Aluminium Zeitung 01-02-07
Aluminium Zeitung 01-02-07
Aluminium Zeitung 01-02-07
Special 2007
The international
smelting industry
Alcoa image - used with permission
Strapping technology
with PET high per-
formance strip
Homogenizing Plant
Continuous Homogenizing Plant.
Die erste Ausgabe der ALUMINIUM One of the first things that will be
unter neuer redaktioneller Leitung noticed about this first issue of ALU-
und dann gleich in einem neuen MINIUM under its new editorial man-
Look: Das knnte schnell auch als agement, is a new look. That might at
inhaltlicher Bruch mit der bisherigen first sight also lead to the expectation
Tradition der Zeitschrift interpretiert of a break from the previous tradition
werden, doch wre dies ein Missver- of the journal in terms of content, but
stndnis. this would be a misunderstanding.
Der langjhrige Chefredakteur Dr.-Ing. Peter Johne, Editor in
Dr.-Ing. Peter Johne hat die ALUMI- Chief of ALUMINIUM for very many
NIUM in den vergangenen mehr als years, developed it over much more
zehn Jahren zu einer international than a decade into an internation-
renommierten Fachzeitschrift entwi- ally renowned technical journal dis-
ckelt, die sich durch fundierte und gut tinguished for its authoritative and
Volker Karow recherchierte Berichte aus Industrie, well-researched reports on industry,
Chefredakteur Forschung und Praxis auszeichnet. research and practical applications.
Editor in Chief Diese Prgung, das ist der Anspruch, Naturally, we aim to maintain that
soll natrlich fortgesetzt werden. Da- reputation and image. It is only to be
bei liegt es in der Natur der Sache, expected, however, that a trained po-
dass ein gelernter Volkswirt einen litical economist will see matters from
etwas anderen Blickwinkel als ein a viewpoint somewhat different from
Ingenieur hat. Das mag hier und da that of an engineer. Here and there this
mit einer leichten inhaltlichen Ak- may result in a slight shift of empha-
pro domo: zentverschiebung einhergehen, doch sis in the content, but technical and
bleiben technische und wissenschaft- scientific contributions will as always
Kontinuitt im liche Beitrge auch knftig zentrale remain cornerstones of ALUMINIUM
Bausteine der ALUMINIUM. Die neue in the future as well. The new Chief
Wandel Chefredaktion wei sich dabei glck- Editor is only too happy to make the
lich, auf die Expertise des geschtzten most of the expertise of his esteemed
Kollegen zurckgreifen zu knnen. colleague Dr. Johne, who will still lend
Dr. Johne wird dieser Zeitschrift wei- his services to this journal, both as an
terhin zur Verfgung stehen: als Autor author and as publisher.
und auch als Herausgeber. As regards the redesigned layout:
Was nun die berarbeitung des readers leafing through the new is-
pro domo: Layouts betrifft: Der Leser wird beim sue will note that the proportion of
Durchblttern der neuen Ausgabe coloured pages has been increased.
Change with feststellen, dass der Anteil der far- Careful observation will show that the
bigen Seiten erweitert wurde. Bei ge- structure and organisation of ALU-
continuity nauerem Hinsehen wird erkennbar, MINIUM have been modified with
dass Struktur und Gliederung der a view to greater clarity and reader
ALUMINIUM mit Blick auf bersicht- guidance. In relation to the bilingual
lichkeit und Leserfhrung berarbei- presentation of articles as well, the
tet wurden. Auch hinsichtlich der publisher and editor have striven to
Zweisprachigkeit von Artikeln waren achieve optimisations from the read-
Herausgeber und Redaktion bestrebt, ers standpoint. Last but not least, some
aus Lesersicht Optimierungen vorzu- further changes have had to be made
nehmen. Zu guter Letzt ging es auch in order to provide greater variety in
darum, die Zeitschrift layouttech- the technical layout of the journal.
nisch abwechslungsreicher zu gestal- We hope that we have managed this
ten. Wir hoffen, dies ist uns gelungen successfully and that sympathetically
und der geneigte Leser sieht in der inclined readers will find the changes
berarbeitung einen Gewinn. beneficial. Notwithstanding its new
Jenseits gestalterischer Neuerun- design features, ALUMINIUM will in
gen bleibt die ALUMINIUM auch the future too remain a journal that
knftig eine die Branchenwelt abbil- faithfully portrays the world of the
dende Fachzeitschrift und den sich aluminium branch and does all that
daraus ergebenden Anforderungen is necessary to fulfil the responsibility
verpflichtet. of doing so.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 3
pro domo: Kontinuitt im Wandel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Personen, Unternehmen, Mrkte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Aluminiumpreise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Produktionsdaten der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Die deutschen Httenbetriebe: technisch effizient, umweltpolitisch
S P E C I A L 2 0 0 7: D I E I N T E R N AT I O N A L E
A L U M I N I U M - H T T E N I N D U S T R I E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
I N T E R N AT I O N A L E B R A N C H E N N E W S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Signode: Umreifungstechnik mit PET-Hochleistungsband . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Alcutec Engineering rstet russische Umschmelzhtte aus . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Deutsche Aluminiumkonjunktur luft derzeit rund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
30 Audi fr innovatives Karosseriekonzept ausgezeichnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Kolbenschmidt Pierburg setzt auf AGR-Khler aus Aluminium. . . . . . . . 86
M A R K T B E R I C H T: A L U M I N I U M I M B A U W E S E N
Energieeffizientes Bauen im Fokus von Politik und Wirtschaft . . . . . . . . 88
bergeordnete Trends im Fenster- und Fassadenbau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Europischer Architektur-Wettbewerb von Corus Bausysteme ......... 90
Fenstermarkt im Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Grtes deutsches Broprojekt mit Wicona-Fassaden .................... 91
Vorbericht: 9. Internationaler Aluminium Recycling Kongress der OEA 92
0 Hydro vollendet Metallkreislauf in Neuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Rhrreibschweien von artungleichen Aluminiumknet-
und -druckgusslegierungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
22 nd ASK Metal Forming, Termine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Fortbildung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
BDI-Umweltpreiswettbewerb 2007/08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Neue Redaktionsanschrift
New editorial office Neue Bcher .......................................................................... 105
Firmenschriften . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Volker Karow Literaturhinweise .................................................................... 107
Franz-Meyers-Strae 16 Patente ................................................................................... 109
D-53340 Meckenheim Impressum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Tel: +49(0)2225/8359643 Vorschau ................................................................................ 130
Fax: +49(0)2225/18458
E-Mail: B E Z U G S Q U E L L E N V E R Z E I C H N I S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
pro domo: Change with continuity ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
People, companies, markets ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
European Coil Coating Congress: market development,
technology trends, legislation ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
The Russians are coming: example Rusal .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Hydro maintains speed in aluminium repositioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Global roll-out of breakthrough Novelis Fusion technology . . . . . . . . . . 27
Alcoa joint venture with Sapa group ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
S P E C I A L 2 0 0 7: T H E I N T E R N AT I O N A L
Almeq electric preheater for cathode blocks ................................. 30
Alprg: a software tool for aluminium smelting .............................. 32
Vittorio de Nora honoured by ECS ............................................... 36
Aumund cooling conveyor for hot bath material ............................ 38
Advances in gas suspension calcination technology ........................ 40
Anode rod repair and manufacture .............................................. 42
Integrated continuous billet processing ......................................... 44
De Nora inert metallic anode: further developments ...................... 48
Boron nitride plus binder a synonym for higher productivity ....... 53
Thyristor rectifiers for aluminium plants with advanced
free-wheeling control ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Moeller direct pot feeding technology ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Aluminium smelting industry .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Bauxite and alumina activities ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Secondary aluminium smelting and recycling activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Aluminium semis, Suppliers .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
On the move...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
dieser Ausgabe
Signode: strapping technology with PET high-performance strip . . . . 70
Alcutec: German know-how for Russian recycling complex . . . . . . . . . . . 74 List of advertisers
Positive mood in the German aluminium industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 ABB AG, Schweiz 51
GDA participation at UN conference on sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Alcutec Engineering GmbH 93
EAA launches new sustainability development indicator results . . . . . . 81 Bhler Edelstahl GmbH, sterreich 23
Russias packaging market: aluminium processing technology at Buss ChemTech AG, Schweiz 65
the forefront ...................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-
Audi takes award for innovative TT body concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Maschinenbau GmbH 13
Kolbenschmidt Pierburg successfully marketing its EGR system . . . . . . 86 Coiltec Maschinenvertriebs GmbH 27
Recent advances in coil coating technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Drache Umwelttechnik GmbH 81
Dovebid, USA 63
Edimet SpA, Italien 11
Glama Maschinenbau GmbH 15
Preview of the 9 th International Aluminium Recycling Hartmann Frderanlagen GmbH 57
Congress of the OEA ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Hertwich Engineering GmbH, sterreich 02
High Performance Industrie-Technik GmbH,
EVENTS sterreich 17
Dates, 22 nd ASK Metal Forming: Forming the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Innovatherm Prof. Dr. Leisenberg
GmbH + Co. KG 37
D O C U M E N TAT I O N Inotherm Industrieofen- und
Wrmetechnik GmbH 22, 78
New books ............................................................................. 105
Moeller Materials Handling GmbH 61
company brochures .................................................................. 106 Moltech Sytems Ltd., Schweiz 132
Literature service ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Padelttherm GmbH 55
Imprint ..... ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Precimeter Control AB, Schweden 19
Preview .... ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Bruno Presezzi Officine Meccaniche, Italien 59
SMS Demag AG 131
S O U R C E O F S U P P LY L I S T I N G .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 5
6 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Alcoa has named Jeff Kellar President Vittorio de Nora has been honoured as Hydro will focus on aluminium fol-
of its Alcoa Flexible Packaging busi- the recipient of The Electrochemical lowing the US$ 30 billion takeover of
ness, succeeding Bimal Kalvani. Kel- Society (ECS) 2006 Edward Goodrich its oil and gas assets by Statoil. Fol-
lar joins Richmond, Virginia-based Acheson Award. The award was es- lowing the completion of the recom-
Alcoa Flexible Packaging from Tetra tablished in 1928 to recognise distin- mended merger, Hydro will be the
Pak of Chicago, where he was Vice guished contributions which advance worlds third-largest listed alumin-
President of strategic development objects, purposes or activities of ECS. ium company and is expected to be
and marketing. De Nora has dedicated his career to the fourth-largest company listed on
scientific research in the field of elec- the Oslo Stock Exchange in terms of
Aston Martin
trochemistry, in- market capitalisation. The company
cluding in partic- will continue to focus on its high per-
ular the fields of forming primary production system
chlorine-alkali and well-developed casthouse and
and aluminium remelter system in Europe and the
production. His United States. It will also pursue new
research achieve- alumina and metal growth opportuni-
ments centre on ties in attractive areas.
his efforts to find
a feasible inert an-
ode. More about Novelis with new CEO
de Noras career Novelis has named Edward A. Blech-
on page 36 of this schmidt, a member of its Board of
issue. Directors, to become Acting Chief
Executive Officer, effective January
The Aston Martin V8 Vantage Roadster was revealed at the 2006 Los Angeles Auto
Show end of November. The Roadster shares the unique-to-Aston Martin bonded 2, 2007. Mr. Blechschmidt succeeds
aluminium VH (Vertical Horizontal) architecture the backbone to all modern Aston Board Chairman William T. Mona-
Martins. Adding to this structure sophisticated materials such as lightweight alloys,
han, who has been Interim CEO since
magnesium and advanced composites are used for the body, further contributing to
the cars low weight and high rigidity. Body specification: Aluminium alloy, steel, com- August 2006. Mr. Monahan remains
posite, and magnesium alloy body. Extruded aluminium side impact bars and integral Chairman of the Novelis Board. Nov-
rollover bars. Suspension: Independent double aluminium wishbones, coil over alumi-
elis will continue its search for a per-
nium monotube dampers and anti-roll bar.
manent CEO.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 7
Leserreise zur
Aluminium lsst Nanodrhte wachsen Expo Aluminio
dem Aluminium-Teilchen. Wenn Eine Leserreise der Extraklasse: Der
dieses kein weiteres Silizium aufneh- Giesel Verlag, Isernhagen, organisiert in
men kann, kristallisiert es an der Un- Zusammenarbeit mit Reed Exhibition in
terseite des Partikels wieder aus. So der Zeit vom 20. bis 25. Mai 2007 einen
wchst ein einkristalliner Silizium- Besuch der Expo Aluminio in Sao Paulo
Nanodraht von etwa 40 Nanometern (22. bis 24. Mai). Auf dem Business-
Durchmesser heran, der an der Spitze Programm stehen der Messebesuch so-
8 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
According to the branch report of IKB level of aluminium, IKBs Research De- With CFRP panelled
Deutsche Industriebank, the develop- partment expects a medium-term de- fuselage skin
ment of international raw material velopment within the range between
prices has now exceeded its all-time 2,000 and 2,500 US$/t. In the medium To set new standards in fuel-efficien-
high. Decisive for further price devel- term the worldwide enlargement of cy and maintainability the new Airbus
opment will be above all the future electrolysis capacities will relieve the A350 XWB will feature the latest in-
trade environment. Owing to the rela- situation. IKB also assumes that specu- novations in terms of advanced tech-
tively stable boundary conditions of lative demand for aluminium by hedg- nologies. Amongst those is the use of
the world economy it is unlikely that ing funds will not increase further. all-new, easy to maintain and much
in the medium term there will be any Assuming a slight slowdown of lighter Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plas-
appreciable downturn in the demand the world economy, IKB in any event tic panelled fuselage skins instead of
for raw materials. expects a sideways movement of alu- aluminium.
The increasing access of develop- minium demand. There is unlikely to This innovation in manufacturing
ing countries, above all China, to raw be an appreciable fall in consumption permits easier maintainability and
material reserves will further boost in the future. The worldwide trend to- reparability of individual airframe
worldwide needs and therefore also wards lightweight construction in the parts, while also allowing the struc-
maintain prices at a relatively high transport sector (automotive, aviation), ture of the panels to be much better
level. This applies to steel and NF the growing need for packaging and the optimized in terms of design to the
metals such as aluminium as much as recovery of the building economy in stress and load requirements of each
to oil and natural gas. All in all, it can Europe will be major driving forces. individual airframe part. Over 60 per
be assumed that for metallic and also In the automotive industry alumin- cent of the airframe will be made of
energy raw materials the low prices ium and plastics are seen as the most new materials.
of the mid-1990s and the beginning important materials for reducing en- Entry into service of the first A350
of the present decade will for the time ergy consumption and for meeting the XWB is planned for 2013.
being not recur. As regards the price objectives of the Kyoto protocol.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 9
10 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
0% +
( .
Trimet AG, Dsseldorf
Trimet Aluminium AG
12 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
-75; &1
# 5,154*54#
*83:< *5
# *83:< /5*854/14;2675 +1 !
74 ;
# 52/5517254%152675 , """"
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# .& 5
Primraluminium Sekundraluminium
14 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Die Konjunktur in Deutschland Bei aller Euphorie kann jedoch nicht weit um rund 38 Prozent auf knapp
entwickelte sich 2006 mit einer bersehen werden, dass die Zukunft 34 Mio. jato und die Nachfrage nach
Dynamik, wie sie lange nicht fr energieintensive Unternehmen in Aluminium wird in den kommenden
mehr gesehen war. Selbst aus dem Deutschland nebelverhangen bleibt. Jahren weiter steigen.
Arbeitsmarkt kamen positive Mel- Generell gilt dagegen: Die Energie-
dungen. Kurzfristig stellt sich die und insbesondere die Strompreise Die Entwicklung des
Frage, inwieweit die jngste Erh- sind im internationalen Mastab nach Httenstandorts Deutschland
hung der Mehrwertsteuer zu einem wie vor sehr hoch. Auch die politisch
konjunkturellen Dmpfer fhren bedingten Energiekosten belasten Es ist eine Ironie der Geschichte, dass
wird. Langfristig kann selbst die trotz regierungsseitig beschlossener die Standortprobleme in einem Land
gute Konjunktur des vergangenen Erleichterungen weiterhin. auftreten, das zu den ltesten Htten-
Jahres nicht darber hinwegtu- standorten fr Aluminium zhlt. Der
schen, dass seit Anfang der 1990er erste Elektrolysebetrieb in Deutsch-
Jahre zwei Millionen industrielle land wurde schon 1898 in Rhein-
Arbeitspltze in Deutschland ver- felden an der Grenze zur Schweiz
loren gegangen sind. Nach wie vor errichtet, wo dank der Rheinflle der
wandern zahlreiche Unternehmen erforderliche Strom zur Aluminium-
mit Teilen ihrer Produktion ins produktion kostengnstig bereitge-
Ausland, weil die wirtschaftlichen stellt werden konnte.
Rahmenbedingungen in unserem Niedrige Strompreise sind fr die
Land erhebliche Wettbewerbsnach- Primrhtten seit jeher unabdingbar.
teile generieren. Doch ohne eine Deshalb entstanden ab 1917 groe
breite industrielle Basis, auch von Aluminiumwerke am Niederrhein
energieintensiven Branchen, wird (Erftwerk) und in der Lausitz (Lauta-
das strukturelle Beschftigungspro- werk), beide bezogen ihren Strom auf
blem hierzulande nicht zu lsen Basis gnstiger Braunkohle. Mitte der
sein. Umso wichtiger ist es, den 1920er Jahre wurde das Innwerk in
Exodus von Industrien zu stoppen. GDA-Geschftsfhrer Christian Wellner: Tging und in den 1930er Jahren das
Alle Bestrebungen zur Optimierung des
Das schliet die Aluminiumindus- Lippewerk in Lnen gebaut. Anfang
Elektrolysebetriebes zielen auf ...
trie ein. der 1960er Jahre wurde das Rhein-
Planungssicherheit ber Zeitrume, werk bei Neuss errichtet. Weitere
Noch Anfang 2006 sah es so aus, als die sich in Jahrzehnten statt Jahren Kapazitten wurden schlielich in
htte das Httensterben in Deutsch- bemessen, gibt es somit nach wie vor Essen, Ludwigshafen, Voerde, Stade
land beschleunigte Fahrt aufgenom- nicht. Das belastet die Httenbetrei- und Hamburg geschaffen.
men. Die Schlieung des Hamburger ber mit erheblichen Risiken, wenn sie Die grte Anlagenkapazitt in
Aluminium-Werks HAW Ende 2005 ntige Investitionen in ihre Anlagen Deutschland gab es 1985/86 mit
und das angekndigte Aus frs El- planen oder sie wagen es gar nicht, 790.000 jato, als insgesamt neun Alu-
bewerk in Stade zum Jahresende was ein allmhliches Ende des Be- miniumhtten produzierten. Heu-
2006 warfen die Frage auf, wann es triebs zur Konsequenz hat. te wird nur noch an wenigen der
schlielich die verbleibenden Ht- Und all dies vor dem Hintergrund, genannten Standorte Primrmetall
tenbetriebe treffen wrde. Dass HAW dass die deutschen Aluminiumhtten erzeugt. Das Erftwerk schloss seine
nun von der Trimet Aluminium AG in heute technologisch und mit Blick auf Elektrolyse bereits 1978, die Alumi-
Essen erworben wurde und die Elek- die Umweltstandards international auf niumhtte in Ludwigshafen 1987, das
trolysefen in den nchsten Monaten Augenhhe produzieren, ja vorbild- Lippewerk 1989, die Aluminiumhtte
wieder hochgefahren werden, knnte lich sind. All dies auch vor dem Hin- in Rheinfelden 1991 und das Innwerk
als Indiz gewertet werden, dass sich tergrund, dass wir es in der Branche 1996. Das Elbewerk in Stade hat sei-
die standortpolitischen Rahmenbe- keineswegs mit einem Verdrngungs- ne Tore vor wenigen Wochen (70.000
dingungen in Deutschland zum Bes- wettbewerb in einem schrumpfenden jato) geschlossen.
seren gewendet haben und es nun Markt zu tun haben. Im Gegenteil: Die War es frher eher eine zu geringe
wieder aufwrts geht mit dem Wirt- Produktion von Primraluminium Betriebsgre bzw. ineffiziente Pro-
schaftsstandort Deutschland. stieg zwischen 2000 und 2005 welt- duktion, die zum Aus fr eine Htte
16 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Elektrolyseprozess deutlich
effizienter lnger bekannt. Dennoch hat es erst Verbrauchsabsenkungen weitgehend
die Entwicklung einer Technologie ausgeschpft ist.
