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National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report:

Updated Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates for the

Bolaitos Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico

Report Date: March 3, 2016

Effective Date: December 31, 2015

Prepared for:

Endeavour Silver Corp.

301 700 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6C 1G8

Prepared by:

Hard Rock Consulting, LLC

7114 W. Jefferson Avenue Suite 308
Lakewood, CO 80235
HRC Project Number: 15-CSM-1001

Endorsed by QP(s):
Zachary J. Black, (HRC), SME-RM (No. 4156858RM)
J. J. Brown, P.G. (HRC), SME-RM (No. 4168244RM)
Jeff Choquette, P.E. (HRC), State of Montana (No. 12265)
This report was prepared as a National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report for Endeavour Silver Corp.
(EDR) by Hardrock Consulting, LLC (HRC). The quality of information, conclusions, and estimates
contained herein is consistent with the scope of HRCs services based on: i) information available at the
time of preparation, ii) data supplied by outside sources, and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and
qualifications set forth in this report. This report is intended for use by EDR subject to the terms and
conditions of its contract with HRC, which permits EDR to file this report with Canadian Securities
Regulatory Authorities pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Projects. Except for the purposes legislated under provincial securities law, any other use of this report by
any third party is at that partys sole risk.
Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Certificates of Author


I, Zachary J. Black, SME-RM, do hereby certify that:
1. I am currently employed as Principal Resource Geologist by:
Hard Rock Consulting, LLC
7114 W. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 308
Lakewood, Colorado 80235 U.S.A.
2. I am a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering,
and have practiced my profession continuously since 2005.
3. I am a registered member of the Society of Mining and Metallurgy and Exploration (No. 4156858RM)
4. I have worked as a Geological Engineer/Resource Geologist for a total of ten years since my graduation
from university; as an employee of a major mining company, a major engineering company, and as a
consulting engineer with extensive experience in structurally controlled precious and base metal
5. I have read the definition of qualified person set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-
101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a qualified person for the
purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I personally inspected the Bolaitos Project August 29th through August 31st, 2015.
7. I am responsible for the preparation of the report titled National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report,
Updated Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos Project, Guanajuato State,
Mexico, dated March 3rd, 2016, with an effective date of December, 31 2015, with specific
responsibility for Sections 1.4 and 9 through 12 and 14 of this report.
8. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
9. As of the date of this certificate and as of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical
information required to be disclosed to make the report not misleading.
10. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
11. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been prepared
in compliance with that instrument and form.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 2016.

Signed Zachary J. Black

Signature of Qualified Person

Zachary J. Black, SME-RM

Printed name of Qualified Person

March 3, 2016 i
Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Certificates of Author


I, Jennifer J. Brown, P.G., do hereby certify that:
1. I am currently employed as Principal Geologist by:
Hard Rock Consulting, LLC
7114 W. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 308
Lakewood, Colorado 80235 U.S.A.
2. I am a graduate of the University of Montana and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geology in 1996.
3. I am a:
Licensed Professional Geologist in the State of Wyoming (PG-3719)
Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Idaho (PGL-1414)
Registered Member in good standing of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration,
Inc. (4168244RM)
4. I have worked as a geologist for a total of 19 years since graduation from the University of Montana, as an
employee of various engineering and consulting firms and the U.S.D.A. Forest Service. I have more
than 10 collective years of experience directly related to mining and or economic and saleable
minerals exploration and resource development, including geotechnical exploration, geologic analysis
and interpretation, resource evaluation, and technical reporting.
5. I have read the definition of qualified person set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-
101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a qualified person for the
purposes of NI 43-101.
6. I am responsible for the preparation of the report titled National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report,
Updated Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos Project, Guanajuato State,
Mexico, dated March 3rd, 2016, with an effective date of December, 31 2015, with specific
responsibility for Sections 2 through 8 of this report.
7. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
8. As of the date of this certificate and as of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical
information required to be disclosed to make the report not misleading.
9. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
10. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been prepared
in compliance with that instrument and form.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 2016.

Signed Jennifer J. (J.J.) Brown

Jennifer J. (J.J.) Brown, SME-RM

Printed name of Qualified Person

March 3, 2016 ii
Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Certificates of Author


I, Jeffery W. Choquette, P.E., do hereby certify that:

1. I am currently employed as Principal Engineer by:

Hard Rock Consulting, LLC
7114 W. Jefferson Ave., Ste. 308
Lakewood, Colorado 80235 U.S.A.
I am a graduate of Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology and received a Bachelor of
Science degree in Mining Engineering in 1995.
2. I am a:
Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Montana (No. 12265)
QP Member in Mining and Ore Reserves in good standing of the Mining and Metallurgical
Society of America (No. 01425QP)
3. I have nineteen years of domestic and international experience in project development, resource and
reserve modeling, mine operations, mine engineering, project evaluation, and financial analysis. I
have worked for mining and exploration companies for fifteen years and as a consulting engineer for
three and a half years. I have been involved in industrial minerals, base metals and precious metal
mining projects in the United States, Canada, Mexico and South America.
4. I have read the definition of qualified person set out in National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
certify that by reason of my education, affiliation with a professional association (as defined in NI 43-
101) and past relevant work experience, I fulfill the requirements to be a qualified person for the
purposes of NI 43-101.
5. I personally inspected the Bolaitos Project August 29th through August 31st, 2015.
6. I am responsible for the preparation of the report titled National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report,
Updated Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos Project, Guanajuato State,
Mexico, dated March 3rd, 2016, with an effective date of December, 31 2015, with specific
responsibility for Sections 1.5, 13, and 15 through 27 of this report.
7. I have had no prior involvement with the property that is the subject of this Technical Report.
8. As of the date of this certificate and as of the effective date of the Technical Report, to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief, the Technical Report contains all scientific and technical
information required to be disclosed to make the report not misleading.
9. I am independent of the issuer applying all of the tests in section 1.5 of NI 43-101.
10. I have read National Instrument 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and the Technical Report has been prepared
in compliance with that instrument and form.
Dated this 3rd day of March 2016.

