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Nanoencapsulation, Nano-guard for Pesticides: A New Window for

Safe Application
Md. Nuruzzaman,, Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman,, Yanju Liu,, and Ravi Naidu*,,

Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER), Faculty of Science and Technology, The University of Newcastle, ,
University Drive, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia

Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), ATC Building,
The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia

ABSTRACT: The application of nanotechnology in pesticide delivery is relatively new and in the early stages of development.
This technology aims to reduce the indiscriminate use of conventional pesticides and ensure their safe application. This critical
review investigated the potential of nanotechnology, especially the nanoencapsulation process for pesticide delivery. In-depth
investigation of various nanoencapsulation materials and techniques, ecacy of application, and current research trends are also
presented. The focus of ongoing research was on the development of a nanoencapsulated pesticide formulation that has slow
releasing properties with enhanced solubility, permeability, and stability. These properties are mainly achieved through either
protecting the encapsulated active ingredients from premature degradation or increasing their pest control ecacy for a longer
period. Nanoencapsulated pesticide formulation is able to reduce the dosage of pesticides and human exposure to them, which is
environmentally friendly for crop protection. However, lack of knowledge of the mechanism of synthesis and lack of a cost-
benet analysis of nanoencapsulation materials hindered their application in pesticide delivery. Further investigation of these
materials behavior and their ultimate fate in the environment will help the establishment of a regulatory framework for their
commercialization. The review provides fundamental and critical information for researchers and engineers in the eld of
nanotechnology and especially the use of nanoencapsulation techniques to deliver pesticides.
KEYWORDS: nanoencapsulation, nanotechnology, agriculture, pesticide, pest control, environmental exposure

1. INTRODUCTION humidity, and temperature) inuence the extent of loss during

Nanotechnology is an emerging phenomenon that occupies an application.11,12 The remaining losses are the result of leaching,
increasingly important position in the latest range of evaporation, deposition, being washed away, and degradation
technologies.1 Over the past decade, it has emerged as having by photolysis, hydrolysis, and microbial activity.13 The major
the potential to revolutionize agricultural practices.2 To date, pathways of pesticide loss are represented in Figure 1. Given
various papers have reviewed the application of this technology these losses, the active ingredients (AIs) in the pesticide are
in agriculture where multifunctional approaches were ob- removed prior to their application and, therefore, the
served.18 The potential applications of this technology in concentration at the target area is well below the minimum
agricultural scenarios include seed treatment, germination, plant eective concentration.
growth and development, pest control, pesticide delivery, Consequently, to achieve the desired biological response in
fertilizer delivery, genetic material delivery, toxic agro-chemical terms of pest control within a given period, the precise amount
detection, pathogen detection, etc.18 In terms of agrochemical that inuences nonspecic and periodic application of the
(pesticides, fertilizers, growth hormones, etc.) delivery, nano- active ingredients is required.1 The repeated and indiscriminate
scale particles have novel properties that can increase the application of pesticides results in their being used in quantities
agrochemicals eciency and make the delivery system greatly exceeding the amount actually required to control the
smart.1 Through a smart delivery system, chemicals can be target pests.3 Not only does the cost of treatment increase as a
delivered in a controlled and targeted manner that is similar to result, but such usage ends in unfavorable outcomes either to
nanodrug delivery to humans.9 plants or to the environment, including soil and water
Using this technology in pesticide delivery has created many pollution,1 which ultimately poses dangers to public health.13
opportunities for safe application of conventional pesticides. Such usage of pesticides increases pest and pathogen resistance,
Commonly used pesticides are greatly limited in their reduces soil biodiversity and nitrogen xation, raises the
application due to a number of problems associated with bioaccumulation of pesticides, and kills predators and
them. For example, >90% of applied pesticides are either lost in pollinators.14 It also destroys the habitats and food sources of
the environment or unable to reach the target area required for birds.14 Despite these side eects, their utilization is essential if
eective pest control.3,10 Around 2030% of pesticides are lost
through emissions, but this can potentially increase to 50% of Received: November 3, 2015
the total amount applied.11 A number of factors including Revised: December 27, 2015
application technique, physicochemical properties of the Accepted: January 5, 2016
pesticides, and environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed, Published: January 5, 2016

2016 American Chemical Society 1447 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 1. Pathways of pesticide losses and degradation.

Figure 2. Promising nanoencapsulation materials used for pesticide delivery.

agricultural productivity is to be maximized. However, more carrier material.4,16,21 The available literature also suggests that
knowledge concerning the problems caused by agrochemical of all the delivery techniques, nanoencapsulation technology is
pesticides for public health and wildlife has resulted in the most promising because it is much more ecient than any
increasingly stringent controls of their use by dierent other. Due to the wide range of potential, progress, and
regulatory bodies.15 possibilities of nanoencapsulation technique, this review
In agriculture, the development of new plant protection considers their utilization in pesticide delivery and their goals.
formulations has long been a very active eld of research It is based on the available nanoencapsulation materials and
because such problems associated with commercial pesticides formulations as well as pest control ecacy and environmental
must be overcome.16 Researchers are currently designing impact of nanoencapsulated pesticides.
formulations similar to conventional formulations, but with
improved features, that is, more soluble, slower releasing, and 2. NANOENCAPSULATION AND
not prematurely degradable using the benets of materials at NANOENCAPSULATION MATERIALS
nanoscale. Nanomaterials used as a pesticide or as a carrier Nanoencapsulation is the coating of various substances within
material have exhibited useful properties such as stiness, another material at various sizes in the nano-range. The
permeability, crystallinity, thermal stability, and biodegradability encapsulated material is commonly referred to as the internal
over commonly used pesticides.17 The nanocarrier materials phase, the core material, the ller, or the ll, for instance,
with AIs spread uniformly over the leaves and onto the soil pesticides. The encapsulation material is known as the external
surface; thus, they are easily taken up by chewing insects.7 They phase, shell, coating, or membrane, for example, nanocapsules.
are also absorbed into the cuticular wax (lipid) layers of insects Attempts have been made to encapsulate commercial pesticides
via a physiosorption process and break down the water as well as biocides using nanomaterials to improve their
protection barrier, resulting in insect death from desicca- physical properties and control the widespread use of
tion.18,19 The large surface area of nanopesticides increases the pesticides. Nanoencapsulation of pesticides involves the
anity to the target species/groups and reduces the amount of formation of pesticide-loaded or -entrapped particles having a
pesticide required for pest control.20 diameter within the nano-range. According to the denition of
Nanocarrier materials also protect the AIs from premature nanoparticle, this size range should be 1100 nm in at least one
degradation and allow them to be released in a controlled way.1 dimension.22 There is still some debate about the particle size
In this way pesticides can be deliberately applied using in a colloidal system such as pesticide formulations.16 Recently,
nanodevices through adsorption on nanoparticles, attachment Kah et al.16 reviewed nanopesticides as having a size ranging
on nanoparticles, encapsulated with nanomaterials, or trapped between 1 and 1000 nm. Conversely, in the literature, much
in nanomaterials.3 Recent reviews have already concentrated on evidence was found that the term nano for encapsulated
the pesticidal ecacy of nanomaterials and their potential as a pesticides referred to a particle size of >100 nm. This may be
1448 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

due to the ecacy of their novel small-sized particulate. Grillo

et al.23 reported that the denition of nanoparticles can be
considered to be based on not only their size (<100 nm) but
also their application in medicine or agriculture where their size
may be >100 nm. However, in this review the size of
nanoencapsulated materials has been considered up to 1000
nm. Various nanomaterials have already been used to
encapsulate pesticides such as polymer-based nanomaterials, Figure 4. Dierent morphological forms of polymeric nanoencapsu-
lated pesticides (originally adapted from ref 10 and modied).
solid lipid nanoparticles, inorganic porous nanomaterials,
nanoclays, layered double hydroxides (LDHs), etc.3 These
materials are known as nanoencapsulation materials and active compounds as an inner liquid core at the nanoscale
encapsulate the pesticide, forming dierent types of nanoma- level.26,30 The nanocapsule structure consists of a coreshell
terials, for example, nanocapsules, nanospheres, micelles, arrangement in which the shell is composed of a polymeric
nanogels, liposomes, inorganic nanocages, etc. (Figure 2). membrane or coating (Figure 5). The active substances are
During encapsulation, a multistage delivery pattern can be usually dissolved in the inner liquid core. The inner core can
observed as some pesticides are absorbed and attached to the also consist of pesticide formulations or polymeric matrix, and
outer surface of the shell.24 active ingredients may be absorbed by the polymeric shell. In
2.1. Polymer-Based Nanoencapsulation Materials. this way the active substances are encapsulated by nanocapsules
Polymers and polymeric materials have a wide range of spontaneously during the formation of nanocapsules. Recently,
applications in dierent elds. For example, intense research Ezhilarasi et al.30 documented several nanoencapsulation
has been dedicated to the production of nanosized controlled techniques for encapsulating food bioactive components
release drug formulations using dierent biodegradable through the formation of polymeric nanocapsules. It was
polymers.2527 Employing polymeric nanomaterials for pesti- notable, however, that the techniques are similar to the
cide delivery is a recently developed approach.10 Generally, the synthesis of nanocapsules required for encapsulating pesticides.
active ingredients are encapsulated with polymer, as polymer Polymeric nanocapsules are widely applied and, subse-
nanocomposites (PNC) consist of a polymer that has quently, intensied research studies have been conducted for
nanoparticles or nanollers dispersed within the polymer their eective synthesis. The availability of dierent polymers
matrix.28 Polymers produced by natural sources are environ- and their inherent properties have given researchers the option
mentally friendly and biodegradable, do not produce any for synthesizing nanocapsules through dierent methods. The
degradation byproducts, and are comparatively low cost.10 As a most commonly developed strategies are nanoprecipitation,
result of these properties, they have proved to be suitable emulsion diusion, solvent evaporation, double emulsication,
encapsulation materials for active ingredients. Recently, emulsication coacervation, and layer-by-layer deposition
amphiphilic block copolymers have drawn researchers (Figure 6). Nevertheless, various other methods were found
attention in terms of their ability to form various types of in the literature along with modications of the above-
nanoparticles along with polymers. Generally, block copolymers mentioned methods, for example, melt dispersion, emulsion
are obtained by the polymerization of more than one type of polymerization, interfacial polymerization, interfacial deposition
monomer. Typically, the polymers should be contrasting in method, solvent displacement technique, emulsion evaporation,
nature, that is, one hydrophilic and another hydrophobic. In etc.27 However, various synthesizing methods of nanocapsules
this way, the block copolymers sustain their amphiphilic have been described elsewhere.26,27,30,31
properties in aqueous solution. Depending on the number of So far, nanocapsules synthesized using various polymers have
blocks, the copolymers are known as biblock and triblock demonstrated their potential as an eective encapsulation
copolymers (Figure 3). Various synthetic and natural polymers, material for pesticides and biocides. A polymer such as
such as polyethylene glycol, poly--caprolactone, chitosan, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been utilized as shell material
sodium alginate, as well as the block copolymers have served to for the synthesis of nanocapsules. Using a melt dispersion
encapsulate a wide range of pesticides through the formation of method, Yang et al.32 synthesized round-shaped nanocapsules
dierent nano-range materials (Figure 4). of PEG loaded with garlic essential oil (Figure 7a). The loading
2.1.1. Nanocapsules. Nanocapsules are vesicular systems eciency was inuenced by the optimal ratio of essential oil to
that are made up of a polymeric membrane encapsulating the PEG, and the loading eciency reached 80% at the essential oil
to PEG ratio of 10%. The nanocapsules retaining good
dispersion have an average diameter of <240 nm.32 A more
eective pesticide formulation of a neurotoxic organophosphate
pesticide, namely, acephate, was prepared as nanodispersion by
dispersing the nanocapsules.33 These nanocapsules were
synthesized by encapsulating the AIs with PEG-400 having a
particle size that ranged between 90 and 120 nm.33
Similarly, monomers such as methyl methacrylate (MMA)
and styrene (St) proved to be suitable for synthesizing
nanocapsules via the emulsion polymerization process. These
monomers can produce polymers such as polymethylmetha-
crylate (PMMA) and polystyrene or copolymers by the
emulsion polymerization mechanism. The emulsion polymer-
Figure 3. Dierent amphiphilic block copolymers with hydrophilic and ization technique is suitable for synthesizing nanocapsules
hydrophobic blocks. Adapted and modied from ref 29. where organic solvents and surfactants are required to prepare
1449 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 5. Dierent coreshell arrangement of nanocapsules: (left) liquid core with well dispersed active ingredients; middle) pesticide suspension as
a core; (right) polymeric matrix as a core material. Adapted and modied from ref 26.

Figure 6. Dierent synthesis methods of polymeric nanocapsules. Adapted from ref 26 and modied.

which were prepared by the microemulsion polymerization

method in which sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as an emulsier
and N-amyl alcohol as an auxiliary emulsier were used and
azodiisobutyronitrile (AIBN) served as the initiator. The
natural active ingredient lansiumamide B was isolated from
kernels of Clausena lansium (Lour.), and NCLB were prepared
by encapsulating this active ingredient with MMA and St
(Figure 7b). The nanocapsules average size was 38.50 nm with
a spherical shape and uniform distribution and an encapsulation
eciency of >95%.34 In another investigation, Wu et al.35
synthesized natural pyrethrum-loaded nanocapsules through
Figure 7. TEM images of nanocapsules loaded with bioactive microemulsion polymerization technique using the above-
compounds: (a) TEM image of PEG-coated nanoparticles loaded mentioned monomers. They also investigated the eect of
with garlic essential oil synthesis via melt dispersion method dierent parameters (e.g., emulsier content, monomer to
(reproduced with permission from ref 32); (b) TEM image of
lansiumamide B nanocapsules synthesis via microemulsion polymer-
pesticide ratio) on particle size and stability of the micro-
ization method (reproduced with permission from ref 34; copyright emulsion. It was reported that a perfect nanocapsule was
2012 Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, published by Elsevier formed when the emulsier content was 10.6% and the ratio of
Ltd.). monomer and pesticide was 1:1.35 However, the major
drawbacks of this process are the nonbiodegradable nature of
the emulsion. Furthermore, an initiator (ion or free radical) is the polymers, requirement of initiator, and utilization of toxic
required to facilitate the polymerization reaction. For example, organic solvents.27 A polymer such as poly--caprolactone
Yin et al.34 synthesized lansiumamide B nanocapsules (NCLB), (PCL) is considered to be a good synthesis material for
1450 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 8. Assembly process of methomyl-loaded shell cross-linked nanocapsule. Reproduced with permission from ref 42. Copyright 2014 Elsevier

preparing nanocapsules.36 This polymer is insoluble in water The amphiphilic copolymers can also form nanosize micelles
and degrades slowly, and such properties have made them in aqueous solution, and the water-insoluble pesticides can be
suitable for pesticide delivery while remaining harmless to the solubilized in the interior region of the micelles. Finally, the
environment. Grillo et al.23 prepared nanocapsules using PCL pesticide-loaded nanocapsules are obtained by a dierent
for encapsulating herbicides such as ametryn, atrazine, and process. For instance, chitosanpoly(lactide) (chitosan-co-
simazine by employing the interfacial deposition method where PLA) grafted amphiphilic copolymers were synthesized by
the polymer was preformed in the form of a suspension. They reacting D,L-lactide with chitosan in the presence of triethyl-
also prepared utilized emulsion technology for the preparation amine in dimethyl sulfoxide solution.44 This copolymer
of PCL originated nanocapsules to encapsulate the herbicide encapsulated the pesticide imidacloprid via the formation of
atrazine.37 The nanoencapsulated herbicides could control the nanocapsules synthesized by the nanoprecipitation and
target species, and the formulation was safe for nontarget emulsion/solvent evaporation processes. In both processes,
species. This formulation also remained stable over time and copolymer to imidacloprid mass ratio signicantly aected the
reduced the mobility of atrazine.37 Such properties exhibited particle size as well as encapsulation eciency. The larger
the potential utilization of nanotechnology in agriculture. particle size and higher encapsulation eciency were obtained
Utilization of natural polysaccharides such as chitosan, at a lower mass ratio, where the particle size and encapsulation
sodium alginate, and starch has become more popular due to eciency declined as mass ratio increased.45 A similar trend
their nontoxic, biodegradable, and biocompatible properties.38 was obtained when the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos
Kumar et al.39 prepared imidacloprid-loaded sodium alginate was encapsulated into the nanocapsules synthesized by using
nanoparticles by emulsion cross-linking technology. The size of amphiphilic chitosan copolymer (chitosan-co-PLA-DPPE).46
the pesticide-loaded nanoparticles ranged between 50 and 100 The amphiphilic chitosan copolymers were synthesized by
nm, which was conrmed by transmission electron microscopy conjugating the 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanol-
(TEM). The entrapment eciency was 98.66%,39 whereas in amine (DPPE) moiety with the chitosan-co-PLA copolymer. It
an earlier study, Guan et al.40 encapsulated imidacloprid was observed that adding DPPE enhanced the loading and
encapsulation eciency of chitosan-co-PLA copolymer. The
microcrystals with chitosan and sodium alginate through layer-
readily available copolymer known as poly(lactic-co-glycolic)
by-layer self-assembly technique. This particular technique
acid (PLGA) originated from polylactic acid (PLA) and
oers direct surface modication of nanoengineering particles
polyglycolic acid (PGA) was used for the rst time as a
in a colloidal system. This is a novel strategy where self-
nanocarrier material in a plant protection system.46 Valletta et
assembly is achieved by electrostatic interactions between
al.47 encapsulated coumarin 6 with PLGA nanoparticles having
polymers and sequential adsorption of oppositely charged an average diameter of 3050 nm. The active compounds were
polyelectrolytes.41 The copolymers obtained from natural loaded into the nanocapsules using an osmosis-based method-
polymers have also intensied their utilization for synthesis of ology. In an earlier study, a food bioactive compound,
nanocapsules in current research. Synthesis of nanocapsules has curcumin, was encapsulated by PLGA using the nano-
become easier due to the self-assembly nature of copolymers precipitation technique.48 The curcumin-loaded PLGA nano-
and various synthesis approaches. Copolymers have the ability capsules were obtained by the freeze-drying process, and their
to form nanocapsules through the formation of a cross-linking mean particle size was approximately 81 nm. In this synthesis
polymeric network comprising an aqueous inner core. In this approach PEG-5000 was employed to stabilize the nano-
way the hydrophilic pesticides can be easily encapsulated by capsules.48
aqueous core nanocapsules (ACN).42 For example, Yin et al.43 Along with copolymers the amphiphilic block copolymers
synthesized nanocapsules from a new type of amphiphilic have also received special attention for synthesizing polymeric
photo-cross-linkable carboxymethyl chitosan (Az-CMCS). nanocapsules. Memarizadeh et al.49 prepared amphiphilic ABA
Samples of Az-CMCS were obtained by mixing the triblock linear dendritic copolymers composed of poly(citric
carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCS) and azidobenzaldehyde acid) (PCA) as block A and PEG as block B. Utilizing this
(Az) where they linked to the amino group in the presence copolymer, they directly encapsulated the pesticide imidaclo-
of light. Later, the hydrophilic pesticide known as methomyl prid using the copolymers self-assembling ability. The average
was loaded into these nanocapsules. The pesticide-loaded particle size was 1020 nm but depending on the type of
nanocapsules were collected from the solution through the solvent, time, and concentration, the morphology and size of
freeze-drying process. The mechanism of loading pesticide into the nano-imidacloprid varied from ber-like to globular to
shell cross-linked nanocapsules is illustrated in Figure 8. It is tubular and from 10 nm to several millimeters in size.49
important to note that this process reduces dependence on a Esmaeili and Saremnia50 synthesized polyester triblock
surfactant, which is needed for the self-assembly of polymers.42 copolymer polyethylene glycolpolybutyleneadipatepolyethy-
1451 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

