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Data Structures & Algorithms

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The document discusses data structures and algorithms, with a focus on strings, palindromes, and sorting algorithms. It provides tasks and examples to understand and implement these concepts.

The document focuses on data structures and algorithms, providing tasks and examples for understanding and implementing concepts like strings, palindromes, and sorting algorithms.

A palindrome is a phrase that reads the same forwards and backwards, ignoring whitespace and punctuation. A program can check if a string is a palindrome by stripping out unwanted characters and comparing the string to its reverse.

Assignment Brief

BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF)

To be filled by the Learner

Name of the Learner :

Edexcel No : Centre No : Batch:

Date of Submission :
Unit Assessment Information

Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit Code & Title : H/601/1456 Unit 34 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Assessment Title & Nos : Understand and implement Data structures and Strings (No 1 of 1)

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01: Understand data structures and algorithms

Learning LO1.1 LO1.2 LO 1.3


LO 02: Be able to implement data structures and algorithms

Learning LO2.1 LO2.2 LO 2.3


LO 03: Understand how strings are structured and processed.

Learning LO3.1 LO3.2

Assessor : Ms. J. Menaka Internal Examiner (IE) : Mr. Praveen

Date Reviewed : 25/04/2013 Date of IE : 25/04/2013

MeritIssued : 08/06/2013
and Distinction Descriptor Date Due : 30/06/2014

M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

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Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use anothers work and to present it
as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to
copy anothers work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy anothers work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my
own, and where I have made use of anothers work, I will attribute the source in the correct
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the attached.

Students Signature: Date:.

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Task 1

A palindrome is a phrase that reads the same forwards as it does backwards. For example, a man, a
plan, a canal, Panama, is a palindrome.

1.1. Write a program that figures out whether one string is a palindrome. The program should
ignore white space and punctuation. (LO3.2)(D3.4)
For example:

"a man, a plan, a canal, Panama" is a palindrome.

"Dont nod" is a palindrome.

"Taco Cat!" is a palindrome.

1.2. Create an Example Stack class for this problem. Use LinkedList, ArrayList or an array to
implement the Stack.(LO 1.1)
1.3. Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. (LO 2.2)
1.4. Test the above application with a suitable test cases (LO 2.3)
1.5. Prepare a user manual for the developed solution to assist the users to work with it.(M3)
Task 2

London Met University provides apartments to undergraduate students. The housing system uses a
waiting list for apartment allocation. According to the university policy, when a possible match
between applicant and apartment is found, the applicant is contacted via email or phone call and must
decide whether to accept the apartment. If the applicant does not accept, he or she is placed back of
the waiting list, and must wait again.

We will simulate this process using a queue, and simplify the rules. Moreover, we will ignore the
realistic constraints of the applicants, and simply have each applicant store a quality threshold for the
apartment quality (a random number between 0 and 100). We will also assume that each apartment,
once accepted, will be occupied for a random number of school years between 1 and 3.

Assume k students apply for housing each school year. Each student node should contain an ID number
to keep track. Get k from the user via command line arguments.

Insert apartment details through the keyboard. Each apartment should have an ID number, quality
score (a random number between 0 and 100)

The assignment process should remove a student from the queue if the student accepts the
apartment (is the apartments quality value above the students threshold?). If the student accepts
then delete the student node. If the student rejects the apartment delete the student, insert him to
the back of the queue and compare next student and repeat. This process repeats until all students
are housed.

2.1. Write your own implementation of the queue by using a linked list for this problem with
all the queue operations (enque, deque,etc). (LO 1.1)
2.2. Test the above application with a suitable test cases (LO 2.3)
Task 3

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3.1 Implement Binary search using recursive algorithm and non-recursive algorithm, and
compare the performance. (LO 1.2) (LO 1.3)
3.2. Sort the array given below with two different algorithms and compare the performance.
{10, 30, 20, 45, 85, 90, 75}
(LO 1.2)
3.3. Explain common string operations such as concatenation, substring, trim etc., also state
their practical applications.(LO 3.1)

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Assessment Criteria (Students are not authorized to modify or write anything on below)
Outcomes/Criteria for PASS Page Feedback
LO1 Understand data structures and algorithms
1.1 produce design specification for data structures Task 1.1, Task
explaining the valid operations that can be carried 2.1
on the structures
1.2 explain the operation and performance of sorting Task 3.1, Task
and search algorithms 3.2
1.3 explain the operation of recursive algorithms and Task 3.2
identify situations when recursion is used

LO2 Be able to implement data structures and algorithms

2.1 implement data structures in an executable Task 1.2,Task
programming language in the context of well-defined 2.1
2.2 implement opportunities for error handling and Task 1.3

2.3 test results to enable comparison with expected Task 1.4,Task


LO3 Understand how strings are structured and processed.