Signed Jeffery W. Choquette

Jeffery W. Choquette, P.E.

Printed name of Qualified Person

March 3, 2016 iii

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Table of Contents

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND OWNERSHIP ............................................................................................... 1
1.3 GEOLOGY AND MINERALIZATION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4 STATUS OF EXPLORATION ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE ............................................................................................................... 3
1.6 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATE ................................................................................................................. 4
1.7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................. 5
2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 ISSUER AND TERMS OF REFERENCE ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 SOURCES OF INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 QUALIFIED PERSONS AND PERSONAL INSPECTION..................................................................................... 9
2.4 UNITS OF MEASURE .............................................................................................................................. 10
3. RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS .................................................................................................. 11
4. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION ................................................................................. 12
4.1 PROJECT LOCATION .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 MINERAL TENURE, AGREEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES ......................................................................... 13
4.3 PERMITS AND ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES........................................................................................... 15
5.1 ACCESS AND CLIMATE ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 LOCAL RESOURCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................. 17
5.3 BOLAITOS MINE PHYSIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 17
5.4 SURFACE RIGHTS .................................................................................................................................. 18
6. HISTORY....................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 HISTORICAL EXPLORATION.................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 HISTORICAL PRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 HISTORIC MINERAL RESOURCE AND RESERVE ESTIMATES ...................................................................... 19
7. GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND MINERALIZATION......................................................................... 20
7.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY .............................................................................................................................20
7.1.1 Stratigraphy .................................................................................................................................. 22
7.1.2 Esperanza Formation .................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.3 La Luz Formation .......................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.4 Guanajuato Formation (Eocene to Oligocene) .............................................................................. 24
7.1.5 Loseros Formation (Cenozoic) ...................................................................................................... 24
7.1.6 Bufa Formation (Cenozoic) ........................................................................................................... 24
7.1.7 Calderones Formation (Cenozoic) ................................................................................................. 24
7.1.8 Cedros Andesite (Cenozoic) ........................................................................................................... 24
7.1.9 Chichndaro Formation (Cenozoic) ............................................................................................... 25
7.1.10 Comanja Granite (Cenozoic) ..................................................................................................... 25

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Bolaitos Project Table of Contents

7.1.11 El Capulin Formation ................................................................................................................ 25

7.2 STRUCTURE.......................................................................................................................................... 25
7.3 LOCAL GEOLOGY .................................................................................................................................. 26
7.3.1 Alteration ....................................................................................................................................... 28
7.4 MINERALIZATION .................................................................................................................................. 29
8. DEPOSIT TYPES ........................................................................................................................... 31
9. EXPLORATION.............................................................................................................................. 33
9.1 EDR EXPLORATION PRIOR TO 2015 ....................................................................................................... 33
9.2 2015 EXPLORATION ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................. 33
9.3 EDR SAMPLING METHOD AND APPROACH.............................................................................................. 34
9.3.1 Surface Channel Samples .............................................................................................................. 34
9.3.2 Rock Chip Samples......................................................................................................................... 35
9.3.3 Soil Chip Samples .......................................................................................................................... 35
9.4 EDR EXPLORATION RESULTS ................................................................................................................ 35
10. DRILLING ................................................................................................................................. 42
10.1 SURFACE DRILLING PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 42
10.2 EDR CORE LOGGING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................ 43
10.3 EDR DRILLING PROGRAMS AND RESULTS .............................................................................................. 43
10.3.1 2015 Drilling Summary ............................................................................................................. 43
10.3.2 2105 Surface Drilling ................................................................................................................. 43
10.3.3 Bolaitos System Surface Diamond Drilling Program ............................................................. 44
10.3.4 Bolaitos South Surface Diamond Drilling Program ............................................................... 53
10.3.5 Siglo XX Surface Diamond Drilling Program ........................................................................... 59
10.4 2015 UNDERGROUND DRILLING PROGRAM AND RESULTS ....................................................................... 63
10.4.1 La Joya System Underground Diamond Drilling Program ...................................................... 63
10.4.2 Daniela Footwall and Gabriela Underground Diamond Drilling Program .............................. 67
11. SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY ..............................................................71
11.1 METHODS ............................................................................................................................................ 71
11.1.1 Production Chip Channel Samples ............................................................................................ 71
11.1.2 Exploration Sampling................................................................................................................ 71
11.2 SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 72
11.2.1 Exploration Drilling 11.2.1 ......................................................................................................... 72
11.3 SAMPLE QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE........................................................................... 73
11.3.1 Production Sampling ................................................................................................................. 73
11.3.2 Production Samples ................................................................................................................... 73
11.3.3 Exploration Samples ................................................................................................................. 77
11.4 ADEQUACY OF DATA .............................................................................................................................84
11.4.1 Adequacy of Mine Sampling Procedures ...................................................................................84
12. DATA VERIFICATION ............................................................................................................... 85
12.1 DATABASE AUDIT.................................................................................................................................. 85
12.1.1 Mechanical Audit .......................................................................................................................86
12.2 CERTIFICATES ...................................................................................................................................... 87

