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This document discusses butt welding ends and references various ASME and ISO standards related to welding, piping, and quality systems.

This document establishes standards for butt welding ends for piping systems.

It references standards for piping, welding fittings, elbows, as well as quality management systems from ASME and ISO.

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The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers



ASME B16.25-1NU7
(Revision of ASME B16.25-1!!2)

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Date of Issuance: May 30, 1997

The 1997 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda
subscription service. The use of an addenda allows revisions made in
response to public review comments or committee actions to be published
as necessary; revisions published in addenda will become effective 6 months
after the Date of Issuance of the addenda. The next edition of this Standard
is scheduled for publication in 2002.

ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of

technical aspects of this Standard. The interpretations will be included with
the above addenda service. Interpretations are not part of the addenda to
the Standard.

ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard
was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an
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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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(This Foreword is not part of ASME 816.25-1997.)

In July 1953, theAmericanWelding Society presented a proposal on Welding End

Preparationto Sectional Committee B16 of the American Standards Association (ASA),
withtherecommendationthat it be considered as a candidate American Standard. The
proposalwas expanded to include welding preparation for flangesandvalves covered by
ASA B 16.5, Steel PipeFlangesandFlanged Fittings, and for fittings covered by ASA
B16.9, Buttwelding Fittings. Consideration was also given to Pipe Fabrication Institute
Standard ES- 1.
The third draft reviewed by Subcommittee 3, Subgroup 6 (now Subcommittee F) of the
B16 Sectional Committee was forwarded to the Committee, to the cosponsor organizations,
andthento ASA for approval. Final approval was given on September 14,1955, withthe
designation ASA B16.25-1955.
Revisions were developed as need for clarification and improvement became known, and
were approved asASA B16.25-1958 and ASA B16.25-1964. After ASA reorganized as
theAmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) andthe Sectional Committee became
AmericanNational Standards Committee B16, a further revisionwas approved as ANSI
Subcommittee F immediatelybeganwork on a major expansion and updating of the
standard, adding illustrations and requirements for welding end configurations applicable to
a number of specific circumstances, including cast steel andalloy valves. When a draft
had been developed that overcame the many problems and conflicting demands, the Standards
Committee, cosecretariat organizations, and ANSI concurred in approval of ANSI B16.25-
1979 on July 18,1979.
In 1982, AmericanNational Standards Committee B16 was reorganized as an ASME
Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. In the 1986 edition, inch
dimensions were established as the standard and numerous changes in text and format were
made. Notesfor illustrations were also clarified. Following approval by the Standards
Committee andASME, approval as American National Standard wasgiven by ANSIon
October 8, 1986, withthenew designation ASME/ANSI B16.25-1986.
In 1992, the subcommittee revisedthe requirements for the preparation of the inside
diameter of welding end. The references in Annex B were also updated. After public review
and approval by ASME,this edition was approved by ANSIon October 26,1992, with
thenew designation ASME B 16.25-1992.
In this 1997 Edition, metric dimensions were added as an independent but equal standard
to theinchunits. An Annexwasalso added to reference quality system requirements.
Following approval by the Standards Committee andASME, this revisiontothe 1992
edition of B 16.25 wasapproved as an AmericanNational Standard by ANSIonApril 17,
1997, with the new designation ASME B16.25-1997.
Requestsfor interpretation or suggestions for revision should be senttothe Secretary,
B I6 Committee, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center,
345 East47th Street, New York, NY 10017.

. ..

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Standardization of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and
of approval of this Standard.)
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time

W. N. McLean, Chair
R. A. Schmidt, Vice Chair
K. Ciciora, Secretary

W. Ballis, Consultant, Columbus, Ohio
R. R. Brodin, Fisher Controls International, Inc., Marshalltown, Iowa
K. Ciciora, ASME, New York, New York
M.A. Clark, NIBCO, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana
A. Cohen, Copper Development Association, New York, New York
W. C. Farrell, Jr., Consultant, Birmingham, Alabama
D. R. Frikken, Monsanto Co., St. Louis, Missouri
M. W. Garland, Frick Company, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
J. C. Inch, Mueller Refrigeration Products Co., Hartsville, Tennessee
G. A. Jolly, Vogt Valve Co., Louisville, Kentucky
W. G. Knecht, Consultant, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
R. Koester, The William Powell Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
W. N. McLean, Newco Valves, Palos Park, Illinois
R. A. Schmidt, Ladish Co., Russellville, Arkansas
W. M. Stephan, Flexitallic, Inc., Pennsauken, New Jersey
T. F. Stroud, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Birmingham, Alabama
R. E. White, Richard E. White & Associates, South Bend, Indiana
0. A. Williams, Southern Company Services, Birmingham, Alabama
L. A. Willis, Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas
W. R. Worley, Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, West Virginia


P. R. Benavides. Tube Forgings of America, Portland, Oregon
G. A. Cuccio, Capitol Manufacturing Co., Crowley, Louisiana
U. D'Urso, Secretary, ASME, New York, New York
D. R. Frikken, Monsanto Co., St. Louis, Missouri
R. E. Johnson, Consultant, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
G. A. Jolly, Chair, Vogt Valve Co., Louisville, Kentucky
R. C. Lafferty, Penna Machine Works, Inc., Astoner, Pennsylvania
D. H. Monroe, Consultant, Birmingham, Alabama
D. W. Muir, Consultant, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
R. A. Schmidt, Ladish Co., Russellville, Arkansas
L. A. Willis, Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Foreword ....................................................................... ...


