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Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes: Chapter Objectives

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Shielded Metal Arc

Welding Electrodes

Introduction Chapter Objectives

Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), often referred to After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
by welders in the field as stick electrode welding, is one of
12-1 List the major functions of the SMAW electrode
the most widely used welding processes in maintenance, coating.
fabrication in the field, and repair of metals. This popular-
12-2 Describe the composition of an electrode covering.
ity has resulted from the development of flux-covered elec-
trodes capable of making welds having physical properties 12-3 Determine the maximum arc length of an SMAW
that are equal or superior to the material being welded.
Leading manufacturers of welding equipment and 12-4 List the basic systems for identifying steel electrodes.
supplies are constantly developing new welding electrodes 12-5 Explain the electrode selection process.
and improving existing ones. Two other groups have had 12-6 List the AWS electrode classification system.
a major part in research and development: the American 12-7 List the operating characteristics of the fast fill, fast
Welding Society and the American Society for Testing follow, and fast freeze electrodes.
and Materials. These societies are continually improving 12-8 Describe the characteristics of the low hydrogen
the specifications and methods of classifying electrodes electrode.
and filler rods so that the welder can readily select the best 12-9 Describe the characteristics of the iron powder
electrode for a particular job. Electrodes are designed to electrode.
meet the needs of each welding application.
12-10 List the reasons for keeping mineral coated
It is not the purpose of this chapter to discuss in detail all
electrodes dry.
the different types of electrodes that are used in the weld-
ing process. At this time we are concerned chiefly with
those steel electrodes that will be used for the practice jobs
in Unit 2 of this text. Such electrodes comprise about 80
percent of the total number used by industry. Many welders
who have spent years as journeymen have never had occa-
sion to use anything but low carbon steel electrodes.

It is, of course, your objective to be able to deposit A composite filler metal electrode consisting of a core of a
welds that have the most desirable physical and chemical bare electrode or metal cored electrode to which a covering
properties, soundness, and appearance that the electrodes sufficient to provide a slag layer on the weld metal has been
are capable of giving. Study Fig. 12-1 carefully. Learn to applied. The covering may contain materials providing such
recognize good and bad welds and to understand the fac- functions as shielding from the atmosphere, deoxidation,
and arc stabilization, and can serve as a source of metallic
tors involved in good and bad welding. After you are thor-
additions to the weld.
oughly familiar with the characteristics of the electrodes
discussed in this chapter, you should consult the catalogs Introduction to Covered Electrodes
of electrode suppliers and the materials available from the
American Welding Society for information on other types The type of covering influences the degree of penetration
of electrodes, such as those for high tensile steel, alloy of the arc and the crater depth. The proper electrode selec-
steels, nonferrous materials, and surfacing materials. tion, therefore, makes it possible to obtain sound welds in
close-fitting joints and to avoid burning through poorly fitted
joints. Since the covering influences the extent of penetra-
Shielded Metal Arc WeldingElectrodes tion, it affects the extent of recrystallization and annealing of
The general definition of a shielded metal arc welding previously deposited layers. This characteristic improves the
covered electrode, as given in the American National internal (radiographic) quality of the weld. The low electrical
Standard and the American Welding Societys Standard conductivity of the covering permits the use of electrodes in
Welding Terms and Definitions, A3.0 is as follows: narrow grooves. The covering also reduces weld spatter.


Welding Current Welding Current Arc Too Long Welding Speed Welding Speed Proper Current
Too Low Too High (Voltage Too High) Too Fast Too Slow Voltage & Speed

Excessive piling up Excessive spatter to Bead very irregular Bead too small, with Excessive piling up A smooth, regular,
of weld metal. be cleaned off. with poor penetration. contour irregular. of weld metal. well-formed bead.
Overlapping bead Undercutting along Weld metal not Not enough weld Overlapped without No undercutting,
has poor penetration. edges weakens joint. properly shielded. metal in the cross penetration at edges. overlapping, or
section. piling up.