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Bolaitos Project Table of Contents

12.3 ADEQUACY OF DATA ............................................................................................................................. 87

13. MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING .....................................................88
13.1 MINERALOGICAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................................... 88
13.2 GRAVITY CONCENTRATION ................................................................................................................... 88
13.3 13.3 CONCENTRATE SALE VS. CYANIDE LEACHING................................................................................. 88
13.4 COMMENTS ON SECTION 13.................................................................................................................. 88
14. MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES .......................................................................................... 89
14.1 DENSITY ..............................................................................................................................................89
14.2 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................89
14.3 VERTICAL LONGITUDINAL PROJECTION ..................................................................................................90
14.3.1 Composite Calculations ............................................................................................................. 92
14.3.2 Area and Volume Calculations .................................................................................................. 92
14.3.3 VLP Mineral Resource Classification ........................................................................................ 93
14.4 3D BLOCK MODEL METHOD .................................................................................................................. 93
14.4.1 Geologic Model .......................................................................................................................... 93
14.4.2 Block Model ............................................................................................................................... 96
14.4.3 Compositing............................................................................................................................... 99
14.4.4 Capping ...................................................................................................................................... 99
14.4.5 Variography .............................................................................................................................. 101
14.4.6 Estimation Parameters ............................................................................................................ 104
14.4.7 Model Validation ..................................................................................................................... 104
14.4.8 Mineral Resource Classification ............................................................................................... 111
14.5 BOLAITOS MINERAL RESOURCE STATEMENT ....................................................................................... 111
14.5.1 VLP Mineral Resource Estimate ............................................................................................... 112
14.5.2 3D Block Model Mineral Resource Estimate ............................................................................ 114
14.5.3 Bolaitos Mineral Resource Statement .................................................................................... 116
15. MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ............................................................................................ 118
15.1 CALCULATION PARAMETERS .........................................................................................................118
15.1.1 Dilution ..................................................................................................................................... 118
15.1.2 Cutoff Grade ............................................................................................................................. 119
15.1.3 Reconciliation of Mineral Reserves to Production ................................................................... 119
15.2 RESERVE CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................................... 120
15.3 MINERAL RESERVES............................................................................................................................ 123
15.3.1 Factors that may affect the Mineral Reserve Estimate ........................................................... 124
16. MINING METHODS ................................................................................................................ 125
16.1 MINING OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 125
16.2 GROUND CONDITIONS......................................................................................................................... 125
16.3 MINING METHOD ............................................................................................................................... 125
16.4 MINE EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................... 126
16.5 MINE PRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 127
17. RECOVERY METHODS ........................................................................................................... 129
17.1 PRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 129

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17.2 BOLAITOS PLANT .............................................................................................................................. 129

18. PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................................. 133
18.1 MINE PUMPING .................................................................................................................................. 133
18.2 MINE VENTILATION ............................................................................................................................ 133
18.3 MINE ELECTRICAL .............................................................................................................................. 133
19. MARKET STUDIES AND CONTRACTS .....................................................................................135
19.1 CONTRACTS ....................................................................................................................................... 136
20.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ...................................................................................................... 137
20.2 CLOSURE PLAN ................................................................................................................................... 137
20.3 PERMITTING ....................................................................................................................................... 138
20.4 CONSIDERATIONS OF SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY IMPACTS ...................................................................... 138
21. CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS .......................................................................................... 141
21.1 CAPITAL COSTS ................................................................................................................................... 141
21.2 OPERATING COSTS............................................................................................................................... 141
22. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 142
23. ADJACENT PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................ 143
24. OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION..................................................................... 144
25. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 145
25.1 DECEMBER 31, 2015 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE ........................................................................... 145
25.2 DECEMBER 31, 2015 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATE .............................................................................. 146
25.3 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................... 146
26. RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................ 148
26.1 EXPLORATION PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 148
26.2 SURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 148
26.3 UNDERGROUND EXPLORATION PROGRAM ............................................................................................ 148
26.4 GEOLOGY, BLOCK MODELING, MINERAL RESOURCES AND RESERVES .................................................... 148
27. REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................... 150

FIGURE 4-1 BOLAITOS PROJECT LOCATION ........................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 4-2 BOLAITOS MINE CLAIM MAP.............................................................................................................. 13
FIGURE 7-2 STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN, EASTERN GUANAJUATO MINING DISTRICT.................................................... 23

