API Refining Catalogue PDF
API Refining Catalogue PDF
API Refining Catalogue PDF
May be
used, where practical, for any piping system. Piping inspectors are to be
certified as stated in this inspection code. Pages: 38
2nd Edition / October 1998 / Price: $114.00
RP 571
Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry
See also, Refining, Materials Engineering Publications
1st Edition / December 2003 / Price: $220.00
A indicates that the publication is related to an API quality, certification, or RP 572
accreditation program. For specific information about the following pro- Inspection of Pressure Vessels
grams contact the numbers listed below: Aboveground Storage Tank Inspector
Certification Program (202) 682-8161, Engine Oil Licensing and Certification (ANSI/API RP 572-2001)
System (202) 682-8516, Piping Inspector Certification Program (202) 682- Covers the inspection of pressure vessels. It includes a description of the
8161, Pressure Vessel Inspector Certification Program (202) 682-8161. various types of pressure vessels and the standards for their construction and
maintenance. This publication also covers the reasons for inspection, causes
API welcomes questions, suggestions, and comments concerning its of deterioration, frequency and methods of inspection, methods of repair, and
standards. Comments and questions should be submitted or sent to preparation of records and reports. Pages: 60
2nd Edition / February 2001 / Price: $104.00
NOTE: Free publications with an asterisk are subject to a $10.00 handling
charge for each total order, plus actual shipping charges. RP 573
Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters
Publications (ANSI/API RP 573-2003)
Covers the inspection practices for fired boilers and process heaters (furnaces)
Refining Standards Technical Interpretations used in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. The practices
The Refining Technical Interpretations are available on the API web site at: described in this document are focused to improve equipment reliability and
www.api.org/techinq. plant safety by describing the operating variables which impact reliability,
API Technical Publications Binder and to ensure that inspection practices obtain the appropriate data, both on-
A high-quality, three-ring binder is available to house your selection of API stream and off-stream, to assess current and future performance of the
publications. The spine has an insert pocket for identification of the contents. equipment. Pages: 69
Three binders are needed to store all mechanical equipment standards. 2nd Edition / December 2002 / Price: $91.00
Price: $49.00 RP 574
Inspection Practices for Piping System Components
Inspection of Refinery Equipment
(ANSI/API RP 574-1998)
API 510 Covers inspection practices for piping, tubing, valves (not including control
Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, valves), and fittings used in petroleum refineries and chemical plants.
and Alteration Although not specifically intended to cover speciality items, many of the
inspection methods described are applicable to items such as control valves,
(ANSI/API 510-2006) level gages, instrument control columns, etc. Pages: 53
(Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the code.) 2nd Edition / June 1998 / Price: $114.00
Covers the in-service inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating activities for
pressure vessels and the pressure- relieving devices protecting these vessels. RP 575
This inspection code applies to most refining and chemical process vessels Inspection of Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks
that have been placed in service. This includes: (ANSI/API RP 575-2004)
vessels constructed in accordance with an applicable construction code Covers the inspection of atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks that
vessels constructed without a construction code (non-code)-A vessel not have been designed to operate at pressures from atmospheric to 15 psig.
fabricated to a recognized construction code and meeting no known rec- Includes reasons for inspection, frequency and methods of inspection,
ognized standard methods of repair, and preparation of records and reports. This recommended
vessels constructed and approved as jurisdictional special based upon practice is intended to supplement API Standard 653, which covers the
jurisdiction acceptance of particular design, fabrication, inspection, test- minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of storage tanks after
ing, and installation. they have been placed in service. Pages: 60
non-standard vessels-A vessel fabricated to a recognized construction code 2nd Edition / April 2005 / Price: $122.00
but has lost it's nameplate or stamping. Pages: 56
9th Edition / June 2006 / Price: $141.00 RP 576
Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices
API 570 (ANSI/API RP 576-2000)
Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-
Describes the inspection and repair practices for automatic pressure-relieving
service Piping Systems devices commonly used in the oil and petrochemical industries. This
(ANSI/API 570-2000) publication covers such automatic devices as pressure relief valves, pilot-
(Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the code.) operated pressure relief valves, rupture disks, and weight-loaded pressure
Covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for in-service vacuum vents.
metallic piping systems. Establishes requirements and guidelines that allow This publication does not cover weak seams or sections in tanks, explosion
owner/users of piping systems to maintain the safety and mechanical doors, fusible plugs, control valves, and other devices that either depend on
integrity of systems after they have been placed into service. Intended for use an external source of power for operation or are manually operated.
by organizations that maintain or have access to an authorized inspection Inspections and tests made at manufacturers' plants, which are usually
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 57
Phone Orders: 1-800-854-7179 (Toll-free: U.S. and Canada) Phone Orders: 303-397-7956 (Local and International)
covered by codes or purchase specifications, are not covered by this provided to the user in the form of an advanced assessment level to handle
publication. Pages: 44 uncommon situations that may require a more detailed analysis.
2nd Edition / December 2000 / Price: $114.00 Copies may be purchased in hard copy, CD or together for the prices listed
RP 577 below. Please note that the CD product is read-only and cannot be copied or
Welding Inspection and Metallurgy printed. Pages: 1,126
2nd Edition / June 5, 2007
Provides guidance to the API authorized inspector on welding inspection as
encountered with fabrication and repair of refinery and chemical plant Hard Copy only Price: $683.00
equipment and piping. Common welding processes, welding procedures, CD only Price: $814.00
welder qualifications, metallurgical effects from welding, and inspection Hard Copy and CD Price: $1100.00
techniques are described to aid the inspector in fulfilling their role
implementing API 510, API 570, API Std 653 and API RP 582. The level of RP 580
learning and training obtained from this document is not a replacement for Risk-Based Inspection
the training and experience required to be an American Welding Society (ANSI/API RP 580-2002)
(AWS) Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). Pages: 100 Provides users with the basic elements for developing and implementing a
1st Edition / October 2004 / Price: $150.00 risk-based inspection (RBI) program for fixed equipment and piping in the
hydrocarbon and chemical process industries. RP 580 is intended to
RP 578 supplement API 510, Pressure Vessel Inspection Code, API 570, Piping
Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems Inspection Code, and API 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and
(ANSI/API RP 578-1999) Reconstruction. These API inspection codes and standards allow an owner/
Provides guidelines for a material quality assurance system to verify the user latitude to plan an inspection strategy and increase or decrease the code-
consistency between the nominal composition of alloy components within the designated inspection frequencies based on the results of a RBI assessment.
pressure envelop of a process piping system with the selected or specified Pages: 46
construction materials to minimize the potential for catastrophic release of 1st Edition / May 2002 / Price: $161.00
toxic or hazardous liquids or vapors.
Publ 581
Presents material control and verification programs on ferrous and Base Resource DocumentRisk-Based Inspection
nonferrous alloys during construction, installation, maintenance, and
inspection of new and existing process piping systems covered under the API has researched and developed an approach to risk-based inspection
ASME B31.3 and API 570 codes. Applies to metallic alloy materials purchased (RBI). This document details the procedures and methodology of RBI. RBI is
for use either by the owner/user or indirectly through vendors, fabricators, or an integrated methodology that uses risk as a basis for prioritizing and
contractors, and includes the supply, fabrication and erection of these managing an in-service equipment inspection program by combining both
materials. Carbon steel components specified in new or existing piping the likelihood of failure and the consequence of failure. Utilizing the output
systems are not covered under the scope of this document. of the RBI, the user can design an inspection program that manages or
1st Edition / May 1999 / Price: $114.00 maintains the risk of equipment failures. The following are three major goals
of the RBI program:
RP 579-1/ASME FFS-1 1. Provide the capability to define and quantify the risk of process equipment
Fitness-For-Service failure, creating an effective tool for managing many of the important
The methods and procedures in this Standard are intended to supplement and elements of a process plant.
augment the requirements in API 510, API 570, API 653, and other post 2. Allow management to review safety, environmental, and business-
construction codes that reference FFS evaluations such as NB-23. interruption risks in an integrated, cost-effective manner.