Slows up progress. Irregular deposit. An inefficient weld. Weld not strong Too much time Uniform in cross
enough. consumed. section.
Wasted electrodes Wasted electrodes Wasted electrodes Wasted electrodes Wasted electrodes Excellent weld at
and production time. and production time. and production time. and production time. and production time. minimum material
and labor cost.

Fig. 12-1 Plan and elevation views of welds made with shielded arc electrodes under various conditions. Hobart Brothers, Co.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes Chapter 12301

Functions of Electrode Coverings
Protective Gaseous Atmosphere
andSlag Covering
The covering materials on the electrode provide an auto- Automation
matic cleansing and deoxidizing action in the molten weld An area with potential is automation, for
pool. By supplying a protective gaseous atmosphere and such uses as:
blanket of molten slag for the weld metal, the covering 1. Sensing and feedback control for welding process
excludes harmful oxygen and nitrogen, Fig. 12-2. The ex- automation.
tent of gaseous and slag protection depends on the type 2. Welding process control system design, vision-based.
of covering. In addition to protection, slag performs the 3. Through-arc process sensing and control.
following functions: 4. Welding robotics and automation.
Acts as a scavenger in removing oxides and impurities
Slows down the freezing rate of molten metal
Slows down the cooling rate of solidified weld metal also be balanced to adjust the carbon and silicon content
Controls the shape and appearance of the deposit of the weld deposit.
Affects operating characteristics (DCEP, alternating The addition of large amounts of iron powder to the
current, etc.) coating of an electrode increases the speed of welding and
improves the weld appearance. In the intense heat of the
Alteration or Restoration of BaseMetal arc, the iron powder is converted to steel and contributes
metal to the weld deposit.
To a large extent, the covering controls the composition
Low hydrogen electrodes greatly improve the welding
of the weld metal, either by maintaining the original
of high carbon and alloy steels, high sulfur steels, and phos-
composition of the core wire of the electrode or through
phorus-bearing steels. Such steels tend to be porous and
the introduction of additional elements. In this way
crack under the bead. The reduction of the hydrogen con-
alloying elements are added to the weld metal or lost
tent in the weld eliminates these harmful characteristics.
elements are restored. For example, molybdenum and
vanadium may be added to the covering because these Control of Arc Characteristics
alloys produced better physical properties in the weld The covering makes starting the arc easier as you begin the
metal than those possessed by the core wire. On the weld. The covering not only helps you to maintain a steady
other hand, manganese is usually included in the cover- arc throughout the operation, but it also serves as an insu-
ing to maintain the same manganese content in the weld lator for the core wire of the electrode. Coverings allow
metal that was present in the core wire. The coating may greater variation in arc length. Better arc control permits the
use of higher currents and larger electrodes.
As a rule, when welding with an SMAW electrode, the
maximum arc length is never greater than the diameter of
Electrode the bare end of the electrode.
Fast Travel
The covering concentrates the heat of the arc on the
work and thus causes an increased melting rate. The flux
contains elements that ionize at the temperature of the arc
and form a conducting path between the poles during the
Gaseous Core
Shield Wire Coating periods when the metal arc is extinguished by the transfer
of globules of metal. The decreased welding time usually
Gaseous more than offsets the time necessary to remove the slag
from the shielded arc electrode welds.
Arc Stream
Plate and
Electrode Metal Composition of Electrode Coverings
Depth of Fusion Plate Metal
Molten Metal Arc Force Digs into Plate The type of covering affects the arc length and the welding
voltage, as well as the welding position in which the electrode
Fig. 12-2 Cross section of arc action, gaseous shielding, and can be used. Its composition is very important. The covering
metal flow when welding with covered electrode. Lincoln Electric should have a melting point lower than that of both the core