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FIGURE 7-5 LUCERO VEIN IN THE BOLAITOS MINE ............................................................................................... 29
FIGURE 9-1 SURFACE MAP SHOWING EXPLORATION TARGETS ................................................................................ 34
FIGURE 10-8 SURFACE MAP SHOWING COMPLETED DRILL HOLES IN THE SIGLO XX AREA. ........................................60
FIGURE 10-10 MAP SHOWING COMPLETED DRILL HOLES IN THE LA JOYA AREA. ....................................................... 64
FIGURE 11-1 SILVER PULP DUPLICATES .................................................................................................................. 74
FIGURE 11-2 GOLD PULP DUPLICATES.................................................................................................................... 74
FIGURE 11-3 SILVER REJECT DUPLICATES............................................................................................................... 75
FIGURE 11-4 GOLD REJECT DUPLICATES ................................................................................................................ 75
FIGURE 11-5 SILVER FIELD DUPLICATES ................................................................................................................. 76
FIGURE 11-6 GOLD FIELD DUPLICATES................................................................................................................... 76
FIGURE 11-7 FLOW SHEET FOR CORE SAMPLING, SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS ........................................... 78
FIGURE 11-10 SCATTER PLOT FOR DUPLICATE SAMPLES FOR GOLD ........................................................................ 80
FIGURE 11-11 SCATTER PLOT FOR DUPLICATE SAMPLES FOR SILVER ....................................................................... 80
FIGURE 11-16 SCATTER PLOT OF CHECK ASSAYS FOR GOLD .................................................................................... 83
FIGURE 11-17 SCATTER PLOT OF CHECK ASSAYS FOR SILVER...................................................................................84
RESOURCE BLOCKS (BLACK) .......................................................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 14-2 CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM OF VLP METHOD ...................................................................................... 92
SELECTED COMPOSITES................................................................................................................................. 93

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COMPOSITES ................................................................................................................................................. 94
FIGURE 14-5 PLAN VIEW OF MAIN BOLAITOS AREA .............................................................................................. 94
FIGURE 14-6 DOWN DIP VIEW OF MAIN BOLAITOS AREA ...................................................................................... 95
FIGURE 14-7 PLAN VIEW OF LA LUZ SUR AREA ...................................................................................................... 95
FIGURE 14-8 LONG SECTION VIEW OF LA LUZ SUR AREA........................................................................................ 96
AND COMPOSITES........................................................................................................................................ 109
AND COMPOSITES......................................................................................................................................... 110
FIGURE 15-1 LA LUZ AND PLATEROS VEIN RESOURCE AND RESERVE SECTION........................................................ 122
FIGURE 17-1 GENERAL VIEW OF THE BOLAITOS PROCESSING PLANT ................................................................... 129
FIGURE 17-2 PROCESS FLOW SHEET OF THE BOLAITOS PLANT ............................................................................ 130
FINE ORE BIN ON THE BACK, BOTH INSTALLED IN 2011 (RIGHT) ..................................................................... 131
FIGURE 17-6 1ST CLEANER CELLS (LEFT); FLOCCULENT MIXING SYSTEM (RIGHT) ................................................. 132

TABLE 1-1 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE, EFFECTIVE DATE DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 ................................................. 4
TABLE 1-2 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATE ................................................................................................................. 5
TABLE 4-1 SUMMARY OF THE MINERAL CONCESSIONS OWNED BY ENDEAVOUR SILVER ............................................ 14
TABLE 4-2 SUMMARY OF THE ENDEAVOUR SILVERS ROYALTIES ............................................................................. 14
TABLE 4-3 SUMMARY OF ENDEAVOUR SILVERS SURFACE ACCESS RIGHTS .............................................................. 15
TABLE 9-1 SIGNIFICANT INTERCEPTS FROM EDR'S 2015 EXPLORATION PROGRAM ................................................... 36
TABLE 10-2 2015 SUMMARY OF SAN IGNACIO SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM ........................................... 44
TABLE 10-3 2015 SUMMARY OF SAN MIGUEL SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM ............................................ 44
TABLE 10-4 2015 SUMMARY OF BOLAITOS NORTH SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM .................................. 45
TABLE 10-8 2015 SUMMARY OF REYES SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM ..................................................... 53
TABLE 10-9 2015 SUMMARY OF LA CUESTA NORTH SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM .................................. 53