lene glycol (PEGPBAPEG) to encapsulate the plant extract PEG-originated amphiphilic block copolymers.5561 The
in the form of nanocapsules. The nanocapsules shell structures copolymers were synthesized from dierent weight-based
were built up by the copolymers, and the olive oil served as a PEGs and various diesters or aliphatic diacids by chemical
core. The plant extracts were loaded into the nanocapsules and enzymatic methods.61,62 The systems design and synthetic
employing the polymer deposition solvent evaporation method. strategy is very exible and provides a high degree of control
They found that the nanocapsules size was aected by a variety over the polymer structures. This allowed tuning of the
of factors, such as the ratio of polymer to oil, concentration of properties of micelle disruption, the critical micelle concen-
polymers, and concentration of plant extract.50 tration, and the size of micelles. The polymer weight as well as
2.1.2. Nanospheres. Nanospheres constitute the active critical micelle concentration inuenced the radius of gyration
nanocarrier system where the active compounds are uniformly (Rg) of copolymers.61 The micellar characteristics depend on
distributed and embedded into the polymeric matrix.10,30 the nature of the block copolymers and structures of the
Although this nanoparticle can be synthesized by implementing hydrophilic block. The radius of gyration increased when the
the methods of nanocapsule synthesis, the polymerization size of the hydrophilic segment also increased. Recently, Koli et
technique plays the key role in the synthesis of this al.63 synthesized PEG-based amphiphilic block copolymers
nanomaterial, for example, emulsion or interfacial polymer- reacting with dierent molecular weights of PEG and 5-
ization. A schematic diagram of nanosphere synthesis is hydroxyisophthalate having a micellar particle size ranging from
presented in Figure 9. For pesticide encapsulation, polymers 26.50 to 85.10 nm. The basic structure of chitosan was also
used for synthesizing novel amphiphilic chitosan derivatives N-
(octadecanol-1-glycidyl ether)-O-sulfate chitosan (NOSCS) to
encapsulate the pesticide rotenone.64 In this scenario,
octadecanol glycidyl ether and sulfate were the hydrophobic
and hydrophilic group sources, respectively. Due to their
amphiphilic properties, NOSCS could form polymeric micelles
by self-assembly in aqueous solution (at a size of 167.7214.0
nm) and rotenone was trapped in the NOSCS micelle solutions
using the reverse micelle method.64 In 2011, Li et al.46
synthesized a copolymer of chitosan in conjugation with
polylactide, namely, chitosan-co-(D,L-lactide) or chitosanPLA.
This copolymer was designed to achieve the amphiphilic nature
of the polymer so that the micelle structure could be easily
formed in aqueous media. The pesticide imidacloprid was
Figure 9. Pesticide-embedded nanosphere synthesis.
encapsulated within the core of the micelle by the nano-
precipitation method. The pesticide-loaded particle size ranged
from 259.6 to 334.6 nm depending on the weight ratio of
such as PCL have shown their potential to encapsulate the copolymers to imidacloprid.46 Feng and Peng65 prepared
pesticides forming nanoparticles. For instance, Forim et al.51 another amphiphilic chitosan derivative, namely, 6-O-carbox-
encapsulated azadirachtin using this polymer, preparing nano- ymethylated chitosan with ricinoleic acid (R-CM-chitosan), to
capsules and nanospheres with average diameters of 150 and encapsulate biocides such as azadirachtin. The particle size of
200 nm, respectively. In an earlier investigation, Boehm et al.52 the encapsulated azadirachtin(R-CM-chitosan) was reported
prepared nanospheres through nanoprecipitation using this to be 200500 nm with a loading eciency of up to 56%.
polymer to encapsulate active ingredients with an average 2.1.4. Nanogels. Nanogels are aqueous dispersions of
diameter of 200250 nm. Adding dierent surfactants did not hydrogel particles formed by physically or chemically cross-
inuence the loading eciency, but they were found to be linked polymer networks in the nanoscale size.66 In a drug
eective for stabilizing the nanospheres containing suspensions delivery system, nanogels have shown their potential as carriers
over 2 months.52 of the active compounds. This is considered to be
2.1.3. Micelles. Micelles are ideal bioactive nanocarriers for unprecedented for common pharmaceutical nanocarriers
encapsulating pesticides, especially for water-insoluble agents. because of their high loading capacity, high stability, and
The amphiphilic block copolymers, polymers, surfactants, etc., responsiveness to environmental factors such as ionic strength,
play a vital role in the formation of micelles. Because of their pH, and temperature.6668 Such properties can be furnished as
amphiphilic properties, the materials are able to self-assemble to per requirement based on the polymers and methods used for
form spherical micelles in an aqueous solution by keeping preparing nanogels. According to Kabanov and Vinogradov,66
hydrophilic ends as the outer shell and the hydrophobic ends as the methods for preparing nanogels are as follows: (i) physical
the core.46,53 In the case of water-soluble copolymers, the assembly of interactive polymers; (ii) polymerization of
formation of micelles can be achieved when two methods are monomers in a homogeneous phase or in a micro- or nanoscale
employed. The rst involves the direct dissolution method in heterogeneous environment; (iii) cross-linking of preformed
which the copolymers are simply added to the aqueous solution polymers; and (iv) template-assisted nanofabrication of nanogel
above their critical micelle concentration. Hydrophobic particles.
pesticides can be trapped in the core during the micelle Nanogels are formed through the controlled aggregation of
formation process. In the second, the lm casting method, lms interactive polymers due to their self-assembly properties in
of copolymers with pesticides are formed and then these lms aqueous media. Water-soluble or hydrophilic polymers are
are solubilized again using dierent approaches.54 modied to create hydrophobic properties, which allow them to
A number of studies have tried to encapsulate commercial interact with each other electrostatically and/or form hydrogen
and biological pesticides into nanomicellar aggregates using bonds among themselves. The nanogels remain in a swollen
1452 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 10. (a) Physical self-assembly of nanogels in aqueous media: (i) aggregation of the hydrophobically modied polymer cholesterolpullulan in
the presence of insulin molecules results in nanogels containing entrapped protein; (ii) mixing of lauryl-modied dextran and a -cyclodextrin
polymer results in the formation of nanogels stabilized through the hostguest binding of the -cyclodextrin and lauryl moieties. (b) Chemical
synthesis of nanogels by copolymerization in colloidal environments: (i) copolymerization of monomers (1) and bifunctional cross-linkers (2) in w/
o microemulsions stabilized by surfactants (3) produces nanogels that can then be transferred into aqueous media after removal of the surfactants
and organic solvent; (ii) copolymerization reactions can also be done in o/w emulsions that can be additionally stabilized by surfactants. Reproduced
with permission from ref 66. Copyright 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH.

condition due to the presence of an ample amount of water, eciency (70%) inuenced by the polymer matrix to oil ratio,
which facilitates loading of active compounds spontaneously as well as the ratios of polymer in the polymeric matrix. The
through electrostatic, van der Waals, and/or hydrophobic average size of the nanogels was in the 335558 nm range.72 In
interaction between active compounds and the polymer matrix. another analysis, nanogels were prepared from a myristic acid
In this way, the active compounds are trapped in the polymer and chitosan mixture to encapsulate the Carum copticum oil.73
matrix while stable nanogel particles are formed. For instance, The oil-loaded nanogels exhibited more fumigant toxicity than
Akiyoshi et al.69 and Daoud-Mahammed et al.70 investigated the free oil over a longer period. To increase the sustained
the formation of nanogels and encapsulation of active release of pheromones for longer periods, nanogels were
compounds (e.g., protein molecules, drug molecules) into it prepared from a low molecular mass gelator.74
through the polymers self-assembly (Figure 10a). To obtain 2.2. Lipid-Based Nanomaterials. Lipid-based nanoma-
nanogels from polymerization of monomers, a heterogeneous terials have been reported as potential delivery systems for
colloidal environment is required, for instance, an emulsion. In bioactive substances with better encapsulating eciency and
this process, the monomers interact with each other, and low toxicity.75,76 Lipid-based nanomaterials have great potential
through copolymerization they encapsulate the active com- to encapsulate the hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and lipophilic
pounds forming micelles. In the cross-linking approach, active ingredients. They regularly facilitate the dispersion of
polymerization occurs between several polymers leaving a hydrophobic AIs in aqueous solutions and absorption of the
bioactive cross-linked chain where the active compounds are bioactive compounds through the cuticle of the insect body. Of
entrapped easily (Figure 10b). In their review paper, Kah and the various types of lipid-based nanoparticles, nanoliposomes
Hofmann21 reported that nanogels may be superior to and solid lipid nanoparticles have already demonstrated their
nanospheres because they are insoluble in water, and the active ecacy to encapsulate pesticidal active ingredients.
compounds have an easy loading and release prole, whereas 2.2.1. Nanoliposomes. Nanoliposomes are the nanometric
Rigogliuso et al.71 claimed that nanogels tend to imbibe water version of liposomes, and they both share similar chemical,
when placed in an aqueous environment and their anity to structural, and thermodynamic properties.77 Along with other
aqueous solutions facilitates superior colloidal stability. Such applications, nanoliposomes are considered to be very ecient
properties also promote the release of active compounds in encapsulating and delivering bioactive substances to targets
through diusion, degradation, and ion displacement depend- of biological, biochemical, pharmacological, and agricultural
ing on level of pH and temperature.66 In addition, aggregation interest.78 With regard to this application, nanoliposomes
can be prevented by introducing hydrophilic polymers in their provide more surface area, increased solubility, and enhanced
structure. Such polymers also act as a protective layer around bioavailability of the active compounds compared to liposomes.
nanogels and prevent phase separation. They also improve the controlled release system and enable
Employing nanogels as a medium to deliver pesticide is a precision targeting of the encapsulated materials.79 Generally,
very recent phenomenon, and only a few studies have been nanoliposomes are vesicles consisting of a bilayer lipid with a
published on it. From the available literature, it was observed watery interior at nanoscale level. Colloidal structures are
that nanogels were synthesized from natural polymers, which is formed by the arrangement of lipids, most commonly
a very good sign for establishing an eco-friendly approach to phospholipids in an aqueous solution.80 The amphiphilic
pest control with the help of nanotechnology. Abreu et al.72 nature of phospholipids is the key factor for developing vesicle
synthesized nanogels from a mixture of chitosan and cashew structure. When the phospholipids are placed in an aqueous
gum to encapsulate Lippia sidoides oil. The essential oil was medium, they form an aggregated complex to defend
loaded into the nanogels via the spray-drying method. They hydrophobic tails (acyl chain) from water molecules, whereas
reported that nanogels demonstrated a high encapsulation the hydrophilic heads maintain a close association with aqueous
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

phase. With sucient energy input, these aggregated saturated acyl chains such as disteroylphosphatidylcholine or
phospholipids rearrange among themselves and form nano- hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine.76 In fact, the cholester-
capsules such as bilayer vesicles or nanoliposomes (Figure 11). ols are incorporated into the phospholipid membrane to
increase the shape stability of the liposomal vesicles by
modulating the uidity of the lipid bilayer. The impregnated
cholesterol, rst, prevents the crystallization of the acyl chains
of phospholipids and, second, provides steric hindrance to their
movement, which enhances the shape stability of the
nanoliposomes and reduces the permeability of lipid membrane
to the solutes. Moreover, the cholesterol prevents peroxidation
and acyl-ester hydrolysis of the liposome membrane by drying
Figure 11. Formation of a nanoliposome. the lipidwater interface.84,85 In the absence of stabilizing
agents the liposomes or nanoliposomes structures are not
Without adequate energy the vesicle will not form and, instead, stable due to their geometrical constraints.
a at membrane-like structure will develop.81 The energy can So far, various methods have been investigated to stabilize
be supplied in various forms to achieve thermodynamic the nanosized liposomes to prolong their shelf life. These
equilibrium in the aqueous phase; on the basis of these forms include lyophilization, freeze-drying, spray-drying, and super-
of energy inputs, various preparation methods have been critical uid (SCF) technology.8689 Of these methods,
developed. The methods can be classied as mechanical and lyophilization proved to be the best one for stabilization.90 In
nonmechanical.78 Some common mechanical methods are this case, the phase transition can be avoided by adding
sonication/ultrasonication, high-pressure homogenization, ex- lyoprotectants. Sugars such as monosaccharides, disaccharides,
trusion method, microuidization, heating method, colloid mill, polysaccharides, or even synthetic saccharides can be used as
and others, whereas nonmechanical methods may include lyoprotectants, and among the disaccharides, trehalose proved
reversed-phase evaporation and depletion of mixed detergent to be the most eective.91
lipid micelles. The various preparation methods of nano- Furthermore, coatings with polymers and various parameters
liposomes were described elsewhere.77,78,82 in the synthesis process signicantly aect size, surface charge,
Addition of other molecules such as sterols into the dispersibility, and even encapsulation ecacy. For instance,
nanoliposome bilayers can bring about major changes in their Bang et al.92 utilized lecithin (phosphatidylcholine) and
properties. The most widely used sterol in the manufacture of cholesterol for the synthesis of nanosized liposomes to
the lipid vesicles is cholesterol. It does not play any role in the encapsulate the pesticide etofenprox. Lecithin served as an
formation of the bilayer structure, but it can be impregnated amphiphilic compound, and cholesterol acted as a shape
into the phospholipid membrane in a very high concentration stabilizer during the preparation of nanoliposomes. The
(Figure 12). For example, cholesterol can be incorporated at nanoliposomes were prepared by employing an ultrasonic
homogenization technique where the size of prepared lip-
osomes was reduced (up to 150 nm) by elevating the ratio of
lecithin and extending homogenization time (26 min). The
surface charge was positive (10.3 mV), whereas the liposomes
were coated with chitosan (molecular weight, 30000 Da; 0.2%,
w/v), and the low molecular weight chitosan (0.1%, w/v)
coated nanoliposomes had a lower absolute value of zeta-
potential compared to the high molecular weight chitosan
(0.1%, w/v) coated nanoliposomes. The surface charges
Figure 12. Liposomal molecule and how the cholesterol moiety inserts
into a liposome. Reprinted with permission from ref 83. Copyright changed from positive to negative by a secondary coating
2014 Elsevier B.V. with alginic acid (21.8 mV). The size was also remarkably
changed in the 30 nm range after a secondary coating with
alginic acid (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%, w/v). However, their pesticide
1:1 or even 2:1 molar ratios to phospholipids such as encapsulation ecacy declined slightly with a larger concen-
phosphatidylcholine. When the optimum level of cholesterol tration of chitosan (0.10.5%, w/v).92 In another study, Hwang
is present, the membrane defects of liposome can be et al.93 reported that the size of nanoliposomes varied with the
minimized, whereas the liposomes are prepared using long ratio and molecular weight of coating material (chitosan).

Figure 13. Schematic representation of (a) water-soluble active compounds at the inner core of liposomes and (b) liposomes with the drug
latanoprost incorporated into the lipid bilayer (reprinted with permission from ref 94).