302Chapter 12 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes

wire and the base metal. The slag must have a lower density physical properties of the weld. Study carefully the proper-
than the solidifying weld metal in order to be expelled quickly ties of the various types of electrodes described on the fol-
and thoroughly. The slag must also be able to solidify quickly lowing pages and in Table12-4. It will also be beneficial at
when the electrode is used for overhead and vertical welding. this time to become familiar with the current values given
These are all essential functions that ensure the formation of in Table 12-5.
sound welds having the physical and mechanical properties
required for the job. The coating is primarily responsible for
Table 12-1 Physical Properties of Welds and
the differences between electrodes; the core wires for car-
Covered Electrodes
bon steel electrodes are usually made of the same type of
steel. However, some alloys are transferred more effectively
through the core wire than through the coating. Electrode
Weld Metal Base Metal
Materials for Electrode Coverings
Ultimate strength, p.s.i. 6075,000 5570,000
Materials used in the coverings of shielded arc electrodes Yield point, p.s.i. 4560,000 3032,000
may be classified according to their purpose: Elongation, % in 2 in. 20.040.0 30.040.0
Fluxes Elongation-free bend, % 35.060.0
Deoxidizers Reduction of area, % 35.065.0 60.070.0
Slagging ingredients Density, g/cm 7.807.85 7.85
Alloying ingredients Endurance limit, p.s.i. 2630,000 2630,000
Gas reducers Impact (Izod), ft/lb. 4070 5080
Arc stabilizers
Shielding gas
Table 12-2 Comparison of Core Wire
Sodium and potassium silicates are universally used as Composition: Filler Metal and Covered
binders; some organic gums also have a limited use for Electrodes
this purpose. Ferro-alloys and pure metals serve as deoxi-
dizers and alloying ingredients. The alkaline earth metals Element Filler Metal Shielded Arc
are the best arc stabilizers. Wood flour, wood pulp, re- (Percentage) CoreWire WeldMetal
fined cellulose, cotton linters, starch, sugar, and other or- Carbon 0.100.15 0.080.15
ganic materials provide a shield of reducing gases. Fluxes Manganese 0.400.60 0.300.50
and slagging ingredients include silica, alumina, clay, iron Silicon 0.025 max. 0.050.30
ore, rutile, limestone, magnesite, mica, and many other Sulfur 0.04 max. 0.035 max.
minerals, as well as some man-made materials, such as
Phosphorus 0.04 max. 0.035 max.
potassium titanate and titanium dioxide.
Oxygen 0.06 max. 0.040.10
Polarity Interchangeability Nitrogen 0.006 max. 0.010.03
The composition of the covering determines the best po-
larity of the electrode used for d.c. applications. Some
coverings operate more efficiently with electrode negative Table 12-3 Weld Metal Properties Afforded by
(DCEN). Other coverings make the electrode more efficient Types of Covered Electrodes
with electrode positive (DCEP). Both types have advantages
that make them preferable for certain applications. Cover- Minimum Weld Metal Properties
ings have also been developed that operate equally well on Tensile Yield
either polarity. These types are also efficient in a.c. welding. Strength Point Percentage
Property No. (p.s.i.) (p.s.i.) of Elongation
E60XX 62,000 50,000 1725
For video of the polarity of SMAW, please visit E70XX 70,000 57,000 22 E80XX 80,000 67,000 19
E90XX 90,000 77,000 1417
E100XX 100,000 87,000 1316
Tables 12-1 through 12-3 demonstrate the important func-
E120XX 120,000 107,000 14
tions of the covering and its direct effect on the chemical and