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TABLE 10-12 2015 SUMMARY OF SIGLO XX SURFACE DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM............................................... 59
TABLE 10-14 2015 SUMMARY OF LA JOYA UNDERGROUND DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM ....................................... 63
TABLE 10-17 2015 SUMMARY OF GABRIELA UNDERGROUND DIAMOND DRILLING PROGRAM .................................... 67
TABLE 11-1 SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS PROCEDURES .................................................................................................. 72
TABLE 11-4 BASIS FOR INTERPRETING STANDARD SAMPLE ASSAYS .......................................................................... 81
TABLE 12-1 DATABASE IMPORT SUMMARY .............................................................................................................86
TABLE 14-1 SUMMARY OF VEINS INCLUDED IN THE MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE .................................................90
TABLE 14-2 BOLAITOS BLOCK MODEL PARAMETERS ............................................................................................ 97
TABLE 14-3 VEIN MODEL SAMPLE STATISTICS .......................................................................................................98
TABLE 14-4 COMPOSITE TRUE THICKNESS STATISTICS BY VEIN .............................................................................. 99
TABLE 14-5- CAPPING LIMITS FOR SILVER AND GOLD BY VEIN ............................................................................... 100
TABLE 14-6 CAPPED SILVER SUMMARY STATISTICS WITHIN VEINS ........................................................................ 100
TABLE 14-7 CAPPED GOLD SUMMARY STATISTICS WITHIN VEINS ...........................................................................101
TABLE 14-8 SUMMARY OF SILVER VARIOGRAM PARAMETERS ................................................................................ 102
TABLE 14-9 SUMMARY OF GOLD VARIOGRAM PARAMETERS .................................................................................. 103
TABLE 14-10 ESTIMATION PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................. 104
TABLE 14-11 SILVER MODEL DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICAL COMPARISON ................................................................... 105
TABLE 14-12 GOLD MODEL DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICAL COMPARISON .................................................................... 107
TABLE 14-13 CUTOFF GRADE ASSUMPTIONS FOR BOLAITOS MINE........................................................................ 112
TABLE 14-16 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE, EFFECTIVE DATE DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 ........................................... 117
TABLE 15-1 MINERAL RESERVE BREAKEVEN CUTOFF FOR THE BOLAITOS PROPERTY ............................................. 119
TABLE 15-2 2015 MINE TO PLANT RECONCILIATION............................................................................................. 120
TABLE 16-1 BOLAITOS OWNED MINE EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 126
TABLE 16-2 CONTRACTOR MINE EQUIPMENT....................................................................................................... 127
TABLE 16-3 SUMMARY OF 2015 BOLAITOS PRODUCTION .................................................................................... 127
TABLE 16-4 SUMMARY OF 2015 BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL PRODUCTION ................................................................ 128
TABLE 18-1 SUMMARY OF THE ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS AT THE BOLAITOS PROJECT .......................................... 134
EXPRESSED IN US$/OZ)............................................................................................................................... 135

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TABLE 19-2 CONTRACTS HELD BY THE BOLAITOS PROJECT................................................................................. 136

TABLE 20-1 CLOSURE BUDGET ............................................................................................................................ 137
TABLE 20-3 NEIGHBORING COMMUNITY POPULATION ......................................................................................... 139
TABLE 21-1 BUDGET 2015 AND ACTUAL 2015 CAPITAL COSTS FOR THE BOLAITOS PROJECT .................................. 141
TABLE 21-2 OPERATING COSTS FOR THE BOLAITOS MINES PROJECT .................................................................... 141
TABLE 25-1 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE, EFFECTIVE DATE DECEMBER 31, 2015 .............................................. 145
TABLE 25-2 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATE, EFFECTIVE DATE DECEMBER 31, 2015 ................................................ 146
TABLE 26-1 BOLAITOS 2016 PRIORITY EXPLORATION TARGETS .......................................................................... 148

Appendix A Bolaitos 2015 Exploration Results

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project List of Acronyms

AA Atomic Absorption
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
AES Atomic Emission Spectrometry
HRC Hardrock Consulting
EDR Endeavour Silver Corp.
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
FSE Frankfurt Stock Exchange
TSX Toronto Stock Exchange
CIM Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
CMC Compaia Minera del Cubo S.A. de C.V.
SRM Standard Reference Material
CL Control Limit
LL Lower Control Limit
UL Upper Control Limit
ID Inverse Distance
OK Ordinary Kriging
NN Nearest Neighbor
CV Coefficient Variation
MSO Mineable Shape Optimizer
CEMEFI Mexican Center for Philanthropy
ESR Socially Responsible Company
HP Horsepower

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Executive Summary


1.1 Introduction
Hard Rock Consulting, LLC (HRC) was retained by Endeavour Silver Corp. (EDR) to complete an
independent technical audit and to update the mineral resource and reserve estimates for the Bolaitos
Project (the Project) located in Guanajuato State, Mexico. This report presents the results of HRCs
efforts, and is intended to fulfill the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects according to Canadian
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). This report was prepared in accordance with the requirements
and guidelines set forth in Companion Policy 43-101CP and Form 43-101F1 (June 2011), and the mineral
resources and reserves presented herein are classified according to Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards - For Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves,
prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on May 10,
2014. The mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates reported here are based on all available technical
data and information as of December 31, 2015.

1.2 Property Description and Ownership

In 2007, EDR acquired the Bolaitos mine from Industrias Peoles S.A. de C.V. (Peoles), the owner at the
time, and Minas de la Luz, S.A. de C.V. (Minas de la Luz), the operator at the time. The acquisition included
the Mina Cebada, Mina Bolaitos, Mina Golondrinas and Mina Asuncin (as well as a few other currently
closed mines). Minas de la Luz continued as the operator of the mines until June, 2007, when EDR assumed
control. The Mina Asuncin is very close to the Mina Bolaitos and the two are currently connected

The Bolaitos Project is located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. The mine consists of three operating
mines: the Bolaitos, Lucero, and Asuncion mines, which are located near the town of La Luz, about 12 km
to the northeast of Guanajuato. All of the mines are readily accessed by paved and gravel roads. EDR also
owns the inactive Cebada mine, located about 5 km north of the city of Guanajuato, and the inactive
Golondrinas mine, which is 3.5 km to the southwest of Cebada.

1.3 Geology and Mineralization

The Bolaitos mine is located in eastern part of the Guanajuato mining district, in the southeastern portion
of the Sierra de Guanajuato, which is an anticlinal structure about 100 km long and 20 km wide. Bolaitos
is located on the northeast side of this structure where typical primary bedding textures dip 10 to 20 to
the north-northeast. Economic mineralization at Bolaitos is known to extend as much as 250 m vertically
from 2300 m to 2050 m elevation with the exception of the La Luz vein that extends 400 m vertically from
2300 m to 1900 m.

