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learning and
by Helen Timperley
The International Academy
of Education
The International Academy of Education (IAE) is a not-for-profit
scientific association that promotes educational research, and its
dissemination and implementation. Founded in 1986, the Academy
is dedicated to strengthening the contributions of research, solving
critical educational problems throughout the world, and providing
better communication among policy makers, researchers, and
The seat of the Academy is at the Royal Academy of Science,
Literature, and Arts in Brussels, Belgium, and its co-ordinating centre
is at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia.
The general aim of the IAE is to foster scholarly excellence in all
fields of education. Towards this end, the Academy provides timely
syntheses of research-based evidence of international importance. The
Academy also provides critiques of research and of its evidentiary basis
and its application to policy.
The current members of the Board of Directors of the Academy
Monique Boekaerts, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Erik De Corte, University of Leuven, Belgium (Past President);
Barry Fraser, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
(Executive Director);
Jere Brophy, Michigan State University, United States of America;
Erik Hanushek, Hoover Institute, Stanford University, United
States of America;
Maria de Ibarrola, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico;
Denis Phillips, Stanford University, United States of America.

For more information, see the IAEs website at:

Series Preface
This booklet about teacher professional learning and development has
been prepared for inclusion in the Educational Practices Series developed
by the International Academy of Education and distributed by the
International Bureau of Education and the Academy. As part of its
mission, the Academy provides timely syntheses of research on educational
topics of international importance. This is the eighteenth in a series of
booklets on educational practices that generally improve learning.
This particular booklet is based on a synthesis of research evidence
produced for the New Zealand Ministry of Educations Iterative Best
Evidence Synthesis (BES) Programme, which is designed to be a catalyst
for systemic improvement and sustainable development in education.
This synthesis, and others in the series, are available electronically at All BESs are written using a
collaborative approach that involves the writers, teacher unions, principal
groups, teacher educators, academics, researchers, policy advisers, and
other interested parties. To ensure its rigour and usefulness, each BES
follows national guidelines developed by the Ministry of Education.
Professor Helen Timperley was lead writer for the Teacher Professional
Learning and Development: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES], assisted
by teacher educators Aaron Wilson and Heather Barrar and research
assistant Irene Fung, all of the University of Auckland. The BES is an
analysis of 97 studies of professional development that led to improved
outcomes for the students of the participating teachers. Most of these
studies came from the United States, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the
United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel. Dr Lorna Earl provided formative
quality assurance for the synthesis; Professor John Hattie and Dr Gavin
Brown oversaw the analysis of effect sizes.
Helen Timperley is Professor of Education at the University of
Auckland. The primary focus of her research is promotion of professional
and organizational learning in schools for the purpose of improving
student learning. She has published widely on this subject in peer-
reviewed journals, including the Review of Research in Education, Journal
of Curriculum Studies, Journal of Educational Change, and Teaching and
Teacher Education. She has also written four books in her specialist areas
for practitioner audiences.
The officers of the International Academy of Education are aware
that this booklet is based on research carried out primarily in economically
advanced countries. The booklet, however, focuses on practices likely to
be generally applicable throughout the world. Even so, the principles
should be assessed with reference to local conditions and adapted

In any educational or cultural context, suggestions or guidelines for
practice must be responsive to that context and open to continuing
evaluation. The inquiry model presented in this summary provides a tool
to help teachers and teacher educators adapt and build upon the findings
of this synthesis in their own contexts.
Editor, Michigan State University,
United States of America

Previous titles in the Educational practices series:

1. Teaching by Jere Brophy. 36 p.
2. Parents and learning by Sam Redding. 36 p.
3. Effective educational practices by Herbert J. Walberg and Susan J. Paik.
24 p.
4. Improving student achievement in mathematics by Douglas A. Grouws and
Kristin J. Cebulla. 48 p.
5. Tutoring by Keith Topping. 36 p.
6. Teaching additional languages by Elliot L. Judd, Lihua Tan and Herbert
J. Walberg. 24 p.
7. How children learn by Stella Vosniadou. 32 p.
8. Preventing behaviour problems: what works by Sharon L. Foster, Patricia
Brennan, Anthony Biglan, Linna Wang and Suad al-Ghaith. 30 p.
9. Preventing HIV/AIDS in schools by Inon I. Schenker and Jenny M.
Nyirenda. 32 p.
10. Motivation to learn by Monique Boekaerts. 28 p.
11. Academic and social emotional learning by Maurice J. Elias. 31 p.
12. Teaching reading by Elizabeth S. Pang, Angaluki Muaka, Elizabeth B.
Bernhardt and Michael L. Kamil. 23 p.
13. Promoting pre-school language by John Lybolt and Catherine Gottfred.
27 p.
14. Teaching speaking, listening and writing by Trudy Wallace, Winifred E.
Stariha and Herbert J. Walberg. 19 p.
15. Using new media by Clara Chung-wai Shih and David E. Weekly. 23 p.
16. Creating a safe and welcoming school by John E. Mayer. 27 p.
17. Teaching science by John R. Staver. 26 p.

