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JD Edwards World

World Writer Guide

Release A9.3

April 2013
JD Edwards World World Writer Guide, Release A9.3


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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................... vii
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................ vii

1 Overview to World Writer

1.1 About World Writer ................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 What You Should Know About......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Comparing World Writer, DREAM Writer, FASTR, and STAR .......................................... 1-3
1.3 Creating and Modifying Versions .......................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.1 World Writer Master Menu............................................................................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Versions List ........................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.3.3 Version Title & Files ........................................................................................................... 1-6
1.3.4 File Relations ....................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.3.5 Additional Parameters ....................................................................................................... 1-9
1.3.6 Field Selection List ........................................................................................................... 1-10
1.3.7 Output Field Specifications Field Selection List.......................................................... 1-11
1.3.8 Data Selection ................................................................................................................... 1-12
1.3.9 Data Sort & Totaling........................................................................................................ 1-13
1.3.10 Total Level Summary Functions.................................................................................... 1-14
1.3.11 Printer File Overrides...................................................................................................... 1-15
1.4 Runtime Programs .................................................................................................................. 1-16
1.5 Data Files .................................................................................................................................. 1-16

Part I Basic Functions

2 World Writer Menu

2.1 About the World Writer Menu ................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Accessing the World Writer Menu........................................................................................... 2-2

3 World Writer Versions List

3.1 About the World Writer Versions List..................................................................................... 3-1

4 Find Files and Fields
4.1 Finding Files and Fields ............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Determining What Files to Use ................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Version Layout Worksheet ........................................................................................................ 4-2
4.4 Version Layout Worksheet ........................................................................................................ 4-3

5 World Writer Setup

5.1 About World Writer Setup ........................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Assigning Version Titles and Files ........................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Options .................................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.2 Function Keys....................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Understanding Joining Files...................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3.1 Joining.................................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3.2 Indirect Join .......................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3.3 Soft Join ................................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.3.4 Guidelines ............................................................................................................................. 5-4
5.4 Using File Relations - Match Fields .......................................................................................... 5-5
5.4.1 Function Keys....................................................................................................................... 5-6
5.4.2 Using File Relations - Enter Fields .................................................................................... 5-6
5.4.3 Function Keys....................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.5 Using Additional Parameters.................................................................................................... 5-8
5.5.1 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 5-11
5.6 Using Field Selection ............................................................................................................... 5-11
5.6.1 Presumptive Join Fields ................................................................................................... 5-12
5.7 Using Output Field Specifications......................................................................................... 5-13
5.7.1 Options ............................................................................................................................... 5-16
5.7.2 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 5-17
5.7.3 About Presumptive Join Fields....................................................................................... 5-17
5.7.4 About Date Fields stored in the Julian format: CYYDDD .......................................... 5-17
5.8 Using Field Detail Specifications ........................................................................................... 5-18
5.9 Creating Calculated Fields ..................................................................................................... 5-19
5.9.1 Operands for Calculations............................................................................................... 5-21
5.9.2 Examples of Calculations................................................................................................. 5-21
5.10 Using Data Selection................................................................................................................ 5-22
5.10.1 Options ............................................................................................................................... 5-25
5.10.2 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 5-25
5.10.3 Query Selection Values .................................................................................................... 5-26
5.10.4 About AND/OR ............................................................................................................... 5-26
5.10.5 Boolean Logic Available for Data Selection .................................................................. 5-27
5.11 Using Data Sort & Totaling .................................................................................................... 5-28
5.11.1 Total levels ......................................................................................................................... 5-29
5.11.2 Options ............................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.11.3 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 5-32
5.12 Using Total Level Summary Functions ................................................................................ 5-32
5.12.1 Options ............................................................................................................................... 5-34
5.12.2 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 5-34
5.13 Using Report Layout Display................................................................................................. 5-35

5.14 Using Printer File Overrides .................................................................................................. 5-35

Part II Advanced Topics

6 Work with Groups

6.1 Working with Groups ................................................................................................................ 6-1

7 Work with Security

7.1 Group Level Security.................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Field Level Security .................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Version Level Security................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.4 Business Unit Security................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.5 IBM Object Level Security ......................................................................................................... 7-2

8 Create File Output

8.1 About Creating a File ................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.1 Technical Considerations.................................................................................................... 8-1

9 Update Files
9.1 About Updating Files ................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.1.1 Before You Begin.................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Creating World Writer Versions............................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.1 Key Update Tips .................................................................................................................. 9-8
9.2.2 What You Should Know About......................................................................................... 9-8

10 Menu Setup
10.1 About Menu Setup................................................................................................................... 10-1

11 Sleeper Setup
11.1 About Sleeper Setup ................................................................................................................ 11-1

12 World Writer Advanced Operations Menu

12.1 Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu................................................ 12-1
12.2 Copy Versions & Groups ........................................................................................................ 12-2
12.3 Build Currency Factor File...................................................................................................... 12-4
12.4 Group Level Security............................................................................................................... 12-4
12.4.1 Functions Keys .................................................................................................................. 12-5
12.5 Field Level Security ................................................................................................................. 12-6
12.5.1 Options ............................................................................................................................... 12-8
12.5.2 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 12-8
12.6 Report Version Security .......................................................................................................... 12-8
12.6.1 Function Keys.................................................................................................................... 12-9

A Joined Logical Files

B Soft Join
B.1 Standard File Join Process......................................................................................................... B-1
B.2 What is a Soft Join? .................................................................................................................... B-1
B.2.1 Example One ....................................................................................................................... B-2
B.2.2 Example Two....................................................................................................................... B-5

C Julian Date Conversion Charts

C.1 About the Julian Date Format .................................................................................................. C-1
C.1.1 Examples .............................................................................................................................. C-1
C.1.2 Julian Dates - Normal Calendar Years............................................................................. C-1
C.1.3 Julian Dates - Leap Years ................................................................................................... C-2

D Data Select on Julian Date Fields

D.1 Julian Date Examples................................................................................................................. D-1
D.1.1 Example 1............................................................................................................................. D-1
D.1.2 Example 2............................................................................................................................. D-1
D.2 Solution for example 1 - Data Select Blank Dates ................................................................. D-1
D.2.1 Query Cover Page............................................................................................................... D-2
D.2.2 Data Selection ...................................................................................................................... D-2
D.3 Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection.......................................... D-4
D.3.1 Query Cover Page............................................................................................................... D-5
D.3.2 Data Selection ...................................................................................................................... D-5

E World Writer and Business Unit Security

E.1 Background Information........................................................................................................... E-1
E.2 How It Works ............................................................................................................................. E-2
E.2.1 Example 1............................................................................................................................. E-2
E.2.2 Example 2............................................................................................................................. E-3
E.3 Other Considerations ................................................................................................................ E-4



Welcome to the JD Edwards World World Writer Guide.

This guide is intended for implementers and end users of JD Edwards World World

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Related Documents
You can access related documents from the JD Edwards World Release
Documentation Overview pages on My Oracle Support. Access the main
documentation overview page by searching for the document ID, which is 1362397.1,
or by using this link:

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Overview to World Writer

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 1.1, "About World Writer,"
Section 1.2, "Comparing World Writer, DREAM Writer, FASTR, and STAR,"
Section 1.3, "Creating and Modifying Versions,"
Section 1.4, "Runtime Programs,"
Section 1.5, "Data Files."

1.1 About World Writer

World Writer is JD Edwards World's general report writing tool for the IBM iSeries.
This flexible tool consists of a series of easy-to-use setup screens that create parameters
for an IBM Structured Query Language (SQL) statement. You can design a brand new
report that meets your specific needs, or you can copy an existing report and modify it
to fulfill your requirements. Each time a World Writer version is submitted, up-to-date
information is retrieved from the iSeries and displayed on the report.
World Writer is designed to let you retrieve and format data stored on the iSeries into
reports that you design. You do not need to know a programming language to work
with World Writer. However, World Writer is a powerful tool. It can seem
complicated until you become familiar with all the features and functions that make
World Writer perform.
This section contains the following:
Comparing World Writer, DREAM Writer, FASTR, and STAR
Creating and Modifying Versions
Runtime Programs
Data Files

1.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Using up to 32 different files You can include up to 32 different files when designing your
World Writer version. The file or files you choose can be JD
Edwards World or non-JD Edwards World files. If these files
are on your iSeries, they already comply with IBM's standards
and are available for you to use.

Overview to World Writer 1-1

About World Writer

Topic Description
Selecting fields and Sequence fields to be printed as columns on the report in
determining use the order you determine.
Select the data through the use of standard Boolean Logic.
Sort and group the data to make viewing the information
Specify totaling functions such as: summary, average,
minimum, maximum, or count.
Create both detail and summary reports.
Efficient handling of World Writer uses Data Dictionary to automatically display
numeric data numerical data on your report. Formatting includes decimal
position, use of commas and negative signs. You can modify
these types of information on the report as well as determine if
the data should be rounded.
Dates stored as Julian in the file appear in the Gregorian format
on the output. Further formatting for MDY and separator
character is recognized from System defaults or User
Automatic descriptions Data Dictionary helps when developing column titles. Many
times the fields you want on your report are already
appropriately named and these names are preloaded for you
on your report. This speeds your design time dramatically.
Presumptive join fields World Writer automatically links associated descriptions or
information attached to a field in your report. This feature
allows you to include more meaningful information on your
report than just a code or number. User Defined Codes as well
as Address Number, Business Unit, and Company Number are
examples of fields that have presumptive joins.
Calculated fields Create new fields by performing calculations using other fields
or literal values. Calculated fields can be printed, used to select
data, and used for sorting and totaling purposes.
Levels of security World Writer provides five levels of security:
1. Business Unit
2. User Exclusive
3. Group Level
4. File/Field Level
5. IBM Object Authority
Ease of learning World Writer is similar to DREAM Writer and FASTR. Being
familiar with DREAM Writer makes learning World Writer
easier but is by no means a prerequisite. You will find that,
once you grasp the basic concepts of designing a report, World
Writer becomes both a functional and productive tool.
JD Edwards World supplies prototypes of reports. You can
often copy an existing report and customize it to your needs.
These prototypes give you a head start with designing your
own reports.
Previewing reports online As you create your World Writer report, you can preview the
layout on your workstation. This allows you to check format,
column titles, spelling, spacing, and other report elements
while designing your report.
Creating physical files World Writer has the ability to create a physical file that
resides in a library on the iSeries. The file can be used in
another World Writer report, in a program, or downloaded to
the PC for use in PC applications such as Excel.

1-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Comparing World Writer, DREAM Writer, FASTR, and STAR

Topic Description
Updating fields in a file Use World Writer to update a field in a file. This is a powerful
feature and should be used with caution.

1.2 Comparing World Writer, DREAM Writer, FASTR, and STAR

JD Edwards World software provides several report creating tools. All are easy-to-use,
with some common functionality and some unique features.
World Writer is a general-purpose report writer that can be used with any file(s)
on the iSeries. You determine the purpose of the report and design it either from
the beginning or by copying and modifying an existing version.
DREAM Writer is a data extraction tool, used within all systems of the software.
Versions are predefined for specific purposes.
FASTR is designed to retrieve data from the General Accounting system in a
spreadsheet format.
STAR uses data from either the Fixed Asset or Plant Management system.
This chart compares the set up screens for each report writer:

World Writer DREAM Writer FASTR STAR

Version Title & Files Version Identification Version Identification Version Identification
File Join Relations Additional Additional Additional
Parameters Parameters Parameters
Additional Processing Options Override Default Override Default
Parameters Information Information
Field Selection List Data Selection General Specifications General Specifications
Output Field Data Sequence Column Specifications Column Specifications
Data Selection Printer File Overrides Row Specifications Conditioned Variance
Data Sort & Totaling NA Cell Specifications Journal Entry
Summary Functions NA Override PC Download
Rows/Columns Processing Options
Printer File Overrides NA Conditioned Variance Printer File Overrides
Batch PC Export NA Journal Entry
NA Work File Save
NA PC Download
Processing Options
NA Printer File Overrides

This chart compares some of the features of each report writer:

Overview to World Writer 1-3

Creating and Modifying Versions

Feature World Writer DREAM Writer FASTR STAR

Files Any, up to 32 Predefined F0901 F1201
F0902 F1202
Report Layout Columns, Break Predefined, fixed Columns, rows, Columns
Level functions cells
Selection & Separate Separate Combined Combined
PC Download Yes - Batch PC No Yes Yes
Field Update Yes No No No
File Create Yes No No No

1.3 Creating and Modifying Versions

The creation and modification of a World Writer version populates the World Writer
files. A SQL statement is also built during this process. When a version is submitted
and becomes active in the job queue, the SQL statement is used to select the files and
fields, and retrieve and sort the records. The World Writer files format the resulting
report details or physical file.

1.3.1 World Writer Master Menu

The World Writer master menu organizes versions by system or application.

1-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 11 World Writer Master Menu screen

1.3.2 Versions List

The Versions List allows you to:
Create a new report.
Copy an existing report.
Change an existing report.
Submit a version for processing.

Overview to World Writer 1-5

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 12 General Ledger screen

1.3.3 Version Title & Files

Use Versions Title & files to assign a Version Name and Title, Report Title, and to
specify the files to use in the query.

1-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 13 Version Title and Files screen

1.3.4 File Relations

If two or more files are selected, the link between the files must be described. The
following examples illustrate two methods to do this:

Overview to World Writer 1-7

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 14 File Relations - Match Fields screen

1-8 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

File Relations - Enter Fields

Figure 15 File Relations - Enter Fields screen

1.3.5 Additional Parameters

The following screen example shows default information and how to process the
query at run time.

Overview to World Writer 1-9

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 16 Additional Parameters screen

1.3.6 Field Selection List

The Field Selection List screen is used to establish printing, selection, total levels and
summary functions to create a "tag list" that simplifies the remaining steps.

1-10 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 17 Field Selection List screen

1.3.7 Output Field Specifications Field Selection List

Output Field Specifications is where you create most of the report design and layout. It
is also the starting point for creating a calculated field.

Overview to World Writer 1-11

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 18 Output Field Specifications screen

1.3.8 Data Selection

You select the data that you want to appear on the report. If you do not enter anything
here, all records from the files are included.

1-12 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 19 Data Selection screen

1.3.9 Data Sort & Totaling

Use Data Sort & Totaling to set up how to sort and group the report data.

Overview to World Writer 1-13

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 110 Data Sort and Totaling screen

1.3.10 Total Level Summary Functions

Access the Summary Functions screen from the Data Sort & Totaling screen. You can
specify up to five summary functions per total level.

1-14 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating and Modifying Versions

Figure 111 Total Level Summary Functions screen

1.3.11 Printer File Overrides

Set up standard IBM printing specifications on this screen.

Overview to World Writer 1-15

Runtime Programs

Figure 112 Printer File Overrides screen

1.4 Runtime Programs

When a version is submitted, these are the main programs used by World Writer to
process the version specifications:
P82001 - World Writer uses this program at runtime to create a report based on the
setup specifications of the query version.
P82151 - World Writer uses this program at runtime to create a database file based
on the setup specifications of the query version.