The Guanajuato mining district is characterized by classic, high grade silver-gold, epithermal vein deposits
with low sulfidation mineralization and adularia-sericite alteration. Veins in the Guanajuato district are
typical of most epithermal silver-gold vein deposits in Mexico with respect to the volcanic or sedimentary
host rocks and the paragenesis and tenor of mineralization. The Guanajuato mining district hosts three
major mineralized fault systems, the La Luz, Veta Madre and Sierra systems.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

Of the geological formations associated with the Guanajuato district, only the Esperanza and La Luz
Formations occur in the Bolaitos mine area with mineralization residing primarily within the La Luz
Formation. Mineralization is known to dissipate at the contact with the Esperanza Formation.

The Veta Madre historically was the most productive vein in the Guanajuato district, and is by far the most
continuous, having been traced on the surface for nearly 25 km. The vein dips from 35 to 55 to the
southwest with measured displacement of around 1,200m near the Las Torres mine and 1,700 m near La
Valenciana mine. The most productive veins at Bolaitos strike parallel to the Veta Madre system.

Bolaitos mineralization is directly related to faulting. Mineralization occurs as open-space fillings in

fracture zones or impregnations in locally porous wall rock. Veins which formed in relatively open spaces
are the main targets for mining.

Mineralized veins at Bolaitos consist of the classic banded and brecciated epithermal variety. Silver occurs
primarily in dark sulfide-rich bands within the veins, with little mineralization within the wall rocks. The
major metallic minerals reported include pyrite, argentite, electrum and ruby silver, as well as some galena
and sphalerite, generally deeper in the veins. Mineralization is generally associated with phyllic (sericite)
and silicification alteration which forms haloes around the mineralizing structures. The vein textures are
attributed to the brittle fracturing-healing cycle of the fault-hosted veins during and/or after faulting.

Economic concentrations of precious metals are present in shoots distributed vertically and laterally
between non-mineralized segments of the veins. Overall, the style of mineralization is pinch-and-swell with
some flexures resulting in closures and others generating wide sigmoidal breccia zones.

1.4 Status of Exploration

In 2015, EDR spent US $1,453,473 (including property holding costs) on exploration activities, including
drilling, at the Bolaitos Project. Geological mapping, sampling, and interpretation of the target areas at
Bolaitos included:

Bolaitos North (Bolaitos, San Ignacio, San Miguel & Realejo Veins);
Bolaitos South (San Antonio);
Ana Rosa and Belen (Erika, Ana, Edith and Perla).

These activities were mainly conducted to complete the delineation of the Bolaitos North structures, and
to investigate possible targets of interest in the South West part of Belen and in the Ana Rosa claim (located
at SW of la Luz town).
Exploration activities were designed to generate drill targets and to further refine areas of interest by
discriminating between mineralized and barren ground. Geochemical sampling has been successful
identifying vein systems anomalous in gold and silver, as well as identifying other modes of mineralization
(Rio Dike). Detailed geologic mapping is problematic in the Bolaitos Project area due to rugged terrain,
dense vegetation, and the homogeneity of the country rock, making it difficult to distinguish between units.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

1.5 Mineral Resource Estimate

Resource geologist Zachary J. Black, SME-RM, of HRC is responsible for the mineral resource estimate
presented here. Mr. Black is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, and is independent of EDR. EDR
estimated the mineral resource for the Bolaitos mine Project based on drillhole data constrained by
geologic vein boundaries under the direct supervision of HRC. Datamine Studio RM V1.0.73.0
(Datamine) software was used to audit the resource estimate in conjunction with Leapfrog Geo V.3.0.0
(Leapfrog), which was used to produce a geologic model. The metals of interest at Bolaitos are gold and

The Bolaitos mineral resource is comprised of 21 individual veins. The veins are further subdivided into
areas and modeling method. The mineral resources have been estimated using either a Vertical
Longitudinal Projection (VLP) polygonal method (9 veins) or as 3-dimensional (3D) block model (12
veins). The 3D models have been split into 2 areas based on the vein location within the deposit.

The resources based on the 2D polygonal methods are estimated by using a fixed distance Vertical
Longitudinal Projection (VLP) from sample points. The VLPs are created by projecting vein geology and
underground workings onto a vertical 2D long section. Resource blocks are constructed on the VLP based
on the sample locations in the plane of the projection. EDR geologists review the data for sample trends
and delineate areas with similar characteristics along the sample lines. The areas are then grouped based
on mining requirements and the average grades and thicknesses of the samples are tabulated for each
block. Resource volumes are calculated from the delineated area and the horizontal thickness of the vein,
as recorded in the sample database. The volume and density are used to determine the overall resource
tonnage for each area, and the grades are reported as a length weighted average of the samples inside each
resource block.

HRC validated the vein models provided by EDR using Leapfrog. Ten veins were modeled by EDR using a
series of cross-sectional interpretations. The sectional interpretations are based primarily on composite
intercepts and are used to construct 3D vein solids in Vulcan. Cross-sections orthogonal to the strike of the
vein and level plan sections were used to insure sample selections for compositing were contained within
the modeled veins. HRC confirmed the areas reported in EDR resource sheets loading AutoCAD long
VLPs provided by EDR into ArcGIS software, and tracing the perimeter of the resource blocks and
measuring the area with the built in measuring tool. The dip of the vein and true thickness are known

The mineral resource estimate for the Bolaitos Project as of December 31st, 2015, is summarized in Table
1-1. The mineral resources are exclusive of the mineral reserves.