Das Prinzip der Aluminiumgewin- zur przisen Dosierung von Tonerde
nung ist in den vergangenen 100 durch Prozesskontrollrechner, die so- Moderne Techniken der
Jahren zwar weitgehend unverndert genannte Point-Feeder-Methode, er- Luftreinhaltung
geblieben, doch wurden in den ver- mglicht, Anodeneffekte weitgehend
gangenen Jahrzehnten Modernisie- zu vermeiden. Die Manahmen zur Prozessverbes-
rungen durchgefhrt, die die heutige Die Betriebsfhrung mit hohen serung umfassten stets auch die Tech-
Produktion wesentlich effizienter Stromstrken sowie durch compu- niken zur Luftreinhaltung. Als Emis-
macht als frher. Alle Bestrebungen tergesttzte Steuerungssysteme und sionen der Elektrolyse, die gereinigt
zur Optimierung des Elektrolysebe- Dosiereinrichtungen machen die werden mssen, treten vor allem die
triebes zielen auf eine hohe Stromaus- Schmelzflusselektrolyse hoch effizi- Komponenten Staub und Fluorwas-
beute, einen niedrigen spezifischen ent und umweltvertrglich. Der Rein- serstoff auf. Vor wenigen Jahrzehnten
Energieverbrauch der Zellen und ei- heitsgehalt des Aluminiums liegt bei war die beste Methode der Staubab-
nen geringen Anodenverbrauch. Auf 99,7 Prozent. Die Stromausbeute be- scheidung noch die Abtrennung mit
diese Weise konnten die Produktivitt trgt bei den modernen Hochstrom- Zyklonen, fr die Fluoridabscheidung
enorm gesteigert und schdliche Um- Elektrolysezellen rund 95 Prozent. war es die Abgaswsche mit Kalkmilch
weltwirkungen minimiert werden. Der spezifische Strombedarf liegt in und anschlieender Fllung und Ab-
Die im Laufe der vergangenen deutschen Htten um die 14 kWh/kg trennung des gebildeten Calciumfluo-
Jahrzehnte getroffenen Manahmen Aluminium ein erheblicher Fort- rids. Dieser Feststoff musste abfiltriert
dazu sind vielfltig: Alle fen in schritt gegenber 50 kWh/kg zu Be- und deponiert werden. Allein fr die
Deutschland sind seit Jahrzehnten ginn der industriellen Aluminiumer- Luftreinhaltung einer Elektrolyse von
komplett gekapselt und bleiben auch zeugung um 1900 und 20 kWh/kg rund 78.000 jato bedeutete dies einen
whrend der Oxidzufuhr geschlossen. in den 1970er Jahren. Mit den Pro- Wassereinsatz von circa 100.000 m3
Die Entdeckung, dass der spezifische zessoptimierungen der vergangenen pro Jahr und ein Abfallaufkommen
Elektrolytwiderstand mit dem Oxid- Jahre zeichnet sich zugleich ab, dass von rund 6.000 Tonnen Calciumflu-
gehalt korreliert, war zwar schon das technische Potenzial zu weiteren oridschlamm.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 17
Mitte der 1980er Jahre kam eine in- es infolge einer lokalen Verarmung soluten Spitzenfeld. Sie liegen mit
novative Technik auf den Markt, die an Aluminiumoxid zu einer Zerset- den erwhnten 0,07 kg/t auch um fast
mit der TA Luft 1986 schnell in die zung des Kryoliths und zur Bildung zwei Drittel unter dem vom Internati-
Htten integriert wurde. Diese neue von Tetrafluormethan (CF4) und He- onal Aluminium Institute (IAI) fr das
Technik nutzt aus, dass Tonerde in xafluorethan (C2F6). Die Ursache fr Jahr 2000 ermittelten internationalen
der Lage ist, gasfrmige Stoffe zu ab- das Entstehen eines Anodeneffektes Referenzwert von 0,22 kg/t CF4. Sogar
sorbieren, also an ihrer Oberflche kann eine abnehmende Tonerdekon- der IAI-Durchschnittswert speziell
anzulagern. Der Staub, der durch die zentration im Schmelzbad oder das fr Point-Feeder-Anlagen von 0,11
Zugabe von Tonerde zur Absorption berschreiten der kritischen Strom- kg/t wird von den deutschen Anlagen
der Fluorwasserstoffe im Rohgas ent- dichte in der Elektrolysezelle sein: klar unterschritten. Bei diesem stati-
steht, lsst sich mit einem Gewebefil- zum Beispiel verstopfte Point-Feeder, stischen Vergleich ist wichtig anzu-
ter unproblematisch abreinigen. Die das Wechseln der Tonerdesorte und merken, dass technisch rckstndige
mit Fluoriden angereicherte Tonerde damit verbundene Lslichkeitspro- chinesischen und russischen Anlagen
wird in die Elektrolyse zurckgefhrt, bleme, ein Anodenwechsel oder das in den IAI-Zahlen nicht einbezogen
was den erforderlichen Einsatz von Absaugen von Metall. sind. Inzwischen ist das Modernisie-
Aluminiumfluorid weiter reduziert. CF4 und C2F6 sind nicht toxisch und rungspotenzial durch eine weiter ver-
Insgesamt knnen die Fluoride mit fr Menschen und Tiere unschdlich, besserte Ofensteuerung hierzulande
einem Wirkungsgrad von ber 99 Pro- gelten jedoch als Klimagase. Sie ent- technisch weitgehend ausgereizt. Da
zent aus dem Abgas entfernt werden. stehen nur kurzfristig whrend des der Treibhauseffekt eine globale He-
Die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens Anodeneffektes und treten in relativ rausforderung ist, kommt es knftig
sind offensichtlich: Der hohe Ab- geringen Mengen auf. verstrkt darauf an, dass die groen
scheidegrad von Fluorid entlastet die Die deutschen Primrhtten ha- Aluminiumproduzenten Russland
Umwelt, es werden wertvolle Einsatz- ben seit 1990 eine Menge getan, um und China ihre veraltete Anlagentech-
stoffe zurckgewonnen, auerdem den Anodeneffekt und das Entste- nik modernisieren. Mit Manahmen,
wie sie in den vergangenen Jahren in
Deutschland umgesetzt wurden, liee
sich ein enormes Potenzial zur Emis-
sionsminderung erschlieen.
18 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ausschlielich an Klimazielen. Statt und Entwicklungszentren der Unter- den Werkstoff an seine Zugfestig-
sich auf die wahren Herausforde- nehmen folgen, was am Ende negative keit, an sein Umformvermgen, an
rungen zu konzentrieren, die sich aus Rckwirkungen bis hin zum Dienst- seine Gefgeeigenschaften , die
der langfristigen Entwicklung auf den leistungssektor htte. oft in jahrzehntelang gewachsenen
internationalen Energiemrkten er- Die Aluminiumindustrie ist durch Kunden-Lieferanten-Beziehungen
geben, leistet sich die deutsche Ener- eine enge Verzahnung der einzelnen zwischen Aluminiumproduzent und
giepolitik den Ausstieg aus der Kern- Glieder in der Wertschpfungskette Verarbeiter gelst worden sind. Diese
energie ohne klares Bekenntnis zur Metallerzeugung, Halbzeugfertigung, Technologiepartnerschaft zwischen
Steinkohle als Ersatzenergie, gepaart Endprodukt geprgt. Dabei zeigt sich, den Wertschpfungsgliedern ist viel-
mit einer massiven Subventionierung dass optimale Produktlsungen sich fach fr die hohe Produktqualitt und
der erneuerbaren Energien durch im- gerade dann erzielen lassen, wenn den viel beschworenen Exporterfolg,
mer hhere koabgaben und ergnzt zwischen den einzelnen Wertschp- auch von Unternehmen der Alumini-
um eine CO2-Zertifikatepolitik, die fungsgliedern eine enge Zusammen- umbranche, mitverantwortlich.
den Stromkonzernen riesige Windfall arbeit besteht, in der das gesamte In einer solchen Technologie-
Profits einbringt, die von Haushalts- Know-how und die Erfahrung aller partnerschaft kommt den Htten als
und Industriekunden gleichermaen Beteiligten zum Tragen kommen: Basis des Geschfts eine wichtige
finanziert werden. von der Werkstoff-, Fertigungs- und konomische Funktion zu. In einer
Rechnet man die CF4-Reduktion Entwicklungskompetenz bis hin zur globalisierten Welt, in der sogar mit-
(2005: 270 t) um, die die Aluminium- Qualittssicherung, Logistik und dem telstndische Unternehmen Produk-
htten durch erhebliche Investitionen Service. tionsstandorte in Osteuropa, Asien
an CO2-Menge eingespart haben, er- In diesem Kompetenzverbund und Lateinamerika errichten, ist die
gibt dies gemessen an den aktuellen knnte die rumliche Nhe zwischen Gefahr eines Domino-Effektes Erst
Marktpreisen fr Emissionszertifikate den einzelnen Fertigungsstufen, kur- gehen die Htten, dann die Verar-
eine Sonderleistung im Wert von ze Kommunikations- und Logistik- beitung konkreter denn je. Wenn
mehreren Millionen Euro, mit denen wege zwischen Kunde und Lieferant logistische Vorteile, etwa durch die
die deutschen Aluminiumhtten zum im internationalen Wettbewerb ein Versorgungsnhe zu den Htten-
deutschen Klimaschutz fr die Welt Standortvorteil sein, wenn die wirt- produzenten, wegfallen und sich die
beigetragen haben. schaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen ei- Waage dadurch weiter zuungunsten
nen fairen Wettbewerb mit dem Aus- des Standorts Deutschland neigt, wer-
Wertschpfungsglieder eng land zulieen. Aluminium ist eben den die Verarbeitungsbetriebe ihre
verzahnt lngst kein 08/15-Produkt mehr. Viele Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung neu auf-
Walz- und Strangpresswerke, Form- stellen.
Die kostenlose Zuweisung von Emis- gieereien und weitere Verarbeiter
sionszertifikaten nach dem Natio- bentigen fr ihre hochwertigen Autoren
nalen Allokationsplan II wird die Produkte Aluminiumlegierungen
Strompreise weiter in die Hhe trei- mit definierten Qualitten. Eine Christian Wellner ist Geschftsfhrer des
ben, obwohl der bergroe Teil des Lithoplatte fr den Offsetdruck, ein Gesamtverbandes der Aluminiumindus-
trie (GDA), Dsseldorf.
produzierten Stroms vom Zertifikate- Fahrwerksteil fr Pkw, ein Auen- Jrg H. Schfer ist Referent fr Nach-
preis gar nicht beeinflusst wird. Fr hautblech fr Flugzeuge und zahl- haltigkeit beim GDA und leitet dort den
eine Aluminiumhtte, in der ber ein reiche andere Produkte stellen je- Fachbereich Metallpulver.
Drittel der Produktionskosten vom weils spezifische Anforderungen an
Strompreis diktiert wird, ist eine sol-
che Entwicklung katastrophal. Doch
auch die weiterverarbeitenden Alu-
miniumbetriebe sind auf kostengn-
stige Energie angewiesen und mssen
frchten, dass ihr Innovationsvorteil
gegenber wachsender globaler Kon-
kurrenz durch weiter steigende Mehr-
kosten aufgefressen wird, bis auch sie
nicht mehr im Wettbewerb bestehen World leader in
Wer heute meint, die energieinten- molten metal level control
sive Grundstoffindustrie sei verzicht-
bar, muss sich morgen nicht wundern,
wenn die verarbeitenden Betriebe in PreciMeter Control AB, Sweden
dieser Wertschpfungskette in den phone +46 31 764 55 20 fax +46 31 764 55 29
Sog der Produktionsverlagerung gera-
ten. Und bermorgen die Forschungs-
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 19
Herbstkongress der European Coil Coating Association Autumn congress of the ECCA
Unter dem Motto Reviewing the nordamerikanischen und asiatischen Under the heading Reviewing the
advantages of coil coating against Region liegen noch nicht vor. In Nord- advantages of coil coating against
competitive materials bot die amerika ist jedoch davon auszugehen, competitive materials, at its au-
ECCA auf ihrem Herbst-Kongress dass der rcklufige Trend weiter an- tumn congress in Brussels at the
in Brssel Ende 2006 einen ber- hlt. Ganz anders die Entwicklung in end of 2006 the ECCA presented
blick ber die Marktentwicklung, Asien, allen voran China und Indien. a review of market developments,
ber neue Technologien bei der Dort sind neue Coil-Coating-Linien in new technologies for the coil coa-
Bandbeschichtung von Aluminium Betrieb gegangen, die diesen Lndern ting of aluminium and steel, and
und Stahl sowie ber die Weiter- nicht nur eine partielle Unabhngig- the further processing and uses of
verarbeitung und Anwendung vor- keit von Importen ermglichen. Beide pre-painted strip.
lackierter Bnder. Lnder haben zudem bewiesen, dass
sie, wenngleich noch mit geringen In 2004 deliveries of coated alumini-
Die Ablieferungen an beschichteten Mengen, durchaus zu Exporten in um and steel strips by ECCA members
Aluminium- und Stahlbndern durch europische Regionen wie Italien und amounted to 1.4 million m2, more that
die ECCA-Mitglieder hatten 2004 Spanien fhig sind. ever before.
mit einer Gesamtmenge von ber 1,4 Hauptanwender von Produkten
Mio. m2 den bisherigen Hchststand aus organisch beschichteten Alumini- Market development
erreicht. um- und Stahlblechen und -bndern
bleibt das Bauwesen mit zahlreichen Following a slight downturn in 2005,
Marktentwicklung Anwendungen im Auen- und Innen- it is expected that there was a recov-
bau. Bei beschichteten Aluminium- ery in the first half-year of 2006 to
Nachdem das Jahr 2005 leicht rck- bndern waren das rund 70 Prozent, the level of 2004. Comparable figures
lufig war, kann fr das erste Halb- bei Stahlbndern 67 Prozent der 2005 from the North American and Asiatic
jahr 2006 von einer Erholung auf erzeugten 224 Mio. bzw. 1.141 Mio. regions are not yet available, but it can
dem Niveau von 2004 ausgegangen m2. be assumed that in North America the
werden. Vergleichbare Zahlen aus der Die auf dem Kongress gezeigten recessionary trend is still persisting.
Beispiele sthetisch gelungener An- The development in Asia is quite the
wendungen bei ffentlichen und B- opposite, most of all in China and In-
European Coil Coating Association rogebuden, aber auch zunehmend dia where new coil-coating lines have
im privaten Hausbau spiegelten die come into operation, which have made
Die ECCA existiert seit 1967 als Verei- unzhligen Variationsmglichkeiten those countries more than partially in-
nigung der europischen Coil Coating aus Form und Farbe wider. Im Seg- dependent of imports. Both countries
Industrie. Die derzeit rund 200 Mitglieds- ment Fassadentechnik wird weiteres have indicated that, although still in
firmen sind vor allem europische, teils Marktwachstum innerhalb bautech- small quantities, they are fully capable
aber auch auereuropische Bandher- nischer Anwendungen erwartet. Dies of exporting to European countries
steller und -veredler sowie Lackhersteller, gilt sowohl fr Neubauten als auch fr such as Italy and Spain.
Anlagenbauer, Zulieferer und Handelsun- die Sanierung vorhandener Bausub- The largest user of products made
ternehmen. Ziel der ECCA ist es, die Ver- stanz. Hierbei sollen Profilelemente from organically coated aluminium
wendung von vorlackierten Bndern und und Sandwichplatten zunehmend and steel sheets and strips is still the
Blechen aus Aluminium und Stahl als konventionelle Werkstoffe wie Beton, building industry, with numerous out-
umweltvertrgliche, kosteneffiziente und Backstein, Holz und Glas ersetzen. door and indoor applications. In the
qualitativ wertvolle Methode zur Erzeu- Gepunktet wird dabei mit den lang- case of coated aluminium strips these
gung von Fertigerzeugnissen zu frdern. fristigen Kostenvorteilen dank War- accounted for some 70 per cent, and
Dabei widmet sich der Verband neben tungsfreiheit und mit Kriterien wie in the case of steel strips 67 per cent
dem politischen Lobbying der Entwick- Umweltvertrglichkeit, Brandschutz of the respective total productions of
lung von Qualittsstandards (verbunden und modernes Design bandbeschich- 224 million and 1,141 million m2 in
mit der Entwicklung von Testmethoden). teter Substrate. Ein weiterer Trend ist, 2005.
Darber hinaus fhrt er Trainingskurse dass immer mehr Architekten neben The examples exhibited at the
durch, um die Verwendung vorlackierter Form und Funktion die Wirkung der congress, showing aesthetically suc-
Metalle bei Designern und Herstellern Farbe entdecken. cessful applications in public and
bekannt zu machen. Weitere wichtige Einsatzgebiete fr office buildings but to an increasing
bandbeschichtetes Aluminium und extent also in the building of private
20 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
residences, reflected the countless Stahl, die mit Anteilen von unter zehn
possible variations of shape and col- Prozent folgen, sind der Fahrzeugbau
our. In the sector of faade technology und die Hausgerteindustrie. Wh-
further market growth in the field of rend bei Hausgerten fertig lackierte
building applications is anticipated. Bnder seit Jahren als Stand der Tech-
This applies both to new buildings nik verwendet werden, beschrnken
and in the refurbishment of exist- sich die Automobilhersteller nach wie
ing structures. Section elements and vor auf den Einsatz funktionsbeschich-
sandwich plates will increasingly re- teter Bleche. Hier spielen chemische
place conventional materials such Behandlungen zur Verbesserung der
as concrete, brick, wood and glass. Haftvermittlung und Schmierstoffe
This is encouraged by long-term cost fr die Umformung eine Rolle. Der
benefits thanks to low maintenance Einsatz von fertig lackiertem Stahl
requirements, and by criteria such as oder Aluminium in der Karosserie
environment-friendliness, fire protec- scheitert bislang noch an vielerlei
tion and the modern designs that can Problemen: zum Beispiel am Korrosi-
be produced from strip-coated sub- onsschutz der Schnittkanten oder an
strates. A further trend is that more einer lackvertrglichen, automobil-
and more architects are discovering gerechten Fgetechnik. Dies hat zur
the effects of colour in addition to Folge, dass Autos auch in Zukunft
shape and functionality. ihre Endlackierung erst an der zu-
Other important fields of use for sammengebauten Karosserie erhalten
strip-coated aluminium and steel, werden.
which come next although with re-
Fata Hunter
spective shares of less than 10%, are Technologie-Trends
vehicle engineering and the house-
hold appliances industry. Whereas Die technologische Entwicklung so- Fata Hunter: Eine von zwei nach China
gelieferten Bandbeschichtungslinien
finish-painted strips have been used wohl bei der Beschichtung als auch
as standard for years in the appliances bei der Weiterverarbeitung beschich- Fata Hunter: One of two parallel coil
coating lines supplied to China
industry, automobile engineers still teter Bnder und Bleche wird von
restrict themselves to the use of sheets Herstellern und Anwendern stetig
with functional coatings, including vorangetrieben. Kernthemen der Vor- Eigenschaften bisher verwendeter
chemical treatments to improve ad- tragsreihe galten der Entwicklung chrombasierter Erzeugnisse.
hesion and lubricants for deformation neuer Produkte fr die Beschichtung. Weitere Entwicklungsziele gelten
processes. The use of finish-painted Verbesserte Eigenschaftsprofile von dem Korrosionsschutz der Schnitt-
steel or aluminium for auto bodies is Produkten und Prozessen sind auf kanten ohne Primereinsatz. Der Ein-
still held back by many problems, for Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltschutz, satz von Antikorrosionslacken auf
example the cut edge corrosion pro- Technologie und sthetik ausgerich- unbeschichtete Substrate wird noch
tection or joining methods compatible tet. Seitens der Beschichter gehen die einige Jahre auf sich warten lassen.