1.5 Data Files

Data File Description
F82000LA Query Fields by File ID
F8201 Query Group Security File
F82013 Multi-currency File
F82100 Query Header File
F82100E Query Header File - Prompt for Data Selection
F82101 Query Data File Selections
F82102 Query Data File Join Fields
F82103 Query Output Print Fields
F82104 Query Output Print Field Calculations

1-16 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Data Files

Data File Description

F82105 Query Data Selection Fields
F82106 Query Data Selection Values
F82107 Query Sort Fields
F82108 Query Field Summary Functions
F82109 Query File Update Specification
F9401 File/Field Level Security

Overview to World Writer 1-17

Data Files

1-18 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Part I
Part I Basic Functions

This part contains these chapters:

Chapter 2, "World Writer Menu,"
Chapter 3, "World Writer Versions List,"
Chapter 4, "Find Files and Fields,"
Chapter 5, "World Writer Setup."
World Writer Menu

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 2.1, "About the World Writer Menu,"
Section 2.2, "Accessing the World Writer Menu."

2.1 About the World Writer Menu

The World Writer menu organizes versions by system or application. Each menu
selection represents a group or list of versions.
JD Edwards World sends you predefined reports, or "DEMO" versions, that you can
preview before creating your own reports. In some cases, you can copy and modify an
existing version to suit your needs.
To determine what group in which to create a version, think about the data that your
version will contain. If you are creating a report with employees' information, you
may want to place it under the Payroll or Human Resources group. Reports dealing
with the financial system would be created in the General Ledger or Financial
Planning group. Your organization may have standards regarding the placement of
versions. You can also create custom groups with your own naming conventions.
To begin the process of creating a version, take the menu selection where you want
your version to reside. Regardless of which selection you take, you will be presented
with the Versions List. The Versions List is the starting point in designing and
maintaining queries.

World Writer Menu 2-1

Accessing the World Writer Menu

2.2 Accessing the World Writer Menu

Figure 21 World Writer Master Menu screen

You can access the World Writer menu in any of three ways:
Selection 24 from the Master Directory (G)
Menu travel to menu G82
Fast Path WW

2-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

World Writer Versions List

This chapter contains the topic:

Section 3.1, "About the World Writer Versions List."

3.1 About the World Writer Versions List

From the Master Directory (G), choose World Writer Reporting
From World Writer (G82), choose any menu selection
The World Writer Versions List is similar to the DREAM Writer Versions List in
several ways:
Many of the same options and functions
The version name is 10 characters and user-defined
Versions are listed alphabetically by name
The version description is the longer explanation of the version name
The version is identified by the user who either created the version or who last
modified it
The version date is the date the version was either last changed or last executed.
Use F2 to toggle between the two dates.
Each World Writer version is unique and not a variation of a predefined template as in
DREAM Writer.
The Versions List is the starting point in designing and maintaining queries.
When you make a menu selection from the World Writer Menu, G82, the system
displays the Versions List. Regardless of which selection you make, the functions of
the Versions List are identical.
The fields at the top of the screen can be used to search for specific versions:
Group - Used to relate and list similar versions; can be attached to a menu
User ID - Displays the ID for the user who created or last modified the version.
File ID - Searches for queries using a specific file
You use one or more of the Group, User ID and File IDs to narrow the list of versions,
or use:

World Writer Versions List 3-1

About the World Writer Versions List

Skip to Version - Enter the first few characters of the version name to jump to that
location in the list of versions.

1 - Run, submit the version for processing
2 - Change an existing version
3 - Add a new version or copy an existing version
4 - Specify report distribution
5 - View cover page outline
6 - Access printer file overrides
7 - Display SQL statement
9 - Delete a version

Function Keys
You can use function keys to do the following:
F2 - Toggle Change/Execution Date column
F13 - Display report layout (cursor sensitive). See Chapter 5.1, "About World
Writer Setup" for more information.

To add a new version

Follow these steps to create a new version that is not based on an existing version.
On the Versions List screen (for any program)

3-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

About the World Writer Versions List

Figure 31 General Ledger screen

1. Locate the first blank line after the last version, paging down if necessary.
2. Enter 3 (Add/Copy Query) in the following field:
The set up screens display in order.
3. Complete each screen, as needed, to create the version.

To revise an existing version

When you revise a version and make changes to any of the setup screens, the existing
version is modified. These steps can also be used to review any of the version
On the Versions List screen
1. Locate the version.
2. Enter 2 (Change Query) in the following field:
The Selective Change Prompt window displays.

World Writer Versions List 3-3

About the World Writer Versions List

Figure 32 Selective Change Prompt screen

3. Enter 1 next to any of the set up screens to review or change the screen.

To copy an existing version

When you copy an existing version, you are adding a new version, based on the
specifications of another version. The original version is not modified.
On the Versions List screen
1. Locate the version.
2. Enter (Add/Copy Query) in the following field:
The Query Version Copy Window displays.

3-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

About the World Writer Versions List

Figure 33 Query Version Copy Window

3. Change the Version Title, if needed.

4. Press Enter to assign the New Version name, and return to the Versions List
5. To review or modify any of the set up screens, access the Selective Change Prompt

Note: Unlike DREAM Writer, there are no recursive versions in

World Writer. Utilize Add/Copy to create unique versions.

The following table compares the characteristics of the Revise and Copy functions:

Revise Copy
Option 2 - Change Query Option 3 - Add/Copy Query
Same Version Name Same & New Version Names - 2 versions
Original version is modified Original version not modified and new version created
Choose only setup screens Choose only setup screens needed

To delete a version
When you delete a version, it cannot be retrieved. However, you are given a chance to
cancel the deletion.
On the Versions List screen
1. Locate the version.
2. Enter 9 (Delete/Cancel) in the following field:

World Writer Versions List 3-5

About the World Writer Versions List

The system displays the Confirm Record Deletion window.

Figure 34 Confirm Record Deletion screen

3. Do one of the following:

Choose F6 to delete the version.
Choose F3 to cancel the delete process.

To print a distribution list

On the Versions List screen
1. Locate the version.
2. Enter 4 (Distribution List) in the following field:

3-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

About the World Writer Versions List

Figure 35 Query Distribution List screen

3. On Query Distribution List, enter the users who should receive this report. There
are a total of 45 blank spaces to enter user information such as name, phone, email,
and office location.
This information prints as part of the Cover Page. To specify to print the cover
page, see Chapter 5.5, "Using Additional Parameters."

Note: An entry made on this screen does not affect the number of
copies of the report that will print. This can be specified on Printer File

To display the version cover page

The set up specifications for a version is known as the Cover Page. The layout of the
cover page is similar but not exactly the same as the set up screen layouts. This is a
quick way to view the information about a version.
On the Versions List screen
1. Locate the version.
2. Enter 5 (Display Cover Page) in the following field:

World Writer Versions List 3-7

About the World Writer Versions List

Figure 36 Query Version Cover Page screen

3. Use the Page Up/Page Down functions to scroll through all of the pages of

To print the version cover page

Use any of the following methods to print the cover page:
1. On the cover page, capture screen prints of all of the pages.

Note: If outputting to a physical file, the cover page does not print,
regardless of the value in this field.

2. On Additional Parameters, enter Y in the Print Cover Page field. The cover page
prints before the report.
3. Call the program from a long JD Edwards World command line. The program
requires two parameters:
'VVVVVVVVVV')) where Q is the Query Group the version resides in and V is
the version.
Q and V are both a maximum of 10 characters.

To display the SQL statement

SQL is used to retrieve files and fields and to select and sort the data. Business Unit
Security ranges for a user are built into the SQL statement. Numeric fields are
formatted for proper decimal precision.

3-8 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

About the World Writer Versions List

It is not necessary to understand SQL to work with World Writer. However, if you are
familiar with SQL, this can be a helpful tool for troubleshooting.
On the Versions List screen
1. Choose the version.
2. Enter 7 (Display SQL statement) in the following field:

Figure 37 Query SQL Statement Display Window

3. Use the Page Up/Page Down functions to scroll through all of the pages of

Note: You cannot modify the SQL statement directly. Making

changes through the set up screens will change the SQL statement.

World Writer Versions List 3-9

About the World Writer Versions List

3-10 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Find Files and Fields

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 4.1, "Finding Files and Fields,"
Section 4.2, "Determining What Files to Use,"
Section 4.3, "Version Layout Worksheet,"
Section 4.4, "Version Layout Worksheet."

4.1 Finding Files and Fields

When working with World Writer, you will need at least one database file where the
information resides. Before creating a version, you will want to know what fields
contain the information you are interested in for printing, selecting records and sorting
the data.
When you design a report, think about how the report should look and consider the
Will some fields wrap to the next line?
Should there be a break between groups of similar records?
Is totaling to be performed on any fields?
It may help to design the report on paper first, so you have a general idea of what
functions and features of World Writer you will need to perform during the setup
Similarly, if modifying or copying a version you may need additional files and fields
to complete your version.

4.2 Determining What Files to Use

If you are familiar with the application you are creating a version for, you may already
know what files you need. If not, there are some tools and tips for determining which
file and fields to use.

To determine what file is being used by a specific screen

1. From the screen where you see information you need for the report, access the
System Request menu.
2. Choose Display Current Job, and then Display Open Files.
3. The first files listed are security and menu files. Page down past these files until
the applications file are shown.

Find Files and Fields 4-1

Version Layout Worksheet

Caution: The above method is not always reliable since some files
are accessed through server files and will not be listed.

To determine what file contains a specific data item

1. On any screen, place the cursor on a field and press F1 (Field Sensitive Help).

Note: The item name of the field displays in the upper right corner
of the screen. In some cases, the data item is not shown, but can be
found by choosing Functions, then Glossary.

2. On Data Dictionary, inquire on this data item.

3. Choose F15 (Where Used).
4. Change the P to F in the following field:
To Display
The system displays a list of all the files where the data item resides.

To determine what fields are contained in a specific file

1. On a menu command line, enter 40.

2. Enter the name of the file in the following field:

File ID
The system lists the fields in the order they appear in the file.
3. Toggle to alphabetical order by choosing Functions, then Sort Order Switch.
4. To obtain a list of fields in a file, go to menu G91.
5. Choose 9 to run DREAM Writer P98DDSP.

4.3 Version Layout Worksheet

After you determine what files and fields are needed and how they will be used, you
may want to write down this information before actually creating the version. A
worksheet can help in designing version specifications. The worksheet can be
referenced during the set up process.
You can use the following worksheet sample to create a report that lists the employee
number and name, annual salary and date started. The system selects records from the
file where the pay class field is equal to 'S' for salaried employees. The data is then
sorted first by date started, and then by employee name. There will be a grand total for
the annual salary.

Field Field Name Select Sort Totals Total

File Name Description in File Print On By for Type
F060116 Employee YAAN8 X
F060116 Employee YAALPH X X
F060116 Annual Salary YASAL X X Sum

4-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Version Layout Worksheet

Field Field Name Select Sort Totals Total

File Name Description in File Print On By for Type
F060116 Date Started YADST X X
F060116 Pay Class YASALY X

A blank worksheet is provided to assist with designing and creating your World
Writer versions.

4.4 Version Layout Worksheet

Figure 41 Version Layout Worksheet

Find Files and Fields 4-3

Version Layout Worksheet

4-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

World Writer Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 5.1, "About World Writer Setup,"
Section 5.2, "Assigning Version Titles and Files,"
Section 5.3, "Understanding Joining Files,"
Section 5.4, "Using File Relations - Match Fields,"
Section 5.5, "Using Additional Parameters,"
Section 5.6, "Using Field Selection,"
Section 5.7, "Using Output Field Specifications,"
Section 5.8, "Using Field Detail Specifications,"
Section 5.9, "Creating Calculated Fields,"
Section 5.10, "Using Data Selection,"
Section 5.11, "Using Data Sort & Totaling,"
Section 5.12, "Using Total Level Summary Functions,"
Section 5.13, "Using Report Layout Display,"
Section 5.14, "Using Printer File Overrides."

5.1 About World Writer Setup

World Writer consists of a series of setup screens used to enter the version
If you are creating a brand new version, the setup screens are presented in the order
that they should be completed.
If you are modifying or copying an existing version, the Selective Change Prompt
window is presented and you can choose only those screens that need changing or
As you go through the setup screens, press Enter to capture your changes and review
the screen. If you make more changes, press Enter again to update with the changes.
When you are ready for the next step, press Enter once again to advance to the next

World Writer Setup 5-1

Assigning Version Titles and Files

5.2 Assigning Version Titles and Files

Use Version Titles & Files to assign the version name and title, the report title and to
specify the files to be used in the query.

Figure 51 Version Title and Files screen

Field Explanation
Group You cannot enter information into this field. The Group ID
defaults from either the Versions List or from the version that
was copied.
Version A ten- character code identifying an individual query within a
given query group (see QRYG). It is similar in function to
DREAM Writer's Screen ID, but in World Writer this field is
Version Title A description that further describes the nature of the query.
Both the Version and Title also display on the Versions List.
The version title is different from the report title.
Report Title The title that displays at the top of the report. It can include up
to three lines with 40 characters each. The lines are
automatically centered on the report.
After you enter the Version and Report Title, press Enter and
specify file names.
File Name The name of a database file from which data is retrieved for the
version. The first file listed is considered the primary file.
Description You cannot enter information into this field. The file name
displays after you press Enter.

5-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Assigning Version Titles and Files

Note: Press F4 to display more details in the fold area.

Figure 52 Version Title and Files (Details) screen

Field Explanation
Library The name of the library that contains the specified query file.
Defaults to *LIBL.
Member The name of the file member to use for the version. You can
select only one member. The default is to query the first
(*FIRST) member in the file. Most data files contain only one
File ID Identifies all the fields in a file if more than one file is selected
in a query. In the case of duplicate field names in two or more
files, the file ID is used to determine which occurrence of the
field is being referred.
The query program automatically assigns file IDs sequentially.
JD Edwards World Indicates whether a file follows the JD Edwards World
standards for field naming. The default is Y. This assumes that
all the fields exist in Data Dictionary. If N is specified World
Writer uses the external File Field Descriptions.

5.2.1 Options
9 - Deletes a previously selected file.

World Writer Setup 5-3

Understanding Joining Files

5.2.2 Function Keys

F5 - Exit to Printer Overrides
F8 - Exit to the File Relations Join Criteria screen; only available when two or more
files are indicated.

5.3 Understanding Joining Files

A file join allows files that share common elements to be connected so that data from
two or more files can be used. The files are joined by defining the relationship between
one or more fields in each file.
When files are joined, the system compares each record in one file to each record in the
other file(s). The records are tested against the join and data selection criteria. If the
record passes the test, it will appear on the output.

5.3.1 Joining
World Writer retrieves records where "Matching" records are found in each file, based
on the joined fields.
The types of joins to obtain either "Matched with Primary file" or "Unmatched with
Primary file" are not available with World Writer.
Typically, matching field names from each file are joined. For example: The join
between F060116 and F0101 is the Address Book Number field, AN8. If an Address
Book Number exists in F0101 but there is no matching number in F060116, then that
number does not appear in the output.

