Saudi Sex Slave Trade
Saudi Sex Slave Trade
Saudi Sex Slave Trade
We had a chat with a person who insisted that, as a rule, whatever is taught in the grand mosques of Makka and Madina by Saudi Arabian Government is
We tried to explain him, citing Islamic history and how these sacred places were occupied by Najdi feudal Lords Sauds on the back of a Sala frenzy
created by Abd al-Wahhab and British Government's military support who conspired with Sauds to destroy Islamic Khilafah. Read more about Saudi
Royal Family. (
Watch the following video clip which shows Arabs were used by the Zionist powers in Europe to destroy Islam and Muslims in the world.
During the conversation we realized that it is important to write an Article about moral and nancial corruption and un-Islamic deeds of Saudi Ruling
family and their Government so that people realize that Salasm is not Islam, rather it is a political ideology to keep the power and wealth in the
hands of a few thousand Saudi princes.
(1) Some people may argue that now-a-days almost all countries in the world are facing unchecked corruption by the ruling politicians.
Saudis are not the rst one who started this trend.
The above argument is valid. We do agree with this line of thinking. Corrupt politicians, Kings or dictators, impose on people, their self
concocted theories and try to relate it to religion to usurp power, plunder wealth, create a fear psycho among people and take advantage of
people's vulnerabilities. Watch the following video, Prince Bander, former Saudi Ambassador to US claimed in the interview that the Royal
Family owns the entire wealth of Saudi Arabia. What they are misusing or corrupting is their right.
It is reported in British Press that BAE Arms Company secretly paid Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia more than $ 2Bn in connection with
Britain's biggest ever weapons contract. A series of payments from the British rm were allegedly channeled through a US Bank in
Washington to an account controlled by Prince Bandar who was Saudi Ambassador to US for over 20 years. Watch the following video clip.
Read more... (
Bandar Bush, BAE and UK/Saudi Cor...
Ex CIA Agent conrms that he supplied hundreds of millions of Dollars in bribe, including women/whores to Saudi Princes for the past 2
decades. Watch the following video clip.
It is reported that SMI Hyundai Corporation Ltd. (SMI); a company operating out of Fairfax Virginia, US, has now perfected Service of
itscomplaint against Prince Khaled bin al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz and his associate Massimilano Pincione; from New York, and
were preparing for trial.
SMI entered into a contract with Khaled and Pincione to engage their services to collect monies owed to SMI for work performed in Libya.
The total sum owed to SMI was $17.8 million and the contract provided for a $4.6 million commission to be paid to Khaled and Pincione
upon the successful collection of amounts due. The complaint led on May 23, 2013 in Fairfax County Virginia (U.S.) alleges Khaled and
Pincione, by way of forging numerous documents, conspired and schemed to defraud SMI by collecting and then diverting SMI's $17.8
million for Khaled's and Pincione's personal benet and enrichment. Read more .. (
Saudi Royal Family stand tall in corruption, at the same time their King claims that he is the custodians of the two holy mosques in Makka
and Madina. They invented a new religion "Salasm" to replace Islam in the world. Indeed, their religious, moral and nancial corruption
affects 1.6 billion Muslims of the world, both directly and indirectly.
(2) Some people say that Allah ( )has chosen Saudi Royal family to take care of the two Grand Mosques in Makka and Madina,
therefore Salasm should not be treated as a political doctrine away from Islam.
Those who talk like this are unaware of the history of Islam. At the time of Advent of Prophet Mohammad ( )Ka'ba
was under the occupation of Pagan Idol worshipers. As a matter of fact 360 Idols were kept around it which were worshiped by them.
Similar is the situation now.
We all know, Salas are Sky Idol God worshipers. They worship a Sky Idol who has eyes, face, hands and a huge human like
physical body and who is sitting on the skies. To legitimize their Idol worship, they misinterpret Quranic verses and Ahadith. They
have occupied Islamic heartland and the grand mosques of Makka and Madina in 1925 and are propagating their Sala /Wahhabi theories in
the world as Islamic teachings. Read more... (
Therefore, occupation of grand mosques in Makka and Madina is not a testimony that the occupiers follow Islam.
Also, read this Article, you will be aghast to see the black deeds of Saudi Royal family. They are involved in all kinds of vices anyone
could think of under the sun. Looking at them, how can one believe that they are the chosen ones to serve the grand mosques and Islam.
(3) Some people say that Mutawwas (Saudi Religious Police) are nothing but Government paid informers, well connected with General
Intelligence Directorate (Saudi Secret Service), assigned to keep an eye on individual members of public and help Saudi Royals to remain in
power. They are trained to keep an eagle's eye on public activities and close their eyes completely from the members of Royal family.
Mutawwas work under the network of Government run Sala Dawa Centers whose responsibility is to baptize people into Salasm, a
political doctrine imposed on people in the name of Islam.
It is not just within Saudi Arabia, the Royals have developed an efcient net work of their paid agents all over the globe who are busy in
spreading Salasm in the world. The Saudi Clerics, particularly the Government appointed Imams of the mosques are on the forefront in
Sala Dawa in the world.
We belong to the category of reformists who identify wrong doings in human society. We have no political afliations and we are not against any
Government or any ruling individual in the world, including Saudi Royal family. We believe in the democratic Institutions / Governments and Judiciary
of all countries of the world and we consider them capable to do justice and take care oftheir people. Similarly, we are not against any Scholar, as a
person, (Ahle Sunnah, Sala or Shia) in the world. We wish and pray for every individual, for their good in this world.
We identify shortcomings of people in order that they realize it and work for their improvement and for the good of their people and for their
salvation in Hereafter. If they agree, it is ne, and if they do not agree, it is also ne. Our job is to counsel with good intention and pray for
their good.
It is important to note that progressive societies take criticism positively as it helps them to correct their shortcomings and helps them to serve
their people better.
This Article has been divided into 4 parts: (1) Introduction, (2) Saudi Royal's Prostitution Rings, (3) Saudi Royal's Child Sex Slave Trade, and
(4) Brief historical background of Saudi Royal family. References of the new items reported in the international Media are provided all through the
The Article is totally based on published information available in public domain on Internet and print media. What is being covered in this article is
already known to billions of people around the Globe.
We have provided the sources of information throughout the Article, and we request our readers to inform us if the information provided in the article
about an episode/issue is not genuine or if there is a refutation of the information from any source. We will immediately correct the information and/or
will add the information contained in the refutation; provided the information is from an authentic original source. Similarly, the videos/pictures
provided in the article are the property of the original sources mentioned throughout the article. If anyone has any objection to any picture/video or
consider it a copy right, kindly let us know. We will immediately remove it from the article.
We regret for some terms used in the Article. We had to keep them, unwillingly though, as it is reported in Electronic Media, Newspapers, Magazines
and Internet. The problem is, when we quote a source, we need to keep the information and its wording as it is.
As usual, the Article is completely unbiased and we have refrained from giving our personal opinions throughout the Article.
It is an open secret in Washington that the State Department is extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saudi Arabia and its Princes. It is
alleged that there are issues related to Saudi Royals which are so embarrassing to Washington that these must be kept secret from public domain.
The sensitivities of the US State Department are conrmed by the following BBC obituary on the death of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia.
BBC OBITUARY KING FAHD - "Monday, August1, 2005 - King Fahd (1921-2005) ascended to Saudi Throne in 1982. He had a reputation as a
playboy in his youth, with allegations of excessive womanizing, drinking and gambling.
Indeed, it is claimed that he once lost more than $6m in one night at the Monte Carlo casino. There was a joke that new Cadillac made-to-order cars
were dumped as soon as their ashtrays were full. King Fahd himself amassed a personal fortune estimated at $18bn".
Fahd was known for his extravagant vacations in Spains Costa del Sol. The posh resort town of Marbella is where he built his magnicent palace
named Mar Mar", and each year for a month or more he would stay there. Luxury villas and hundreds of rooms in ve-star hotels would be reserved
for his entourage and hundreds of millions dollars would be spent by the King and his Royals. Read more ... (
There are a number of secret Misyar Marriages ( of Saudi royals in which young women are kept at secret
The Guardian, UK reported on November 3, 2015 that a Palestinian-born woman, Janan Harb, currently residing in London, was the secret wife of
late King Fahd.
Harb told the court that Fahd married her in 1968 when she was 19 years old.
She also informed the Court that Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd, the son of another wife of Fahd, met her at the Dorchester hotel in London on 20 June
2003 when Fahd was seriously ill and promised to pay her 12m and transfer back to her two ats in Chelsea, to keep his fathers promise of lifelong
nancial support. However, Abdulaziz never fullled his promise and after Fahd died in 2005, he refused that he ever promised Harb the sum or the
The Judge ruled that Janan Harb, 68, was entitled to more than 15m plus the value of two expensive London properties.