with the paint and which are suitable Forderungen in Richtung Automati- Die Adphos AG berichtete ber
for use in automobiles. As a result, sierung, Einfhrung schnellerer Ver- ihre Weiterentwicklungen bei der
in the future too automobiles will be fahren und verbesserte Prozessstabi- NIR-Aushrtung von organischen
given their final paint treatment only litt. Die Entwicklung neuer Lacke fr Beschichtungen. NIR steht fr Near
after assembly of the body shell. bautechnische Anwendungen, die zur Infra Red und beschreibt ein Verfah-
Abstrahlung der Sonnenenergie kon- ren, mit dem im nahen Infrarotbereich
Technology trends zipiert sind, zielen darauf, den Ener- mittels speziellen Hochleistungsstrah-
gieverbrauch zur Gebudekhlung lern, die eine Energiedichte von bis zu
Technological development, both for deutlich zu reduzieren. Fr die Ent- 3.000 kW pro Quadratmeter besitzen,
coating and for the further processing wicklung solcher Lacke wird von den eine sehr schnelle direkte Aufheizung
of coated strips and sheets, is con- Herstellern eine spezielle Software der organischen Beschichtung er-
tinually being taken further by both eingesetzt, welche die Umgebungs- reicht wird. Die Folge sind sehr kurze
manufacturers and users. The core einflsse unterschiedlicher Orte si- Prozesszeiten in der Grenordnung
theme of a series of presentations muliert. Nach wie vor bleiben chrom- von ein bis drei Sekunden, verglichen
was the development of new coating freie Vorbehandlungen und Lacke ein mit den 15 bis 25 Sekunden bei kon-
products. Improved property profiles Schwerpunkt der Entwicklung. Die ventionellen fen. Dank der unmit-
of products and processes are orien- mittlerweile verfgbaren Produkte telbaren Trocknung und Aushrtung
tated towards economy, environment entsprechen hinsichtlich Korrosions- durch NIR wird ein sehr schneller
protection, technology and aesthetics. bestndigkeit und Lackhaftung den und nahezu schrottendenfreier Farb-
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 21
Siemens VAI
wechsel bei Coil-Coating-Linien, ringen Radien abkanten. Neben dem fr den Umgang mit Gefahrenstoffen
aber auch bei kombinierten Verzin- Umformen widmet sich das Unter- werden zur Substitution von Stoffen
kungs- und Beschichtungslinien er- nehmen auch Methoden zum Fgen fhren. Dies wird die unternehme-
reicht. Die NIR-Technik ermglicht bandbeschichteter Bleche: je nach rische Ttigkeit stark berhren. Die
eine wirtschaftliche und flexible Ver- Blechdicke und Verwendungszweck Empfehlung an die Unternehmen
arbeitung auch kleinster Losgren durch Widerstands-Buckelschweien lautet, frhzeitig einen vorausschau-
und kommt damit dem kundenorien- oder punktuelles Durchsetzfgen. enden Ansatz fr organisatorische
tierten Trend zu immer enger gestuf- Anpassungen zu verfolgen, um so den
ten Farbnuancen entgegen. Bei der Gesetzgebung Ersatz von Substanzen und mgliche
Modernisierung vorhandener Anla- nderungen der gesamten Prozess-
gen gestattet die kurze Bauweise der Mehr Forderungen als derzeit bekann- kette mglichst reibungslos zu bewir-
NIR-Trockner den Einbau weiterer te konkrete Umsetzungen enthielt ken zumal die Umsetzungsphase
Coater fr einen mehrschichtigen die Information ber die europische relativ kurz ist.
Lackauftrag in einem Banddurchlauf. REACH-Verordnung (Registration, B. Rieth
Bauteile aus fertig lackierten Bn- Evaluation, Authorization of Chemi-
dern und Blechen werden durch un- cals). Klar ist, dass auf die Hersteller,
terschiedliche mechanische Bearbei- Importeure und Anwender von che-
tungsvorgnge wie Stanzen, Biegen, mischen Substanzen und damit auf
Tiefziehen oder Walzprofilieren in die gesamte mit dem Coil Coating be-
ihre endgltige Form gebracht. Viele fasste Industrie neue Verordnungen
dieser Bearbeitungen erfordern vom zukommen. Derzeit am konkretesten
Beschichter das Aufbringen von Fo- ist der Zeitplan fr die stufenweise
lien zum Schutz der lackierten Ober- Einfhrung: Auf erste Schritte zur
flchen whrend der Bearbeitung. Einfhrung ab April 2007 folgt von
Die hollndische Firma Wemo stellte April 2008 bis April 2010 eine Erfas-
Werkzeuge vor, mit denen auch unge- sungsperiode. Weitere Meilensteine
schtzte Lackflchen ohne Beschdi- im Hinblick auf die mengenmige
gung bearbeitet werden knnen. Die Relevanz sind der April 2010 und der
so genannte swivel bending techno- April 2013 bis zur vollen Wirksam-
logy verwendet gelenkig bettigte werdung ab April 2018. (
Balken, die mit einer Relativbewe- Was bedeutet das fr Produzenten ! "#"#&$!!
"&$"& '''"#&$!!
gung und damit kratzerfrei mit ge- und Anwender? Neue Vorschriften
22 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
From the coaters standpoint what is fore well suited to satisfy the increas- European Coil Coating Association
needed is more automation, the in- ing demand by customers for ever
troduction of more rapid processes, more subtle colour nuances. When The ECCA has existed since 1967 as the
and improved process stability. The existing plants are being modernised, Association for the European coil coating
development of new paints for build- the compact structure of NIR driers industry. Its 200 members are mainly Eu-
ing applications, which are designed enables further coaters to be fitted in ropean companies but also include from
to reflect back solar energy, aim to for multi-layer paint application dur- outside Europe a number of strip produ-
reduce considerably the energy con- ing a single pass of the strip. cers and finishers as well as paint manuf-
sumed for the cooling of buildings. Articles made of finish-painted acturers, plant engineering companies,
For the development of such paints strips and sheets are given their fi- suppliers and trading companies. ECCA is
manufacturers use special software nal shape by a variety of mechanical to promote the use of pre-painted strips
which simulates the influence of the processes such as stamping, bending, and sheets of aluminium and steel, as
surroundings at a variety of locations. deep-drawing or roll-profiling. Many environmentally safe, cost-effective and
As before, chromium-free pretreat- of these methods require the coater to qualitatively high-grade means for the
ments and paints are at the focus of apply foils in order to protect the pain production of finished goods. For this,
development. The products that have surface during processing. The Dutch the ECCA engages in political lobbying
meanwhile become available match company Wemo described tools with and in the development of quality
the properties of the previously used, which even unprotected painted sur- standards (combined with the develop-
chromium-based products in relation faces can be worked without dam- ment of test methods). Furthermore, it
to corrosion resistance and paint ad- age. The so-termed swivel bending organises training courses to familiarise
hesion. technology uses articulated beams designers and manufacturers with the
A further development objective is that can bend through tight radii with uses of pre-painted metals.
cut edge corrosion protection without a relative movement and therefore
the use of a primer. The use of anti- without scratching. Besides shaping
corrosion paints on uncoated sub- methods, the company also focuses gradual implementation: after the first
strates is still a few years off. Adphos on methods for joining strip-coated introduction step from April 2007 on-
AG reported its further developments sheets: depending on the sheet thick- ward, between April 2008 and April
in the NIR hardening of organic coat- ness and the intended use, by resist- 2010 there will be a period of adapta-
ings. NIR stands for Near Infra Red ance stud welding or point to point tion. Other milestones of quantitative
and describes a process in which high- penetration welding. relevance are April 2010 and April
powered radiators operating with an 2013, until the Directive comes fully
energy density of up to 3,000 kW/m2 Legislation into effect from April 2018.
in the near infra-red range are used What does this mean for produc-
for the very rapid direct heating of the The report concerning the European ers and users? New prescriptions for
organic coating. This results in very REACH (Registration, Evaluation and operating with hazardous substances
short process times of the order of 1 Authorisation of Chemicals) Direc- will lead to substance substitutions.
to 3 seconds, instead of the 15 to 25 tive gave notice of more requirements This will greatly affect company ac-
second in conventional ovens. Thanks than there are at present known and tivities. The recommendation for
to the direct drying and hardening by concrete conversion provisions. What companies is to be prompt in plan-
NIR very rapid colour modification al- is clear, is that there are new direc- ning anticipatory action for organisa-
most without scrap offcuts is achieved tives to come, which will affect the tional adaptations, so as to implement
on coil-coating lines, but also on com- manufacturers, importers and users of substance replacements and possible
bined galvanising and coating lines. chemical substances and therefore the modifications of the entire process
The NIR technique enables economi- entire range of industry that has to do chain with as few problems as pos-
cal and flexible processing even of with coil coating. The most concrete sible especially since the conversion
very small batch sizes, and is there- aspect at present is the timetable for phase is relatively short. B. Rieth
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 23
24 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Europe, they are welcomed with open it brought new competition into the across the CIS and Eastern Europe.
arms in Africa. Aluminium producer alumina market and it wiped out Kai- The metals industry focused initially
Rusal, for example, is constantly look- sers US$ 60 million debt, in addition more on consolidation at home, buy-
ing for opportunities to strengthen its to paying US$ 401 million for a 20% ing up assets to re-create a vertically
raw material base, aiming to become stake. With Australia holding up to integrated supply chain, from raw
self-sufficient by 2013. One of its first 30% of global alumina production and materials to processing and distribu-
moves was to move into Guinea, tak- bauxite reserves, Rusal is now in talks tion. Global acquisitions are now part
ing over the management of the Com- with the government to develop pow- of a complex strategy of securing raw
pagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK) er-generating capacities and to build a materials, expanding capacities and
for a 25-year period. Guinea holds new aluminium smelter in the coun- opening access to new customers.
two-thirds of the worlds bauxite re- try. Rusals investment had to obtain Russian companies are now looking
serves and the company was already approval from the countrys Foreign for long-term competitive advantage
a traditional supplier of bauxite to the Investment Review Board as well as and better margins. By buying estab-
Nikolaev Alumina Refinery in Ukraine, from two existing shareholders, rival lished companies, they get not only
which Rusal bought in 2000. aluminium giants Alcan and Comalco. technological patents, but also mar-
With a long history of economic It took 18 months to finalise the deal ket access for specialised high value-
ties between Russia and Guinea, Rusal after Rusals bid won in 2004. added products.
soon expanded its operations there, The rapid rise in Russias outward Most of Russias leading compa-
taking over the management of the investment is driven in part by global nies have a strategy for joining the
Alumina Company of Guinea, one of consolidation pressures, which are es- worlds leading players in their sec-
the largest employers in the country, pecially strong in the natural resource tor. They are steadily putting the
which it is buying as the company is industries and the telecommunica- pieces in place to make it possible
privatised. Rusal has a good reputation tion sector. The globalisation process expanding capacity, opening up
for doing more than just extracting re- can only be understood in the context markets, distributing networks and
sources. Rusal is now implementing of Russias unique path of transition. access to raw materials. They are
a US$ 300 milion modernisation pro- During the Soviet era, Russias huge not seen as world-class competitors
gramme to double the alumina com- state-owned enterprises acted much yet. Nevertheless, Russian companies
panys refining capacity over the next like vertically integrated multination- possess three characteristics that give
three years and to improve the trans- als, enjoying almost complete control them a significant advantage over es-
port, water and energy infrastructure of the supply chain across the net- tablished players. Emerging markets
for both the refinery and the town. work of satellite states. This structure know-how; liquidity; and strong, but
With the Guinean authorities looking was pulled apart by the disintegration flexible structures.
for value-added processing to remain of the Comecon trade agreement and As Russian multinationals shift
in-country, Rusal is also considering the Soviet Union. As a result, one of their global expansion plans up a
the construction of a new bauxite the major challenges facing Russian gear and start taking their interna-
and alumina complex, including an companies ever since transition be- tional competitors head on, their big-
aluminium smelter. gan has been how to restore the value gest obstacle will be image. Russian
When Rusal bought into Austral- chain and how to find new markets to companies cannot yet take over large
ias Queensland Alumina from the utilise their vast excess capacity. foreign companies, because the com-
financially distressed Houston-based The energy companies quickly petition for these assets is intense and
Kaiser Group, its value to the Austral- moved abroad to restore their mar- public companies still have a negative
ian company was three-fold: Rusal kets and improve their pricing power, image of Russian businesses.
was a major customer for alumina, taking control of distribution channels In an Economist Intelligence Unit
survey more than 300 international
business executives around the world
were interviewed to explore these
perceptions. Three key findings came
out of the survey:
O Overall international business per-
ceptions of Russia are negative as a
market, an investment location and as
a source of investment.
O The level of international business
knowledge about Russia and Russian
companies is very low.
O International executives with ex-
perience in the Central and East Eu-
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 25
sian companies have more nuanced process of disclosing information on take a much closer look at their Rus-
views but not always more positive its ownership structure as well as data sian counterparts. Emerging multina-
ones. on consolidated accounts. tionals are already competing hard
For Russian companies, the sur- The progress from the pioneer- for customers, talent and resources,
veys message is clear. The process ing days of the 1990s is substantial taking the more complacent global
has already begun, prompted by the and has continued over the past few players by surprise. Those Russian
need to secure international financ- years as companies learn from busi- companies that are able to transform
ing and work to with international ness partners and list on international themselves into world-class com-
partners. Several Russian compa- exchanges. However, if Russian com- petitors will be able to determine the
nies have now set up new corporate panies are to become global players, shape of international business in
governance structures. Rusal has de- it is not enough to talk of a rhetoric their sectors.
veloped an 18-month corporate gov- change companies will now have to
ernance programme with the help of show that they run their business in This is a summary of a paper edited by Rusal
in November 2006 entitled: The Russians
EBRD and IFC and has appointed an line with international norms. are coming: understanding emerging multi-
independent board, among a series of As this happens, the international nationals; in cooperation with The Econo-
other measures. It has also started the business community will be forced to mist Intelligence Unit, 2006
ration projects beyond 2010, give me more than offset by higher aluminium
great confidence in our strategy for prices. Restructuring of Aluminium growth opportunities in alumina and
future growth, said Eivind Reiten, Metal is on track with approx. 110,000 metal. The planned Qatalum smelter,
Hydros President and Chief Execu- tonnes of annual capacity to be closed a 50/50 joint venture between Qatar
tive Officer. We are manoeuvring down by the end of 2006 and during Petroleum and Hydro, is on track with
in an increasingly challenging global 2007, thereby completing the closure construction start scheduled for fall
landscape but our talented organisa- program of 180,000 tonnes of high- 2007 and start-up of production in
tion, proven project execution skills cost primary production capacity. late 2009. The capital expenditure es-
and our experience in cooperating The measures will significantly im- timate has been increased from 2.3 to
with partners are more valuable than prove Hydros smelter cost position. 3.4 billion euros, on a 100 per cent ba-
ever. The company is well positioned with sis, as a result of general cost increases
Hydros Capital Markets Day pres- long-term power contracts extending for key materials and construction, a
entation as to the aluminium business up to 2020 and alumina equity cover- weaker USD/EUR exchange rate as
included the following highlights: age increasing to 75 per cent in 2010. well as design changes. Final cost es-
Primary aluminium production is Operational excellence remains a top timate and build decision are sched-
expected to be 1.7 million tonnes in priority. uled for summer 2007.
2007 and 2 million tonnes in 2010. Hydro is pursuing a number of
26 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Executing Aluminium Products Hydros magnesium plant in Canada Rolled Products delivers consistently
portfolio restructuring will be closed during first half of strong cash flow, but industrial chal-
2007, and the remaining magnesium lenges remain.
Cash generation in Aluminium Prod- remelting plants will be divested. N
ucts has been solid during the first
nine months of 2006, but profitability
remains unsatisfactory. Operational
improvements have been achieved
in most areas, and the outlook for
Extrusion and Building Systems is
good. In addition to the agreements
to divest Automotive Castings and
Meridian Technologies, the process
for divesting Automotive Structures
has started.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 27
28 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
30 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 31
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
32 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
companying help system. He may also cosities of the electrolytic bath and of
consult the corresponding website [2] the aluminium metal.
that contains practically the same us- The bath temperature can be ex-
ers guide and theoretical background pressed as the liquidus temperature
information. plus the superheat. The user selects
as input value either the superheat
The Electrolyte Composition/ (as shown in Fig. 2) or the electrolyte
Properties Page temperature. Selecting a value as in-
put means that it is constant for the
Fig. 2 shows the electrolyte compo- following calculations (the superheat
sition/properties page. In the upper in Fig. 2) and the other depending
part of the page the user changes the value (the bath temperature in Fig. 2)
concentration values of the electrolyte is calculated correspondingly.
components of aluminium fluoride To determine the liquidus tempera-
(AlF3), calcium fluoride (CaF2), alu- ture, the electrical conductivity or the
minium oxide (alumina Al2O3), lithi- densities the user can choose between
several relation-
ships published by
different authors. Fig. 4: The Electrolyte Composition/Properties Diagram Pane
docked on the AlPrg user interface. Small icon-like plots
Fig. 2 shows a Drop
represent the selected electrolyte property (the liquidus
Down Combo Box temperature in this figure) in function of the electrolyte
where the user has components. The user has selected the liquidus temperature
vs. aluminium fluoride content to be shown in the larger
selected the equa- property plot. The circles represent the current values of
tions of Solheim [3]. the electrolyte composition.
He could alterna-
tively also click on the liquidus temperature depends on
the names of Rs- these variables, the other parameters
Fig. 2: Electrolyte Composition/Properties Page. In the upper part tum [4], Peterson staying constant. The small circles
of the page the user may change the concentration values in the
[5], Bullard [6], Lee represent these constant concentra-
input fields. The lower part contains the property values. The
user may select the authors of the corresponding equations that [7] or Dewing [8] to tion values shown on the electrolyte
AlPrg uses to calculate the properties. choose the corre- composition/properties page.
sponding relations.
um fluoride (LiF), magnesium fluoride The theoretical part of the AlPrg Property plot
(MgF2) and potassium fluoride (KF). website [9] contains all the relations
The bath ratio is the weight ratio of and equations that AlPrg uses for its If the user wants to study an icon-
sodium fluoride over aluminium fluo- calculations. plot more profoundly he clicks on
ride. Aluminium oxide at anode effect the icon-plot with the mouse pointer
is the alumina concentration when The Electrolyte Composition/ and the icon-plot expands to replace
the anode effect occurs. The user can Properties Plot the larger property plot. In Fig. 4 the
suppress this parameter by inactivat-
ing the check box. Fig. 4 shows the electrolyte compo-
The lower part of the page contains sition/properties plot pane together
the values of the electrolyte proper- with the electrolyte composition/
ties, namely the liquidus temperature, properties page.
Icon plots
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 33
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
34 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Fig. 11: Densities vs. Electrolyte Temperature Property Plot. The user has selected the elec-
trolyte temperature as input value on the electrolyte composition/properties page. AlPrg Peter M. Entner has studied chemistry at
then shows the densities vs. electrolyte temperature icon- and property plot after appro- the University of Vienna. He pursued his
priate selection by the user. The shaded area is the region where the bath temperature is
lower or higher than the liquidus temperature +/- the maximum superheat (50 C).
studies at the University of Pennsyslvania
and University of Geneva (high tempera-
ture electrochemistry and crystallography).
small icon-plots, of how a selected pressure (necessary for environmen- He joined then Alusuisse that later became
property (the liquidus temperature, tal issues) and the viscosities of the Alcan to work on research and develop-
for instance) depends on the elec- liquid aluminium pad and electrolyte ment projects about aluminium smelting.
Being retired, Peters passion for bytes and
trolyte composition values and the (used for hydrodynamic studies). pixels keeps him busy to work on software
bath temperature. The user selects This paper describes the electro- that might be useful for the members of the
an icon-plot to be drawn in the larger lyte properties module as a stand- aluminium smelting community.
and more precise property plot. This alone programme. This module is
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 35
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
36 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
38 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
further processing in the bath treat- ers, and thus to higher investments in restrictions in conveyor length or air
ment plant. infrastructure, civil work, etc. flow capabilities, according to our
Based on these requirements, Au- customers references.