5.3.2 Indirect Join

Occasionally, you may need data from two files that do not have like fields. You may
need a third file that has fields common with both.
For example, there may be no direct join fields between F0101 and F0016 (Generic
Text). F00163 (Generic Text Key Index) has fields common to F0101 and F0016. Even
though no fields from F00163 are being used elsewhere in the report setup, F00163
must be included for the purpose of joining the other two files.

5.3.3 Soft Join

The World Writer File Join screen allows fields with the same data type to be joined,
such as alpha to alpha and numeric to numeric. In some instances, you may need to
perform a Soft Join. This is joining two files that have like data in fields but one field is
alpha and the other field is numeric.
For example, you may join the Address Book Number (AN8), a numeric field, to the
Subledger field (SBL), an alpha field.
See Appendix B, "Soft Join."

5.3.4 Guidelines
The following list details some helpful guidelines and information:
Only join files when necessary. World Writer's presumptive join feature might
provide the fields you need.

5-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using File Relations - Match Fields

Look for a joined logical file. The join criteria are predefined and eliminate the
need to include more than one file. Example: F0101JC is a joined logical file using
F0101, F0116 and F0401. Join fields that contain identical data. See Appendix A,
"Joined Logical Files" for a list of joined logical files available for use in World
The most effective way to join files is by the fields that are unique keys to the files.
One way to find the unique keys is by viewing the file through Hidden Selection
40. Key fields are noted with K01, K02 etc. between the file field name and the
description. If no keys are shown in HS 40, view a logical file, such as F4211LA
At least one field must be joined and some files will require more than one field to
be joined to achieve a one-to-one relationship.
There are two direct join methods:
File Relations - Match Fields
File Relations - Enter Fields.
These screens are only available when two or more files have been specified on
Version Title & Files.

5.4 Using File Relations - Match Fields

This screen allows you to search for matching fields in each file and assign matching
sequence numbers to complete the join.
This screen is only available when two or more files are listed on Version Title & Files.
The screen is split into two sections:
Fields from the first file are listed on the top half of the screen.
Fields from the second file display on the bottom half of the screen.
To view all the fields, position the cursor in the appropriate portion of screen and use
page down or roll.

World Writer Setup 5-5

Using File Relations - Match Fields

Figure 53 File Relations - Match Fields screen

Field Explanation
From File To File The names of the database files specified on the Version Title &
Files screen.
Description The field description. If displayed in order of field name, the
name of the field is appended after the description.
Seq Links the sequenced field in the first file to the field with the
same sequence number in the second file. Use 1, 2, and so on,
for each field needed in sequence.
Relation Describes the test to perform between two fields. This should
always be EQ (equal), which is the default.

5.4.1 Function Keys

F6 - Display the next file on the top or bottom half of the screen, based on the cursor
F8 - Exit to File Relations - Enter Fields. A fast path method of specifying the join
F14 - Toggle between the three different sort options for fields on the screen: Field
position, field name, and field description. File affected is based on cursor position.

5.4.2 Using File Relations - Enter Fields

If the field data item names are known, use this screen to enter the matching fields.
This is a short-cut method.

5-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using File Relations - Match Fields

This screen is also a good place to review the join criteria for all files.

Note: This screen is only available when two or more files are listed
on Version Title & Files.

Figure 54 File Relations - Enter Fields screen

Field Explanation
From Field The name of the data field from one of the specified files. If
possible, start with a field from the 1st file
File ID The file ID associated with the From Field. You may skip this
field. When enter is pressed, the program will locate the first
File ID found that matches the From Field name and populate
this field. If identical field names exist in the files, you should
determine the correct File ID and enter it.
Relation The system displays a default value of EQ. Leave this default.
To Field The name of the data field from another file to link to the From
Field. The From and To Fields should have identical data and
must have the same characteristics, i.e. alpha vs. numeric.
File ID The file ID associated with the To Field. You may skip this
field. When enter is pressed, the program will locate the first
File ID found that matches the From Field name and populate
this field. If identical field names exist in the files, you should
determine the correct File ID and enter it.

World Writer Setup 5-7

Using Additional Parameters

5.4.3 Function Keys

F8 - Exit to File Relations - Match Fields.

5.5 Using Additional Parameters

Use the Additional Parameters screen to group together many of the options for
processing the query at runtime, such as:
Default column and line spacing
Prompt for data selection
Detail or Totals Only report
Report or output to a file
Batch and job queue overrides

Figure 55 Additional Parameters screen

5-8 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Additional Parameters

Field Explanation
User Exclusive (0/1/2/3) Allows you to restrict user access for a report version.
For JD Edwards World, the valid values are:
0 No security. Anyone can change, copy, delete, or run the
version. This is the default when adding a new version.
1 Medium security. Only the "last modified by" user can
change or delete the version. Anyone can copy or run the
version. This is how the JD Edwards World DEMO versions
are delivered.
2 Medium-to-full security. Only the "last modified by" user
can change, delete, or run the version. Anyone can copy the
3 Full security. Only the "last modified by" user can change,
delete, copy, or run it.
4 Medium security - extended. Only the "last modified by"
user can change or delete the version. Anyone can copy or run
the version.
Print Cover Page (Y/N) A code that controls whether to print the cover page for the
version. The cover page shows setup criteria.
Y Print cover page
N Do not print cover page
Hold on Job Queue (Y/N) A code used to indicate whether to hold the submitted job in
the job queue. Values are:
Y Hold in job queue
N Job will process through the job queue
Batch Job Queue The computer waiting line that particular job passes through. If
blank, it defaults to the job queue specified in the user's job
Prompt for Data Selections A code that displays the Data Selection screen when a version
is submitted. This allows users access to modify the record
selection criteria without changing the basic structure of the
version. This also ensures that record selection is reviewed
and/or changed before the version is submitted.
Y Display Data Selection at runtime.
N Version is submitted without displaying Data Selection.
Query Detail (or Totals Only) A code indicating whether to print detail lines on a report, or
just the total lines.
D Print detail and total lines
T Print totals only
Default Line Spacing The number of lines to advance before printing the next detail
line. When a print line is wrapped, the wrapped lines are all
The number of lines to space before a total line can be changed
when defining the total line on Data Sort & Totaling.
Default Column Spacing The number of blank spaces before the next column prints. The
default spacing can be overridden on a field-by-field basis on
Output Field Specifications.

World Writer Setup 5-9

Using Additional Parameters

Field Explanation
Maximum Form Width Indicates the width of the form on which the requested report
is to be printed.
The range of values is 1 through 378, with a default of 132. If
the width of the report columns is greater that this number,
either the remaining columns will wrap to the next line or be
truncated, based on the Line Wrap setting (see below). Use the
Report Layout F13 to view the results of changing this field.
Line Wrap (Y/N) Allows line wrapping caused by selecting more output fields
than will fit on a print line.
Y If the width of the report columns is greater that the
Maximum Form Width, then the remaining fields wrap to the
next print line(s).
N Line wrapping will not occur and remaining fields are
Note: You must specify Y to print all Summary Functions.
One Line per Page (Y/N) Prints each data record on a separate page when this option is
set to Y.
Total Level Text in Header Used with software that must detect a change in data in order
to perform a function, usually involving a page skip. If this
field is set to Y, the text from Total Level Hdr field in Data Sort
& Totaling will print above the column headings. Only one
total level should contain Hdr text if this feature is in use.
Y prints Total Header text above column headings. The default
is No.
Maximum records to query Indicates the maximum number of records to fetch from the
database and print. Any selected records after this count are
not output. The default value is *NOMAX (no maximum). The
value specified will not exceed the number of records specified
for the Create Physical File command (CRTPF) or maximum
spooled output records for printer file QSYSPRT.
Use this feature to verify the print format of a new query or
when a sample of the data is desired.
Print Queue A designation of a specific print queue, such as QPRINT.
If left blank, this field defaults to the print queue specified in
your user profile.
Output Media Destination of the version output. The following codes are
P Printed Output
F Disk File
X Rydex Fax Output. Print output is routed to output queue
QFAX for use with FAX/400 supported by IBM.
Packed to Zoned Flag used to assist the user in preparing files that contain
numeric data and are intended for transfer to a PC or other non
AS/400 system. Enter a "1" to cause World Writer to convert all
packed fields to zoned decimal when creating a file. This flag
has no impact on reports.
Output File Name of the output file to be created. Specify F in the Output
Media field. The file does not need to be created on the iSeries;
it will be created for you when the version is submitted and
completes normally.

5-10 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Field Selection

Field Explanation
Output Library The name of the output library where the file will be created.
Specify F in the Output Media field. This library must already
exist on the iSeries.

5.5.1 Function Keys

F6 - Exit to the Batch PC Export Parameters
F13 - Display Report Layout.

5.6 Using Field Selection

The Field Selection List indicates what fields to use for printing, data selection, sort,
and total functions. This step serves as a type of scratch pad to select fields for
subsequent steps. You can use the Version Layout Worksheet (see Chapter 4.1,
"Finding Files and Fields") you completed when planning your report to help you on
this screen.
All fields in each selected file are listed. Scroll Up and Down to view all the fields. If
two or more files have been specified on the Version Title & Files screen, you can also
use the Skip to File field to jump to a specific file.

To select fields
On Field Selection List

Figure 56 Field Selection List screen

1. Choose one of the following methods for selecting fields:

World Writer Setup 5-11

Using Field Selection

Enter X in the appropriate column or columns (Print, Select On, Sort By, and
so on) to select the fields and their function.
Enter 1 in the Option field to select the field for Print, Select On and Sort By.
The field will appear on all three setup screens, but can easily be removed if
not needed.

Note: This is the easier method, particularly if the exact

specifications have not been pre-defined (

2. If creating a new version, review the fields "tagged" on the Field Selection List that
display on each subsequent screen.
3. If modifying or copying a version, choose F15 on each subsequent screen to
display the "tagged fields."

Field Explanation
Description Represents the field text specified in the Data Dictionary.
Print Displays on the Output Field Specifications screen. (V82104)
when selected.
Select On Displays on the Data Selection Screen (V82107) when selected.
Sort By Displays on the Data Sort and Totaling Screen (V82108) when
Sum Sum or total the values in this field. This is only valid for
numeric fields.
Avg Calculates the average value of this field. This is only valid for
numeric fields.
Min The minimum or lowest value of this field. Negative numbers
are considered lower than zero or any positive number.
Character fields are compared according to the standard
EBCDIC collating sequence.
Max The maximum or highest value of this field. Negative numbers
are considered lower than zero or any positive number.
Character fields are compared according to the standard
EBCDIC collating sequence.
Cnt Count and print the number of records printed. In World
Writer the count function is not a distinct count. This value will
be the same no matter what field is selected.
Field Name The data item name of the field.

Caution: The Field Selection list is valid only for the current session.
Once you complete setup steps or press F3 to exit, the Field Selection
list is deleted. You can create a new list if you return to add fields to
this version later.

5.6.1 Presumptive Join Fields

Presumptive Join Fields are additional fields made available for printing purposes
within the World Writer application. They contain data related to a field that resides in
the file you are using in your World Writer version, but the presumptive join fields are

5-12 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Output Field Specifications

stored in a different file. Without the use of presumptive join fields, you would be
required to join both files in order to retrieve the related information.
On the Field Selection List screen, presumptive join fields are named with the file field
name plus a 2-digit extension. The fields are indented directly below the file fields.
These fields are only available for print.
For example:
GLKCO is a file field.
GLKCO01 is a presumptive join field that contains the company name.
GLDCT is a file field.
GLDCT01 and GLDCT02 are presumptive join fields with the description lines for
document type.

5.7 Using Output Field Specifications

The Output Field Specifications screen is where most of the report design and layout
functions are done.
You can:
Sequence the order of the printed columns.
Adjust the size of the columns.
Wrap lines.
Change the column headings.
Adjust spacing.
Perform several editing and display functions.
The Output Field Specification screen is also the starting point in creating calculated

World Writer Setup 5-13

Using Output Field Specifications

Figure 57 Output Field Specifications screen

Field Explanation
Total Width Width calculated for you by adding together the length of
fields and column spacing.
Seq No A number that defines the relative order of the output fields.
For example, a sequence number of 10 will come before 20, and
so on.
Screen-specific information
Fields that have a Print When code of N (never), do not affect
the print sequence and therefore can have any sequence
Description Represents the field text specified in the Data Dictionary.
Size Print size of the field. This can be reduced from the actual size
of the field to allow for truncating the printed output or
enlarged to allow for numeric editing characters.
The actual number of characters taken up for printing is the
larger of either the output size or the column heading.
W L (Wrap Line) Wraps this field down to the next print line. Enter Y to activate
this wrap feature. Line spacing is always single-spaced.
This is used to make this line of data appear directly below the
data in the prior line. Take care to properly calculate the
number of spaces to enter in the Col Sp (Column Spacing)

5-14 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Output Field Specifications

Field Explanation
P W (Print When) Code identifying when to print a field value. Valid codes are:
A Always print the value (this is the default).
C Print each time the value changes.
N Never print the value. Used for derived or sort fields that
you do not want printed.
Col Sp (Column Spacing) Number of spaces before a column will print. The default for
*DF is determined from the value entered on Additional
Parameters (V82109) Default Column Spacing. Use with the
Wrap Line feature to align columns.
Sup Hdg (Suppress Heading) Suppresses Heading. Enter a Y to Suppress the Column
Headings for this field. This is typically used with the Wrap
Line feature.
Edt Cde Defaults from Data Dictionary. Use Field Sensitive Helps (F1)
to determine how numeric data is formatted when printed,
such as:
Whether a separator character prints
Whether zero or blank prints when data = 0
The character and position of negative numbers
Prt Dec The number of decimal positions to show in the edited print
Num Scl The scale code is used to truncate quantity fields. This allows
you to show a quantity expressed in 100s, or 1,000s and so on.
Valid codes are:
0 No scaling. This is the default.
1 Divide by 10.
2 Divide by 100.
3 Divide by 1,000.
4 Divide by 10,000.
5 Divide by 100,000.
6 Divide by 1,000,000.
Output Field The name of the field in the file.

Note: Press F4 to display more details in the fold area.

World Writer Setup 5-15

Using Output Field Specifications

Figure 58 Output Field Specifications (Details) screen

Field Description
Chain Field The name of the field for presumptive join fields used to
retrieve a related description field.
Server File The name of the file for presumptive join fields used to retrieve
a related description field.
From File File ID assigned when files are specified in Version Title &
Files. If blank, this is either a presumptive join field or a
calculated field.

Note: You must press Enter once to update the Total Width field and
enable the F13 key for Report Layout. Whenever you make a change
to the Output Field Specifications, you may impact the Total Width. A
highlighted field Description indicates where line wrapping occurs.

5.7.1 Options
1 - Work with Calculation
5 - Work with Field Detail Specifications
7 - Query File Update. Available when one file specified on Version Title & Files. See
Chapter 9.1, "About Updating Files" for details.
9 - Delete a field. You cannot delete a field if it is being used on Data Sort & Totaling.

5-16 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Output Field Specifications

5.7.2 Function Keys

F13 - Displays the Report Layout.
F15 - Displays fields tagged on the Field Selection List. The tag list is active only for the
current session.
F16 - Displays all fields in the selected files.
F18 - Data Field Update. Available when one file specified on Version Title & Files. See
Chapter 9.1, "About Updating Files" for details.