Prince Abdulaziz bin Fahd was ordered to deposit 12m into court within 28 days. The total payment to Harb is expected to be over 15m, plus the
transfer into her ownership of two Cheyne Walk apartments; each worth about 5m, or the recovery of sums equal to their value. Read more..
King Saud bin Abdul Aziz (1902-1969) who ruled Saudi Arabia between 1953-64 was deposed and lived in exile in Europe for plundering oil wealth,
womanizing, gambling and other vices. It is reported that he fathered a total of 115 children, from hundreds of beautiful young women. Read more
Princess Basma bint Saud bin Abdul Aziz, born on March 1st, 1965 to Jamila Mehri, a Syrian woman, is the 115th child of King Saud. The princess is a
divorcee; currently living in Acton, England with 3 of her 5 Children. Read more... (
It is estimated that there are over 15,000 members of Saudi Royal Family whose royal spending, housing and perks are paid by Saudi State. Read
more... (
Matt Cantor, Newser Staff reporter posted on September 8, 2011 a Wiki Leaks release saying King Abdullah is not letting age slow him down.
The King is a decade older than the US thought he was. Even at 92, he hadnt given up on romance, though he needed a little boost from Viagra. The
US State Department telegram from 2008 says King Abdullah was born in 1916; at the time of the telegram, he remained a smoker and got regular
hormone shots, it said.
The information in the telegram came from a Western health expert involved with the Saudi royal family, Ynet (,7340,L-
4119277,00.html#.TmipLK0i4PA.facebook) reports. The source was in Saudi Arabia to care for one of Abdullahs wives, but in a mix-up, he got the kings
records. Before getting the telegram, the US had guessed that Abdullahs age was between 82 and 87. But it was revealed that he was 92 years old.
Read more ... (
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz sipping wine with George Bush. Watch the following video Clip.
It is reported by BBC in 2014 that King Abdullah locked his 4 daughters into isolation away from human population at a sea front in Jeddah
for more than a 13 years and did not allow them to see their mother or any other human being. Their mother lives in exile in London, UK. They girls
were also denied proper food and medical treatment for their psychological disorders and left to die in isolation.
Watch the following video clips.
Readers may be aware that Saudi Kings are ofcially addressed as 'Khadim-ul-Haramain wash Sharifain' (the Custodians of two holy mosques in
Makka and Madina).
It is not just the Kings, the Saudi Royal family as a whole is famous for their lavish spending, womanizing, drinking, gambling and other vices.
Prince Waleed bin Talal takes delivery of worlds rst customized A-380 super jumbo dubbed as the ying palace, Arabian Business reported
Sunday, December 16, 2012. Read more... (
Prince Waleed spent $485 million for this custom Airbus, with interior amenities designed by British rm 'Design Q'.
The Plane has a concert hall that seats ten and has a baby grand piano; a boardroom with a holographic projector; and a full-size steam room. The most
entertaining perk is a "Well being Room" which has a oor upon which is projected an enormous image of what the plane is ying over--thus creating a
"magic carpet" effect. It has four-poster beds, a Turkish bath, storage space for a Rolls-Royce, a concert hall, ve suites with king-size beds and a lift
between oors on all three levels. Read more .. (
Prince Walid bin Talal has summered in Cannes for the past 3 decades, and owns a 281 foot yacht called the Kingdom that he bought from Donald
Trump. The yacht comes complete with a disco studio and helicopter. Read more.. (
Also watch the diamond studded Car, Mercedez Benz owned by Prince Walid.
The New York Times reported on September 13, 2011 that the Spanish Judge has reopened a sexual assault case against Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal,
reviving accusations that he raped a 20-year-old model on a luxury yacht in the Spanish Mediterranean in August 2008.
The rape victim did not go public, and the original complaint appears to have remained largely unknown. The case
was quietly closed in July 2010 for what a judge on the Mediterranean resort Island of Ibiza called a lack of evidence.
But on appeal, a Spanish provincial court for the Balearic Islands, which has jurisdiction over Ibiza, ordered the judge to resume investigating
and to summon the prince to appear.
According to Provincial Courts Order to reopen the case, medical tests conducted by Departments of Spains National Institute of Toxicology and
Forensic Science turned up traces of Nordazepam (Sleep-inducing chemical), and Semen in the victim's urine.
The victim's lawyer, Javier Beloqui, said the tests supported her claim that her drink had been spiked and that she was sexually assaulted. He called on
Prince Al-waleed to provide at least a DNA test in order to compare it with the traces of semen found. Read more...
The Guardian UK, the New York Times, BBC and many international news channels, including Indian News channels reported on September
8, 2015 that Indian police raided New Delhi residence of Senior Saudi Diplomat Majid Hassan Ashoor, working as First Secretary in Saudi
Embassy, New Delhi, India and rescued two women who were kept as sex slaves. Read more. (
It is reported that these women were raped repeatedly by the Diplomat and his Saudi friends for the past 4 months.
The victims told police that they were raped by 6 to 7 high ranking Saudi men, at a time, including the Diplomat who enjoyed diplomatic immunity.
These hapless women were tortured whenever they refused to cooperate with the rapists. Read more. (
After police raided the posh at of the Diplomat, he took refuge in Saudi Embassy, New Delhi for over a week before he was called back from India.
Read more.. (
BBC reported on September 25, 2015 that 29 year old Saudi Prince Majed Abdulaziz al-Saud was arrested for forced oral sex on a woman.
Neighbors saw a bleeding women screaming for help from the Prince's Multi-million dollar Beverly Hills compound in Los Angeles, California.
Daily Mail, UK reported, also on September 25, 2015 that Los Angeles Police were called to the gated community in the 2500 block of wallingford
Drive, Beverly Glen area after a caretaker reported the incident to the Police. Read more... (
More women have reportedly accused Prince Majid of attacking them, two days after he was arrested for allegedly trying to force a female worker to
perform a sex act on him. Police Ofcer Drake Madison told the Times that detectives found more victims who have reported sex crimes against the
The Los Angeles Times, on September 27, 2015 reported that a law suit in Los Angeles County Superior Court has been led for his attacks on several
other women in the area. The lawsuit seeks unspecied damages and claims.
In May 2013, Prince Fahd al-Saud threw himself the ultimate graduation bash when he spent over $20 million to rent out all the Euro-Disneyland for
himself and his 60 friends. Read more ... (
Daily Mail Online, UK reported on December 12, 2014 that American Model Kim Kardashian was offered US $ 1 million per night by a member of
Saudi Royal Family.
A Saudi Prince named Adel al-Otaibi is reported to have made this offer. He made this offer seeing her Bikni clad Sele on 'Instagram'. Kim
Kardashian accepted the offer. For this purpose she is scheduled to y to Saudi Arabia in January 2015. Read more... (
Her Highnesses, the Saudi Princesses are not far behind with their male counterparts.
Princess Maha al-Sudairi, the ex wife of Saudi Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz is renowned in Europe for her notoriety and shopaholic ways and is
reported to have been causing a lot of trouble in Europe.
It was reported on March 12, 2013 that she tried to dodge paying US$ 7.4 million to Shangri-La ve star hotel in Paris. She took over an entire 41-room
oor. And while in Paris she embarked on an extravagant shopping spree spending over $10 million on luxury goods, art and jewellery. Claiming
diplomatic immunity, she initially moved to Royal Moncceau ve star Hotel which is owned by their family friend, the Emir of Qatar, and then
disappeared from France. However, Lawyers for Shangri-La have won a legal bid to have her assets in France seized.
The Princess has a history of doing a runner with unpaid bills. In 2009, she claimed diplomatic immunity after running up shopping bills of more than
$17 million, including $ 70,000 on a designer lingerie. The following year in 2010, and in 2008, she was taken to court by various shopping Chains for
non payment of her shopping bills. French Newspapers claim that over 30 exclusive Paris Stores have fallen foul for her credit notes. Read more...
In March 2005, Princes Hana al-Jader, 39, wife of Prince Mohamed Bin Turki al-Saud, was arrested at her home near Boston on charges of
forced labor, domestic servitude, falsifying records, visa fraud, and harboring aliens. Read more... (
The Telegraph reported on July 7, 2012 that Saudi Princess Sara bint Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the grand daughter of King Abdulaziz al-Saud,
has sought asylum in Britain, for self and her four daughters, over fears she could be persecuted by members of her family at home in Riyadh, Saudi
She tells Hugh Miles and Robert Mendick why she does not want to return.My branch of the family was always different from the rest of Al Saud;
open, controversial and diverse. We celebrate Christmas.