These titles can be downloaded from the websites of the IEA

( or of the IBE
( or paper copies
can be requested from: IBE, Publications Unit, P.O. Box 199,
1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Please note that several titles are
out of print, but can be downloaded from the IEA and IBE

Table of Contents
The International Academy of Education, page 2
Series Preface, page 3
Introduction, page 6
1. Focus on valued student outcomes, page 8
2. Worthwhile content, page 10
3. Integration of knowledge and skills, page 11
4. Assessment for professional inquiry, page 13
5. Multiple opportunities to learn and apply information, page 15
6. Approaches responsive to learning processes, page 17
7. Opportunities to process new learning with others, page 19
8. Knowledgeable expertise, page 20
9. Active leadership, page 22
10. Maintaining momentum, page 24
Conclusion, page 28
References, page 30

This publication was produced in 2008 by the International

Academy of Education (IAE), Palais des Acadmies, 1, rue
Ducale, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, and the International Bureau of
Education (IBE), P.O. Box 199, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. It
is available free of charge and may be freely reproduced and
translated into other languages. Please send a copy of any
publication that reproduces this text in whole or in part to the
IAE and the IBE. This publication is also available on the
Internet. See the Publications section, Educational Practices
Series page at:
The authors are responsible for the choice and presentation of the
facts contained in this publication and for the opinions expressed
therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO/IBE and do
not commit the organization. The designations employed and the
presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of
UNESCO/IBE concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Printed in 2008 by Imprimerie Nouvelle Gonnet, 01300 Belley, France.

This booklet synthesises the research on teacher professional learning
and development that has been demonstrated to have a positive
impact on valued student outcomes. Its findings relate to teachers
who have received at least some initial teacher education and who are
in the process of deepening their knowledge and refining their skills.
The booklet should prove particularly useful to those who are
involved in helping teachers develop the professional skills they need
to teach challenging curricula to diverse students, including students
who typically have not achieved well in some of our educational
Behind the ten key principles identified in this synthesis are four
important understandings that arise from the evidence base:
1. Notwithstanding the influence of factors such as socio-economic
status, home, and community, student learning is strongly
influenced by what and how teachers teach.
2. Teaching is a complex activity. Teachers moment-by-moment
decisions about lesson content and process are shaped by
multiple factors, not just the agendas of those looking for
changes in practice. Such factors include teachers knowledge and
their beliefs about what is important to teach, how students learn,
and how to manage student behaviour and meet external
3. It is important to set up conditions that are responsive to the ways
in which teachers learn. A recent overview of the research
identified the following as important for encouraging learning:
engaging learners prior conceptions about how the world works;
developing deep factual and conceptual knowledge, organised
into frameworks that facilitate retrieval and application; and
promoting metacognitive and self-regulatory processes that help
learners define goals and then monitor their progress towards
4. Professional learning is strongly shaped by the context in
which the teacher practises. This is usually the classroom, which,
in turn, is strongly influenced by the wider school culture and
the community and society in which the school is situated.
Teachers daily experiences in their practice context shape
their understandings, and their understandings shape their
Other booklets in this series elaborate on aspects of these key
understandings. The focus of this particular booklet is on the

interrelated conditions for professional learning and development that
impact positively on valued student outcomes.
Helen Timperley

Suggested Readings
1. Alton-Lee, 2003; Donovan, Bransford, & Pellegrino, 1999;
Kennedy, 1998; Nye, Konstantanopoulos, & Hedges, 2004.

1. Focus on valued student
Professional learning experiences that focus
on the links between particular teaching
activities and valued student outcomes are
associated with positive impacts on those

Research findings
An important factor influencing whether professional learning
activities have a positive impact on outcomes for students is the extent
to which those outcomes form the rationale for, and ongoing focus of,
teacher engagement. Such a focus requires teachers to understand the
links between particular teaching activities, the ways different groups
of students respond, and what their students actually learn.
Further, success needs to be defined not in terms of teacher
mastery of new strategies but in terms of the impact that changed
practice has on valued outcomes. Because teachers work in such varied
contexts, there can be no guarantee that any specific approach to
teaching will have the desired outcomes for students. For this reason,
it is important to keep progress towards the valued outcomes
constantly in view.
Professional learning opportunities that have little impact on
student outcomes typically focus on mastery of specific teaching skills
without checking whether the use of those skills has the desired effect
on students.