Committee Roster ............................................................... V

1 Scope ............................................................. 1
2 Transition Contours .............................................. 1
3 Welding Bevel
Design ............................................ 1
4 Preparation of Inside Diameter of Welding End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Tolerances ........................................................ 6
1 Maximum
Envelope for Welding End Transitions .................... 2
2 Weld
Bevels for Wall Thickness Not Over 22 mrn (0.88 in.) . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Weld
Bevel Details for Wall Thickness Over 22 mm (0.88 in.) ....... 4
4 Weld
Bevel Details for GTAWRoot
Pass [Wall Thickness Over
3 mm (0.12 in.) to 10 mm (0.38 in.), Inclusive] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5 Weld
Bevel Details for GTAWRoot
Pass [Wall Thickness Over
10 mm (0.38 in.) to 25 mm (1.0 in.), Inclusive] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Weld
Bevel Details for GTAW
[Wall Thickness Over 25 mm (1.0 in.)] ........................... 7
I Dimensions of Welding
Ends ..................................... 8
A Inch Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B Quality System Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
C References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

The interpretations to ASME B16.25 are included in this Edition as a separate section for the users convenience.
This section. notpartofthe Standard.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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ASME 816.25-1997


1 SCOPE conformance to this Standard in all other respects, will

be considered tobein conformance to the Standard
1.1 General eventhough the edition reference maybe changed in
a subsequent addendum to or revision of the Standard.
This Standard covers the preparation of buttwelding
ends of piping components tobe joined into a piping
1.5 Quality Systems
system by welding. It includes requirements for welding
bevels, for external and internal shaping of heavy- Nonmandatory requirements relating to the manufac-
wall components, and for preparation of internal ends turersQualitySystemProgramaredescribed in
(including dimensions and tolerances). Coverage in- Annex B.
cludes preparation for joints withthe following:
(a) nobacking rings; 1.6 Convention
(b) split or noncontinuous backing rings;
For the purpose of determining conformance with
(c) solid or continuous backingrings; this Standard, the convention for fixing significant digits
(d) consumable insert rings;
where limits, maximum or minimum values, are speci-
( e ) gas tungsten arcwelding (GTAW) of the root
fied shall be rounding off as defined in ASTM
Practice E 29. This requires that an observed orcalcu-
Details of preparation for any backing ring must be
lated value shall be rounded off to the nearest unit in
specified in ordering the component.
thelast right-hand digit used for expressing the limit.
Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particular
1.2 Application
method of measurement.
This Standard applies toanymetallicmaterials for
which a welding procedure canbe satisfactorily quali-
fied,butdoesnot prescribe specificwelding processes
or procedures. Unless otherwise specified by thepur- Figure 1 delineates the maximum envelope in which
chaser, it does not apply towelding ends conforming transitions fromweldingbevel to the outer surface of
toASME B16.5, B16.9, or B16.28. the component andfromtheroot face to theinner
surface of the component must lie. Except as specified
1.3 Standard Units in Note ( 5 ) toFig. 1 and as otherwise specified by
the purchaser, the exact contour withinthis envelope
The values stated in either metric or inchunits are
is the manufacturers option, providing it maintains the
toberegarded separately as standard. Withinthetext,
specified minimum wall thickness, has no slopes steeper
theinchunits are shown in parentheses. The values
thanthose indicated for the respective regions,and
stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore
includes the proper surface for backing rings if specified.
each systemmust beused independently of the other.
Combining values from the two systems may result in
nonconformance withthe Standard. 3 WELDING BEVEL DESIGN

1.4 Referenced Standards 3.1Bevelsfor Other Than GTAW Root Pass

Standards and specifications adopted by reference in (a) Components having nominal wall thicknesses of
this Standard are shown in Annex C, whichispart of 3 mm (0.12 in.) andless shall have ends cut square
this Standard. Itisnot considered practicalto identify or slightly chamfered.
the specific edition of each standardand specification ( b ) Components havingnominal wall thicknesses
in the individual references; instead the specific edition over 3 mm (0.12 in.) to22 mm (0.88 in.) inclusive
isidentified in Annex C. An endpreparationmade in shallhave single angle bevels as illustrated in Fig. 2.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Component or Fitting
) Maximum [Note (2)l