Wearing a V-neck sweater, leggings and running shoes, Princess Sara dresses like any Westerner and refuses to wear a veil. Her nails are bright red.
The divorced princess currently lives in London after moving to Britain in 2007. She studied at the King Saud University in Riyadh, and married a royal
cousin while still young. She was divorced in her twenties.
She claims that she was assaulted outside the Saudi embassy by an ofcial who tried to grab her arm. The police were not called because the princess
was trying to avoid a scandal. Sara, 38, believes senior Saudi ofcials plotted to have her kidnapped and brought back to Riyadh and claims they
subjected her to a "well orchestrated and malicious campaign of persecution". A Saudi embassy diplomat conrmed the embassy had been involved in
visa negotiations. Read full report... (
BBC News : Monday, July 20, 2009 reported that Saudi Princess who fell pregnant with a British man has been granted asylum in UK. She was
married to a Saudi Prince.
Saudi Princess Sara Al-Amoudi's lover Patrick Ribbsaeter charged with knife attack.
Sarkis tokatlian (left), Saudi Princess Sara Al-Amoudi, (centre) and Lover Patrick Ribbsaeter (right)
Monday, 29 August, 2011 - The Telegraph reported Patrick Ribbsaeter, 30, repeatedly stabbed driver Sarkis Tokatlian who is known as Steve in the
face with a broken glass after Princess Sara Al-Amoudi caught him with two other women in her central London at.
Southwark Crown Court heard that Ribbsaeter, who was described as vain and egocentric, became angry when he saw his chances of future prosperity
disappear. Things turned sour in September last year when Princess Sara returned to her central London at to nd her boyfriend with two other women.
The court heard, despite being upset she had agreed to have an evening out with Ribbsaeter, and they were driven to various London nightspots in her
Rolls Royce by her driver Mr. Tokatlian. When they returned home she informed him their relationship was over but when she fell asleep Ribbsaeter
allegedly lunged at her. Read full Report. (
A Saudi Princess will go on trial in Britain for sexually harassing her male British Bodyguard. The Princess's lawyers have successfully persuaded a
Court that her identity remain a secret, Daily Mail (Sunday, March 6, 2011) reported. The 40 year old bodyguard said that the Princess was engaged in
drinking, illegal drug-taking and 'sexually promiscuous' behavior. Read full Report. (
Saudi newspaper Ash-Sharq on February 03, 2011, devoted its main page to launch a scathing and virulent attack on Saudis who travel abroad and
indulge in obscene (sex) parties, night clubs and prowl in sex tourism countries around the Globe. Watch this Video (
Saudi Rich and Royals throwing currency notes on pub singers in Syria. Saudi newspaper Ash-Sharq reported on February 03, 2011.
The paper published several pictures, videos and lms showing Saudis dancing with gays and women in obscene parties. Watch this Video clip.
The paper wrote "many Saudi female students abroad have been seen mixing with local men openly. Many Saudi women have been spotted with a lot
of make up prowling on the streets of Cairo, Malaysia and other places often dancing in public places. Many Saudi families have been seen at night
clubs all over the world". Read full Report (
Daily Mail, UK, reported on February 3, 2013, that famous Saudi Sala Cleric, Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a celebrity scholar and preacher of Salasm
on Saudi TV channels raped and tortured his ve year old daughter to death.
The shocking news is Ghamdi was set free by Sala Judiciary and Government of Saudi Arabia even though he
confessed that he beat her. He was asked to pay Fifty thousand Saudi Riyals as compensation to his wife for his daughter's murder.
What a judgment, what a judiciary and what a treatment of women in Saudi society! Astaghrifullah.
Lama al-Ghamdi, 5 year old kid's back, ribs, left arm were broken and skull crushed, when she was admitted
into hospital. Doctors testied that she was raped repeatedly and her rectum was ripped open.
Her wounds were burned to hide the crime. She died in October 2012 from her injuries after 10 months in hospital. Read more...
Saudi princes are famous for corruption and accused of committing crimes against Saudi citizens on a regular basis.
A story broke out on the evening of May 30, 2013 in Samer, a Jeddah Suburb, where eye witnesses testied that a naked girl was thrown out of a JMC.
The JMC automobile sped away after dropping the naked girl. People witnessing the event immediately wrapped the girl and informed police. The eye
witness accounts of JMC number plate and police hunt revealed that Prince Khalid met the girl on Wednesday evening in Al-Tuhayat Shopping Mall and
kidnapped her in complicity with an associate, identied as Tariq al-Maghrebi. The Prince then raped the girl and murdered her and threw her dead
body on the pavement of Samer, a Jeddah Suburb, next day evening. Read more... (
Some Saudis claim that the prince's name was wrongfully implicated in the media reports as he claimed that he was in Riyadh on that day. What
happened on May 30, 2013 was an incident in which some Saudi youth messed up with Saudi girls in Tahlia area of Jeddah. On Girls complaint, the
youth were arrested by the police. The girl's murder and throwing her naked body on the footpath took place earlier in May, 2013 in which Saudi police
arrested two suspects (brothers) aged 29 and 24 from Khulais, Makka. Read more... (
Watch the following video clip which shows how Saudi rich and royals and Qatari rich and royals are preying on hapless Syrian refugee women and
small girls in Jordanian camps made for Syrian refugees who have ed their country in view of Saudi Zionists sponsored war in Syria. They enter these
camps as in the guise of donors and kidnap young girls from these camps taking advantage of darkness. It is reported that when a woman resisted rape
from these men, they burnt her camp. The Saudi Rich and Royal have transformed these camps as mass rape centers of hapless unprotected Syrian
An American diplomatic document reveals a secret party of a Saudi Prince with alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes. In yet another urry of secret
documents of U.S. diplomacy, the site WikiLeaks showed, in great detail, a Halloween party organized by a wealthy Saudi prince in Jeddah with the
highest quality drink, drugs and sex with prostitutes.
One of the secret documents, dated 18/11/2009, reported: "Behind the facade of Wahhabi conservatism on the streets, the nightlife for the young elite of
Jeddah is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available alcohol, drugs, sex but strictly behind closed doors."
Local American consulate ofcials were invited to the Halloween party, an all-American date, at the mansion of a young Saudi prince in Jeddah. The
princes name was omitted from the document, as the diplomats themselves acknowledge that their names should be withheld. The only clue is that this
Prince belongs to the Al Thunayan huge family. Read more... (
Prince Sattam al-Saud faces an international arrest warrant from a French Court; and another case for suspicious death of his French Jewish girl friend
As per Daily Telegraph, UK, Prince Sattam met Ms Cohen-Ahnine, a Jewish French national, at Browns nightclub in London in 1998. She became
pregnant and gave birth to their daughter in 2001. In 2006 Sattam broke his relationship with Ms Cohen-Ahnine and married his cousin in Saudi Arabia.
The Jewish mother won the custody battle for their daughter Aya after a long court battle.
However, after winning her daughter's Custody case, Ms Candice Cohen-Ahnine, fell from her Paris apartment on February 1, 2012; suspected by police
as murder. The French newspapers disclosed that she slipped and fallen to her death as she was escaping something dangerous to her life. Read more...
In 1982, a Miami judge issued a warrant to search Prince Turki's 24th-oor penthouse to determine if he was holding an Egyptian woman, Nadia
Lute Mustafa, as sex slave, against her will.
Prince Turki and his French bodyguards prevented a search from taking place, then won retroactive diplomatic immunity to forestall any legal
unpleasantness. Read more.... (
According to Sunday Times, UK, Glamorous hostesses were allegedly paid tens of thousands of pounds from a BAE Systems slush fund to attend
lavish parties where a Saudi prince and his entourage were guests of honor. The money was paid to Anouska Bolton Lee and Karajan Mallinder to meet
mortgage, rent, credit card and council tax bills. The two women went to parties in a penthouse suite at the Carlton Tower hotel in Knightsbridge
attended by Prince Turki bin Nasser and other senior Saudis involved in the 40 billion al-Yamamah arms deal. Read Full Story appeared in
Sunday Times
According to Dailymail - Petrina Montrose who is now 37 and lives in Essex, UK, claimed she was one of three women hired to take part in an orgy
with a tall and greasy Saudi Prince. Miss Montrose said she and other two women had been told to go to the ve-star Dorchester hotel, in Central
Another woman, Denise Hewitt claimed that she and another famous lady had an orgy with her regular client, a Saudi Prince. Read full story appeared
in Dailymail (
The Duchess of York's biographer, Alan Starkie, reported she declined a $ 3 million offer from a Saudi Prince she called "Rubber Lips" who
wanted to bed her.
