial impurity atom would be expected to be situated. Now briefly explain in terms of lattice
strains why it would be situated at this position.


Below is shown an edge dislocation and where an interstitial impurity atom would be located. Compressive
lattice strains are introduced by the impurity atom. There will be a net reduction in lattice strain energy when these
lattice strains partially cancel tensile strains associated with the edge dislocation; such tensile strains exist just
below the bottom of the extra half-plane of atoms (Figure 7.4).
Strain Hardening

7.27 (a) Show, for a tensile test, that

%CW = 100
if there is no change in specimen volume during the deformation process (i.e., A0l0 = Adld).
(b) Using the result of part (a), compute the percent cold work experienced by naval brass (the stress-
strain behavior of wh ich is shown in Figure 6.12) when a stress of 400 MPa (58,000 psi) is applied.


(a) From Equation 7.8

A - A
%CW = 0 d 100 = 1 - Ad 100

A0 A0

Which is also equal to

1 - 0 100

since Ad /A0 = l0 /ld , the conservation of volume stipulation given in the problem statement. Now, from the definition

of engineering strain (Equation 6.2)

l - l0 ld
e= d = -1
l0 l0

l0 1
ld e+1

Substitution for l0/ ld into the %CW expression above gives

l 1 e
%CW = 1 - 0 100 = 1 - 100 = 100
ld e + 1 e + 1
(b) From Figure 6.12, a stress of 400 MPa (58,000 psi) corresponds to a strain of 0.13. Using the above

e 0.13
%CW = 100 = 100 = 11.5%CW
e + 1 0.13 + 1.00
7.28 Two previously undeformed cylindrical specimens of an alloy are to be strain hardened by reducing
their cross-sectional areas (while maintaining their circular cross sections). For one specimen, the initial and
deformed radii are 16 mm and 11 mm, respectively. The second specimen, with an initial radius of 12 mm, must
have the same deformed hardness as the first specimen; compute the second specimen's radius after deformation.


In order for these two cylindrical specimens to have the same deformed hardness, they must be deformed to
the same percent cold work. For the first specimen

A0 - Ad pr2 - pr2
%CW = 100 = 0 2 d 100
A0 p r0

p (16 mm) 2 - p (11 mm) 2

= 100 = 52.7%CW
p (16 mm) 2

For the second specimen, the deformed radius is computed using the above equation and solving for r d as

rd = r0 1 -

= (12 mm) 1 - = 8.25 mm
7.29 Two previously undeformed specimens of the same metal are to be plastically deformed by reducing
their cross-sectional areas. One has a circular cross section, and the other is rectangular; during deformation the
circular cross section is to remain circular, and the rectangular is to remain as such. Their original and deformed
dimensions are as follows:

Circular (diameter, mm) Rectangular (mm)

Original dimensions 15.2 125 175

Deformed dimensions 11.4 75 200

Which of these specimens will be the hardest after plastic deformation, and why?


The hardest specimen will be the one that has experienced the greatest degree of cold work. Therefore, all
we need do is to compute the %CW for each specimen using Equation 7.8. For the circular one

A - Ad
%CW = 0 100

pr 2 - pr 2
= 0 2 d 100
pr 0

15.2 mm 2 11.4 mm 2
p - p
2 2
= 100 = 43.8%CW
15.2 mm 2

For the rectangular one

(125 mm)(175 mm) - (75 mm)(200 mm)

%CW = 100 = 31.4%CW
(125 mm)(175 mm)

Therefore, the deformed circular specimen will be harder.

7.30 A cylindrical specimen of cold-worked copper has a ductility (%EL) of 25%. If its cold-worked
radius is 10 mm (0.40 in.), what was its radius before deformation?


