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Llamado - Income Taxation - Expanded

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Part 2: Income Taxation date designated as the close of the fiscal year.

If the
change is from one fiscal year to another fiscal year, a
References: 1. Mamalateo, Victorino C., Philippine separate final or adjustment return shall be made for
Income Tax. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. 2010 Edition. the period between the close of the former fiscal year
and the date designated as the close of the new fiscal
2. National Internal Revenue Code of 1997.
Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, July 2009
Edition. (B) Income Computed on Basis of Short Period .
Where a separate final or adjustment return is made
I. INTRODUCTION (Mamalateo, pp. 1-10)
under Subsection (A) on account of a change in the
A. Income Tax Systems accounting period, and in all other cases where a
separate final or adjustment return is required or
1. Global Tax System permitted by rules and regulations prescribed by the
Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the
2. Schedular Tax System
Commissioner, to be made for a fractional part of a year,
3. Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system then the income shall be computed on the basis of the
period for which separate final or adjustment return is
B. Features of the Philippine Income Tax Law made.

1. Direct tax

2. Progressive tax II. CONCEPT OF INCOME

3. Comprehensive A. Income Tax Defined

4. Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system

C. Criteria in Imposing Philipppine Income tax Madrigal v. Rafferty (38 Phil 414)

1. Citizenship principle Fisher v. Trinidad (43 Phil 973)

2. Residence principle B. When is income taxable? (Mamalateo, pp. 11-12)

3. Source principle 1. Existence of income

D. Types of Philippine Income tax 2. Realization of income

E. Taxable Period (Mamalateo, pp. 345-350) a. Tests of Realization

1. Calendar Year

2. Fiscal Year Fisher v. Trinidad (43 Phil 973)

b. Actual v. constructive receipt

Secs. 46, 47, NIRC

3. Short Period Limpan v. CIR (17 SCRA 703)

13 Republic v. dela Rama (18 SCRA 861)

SECTION 46. Change of Accounting Period. If a 3. Recognition of Income

taxpayer, other than an individual, changes his
accounting period from fiscal year to calendar year, 4. Methods of accounting for taxable income and
from calendar year to fiscal year, or from one fiscal year deductible expenses (Mamalateo, pp. 335-345; pp. 350-
to another, the net income shall, with the approval of 354)
the Commissioner, be computed on the basis of such
a. Cash v. accrual method of accounting
new accounting period, subject to the provisions of
Section 47.

SECTION 47. Final or Adjustment Returns for a Period of Secs. 43 45, 50, NIRC
Less than Twelve (12) Months.
SECTION 43. General Rule. The taxable income shall
(A) Returns for Short Period Resulting from Change of be computed upon the basis of the taxpayer's annual
Accounting Period. If a taxpayer, other than an accounting period (fiscal year or calendar year, as the
individual, with the approval of the Commissioner, case may be) in accordance with the method of
changes the basis of computing net income from fiscal accounting regularly employed in keeping the books of
year to calendar year, a separate final or adjustment such taxpayer; but if no such method of accounting has
return shall be made for the period between the close of been so employed, or if the method employed does not
the last fiscal year for which return was made and the clearly reflect the income, the computation shall be
following December 31. If the change is from calendar made in accordance with such method as in the opinion
year to fiscal year, a separate final or adjustment return of the Commissioner clearly reflects the income. If the
shall be made for the period between the close of the taxpayer's annual accounting period is other than a
last calendar year for which return was made and the fiscal year, as defined in Section 22(Q), or if the taxpayer
has no annual accounting period, or does not keep 2. Claim of Right doctrine or Doctrine of ownership,
books, or if the taxpayer is an individual, the taxable command, or control
income shall be computed on the basis of the calendar
year. 3. Economic benefit test / Doctrine of proprietary
SECTION 44. Period in which Items of Gross Income
Included . The amount of all items of gross income 4. Severance Test
shall be included in the gross income for the taxable
year in which received by the taxpayer, unless, under
methods of accounting permitted under Section 43, any
such amounts are to be properly accounted for as of a
different period. In the case of the death of a taxpayer,
there shall be included in computing taxable income for
the taxable period in which falls the date of his death,
amounts accrued up to the date of his death if not A. Individual Taxpayers (Mamalateo, pp. 21-37)
otherwise properly includible in respect of such period
or a prior period. 1. Citizens

SECTION 45. Period for which Deductions and Credits a. Resident citizens
Taken . The deductions provided for in this Title shall
be taken for the taxable year in which 'paid or accrued' b. Non-resident citizens
or 'paid or incurred', dependent upon the method of
"(1) A citizen of the Philippines who establishes
accounting upon the basis of which the net income is
to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the fact
computed, unless in order to clearly reflect the income,
of his physical presence abroad with a definite
the deductions should be taken as of a different period.
intention to reside therein.
In the case of the death of a taxpayer, there shall be
allowed as deductions for the taxable period in which "(2) A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the
falls the date of his death, amounts accrued up to the Philippines during the taxable year to reside
date of his death if not otherwise properly allowable in abroad, either as an immigrant or for
respect of such per employment on a permanent basis.
SECTION 50. Allocation of Income and Deductions. In "(3) A citizen of the Philippines who works and
the case of two or more organizations, trades or derives income from abroad and whose
businesses (whether or not incorporated and whether or employment thereat requires him to be
not organized in the Philippines) owned or controlled physically present abroad most of the time
directly or indirectly by the same interests, the during the taxable year.
Commissioner is authorized to distribute, apportion or
allocate gross income or deductions between or among "(4) A citizen who has been previously
such organization, trade or business, if he determines considered as nonresident citizen and who
that such distribution, apportionment or allocation is arrives in the Philippines at any time during the
necessary in order to prevent evasion of taxes or clearly taxable year to reside permanently in the
to reflect the income of any such organization, trade or Philippines shall likewise be treated as a
business.iod or a prior period. nonresident citizen for the taxable year in
which he arrives in the Philippines with respect
to his income derived from sources abroad until
the date of his arrival in the Philippines.