The assessment procedures in this Standard can be used for Fitness-For- 3. Systematically reduce the likelihood and consequence of failure by
Service assessments and/or rerating of equipment designed and constructed to allocating inspection resources to high risk equipment. The RBI methodology
recognized codes and standards, including international and internal provides the basis for managing risk, by making informed decisions on the
corporate standards. This Standard has broad application since the inspection method, coverage required and frequency of inspections. In most
assessment procedures are based on allowable stress methods and plastic plants, a large percent of the total unit risk will be concentrated in a relatively
collapse loads for non-crack-like flaws, and the Failure Assessment Diagram small percent of the equipment items. These potential high-risk components
(FAD) Approach for crack-like flaws. may require greater attention, perhaps through a revised inspection plan.
The Fitness-For-Service assessment procedures in this Standard cover both the With an RBI program in place, inspections will continue to be conducted as
present integrity of the component given a current state of damage and the defined in existing working documents, but priorities and frequencies will be
projected remaining life. Assessment techniques are included to evaluate flaws guided by the RBI procedure. The RBI analysis looks not only at inspection,
including: general and localized corrosion, widespread and localized pitting, equipment design, and maintenance records, but also at numerous process
blisters and hydrogen damage, weld misalignment and shell distortions, safety management issues and all other significant issues that can affect the
crack-like flaws including environmental cracking, laminations, dents and overall mechanical integrity and safety of a process unit.
gouges, and remaining life assessment procedures for components operating 1st Edition / May 2000
in the creep range. In addition, evaluation techniques are provided for Hard Copy Only Price: $677.00
condition assessment of equipment including resistance to brittle fracture, CD Only Price: $790.00
long-term creep damage, and fire damage. Hard Copy and CD / Price: $1,079.00
The Fitness-For-Service assessment procedures in this Standard can be used to
evaluate flaws commonly encountered in pressure vessels, piping and
tankage. The procedures are not intended to provide a definitive guideline for
every possible situation that may be encountered. However, flexibility is
58 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
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API Risk-Based Inspection Software Std 611
API RBI software, created by petroleum refinery and chemical plant owner/ General Purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas
users for owner/users, finds its basis in API Publication 581 Base Resource Industry Services
DocumentRisk-Based Inspection. Practical, valuable features are built Covers the minimum requirements for general-purpose steam turbines. These
into the technology, which is based on recognized and generally accepted requirements include basic design, materials, related lubrication systems,
good engineering practices. controls, auxiliary equipment, and accessories. General-purpose turbines are
The purposes of the Risk-Based Inspection Program are: horizontal or vertical turbines used to drive equipment that is usually spared, is
Screen operating units within a plant to identify areas of high risk. relatively small in size, or is in noncritical service. They are generally used
Estimate a risk value associated with the operation of each equipment item where steam conditions will not exceed a pressure of 48 bar (700 psig) and a
in a refinery or chemical process plant based on a consistent methodology. temperature of 40C (75F) or where speed will not exceed 6000 rpm.
Prioritize the equipment based on the measured risk. 5th Edition / To be published Q1 2008
Design a highly effective inspection program.
Systematically manage the risks associated with equipment failures. Std 612/ISO 10437
The RBI method defines the risk of operating equipment as the combination
Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas IndustriesSteam Turbines
of two separate terms: the consequence of failure and the likelihood of failure. Special-purpose Applications
For more information: e-mail rbi@api.org or call (281) 537-8848 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industriesSteam turbinesSpecial-
purpose applications
RP 582 (ANSI/API Std 612-2005)
Recommended Practice and Supplementary Welding Guidelines for the Specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, materials,
Chemical, Oil, and Gas Industries fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for shipment of steam
Provides guidelines for welding and related topics associated with shop and turbines for special-purpose applications. It also covers the related lube-oil
field fabrication, repair, and modification of pressure-containing equipment. systems, instrumentation, control systems and auxiliary equipment. It is not
Other equipment items covered include structural attachments, non- applicable to general-purpose steam turbines, which are covered in API 611
removable internals for pressure vessels, and components referenced by an (ISO 10436). This edition of API Std 612 is the identical national adoption of
applicable purchase document. This document is general in nature and is ISO 10437. Pages: 113
intended to augment the requirements of ASME Section IX and similar codes, 6th Edition / November 2005 / Price: $186.00
standards, and practices. Pages: 14
Std 613
1st Edition / March 2001 / Price: $83.00
Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry
Std 653 Services
Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction (ANSI/API Std 613-2002)
(Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the standard.) (includes Errata dated November 2006)
Covers the inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction of steel Covers the minimum requirements for special-purpose, enclosed, precision,
aboveground storage tanks used in the petroleum and chemical industries. single- and double-helical one- and two-stage speed increasers and reducers
Provides the minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of welded of parallel-shaft design for petroleum, chemical and gas industry services.
or riveted, nonrefrigerated, atmospheric pressure, aboveground storage tanks This standard is primarily intended for gears units that are in continuous
after they have been placed in service. Pages: 68 service without installed spare equipment. Gear sets furnished to this standard
3rd Edition/ December 2001/ Price: $199.00 shall be considered matched sets. Pages: 94
5th Edition / February 2003 / Price: $155.00
Mechanical Equipment Standards for
Refinery Service Std 614
Lubrication, Shaft-sealing, and Control-oil Systems and Auxiliaries for
Std 610/ISO 13709 Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services
Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Covers the minimum requirements for special-purpose and general-purpose
Industries lubrication systems, oil-type and dry gas seal shaft-sealing support systems.
(ANSI/API Std 610-2004) Such systems may serve compressors, gears, pumps, and drivers. The standard
includes the systems components, along with the required controls and
Specifies requirements for centrifugal pumps, including pumps running in instrumentation. Data sheets and typical schematics of both system
reverse as hydraulic power recovery turbines, for use in petroleum, components and complete systems are also provided. Chapters include
petrochemical, and gas industry process services. It does not cover sealless General Requirements, Special Purpose Oil Systems, General Purpose Oil
pumps. This International Standard is applicable to overhung pumps, Systems and Dry Gas Seal Module Systems. Pages: 200
between bearings pumps, and vertically suspended pumps (see Table 1). 4th Edition / April 1999 / Price: $176.00
Clause 8 applies to specific types of pumps. All other clauses of this
International Standard apply to all pump types. The figures in 4.1 show the Std 616
various specific pump types and the designations assigned to each specific Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services
type. This edition of API Std 610 is the identical national adoption of ISO Covers the minimum requirements for open, simple, and regenerative-cycle
13709. Pages: 184 combustion gas turbine units for services of mechanical drive, generator
10th Edition / October 2004 / Price: $221.00 drive, or process gas generation. All auxiliary equipment required for
operating, starting, and controlling gas turbine units and for turbine
protection is either discussed directly in this standard or referred to in this
standard through references to other publications. Specifically, gas turbine
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 59
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units that are capable of continuous service firing gas or liquid fuel or both that can be required to operate continuously for extended periods, are often
are covered by this standard. Pages: 87 unspared and are critical to the continued operation of the installation. By
4th Edition / August 1998 / Price: $161.00 agreement, it can be used for other applications or services.
Std 617 Couplings covered are designed to accommodate parallel (or lateral) offset,
Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors for angular misalignment and axial displacement of the shafts without imposing
unacceptable mechanical loading on the coupled machines. It is applicable
Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services to gear, metallic flexible element, quill shaft and torsionally resilient type
(ANSI/API Std 617-2002) couplings. Torsional damping and resilient type couplings are detailed in
(includes Errata dated June 2003) Annex A; gear-type couplings are detailed in Annex B and quill shaft style
Covers the minimum requirements for centrifugal compressors used in couplings are detailed in Annex C. Also covers the design, materials of
petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services that handle air or gas, construction, manufacturing quality, inspection and testing of special-
including process gear mounted. Does not apply to fans or blowers that purpose couplings.
develop less than 34 kPa (5 psi) pressure rise above atmospheric pressure; This edition of API Std 671 is the identical national adoption of ISO 10441.
these are covered by API Standard 673. This standard also does not apply to Pages: 56
packaged, integrally-geared centrifugal air compressors, which are covered by 4th Edition / August 2007 / Price: $162.00
API Standard 672. Pages: 193
7th Edition / July 2002 / Price: $205.00 Std 672
Packaged, Integrally Geared Centrifugal Air Compressors for Petroleum,
Std 618 Chemical, and Gas Industry Services
Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry (includes Errata dated October 2007)
Services Covers the minimum requirements for constant-speed, packaged, general
Covers the minimum requirements for reciprocating compressors and their purpose integrally geared centrifugal air compressors, including their
drivers used in petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services for handling accessories. This standard is not applicable to machines that develop a
process air or gas with either lubricated or nonlubricated cylinders. pressure rise of less than 0.35 bar (5.0 psi) above atmospheric pressure, which
Compressors covered by this standard are of moderate-to-low speed and in are classed as fans or blowers.