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes Chapter 12303

Table 12-4 Welding Characteristics of Mild Steel Electrodes

Tensile Yield Minimum
Type of Position of Type of Rate of Appearance Slag Strength Point Elongation
Coating Welding Current1 Penetration Deposition of Bead Spatter Removal (p.s.i.) (p.s.i.) in 2 in. (%)
E6010 High cellulose All positions DCEP Deep Average rate Rippled and Moderate Moderately 62,000 50,000 22
sodium flat easy
E6011 High cellulose All positions DCEP, a.c. Deep Average rate Rippled and Moderate Moderately 62,000 50,000 22
potassium flat easy
E6012 High titania All positions DCEN, a.c. Medium Good rate Smooth and Slight Easy 67,000 55,000 17
sodium convex
E6013 High titania All positions DCEP, DCEN, a.c. Mild Good rate Smooth and Slight Easy 67,000 55,000 17
potassium flat to convex
E7014 Iron powder All positions DCEP, DCEN, a.c. Medium High rate Smooth and Slight Easy 70,000 60,000 17
titania flat to convex
E7015 Low hydrogen All positions DCEP Mild to Good rate Smooth and Slight Moderately 70,000 60,000 22
sodium medium convex easy
E7016 Low hydrogen All positions DCEP, a.c. Mild to Good rate Smooth and Slight Very easy 70,000 60,000 22
potassium medium convex
E6020 High iron oxide Flat hor. fillets Flat: d.c., a.c. hor. Deep High rate Smooth Slight Very easy 62,000 50,000 25
fillets: DCEN, a.c. and flat to
E7024 Iron powder Flat hor. fillets DCEN, DCEP, a.c. Mild Very high Smooth Slight Easy 72,000 60,000 17
titania rate and slightly
E6027 Iron powder Flat hor. fillets Flat: d.c., a.c. hor. Medium Very high Flat to Slight Easy 62,000 50,000 25
iron oxide fillets: DCEN, a.c. rate concave
E7018 Iron powder All positions DCEP, a.c. Mild High rate Smooth and Slight Very easy 72,000 60,000 22
low hydrogen flat to convex
E7028 Iron powder Flat hor. fillets DCEP, a.c. Mild Very high Smooth Slight Very easy 72,000 60,000 22
low hydrogen rate and slightly
E7048 Iron powder All positions DCEP, a.c. Mild High rate Smooth Slight Easy 72,000 58,000 22
low hydrogen vertical and slightly
down convex
DCEP means direct current, electrode positive (reverse polarity).
DCEN means direct current, electrode negative (straight polarity).
Source: National Cylinder Gas Division, Chemetron Corp.
Table 12-5 Current Range for Mild and Low Alloy Steel Electrodes

Current Range (A)

Electrode Type
Electrode E6011 E7015, E7024,
Diameter (in.) DCEP E6012 E6013 E6020 E6027 E7014 E7016 E7018 E7028 E7048
16 2040 2040
64 2560 2560
32 4080 3585 4590 80125 65110 70100 100145*
8 75125 80140 80130 100150 125185 110160 100150 115165 140190 80140
32 110170 110190 105180 130190 160240 150210 140200 150220 180250 150220
16 140215 140240 150230 175250 210300 200275 180255 200275 230305 210290
32 170250 200320 210300 225310 250350 260340 240320 260340 275365
4 210320 250400 250350 275375 300420 330415 300390 315400 335430
16 275425 300500 320430 340450 375475 390500 375475 375470 400525*
*These values do not apply to the E7028 classification.

11018 11018
Fig. 12-3A Location of electrode classification
number for covered end-grip welding electrodes.

Identifying Electrodes
Must be used as an electrode.
The identifying system for covered arc welding elec- Minimum tensile strength in 1,000 p.s.i.
trodes requires that the electrode classification number be increments. May be two or three digits.
imprinted or stamped on the electrode covering, within Welding position.
212 inches of the grip and of the electrode. (See Fig. 12-3A
and B.) Type of covering and type of welding