(5)l I Radius 2 0.05 tmin [Note
2t,in transitionregion

(1) The value of t m i n is whichever of the following is applicable:
(a) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the pipe;
(b) 0.875 times the nominal wall thickness of pipe ordered to a pipe schedule wall thickness that has an under-tolerance of 12.596;
(c) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the cylindrical welding end of a component or fitting (or the thinner of the two) whenthe
joint is between two components.
(2) The maximum thickness at the end of the component is:
(a) the greater of tmin + 4 m m (0.16 in.) or 1.15tmin when ordered on a minimum wall basis;
(b) the greater of tmin + 4 mm (0.16 in.) or l.lOtnwhen om ordered on a nominal wall basis.
(3) Weld bevel shown is for illustration only.
(4) The weld reinforcement permitted by applicable code may lie outside the maximum envelooe.
(5)Where transitions using maximum slope do notintersect inside or outside surface, as shown by phantom outlines, maximum slopes
shown or alternate radii shall be used.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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--- 37.5 deg k2.5 deg


[Note (1)l 1.6 20.8 4

(0.06 20.03)

---J 8

(a) Welding End Detail for

Joint Without Backing
Ring (b)Welding
End Detail for
Using Split
Rectangular Backing Ring

---1 31.5 deg 22.5 deg --. - 37.5 deg i 2 . 5 deg

[Note (2)1

(0.06 20.03)

1 A

c +0.25 - 0

(c) Welding End Detail for Joint Using Continuous (d) Welding End Detail for Joint Using Continuous
Rectangular Backing Ring Tapered Backing Ring

(a) Broken lines denote maximum envelope for transitions from welding bevel and root
face into body of component.
See Fig. 1 for details.
(b) See Section 5 for tolerances other than those given these
in sketches.
(C) Purchase order must specify contour of any backing ring tobe used.
(d) Linear dimensions are in millimeters with inchvalues in parentheses.

(1) Internal surface may be as-formed or machined for dimension 6 at root face. Contour within the envelope shallbe in accordance
with Section 2.
(21 Intersections should be slightly rounded,


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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4 r-
10 deg t 1 deg
10deg t l d e g
- 0 -

(\ \

(0.75 20.06)

1.6 t0.8
(0.06 t0.03) (0.06 20.03)
[Note (1)l

--- J 13(0.5) min

(a) Welding End Detail for JointWithout Backing Ring (b) Welding End Detailfor Joint Using Split
Rectangular Backing Ring

--- 10 deg deg

21 -- 10deg

\ \ I

[Note (2)l [Note (2)]

1 37.5 deg 22.5 deg t
1.6 t0.8
19 22 (0.06 20.03)

+0.25 - 0 +0.25 - 0
,J (+0.010 - 0) (+0.010 - 0)

13(0.5) min 1

(C) Welding End Detail forJoint UsingContinuous (dl Welding End Detail
for Joint Using Continuous
Rectangular Backing Ring Tapered Backing Ring

(a) Broken lines denote maximum envelope for transitions from welding groove and root
face into body of components.
See Fig. 1 for details.
(b) See Section 5 for tolerances other than those givenin these sketches.
(c) Purchase order must specify contour of any backing ring to be used.
( d l Linear dimensions are in millimeters withinch values in Darentheses.

(1) Internal surface may be as-formed or machined for dimension 8 at root face. Contour within the envelope shall be in accordance
with Section 2.
(2) Intersections should be slightly rounded.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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(c) Components having nominal wall thicknesses

greater than 22 mm (0.88 in.) shall have compound 37.5 deg e2.5 deg
angle bevels as illustrated in Fig. 3.
3.2Bevels for GTAW Root Pass
(a) Components having nominal wall thicknesses of
3 mm (0.12 in.) and less shall have ends cut square
or slightly chamfered.
(6) Components having nominal wall thicknesses
over 3 mm (0.12 in.) to 10 mm (0.38 in.) inclusive
t1.6 20.8

(0.06 +0.03)
shall have 37'/2 deg ? 2!4 deg bevels or slightly
concave bevels. See Fig. 4.
(c) Components having nominalwall thicknesses (a) This detail applies for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of
over 10 mm (0.38 in.) to 25 mm (1.0 in.) inclusive the root pass where nominal wall thickness is over
shall have bevels as shown in Fig. 5. 3 m m (0.12 in.) t 3 10 m m (0.38in.) inclusive.
(d) Components having nominal wall thicknesses (b) Linear dimensions are in millimeters with inch values in
greater than 25 mm (1.0 in.) shall havebevelsas
shown in Fig. 6 .
4 PREPARATION OF INSIDE DIAMETER OF [Wall Thickness Over 3 mm (0.12 in.)
WELDING END to 10 mm (0.38 in.), Inclusive]