critical services. Also covered are related lubricating systems, controls, 4th Edition / March 2004 / Price: $221.00
instrumentation, intercoolers, aftercoolers, pulsation suppression devices, and
other auxiliary equipment. Pages: 190 Std 673
5th Edition / December 2007 / Price: $175.00 Centrifugal Fans for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services
Std 619 (includes Errata dated January 2002)
Rotary-type Positive Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Covers the minimum requirements for centrifugal fans intended for
Petrochemical, and Natural Gas Industries continuous duty in petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services. Fan
pressure rise is limited to differential from a single impeller, usually not
Covers the minimum requirements for dry and flooded helical lobe rotary exceeding 100 inches of water Equivalent Air Pressure (EAP). Cooling tower,
compressors used for vacuum or pressure or both in petroleum, chemical, aerial cooler, and ventilation fans; and positive displacement blowers are not
and gas industry services. It is primarily intended for compressors that are in covered by this standard. Pages 89
special purpose applications, and does not cover portable air compressors, 2nd Edition / November 2001 / Price: $141.00
liquid ring compressors and vane-type compressors. This edition also includes
a new Inspectors Checklist and new schematics for general purpose and Std 674
typical oil systems. Pages: 134 Positive Displacement PumpsReciprocating
4th Edition / December 2004 / Price: 184.00 Covers the minimum requirements for reciprocating positive displacement
Std 670 pumps for use in petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services. Both direct-
Machinery Protection Systems acting and power-frame types are included. Pages: 66
2nd Edition / June 1995 / Price: $133.00
Provides a purchase specification to facilitate the manufacture, procurement,
installation, and testing of vibration, axial-position, and bearing-temperature Std 675
monitoring systems for petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services. Positive Displacement PumpsControlled Volume
Covers the minimum requirements for monitoring radial shaft vibration, Covers the minimum requirements for controlled volume positive
casing vibration, shaft axial position, and bearing temperatures. It outlines a displacement pumps for use in service in the petroleum, chemical, and gas
standardized monitoring system and covers requirements for hardware industries. Both packed-plunger and diaphragm types are included.
(sensors and instruments), installation, testing, and arrangement. Pages: 96 Diaphragm pumps that use direct mechanical actuation are excluded.
4th Edition / December 2000 / Reaffirmed, November 2003 / Price: $168.00 Pages: 38
Std 671/ISO 10441 2nd Edition / October 1994 / Reaffirmed, June 2005 / Price: $107.00
Special Purpose Couplings for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Std 676
Services Positive Displacement PumpsRotary
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries-Flexible couplings for (includes Errata dated June 1994)
mechanical power transmission-Special-purpose applications Covers the minimum requirements for rotary positive displacement pumps for
Specifies the requirements for couplings for the transmission of power use in the petroleum, chemical, and gas industries. It provides a purchase
between the rotating shafts of two machines in special-purpose applications specification to facilitate the manufacture and purchase of rotary positive
in the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Such displacement pumps. Pages: 51
applications are typically in large and/or high speed machines, in services 2nd Edition / December 1994 / Reaffirmed, March 2000 / Price: $124.00
60 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
Std 677 Std 685
General-purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Sealless Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical, and Gas
Services Industry Services
Covers the minimum requirements for general-purpose, enclosed, single and (includes Errata dated October 2007)
multistage gear units incorporating parallel shaft helical and right angle (ANSI/API Std 685-2000)
spiral bevel gears for the petroleum, chemical, and gas industries. Gears
manufactured according to this standard shall be limited to the following Covers the minimum requirements for sealless centrifugal pumps for use in
pitchline velocities. Helical gears shall not exceed 60 meters per second petroleum, heavy duty chemical, and gas industry services. The pumps
covered by this standard are Magnetic Drive Pumps (MDP) and Canned Motor
(12,000 feet per minute), and spiral bevels shall not exceed 40 meters per
second (8,000 feet per minute). Spiral bevel gearsets shall be considered Pumps (CMP).
matched sets. 1st Edition / October 2000 / Price: $176.00
Not intended to apply to gears in special-purpose service, which are covered in RP 686
API Standard 613; to gears integral with other equipment; to epicyclic gear Machinery Installation and Installation Design
assemblies; or gears with non-involute tooth forms. Provides recommended procedures, practices, and checklists for the
Typical applications for which this standard is intended are cooling tower installation and precommissioning of new and reapplied machinery for
water pump systems, forced and induced draft fan systems, and other general- petroleum, chemical, and gas industry services facilities. Intended to
purpose equipment trains. Pages: 84 supplement vendor instructions, the instructions provided by the original
3rd Edition / April 2006 / Price: $155.00 equipment manufacturer (OEM) should be carefully followed with regard to
equipment installation and checkout of general and special purpose
Std 681 machinery. Most Major topics of this recommended practice are subdivided
Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors into removable sections of Installation Design and Installation with the
Defines the minimum requirements for the basic design, inspection, testing, intent being that each section can be removed and utilized as needed by the
and preparation for shipment of liquid ring vacuum pump and compressor appropriate design and/or installation personnel. Section topics include
systems for service in the petroleum, chemical, and gas industries. It includes Topside Receiving and Protection, Rigging and Lifting of Machinery,
both vacuum pump and compressor design and system design. Pages: 86 Foundations, Mounting Plate Grouting, Machinery Piping, Coupling
1st Edition / February 1996 / Reaffirmed, June 2002 / Price: $133.00 Alignment, Lube Oil Systems and Flushing Requirements, and
Commissioning. Pages: 200
Std 682/ISO 21049 1st Edition / February 1996 / Price: $154.00
PumpsShaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps
RP 687
(ANSI/API Std 682-2004) Rotor Repair
(includes Errata dated November 2006) Covers the minimum requirements for the inspection and repair of special
Specifies requirements and gives recommendations for sealing systems for purpose rotating equipment rotors, bearings and couplings used in
centrifugal and rotary pumps used in petroleum, natural gas, and chemical petroleum, chemical, and gas industry service. Pages: 540
industries. It has been written mainly for hazardous, flammable and/or toxic 1st Edition/ September 2001 / Price: $251.00
services where a greater degree of reliability is required for the improvement
of equipment availability, the reduction of both emissions to the atmosphere RP 687
and life cycle sealing costs. It covers seals for shaft diameters from 20 mm Rotor RepairData CD
(0.75 in.) to 110 mm (4.3 in.). This Standard also applies to seal spare parts CD-ROM containing all datasheets from RP 687.
and can be referred to for the upgrading of existing equipment. The seal
1st Edition/September 2001 / Price: $232.00
configurations covered by this Standard can be classified into three categories
(1, 2 and 3), three types (A, B and C) and three arrangements (1, 2 and 3). Std 689/ISO 14224
Further, Arrangement 2 and 3 seals can be in three orientations: face-to- Collection and Exchange of Reliability and Maintenance Data for
back, back-to-back and face-to-face. These categories, types, Equipment
arrangements and orientations are defined in 1.2 and illustrated in Figures 2
through 6. Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas IndustriesCollection and Exchange
of Reliability and Maintenance Data for Equipment
This edition of API Std 682 is the identical national adoption of ISO 21049. API Standard 689 provides a comprehensive basis for the collection of
Pages: 195 reliability and maintenance (RM) data in a standard format for equipment in
3rd Edition / September 2004/ Price: $217.00 all facilities and operations within the petroleum, natural gas and
Publ 684 petrochemical industries during the operational life cycle of equipment. It
Tutorial on the API Standard Paragraphs Covering Rotor Dynamics and describes data-collection principles and associated terms and definitions that
constitute a "reliability language" that can be useful for communicating
Balance (An Introduction to Lateral Critical and Train Torsional Analysis operational experience. The failure modes defined in the normative part of
and Rotor Balancing) this Standard can be used as a "reliability thesaurus" for various quantitative
Describes, discusses, and clarifies the section of the API Standard Paragraphs as well as qualitative applications. This Standard also describes data quality
that outlines the complete rotor dynamics acceptance program. The control and assurance practices to provide guidance for the user.