"(5) The taxpayer shall submit proof to the

Sec. 51- 53 Rev. Reg. No. 2 (RR 2)
Commissioner to show his intention of leaving
the Philippines to reside permanently abroad or
to return to and reside in the Philippines as the
b. Installment v. deferred payment v. percentage of case may be for purposes of this Section.
completion (in long term contracts)

2. Aliens
Sec. 44, RR 2
a. Resident aliens
c. Distinction between tax accounting and financial
accounting b. Non-resident aliens

C. Tests in determining income (Mamalateo, pp. 79-81) i. 180 day rule: physically present abroad most of the
time during the taxable year
1. Realization Test
ii. NRA engaged in trade or business in the Philippines

iii. NRA not engaged in trade or business in the

Eisner v. Macomber (252 US 189) Philippines

Fisher v. Trinidad (43 Phil 973) c. Special Class of Individual Employees

d. Estates and Trusts

e. Co-ownerships (8) Annuities;

f. General Professional Partnerships (9) Prizes and winnings;

i. GPP is not taxable entity (10) Pensions; and

ii. Professional fee of GPP exempt from expanded (11) Partner's distributive share from the net
withholding tax income of the general professional partnership.

iii. Share of partners in partnership profit deemed

distributed to partners in year profit earned
Sec. 2.78 RR 2-98
B. Corporations (Mamalateo, pp. 37-59)
SECTION 2.78. Withholding Tax on Compensation.
1. Domestic corporation, defined The withholding of tax on compensation income is a
method of collecting the income tax at source upon
2. Partnership taxable as corporation receipt of the income. It applies to all employed
individuals whether citizens or aliens, deriving income
3. Joint Venture (JV) and Consortium from compensation for services rendered in the
Philippines. The employer is constituted as the
a. Exempt JV and consortium
withholding agent.
b. Taxable JV consortium

4. Foreign Corporations Convenience of the Employer Rule

a. Resident foreign corporation Collector v. Henderson (1 SCRA 649)
15 2. Fringe Benefits

Sec. 33, NIRC

b. Non-resident foreign corporation SECTION 33. Special Treatment of Fringe Benefit.
c. Subsidiary v. branch of a foreign corporation (A) Imposition of Tax . A final tax of thirty-four
percent (34%) effective January 1, 1998; thirty-three
percent (33%) effective January 1, 1999; and thirty-two
IV. GROSS INCOME (Mamalateo, pp. 60-148) percent (32%) effective January 1, 2000 and thereafter, is
hereby imposed on the grossed-up monetary value of
A. Gross Income Defined fringe benefit furnished or granted to the employee
(except rank and file employees as defined herein) by
B. Gross Income v. Net Income v. Taxable Income the employer, whether an individual or a corporation
C. Sources of Income Subject to Tax (unless the fringe benefit is required by the nature of, or
necessary to the trade, business or profession of the
1. Compensation income employer, or when the fringe benefit is for the
convenience or advantage of the employer). The tax
herein imposed is payable by the employer which tax
shall be paid in the same manner as provided for under
Sec. 32(A)(1), NIRC
Section 57(A) of this Code. The grossed-up monetary
SECTION 32. Gross Income. value of the fringe benefit shall be determined by
dividing the actual monetary value of the fringe benefit
(A) General Definition . Except when otherwise by sixty-six percent (66%) effective January 1, 1998;
provided in this Title, gross income means all income sixty-seven percent (67%) effective January 1, 1999; and
derived from whatever source, including (but not sixty-eight percent (68%) effective January 1, 2000 and
limited to) the following items: thereafter: Provided, however, That fringe benefit

(1) Compensation for services in whatever form

paid, including, but not limited to fees, salaries,
wages, commissions, and similar items; RR 3-98 as amended by sec. 2 of RR 01-2015

(2) Gross income derived from the conduct of

trade or business or the exercise of a profession;
3. Income from Business
(3) Gains derived from dealings in property;

(4) Interests;
Sec. 32(A), NIRC
(5) Rents;
4. Professional Income
(6) Royalties;
5. Income from dealings in property (Mamalateo, pp.
(7) Dividends; 302 333)
Sec. 32 (A, 3) NIRC such sales or exchanges. If a bank or trust
company incorporated under the laws of the
Rodriguez v. Collector (28 SCRA 1119) Philippines, a substantial part of whose
business is the receipt of deposits, sells any
Gonzales v. CTA (14 SCRA 71)
bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other
Gutierrez v. CTA (101 Phil 173) evidence of indebtedness issued by any
corporation (including one issued by a
i. Type of properties government or political subdivision thereof),
with interest coupons or in registered form, any
aa. ordinary assets
loss resulting from such sale shall not be subject
bb. capital assets to the foregoing limitation and shall not be
included in determining the applicability of
What is capital asset such limitation to other losses.