This problem calls for us to calculate the precold-worked radius of a cylindrical specimen of copper that has
a cold-worked ductility of 25%EL. From Figure 7.19c, copper that has a ductility of 25%EL will have experienced a
deformation of about 11%CW. For a cylindrical specimen, Equation 7.8 becomes

pr 2 - pr 2
%CW = 0 2 d 100
pr 0

Since r d = 10 mm (0.40 in.), solving for r 0 yields

rd 10 mm
r0 = = = 10.6 mm (0.424 in.)
%CW 11.0
1 - 1 -
100 100
7.31 (a) What is the approximate ductility (%EL) of a brass that has a yield strength of 275 MPa (40,000
(b) What is the approximate Brinell hardness of a 1040 steel having a yield strength of 690 MPa (100,000


(a) In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to consult Figures 7.19a and 7.19c. From Figure 7.19a, a
yield strength of 275 MPa for brass corresponds to 10%CW. A brass that has been cold-worked 10% will have a
ductility of about 43%EL [Figure 7.19c].
(b) This portion of the problem asks for the Brinell hardness of a 1040 steel having a yield strength of 690
MPa (100,000 psi). From Figure 7.19a , a yield strength of 690 MPa for a 1040 steel corresponds to about 10%CW. A
1040 steel that has been cold worked 10% will have a tensile strength of about 780 MPa [Figure 7.19b]. Finally, using
Equation 6.20a

TS(MPa) 780 MPa

HB = = = 226
3.45 3.45
7.32 Experimentally, it has been observed for single crystals of a number of metals that the critical
resolved shear stress crss is a function of the dislocation density D as

t crss = t 0 + A r D

where 0 and A are constants. For copper, the critical resolved shear stress is 2.10 MPa (305 psi) at a dislocation
density of 10 5 mm-2. If it is known that the value of A for copper is 6.35 10 -3 MPa-mm (0.92 psi-mm), compute the
tcrss at a dislocation density of 10 7 mm-2.


We are asked in this problem to compute the critical resolved shear stress at a dislocation density of 107
mm-2. It is first necessary to compute the value of the constant t0 (in the equation provided in the problem

statement) from the one set of data as

t 0 = t crss - A r D

( )
= 2.10 MPa - (6.35 10 -3 MPa - mm) 10 5 mm-2 = 0.092 MPa (13.3 psi)

Now, the critical resolved shear stress may be determined at a dislocation density of 107 mm-2 as

t crss = t 0 + A rD

= (0.092 MPa) + (6.35 10-3 MPa - mm) 107 mm-2 = 20.2 MPa (2920 psi)
Grain Growth

7.33 Briefly cite the differences between recovery and recrystallization processes.


For recovery, there is some relief of internal strain energy by dislocation motion; however, there are
virtually no changes in either the grain structure or mechanical characteristics. During recrystallization, on the other
hand, a new set of strain-free grains forms, and the material becomes softer and more ductile.
7.34 Estimate the fraction of recrystallization from the photomicrograph in Figure 7.21c.


Below is shown a square grid onto which is superimposed the recrystallized regions from the micrograph.
Approximately 400 squares lie within the recrystallized areas, and since there are 672 total squares, the specimen is
about 60% recrystallized.
7.35 Explain the differences in grain structure for a metal that has been cold worked and one that has
been cold worked and then recrystallized.


During cold-working, the grain structure of the metal has been distorted to accommodate the deformation.
Recrystallization produces grains that are equiaxed and smaller than the parent grains.
7.36 (a) What is the driving force for recrystallization?
(b) For grain growth?


(a) The driving force for recrystallization is the difference in internal energy between the strained and
unstrained material.
(b) The driving force for grain growth is the reduction in grain boundary energy as the total grain boundary
area decreases.
7.37 (a) From Figure 7.25, compute the length of time required for the average grain diameter to increase
from 0.01 to 0.1 mm at 500C for this brass material.
(b) Repeat the calculation at 600C.


(a) At 500C, the time necessary for the average grain diameter to grow to increase from 0.01 to 0.1 mm is
approximately 3500 min.
(b) At 600C the time required for this same grain size increase is approximately 150 min.
7.38 The average grain diameter for a b rass material was measured as a function of time at 650C, which
is tabulated below at two different times:

Time (min) Grain Diameter (mm)

30 3.9 10 2
90 6.6 10 2
(a) What was the original grain diameter?
(b) What grain diameter would you predict after 150 min at 650C?