acceptance program was designed by API to ensure equipment mechanical This edition of API Standard 689 is the identical national adoption of ISO
reliability. This document is an introduction to the major aspects of rotating 14224. Pages: 171
equipment vibrations that are addressed during a typical lateral dynamics 1st Edition / July 2007 / Price: $200.00
analysis. Pages: 303
2nd Edition / August 2005 / Price: $165.00
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 61
Phone Orders: 1-800-854-7179 (Toll-free: U.S. and Canada) Phone Orders: 303-397-7956 (Local and International)
Equipment Data Sheets Standard applies only to tanks whose entire bottom is uniformly supported
and to tanks in non-refrigerated service that have a maximum design
Data Sheets: Electronically Formatted Mechanical Equipment Standards temperature of 93C (200F) or less. Pages: 376
Datasheets are now available in electronic format (EXCEL 5.0 spreadsheets): 11th Edition / June 2007 / Price: $399.00
All of the following Datasheets are available for single user at $55.00 each or for RP 651
intranet licensing at $290.00 each. Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Storage Tanks
Std 537 1st Edition Std 660 7th Edition (ANSI/API RP 651-2006)
Std 546 2nd Edition Std 662 2ndEdition Presents procedures and practices for achieving effective corrosion control
Std 560 3rd Edition Std 670 4th Edition through the use of cathodic protection on aboveground storage tank bottoms
Std 610 10th Edition Std 671 4rd Edition in hydrocarbon service. It contains provisions for the application of cathodic
Std 611 5th Edition Std 672 4rd Edition protection to existing and new storage tanks and is intended to serve only as a
Std 612 6th Edition Std 673 2nd Edition guide to persons interested in cathodic protection. This document does not
Std 613 5th Edition Std 674 2nd Edition provide specific cathodic protection designs. Corrosion control methods based
Std 614 4th Edition Std 675 2nd Edition on chemical control of the environment or the use of protective coatings are
Std 616 4th Edition Std 676 2nd Edition not covered in detail. Pages: 33
Std 617 7th Edition Std 677 3rd Edition 3rd Edition / January 2007 / Price: 99.00
Std 618 5th Edition Std 682 3rd Edition
Std 619 3rd Edition Std 685 1st Edition RP 652
Lining of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms
(ANSI/API RP 652-2005)
Mechanical Equipment Residual Unbalance
Worksheets Provides guidance on achieving effective corrosion control in aboveground
Electronic versions of the Residual Unbalance Worksheets that appear in storage tanks by application of tank bottom linings. It contains information
pertinent to the selection of lining materials, surface preparation, lining
Mechanical Equipment standards (Excel) along with instructions (Word).
application, cure, and inspection of tank bottom linings for existing and new
Price: $107.00 storage tanks. In many cases, tank bottom linings have proven to be an
The API Specification Database effective method of preventing internal corrosion of steel tank bottoms.
The American Petroleum Institute Specification Database Software Provides information and guidance specific to aboveground steel storage
provides a knowledge-management toolset for the project engineering team. tanks in hydrocarbon service. Certain practices recommended herein may
Facilitate the entire equipment specification process including the entry of also be applicable to tanks in other services. This recommended practice is
process data and release to design to the final entry of mechanical data sheets intended to serve only as a guide. Detailed tank bottom lining specifications
and development of the technical bid specification package. Electronic are not included. Pages: 15
outputs can be combined to form a master technical specification bid 3rd Edition / October 2005 / Price: $109.00
package for quotation and purchasing purposes with a modern tree-view
format for ease of navigation. Completed projects provide on-going Std 653
documentation for plant equipment assetsimproving safety and reliability. Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction
Available in a full-featured corporate wide Oracle format or a portable (Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the standard.)
ODBC database format with primary focus on equipment data sheets. Covers the inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction of steel
Contact EPCON International at (281) 398-9400 aboveground storage tanks used in the petroleum and chemical industries.
or visit the EPCON website at: www.epcon.com Provides the minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of welded
or riveted, nonrefrigerated, atmospheric pressure, aboveground storage tanks
Storage Tanks after they have been placed in service. Pages: 68
3rd Edition/ December 2001/ Price: $199.00
Std 620
Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks Std 2510
(Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the standard.) Design and Construction of LPG Installations
Covers the design and construction of large, welded, low-pressure carbon steel Provides minimum requirements for the design and construction of
aboveground storage tanks (including flat-bottom tanks) that have a single installations for the storage and handling of LPG at marine and pipeline
vertical axis of revolution. The tanks described are designed for metal terminals, natural gas processing plants, refineries, petrochemical plants, and
temperatures not greater than 250F and with pressures in their gas or vapor tank farms. This standard covers storage vessels, loading and unloading
spaces not more than 15 psig. Pages: 150 systems, piping and related equipment. Pages: 22
10th Edition/ February 2002 / Price: $267.00 8th Edition / May 2001 / Price: $97.00
62 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
It is anticipated that the use of ethanol in motor fuels will continue to piping, vessels, flares, and vent stacks. This International Standard does not
increase. This has generated interest about the potential long-term structural apply to direct-fired steam boilers. The information provided is designed to
effects of ethanol on liquid petroleum storage systems, including aid in the selection of the system that is most appropriate for the risks and
underground storage tanks (USTs), underground piping, and associated circumstances involved in various installations. This International Standard
components. is intended to supplement the practices set forth in API RP 520-1 or ISO 4126
The objective of the literature review is to determine the state of industry for establishing a basis of design. Pages: 192
knowledge and research on the effects of ethanol/gasoline blends on the long- 5th Edition / January 2007 / Price: $205.00
term structural integrity of UST systems and components. This review is Std 526
intended to assist decision-makers on further research requirements and Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves
needed changes or supplements to existing standards for underground storage
systems and components used for storing and dispensing gasoline blended This standard is a purchase specification for flanged steel pressure relief
with ethanol. valves. Basic requirements are given for direct spring-loaded pressure relief
valves and pilot-operated pressure relief valves as follows: orifice designation
Appendix A may be purchased separately as an electronic database file. The and area; valve size and pressure rating, inlet and outlet; materials; pressure-
database is the synopsis and bibliographic information for all articles temperature limits; and center-to-face dimensions, inlet and outlet. Pages: 42
reviewed for the project. The report is organized by article index numbers. 5th Edition / June 2002 / Price: $107.00
Reference numbers cited in this report refer to the article index number.
Executive Summary / 2003 / Price: $61.00 Std 527
Appendix ALiterature Review / 2003 / Price: $119.00 Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
(ANSI/API Std 527-1992)
Pressure-Relieving Systems for Describes methods of determining the seat tightness of metal- and soft-seated
Refinery Service pressure relief valves, including those of conventional, bellows, and pilot-
operated designs. Pages: 4
Report of the Subcommittee on Pressure-relieving 3rd Edition / July 1991 / Reaffirmed, March 2002 / Price: $61.00
Systems Reference Document Project
May 1986 RP 576
Inspection of Pressure-relieving Devices
RP 520 (ANSI/API RP 576-2000)
Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices in See also, Refining: Inspection of Refinery Equipment.
Refineries, Part ISizing and Selection 2nd Edition / December 2000 / Price: $114.00
Applies to the sizing and selection of pressure relief devices used in refineries
and related industries for equipment that has a maximum allowable working Std 2000
pressure of 15 psig (103 kPag) or greater. The pressure relief devices covered Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks: Nonrefrigerated
are intended to protect unfired pressure vessels and related equipment against and Refrigerated
overpressure from operating and fire contingencies. Includes basic definitions (includes Errata dated November 1999)
and information about the operational characteristics and applications of
Covers the normal and emergency vapor venting requirements for
various pressure relief devices. Also includes sizing procedures and methods
based on steady state flow of Newtonian fluids. Pages: 85 aboveground liquid petroleum or petroleum products storage tanks, and
aboveground and underground refrigerated storage tanks designed for
7th Edition / January 2000 / Price: $161.00 operating at pressures from vacuum through 15 pounds per square inch
RP 520 gauge (1.034 bar gauge). Pages: 46
Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-relieving Devices in 5th Edition / April 1998 / Price: $114.00
Refineries, Part IIInstallation
Piping Component Standards
Covers the methods of installation for pressure relief devices for equipment
that has a maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 15 psig (1.03 API 570
bar g) or greater. Pressure relief valves or rupture disks may be used Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-
independently or in combination with each other to provide the required
protection against excessive pressure accumulation. The term pressure relief service Piping Systems
valve includes safety relief valves used in either compressible or (Purchase includes addenda to the current edition of the standard.)