(D) Net Capital Loss Carry-over. If any

taxpayer, other than a corporation, sustains in
Sec. 39 (A), NIRC any taxable year a net capital loss, such loss (in
an amount not in excess of the net income for
SECTION 39. Capital Gains and Losses.
such year) shall be treated in the succeeding
(A) Definitions. As used in this Title taxable year as a loss from the sale or exchange
of a capital asset held for not more than twelve
(1) Capital Assets. The term 'capital (12) months.
assets' means property held by the
taxpayer (whether or not connected (E) Retirement of Bonds, Etc. For purposes of
with his trade or business), but does not this Title, amounts received by the holder upon
include stock in trade of the taxpayer or the retirement of bonds, debentures, notes or
other property of a kind which would certificates
properly be included in the inventory
of the taxpayer if on hand at the close
of the taxable year, or property held by Rev. Regs. 07-03
the taxpayer primarily for sale to
customers in the ordinary course of his Distinction between ordinary and capital asset
trade or business, or property used in
the trade or business, of a character Long term (capital) asset v. short term (capital) asset
which is subject to the allowance for
depreciation provided in Subsection (F)
of Section 34; or real property used in
trade or business of the taxpayer.
Sec. 39 (B), NIRC
(2) Net Capital Gain. The term 'net
capital gain' means the excess of the (B) Percentage Taken into Account . In the
gains from sales or exchanges of capital case of a taxpayer, other than a corporation,
assets over the losses from such sales or only the following percentages of the gain or
exchanges. loss recognized upon the sale or exchange of a
capital asset shall be taken into account in
(3) Net Capital Loss. The term 'net computing net capital gain, net capital loss, and
capital loss' means the excess of the net income:
losses from sales or exchanges of
capital assets over the gains from such (1) One hundred percent (100%) if the
sales or exchanges. capital asset has been held for not more
than twelve (12) months; and
(B) Percentage Taken into Account . In the
case of a taxpayer, other than a corporation, (2) Fifty percent (50%) if the capital
only the following percentages of the gain or asset has been held for more than
loss recognized upon the sale or exchange of a twelve (12) months;
capital asset shall be taken into account in
computing net capital gain, net capital loss, and
net income:

(1) One hundred percent (100%) if the ii. Types of gains from dealings in property
capital asset has been held for not more
than twelve (12) months; and aa. Ordinary income v. capital gain

(2) Fifty percent (50%) if the capital Sec. 39, NIRC and Sec. 22 (Z), NIRC
asset has been held for more than
twelve (12) months; SECTION 39. Capital Gains and Losses.

(C) Limitation on Capital Losses. Losses from (A) Definitions. As used in this Title
sales or exchanges of capital assets shall be
(1) Capital Assets. The term 'capital
allowed only to the extent of the gains from
assets' means property held by the
taxpayer (whether or not connected (E) Retirement of Bonds, Etc. For purposes of
with his trade or business), but does not this Title, amounts received by the holder upon
include stock in trade of the taxpayer or the retirement of bonds, debentures, notes or
other property of a kind which would certificates
properly be included in the inventory
of the taxpayer if on hand at the close SECTION 22. Definitions. When used in this Title:
of the taxable year, or property held by
(Z) The term 'ordinary income' includes any
the taxpayer primarily for sale to
gain from the sale or exchange of property
customers in the ordinary course of his
which is not a capital asset or property
trade or business, or property used in
described in Section 39(A)(1). Any gain from the
the trade or business, of a character
sale or exchange of property which is treated or
which is subject to the allowance for
considered, under other provisions of this Title,
depreciation provided in Subsection (F)
as 'ordinary income' shall be treated as gain
of Section 34; or real property used in
from the sale or exchange of property which is
trade or business of the taxpayer.
not a capital asset as defined in Section 39(A)(1).
(2) Net Capital Gain. The term 'net The term 'ordinary loss' includes any loss from
capital gain' means the excess of the the sale or exchange of property which is not a
gains from sales or exchanges of capital capital asset. Any loss from the sale or exchange
assets over the losses from such sales or of property which is treated or considered,
exchanges. under other provisions of this Title, as 'ordinary
loss' shall be treated as loss from the sale or
(3) Net Capital Loss. The term 'net exchange of property which is not a capital
capital loss' means the excess of the asset.
losses from sales or exchanges of
capital assets over the gains from such
sales or exchanges.

(B) Percentage Taken into Account . In the

bb. Actual v. presumed gain
case of a taxpayer, other than a corporation,
only the following percentages of the gain or Sec. 6 (E), NIRC
loss recognized upon the sale or exchange of a
capital asset shall be taken into account in SECTION 6. Power of the Commissioner to Make
computing net capital gain, net capital loss, and Assessments and Prescribe Additional Requirements for
net income: Tax Administration and

(1) One hundred percent (100%) if the Enforcement.