4.1 General
Preparation of the inside diameter attheend of a and 6 are tabulated in Table 1 for DN 65 through 900
component shall be in accordance with one of the (NPS 21/, through 36).
following, as specified by the purchaser. Dimensions for other sizes and/or wall thicknesses
(a) Components to be welded without backing rings canbe determined by the following formulas:
shall meet the requirements of the standard or specifica-
tion for the component.
(b) Components to be welded using split or noncon- C =A - 0.79 - 1.75r - 0.25 mrn
tinuous backing rings shall be contoured with a cylindri-
cal surface atthe end as shown in Fig.2, sketch (b) (C = A - 0.031 - 1.75t - 0.010 in.)
andFig. 3, sketch (b). If the backingring contour is
other than rectangular, details mustbe furnished by
the purchaser.
(c) Components to be welded using solid or continu-
ous backing rings shall be contoured with a cylindrical A = nominal O.D. of pipe (see column 3 in
or tapered surface at the end asspecified by the Tables I and Al, taken from ASME
purchaser. End preparation is illustrated in Fig. 2, sketch B36. IOM)
(c) andFig.3, sketch (c) for rectangular ends and in 0.79
Fig. 2, sketch (d) and Fig. 3, sketch (d) for tapered ends. (0.031) = minus tolerance on O.D. of pipe, mm
(d) Components to beweldedusing consumable (in.), as covered by ASTM specifications
insert rings or GTAW root pass shall be contoured havingthemore restrictive requirements
with a cylindrical surface at the end as shown in Figs. suchas A 106, A 335, etc.
4, 5, and 6. 1.75 = minimalwall of 871/2% of nominalwall
(permitted by ASTM specification having
the more restrictive requirements such as
4.2 Dimension C A 106, A 335, etc.) multiplied by 2 to
Values for dimension C shown in Fig. 2, sketches convert into terms of diameter
(c) and (d); Fig. 3, sketches (c) and (d); and Figs. 5 t = nominal wall thickness of pipe, mm (in.)

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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-- 1 20 deg 22.5
-- i2.5deg

i\ \
+- 0 to 2 (0.06)

5(0.19) R

[Note (1)l 2 i0.4 A

30 deg f0maxL??!!fl 5(0.19) min I +0.25
(4.010 'I
- 0.040)
- 1.02
--J 5(0.19) min

Type B
rLPe A

(a) This detail applies for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of the root pass where nominal wall thickness is over 10 mm (0.38in.) to
25 mm ( 1.0 in.) inclusive.
(b) Broken lines denote maximum envelope for transitions from welding groove and land into body of component. See Fig. 1 for details.
(c) See Section 5 for tolerances other than those given in these sketches.
(d) Linear dimensions are in millimeters with inch values in parentheses.

(1) Inside corners should be slightly rounded.


[Wall Thickness Over 10 mm (0.38 in.) to 25 mm (1.0 in.), Inclusive]

0.25 5 TOLERANCES (See Figs.2, 3, 5, and 6 )

(0.010) = plus
Bore C,
mm (in.) 5.1 Dimension B
Values for the I.D. at the welding end [see dimension
4.3 Exceptions
B, Fig. 2, sketches (a) and (b); andFig. 3, sketches
(a) For pipe or tubingvaryingfromthe ASTM A (a) and (b)] shall beasspecified in the applicable
106 and A 335 types,having different wall thickness standard or specification for the component.
and/or outside diameter tolerances (suchas forged
andboredpipe),theforegoingformulas may be
5.2 Welding Bevels, Root Face, and
Dimension C
(b) For components in smaller sizes and lower sched-
ule numbers, it may be necessary to deposit weld metal Values of welding bevels, root face, anddimension
on the inside diameter or use thicker wall materials in C shall beas indicated in Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
order to machine thebackingringwhilemaintaining Large diameter pipeandfittingswith a relatively
requiredwall thickness. This condition may also arise thin wallhave a tendency to spring out-of-round after
when using material whose nominal dimensions indicate removalfromthemachiningfixture.Forthis reason,
sufficient metal but whose actual inside diameter (I.D.), themeasured diameters mayvary with orientation. A
considering tolerances, is large enough to require addi- tolerance of +0.25 mm (+0.010 in.)shallapplytothe
tional metal. average diameter.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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10 deg +1 dag -1 kldeg 10deg


\ '3(0.12) \
\ \ + +0 to 2 (0.06)
20 deg k2.5 deg
20 deg 4 5 deg

19 t o 25
19 t o 25 (0.75 to 1.00)
(0.75 to 1.00)

Ir (+0.010-0.040) 5(0.19) rnin
--J ,J

(a) This detail applies forgas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of root pass where nominal wallthickness is greater than 25 rnrn (1.0 in.).
(b) Broken lines denote maximum envelope for transitions from welding groove and land into body of component. See Fig. 1 for details.
(c) See Section 5 for tolerances other than those givenin these sketches.
Id) Linear dimensions are in millimeters with inchvalues in parentheses.