AWS Classification of Carbon Steel Electrodes E XXYY M 1 HZ R

The many types of electrodes that are available to weld
carbon and low alloy steels are classified in the AWS Optional meets military require-
Filler Specifications A5.1 and A5.5. These booklets can ments, greater toughness,
lower moisture content, and
be purchased from the American Welding Society. mandatory diffusible hydrogen
Other agencies concerned with electrode approvals, limits.
specifications, and classifications include: Designates electrode has improved
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American Bureau of Shipping (Bureau of Ships) Optional supplemental hydrogen designator.
U.S. Department of Defense (for the Army, Navy, and Optional absorbed moisture test for low hydrogen
Air Force) electrodes.
U.S. Coast Guard
Canadian Welding Bureau, Division of Canadian Fig. 12-3B SMAW electrode classification designators.
Standards Association
Municipal, county, and state organizations responsible
position, and type of current required for best results.
for welding standards
Compare the various characteristics of carbon steel
The various electrodes are classified with a system electrodes in Tables 12-3 and 12-4, pages 303 to 304.
of numbers and organized on the basis of the chemi- The numbering system provides a series of four- or
cal composition and mechanical properties of the de- five-digit numbers prefixed with the letter E. The E in-
posited undiluted weld metal, type of covering, welding dicates electrode for electric welding. The first two digits

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes Chapter 12305

(three digits, for a five-digit number) multiplied by one
thousand express the minimum tensile strength in thou-
sands of pounds per square inch. For example, 60 in SH OP TA L K
E6010 electrodes means 60,000 p.s.i.; 70 in E7010 elec-
trodes means 70,000 p.s.i.; and 100 in E10010 electrodes Contact Lenses
means 100,000 p.s.i. The next-to-last digit indicates the If you wear contact lenses, keep a spare pair,
position of welding. Thus, the 1 in E6010 means that or glasses, at work in case you lose a lens. Research
welding can be done in all positionsflat, horizontal, indicates wearing contact lenses poses no problems for
vertical, and overhead. The 2 in E7020 means that the welders in most normal situations. Wear contact lenses in
industrial environments, in combination with appropriate
electrode should be used for flat and horizontal fillet
industrial safety eyewear. Safety and medical personnel
welding. The last digit indicates the type of current and should not discriminate against an employee who can
the type of covering on the electrode. Further interpreta- achieve visual rehabilitation by use of contact lenses. Let
tion of the classification numbers is presented in Tables others know you wear contacts. All first-aid personnel
12-6 and 12-7 and Fig. 12-3B. should learn how to remove contact lenses.

Table 12-6 AWS Electrode Classification System

Digit Significance Example

1st two or Min. tensile strength (stress relieved) E-60XX = 60,000 p.s.i. (min.)
1st three
E-110XX = 110,000 p.s.i. (min.)
2nd to last Welding position E-XX1X = all positions
E-XX2X = horizontal and flat
E-XX3X = flat
E-XX4X = vertical down
Last Power supply, type of slag, type of arc, See Table 12-7
amount of penetration, presence of iron
powder in coating
Note: Prefix E (to left of a 4- or 5-digit number) signifies arc welding electrode.

Table 12-7 Interpretation of the Last Digit in the AWS Electrode Classification System

F-No Classification Current Arc Penetration Covering & Slag Iron Powder (%)
F-3 EXX10 DCEP Digging Deep Cellulose-sodium 010
F-3 EXXX1 AC & DCEP Digging Deep Cellulose-potassium 0
F-2 EXXX2 AC & DCEN Medium Medium Rutile-sodium 010
F-2 EXXX3 AC & DC Light Light Rutile-potassium 010
F-2 EXXX4 AC & DC Light Light Rutile-iron powder 2540
F-4 EXXX5 DCEP Medium Medium Low hydrogen-sodium 0
F-4 EXXX6 AC or DCEP Medium Medium Low hydrogen-potassium 0
F-4 EXXX8 AC or DCEP Medium Medium Low hydrogen-iron powder 2545
F-l EXX20 AC or DC Medium Medium Iron oxide-sodium 0
F-l EXX24 AC or DC Light Light Rutile-iron powder 50
F-l EXX27 AC or DC Medium Medium Iron oxide-iron powder 50
F-l EXX28 AC or DCEP Medium Medium Low hydrogen-iron powder 50
Note: Iron powder percentage is based on weight of the covering.