(a) Using the data given and Equation 7.9 (taking n = 2), we may set up two simultaneous equations with d 0

and K as unknowns; thus

( 3.9 10 -2 mm) 2 - d02 = (30 min) K

( 6.6 10 -2 mm) 2 - d02 = (90 min) K

Solution of these expressions yields a value for d 0, the original grain diameter, of

d 0 = 0.01 mm,

and a value for K of 4.73 10-5 mm2/min

(b) At 150 min, the diameter d is computed using a rearranged form of Equation 7.9 as

d= d02 + Kt

= (0.01 mm) 2 + (4.73 10-5 mm2 /min) (150 min) = 0.085 mm

7.39 An undeformed specimen of some alloy has an average grain diameter of 0.040 mm. You are asked to
reduce its average grain diameter to 0.010 mm. Is this possible? If so, explain the procedures you would use and
name the processes involved. If it is not possible, explain why.


Yes, it is possible to reduce the average grain diameter of an undeformed alloy specimen from 0.040 mm to
0.010 mm. In order to do this, plastically deform the material at room temperature (i.e., cold work it), and then anneal at
an elevated temperature in order to allow recrystallization and some grain growth to occur until the average grain
diameter is 0.010 mm.
7.40 Grain growth is strongly dependent on temperature (i.e., rate of grain growth increases with
increasin g temperature), yet temperature is not explicitly given as a part of Equation 7.9.
(a) Into which of the parameters in this expression would you expect temperature to be included?
(b) On the basis of your intuition, cite an explicit expression for this temperature dependence.


(a) The temperature dependence of grain growth is incorporated into the constant K in Equation 7.9.
(b) The explicit expression for this temperature dependence is of the form

K = K0 exp-

in which K0 is a temperature-independent constant, the parameter Q is an activation energy, and R and T are the gas

constant and absolute temperature, respectively.

7.41 An uncold-worked brass specimen of average grain size 0.008 mm has a yield strength of 160 MPa
(23 ,500 psi). Estimate the yield strength of this alloy after it has been heated to 600C for 1000 s, if it is known
that the value of k y is 12.0 MPa-mm1/2 (1740 psi-mm1/2).


In order to solve this problem, it is first necessary to calculate the constant s0 in Equation 7.7 as

s 0 = s y - k y d -1/2

= 160 MPa - (12.0 MPa - mm1/2)(0.008 mm)-1/ 2 = 25.8 MPa (4046 psi)

Next, we must determine the average grain size after the heat treatment. From Figure 7.25 at 600C after 1000 s (16.7
min) the average grain size of a brass material is about 0.20 mm. Therefore, calculating sy at this new grain size using

Equation 7.7 we get

s y = s 0 + k y d -1/2

= 25.8 MPa + (12.0 MPa - mm1/2) (0.20 mm) -1/2 = 52.6 MPa (7940 psi)

Strain Hardening

7.D1 Determine whether or not it is possible to cold work steel so as to give a minimum Brinell hardness
of 225, and at the same time have a ductility of at least 12%EL. Justify your decision.


The tensile strength corresponding to a Brinell hardness of 225 may be determined using Equation 6.20a as

TS(MPa) = 3.45 HB = (3.45)(225) = 776 MPa

Furthermore, from Figure 7.19b , in order to achieve a tensile strength of 776 MPa, deformation of at least 9%CW is
necessary. Finally, if we cold work the steel to 9%CW, then the ductility is 17%EL from Figure 7.19c. Therefore, it is
possible to meet both of these criteria by plastically deforming the steel.
7.D2 Determine whether or not it is possible to cold work brass so as to give a minimum Brinell hardness
of 120 and at the same time have a ductility of at least 20%EL. Justify your decision.