(1) Inside corners should be slightly rounded


[Wall Thickness Over 25 mm (1.0 in.)]

5.3 Dimension A 5.4 Wall Thickness

Dimension A is the nominal outside diameter of the The maximum thickness, tmmax, attheend of the
component atthewelding end. component is:
(a) greater of t,,,, + 4 mm (0.16 in.) or 1. 15tmi,
5.3.1 Valves (Column 4 of Tables 1 and A l l when ordered on a minimum wall basis;
Nominal Size (6) greater of tmin+ 4 mm (0.16 in.) or I.lO&,,,
when ordered on a nominalwall basis (see Fig. 1).
5 DN 125 (NPS 5) +2.4 m m (0.09 in.) -0.8 mm (0.03 in.)
The minimum thickness, rmin, shall be as specified
2 DN 150 (NPS 6) +4.0 m m (0.16 in.) -0.8 m m (0.03 in.)
in the applicable standard or specification for the compo-
nent (see Figs. 2, 3, 5, and 6).
5.3.2 Other Components. Dimension A values
for other components shall be as specified in the
applicable standard or specification for the component.

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(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive)
O.D. at Welding Ends

Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,
(DN) (1)l A [Note (111 A [Note (211 B C [Note (311 t

65 40 73.0 75 62.5 62.93 5.16

80 73.0 75 59 59.69 7.01
160 73.0 75 54 55.28 9.53
xxs 73.0 75 45 47.43 14.02

80 88.9 91 78 78.25 5.49

80 88.9 91 73.5 74.53 7.62
160 88.9 91 66.5 68.38 11.13
xxs 88.9 91 58.5 61.19 15.24

90 101.6 105 90 90.52 5.74

80 101.6 105 85.5 86.42 8.08

100 114.3 117 102 102.73 6.02

80 1 14.3 117 97 98.28 8.56
120 1 14.3 117 92 93.78 11.13
160 1 14.3 117 87.5 89.65 13.49
xxs 114.3 117 80 83.30 17.12

125 40 141.3 144 128 128.80 6.55

80 141.3 144 122 123.58 9.53
120 141.3 144 116 118.04 12.70
160 141.3 144 109.5 112.47 15.88
xxs 141.3 144 103 106.92 19.05

150 40 168.3 172 154 154.82 7.1 1

80 168.3 172 146.5 148.06 10.97
120 168.3 172 140 142.29 14.27
160 168.3 172 132 135.31 18.26
xxs 168.3 172 124.5 128.85 21.95

200 40 219.1 223 203 203.75 8.18

60 219.1 223 198.5 200.02 10.31
80 219.1 223 193.5 195.84 12.70
100 219.1 223 189 191.65 15.09
120 219.1 223 182.5 186.11 18.26
140 219.1 223 178 181.98 20.62
xxs 219.1 223 174.5 179.16 22.23
160 219.1 223 173 177.79 23.01

250 40 273.0 278 254.5 255.74 9.27

60 273.0 278 247.5 249.74 12.70
80 273.0 278 243 245.55 15.09
100 273.0 278 236.5 240.01 18.26
120 273.0 278 230 234.44 2 1.44
140 273.0 278 222 227.51 25.40
160 273.0 278 216 221.95 28.58

300 STD 323.8 329 305 306.08 9.53

40 323.8 329 303 304.72 10.31
xs 323.8 329 298.5 300.54 12.70
60 323.8 329 295 297.79 14.27

(Notes follow at end of table) (Table 1 continues on next page)

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B U W E L D I N G ENDS ASME 816.25-1997


(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive)
O.D. at Welding Ends

Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,
(DN) (111 A [Note (111 A [Note (211 B C [Note (311 t
300 323.8 329 289 292.17 17.48
100 323.8 329 281 285.24 21.44
120 323.8 329 273 278.31 25.40
140 323.8 329 266.5 272.75 28.58
160 323.8 329 257 264.45 33.32

350 STD 355.6 362 336.5 337.88 9.53

40 355.6 362 333.5 335.08 11.13
xs 355.6 362 330 332.34 12.70
60 355.6 362 325.5 328.15 15.09
80 355.6 362 317.5 321.22 19.05
100 355.6 362 308 312.86 23.83
120 355.6 362 300 305.93 27.79
140 355.6 362 292 299.00 31.75
160 355.6 362 284 292.07 35.71

400 STD 406.4 413 387.5 388.68 9.53

40 406.4 413 381 383.14 12.70
60 406.4 413 373 376.21 16.66
80 406.4 413 363.5 367.84 21.44
100 406.4 413 354 359.53 26.19
120 406.4 413 344.5 351.18 30.96
140 406.4 413 333.5 341.43 36.53
160 406.4 413 325.5 334.50 40.49