5.7.3 About Presumptive Join Fields

Presumptive Join Fields are additional fields made available for printing purposes
within the World Writer application. They contain data related to a field that resides in
the file you are using in your World Writer version, but the presumptive join fields are
stored in a different file. Without the use of presumptive join fields, you would be
required to join both files in order to retrieve the related information.
On the Output Field Specifications screen, presumptive join fields are named with the
file field name plus a 2-digit extension. When no fields are sequenced or when F16 is
pressed, these fields are located directly below the file field. Assign a sequence
number to include these fields on the report.
For example:
GLKCO is a file field
GLKCO01 is a presumptive join field that contains the company name
GLDCT is a file field
GLDCT01 and GLDCT02 are presumptive join fields with the description lines for
document type.

5.7.4 About Date Fields stored in the Julian format: CYYDDD

The Size and Edit Code of a Julian date field determines formatting. The examples in
the table are shown in MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY format. Your System Values
or User Preference will determine the order of month, day, year, and separator
character used.

Size Edit Printed Output Output to File Data Type

8 Other than W Julian Julian Numeric
6 Other than W Julian Julian Numeric
10 Other than W Julian Julian Numeric

World Writer converts Julian date fields to Gregorian if the Edit Code is equal to W:
If the size is equal to or less than 6, no separator character is used.
If the size is greater than 8, the 4-digit year is used.

World Writer Setup 5-17

Using Field Detail Specifications

Sizes less than 6 or equal to 9 will truncate the data, both in printed output and
output to file.
World Writer uses the Julian value if the Edit Code is other than W:
Printed output - Use an Edit Code that does not print a comma, such as C, D, L, or
Output to File - If the Size is less than 6, the version will end in a job log with the
error "MCH1210 Receiver value too small to hold result." The size must be at least
6 if outputting to a physical file with an Edit Code other than W.

5.8 Using Field Detail Specifications

This screen is used primarily to modify the default column heading for file fields. For
calculated field, you will want to add a column heading if the field is a printing field.
Some of the fields also appear on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen.
On Output Field Specifications, type 5 in the Option Column next to the field you wish
to work with.

Figure 59 Field Detail Specifications screen

Field Explanation
Output Size Displays on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen. See Chapter 5.7, "Using Output Field
Specifications" for field descriptions.

5-18 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating Calculated Fields

Field Explanation
Print Decimal Displays on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen. See Chapter 5.7, "Using Output Field
Specifications" for field descriptions.
Edit Code Displays on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen. See Chapter 5.7, "Using Output Field
Specifications" for field descriptions.
Numeric Scale Displays on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen. See Chapter 5.7, "Using Output Field
Specifications"for field descriptions.
Column Spacing Displays on Output Field Specifications and can be modified
from either screen. See Chapter 5.7, "Using Output Field
Specifications" for field descriptions.
Column Title Column headings defaulted from Data Dictionary. You can
change the values on the screen. The three lines are 20
characters each and are automatically centered within the first
20 characters of the column.
Typically, the column heading should align with the size of the
field. The third line should be reserved for dashes. If 20 dashes
are entered, the line of dashes extends the full length of the
Field Size Actual field size, as defined in the file. This is for reference
only; not input capable.
Actual Decimals Precision Provides the divide by factor for SQL. For file fields, this field
can differ from the Print Decimal field. For calculated fields,
this field must be the same as the Print Decimal field.
Date Format - From This field is obsolete.

5.9 Creating Calculated Fields

At some point while designing a World Writer report, you may need a field that
contains information that is not available in the files selected for the query.
You can create a new field with a calculation that uses data from existing fields or
literal text. When the version is submitted, the calculation is performed.
You can then place the new field on Output Field Specification, use it for selecting data
and for sorting and totaling. You could also use it in another calculation.
Calculated fields can be used to update the value in another field. See Chapter 9.1,
"About Updating Files."

To create a calculated field

Define the field attributes on the Output Field Specifications screen (V82104).
On Output Field Specifications
1. Enter 1 in the following field on a blank row:
2. Assign the Sequence Number where the field should display, and enter a brief
field description.
3. Complete the following fields, as needed:
Output Size

World Writer Setup 5-19

Creating Calculated Fields

Edit Code
Print Decimal
Numeric Scale
Column Spacing
Column Title
4. Enter a unique name in the following field:
Field Name
5. Press Enter. The Query Result Field Definition window displays.

Figure 510 Query Result Field Definition window

Field Explanation
Description Value defaults from Output Field Specifications. You can
modify this field from this screen.
Size Value defaults from Output Field Specifications. You can
modify this field from this screen. For example, you may
determine that the size is not large enough to hold the result of
Print Decimal Value defaults from Output Field Specifications. You can
modify this field from this screen.
Expression Used to enter the calculation. You can enter up to four lines
with 60 characters each. Enter a single value or use as many
operands and operators that will fit in the lines provided. You
can split values and field name at the end of a line and
continue it on the next line. In most cases, you do not need a
space between fields, values, and operators

5-20 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating Calculated Fields

5.9.1 Operands for Calculations

The following chart shows the valid mathematical and special operators that can be
used to create an expression. Operators can be used with file field names and/or literal
You can use literal values in place of field names, such as:
Alpha literal or constant values are entered in single quotes. 'ABC'
Numeric literal or constant values are entered without quotes. For example,
You cannot use presumptive join fields in a calculation.
Operators can be entered in upper or lower case.

Operator Description Syntax

+ Add field values field1 + field2
- Subtract field values field1 - field2
* Multiply field values field1 * field2
/ Divide field values field1 / field2
Decimal Obtain a packed representation of a Decimal(field1 * field2,15,2)
numeric value
Integer Obtain a whole number from a numeric Integer(field)
Substr Obtain a sub-string from an alphanumeric Substr(field,3,4)
Digits Convert a numeric value to alphanumeric Digits(field)
|| Concatenate or join together alphanumeric field1||'-'||field2

5.9.2 Examples of Calculations

The following are examples of calculations using the available operators.

Calculation Description
GBAN01 + GBAN02 + Adds the Net Posting fields from F0902
GBAN03 + GBAN04 +
YASAL * 2.5 Multiplies the Annual Salary from F060116 by 2.5
Integer(YADSI / 1000 + 5) Adds 5 to the year portion of the Original Start Date from
GLMCU||'.'||GLOBJ||'.'|| Concatenates the Business Unit, Object and Subsidiary field
GLSUB into one field with a period between each value. 10.1110.BANK
Substr(YASSN,1,3)||'-'||sub Uses both the Substr and Concatenate operator to format the
str(YASSN,4,2)||'-'||substr( Employee Tax ID field from F060116 in a social security
YASSN,6,4) number xxx-xx-xxxx format. The expression starts with the first
position of the field and after 3 characters, insert a dash. Then
beginning in the 4th position for 2 characters, then another
dash. And finally start in the 6th position for 4 characters.

World Writer Setup 5-21

Using Data Selection

Calculation Description
Substr(Digits(ABAN8),3,5)||' Uses the digits operator to convert the Address Book Number
'||ABALPH from F0101 so that last 5 characters of the field can be
concatenated to the Alpha Name field with two spaces in
between. 10244 Sally Jones
Decimal((SDUORG * Creates a packed field multiplying the Quantity Ordered from
COUNCS),15,2) F4211 by the Unit Price from F4105. This field is defined as
fifteen packed characters with two decimal places

A calculated field can be used just like a file field, as follows:

In another calculation
For sorting purposes
To select data
In Total Level Hdr and Total Line Text

5.10 Using Data Selection

Regardless of the amount of information contained in the files selected, you can
selectively print only the data you wish to see on the report. For instance you may
want only records within a certain date range.
If no data selection is entered all records will be output, unless restricted by Business
Unit Security.
Data selection lets you specify fields in the database that are compared to the values
that you are interested in. Only those records that match all of your criteria will be
included in the query output. Fields can be tested against constants (numbers or
strings), fields in the database or calculated fields that you created.
The Data Selection screen requires an equation for selecting data. This equation
involves the following information:
And/Or logic
The field you want to base your selection on
The Boolean Logic test operand resulting in specific information being selected for
your report
The value parameter, specifying the data against which you want to compare the

5-22 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Data Selection

Figure 511 Data Selection screen

Field Explanation
And/Or A code that determines whether compound data selection logic
is based on an AND condition or an OR condition.
AND Combines and continues selection criteria. This is the
OR Begins a new condition that consists of the OR line and
consecutive AND lines.
Description The description of the field that contains the data you want to
select on. The test field name is found in the fold area of this
Selection Test Specifies the Boolean Logic test to perform between the data
field and selection value. Use Field Sensitive Help F1 for a list
of valid values, also described in the Boolean Logic section.

World Writer Setup 5-23

Using Data Selection

Field Explanation
Selection Value Contains the values to compare against.
Field Sensitive Help F1 is useful in to obtain a list of valid
values if the field is attached to a User-defined Code table or a
Search window.
Use F1 to determine the correct field formatting for length and
You do not need to know the Julian date format. Enter these
date fields as MMDDYY (or User Preference/System format).
The program will edit the entry for a valid date and format the
field correctly.
You can use a field name to compare with another field. The
exception is comparing a date field to another date field. See
Appendix D, "Data Select on Julian Date Fields" for this
Numbers will be edited and displayed with the same decimal
positions as the field.
Alpha field entries must be enclosed in single quotes (') and
cannot be longer than the selection field length. Shorter strings
are compared as if the missing positions are blank.
If a character field is specified in Data Dictionary as having a
Data Display Rule of '*RAB', the field is right-justified with
leading blanks (see MCU as an example).
To select on a blank numeric field, type 0 (zero).
To select on a blank alpha field, type '' (2 single quotes).
See Appendix D, "Data Select on Julian Date Fields" for the
procedure to select on a blank Julian date field.

Note: Press F4 to display more details in the fold area.

5-24 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Data Selection

Figure 512 Data Selection (Details) screen

Field Explanation
Sequence Assigned by the program. If it is necessary to insert a line,
assign the sequence number so that it lies between the
sequence numbers of the lines before and after the selected
BU Edit (Y/N) Indicates that the data field is a Business Unit and may be
subject to Business Unit Security. Input incapable.
Field Name Used if you need to data select on a calculated field. Enter the
name of the field. Leave the File ID field blank.
File ID Assigned when files are specified in Version Title & Files. If
blank, this is a calculated field.

5.10.1 Options
5 - If any of the value or range tests are specified, a "+" in the option column indicates
that there are more values. Use Option 5 to display the Query Selection Values screen
to review or change the selections.
9 - Deletes a previously selected field.

5.10.2 Function Keys

F9 - Replicate selected fields. This enables you to quickly set up an OR condition using
the same fields with different values.
F15 - Display the fields tagged on the Field Selection List. The tag list is active only for
the current session.

World Writer Setup 5-25

Using Data Selection

F16 - Displays all fields in the selected files.

5.10.3 Query Selection Values

When selecting data using VALUE, NVALUE, RANGE, NRANGE, the first value or
beginning range is entered and shown on the Data Selection screen (V82107). The
remaining values or ending range are entered and shown on the Query Selection
Values screen:
For RANGE or NRANGE tests, only two entries can be made.
For VALUE or NVALUE tests, at least two entries are required. (If only one value
is needed, use the EQ or NE test)
Separate the entries by at least one space.
Duplicate entries will cause an error and must be removed.
Field Sensitive Help F1 is useful here to obtain a list of valid values if the field is
attached to a User-defined Code table or Search window.
Alphanumeric fields must be enclosed in single quotes (').

Figure 513 Query Selection Values screen

5.10.4 About AND/OR

This condition is used with more than one equation. Connect multiple equations with
an AND condition or an OR condition.
You use AND when all the conditions in the equation must be met before a record
is written.

5-26 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Data Selection

You use OR when only one condition must be met, or when you want to begin a
new set of selection criteria.

Figure 514 When to Use "And" and "Or"

5.10.5 Boolean Logic Available for Data Selection

You can use these Boolean logic arguments to select your data.

Test Example
EQ (Equal to) Amount EQ 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
equal to 5000
LT (Less than) Amount LT 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
less than 5000
LE (Less than or equal to) Amount LE 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
equal to or less than 5000
GT (Greater than) Amount GT 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
greater than 5000
GE (Greater than or equal to) Amount GE 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
equal to or greater than 5000
NE (Not equal to) Amount NE 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
not equal to 5000
NL (Not less than) Amount NL 5000 retrieves only those records with amounts
not less than 5000
NG (Not greater than) Amount NG retrieves only those records with amounts not
greater than 5000

World Writer Setup 5-27

Using Data Sort & Totaling

Test Example
LIKE (A certain part of an Name LIKE - __TIN retrieves those names that have two
alphanumeric field characters followed by TIN
containing the same
Name LIKE - %TIN% retrieves those names that contain TIN,
characters as the test value
no matter what characters are before or after it.
NLIKE (A certain part of the Name NLIKE - __TIN retrieves only those names that do not
field that does not contain the have two characters followed by TIN.
same characters as the test
Name NLIKE - %TIN% retrieves those names that do not
value pattern)
contain TIN no matter what characters are before or after it.
RANGE (No less than the Amount Range 5000 7000 retrieves records with amounts
first value and no greater between 5000 and 7000.
than the second value)
5000 and 7000 would be included.
NRANGE (Less than the first Amount Range 5000 7000 retrieves records with amounts that
value and greater than the are less than 5000 and greater than 7000.
second value)
5000 and 7000 would not be included.
VALUE or VALUES (Retrieve Selects multiple items.
the items listed)
NVALUE (Do not retrieve Omits multiple items.
items listed)

5.11 Using Data Sort & Totaling

The Data Sort & Totaling screen is used to sort the data into meaningful groups.
Without any sorting, sequence of the data will not be in any particular order.
Total levels can be assigned to initiate a break between groups of data. A level break is
used to setup special processing, such as printing subtotals, skipping to a new page,
skipping multiple lines, or printing related text.

To Sort Data
On Data Sort & Totaling
1. Complete the following fields:
Seq (Sequence)
A/D (Ascending and descending)
2. Assign sequence numbers by 10s to the fields used for sorting.

Note: The highest sort field has the lowest sequence number. For
example, sort the data first by company. Within each company, the
system sorts the data by business unit, and within each business unit,
by object account. For example, the sequence numbers include 10
Company, 20 Business Unit, and 30 Object.

3. If the grand total does not display on the screen, choose F15. The grand total
should always be the last sequence number.

5-28 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Data Sort & Totaling

Note: All sorting fields must also display on the Output Field
Specifications screen, although they do not have to be printed
columns. If a field is used on the Data Sort & Totaling screen that does
not appear on Output Field Specifications, the program will add it as a
non-printed field by assigning it the next sequence number.

5.11.1 Total levels

Total levels and the additional functions associated with them are for printed output.
Only detail records can be output to a physical file.
If the report requires break levels, the next step is to assign Total Levels for the fields
where additional functions will be performed.
You must then define the additional functions to include when a break level occurs.
The following require you to assign a Total Level:
Summary Functions
Page Skip
Line Spacing
Total Level Text in Header
Total Line Text
A level break occurs when the value of the field changes from one record to the next.
Assign level breaks in the same order as sequence numbers, but in increments of one.
For example, the following represents a total level at the Company and Object levels.
10. Company - total level 1
20. Business Unit - no total level
30. Object - total level 2

Note: You do not have to assign a total level to a Grand Total Level,
but you do have to specify a sequence number to include it.