Outcomes and expectations

Targeted outcomes for students may be relatively narrow, typically
involving the learning of specific knowledge and skills. They also may
be broad: comprehending text, learning how to learn, developing
collaborative skills, or improving well-being. Whether narrow or
broad, they must be clear to the teachers engaging in professional
learning experiences. Otherwise, the teachers engagement is not likely
to make a difference for their students.
Where achievement problems are entrenched, possibilities for
improved outcomes may become apparent only over time, as teachers
see evidence that students can acquire new knowledge and skills when
taught differently. Higher teacher expectations of students come from

seeing improved outcomesthere is little evidence to suggest that
they can be developed independently of such improvement.

Taking responsibility
Teachers who are engaged in cycles of effective professional learning
take greater responsibility for the learning of all students; they do not
dismiss learning difficulties as an inevitable consequence of the home
or community environment. As they take more responsibility, and as
they discover that their new professional knowledge and practice are
having a positive impact on their students, they begin to feel more
effective as teachers. Like greater expectations, heightened
responsibility is developed most effectively when teachers observe that
their new teaching practices are having positive impacts on their
Linking student learning issues to an expectation that teachers
will address them is likely, however, to lead to blaming and a lack of
learning unless teachers are confident that they will be given the
support they need to develop more effective practices.

Suggested readings: Black & Wiliam, 1998; Timperley & Alton-Lee,

2008; Van der Sijde, 1989.

2. Worthwhile content
The knowledge and skills developed are
those that have been established as effective
in achieving valued student outcomes.

Research findings
How can teachers teach more effectively? While some well-grounded
principles have been established (see Brophy, 1999), unproven ideas
continue to sweep through different educational jurisdictions. The
popularity of particular professional development programmes is not
necessarily matched by their impact on students.
Professional knowledge and skills that do have a positive impact
on student outcomes are consistent with evidence-based principles of
teaching effectiveness. The approaches in which they are embedded
have withstood the rigours of policy debates, have been recommended
by national school subject associations, or are based on generally
accepted research findings.
Some ineffective professional learning approaches also have been
justified on the basis of research or policy, but not research or
policy that has been adopted by a professional body or that forms part
of a wider programme of research and development.

Fixed programmes versus context-specific approaches

In some educational jurisdictions, professional development takes the
form of fixed programmes designed to develop particular knowledge
and skills that have been identified as effective. While they may be
based on sound research about student learning, such programmes are
developed independently of the participating teachers practice
contexts and tend to have less impact on student outcomes than
approaches that are context-specific. Context-specific approaches
promote teaching practices that are consistent with the principles of
effective teaching but also systematically assist teachers to translate
those principles into locally adapted applications. By developing this
kind of knowledge teachers can better solve identified issues about
student outcomes in their particular teaching situations.

Suggested readings: Brophy, 1999; Stallings & Krasavage, 1986;

Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, & Fung, 2007.

3. Integration of knowledge
and skills
The integration of essential teacher
knowledge and skills promotes deep teacher
learning and effective changes in practice.

Research findings
This principle is central to meaningful change. To establish a firm
foundation for improved student outcomes, teachers must integrate
their knowledge about the curriculum, and about how to teach it
effectively and how to assess whether students have learned it.
Teachers need knowledge and skills in assessment to maintain a
student focus: the ability to identify exactly what students know and
can do is a prerequisite for teaching that is responsive to each students
needs. But teachers cannot develop their assessment knowledge in
isolation from their knowledge of pedagogical content, which is also
vital as they focus their teaching on meeting the student needs they

Integrating theory and practice

Theory and practice also need to be integrated. In effective professional
development, theories of curriculum, effective teaching, and assessment
are developed alongside their applications to practice. This integration
allows teachers to use their theoretical understandings as the basis for
making ongoing, principled decisions about practice.
A skills-only focus does not develop the deep understandings
teachers need if they are to change practice in ways that flexibly meet
the complex demands of everyday teaching. In fact, without a
thorough understanding of the theory, teachers are apt to believe they
are teaching in ways consistent with the promoted practice when in
fact the relationship between theory and practice is actually very
superficialand any changes they make have little impact on student
outcomes. Similarly, using approaches that integrate theory and
practice is more effective than merely teaching theoretical constructs to
teachers without helping them translate those constructs into practice.

Tailoring the emphasis

When designing professional learning opportunities, it is important
to consider teachers prior knowledge of curriculum and assessment

and how they view existing practice. This takes teacher diversity into
account just as we expect teachers to take student diversity into
account. If teachers have strong curriculum knowledge but weak
assessment knowledge, for example, effective approaches to
professional development will recognise this. Teachers also have very
diverse professional learning needs arising from the specific demands
that their particular students place on their teaching skills.

Suggested readings: Donovan, Bransford, & Pellegrino, 1999;

Hammerness, Darling-Hammond, Bransford, Berliner, Cochran-
Smith, McDonald, & Zeichner, 2005; Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, &
Fung, 2007.

4. Assessment for professional
Information about what students need to
know and do is used to identify what
teachers need to know and do.