According to Figure 6.19, a Brinell hardness of 120 corresponds to a tensile strength of 440 MPa (63,500 psi.)
Furthermore, from Figure 7.19b, in order to achieve a tensile strength of 440 MPa, deformation of at least 26%CW is
necessary. Finally, if we are to achieve a ductility of at least 20%EL, then a maximum deformation of 23%CW is
possible from Figure 7.19c. Therefore, it is not possible to meet both of these criteria by plastically deforming brass.
7.D3 A cylindrical specimen of cold-worked steel has a Brinell hardness of 250.
(a) Estimate its ductility in percent elongation.
(b) If the specimen remained cylindrical during deformation and its original radius was 5 mm (0.20 in.),
determine its radius after deformation.


(a) From Figure 6.19, a Brinell hardness of 250 corresponds to a tensile strength of 860 MPa (125,000 psi),
which, from Figure 7.19b , requires a deformation of 25%CW . Furthermore, 25%CW yields a ductility of about 11%EL
for steel, Figure 7.19c.
(b) We are now asked to determine the radius after deformation if the uncold-worked radius is 5 mm (0.20
in.). From Equation 7.8 and for a cylindrical specimen

pr2 - pr 2
%CW = 0 2 d 100
p r0

Now, solving for r d from this expression, we get

rd = r0 1 -

= (5 mm) 1- = 4.33 mm (0.173 in.)
7.D4 It is necessary to select a metal alloy for an application that requires a yield strength of at least 345
MPa (50,000 psi) while mainta ining a minimum ductility (%EL) of 20%. If the metal may be cold worked, decide
which of the following are candidates: copper, brass, and a 1040 steel. Why?


For each of these alloys, the minimum cold work necessary to achieve the yield strength may be determined
from Figure 7.19a , while the maximum possible cold work for the ductility is found in Figure 7.19c. These data are
tabulated below.

Yield Strength Ductility

(> 345 MPa) (> 20%EL)
Steel Any %CW < 5%CW
Brass > 20%CW < 23%CW
Copper > 54%CW < 15%CW

Thus, both the 1040 steel and brass are possible candidates since for these alloys there is an overlap of percents
coldwork to give the required minimum yield strength and ductility values.
7.D5 A cylindrical rod of 1040 steel originally 15.2 mm (0.60 in.) in diameter is to be cold worked by
drawing; the circular cross section will be maintained during deformation. A cold-worked tensile strength in
excess of 840 MPa (122,000 psi) and a ductility of at least 12%EL are desired. Furthermore, the final diameter
must be 10 mm (0.40 in.). Explain how this may be accomplished.


First let us calculate the percent cold work and attendant tensile strength and ductility if the drawing is
carried out without interruption. From Eq uation 7.8

d 2 d 2
p 0 - p d
2 2
%CW = 2

15.2 mm 2 10 mm 2
p - p
2 2
= 100 = 56%CW
15.2 mm 2

At 56%CW, the steel will have a tensile strength on the order of 920 MPa (133,000 psi) [Figure 7.19b], which is
KDQ ( / >) LJ XUH c], which is insufficient.
Instead of performing the drawing in a single operation, let us initially draw some fraction of the total
deformation, then anneal to recrystallize, and, finally, cold-work the material a second time in order to achieve the final
diameter, tensile strength, and ductility.
Reference to Figure 7.19b indicates that 20%CW is necessary to yield a tensile strength of 840 MPa (122,000
psi). Similarly, a maximum of 21%CW is possible for 12%EL [Figure 7.19c]. The average of these extremes is
20.5%CW. Again using Equation 7.8, if the final diameter after the first drawing is d '0 , then

d ' 2 10 mm 2
p 0 - p
2 2

20.5%CW = 100
d ' 2
p 0

And, solving the above expression for d 0' , yields

10 mm
d 0' = = 11.2 mm (0.45 in.)
1 -
7.D6 A cylindrical ro d of copper originally 16.0 mm (0.625 in.) in diameter is to be cold worked by
drawing; the circular cross section will be maintained during deformation. A cold-worked yield strength in excess
of 250 MPa (36,250 psi) and a ductility of at least 12%EL are desired. Furthermore, the final diameter must be
11.3 mm (0.445 in.). Explain how this may be accomplished.