World Writer Setup 5-29

Using Data Sort & Totaling

Figure 515 Data Sort and Totaling screen

Field Explanation
Seq Assigns a sequence number to order the sort fields. The lower
the number, the higher the sort priority. That is, a field with a
sequence of 20 will sort within the values of a field with a
sequence of 10.
A sequence number must be assigned to select a field for
sorting, and all sequence numbers will be renumbered in
increments of 10.
Description The field text specified in the Data Dictionary
A/D The code that specifies the ordering of the data in the sort field.
A Ascending - data is sorted from lowest to highest
D Descending - data is sorted from highest to lowest
Tot Lvl (Total Level) Used to define report break fields. A report break occurs every
time the contents of a break field change from one record to the
next. Break fields are tested from highest priority to lowest
(highest priority is the break field with the lowest number). A
report break at a given level will cause a break at all the lower
priority levels as well.
Break levels should be assigned in the same relative order as
the sort levels. That is, the highest assignable break level (level
1) should be assigned to the highest sort priority (the sort field
with the lowest sequence number). The next break level should
be assigned to some lower priority sort level and so on.

5-30 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Data Sort & Totaling

Field Explanation
Page Skip Y Indicates that a new page should be started when the value
of this field changes
S Indicates printing summarized information on this field
A total level must be specified for a page skip to occur.
Normally only one total level should specify page skipping.
Line Spc Indicates the number of lines to advance after printing this
total line. The default value (*DF) is the line spacing specified
in Additional Parameters.
A total level must be specified for this line spacing to occur.
Sum Fnc The code that specifies whether to print any summary
functions associated with this total level as entered on the Total
Level Summary Functions screen.
If N is entered, no total line data will print for this level, but
any page or line spacing will occur.
Sort Field This is the name of the field in the file.
From File The File ID identifies which file contains the requested field.

Note: Press F4 to display more details in the fold area.

Figure 516 Data Sort and Totaling (Detail) screen

World Writer Setup 5-31

Using Total Level Summary Functions

Field Explanation
Total Level Hdr Contains 60 characters to enter a subheading comprised of
literal text and/or field values that print before a group of
data. Use an & (ampersand) before a field name to initiate
printing the field value, i.e. &ABALPH.
On the Report Layout screen, literal text is shown and any
fields denoted with the ampersand (&) will appear as the
letter H.
Total Line Text Contains 60 characters to enter literal text and/or field values
that print after a group of data and before the summary
functions line. The Row Description from Data Dictionary
defaults on this line. This can be modified to desired text or
removed. Use the & (ampersand) before a field name to
initiate printing the field value, i.e. &ABALPH.
On the Report Layout screen, literal text is shown and any
fields denoted with the ampersand (&) will appear as the
letter D.

5.11.2 Options
1 - When you initially set up a Total Level, you are automatically taken to the Total
Level Summary Functions screen. Option 1 also takes you to this screen to review or
change the selections.
9 - Delete a previously selected field.

5.11.3 Function Keys

F13 - Display the Report Layout screen.
F15 - Display the fields tagged on the Field Selection List. The tag list is active only for
the current session. Also used to retrieve the Grand Total Level.
F16 - Displays all fields in the selected files.

5.12 Using Total Level Summary Functions

One of the main reasons for assigning a Total Level is to add summary functions when
a break in the data occurs.
You can specify up to five summary functions per total level and grand total level.
On the Data Sort & Totaling screen (V82108), if you initially assign a Total Level to a
field or a sequence number to the Grand Total Level field, you can then press Enter to
automatically display the Total Level Summary Functions screen. You can also enter 1
in the Option field to display the Total Level Summary Functions screen.
The text for summary functions is stored in UDC table 82/GR. If the text is changed in
this table, it is changed for all World Writer reports.
At the top of the screen the system displays the Total Level number, Field Name and
Description. Assign summary functions to each Total Level one at a time, including
the Grand Total. If you have three total levels and a Grand Total and your report
requires summary functions at all four levels, you will need to access this screen four
Only the fields that display on Output Field Specifications (V82104) are available for
summary functions. If a calculated field does not display on this screen, it can be
added manually by typing the field name on a blank line.

5-32 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Total Level Summary Functions

The following is an example of the summary functions:

Function Amount (numeric field) Name (alpha field)

50.00 Smith, John
150.00 Jones, Mary
75.00 Torres, Jose
225.00 Wu, Ann
100.00 Brown, David
Sum 600.00 N/A
Avg 120.00 N/A
Min 50.00 Brown, David
Max 225.00 Wu, Ann
Cnt 5 5

To select summary functions

The Total Level number, Field Name and Description are displayed at the top of the
Total Level Summary Functions screen, indicating the current break level.
On Total Level Summary Functions

Figure 517 Total Level Summary Functions screen

1. Assign summary functions to each Total Level one at a time, including the Grand

World Writer Setup 5-33

Using Total Level Summary Functions

If you have three total levels and a Grand Total, and your report requires
summary functions at all four levels, you will need to access this screen four times.

Note: Only the fields that appear on Output Field Specifications

(V82104) are available for summary functions. If a calculated field
does not appear on this screen, it can be manually added by typing
the field name on a blank line.

2. Enter X in the column(s) for each type of total to calculate.

3. To choose all summary functions, enter 1 in the following field:

Note: Up to five summary functions can be specified for a numeric

column, three for an alpha column. Sum and Average cannot be used
with alphanumeric fields.

Field Explanation
Description Represents the field text specified in the Data Dictionary.
Sum (Summary) Totals all values; valid for numeric fields only.
Avg (Average) Totals all values, then divides by the number of records; valid
for numeric fields only.
Min (Minimum) Prints the lowest value in the group for numeric fields.
Negative numbers are considered lower than zero or any
positive number.
For alpha fields, print the first alphabetical value. Character
fields are compared according to the standard EBCDIC
collating sequence.
Max (Maximum) Prints the highest value in the group For numeric fields.
Negative numbers are considered lower than zero or any
positive number.
For alpha fields, print the last alphabetical value. Character
fields are compared according to the standard EBCDIC
collating sequence.
Cnt (Count) Prints the number of records in the group. This value will be
the same no matter which field is selected at the total level.
Field Name The name of the field in the file.
File ID The File ID identifying which file contains the requested field.

5.12.1 Options
1 - Marks all summary functions with an X.
9 - Deletes a previously selected field.

5.12.2 Function Keys

F13 - Display the Report Layout. Use this periodically to determine what additional
changes you might need to make.

5-34 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Printer File Overrides

F15 - Display the fields tagged on the Field Selection List. The tag list is active only for
the current session.
F16 - Display all fields in the selected files. You cannot assign summary functions to
any fields that do not appear as printed columns on Output Field Specifications.

5.13 Using Report Layout Display

Although the Report Layout screen is not part of the setup process, it is available from
many of the setup screens. It is an easy way to see how your report will look without
having to actually run the version. It contains the column headings, one detail line and
any total levels and summary functions you may have specified.
This feature is available using F13 from all of the setup screens that can affect the
layout of your report, such as Output Field Specifications and Data Sort & Totaling. It
is also available from the Versions List (cursor position sensitive).
When making changes involving line wrapping, column spacing, header text, etc. use
this feature frequently to view the changes and determine any additional changes.

Figure 518 Query Report Layout Display screen

Approximately 80 characters are displayed on the screen. Function keys 19 and 20

scroll to the left and right. Or, you can enter a character position in the Window
Column field to automatically move to that character space.

5.14 Using Printer File Overrides

The Printer File Overrides screen provides a way to change the default attributes of
printer output.

World Writer Setup 5-35

Using Printer File Overrides

World Writer uses the system printer file called QSYSPRT. If no overrides are entered,
the attributes of QSYSPRT are used.
These are standard IBM override options. A similar screen is used with DREAM
Writer, FASTR and STAR reporting tools.
Many of the available options are dependent on the type of printer you have and your
printer must support the entries you make.
It is best to initially leave the default attributes until a sample of the report has been
printed and reviewed. Then make any adjustments if needed.

To access Printer File Overrides

Figure 519 Printer File Overrides screen

You can access the Printer File Overrides screen by doing any of the following:
Enter 6 in the Option field on the Versions List (V82100).
Enter 1 in the Option field on the Selective Change Prompt.
Choose F5 on the Version Title & Files (V82101).

Field Explanation
Print Queue A designation of a specific print queue, such as QPRINT. If left
blank, this field defaults to the print queue specified in your
user profile.

5-36 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Using Printer File Overrides

Field Explanation
Hld in Prt Queue (Y/N) A flag used to determine whether to hold the print file in the
print queue rather than printing it.
Valid values are:
Y Hold on the print queue
N Do not Hold on the print queue
S Hold and Save on the print queue
T Do not Hold, but Save on the print queue
Note: You can use 1 for Y and 0 (zero) for N.
Number of Report Copies The number of copies of this report to be printed. One copy is
the default.
Save Spool File Indicates whether the spool file should be set to a SAV status
after printing.
Char./Inch (10/15) The horizontal printing density. This should be entered as the
number of characters per inch and must be supported by your
Form Type Specifies the type of forms to be used in the printer.
Lines/Inch (4/6/8/9) The line spacing should be entered as the number of lines per
inch and must be supported by your printer.
Location of Page Overflow A field used in the definition of a report version to indicate the
number of lines to be printed on a specific form before page
overflow is detected.
Maximum Form Length A field used in the definition of a report version to indicate the
length of the form on which the requested report is to be
printed. This is expressed in lines per page.
Maximum Form Width A field used in the definition of a report version used to
indicate the width of the form on which the requested report is
to be printed. This is the same field found on the Additional
Parameters screen (V82109). It can be changed from either
Printer Device Name Specifies the name of the printer device.
Intelligent Printer Specifies the type of data stream to create for a printer file.
Print Text The Print Text field specifies a character string that will be
printed at the bottom of each page of the specified report. A
maximum of 30 characters are allowed. Refer to "PRTTXT"
keyword of the "OVRPRTF" command on the iSeries.

World Writer Setup 5-37

Using Printer File Overrides

5-38 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Part II
Part II Advanced Topics

This part contains these chapters:

Chapter 6, "Work with Groups,"
Chapter 7, "Work with Security,"
Chapter 8, "Create File Output,"
Chapter 9, "Update Files,"
Chapter 10, "Menu Setup,"
Chapter 11, "Sleeper Setup,"
Chapter 12, "World Writer Advanced Operations Menu."
Work with Groups

This chapter contains the topic:

Section 6.1, "Working with Groups."

6.1 Working with Groups

World Writer has many functions and can be used with all of your JD Edwards World
application files, as well as non-World files. As a result, you will likely develop a large
number of World Writer versions.
Groups provide a way to manage reports by allowing you to view a limited list of
World Writer reports that have something in common. Some ways that you can group
reports are:
By user ID
By application
By frequency of use. For example, daily and monthly reports.
By department
By level of sensitivity for security purposes
Any combination of the above
You can attach a group to a menu selection so that the list of reports appears when the
user makes that selection. You can also set up menu security and/or group level
security to prevent unauthorized access.
A group name is alphanumeric and can be up to ten characters in length. A suggested
method for creating group names is QSSnnnnnnn, where:
Q = Query
SS = System Code
nnnnnnn = Unique name
A variety of groups have already been set up for you and you can access them from
menu G82. These groups contain the sample reports that are provided with the
software. You can use the pre-defined groups to arrange your versions. Or you can
organize your World Writer versions by creating your own groups, using a naming
convention that suits your needs.

To create a group
World Writer groups are stored in User Defined Code table System Code 82, UDC GR.

Work with Groups 6-1

Working with Groups

You can access this User Defined Code table a number of ways:
From the World Writer Versions List, in the Group field, press F1, and then press
Type Fast Path UDC on a command line. Or from Menu G00 take selection 14.
Inquire on System Code 82, User Defined Code GR.
The first 11 lines of the table are suggestions for group naming conventions, followed
by the existing group names.
On General User Defined Codes

Figure 61 General User Defined Codes screen

Complete the following:

Code - a unique group name
Description - a short description of the group
Action Code - Use C
The update to the table is immediate. When you return to the versions list and press F1
on the Group field, you should be able to skip to and select your new group name
from the User Defined Codes table.

See Also:
Chapter 10.1, "About Menu Setup,"
Chapter 11.1, "About Sleeper Setup,"
Chapter 12.2, "Copy Versions & Groups."

6-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Work with Security

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 7.1, "Group Level Security,"
Section 7.2, "Field Level Security,"
Section 7.3, "Version Level Security,"
Section 7.4, "Business Unit Security,"
Section 7.5, "IBM Object Level Security."

7.1 Group Level Security

Using Group Level Security, you can determine what functions a specific group or
specific user is allowed to perform.
Group refers to the World Writer Group, not User Group.
By default access to all Groups for all users is allowed for the Add, Change,
Execute and Delete functions, provided the Version Level Security allows the
access. To restrict users from these functions, access will need to be secured.
By default access is not allowed for the file update function. To allow users access
to submit versions in the update mode, access will need to be added.
See Chapter 12.1, "Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu" for

7.2 Field Level Security

Field Level Security is used to identify which fields in a file a user is permitted to view
and update.
The defaults are:
All the fields in a field can be viewed and
No fields can be updated.
The primary purpose is to set up the access to allow a user to submit a version that
updates a field. You can also prevent a user from viewing fields that contain sensitive
data, such as salary.
See Chapter 12.1, "Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu" for details

Work with Security 7-1

Version Level Security

7.3 Version Level Security

Use Version Level Security to restrict users from executing, changing, copying, or
deleting a specific version.
Enter the access level in the User Exclusive field on the Additional Parameters screen.
The Report Version Security program allows you to update the User Exclusive field by
User ID, by Group or for all versions.
See Chapter 12.1, "Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu" for

7.4 Business Unit Security

Business Unit Security uses the JD Edwards World global technique of securing
certain users from reporting on, or updating records within a specific range of
business units.
See Appendix E, "World Writer and Business Unit Security" for details.

7.5 IBM Object Level Security

Use standard IBM object authority commands and security levels to secure users from
specific files and libraries.

7-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Create File Output

This chapter contains the topic:

Section 8.1, "About Creating a File."

8.1 About Creating a File

You can set up World Writer to write to a physical file rather than a spool file. You can
use the newly created physical file in any way that a file on the iSeries can be used:
Downloaded as an ASCII file to a PC application, such as Excel. You need access
to a data transfer utility, such as Client Access or ftp.
In another World Writer version or in IBM Query
In a program
This feature is also useful to create a subset of a large file to improve the processing
time of subsequent reports.