450 STD 457.2 464 438 439.48 9.53

xs 457.2 464 432 433.94 12.70
40 457.2 464 428.5 431.19 14.27
60 457.2 464 419 422.82 19.05
80 457.2 464 409.5 414.46 23.83
100 457.2 464 398.5 404.78 29.36
120 457.2 464 387.5 395.03 34.93
140 457.2 464 378 386.77 39.67
160 457.2 464 366.5 376.99 45.24

500 STD 508.0 516 489 490.28 9.53

xs 508.0 516 482.5 484.74 12.70
40 508.0 516 478 480.55 15.09
60 508.0 516 467 470.88 20.62
80 508.0 516 455.5 461.13 26.19
100 508.0 516 443 450.02 32.54
120 508.0 516 432 440.29 38.10
140 508.0 516 419 429.17 44.45
160 508.0 516 408 419.44 50.01

550 STD 558.8 567 539 541.08 9.53

xs 558.8 567 533 535.54 12.70
60 558.8 567 514 518.86 22.23
80 558.8 567 501 507.75 28.58

(Notes follow at end of table) (Table I continues on next page)

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services


(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive)
O.D. at Welding Ends

Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,
(DNI (111 A [Note (111 A [Note (211 B C [Note (3J1 f

550 558.8 567 488.5 496.63 34.93

120 558.8 567 476 485.52 41.28
140 558.8 567 463 474.41 47.63
160 558.8 567 450.5 463.30 53.98

600 STD 609.6 619 590.5 59 1.88 9.53

xs 609.6 619 584 586.34 12.70
30 609.6 619 581 583.59 14.27
40 609.6 619 574.5 577.97 17.48
60 609.6 619 560.5 565.49 24.61
ao 609.6 619 547.5 554.38 30.96
100 609.6 619 532 540.49 38.89
120 609.6 619 517.5 528.03 46.02
140 609.6 619 505 516.91 52.37
160 609.6 619 490.5 504.37 59.54

650 10 660.4 670 645.5 645.50 7.92

20 660.4 670 635 637.14 12.70

700 10 711.2 721 695.5 696.30 7.92

20 711.2 721 686 687.94 12.70
30 711.2 721 679.5 682.37 15.88

750 10 762.0 772 746 747.10 7.92

20 762.0 772 736.5 738.74 12.70
30 762.0 772 730 733.17 15.88

800 10 812.8 825 797 797.90 7.92

20 812.8 825 787.5 789.54 12.70
30 812.8 825 781 783.97 15.88
40 812.8 825 778 781.17 17.48

10 863.6 876 848 848.70 7.92

20 863.6 876 838 840.34 12.70
30 863.6 876 832 834.77 15.88
40 863.6 876 828.5 831.97 17.48

900 914.4 927 898.5 899.50 7.92

20 914.4 927 889 891.14 12.70
30 914.4 927 882.5 885.57 15.88
40 914.4 927 876.5 880.02 19.05

(a) Dimensions are in millimeters.
(b) See Section 5 for tolerances.
(1) Letter designations signify:
(a) STD = standard wall thickness
(b) XS = extra-strong wall thickness
(c) XXS = double extra-strong wall thickness
(2)The diameters listed are not requirements. They are provided for the convenience of the user.
(3)Internal machining for continuous backing rings for sizes DN 50 and smaller is not contemplated. See para. 4.2 for C
dimension for sizes not listed.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services

(This Annex is an integral part of ASME B16.25 and is placed after the main text for convenience.)

This Annex provides a table of the standard inch

dimensions for fittings.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services


(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive)
O.D. at Welding Ends

Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,

2 72 40 2.88 2.96 2.469 2.479 0.203

80 2.88 2.96 2.323 2.351 0.276
160 2.88 2.96 2.125 2.178 0.375
xxs 2.88 2.96 1.771 1.868 0.552

3 40 3.50 3.59 3.068 3.081 0.216

80 3.50 3.59 2.900 2.934 0.300
160 3.50 3.59 2.624 2.692 0.438
xxs 3.50 3.59 2.300 2.409 0.600

3'/2 40 4.00 4.12 3.548 3.564 0.226

80 4.00 4.12 3.364 3.402 0.318

4 40 4.50 4.62 4.026 4.044 0.237

80 4.50 4.62 3.826 3.869 0.337
120 4.50 4.62 3.624 3.692 0.438
160 4.50 4.62 3.438 3.530 0.531
xxs 4.50 4.62 3.152 3.279 0.674

5 40 5.56 5.69 5.047 5.070 0.258

80 5.56 5.69 4.813 4.866 0.375
120 5.56 5.69 4.563 4.647 0.500
160 5.56 5.69 4.313 4.428 0.625
xxs 5.56 5.69 4.063 4.209 0.750