Research findings
To engage in professional inquiry that makes a difference for students,
teachers need to learn how to identify the pedagogical content
knowledge and skills they need to assist their students to achieve the
valued outcomes. The core question is, What do we as teachers need
to learn to promote the learning of our students? Most models of
professional inquiry focus on structures and processes. Missing from
such models is the nature of the content or understandings to be
developed and the skills to be refined (specified through an inquiry
process) and the relationship between teacher inquiry and student
outcomes. For professional inquiry to have an impact on outcomes,
these elements are crucial.
Teachers need sophisticated assessment skills if they are to identify
(i) what their students know and can do in relation to valued
outcomes and (ii) what further learning they themselves need if they
are to assist their students in learning. Assessment of this kind cannot
take place outside of the teachinglearning processit is integral to
it. Teachers, therefore, need a variety of ways of assessing their
students progress, ways that include, but go beyond, standardised
testing. These include interviews with students about their learning,
systematic analysis of student work, and classroom observations.

Developing self-regulatory learning skills

It is essential that teachers learn how to identify the needs of their
students and their own professional learning needs, but this is not the
whole story. Teachers also need to develop the self-regulatory skills
that will enable them to monitor and reflect on the effectiveness of
changes they make to their practice. This latter inquiry will tell them
what ongoing adjustments they must make to maximise student
outcomes. In the absence of such self-regulation, changing practice
becomes an end in itself instead of a means to benefit students.
Self-regulation is important for all learners, whether students or
teachers; it is the process by which they seek feedback on their efforts

to learn. Critical to such self-regulation is the identification of
intended outcomes and of cues that will make it possible to monitor
progress towards those outcomes. Prescribing sets of desirable
behaviours or leaving teachers to develop better practice in the
absence of clearly defined goals do not support the development of
This use of assessment information is very different from
traditional uses, such as sorting and labelling students or making
summative judgments about teaching quality. Indeed, traditional
conceptions of assessment are not conducive to self-regulated inquiry:
teachers are unlikely to participate in an inquiry process in an open
and meaningful way if a less-than-desirable outcome puts their job,
pay, or reputation at risk.

Suggested readings: Black & Wiliam, 1998; Butler, Lauscher, Jarvis-

Selinger, & Beckingham, 2004.

5. Multiple opportunities to learn
and apply information
To make significant changes to their practice,
teachers need multiple opportunities to learn new
information and understand its implications for
practice. Furthermore, they need to encounter
these opportunities in environments that offer both
trust and challenge.

Research findings
Changing practice and developing the skills of professional inquiry
require in-depth understanding. For this reason, teachers need
multiple opportunities to absorb new information and translate it
into practice. Learning is cyclical rather than linear, so teachers need
to be able to revisit partially understood ideas as they try them out in
their everyday contexts.
Such opportunities should involve a variety of activities that are
designed to promote acquisition of the target knowledge and skills.
Much of the research literature privileges particular types of activity,
such as modelling and coaching, but a synthesis of the research does
not reveal that any particular activity is of itself more effective than
another. What is more important is that activities are designed and
aligned to meet the particular learning purpose.
For substantive learning, such as that involved in improving their
students reading comprehension, mathematical problem solving, or
scientific reasoning, teachers need extended time in which to learn
and change. In such cases, it typically takes one to two years for
teachers to understand how existing beliefs and practices are different
from those being promoted, to build the required pedagogical content
knowledge, and to change practice. Given that teachers engaged in
professional learning are simultaneously maintaining a teaching
workload, and that many of their existing assumptions about effective
practice are being challenged, it is not surprising that so much time is
required. Time, however, is not a sufficient condition for change:
teachers also need to have their current practice challenged and to be
supported as they make changes.

Trust and challenge

Opportunities to learn must occur in environments characterised by
both trust and challenge because change is as much about the emotions

as it is about knowledge and skills. Expectations for change can touch
raw nerves if teachers take them as reflections on their competence or
challenges to their professional identity. If emotional issues are ignored,
teachers may close themselves off to learning and adopt defensive
postures to avoid exposing their inadequacies. At the opposite extreme,
if professional vulnerabilities are allowed to dictate the learning agenda,
then outcomes for students are unlikely to improve.
All learning activities require the twin elements of trust and
challenge. Little professional learning takes place without challenge.
Change, however, involves risk; before teachers take on that risk, they
need to trust that their honest efforts will be supported, not belittled.