3.1 explain common string operations and their Task 3.3
practical applications Task 1.1
3.2 demonstrate the outcome of string operations in Task 3.3
specified algorithms. Task 1.1

All rights reserved ESOFT Metro Campus, Sri Lanka Page 5 of 52

Grade Descriptor for MERIT Possible evidence Feedback
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate Task 3.2
solutions Task 3.3

M1.3 an effective approach to study and research has been

Compare different algorithms for
Applied searching and sorting
Search about different string

M2 Select / design appropriate methods / techniques Task 3

Proper use of Harvard Referencing
M2.3 a range of sources of information has been used
Search about different string

M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings Task 1.5

Documentation is well structured
M3.1 the appropriate structure and approach has been used. adhering to the formatting guidelines
with non-overlapping facts.
Data provided about the company are
accurate, reliable and consistent

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Grade Descriptor for DISTINCTION Possible evidence Feedback
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify Report: shown in the self-reflection
valid conclusions section, good conclusion with
suggestions for further improvement
D1.1 conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas
and have been justified

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organizing

activities Undertaken Activities from 01 05 as
mentioned in the observation sheet
D2.3 Activities have been managed
Submitted the work on time
D3 Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking

D3.4 problems have been solved. Task 1.1, Task 2.1, Task 3.1, Task 3.2

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Strengths: Weaknesses:

Future Improvements & Assessor Comment:

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Assessor: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

Internal Verifiers Comments:

Internal Verifier: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

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Practical Observation Sheet

Module: Data Structures and Algorithms

Unit No: 34
Student Name: _________________________________

Activity Activity Learning Date Signature

Outcome (LO)

1 Provide evidence of coding, and explain a LO 2.1

piece of coding to the audience.
LO 3.2

2 Run the solution LO 2.1

LO 3.2

3 Test the solution with random data LO 2.3

4 Prove the use of Error Controlling LO 2.2

Mechanism in the solution and Error
reporting structure

5 Compare the performance of different D2



Assessor Name :

Date :

Signature :

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 10

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. xi
Content of the Figures ....................................................................................................... xiii
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................... xv
Task 01 ........................................................................................................................ 16

1.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 16
1.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 18
1.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 21
1.4 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
1.5 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
1.5.1 The User Manual .................................................................................................... 23

Task 02 ........................................................................................................................ 27

2.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 27
2.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Task 03 ........................................................................................................................ 34

3.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 34
3.1.1 Binary Search Algorithm ........................................................................................ 34

3.1.2 Performance comparisons of Binary Searching Algorithms .................................. 37

3.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 38
3.2.1 Simple Sorting Algorithms ..................................................................................... 38

3.2.2 Divide and Conquered Algorithms ......................................................................... 40

3.2.3 Performance Comparison of Simple Sorting with Divide and Conquer Sorting
Algorithms ....................................................................................................................... 42

3.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 42
3.3.1 Sub-Strings ............................................................................................................. 42

3.3.2 Concatenation ......................................................................................................... 44

3.3.3 Trim Method ........................................................................................................... 45

Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 46
Appendix A: Conclusion ................................................................................................. 46

Appendix B: Self-Reflection ........................................................................................... 47

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 xi

Appendix C: The Gantt Chart.......................................................................................... 48

References ........................................................................................................................... 49
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 52

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 xii
Content of the Figures
Figure 1: Java code to determine whether a word is a Palindrome (Part 1). ....................... 16

Figure 2: Java code to determine whether a word is a Palindrome (Part 2). ....................... 17

Figure 3: Stack Class beginning. ......................................................................................... 18

Figure 4: Push method in Stack class. ................................................................................. 19

Figure 5: Pop method in Stack class. ................................................................................... 19

Figure 6: Peek method and end of Stack class. ................................................................... 20

Figure 7: Try Catch and Exception handling....................................................................... 21