capital asset has been held for not more
(E) Authority of the Commissioner to Prescribe
than twelve (12) months; and
Real Property Values. The Commissioner is
(2) Fifty percent (50%) if the capital hereby authorized to divide the Philippines into
asset has been held for more than different zones or areas and shall, upon
twelve (12) months; consultation with competent appraisers both
from the private and public sectors, determine
(C) Limitation on Capital Losses. Losses from the fair market value of real properties located
sales or exchanges of capital assets shall be in each zone or area. For purposes of computing
allowed only to the extent of the gains from any internal revenue tax, the value of the
such sales or exchanges. If a bank or trust property shall be, whichever is the higher of: (1)
company incorporated under the laws of the the fair market value as determined by the
Philippines, a substantial part of whose Commissioner; or (2) the fair market value as
business is the receipt of deposits, sells any shown in the schedule of values of the
bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other Provincial and City Assessors.
evidence of indebtedness issued by any
corporation (including one issued by a
government or political subdivision thereof),
Sec. 24(D), NIRC
with interest coupons or in registered form, any
loss resulting from such sale shall not be subject SECTION 24. Income Tax Rates.
to the foregoing limitation and shall not be
included in determining the applicability of (D) Capital Gains from Sale of Real Property .
such limitation to other losses.
(1) In General. The provisions of
(D) Net Capital Loss Carry-over. If any Section 39(B) notwithstanding, a final
taxpayer, other than a corporation, sustains in tax of six percent (6%) based on the
any taxable year a net capital loss, such loss (in gross selling price or current fair
an amount not in excess of the net income for market value as determined in
such year) shall be treated in the succeeding accordance with Section 6(E) of this
taxable year as a loss from the sale or exchange Code, whichever is higher, is hereby
of a capital asset held for not more than twelve imposed upon capital gains presumed
(12) months. to have been realized from the sale,
exchange, or other disposition of real
property located in the Philippines, twenty percent (20%) is hereby
classified as capital assets, including imposed upon the amount of interest
pacto de retro sales and other forms of on currency bank deposit and yield or
conditional sales, by individuals, any other monetary benefit from
including estates and trusts: Provided, deposit substitutes and from trust funds
That the tax liability, if any, on gains and similar arrangements received by
from sales or other dispositions of real domestic corporations, and royalties,
property to the government or any of derived from sources within the
its political subdivisions or agencies or Philippines: Provided, however, That
to government-owned or -controlled interest income derived by a domestic
corporations shall be determined either corporation from a depository bank
under Section 24(A) or under this under the expanded foreign currency
Subsection, at the option of the deposit system shall be subject to a
taxpayer; final income tax at the rate of seven
and one-half percent (7 1/2%) of such
(2) Exception. The provisions of interest income.
paragraph (1) of this Subsection to the
contrary notwithstanding, capital gains (2) Capital Gains from the Sale of
presumed to have been realized from Shares of Stock Not Traded in the Stock
the sale or disposition of their principal Exchange . A final tax at the rates
residence by natural persons, the prescribed below shall be imposed on
proceeds of which is fully utilized in net capital gains realized during the
acquiring or constructing a new taxable year from the sale, exchange or
principal residence within eighteen (18) other disposition of shares of stock in a
calendar months from the date of sale domestic corporation except shares
or disposition, shall be exempt from the sold or disposed of through the stock
capital gains tax imposed under this exchange:
Subsection: Provided, That the
historical cost or adjusted basis of the Not over P100,000 5%
real property sold or disposed shall be
Amount in excess of P100,000
carried over to the new principal
residence built or acquired: Provided,
further, That the Commissioner shall (3) Tax on Income Derived under the
have been duly notified by the taxpayer Expanded Foreign Currency Deposit
within thirty (30) days from the date of System . Income derived by a
sale or disposition through a prescribed depository bank under the expanded
return of his intention to avail of the foreign currency deposit system from
tax exemption herein mentioned: foreign currency transactions with
Provided, still further, That the said tax local commercial banks, including
exemption can only be availed of once branches of foreign banks that may be
every ten (10) years: Provided, finally , authorized by the Bangko Sentral ng
That if there is no full utilization of the Pilipinas (BSP) to transact business with
proceeds of sale or disposition, the foreign currency depository system
portion of the gain presumed to have units and other depository banks under
been realized from the sale or the expanded foreign currency deposit
disposition shall be subject to capital system, including interest income from
gains tax. For this purpose, the gross foreign currency loans granted by such
selling price or fair market value at the depository banks under said expanded
time of sale, whichever is higher, shall foreign currency deposit system to
be multiplied by a fraction which the residents, shall be subject to a final
unutilized amount bears to the gross income tax at the rate of ten percent
selling price in order to determine the (10%) of such income.
taxable portion and the tax prescribed
under paragraph (1) of this Subsection Any income of nonresidents, whether
shall be imposed thereon. individuals or corporations, from
transactions with depository banks
under the expanded system shall be
exempt from income tax.
Sec. 27(D)(5), NIRC
(4) Intercorporate Dividends.
SECTION 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic
Dividends received by a domestic
corporation from another domestic
(D) Rates of Tax on Certain Passive Incomes. corporation shall not be subject to tax.

(1) Interest from Deposits and Yield or (5) Capital Gains Realized from the Sale,
any other Monetary Benefit from Exchange or Disposition of Lands
Deposit Substitutes and from Trust and/or Buildings. A final tax of six
Funds and Similar Arrangements, and percent (6%) is hereby imposed on the
Royalties. A final tax at the rate of gain presumed to have been realized
on the sale, exchange or disposition of of the amount realized therefrom over the basis or
lands and/or buildings which are not adjusted basis for determining gain, and the loss shall be
actually used in the business of a the excess of the basis or adjusted basis for determining
corporation and are treated as capital loss over the amount realized. The amount realized
assets, based on the gross selling price from the sale or other disposition of property shall be
or fair market value as determined in the sum of money received plus the fair market value of
the property (other than money) received;