May 30, 2010 : Starkie reported that "Sarah had no real source of income," When her debts approached 3 million pounds, "I introduced her to a member
of the Saudi royal family who was willing to pay it off completely," Starkie said. "I arranged for Sarah to visit him . . he met her alone, clad in owing
robes and a lascivious grin . "When he tried to kiss her, she ed home and quickly called me, referring to the fellow dismissively as 'Rubber Lips,'
indicating that when those lips sprung forward and plastered themselves upon her mouth, 'it felt like extricating oneself from a suction cup' as she pulled
free". Read more... (
The Telegraph, UK reported on October 16, 2015 that Saudi Prince Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz and four others were arrested after
what was described as the biggest ever drugs bust at Beirut (Lebanon) International Airport. They were "attempting to smuggle over two tons of
Captagon pills and cocaine". Read more.. (
Captagon (amphetamine phenethylline) is used by Sala terrorists ghting in Syria. This drug is reported
to cause heightened state of alertness and is banned all over the world.
Thanks to Saudi supplies, this drug is thriving in Syria, and is known as go-to-drug of ISIS militants, who are made addicted to it to stay alert during
long battles and night missions.
Prince Nayef bin Fawwaz Al Shalaan is reported to have moved two tons of cocaine from Colombia to an airport outside Paris, using his diplomatic
status and a royal family 727 jet, U.S. and French law enforcement authorities told ABC News. He is under indictment by U.S. and French authorities,
but living outside the reach of American law in Saudi Arabia, according to Raffanello. The United States and Saudi Arabia have no extradition treaty. A
trial for the prince's alleged co-conspirators is scheduled to begin in a federal court in Miami. Prince Al-Shalaan also has an earlier drug charge -- he
was indicted in Mississippi on narcotics charges in 1984, and remains a fugitive in that case as well, according to the DEA.
Fabrice Monti, a former French police investigator, said the powerful Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Nayef bin Abdel Aziz, actually threatened to cancel
certain business deals with the French government if the narcotics investigation of a fellow prince continued. "The Saudi government acts as one to set
up a protective barrier between the Prince and French justice and threatened to not sign a very important and lucrative contract in the works for a very
long time," said Fabrice Monti, who has written a book on the subject. Read ABC News Full story (
The Guardian reported - November 16, 2007 - "It is a remarkable shopping list by any standards. And it has landed the Saudi ambassador to Britain,
Prince Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdul Aziz, the nephew of King Abdullah, with a possible 3m debt, and the embarrassment of having allegations
about the ostentatious spending habits of the royal family laid bare. Bills he is claimed to have run up on an array of luxury amusements include, a
selection of handguns anda trip to a hotel in Casablanca that reads : Girls : party night 5". Read Full Report
The Scotsman reported (25 April, 2003) that two British men had been arrested in Paris on suspicion of running a multi-million-dollar call girl ring
that allegedly supplied prostitutes to Princes, lm stars and captains of industry. According to the Scotsman, the two men are also being investigated
over allegations of supplying prostitutes to a member of the Saudi Royal family who allegedly paid nearly 2 million for three months of loyal service.
Read more ... (,16,00.htm)
Moroccan newspaper, Al-Alam, revealed how women are being sent to Saudi Arabia under the cover of Umra visa. Once the women arrive in Saudi
Arabia, they nd that they are in the control of a prostitution ring.
Al-Quds, an Arabic newspaper reported that the Saudi Human Rights Centre in Jeddah was the source of the story about the prostitution ring
operating under the cover of the Umra pilgrimage.
A Moroccan woman told Al-Quds that women were held in a brothel in Jeddah after they were granted a one-month visa to enter Saudi Arabia for the
duration of the Umra.
Al-Quds also reported that a Moroccan journalist inltrated a villa in Rabat, Morocco and was able to get closer to the world of the Saudis. In May
2002, she reported revealing the abuse that some Moroccan teenagers underwent at the hands of sex traders in Saudi Arabia.
The following report appeared in ' The London Times'. "Models, Sex and the Saudi Royal Family Princelings"
May 17, 2006 - The world's largest modeling agency has launched an investigation into allegations that senior staff pressured girls as young as 13 into
sex and drugs. Several senior executives at Elite Model Management, which represents the super models Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford, have
been suspended following the allegations, lmed by an undercover BBC crew. The Mac Intyre Undercover program on BBC1 on Tuesday night showed
Gerald Marie, the European president of Elite, saying that he was planning to have sex with girls in a modeling competition nal. The average age of the
girls was 15.
Mr. Marie, the ex-husband of Linda Evangelista, was lmed propositioning Lisa Brinkworth, an investigative reporter, when she was posing as a model.
"I give you one million lire (300) if you sleep with me," he is said to have told her. The documentary claimed that two employees had been suspended
after boasting about their sexual exploits with younger models. John Casablancas, the chairman of Elite, issued an "unreserved apology for the behavior
of his staff captured in the documentary, saying that it showed "some of the darkest aspects of the modeling industry. Marilyn Models, a French agency,
had attempted to prevent the documentary from being screened, but a court rejected the agency's argument that it breached privacy laws. Casablancas
does not mention the selling of models to Saudi princes as the darkest aspects of his business. John Casablancas was accused by Ilene Ford from
Ford Modeling Agency of introducing young models to Saudi Princes. Read more....... (
Prince Faisal built a marble palace on Kirby in the posh River Oaks section of Houston, United States.
He had procurers go to various areas where young people congregated and bring them back to his palace. The Prince had a continual party fueled by a
stream procured teenagers both male and female. It was relatively easy for the procurers as the word got out about the sumptuous surroundings of the
Prince. The prince had the best of foods, drink and drugs available every day for his continual party. It is reported that there was a hushed scandal,
where after the prince left abruptly apparently never to return.
Mohammed Al Fassi, brother-in-law of Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia became so infamous with his perpetual party at his palace in Beverly Hills that
he was chased out of the town by his neighbors after an infamous scandal.
Human slavery, in various formats, is widespread in Saudi society even today. Saudi Arabia was among the last nations who, under pressure from
United Nations, outlawed slavery in 1962. However, only 10,000 slaves were freed in 1962 and remaining large number was kept captive. In 1965 the
Saudis were reported to have kept hundreds of slaves for each member of the Royal family.
With respect to human trafcking, Saudi Arabia was designated, together withQatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and some other countriesas a
Tier 3 country by the US State Department in its 2005 'Trafcking in Persons Report' required by the Victims of Trafcking and Violence Protection
Act of 2000. Tier 3 countries are "countries whose governments do not fully comply with the maximum standards and are not making signicant efforts
to do so." In 2006, 2007 and 2008 Reports, the US State Department continues to designate Saudi Arabia as a Tier 3 country. Read more ...
( (
"In actuality, young women from Third World countries are purchased to serve in aristocratic households throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
They come from the Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, India, Philippines, and many other countries and are frequently bought and sold in the Kingdom".
Wrote Mary Doreen, who worked as registered Nurse at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In her book,
"Surreal in Saudi", available at, Mary Doreen documents how Shaikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a famous and revered religious authority in
Saudi Arabia, professes: Slavery is part of jihad, and Jihad will remain as long as there is Islam." (World Net Daily, 2003). Read full Article ...
US Immigration ofcials are investigating a complaint at one of the many Saudi owned mansions in McLean, Virginia where two women from
Philippines were victims of domestic servitude, said Custom Enforcement spokesman Brandon Montgomery. These women were rescued on May 2,
2013. Neither the Saudi Ambassador nor the State Department would reveal the names of the Saudi ofcials living in that home. Watch the following
Arab News, Saudi Arabian English daily reported on Friday, September 1, 2006 "Homaidan Al-Turki, a 37-year-old Saudi was convicted in
Colorado, US for sexually assaulting his Indonesian housekeeper and keeping her as a sex slave and was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. Read
full Report ... (§ion=0&article=80144&d=1&m=9&y=2006)
Homaidan Al-Turki is not an isolated case. It is reported that thousands of young women are lured to Saudi Arabia every year from all parts of the world
for better life, but they end up as sex slaves.
Many in Saudi Arabia, including their religious Wahhabi clerics advocate human slavery. Shaikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, currently member of the Permanent
Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawa, Saudi Arabia's highest religious establishment, is reported to have advocated for human slavery by saying
"Slavery is a part of Islam", and that those Muslims who oppose slavery "are ignorant, not scholars".
Saudi Royals are famous for clandestine purchasing of large number of Child Sex Slaves in the world. Earlier, these slaves were procured from Africa
and poor Asian countries. However, with the current inow of oil wealth, Saudi Princes have extended their slave purchases all over the world. Oil
wealth has enabled them to become more selective and specialized in Child Sex Slave purchases in the high end European and North American market.