Engagement rather than volunteering

In any learning situation, learners may be present physically but lack
commitment to the learning process. In the case of teachers professional
learning, participation is sometimes made voluntary as a way to minimise
this problem. The research evidence, however, does not support this
approach. Prior commitment does not guarantee greater engagement, and
both voluntary and mandatory teacher participation have co-occurred
with positive and negative outcomes for students.
The circumstances that initially lead to participation bear a
complex relationship to further engagement. Administrative and peer
pressures can influence volunteering. Furthermore, participating
teacherswhether or not they are volunteersrarely believe that they
will need to engage in in-depth learning or make substantive changes
to their practice. Those who provide the professional development
typically do believe this but do not disclose it. So learning is likely to
prove uncomfortable even if the participants have volunteered.
The research evidence shows that learning important content
through engagement in meaningful activities, supported by a rationale
for participation that is based on identified student needs, has a greater
impact on student outcomes than the circumstances that lead teachers to
sign up. These two dimensions determine whether the teachers engage
in the learning process sufficiently to deepen their knowledge and extend
their skills in ways that lead to improved student outcomes.
Initial engagement can be promoted by identifying specific issues
that teachers recognise as real and then offering a vision of how they
might be solved. Ongoing, subsequent engagement is promoted by
worthwhile learning activities and by opportunities to negotiate the
meaning of existing and new theories and explore their differing
impacts on students.

Suggested readings: Bryk & Schneider, 2002; Phillips, 2003; Wilson

& Berne, 1999.

6. Approaches responsive
to learning processes
The promotion of professional learning
requires different approaches depending on
whether or not new ideas are consistent with
the assumptions that currently underpin

Research findings
Teachers are diverse in their understandings and assumptions about
students and how they learn, what counts as valued knowledge, and
how best to teach it. How these understandings and assumptions
shape teachers responses to new information depends on the extent
to which they are consistent with, or dissonant from, the
understandings that underpin the new knowledge and skills to be
Professional learning approaches that focus primarily on building
new knowledge and skills are suitable when teachers existing
understandings are congruent with the new information and therefore
can be integrated readily into their existing practice. But when
teachers personal theories about students, valued curricula, and
effective teaching practices differ from those being promoted in the
professional learning, a different approach is needed. In the case of
mathematics and science, for example, existing curricula usually
emphasise computational and factual knowledge while new curricula
typically emphasise reasoning and problem-solving skills. This kind of
change involves more than learning new knowledge and skills. It
requires that teachers understand both the limitations of the current
emphasis and the new ways of deciding what knowledge is valued.

Engaging existing theories

Teachers are likely to reject new ideas that conflict with their current
ideas unless, as part of the professional learning, their existing
understandings are engaged. Without such engagement, teachers are
likely to dismiss new strategies as unrealistic and inappropriate for
their particular practice contexts. Similarly, they are likely to reject
new content as irrelevant. Engaging teachers existing ideas means
discussing how those ideas differ from the ideas being promoted and
assessing the impact that the new approaches might have on their

students. If they cannot be persuaded that a new approach is valuable
and be certain of support if they implement it, teachers are unlikely
to adopt itat least, not without strong accountability pressures. It is
particularly important to engage existing theories when challenging
teachers beliefs about, and expectations of, those students who have
traditionally underachieved.
Change appears to be promoted by a cyclical process in which
teachers have their current assumptions challenged by the
demonstration of effective alternative practice, develop new
knowledge and skills, make small changes to practice, and observe
resulting improvements in student outcomes. When this happens,
teachers come to expect more of their studentsthat they will learn
more quickly or deeply than they had previously believed possible.

Suggested readings: Coburn, 2001; Spillane, 1999; Timperley &

Phillips, 2003.

7. Opportunities to process
new learning with others
Collegial interaction that is focused on
student outcomes can help teachers
integrate new learning into existing practice.

Research findings
Collegial communities have been promoted as a means of improving
teaching, but research typically reveals only a weak relationship
between participation in such communities and improved student
outcomes. Yet findings from many studies suggest that participation
in a professional community with ones colleagues is an integral part
of professional learning that impacts positively on students. The
resolution of this apparent contradiction appears to be that if teachers
are to change, they need to participate in a professional learning
community that is focused on becoming responsive to students, because
such a community gives teachers opportunities to process new
information while helping them keep their eyes on the goal.
As an intervention on its own, a collegial community will often
end up merely entrenching existing practice and the assumptions on
which it is based. The research literature contains many examples of
situations where teachers were given the time and resources to meet
together to solve a problem or learn about new curricula or
pedagogical practices but where this aim was thwarted by norms of
politeness and the absence of challenge. As is the case for all other
areas of professional learning, the effectiveness of collegial interaction
needs to be assessed in terms of its focus on the relationship between
teaching practice and student outcomes. Samples of student work,
student achievement profiles, and the results of student interviews are
all resources that can be used to help maintain this focus.

Suggested readings: Lipman, 1997; Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, &

Fung, 2007.