Sec. 40 (B), NIRC

Sec. 100, NIRC
Cost or basis of property exchanged in corporate
"SECTION 100. Transfer for Less Than Adequate and Full readjustment
Consideration . Where property, other than real
property referred to in Section 24(D), is transferred for "(B) Basis for Determining Gain or Loss from Sale or
less than an adequate and full consideration in money Disposition of Property. The basis of property shall be
or money's worth, then the amount by which the fair
market value of the property exceeded the value of the
consideration shall, for the purpose of the tax imposed "(1) The cost thereof in the case of property
by this Chapter, be deemed a gift, and shall be included acquired on or after March 1, 1913, if such
in computing the amount of gifts made during the property was acquired by purchase; or
calendar year.
"(2) The fair market price or value as of the date
cc. Net capital gain (loss) of acquisition, if the same was acquired by
inheritance; or
Sec. 39 (A), NIRC
"(3) If the property was acquired by gift, the
SECTION 39. Capital Gains and Losses. basis shall be the same as if it would be in the
hands of the donor or the last preceding owner
(A) Definitions. As used in this Title by whom it was not acquired by gift, except that
if such basis is greater than the fair market
(1) Capital Assets. The term 'capital assets' means
value of the property at the time of the gift then,
property held by the taxpayer (whether or not
for the purpose of determining loss, the basis
connected with his trade or business), but does not
shall be such fair market value; or
include stock in trade of the taxpayer or other property
of a kind which would properly be included in the "(4) If the property was acquired for less than
inventory of the taxpayer if on hand at the close of the an adequate consideration in money or money's
taxable year, or property held by the taxpayer primarily worth, the basis of such property is the amount
for sale to customers in the ordinary course of his trade paid by the transferee for the property; or
or business, or property used in the trade or business, of
a character which is subject to the allowance for "(5) The basis as defined in paragraph (C)(5) of
depreciation provided in Subsection (F) of Section 34; or this Section, if the property was acquired in a
real property used in trade or business of the taxpayer. transaction where gain or loss is not recognized
under paragraph(C)(2) of this Section.
(2) Net Capital Gain. The term 'net capital gain' means
the excess of the gains from sales or exchanges of capital Sec. 40 (C) (5), NIRC
assets over the losses from such sales or exchanges.
Recognition of gain/loss in exchange of property
(3) Net Capital Loss. The term 'net capital loss' means
the excess of the losses from sales or exchanges of "(C) Exchange of Property.
capital assets over the gains from such sales or
"(5) Basis.
"(a) The basis of the stock or securities
Tuason v. Lingad (58 SCRA 170)
received by the transferor upon the
Ferrer v. Collector (5 SCRA 1022) exchange specified in the above
exception shall be the same as the basis
Calasanz v. Commissioner (144 SCRA 664) of the property, stock or securities
exchanged, decreased by (1) the money
Gonzales v. CTA (14 SCRA 79) received, and (2) the fair market value
of the other property received, and
iii. Special rules pertaining to income/loss from dealings
increased by (a) the amount treated as
in property classified as capital asset
dividend of the shareholder and (b) the
aa. Computation of the amount of the gain (loss) amount of any gain that was recognized
on the exchange: Provided , That the
Sec. 40 (A), NIRC property received as 'boot' shall have as
basis its fair market value: Provided ,
Cost or basis of the property sold
further, That if as part of the
"SECTION 40. Determination of Amount and Recognition consideration to the transferor, the
of Gain or Loss. transferee of property assumes a
liability of the transferor or acquires
"(A) Computation of Gain or Loss. The gain from the from the latter property subject to a
sale or other disposition of property shall be the excess liability, such assumption or acquisition
(in the amount of the liability) shall, for "(a) The term 'securities' means bonds and debentures
purposes of this paragraph, be treated but not 'notes' of whatever class or duration.
as money received by the transferor on
the exchange: Provided, finally , That if "(b) The term 'merger' or 'consolidation', when used in
the transferor receives several kinds of this Section, shall be understood to mean: (i) the
stock or securities, the Commissioner is ordinary merger or consolidation, or (ii) the acquisition
hereby authorized to allocate the basis by one corporation of all or substantially all the
among the several classes of stocks or properties of another corporation solely for stock:
securities. Provided, That for a

"(b) The basis of the property transaction to be regarded as a merger or consolidation

transferred in the hands of the within the purview of this Section, it must be
transferee shall be the same as it would undertaken for a bona fide business purpose and not
be in the hands of the transferor solely for the purpose of escaping the burden of
increased by the amount of the gain taxation: Provided, further, That in determining
recognized to the transferor on the whether a bona fide business purpose exists, each and
transfer. every step of the transaction shall be considered and the
whole transaction or series of transactions shall be
General rule treated as a single unit: Provided, finally , That in
determining whether the property transferred
Sec. 40 (C, 1), NIRC constitutes a substantial portion of the property of the
transferor, the term 'property' shall be taken to include
"(C) Exchange of Property.
the cash assets of the transferor.
"(1) General Rule. Except as herein provided, upon
"(c) The term 'control', when used in this Section, shall
the sale or exchange of property, the entire amount of
mean ownership of stocks in a corporation possessing at
the gain or loss, as the case may be, shall be recognized.
least fifty-one percent (51%) of the total voting power of
all classes of stocks entitled to vote.