6 40 6.62 6.78 6.065 6.094 0.280

80 6.62 6.78 5.761 5.828 0.432
120 6.62 6.78 5.501 5.600 0.562
160 6.62 6.78 5.187 5.326 0.719
xxs 6.62 6.78 4.897 5.072 0.864

8 40 8.62 8.78 7.981 8.020 0.322

60 8.62 8.78 7.813 7.873 0.406
80 8.62 8.78 7.625 7.709 0.500
100 8.62 8.78 7.437 7.544 0.594
120 8.62 8.78 7.187 7.326 0.719
140 8.62 8.78 7.001 7.163 0.812
xxs 8.62 8.78 6.875 7.053 0.875
160 8.62 8.78 6.813 6.998 0.906

10 40 10.75 10.94 10.020 10.070 0.365

60 10.75 10.94 9.750 9.834 0 500

80 10.75 10.94 9.562 9.670 0.594

100 10.75 10.94 9.312 9.451 0.719
120 10.75 10.94 9.062 9.232 0.844
140 10.75 10.94 8.750 8.959 1.000
160 10.75 10.94 8.500 8.740 1.125

12 STD 12.75 12.97 12.000 12.053 0.375

40 12.75 12.97 11.938 11.999 0.406
xs 12.75 12.97 11.750 11.834 0.500
60 12.75 12.97 11.626 11.725 0.562

(Notes follow at end of table) (Table A 1 continues on next page)


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services


(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive) Welding Ends
Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,
(NPS) [Note ( I ) ] A [Note ( I ) ] A [Note (211 B C [Note (311 t
12 80 12.75 12.97 11.374 11.505 0.688
100 12.75 12.97 1 1.062 1 1.232 0.844
120 12.75 12.97 10.750 10.959
140 12.75 12.97 10.500 10.740 1.125
160 12.75 12.97 10.126 10.413 1.312

14 STD 14.00 14.25 13.250 13.303 0.375

40 14.00 14.25 13.124 13.192 0.438
xs 14.00 14.25 13.000 13.084 0.500
60 14.00 14.25 12.812 12.920 0.594
80 14.00 14.25 12.500 12.646 0.750
100 14.00 14.25 12.124 12.318 0.938
120 14.00 14.25 11.812 12.044 1.094
140 14.00 14.25 1 1.500 11.771 1.250
160 14.00 14.25 11.188 11.498 1.406

16 STD 16.00 16.25 15.250 15.303 0.375

40 16.00 16.25 15.000 15.084 0.500
60 16.00 16.25 14.688 14.811 0.656
80 16.00 16.25 14.312 14.482 0.844
100 16.00 16.25 13.938 14.155 1.031
120 16.00 16.25 13.562 13.826 1.219
140 16.00 16.25 13.124 13.442 1.438
160 16.00 16.25 12.812 13.170 1.594

18 STD 18.00 18.28 17.250 17.303 0.375

xs 18.00 18.28 17.000 17.084 0.500
40 18.00 18.28 16.876 16.975 0.562
60 18.00 18.28 16.500 16.646 0.750
80 18.00 18.28 16.124 16.318 0.938
100 18.00 18.28 15.688 15.936 1.156
120 18.00 18.28 15.250 15.553 1.375
140 18.00 18.28 14.876 15.225 1.562
160 18.00 18.28 14.438 14.842 1.781

20 STD 20.00 20.31 19.250 19.303 0.375

xs 20.00 20.31 19.000 19.084 0.500
40 20.00 20.31 18.812 18.920 0.594
60 20.00 20.31 18.376 18.538 0.812
80 20.00 20.31 17.938 18.155 1.031
100 20.00 20.31 17.438 17.717 1.281
120 20.00 20.31 17.000 17.334 1.500
140 20.00 20.31 16.500 16.896 1.750
160 20.00 20.31 16.062 16.513 1.969

22 STD 22.00 22.34 2 1.250 21.303 0.375

xs 22.00 22.34 2 .ooo
1 2 1.084 0.500
60 22.00 22.34 20.250 20.428 0.875
80 22.00 22.34 19.750 19.990 1.125

(Notes follow at end o f table) (Table A 1 continues on next page)


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services


(See Figs. 1 to 6, Inclusive)
O.D. at Welding Ends

Wrought or
Nominal Schedule Fabricated Cast Steel
Pipe Size No. Components, Valves,
INPSI I1 I1 A [Note (1)1 A [Note (211 B C [Note (3I1 t

22 100 22.00 22.34 19.250 19.553 1.375

120 22.00 22.34 18.750 19.115 1.625
140 22.00 22.34 18.250 18.678 1.875
160 22.00 22.34 17.750 18.240 2.125