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Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

Table 1-1 Mineral Resource Estimate, Effective Date December 31st, 2015

Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 101,200 289 140 457,317 2.13 6,920
Indicated 940,700 290 154 4,648,332 1.94 58,742
Measured + Indicated 1,042,00 289 152 5,105,649 1.96 65,662
Inferred 1,291,800 342 171 7,105,584 2.45 101,807
Total 2,333,800 319 163 12,211,233 2.23 167,469

1. Measured, Indicated and Inferred resource cut-off grades were 175 g/t silver equivalent at Bolaitos.
2. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no
certainty that all or any part of the mineral resources estimated will be converted into mineral reserves.
3. Metallurgical recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
4. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio
5. Price assumptions are $17.60 per ounce for silver and $1,260 per ounce for gold for resource cutoff
6. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.

1.6 Mineral Reserve Estimate

Mr. Jeff Choquette, P.E., MMSA QP Member, of HRC is responsible for the mineral reserve estimate
presented in this report. Mr. Choquette is Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and is independent of
EDR. The reserve calculation for the Bolaitos Project was completed in accordance with NI 43-101 and has
an effective date of December 31st, 2015. Stope designs for reporting the reserves were created utilizing
the updated resources and cutoffs established for 2016. All of the stopes are within readily accessible areas
of the active mining areas. Ore is processed in the on-site mill and floatation process capable of processing
1,600 tpd.

HRC utilized Datamines MSO (Mineable shape optimizer) program to generate the stopes for the reserve
mine plan. The stopes were created based solely on Measured and Indicated resources above the calculated
cutoff, which have demonstrated to be economically viable; therefore, Measured and Indicated mineral
resources within the stopes have been converted to Proven and Probable mineral reserves as defined by
CIM. Inferred mineral resources are classified as waste. Dilution is applied to Measured and Indicated
resource blocks depending on the mining method chosen.

The mining breakeven cut-off grade, which includes internal stope dilution, was utilized in Datamines
MSO to generate the stope designs for defining the reserves. The cut-off is stated as silver equivalent since
the ratio between gold and silver is variable and both commodities are sold. The average cut-off grade used
for the Bolaitos property is 192 g/t Ag equivalent. Silver equivalent grade is calculated as the silver grade
+ (gold grade * 70), taking into account gold and silver prices and expected mill recoveries.

Mineral reserves are derived from Measured and Indicated resources after applying the economic
parameters as previously stated, and utilizing Datamines MSO program to generate stope designs for the

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Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

reserve mine plan. The Bolaitos Project mineral reserves are derived and classified according to the
following criteria:

Proven mineral reserves are the economically mineable part of the Measured resource for
which mining and processing / metallurgy information and other relevant factors demonstrate
that economic extraction is feasible. For Bolaitos Project, this applies to blocks located within
approximately 10m of existing development and for which EDR has a mine plan in place.
Probable mineral reserves are those Measured or Indicated mineral resource blocks which are
considered economic and for which EDR has a mine plan in place. For the Bolaitos mine
project, this is applicable to blocks located a maximum of 35m either vertically or horizontally
from development.

The Proven and Probable mineral reserves for the Bolaitos Project as of December 31, 2015 are
summarized in Table 1-2. The reserves are exclusive of the mineral resources reported in Section 14 of this
Table 1-2 Mineral Reserve Estimate

Tonnes AgEq Ag (oz) * Au (oz) %

Classification Ag g/t Au g/t
(t x 1,000) g/t 1,000 * 1,000 Dilution
Proven 205.6 304.1 125.2 827.3 2.60 17.18 16.1%

Probable 172.6 279.0 101.3 562.0 2.73 15.15 33.4%

Total Proven and Probable Reserves 378.1 292.6 114.3 1,389.3 2.66 32.34 24.0%

1. Reserve cut-off grades are based on a 192 g/t silver equivalent.

2. Metallurgical Recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
3. Mining Recoveries of 95% were applied.
4. Minimum mining widths were 0.8 meters.
5. Dilution factors averaged 24.0%. Dilution factors are calculated based on internal stope dilution
calculations and external dilution factors of 15% for cut and fill and 30% for long hole.
6. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio.
7. Price assumptions are $16 per ounce for silver and $1,150 per ounce for gold.
8. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.
9. Figures in table are rounded to reflect estimate precision; small differences generated by rounding are
not material to estimates.

1.7 Conclusions and Recommendations

The QP considers the Bolaitos mineral resource and reserve estimates presented herein to conform with
the requirements and guidelines set forth in Companion Policy 43-101CP and Form 43-101F1 (June 2011),
and the mineral resources and reserves presented herein are classified according to Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards - For Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on
May 10, 2014. These mineral resources and reserves form the basis for EDRs ongoing mining operations
at the Bolaitos Mines Project.