8. Knowledgeable expertise
Expertise external to the group of
participating teachers is necessary to
challenge existing assumptions and develop
the kinds of new knowledge and skills
associated with positive outcomes for

Research findings
The engagement of expertise external to the group of participating
teachers is necessary because substantive new learning requires
teachers to understand new content, learn new skills, and think about
their existing practice in new ways. An expert may come from within
the school (for example, the principal) or outside the school (for
example, a researcher).
Existing assumptions about curriculum or about what particular
groups of students are able to learn can prevent teachers from
examining how effective their own practice is in promoting student
learning. External experts need to be able to challenge assumptions
and present teachers with new possibilities; challenge the social norms
by which collegial groups operate, wherever these norms constrain
professional learning; and keep the focus on students and their
Experts need to know the content of the relevant curricula and
what teaching practices make a difference for students. They need to
be able to make new knowledge and skills meaningful to teachers and
manageable within their practice contexts, to connect theory and
practice in ways that teachers find helpful, and to develop teachers
ability to use inquiry and assessment data to inform their teaching.
Not everyone engaged in promoting teacher professional learning has
the knowledge and skills to do these things. For this reason, it is
unfortunately possible for professional development to have an
adverse impact on teacher practice and student outcomes.
Some professional developers treat teachers as technicians who
can be taught a new set of behaviours and then be expected to
implement them. This approach ignores the complexity of teaching
and disregards the need for teachers to be responsive to the learning
needs of their students. Effective teaching practice is based on a
coherent and integrated set of beliefs, knowledge, and values. External
experts who simply promote their own preferred practices are less
effective than those who involve teachers in discussing and developing

understandings that are meaningful in their particular practice
Those who plan and facilitate professional development need to
support teachers as they develop the theoretical understandings and
tools that will enable them to take a self-regulated, inquiry approach
to their everyday practice.

Suggested readings: Cordingley, Bell, Isham, Evans, & Firth, 2007;

Lipman, 1997; Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, & Fung, 2007.

9. Active leadership
Designated educational leaders have a key
role in developing expectations for
improved student outcomes and organising
and promoting engagement in professional
learning opportunities.

Research findings
In most educational jurisdictions, designated leaders have
responsibility for promoting professional learning and development
opportunities for teachers. Effective professional development may
take place outside the school environment, but if it is site-based, it is
important that leaders are actively involved.
Leaders may undertake multiple roles, depending on their
positions and expertise, but three roles appear to be crucial for gaining
and maintaining the interest of teachers and ensuring that their
learning is ongoing:

a. Developing a vision of new possibilities

This role involves developing a realistic visionbased on alternative
possibilitiesof better student outcomes, more meaningful
curriculum content, or different pedagogical approaches. A vision of
this kind can serve as a powerful catalyst for teachers to engage in new
learning and to formulate specific goals for their learning.
Establishing a vision in which new things are possible is best done
through everyday activities, not decontextualised pronouncements.
For example, the use of success stories to embed high teacher
expectations of students is likely to contribute as much to the
development of an alternative vision as the setting of targets or goals.
One of the most powerful means of gaining teacher commitment is to
provide proof, obtained through monitoring, of improved student
progress towards identified goals. Leaders need to find ways to
demonstrate such progress.

b. Leading learning
Even if leaders do not have expert understanding of the content of
new knowledge, and therefore choose to make use of external
expertise, they are responsible in several ways for managing teacher
engagement in the learning process. These include: ensuring that

teachers understand new information, engaging dissonance
constructively when existing assumptions are challenged, ensuring
that teachers have productive opportunities to learn, and providing
incentives for teachers to continue to enact the new learning in
Professional development led by outside experts has limitations
because these experts are not present in the school on a continuing
basis. This means that it falls to site-based leaders to help teachers
translate their new understandings into practice and to sustain the
professional inquiry process.

c. Organising learning opportunities

Schools do not thrive on visions alone, so leaders must ensure that
professional learning opportunities are well managed and organised
and that appropriate conditions are in place for the extended
engagement that in-depth professional learning requires. By
participating in professional development themselves, leaders who do
not have specific expertise can develop the understandings they need
to create conditions that will support their teachers ongoing learning.
Leaders need to recognise that bringing about substantive change
is a complex business and reduce competing demands accordingly. It
is particularly important to ensure that other innovations taking place
in the school are theoretically coherent with the new learning. When
this is the case, theoretical understandings are deepened, not
compromised. One of the greatest threats to comprehensive school
reform is the introduction of competing reforms that lead to
fragmentation of effort.

Suggested readings: Datnow, Foster, Kemper, Lasky, Rutherford,

Schmidt, Stringfield, Sutherland, & Thomas, 2003; Phillips, 2003;
Robinson, 2007; Stein & Nelson, 2003.

10. Maintaining momentum
Sustained improvement in student
outcomes requires that teachers have
sound theoretical knowledge, evidence-
informed inquiry skills, and supportive
organizational conditions.