Research on the process of mund started investigations at the pri-
conveying hot bath material mary aluminium smelter of Slovalco Benefits and advantages of the
in 2006. Since 2002 an Aumund cool- Aumund cooling system
HF-emissions under control ing conveyor had already been oper-
ating at the Slovalco plant to handle Reduction of investment cost in
HF-measurements at SR Norge Alu- hot bath material. At our works in infrastructure, such as avoiding
minium in 2005 have shown that the Germany a new conveyor section the need for a building to store
HF-gases evaporate into the environ- was equipped with a Data logger and bath skips while the bath is cool-
ment at temperatures above approx. six thermocouples (Fig. 3) and then ing prior to crushing;
400 C material temperature and thus installed in the conveyor operating at No need for skips to cool bath
risk damaging the health of employ- Slovalco. Reduction of operating cost
ees in the potroom. At the tipping The measurements taken during (no double handling of the skips
point already, where the 850 C hot the normal daily operation of the pri- and associated vehicles and
mary aluminium smelter provided us operators)
with valuable data for further investi- Increased rate of automation
gations and led to a new Thermody- Clean bath handling
namical Calculation Software (TCS). Defined cooling of bath material
This new TC-Software (Fig. 4) has Fluoride gases removed by
now replaced the old conventional controlled suction;
way of designing cooling conveyors Significantly increased safety and
and is based on the following param- health conditions in the potrooms
eters: Improved environmental
material layer height conditions.
Fig. 3: Conveyor section with heat air flow above the conveyor
protection box and data logger inside number of suction points References
conveyor width
bath material is fed into the crusher, conveyor speed 1995 SR Norge Aluminium, Norway
there is a suction point which leads lump size of bath material. 2002 SR Norge Aluminium, Norway
the emitting HF-gases into the existing As a theoretical reflection, we used 2002 Slovalco Aluminium, Slovakia
dry scrubbing system. As the cooling the new TC-Software to recalculate 2002 Alcan Icelandic Aluminium,
process progresses, the emissions of our first installation at SR Norge Iceland
the HF-gases progressively decrease, Aluminium. Compared with our 2006 Nordural Aluminium, Iceland
until they finally become negligible original figures, the result would 2006 Fjardal Smelter, Iceland
small for a bath material temperature have allowed a reduction in length 2007 Trimet Aluminium, Germany
below 400 C (Fig. 1). by 1/3 while doubling the conveyor
Moreover, the cooling conveyor is speed and reducing by half the layer Author
covered by a hood and connected to height of bath material. An additional Marco Coopmann is Sales Manager, Divi-
the existing dry scrubbing system via advantage of the new TC-Software is sion Metallurgy of Aumund Frdertechnik
several suction points (Fig. 2). Meas- the option to adapt and incorporate based in Rheinberg, Germany.
urements show that the suction sys-
tem absorbs approx. 60 g per tonne
of bath emissions on average during
a 3-shift operation.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 39
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
The economics of bag house versus from the outlet gas. A series of cool- sumption of 20 to 24 kWh per tonne
electrostatic precipitators for meet- ing cyclones recover heat from the alumina depends on the type of gas
ing environmental requirements have calcined SGA to preheat air and fuel, de-dusting equipment, the type of
changed over the past 20 years. This while a series of heating cyclones fuel used, and whether a forced draft
paper describes developments since recover heat from the combustion booster fan is installed on the clean air
the first 850 tpd GSC unit for alumina gases to dry, preheat, and pre-calcine side. The specific heat consumption is
was started up in 1986. the hydrate feed. The GSC furnace is about 3.2 to 3.4 GJ per tonne alumina,
refractory lined and operates at a tem- depending on moisture content in the
GSC for smelter grade alumina perature in the 950 to 1150 C range. hydrate feed and on the type of fuel
(SGA) production Preheated alumina enters the GSC used.
furnace at a temperature ranging from
The GSC furnace comprises a cylin- 320 to 370 C in a direction parallel Thermal energy options for
drical vessel with a conical bottom to to the conical bottom of the furnace. calcination
let in pressurized air or gas, as well Preheated air enters from the cooler
as a hot cyclone to separate of solids at a temperature of 700 to 800 C and The GSC units in operation today use
is used to burn the fuel. The operat- either heavy fuel oil (HFO), natural
ing temperature chosen for the GSC gas, or coal gas as fuel. Since all the
furnace and hot cyclone depends on combustion air is preheated by cool-
what degree of calcination the alumina ing the alumina, the air flow through
requires and on how long it stays hot a calciner, and thus the excess air
in the equipment downstream of the factor, has little impact on the energy
hot separation cyclone. The operating requirements. If more air enters the
temperature can be lowered when cooling section, then more energy
the GSC furnace and hot cyclone is will be recovered from the alumina,
retrofitted behind a rotary kiln to act but this is mostly offset by an increase
as cooler (GSC retrofit), or if the hot in the volume of hot gas lost to the
separation cyclone is equipped with stack.
All illustrations: F.L.Smidth
a fluidized holding vessel. The higher However, when using coal gas,
operating temperature range is used the losses to the stack will be higher
when alumina from the hot cyclone than for heavy fuel oil and for natu-
discharges into a four (4) stage cy- ral gas, because coal gas produces a
clone cooler. The GSC units are de- much greater volume of combustion
signed for an overall pressure drop of gases per unit of combustion heat.
Fig. 1: Gas suspension calciner furnace and
cyclone (HFO: heavy fuel oil; SGA: smelter 8 to 11 kPa before the gas dedusting This means that large volumes of coal
grade alumina) equipment. The specific power con- gas must be heated to calcining tem-
40 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 41
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
present value) cost analysis made for ity to maintain environmental compli- Author
a 20 year period. ance even in situations when the high
The result is a break-even point voltage power supply fails. And this Benny E. Raahauge, MSc (Chem. Eng.) has
after approximately nine years before feature may overrule any economic worked since 1976 with development,
marketing and sales of the gas suspension
the ESP becomes the lower cost al- disadvantage over the long term, as calcination technology for alumina. His
ternative. the local population will not allow any current position is General Manager, Alu-
Anyway, the major environmental temporary dust emissions, whatever mina & Pyro Technology, at FFE Minerals
advantage of the fabric filter is its abil- the cause. Denmark A/S, based in Copenhagen.
advent of prebake cell technology.
The early development phase gen-
erally consisted of a copper stem
joined to a steel pin or stub via
a bolted connection. The second
generation saw the introduction of
an aluminium stem joined to the
steel yoke. This connection was
achieved through the use of a bi-
metallic joint, commonly referred
to as a transition joint. The bolted
stub connection was replaced by a
welded connection and became an
integral part of a cast steel yoke. In some cases the original anode rod The design of the anode rod should
was modified: take into account:
The copper stem anode rod evolved Extra stubs added Current carrying capacity
with the introduction of a welded Stub size increased Mechanical strength
connection from the stem to the yoke. Transition joint type changed Choice of material
This generation of anode rod also saw Offsets in anode rod. Ease of manufacture
the introduction of a multi pin yoke. These changes did not necessarily re- Life of anode rod
Generally this generation design has sult in the optimum rod design, but Ease of repair
survived through to todays technol- with a typical inventory of 10,000 Cost of repair
ogy. The changes to the anode rod plus rods in an older smelter pro- Electrical resistance
have mainly been attributed to the in- ducing 100,000 to 200,000 tonnes of Initial cost
creases in line amperage necessitating metal, modification is sometimes the Cell thermal requirements.
the use of much larger anodes. only viable option. As line amperages In recent years the industry has set-
further increase the anode rod may tled on aluminium rods as a standard
Upgrading existing anode rod require redesign; however, the deci- compared to copper rods. This seems
fleets sion to pursue this route will need due to a combination of factors:
careful planning, as major, expensive Aluminium is slightly cheaper for
The industry has seen extremely large changes to other areas of the plant the same electrical performance
increases in line amperage and cur- may be required. The larger section area of the alu-
rent efficiencies. In order for existing minium rod is mechanically more ro-
plants to stay competitive with new Current day anode rods bust
smelters, they have increased their Aluminium rods last longer, typi-
amperage. We are seeing plants that Typical materials used in modern-day cally more than 15 years compared to
were designed for 100 to 150 kA now anode rods are transition joint (roll often less than 7 years for copper
running at 200 to 250 kA. bonded, aluminium to steel), yoke Supports the aluminium industry.
To achieve these increases, vari- (cast steel or fabricated mild steel), The procedure to manufacture an an-
ous modifications were carried out. stub (mild steel). ode rod is relatively straightforward.
42 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
The cost to manufacture the yoke is saving of US$ 200,000 per year for the Friction welding: Due to very high
generally driven by up-front costs, smelter. capital start up costs, this process is
with far less consideration given to Cost of not repairing: For the smelt- more suited to being an owners re-
on-going repair costs once the plant er, the cost of rod repair is immediate pair. A contractor would find it dif-
is in operation. A cast steel yoke com- and tangible. There is, however, a hid- ficult to justify the cost of installing
plete with stub may cost 60 to 70% den cost the cost of reduced oper- this equipment. Close tolerances are
more than a fabricated yoke. ating performance (increased voltage required to achieve a sound weld.
On a plant with 14,000 new assem- losses and changed thermal perform- Generally it requires saw cutting of
blies, this could represent savings of ance) due to poorly maintained and the old stub, which is often problem-
US$ 3-4 million. Depending on the repaired assemblies. Typical defects atic and expensive.
fabricated yoke design, however, the which lead to reduced anode assem- Robotic welding: This system can
potential for extra repairs due to poor bly performance include: perform poorly with out-of-tolerance
design could easily cost the operating Reduced stub diameter in the stub anode rods, and will require a skilled
plant the construction savings within hole workforce to programme the robot.
a few years of operation. These costs Reduced stub diameter above the Additionally it generally requires saw
could be incurred by: stub hole cutting, which is problematic as stated
Failed stub welds from either poor Stub not central in stub hole previously.
welds or operational stresses Stub not seated flat on the base of
Full stub replacement versus par- stub hole Conclusion
tial stub replacement Reduced yoke arm section.
Twisting of assemblies once intro- For illustrative purposes: It is estimat- Particular attention should be paid to
duced into the cell, due to welding ed for the 280,000 tpy potline that, if the design of the anode rod yoke, as
stresses not being addressed during all stubs were allowed to drop from regards to future repair costs a poor
manufacture; increasing repair needs 180 mm to an average diameter of 160 design will lead to excessive repair
and increasing voltage losses during mm within the stub hole, then the ad- work which can easily consume ini-
operation due to poor fit of stubs in ditional voltage loss (40 mV) would tial capital savings. The repair meth-
the stub holes. consume US$ 900,000 of power per ods chosen should take into account
year (at US$ 0.025 per kWh). This all the costs and the methods that will
Economics of rod repair example highlights the importance of be adopted to complete these repairs.
maintaining the rod fleet. Often reduced material usage, e.g
Cost of repair: On a modern day pot- The smelter operator must, how- steel, can easily outweigh other costs.
line of 280,000 tpy with a 180 mm ever, be careful in setting rod rejec- Evaluate the hidden costs which
stub, the cost of repair can be in the tion criteria the temptation to un- would arise if the stub, yoke and rod
millions of dollars per year. Reduc- der-repair anode rods, so as to reduce condition deteriorate pick rejection
ing repair costs is naturally a target the obvious costs of rod repair, could criteria which gives the lowest overall
for many smelter operators. There are ultimately be penalizing the smelters cost to the smelter.
means by which rod repair costs can total cost performance. But too strict
be reduced as shown in the exam- criteria will waste money in unneces- Accuracy of information
ple below. There are also pitfalls in sary repairs. Typically there is a trade
attempting to reduce repair costs as off between yearly repair costs and Given the many assumptions and
discussed in the next section Cost of the assembly performance as illus- types of calculations, it is recom-
not repairing. trated in the graph. mended that these results be consid-
Example: If a 280,000 tpy potline ered as order of magnitude estimates
repairing 12,000 stubs per year were Repair methods for partial stub only. It is recommended that actual
to convert from a full stub replace- replacement test data be gather under normal op-
ment to a partial stub replacement, erating conditions.
then savings in steel consumption, To perform partial stub replacement
based on a price of US$ 1,000 per repair, three systems are compared: Authors
tonne, will be in the order of US$ Holcan stub welding system, friction
290,000 per year. welding, robotic welding. Dan Madden is the Managing Director of
This repair saving must be set Holcan welding system: This low- Holcan Constructions Pty. Ltd. and has
worked in the aluminium industry for 28
against a slight increase in voltage (4 cost system has been in use for 20 years. He advises the industry on the man-
mV) across the extra weld, amount- years and employs the MIG (GMAW) ufacture and fabrication of anode rods.
ing to US$ 90,000 extra power cost welding method in a semi-automatic
(at US$ 0.025 per kWh). mode. It is very forgiving for out-of- Bill Dalton has spent 10 years as a Senior
This shows that the gains from tolerance dimensions of the anode Research Engineer with Comalco and a fur-
ther 5 years as consultant to the aluminium
adopting a partial stub replacement rods already subjected to the opera- and wider metals industries. He is also an
far out weigh the extra cost in power tional stresses, and suggests the use expert in due diligence and production
due to extra weld resistance a net of flame cutting over sawing. cost analysis for the aluminium industry.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 43
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44 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
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ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Ancillary equipment may comprise ficiently and reliably bring the plant creates a need for more measuring
label printer and applicator into a predefined condition, eliminat- points, ever more accurate tempera-
stack manipulator. (Fig. 6) ing potential human error. ture control, and for refined data
The label applicator attaches the label Log/Billet tracking ensures rel- processing. Consequently direct tem-
in a defined position on the bundle. evant data on each log or billet is perature measurement is now done at
The manipulator stacks completed tracked throughout the system. more positions and with higher accur-
bundles in dedicated positions for re- Operator-friendly graphic display ancy. The intelligent analyses soft-
moval by fork truck, or stacks directly of billets within the system includes ware with trend analyses provides
onto trailers. all associated data like batch no, di- an appropriate tool for early recogni-
ameter, UT-inspection data. tion of possible changes to the heating
regime. Implementation provides the
Host connection of the plant means for even tighter quality con-
Relevant production data, including trol: Billet diameter and homogeniz-
homogenizing parameters, sawing ing temperature can be changed with
and stacking dimensions, positioning higher safety and great flexibility.
of wooden runners, strapping specifi-
cations etc. are downloaded from the Increased throughput of large
clients production planning and order furnaces
procession host system, directly to the The past 10 years has shown a trend
plant control PC. Conversely the plant to ever greater throughput of fur-
PC transmits data to the clients host naces and plants. To date the highest
Fig. 6: Sawing and packing system including throughput rate is achieved at Dubal
measured data of homogenizing (for IV plant, where one billet leaves the
Summary of improvements quality assurance) furnace every 82 sec. Throughput is
quality inspection results, i.e. centre 22 t/hour or 1.050 billets per day.
Hertwich has achieved numerous cracks, inclusions, surface defects
improvements in reliability, compu- produced quantities, weights, charge Conclusion
terised control and data collection, No., log No., time stamp etc.
prevention of surface damage, and HE continuous production plants for
furnace control and productivity. Careful handling for improved extrusion billet have been steadily im-
billet surface proved and are therefore fully devel-
Increase of operational reliability A new generation of billet supports oped plants: HE draws from a wealth
with extensive, ongoing development, with special inlays (patented) has of experience, with 80 such plants
many improvements were achieved been developed for the furnaces bil- built to date, so as to provide tailor
in recent years. Plants are of sturdy let transport system. Thereby surface made solutions in terms of functional-
construction, and of the highest qual- damage to billets can be largely elim- ity and available space.
ity. Plant availability is 99%. inated. Removal of billets from the All HE plants are designed and
furnace is by a shuttle car, replacing built exclusively upon proprietary
Improved, innovative control earlier roller table lines. know-how by HE itself, including an-
software for operator- and mainte- cillary equipment like UT-inspection,
nance-friendly production Improved heat transfer strapping, and swarf briquetting.
Fully integrated, automated produc- More intense hot gas convection and 20 highly qualified engineers are
tion plants need an excellent control modified air guide channels have available to develop control software
and monitoring system to ensure safe substantially increased heat transfer and data management for clients host
and reliable production and high rate to billets without increasing the systems. Our customers can be sure
availability. number of fans. of busing a fully developed, top-qual-
Each individual movement of the HE always prefers to rely on a lim- ity plant, which ensures reliable pro-
plant is monitored for correct execu- ited number a high-quality powerful duction throughout an exceptionally
tion. ventilators rather than a forest of long service life. With HE building and
The refined fault diagnosis sys- ventilators on top of a furnace. This supplying all components of a plant,
tem efficiently guides operators and concept directly results in an air over comprehensive after sales and spare
maintenance personnel to the causes temperature (heat head) in the heat- part support is offered.
of malfunctions, thereby support- ing zone of max. 5 to 10 K above the
ing easy and quick corrective action. set metal homogenizing temperature. Author
Malfunctions are recorded and can be
queried in statistical and trend form, Improved direct measurement of Dipl.-Ing. Franz Niedermair (1952) is since
providing a potent tool to permanent- billet temperature inside the furnace 1989 with Hertwich Engineering (HE) in
R&D and marketing. Since 1994 he is Man-
ly fix weak points. and cooler aging Director of HE.
Automatic restart programs ef- Increased production of the furnaces
46 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Please be our guest
and discover the benets of the
Aluminium ePaper yourself in a
free three-month trial:
48 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
acteristics and performance tests in square section of 180 x 180 mm and compact arrangement of the elec-
horizontal configuration, described 300 mm height is used as the elec- trode assembly; the total active sur-
previously [2]. trolysis cell. The graphite crucible is faces can be increased by a factor of 2
The anode metallic structure is fab- protected by an Inconel 600 pot, with compared to the horizontal surface
ricated by a sand casting technique, a cast alumina sleeve on the top. movable cathodes which can be
which can be adapted to every size Depending on the operational changed at the end of the coating life-
and form of the anode. This advan- mode, the crucible can be used as the time
tage is valuable for adapting to non- cathode current feeder through the no vertical polarisation interference
horizontal configurations. In fact, the electrical connection by the Inconel with the metal pool stored on the cell
shapes of the anode and active runner pot. The vertical side walls of the bottom.
need to respect the: crucible are protected and insulated
current distribution electrically by four alumina sheets of Experimental results
gas escape direction 15 mm thickness. The cell set-up is
hydrodynamic effects of the placed in an electrical furnace, which The cell operates at a very stable volt-
gas-liquid energy transfer assuring controls and maintains constant the age of 4.0 0.1 volts; the wettability
the bath circulation. operating temperature. and the draining operation of the
The electrolysis tests are per- cathode can be observed by the saw
Non-horizontal electrode formed in a bath of 11% AlF3 excess tooth profile of the cell voltage, which
configuration 4% CaF2 7% KF 9% Al2O3 (satu- corresponds to the formation and de-
ration), at 930 +/- 5 C. The cathode tachment of the aluminium drop at
Test description and anode current densities are iden- the cathode bottom.
tical and maintained constant at 1 After 500 hours (more than 20 days)
Several configurations of the non- A/cm2. the test had to be shut down because
horizontal electrode assembly were
designed and tested in 100 A labora- Vertical assembly with
tory cells. The selected electrode ma- hanging cathode
terials were the following:
cathode: semi-graphitised BN car- In the vertical configuration the in-
bon substrate, totally covered by 1.2 clination of the electrodes is 0, the
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 49
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
vertical configuration: able, thus it cannot be changed during ginal ohmic resistance. The concept
The initial current efficiency of operation. of an immersed cathode must be
75% decreases rapidly, and stabilises developed so that the cathode can
at about 40% after 24 hours. Experimental results be removed at the end of the Tinor
The oxygen separation, in escaping coating life-time. Fig. 6 shows an in-
along the anode back, is not optimal The cell operates at a very stable volt- clined metallic anode after 500 hours
in the vertical position, namely with age of 3.8 0.1 volts; in comparison to of operation.
an ACD as low as 2 cm. The re-oxida- the previous case the saving of 0.2 volt
tion of the metal by oxygen seems to should be due to the lower ohmic drop ACD in semi-vertical
be one of the factors decreasing the of the cathode body and connection. configuration
current efficiency.