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In terms of encapsulation, nanoliposomes are exible in compound in the melted lipid.97 In the hot homogenization
nature and able to encapsulate both hydrophilic (or water- method, a hot O/W emulsion is obtained by dispersing the
soluble) and hydrophobic or lipid-soluble molecules.80 During active compound loaded melted lipid into an aqueous
vesicle formation the hydrophilic molecules are trapped along surfactant solution. Generally, the lipids are melted at 510
with aqueous media in the inner core of vesicles (Figure 13a), C above their melting point and passed through a high-
whereas the lipophilic molecules are incorporated into pressure homogenizer after dissolving or dispersing the active
liposomal bilayers (Figure 13b). Utilizing these encapsulation compounds at the same temperature for successful emulsion
mechanisms, both the water-soluble and -insoluble active preparation. The SLNs are formed after this emulsion has been
ingredients can be delivered simultaneously. This may facilitate cooled. The cooling process that leads to recrystallization of
the application of multipesticide application (both contact and lipid results in active compounds being trapped in the solid
systemic), which will combat a wide range of agricultural pests. lipid.
However, high costs, low payload, and comparatively faster Recrystallization can also be initiated by lyophilization.95
release of active ingredients are the disadvantages of this carrier Lyophilization is generally a promising technique to improve
material.75 the chemical and physical stability of SLNs. In the hot
2.2.2. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs). SLNs were homogenization process, hydrophilic active compounds are lost
introduced in 1991 and are considered to be a promising to the water phase and not able to be incorporated into the
colloidal carrier material in controlled-delivery systems.95 In the solid matrix. To overcome such problems, the cold
available literature, SLNs were reported as being a superior homogenization process can be employed. It is similar to the
carrier material relative to other nanocarrier materials such as hot homogenization process in that active compounds are
polymeric nanoparticles, liposomes, nanoemulsions, and nano- dispersed into the melted lipid. However, before dispersing into
suspensions in colloidal systems.9598 It has been reported that aqueous surfactant solution, the melted lipids are solidied
SLNs can retain the benecial properties of other colloidal through cooling and ground with a mortar mill. Usually, the
carriers and have no disadvantages in terms of physical and obtained milled lipid microparticles are dispersed in cold
chemical storage stability, toxicity, loading capacity, production surfactant solution and then homogenized at low temperature
scale, target-oriented releasing properties, feasibility, etc.96 For to obtain the SLNs. The solid state of the matrix minimizes the
the synthesis of SLNs general ingredients are required, and partitioning of active compounds to the water, but if the phase
these include lipids that are solid at room and physiological separation occurs during the cooling process, then the active
temperatures, surfactant(s)/emulsier(s), and water.98 The compound enriched-shell may form, whereas the active
SLN may be either semicrystalline or crystalline, solid lipid compound enriched-core may be obtained if the active
spherical nanostructure substances, which are stabilized by compounds start to precipitate rst. On the basis of the
surfactants.99 The lipid includes triglycerides, partial glycerides, preparation strategies and nature of formulation components,
fatty acids, steroids, and waxes. The choice of emulsiers or three types of distributions of active compounds can be
surfactants needed to stabilize the aqueous lipid dispersion observed in the SLNs, that is, homogeneously distributed into
depends on the type of lipid utilized for the synthesis of SLN. lipid matrix or concentrated either to shell or to the core lipid
Various emulsiers that dier in terms of charge and molecular of SLNs (Figure 15).
weight can be used, but phospholipids may be one of the best
choices, for example, soybean lecithin or egg lecithin. A
schematic illustration of SLN structure is presented in Figure
14. Initially, the preparation of SLN began with methods

Figure 15. Structural models for the incorporation of bioactive

components into SLNs. Adapted and modied from refs 76 and 95.

The active compound loading capacity of SLNs is aected by

various factors such as solubility of active compounds in the
melting lipid, chemical and physical structures of solid lipid
Figure 14. Schematic illustrations of SLN structure. Adapted and matrix, and the polymeric state of lipid material.76 The
modied from ref 100. solubility of active compounds can be increased by introducing
the solubilizers as mono- and diglycerides. Such a mixture of
glycerides with dierent fatty acids exhibits amorphous zones
described by Samuni et al.85 To date, various methods such as processed with various chain lengths and degree of
high-pressure homogenization, microemulsion, and nano- unsaturation, which enhances the solubility of active com-
precipitation have already been developed for the synthesis of pounds and increases their loading capacity. The chemical
SLNs and described elsewhere.96,101,102 Of these methods, properties of lipid and especially crystallinity are also important
high-pressure homogenization is the most commonly imple- in the loading of active compounds, which can be enhanced by
mented technique for large-scale production of SLNs.103 In this utilizing such lipids to form highly crystalline particles with
particular technique two main processes are implemented as perfect lattice. The crystallization process of lipids plays an
either hot homogenization or cold homogenization. Both eective role in stabilizing SLN suspensions, and the
methods have the same initial preparation, which includes crystallization process of lipids in nanoparticles is dierent
dispersion or dissolving or solubilization of the active compared to bulk lipid material. In nanoparticles the lipids are
1455 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

recrystallized at least partially in form, whereas bulk lipids are porous hollow silica nanoparticles (PHSNs or HSNs). The
recrystallized preferentially in form and rapidly transform pesticides are encapsulated by the MSNs or HSNs without
into form. Basically, the -crystalline form of nanolipid is forming any noncovalent binding between the active
unstable and alters to a more stable form.104 Fathi et al.76 compounds and silica (SiO2) nanoparticles. This process
reported that for the production of stable SLN suspensions involves the adsorption of active compounds within the
delaying the polymorphic transition from to form is mesopores of silica nanoparticles. To deliver the pesticide as
required. This delay can be achieved by changing the surfactant part of this process, the synthesis of porous silica is rst
or fat types that crystallize prior to lipid phase.105107 Awad et required.
al.108 reported that polymorphic transformation from to For the synthesis of MSNs, the amphiphilic surfactant
form can be retarded by adjusting the heating or cooling rates. provides the basic structure on which the deposition and
Achieving physical stability in colloidal suspension of SLNs condensation of SiO2 take place. The mesoporous structures in
requires specic surface charge as well as storage at low the SiO2 are obtained by removing these surfactants (Figure
temperatures.109 The charged nanoparticles are prevented from 16). Various factors such as the amount of starting materials
being aggregated due to electric repulsion. The surface charge
can be measured by zeta-potential and optimized by changing
the surfactant composition. Steric stability with a zeta-potential
value of >89 mV is required for their proper stabilization.
However, the application of SLNs in pesticide delivery is not
well managed and still in its infancy. Only a few studies were
found in which the pesticidal active ingredients were
successfully loaded into the SLNs. For example, Lai et al.110
prepared SLN-based pesticide formulations by applying the
high-pressure homogenization technique. The ecological
pesticide Artemisia arborescens L. essential oils were loaded
into lipid as Compritol 888 ATO and stabilized by surfactants
such as Poloxamer 188 or Miranol Ultra C32.110
2.3. Porous Inorganic Nanomaterials. The search for an
appropriate carrier material or encapsulation with suitable
properties for controlled release is a persistent theme in
pesticide application.111 In recent years the synthesis of
inorganic porous nanomaterials with interesting hierarchical
morphologies has attracted much attention because of their
potential application in a wide range of industrial and biological Figure 16. Schematic of silica nanosphere formation. CPB,
cetylpyridinium bromide; TEOS, tetraethyl orthosilicate. Reprinted
pursuits. When nanotechnology was rst introduced to the with permission from ref 115. Copyright 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag
pesticide industry, research focused on producing nanosized GmbH.
pesticide formulations through coatings with biodegradable
polymers. However, these polymer-coated nanopesticides suer
from various limitations such as poor thermal and chemical and their ratio signicantly aect pore sizes, particle sizes,
stability, rapid elimination by the plant enzyme system, and morphologies, and porous structure of MSNs. The amount of
degradation of some polymers, resulting in the formation of pesticide loading generally varies according to the structural
acidic monomers and decreased pH value within the polymer properties of MSNs. For example, Popat et al.114 loaded
matrix.112 Currently, their utilization is increasing gradually due pesticides such as imidacloprid into the pores of dierent
to a number of available sources, easy to modify surfaces, and MSNs (namely, MCM-41, SBA-15, IBN-1, and MCM-48) by
easier synthesis techniques, such as the self-assembly of simply suspending the MSNs nanoparticles in the imidacloprid
amphiphilic copolymers. In comparison to polymeric nano- solutions for 24 h. Their investigation found that pore sizes,
encapsulated materials (organic nanomaterials), inorganic morphologies, and mesoporous structures of these MSNs
nanoencapsulation materials oer a nontoxic, biocompatible, aected their adsorption capacities (mg g1) of imdacloprid
and stable alternative and have been used for controlled-release (Table 1). Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with a three-
applications.113 On the basis of the available literature, it dimensional (3D) open network structure displayed a better
emerged that of the inorganic nanomaterials, porous materials adsorption capacity than the two-dimensional structure where
are the most signicant in terms of encapsulating bioactive the increased surface area enhanced pesticide loading into the
compounds. In terms of pesticide delivery, porous silica 3D mesoporous structure.114 Pesticides can also be loaded into
nanoparticles are the most prominent as encapsulating the pores of MSNs through deposition. A pesticide can be
materials among the porous nanomaterials. deposited by suspending the MSNs into the pesticide solution
2.3.1. Porous Silica Nanoparticles. The synthesis of silica- following the solvent evaporation process. For instance,
based porous materials began with the successful production of Wanyika116 encapsulated a fungicide, namely, metalaxyl, by
mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs), known as MCM- suspending MSNs in the aqueous suspension of the pesticide
41. So far, the synthesis of dierent porous silicas has advanced where the active compounds were deposited into the MSNs
rapidly for drug delivery due to their controllable morphologies, through evaporating aqueous solvent after loading the pesticide
mesostructures, and porosities, high level of biocompatibility, solution into the MSNs.
and ease of fuctionalization.114 Depending on their surface On the other hand, the templating method is the most widely
structure and interior design, porous silica nanoparticles are implemented method for decorating the mesoporous silica
grouped as mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) and nanoparticles with a hollow structure.117 A wide range of hard
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Table 1. Physicochemical Characteristics of Dierent Types h via SFDL, whereas 14 days was required to load only 25% wt
of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles and Their Adsorption with the simple immersing method.122
Capacities of Imidacloprid (Data Taken from Reference The pesticidal active compounds can also be encapsulated by
114) the porous silica nanoparticles during synthesis of HSNs.
Dierent soft templates including emulsion droplets are utilized
SBET DP VP adsorption capacity
type of MSN (m2 g1) (nm) (cm3 g1) (mg g1) to decorate the porous silica with a hollow structure. Generally,
the pesticides are dissolved into the water phase or oil phase
MCM-41 1020 2.4 1.03 3
MCM-41-Imi 754 2.0 0.50
during synthesis and then directly encapsulated into the hollow
SBA-15 505 6.5 0.84 4
interior during synthesis. Qian et al.24 encapsulated tebucona-
SBA-15-Imi 415 5.1 0.75
zole (fungicide) into the porous hollow silica nanospheres
IBN-1 919 11.0 0.86 7
during synthesis through the formation of miniemulsion, where
IBN-1-Imi 700 10.2 0.70
the emulsion droplets functioned as a soft template for the
MCM-48 1250 2.0 1.35 16
synthesis of HSNs. In addition, surface functionalization of
MCM-48-Imi 650 1.8 0.50
HSNs can be an eective tool for improving adsorption
capacity where the active compounds are absorbed by the
templates as well as soft templates have been used to generate surface of silica nanoparticles.124
hollow interior structures, whereas other additives such as 2.4. Clay-Based Nanomaterials and Layered Double
surfactants, swelling agents, or even codirecting agents play the Hydroxides (LDHs). The use of clays in agricultural and
signicant role of organizing the pore channel in the silica environmental scenarios is well-known and contributes to the
shell.118,119 In this process, initially a coreshell structure welfare of human and living organisms. Nanoclays are
develops where the template acts as the core and the shell is considered to be economically viable materials and provide
formed by condensation of silica over the core materials. great opportunities for developing multifunctional nanocarrier
Finally, HSNs are achieved by eradicating these templates and materials and their applications in life and material sciences. In
additive materials (Figure 17). For this reason the process is agricultural applications, the eects of clay materials and LDHs
are similar. Due to higher layer charge densities, strong
electrostatic forces are produced between the brucite-type
sheets and anions, which prevent LDHs from swelling and
resulting in more stable particle size than the clay minerals.125
Furthermore, several studies have investigated clay nano-
particles, indicating that functionalization of clay nanoparticles
Figure 17. Procedures for preparing porous hollow silica nano- with dierent polymers and surfactants is essential to
particles. Reprinted with permission from ref 120. Copyright 2005 manipulate the electrostatic interactions between chemical
Society of Chemical Industry. Published by Wiley and Sons. loading and the clay particles.126 In contrast, due to the positive
charge of LDHs, anionic compounds can be intercalated into
the layers of LDHs.
also known as the sacricial templating method. HSNs have a 2.4.1. Clay Nanomaterials. Nanoclays are ne-grained
vast empty space, which provides a higher loading capacity materials belonging to the wider group of minerals commonly
compared with MSNs.117 HSNs act as carrier materials for both described as naturally occurring aluminum silicates or hydrous
oil-soluble and water-soluble pesticides, and loading eciency silicates with sheet-like structures. The sheet-structured
depends on their morphological features. The pesticide loading hydrous silicates are generally termed phyllosilicates,127 which
ecacy can also be increased by improving the loading are very important because they build the structure of
methods. For example, Chen et al.121 synthesized HSNs individual clay minerals. The phyllosilicates constituted a
using the hard template as nano-CaCO3, which had a particle layered structure of two types of sheets, specically tetrahedral
size of around 100 nm and a pore size of 4.5 nm. Later they silicate and octahedral aluminum. The diversity of clay minerals
encapsulated both oil-soluble and water-soluble pesticides, depends on the arrangement of these sheets in the layer.
namely, avermectin and validamycin, respectively, in Depending on this arrangement, clays can be categorized as 1:1
HSNs.120,122 The pesticide avermectin was loaded into the type of clay (e.g., kaolinite), 2:1 type of clay (e.g.,
HSNs by employing the simple immersion method, and the montmorillonite), and 2:1:1 type of clay (e.g., chlorite). The
amount of pesticide loadings reached 58.3% (w/w).120 1:1 type of clay layer consists of one tetrahedral sheet and one
Pesticide loading by simple immersion takes longer to reach octahedral sheet, and the 2:1 type consists of two tetrahedral
the point of adsorption saturation; for example, for avermectin sheets along with one octahedral sheet, forming a sandwich-like
this process took 2 weeks. This was due to the tiny nanosized structure. The 2:1:1 type of clay is formed when one octahedral
pore in the shell of silica nanoparticles. It is expected that the sheet is added to the 2:1 type of clay. The thickness of the
open pore network and hollow interior of PHSNs will facilitate layers of primary clay particles is in the nanometer range, and
the transport of vapors and gases through the entire volume of consequently clay and clay minerals may be regarded as
the material, and pressure can be an important variable that will nanomaterials of geological and pedological origins, although
enhance the adsorption.123 On the basis of this mechanism, Liu their length varies in the millimeter range.128 For instance, the
et al.122 loaded the pesticide validamycin using the supercritical thickness of the elementary layers of smectites can vary from
uid drug loading (SFDL) process. It was observed that this 0.96 to 1.50 nm but by a few tenths to hundreds of nanometers
process improved the loading capacity and decreased the in length and width.129 However, the thickness of the
adsorption saturation period compared to the simple elementary layers varies from clay to clay minerals. The clay
immersion method. At a weight ratio of validamycin to layers are attracted by each other and may be joined together in
PHSNs of 2:1, 36% wt of validamycin was loaded within 9 a clay crystallite due to van der Waals force, interlayer cations,
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

electrostatic force, or hydrogen bonding,130 leaving an cation in this process.136 Depending on the interaction between
interlayer space that is known as the gallery (Figure 18). The the clay and active compounds, dierent R groups are selected
to modify these clays. To achieve proper organophilic
properties, at least 12 carbons containing the alkyl chain are
required, and this will favor the expansion of the interlayer
space.135 For example, in montmorillonite the interlayer space
expanded 23 nm while modied with dierent alkyl-
ammonium.137 The maximum expansion or swelling occurs
when the organic liquids possess high polarity and high
organophilic characteristics. In the case of low-polar hydro-
carbons the inlayer spaces expand through utilizing small
amounts of polar compounds such as alcohol, esters, or
aldehyde. With this mechanism a wide range of organic
compounds is intercalated into the organoclay minerals. The
expanding interlayer spaces also facilitate the intercalation of
neutral organic compounds due to their organophilic environ-
The clay or organoclay minerals can also be modied with
Figure 18. Structure of sodium montmorillonite (2:1 type) of clay polymers forming polymerclay nanocomposites. Depending
minerals. Adapted and modied from ref 131. on the state of layered silicates, polymerclay nanocomposites
are formed as conventional nanocomposites, intercalated
active compounds are mainly encapsulated into this interlayer nanocomposites, and exfoliated nanocomposites (Figure 20).
space or gallery. The penetration of active compounds into the
interlayer space is also known as intercalation.132
In several ways, the clay materials can interact with organic
compounds such as cation exchange, ligand exchange, hydro-
phobic interaction, hydrogen bonding, protonation, cation
bridging, and water sorption technique.133 The intercalation of
active compounds is aected by several parameters such as
exchangeable cations, distance between interlayers, and
existence of water molecules between the layers.134 Addition-
ally, the clay minerals can be modied in various ways (Figure
19). The modications of clay minerals can enrich them with

Figure 19. Dierent modied clays: (a) organoclay; (b) polymerclay

nanocomposite; (c) pillared clay; (d) heat-treated clay; (e) acid-
treated clay.