Figure 8: Importing the Project ........................................................................................... 24

Figure 9: Starting the Program ............................................................................................ 25

Figure 10: Working with the Program ................................................................................. 26

Figure 11: Quitting the Program .......................................................................................... 26

Figure 12: Int Single Linked List Node ............................................................................... 27

Figure 13: Java code for Queue class .................................................................................. 27

Figure 14: Enque method in Queue class ............................................................................ 28

Figure 15: Deque method in Queue class ............................................................................ 28

Figure 16: Java code for Single Linked List........................................................................ 29

Figure 17: Remove Head method in Single Linked List class ............................................ 29

Figure 18: Main class for the queue .................................................................................... 30

Figure 19: Get Student ID method in Queue Main class ..................................................... 30

Figure 20: Get Room ID method in Queue Main class ....................................................... 31

Figure 21: Get Room Score method in Queue Main class .................................................. 31

Figure 22: Get Choice method in Queue Main class ........................................................... 32

Figure 23: Recursive Binary Search Function ..................................................................... 35

Figure 24: Main Method which calls the search function ................................................... 35

Figure 25: Non-Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm ..................................................... 36

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 xiii
Figure 26: Main method of Non-Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm .......................... 37

Figure 27: Insertion Sort Algorithm .................................................................................... 39

Figure 28: Main method and Sort method in Merge Sort Algorithm .................................. 40

Figure 29: Do Merge Sort method in Merge Sort Algorithm .............................................. 41

Figure 30: Merge Parts method in Merge Sort Algorithm .................................................. 41

Figure 31: Substring and related methods ........................................................................... 43

Figure 32: Concatenation using the '+' operator .................................................................. 44

Figure 33: Concatenation of strings by append method ...................................................... 44

Figure 34: Concatenation of strings through the concat method ......................................... 45

Figure 35:String Trim method in java ................................................................................. 45

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 xiv
It is worth mentioning the names of my beloved lecturers including Miss Malsha Sethunge
who helped a lot on completing this assignment on time. Special thanks to Mrs. Nimesha
Rajakaruna for all the countless hours spent reviewing, helping, and explaining where
necessary in making this a successful and accurate document. Finally, my friends require
thanksgiving for helping and supporting me on occasion.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 xv

Task 01
Write a program that figures out whether one string is a palindrome. The program
should ignore white space and punctuation. (LO3.2) (D3.4)

Figure 1: Java code to determine whether a word is a Palindrome (Part 1).

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 16

Figure 2: Java code to determine whether a word is a Palindrome (Part 2).
Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 17

Create an Example Stack class for this problem. Use LinkedList, ArrayList or an
array to implement the Stack. (LO 1.1)

Figure 3: Stack Class beginning.

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 18

Figure 4: Push method in Stack class.
Source: Authors work.

Figure 5: Pop method in Stack class.

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 19

Figure 6: Peek method and end of Stack class.
Source: Authors work

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 20

Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting. (LO 2.2)

Figure 7: Try Catch and Exception handling.

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 21

Test the above application with a suitable test cases (LO 2.3)

Table 1: Test results for the program.

Test Expected
Test Case Actual Outcome Status
Case Outcome

Display an
01 Try to input Null error message Pass
value as You didnt
type anything.

Display an
Input words less error message
02 than 3 letters in as Type at Pass
length least 3 letters
to check.

Display a
message as
03 Input a non- Pass
The text you
entered is not a

Display a
04 message as Pass
Input a Palindrome
Its a

05 Input words with Pass

Spaces ignored

Input words
06 Punctuation Pass
marks ignored
Punctuation marks.
Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 22

Prepare a user manual for the developed solution to assist the users to work with it.

1.5.1 The User Manual

This manual assumes that the user is familiar with performing some basic operations inside
the NetBeans IDE and has enough knowledge to follow up with an assisted screen on a CLI
like output console. The user should have a working version of the NetBeans IDE to launch
this application and therefore access it.

Setting Things Up

The program uses the NetBeans IDEs built in output console in order to communicate with
the user, therefore it is critical for the source of the program to be imported as a project in
the IDE. To import the program, first copy the project folder that came with the drive into
one of the directories of the computer. Then launch the NetBeans desktop application. Click
File from the splitter containers found on top right of the IDE and click Open Project in
the menu that scrolls down as shown through the figure 8. Watch for the pop up window
that appears and use it to navigate to the copied folder containing the project on the computer
and select the appropriate project. Click on the Open Project button to finish importing and
to open the selected project in the IDE.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 23

Figure 8: Importing the Project
Source: Authors work.