To create a file
On Additional Parameters
1. Change the Output Media field to F for file output.
2. Specify the name of the file in the Output File field. You do not need to create the
file first.
3. Specify the library where the file will reside. The library needs to exist on the
4. Enter a 1 in the Packed to Zoned field to convert all packed fields to zoned
The Packed to Zoned field is used with creating files. This flag may be needed in
preparing files that contain numeric data and are intended for transfer to a non-iSeries
system. The default value is blank which indicates that packed fields will output as

8.1.1 Technical Considerations

For first-time version runs, World Writer compiles the physical file and then loads
data into the file.
For subsequent runs of the version or if the file already exists, World Writer
deletes and recompiles the file. Then the data is added into the file.
World Writer cannot append records to an existing file.

Create File Output 8-1

About Creating a File

When the file is created, the CRTPF command is used.

World Writer will not create a file with more records than indicated in the
Member Size (SIZE) fields.
Access to the file is determined by the Authority (AUT) field.
The file does not have imbedded delimiters when downloaded as an ASCII file.
The dates are formatted according to the edit code and the length of the field. See
Appendix 5.7, "Using Output Field Specifications" About Date Fields stored in the
Julian format: CYYDDD.
You cannot output column headings, total line text, or summary functions to the
file. World Writer will output only detail records to a file.
Presumptive Fields and Calculated field can be output to a file.
You cannot have duplicate field names listed in Output Field Specifications. If the
same field name is needed, create a calculated field for one of the fields so that it
has a unique name.
On Output Field Specifications, the first character of any field name must be A
through Z, #, @, or $. The characters after the first character of any field name must
be A through Z, 0 through 9, #, @, $, or _ (underscore).
World Writer checks the Software Versions Repository to prevent you from
inadvertently overwriting an existing JD Edwards World production file.
Avoid changing the size of fields to be smaller than how they are defined in Data
Dictionary. This will cause data to be truncated and in some cases will result in the
version ending abnormally with a "Receiver Value too small to hold result" error.

8-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Update Files

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 9.1, "About Updating Files,"
Section 9.2, "Creating World Writer Versions."

9.1 About Updating Files

With World Writer you can update a field in a file with either user-defined values or
with values from another field within the file. Multiple fields can be updated at one

9.1.1 Before You Begin

JD Edwards World recommends that you back up the file that you are updating.

Caution: It is easy to update fields with World Writer, but it may not
be easy to undo the changes if an error is made. Use the steps in the
following sections to verify the records that will be updated with the
new value of the field.

Read through the entire chapter, so that you are familiar with the update process.
Practice the update procedure in a test environment before impacting your
production data.

9.2 Creating World Writer Versions

This section describes the following steps to update a field:
To create a World Writer Version
To apply group level security
To apply field level security
To select the update mode
To verify the updated records
To update multiple fields at one time

Update Files 9-1

Creating World Writer Versions

To create a World Writer version

Only one file can be specified on Version Title and Files. The update function cannot
be performed if more that one file is entered or if the file is a joined logical file.
On Output Field Specifications, select fields that will help to identify the records that
will be updated. This is for your benefit and for an audit trail. For instance, if F0911 is
the file to be updated, you might want to choose the Document Number, Document
Type, GL Date, and Batch Number.
You will also include the field to be updated, known as the TARGET or TO field. You
need a field that holds the value to be moved into the target field. This is known as the
SOURCE or FROM field. The SOURCE field can be either an existing field in the file or
a calculated field. In either case the SOURCE field should have the same attributes as
the TARGET field, i.e., alpha or numeric, size, decimal places. Both the TARGET and
SOURCE fields must be printing fields.
1. On Data Selection, enter the criteria to select only the records to be updated.
You do not need to set up any Data Sort & Totaling or Summary Functions. If you
want to do some sorting, the only rule is that you cannot sort on the field being
2. Verify the data to be updated.
3. Submit the version and verify the data appearing on the report are the records to
be updated.
The version is just a report at this stage; we have not put it in update mode. All of
the records you see on the report are the ones that will be updated.
4. Verify that the value in the SOURCE or FROM field is the value to be placed in the
TARGET or TO field.

To apply group level security

From World Writer (G82), enter 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Query Group Level
World Writer does not automatically allow a version to be run in the update mode.
Security must be set up by user to allow this access.
On Query Group Level Security

9-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating World Writer Versions

Figure 91 Query Group Level Security screen

1. Inquire on the User ID that will be submitting the World Writer version for file
2. If the User ID highlights, add the user and type the Group ID from the World
Writer Version in the subfile portion of the screen.
3. In the Fupd column, enter Y to allow update access, and press Enter.
4. Inquire on the User ID to ensure the record was added.
5. If the User ID already exists, change the record accordingly.

To apply field level security

From World Writer (G82), enter 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Field Level Security
On Field Level Security

Update Files 9-3

Creating World Writer Versions

Figure 92 Field Level Security screen

1. Inquire on the User ID that will be submitting the World Writer version for file
2. If the User ID is highlighted, complete the following fields:
User ID
File ID
3. If the User ID already exists, change the record to include the file for update.
4. If the file already appears in the list, enter Option 1 next to the file to review the
field for update.
5. Press Enter. All the fields from the file ID you entered will display.
6. Find the field to be updated and enter Y in the Upd column. You can also type the
Field Name on a blank line.
7. Press Enter.
8. Inquire on the User ID and File ID to ensure the record has been added.
9. If the User ID and File ID exist, choose F16 to include the field for update.

9-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating World Writer Versions

Figure 93 File/Field Level Security screen

To select the update mode

On Output Field Specifications

Update Files 9-5

Creating World Writer Versions

Figure 94 Output Field Specifications screen

1. Enter Option 7 next to the field you want to update (TARGET).

2. On the Query File Update Spec screen, update the To Field Name field.

Figure 95 Query File Update Spec window

9-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating World Writer Versions

3. Enter the SOURCE field name in the From Field Name field. This is either the
calculated field or and existing file field that contains the value to be moved to the
TARGET field.
The system places the version in update mode. The update will take place when
you submit it. Submitting the version generates a report, however it will give no
indication that the update took place. World Writer writes the record as it
currently exists in the file, then runs the field update.
4. To take the version out of update mode, enter Option 7 next to the TARGET field
and remove the SOURCE field name.

Note: It is good practice to take the version out of update mode so

that it doesn't get submitted accidentally.

To verify the updated records

Verify that the update took place in any one of the following ways:
1. Take the version out of update mode and submit it. The report generated should
now show the new value in the TARGET field.
2. Check a sampling of the records online.
3. Review the file directly using RUNQRY or another utility that displays the records
in a database file.

To update multiple fields at one time

1. Create the World Writer version and submit to verify the results are as expected.

2. Set up Group Level and File Level security for all the fields to be updated.
3. From Output Field Specifications, choose F18 to access the Query File Update
Specs screen, V82117.
This screen allows you to enter multiple TARGET and SOURCE field names at one
time. Using this screen takes the place of using Option 7 and puts the version in
update mode.
4. Submit the version in update mode, and then verify that the records were
5. To take the version out of update mode, access V82117 again and enter Option 9 to
delete the fields.

Update Files 9-7

Creating World Writer Versions

Figure 96 Query File Update Specs screen

9.2.1 Key Update Tips

You can perform data file updates only on single files. Reports that have joined
files or that used joined logical files will not allow the update function.
Always run the version first before putting in the update mode. This ensures that
the correct data is selected for the update.
You cannot sort by a field that is being updated.
You cannot include a presumptive join for a field that is being updated.
You cannot include the field that is being updated more than once on Output Field
Target is the field that is being updated.
Source is the field that the update is coming from.
Both Target and Source must be printed fields.

9.2.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Updating Julian date fields The value must be entered in the Julian format, for example
103131 for May 11, 2003. See Appendix C, "Julian Date
Conversion Charts" for a Julian calendar conversion chart.
Updating an alphanumeric Enter two single quotes ('') as the expression.
field to Blank
You do not need a space between the quotes.

9-8 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Creating World Writer Versions

Topic Description
Updating a numeric field to Enter a zero (0) as the expression. If the field to be updated has
Blank decimal places, enter the expression as 0.00 with the correct
number of decimal places shown.
Error 2929 - 'Join files cannot You cannot use World Writer for a field update if the version
use file update' when has more that 1 file that it has written over. You cannot use a
putting option 7 next to a joined logical file and perform a field update.
field to be updated
Error 1778 - ' Field must be The field entered must be defined as a printing field on Output
selected for query output ' Field Specifications.
when typing a field name in
the From Field Name field
on the Update Spec window
Error 1761 - ' End of An attempt is being made to update an alphanumeric field
expression expected, not with a numeric value or vice versa. Check either the expression
found ' when typing a field on your calculated field or the field attributes if you are using a
name in the From Field field within the file for the SOURCE field.
Name field on the Update
Spec window
Error 1737 - ' Not authorized Press F18 on the Output Field Specification screen. The field(s)
to version ' when attempting under the To Field column includes fields used for updating
to run the version in update and must be in Field Level Security. If you have copied a
mode version that also performed an update, you may have copied
the Update Specs as well. Delete the field(s) that are not going
to be updated using Option 9.
No field update even when Check to see if you have a presumptive join field for the field
the version runs successfully you have updating. A presumptive join field will have the
(no job log) in update mode same field name with a numeric extension. For example,
GLMCU is the field you are updating. If you have GLMCU01
on the Output Field Specifications screen, the update will not
take pace. Delete the presumptive join field and submit the
version again.
Also, if the field you are updating appears more than once on
Output Field Specifications, the update will not take place.
Delete all but one occurrence of the update field.
Updating non-JD Edwards The file must be in your library list before Field Level Security
World files can be set up.

Update Files 9-9

Creating World Writer Versions

Topic Description
The results of the calculated One reason this may occur is how the field being updated is
field look as expected on the defined in Data Dictionary. The Data File Decimal field
report. However when describes the decimal places actually stored in the field. This is
verifying the updated normally 00 (zeros). The Display Decimals field contains a
records, the new value in the number of decimals that this field will display on videos and
field contains the wrong reports.
There are some exceptions; one being when the value in the
Data File Decimals field is greater than 0 and the Display
Decimals field is blank.
To successfully update these types of numeric fields, change
the Prt Dec field on the Output Field Specifications screen to 0
for both the field to be updated and the calculated field. The
expression of the calculation should contain the correct
number of decimal places.
In the example below, the CRR field is defined in Data
Dictionary with 7 in the Data File Decimals and the Display
Decimals is blank. In order for this field to be updated
correctly, change the 7 to 0 on Output Field Specifications - Prt
Dec column. The calculated field, NEWCRR, is also set to 0 in
Prt Dec column and the expression contains the decimal places
desired. When this version is submitted, the TDCRR field
would be correctly updated with a value of 23.8500000.
However the report will look incorrect because without
decimal places, the value is rounded. In the example, the value
on the report would be 24.

Figure 97 Output Field Specifications screen

9-10 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Menu Setup

This chapter contains the topic:

Section 10.1, "About Menu Setup."

10.1 About Menu Setup

From Menus (G901), choose Revisions
A menu selection can be set up to submit a World Writer Version or to display a
World Writer Versions List.
When you add a World Writer version as a menu selection, the version is submitted to
batch. If the version is set to Prompt for Data Selections, the Data Selection screen is
displayed before it is submitted. This ensures that the criteria can be reviewed and
You can add a World Writer Group as a menu selection. The World Writer menu is set
up to take the user to a list of versions related to that Group. Each menu selection on
G82 represents a different group of versions.
A World Writer version can be set up in a Job Stream so that it is one of several jobs
that are submitted, one at a time, when the menu selection is taken.
More information on Menu Revisions setup can be found in the JD Edwards World
Technical Foundation Guide.

To submit a version from a menu

On Menu Revisions
1. Inquire on the Menu ID and navigate to the Selection where you want to add the
2. Enter the Description that will appear next to the selection number.
3. Enter the fields as indicated below:
Job to Execute = J82001
Batch = 1
Option Code = 1 or 2 *see chart below
Option Key = World Writer Group ID
Version = World Writer Version Name

Menu Setup 10-1

About Menu Setup

When the menu selection is taken, what happens is determined by value in the Prompt
for Data Selection field See Chapter 5.5, "Using Additional Parameters" of the version.
If Prompt for Data Selections is blank or N, the version is submitted automatically
to batch.
If Prompt for Data Selection is Y, the Data Selection screen is presented to the user.
The user can make changes on the screen, if necessary. This ensures that record
selection is reviewed before the version is submitted. When the enter key is
pressed, the changes are saved and version is submitted to batch with the new
selection criteria.

Note: The User Exclusive field for the version must be either 0 or 1
in order for Prompt for Data Selections to be available.

The Option Code determines what happens when the Menu Selection and F18 are
pressed. The table below is for World Writer versions only:

Option Code Result of pressing F18

1 Prompt for Data Selection = Y. The Data Selection screen
displays, version is not submitted to batch.
1 Prompt for Data Selection = blank or N = function invalid
2 Version List is displayed, starting with the version indicated on
Menu Revisions.
Blank, 3, 4 F18 locked out. Invalid Selection or Security Violation error
message received.

To display a World Writer version list from a menu

On Menu Revisions
1. Inquire on the Menu ID and navigate to the Selection where you want to add the
version list.
2. Enter the Description that will appear next to the selection number.
3. Enter the fields as indicated below.
Job to Execute = J82000
Batch = 0
Option Code = 1
Option Key = World Writer Group ID
Version = Leave blank or enter a version name.
If blank, the entire version list is displayed. If a version name is entered, the list is
displayed starting with that version.

To set up a World Writer version on a Job Stream menu

A job stream menu (%) is used to submit multiple jobs by taking a single menu
selection. See more information in the JD Edwards World Technical Foundation Guide.
Setting up job stream menus is a two-step process.
On Menu Revisions

10-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

About Menu Setup

1. Create a % menu containing the jobs you want to submit as a group. For a World
Writer version, complete the following fields:
Job to Execute = J82001
Batch = 1
Option Code = 2
Option Key = World Writer Group ID
Version = World Writer Version name
2. Add the % menu to an existing menu selection. Complete the following fields:
Job to Execute = J81900
Batch = 1
Option Code = 2
Option Key = % menu name
Version = ZJDE0001

Note: Versions placed on a Job Stream menu will be submitted

directly. The system ignores Prompt for Data Selections since user
interaction is required.

Menu Setup 10-3

About Menu Setup

10-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Sleeper Setup

This chapter contains the topic:

Section 11.1, "About Sleeper Setup."

11.1 About Sleeper Setup

From Computer Operations (G96), choose Unattended Night Operations
From Unattended Night Operations (G9643), choose Unattended Operations Setup
Sleeper, or Unattended Night Operations, allows you to print reports at specified
times without any user interaction. This is especially useful when you want to print
reports during non-work hours, overnight, or on weekends.
More information on Sleeper setup can be found in theJD Edwards World Technical
Foundation Guide.
To set up a World Writer version in Sleeper, you will need the following information.
Program - J82001
Program Parameter 1 - World Writer Group, length = 10
Program Parameter 2 - World Writer Version Name, length = 10

Sleeper Setup 11-1

About Sleeper Setup

Figure 111 Unattended Operations Setup screen

11-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 12.1, "Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu,"
Section 12.2, "Copy Versions & Groups,"
Section 12.3, "Build Currency Factor File,"
Section 12.4, "Group Level Security,"
Section 12.5, "Field Level Security,"
Section 12.6, "Report Version Security."
The World Writer Advanced Operations Menu contains technical and security
functions. Access to this menu should be restricted to authorized personnel.