advanced properties such as specic surface area, porosity,

hydrophilic character, and charge density. Such properties may
embellish their capacity to intercalate or encapsulate the active Figure 20. Three idealized structures of polymer/layered silicate
molecules into the interlayers more eectively. composites with their WAXD patterns and TEM images. Reprinted
Clay minerals can be modied as organoclay by replacing the with permission from ref 138. Copyright 2006 Indian Academy of
interlayer inorganic exchangeable cations of layered silicates Sciences.
with organic cations through ion exchange reactions. Organic
cations penetrate into the interlayer space and form stable X-ray diraction (XRD) patterns and associated basal spacing
organicinorganic compounds due to the bonding mechanism, can give an idea about the state of nanocomposites. In a
for example, electrostatic force between the organic cations and conventional nanocomposite the polymers are unable to enter
charged clay layers. The van der Waals attractions between the interlayer space and the basal spacing remains unchanged.
adjacent organic species themselves along with the silicate However, when the polymers are intercalated, the basal spacing
surface also enhance their stability.135 Extensive studies have increases. In the case of exfoliated nanocomposites the XRD
shown that replacement of natural inorganic interlayer cations fails to determine the basal space. However, the formation of
with selected organic cations enhanced their organophilicity polymerclay nanocomposites is inuenced by their prepara-
and sorptive capability and expanded the interlayer space. tion methods. Chen et al.139 reported that exfoliated nano-
Organic quaternary ammonium (R4N+X) containing alkyl, composites are mainly synthesized via the in situ polymer-
phenyl, benzyl, and pyridyl groups is the most commonly used ization and solution method, whereas it is easier to synthesize
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intercalated nanocomposites with the melt processing method. morphology of thermally modied bentonite and its interaction
For instance, a molten low-polar polymer such as polystyrene with pesticide. They found that the mesopore (diameter = 2
can be directly intercalated into the alkyl-ammonium modied 50 nm) volume of calcinated bentonite increased above 450 C,
smectites.140 Coexisting exfoliated and intercalated nano- whereas the micropore volume decreased. They also mentioned
composites can also be observed. that pesticide molecules interact with aluminum ions or
Some other methods of polymerclay nanocomposite oligomeric hydroxoaluminum cations, which enriched at the
formation may be covulcanization, solid state intercalation, edges of the silicates due to the heat treatment.143 The
solgel, emulsion, supercritical CO2 uid methods, and depopulation of octahedral sheets and amorphous silica was
others.139 When the polymers are derived from a natural observed, whereas clay minerals were treated with acid.
source such as starch, cellulose, or their derivatives, such as Increased surface area, high porosity, and acidic characters
chitosan and gelatin, the composites are termed bio-nano- were also noted in acid-treated clay minerals. In their
composites. The biopolymers are considered to be eco-friendly investigation, Fernandez-Perez et al.144,145 obtained better
polymers and can be used as an alternative to conventional pesticide formulations of diuron and carbofuran when natural
polymers for environmental application. They are able to and acid-treated bentonite were incorporated into the
synthesize the nanocomposites similarly to conventional formulations. The properties of modied clays and sub-
polymer. For example, Chevillard et al.141 prepared new sequently their applications strongly depend on the structural
pesticide formulations combining Ethofumesate (model arrangement of those nanohybrid materials and the mecha-
pesticide) and polymerclay nanocomposites via the bi-vis nisms involved in the clayorganic interactions. Despite their
extrusion process. The nanocomposites were designed with availability in nature, utilization of commercially available
wheat gluten and three montmorillonites (MMT), that is, surface-modied clay minerals and in particular montmor-
unmodied MMT (HPS) and two surfactant-modied MMTs illonite is common in application-based research. In their
(C30B and D72T). In their investigation, well-dispersed review paper, Majeed et al.127 documented several commer-
nanoclays were observed in TEM pictures (Figure 21), which cially available clay minerals along with surface modiers.
indicated that wheat gluten was able to interact with modied Various methodologies have been established for synthesizing
and unmodied MMT, and a well-intercalatedexfoliated clay materials such as the solgel method, microemulsion
nanocomposite structure was formed.141 method, layer-by-layer deposition method, sonication techni-
que, and others.148 Nevertheless, both natural and synthetic
clay nanoparticles suer from crystalline impurities and require
time-consuming preparation to remove them. However, more
investigation is required on how to improve synthesis
procedures. The properties of clay minerals can be modied,
and they may synthesize more clay nanomaterial eectively
with improved features and morphology. Such clay nanoma-
terials may ourish when they are applied to pesticide delivery
in the near future. For instance, Lvov et al.147 derived halloysite
clay nanotube with an average diameter of 50 nm, length of 500
nm, and a 20 nm diameter hollow inner core (Figure 22).
Figure 21. TEM pictures of wheat gluten-based materials containing Halloysites are economically viable and on the basis of toxicity,
Ethofumesate lled with unmodied MMT (WG-HPS-E) and
organically modied MMMT (WG-C30B-E and WG-D72T-E).
biocompatibility, and availability, they are a promising nano-
Reprinted with permission from ref 141. Copyright 2012 Elsevier material compared to carbon nanotubes.146 However, their
Science B.V. application as a nanoencapsulation material for pesticide
delivery requires further investigation.
2.4.2. Layered Double Hydroxides. LDHs are natural and
The hydrophilic properties of the clay minerals surface can synthetic materials of anionic lamellar compounds made up of
be achieved through hydration of exchangeable cations and in positively charged brucite-type layers of mixed metal
the presence of SiOH clay mineral groups. When water is hydroxides.149,150 Their positively charged layer structure
absent, the clay minerals have a higher anity to the exhibits a variety of stacking faults that generate many dierent
hydrophobic compounds.138 The hydrophilic surface of the polytypes, which are characterized by a wide chemical
clay minerals can become hydrophobic during the modication composition range.125 The hydroxide ions connect with each
of clay minerals as pillared clay with a suitable pillaring agent. other and play the key role of forming innite two-dimensional
Both the inorganic and organic compounds can be used as a nanosheets with a thickness of around 1 nm and a lateral size
pillar. The pillared clays can be prepared according to a simple ranging from sub-micrometer to several tens of micrometers.
procedure of replacing exchangeable cations (Ca2+ or Na+) into The hydroxide ions remain at the vertexes of the shared
the interlayer space with large polyoxocations of a multivalent octahedral where the metal cations occupy the central position
metal such as Al, Si, Cr, or Zr in which the platelets are (Figure 23). The generic formula of LDHs has been
separated from each other by hydroxy-oxides pillars. In this represented in the literature as [M2+1xM3+x(OH)2][An]x/n
way, the pillared clays possess a porous structure with a high zH2O, where M2+ and M3+ denote cations such as M2+ = Mg2+,
surface area.142 In their analysis, Gerstl et al.142 prepared Zn2+ or Ni2+ and M3+ = Al3+, Ga3+, Fe3+, or Mn3+; An is a
pillared clay modifying the sodium montmorillonite with nonframework charge compensating inorganic or organic
Al(OH)x, and the herbicide alachlor was successfully loaded anions, for example, CO32, NO3, Cl, SO42, or RCO2;
into the interlayer of pillared clays. and x is the mole fraction of M3+.150152 LDHs are considered
The clay materials can also be modied with heat treatment to be multifunctional nanomaterials153155 and have several
or acid treatment. Bojemueller et al.143 investigated the attractive features, for instance, tunable properties in layer
1459 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 22. (a, b) TEM images of halloysite nanotubes dispersed in water. SEM image of (c) layer-by-layer nanocoating with (PEI/halloysite)3
multilayer (top view) and (d) halloysite nanotube coated with PEI/PSS + (PEI/7 nm silica)2 shell. Reprinted with permission from refs 146 and 147.
Copyright 2002 Elsevier. (e) SEM cross-section view of the PEI/PSS/PEI + (halloysite/PEI)2 + (PEI/silica/PEI/halloysite)3 multilayer and (f)
TEM image of the halloysite G tubule cross section. Reprinted with permission from ref 147. Copyright 2002 Elsevier.

Figure 23. Schematic representation of the structure of layered double

hydroxides (LDHs). Reproduced from ref 150 (open access journal).

charge density, particle size, and morphology.150 They also

possess good biocompatibility and low toxicity. Along with
these features, their easy synthesis methods have drawn
attention to their use as a nanocarrier material in drug delivery
systems.150 To date, various methods have been developed for Figure 24. Dierent ways to incorporate active compounds into LDH
synthesizing nanosized LDH sheets or platelets based on nanomaterials. Adapted and modied from refs 152 and 157.
delamination or top down and controlled nucleation or
bottom up approaches.151 However, size, shape, and
morphological features with corresponding synthesis methods release intercalated pesticide formulations. The soil compatible
have been reported elsewhere.154,156 Several methods have also nature of LDHs makes them good candidates for pesticide
been established for loading active compounds or biomolecules delivery and serves as a matrix for encapsulating or entrapping
into the interlayers of LDH nanosheets, which can be expressed the pesticide. In their investigation, Cardoso et al.158
as LDHnanohybrids/nanocomposites.150,152,157 Some of the intercalated anionic herbicides 2,4-D, MCPA, and picloram
more promising routes are depicted in Figure 24. Dierent into MgAl-LDH using three dierent routes as direct synthesis
drug-loading methods used for encapsulating or intercalating (SD) by the coprecipitation method, regeneration method
the drugs for the synthesis of drugLDH nanohybrids/ (RE), and ion-exchange method (IE). The basal spacing
nanocomposites have advanced their utilization in agriculture, obtained from powder X-ray diraction (PXRD) patterns of
especially in agrochemical delivery systems. LDHherbicide complexes indicated their structural dier-
The development of controlled/slow-release pesticide ences synthesized via dierent methods (Table 2). The basal
formulations utilizing LDHs is a recent phenomenon. Their spacing may vary depending on the surface charge density.
high buering capacity, high water retention ability, acid- However, the amounts of intercalated pesticide were similar for
neutralizing potentials, and high anity to ubiquitous carbonate each synthesis method.158 LDHs were also found to be eective
ions may facilitate the preparation of complete and controlled- for encapsulating the natural bioactive compound. Park et al.159
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Table 2. Basal Spacing () of LDHHerbicide Complexes better potential than microencapsulation. Currently, intensive
Prepared with Three Dierent Methods (Data Taken from research studies are developing a variety of nanoencapsulated
Reference 158) pesticide formulations such as microemulsions, nanoemulsions,
and nanosuspensions to avoid the disadvantages of available
synthesis method
commercial pesticides. So far, several commercial brands of
direct synthesis regeneration ion exchange encapsulated pesticide formulations (Primo MAXX, Banner
sample (DS) (RE) (IE)
MAXX, Subdue MAXX, Apron MAXX, etc.) are commercially
2,4-DLDH 19.02 19.36 19.42 available on the market manufactured by some world-leading
MCPALDH 18.43 19.19 19.24 pesticide companies such as BASF, Bayer Crop Science, and
picloramLDH 16.72 16.44 16.35 Syngenta.16 In the previous section we noted dierent
nanoencapsulation materials that were successfully used to
evaluated the potential of LDHs as an encapsulated material for encapsulate the active ingredients. In this section, we focus on
a natural antibiotic, cinnamate, which also serves as a fungicide. dierent liquid-based or colloidal nanopesticide formulations in
Cinnamate was intercalated using the coprecipitation method, which the active ingredients have been formulated in the
where the intercalated amount was 42 wt %.159 nanoscale range through encapsulation using dierent surface
2.5. Other Nanoencapsulation Materials. Besides the materials.
above-mentioned nanoencapsulation materials, other nanoma- 3.1. Microemulsion. In pesticide formulation, micro-
terials have the potential to be eective carriers for pesticide emulsions are considered to be optically transparent or
delivery, for instance, poly(citric acid) grafted carbon nano- translucent dispersions of pesticides either in water or in oil
tube.160 On this theme, nanoencapsulation materials used for and solubilized by additives such as surfactant. This system
drug delivery and bioactive food ingredients indicated their belongs to the isotropic solution of two immiscible liquids,
potential to be eective carriers for pesticide delivery as well. where they are dispersed and stabilized by the interfacial lm of
Some potential nanoencapsulation materials are polymer- an appropriate surfactant or mixture of surfactants with droplet
somes,161 nanostructured lipid carriers,75,76,97 niosomes,162 sizes smaller than 100 nm.170173 Various size ranges have been
dendrimers,163 and inorganic porous materials such as porous reported in the literature, and microemulsions consist of three
nano-CaCO3,164,165 nano-zeolite,166 and so on. basic components: oil, surfactants, and water.174 Mixtures of
these components can be arranged in dierent ways and form
3. NANOENCAPSULATED PESTICIDE FORMULATIONS various phases such as water continuous, oil continuous, or
Pesticide formulation is a complex term indicating a mixture of bicontinuous phases (Figure 25). These phase formations
dierent materials such as active ingredients, solvents, surface
active ingredients, and stabilizers. Of these materials, the active
ingredients are responsible only for controlling target pests,
whereas other materials such as dierent organic solvents,
surface active ingredients (stickers or spreaders), and stabilizers
help maintain their solubility and stability and improve their
pesticidal activity ( The
materials other than active ingredients are collectively known
as inert ingredients. Conventional pesticides are formulated as
follows: emulsiable concentrates (ECs), ready-to-use low- Figure 25. Schematic representation of the three most commonly
concentrate solutions (RTU) and ultralow-volume concentrates encountered microemulsion microstructures: (a) oil-in-water; (b)
(ULV), suspension concentrates (SC), soluble concentrates bicontinuous; (c) water-in-oil microemulsion. Reprinted with
(SL), microencapsulates (ME), soluble powders (SP or WSP), permission from ref 175. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V.
wettable powders (WP), water-dispersible granules (WG),
dusts (D), pellets (PE), granules (GR), tablets (TA), baits depend on their composition, especially with reference to
(BA), gels (GE), dry owables (DF), aerosol (A), etc.167 On concentration, nature, arrangement of the molecules, and
the basis of the nature and properties of these formulations, environmental condition.176 Generally, the term used is
they are applied directly or processed as a solution, suspension, microemulsion (O/W microemulsion) when the oil phase is
or emulsion prior to their application. dispersed into the water phase, whereas the term reverse
Safer and more convenient pesticide formulations are basic microemulsion (W/O microemulsion) is employed to indicate
requirements, and this remains a controversial issue. Seaman168 opposite phase dispersion. No high-energy input is required for
reviewed the trends in the formulation of pesticides and noted forming a microemulsion; rather, the microemulsions are
that ECs and WP are no longer accepted by farmers and formed spontaneously by the action of appropriate surfactants
registration authorities. Conversely, suspension concentrates or emulsiers when these phases are brought into contact
are now commonly used in practice. The author also asserted under gentle stirring.177,178 The surfactants are amphiphilic in
that water-dispersible granules and emulsions in water are nature and comprise a polar headgroup and an apolar tail
receiving increasing attention, as capsule suspensions and region. When surfactants are introduced into immiscible
polymeric surfactants work better and more safely in favorable mixtures of oil and water, the surfactant molecules can locate
cases, allowing microencapsulation to occur.168 Because the at the oil/water interface and may form a monolayer by
droplet sizes are larger, microencapsulated pesticides retain dissolving hydrophobic tails in the oil phase and the hydrophilic
poor stability after dilution, and the controlled release of head groups in the aqueous phase. On the basis of this
pesticides is aected by their wide shell thickness.16,169 In mechanism, in recent times microemulsion preparations using
recent years, pesticides have been formulated more eciently block copolymers have drawn attention for their utility as
with the help of nanotechnology. Such formulations have much alternative types of surfactants. In addition, cosurfactants have
1461 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