incompressible fluid service, and relief valves used in incompressible fluid (ANSI/API 570-2000)
service. Covers gas, vapor, steam, and incompressible fluid service. Pages: 29 Covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for in-service
5th Edition / August 2003 / Price: $161.00 metallic piping systems. Establishes requirements and guidelines that allow
Std 521/ISO 23251 owner/users of piping systems to maintain the safety and mechanical
integrity of systems after they have been placed into service. Intended for use
Guide for Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems by organizations that maintain or have access to an authorized inspection
Petroleum and natural gas industriesPressure-relieving and depressuring systems agency, repair organization, and technically qualified personnel. May be
This International Standard applies to pressure-relieving and vapor- used, where practical, for any piping system. Piping inspectors are to be
depressuring systems intended for use primarily in oil refineries, although it is certified as stated in this inspection code. Pages: 38
also applicable to petrochemical facilities, gas plants, liquefied natural gas 2nd Edition / October 1998 / Price: $114.00
(LNG) facilities, and oil and gas production facilities. This International
Standard specifies requirements and gives guidelines for examining the
principal causes of overpressure; determining individual relieving rates; and
selecting and designing disposal systems, including such component parts as
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 63
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RP 574 Std 599
Inspection Practices for Piping System Components Metal Plug Valves-Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends
(ANSI/API RP 574-1998) Covers steel, nickel base and other alloy plug valves with flanged or butt-
Covers inspection practices for piping, tubing, valves (not including control welding ends and ductile iron plug valves with flanged ends in sizes NPS 1/2
valves), and fittings used in petroleum refineries and chemical plants. through NPS 24 and threaded or socket-welding ends for sizes NPS 1/2
Although not specifically intended to cover speciality items, many of the through NPS 2. Valve bodies conforming to ASME B16.34 may have one
inspection methods described are applicable to items such as control valves, flange and one butt-welding end, or one threaded and one socket welding
level gages, instrument control columns, etc. Pages: 53 end. Pages: 12
2nd Edition / June 1998 / Price: $114.00 6th Edition / October 2007 / Price: $75.00
RP 578 API 600/ISO 10434
Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas
(ANSI/API RP 578-1999) IndustriesModified National Adoption
Provides guidelines for a material quality assurance system to verify the (ANSI/API Std 600-2001)
consistency between the nominal composition of alloy components within the Specifies the requirements for a heavy duty series of bolted bonnet steel gate
pressure envelop of a process piping system with the selected or specified valves for petroleum refinery and related applications where corrosion,
construction materials to minimize the potential for catastrophic release of erosion and other service conditions indicate a need for full port openings,
toxic or hazardous liquids or vapors. heavy wall sections and extra large stem diameters.
Presents material control and verification programs on ferrous and 11th Edition / October 2001 / Reaffirmed, November 2006 / Price: $97.00
nonferrous alloys during construction, installation, maintenance, and Std 602/ISO 15761
inspection of new and existing process piping systems covered under the Steel Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes DN 100 and Smaller for the
ASME B31.3 and API 570 codes. Applies to metallic alloy materials purchased
for use either by the owner/user or indirectly through vendors, fabricators, or Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
contractors, and includes the supply, fabrication and erection of these Covers threaded-end, socket-welding-end, butt-welding-end, and flanged-end
materials. Carbon steel components specified in new or existing piping compact carbon steel gate valves in sizes NPS 4 and smaller. Pages: 59
systems are not covered under the scope of this document. 8th Edition / January 2005 / Price: $93.00
1st Edition / May 1999 / Price: $114.00
Std 603
RP 591 Corrosion-resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate ValvesFlanged and Butt-
Process Valve Qualification Procedure welding Ends
Provides recommendations for evaluation of a manufacturers valve Specifies the requirements for corrosion-resistant bolted bonnet gate valves
construction and quality assurance program for the purpose of determining a meeting the requirements of ASME B16.34, Standard Class, for valves having
manufacturers capability to provide new valves manufactured in accordance flanged or butt-weld ends in sizes NPS 1/2 through 24, corresponding to
with the applicable API standards listed in Section 2. nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M, and Classes 150, 300, and 600.
Qualification of valves under this recommended practice is manufacturing Covers requirements for corrosion resistant gate valves for use in process
facility specific and does not cover valves manufactured by other piping applications. Covered are requirements for outside-screw-and-yoke
manufacturing facilities, whether owned by the same manufacturer or a third (OS&Y) valves with rising stems, non-rising hand-wheels, bolted bonnets,
party. Pages: 9 and various types of gate configurations. Pages: 12
3rd Edition / September 2003 / Price: $78.00 7th Edition / June 2007 / Price: $ 69.00
Std 594 Std 607/ISO 10497
Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-welding Testing of ValvesFire Type-testing Requirements
Covers design, materials, face-to-face dimensions, pressure-temperature Specifies fire type-testing requirements and a fire type-test method for
ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for gray iron, confirming the pressure-containing capability of a valve under pressure
ductile iron, steel, and alloy single and dual plate check valves. Valve during and after the fire test. It does not cover the testing requirements for
configurations include wafer, wafer-lug, and double-flanged type with facings valve actuators other than manually operated gear boxes or similar
that will permit installation between ASME and MSS flanges that conform to mechanisms when these form part of the normal valve assembly. Other types
the standards and specifications listed in the Refinery Service Value Standards. of valve actuators (e.g. electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic) may need special
Pages: 11 protection to operate in the environment considered in this valve test, and the
6th Edition / September 2004 / Price: $86.00 fire testing of such actuators is outside the scope of this Standard. Pages: 16
5th Edition / June 2005 / Price: $71.00
Std 598
Valve Inspection and Testing Std 608
Covers inspection, examination, supplementary examinations, and pressure Metal Ball ValvesFlanged, Threaded and Butt-Welding Ends
test requirements for resilient-seated, nonmetallic-seated (for example, Covers metal ball valves used in on-off service that have butt-welding of
ceramic), and metal-to-metal-seated valves of the gate, globe, plug, ball, flanged ends for nominal pipe size NPS 1/2 through NPS 12 and threaded or
check, and butterfly types. socket-welding ends for sizes NPS 1/2 through NPS 2, corresponding to the
API Std 598 supplements the API standards that reference it, but it may also be nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M. Also covers additional requirements for
applied to other types of valves by agreement between the purchaser and the ball valves that are otherwise in full conformance to the requirements of
valve manufacturer. ASME B16.34, Standard Class. Pages: 6
8th Edition / May 2004 / Price: $73.00 3rd Edition / August 2002 / Price: $86.00
64 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
Std 609 RP 540
Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and Water-Type Electrical Installations in Petroleum Processing Plants
Covers design, materials, face-to-face dimensions; pressure-temperature Provides information on electrical installations in petroleum processing
ratings; and examination, inspection, and test requirements for gray iron, plants. It is intended for all individuals and organizations concerned with the
ductile iron, bronze, steel, nickel-base alloy, or special alloy butterfly valves safe design, installation and operation of electrical facilities in petroleum
that provide tight shutoff in the closed position and are suitable for flow processing plants.
regulation. 4th Edition / April 1999 / Reaffirmed, July 2004 / Price: $176.00
6th Edition / May 2004 / Price: $73.00
Std 541
RP 621 Form-wound Squirrel-cage Induction Motors 500 Horsepower and Larger
Reconditioning of Metallic Gate, Globe, and Check Valves (ANSI/API Std 541-2003)
Provides guidelines for reconditioning heavy wall (API 600 type) carbon steel, Covers the minimum requirements for all form-wound squirrel-cage
ferritic alloy (up to 9% Cr), stainless steel, and nickel alloy gate, globe, and induction motors 500 Horsepower and larger for use in petroleum industry
check valves for ASME pressure classes 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and services. This standard may be applied to adjustable speed motors and
2500. Guidelines contained in this RP apply to flanged and butt weld cast or induction generators with appropriate attention to the specific requirements
forged valves. Pages: 18 of such applications. Pages: 84
2nd Edition / December 2005 / Price: $119.00 4th Edition / June 2004 / Price: $161.00
Std 622 Std 546
Type Testing of Process Valve Packing for Fugitive Emissions Brushless Synchronous Machines500 kVA and Larger
Specifies the requirements for comparative testing of block valve stem packing Covers the minimum requirements for form- and bar-wound brushless
for process applications where fugitive emissions are a consideration. synchronous machines in petroleum-related industry service. The standard
Packing(s) shall be suitable for use at 20F to 1000F has been updated to include both synchronous motors and generators with
(29C to 538C). Factors affecting fugitive emissions performance that are two different rotor designs: (1) the conventional salient-pole rotor with solid
considered by this Standard include temperature, pressure, thermal cycling, or laminated poles, and (2) the cylindrical rotor with solid or laminated
mechanical cycling and corrosion. Pages: 23 construction. Also included are new datasheet guides to help clarify the
1st Edition / August 2006 / Price: $119.00 datasheet requirements. Pages: 108
2nd Edition / June 1997 / Price: $161.00
Electrical Installations and Equipment
Std 547
RP 500 General-purpose Form-wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors250
Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Horsepower and Larger
Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division 1 and Covers the requirements for form-wound induction motors for use in general-
Division 2 purpose petroleum, chemical and other industrial severe duty applications.