Exceptions: "(d) The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of

the Commissioner, is hereby authorized to issue rules
* Where no gain/loss shall be recognized and regulations for the purpose of determining the
proper amount of transferred assets which meet the
Sec. 40 (C)(2), NIRC
standard of the phrase 'substantially all' and for the
"(2) Exception. No gain or loss shall be recognized if proper implementation of this Section.
in pursuance of a plan of merger or consolidation
Com. v. Rufino (148 SCRA 42)
"(a) A corporation, which is a party to a merger or
Revenue Memo Order 26-92
consolidation, exchanges property solely for stock in a
corporation, which is a party to the merger or Rev. Regs. 18-2001
consolidation; or
Rev. Memorandum Ruling No. 01-01
"(b) A shareholder exchanges stock in a corporation,
which is a party to the merger or consolidation, solely Rev. Memorandum Ruling No. 01-02
for the stock of another corporation also a party to the
* Transaction where gain is recognized but not the loss
merger or consolidation; or
Exchange not solely in kind
"(c) A security holder of a corporation, which is a party
to the merger or consolidation, exchanges his securities Sec. 40 (C)(3), NIRC
in such corporation, solely for stock or securities in
another corporation, a party to the merger or "(3) Exchange not Solely in Kind.
"(a) If, in connection with an exchange
"No gain or loss shall also be recognized if property is described in the above exceptions, an
transferred to a corporation by a person in exchange for individual, a shareholder, a security holder or a
stock or unit of participation in such a corporation of corporation receives not only stock or securities
which as a result of such exchange said person, alone or permitted to be received without the
together with others, not exceeding four (4) persons, recognition of gain or loss, but also money
gains control of said corporation: Provided, That stocks and/or property, the gain, if any, but not the loss,
issued for services shall not be considered as issued in shall be recognized but in an amount not in
return for property. excess of the sum of the money and the fair
market value of such other property received:
Provided, That as to the shareholder, if the
money and/or other property received has the
RMO 17-2016
effect of a distribution of a taxable dividend,
Meaning of merger/consolidation/control securities there shall be taxed as dividend to the
shareholder an amount of the gain recognized
Sec. 40 (C) (6), NIRC 17 not in excess of his proportionate share of the
undistributed earnings and profits of the
"(6) Definitions.
corporation; the remainder, if any, of the gain Sec. 39 (F), NIRC
recognized shall be treated as a capital gain.
SECTION 39. Capital Gains and Losses.
"(b) If, in connection with the exchange
described in the above exceptions, the "(F) Gains and Losses from Short Sales, Etc. For
transferor corporation receives not only stock purposes of this Title
permitted to be received without the
"(1) Gains or losses from short sales of property shall be
recognition of gain or loss but also money
considered as gains or losses from sales or exchanges of
and/or other property, then
capital assets; and
(i) if the corporation receiving such money
"(2) Gains or losses attributable to the failure to exercise
and/or other property distributes it in
privileges or options to buy or sell property shall be
pursuance of the plan of merger or
considered as capital gains or losses.
consolidation, no gain to the
corporation shall be recognized from
the exchange, but
(ii) if the corporation receiving such other Transactions between related taxpayers
property and/or money does not
distribute it in pursuance of the plan of Sec. 36 (B)
merger or consolidation, the gain, if
"(B) Losses from Sales or Exchanges of Property. In
any, but not the loss to the corporation
computing net income, no deduction shall in any case be
shall be recognized but in an amount
allowed in respect of losses from sales or exchanges of
not in excess of the sum of such money
property directly or indirectly
and the fair market value of such other
property so received, which is not "(1) Between members of a family. For purposes
distributed. of this paragraph, the family of an individual
shall include only his brothers and sisters
(whether by the whole or half-blood), spouse,
Wash sales/compared with short selling ancestors, and lineal descendants; or

Sec. 38, NIRC "(2) Except in the case of distributions in

liquidation, between an individual and a
"SECTION 38. Losses from Wash Sales of Stock or corporation more than fty percent (50%) in
Securities. value of the outstanding stock of which is
owned, directly or indirectly, by or for such
"(A) In the case of any loss claimed to have been
individual; or
sustained from any sale or other disposition of shares of
stock or securities where it appears that within a period "(3) Except in the case of distributions in
beginning thirty (30) days before the date of such sale or liquidation, between two corporations more
disposition and ending thirty (30) days after such date, than fty percent (50%) in value of the
the taxpayer has acquired (by purchase or by exchange outstanding stock of each of which is owned,
upon which the entire amount of gain or loss was directly or indirectly, by or for the same
recognized by law), or has entered into a contract or individual, if either one of such corporations,
option so to acquire, substantially identical stock or with respect to the taxable year of the
securities, then no deduction for the loss shall be corporation preceding the date of the sale or
allowed under Section 34 unless the claim is made by a exchange was, under the law applicable to such
dealer in stock or securities and with respect to a taxable year, a personal holding company or a
transaction made in the ordinary course of the business foreign personal holding company;
of such dealer.
"(4) Between the grantor and a fiduciary of any
"(B) If the amount of stock or securities acquired (or trust; or
covered by the contract or option to acquire) is less than
the amount of stock or securities sold or otherwise "(5) Between the fiduciary of a trust and the
disposed of, then the particular shares of stock or fiduciary of another trust if the same person is a
securities, the loss from the sale or other disposition of grantor with respect to each trust; or
which is not deductible, shall be determined under rules
"(6) Between a fiduciary of a trust and a
and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance,
beneficiary of such trust.
upon recommendation of the Commissioner.

"(C) If the amount of stock or securities acquired (or

covered by the contract or option to acquire) is not less Illegal transactions
than the amount of stock or securities sold or otherwise
disposed of, then the particular shares of stock or Sec. 96, RR 2
securities, the acquisition of which (or the contract or
option to acquire which) resulted in the non- * Gains and losses attributed to exercise privilege or
deductibility of the loss, shall be determined under rules options to buy/sell property
and regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Finance,
Percentage of gain or loss taken into account (note:
upon recommendation of the Commissioner.
for individuals only)
Sec. 39 (B), NIRC b. Dividend income

bb. Income tax treatment of capital loss i. Dividends, defined

Capital loss limitation rule (applicable to both ii. Kinds of dividends

corporations and individuals)
aa. Cash dividend

bb. Stock dividend

Sec. 39 (C), NIRC
cc. Property dividend
Net loss Carry-Over Rule (applicable only to
individuals) dd. Liquidating dividend

Sec. 39 (D), NIRC Sec. 73, NIRC

iv. Income from dealings in capital asset subject to Sec. 59, NIRC
special rules
Commissioner v. Wander Phils. (160 SCRA 573)
aa. Dealings in real property situated in the Philippines
ee. Disguised dividend
Rev. Regs. 07-03

Rev. Regs. 13-99

Sec. 32 (A)(7), NIRC
bb. Dealings in shares of stock of Philippine
Revenue Memo No. 31-90
corporations 18
Secs. 250-253, 58, 71 RR 2