been commonly implemented in microemulsion techniques. well as formulations free of toxic organic solvents (e.g., xylene,
Cosurfactants are also amphiphilic in nature and able to toluene).178 Despite these advantages, however, this system
improve the partitions to an appreciable extent in the surfactant suers from some problems such as requiring large amounts of
interfacial monolayer or microemulsion region.178 Several surfactants, low pesticide active ingredient concentration, and
molecules function as a cosurfactant, for example, nonionic instability of the preparation and diluted system during
surfactants, alcohols, alkanoic acids, alkanediols, and alkyl storage.172,173 Moreover, it is prone to disintegration when
amines.176 For instance, Zhao et al.179 used methanol as a changes occur in environmental conditions.185
cosurfactant during the preparation of a microemulsion 3.2. Nanoemulsion. In recent years various pesticides have
formulation of cyhalothrin. Microemulsions are thermodynami- been encapsulated using nanoemulsion technology to avoid the
cally stable, and this depends on a particular range of disadvantages of microemulsion. There are no dierences in the
compositions and environmental conditions.180 Determining basic structure of microemulsion and nanoemulsion, even the
the best proportions of each ingredient is a challenging task, size of droplets overlap with each other, but the signicant
and there is no general theory for predicting microemulsion dierences are equilibrium status and amount of surfactant
structure in a particular system of oil, water, and surfactant.172 being used.75 As microemulsions, nanoemulsions are also a
Nevertheless, in several investigations, pseudoternary or tertiary mixture of two or more immiscible liquid phases; perhaps the
phase diagrams have been constructed to determine the simplest example of this is oil and water, but it exists in a
acceptable concentration ratio of dierent phases.173,181183 nonequilibrium colloidal system.186 In a nanoemulsion, one
In the ternary system of microemulsions, two immiscible phases liquid is dispersed as small spherical droplets into another liquid
(water and oil) are present with a surfactant (Figure 26). The but required a lesser amount of surfactants (510%) than the
microemulsions (20%).21 The term nanoemulsions is also
reported as mini-emulsions, ultrane emulsions, and sub-
micrometer emulsions by Song et al. (ref 187 and references
therein). Mason et al.186 tried to dierentiate between these
terms on the basis of droplet size. Song et al.187 preferred the
term nanoemulsion to suggest droplets nanoscale size range,
typically from 20 to 200 nm. This is concise and avoids
confusion with the term microemulsions. In his review paper,
McClements176 focused on the dierences and similarities
between nanoemulsions and microemulsions. The author
reported that the most fundamental way of dierentiating
them depends on their stability mechanism.175 Basically,
microemulsions are thermodynamically stable, whereas nano-
emulsions are thermodynamically unstable rather than kineti-
cally stable.175 To achieve kinetic stability, high-energy inputs
are required.186 High energy can be applied by using a high
Figure 26. Hypothetical pseudoternary phase diagram of an oil/ shear stirrer, high-pressure homogenizers, microuidizers, and
surfactant/water system emphasizing the microemulsion and emulsion ultrasound generators.188 These high-energy input methods are
phases. Existence elds are shown where conventional micelles, reverse suitable for small-scale production scenarios, but may be
micelles, or water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsions and oil-in-water dicult to scale-up for large commercial agrochemical interests.
microemulsions are formed along with bicontinuous microemulsions. Research analyses were conducted to develop reproducible low-
At very high surfactant concentrations two phase systems are observed. energy emulsication or self-emulsication methods such as
Reprinted with permission from ref 175. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. spontaneous emulsication method and phase inversion
temperature (PIT) method, which have been discussed
increased isotropic monophasic area in the phase diagram gives elsewhere.189191 For example, Porras et al.172 prepared W/O
an idea of acceptable concentrations of dierent phases.173 The nanoemulsions using a low-energy emulsication method and a
concentration of the dispersed phases should be small enough magnetic stirrer operating at approximately 700 rpm at 35 C
relative to the continuous phase to avoid droplet interactions, with droplet sizes as small as 30 nm.
as well as bicontinuous phase formation. However, the formation of nanoemulsions that remain stable
Microemulsion has the potential for encapsulating both over a signicant period of time is an important yet challenging
hydrophilic and hydrophobic active compounds.184 Pesticides property. The precise mechanisms by which nanoemulsions
are loaded into the dispersed phase of microemulsion form and how properties can be controlled remain the subject
formulations, and phases are determined depending on the of intensive basic research. Nanoemulsions have much better
nature of pesticides. For example, Feng et al.183 prepared a gravitational separation and aggregation compared to conven-
microemulsion formulation of chloropyrifos dissolved in ethyl tional emulsions.185 The other physicochemical mechanisms
acetate (acting as oil phase). A microemulsion system is also a that break down nanoemulsions are Ostwald ripening,
prospective medium for the delivery of natural pesticidal occulation, and coalescence. A number of factors must be
essential oils. In one study, for instance, Xu et al.182 prepared an controlled to make a stable nanoemulsion formulation; for
O/W microemulsion of neem oil using a mixture of neem oil, example, appropriate composition of the components, order of
emulsier system, and water. Microemulsion formulations of the addition of components, and application of the shear or
pesticides are much more ecient than conventional pesticide surfactants in a manner that eectively ruptures droplets.186 In
formulations such as emulsions, ECs, and WP. Compared to nanoemulsion the dispersed phase should fulll some other
other formulations microemulsion formulations provide better requirements. Molecules should be insoluble in the continuous
stability, low viscosity, and better permeability and solubility as phase to avoid Ostwald ripening. The LSW (Lifshitz-Slezov and
1462 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Wagner) theory expresses the Ostwald ripening rate through loaded with pesticides can be obtained, resulting in longer
the equation (eq 1):172,192 stability.
For example, Elek et al.196 synthesized nanopowders of the
drc3 8C( )VmD pesticide novaluron by directly converting O/W micro-
= = emulsions containing pesticide and volatile solvents into
dt 9RT (1)
powders where the pesticides were encapsulated with sodium
where rc = the critical radius of the system at any given time, dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The nanopowder was redispersed in
C() = the bulk phase solubility, = the interfacial tension, Vm water as a nanoemulsion formulation after drying, where the
= the molar volume, D = the diusion coecient in the particle size was 200 nm by DLS and 30100 nm viewed by
continuous phase, = the density of the liquid (continuous cryo-TEM.196 Similarly, Zeng et al.197 prepared a nano-
phase), R = the gas constant, and T = the absolute temperature suspension of -cypermethrin by dispersing encapsulated AIs
It was reported that nanoemulsions generally exhibit good in water. Recently, Saini et al.198 prepared a nanosuspension
stability without phase separation during weeks when droplet formulation of a newly reported pesticide, pyridalyl, in which
size slightly increases with time.193 This may be due to the the nanocapsules of alginate-pyridalyl were synthesized via the
breakdown of the process known as coalescence. If coalescence O/W emulsication process.
is the driving force for instability, the droplet size changes over Moreover, nanosuspensions can be obtained either by
time, as per the following equation (eq 2)172 reducing the particle size of larger crystals to the nanosize via
a top-down approach or by the precipitation of dissolved
1 1 8 molecules into solid particles with a bottom-up process.199
= 2 t
r 2
r0 3 (2)
With these processes, the pesticides are directly dispersed as
suspension formulations in the nanosize range where the
where r = the average droplet size after t, r0 = the value at t = 0, pesticides are encapsulated as nanomicelles (Figure 27). Strom
and = the frequency of rupture per unit of surface of lm.
The continuous phase should have a signicant excess of
surfactants that allow the new surface area to be rapidly coated
with nanoscale droplets, thereby inhibiting the shear-induced
coalescence. Stability also depends on applying a suitable
stabilizer and surfactant used in the formulation. The utilization
of a surfactant may strengthen the droplets and ensure the
nanoemulsion systems kinetic stability during storage. Droplet
size is a function of the ratio of oil and surfactant weights in an
oil-in-water nanoemulsion system. The initial water concen-
tration for dierent oil/surfactant ratios also aects the droplet
size. Wang et al.192 reported that more stable nanoemulsions
were obtained with higher surfactant concentrations. Some-
times a mixture of surfactants provides better stability than the
single surfactant. The emulsiers or surfactants act as a shear,
which breaks down a dispersible liquid into small droplets
(typically a few nanometers in size). This process is known as
emulsication, where surfactants reduce the surface tension and Figure 27. Nanosuspension synthesis process (adapted from ref 200).
precipitation is no longer likely to occur. Nanoemulsions are
good candidates for delivering poorly water-soluble active et al.194 prepared nanodispersion formulations of several
ingredients. However, both hydrophilic and hydrophobic pesticides such as triazole, spinosad, and atrazine using the
pesticides can be dispersed and encapsulated by preparing wet milling process. The stability of a nanosuspension is
nanoemulsion formulations that increase the bioavailability of remarkable because it protects against Ostwald ripening.
active ingredients. Stabilizers play a vital role in maintaining adequate stability in
3.3. Nanosuspension. Briey, nanosuspensions are the a nanosuspension. Verma et al.201 investigated the stability of
dispersion of solid nanoparticles in a liquid. Nanosuspension indomethacin under dierent stress conditions. They reported
also refers to the term nanodispersion.16,194 To date, intensive that an increase in the particle size was attributed to Ostwald
work has been done on preparing and investigating suspension ripening, but an increase in the amount of micellar solubilized
formulations in drug delivery, but only a few studies have been active compound had no signicant eect on the ripening
published on pesticide formulations. Nanosuspension is mainly rate.201 The increased stabilizer concentration reduced the
a sub-micrometer colloidal dispersion of the drug particle that is particle size due to interference of the stabilizer layer at the
stabilized by surfactants, or a polymer, or a mixture of both.195 interface with both dissolution and growth at the nanoparticle
In agriculture, this technology facilitates the dispersal of poorly interface.
water-soluble solid pesticides (powder, dust, nanocapsules, etc.)
in aqueous media while maintaining their stability. As a result, 4. GOALS OF NANOENCAPSULATION AND THEIR
the bioavailability of pesticides can be increased. Although OUTCOMES
nanosuspensions are not truly linked to nanoencapsulation, it A successful modern crop protection chemical should have
plays a vital role in the delivery of nanoencapsulated pesticides, several properties, including the ability to remain active or
especially those that are poorly soluble in water. This may be an survive in the spray environment (sun, heat, rain); to be taken
eective route for those microemulsion and nanoemulsion up into the target organism (e.g., fungus, insect) eectively; to
formulations from which nanocapsules or dry nanoparticles resist the defense of the pest and pathogen; to remain benign to
1463 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 28. Goals of nanoencapsulation in pesticide applications (reproduced from ref 204).

plants, humans, and other mammals; to preferably possess a and POA of AIs are extended. As a result, the nanoencapsulated
new mode of action; and, nally, to provide economic pesticides can control pests for a longer period of time.
returns.202 Currently, available pesticides and biocides are Depending on the nature and properties of nanoencapsulation
unable to maintain these properties, resulting in repeated materials as well as AIs, various types of releasing systems are
application, increased production costs, and ultimately the found in sustained release such as diusion, dissolution,
environment being more polluted. Nanoscale carriers or erosion, swelling, and ion exchange. On the other hand, in
nanoencapsulation materials can enhance the bioavailability of delayed release, the active ingredients are released after a
active substances and reduce toxicity, improving the timed certain period, which may be termed lag time. Once the
release of active substances and enabling the precise targeting of release starts, it is no longer obstructed and total release of
active substances by encapsulating the bioactive compounds.203 active ingredients persists over a given period of time. Such a
Nanoencapsulation technology has been introduced in crop type of release is also known as burst release.
protection chemicals to achieve either of these outcomes, or 4.1.2. Factors Aecting Controlled Release. Controlled
being nanosized, which reduces the amount being applied release of AIs is aected by the physical properties of
(Figure 28). So far, several studies have investigated the nanoencapsulation materials. Several variables such as types
outcomes of nanoencapsulation for achieving the goals of a of nanoencapsulation materials, shape and dimensions, poly-
successful pesticide formulation (Table 3). Although the goals morphism, shell thickness, porosity, encapsulation eciency,
of nanoencapsulation are inter-related, the major goals can be and amount of encapsulate load, related to nanoencapsulation
expressed as materials, signicantly aect the controlled-release system.
increased controlled-release properties of the pesticide, Controlled release of AIs is also inuenced by their release
increased solubility of active ingredients, environment. The physicochemical properties of nanoencapsu-
protection against premature degradation, and lation materials depend on several release environmental factors
increased stability of the pesticide. such as pH, ionic strength, and temperature. Several studies
have already been carried out to synthesize controlled-release
4.1. Controlled Release of Active Ingredients. The
nanoencapsulated pesticide formulations using various nano-
undesirable environmental eects resulting from applying
encapsulation materials or colloidal formulations (described
conventional pesticide formulations to control pests have
made people more wary of using controlled-release (CR) earlier). However, factors that inuence the controlled release
technology for pesticides.216 CR formulations regulate the of nanoencapsulated AIs are described in more detail below.
supply and release of AIs required for eective pest control.224 Controlled Release of AIs from Polymer-Based
In this way, CR formulations reduce the amount of pesticides Nanoencapsulation Materials. Researchers from India have
being applied; that is, smaller concentrations of such chemicals developed controlled-release formulations (CRFs) for a
are being introduced into the environment.224 The application number of commercial pesticides and biocides by encapsulating
of nanotechnology in the production of CR formulations and them using PEG and PEG-originated amphiphilic copoly-
the search for an appropriate carrier material for active mers.55,57,58,60,61 CRFs of dierent pesticides were developed in
substances for controlled release are very important research the form of nanomicellar aggregates. Shakil et al.61 investigated
areas.16 the controlled release of carbofuran from nanomicellar
4.1.1. Controlled-Release Mechanisms. Conventional pes- aggregates. They reported that the release half-life of carbofuran
ticide formulations contain AIs that get released immediately in aqueous media ranged from 7.5 to 55.0 days depending on
after application. As a consequence, these ingredients are short- the polymer matrix, whereas for a commercial granule pesticide,
lived and diminish from the system rapidly. For this reason, it was only 3.2 days. The maximum concentration of AI was
such a releasing system of AIs may be termed as rapid release. obtained between 21 and 49 days from encapsulated pesticides,
Consequently, to maintain their period of optimum availability whereas in the case of commercial carbofuran, the maximum
(POA) required for eective pest control, repeated applications concentration was found on the seventh day and after that the
are required. In contrast, in terms of nanoencapsulated AI content decreased rapidly. In the case of the molecular
pesticides, the release of bioactive ingredients from the weight of polymers, carbofuran release was faster from PEG-
encapsulation materials can be mechanized in two ways, that 600-based formulations than from PEG-1800-based formula-
is, sustained release and delayed release (see Figure 29). tions.61 This outcome indicates that the release of AIs can be
Sustained release is a mechanism whereby nanoencapsulation adjusted by changing the molecular weights of polymers.
materials are engineered so that active ingredients are Similar results were reported in the investigation of release
constantly released. In this system the half-release time (t1/2) kinetics of encapsulated imidacloprid,55 -cyuthrin,58 and
1464 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Table 3. Improved Properties of Nanoencapsulated Commercial Pesticides and Biocides
Sl nanoencapsulation
no. encapsulation material pesticide/biocide material/form improved features achieved due to nanoencapsulation refs
Commercial Pesticides
A Synthetic Polymer/Polyesters
1 polyethylene glycol (PEG) carbofuran nanomicelles applications of the AI can be optimized to achieve insect control for the desired period depending on the matrix of the 61
originated block copolymers polymer used
imidacloprid nanomicelles in water, release of AI was faster in commercial formulation than in the developed CR formulations 55
imidacloprid nanomicelles CR formulations of imidacloprid exhibited significantly better control of pests compared to its commercial formulations 205
-cyfluthrin nanomicelles slow release of the AI compared to commercial pesticide formulations and application rate of -cyfluthrin can be 206
optimized to achieve insect control at the desired level and period
carbofuran nanomicelles under field conditions, developed CR formulations of carbofuran have exhibited greater potential for effective 59
management of pests than the commercial formulation
thiram nanomicelles slow-releasing properties have been achieved due to encapsulation, and their applications can be optimized to achieve 56
disease control for the desired period
thiamethoxam nanomicelles more time is required for releasing 50% of the active ingredients in sandy loam soil than for commercial formulations 60
acephate nanocapsules nanoencapsulated acephate retained greater functional integrity over time and was more efficacious than commercial 207
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

2 PCAPEGPCA triblock imidacloprid nanocapsules dosage of pesticide and environmental risk significantly decreased due to nanoencapsulation of imidacloprid 49
3 poly(-caprolactone) (PCL) AI aanospheres better stability of nanospheres was obtained in an aqueous suspension over 2 months 208
4 polyacrylate (PAL) emamectin nanoparticle photostability and insecticidal effects of the novel emamectin benzoate formulation increased and were better than those 209
benzoate conjugation of the commercial pesticide formulation
B. Natural Polymer/Polysaccharides

1 chitosan-co-(D,L-lactide) imidacloprid nanomicelles sustained release of imidacloprid was achieved 46
2 alginate/chitosan paraquat nanoparticles release profile of the herbicide was altered as was its interaction with the soil, indicating this system could effectively 210
minimize the problems caused by paraquat
3 sodium alginate imidacloprid nanocapsules exhibited less cytotoxicity but retained better pest efficacy over plain imidacloprid 40
4 biocopolymers of methomyl nanocapsules insecticidal activity of methomyl-loaded nanocapsules against armyworm larvae was significantly superior to the original, 43
azidobenzaldehyde and even 100% over 7 days
carboxymethyl chitosan
C. Lipid-Based Nanomaterials
1 Compritol 888 (lipid) -cyhalothrin solid lipid nanoparticles reduced toxicity to aquatic fish (Brachydanio rerio) and daphnia (Daphnia magna) by factors of 10 and 63, respectively, 211
(SLNs) compared to the traditional emulsifiable concentrate
2 chitosan coated lipid entofenprox liposomes better pest control efficacy was observed for a longer period 93
3 chitosan-coated beeswax (solid deltamethrin SLNs chitosan-SLNs demonstrated ability to protect deltamethrin against photodegradation 212
4 corn oil (liquid lipid) and beeswax deltamethrin nanostructured lipid higher payload, slower release rate, and higher photoprotection were obtained due to incorporation of corn oil compared 213, 214
(solid lipid) carriers to SLN
D. Porous Nanomaterials
1 silica tebuconazole porous hollow silica slower release of the active ingredient was noted in water under different conditions 24
2,4-D and picloram mesoporous silica slower release of the active ingredient was achieved up to 26 days for 2,4-D and up to 30 days for picloram 215
imidacloprid mesoporous silica release of imidacloprid from these nanoparticles was found to be controlled over 48 h 114
metalaxyl mesoporous silica slower release of metalaxyl was exhibited from mesoporous silica nanospheres in soil than the free metalaxyl 116

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Table 3. continued
Sl nanoencapsulation
no. encapsulation material pesticide/biocide material/form improved features achieved due to nanoencapsulation refs
E. Clay and LDHs
1 bentonite, kaolinite, and fullers carbofuran nanocomposites adding clay particles in the formulations reduced the release of active ingredients 216
earth with polymer
2 montmorillonites and wheat gluten ethofumesate nanocomposites slow-releasing properties were achieved due to clay/pesticide interactions 217
F. Microemulsions
1 oil phase, surfactants, and water novaluron O/W microemulsions enhanced solubility was observed 196
2 oil phase, surfactants, and water permethrin microemulsion better pest control efficacy than commercial permethrin 218
G. Nanoemulsions
1 oil phase, surfactants, and water -cypermethrin O/W nanoemulsion sprayed solution of nanoemulsion formulation exhibited better stability than commercial microemulsion of - 192
2 oil phase, surfactants, and water triazophos O/W nanoemulsion stability of triazophos improved and was protected from hydrolysis by being incorporated into the nanoemulsion system 187
3 oil phase, surfactants, and water glyphosate O/W nanoemulsion results of pot experiment indicated slightly better efficacy than the commercial formulation popularly known as 219
H. Nanosuspensions
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