(ANSI/API RP 500-1998) These motors:
are rated 250 hp (185 kW) through 3000 hp (2250 kW) for 4, 6 and 8 pole
Provides guidelines for determining the degree and extent of Class I, Division speeds,
1 and Class I, Division 2 locations at petroleum facilities, for the selection and are rated less than 800 hp (600 kW) for two-pole (3000 or 3600 RPM)
installation of electrical equipment. Basic definitions provided in the National motors of totally-enclosed construction,
Electric Code have been followed in developing this document which applies are rated less than 1250 hp (930 kW) for two-pole motors of WP-II type
to the classification of locations for both temporarily and permanently enclosures,
installed electrical equipment. RP 500 is intended to be applied where there drive centrifugal loads,
may be a risk of ignition due to the presence of flammable gas or vapor, drive loads having inertia values within those listed in NEMA MG 1 Part
mixed with air under normal atmospheric conditions. Pages: 121 20),
2nd Edition/ November 1997 / Reaffirmed, November 2002 / Price: $191.00 are not induction generators. Pages: 30
RP 505 1st Edition / January 2005 / Price: $88.00
Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical
Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1 Heat Transfer Equipment Standards
and Zone 2 for Refinery Service
(ANSI/API RP 505-1998) Heat Transfer Equipment Standards for Refinery
Provides guidelines for determining the degree and extent of Class I, Zone 0, Service Binder
Zone 1, and Zone 2 locations at petroleum facilities, for the selection and A high-quality, three-ring binder is available to house heat transfer
installation of electrical equipment. Basic definitions provided in the National equipment standards.
Electrical Code have been followed in developing this document which applies Price: $51.00
to the classification of locations for both temporarily and permanently
installed electrical equipment. RP 505 is intended to be applied where there
may be a risk of ignition due to the presence of flammable gas or vapor,
mixed with air under normal atmospheric conditions. Pages: 131
1st Edition / November 1997 / Reaffirmed, November 2002 / Price: $191.00
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 65
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Std 530/ISO 13704 Std 537
Calculation of Heater Tube Thickness in Petroleum Refineries Flare Details for General Refinery and Petrochemical Service
Petroleum and natural gas industriesCalculation of heater tube thickness in Applicable to flares used in pressure relieving and vapor-depressuring systems
petroleum refineries used in general refinery and petrochemical services. The information
(ANSI/API Std 530-2003) provided is intended to aid in the design and selection of a flare system that is
(includes Errata dated March 2004) most appropriate for the risks and circumstances. Although this standard is
primarily intended for new flares and facilities, it may be used as a guideline
Specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the procedures and in the evaluation of existing facilities together with appropriate cost and risk
design criteria used for calculating the required wall thickness of new tubes assessment considerations.
for petroleum refinery heaters. These procedures are appropriate for designing
tubes for service in both corrosive and non-corrosive applications. These Intended to supplement the practices set forth in API RP 521, Guide for
procedures have been developed specifically for the design of refinery and Pressure Relieving and Depressuring Systems.
related process fired heater tubes (direct-fired, heat-absorbing tubes within Describes the mechanical design, operation and maintenance of three types of
enclosures). These procedures are not intended to be used for the design of flares: Elevated Flares, Multi-burner Staged Flares, and Enclosed Flares.
external piping. Pages: 104
5th Edition / January 2003 / Price: $185.00 1st Edition / August 2003 / Price: $175.00
RP 531M Std 560/ISO 13705
Measurement of Noise from Fired Process Heaters (Metric Only) Fired Heaters for General Refinery Service
Provides a test procedure for near-field noise measurement and analytical Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industriesFired heaters for general
methods for computational analysis of the total sound-power level of a direct- refinery service
fired heater and associated equipment in petroleum processing plants. Specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, materials,
Pages: 33 fabrication, inspection, testing, preparation for shipment, and erection of
1st Edition / March 1980 / Reaffirmed, August 1995 / Price: $61.00 fired heaters, air preheaters, fans and burners for general refinery service. This
Publ 534 Standard is not intended to apply to the design of steam reformers or pyrolysis
Heat Recovery Steam Generators
Provides guidelines for the selection or evaluation of heat recovery steam This edition of API Std 560 is the identical national adoption of ISO 13705.
generator (HRSG) systems. Details of related equipment designs are Pages: 266
considered only where they interact with the HRSG system design. This 4th Edition / August 2007 / Price: $293.00
publication does not provide rules for design, but indicates areas that need RP 573
attention and offers information and description of HRSG types available to Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters
the designer or user to aid in the selection of the appropriate HRSG system.
Pages: 60 See Also Refining, Inspection of Refinery Equipment
2nd Edition / February 2007 / Price: $92.00 2nd Edition / December 2002 / Price: $91.00
66 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
Std 662, Part 1/ISO 15547-1 API 555
Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services, Part 1Plate-and- Process Analyzers
Frame Heat Exchangers (ANSI/API Std 555-2001)
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industriesPlatetype heat Addresses the considerations in the application of analyzers and associated
exchangersPart 1: Plate-and-frame heat exchangers systems, installation, and maintenance. Process monitors that measure and
Gives requirements and recommendations for the mechanical design, transmit information about chemical composition, physical properties, or
materials selection, fabrication, inspection, testing, and preparation for chemical properties are known as process analyzer systems. Process analyzers
shipment of plate-and-frame heat exchangers for use in petroleum, are now used widely in the refining industry for (a) monitoring and
petrochemical and natural gas industries. It is applicable to gasketed, semi- controlling product quality, (b) implementing advanced control strategies in
welded and welded plate-and-frame heat exchangers. This edition of 662-1 is improving process operations, (c) enhancing area safety, and (d) continuous
an identical national adoption of ISO 15547-1. Pages: 34 emission monitoring and environmental measurement of air and water
1st Edition / February 2006 / Price: $124.00 quality. Pages: 225
2nd Edition/ November 2001 / Price: $136.00
Std 662, Part 2/ISO 15547-2
Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services, Part 2Brazed RP 556
Aluminum Plate-fin Heat Exchangers Fired Heaters and Steam Generators
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industriesPlate-type heat Written to aid in the installation of the more generally used measuring,
exchangersPart 2: Brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers control, and analytical instruments; transmission systems; and related
accessories to achieve safe, continuous, accurate and efficient operation with
Gives requirements and recommendations for the mechanical design, minimum maintenance. Although the information has been prepared
materials selection, fabrication, inspection, testing, and preparation for primarily for petroleum refineries, much of it is applicable without change in
shipment of brazed aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers for use in
chemical plants, gasoline plants, and similar installations. Pages: 40
petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. This edition of 662-2 is
an identical national adoption of ISO 15547-2. Pages: 34 1st Edition / May 1997 / Price: $107.00
1st Edition / February 2006 / Price: $124.00 RP 557
Guide to Advanced Control Systems
Instrumentation and Control Manuals Addresses the implementation and ownership of advanced control systems for
refinery purposes. RP 557 describes commonly used practices for the
RP 551 opportunity identification, justification, project management,
Process Measurement Instrumentation implementation and maintenance of advanced control system applications in
Provides procedures for the installation of the more generally used measuring refinery service.