The Middle East Times reported that "Saudi Princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling
them whores so as not to come into conict with Saudi religious tenets".
Saudi Government claims their country is free from Slavery but are hesitant to allow international scrutiny of their claim. They continue to refuse to
sign United Nations treaties on slavery and human rights abuses, probably because they do not want to be covered under these obligations. They have
not signed any extradition treaty even with United States to protect members of Royal family being extradited out of Saudi Arabia for their alleged sex
crimes. Watch this shocking Video.
The US State Department in their human rights report have justied Saud family's (child sex) abuse and slavery by saying:
"It is part of the Saud family culture deeply embedded within the mores and lches of the society". Read more ...
Look at the strange lustful behavior of these Saudis. They seem to be worshiping Lingerie Mannequins at the Shopping Mall
The Middle East Times reported: "There's no capability for reform, no strong character to stop the Princes from corruption. They are so used to
spending huge amounts of money. You couldn't tell them -- you don't need 20 whores for the night, just one or two. Or you've got 20 whores in the
palace, do you need to get two or three whores for every one? Someone like Prince Bishai Bin Abdulaziz; try to stop him and he'll come and kill you.
The Saudi princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling them whores so as not to come into
conict with Saudi religious tenets".
The Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights in Saudi Arabia based in London through their Saudi dissident leader Mr Masari said: One
Regional Governor, whom he accused of tolerating drug users and child sex rings, Prince Mohammed bin Fahd, Governor of the Eastern Province has
been accused by the Al Saud newsletter of condoning sex slavery within his administered area. It is reported that Governor Prince Mohammed is an
active participant in the child sex rings of the Eastern Province. He has parties for his friends with child sex as the main entertainment. Governor Prince
Mohammed likes Hollywood where there are many boys and girls from which to entice into becoming sex slaves in Saudi Arabia under the ruse of lm
and modeling contracts. These sex slaves are allegedly sold and resold until they are used up whereupon they are helicoptered over Rubal Khali
and dumped.
Saudi Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al-Saud killed his male black Sex Slave in Landmark Hotel, London.
The killer Prince (in the picture) tried in vain to hide his homosexuality from the British Court and had been lmed on a closed-circuit camera,
mercilessly beating his Sex Slave Bandar Abdulaziz in a London Hotel elevator.
The Sex Slave had so many internal injuries, including bleeding on the brain and a fractured larynx, that pathologists could not pinpoint the precise
cause of death after his body was found in the posh Landmark Hotel.
Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al-Saud is not an stray case of Saudi Royals' homosexuality. It is reported that there is a huge majority of Princes
who opt for young boys. Read full Report (
It is not just the Royals or the rich, vibrant communities of men who enjoy sex with other men can be found in cosmopolitan cities like Jeddah and
Riyadh. They meet in schools, in cafs, in the streets, and on the Internet.
"You can be cruised anywhere in Saudi Arabia, any time of the day," said Radwan, a 42-year-old gay Saudi American who grew up in various
Western cities and now lives in Jeddah. Read Full Report (
"Theyre quite shameless about it (homosexuality and Bisexuality)." Talal, a Syrian who moved to Riyadh in 2000, calls the Saudi capital a " Gay
Heaven." Read Full Report (
Watch typical gay parties in Saudi Arabia in the following Video clips.
Gay Party Video (1), ( Gay Party Video (2), (
v=SnI4OqTNjCA) Gay Party Video (3) (, Gay Party Video (4), (
v=mnLkrOJd7WY&feature=related) Gay Party Video (5) (
"In Dubai, everyone is Bisexual", a 22-year-old Columbia University Accounting student said at the party - Reported The New York times on
January 13, 2011. Bisexuality is sexual behavior and orientation involving physical and romantic attraction to both males and females. Read full
Report (
On 26th August, 2005, an American national wrote his own true story on a Website Forum about Child Sex Trade in Saudi Arabia, as follows:
QUOTE - And boys, lots of boys... I know this is fact cuz in my late teens I work for a Saudi who owned a large construction business and other
ventures, basically he was loaded... He took a liking to me and on a few occasions I would go to his house to do some minor repairs...The man, I kid
you not, had solid gold chandeliers, Persian rugs worth more $ than any of us would make here in 5 yrs, had every luxury you could think of...
He also had a ivory box lled with hash and huka pipes etc . One day he came out right and asked me if I would like to go live in Arabia and that he
knows Princes there that would give me a life I could only dream of. I said bullshit so he actually called up a man and said here ask him yourself. I say
hello and I ask the guy are you a real prince? He has this laugh and says in pretty good English "yes I am a prince" and then I hear him say something
to people in the back ground and theres laughing.
Anyways I ask him if he lived in a palace? he laughs again and says he lives an a palace as big as ten palaces! Anyways I said Ill think about it, in
reality there was no way I was going.. The guys place I was at showed me pictures of who I spoke to and sure enough the man looked like a Saudi
Prince. I found out from Fred that Saudi has Thousands of princes, they have so much money they don't know what to do with it. The palaces I saw in
the pictures of his friends made American rich peoples homes look like shacks. Amazing shit!
Anyways I said 'nah' on going, he asked me a few more times after that and kept reiterating about a life I could only dream of etc. If I was a little homo
may be I would have gone, but I'm not gay and I probably end up tortured and dead. UNQUOTE Read more...
Sex Slaves from Philippines for Saudi Royals - Kanlungan Center Foundation, Inc. and the 'Coalition Against Trafcking in Women Asia Pacic'
(CATW-AP) reported that a large number of Philippine girls are trafcked to Saudi Arabia as Royal family's Sex Slaves. Read Full Report
The London Times reported: "The Philippines Government, responding to dozens of tragic cases of maltreatment, has warned young women going to
work as maids in Saudi Arabia that they will be sexually harassed by Saudi men and slapped and tortured by their Saudi mistresses... "You have to ward
off advances by your master, his brother, son and other male members of the household..." "The Philippines labor ministry has also told young male
workers heading to Saudi Arabia that they must expect to be at risk of rape."
There is a thriving industry of international child sex slavery within the United States and it has gone unabated for decades covered up by the
assertiveness of Washington lobbyists representing the perpetrating countries, particularly Saudi Arabia. Saudi princes are the high end buyers in the US
child sex slave market and demand the best product.
Time and again, the US media reports scandals when slaves of Saudi princes and their procurers brought into the United States, try to escape.
People in US initially came to know of non-parental child abductions when a US citizen enslaved and tortured by late King Fahd's nephews was told by
a guard in their palace prison the last person to inhabit his cell was a "US girl child whore slave".
Soon, the extensive nature of abductions of US children living with their parents, for the purpose of sale to Saudi Princes, came to light in US media.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited children reports: "Child pornographers (and pimps), like other sex offenders, look for victims in places
where youth gather: shopping malls, fast food establishments, non-alcoholic clubs, video game arcades, bus stations and through unethical 'modeling'
agencies. The fact that juveniles are being recruited from the community both for pornography and prostitution is most disturbing ... runaways were
spotted by pimps loitering in bus stations who approached the teenagers almost as they exited the buses... A primary method of procuring a juvenile for
prostitution is through the use of feigned friendship and love. ... They (procurers) evaluate what the young woman needed, created the dependency, and
then took advantage of that dependency.... if a teenager was a runaway the pimp would nd shelter for her... Through practice, many child molesters
have developed a real knack for spotting vulnerable victims."
The above is a favored recruitment method commonly used by procurers to obtain children of both sexes for sale. As the most prominent high end
purchasers within the international child sex industry are Saudi princes, their demands are met in many ways.
Saudi princes are also reported to place "special order for children" through a picture of the child in a media or give a description of a desired child. In
these cases the child is "snatched" from their parents or escorts in front of their houses; coming from school or at a store. It is believed that the child
reaches Saudi Arabia before the local police develops a search procedure. Watch this Video Clip.
Saudi special orders for Child Slaves are placed in various cities with their local procurers from the barrios of Brazil, London's Leicester Square, Paris's
Place de Pompidou and many such posh areas in the world. Due to the recent lax border regulations in Scandinavia, the Princes now get their fair haired
child sex slaves from immigrant procurers. In the United States shopping malls, amusement parks and video parlors are prowled by procurers. The
Princes not only do not like dealing with regular elements of the international child sex industry such as the street procurers but see the danger of the
media picking their activities up, hence they started their own modeling agencies. The Saudi modeling ring recruit male and female models for some
shoot in a distant land never to be heard of again.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children further reports; "Pimps placed legitimate advertisements in newspapers and interviewed women
for secretarial positions. They told female applicants that no job was available or that it had already been lled. They, then attempted to date the
applicants. With continued contact the pimp worked on the woman's weaknesses and tried to nd out if she needed large sums of money.