The aluminium pool stored on the A numerical study of the semi-vertical
cell bottom is subjected to the positive configuration has been made in order
electrical field of the anodes (poten- to investigate the current density dis-
tial of + 0.3 volt versus the cathode); tribution and the impact on the cur-
an electrochemical dissolution of the
metal can occur probably further de-
creases the current efficiency.
Semi-vertical electrode
50 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
To power your operation while lowering
consumption we provide you with stable
highly efcient electrical energy supply,
distribution and conditioning. To in-
crease employee productivity and engineering efciency, we offer you powerful control
systems. To improve dynamic performance and reduce power losses, we provide high-tech
drive systems. To increase furnace productivity and save energy, utilize our most effective
electromagnetic stirrers. To ensure environmental compliance, reduce product
standard deviation and increase production, apply our expert and optimization
solutions. Maximize the return on project investment through our vast knowledge,
know-how and extensive experience. Using quality ABB products helps you achieve
industry leading productivity. Visit us at
tom), a surface of constant potential horizontal conventional industrial the fractional current efficiency. The
is shown (middle). It explains why cells. If the anode current densities third condition, Qc = Qm, is in fact a
more current is carried by the lower are too different, large horizontal cur- condition on the current. For typical
runner. Because the current density rent take place in the liquid metal that designs, we get Im = 1.7 Ic. Is it possible
is proportional to the gradient of the may lead to metal pad wave oscilla- to meet both the voltage and current
electrical potential, it follows that tions. If the cathode current density conditions?
regions where the isosurface of the is too uneven, large local electro-ero- The electrode settings studied in
potential are curved, a large current sion may take place, leading to short this paper address the conditions
density results. cell lifetime. above. Let us consider only the semi-
Two main conclusions can be vertical configuration, since it is more
drawn from such electrostatic mod- Energy considerations efficient. The cell voltage condition
elling: can be met by decreasing the ACD, to
In order to obtain a more homo- As has been noted before [7], one of overcome the voltage penalty of the
geneous distribution of the current the problems to address to bring the oxygen-evolving anode. When taking
density, one should purposely set the oxygen-evolving anode to industri- both the reversible decomposition
anode in a non-parallel position rela- alisation is the thermal balance of the voltage and the over-voltages of the
tive to the cathode, and specifically by cell. About 1 V of the total cell voltage various electrodes into account, it is
having a slightly lower ACD under the is used differently in each technology: commonly assumed to be about 0.6 V
top runner. as heat for the classical Hall-Hroult [1,2]. For typical electrolyte conduc-
In a future semi-vertical design cell, and to produce aluminium in the tivities used in our tests, it amounts to
gathering many anodes, it will be OEA cell. From the point of view of a reduction in ACD of about 1 to 2 cm.
necessary to perform electrostatic energy efficiency, this is very positive Thus, operating a semi-vertical con-
simulations of this kind to optimise for cells implementing the de Nora figuration at 2 cm ACD makes it pos-
the arrangement and setting of the inert metallic anode, but the corre- sible to meet the voltage condition.
electrodes, in order to smooth the sponding loss in heating is significant Finally, to meet the condition on
current density distribution as far as and means that a balanced thermal the current, for a similar overall cell
possible. design is difficult to achieve. size, the semi-vertical setting offers
Let us consider the problem in- a two-fold gain: by using a de Nora
versely: assume that we want to op- inert metallic anode, one can work at
erate an oxygen-evolving anode that higher current densities (by a factor
has of 1.4), while using slanted de Nora
a. the same current efficiency anodes permits an increase in the
b. the same specific energy working area (thus the total current)
c. and the same heat losses by a factor of at least 1.5. Thus, expect-
as a conventional cell; how do these ing a total current Im = 2.1 Ic appears
conditions translate into operat- realistic. The 1.4 factor is explained by
ing parameters? The first condition the typical current density in conven-
should be relatively easy to meet, tional technology (0.9 A/cm2), com-
since Moltech could operate a 25 pared to the maximal current density
kA OEA cell with 90% CE [1], while for metallic anodes (1.3 A/cm2). The
struggling against various operational second factor is geometrical. For the
difficulties that are to be expected in setting presented above, the cathode
such novel tests. We thus assume that surface is 100 cm2, and only the flat
Fig. 7: Semi-vertical electrodes setting, and the current efficiency is the same for surface of the runners is about 55
an isosurface of the electrical potential.
both technologies, K= 0.95. cm2. However, while exact quantifi-
The second condition, when the cation is difficult, the active surface of
We recall that optimising the current first is met, consists in having the the anode is more than the flat area.
density distribution in the above- same cell voltage in both technolo- For conventional designs, a horizontal
mentioned sense is important for de gies. To work out the third condition, cathode occupying the same overall
Nora inert metallic anodes, because, we recall that the heat generation loss space has a surface of 50 cm2. Thus,
on the one hand, they require higher Q is given by ([8], respectively with a 1.5 geometric factor appears reason-
current densities (thermal equilib- only D alumina and no Boudouard able, and implies a more compact cell
rium, see below), while, on the other reaction): for the same productivity
hand, a critical current density exists, Qc = Ic (U 1.65 K 0.48)
above which the anode may be dam- Qm = Im (U 3.11 K) Conclusions
aged. Thus, a good inert anode design Where the c subscript designates
ensures an even, high current density carbon or conventional technology, The gains of energy and production of
distribution. In fact an even current m standing for metallic (anodes). I is the aluminium reduction cell in using
distribution is also very important in the current, U the cell voltage and K the semi-vertical electrode configura-
52 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Aluminium casting
With its new generation of boron foundries and smelting works as a liq- skin rapidly forms on the surface of
nitride, ESK Ceramics GmbH & uid at a temperature of around 700C. the hot aluminium. A release agent
Co. KG in Kempten, Germany is Since this melt is very aggressive, the must be added to prevent this skin
providing the casting industry contacting surfaces must be protect- sticking to the surface. Traditionally,
with tailored materials for laun- ed. That is first to counteract wear of bone ash is added, which does indeed
ders, ladles, dies and crucibles the tools and vessels and, second, to have the required release properties
that offer unrivalled protection prevent the aluminium from being but because of its poor adhesion must
against aggressive molten alu- contaminated with dissolved foreign be repeatedly replenished, since it is
minium. A critical factor in this matter. That means specifically the entrained by the flowing molten
advance in casting technology is launders in casthouse applications as aluminium.
a novel nanoscale binder that al- well as crucibles, ladles and dies used
lows boron nitride coatings to be in foundries. The surfaces that come Boron nitride versus bone ash
produced that adhere strongly to into contact with the molten alumin-
different materials. ium must be coated to prevent cor- Ceramic coatings offer an alternative
rosion. The quality of these surfaces to bone ash. These foundry coatings,
Thanks to its low density, aluminium not only determines the lifetimes of which are applied as liquids and dry
has become established as a key ma- the equipment and tools used, but also to form a solid film, should have high
terial with an unparalleled breadth has a critical effect on the quality and thermal and chemical stability and a
of applications. This light metal has mechanical and physical properties of similar thermal expansion to the coat-
applications extending from packag- the resulting castings. ed surface in order to prevent the coat-
ing, through automotive engineering, A typical example is the transport ing flaking off. A material that ideally
to aerospace. Furthermore, when al- of molten aluminium in cast houses, meets all these requirements is boron
loyed with various metals, such as which is usually performed in laun- nitride (BN). The graphite-like chemi-
magnesium or silicon in extruded pro- ders with a refractory lining. Of course, cal structure of BN makes it an ideal
files, its strength can rival that of steel. such launders have poor thermal con- release agent and lubricant. However,
Obtained by an electrochemical proc- ductivity, which prevents rapid cool- unlike graphite, which oxidizes at
ess, the metal occurs in aluminium ing of the melt. However, a thin oxide above 500C in air, boron nitride is
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 53
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
54 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
and chemically resistant materials for ievable elasticity to the coatings. The tive for aluminium production, con-
manufacturing industry, emphasizes coatings have a levelling effect since, tinues Klpfer. For example, liquid
the high abrasion resistance of the within certain limits, they adapt to aluminium cools by about 1C per
new BN coatings. Heuts is responsi- their environment and can expand second on average when conveyed
ble for the aluminium industry divi- and shrink without suffering damage, with ladles. This heat loss has to be
sion in his company and understands explains Christiane Klpfer. compensated by auxiliary heating.
the particular challenges faced by this The flexibility also applies to the ESK is currently working on BN coat-
sector. Traditional coatings were al- adhesion of the binder to the substrate ings precisely tailored to the needs
ways entrained by the flowing molten to be coated, which may be smooth or of the aluminium-processing indus-
aluminium. But the new product ad- porous. We were even able to make try. The aim of this work is to find a
heres much better and does not have boron nitride adhere to graphite, further additive that will allow us to
to be reapplied as often, he explains. Klpfer says. This additional proper- market a boron nitride with reduced
The coatings have much longer life- ty is important for graphite parts that thermal conductivity.
times if the liquid aluminium does not are used in aluminium cast houses
have a chance to attack the substrate. and foundries. They include rotors Authors
This could greatly reduce downtimes. for melt degassing or boron nitride-
The bottom line for aluminium proc- coated graphite thermocouple tubes. Christiane Klpfer, ESK Ceramics GmbH
essors is significant boost in efficiency Other additives are under develop- & Co. KG, Germany.
Dr. Thomas Jngling, Ceradyne, Inc., USA.
as a result of time savings and higher ment. Boron nitride has high thermal Guido Heuts, Ceranex B.V., Netherlands.
productivity. The improvement is conductivity. That is counterproduc-
documented by the results of the qual-
ity control. With the BN coatings we
tested, in contrast to traditional ma-
terials such as bone ash, the castings
did not contain any residues, Heuts
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 55
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Potline current demand for alu- free-wheeling circuit. But with thyris- section of 200300,000 mm2, results
minium plants is constantly in- tor rectifiers, the last pair of conduct- in a process time constant W (= L/R)
creasing. Many potlines with 350 ing thyristors suffers overload. A spe- of about | 250 ms, where L is busbar
kA are in operation, and the trend cial technique was necessary to avoid inductance and R busbar resistance.
is towards 500 kA in the near fu- overload damage. This means the potline current will
ture. Such requirements call for This paper discusses the new tech- require at least a second (4 x W = 1000
many rectifier units in parallel. nique implemented by ABB to avoid ms) to decrease from its rated value to
Due to physical limitations on the overloading of any pair of conduct- practically zero.
size of a rectifier, as well as to re- ing thyristors. The advantage of this Rectifier behaviour under tripping
dundancy requirements for safety, technique is that algorithms are im- modes:
using many units in parallel poses plemented for each unit, and hence
a great problem of how to handle the design of all rectifier units remains Normal mode: Unlike diode rectifier
current stoppage when all units identical in power and controls cir- units, thyristor rectifier units have a
are tripped simultaneously. Due cuits. This paper also describes how faster response time and are fully con-
to staggered switching-off times of overloads relate to potline circuit trollable. But it is a fact that a thyris-
the rectifiers, it is likely that the behaviour and process, and to other tor rectifier cannot cutoff the current
last unit will briefly carry the full sources of overload. once it has been triggered. In rectifier
potline current. In a diode plant This paper covers the following ar- operation thyristors are line commu-
this phenomenon can be handled eas: process characteristics, minimis- tated. This inherent characteristic of
easily, as all diodes go into a natu- ing the risk with advanced control, each individual unit, together with
ral free-wheeling mode. Thyristor results and conclusion. the phase shift between various other
plants by contrast, require imple- parallel feeding units, corresponds to
menting a special technique to Process characteristics the asynchronous behaviour of each
prevent destructive overloading of rectifier unit, functioning in turn.
the last switched unit. ABB has de- A typical equivalent circuit diagram During operation each unit can be
veloped an advanced technique to of an aluminium smelter application switched off manually or automati-
handle such phenomena without can be represented as follows: cally tripped by abnormal operating
over-dimensioning any unit. The rectifiers connected in parallel conditions, such as overtemperatures,
loss of cooling medium, etc.
Continuity and reliability of DC pow- As long as only one unit goes
er supply are the basic requirements out of service, this does not
for aluminium smelters, together pose a serious threat to con-
with safety. In the past, diode recti- tinuous potline operation.
fiers were the natural choice due to
their simplicity. However, tap-chang- Potline trip mode: However,
er maintenance was always an issue there are certain conditions
for maintenance people, and control under which it becomes
speed is another drawback. necessary to trip all units
With the availability of reliable thy- simultaneously. This is
ristors and digital firing circuits, users known as potline trip. On
All illustrations: ABB
56 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
switch off has to carry the total potline Network under-voltages leading which controls the free-wheeling re-
current. In this undesirable situation, to trips placed this by a different mode.
this unit consists of only two legs, one Loss of total network Firing mode on a single unit (Fig. 2):
positive group and one negative group Process trip. As soon as the control system senses
of one rectifier. In order to prevent the damage to cer- a fast hardware trip (trip due to un-
To prevent these thyristors from tain thyristors as mentioned above, it der-voltage or loss of network) then,
overload requires forcing conduction is essential to share the free-wheeling on the next firing instant it fires all
in all thyristors from positive and neg- current among all units and all semi- thyristors coloured red in all units. At
ative groups of all the rectifier units. conductors. The duration of this, free- the same time it initiates an off com-
This conduction mode, when the en- wheeling mode could be of the order mand to all the breakers. As soon as
ergy driving current flow is circuit in- of one second to evacuate reactance the control system from a particular
ductance, is called free-wheeling. energy. In a 50 Hz, six pulse system, unit receives back signalization that
the firing angle is updated every 3.3 its breaker is open, then it initiates the
Minimising the risk with milliseconds. The advance control next action as mode 2 shown in Fig. 3.
advanced control As soon as a control system receives
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 57
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
58 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 59
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Moeller Fluidflow
60 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 61
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Norsk Hydro
smelter in Vlissingen in The Nether- tpy aluminium smelter in the 2010 to
lands. Ongoing negotiations involving 2015 period, based on the availability
a consortium of energy-intensive of power. Hydros new North Atlan-
companies have so far failed to satisfy tic office in Reykjavik is headed by
the smelters requirements for a long- Bjarne Reinholdt. aluminium at the site. Local reports
term competitive energy supply. The- are correct that output at Moatize
re may be some potential buyer who could reach a total of 12 million tpy
will have some special way of working Qingtongxia Glencore talks of coal, of which around 40 per cent
with it to make it more viable. But the on the rocks as smelter project would be metallurgical (coking) coal
smelters casthouse is good and Alcan faces delay and 60 per cent steam (thermal) coal.
plans to keep it, no matter what the The metallurgical coal would be for
outcome of the smelter. In addition, Glencores plans to co-operate with export. Studies are under way into
the smelter has a good carbon plant Qingtongxia Aluminium Group have developing the thermoelectric plant.
that has been modernised. hit problems as the future of a 250,000 Likewise, the company continues to
tpy smelter project planned by the study the possibility of using the en-
Chinese company looks increasingly ergy produced at the proposed ther-
Malaysias Jabat Yakin plans uncertain. Glencore signed a memo- moelectric plant to fuel aluminium
300,000 tpy aluminium smelter randum of understanding with Qing- smelting facilities that could also be
tongxia in August 2006, which was de- set up at Moatize. In theory it should
Malaysian construction firm Jabat signed to facilitate investment in the be cheaper to produce primary alumi-
Yakin is seeking financial backers for Chinese companys planned 250,000 nium in Mozambique than in Brazil
a proposed 2.3 billion ringgit (US$ tpy aluminium smelting project. But due to the current high cost of elec-
631m) aluminium smelter in eastern talks have gone badly. Besides pro- trical energy in Brazil.
peninsular Malaysia. Jabat Yakin has blems with Glencore, Qingtongxia has
hired two Islamic finance institutions, yet to receive government approval
Kuwait Finance House and AmIslam- for the project. The delay is probably Ormet finalises power deal with
ic Bank, as well as accounting firm linked to Beijings plan to clamp down AEP
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, to arrange on the aluminium industry and to its
the financing for the project, which stricter stance on new aluminium pro- Ormet Corp. and American Electric
will be located in the state of Pahang. jects. New smelting projects in Chi- Power (AEP) have finalised their long-
The Malaysian company is in talks na are likely to find it more difficult term agreement under which AEP will
with potential joint venture partners to win government approval as the provide power to Ormets Hannibal,
Chalco and Dubal. The project will government is not encouraging new Ohio, operation. Two of Ormets six
yield 300,000 tpy of aluminium in a projects. potlines could now restart as early as
first stage of production. mid-December 2006 as 250 employees
were called back to work. Effective 1
CVRDs Mozambique coal January 2007, the pact places Ormets
Hydro opens office in Iceland project moving forward Hannibal facilities back into AEP ser-
vice territory, where the company will
Hydro has opened a North Atlantic CVRDs plans to produce coal at provide power at US$ 43 per MWh
office in Reykjavik to support its stra- Moatize, Mozambique, could move through the end of 2008. Following a
tegy of repositioning and growth in its forward quickly once the rail link to two-year period, Ormet will then be
primary aluminium activities. Hydro transport the coal from mine to port is able to obtain power at the same rate
is presently involved in supplying established. CVRD is still studying the as other large industrial users in the
technology to the Nordural alumi- possibility of later producing primary Ohio service territory.
62 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
,!#!!' &+$'+ (!&. '&( ' &(
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ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 63
has been a hurdle for production. The revenues of approx. US$ 114 million sidewall blocks and ramming pastes.
plant produces primary aluminium in in 2005, Carbone Savoie is a leading The business employs approx. 500
sheet and T-bar. and profitable producer of cathode people at two sites, both in close pro-
blocks, including a growing share of ximity to Alcans R&D centre in Vor-
graphitised cathode blocks, as well as eppe, France. N
RusAl starts Khakass smelter
64 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
pany then plans to increase capacity ty at Pingguo from 130,000 to 250,000 modernise the main production faci-
by another 300,000 tonnes per year. tpy, though no date has been set for a lities at Alum, to cut the consumption
Output from the new plant will be second phase of construction. of materials and energy, upgrade the
used for its own aluminium smelters thermal power plant and to align the
owned by Nanshan Group and Shan- plant to European labour environ-
dong Nanshan Industrial Co. Nanshan Guangxi Huayin to commission ment protection standards. The work
Group and Shandong Nanshan have alumina refinery in 2007 will involve a temporary complete
156,000 tpy and 36,000 tpy of elec- shutdown of the plant. The upgrade
trolytic aluminium capacity respec- Guangxi Huayin Aluminium Corp will lift capacity at the refinery from
tively. plans to commission a 1.6 million 500,000 to 600,000 tpy. Beyond that,
tpy alumina refinery project in Octo- Alro aims to increase capacity to 1
ber 2007, as part of a growing drive million tpy by 2010.
Chalco to commission third by the government of the region to
phase of Pingguo refinery in strengthen its aluminium industry.