and control instruments and related accessories. Pages: 58 1st Edition / December 2000 / Price: $91.00
1st Edition / May 1993 / Price: $117.00
RP 552 Technical Data Book Petroleum Refining
Transmission Systems Electronic Version of the API Technical Data Book
Reviews the recommended practices for the installation of electronic and Improve the overall design and operations in todays highly complex
pneumatic measurement and control-signal transmission systems. petroleum refinery process systems with the API Technical Database. Version
Transmission systems permit operation of one or more large or small process 1.0 of the API Technical Database replaces the printed format of the popular
units from a remote control center. Pages: 39 API Tech Data Book with a modern Windows interface that is so unique it is
1st Edition / October 1994 / Price: $101.00 patented. This single-screen approach provides access to the latest API
RP 553 physical property estimation methods and the software is critically reviewed
Refinery Control Valves and approved by the API Technical Data Committee. Included is a database of
property data for nearly 900 components, characterization of petroleum
Provides recommended criteria for the selection, specification and application fractions, and petroleum fraction distillation interconversions. Users can
of piston and diaphragm actuated control valves. It also outlines control valve quickly determine petroleum fraction physical property data such as critical
design considerations, discusses control valve sizing, noise, fugitive emissions, properties, vapor pressure, density, liquid enthalpy, gas enthalpy, heat of
and defines types of commonly used control valves and their actuators. vaporization, liquid heat capacity, gas heat capacity, surface tension, liquid
Pages: 26 viscosity, gas viscosity, liquid thermal conductivity, gas thermal conductivity,
1st Edition / September 1998 / Price: $91.00 and heat of combustion. Temperature-dependent properties can be tabulated
RP 554 and graphed over any range, and distillation interconversions are displayed
Process Control Systems: Part 1Process Control Systems Functions and graphically. This data can then be exported for use in simulation and
engineering software programs.
Functional Specification Development Contact EPCON International at (281) 398-9400
This edition of API RP 554 has been reorganized and split into three or visit the EPCON website at: www.epcon.com
documents in order to better define the processes required to properly scope,
specify, select, install, commission, operate, and maintain Process Control
Systems. This Recommended Practice is not intended to be used as a purchase
specification, but recommendations are made for minimum requirements
that can be used as a specification basis. Pages: 32
2nd Edition / July 2007 / Price: $130.00
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 67
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68 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
illustrate the current need to better understand the corrosion characteristics Covers potential environmental-related failure mechanisms and preventative
and provide guidance on all factors that can impact fouling and corrosion in measures to avoid them; typical material and fabrication specification
REAC systems. requirements used by refiners; and examples of applications of DSS within
1st Edition / June 2004 / Price: $161.00 refineries. The report also lists the chemistries and UNS numbers of various
common DSS, including some 1st generation DSS for comparison. Pages: 36
RP 934-A 1st Edition / May 2005 / Price: $101.00
Materials and Fabrication Requirement for 2-1/4 Cr-1Mo & 3Cr-1Mo Steel
Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels for High Temperature, High Pressure TR 939-A
Hydrogen Service Research Report on Characterization and Monitoring of Cracking in Wet
Applies to new heavy wall pressure vessels in petroleum refining, H2S Service
petrochemical and chemical facilities in which hydrogen or hydrogen- Demonstrates the ability to characterize and monitor various aspects of crack
containing fluids are processed at elevated temperature and pressure. It is propagation in pressurized process equipment exposed to wet hydrogen
based on decades of industry operating experience and the results of sulfide environments. It represents one of several significant industry-wide
experimentation and testing conducted by independent manufactures, efforts to study and to better understand this phenomenon. Pages: 136
fabricators and users of heavy wall pressure vessels for this service. Pages: 9 1st Edition / October 1994 / Price: $146.00
1st Edition / December 2000 / Price: $83.00
TR 939-B
TR 935 Repair and Remediation Strategies for Equipment Operating in Wet H2S
Thermal Conductivity Measurement Study of Refractory Castables Service
Compares the differences between measurement techniques used to develop Presents data relative to the fabrication requirements for 2-1/4 3Cr alloy steel
thermal conductivity of refractory castables. The following procedures were heavy wall pressure vessels for high temperature, high pressure hydrogen
examined: Water Calorimeter, Calorimeter-Pilkington Method, Hot Wire services. It summarizes the results of industry experience, experimentation,
Method, Comparative Thermal Conductivity Method, and Panel Test. and testing conducted by independent manufacturers, fabricators, and users
The refractory industry uses various methods for measuring and reporting of heavy wall pressure vessels. This recommended practice applies to
thermal conductivity. The accuracy of reporting and understanding thermal equipment in refineries, petrochemical, and chemical facilities in which
conductivity are vital to developing the most cost effective, efficient, and hydrogen or hydrogen containing fluids are processed at elevated temperature
reliable equipment. The study makes no attempt to rank, classify or assign and pressure. Pages: 236
accuracy to each of the measurement techniques. Pages: 22 1st Edition / June 2002 / Price: $161.00
1st Edition / September 1999 / Price: $56.00 TR 939-D
RP 936 Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steel in Fuel Grade Ethanol: Review,
Refractory Installation Quality Control Guidelines Experience Survey, Field Monitoring, and Laboratory Testing
Provides installation quality control guidelines for monolithic refractory Technical Report 939-D, Second Edition, addresses stress corrosion cracking
linings and may be used to supplement owner specifications. Materials, (SCC) in carbon steel equipment used in the distribution, transportation,
equipment, and personnel are qualified by the methods described, and storage, and blending of denatured fuel ethanol. API, with assistance from
applied refractory quality is closely monitored based on defined procedures the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), conducted research on the potential
and acceptance criteria. The responsibilities of inspection personnel who for metal cracking and product leakage in certain portions of the fuel ethanol
monitor and control the quality control process are also defined. distribution system. TR 939-D contains a review of existing literature, results
2nd Edition / February 2004 / Price: $89.00 of an industry survey on cracking events and corrosion field monitoring,
causes of SCC and the results of related research, and preliminary
Publ 937-A information on mitigation and prevention. Pages: 172
Study to Establish Relations for the Relative Strength of API 650 Cone 2nd Edition / May 2007 / Price: $155.00
Roof Roof-to-Shell and Shell-to-Bottom Joints RP 941
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relative strengths of the roof-to- Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in
shell and shell-to-bottom joints, with the goal of providing suggestions for
frangible roof design criteria applicable to smaller tanks. Pages: 68 Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
1st Edition / August 2005 / Price: $114.00 Presents suggested operating limits for steels used in equipment at petroleum
refineries and petrochemical plants in which hydrogen or hydrogen-
TR 938-A containing fluids are processed at elevated temperatures and pressures.
An Experimental Study of Causes and Repair of Cracking of 11/4 Cr-1/2 Mo Pages: 18
Steel Equipment 6th Edition / February 2004 / Price: $101.00
Gives the results of an experimental study conducted to provide the petroleum RP 945
industry with solutions to recurring incidents of cracking in the application of Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units
welded 11/4 Cr-1/2 Mo steel for hydrogen processing equipment. Pages: 220
1st Edition / May 1996 / Price: $154.00 Discusses environmental cracking problems of carbon steel equipment in
amine units. This practice does provide guidelines for carbon steel
TR 938-C construction materials including their fabrication, inspection, and repair to
Use of Duplex Stainless Steels in the Oil Refining Industry help assure safe and reliable operation. This document is based on current
engineering practices and insights from recent industry experience. Pages: 25
The economical combination of strength and corrosion resistance of duplex
stainless steels (DSS) has enabled their increasing use in the refining 3rd Edition / June 2003 / Price: $95.00
industry. DSS most commonly used today are classified under new grades and
have led to improved welding practices.