CIR v. Manning (66 SCRA 14)

Definition of shares
Republic v. de la Rama (18 SCRA 861) 19
Sec. 22 (L), NIRC

Sec. 24(C), NIRC

Sec. 27(D)(2), NIRC

c. Royalty income
Sec. 28(A)(7)(c), NIRC

Sec. 55, RR 2
Sec. 32(A)(6)
Rev. Regs. 6-2008
Sec. 42(A)(4)
shares listed and traded in the stock exchange
d. Rental income
shares not listed and traded in the stock exchange

Sec. 32 (A)(5) NIRC

cc. Other capital assets
Sec. 74, 79, 58 RR 2
v. Sale of Principal Residence
Limpan v. CIR (17 SCRA 703)
Rev. Regs. No. 13-99
i. Lease of Personal Property
Rev. Regs. No. 14-2000
ii. Lease of real property
6. Passive investment income
iii. Tax Treatment of
a. Interest income
aa. Leasehold improvements by lessee

bb. VAT added to rental/paid by the lessee

Sec. 32(A)(4) NIRC
cc. Advance rental/long term lease
Sec. 24(B)(1) NIRC
7. Annuities/Proceeds from life insurance/other types of
Sec. 22(Y) NIRC
Sec. 22(FF) NIRC

Sec. 28(A)(4), NIRC

Sec. 32(A)(8), NIRC
Sec. 27(D)(3), NIRC
Sec. 48 RR 2
Sec. 57 RR2
8. Prizes and awards 3. Source Rules in determining income from within and

a. Interests residence of debtor

Sec. 32(A)(9), NIRC
b. Dividends residence of corporation paying dividend
9. Pensions/retirement benefits/separation pay
c. Services place of performance of service

d. Rentals and royalties location of property or interest

Sec. 32(A)(10), NIRC in such property
10. Income from any source whatever e. Sale of real property location of real property
a. Forgiveness of indebtedness f. Sale of personal property

g. Shares of stock of domestic corporation

b. Recovery of accounts previously written off
A. Exclusions From Gross Income (Mamalateo, pp. 149-
Sec. 34(E)(1), NIRC
1. Rationale of the exclusions
c. Receipt of tax refunds or credit
2. Taxpayers who may avail of the exclusions

3. Exclusions distinguished from deductions and tax

Sec. 34(C)(1), NIRC credit

d. Income from any source whatever 4. Under the Constitution

D. Situs/Sources of Income (Mamalateo, pp. 64-74) a. Income derived by the government or its political
subdivision from the exercise of any essential
1. Meaning of situs of income governmental function
2. Classification of income as to source

Sec. 32 (B)(7), NIRC

Sec. 42, NIRC Sec. 4 (3) Art. XIV Constitution
Sec. 152-165, RR2 Sec. 4 (4) Art. XIV, Constitution
a. Gross or taxable income from sources within the Sec. 28 (3) Art. VI, Constitution
5. Under the Tax Code

a. Proceeds of Life Insurance Policies

Sec. 42(A), (B), NIRC

Sec. 28(A)(3)(a)(b), NIRC

Sec. 32(B)(1), NIRC
Commissioner v. JAL (202 SCRA 450) 20
Sec. 62 RR 2

b. Return of premium paid

Commissioner v. BOAC (149 SCRA 395)

NDC v. Commissioner (151 SCRA 472)

Sec. 32(B)(2), NIRC
Howden v. Collector (13 SCRA 601)
Sec. 48 RR 2 21
Air Canada v. CIR (supra)

b. Gross or taxable income from sources without the

c. Amounts received under life insurance, endowment
or annuity contracts
Sec. 42 (C) and (D), NIRC
d. Value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or
c. Income partly within/partly without the Philippines descent

e. Amounts received through accident or health

Sec. 42 (E), NIRC
k. Gain derived from buying and selling shares of stocks
classified as capital asset listed and traded in the local
Sec. 32(B)(4), NIRC exchange excluded/exempt from income tax but subject
to percentage tax
Sec. 63 RR2

f. Income exempt under tax treaty

Sec. 127, NIRC

RR 6-08 dated April 22, 2008

Sec. 32(B)(5), NIRC
6. Under a Tax Treaty
g. Certain passive income of foreign governments from
their Philippine investments 7. Under special laws

B. Exempt Corporations (Mamalateo, pp. 170-177)

Section 32 (B)(7,a) NIRC as amended by RA 8424

Com. V. Mitsubishi Metal (181 SCRA 214) VI. COSTS, DEDUCTIONS AND PERSONAL
EXEMPTIONS (Mamalateo, pp. 178-277)
h. Interest income from long term deposit or investment
A. Deductions from Gross Income, General Rules (Sec 34)

1. Deductions construed strictly against taxpayers

Sec. 22 (FF), NIRC
claiming it
Sec. 24 (B)(1), NIRC
2. Deductions must be paid or incurred in connection
Sec. 25 (A)(2), NIRC with the taxpayers trade, business or profession

Note: Exemption applies only to individual taxpayers 3. Deductions must be supported by adequate receipts or
except non-resident alien not engaged in trade or invoices (except for optional standard deduction)
business. They are taxed at 25%.
B. Return of Capital (Cost of Sales/Services)
For corporate taxpayers no exemption
1. Sale of inventory of goods by manufacturers and
i. Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc. dealers of properties