1 Eudragit S100 (polymer) AI nanosuspension enhanced penetration into the plant was observed; it was due to smaller particle size than the classical suspension 208
2. PAA-b-PBA, PVP and PVOH bifenthrin nanosuspension controlled and efficient release of bifenthrin was observed from polymeric stabilized suspension 220
3 microemulsion -cypermethrin nanosuspension particle size was increased, but no influence over composition was observed 197
A. Synthetic Polymer/Polyesters
1 polyethylene glycol (PEG) garlic essential oil nanocapsules encapsulation materials reduced volatilization of essential oils and retained 80% pest control efficacy over 5 months 32

azadirachtin-A nanomicelles in water, the rate of release of encapsulated azadirachtin-A from nanomicellar aggregates was reduced by increasing the 57
molecular weight of PEG, which controlled half-release time (t1/2) of 3.05 to 42.80 days
lansiumamide B nanocapsules in pot experiment, nanoencapsulated lansiumamide B showed higher nematicidal activity compared to only lansiumamide 34
B, where LC50 values of 2.1407 and 19.3608 mg L1, respectively, were observed after 24 h of treatment
B. Natural Polymer/Polysaccharides
1 amphiphilic chitosan derivatives rotenone nanomicelles solubility of rotenone increased (up to 26.0 mg mL1), which was about 13000 times greater than that of free rotenone in 64
water (about 0.002 mg mL1)
azadirachtin nanomicelles azadirachtin was protected by the carriers from rapid degradation and released over the course of 11 days into the 65
2 chitosan and cashew gum Lippia sidoides oil nanogels slower and sustained release of Lippia sidoides oil was noted in in vitro release profiles, whereas more effective larvicidal 72
efficacies were obtained compared to the pure L. sidoides oil
3 gelator methyleugenol nanogels evaporation of pheromone significantly slowed and remained stable in open ambient conditions 74
4 myristic acid and chitosan Carum copticum oil nanogels nanogels exhibited more fumigant toxicity than the free oil over a longer period of time to control store grain pest 73
C. Lipid-Based NPs
1 Compritol 888 ATO (lipid) Artemisia solid lipid nanoparticles physical stability was obtained as the solid lipid nanoparticles reduced the rapid evaporation of essential oils 110
arborescens L. (SLNs)
essential oil
D. Porous Nanomaterials
1 silica avermectin porous hollow silica release of avermectin can be controlled by adjusting pH and temperature; UV-shielding properties were improved when 120, 221
nanoparticles shell thickness was adjusted
validamycin PHSNs controlled-release formulations were prepared 122

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review





acaricidal activity demonstrated by neem oil microemulsion was effective against Sarcoptes scabie var. cuniculi larvae in

better stability of capcicin loaded nanoemulsion was obtained due to electrostatic interactions of the polymers
considered to be a green pesticide due to its controlled-release and nature compatibility properties

Figure 29. Releasing patterns of active ingredients from nano-

improved features achieved due to nanoencapsulation

encapsulation materials (adapted and modied from ref 76).

thiamethoxam60 from nanomicellar aggregates. The half-release

time (t1/2) of -cyuthrin varied from 5.09 to 7.9 days, and
POA ranged from 14 to 20.5 days for dierent formulations.58
In contrast, t1/2 of thiamethoxam and imidacloprid ranged from
3.56 to 6.07 days and from 2.32 to 9.31 days, respectively.55,60
In another investigation, Kumar et al.57 investigated the eects
larvicidal efficacy increased when droplet size decreased

of dierent polymers (commercial PEG, modied PEGs with

dierent molecular weights, and polyvinyl chloride (PVC)) on
superior larvicidal efficacy compared to bulk oil

the controlled release of encapsulated azadirachtin. Their study

concluded that t1/2 of encapsulated azadirachtin from modied
PEGs varied from 3.05 to 42.80 days, whereas the t1/2 values
from commercial PEG, PEG-1800, and PVC were 3.05, 21.36,
and 42.80 days, respectively.57 This nding indicated that not
F. Microemulsions
E. Clay and LDHs

G. Nanoemulsions

only the molecular weight of PEGs but also the types of

polymers aect the release of pesticides from encapsulation
materials. In this way, the application rate of pesticides can be
optimized to achieve insect control at the desired level and
period by adjusting the release rate of AIs, changing the types,
proportions, and molecular weights of the polymers. In all of

these investigations, sustained release of AIs was observed

where the AIs were released by the diusion process. The
releasing behavior through a diusion process from polymeric
nanohybrid of C-LDHs

device or carrier materials has been explained elsewhere.225

material/form Controlled Release of AIs from Lipid-Based

Nanoencapsulation Materials. Lipid-based nanoencapsulation



materials such as nanoliposomes are thermosensitive in nature

and can undergo a phase transition (Tc) upon heating at
temperature lower than their melting point (Tm). In fact, the
phospholipid ingredients of liposomes are responsible for such
properties.77 At this temperature, the lipid bilayer loses the

ordered packing structure and the interfacial rheological

eucalyptus oil

properties of liposomes are dramatically changed. The uidity


neem oil

neem oil

of the bilayer increases, which makes them very susceptible to


mechanical stresses, causing disintegration of lipid layers and

releasing the entrapped compounds.78 In this way the phase
transition temperature is very important for releasing the AIs
nonionic surfactant Tween 20 and

above a xed temperature. For example, lipids such as 1,2-

sodium alginate and chitosan
encapsulation material

dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine have a phase transi-

tion temperature between 41 and 43 C, and the AIs trapped in
Tween 80 and SDBS

this lipid are released at this temperature.226 The phase

Tween 80 and water
Table 3. continued

transition temperature of phospholipids as well as lipid bilayers

can be changed by tuning or adjusting several parameters such
as polar headgroup, acyl chain length, degree of saturation of

the hydrocarbon chains, and nature and ionic strength of the


suspension medium.77 Taylor et al.78 reported that Tc can be

lowered by decreasing the chain length and by unsaturation of


the acyl chains as well as the presence of branched chains and

1467 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

strong head groups. Such thermosensitivity can also be controlled-release behaviors. They found that factors such as
achieved by incorporating specic polymers into the bilayer pH, temperature, and size of the nanospheres signicantly
of nanoliposomes or coating them with polymers. In terms of aected the release behaviors of tebuconazole from tebu-
thermosensitivity, the water solubility of a polymer depends on PHSNs, and the release of free tebuconazole from tebu-PHSNs
temperature and should have a critical temperature. Above this occurred through diusion-controlled mechanism. Similarly,
temperature the polymer becomes water-insoluble and mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were eective carrier
destabilizes the liposome by interacting with the membrane, materials for controlled release of AIs. The release prole of AIs
resulting in AIs being released.227 Similarly, the release of AIs depends on the type of mesoporous structure and surface area
from nanoliposomes stimulated by the structural properties of of particles. Popat et al.114 investigated the controlled release of
pH-sensitive polymers remains at the vesicles outer layer.228 imidacloprid from various types of MSNs. They concluded that
For instance, Cho et al.229 prepared a pH-sensitive polymer the highest adsorption capacity of imidacloprid occurred in the
liposome complex using unsaturated poly(methacrylic acid-co- MSNs with a 3D open network structure and high surface area.
stearyl methacrylate), phosphatidylethanolamine, and oleic Release of imidacloprid from these nanoparticles was found to
acid, which destabilize the liposome in the acidic state and be controlled over 48 h where, initially, the release was
release encapsulated active molecules. Therefore, a burst- controlled by the diusion process and later by the dissolution
releasing pattern of the bioactive compounds is mostly process. Due to such a releasing prole and high water
observed in nanoliposomes due to their thermosensitive and solubility, 40% of the AI was released within the rst few
pH-sensitive nature. Although this trait is suitable for drug hours.114 When metalaxyl was loaded into MSNs, a delayed and
delivery to specic cells, it hinders their application in pesticide sustained release of metalaxyl was also observed.116
delivery. To overcome this limitation, the liposomes are Controlled Release of AIs from Clays and LDHs.
generally coated with polymers to achieve sustained release of Clays and LDHs can potentially serve as a matrix for
AIs, where their release is aected by the molecular weight and developing CRFs of agrochemicals.125 Generally, clays are
concentration of polymers being used. As an example, CRFs of modied using dierent surfactants, and the ecacy of clays
entofenprox were prepared as nanoliposomes where nano- depends on the concentrations and types of polymers or
chitosan was used as a coating material.92,93 The released surfactants used for modication along with their types.
amount of AIs was controlled by the molecular weight and Controlled release of nanoclays was engineered by surface
concentration of chitosan.93 coating with dierent polymers, which played a signicant role
In terms of SLNs, both burst and sustained releasing patterns in the modication of electrostatic interaction between the
are observed. The releasing patterns depend on the entrapment chemical load and clay particles.126 Choudhary et al.216
of active compounds in the nanoparticles. Fathi et al.76 noted prepared controlled-release pesticide formulations of carbofur-
that burst release of active compounds occurs when the active an using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) with clay such as
compounds are trapped at the outer shell of the solid lipid bentonite, kaolinite, and Fullers earth. In a comparison study
nanoparticles, whereas sustained releasing patterns are observed between commercial granules and CRFs of CMCclay, it was
when the active compounds are trapped at the inner core of found that the release kinetics of carbofuran in soil was faster
SLNs or homogeneously distributed throughout the SLNs. than that of CMCclay-based formulations. The half release
They also noted that if the active compounds are trapped at the (t1/2) values were 4.79, 16.08, 17.07, and 21.32 days for
core of SLNs, the active compounds release is controlled by commercial granules, CMCkaolinite, CMCbentonite, and
the diusion process. On the other hand, their release is CMCFullers earth, respectively, but the POA reached its
controlled by the dissolution process when the active maximum for CMCbentonite (43.97 days).216 They also
compounds are homogeneously distributed in the SLNs.76 investigated the ecacy of clay materials, preparing the Controlled Release of AIs from Porous Silica formulation with CMC and CMCclay separately, where the
Nanomaterials. Porous inorganic nanoparticles such as PHSNs t1/2 value and POA of CMC were less than those for CMC
have also been employed for preparing a CRF of pesticide while clay-based formulations. These results indicated that slow
the pesticides were loaded into the inner core of the porous releasing properties are enhanced when clay materials are added
structure.120,122 The release of AIs from PHSNs can be to the polymer matrix. Similar results were obtained by
controlled by adjusting the pH of the medium and temperature. Chevillard et al.,141 where the controlled release pesticide
Wen et al.120 reported that the release of avermectin increased formulations of Ethofumesate were prepared with wheat gluten
with raised pH of the medium and temperature. Similar results and clay particles, specically montmorillonites (MMT). They
were obtained for the pesticide validamycin.122 During reported that the release of Ethofumesate slowed for all wheat
encapsulation of these pesticides with PHSNs, it emerged gluten-based formulations compared to commercial products,
that the release of AIs was very fast in the rst few minutes, but but the slow release eect increased in the presence of
the release rate became much slower after several hundred hydrophobic MMTs. Temperature played a signicant role in
minutes.120,122 Such release properties are very interesting in the release patterns because the activation energy of diusion
terms of immediate pest control as well as the continuous improved when the temperature increased.141
suppression of the pests. In agricultural applications, LDHs exhibit similar eects on
The pesticides are loaded on dierent parts of the PHSNs clay, and their structure oers more interesting features such as
(external surface, pore channels, and in the wall of the inner accommodation and the controlled release of various active
core), and the amount of pesticides absorbed at the external anionic agro-substances, high buering capacity, high water
surface dissolves quickly. On the other hand, a signicant retention ability, and acid-neutralizing potential.125 Park et
amount of pesticides remains inside the inner core, resulting in al.159 prepared CRFs of cinnamate encapsulated with LDHs.
pesticide residues. Qian et al.24 examined the release kinetics of The release patterns of AIs were found to be diusion-
tebuconazole (used as a fungicide) from porous hollow silica controlled as well as a simple ion exchange process. The initial
nanospheres and the factors related to loading ecacy and release of cinnamates was 40% within 1 h; after that, the release
1468 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

slowed, and >80% release into the solution was observed within or evaporation, and leaching.236 Yet a modern pesticide should
3 days. The release of AIs was rapid due to the ion exchange have the ability to survive in the spray environment.202 At
process230,231 and, subsequently, a slow and steady release was present, several pesticides are sensitive to UV light and have a
obtained due to the diusion process.159 Several medium very short life; for example, avermectin (6 h)221 is volatile in
properties also inuence the release, such as pH, temperature, nature or tends to be leached down. To protect liable pesticides
buer conditions, or the presence of electrolytes.232 from photodegradation, the microencapsulation technique was
4.2. Enhanced Solubility. Poor solubility is one of the introduced.237 The shell of the microcapsules is usually very
major problems concerning pesticides, and it restricts their thick and compact, which inhibits the proper release of AIs
ecient use. Such pesticides are available in the form of dust, from capsules. Consequently, the nanoencapsulation technique
emulsiable concentrates (EC), and emulsions.194 Emulsiable was introduced to solve the disadvantages of the micro-
concentrates still occupy a major portion (28%) of the total encapsulation technique. Nanoencapsulation is such an eective
number of formulations listed in the pesticide manual published technology that it has the ability to protect pesticides from
in 2007.233 Due to their poor solubility in water, pesticides premature degradation, maintaining their eective release.221
suer more during spraying; very often, AIs in these PHSNs were reported as acting like a shield that protected
formulations accumulate at the bottom of a sprayer tank. the photosensitive pesticide avermectin as well as maintaining
Larger droplet sizes of these AIs are mainly responsible for poor its apposite release.169,221 Besides other factors (pH, temper-
stability after dilution. To maintain their stability and proper ature), shell thickness of PHSNs signicantly aected the
dispersion, organic solvents (such as xylene, toluene) are used loading eciency, UV-shielding property, and controlled
in pesticide formulations, but this leads to increased cost and release of avermectin from PHSNs.169 UV-shielding eciency
creates dermal toxicity in handlers.233 rose and the release property slowed with increasing shell
Improving the properties of poorly water-soluble pesticides is thickness. PHSNs with a shell thickness of 15 nm and a pore
a foremost area of research. So far, remarkable progress has diameter of 45 nm increased the shelf life of avermectin up to
been made to enhance poorly soluble drugs by producing a 30 days.221 Generally, most biocides are essential oils extracted
nanosuspension drug delivery system.234 Solubility can be from dierent plant parts, which are volatile in nature.
enhanced through nanonization. The saturation solubility Nanoencapsulation materials were found to be eective for
increases with decreasing particle size according to the reducing volatilization and releasing the active components in a
OstwaldFreundlich eq (eq 3) (also known as the Gibbs controlled way. Lai et al.110 investigated the ability of SLN to
Thomson and Kelvin equation): prevent the rapid evaporation of the incorporated Artemisia
arborescens L. essential oil. They reported that at 35 C, the
S(d ) V cumulative release of AIs from emulsion formulations was
= exp m
S0 RTd (3) double the formulations of SLN after 48 h. In another analysis,
polymeric nanocapsules of PEG loaded with garlic essential oil
S(d) is the solubility (mol kg1 H2O) of crystals with inscribed reduced the volatility of active components and retained their
diameter d (m) at temperature T (K), molar volume Vm (m3 availability for a longer time.32
mol1), and surface free energy (surface tension) (mJ m2). R Clay materials can serve as an eective tool for protecting the
is the gas constant (8314.5 mJ mol1 K), and S0 is the solubility unstable pesticides against volatilization and photodegrada-
of the bulk material (d ). tion.125 In an earlier study, organoclay formulations exhibited
With all other factors kept constant, solubility increases with their potential to protect herbicides from photodegradation and
smaller particle size. However, for solubility S(d) to dier volatilization while maintaining their herbicidal activity.238 It
signicantly from solubility S0 of the bulk material (i.e., the ratio has been suggested that the reversible binding of the pesticide
S(d)/S0 1), the exponential term needs to be much smaller on clay minerals is a feasible solution for reducing their leaching
than 1. This occurs only with a particle size in the nanorange. into the environment via air and water.125 Leaching of AIs was
This aforementioned phenomenon is another demonstration signicantly reduced with fungicides, namely, tebuconazole,
for the transformation of the physicochemical properties of encapsulated in core/shell nanoparticles prepared from
materials on the nanoscale. Similarly, other nanoencapsulated amphiphilic copolymers of gelatin grafted with methyl
pesticide formulations such as microemulsion and nano- methacrylate.239
emulsion have also been prepared to avoid the disadvantages 4.4. Increased Stability. Nanoencapsulation materials can
of available commercial pesticides. Micro- or nanoemulsions support AIs to achieve both physical and environmental
can also improve the pesticides solubility and bioavailability.6 stability. The physical stability of AIs is required for long-
Furthermore, it was suggested the nanosized aqueous term storage and their successful application, whereas environ-
dispersion formulation enhanced the solubility of pesticides. mental stability is required for eective pest control. The
Nanosized aqueous dispersions or nanosuspensions eliminated nanoencapsulated pesticide formulations exhibited better
the need for organic solvents and provided a process for stability over time due to steric and electrostatic interaction
stabilizing formulations of two or more immiscible pesticides. of dierent phases in the colloidal system. Conventional
The supercial solubility of poorly water-soluble pesticides can pesticide formulations showed poor stability and disintegrated
be increased through encapsulation with additives such as during storage. The nanobased pesticide formulations have
surfactants and polymers or by means of nanoparticulate exhibited their potential to remain stable for a longer storage
formation with changing solid structures.235 Lipid-based period. Wang et al.192 prepared nanoemulsion formulations of
nanoencapsulation materials can also be used to solubilize -cypermethrin stabilized by polymeric surfactants. The
water-insoluble lipophilic active compounds.76 formulations exhibited good stability, even after 24 h of
4.3. Protection against Premature Degradation. dilution in comparison to commercial microemulsion, due to
During their application conventional pesticides enter the the steric interaction between the polymeric inner surfaces with
environment in several ways such as degradation, volatilization pesticides. The electrostatic interaction between several
1469 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