306Chapter 12 Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes

Electrode Selection Material thickness Obviously a larger size electrode
can be used as the thickness of material increases.
The selection of the proper electrode for a given weld- Thickness of weld layers The thickness of the mate-
ing job is one of the most important decisions that the rial to be welded and the position of welding are fac-
welder faces. The nature of the deposited weld metal and tors. More weld metal can be deposited in the flat and
its suitability as a joining material for the pieces being horizontal positions than in the vertical and overhead
welded depend, of course, on the selection of the proper positions.
type of electrode. The continued use of the shielded metal Welding position A larger size electrode can be used
arc welding process is due in great measure to the high in the flat and horizontal positions than in the vertical
quality of the electrodes available. and overhead positions.
Electrodes may be generally grouped according to: Amount of current The higher the current value used
Operating characteristics for welding, the larger the electrode size.
Type of covering Skill of the welder Some welders become so expert
Characteristics of deposited metal that they can handle large size electrodes in the verti-
cal and overhead positions.
Size is also an important consideration.
It is important to understand that many electrode clas- All classes of covered electrodes are designed for mul-
sifications contain the same basic core wire. The differ- tiple-pass welding. The size varies with the types of joints
ences in operating characteristics and in the physical and and welding position.
mechanical nature of the deposited weld metal are mostly
The first pass for pipe welding and other bevel butt
determined by the materials in the covering.
joints should be welded with 18-inch or 532-inch elec-
You are urged to study carefully the characteristics of
trodes. This is necessary in order to obtain good fu-
the basic welding electrodes described in this section.
sion at the root and to avoid excessive melt-through.
A thorough knowledge will assist you not only in acquir-
The remaining passes may be welded with 532-inch
ing the technical knowledge necessary to choose the proper
or 316-inch electrodes in all positions, and 316 inch or
electrode for a given job, but also in mastering the manipu-
larger in the flat position.
lative techniques of the welding operation. For flat position welding of beveled-butt joints that
As we have seen, there is a large number of electrodes
have a backing bar, a 316-inch electrode can be used
that can be selected. In order to reduce the number of
for the first pass, and an electrode 732 inch or larger for
tests a welder has to take to become qualified (certi-
the remainder.
fied), many codes group electrodes based on their ease For fillet welds in the flat position and other deep
of welding, rather than on mechanical properties. One
groove, flat position joints, 316-inch, 732-inch, or
such grouping is from the AWS D1.1 Structural Welding 1
4inch electrodes may be used. Extra heavy plates can
CodeSteel. (See Table 12-7.) If any of the electrodes
be welded with larger electrodes.
in the more difficult F4 grouping is used on the welder Out-of-position fillet and groove welding is usually
qualification test, a welder who passes the test will be
done with 532-inch electrodes. For certain jobs,
qualified on all the electrodes in this group, as well as on 3
16inch electrodes may be used.
all lesser group numbers and the electrodes they repre- The sizes of low hydrogen electrodes generally used
sent. Students must become knowledgeable about weld-
for vertical and overhead welding are 18 inch and
ing with as many electrodes as are practical for their job 5
32 inch. Electrodes for flat and horizontal welding
market. However, many companies use this grouping
may be 316 inch or larger.
system to eliminate the need for their welders to qualify
for welding procedure specifications (WPSs) unless ab-
solutely necessary. Job Requirements
The requirements of the job are the basis for the proper se-
Size of Electrodes lection of electrodes. Look the job over carefully to deter-
Selecting the proper size of electrode to use on a given mine just what the electrode must do. Study the variable
job is as important as selecting the right classification factors given in Table 12-8. Following are a few condi-
of electrode. The following points should be taken into tions to check:
Skill of the welder
Joint design A fillet weld can be welded with a larger Code requirements (if any)
electrode than an open groove weld. Properties of base metal

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Electrodes Chapter 12307

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