2008 Construction of Guangxi Huayins Iamgold to sell bauxite assets
project started in June 2005. to Bosai for US$ 46m
Aluminium Corp. of China (Chalco)
plans to commission a 900,000 tpy Toronto-based Iamgold Corp has
third phase expansion at its alumi- Romanias Alro plans signed a deal with Chinese alumina
na refinery in Pingguo in Chinas alumina capacity upgrade producer Bosai Minerals Group to
southern Guangxi autonomous region sell its bauxite assets for US$ 46 mil-
in late 2008. The expansion will take Romanian aluminium producer Alro lion. Under the agreement, Iamgold
alumina capacity at the Pingguo works plans to invest US$ 50 million over will sell interests in Omai Bauxite
also known as Chalcos Guangxi the next two years in upgrading the Mining Inc and Omai Services Inc
Branch to 1.8 million tpy. Chalco alumina refinery at its subsidiary to Bosai for approx. US$ 28 million
also plans to increase smelting capaci- Alum. The investment will be used to in cash. Bosai will also assume US$
"& ,
!" #
$!" #
&, +&
18 million in third-party debt. If the of project manager and operator and Samara region. The company owns
deal is approved by regulatory autho- will lend as much as US$ 50 million Resal, also in Samara, which was set
rities, the transaction took place on to Global Alumina to help fund a fea- up by RusAl in 2000. In 2005, the
31 December 2006. The sale is con- sibility study. Under the agreement, Russian government has encouraged
sistent with Iamgolds aim to focus Global Alumina and BHP would each RusAl to buy secondary aluminium
on its core assets. Bosai based in own a third of the project, Dubal one assets and already RusAl has bought
southwest Chongqing province to the quarter, with Mubadala Development secondary aluminium assets in the
east of Sichuan plans to double its Co taking one-twelfth. If the transiti- Rostow, Samara and Leningrad regi-
200,000 tpy alumina refining capacity on goes ahead, the potential partners ons. The plan to produce 500,000 tpy
to 400,000 tpy within the next two to would receive shares in Global Alu- would give RusAl more than 60% of
three years. mina and reach separate shareholder, the Russian market. It has been esti-
project-management and off-take ag- mated that there are 440 businesses in
reements. BHP, Dubal and Mubada- Russia that produce aluminium alloys
BHP in talks to take a third of la Development Co have agreed to from scrap.
Globals US$ 2.8b alumina refin- provide US$ 100 million of interim
ery project financing for the project, which will
be guaranteed by Global Alumina and Spanish secondary aluminium
BHP Billiton has begun talks with Guinea Alumina. The refinery, to be producer Idalsa in trouble
Global Alumina Corp to take a 33.3 built at the inland town of Bok, is
per cent equity stake in its US$ 2.8 scheduled to come on stream in the Spanish secondary aluminium pro-
billion alumina refinery project in first half of 2009. ducer Iberica de Aleaciones Ligeras
Guinea. BHP would assume the role N (Idalsa) is facing a financial crisis,
struggling under the weight of 26
million euros (US$ 33.4m) in debt,
and sources at European secondary
Secondary aluminium smelting aluminium producers were reporting
that the company based in Zaragoza
and recycling activities in Aeragon had filed for bankruptcy
protection on 1 November 2006. The
Hydro Deeside aims to boost beverage cans (UBC). The new ca- news did not surprise the market as
sales to offset energy costs pacity will come on stream by the Idalsa, which produces around 30,000
start of 2008 and will turn the site at tpy of alloy, was a supplier to Man-
Hydro Aluminium Deeside plans to Neuf-Brisach into Europes only ful- zoni-Bouchot, the French die-caster
lift production to 55,000 tpy to boo- ly integrated UBC processing, rolling that filed for bankruptcy protection
st sales by the end of next year in a and finishing facility. The investment in October. Idalsa was owed some 13
bid to offset soaring electricity prices. will promote beverage can recycling million euros by Manzoni. Idalsa was
Over the past three years, the plants in Europe. In addition to the Neuf-Bri- set up in 1984.
spending on electricity has more than sach plant, in Europe Alcan operates
doubled. Currently the plant pays 4.6 recycling and rolling facilities in Sin-
pence per night unit and 7 pence per gen, Germany. Scholz buys Hungarian secondary
day unit. Deesides current electricity aluminium producer Eural
contract is 64% higher than the previ-
ous 18 month contract which ran out RusAl aims for 500,000 tpy of German non-ferrous and ferrous scrap
in October, while that contract was secondary aluminium by 2011 merchant Scholz AG has acquired
60% higher than the one before. The Hungarian secondary aluminium pro-
recycling and remelting plant located RusAl plans to produce some 500,000 ducer Eural kft from Spanish group
in Wrexham in northeast Wales pro- tpy of secondary aluminium by 2011 Pansoinco SA for an undisclosed sum.
duces more than 40,000 tpy of extrusi- through acquisitions and through Eural, which has a capacity to produ-
on ingots. Hydro Aluminium Deeside building its own production plants. ce 50,000 tpy of aluminium alloy, will
produces extrusion ingot from 90% Such a strategy would see RusAl probably source scrap from Audis
remelted aluminium scrap. surpass capacity of Aleris Recycling manufacturing plant in Gyr and
works in Germany, Europes largest supply aluminium alloy to automoti-
secondary aluminium producer, ve casting plants next to Audi. Eural is
Alcan invests US$ 7m in UBC which produces 400,000 tpy, and located in Tatabanya, just 60 km from
recycling at Neuf-Brisach compete directly with Asias largest Gyr. Eural is one of the main players
producers, Shanghai Sigma Metals in in the aluminium alloys and rod in-
Alcan will invest US$ 7 million in China and Daiki Aluminium in Japan. dustry in Central and Eastern Euro-
a special sheet Rhenalu facility in RusAl has recently acquired one pro- pe. Scholz is one of Europes largest
France to recycle aluminium used ducer, Tsvetmet Services, based in the scrap processors and merchants, with
66 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
12 centres in south and east Germany, was not given for that additional ex-
the Czech Republic and Croatia, in- pansion. India represents one of the
cluding eight shredders, 38 shearing most attractive aluminium recycling
machines, nine railtrack crushers and opportunities in the world. Recycled Dubal awards ABB contract
four cable shredders. aluminium consumption in India, dri- to upgrade smelter
ven by the automotive sector, is set to
boom in the next four years. Demand Dubai Aluminium has awarded a US$
Century Aluminium seeks foreign for recycled aluminium from automo- 39m contract to ABB of Zurich to up-
partner to increase capacity tive manufacturers is likely to increase grade electrical and automation systems
in India to some 350,000 tpy by 2010 at Dubals 861,000 tpy smelter complex
Indian secondary aluminium pro- from 93,700 tpy, and consumption in Dubai. ABB will replace five high-volt-
ducer Century Aluminium intends in the general engineering industry, age regulating rectifier transformers,
to increase its output to 50,000 tpy such as components for washing ma- which convert alternating current (AC)
from 35,000 tpy by the end of 2007, chines, is forecast to more than treble to direct current (DC), with larger units
and would like to increase output to to 87,500 tpy from 23,500 tpy. Indias rated at 86 MVA to increase capacity and
100,000 tpy in the long term by secu- domestic production of 200,000 tpy is to allow Dubal to combine two potlines.
ring a foreign partner. A time frame well below those levels. N ABB will upgrade existing systems,
including high-voltage cables and low-
voltage and control cables, as well as
provide control and protection systems
Aluminium semis and 250 kA field-oriented measuring
equipment. Commissioning of the new
Poland further investment and keep 1,400 of system will begin in July 2007.
Polish aluminium manufacturer the current 1,600 employees on the
allocates funds for German buy payroll for two years after the signing Aluminij dd Mostar chooses
of a purchase contract. Wagstaff equipment
Polish aluminium products manufac-
turer Grupa Kety will allocate up to Aluminij dd Mostar, aluminium producer
200 million zloty (around US$ 65.2m) Bahrain in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, has
to buy German companies operating New foil annealing furnace for placed an order with Wagstaff Inc, to
in the extruded products and systems Garmco Foil Mill modernise their third casting station.
segments. Grupa Kety is actively see- The new contract consists of a Wagstaff
king out a medium-sized German Garmco Foil Mill Co., Bahrain, has ShurCast casting machine, an AutoCast
company which also manufactures placed a second order for an indirect automated casting control system, and
and distributes extruded products. electrically heated chamber furnace LHC low head composite casting moulds
Germany has been chosen for the size with mass flow heating for the an- for use on all stations in the casthouse.
of the market for aluminium systems nealing of aluminium foils under air The equipment purchased in the new
used in the construction industry. or nitrogen. Garmco is expanding its contract is slated to be commissioned in
rolling facility and inquired for an early 2007.
additional aluminium foil annealing
Croatia furnace from Otto Junker, Germany. Stub milling machine for
Croatia tries again to sell alu- The ordered furnace is almost iden- NZAS
minium products maker tical to the furnace supplied by Otto
Junker in 2004. Stimir of Iceland has completed the de-
Croatias Privatisation Fund is trying The existing foil annealing facility sign of a stub milling machine for New
to sell the governments 80.2% sta- consists of three annealing furnaces Zealand Aluminium Smelters (NZAS). The
ke in Tvornica Lakih Metala (TLM), with a common rail mounted charging contract required Stimir to fully design a
which is the Balkan countrys largest car, nitrogen gas supply system, coil stub milling machine able to automati-
producer of extruded and rolled alu- cooling/waiting/loading stands and cally mill off excess stub length whilst
minium products. The company has steel coil racks/pallets. The ordered the anode rod is hanging in an overhead
high debts and a previous attempt to new foil annealing furnace is to be conveyor. The automatic stub milling
sell the stake in September drew no located in a new extension to the exi- machine will ensure that all stubs are of
bids. The latest tender has set a mini- sting bay with installation scheduled equal length, so as to improve electrical
mum price of 10% of the companys to commence in April 2007. conductivity, rodded anode geometry,
nominal value in an attempt to draw Garmco is supplied with feedstock and removal of cast iron thimbles. These
out more interest. As before, the la- from parent company Gulf Alumini- improved parameters increase electrical
test tender notice stimulates that any um Rolling Mill Co. which produces efficiency and maximise both rod avail-
potential buyer must maintain the cold rolled coil and sheet in 1xxxx, ability and rod service life.
companys core business, commit to 3xxx, 5xxx and 8xxx series alloys for
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 67
a wide range of applications with a in eastern China, which is still under- China
current annual capacity of 162,000 going test-runs. Yangkuang Aluminium mulls
tonnes. downstream projects
68 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 69
70 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 71
72 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 73
more conservative than Europeans. minium wire is still dominant. It aims to intensify contacts with the
Moreover, special expertise is need- In contrast, market needs in Europe Signode establishments which look
ed when using PET strip for alumin- have largely been covered, at least after OEMs worldwide. In addition,
ium products. So there is still plenty in smelter operations. On the other the Team will support Signodes lo-
of room for growth, in both North and hand there is growth potential in the cal Key Account Managers in mak-
South America. However, the first few recycling branch and in processing. ing contact with aluminium smelters
AK200-HD machines for billets have Here, Signode mainly has the strap- and processors, in order to persuade
already been installed in the USA and ping of rolled aluminium products them of the effective performance of
Canada. In the long term the markets such as sheets and coils in its sights. polyester strip by means of tests. That
in China and Russia should also be- To prepare the market, therefore, a should not be difficult at all.
come attractive. In both countries new Global Specialist Team was re-
strapping with steel strip or even alu- cently formed, which is led by Laks. N
Alcutec Engineering
74 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 75
ily becoming stricter, particularly for an economical evaluation since prices equipment for melting at a refining
the most important customer of the of scrap and metal are readily avail- plant is the rotary drum furnace, to-
secondary aluminium plants the able. However, sometimes confusing day typically designed as a tilting
automotive industry. Quality means information is published on recovery: rotary drum furnace says Schmitz.
minimum deviations from the target for instance, a value of 90% or even This technology permits processing
alloy composition, no or negligible higher, although the scrap processed of almost all kinds of scrap and is
mechanical inclusions and very little may have had a metal content of only particularly suitable for scrap heavily
gaseous contamination. On the other 70%. So the figures given have to be contaminated with organic and inor-
hand, the plant must operate eco- looked at carefully. They may be only ganic matter and for material with a
nomically successfully. Considering valid for a very specific case such as large specific surface area. Selecting
spiralling energy costs and the more a plant that remelts clean scrap un- the proper equipment for the kind of
and more stringent environmental der strictly controlled operating con- plant operation remelting or refin-
regulations, this is becoming increas- ditions. ing is the principle task of the plant
ingly difficult. Melting such material in a rever- owner and his engineers.
However, the most critical factor beratory furnace may result in a metal Low metal loss and also favourable
is the shortage of suitable aluminium loss as high as 70%, 80%, or even more, energy consumption are not the only
scrap. The quantity of this raw mate- unless a special metal pumping system criteria. Safe and reliable operation
rial is limited worldwide and numer- is used. The melting loss may than be is an important factor as well. The
ous countries compete to get their reduced to reasonable values of 2 to equipment must be able to withstand
share, with the result that scrap prices 5% of the metal contained in the feed the sometimes harsh treatment by
are high. The secondary aluminium material. This technology, however, the operators under severe operat-
industry is therefore compelled to entails operation with a metal heel ing condition and must work without
process even scrap of low quality, in in the furnace, and there are difficul- down-time due to equipment failures.
other words scrap that is heavily con- ties in obtaining the requested metal So the traditional methods of equip-
analysis if the ment design may not be sufficient to
metal charged achieve this target and design meth-
is not very well ods used for heavy machinery must be
specified. In fact applied as well, says Schmitz.
this can only Another factor to be considered is
be the case in a compliance with the environmental
closed-loop re- standards of the plant location and
cycling process the industry. Summarising the above
in a downstream facts, the plant owner may be hard
plant. put to select the right equipment and
As is gener- processes for his future plant or plant
ally known, the expansion.
secondary alu-
minium indus- Further Russian projects in
try is divided course of preparation
into refiners and
remelters. While Professional consulting services may
refiners produce assist the plant owner in the deci-
alloys from a sion-making process. Companies that
Kippdrehtrommelofen im Einsatz bei der Firma Oetinger. wide variety of can provide the required consulting
Tilting rotary drum furnace in use at Oetinger in Germany scrap, remelters service should also have proprietary
produce their technologies and a broad product
taminated by organic and inorganic alloys from clean scrap of defined range. This combination assures cli-
contaminants and compound metals. analysis. Consequently the key tech- ents in the secondary aluminium in-
Clean scrap originating from produc- nology for the melting equipment dustry of smooth commissioning and
tion waste or no-go parts is generally is different. Reverberatory furnaces trouble-free operation. Proper train-
not available to refiners in the second- either designed as hearth furnace or ing and production assistance are fur-
ary aluminium industry. twin-chamber furnaces additionally ther steps for obtaining a plant that is
One key question for a production equipped with feeding systems for economically successful. Schmitz is
manager is therefore, how much alu- small particles are used in remelt- convinced that Alcutec provides this
minium is produced from a certain ing plants that process defined clean service as well as supplying propri-
quantity of scrap. This is expressed scrap with only little organic contami- etary equipment and technology. And
by the metal recovery factor, namely nation. he confirms that, Further projects for
the ratio between metal produced and Refiners, in contrast, need dif- the Russian market are in course of
scrap consumed. This is easy to use in ferent melting equipment. The key preparation. N
76 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
78 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 79
outstanding export balance of trade engineering has also been using ever for the aviation industry. Exports to
achieved by processing businesses more aluminium products. Besides South America, Eastern Europe and
in Germany. Order intakes for rolled high-grade section solutions, for ex- Asia also developed at above-average
products were up by over 10%. For ample in pneumatic and cylinder rates over the past six years.
the year taken as a whole, production systems, in that market sector more
is expected to exceed that of last year plates for moulding plastics are being A branch faced
(2005: 1.8 million t). supplied. Even in the building indus- by major challenges
The GDA estimates that branch try, which was recessive for about a
turnover in 2006 will amount to some decade, the aluminium branch can Yet, despite the optimism of the pre-
15 billion euros (2005: 13.9 billion ), look forward to gradual recovery. vailing mood, the branch faces great
most of this increase being attribut- That successful production is still challenges and still has to overcome
able to higher aluminium prices. possible in Germany despite difficult location disadvantages. High energy
boundary conditions has been am- prices are only one factor, which has
Transport and mechanical ply demonstrated by the aluminium frequently been commented upon in
engineering a powerful im- industry for years, especially with this journal. The structural disadvan-
pulse towards growth reference to products with high val- tages of Germany as a location also
ue addition. Our companies are re- emerge in many other aspects of eco-
In the coming years too, demand for sponding to the competition pressure nomic policy. On this, Buddenbaum
aluminium in Germany will continue from countries with low labour costs said, We need less bureaucracy and
growing, commented Wellner con- with high quality standards, absolute an updating of tax and licensing laws
cerning the medium-term perspec- reliability and great flexibility, said if we are to keep up with international
tives of the branch. The strongest im- Buddenbaum. The striking competi- competition.
pulse for growth will still be the auto- tiveness of the branch is apparent in The European aluminium industry,
motive industry, all the more so since particular from its export successes. he adds, will only hold its own in the
it is here that the specific properties Around 41% of total German alumin- markets in the long term by virtue of
of the light metal come fully into their ium production goes abroad. Export its ability to innovate. Market-orien-
own. The commercial vehicle sector growth rates are in fact impressive: tated products with high added value,
could also benefit from this, since for example, exports of aluminium a wealth of know-how, well-trained
light metal superstructures are being semis to the EU states increased by personnel and high-quality services
adopted more and more. around 20% between 2000 and 2005, provide the warranties of success
Further sales opportunities are and during the same period exports to which Europe needs if it is to have a
offered by aviation, in particular for North America grew from a low level future as a production location.
high-grade aluminium plates and by 90%, with demand focused par- N
sheets. For some years mechanical ticularly on special rolled products
80 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
mi inn iiuumm D
fo r A lum
c assttiinngg
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 81
82 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 83
Audi takes EuroCarBody Award 2006 50 per cent higher than that of its pred-
ecessor; on the Roadster the increase
Award for innovative TT body concept is an incredible 128 per cent.
Extremely resilient cast compo-
Audi is the winner of the EuroCar- mix. Aluminium accounts for 69 per nents have been used in areas sub-
Body Award from the Automotive cent of the total body weight. Steel jected to high local forces and where
Circle International for the innova- components are used at the rear of the multifunctionality is required. A prime
tive body concept of the TT. model floor assembly. The doors and boot lid example is the A-post node this is
The sports coup beat off 13 com- are also made of steel. This provides a high-tech component that connects
petitors from around the world to an optimum distribution of axle loads, the longitudinal member, sill, A-post
take the award. The body of the making for superior handling. and windscreen cross-member.
new TT represents the first appli- The TT body-in-white weighs 206 Audi is profiting from its superior
cation of the Audi Space Frame kg, of which 140 kg is aluminium and wealth of experience when it comes to
(ASF) technology with a hybrid 66 kg is steel; as an all-steel construc- joining together aluminium and steel
construction, featuring an elabo- tion it would be 48 per cent heavier. components. Joining is performed in
rate composition of aluminium The aluminium components of the a variety of ways punch-riveting,
and steel. ASF comprise 63 kg of sheet, 45 kg clinching and bonding. A fourth join-
ing technology has now been added
to the list: self-tapping screws, insert-
ed by robots, melt the surface of the
component as a result of the friction
they cause, thus penetrating fully into
the material, forming a positive con-
nection with it. Another innovative
concept used on the new TT is the
aluminium zero joint that is produced
between the roof and the side section
during laser-welding.
This technique also enhances ride
comfort by reducing vibration. It took
only a few simulation cycles on the
computer to arrive at a structure that
suppresses incipient vibration and
avoids transmission paths.