Using the Program

Once the project is imported and ready to use, click Debug on the splitter containers found
on top of the IDE and click on Debug Project in the menu that scrolls down as shown
through the figure 9 below. The program will now run on the output console which will
appear near the bottom of the IDE.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 24

Figure 9: Starting the Program
Source: Authors work.

The output console would now display a line of text as Enter Something. Try entering a
palindrome which has to be at least 3 characters in length, and press enter to see whether it
is a palindrome or not. Any punctuation marks or white spaces are ignored by the program
and would instead focus on the word being entered. Once a cycle is finished where the user
enters something to check whether its a palindrome, it would start the cycle again
automatically giving the option to perform the above operation continuously. This scenario
has been illustrated in the figure below.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 25

Figure 10: Working with the Program
Source: Authors work.

The program will run in an endless loop until it is quitted by its user. To quit the program,
click Run, again at the top of the IDE, and click Stop Build/Run to safely stop the
program from running as shown through the image below. For further assistance, click
Help from the top most splitter containers to find a range of help options right from the
IDE or from the internet.

Figure 11: Quitting the Program

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 26

Task 02
Write your own implementation of the queue by using a linked list for this problem
with all the queue operations (enque, deque, etc.). (LO 1.1)

Figure 12: Int Single Linked List Node

Source: Authors work.

Figure 13: Java code for Queue class

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 27

Figure 14: Enque method in Queue class
Source: Authors work.

Figure 15: Deque method in Queue class

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 28

Figure 16: Java code for Single Linked List
Source: Authors work.

Figure 17: Remove Head method in Single Linked List class

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 29

Figure 18: Main class for the queue
Source: Authors work.

Figure 19: Get Student ID method in Queue Main class

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 30

Figure 20: Get Room ID method in Queue Main class
Source: Authors work.

Figure 21: Get Room Score method in Queue Main class

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 31

Figure 22: Get Choice method in Queue Main class
Source: Authors work.

Test the above application with a suitable test cases (LO 2.3)

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 32

Table 2: Test results for the Queue program
Case Test Case Actual Outcome Status

Insert 1 as Display
choice for message as
1 room Room has Pass
acceptance been
Insert 0 as Display
2 choice for message as Pass
room Please wait
acceptance in the Queue
Insert integer Display
value other message as
3 than 0 or 1 as Only 1 and 0 Pass
choice for is valid
Insert string Display
value as message as
4 choice for Enter an Pass
room integer value
acceptance as the
Insert string Display
value as room message as
5 score Please enter Pass
an integer
value as the
Insert integer Display
value greater message as
6 than 100 for Enter a Pass
room score value below
100 for the
Insert string Display
value for message as
7 student ID The value Pass
entered is not
an integer
Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 33

Task 03
Implement Binary search using recursive algorithm and non-recursive algorithm, and
compare the performance. (LO 1.2) (LO 1.3)

3.1.1 Binary Search Algorithm

Among other types of searching mechanisms, binary search algorithm is a powerful
searching algorithm which searches an input key at half intervals of a sorted array. It would
then compare the value of the input key with the middle element value of the array to return
the index of the middle element in case of a matching value, or to repeat the process in case
of an unmatched value (Stoimen 2011). Unlike many sequential algorithms which searches
from the beginning to end, binary search algorithm benefits from reduced working data sets
where it divides the working range in halves in each comparison resulting in a highly
efficient algorithm. Binary search algorithms are further classified as recursive binary search
and non-recursive binary search algorithms as explained through the following points.

Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm

A recursive binary searching algorithm is a function which accepts the array, the target
value, the lower bound, and the upper bound as arguments to carry out the necessary
calculations to compare the target value against the array as mentioned above. If the target
value is found, the function returns the index from which the target value was found in the
array. If the target value is not found, the function calls itself assigning new values that
resulted from the previous comparison as arguments, and the function is recursively called
until the target value is found. If the target value is not found after all possibilities are
checked, or if the lower bound is greater than the target value in case of an array sorted in
ascending order, -1 is returned to indicate the absence of the target value in the array (Forrest
2016). The 2 images below show how recursive binary searching is implemented in java

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 34

Figure 23: Recursive Binary Search Function
Source: Authors work adopted from Tripathi (2014).