The pimps also placed advertisements for dancers, models or escort services. Showcasing was another technique in which applicants performed acts that
were videotaped. While videotaping, the pimps try to discover if the young women were interested in making large sums of money. They (procurers)
wanted to be identied as mind controllers, experts in understanding the vulnerabilities and dependencies of women and men".
With quality product in hand, procurers will then send videos to Saudi Princes to meet their purchase orders. Once the Saudi Prince approves the child,
he may ask that delivery be made near his plane in order to make a swift exit to Saudi Arabia.
It is alleged that late King Fahd's sons' control their child sex ring from their Beverly Hills palaces.
However, they learned from Al-Fassi palace sex scandals in Beverly Hills during the 1980's and now rent motels away from their palaces to conduct
orgies with children procured for them.
Around these motels they have a cordon of US security guards. An inner cordon is made up of the princes' body guards, usually foreign. The younger
the child the more desirable. These children are brought up through the sex ring channel to the point of purchase under the modeling or acting ruses of
going to a shoot or set in Saudi Arabia. Upon purchase, children are then taken by limousine directly to the Saudi prince's plane at Los Angeles airport.
Using their diplomatic immunity, they manage to circumvent customs and immigration which allows them to ship their child sex slaves out of the US
without the need of the customary passport. The children are then escorted directly onto the Saudi prince's plane and own to Saudi Arabia never
to be seen again.
What happens to these large number of Child Sex Slaves in Saudi Arabia? Once they are used up and their short shelf life is over, they are disposed off
mysteriously. Some people say they are helicoptered and dumped in desolate places in Rubal Khali Desert.
Life Magazine reports; "former Miss USA Shannon Marketic, in a recent lawsuit, claims she was imprisoned. She had gone there for what she believed
was legitimate modeling work paying $3,000 per day ... she tried to leave and was forbidden."
In Miss USA's law suite, she said, upon arriving, she was given a physical exam by a doctor ostensibly for country health regulations. Soon after, she
was given clothes to wear for the evening. She said she was escorted to a room where she, all of a sudden felt drowsy and fell asleep. She awoke to nd
her clothes rearranged upon her body, like somebody had removed them and then redressed her.
We know from the Center for Missing and Abused Children that pedophiles keep photo/video libraries of their victims. It is reasonable to believe there
are naked pictures/videos of Miss USA taken without her knowledge while unconscious. Even so, she was one of the lucky girls being high prole and
whose parents knew of her whereabouts.
Washington still denies the international child sex rings prey upon US children. US based child abduction organizations funded by Washington will not
admit on record to the international child sex rings preying upon US children for fear of loosing their funding. An old Washington maxim is: "He who
controls the investigation wins." Miss USA lost her law suit because the State Department granted Immunity.
The abducted children and their parents always lose out to foreign policy considerations of the politicians and their lobbyist associates who represent
countries like Saudi Arabia. When members of an international sex ring are caught, Washington allows them freedom from criminal and civil actions by
either giving them diplomatic immunity, retroactive diplomatic immunity or other State Department protection under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity
A new model comments: "At rst I shared an apartment with two other models, one ... I forget what her name was, who was there for three weeks and
then she was gone. Disappeared ... I know what I was getting myself into. I wasn't like the naive girl from Podunk that came in and got drugged at a
party and sold to the Arabs!
"Another international model disappeared on a (lm) shoot with a nonexistent Saudi Arabian magazine, ending up who knows where? Middle East
businessmen, and others get into the relatively small-time modeling game where most of the abuse occurs."
A runway agent at the New York international modeling agency Wilhelmina reports: "A lot of Arabs were storming Europe looking for beautiful young
girls". Watch shocking Video Clip.
Historians have traced that the Sauds belonged to Anza tribe who were settled in Najd around 1450 AD. It is said that Sauds were originally Jews
and shrewd Feudal Lords.
King Faisal (1906-1975), who ruled the Kingdom between 1964-75, conrmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals. In an interview to Washington post on
September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said "We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews.
We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our
country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the rst Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world." Read more.....
Watch the following video clip. Former Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab, in a TV interview claimed that Saudi Royal family is Jew and they are
destroying Islam and Muslims as a revenge.
Watch the following video clip. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu admitted in 2012 that Israel and Saudi Arabia have alliance in the Middle East.
It is reported that Saudi Royal family trusts Israeli and US mercenaries as their personal body Guards : US and Israeli mercenary security
personnel working for private contractors are allegedly used by Saudi Royal family to guard Saud family Princelings. This Praetorian Guards use
balaclava (face cover) and other disguises during security operations which allows for anonymity. Read more..... (
Saudi Royal's Jewish ancestry is also conrmed from the fact that they have destroyed and eliminated the entire Islamic Heritage and established
Salasm, a new religion in Arabian Peninsula. Read more . (
Mohammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1799), born in Uyayna in Najd, belonged to Banu Tamim Tribe. He studied in his childhood from his father.
Later, he spent some time in Basra, Southern Iraq from where he traveled to Makka and Madina. All historians agree that his new thinking of rebellion
against Islam was developed when he was in Basra. By the time he returned to his native town Uyayna in 1740 he had completely transformed into a
rebel against Islam. He started propagating his new ideology claiming that the entire population of Muslims of Arabian Peninsula and that of the world
was Mushrikeen and that what he was preaching was real Islam.
Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East is a book that was published in series (episodes) in Spiegel, the German paper and
later in a prominent French paper. It is reported that a Lebanese doctor translated the book into Arabic. Waqf Ikhlas publications, Turkey translated
it into English under title: Confessions of a British spy and British enmity against Islam. Read more... (
Hempher's confessions were mentioned in a research study titled "The Emergence of al-Wahhabiyya Movement and its historical roots" by Col.
al-Amri Sa'id Mahmud Najm, General Military Intelligence Directorate, Government of Iraq. This research study was discovered by US forces in May
2003 after their capture of Iraq. Read more.. (
David Livingstone, a famous Canadian author wrote an Article titled "The House of Saud - No more Islamic than Billy Graham" in which he has
described about British Spy Hempher and his covert operations in Arabian Peninsula. Read more.. (
A similar work exposing the Wahhabi terror was documented by the well known Mufti of Makka, Shaikh Ahmad Zayni Dahlan in his famous book
titled "Fitna-tul-Wahhabiyya" . Read more.. (
The book narrates the actions of a covert British agent, Hempher, who was sent to Turkey, the then Head of the Ottoman Empire in 1710, to nd ways
and means to cause dissension, riots and dismantling of the khilafah in Istanbul, Turkey.
At the beginning of his account, Hempher stated he went to Istanbul, embraced Islam, learned Holy Quran and pretended to be a very pious Muslim.
During this time, Hempher became fully aware of the difference between Sunnis and Shiites.
Hempher was later sent to Basra, Iraq with the following instructions detailed on Page 20 of this book.
QUOTE "Your duty this time is to diagnose the Shia-Sunni controversies well and to report to the ministry. The more successful you are in aggravating
the differences among Muslims, the greater will be your service to England. We, the English people, have to make mischief and arouse schism in all our
colonies in order that we may live in welfare and luxury. Only by means of such instigations will we be able to demolish the Ottoman Empire.
Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population bring another nation with a greater population under its sway? Look for the mouth of the chasm
with all your might, and get in as soon as you nd it. You should know that the Ottoman and Iranian Empires have reached the nadir of their lives.
Therefore, your rst duty is to instigate the people against the administration! History has shown that 'The source of all sorts of revolutions is public
rebellions.' When the unity of Muslims is broken and the common sympathy among them is impaired, their forces will be dissolved and thus we shall
easily destroy them." UNQUOTE
While staying in Basra, Hempher joined a Carpenter's shop where he worked as a cover. He further stated in his book on page 23 as follows:
QUOTE "From time to time a young man would call at our Carpenter's shop. His attire was that of a student doing scientic research, and he
understood Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. His name was Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab and he was from Najd, Eastern Arabia. This guy was rude and
nervous person. While abusing the Ottoman Government, he would never speak ill of the Iranian Government. The common ground which made him
and the shop-owner Abdur-Ridaa so friendly was that both were inimical towards the Khalifa in Istanbul." UNQUOTE
Shaikh Jawad: "Since you accept that Ali ( )was a Mujtahid, why don't you follow him like Shiites do?"
Muhammad of Najd: "Ali ( )is no different from 'Umar ( )or other Sahabah. His statements cannot be of a documentary
capacity. Only the Qur'an and the Sunnah are authentic documents."
Shaikh Jawad: "Since our Prophet ( )said, 'I am the City of knowledge, and 'Ali ( )is its Gate,' shouldn't there be
difference between 'Ali ( )and the other Sahabah?"