2. Sale of stock in trade by a real estate dealer and dealer

in securities
Sec. 32(B)(6), NIRC
3. Sale of Services
i. Retirement benefits received under R.A. No. 7641,
4917 and Sec. 60(B) of Tax Code C. Itemized Deductions

ii. Separation pay for causes beyond control of employee 1. Business expenses (Sec. 65, RR 2)

iii. Retirement benefits from foreign government a. Requisites for Deductibility

Nature: Ordinary and necessary
iv. Payments under US Veterans Administration

j. Winnings/Prizes
CIR v. General Foods (Phils.), Inc. (401 SCRA 545)
i. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and lotto winnings
Paid and incurred during taxable year

Sec. 24 (B)(1), NIRC

CIR vs. Isabela Cultural Corporation (515 SCRA 556)
ii. Prizes and awards in sports competition
b. Salaries, wages and other forms of compensation for
personal services actually rendered, INCLUDING the
grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit
Sec. 32 (B)(7,d), NIRC subjected to FBT which tax should have been paid
Reference: RA 7549

iii. Prizes and awards / religious / charitable / scientific / Sec. 34(A), NIRC
artistic / literary
Secs. 70-73 RR2

Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc. v. CIR (16 Phil 670)

Sec. 32 (B)(7,c) - Requisites for exclusion 22
C.M. Hoskins v. Commissioner (30 SCRA 434)

Aguinaldo Industries v. Com. (112 SCRA 136)

c. Traveling/Transportation expenses (Sec. 66 RR2; RR RMC 13-80
Sec. 80-83, RR2
d. Cost of materials (Sec. 67, RR 2)
a. Requisites for deductibility
b. Non-deductible taxes

c. Treatments of surcharges/interests/fines for


e. Rentals and/or other payments for use or possession d. Treatment of special assessment
of property (Sec. 74, RR 2)
e. Tax Credit v. Deduction
f. Repairs and Maintenance (Sec. 68, RR 2)

CIR v. Lednicky, et al. (11 SCRA 603) 24

Com. V. Soriano Cia (38 SCRA 67)

Gutierrez v. Collector (14 SCRA 33)

CIR v. Bicolandia Drug Corp. (496 SCRA 176)
g. Expenses under lease agreements (Sec. 74, RR 2)
4. Losses
h. Expenses for professionals (Sec. 69, RR 2)

i. Entertainment expenses (RR 3-98)

Sec. 34 (D), NIRC

Sec. 93-101 and 104, RR2

RR 10-2002 (Ceilings for entertainment, amusement and
recreational expenses (July 10, 2002) RR 12-77

j. Political campaign expenses Plaridel Security v. Com (21 SCRA 1187)

k. Training Expenses Com. v. Priscilla Estate (11 SCRA 130)

2. Interest Fernandez Hermanos v. Com (29 SCRA 552)

a. Requisites for deductibility

Sec. 34 (B), NIRC b. Other types of losses

RR 13-00 i. Capital losses

Secs. 78-79 RR2 ii. Securities becoming worthless

a. Requisites for deductibility iii. Shrinkage in value of stocks

iv. Losses on wash sales of stocks or securities

Com. v. Prieto (109 Phil 592) v. Wagering losses

Kuenzle v. Coll (28 SCRA 365) vi. NOLCO

b. Non-deductible interest expense 5. Bad Debts

c. Interest subject to special rules

Sec. 34(E), N IRC

Sec. 34(B)(2), NIRC Secs. 102-103, RR2

aa. Interest paid in advance RR 25-2002; RR 5-99

bb. Interest periodically amortized a. Definition

b. Requisites for deductibility

Sec. 34(B)(3), NIRC

cc. Interest expense incurred to acquire property for use Collector v. Goodrich (21 SCRA 1336)
in trade/business/profession
PRC v. CA (256 SCRA 667)
3. Taxes
6. Depreciation

Sec. 34(C), NIRC

Sec. 34(F), NIRC RR 2-2010 dated Feb. 24, 2010

Sec. 110-115, RR2 The following may claim OSD in lieu of itemized
a. Definition
a. Individuals
b. Requisites for deductibility
i. Resident Citizen
c. Methods of computing depreciation allowance
ii. Non-resident citizen
i. Straight-line method
iii. Resident Alien
ii. Declining-balance method
iv. Estates and Trusts
iii. Sum-of-the-years-digit method
b. Corporations

E. Personal and additional exemptions (R.A. 9504,

Basilan v. Com (21 SCRA 17) 25 Minimum Wage Earner Law)

1. Basic personal exemptions

2. Additional exemptions for taxpayer with dependents

7. Depletion 3. Status-at-the-end-of-the-year rule

F. Items not deductible

Sec. 34(G), NIRC 26
Sec. 3, RR 5-76

a. Definition

b. Requisites for deductibility 1. Personal, living or family expenses

2. Amount paid for new buildings or for permanent

improvements (Capital expenditures)
8. Charitable and Other Contributions
3. Amount expended in restoring property

4. Premiums paid on life insurance policy covering life

Sec. 34(H), NIRC
or any other officer or employee financially interested
RMC No. 88-07
5. Interest expense, bad debt and losses from sales of
EO 720 dated 11 April 2008 property between related parties

a. Definition

b. Requisites for deductibility Sec. 36 NIRC

VII. TAX BASE AND TAX RATES (Mamalateo, pp. 278-

Roxas v. CTA (23 SCRA 276)
A. Computation of Tax
9. Contributions to Pension Trusts

Tax payable by a taxpayer is computed as

Sec. 34(J), NIRC follows: Applicable Tax Base
a. Definition Multiplied by: Applicable Tax Rate

b. Requisites for deductibility Income Tax

D. Optional standard deduction Less: Any Tax Credit (either

creditable withholding
1. Sec. 34(L), NIRC tax or foreign taxes
2. RR 16-08 dated Nov. 16, 2008
Tax Payable

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