Figure 24: Main Method which calls the search function

Source: Authors work.

The above code shows that, if the target value is greater than the mid value, then the lower
bound is assigned with the mid value plus one. Else, the upper bound is assigned with mid
value minus one. Thus the two indexes are used to pass the array to the same function where
it now focuses only on the specified area.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 35

Non-Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm

Unlike the recursive approach, the non-recursive binary search uses iterations to perform the
same function yet without the need for calling the function recursively. At each iteration, a
different section of the array is being compared till the key value is matched. If the key value
is matched its index is returned, else the iteration continues. In case of an array sorted in
ascending order, the condition for looping is set to be below or equal to the upper bound. If
that condition is failed, the iteration stops and return -1 to indicate the absence of the target
value in the array. The image below shows this approach being implemented in the java
language. Note that the last index or the first index are not required as arguments for the
method, because the method is not recursively used and could calculate the values within
the method itself.

Figure 25: Non-Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm

Source: Authors work adopted from Abualrob (2010) & Damier (2015).

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 36

Figure 26: Main method of Non-Recursive Binary Searching Algorithm
Source: Authors work.

3.1.2 Performance comparisons of Binary Searching Algorithms

The two types of binary searching approaches introduced above are very similar to each
other in terms of both functionality and program logic where they result in the same goal
being achieved. However, recursive and non-recursive binary searching algorithms shows
variations when compared for their performance where they differentiate themselves with
respect to the measurements. Even though it feels intuitive that iterative approach might
have some form of an advantage over the other, performance tests carried out by Knight
(2013) shows contradictions, where it was assumed that recursive approach perform well
over the non-recursive approach. Swartz (2003) shows that even though non-recursive is
always usually faster, simpler, and uses less memory, recursive method is better at certain
areas such as tree traversals.

When compared for performance and efficiency, the recursive binary searching results in a
logarithmic performance of 0(1) in terms of average time complexity compared to that of
the 0(log n) worst case performance of non-recursive binary search algorithms (C
Programming 2011). Therefore, it is evident that recursive binary search algorithms are more
efficient than non-recursive binary search algorithms.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 37

Sort the array given below with two different algorithms and compare the
performance. {-10, 30, 20, 45, 85, 90, 75} (LO 1.2)

3.2.1 Simple Sorting Algorithms

In simple sorting techniques, an incrementally increasing boundary of sorted data on an array

or data set could be imagined. The incrementing stops when all the data are sorted. These
types of sorting require the new item and the data that have already been sorted to be
potentially compared at each increment (Ruehr 1998). The following point describes an
example of a simple sorting algorithm which leverages these techniques.

Insertion Sort

Insertion sorting algorithms act in such a way that it picks up a key from the array and
compare the key with the elements ahead of it and place the key in the correct position. The
procedure iterates until all the elements in the array are sorted, usually in a left to right
direction where the algorithm often chooses the second element of the array as the key
(Ryerson University 2004). The image below provides an example of this algorithm in java

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 38

Figure 27: Insertion Sort Algorithm
Source: Authors work.

Even though this algorithm is inefficient for sorting large data sets, it is very efficient at
sorting small data sets and has one of the simplest implementations. According to Beniwal
et al. (2016), insertion sorting requires just a single additional memory space where it
becomes less space complex and is adaptive and stable making it overall better than selection
sort or bubble sort algorithms.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 39

3.2.2 Divide and Conquered Algorithms

The divide and conquer approach for sorting data sets is a highly efficient method in which
the problem is divided into sub problems so that individual sub-problems become less
complex where it could be solved recursively. The data for the next step is always saved.
When the sub-problems are manageable, they are solved in a straightforward manner. These
sub-problems are then combined to each other to form the solution of the original problem
(Cormen et al. 2009). The following point describes an important algorithm which uses the
divide and conquer approach.

Merge Sort

Merge Sort algorithm is one of the first sorting algorithms. The key to this process is merging
2 sorted arrays into a third party. This process can be used to merge 2 sorted halves on the
same array into a single array. The array is divided recursively into halves until the size
becomes one. Then each half is compared and sorted where they are merged with other sub-
arrays to complete the merging process resulting in a sorted array (Geeks for Geeks 2016).
Java code for merge sort algorithm is shown through the 3 images below.