Let us first calculate the percent cold work and attendant yield strength and ductility if the drawing is carried
out without interrup tion. From Equation 7.8

d 2 d 2
p 0 - p d
2 2
%CW = 2

16.0 mm 2 11.3 mm 2
p - p
2 2
= 2
100 = 50%CW
16.0 mm

At 50%CW, the copper will have a yield strength on the order of 330 MPa (48,000 psi), Figure 7.19a, which is
\ ZLOOEHDERXW ( / ) LJ XUH c, which is insufficient.
Instead of performing the drawing in a single operation, let us initially draw some fraction of the total
deformation, then anneal to recrystallize, and, finally, cold work the material a second time in order to achieve the final
diameter, yield strength, and ductility.
Reference to Figure 7.19a indicates that 21%CW is necessary to give a yield strength of 250 MPa. Similarly,
a maximum of 23%CW is possible for 12%EL [Figure 7.19c]. The average of these two values is 22%CW, which we
will use in the calculations. Thus, to achieve both the specified yield strength and ductility, the copper must be
deformed to 22%CW. If the final diameter after the first drawing is d 0' , then, using Equation 7.8

d ' 2 11.3 mm 2
p 0 - p
2 2

22%CW = 2
d '
p 0

And, solving for d 0' from the above expression yields

11.3 mm
d 0' = = 12.8 mm (0.50 in.)
1 -
7.D7 A cylindrical 1040 steel rod having a minimum tensile strength of 865 MPa (125,000 psi), a
ductility of at least 10%EL, and a final diameter of 6.0 mm (0.25 in.) is desired. Some 7.94 mm (0.313 in.) diameter
1040 steel stock, which has been cold worked 20% is available. Describe the procedure you would follow to
obtain this material. Assume that 1040 steel experiences cracking at 40%CW.


This problem calls for us to cold work some 1040 steel stock that has been previously cold worked in order
to achieve minimum tensile strength and ductility values of 865 MPa (125,000 psi) and 10%EL, respectively, while the
final diameter must be 6.0 mm (0.25 in.). Furthermore, the material may not be deformed beyond 40%CW. Let us start
by deciding what percent coldwork is necessary for the minimum tensile strength and ductility values, assuming that
a recrystallization heat treatment is possible. From Figure 7.19b , at least 25%CW is required for a tensile strength of
865 MPa. Furthermore, according to Figure 7.19c, 10%EL corresponds a maximum of 30%CW. Let us take the
average of these two values (i.e., 27.5%CW), and determine what previous specimen diameter is required to yield a
final diameter of 6.0 mm. For cylindrical specimens, Equation 7.8 takes the form

d 2 d 2
p 0 - p d
2 2
%CW = 2

Solving for the original diameter d 0 yields

dd 6.0 mm
d0 = = = 7.05 mm (0.278 in.)
%CW 27.5%CW
1- 1-
100 100

Now, let us determine its undeformed diameter realizing that a diameter of 7.94 mm corresponds to 20%CW.
Again solving for d 0 using the above equation and assuming d d = 7.94 mm yields

dd 7.94 mm
d0 = = = 8.88 mm (0.350 in.)
%CW 20%CW
1- 1-
100 100

At this point let us see if it is possible to deform the material from 8.88 mm to 7.05 mm without exceeding the 40%CW
limit. Again employing Equation 7.8
8.88 mm 2 7.05 mm 2
p - p
2 2
%CW = 2
100 = 37%CW
8.88 mm

In summary, the procedure which can be used to produce the desired material would be as follows: cold
work the as-received stock to 7.05 mm (0.278 in.), heat treat it to achieve complete recrystallization, and then cold
work the material again to 6.0 mm (0.25 in.), which will give the desired tensile strength and ductility.

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