Research findings
Regrettably, most efforts to improve student outcomes through
professional learning and development are short-lived. For
improvement to be sustained, short-term perspectives need to be
extended to more distant horizons. Although the research base
identifying the conditions associated with long-term improvement is
somewhat thin, one thing does appear clear: sustainability depends
both on what happens during the professional learning experience and
on the organizational conditions that are in place when external
support is withdrawn.

The professional learning experience

A sustained improvement in student outcomes depends firstly on
teachers developing strong theoretical frameworks that provide them
with a basis for making principled changes to practice in response to
student needs. When confronted with specific teachinglearning
challenges, teachers can go back to the theory to determine what
adjustments they need to make to their practice.
Sustained improvement also depends on teachers developing
professional, self-regulatory inquiry skills so that they can collect
relevant evidence, use it to inquire into the effectiveness of their
teaching, and make continuing adjustments to their practice. Teachers
with these crucial self-regulatory skills are able to answer three vital
questions: Where am I going?, How am I doing?, and Where to
The answer to the Where am I going? question is sometimes
referenced explicitly to national or state standards; more often it is
found in, for example, improvements in students mathematical
problem solving or text comprehension. The answer to the question,
How am I doing? is a measure of how effective teaching is in terms
of student progress. The answer to the Where to next? question is
guided by a detailed and theoretically sophisticated knowledge of
curriculum content and student progressions.

Organizational conditions
Continued forward momentum also depends on an organizational
infrastructure that supports professional learning and self-regulated
inquiry. It is difficult for teachers to engage in sophisticated inquiry
processes unless site-based leaders reinforce the importance of goals
for student learning, assist teachers to collect and analyse relevant
evidence of progress toward them, and access expert assistance when

Suggested readings: Franke, Carpenter, Fennema, Ansell, & Behrend,

1998; Hattie & Timperley, 2007; McNaughton, Lai, MacDonald, &
Farry, 2004.

Teacher inquiry and knowledge-building

cycles to promote valued student outcomes

The ten principles discussed above do not operate independently;
rather, they are integrated to inform cycles of learning and action.
Figure 1 brings the principles together in a cycle of inquiry and
knowledge-building. The four questions in the boxes are framed from
the perspective of teachers and their leaders because it is they who
must answer them. But it is assumed that they will receive support to
do so: the research evidence indicates that involving external expertise
can be crucial for promoting this kind of teacher inquiry and
knowledge building.
Principle 1focus on valued student outcomesmeans that the
cycle of professional inquiry and knowledge-building begins with a
question about students learning needs. These needs are determined
by first identifying the outcomes that the community values and then
assessing how all students are doing in relation to these outcomes.
Teachers understanding of what outcomes are important and
achievable often evolves in the course of professional learning cycles as
new possibilities suggest themselves. What is important is that the
teacher always maintains a focus on the students.
Principle 2 is about teachers learning worthwhile knowledge and
skills. Those teaching approaches that have been subject to research
and wide debate are most likely to have positive impacts on student
outcomes. Teachers need to be able to answer the question, What
knowledge and skills do we as teachers need to help students bridge
the gap between current understandings and valued student
Principle 3 concerns the importance of integrating theory and
practice as they relate to curriculum, teaching practice, and assessment
knowledge in the areas that are the focus for professional learning.
Teaching is a complex activity in which moment-by-moment
decisions are shaped by teachers beliefs and theories about what it
means to be effective. Theoretical understandings give coherence to
these decisions.
Principle 4 identifies the need to use assessment as the basis for
professional inquiry. If student learning needs, professional learning
needs, and worthwhile content are to be aligned, teachers must be
able to discover what students already know and can do and how to
build on that knowledge in deep, rather than superficial, ways.
In the most effective professional learning, judged by student
outcomes, leaders are active participants as described in principle 9.
Leaders are responsible for setting up ongoing, useful opportunities to

promote teacher learning. Even when external experts are involved,
leaders still play a crucial role in developing a realistic vision of
alternative possibilities, modelling what it means to be a learner, and
managing teacher engagement in the learning process.
The circumstances in which teachers sign up for professional
learning are not as important as the conditions that promote fruitful
engagement. Principles 5, 6, 7 and 8 concern the conditions that
promote engagement in professional learning once teachers have
identified what they need to learn. Principle 5 is about providing
multiple opportunities for teachers to learn and practise new
knowledge and skills in environments characterised by trust and
challenge. Principle 6 identifies the importance of adapting
approaches to professional learning to fit the kind of new learning
involved. Principle 7 identifies the need for participating teachers to
be given opportunities to process new learning with colleagues.
Principle 8 is about the role of knowledgeable expertise in facilitating
productive professional learning.
The final stage in the cycle modelled by the diagram involves
judging the impact of changed actions on students. This stage
incorporates principle 1 (focus on valued student outcomes),
principle 2 (worthwhile content), and principle 3 (integration of
knowledge and skills). Most important are principles 4 and 10
(assessment for professional inquiry, and maintaining momentum).
The first of these focuses on teachers developing the self-regulatory
skills they need in order to judge the impact of their teaching on
valued student outcomes. Given the varied contexts in which they
work, there can be no guarantee that any specific activity will have the
anticipated result. Once the experts withdraw their support, teachers
need to be able to determine for themselves the effectiveness of their
actions. For this reason, the extent to which they develop self-
regulatory skills is one of the most powerful determinants of ongoing

Suggested readings: Timperley, Wilson, Barrar, & Fung, 2007.