12.1 Accessing the World Writer Advanced Operations Menu

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose your selection
The menu selections are described below.

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu 12-1

Copy Versions & Groups

Figure 121 World Writer Menu screen

12.2 Copy Versions & Groups

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Copy Other Versions &
Use this program to copy versions from one group to another and from one
environment to another.

12-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Copy Versions & Groups

Figure 122 Copy Other Versions and Groups screen

The From and To Libraries are the libraries where the World Writer files reside. Either
of the fields can be *LIBL indicating that the copy is from or to the environment you
are signed into. If both of the libraries are *LIBL, then the copy should be from one
Group to another.
The From and To Groups can be identical, indicating that the copy is from one library
to another.

Field Explanation
Copy From Library The copy source library name.
Copy To Library The copy target library name.
Copy From Group The copy source group ID
Copy To Group The copy target group ID.

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu 12-3

Build Currency Factor File

Field Explanation
Copy From Name Specify one of the following:
Version Name - Copies just that specific version.
*ALL or *ADD - Replaces versions with the same name,
adds any new versions. All remaining versions are left as
*MATCH - Only copies versions that do exist in the To
Group, replacing them with the matching versions in the
From Group.
*NEW - Only copies versions that don't exist in the To
*REPLACE - Removes all versions in the To Group exist in
the To Group, and copy all versions in the From Group to
the To Group.

12.3 Build Currency Factor File

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Build Currency Factor
The function of this program is to rebuild the Multiple Currency Factor File. The
program clears and recreates the file with new data. Usually you should run this
program whenever there is a need to refresh data in the Multiple Currency Factor file,
like adding new company/new currency or change in display decimals etc.
This is an interactive program. When the menu selection is taken the program clears
F82013. Then it reads the Company Constants file (F0010) chained to the Currency File
(F0013) by Currency Code (CRCD) to retrieve the display decimal data for currency.
Then the multiplication factor is calculated and the records are written to F82013. View
the data in the file via IBM Query or another file utility.

12.4 Group Level Security

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Query Group Level
The primary purpose of this program is to set up access to allow a user to submit a
version that updates a file. Additional functions can be set up to control the access a
user has to the version within a World Writer Group.
Group access is allowed for submitting a version (not in update mode), adding,
changing, and deleting a version, if the User Exclusive field on the version allows
these functions. No entry in this program is required. For updating a file, however, a
user must be added to Group Level Security. Likewise, if you wish to restrict a user
from the add, change, submit, and delete options, a record must be added to Group
Level Security.

12-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Group Level Security

Figure 123 Query Group Level Security screen

You can do one of the following:

You can enter a User ID and indicate the Group IDs and associated functions.
You can enter a Group ID and indicate the User IDs and associated functions.
To set up access by User ID, enter the User ID with a list of Group IDs and allowed
access. To set up access by a Group ID, enter the Group ID and list the User IDs with
allowed access.

Note: *PUBLIC is the only JD Edwards World user group allowed.

The access detail to define for a user or for a group is:

Field Explanation
Exc The user may execute versions in this group Y or N.
Add The user may add versions to this group Y or N.
Chg The user may change or modify versions in this group Y or N.
Dlt The user may delete versions in this group Y or N.
Fupd The user may update files using queries in this group Y or N.

12.4.1 Functions Keys

F21 - Print Group Level Security (P82118P).

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu 12-5

Field Level Security

12.5 Field Level Security

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Field Level Security
This program identifies which fields in a file a user is permitted to view and update.
The defaults are:
All the fields in a file can be viewed.
No fields can be updated.
The primary purpose of the program is to set up the access to allow a user to submit a
version that updates a file. You can also prevent a user from viewing fields that
contain sensitive data, such as salary. Since the default for Update is N and the default
for Display is Y, you only need to add this security when it's necessary to override the
1. The first step in setting up File Field Level Security is to identify the User ID and
File ID. When you take the menu selection, V94011 is displayed.
Inquire on the User ID.

Note: *PUBLIC is the only JD Edwards user group allowed.

If the User ID does not exist, change the action to A and enter the file in the
subfile portion of the screen.
If the User ID already exists, the file(s) are listed in the subfile. To add an
additional file, change the action code to C and enter the file at the bottom of
the list.
If the User ID exists and you wish to delete access, enter 9 in the Option field
next to one or more files.

12-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Field Level Security

Figure 124 File/Field Level Security screen

2. When you have entered valid information on V94011, you are automatically taken
to a screen that lists all the fields in the file, V9401. It is only necessary to add
records where you wish to change the default access allowed.
The default for DSP (Display) is Y. Enter N to prevent user access to this field.
If the user includes this field on Output Field Specifications for a version, they
will not be able to submit the version. The following error is received: "1737
Not Authorized to Perform Opt. on Query."
The default for UPD (Update) is N. Enter Y to allow the user access to update
this field. This allows the user to successfully submit a version that updates
this field.

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu 12-7

Report Version Security

Figure 125 File/Field Level Security screen

12.5.1 Options
1 - Display Field Level Security.
9 - Delete Field Level Security.

12.5.2 Function Keys

F16 - Display all fields.
F21 - Print File Field Level Security (P9401P).

12.6 Report Version Security

From World Writer menu (G82), choose 27
From World Writer Advanced Operations (G8231), choose Report Version Security
Use this program to update the User Exclusive field either on all versions or just
versions owned either by specific user, or versions owned by a specific user within a
specific World Writer group.

12-8 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Report Version Security

Figure 126 Report Version Security screen

Field Explanation
User ID The user id that currently appears as the owner of the version
on the Versions List.
Group ID The Group where the World Writer versions reside.
The ampersand (&) is used to indicate all User IDs and/or all
Group IDs.
Security Code The new value to be updated for the User Exclusive field for
the versions impacted.
Use Field Sensitive Help F1 for the allowed values.
Delete (Y/N) The default is blank or N.
If Y - this will delete records from both Query Group Level
Security and the Field Level Security files.

12.6.1 Function Keys

F14 - Display Group Level Security (P82118)
F15 - Display File/Field Level Security (P9401)

World Writer Advanced Operations Menu 12-9

Report Version Security

12-10 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

A Joined Logical Files

A joined logical file can be used in place of two or more of the physical files needed for
the report. This is advantageous because the physical files are joined during the
creation of the logical. Also, duplicate records may be eliminated from the report and
performance may be improved when logical files are utilized.
Below is a partial list of some of the more common joined logical files. This
information was obtained from Software Versions Repository.

File ID Description
F00147JA Multi-Tiered Payment Terms Join F00147/F0014/F0411
F00147JB Multi-Tiered Payment Terms Join F00147/F0014/F0311
F0101JA JF - Address Suppl Data Information (F0101 F01092 F01093)
F0101JB JF - Address Mailing Labels (F0101 F0111 F0116)
F0101JC JF - Address Mailing Labels (F0101 F0116 F0401 F0301)
F0101JD JF - Address Mailing Labels (F0101 F0116 F0115)
F0101JE JF - Address Mailing Labels (F0101 F0116)
F0101JF JF - Supplier Analysis (F0101 F0401)
F01133JA JF - PPAT Message Distribution (F01133 F01131)
F0301JA JF - Customer and Address Information (F0101 F0301)
F0301JB JF - Customer Mstr & Customer Co/BU Default (F0301 & F03015)
F0315JA JF - A/R STATEMENTS ONLY - F0315/F0101/F0301 - Address No.
F03465JA JF - AR Netting Workfile (F0101/F03465) ABAN8/ROAN8
F0411JA A/P Payment File - JF (F0101/F0411) - ABAN8/RPPYE
F0411JB A/P 1099 Join File JF (F0411/F0414)
F0411JC A/P Report File - JF (F0101/F0411) - ABAN8/RPAN8
F0411JD A/P 'As Of' Build File - JF (F0411/F0414/F0413)
F0411JE A/P Payment File - JF (F0101/F0411) - ABAN8/RPPYE
F0413JA A/P Matching Doc File - JF (F0101/F0413/F0414) - Payment Id
F0414JB A/P - JF (F0413/F0414)
F0414JC A/P - JF (F0413/F0414/F09320)
F04571JA JF - F04571/F04572 - A/P Payment Information
F06146JA Joined Logical file - F060116 and F06146

Joined Logical Files A-1

File ID Description
F08JA JF - Applicant Information (F08401 F08092 F08093)
F08JE JF - Employee Information (F060116 F08092 F08093)
F08JH JF - Case Information (F08601 F08092 F08093)
F08JJ JF - Job Information (F08001 F08092 F08093)
F08JP JF - Participant Information (F08901 F08092 F08093)
F08JR JF - Requisition Information (F08102 F08092 F08093)
F08JS JF - FSA Employee Balance (F08370 F060116)
F08JT JF - Pay Grade/Step Workfile Build (F060118 F060116)
F08320JA JF - Plans/Options (F083202 F08320)
F08330JA JF - Employee Enrollment (F08330 F0101)
F0901JA Joined - MCU joined file f0006 and f0901
F1011JA JF - F0006/F0901 - Company, Cost Center
F10430JA Multi-Site Cons. File - JF (F10430/F0901) AID
F1201JA JF - F1201/F1207 - Asset Item Number
F1201JB JF - Fx Assets Suppl Data Information (F1201 F12092 F12093)
F1201JC JF - Fx Assets Spec Sheet Information (F1201 F1216)
F1201JD JF - F1202/F1201 - Item Balance/Item Master Join Logical
F1201JE JF - F1201/F4801 - Item Master/Work Order Join Logical
F1501JA JF - F1501/F0101 - Address Number
F1503JA JF - F1503/F1501 - Lease Number
F1511JB JF - (F1511 F0311)
F1515JA JF - A/R STATEMENTS ONLY - F1515/F0101/F0301 - Address No.
F1515WJA JF - TENANT STATEMENTS ONLY - F1515W/F0101/F0301 - Address
F1901JA JF - Service Address/Meter Position (F1901 F1905)
F1902JA JF - Service Agreement/Connection (F1902 F1903)
F1902JB JF - Serv Agrmt/Connections/Bill Item (F1902 F1903 F1926)
F3411JA JF - Planning Message/Branch (F3411/F4102)
F3460JA JF Forecast/Branch (F3460 F4102)
F3911JA JF - F4111/F3911
F4072JA JF - Price key ID. (F4072 F4094)
F4074JA JF - Adj. Name / Adj. Control Code (F4074 F4071)
F4077JA JF - Price key ID. (F4077 F4094)
F4077JB JF - Price key ID. (F4077 F4094) - Select Approved
F4101JA JF - Item Information (F4101 F41092)
F4101JB JF - Item Master/ Cost Ledger (F4101 F4105)
F4101JC JF- Item Master/Item Location/Cost Ledger(F4101 F4102 F4105)
F4101JD JF-Item Master/Item Branch/Item Location(F4101 F4102 F41021)
F4101JE JF-Item Master/Item Branch(F4101 F4102)

A-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

File ID Description
F4102JA JF - Location/Branch (F4102 F41021)
F41021JA JF - Location/Branch (F41021 F4102)
F41021JB JF - Location/Lot Master (F41021 F4108)
F41021JC JF - Location/Item Master (F41021 F4101)
F4106JA JF - Location/Branch (F4106 F4094)
F41112JA JF (F41112/F4101/F0006)
F4211JA Sales Order Detail/Shipment Detail Join File
F43090JA JF - Supplier Item Relationships/Item Master (F43090/F4101)
F4311JA JF - SUBCONTRACTS - Cst Ctr, Ord No., Ord Typ, Suffix, Line
F4450JA JF - Lot Proceed Entry (F4450 F0006)
F4456JA JF - Lot Proceed Entry - F4456 F0006
F46012JA JF - Fixed Locations (F46012 F4100 F4102)
F46029JA LF for Empty Locations - MCU,BSLN,SRUL,SEQ,DISN,WSQP,LOCN
F47141JA JF - PO Acknowledgment Header & Tax Tag - XPI
F47142JA JF - PO Acknowledgment Detail & Tax Tag - XPI
F4801JA JF - F4801/F3111 - Street Name, Area
F4801JB JF - F4801/F48092 - Order Number
F4801JC JF - F4801/F3111 - Street Name, Area
F49211JA Sales Order Detail Join Logical - DOCO, DCTO, KCOO, LNID
F49219JA Sales Order Detail Tag Logical - Doc, Doc Type
F51901JA Account Master Extended Details

Joined Logical Files A-3

A-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide
BSoft Join

This appendix contains these topics:

Section B.1, "Standard File Join Process,"
Section B.2, "What is a Soft Join?"

B.1 Standard File Join Process

When two or more files are used to create a report using World Writer, the files must
be joined by at least one field from each file that contains identical data. World Writer
provides two ways to do this:
V82102 File Relations - Match Fields. Type matching SEQ numbers to relate the
V82103 File Relations - Enter Fields. Type the related field names directly on this
Choose F8 to toggle from V82102 to V82103.
In order to use either of these methods, the fields from each file must be the same data
type as defined in Data Dictionary for the data item. The data type is a characteristic of
the data that the field contains. Common types are alphanumeric and numeric. You
can join alphanumeric to alphanumeric and numeric to numeric using the standard
file join methods.

B.2 What is a Soft Join?

In some cases the data in the two fields is identical, but the data types are different. For
example, the subledger field in F0911 can contain an address book number. The field
GLSBL in F0911 is an alphanumeric field and the ABAN8 in F0101 is a signed numeric
field. If you attempt to join these two fields with either of the above methods, the error
message 1500, Field Types Not the Same, is received.
A soft join provides a method to join fields of like data but defined as different data
types in Data Dictionary. The procedure is to bypass the join screen (unless other joins
are required), create a calculated field that converts the numeric field to alphanumeric
and set up the actual join between these fields in Data Selection.

Note: World Writer does not provide a way to convert alphanumeric

fields to numeric.

Soft Join B-1

What is a Soft Join?

B.2.1 Example One

In this example, the desired join between F0911 and F0101 is GLSBL EQ ABAN8. The
order of the fields typed into Data Selection does not matter.
If the data selection is done through an OR statement, this join will need to be placed
in each part of the OR statement.
As with all file joins, World Writer only retrieves records where the data matches. In
this example, any F0911 record where the subledger field is not an address book
number or is blank, will be eliminated from the report.
1. To bypass the File Relations screen, press Enter, as needed.
2. On the Output Field Specifications screen, choose Opt. 1 on a blank line to create a
field that converts the numeric field to an alphanumeric field.
3. Assign this field a Seq No. and Description.
The size should be the same size the field you are converting.
4. Enter N in the PW column. It does not have to be a printing field on the report.
5. Give the field a unique field name in the Output Field column.

Figure B1 Output Field Specifications screen

6. Press Enter. The Query Result Field Definition is displayed.

Use the DIGITS operand to convert the numeric field to alphanumeric.

B-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

What is a Soft Join?

Figure B2 Query Result Field Definition screen

7. Press Enter.
8. If no errors are detected, press enter again to return to Output Field Specifications.
9. Proceed to Data Selection. The actual join is done on this screen.
10. Access the detail area (F4).