In terms of crash safety, too, the
of castings and 32 kg of extruded sec- new TT is uncompromising. This is
Audi TT Coup body structure tions. the second time that Audi has received
The new form of ASF developed the coveted award. In 2003 Europes
This prize pays tribute to the work of for the Audi TT has qualities that are most prestigious innovation prize for
Audi developers who have again pre- perfect for a sports car. The static tor- body construction went to the Audi
sented impressive proof, in the form sional stiffness of the Coup is roughly A8. The A8 also has an ASF body.
of the new TT body, of how Audi leads
the way in this field. In ASF technol-
ogy, the bodys supporting structure is Innovatives Karosseriekonzept ausgezeichnet
made of extruded aluminium sections
and die-castings, with the aluminium Der Audi TT ist fr sein innovatives Ka- kg, die sich auf 140 kg Aluminium und 66
sheet panels forming a positive con- rosseriekonzept mit den EuroCarBody kg Stahl verteilen; in reiner Stahlbauweise
nection and performing a load-bear- Award des Automotive Circle International wre sie 48 Prozent schwerer. Der Alu-
ing role within this structure. The ausgezeichnet worden. In der Karosserie miniumanteil des ASF setzt sich aus 63 kg
components of the ASF space frame des neuen TT findet der ASF erstmals in Blechen, 45 kg Gusskomponenten und 32
vary in shape and cross-section de- hybrider Bauweise seine Anwendung. Alu- kg Strangpressprofilen zusammen. Extrem
pending on their function like the minium und Stahl werden hier aufwndig belastbare Gusskomponenten kommen
bones of the human skeleton, they miteinander verbunden. Bei der Karosserie dort zum Einsatz, wo lokal hohe Krfte
are made to fulfil their task as well as macht Aluminium 69 Prozent des Gesamt- eingeleitet werden und Multifunktionalitt
possible, while having the minimum gewichts aus. Stahlkomponenten finden gefragt ist. Ein Musterbeispiel ist der A-
possible weight. sich im Heckbereich der Bodengruppe. Sulen-Knoten er ist ein Hightech-Bau-
In the new TT, Audi has further de- Tren und Heckklappe sind ebenfalls aus teil, das Lngstrger, Schweller, A-Sule und
veloped ASF technology, and added Stahl. Die Rohkarosserie des TT wiegt 206 Scheibenquertrger miteinander verbindet.
high-strength steel to the material
84 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
86 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 87
88 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Schco International KG
Deutschland nehme hier weltweit eine Neuentwicklung von Solarzellen in
Spitzenstellung ein. Auch die Fen- Verbindung mit Frderprogrammen
ster- und Fassadenbranche habe mit und einer Preisreduzierung ebnet
der Photovoltaik und mit energetisch den Weg in die Fenster- und Fassa-
optimierten Bauteilen beste Chancen, denbranche. Farbstoffsolarzellen er-
diese Entwicklung erfolgreich zu nut- ffnen neue gestalterische Mglich- Structural-Glazing-Vorhangfassade
zen. Dem ift zufolge bestimmen meh- keiten.
rere bergeordnete Trends die knf- sowie der Kommunikation genutzt
tige Entwicklung der Branche. Gesellschaftstrends werden.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 89
der Erstprfung (ITT) zur Verfgung) Neubau, Verkauf und Neuvermie- moderne Hightechfenster macht das
oder das Share System (mehrere Her- tung obligatorisch zu erstellen ist. Angebot verstndlicher. Hightechfen-
steller nutzen dieselben Ergebnisse Dieser kann wahlweise ber eine Be- ster mit Zusatznutzen sowie hchster
der Erstprfung (ITT)) genutzt wer- darfsrechnung oder eine Verbrauchs- Qualitt und Gebrauchstauglichkeit
den. Beide Systeme sind in der DIN messung erstellt werden. Fr Wohn- erffnen Chancen fr ein Hochpreis-
EN 14351-1 verankert. gebude ndert sich gegenber der segment.
Methodik der EnEV 2004 nichts. Bei Prestigeprojekte und Events wie
Weitere Normen und Fachregeln Nichtwohngebuden mssen die En- die Fuballweltmeisterschaft in
ergieaufwendungen fr knstliches Deutschland oder die Olympiade in
Die EG Richtlinie 2002/91/EG zur Er- Licht und Klimatisierung gem der Peking oder London wirken wie Ka-
mittlung der Gesamtenergieeffizienz DIN V 18599 ermittelt werden, die talysatoren fr innovatives Bauen.
wird in Deutschland durch die No- auch fr die Planung von Wohnge- Leistungsfhige Unternehmen kn-
vellierung der Energieeinsparverord- buden verwendbar ist. nen hier direkt Auftrge generieren.
nung umgesetzt. In diesem Zuge wird Brandschutznachweise knnen zur Kleinere Unternehmen knnen diese
auch ein Energieausweis eingefhrt, Zeit nach nationaler Norm DIN 4102 durch einen Imagetransfer fr den ei-
und europischer Norm EN 13501-1 genen Markt nutzen.
gefhrt werden. Diese sind die Grund- Deutschland und Europa sind in
lage fr die Klassifizierung. Baustoffe vielen kologischen Marktsegmenten
mit bekannter Zusammensetzung und Weltmarktfhrer. Innovativen Her-
bekanntem Brandverhalten werden stellern von Fenster- und Fassaden-
national in DIN 4102-4 und europ- technologien bieten sich so Chancen
isch in CWFT-Listen beschrieben. in interessanten lokalen Wachstums-
mrkten wie London, Kalifornien
Markttrends oder Peking, in denen kologische
Schco International KG
Gebudehllen in Metall Ideen und Konzepte fr die Zukunft sierung in der industriellen Massenproduk-
tion. Bewertet werden alle Einsendungen
European Kalzip Student Award 2007 nach den Kriterien Kreativitt, Vision, Funk-
tionalitt, Technologie, zukunftsweisende
Die Corus Bausysteme GmbH produziert vorstellungen und innovativen Ideen fr Entwicklungen und Marktreife.
unter der Marke Kalzip Dach- und Fassaden- zuknftige Gebudehllen im Kontext mo- Eine europisch besetzte Architekten-Jury
systeme aus Aluminium. International ttige derner architektonischer Anforderungen zu ermittelt die Sieger. Die ersten beiden Ge-
Architekten nutzen Kalzip-Profiltafeln fr entwickeln. Studenten der Fachrichtungen winner bekommen neben einem Geldbetrag
ihre architektonischen Highlights. So gehrt Architektur und Design knnen ihre Vor- auch die Gelegenheit, ein mehrmonatiges
der neue Barajas Airport in Madrid ebenso schlge zu folgenden Themen einreichen: Praktikum im Wiener Bro von Coop
zu den herausragenden Referenzobjekten Himmelb(l)au zu absolvieren. Die offizielle
wie das BMW-Zentralgebude in Leipzig Fassade Preisvergabe findet am 27. April 2007 im
oder das Imperial War Museum North Dach Deutschen Architektur Zentrum (DAZ) in
Manchester von Daniel Libeskind. Unter Hybridmaterialien Berlin statt. An dem Wochenende werden
dem Motto Wrap a building! schreibt die Optimierung bestehender Systeme. die prmierten Arbeiten zudem im DAZ
Kalzip Business Unit erstmals den European Berlin ausgestellt.
Kalzip Student Award 2007 aus, der sich Die Aufgabe steht im Spannungsfeld ganz Unter kn-
an Universitten, Fachhochschulen und unterschiedlicher Aspekte wie kologie, nen interessierte Studenten ihre Arbeiten
Design-Schulen aus ganz Europa richtet. (Licht)Durchlssigkeit, Geometrien, Oberfl- bis zum 15. Mrz 2007 anmelden und bis
Der Wettbewerb bietet dem akademischen chenstruktur, Anpassung an die (natrliche) zum 13. April 2007 einreichen.
Nachwuchs die Mglichkeit, ihre Design- Umgebung, Vielseitigkeit oder Standardi-
90 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Fenstermarkt im Plus
Die Hersteller von Fenstern und Prozent, fr den Nichtwohnbau mit ster- und Fassadenbau steht weiter-
Fassaden gehen fr 2006 erstmals einem Plus von 4,6 Prozent. Der Re- hin die Verbesserung der Wrmedm-
seit langem wieder von einer po- novierungsmarkt legte um fast zehn mung im Zentrum der Aufmerksam-
sitiven Entwicklung fr ihre Bran- Prozent, der Neubau um 5,4 Prozent keit. Denn mit der Novellierung der
che aus, nachdem die seit ber zu. Fr all diese Marktsegmente wa- Energie-Einsparverordnung im Jahr
zehn Jahren anhaltende Talfahrt ren die Vorjahrszahlen noch negativ. 2008 werden die Ansprche an die
der deutschen Bauwirtschaft ge- 2007 wird der Wirtschaftsbau neben Wrmedmmung der Gebudehlle
stoppt ist. Schon im Oktober 2006 der Renovierung die treibende Rolle noch einmal erhht. Und nachdem
auf der Glasstec verkndete Bern- fr die weiterhin positive Branchen- seit Ende 2005 alle vorgehngten
hard Helbing, der Prsident des entwicklung sein. Fassaden das CE-Zeichen fhren
Verbandes der Fenster- und Fassa- Bei den Rahmenmaterialien fr mssen, steht ab Herbst 2007 auch
denhersteller (VFF) in Frankfurt: Fenster lassen sich fr 2006 und dessen Einfhrung fr Fenster und
Wir rechnen mit einem Zuwachs 2007 lediglich Absatztrends erken- Auentren bevor.
von ber fnf Prozent. nen. So nahm Kunststoff 2006 ber-
durchschnittlich zu, Holz lag im
Ende 2006 zeichnete sich fr den Fens- Gesamttrend, whrend Aluminium
termarkt schlielich ein Zuwachs von zurckblieb. Dies drfte sich schon
11,6 auf 12,5 Mio. Fenstereinheiten im laufenden Jahr wieder ndern,
ab. Ein Katalysator dieser Entwick- wenn sich das strkere Wachstum des
lung: die drastisch gestiegenen Ener- Nichtwohnbaus mit seinen hheren
giepreise, die den Einbau moderner, Anteilen von Metallfenstern und -fas-
wrmegedmmter Fenster begnsti- saden auswirkt. 2007 wird deshalb
gen. Fr den Wohnbau rechnet die der Aluminiumanteil voraussichtlich
Branche mit einem Zuwachs von 9,7 berdurchschnittlich steigen. Im Fen- Quelle: VFF
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 91
Preview of the 9th International Alumin- China has been a cause for concern. Wheth-
er or not this is justified will be examined
ium Recycling Congress of the OEA in a lecture by a representative of Chinas
aluminium recycling industry. The important
On 26 and 27 February 2007 in Cologne, the Europes aluminium recycling industry with part played by the metal trade in relation
recycling of aluminium is on the calendar of new challenges that entail far-reaching to supplies of secondary raw materials will
events. On those dates the Organisation of structural transformations in all aspects of be discussed as well, as also will the stresses
European Aluminium Refiners and Remelters recycling-related industry. The introductory created by rising scrap exports.
(OEA) is inviting interested parties to what lecture will be given by Sean M. Stack, Head No less than 5 lectures will deal with
will then be the 9th International Alumin- of European operations at Aleris Europe, a technical innovations in the fields of the col-
ium Recycling Congress. Companies and em- company that has become engaged in the lection, preparation and melting of scrap and
ployees in the aluminium recycling industry, field of aluminium recycling only relatively the recovery and use of salt slags produced
metal traders, journalists, representatives of recently. Roland Scharf-Bergmann, Presi- during the recycling process. The success
government authorities, in short all who are dent of the OEA, will describe the position of recycling efforts in Europe depends sub-
involved with the recycling of aluminium adopted by the European recycling industry, stantially on the legal boundary conditions
will meet at the place where this series of set out the existing challenges and indicate imposed. At present far-reaching reform of
successful congresses began 17 years ago. ways to overcome them. Gnter Kirchner, the EUs guidelines on waste are due, and
The timing of the event is well chosen. Secretary General of the OEA and Chair of these will be reported. Lectures on existing
The trade position, the limited supply of the Global Aluminium Recycling Committees and future pricing mechanisms and chal-
natural raw materials and the ecological (GARC), will deal mainly with the global im- lenges related to the recycling of packaging
uses of aluminium recycling have promoted portance of recycled aluminium as a source materials will round off the picture of this
aluminium scrap to become a raw material of raw material. In recent years, above all interesting event. More information on the
in demand all over the world. This presents the increased flow of aluminium scrap to congress at
92 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 93
The application of coatings to coaters are always looking to increase focussing on filiform corrosion. These
continuous coils has been in exist- their volume through the line. The surface active layers arise from the
ence as an industrial process for overall line speed is in general limited high level of surface shear induced
more than 50 years. The develop- by the time spent in the paint/lacquer during rolling that transforms the
ments made over that period have curing ovens. Time at temperature is near surface microstructure (Fig. 1).
led to an increase in both scale required to cure the organic film and Deformed surfaces are character-
and speed. Coil coating has thus also extreme care must be taken in ised by an ultra-fine grain size that
become the most efficient method balancing the coating lines fume ex- can be stabilised by magnesium ox-
of coating materials, allowing end haust system with the coatings sol- ide pinning in magnesium-containing
users to displace this important vent emission volume. Advances have alloys [3]. However, it is not the fine
practice from their plants as a been made in waterborne systems and grain size that is responsible for the
fixed cost and into suppliers as a higher solid coatings and these will be enhanced corrosion susceptibility of
variable cost. discussed further, as will alternative the surface layer. This susceptibility is
cure technology processes. It should promoted by the preferential precipi-
The future competitiveness of coil also be stressed that probably in ex- tation of manganese-rich dispersoids
coating within Europe has the follow- cess of 95% of all coated products will during annealing treatments, which is
ing drivers: product quality and dif- be post-formed, so all alloys and coat- related to the manganese solid solu-
ferentiation, cost and line versatility, ings that are specified must be toler- tion level and the temperature and
environmental compliance. Achiev- ant to controlled deformation. time of annealing.
ing these technical, economic and In coil coating for can end stock These deformed surface layers on
legislative challenges is paramount relatively thin lacquers are applied aluminium alloys are produced most
for an industry seeking to maintain to aluminium: utilising advances in readily by hot rolling and, generally,
and expand in a world where global- line design and lacquer formulations, the layer thickness of sheet and plate
isation pressures exist. some lines are now reported to be after hot rolling is of the order of a mi-
Internationally, the coil coating operating at speeds above 250m/min. cron. The deformed layer thickness is
process is the application of thou- This is close to the limit of speed that progressively reduced by cold rolling
sands of tons of chemicals, paints can be achieved by conventional roll so alloys that have been extensively
and lacquers to millions of square coat application technology. Any po- cold rolled have thinner deformed
metres of surface. The fact that most tential speed increases beyond this layers that can more readily be re-
of these coating materials have been limit will require alternative applica- moved by conventional etch cleaning
solvent based immediately highlights tion technologies or processes. operations. This means that resistance
the environmental compliance chal- to corrosion can be improved by in-
lenges facing the industry. Current Cleaning creasing the transfer gauge thickness
and emerging legislation, such as the so that after cold rolling the amount of
Solvent Emission Directive (SED) The bare aluminium strip surface surface to be removed at final gauge is
[1999/13/EC] in Europe, mean that presented to the first process step of 0.2m or less.
coil coaters are continuously seeking cleaning has residual rolling oil from The primary processes for cleaning
cleaner technologies. the cold rolling process, oxide films aluminium are by spray or immersion
Additionally, the End of Life Vehi- generated during the high tempera- in either acid or alkali solutions, al-
cle (ELV) Directive demands that the ture rolling passes (most evident on though acid electrolytic processes are
coatings used in automotive applica- magnesium-containing alloys where also used [4]. A line configuration may
tions are free of heavy metals, which MgO segregates to the
then impacts on the metal pretreat- surface) and deformed or
ment (the chemical layer between surface active layers.
substrate and paint/lacquer) chemi- For painted products,
cals that must be chromium free. corrosion susceptibility, in
Although the primary concerns with most instances, has been
chromium focus on its hexavalent found to be controlled by
form, many packaging end-users are surface active layers. This
also demanding the withdrawal of its has only been studied
trivalent form which has historically in detail during the past
been used as a pretreatment in can- decade [1, 2], initially
ning and other sheet packaging. through an industry-wide
In addition to these challenges coil Brite-Euram programme Fig. 1: 100 nm surface active layer on AA3105 cold rolled sheet
94 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
also include a mild pre-clean step to architectural products both types of thermal treatment in water or steam.
reduce the lubricant residues or any chromium pretreatments have been Anodising pretreatments have been
surface detritus. used but, with the major carcinogenic used very effectively for many years
Cleaning in alkaline solutions of- concerns surrounding the use of Cr although they are not in widespread
ten produces a non-uniform surface VI compounds, Cr VI is not used for use as coil line treatments. Coil line
in that aluminium and its oxide are packaging products. treatments are based on fast anodising
soluble and magnesium oxide is rela- For rinse applications with Cr VI in either sulphuric acid or phosphoric
tively insoluble, hence a roughened pretreatments the coating is formed acid and these types of pretreatment
surface can result. However, alkali by the reaction of solutions containing have the advantages of speed, control
cleaners are very effective in the re- sodium dichromate and hydrofluoric and uniformity compared to most
moval of organics. On the other hand acid. The HF attacks the residual sur- chemical conversion treatments (Fig.
an acid cleaner will consistently at- face oxides and aluminium, produc- 2); they rely on a balance between
tack both types of oxide, providing a ing electrons which facilitate a redox anodic film formation and chemical
more uniform surface. reaction [5,6] resulting in the reduc- dissolution of the anodic film and are
For historical reasons alkali clean- tion of the hexavalent dichromate much under-utilised as chrome-free
ing was initially the preferred clean- ion (Cr2O7) to a trivalent chromium pretreatments.
ing option but gradually there has oxide (Cr2O3). Importantly excess Fluorotitanic and fluorozirconic
been a move to acid cleaners where Cr VI is retained in such films and, acid based pretreatments [7] are in
proprietary cleaners are based on in downstream product applications fairly widespread use as chrome-free
sulphuric acid and incorporate hy- where these films could be damaged, alternatives. Such pretreatments can
drofluoric acid and surfactants. The the excess hexavalent chromium re- certainly be effective but are more
cleaners work by the sulphuric acid acts with water and the aluminium difficult to monitor in production
removing organics and oxides and the to produce a new conversion coating compared to traditional chrome-
HF attacking both the oxides and the i.e. the pre-treatment system is self- based systems. This is particularly an
aluminium substrate: the degree of at- repairing. The no-rinse roll-coatable issue where polymeric additions are
tack can be controlled by the amount analogue of this system typically con- made to the formulation to improve
of free fluoride in solution. tains CrO3, HF and amorphous SiO2 performance. For such systems good
as a carrier. adhesion is achieved through good
Pretreatment For rinse applications of Cr III surface coverage of a uniform film
pretreatments, the reacting solutions of either zirconium and/or titanium
The key functions of pretreatments contain CrO3, phosphoric acid and oxide. However, adhesion is severely
or conversion treatments after clean- hydrofluoric acid. Similar oxidation/ compromised if the film is too thick
ing is both to provide good adhesion reduction reactions take place to the and this can lead to in-service coat-
and to provide corrosion protection. above, resulting in the deposition of ing failures that are unrelated to cor-
Pretreatment application is either by a trivalent chromium phosphate film. rosion sensitivity.
a dip/spray process followed by rins- The no-rinse roll-coatable analogue of Pretreatment systems based on
ing (rinse pretreatment) or by roll this system contains chromium phos- the use of adhesion promoters such
coating (no-rinse pretreatment). The phate, HF and a polymer, typically as silanes [8], phosphonates and poly-
volume of chemicals used in both polyacrylic acid, which can act both acrylic acids have been extensively
processes differs considerably, with as an adhesion promoter and corro- researched. These pretreatments can
the dip/spray process giving rise to sion inhibitor. certainly be very effective especially
a large volume of contaminated rinse As the market moves away from when applied as monolayers rather
water requiring treatment before dis- chromium pretreatments, the techni- than thick films. They are probably
posal. On the other hand, roll coating cal challenges are greater, not only be- most useful when used in combina-
requires a precise amount of solution cause of the inherent corrosion resist- tion with a thin anodising treatment
to be applied uniformly across the ance demanded from pretreatments (as a post-anodising step) or similar
strip which is then dried in place; the but also because of the less reactive treatment to increase the barrier film
reaction with aluminium consumes nature of the Cr-free systems with thickness and to develop a micro-sur-
all of the chemicals and no products the aluminium strip, thereby placing face roughness to enhance adhesion.
requiring subsequent removal are a greater emphasis on the efficiency
formed, thus avoiding any potential and quality of the precursor cleaning Paints and lacquers
environmental issues. step. Thus there is a greater demand
Historically chromium based pre- on non-Cr pretreatments to act as ad- Architectural: The choice of a paint
treatments have been used based hesion promoters with good uniform system depends on a number of
on chromate (Cr VI) and chrome- barrier properties. key factors including aesthetic ap-
phosphate (Cr III) chemistries. Be- These adhesion and barrier as- pearance (shade, gloss, roughness),
ing highly acidic these pretreatments pects can be achieved by using a mechanical properties (abrasion re-
have often compensated for any inad- treatment to enhance the natural ox- sistance, scratch resistance, impact
equacies in the cleaning process. For ide layer, such as anodising or hydro- resistance, formability), durability
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 95
96 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
[1] H. Leth-Olsen, Filiform Corrosion of
Painted Aluminium Coil Materials, PhD
thesis, NTNU 1996.