Alton-Lee, A. 2003. Quality teaching for diverse students in schooling:
Best evidence synthesis. Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of
Education. <>
Black, P.; Wiliam, D. 1998. Inside the black box: Raising standards
through classroom assessment. London: Kings College.
Brophy, J. 1999. Teaching. International Bureau of Education.
Available at <>.
Bryk, A.; Schneider, B. 2002. Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for
Improvement. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Butler, D. et al. 2004. Collaboration and self-regulation in teachers
professional development. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol.
20, no. 5, pp. 435455.
Coburn, C.E. 2001. Collective sensemaking about reading: How
teachers mediate reading policy in their professional
communities. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 23,
no. 2, pp. 145170.
Cordingley, P. et al. 2007. Continuing Professional Development
(CPD): What do specialists do in CPD programmes for which
there is evidence of positive outcomes for pupils and teachers?
Research Evidence in Education Library. London: EPPI-Centre,
Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University
of London.
Datnow, A. et al. 2003. Five key factors in supporting comprehensive
school reform. In: Bascia, N. et al., eds. International Handbook of
Educational Policy (pp. 195215). New York: Kluwer.
Donovan, M.S.; Bransford, J.D.; Pellegrino, J.W., eds. 1999. How
people learn: Bridging research and practice. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press.
Franke, M.L. et al. 1998. Understanding teachers self-sustaining,
generative change in the context of professional development.
Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 6780.
Hammerness, K. et al. 2005. How teachers learn and develop. In:
Darling-Hammond, L. ed. Preparing teachers for a changing world:
What teachers should learn and be able to do (pp. 358389). San
Francisco: John Wiley & Sons.
Hattie, J.; Timperley, H. 2007. The power of feedback. Review of
Educational Research, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 81112.
Kennedy, M.M. 1998. Form and substance in inservice teacher
education. Research Monograph No. 13. Madison, WI: National
Institute for Science Education (NISE) Publications, University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lipman, P. 1997. Restructuring in context: A case study of teacher
participation and the dynamics of ideology, race and power.
American Educational Research Journal, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 337.

McNaughton, S. et al. 2004. Designing more effective teaching of
comprehension in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms
in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.
27, no. 3, pp. 184197.
Nye, B.; Konstantanopoulos, S.; Hedges, L.V. 2004. How large are
teacher effects? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 26,
no. 3, pp. 237257.
Phillips, J. 2003. Powerful learning: Creating learning communities
in urban school reform. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,
vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 240258.
Robinson, V. 2007. School leadership and student outcomes:
Identifying what works and why. William Walker Oration.
Australian Council of Educational Leaders Monograph No. 41.
Australia: ACEL.
Spillane, J.P. 1999. External reform initiatives and teachers efforts to
reconstruct their practice: The mediating role of teachers zones of
enactment. Journal of Curriculum Studies, vol. 31, no. 2,
pp. 143175.
Stallings, J.; Krasavage, E.M. 1986. Program implementation and
student achievement in a four-year Madeline Hunter follow-
through project. The Elementary School Journal, vol. 87, no. 2,
pp. 117137.
Stein, M.; Nelson, B. 2003. Leadership content knowledge.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 25, no. 4,
pp. 423448.
Timperley, H.; Alton-Lee, A. 2008. Reframing teacher professional
learning: An alternative policy approach to strengthening valued
outcomes for diverse learners. In: Kelly, G.; Luke, A.; Green, J.
eds. Disciplines, knowledge and pedagogy. Review of Research in
Education, 32, Washington DC: Sage Publications.
Timperley, H.; Phillips, G. 2003. Changing and sustaining teachers
expectations through professional development in literacy.
Teaching and Teacher Education, no. 19, pp. 627641.
Timperley, H. et al. 2007. Teacher Professional Learning and
Development: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES]. Wellington,
New Zealand: Ministry of Education. Available at
Van der Sijde, P. 1989. The effect of a brief teacher training on
student achievement. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 5, no.
4, pp. 303314.
Wilson, S.; Berne, J. 1999. Teacher learning and the acquisition of
professional knowledge: An examination of research on
contemporary professional development. In: Iran-Nejad, A.;
Pearson, P.D. eds. Review of Research in Education, no. 24,
pp. 173209. Washington, DC: Sage Publications.

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