11. Page down to a blank line, if needed.

12. Enter the field names to be joined, and press Enter.

Soft Join B-3

What is a Soft Join?

Figure B3 Data Selection screen

Figure B4 Data Selection (Expanded Details) screen

B-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

What is a Soft Join?

This completes the soft join process.

B.2.2 Example Two

When a Transfer Order is entered between Branch/Plants, a sales order record is
written to the F4211 and a corresponding purchase order record is written to the
F4311. The sales order number from F4211 (SDDOCO) is used to populate the related
order number field (PDRORN) in F4311. A soft join is required to join SDDOCO to
PDRORN. However, more than just this join may be required to get a one-to-one
relationship of records between these files. The other fields needed for the join have
matching data types and can be entered through the standard file join methods. The
following cover page shows an example of a soft join combined with standard joins.

Figure B5 Query Version Cover Page screen

Soft Join B-5

What is a Soft Join?

Figure B6 Query Version Cover Page (Expanded Details) screen

B-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

CJulian Date Conversion Charts

This appendix contains the topic:

Section C.1, "About the Julian Date Format."

C.1 About the Julian Date Format

Date fields in JD Edwards World files are stored in the Julian format. Program X0028
converts these dates into the Gregorian format so they are easily recognized in World
software applications.
If you are performing date calculations in World Writer, you may be required to use
the Julian date value. These conversion charts will assist in determining the value to
They are also useful when viewing Julian date fields in applications outside of JD
Edwards World that do not convert Julian to Gregorian.
The Julian (*JUL) date format is CYYDDD, where:
C is added to 19 to create the century, i.e. 0 + 19 = 19, 1 + 19 = 20. YY is the year within
the century, DDD is the day in the year.

C.1.1 Examples

Julian Date Gregorian Date

098185 July 4, 1998
117001 Jan. 1, 2017

C.1.2 Julian Dates - Normal Calendar Years

The following chart shows what month the DDD part of a Julian date represents in
perpetual calendar years.

Julian Date Conversion Charts C-1

About the Julian Date Format

Figure C1 Julian Date DDD Month Representations in Perpetual Calendar Years

C.1.3 Julian Dates - Leap Years

The following chart shows what month the DDD part of a Julian date represents in
leap years.

Figure C2 Julian Date DDD Month Representations in Leap Years

C-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Data Select on Julian Date Fields

This appendix contains these topics:

Section D.1, "Julian Date Examples,"
Section D.2, "Solution for example 1 - Data Select Blank Dates,"
Section D.3, "Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection."
Two common problems in data selection are trying to select records where a date field
is blank or trying to compare two date fields. This document explains how to set up
data selection for both of these situations.

D.1 Julian Date Examples

The following two examples are used to illustrate the solutions to two common

D.1.1 Example 1
Find records in F060116 where the original date of employment field is blank. File:
F060116, Field: YADSI

D.1.2 Example 2
Find records in F0411 where the G/L date is not equal to the invoice date. File: F0411,
Because of the editing associated with Julian date fields, the file fields cannot be used
for data selection. Error 0004 - Date Invalid or Missing - is received. A calculated field
needs to be created and used in place of the file fields. The following cover pages show
how to setup the World Writer.
For information on how to create a calculated field, see Chapter 5.9.1, "Operands for
Calculations" in the JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

D.2 Solution for example 1 - Data Select Blank Dates

Data Select on Julian Date Fields D-1

Solution for example 1 - Data Select Blank Dates

D.2.1 Query Cover Page

Figure D1 Query Version Cover Page screen

The calculated field is named ORIGINAL. The expression for the calculated field is
DIGITS(YADSI). YADSI is the file field name. This field does not need to be a printed

D.2.2 Data Selection

Usually date fields that display as blank on a screen actually contain zeros in the
physical file. On the Data Selection screen, press F4 to open the fold area and type the
calculated field name in the fold area of a blank line. Type EQ in the Test field and
'000000' in the Value field. In this example the Test is EQ (equal to); any single
selection tests can be used, i.e. NE, LE, LT, NL, GE, GT, NG.

D-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Solution for example 1 - Data Select Blank Dates

Figure D2 Data Selection screen

If this does not produce the desired results, the field may actually contain blanks
instead of zeros. Change the Data Selection as shown below to retrieve blank values.

Data Select on Julian Date Fields D-3

Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection

Figure D3 Data Selection (With Alternate Values) screen

D.3 Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection

D-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection

D.3.1 Query Cover Page

Figure D4 Query Version Cover Page screen

The calculated fields are named ##DIVJ and ##DGJ. The expressions for the calculated
fields are the date field names from the file, RPDIVJ and RPDGJ. These fields do not
need to be printed fields.

D.3.2 Data Selection

On the Data Selection screen, press F4 to open the fold area. On a blank line, type one
of the calculated field names in the fold area. Type NE in the Test field and the other
calculated field name in the Value field. In this example the Test is NE (not equal to);
any single selection tests can be used, i.e. NE, LE, LT, NL, GE, GT, NG.

Data Select on Julian Date Fields D-5

Solution for example 2 - Compare two dates in Data Selection

Figure D5 Data Selection (Fold area) screen

D-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

World Writer and Business Unit Security

This appendix contains these topics:

Section E.1, "Background Information,"
Section E.2, "How It Works,"
Section E.3, "Other Considerations."

E.1 Background Information

World Writer uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to generate a statement that is
used to select fields, omit records and sort the resulting records into report format. The
SQL statement can be seen by using Option 7 next to the World Writer version.
World Writer incorporates business unit security ranges into the SQL statement with
the following syntax:
Where GLMCU Between ' 1' and ' 200000'.
In this example, the World Writer is written over the F0911 and the user is set up with
a range of 1 - 200000 in Business Unit security.
Before you can understand how World Writer reads Business Unit security, you must
first understand how characters are read hierarchically on the iSeries (AS/400).

World Writer and Business Unit Security E-1

How It Works

Figure E1 World Writer Character Hierarchy

E.2 How It Works

To determine if data qualifies within a range of Business Units, World Writer starts
with the beginning or top range. It is read from left to right, character by character. To
qualify for the beginning range, the character must meet either an equal to or greater
than test. The compare stops when the first greater than test is found.
The ending or bottom range is also read from left to right, character by character. To
qualify for the ending range, the character must meet either an equal to or less than
test. The compare stops when the first less than test is found.
Review the following examples as this structure is applied to an example in World

E.2.1 Example 1
Business Unit range is AA400 through ZZ499. How does A1400 fit into this range?
Beginning comparison:
Is A greater than or equal to A? Equal - continue.
Is 1 greater than or equal to A? 1 is greater than A. 1 qualifies for the beginning range.
The first compare stops and the compare for the ending range starts.

Figure E2 Example 1

E-2 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

How It Works

Ending comparison:
Is A less than or equal to Z? A is less than Z. A qualifies for the ending range. The
compare stops.
A1400 fits within the AA400-ZZ499 range.

E.2.2 Example 2
Selected users are set up with a Business Unit Security range of From: SALARY Thru:
SALARY. Users who should not have access to SALARY are set up with a range of
From: 1 Thru: 999999. On a World Writer report, these users are seeing records where
the Business Unit field is equal to SALARY. How does SALARY fall into the range of 1
thru 999999?
The Business Unit field is an alphanumeric field that is right justified. If one of the
fields contains fewer characters than the other, the field with the lesser number of
characters is "padded" with leading blanks until the From and Thru fields are the same
length. (When an alphanumeric field is left justified, the blanks are placed at the end of
the field until the fields are the same length.).

Figure E3 Example 2 (with Padding for Right Justification)

Beginning comparison: Is S equal to or greater than (blank)? Greater than - S qualifies,

compare stops for beginning range.
Ending comparison: Is S equal to or less than 9? Less than - S qualifies, compare stops.
SALARY falls within the 1 - 999999 range.
The is seen as smaller than 9, so any business unit that is six alpha characters or less,
would be considered in the range between and 9.
For this example, there are two ways around this dilemma:
1. When setting up Business Units that are alphanumeric, make sure to assign them
more characters than your highest numeric business unit. SALARYX is one
character longer than the 999999. In the beginning compare S qualifies because it is
greater than, but in the ending compare S does not qualify because it is not less

Figure E4 Example 2 (for Alphanumeric Business Units)

2. Set up Business Unit Security to make sure that it checks correctly regardless of
any alphanumeric/numeric mix of Business Units. Setting up two ranges, 1 thru
99999 and 100000 thru 999999, would allow users access to business units 1 thru
200000 but not to SALARY.

World Writer and Business Unit Security E-3

Other Considerations

In the beginning comparison, S qualifies because it is greater than, but in the

ending compare S does not qualify because it is not less than.

Figure E5 Example 2 (with Non-Qualifying Character)

In the beginning comparison, S does not quality because it is less than 1.

Figure E6 Example 2 (Ending Compare)

E.3 Other Considerations

World Writer looks for the first data item in a file that has COSTCTRSEC. This is set
up in Data Dictionary, field Data Item Class. COSTCTRSEC on a field is what triggers
World Writer to look for and incorporate business unit security ranges into the SQL
Typically the first field in a file that has COSTCTRSEC is MCU. If the World Writer
version is written over more that one file, it will read and incorporate the first data
item with COSTCTRSEC for each file.
The SQL statement below was generated from a World Writer written over F060116
and F06116. In both files, MCU is the first field that has COSTCTRSEC attached to it.
Business Unit Security is read on this field in both files.

E-4 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide

Other Considerations

Figure E7 Query SQL Statement Display Window

In some files the business unit field may be blank. This is valid. However, if business
unit security is in effect, a user would have to have a range of *BLANK to *BLANK

World Writer and Business Unit Security E-5

Other Considerations

E-6 JD Edwards World World Writer Guide


A example, 1-12
Data Selection screen, 5-22
Add a version, 3-2 Data sort & totaling, 1-13
Additiional parameters Data Sort screen, 5-29
example, 1-9 Delete a version, 3-5
Additional Parameters, 5-8 Display a version list, 10-2
Advanced operations, 12-1
AND/OR logic, 5-26
Apply E
field level security, 9-3 Examples
group level security, 9-2 business unit security, E-2
Assign Total levels, 5-28 calculations, 5-21
data selection for Julian date, D-1
Boolean logic, 5-27 F
Build currency factor file, 12-4 Fast path, 2-2
Business unit security Field detail specifications, 5-18
about, E-1 Field Detail Specifications screen, 5-18
examples, E-2 Field level security, 7-1, 12-6
hierarchy, E-1 Field Level Security screen, 9-3, 12-6
overview, 7-2 Field selection list
example, 1-10
C Field Selection List screen, 5-12
File relations, 1-7
Calculated fields, 5-19 File/Field Level Security screen, 9-4, 12-7
Change printer output, 5-35 Files
Common joined logical files, A-1 Joining, 5-4
Comparison Matched Records, 5-4
to FASTR features, 1-3 presumptive join fields, 5-17
to STAR features, 1-3 Finding files and fields, 4-1
version, 3-4
versions & groups, 12-2 G
Copy Other Versions & Groups screen, 12-2 General User Defined Codes screen, 6-2
Cover page, 3-7 Group level security, 7-1, 12-4
Create Groups, 6-1
calculated fields, 5-19
file, 8-1
version, 9-2 J
Job stream, 10-2
D Join files
chart, A-1
Data Selection examples, B-2
Julian date, D-1 join process, B-1
Data selection logical files, A-1, B-1
about, 5-22

presumptive join fields, 5-17 General User Defined Codes, 6-2
soft join, B-1 Menu Revisions, 10-1, 10-2
Julian date Output Field Specifications, 9-5
data selection, D-1 Output field specifications, 5-13
example of data selection, D-1 Query File Update Specs, 9-7
examples, C-1 Query Group Level Security, 9-2, 12-4
format, C-1 Query Report Layout Display, 5-35
Query Result Field Definition, 5-20
Query Selection Values, 5-26
L Report Version Security, 12-8
Locate files and fields, 4-1 Total Level Summary Functions, 5-34
Unattended Night Operations Setup, 11-1
M Security, 7-1
Setup, 5-1
Master menu, 1-4 Sleeper setup, 11-1
Menu Revisions screen, 10-1, 10-2 Sorting data, 5-28
Menu setup, 10-1 SQL statements, 3-8
Menus, 1-4, 2-1 Submit a version, 10-1
Summary function, 5-32
Object level security, 7-2 T
Operands, 5-21 Technical considerations when creating a file, 8-1
Output field specifications Total level summary function example, 1-14
about, 5-13 Total Level Summary Functions screen, 5-34
field selection list, 1-11 Total levels
Output Field Specifications screen, 5-13, 9-5 about, 5-28
summary function, 5-32
Print a version, 3-6 U
Printer file override example, 1-15 Unattended Night Operations Setup screen, 11-1
Printer output, 5-35 Update
Process flow, 1-4 mode, 9-5
multiple fields, 9-7
Q records, 9-7
Query File Update Spec screen, 9-7
Query Group Level Security screen, 9-2, 12-4 V
Query Report Layout Display screen, 5-35 Version level security, 7-2
Query Result Field Definition screen, 5-20 Version list
Query Selection Values screen, 5-26 about, 1-5
overview, 3-1
R Version title and files
about, 1-6
Report Layout, 5-35
Report version security, 12-8
Report Version Security screen, 12-8 W
Revise a version, 3-3 Worksheet for version layout, 4-2
Run time programs, 1-16 World Writer
adding a version, 3-2
S additional parameters, 1-9
advanced operations, 12-1
Screens apply field level security, 9-3
Copy Other Versions & Groups, 12-2 apply group level security, 9-2
Data Selection, 5-22 build currency factor, 12-4
Data Sort, 5-29 business unit security, E-1
Field Detail Specifications, 5-18 comparison to DREAM Writer, FASTR, and
Field Level Security, 9-3, 12-6 STAR, 1-3
Field Selection List, 5-12 copy a version, 3-4
File/Field Level Security, 9-4, 12-7 copy versions & groups, 12-2

cover page, 3-7
create a file, 8-1
create a version, 9-2
create calculated field, 5-19
create groups, 6-1
data selection, 1-12
data selection on Julian date, D-1
data sort & totaling, 1-13
deleting a version, 3-5
display version list, 10-2
fast path, 2-2
features, 1-1
field level security, 12-6
field selection list, 1-10
file output, 8-1
file relations, 1-7
files, 4-1
function keys, 3-2
group level security, 12-4
grouping, 6-1
job stream, 10-2
join logical files, A-1
julian dates, C-1
master menu, 1-4
menu, 2-1
menu setup, 10-1
options, 3-2
output field specifications, 5-13
output field specifications field selection list, 1-11
overview, 1-1
printer file override, 1-15
printer file overrides, 5-35
printing a version, 3-6
report version security, 12-8
revising a version, 3-3
run time programs, 1-16
security, 7-1
setup, 5-1
sleeper, 11-1
technical considerations, 8-1
total level summary function, 1-14
update mode, 9-5
update multiple fields, 9-7
verify updated records, 9-7
version list, 1-5, 3-1
version title and files, 1-6
worksheet, 4-2


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