polymers showed better eciency in stabilizing the nano- 5. PEST CONTROL EFFICACY OF
emulsion formulation than the single polymers.222 Strom et NANOENCAPSULATED PESTICIDES
al.194 used milling technologies in the presence of grinding It is expected that the nanoencapsulated pesticides should have
media (polymer beads) and surface active agents to obtain better pest control ecacy over commercially available
stable nanosuspensions of various fungicides and insecticides pesticides, nonencapsulated pesticides, or microencapsulated
with particle sizes of around 148314 nm. pesticides. Judging by the available literature, nanoencapsulated
The eects of dierent stabilizing polymers have been pesticides have already exhibited better pest control ecacy
investigated during nanosuspension formulation preparation of than commercially available pesticides or those without
the poorly water-soluble pesticide bifenthrin using a ash encapsulated active compounds. Pest control ecacy refers to
nanoprecipitation process.220 It was reported that pesticide dierent aspects based on the nano-guard properties of
formulations encapsulated with PAA-b-PBA, PVP, and PVOH nanoencapsulated materials. Nanoencapsulation materials
were most stable over time, having an average particle radius allow the release of active ingredients in a controlled way,
distribution of 97171 nm, and the concentration and type of resulting in the retention of pest control ecacy over a longer
stabilizers signicantly aected the size and stability of period than commercial formulations. Various CRFs have
formulations.220 On the other hand, although the average already been prepared using dierent nanoencapsulation
particle radius distribution was 7080 nm with pluronic, PS-b- materials, and their release behavior has been described in
the previous section. On the other hand, several investigations
PEO and PEG-b-PCL, macro-phase separation was observed
have observed the pest control ecacies of those nano-
after 7 days.220 Although not focusing on agriculture, Anjali et
encapsulated CRFs.
al.240 reported the nanoemulsion formulation of the articial For controlling stored-grain pests, repeated application of
polymer-free nanopermethrin served as an eective larvicide pesticides or biocides is required due to their fast releasing
that was stabilized by plant-extracted natural surfactants. characters as well as shorter POA. Nanoencapsulated CRFs
Controlled-release properties and protection against pre- were found to be an eective tool to control stored-grain pests.
mature degradation ultimately enhance the environmental Loha et al.206 evaluated the pest control ecacy of nano-
stability of AIs. For example, the stability of avermectin encapsulated CRFs of -cyuthrin on the mortality of
increased from 6 h to 30 days through encapsulation with Callosobruchus maculatus. They developed CRFs by encapsulat-
PHSNs. The encapsulation materials permitted a controlled ing -cyuthrin with PEG originated amphiphilic copolymers in
release of AIs and protected them from UV light.221 the form of nanomicelles. The bioecacy data of these CRFs
Phytochemicals such as secondary metabolites and essential with commercial 025 SC indicated that on the rst day of
oils have already shown their ecacy in pest control, but they application the EC50 (eective concentration for 50% mortal-
are nonpersistent in water and soil. Essential oils are usually ity) of commercial -cyuthrin (0.51 mg L1) was much lower
unstable in nature and evaporate as well as degrade rapidly in than the CFRs (97.24, 85.46, 59.89, and 37.32 mg L1 for
the presence of air, light, moisture, and high temperature. polymers having PEG-600, PEG-1000, PEG-1500, and PEG-
Nanoencapsulation of such essential oils has enhanced their 2000, respectively). After that, the EC50 of commercial -
cyuthrin increased rapidly. Interesting features were noted
stability while maintaining their pest control ecacy for a long
among the dierent CRFs. The lowest EC50 of CRFs having
period of time. To improve environmental stability, eective
PEG-600 and PEG-1000 (1.89 and 1.03 mg L1, respectively)
maintenance, and bioavailability, lanssiumamide B was were observed on the 7th day of application, whereas for CRFs
encapsulated in the form of nanocapsules.34 The nanocapsule having PEG-1500 and PEG-2000 (2.20 and 1.1.58 mg L1,
suspensions were kept at 54 and 0 C and, after 14 days, respectively) on the 14th day of application. The EC50 values of
encapsulation eciency declined slightly at 54 C but did not commercial -cyuthrin on the 7th and 14th days of
change at 0 C, indicating their good stability.34 Other studies applications were 43.24 and 129.21 mg L1, respectively.206
of nanoencapsulation discovered it was signicantly related to Another study examined the release pattern of -cyuthrin
increasing pesticides eectiveness. Boehm et al.208 investigated from these formulations in water.58 It emerged that the
the encapsulation ecacy of Eudragit S100 polymer. They releasing rate of commercial -cyuthrin was higher than the
concluded that the nanosphere formulation prepared by CRFs and resulted in the lowest POA. Of the CRFs, the POA
Eudragit S100 polymer was not eective in terms of controlled increased with increasing carbon chain of PEG, that is, the
release of AIs because the encapsulation rate was only 3.5%. order of POA is PEG-2000 (20.5 days) > PEG-1500 (18.0 day)
However, their penetration in the plant was enhanced due to > PEG-1000 (15.8 days) > PEG-600(14 days) > commercial
the particle size (135 nm) being smaller than the classical 025 SC (1.4 days).58 However, the function of hydrophilic
suspension.208 In their review paper, Tadros et al.191 stated that segment of PEGs was not clearly stated. Basically, -cyuthrin
nanoemulsions enhance the wetting and spreading and is not persistent because once it is in the water, it disappears
rapidly because it has poor water solubility and extremely high
penetration ability of the droplets due to their low surface
adsorption anity to organic material. That is why commercial
tension of the whole system as well as low interfacial tension of -cyuthrin degrades rapidly in water and minimum POA was
emulsion droplets. In another study, Song et al.187 observed observed. On the third day, EC50 values of CRFs having PEG-
that the hydrolysis of organophosphorous insecticides such as 600 and PEG-1000 were higher than the CRFs having PEG-
triazophos is pH-dependent and easily hydrolyzed in basic 1500 and PEG-2000, which indicates longer polymeric chain
solutions. To protect the insecticide from being hydrolyzed, a absorbed more -cyuthrin within the shell of micelles. This
nanoemulsion formulation was prepared where the eect of caused faster release that was initially responsible for lower
surfactants was prominent in basic conditions to prevent the EC50. On the other hand, a longer polymeric chain enhanced
hydrolysis compared to acidic or neutral pH. shell thickness and reduced the diusion release rate, resulting
1470 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

in delayed EC50 as well as increased POA. These results suggest micellar size of synthesized polymers ranged from 127.5 to 354
that depending on the polymer matrix used, the application rate nm, and the encapsulation eciency varied from 75.02 to
of -cyuthrin can be optimized to achieve insect control at the 97.9%. The results of their study showed that the CRFs manage
desired level and period, as the hydrophilic segment inuences insects better than commercial formulations at lower dose and
the active compounds release. Overall, the developed do not leave any terminal residues in crops and soil.205 In
formulations retained their ecacy for longer periods than another study, Yin et al.34 obtained a similar result during their
the commercial -cyuthrin. Similar results were also observed evaluation of nematicidal ecacy of nanocapsules loaded with
during the bioecacy investigation of CRFs of carbofuran lansiumamide B (NCLB) against Bursaphelenehus xylophilus
against the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and second-stage juveniles of M. incognita. After 24 h of
infecting tomato plant (cv. PusaRuby).59 In both pot and treatment, the lethal concentration required for 50% mortality
eld conditions, the developed formulations with PEG-600 and (LC50) values of NCLB were reported to be 2.1407 and
PEG-900 showed better response at dierent concentrations 19.3608 mg L1 for B. xylophilus and M. incognita, respectively,
than commercial carbofuran in controlling the penetration as whereas LC50 values of lansiumamide B and other nematicide
well as further development of second-stage juveniles (J2s) of ethoprophos were much higher than the NCLB.34
M. incognita on tomato root system. In contrast, developed Yang et al.32 investigated the insecticidal activity of
formulations with PEG-900 exhibited better ecacy than the nanocapsules of garlic essential oil against Tribolium castaneum
formulation with PEG-600.59 (adult red our beetle). At a similar concentration (640 mg
In a study, Choudhary et al.216 evaluated the bioecacy kg1), nanoencapsulated garlic essential oil showed better pest
CRFs of carbofuran against M. incognita. The CRFs were control ecacy than free garlic essential oil.242 The pest control
prepared by encapsulating carbofuran with commercially ecacy of the encapsulated garlic essential oil remained >80%
available rosin and NaCMC. Release of carbofuran was faster after 5 months, whereas it was only 11% for free garlic essential
from commercial formulations than with new CR formulations. oil.32 In another study, the relative control ecacy of
In addition, the rate of release declined due to the introduction nanocapsules loaded with natural pyrethrin and abermectin
of clay (bentonite, kaolinite, and Fullers earth) materials to the pesticide was >80% after 45 days.242 Thus, nanoencapsulation
biodegradable clay materials. The half-release (t1/2) values of materials reduce the volatilization of natural compounds and
dierent CRFs along with commercial formulations ranged retain their pest control ecacy for a longer period of time.
between 4.79 and 25.11 days, and the POA of carbofuran In an earlier study, Casanova et al.243 evaluated the
ranged from 15.10 to 43.97 days, where the lowest value was bioactivity of nanoemulsion of nicotine against Drosophila
observed in commercial formulations. The orders of release of melanogaster by assessing the lethal time (LT50). Nicotine
rate, t1/2 values, and POA of dierent formulations were carboxylate nanoemulsion was prepared using a series of fatty
(release rate) commercial granule 3G > rosin-yellow > acids (C10C18) and surfactant known as Tween 80. The oil-
CMC > CMCkaolinite > CMCbentonite > rosin- in-water nanoemulsion showed a monomodal size distribution
black > CMCFullers earth; with mean particle size of 100 nm. For the smallest fatty acid
(half-release (t1/2) values) commercial granule 3G < emulsion used, capric acid (C10), the best encapsulation
eciency was observed, but it had the lowest bioactivity. These
rosin-yellow < CMC < CMCkaolinite < CMC
results were explained in terms of the insecticide being less
bentonite < CMCFullers earth < rosin-black; bioavailable in its active form due to the increased stability of
(POA) commercial 3G < CMC < rosin-black < CMC the organic salt formed between the insecticide and the fatty
Fullers earth < CMCkaolinite < rosin-yellow < CMC acid. It is necessary to consider the acidbase interaction
bentonite. between nicotine and appropriate fatty acids when preparing an
The mean EC50 of the commercial formulation at 7 days after eective nicotine insecticide emulsion.243 This experiment
treatment (DAT) was the lowest compared to CRFs, but at 35 highlights the necessity of developing dierent kinds of possible
DAT the mean EC50 was quite high when compared to those of assemblies between the active compounds and the matrix, and
CRFs. The CRFs performed better than commercial for- extensively studying the interactions in nanoscale formulations,
mulations in preventing the penetration and multiplication of where sometimes nontrivial outcomes might be unexpectedly
nematodes. Bioassay studies revealed that the CRFs of observed.
carbofuran are able to combat nematodes eectively for longer In vitro insecticidal activity of pyridalyl nanosuspension was
periods than commercial formulations.216 evaluated by Saini et al.198 to control the larva of Helicoverpa
The pest control ecacy of nano- and non-nano- armigera (tomato fruit and shoot borer) compared to technical
pyriuquinazon was investigated by Kang et al.241 on Myzus materials and commercial formulations. Compatibility of
persicae (green peach aphid). The nano-pyriuquinazon pyridalyl with sodium alginate was conrmed, and a
pesticide formulations were prepared by encapsulating formulation was obtained by optimizing various parameters.
pyriuquinazon with polymeric chitosan at dierent concen- Remarkable insecticidal activity was indicated by pyridalyl
trations. It was found that the best lethal eciency of nanosuspension. The pyridalyl nanosuspension was found
pyriuquinazon appeared at 2 days post-treatment, whereas eective in controlling the pest comparatively at lower dose
the nano-pyriuquinazon was eective after 14 days of than the technical materials and commercial formulations. The
treatment.241 LC50 value of pyridalyl nanosuspension was 40 g L1, whereas
In their eld study, Adak et al.205 investigated the bioecacy LC50 values of the technical material and commercial product
of nanoencapsulated CRFs of imidacloprid against major pests were 90 and 250 g L1, respectively. Bioassay results obtained
of soybean, namely, Melanagromyza sojae (stem y) and using the leaf dip method showed that the nanoformulation was
Bemisia tabaci (white y). Amphiphilic polymers synthesized 2.26 times more eective against H. armigera as a stomach
from polyethylene glycol and aliphatic diacids were used to poison than the technical product and 6.25 times more than
encapsulate the imidacloprid as a micellar aggregation. The commercial formulations. With the topical method, the LC50
1471 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

values obtained were 80, 150, and 250 g L1 for the a few studies were found related to their pest control ecacy
nanoformulation, technical material, and commercial formula- and fate in the environment. Thus, evidence of human exposure
tions, respectively.198 These results suggested that nano- to nanoencapsulated pesticides was dicult to nd, and no
suspension is a viable alternative to commercial formulations single study examined human exposure to nanoencapsulated
because it is eco-friendly and introduces much less pesticide pesticides.244 It is expected that human exposure to nano-
into the environment. encapsulated pesticides will follow the same path as commercial
The spinosad insecticide excites the insect nervous system, pesticides. In their review paper, Damalas and Eleftherohor-
and its eciency depended on particle size. When particle size inos245 analyzed exposure, safety issues, and risk assessment
of the spinosad nanosuspension applied to spider mites was 404 indicators of commercial pesticides. They stated that human
nm, the LC50 was 15 mg L1, which further decreased to 11 mg exposure to commercial pesticides generally occurs through
L1 for 372 nm, 7.6 mg L1 for 332 nm, and 4 mg L1 for 163 occupational exposure in the case of agricultural workers in
nm.194 Adak et al.55 also reported that high solubilization power open elds and greenhouses, workers in the pesticide industry,
and low critical micelle concentration of PEG-originated and exterminators of house pests.245 It is very clear that people
amphiphilic copolymers may increase the ecacy of who mix, load, transport, and apply formulated pesticides are at
formulations. the risk of greatest exposure due to the nature of their work,
The studies cited above stated that nanoencapsulation resulting in possible acute and dangerous intoxications.246
technology provides better pest control ecacy to active However, irrespective of whether the occupation involves the
ingredients than commercial formulations. CRFs prepared use of pesticides, the presence of such chemicals in the
through encapsulating the active ingredients by nanomaterials workplace constitutes potential and sustained occupational
increase the POA, control the target pest for a longer period, exposure. In some situations, exposure to pesticides can occur
and reduce the doses of pesticides required for eective pest from accidental spills of chemicals, leakages, or faulty spraying
control. Several factors such as particle size, shape, morphology, equipment, resulting in direct or indirect skin contact through
and type of nanoencapsulation material as well as their clothing contamination. Solid or powdery pesticides may
encapsulation capacity signicantly aect pest control eciency generate dust while pesticide-containing bags, cans, or bottles
of nanoencapsulated pesticides. However, several studies are being opened and loaded into the application equipment,
concluded that although the nanoencapsulated pesticides resulting in exposure to the face and eyes, as well as respiratory
retained their pest control ecacy for longer, initially their hazards. The exposure of workers increases when they do not
release capacity was very poor, which may be one of the major pay attention to the instructions on how to use the pesticides
problems with regard to controlling a pest immediately. To and, particularly when they ignore basic safety guidelines on
overcome this issue, application of both nanoencapsulated and how to use personal protective equipment and fundamental
nonencapsulated pesticides was recommended by Kah and sanitation practices, such as washing hands after pesticide
Hofman.21 handling or before eating. Nevertheless, exposure of the general
Nonencapsulated pesticides should control the pest imme- population to pesticides occurs mainly through the food chain,
diately at a minimum concentration, whereas the nano- that is, eating food and drinking water contaminated with
encapsulated pesticides will sustain their pest control ecacy pesticides. In addition, considerable exposure to pesticides can
for a longer time. As a result, frequent application of pesticides occur when living close to a workplace that uses pesticides or
will not be required to kill pests, and this will reduce the even when workers bring home contaminated articles.247,248 On
amount of pesticides application in the environment. This will the basis of the types of human exposure to commercial
also reduce the costs of pesticides and labor, which nally pesticides, it can be assumed that the major routes of human
benet farmers. However, more research is required in this eld exposure to nanoencapsulated pesticides are
to develop such pesticides, which will be able to control the direct and indirect contact with nanoencapsulated
pest immediately, as well as retain their ecacy over a longer
pesticides such as dermal adsorption.
period. For example, Hwang et al.93 prepared CRFs of
direct inhalation of nanoencapsulated pesticides or air
etopfenprox as a liposome. They reported that the pest control
ecacy of etofenprox against Spodopter litura lasted longer contaminated with nanoencapsulated pesticides; and
when they encapsulated this as a liposome rather than as a exposure through the food chain, that is, eating food and
commercial pesticide. They also reported that the initial pest drinking water contaminated with nanoencapsulated
control ecacy of liposomes was similar to the commercial pesticides.
pesticide (100% mortality was observed). However, after a 6.2. Human Health Concerns Linked to Nanoencapsu-
certain period (13 days), the commercial pesticide lost ecacy lated Pesticides. Although the methods of human exposure
while the liposome-containing pesticide retained pest control at to nanoencapsulated pesticides are expected to be the same as
>50% ecacy.93 those for commercial pesticides, in terms of nanosize only, their
application is a major health issue. Nanoparticles are as small as
/5000 the width of a human hair. Such small particles are able to
EXPOSURE TO HUMANS AND THEIR pass through the skin of living organisms, especially when it has
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT been damaged. Mortensen et al.249 investigated the skin
6.1. Ways of Human Exposure to Nanoencapsulated penetration of quantum dot (QD) nanoparticles in a murine
Pesticides. Introducing nanoencapsulated pesticides in model and the eect of ultraviolet rays. They reported that QD
agricultural practices may pose new risks as well as benets nanoparticles worked their way between the corneocytes of the
to people and the environment.16 The impact of nano- stratum corneum and penetrated deep into the epidermis and
encapsulated pesticides is still unclear, as most studies have dermis of an in vivo model exhibiting UVR penetration
investigated the controlled-release behavior or sought to exacerbation. They also reported that UVR induces an outside-
improve their properties against premature degradation. Only in barrier defect, likely due to a loss of epidermal calcium
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Figure 30. Cross section of human skin showing the dierent layers and appendages (adapted and modied from ref 255).