Fig. 3: Schematic of roll [2] K. Nisancioglu, J. H. Nordlien, A. Afseth
coat application of paint and G. M. Scamans, Significance of Ther-
to the strip
momechanical Processing in Determining
Corrosion Behaviour and Surface Quality
of Aluminium Alloys, 7th International
to 20m/min. The speed has been lim- continuous power requirement of Conference on Aluminium Alloys their
ited by the array of electrostatic guns convection ovens. However, as the Physical and Mechanical Properties, 111-
that must be synchronised to achieve solvents will be rapidly driven off, the 125, 2000.
uniform film coverage. However, extraction system has to be extremely [3] G. M. Scamans, A. Afseth, G. E. Thomp-
powder coating has the attraction of efficient such that the LEL (lower ex- son and X. Zhou, Ultra-fine Grain Sized
Mechanically Alloyed Surface Layers on
being solvent-free and can be cured plosion limit) is not exceeded. Aluminium Alloys, 8th International Con-
using infra-red or induction heating Other forms of radiation curing us- ference on Aluminium Alloys, Aluminium
technologies. ing ultraviolet (UV) or electron beam Alloys their Physical and Mechanical
Other application technologies for (EB) have been practised since the Properties, 1461-1466, 2002.
powder include the powder cloud late 1960s. Although the growth rates [4] J. Ball, P. K. F. Limbach, J. D. B. Shar-
man, A New Electrolytic Cleaning Cell. 1st
technique developed by MSC of Illi- of these technologies have been rela- International Symposium on Aluminium
nois and the electro magnetic brush tively slow, they have been continu- Surface Science and Technology (ASST
(EMB) application technique devel- ous. Conceptually radiation curing 1997), Antwerp, Belgium, May 1997,
oped by DSM resins in Europe. The could solve many of the coil coaters pp31-37 (ATB Metallurgie, Brussels, Ed.
powder cloud technology applies problems; they are liquid coatings H. Terryn).
[5] J. A. Treverton, N. C. Davies, An XPS
powder to the coil strip as it passes applied to the substrate surface via study of Chromate Pretreatment of Alu-
through a charged cloud of pow- roll coating and cured at room tem- minium, Metals Technology ,4, 480-489,
der coating. The identically charged perature in seconds without volatile 1977.
powder particles repel each other and materials being lost from the surface. [6] J. S. Crompton, P. R. Andrews and E.
deposit on to the earthed coil strip. However barriers to their use exist, McAlpine, Characteristics of a Conver-
sion Coating on Aluminium, Surface and
The EMB approach is based on tech- including the capital equipment costs Interface Analysis, vol.13, no.2-3, 160-166,
nology that it is used for laser copiers involved and the limited availability November 1988.
and photocopiers. of formulations for particular applica- [7] A. Ruiz Garzon, G. E. Thompson, P.
New developments in the formu- tions. Skeldon, T. Hashimoto, J. Sander, A. de
lation of powder coatings generally Electron beam and ultraviolet Zeeuw and P. Mitchell, Development of
Zirconium-Based Conversion Coatings on
relate to their application in packag- curing have developed in parallel AA3005 Aluminium Alloy, Proceedings
ing products such as cans, where FDA since the 1960s due to their similari- of 4th International Symposium on Alu-
approval is still pending. Significant ties. Companies which produce UV minium Surface Science and Technology
advances have also been made in the curable formulations will generally (ASST 2006), Beaune, France, May 2006.
development of powder coatings for also produce EB curables, the main [8] T. Schmidt-Hansberg, P. Schubach,
A Comparative Study of Innovative Alu-
architectural products that require difference being that UV requires minium Pretreatments, 3rd International
superior long-term durability and a photoinitiator in the formulation Symposium on Aluminium Surface Sci-
also powders that can form thinner whilst EB does not. The absence of a ence and Technology, (ASST 2003), Bonn,
applied films. photoinitiator is EBs main advantage Germany, May 2003, pp9-14 (ATB Metal-
Interesting developments in oven over UV since photoinitiator residues lurgie, Brussels, Ed. H. Terryn).
[9] K. Br, NIR Booster Solutions Pay-
technology have come out of Adphos remain in cured coatings and prompt Back Within 12 Months! ECCA 38th Au-
AG [9] who have developed nir, near worries over health, odour etc. Hence, tumn Congress Brussels, 21-23 Novem-
infra-red ovens to be used as boost- UV coatings have not been used in ber 2004.
ers to conventional ovens or as stand coil coating for packaging applica-
alone systems. These are small foot- tions. There are, however, currently Author
print modules that utilise high inten- initiatives to obtain FDA approval for
sity heat emissions from the near in- the use of radcure coatings in direct Dr. Nigel Davies is currently Managing
fra-red wavelength spectrum and can food contact. Director of Innoval Technology Ltd, an
independent light metals technology con-
cure 20 micron coatings in less than For steel coil lines a UV curing sultancy based in Banbury, UK. Prior to
3 seconds as compared to say 20 sec- system is often incorporated at the this, he had worked for Alcan in a range
onds. Using lamp systems for curing end of galvanising lines whereas, for of functions including having technical
also means that they are only switched aluminium architectural lines, oppor- responsibility for Alcans (now Novelis)
on when needed as compared to the tunities may exist for thin functional European painted sheet division.
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 97
Das Rhrreibschweien (Friction Aluminium und Aluminiumlegie- Zum Schweien wird gem Abb.
Stir Welding FSW) ist ein innova- rungen geeignetes Fgeverfahren. 1-b das rotierende Werkzeug lang-
tiver Fertigungsprozess zum Fgen Friction Stir Welding (FSW) wur- sam in den Fgebereich eingebracht.
von Leichtmetallen, besonders de von TWI (The Welding Institute, Infolge der Rotationsbewegung des
von Aluminiumlegierungen. Die Cambridge) entwickelt und 1991 pa- Werkzeugs sowie des aufgebrachten
Herstellung von Aluminiumverbin- tentiert [1]. Druckes wird zwischen Schulter und
dungen mit konventionellen Das Reibrhrschweien erfolgt Blechen Reibungswrme erzeugt,
Schmelzschweiverfahren erfllt bei Temperaturen unterhalb des die zum Plastifizieren des Materials
nicht immer und nicht bei jeder Schmelzpunktes der Fgepartner. Die unter der Schulter fhrt. Nach aus-
Legierung die von der Industrie Werkstoffe schmelzen nicht, sondern reichender Plastifizierung wird das
gestellten Qualittsanforderungen. werden lediglich plastifiziert und im rotierende Werkzeug unter einer be-
Das Rhrreibschweien stellt Nahtbereich regelrecht ineinander stimmten Vorschubgeschwindigkeit
eine Alternative zu den Schmelz- verrhrt. Da kein Schmelzbad ent- (Schweigeschwindigkeit) entlang
schweiverfahren dar. Dies ist steht, ist das Verfahren lageunabhn- des zu schweienden Bereiches ge-
besonders auf die guten mechani- gig. Das Reibrhrschweien zeichnet fhrt.
schen Eigenschaften der Schwei- sich insbesondere durch reprodu- Die Rotationsrichtung und die
nhte, die Reproduzierbarkeit und zierbare und gute Schweinahteigen- Translationsbewegung des Werk-
die Robustheit des Verfahrens schaften aus. Die Vorteile gegenber zeuges berlagern sich. Auf der einen
zurckzufhren. Im Rahmen die- herkmmlichen Schweiverfahren re- Seite der Fgelinie sind die Bewe-
ser Arbeit werden artungleiche sultieren zum einen aus dem geringen gungsvektoren gleichgerichtet und
Stumpfstoe gleicher Blechdicke Wrmeeintrag sowie der einfachen auf der anderen Seite wirken sie ent-
mit den Legierungen AlMg3, Prozesskontrolle und -steuerung. Vor- gegengesetzt zueinander. Die Seite
AlMgSi0,5 und GD ALSi10Mg her- teile gegenber den herkmmlichen mit gleicher Richtung der Rotations-
gestellt. Die Blechdicke der einge- Schmelzschweiverfahren sind wei- und der Translationsbewegung wird
setzten Fgepartner betrgt 2 mm. terhin: ein geringer Verzug, keine mit Advancing-Seite bezeichnet. Die
Es werden die Gefgeausbildung Poren- und Rissbildung und keine Retreating-Seite beschreibt die Seite
als Folge der eingebrachten Entmischung der Legierungsbestand- mit entgegengesetzter Richtung der
Streckenenergie beschrieben und teile. Eine spezielle Behandlung der Rotations- und der Translationsbewe-
die mechanischen Eigenschaften Fgekanten vor dem Schweien ist gung. Das charakteristische Bild einer
der Schweinhte diskutiert. nicht notwendig. Es sind weder Zu- mit FSW produzierten Naht ist in Abb.
satzwerkstoffe noch Schutzgase er- 2 dargestellt.
Beim FSW-Verfahren handelt es sich forderlich, auch muss kein speziell ge- In der Mitte der Naht liegt der
um ein speziell zum Schweien von schultes Personal eingesetzt werden, Nugget oder die Rhrzone mit einer
was zu sehr geringen Betriebskosten zwiebelartigen Struktur. Dieser Be-
fhrt. Beim Reibrhrschweien wird reich entsteht durch den hohen Ver-
ein zylinderfrmiges Werkzeug (Abb. formungsgrad im Bereich des Stiftes
1-a) eingesetzt. Das Werkzeug besteht sowie der Reibungstemperatur. Die
aus einem Stift (Pin), der in der Werk- Form des Nuggets ist abhngig von
zeugschulter befestigt wird und na- den Schweiparametern. Das Gefge
hezu verschleifrei funktioniert. Die in diesem Bereich ist feinkrnig ca.
modulare Ausfhrung des Werkzeugs 2-5 m [2]. Die zwiebelfrmige Struk-
erlaubt die Anpassung. tur entsteht dabei durch die Rotation
Abb. 1a) Werkzeug fr das Reibrhrschweien; 1b) Prozessablauf beim Schweien
98 ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007
Zusammensetzung in Gewichts-%
Legierung Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Ni Zn Ti Al
AlMg3/5754-O 0,189 0,301 0,053 0,251 2,66 0,056 --- 0,033 0,033 Rest
AlMgSi0.5/6060-T4 0,3-0,6 0,1-0,3 0,1 0,1 0,35-0,6 0,05 --- 0,15 0,1 Rest
GD AlSi10Mg 9,0-11,0 1,0 1,0 0,001-0,4 0,00-0,5 --- 0,1 0,15 --- Rest
ALUMINIUM 1-2/2007 99
Abb. 7: Spannungs-Dehnungskurven
tur im Bereich der Rhrzone der Nh- Die Betrachtung des Gefges
burg-Harburg; 2000.
te, dies kann am besten aus dem Ver- verdeutlicht, dass eine Kornfeinung
3. P. L. Threadgill: Friction stir welding
gleich der Mikrostruktur des Druck- insbesondere des Gusswerkstoffes the state of the art ; TWI Research Re-
gusses im Grundwerkstoff und im stattgefunden hat. Somit besteht die port; 1999.
Nugget verdeutlicht werden (Abb. 9). Mglichkeit, den Rhrreibprozess 4. O. T. Midling, G. Rorvik: Effect of tool
Die Korngre im unbeeinflussten zur gezielten lokalen nderung des shoulder material on heat input during
friction stir welding; 1st International
Grundwerkstoff betrgt 20 bis 30 m. Gefges und als Reparaturverfahren
Symposium on Friction Stir Welding 14-
Aufgrund des Schweiverfahrens ent- fr typische Unregelmigkeiten in 16 June 1999; California, USA; 1999.
steht ein rekristallisiertes Gefge mit Gussbauteilen (wie oberflchennahe 5. C. M. Chen, R. Kovacevic: Finite ele-
einer Korngre von etwa 5 m. Dies Risse etc.) einzusetzen. ment modeling of friction stir welding
fhrt zu einer Verbesserung der Dukti- - thermal and thermmechanical analysis;
International Journal of Machine Tools
litt der Druckgusslegierung. Darber Danksagung & Manufacture; 2003; Vol. 43, p. 1319-
hinaus knnen Fehler im Druckguss 1326.
wie z. B. Poren oder Risse im Bereich Die Autoren bedanken sich bei C. 6. W. M. Thomas, D. G. Staines, I. M. Nor-
der Rhrzone behoben werden [6]. Schilling und M. Nchtern fr die ris, and E. R. Watts: Friction Stir Welding
Somit bietet das Rhrreibschweien Durchfhrung der Versuche ganz Process Developments; 12th Interna-
tional Conference on the Joining of Mate-
die Mglichkeiten, das Gefge des herzlich.
rials (JOM-12); Helsingor, Denmark; 20-23
Werkstoffes lokal, der Belastung ent- March 2005.
sprechend, zu verndern. Literatur 7. S. Sheikhi, J. F. dos Santos: Eigenschaften
von rhrreibgeschweiten Aluminium-
1. W. M. Thomas, D. E. Nicholas, C. J. Mischverbindungen; Schlsseltechnolo-
Zusammenfassung gie Leichtmetallguss im Automobilbau,
Needham: Improvements relating to fric-
tion welding; Patent No. EP 0 615 480 B1; 17./18. November 2005 - Bad Nauheim.
Das Schweien von Aluminiumlegie- 1994.
rungen kann fehlerfrei realisiert wer- 2. I. Ballerstein: Feasibility study of fric-
den. Eine Einschrnkung hinsichtlich tion stir welding of ship components; Di- Autoren
der Werkstoffkombination aus unter- ploma thesis; Technical University Ham-
Dr. Jorge F. dos Santos leitet die Gruppe
Werkstoffkombinationen RP0,2 [MPa] Rm [MPa] A [%] Biegewinkel [] Fgetechnologie am Institut fr Werkstoff-
forschung des GKSS Forschungszentrums
AlMg3 / AlMgSi0.5 100 180 12 160 Geesthacht GmbH.
AlMgSi0.5 / GD AlSi10Mg 90 175 10 75
Dr.-Ing. Sharam Sheikhi ist Projektinge-
AlMg3 / GD AlSi10Mg 110 225 12 75
nieur am Institut fr Werkstoffforschung
Tab. 3: Mechanische Eigenschaften der FSW-Proben
des GKSS.
Presenter: Institute of Metal Form- shares by material development, ucts and services. In the afternoon of
ing (IBF) and Institute of Ferrous process simulations and process the second day, the participants will
Metallurgy (IEHK), RWTH Aachen monitoring. Moreover, it is possi- get the facility to attend demonstra-
University, 8 and 9 March 2007. ble to overcome the past limitations tions at the constructions of the IBF of
of forming technology by applying the RWTH Aachen. There is also the
New materials, forming procedures, modern developments. For example, opportunity to visit the IEHK and the
machines and comprehensive simu- new flexible forming procedures like Centre of Metal Construction.
lation and optimisation methods are strip profile rolling, incremental sheet The Colloquium is addressed to all
the basis for rapid improvements in forming or flexible ring profile rolling responsible persons in the steel- and
the development of the forming tech- enable the cost-effective production non-ferrous metal industry dealing
nology. In many cases this leads to in- of small lot sizes and bad optimised with the production, design, plant
creasingly powerful, customised end- lightweight products. Miniaturisation construction, manufacturing, inspec-
products and cost-effective process opens up new markets for micro-parts tion and applications of innovative
chains. The 22nd ASK Metal Forming made of metal. Modern simulation products. All presentations will be
will include contributions from the techniques and material models sup- translated simultaneously into Eng-
scientific and industrial communi- port the process planning by predic- lish.
ties, encompassing a broad spectrum tions of grain structure, part quality Further information:
of topics from the seemingly classic to and process capability. Dipl.-lng. Marcus Urban
state-of-the-art future technologies. Simultaneously to the lectures, Tel: +49 (0)241 8095927
Forging and rolling can open up there will be an exhibition, where in- ask@
new markets and ensure market terested companies will present prod- www. ibf. rwth-aachen .de
The Coatings Summit Bauen und Energie gical processing. SME will celebrate its
5 to 6 February 2007, Vienna, Austria 15. bis 18. Februar 2007, Wien 50 year anniversary.
Top-level speakers from Asia, Amer- Die internationale Messe fr alle, die Further information:
ica and Europe, from global groups beim Bauen, Renovieren, Modernisie- Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Ex-
and medium-sized power players, will ren, und Energie sparen auf Kostenef- ploration
share their insight into vital and emerg- fizienz und Qualitt achten. Tel: +1(303) 973-9550
ing issues of the coatings industry. Weitere Infos:
They will identify trends and discuss Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien
key drivers, be it the changing nature Tel: +43 (0)1 727 20-0
of sourcing and manufacturing, mar- TMS 2007 Annual Meeting Exhibition
ket entry strategies or new regions to 25 Feb. to 1 March 2007, Orlando, U.S.
source creativity and innovation. More than 140 exhibitors from some
Further information: 3. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium 20 countries will present solutions to
European Coatings Conference 22. und 23. Februar 2007, Landshut technical challenges in a vast array of
Tel: +49 (0)511 9910-270 Das Colloquium zum Thema Leicht- areas: e.g. cast shop technology, emerg- bau - von der Idee zum Produkt bietet ing materials, environmental manage- ein Forum, um ausgesuchte Leichtbau- ment, industrial process control and
lsungen zu prsentieren. Der Leicht- automation, primary production equi-
R+T 2007 bau soll dabei ber den gesamten Pro- ment and services, technology resourc-
10. bis 14. Februar 2007, Stuttgart duktlebenszyklus von der Idee bis zum es, surface processes.
Themenschwerpunkte der internatio- fertigen Produkt und dessen Wieder- Further information:
nalen Fachmesse in Stuttgart sind der verwertung diskutiert werden. The Minerals, Metals & Materials
Rolladen-, Jalousie- und Markisenbau Weitere Infos: Society
sowie der Sonnenschutz, Tor- und Fachhochschule Landshut Tel: +1(724) 776 9000
Fensterbau. Das Fachpublikum er- Tel: +49 (0)871 506 134
streckt sich auch auf Architekten und
Weitere Infos: 7. KBU-Kolloquium: Bergbauliche Ab-
Messe Stuttgart 2007 SME Annual Meeting Exhibit flle und Emissionshandel
Tel: +49 (0)711 2589-0 25 to 28 February 2007, Denver, U.S. 1. und 2. Mrz 2007, Aachen The meeting covers a broad range of Eine gemeinsame Tagung des Lehr- topics regarding mineral and metallur- und Forschungsgebietes Berg- und
BDI-Umweltpreiswettbewerb 2007/08
Umweltfreundlichkeit siegt
Der Bundesverband der deutschen end-of-pipe-Lsungen sowie von forderungen sowie der vorhan-
Industrie (BDI) hat den Umwelt- Verfahren und Technologien mit denen Ressourcen und Fhig-
preiswettbewerb fr die Industrie grerer Anwendungsbreite. keiten in diesen Lndern.
2007/08 erneut ausgeschrieben. Eignung zur weiteren Verbreitung
Der Wettbewerb ist Teil des euro- Umweltvertrgliche Produkte und knftigen Weiterentwicklung.
pischen Umweltpreises der EU-
Kommission. Die Sieger der natio- Umweltentlastung durch inno- Kreislaufwirtschaft, Recycling
nalen Wettbewerbe nehmen damit vative, koeffiziente Produkte und Abfallmanagement
auch auf europischer Ebene teil. und Dienstleistungen.
Einbeziehung von Ressourcen- Entwicklung von hochwertigen-
Insgesamt benennt der BDI-Umwelt- schonung, Energieeffizienz, Recyc- Recyclingmanahmen (produkti-
wettbewerb fnf Preiskategorien. ling- und Entsorgungsfreundlich- onsintegrierte Verfahren werden
keit bei der Produktentwicklung unter der Kategorie Umwelt-
Preiskategorien und -gestaltung. freundliche Technologien erfasst).
Besondere Bercksichtigung neu- Innovative und effiziente Systeme