Figure 28: Main method and Sort method in Merge Sort Algorithm
Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 40

Figure 29: Do Merge Sort method in Merge Sort Algorithm
Source: Authors work.

Figure 30: Merge Parts method in Merge Sort Algorithm

Source: Authors work.

The code from the images above shows that the sorted half of the array is also obtained by
previously merging 2 sorted parts into one half of the array and each part is also sorted by
merging 2 smaller sorted parts and so on. Therefore, the original array is progressively
divided and merged through recursive calling or merge sort algorithm until each part has a
single element which itself is sorted and no further dividing and merging is required.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 41

According to Toptal (2016), merge sort algorithm is extremely useful for sorting linked lists
or in situations where random access is more expensive than sequential access, because of
the stability and non-adaptiveness of the algorithm.

3.2.3 Performance Comparison of Simple Sorting with Divide and

Conquer Sorting Algorithms
Simple sorting algorithms such as insertion sort algorithms are much less efficient on large
data sets because it sorts the array one entry at a time in a linear manner (Tang 2012). Even
though insertion sorting algorithms are overall better than selection sort or bubble sort as
mentioned previously, it still results in a logarithmic performance of just 0(n2) as revealed
through the works of Mishra & Garg (2008). Therefore, its performance is lower than that
of divide and conquer algorithms which boasts a performance of 0(1) and proves that divide
and conquer algorithms are much more efficient than simple sorting algorithms, even as
protruded by the vast calculations of the Raford University (2016).

Explain common string operations such as concatenation, substring, trim etc., also
state their practical applications. (LO 3.1)

3.3.1 Sub-Strings

A sub-string is a sequence of characters that contains in a string value. Substrings helps in

separating a character or a set of characters apart from an existing string value thereby
enabling to make a modified copy of the original text. The methods such as IndexOf,
IndexOfAny, LastIndexOf, and LastIndexOfAny relies on substring techniques (Deitel &
Deitel 2005). The following points shows how sub-strings could be achieved using the
Substring method and its practical applications.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 42

Substring Method

The Substring method takes 2 arguments in integer format to identify where it should start
the separation and where it should end. The Substring method does not accept the string
itself as an argument, therefore the string object is required to perform the operation rather
than the string text. The first 3 lines of code in figure 27 demonstrates the use of the Substring
method in C# language. One practical application of this method is that certain phrases from
a users input could be extracted to form a more relative output based on the input.

Replace Method

The Replace method also accepts 2 arguments as parameters, it is required that the first
argument to be the substring which should be replaced and the second argument to be the
substring to be substituted with the first argument. Lines 4 to 6 in figure 27 illustrates the
Replace method in use. This method is extremely useful where certain characters are
required to be replaced such as in the case of making web URLs more readable by replacing
each forward slash with commas.

IndexOf Method

The IndexOf method accepts just one argument where a character is passed in return for its
index or position in the string, considering the string as an array of characters where white
spaces are ignored. The last 3 lines of code in figure below shows the use of IndexOf method
to return its index value. The substring method mentioned above requires the starting and
ending index to be passed as arguments into the method. IndexOf method would therefore
help in finding such indexes. For example, the figure below shows the method used to find
the index of C from the string s3.

Figure 31: Substring and related methods

Source: Microsoft (2016).

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 43

3.3.2 Concatenation

Concatenation is the process of merging two data literals into a single literal. Concatenation
is not limited to string literals and could be used in any other data type such as binary,
integer, floating point characters and Boolean. However, concatenation find its syntax to be
different across languages (Techopedia 2016). The application of concatenation for string
literals in the Java programming language is discussed below.

Even in the Java programming language itself, there are various approaches for
concatenation of string values. Each approach has their effects on performance and
efficiency of the code. The easiest way to achieve concatenation of strings in java is to
simply merge 2 strings using the operator + as shown in the image below.

Figure 32: Concatenation using the '+' operator

Source: Authors work.

Even though the above approach for concatenation of strings is almost pleasant and readable,
the practice of using + operator for concatenation is highly discouraged by Nakov (2013),
as the action would result in various performance issues due to reduced efficiency in the
process involved while the operator is being used. As a possible solution to this problem,
Kulandai (2015) suggests the use of buffered strings as it would significantly reduce the time
taken to complete the concatenation process. In this approach, the append method is being
used as seen through the image below.