gradient and resultant stratum corneum lipid disruption. Thus, the characteristics of the QD nanoparticles249 It was reported
due to the accelerated epidermal proliferation and dier- that nanoparticles such as TiO2 and ZnO that are used in
entiation UVR, skin repair response did not prevent QD commercial sunscreens exhibit limited penetration in layers
nanoparticles from breeching the skin barrier. It is very below the lower stratum corneum and that the skin penetration
important to note that QD nanoparticle penetration strongly characteristics can be altered by using surface coatings on the
depends on the condition of the skin and the characteristics of nanoparticles to make them waterproof.249 Researchers at the
the QD nanoparticles. The penetration of QD nanoparticles University of Bath found that even the smallest nanoparticles
did not attain the drastic levels seen in some ex vivo cannot pass through the skin barrier.253 A study by Campbell et
nanoparticle tissue studies, even with mechanical exing al.254 employed laser scanning confocal microscopy to observe
associated with normal animal motion.249 whether uorescently tagged polystyrene beads in the scale of
Not only dermal adsorption but also exposure of such tiny 20200 nm were absorbed into the skin. They reported that
materials via inhalation or the oral route has drawn attention as the minimal uptake was independent of contact time (up to 16
the particles can accumulate in the lymph system, the liver, the h) and nanoparticle size being tested. The nanoparticles could
nervous system, and in other areas of the body.250 Hillyer and not penetrate beyond the most supercial layers, corresponding
Albrecht251 investigated the gastrointestinal uptake of nano- to a depth of 23 m, of the stratum corneum (the outermost,
particles in mice. They discovered that a smaller particle size 1520 m skin layers, see Figure 30). Therefore, the
was correlated with a higher uptake in the small intestine. nanoparticles failed to reach the viable cells of the epidermis
6.3. Do Nanoencapsulated Pesticides Reduce Human
or beyond.254
and Living Beings Exposure to Pesticides? Generally,
Inhalation exposure to pesticides is very sensitive as the
several factors aect exposure during the handling and
pesticides are readily absorbed by the human body, especially
application of pesticides, such as the types of pesticide
the lungs. So far, various controlled-release pesticide
formulations, weather conditions, frequency and duration of
formulations have been prepared by encapsulation using
handling, and general hygiene behavior of workers during
pesticide use.245 Applying nanoencapsulation technology in nanomaterials. Such nanomaterials (e.g., biodegradable poly-
pesticide formulations is revolutionary and has potential in mers) have also been investigated for the controlled release of
agricultural practices in terms of employing pesticides safely. drug delivery. Due to their slow release properties,
Dierent organic solvents are utilized for the preparation of encapsulation materials will release the pesticide in a controlled
commercial pesticide (nonencapsulated) formulations to make way into the human body, which will reduce health risks
them stable, whereas nanoencapsulated pesticides disperse compared to nonencapsulated pesticides. The frequency and
properly in aqueous media without any organic solvents.3 Thus, duration of pesticide handling, on both seasonal and lifetime
nanoencapsulated pesticides allow the organic solvent-free safe bases, aect exposure. For instance, the exposure of an
application of pesticides. individual farmer who applies a pesticide once a year is lower
From the perspective of dermal exposure of nanoencapsu- than that of a commercial applicator who normally applies a
lated pesticides, Alvarez-Roman et al.252 reported that such pesticide on many consecutive days or weeks in a season.246
exposure to nanoparticles depends on the properties of General hygiene behavior of workers during pesticide use can
nanocarrier materials, especially their solubility and biodegrad- also have a substantial impact on exposure.256 The proper use
ability. They also reported that lipophilic non-biodegradable and maintenance of protective clothing are considered
carrier materials enhanced penetration through the skin and important practices associated with reduced chemical expo-
accumulated preferentially in the follicular opening.252 Another sures. Furthermore, workers who avoid mixing and spraying
investigation found that penetration of nanoparticles such as during windy conditions can reduce their exposure to
QD nanoparticles depends strongly on the skins condition and pesticides.
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Weather conditions at the time of application, such as air, 6.4.1. Reducing the Amount of Pesticide Use and
temperature, and humidity, may aect the chemical volatility of Residues. Nanoencapsulated pesticides showed better environ-
the product, the perspiration rate of the human body, and the mental stability, controlled release, targeted activity, and
use of personal protective equipment.246,257 Wind considerably physical stability than other formulations. Various nano-
increases spray drift and resultant exposure to the applicator. encapsulated formulations such as nanoemulsions also have
The amount of pesticide that is lost from the target area and the the capacity to increase the solubility and permeability of
distance that the pesticide moves will increase as wind velocity pesticides.192 Nanoencapsulation materials can potentially
increases; therefore, greater wind speed will generally cause protect the AIs from immature degradation such as
more drift. In addition, low relative humidity and high volatilization, photolysis, and rapid evaporation. Some
temperature will cause more rapid evaporation of spray pesticides are highly mobile in nature and are lost through
droplets between the spray nozzle and the target than high leaching and drainage, which eventually causes water pollution.
relative humidity and low temperature. In contrast to Nanoencapsulation materials minimize such losses by releasing
commercial pesticides, nanoencapsulated pesticides reduce AIs in a controlled way. Slow-releasing properties as well as
exposure in such weather conditions by reducing volatilization encapsulation of AIs with hydrophobic nanomaterials can also
and increasing stiness, permeability, thermal stability, and be eective tools to prevent any losses from drainage or runo.
solubility.17 The dispersion of hydrophobic pesticides in aqueous media can
It is notable that the food chain is one of the major ways be enhanced by nanoencapsulation, allowing a controlled
through which humans can be exposed to nanoencapsulated release of active compounds, which reduces the problems
pesticides, especially non-biodegradable nanoencapsulation associated with drifting and leaching. Such protection
materials. For example, metals/metalloids such as arsenic are mechanisms reduce the exposure of pesticides to the environ-
accumulated in the human body via the food chain and potable ment and retain their activity for a longer period of time.
water.258,259 In some investigations, the bioavailability of Ultimately, the POA of AIs increases and enables them to
inorganic nanoparticles was noted, particularly their ability to combat pests for longer periods by supplying the AI in a
accumulate in the human body via the food chain. To ensure controlled way at the optimum level. As a result, the
the good quality of food reaching consumers, nanoencapsulated requirement for repeated and indiscriminate applications of
pesticides should be designed in such a way that they remain pesticides is reduced.58 Nanoencapsulated pesticides have also
free from residual eects. In a eld test with soybean, Adak et exhibited better pest control ecacy at lower dose compared to
al.205 evaluated the terminal residues of PEG-coated nano- commercial formulations. A nanoencapsulated pesticide pos-
sesses higher surface area and, depending on the particle size,
imidacloprid formulations utilized for seed treatment. They
the pesticide doses can be reduced.194 The biological activity of
reported that the accumulation of the pesticide on the soybean
AIs can also be reduced by soil sorption. As a result, signicant
seeds and soil at harvest was below the detection level of the
amounts of pesticide remain as residues in the soil, but the
instrument.205 In an earlier study, similar investigations were
residue amount increases with continuous application of
conducted by Guan et al.260 using chitosan-coated nano-
pesticides. The level of residual toxicity is inuenced by their
imidacloprid formulations on soybean leaves and soil. Their
shelf-lives, chemical stability, and bioavailability to the plant and
results showed that the nal residues of imidacloprid in both living beings. However, the development of new pesticide
leaves and soil were 10 times lower than the permitted formulations obtained from encapsulation with nanomaterials is
maximum residue level of imidacloprid established by the the possible solution to minimize the residual toxicity.
FAO/WHO.260 None of these studies investigated the fate or 6.4.2. Less Toxicity to Nontarget Organisms. The non-
residual eect of encapsulated materials in the plant or soil. selective nature and residual availability of pesticides are major
Transportation of nanoencapsulated pesticides and their release concerns about pesticide formulations. With such properties
behaviors from nanoencapsulated materials are very important they are very toxic to nontarget organisms.261 It is expected that
for identifying their probable fate and accessibility in the human nanoencapsulation technology will design a pesticide formula-
body via the food chain. tion in a way that is safe for nontarget organisms, including
6.4. Environmental Impacts of Nanoencapsulated handlers, and will be toxic only to target pests. Nano-
Pesticides. Conventional pesticide formulations suer from encapsulation materials provide better interaction and a
multigate problems due to their widespread, repeated, and modied mode of action at a desired target site of the plant
random application, which cause major impacts in the or pest due to its tunable controlled-release system and larger
environment. Therefore, a precise pest management system is surface area.262 As a part of smart delivery systems, nano-
required to reduce the toxicity of pesticide application and encapsulation materials support pesticide active compounds in
minimize any environmental hazard. The damage done by being more selective without hindering access of the bioactive
available pesticides has necessitated the search for new pesticide compounds to the target pathogen.263 Pradhan et al.207
alternatives to reduce their usage. Therefore, technological investigated the biosafety of PEG-encapsulated acephate on a
development is always a burning issue in the pesticide industry. murine model and in vitro cytotoxicity in a human broblast
Of the latest technologies, encapsulation of pesticides or cell line. They did not nd any kind of abnormality, which was
pesticidal active ingredients with nanomaterials was found to be indicated on the basis of parameters of acute oral toxicity and in
the most eective. Nanoencapsulation technology has the vitro cytotoxicity. In the case of pest control ecacy,
advantages of safer handling and more ecient use of pesticides nanoencapsulated acephate acted excellently against a broad
with less exposure to the environment, guaranteeing eco- spectrum of agriculturally harmful pests, both in vitro and in
protection. They facilitate the eco-protection system to vivo.207 In another analysis, pyrethroid insecticides such as -
pesticides by, rst, reducing the amount required for eective cyhalothrin are known to possess high and unwanted toxicity
pest control and, second, enhancing their sensitivity to target that aects aquatic organisms. Nanoencapsulation technology
and nontarget organisms. proved to be eective in reducing such toxicity while retaining
1474 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

Table 4. Some Promising Botanical Pesticides and Their Mode of Action (Reproduced with Permission from References 265
(Copyright 2006 Annual Reviews), 266, 267 (Copyright 2000 Wiley), and 268 (Copyright 2014 Elsevier))

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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

insecticidal activity.211 Kumar et al.40 prepared a nano- So far, a number of investigations have commented on the
encapsulated formulation of imidacloprid coated with sodium improved features of nanoencapsulated biopesticides (Table 3).
alginate. In their study, they found that nanoencapsulated More importantly, the development of less harmful plant
pesticide formulation showed less cytotoxicity while retaining protection products through nanoencapsulation was the focus
better pest ecacy over plain imidacloprid. Recently, improved of most research. The types of nanoencapsulation materials
herbicide formulations were developed where the active used were similar to those employed for drug delivery in
compounds were encapsulated with polymeric nanocap- humans. Considering the environmental risk factors, the
sules.38,261 Such a pesticide formulation performed better in nanoencapsulation materials that originated from biodegradable
controlling the target species, whereas their genotoxicity tests polymers were quite promising in the formulation of less
demonstrated less toxicity than the free herbicides.38,261 They harmful biopesticides. In recent years, biologically originated
also reported that nanoencapsulation materials can modify the biodegradable materials (beeswax, corn oil, lecithin, cashew
properties of pesticidal compounds and reduce toxicity to gum, etc.) were also used to prepare less harmful biopesticides
nontarget organisms.23 Therefore, nanoencapsulated pesticides by encapsulating bioactive compounds, forming various nano-
are biosafe and more eective compared to their commercial materials.72,212,213 On the other hand, nanoencapsulation
counterparts with reported toxicity. Nanoencapsulation tech- materials such as amorphous silica nanoparticles were declared
nology has great potential, but more investigation is required to safe for humans by the World Health Organization (WHO)
make pesticides more eco-friendly. and U.S. Department of Agriculture,269 whereas nanoclays
6.5. Nanoencapsulated Green Pesticides as a Safe already exist in the earth. It is expected that the wide ranges of
Application of Pesticides. The utilization of plant derivatives nanoencapsulation materials and encapsulation approaches are
is not a novel phenomenon for controlling agricultural pests. able to simplify the synthesis of nanoencapsulated biopesticides.
The practice of using plant derivatives as pesticides began in The widespread application of dangerous biopesticides can be
ancient times.264,265 Plant derivatives used for pest management overcome through nanoencapsulation, which may begin a new
are considered to be attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical era in which pesticides required for eective pest control in
agriculture are environmentally safe.
pesticides because they pose little threat to the environment
and to peoples health. For example, azadirachtin is deemed
nontoxic to mammals, sh, and pollinators; the oral acute LD50
to rat is >5000 mg kg1, whereas its half-life is approximately 20 The indiscriminate usage of agrochemicals, especially pesticides,
h.265 This explains why plant derivatives such as essential oils, has drawn scholarly attention as they pollute the environment
extracts, and isolated active compounds (biochemicals) having and pose a danger to living beings. Nanotechnology is a recent
pest control ecacy can be termed green pesticides or botanical approach that is becoming increasingly important for delivering
pesticides. However, some botanical pesticides have been pesticides and their safe application. Of all the various types of
deemed toxic to humans, and subsequently their utilization has nanotechnology related to pesticide delivery, this review
been drastically reduced. For instance, nicotine, an alkaloid analyzed and presented the importance, ecacy, and trends
obtained from leaf extracts of Nicotiana tabacum, is a well- inherent in the nanoencapsulation technique. Dierent nano-
known insecticide, but its utilization has declined due to encapsulation materials have already shown their potential,
promising results and applications by encapsulating the
extreme toxicity (acute oral LD50 to rat is 50 mg kg1) and
available pesticides and biocides. Among them, polymer,
rapid dermal absorption in humans.266 Some promising
porous silica, clay, and LDH-based nanomaterials were found
botanical pesticides and their modes of action are listed in
to be very important. Further studies are required to
Table 4. Such pesticides constitute a major aspect of
understand the compatibility between the pesticides and
biopesticides.265 Although such types of plant products are
encapsulation materials as well as the encapsulation mechanism
considered safe for humans, generally, they are either unstable of pesticide formulations. Of the wide potential applications of
or suer from premature degradation, for instance, high nanoencapsulation techniques for pesticide delivery, developing
volatility, thermal decomposition, etc.268 Because of such a slow-releasing property with enhanced solubility, perme-
properties, until now, their application is not up to the level ability, and stability is the main focus of current research. These
of commercial synthetic pesticides. Considering the benets of properties will be achieved through either protection of the
botanical pesticides to humans and the environment, new encapsulated active ingredients from premature degradation or
formulations with improved features in potency and stability increasing their pest control ecacy for a longer period.
constitute a major research area in the pest management The controlled-release properties of nanoencapsulation
industry. materials to release the AIs to the target area using autosensing
The utilization of nanotechnology and especially the power need further investigation. Although complete features
widespread application of nanoencapsulation materials in a (e.g., synthesis, ecacy, and their fate) related to these
drug delivery system have drawn attention to the selection of nanomaterials are rarely found and promising nanoencapsu-
safe materials for enhancing botanical pesticide formulations. lated pesticides are at a very early stage of development, it is
Recently, de Oliveira et al.268 reviewed an application of expected that this technology will reduce, rst, the dosage of
nanotechnology for encapsulating botanical insecticides. They pesticides needed for crop protection and, second, human
noted that, except for a few botanical active compounds, their exposure to pesticides. A major contribution that is expected to
utilization is limited to entomological concerns. Biochemicals emerge from the auspicious results of green pesticides is the
derived from other types of biopesticides can also be used for application of nanoparticles to encapsulate and stabilize
strengthening the safe application of pesticides. In their review bioproducts, which will reduce environmental hazards.
paper, Copping and Menn267 mentioned other sources of However, more studies will be required to establish common
biopesticides such as micro-organism- and insect-derived synthesis procedures for a particular group of pesticides and to
compounds. assess the fate of nanoencapsulation materials. The main
1476 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Review

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1483 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05214

J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 14471483

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