24 STD 24.00 24.38 23.250 23.303 0.375

xs 24.00 24.38 23.000 23.084 0.500
30 24.00 24.38 22.876 22.975 0.562
40 24.00 24.38 22.624 22.755 0.688
60 24.00 24.38 22.062 22.263 0.969
80 24.00 24.38 21.562 21.826 1.219
100 24.00 24.38 20.938 21.280 1.531
120 24.00 24.38 20.376 20.788 1.812
140 24.00 24.38 19.876 20.350 2.062
160 24.00 24.38 19.312 19.857 2.344

26 10 26.00 26.38 25.376 25.413 0.31 2

20 26.00 26.38 25.000 25.084 0.500

28 10 28.00 28.38 27.376 27.413 0.312

20 28.00 28.38 27.000 27.084 0.500
30 28.00 28.38 26.750 26.865 0.625

30 10 30.00 30.38 29.376 29.413 0.312

20 30.00 30.38 29.000 29.084 0.500
30 30.00 30.38 28.750 28.865 0.625

32 10 32.00 32.50 31.376 31.413 0.312

20 32.00 32.50 31.000 31.084 0.500
30 32.00 32.50 30.750 30.865 0.625
40 32.00 32.50 30.624 30.755 0.688

34 10 34.00 34.50 33.376 33.413 0.312

20 34.00 34.50 33.000 33.084 0.500
30 34.00 34.50 32.750 32.865 0.625
40 34.00 34.50 32.624 32.755 0.688

36 10 36.00 36.50 35.376 35.413 0.312

20 36.00 36.50 35.000 35.084 0.500
30 36.00 36.50 34.750 34.865 0.625
40 36.00 36.50 34.500 34.646 0.750

(a) Dimensions are i n inches.
(b) See Section 5 for tolerances.

(1) Letter designations signify:
(a) STD = standard wall thickness
(b) XS = extra-strong wall thickness
(c) XXS = double extra-strong wall thickness
(2) The diameters listed are not requirements. They are provided for the convenience of the user.
(3) Internal machining for continuous backing rings for sizes NPS 2 and smaller is not contemplated. See para. 4.2 for C
dimension for sizes not listed.


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services
(This is a nonmandatory part of ASME 816.25 and is included for information only.)

The products manufactured in accordance with ASME manufacturers quality system program by an indepen-
B16.25 shall be produced under a quality system pro- dent organization shall be the responsibility of the
gram following the principles of an appropriate standard manufacturer. The detailed documentation demonstra-
fromthe I S 0 9000 series. A determination of the ting
program compliance shallbe available to
need for registration and/or certification of the product purchaser at the manufacturers facility. A written sum-
mary description of the program utilized by the product
manufacturer shall be available tothe purchaser upon
The series is also available from the American National Standards request. The product manufacturer is defined as the
Institute(ANSI) and theAmericanSocietyforQualityControl entity whose name or trademark appears on the product
(ASQC)asAmericanNationalStandardsthatare identified by a
prefix Q replacing the prefix ISO. Each standard of the series in accordance with the marking or identification require-
is listed underreferences. ments of ASME B16.25.

COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services

(This Annex is an integral part of ASME B16.25 and is placed after the main text for convenience.)

The following is a list of standards and specifications IS0 9000-2:1993:QualityManagementand Quality

referenced in this Standard showing the year of approval. Assurance Standards - Part 2: Generic Guidelines for
the Application of IS0 9001, IS0 9002, and IS0 9003
ASME Publications (Approved as American National IS0 9000-3:1991: Quality Managementand Quality
Standards) Assurance Standards - Part 3: Guidelines for the
Application of IS0 9001 tothe Development, Supply
ASME B16.5-1988, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings and Maintenance of Software
ASME B 16.9-1993, Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt- IS0 9001: 1994: Quality Systems - Model for Quality
welding Fittings Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installa-
ASME B16.28-1994, Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short tion, and Servicing
RadiusElbowsand Returns IS0 9002: 1994: Quality Systems - Model for Quality
ANSVASMEB36.10M-1985,Weldedand Seamless Assurance in Productionand Servicing
WroughtSteelPipe I S 0 9003: 1994: Quality Systems - Model for Quality
Assurance in FinalInspectionand Test
ASTM Publications
Publications appearing above whichhavebeenap-
ASTM E 29-93, Standard Practice for Using Significant provedasAmericanNational Standards may also be
Digits in Test DatatoDetermine Conformance With obtained from:
ASTM A 106-94a,Specification for Seamless Carbon ANSI
Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
AmericanNational Standards Institute, Inc.
ASTM A 3351A 335M-94,Specification for Seamless 1 1 West 42nd Street, New York, NewYork 10036
Femtic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
I S 0 Publications
IS0 Central Secretariat
IS0 9000-1:1994:Quality Management andQuality Case Postale 56
Assurance Standards - Part I: Guidelines for Selection CH-12 1 1 GENEVA 20
andUse Switzerland


COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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