Figure 33: Concatenation of strings by append method

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 44

The above code sample shows string concatenation but with a string buffer in use where the
actual result needs to be converted to a string again. However, there are alternative solutions
that performs true concatenation yet without the need of string buffers. The concat method
is such an approach where the string to be merged is passed as an argument into the method
as shown through the image below.

Figure 34: Concatenation of strings through the concat method

Source: Tutorials Point (2016).

The practical applications of concatenation include merging certain substrings which might
have been extracted from the user into new string literals or in making new content from
existing data such as the use of location names from maps to create readable addresses.

3.3.3 Trim Method

The string trim method in java language is used to eliminate leading and trailing white spaces
from a string. It uses the Unicode value of space which is \u0020 to check whether a given
string contains such a Unicode at the beginning or the end, so this method cannot omit
middle spaces in the string (Java T Point 2014). A possible use of this method includes
validating user inputs where the user might have accidentally typed in white spaces at the
beginning or the end of the input. In such a case, the absence of omission of middle spaces
in the trim method comes as an advantage, because the input from the user is not altered
while validating. The image below shows how this method is being used in the java

Figure 35:String Trim method in java

Source: Authors work.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 45

Appendix A: Conclusion

In the beginning of this document at Task 1, a program for figuring out whether certain
strings are palindromes is developed. It uses many techniques and methods for string
processing to process the input strings to validate them, for instance removal of white spaces
and punctuation marks from the input string is practiced. This program uses an array based
stack to reverse the string to check whether the reversed output matches the processed input.
This method could be improved in the future where the array based stack could be replaced
with a linked list. However, a program that uses a linked list is developed for the task 2 based
scenario where the program enables processing of students in a waiting list in the form of a
queue using queue operations such as enque and deque. As this is already a better
implementation, this program only requires a better design such as a Graphical User
Interface which would be more visually appealing than the current version which aides an
Output Console from the IDE.

It is clear from the many types of algorithms presented and explained through Task 3, that
every algorithm is unique and is more efficient than others on certain tasks, scenarios or
conditions. For example, even though insertion sorting algorithms are less efficient than
merge sorting algorithms, for data sets below 10 12 elements in size, insertion sorting
outperforms most of other types of algorithms available including merge sort. However, it
is worth noting that on average, for most cases, the Divide and Conquer algorithms are more
efficient and faster than Simple Sorting algorithms as they prove a more logarithmic
performance. Therefore, the use of the correct type of data structure as well as the algorithm
for the specific problem is always essential for implementing faster and efficient programs.

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 46

Appendix B: Self-Reflection

Though it took so long to catch up, Data Structures & Algorithms became an interesting area
which helps in understanding how certain software work and behave. The different types of
data structures, algorithms and multiple approaches for sorting and searching data found on
this module reveals that the area studied is just the surface, and promotes the learning of
much more sophisticated methods in the future. As a novice, it is always hard to understand
how exactly modern software are supported using the techniques introduced in this module,
however while completing this assignment, it became evident that there are vast amounts of
research and experimental work dedicated for this area alone in which cases, the most
efficient approaches, algorithms and methods are found and invented, specially based on
their performance. However, it is a reason to worry, that such great research could not be
referenced in this document.

It is a pleasure to learn about strings and how they could be processed using different
methods in a programming language. It is also a pleasure learning about algorithms and
where exactly specific algorithms should be used. However, it was unclear and hard to
understand about certain data structures such as Graphs and Trees, and how the algorithms
are used to sort data in such forms. While it was confusing how certain coding practices and
techniques differ the performance of algorithms, such as in the case of recursive and non-
recursive binary searching algorithms where the recursive always outperforms the iterative
one, they were always promising a whole new perspective of observing the problem from
which knowledge about how they actually work could be increased. These skills whether
great or small would be beneficent in the future whether it would be for sorting data or for
solving other problems as well. Therefore, this document would serve as a problem solver
in the future as it could be used as a revision tool when the above mentioned weaknesses

Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 47

Appendix C: The Gantt Chart

Time Duration: 21 days [ 3 Weeks]

Phases 31/08/16 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Nilshan Devinda REG: 7919 Data Structures & Algorithms Unit 34 48


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