Muhammad of Najd: "If Ali's ( )statements were of a documentary capacity, would not the Prophet ( )have said, 'I
have left you the Qur'an, the Sunna, and 'Ali ("'? )
Shaikh Jawad: "Yes, we can assume that Prophet ( )said so. For it is stated in Hadith, 'I leave (behind me) Allah's Book and my
Ahle Bayt.' And 'Ali ( )is the greatest member of the Ahle Bayt."
Mohammad of Najd denied that the Prophet ( )had said so. UNQUOTE
Well, Hempher found that Mohammed Abdul Wahhab had a lot of hatred for the Sunnah and the family and descendants of the Holy Messenger (
)and was misquoting Quran and hadith. Therefore, he established very intimate friendship with Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab of Najd and
launched a campaign of praising him. Hempher told him, "You are greater than 'Umar ( )and Ali (). If Prophet (
)was alive now, he would appoint you as his Khalifa instead of them. I expect that Islam will be renovated and improved in your hands. You
are the only scholar who will spread Islam all over the world."
Foundation of Deceit - On page 28 of this book, Hempher described the foundation of deceit as follows:
QUOTE "Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab and I decided to make a new interpretation of Qur'an to reect only our points of view and would be entirely
contrary to the explanations made by the Sahabah, Imams of Fiqh and Mufassireen of Quran. We started reading the Qur'an and talking on its verses.
The purpose. was to mislead Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab. After all, he was trying to present himself as a revolutionist and would therefore accept my
views and ideas with pleasure. UNQUOTE
While talking about Mu'ta, Hempher narrated as follows :
QUOTE "I sensed that Mohammad of Najd desired a woman as he was single. I told him, 'Come on, let us each get a woman by Mut'a. We will have
great fun with them.' He accepted with a nod. This was a great opportunity for me, so I promised to nd a woman for him to enjoy. My aim was to ally
the timidity he had about people. He asked me to keep it a secret between us and that even the woman should not know his name. I hurriedly went to
one of the Christian prostitutes who were sent by the Ministry of Colonies with the task of seducing the Muslim youth. I explained the matter to one of
them. She accepted to help, so I gave her the nickname Sayya. I took Mohammad of Najd to her house. Sayya was at home, alone. We made a one-
week marriage contract for Mohammad of Najd, who gave the woman some gold in the name of 'Mehr.' Thus we began to mislead Mohammad of Najd;
Sayya from inside, and I from outside." - UNQUOTE
Hempher recounts an incident of Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab getting drunk with the Christian prostitute nick named 'Sayya', as follows:
QUOTE "I told Sayya to make Ibn Abdul Wahhab drunk heavily. Afterwards, she said, 'I did as you said and made him drink excessively. He danced
and had sex with me several times in the night.' From then on Sayya and I completely took control of Mohammad of Najd.
In our farewell talk the Minister of Colonies said, 'We captured Spain from Muslims by means of alcohol and fornication. Let us take all our lands back
by using these two great forces again.' Now I know how true a statement it was.- UNQUOTE
Hempher further elaborated:
QUOTE "The Ministry devised a subtle scheme for Mohammad of Najd, as detailed below:
(i) He is to declare all Muslims as disbelievers and announce that it is halal to kill them, to seize their property, to violate their chastity, to
make their men slaves and their women concubines and to sell them at slave markets.
(ii) He is to strive to dissuade Muslims from obeying the Khalifa. He is to provoke them to revolt against him. He is to prepare armies for
this purpose. He is to exploit every opportunity to spread the conviction that it is necessary to ght against the notables of Hejaz and bring
disgrace on them.
(iii) He is to allege that the mausoleums, domes and sacred places in Muslim countries are idols and polytheistic milieus and must therefore
be demolished. He is to do his best to produce occasions for insulting Prophet Mohammad ( )his Sahabah, and all
prominent scholars.
(iv) He is to do his utmost to encourage insurrections, oppressions and anarchy in Muslim countries.
(v) He is to try to publish a copy of the Qur'an interpolated with additions and excisions, as is the case with Ahadith."
After explaining this scheme, the Secretary added, 'Do not panic at this huge program. For our duty is to sow the seeds for annihilating Islam. There will
come generations to complete this job.'
Mohammad of Najd promised me that he would implement all the points of the scheme and added, 'For the time being I can execute them partly.'
A couple of years later the Ministry of Commonwealth managed to cajole Mohammad bin Sa'ud, the Amir of Der'iyya, into joining our team. They sent
me a messenger to inform about this and to establish a mutual affection and cooperation between the two Mohammads. For earning Muslims' hearts and
trusts, we exploited Mohammad of Najd religiously, and Mohammad bin Sa'ud politically. It is a historical fact that States based on religion have lived
longer and have been more powerful and more imposing. Thus we continuously became more and more powerful. We made Der'iyya the Center of our
subversive operations. And we named our new religion, the Wahhabi religion." UNQUOTE
It is reported that initially Ibn Aabdul Wahhab managed to convert Uyayna's Town In-charge Uthman Ibn Mu'ammar into his new religion and with his
support started implementing his new ideology in the town by force. The rst evil act committed by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab was, by conspiring with Ibn
Mu'ammar, one night, he destroyed the Dome and pious grave of Hadhrat Zayd Ibn al-Khattab ( )who was Sahabi of Prophet
Mohammad ( )and brother of Hadhrat Umer Ibn al-Khattab (), the second Caliph of Islam. Destruction of the Dome
and his anti-Islam activities in collusion with local Town In-Charge drew the attention of Sulaiman Ibn Mhammad of Bani Khalid, the Tribal Chief of
Al-Hasa who was a good Muslim. He ordered the arrest of Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. The news reached Ibn Abd al-Wahhab in time and he ed from
Uyayna. Read more... (
Mohammad Ibn Saud was a shrewd tribal Lord of neighboring Diriyya, Najd who cared more about power, money and women, as had been the case
with most of the feudal lords in medieval times. He gave protection to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab on the instruction of the British agents and quickly
envisioned the possibility of forming a State in Arabian Peninsula based on Wahhabism, the new religious theory preached by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.
Thus, the rst Saudi State came into being in the year 1744 AD (1157 AH) when Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Mohammad Ibn Saud formed an alliance
and hatched a political conspiracy to establish a State based on Wahhabism, away from Islam. To cement the alliance further Ibn Saud's sister was
married to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. As per the terms of alliance, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab became de facto Minister for Religious Affairs whose job was to
convert people into the new religion and create religious fanaticism in masses. The plan was to use newly converted religious fanatics to expand Sauds'
territory and eventually form a large Saudi State in Arabian Peninsula.
The following 183 years, between 1744-1927, Sauds fought wars with all Muslim rulers of Arabian Peninsula and were nally successful in wiping out
Islam and Muslims from Arabian Peninsula in 1927 when Abdul Aziz declared himself as King of the newly formed state of 'Saudi Arabia'.
Currently Sauds are planning to expand their territory into major part of the Globe using religious fanaticism of their scholars. Read more ..
It is in Hadith - A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven (named Zul-Khawaisara who was from the
tribe of Banu Tamim) came to the Prophet ( )and declared: 'O Muhammad! ( )fear Allah (
). ' The Prophet () replied: If I disobey Allah ( )then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah
( )at all times and never disobedient. Allah ( )has sent me as Amin (Honest for the entire world, but you don't
accept me as an honest man? A Sahabi (Hadhrat Umer - ) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from
the presence of the Prophet (). The Prophet ( )prevented him from doing so. After the person had
left, the Prophet ()said: From his progeny (descendants) will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will
not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen (Islam) just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill Muslims but spare the
idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed'. (Mishkat, pp - 535).
Since Ibn Abd al-Wahhab also belonged to Banu Tamim, therefore, as per the above Hadith, he is indeed from the direct descendants of Zul
Khawaisara. There cannot be two opinions in this context.
Imam Bukhari has quoted this Hadith from Abdullah Ibn Umar ( )that Prophet ( )once prayed for Syria
and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet (
)to make supplication (du'a) for Najd also. Prophet ( )continued saying: O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Syria and
Yemen. The people of Najd again requested the Prophet ( )to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet ()
said: It is a place of tremor and mischief (Fitna) and the Horn of Shaitaan will rise from there. (Bukhari, Vol - ii, P - 1050).
The above Hadith clearly species following conclusive points.
It is abundantly clear that the place called Najd is not blessed from Islamic point of view as Prophet Mohammad ( )called it
a place of Fitna and Evil.
When we look at the geographical position of Najd, it lies to the East of Madina. In other Ahadith, it is mentioned that Prophet Mohammad (
)pointed his hand towards the East and said, there, that is the direction from where Fitna will emerge.