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 69
Phone Orders: 1-800-854-7179 (Toll-free: U.S. and Canada) Phone Orders: 303-397-7956 (Local and International)
Fracture Toughness of Steels for API Standard 620 include a review of the oxygenate regulations and the technical literature that
Appendix R Tanks has been published since 1988. It provides a technical assessment suitable for
December 1985 policy discussions related to alcohols and ethers in transportation. Pages: 119
3rd Edition / June 2001 / Price: $152.00
TR 946
The Effect of Outgassing Cycles on the Hydrogen Content in Petrochemical Publ 4262
Reactor-vessel Steels Methanol Vehicle Emissions
1st Edition / 1981 1st Edition / December 1990 / Price: $117.00
TR 950 API/NPRA Survey
Survey of Construction Materials and Corrosion in Sour Water Strippers Final Report: 1996 API/NPRA Survey of Refining Operations and Product
1978 Quality
1983 A survey of industry refining data for the period May 1 through August 31,
1996. The report includes information on domestically produced gasoline
TR 959 and diesel product quality as well as aggregate domestic refining capacity and
Characterization Study of Temper Embrittlement of Chromium- average operating data. Pages: 190
Molybdenum Steels 1st Edition / July 1997 / Price: $61.00
1982 / Price: $147.00
Aviation Turbines Fuels, 2001 / Price: $90.00
1996 API Coke Drum Survey Heating Oils, 2002 / Price: $100.00
Final Report Motor Gasolines, Winter 20012002 / Price: $120.00
In 1996 a survey was sent by the API Subcommittee on Inspection; Coke Motor Gasolines, Summer 2001/ Price: $120.00
Drum Task Group, to companies operating coke drums in the United States Diesel Fuel Oils, 2002 / Price: $100.00
and abroad. This was the third survey of similar nature conducted by the API. Magnetic computer tapes of raw data are available upon request. Reports
Fifty-four surveys were returned representing 17 different operating from previous years are also available.
companies and a total of 145 drums. The purpose of this survey was to collect Order these petroleum product surveys from:
data covering a broad range of issues including: TRW Petroleum Technologies
1. General information P.O. Box 2543 / Bartlesville, OK 74005
2. Design Attn: Cheryl Dickenson
3. Operating Information 918-338-4419
4. Inspection Practices
5. Deterioration Experience Health, Environment and Safety
6. Repair Procedures
Three of the six areas, Operation Information, Inspection Practices and See the Health, Environment and Safety Section of the Catalog
Deterioration Experience were not covered in previous industry surveys.
Additionally, this survey requested more detailed information than the Health, Environment and Safety:
previous surveys. Pages: 61 General
November 2003 / Price: $119.00
Cumulative Impact of Environmental Regulations
Impact of Gasoline Blended with Ethanol on the on the U.S. Petroleum Refining, Transportation and
Long-Term Structural Integrity of Liquid Petroleum Marketing Industries
Storage Systems and Components 1st Edition / available at www.api.org
Executive Summary and Literature Review
See also Refining, Storage Tanks. RP 751
Executive Summary / 2003 / Price: $61.00 Safe Operation of Hydrofluoric Acid Alkylation Units
Appendix ALiterature Review / 2003 / Price: $119.00 Provides guidance to refiners on the safe operations of hydrofluoric acid (HF)
alkylation units. Areas specifically covered in the document include hazards
Petroleum Products and Petroleum management, operating procedures, worker protection, materials & new
construction, inspection and maintenance of HF units, transportation,
Product Surveys inventory control, relief and utility systems and mitigation options.
Publ 4261 Provides additional information on elements of a comprehensive HF audit,
Alcohols and Ethers: A Technical Assessment of Their Application as Fuels HF exposure limits, corrosion & materials considerations specific to HF
and Fuel Components alkylation units, examples of tasks for each type of clothing class and
procedures for unloading acid tank trucks & design features of an acid-truck
Summarizes information from the technical literature on producing and unloading station.
applying alcohols and ethers as fuels and fuel components for the
transportation sector. It assesses the technical advantages and disadvantages Refiners with HF alkylation units will find this document very helpful when
of alcohols and ethers with respect to hydrocarbon fuels. Since the performing a Process Hazards Analysis for compliance with the OSHA Process
amendment of the Clean Air Act in 1977, and subsequently in 1990, public Safety Management regulations. Pages: 46
interest in the role of oxygenates in transportation has significantly increased. 3rd Edition / June 2007 / Price: $132.00
This edition of API Publication 4261 has been updated and expanded to
70 This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program.
Fax Orders: 303-397-2740 Online Orders: www.global.ihs.com
Health, Environment and Safety: Security
Security Guidance for the Petroleum Industry
Publ 958 APIs second edition of Security Guidance for the Petroleum Industry, is
Pilot Studies on the Toxicity of Effluents from Conventional and Carbon now in use at oil and gas facilities around the world to help managers decide
Enhanced Treatment of Refinery WastewaterPhase III how to deter terrorist attacks. Covering all segments of the industry
(production, refining, transportation, pipeline, and marketing), this
1981 guidance builds on the existing solid foundation of design and operational
Health, Environment and Safety: regulations, standards and recommended practices, which relate to facility
design and safety, environmental protection, emergency response, and
Soil and Groundwater protection from theft and vandalism. Produced in close collaboration with the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies, these
Publ 422 guidelines, viewed as a living document, are broadly applicable to facility
Groundwater Protection Programs for Petroleum Refining and Storage security in light of September 11, 2001, and provide the starting point for
Facilities: A Guidance Document developing security plans at oil and natural gas facilities and operations.
Reflects continuing industry action and commitment to positively address Pages: 169
groundwater protection by developing and implementing individual 2nd Edition / April 2003 / Price: $179.00
groundwater protection plans. Provides additional guidance to help
petroleum facilities identify the types of issues that may need to be addressed Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for
in a groundwater protection plan. Intended to help refineries, terminals the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries
associated with transportation pipelines, product distribution terminals, and The American Petroleum Institute and the National Petrochemical & Refiners
other downstream petroleum storage units develop groundwater protection Association jointly developed a new methodology for evaluating the likelihood
plans that are tailored to their individual circumstances. Pages: 9 and consequences of terrorist attacks against refineries and petrochemical
1st Edition / October 1994 / Price: $61.00 facilities. Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for Petroleum and
Petrochemical Facilities is designed for companies to use in assessing
Publ 800 vulnerabilities and potential damages from different kinds terrorist attacks. In
Literature Survey: Subsurface and Groundwater Protection Related to the post September 11 era, companies have reevaluated and enhanced
Petroleum Refinery Operations security at their facilities. The methodology will provide officials with a new
analytical tool to determine the likelihood of an adversary successfully
This report is the principal product of an API-sponsored project to prepare a exploiting vulnerability and the resulting degree of damage or impact. This
background basis for the development of further information on subsurface vulnerability assessment methodology was produced in close collaboration
and groundwater protection at refineries. It contains an explanation of how with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies.
the literature survey was conducted; annotations for pertinent articles; a Pages: 155
discussion of applicable federal statutes and regulations; and annotations for
October 2004 / Price: $179.00
pertinent regulatory programs under the five principal statutes that apply to
refinery operations. API Standard for Third Party
1st Edition / September 1988 / Price: $86.00 Network Connectivity
Provides guidance for implementing secure third-party connections between
Publ 4760 the information technology systems and network of two companies that have
LNAPL Distribution and Recovery Model (LDRM) a business relationship and a common objective.
The API LNAPL Distribution and Recovery Model (LDRM) simulates the The standard will provide suggestions for companies to establish third-party
performance of proven hydraulic technologies for recovering free-product network connections while protecting their individual systems and data from
petroleum liquid releases to groundwater. The LDRM provides information
unauthorized access or manipulation. Pages: 36
about LNAPL distribution in porous media and allows the user to estimate
LNAPL recovery rates, volumes and times. Documentation for the LDRM is 1st Edition / November 2007 / Price: $84.00
provided in 2 volumes. Volume 1 - Distribution and Recovery of Petroleum Std 1164
Hydrocarbon Liquids in Porous Media documents the LDRM and provides SCADA Security
background information necessary to characterize the behavior of LNAPL in
porous media with regard to performance of LNAPL liquid recovery Provides guidance to the operators of Oil and Gas liquid pipeline systems for
technologies. Volume 2 - User and Parameter Selection Guide provides step- managing SCADA system integrity and security. The use of this document is
by-step instructions for the LDRM software. Four example problem not limited to pipelines regulated under Title 49 CFR 195.1, but should be
applications are presented which highlight model use, parameter estimation viewed as a listing of best practices to be employed when reviewing and
using the API LNAPL Parameters Database, and limitations of scenario-based developing standards for a SCADA system. This document embodies the API
models. Security Guidelines for the Petroleum Industry. This guideline is specifically
January 2007 / Software and documentation can be downloaded from API's web site: designed to provide the operators with a description of industry practices in
SCADA Security, and to provide the framework needed to develop sound
groundwater.api.org/lnapl security practices within the operators individual companies. It is important
that operators understand system vulnerability and risks when reviewing the
SCADA system for possible system improvements. Pages: 47
1st Edition / September 2004 / Price: $119.00
This publication is a new entry in this catalog. This publication is related to an API licensing, certification, or accreditation program. 71