In these circumstances, the Wahhabism or Salasm coming out of this place cannot be good or virtuous. As per Prophets ()
prophecy this religion is tribulation and tna in Islam. We pray Allah ( )to safeguard us from this Fitna.
The Arabic word used in the above Hadith is Qarnush Shaitaan, (horn of Shaitaan) which indeed refers to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. However, in
Misbahul Lughaat (page 663) (the dictionary used by Salas/Deobandis, etc.) the meaning of this word is written as One who follows the advice
of Satan'. Therefore, as per the Hadith, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his devotees (Salas) are the followers of Satan.
For the past 100 years, this tribulation (Fitna) has gradually swept the entire world. Millions of innocent Muslims have become victims of this
movement. Wahhabis /Salas and their like minded groups have mislead millions of innocent Muslims with the slogans of Shirk, Kufr, Biddah,
The rst Saudi State lasted between 1744 -1818 when their last ruler Abdullah bin Saud was executed by Ottomans (
The second Saudi state was established in 1824 and lasted till 1890 in central Arabia; when its last ruler Abdur Rahman Ibn Faisal Ibn Turki was
defeated by Al-Rashids. Read more... (
Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman Al-Saud (1876-1953) was the founding ruler of third Saudi State in Najd. He had ed and took refuge in Kuwait in
1890 along with his father Abdur Rahman and entire family when Second Saudi State was defeated by Al-Rashids.
In 1901, Abdul Aziz returned to Najd and with the help of Kuwaitis, recaptured Riyadh from Al-Rashids.
Later on, with the help of British Government, he established his hold on entire Arabian Peninsula over a period of 27 years. The following is the gist of
capture of States in Arabia by British trained Wahhabi Army.
(i) On Nov. 2, 1921, Ibn Saud captured Hail, ending the ancient dynasty of the Rashids.
(ii) In July, 1922, Ibn Saud overran Jauf and ended the ancient Shalan dynasty.
(iii) On Aug. 24, 1924, the Wahhabis attacked Taif, in Hijaz, and overran it on Sept. 5, the same year.
(iv) On Oct. 13, 1924, Ibn Saud took Makka. Sherif Hussein and his son, Ali, were forced to ee. This is how Saudi Arabia usurped the
holy city, an act which remains, to this day, deeply resented by 1.5 billion Muslims of the world. Without British help, Ibn Saud would not
have been able to subdue Makka. The British oligarchical structure had long expressed hatred of Prophet Mohammad ()
and no doubt took great satisfaction in the Saudi victory.
(v) Between January and June of 1925, the Wahabis laid siege to the city-state of Jeddah and captured it.
(vi) On Dec. 5, 1925, Medina surrendered to Ibn Saud, and on Dec. 19, Sherif Ali, son of Hussein, was forced to abdicate.
(vii) On Jan. 8,1926, Ibn Saud (King Abdul Aziz) was proclaimed King of the Hijaz and Sultan of Nejd.
(viii) On May 20, 1927, the Abdul Aziz signed a treaty with Great Britain, which recognized the complete independence of all territories
held by Wahhabis, and allowed them to become known as Saudi Arabia.
These 27 years saw several hundred thousands Muslims killed, all traces of traditional Islam erased and over 60,000 sacred graves of Sahabah,
members of Prophet's ( )family destroyed and their pious bodies disposed off mysteriously by Abdul Aziz forces. In a
nutshell, Islam was completely wiped out, Muslims totally vanished and Islamic Arabia was renamed as "Kingdom Saudi Arabia (
)". Read more ... (
Saudis did not stop at that. They gradually changed Ahadith books, misinterpreted Quranic verses and started massive Sala Da'wa campaign in the
world to legitimize their rule in the Arabian Peninsula. People say that the current plight of Muslims and their innumerable divisions in the world is
mainly because of Sala Da'wa carried out by the Kingdom spending billions of Petro-dollars wealth. Read more ... (
The actual number of Princes and Princesses King Abdulaziz fathered are not known. Some historians say he fathered 37 or 40 princes and around
equal number of princesses while some others say he fathered more than one hundred children. Among the women who gave birth to his children, 22
have been identied by historians who say that the number could be much higher than that. Read more...
Historians have also mentioned that the personal life of the King was full of vice, with women, wine and wealth. He had unknown number of beautiful
young women in his Harem and a large nursery of Princes and Princesses born to these women.
Be it King or pauper, Islam allows only 4 wives, that too on certain conditions. The children born to women used by the King for sex are known, in
Islamic Law, as illegitimate forbidden children. There is harsh punishment for fornication in Islam. We all know, everyone has to pay for his evil
deeds. There is no escape in Hereafter.
The King consolidated his authority ruthlessly, killing every Muslim who did not convert to Salasm and destroying the entire Islamic heritage kept
intact for 1300 years by successive Muslim Governments. His forces wiped out the entire geography of Siratun Nabi (). Read
more ... (
As an alternative to Islamic heritage, the National Museum at Riyadh built an elaborate pre-Islamic "art rock" helicoptered from Najd sands. In
addition, many plush museum complexes such as Dar al-Malik Abdul Aziz, dedicated to the founding fathers of Saudi Kingdom, have now risen
everywhere in the Kingdom. The Sauds' goal is to erect gleaming, high-tech relics commemorating King Abdul Aziz and the ancestors of Saudi
Royal family.
The other important goal of the Saud family is to eliminate the last remaining trace of Islam from Arabia, ie., the Green Dome of Prophet
Mohammad ( )along with his pious grave. Read more ... (
It is reported that, during the last expansion of Prophet's ( )mosque in late 1980s, Saudis have structurally partitioned the Green
Dome from the rest of the Mosque in preparation for razing it into rubble by a powerful dynamite.
A pamphlet published in 2007 by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and endorsed by their Grand Mufti reads: "The green dome
shall be demolished and the three graves attened in the Prophets ( )Mosque." The demolition of the Green Dome has already
been checked off "to-do list". Even the pious body of Prophet Mohammad (), who is 'Rahmtul lil Aalameen for the worlds, along
with the pious bodies of his two prominent companions is now slated to disappear under the rubble and dust. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
We pray for Allah's ( )help to stop Saudis from eliminating Islam and humiliating Prophet Mohammad ()in
this manner.
We hope followers of Salasm in the world will think about these undeniable facts and come back to the straight path of Islam for their own good in
this life and in Hereafter. Read more ... (
In late 1960s King Faisal issued a decree that every inch of the country that was not ofcially registered to a private individual belonged to the Saudi
royal family. Thus the entire country is treated as private property of the Royal family.
The King distributed much of the land to royal family members. Princes sold some of the land back to the state and some to the public, but most they
kept for themselves. Inside major cities or out in the remote desert, the country's vast landmass remains private property of the Princes now numbering
over 15000. They also treat entire Saudi oil revenues as their private wealth. Watch the following Video Clip.
Every Prince is entitled to a monthly salary starting the date of his birth. The closer the relation to Late King Abdul Aziz, the higher is the salary. Like,
immediate descendants of late King Abdul Aziz receive a 7 digit (millions) salary each month. The Princes are paid separate Salary for each of their
ofcial position. Like Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, reportedly holds over 60 separate positions in addition to chairing dozens committees, entitling
him to separate salary for every position. Governors are entitled to a special additional payment of SR 1 billion annually to be used at their discretion. In
addition, every Prince is entitled to a Luxurious Private Palace or money to build the Palace of his choice, as well as cash from birth to buy expensive
cars and other luxuries. Literally every thing is supplied to the Prince free from the State, like electricity, water, medical, security, education, etc. All
State developmental contracts are essentially awarded to the companies owned by the Princes. Similarly, their business establishments and other incomes
are free from State control and taxes. Anything coming into Saudi Arabia under the name of a Prince via Air or Sea is not checked by any Government
Agency. Read more... (
Daily Reckoning reports: "Not many people know that over 90% of Saudi oil comes from six oilelds discovered before 1970's. Experts argue that
these oilelds are now well past their prime. Ghawar oil eld is the super giant and has provided 55-60% of Saudi oil over the past ve decades!
According to experts like Matthew Simmons, Ghawar is past its peak already and likely to enter into a major decline." Rude Awakening comments:
"Even the world's largest oil producer may be running low on cheap oil". Matthew Simmons, Chairman of Simmons and Company International, an
investment bank specializing in oil industry says that "Saudi elds are aging much faster". According to Simmons, "the Saudis need to strip water out of
nearly every well and this is a sign that Saudi elds are aging much faster than the industry has planned for".
Once Saudi oil reserves get more noticeably depleted the Saudi Royal family members have their pre arranged asylum in the United States.
Read more ... (
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