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Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

The QP is unaware of any significant technical, legal, environmental or political considerations which
would have an adverse effect on the extraction and processing of the resources and reserves located at the
Bolaitos Mines Project. Mineral resources which have not been converted to mineral reserves, and do not
demonstrate economic viability shall remain mineral resources. There is no certainty that all or any part of
the mineral resources estimated will be converted into mineral reserves.

The QP considers that the mineral concessions in the Bolaitos mining district controlled by EDR continue
to be highly prospective both along strike and down dip of the existing mineralization.

EDRs Bolaitos Mines Project has an extensive mining history with well-known silver and gold bearing
vein systems. Ongoing exploration has continued to demonstrate the potential for the discovery of
additional resources at the project and within the district surrounding the mine. Outside of the currently
known reserve/resource areas, the mineral exploration potential for the Bolaitos Project is considered to
be very good. Parts of the known vein splays beyond the historically mined areas also represent good
exploration targets for additional resource tonnage

Since EDR took control of the Bolaitos Mines Project, new mining areas have enabled EDR to increase
production by providing additional sources of mill feed. EDRs operation management teams continue to
search for improvements in efficiency, lowering costs and researching and applying low-cost mining

In 2016, EDR will conduct a surface drilling program at the Bolaitos South area in order to identify
potential mineralization in the Gina, Maru and La Cuesta veins. Regional exploration in 2016 will be
focused on the Tlachiquera claim (recently staked), located in the northwestern portion of the district. The
2016 surface exploration program is planned to include 1,000 m of core, focused on the veins located at the
Bolaitos South area. Budgeted cost of the program is US $ 215,000.

HRC recommends that the process of converting mineral resources into reserves from 2D polygons to 3D
block models be continued. During the last couple of years, considerable progress has been made on this
process with only nine veins remaining to be converted to 3D. Additional modeling efforts should be made
to define the mineralized brecciated areas as they have been an important source of economic material
encountered in the current operation, and could provide additional tonnage to support the mine plan.

EDR currently utilizes the exploration drilling and chip and muck samples in their resource and reserve
calculations. HRC recommends that future efforts focus on constructing block models for resource and
reserve reporting utilizing only the exploration and underground drilling results. The chip and muck
samples should be used to develop the production model. This will help keep data densities consistent in
each modeling effort and will provide another level in the reconciliation process to compare modeling

Although the reconciliations conducted by EDR show good comparison between planned versus actual
values, the reconciliation process should be improved to include the estimated tonnes and grade from the
resource models. Because the LOM plan is compared to the plant production on a monthly basis, the actual
physical location of the material mined may be different than the planned location. Due to the many stopes
that are mined during a day this can only be completed on an average monthly basis due to blending of
stope material into the mill. The monthly surveyed as mined areas should be created into triangulation

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Bolaitos Project Executive Summary

solids and saved on a monthly basis for reporting the modeled tonnes for each month. The combination of
the 3D block models and 2D and polygonal reserves makes this process difficult but considerable progress
has been made during the last year to get all resources and reserves into 3D block models. The model-
predicted results versus actual can then be used to determine if dilution factors need to be adjusted, or
perhaps the resource modeling parameters may require adjustment if there are large variances. The mill
production should be reconciled to the final concentrate shipments on a yearly basis, and resulting
adjustment factors should be explained and reported.

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Bolaitos Project Introduction


2.1 Issuer and Terms of Reference

Endeavour Silver Corp. (EDR) is a Canadian based mining and exploration company actively engaged in
the exploration, development, and production of mineral properties in Mexico. EDR is headquartered in
Vancouver, British Columbia with management offices in Leon, Mexico, and is listed on the Toronto
(TSX:EDR), New York (NYSE:EXK) and Frankfurt (FSE:EJD) stock exchanges. The company has three
currently active mining properties in Mexico, the Guanacev property in northwest Durango State, and the
Bolaitos and the El Cubo properties, both located in Guanajuato State. EDR has retained HRC to complete
an independent technical audit and to update the mineral resource and reserve estimates for the Bolaitos
Project (the Project) located near the city of Guanajuato. This report presents the results of HRCs efforts,
and is intended to fulfill the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects according to Canadian National
Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101).

This report was prepared in accordance with the requirements and guidelines set forth in NI 43-101
Companion Policy 43-101CP and Form 43-101F1 (June 2011), and the mineral resources and reserves
presented herein are classified according to Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
(CIM) Definition Standards - For Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing
Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on May 10, 2014. The mineral resource and
mineral reserve estimates reported here are based on all available technical data and information as of
January 31, 2016.

2.2 Sources of Information

A portion of the background information and technical data for this study was obtained from the following
previously filed NI 43-101 Technical Reports:
Munroe, M.J. (2015). NI 43-101 Technical Report Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos
Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, effective date October 31, 2014.
Munroe, M.J. (2014). NI 43-101 Technical Report Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos
Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, effective date December 31, 2013.
Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C. and San Martin, A.J., (2013), NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Resource
and Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico: unpublished NI
43-101 technical report prepared by Micon International for Endeavour Silver, effective date
December 15, 2012.
Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C. and San Martin, A.J., (2012), NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Resource
and Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico: unpublished NI
43-101 technical report prepared by Micon International for Endeavour Silver, effective date
December 31, 2011.
Lewis, W. J., Murahwi, C., and Leader, R. J. (2011), NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit of the Resource
and Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico: unpublished NI

March 3, 2016 8
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Bolaitos Project Introduction

43-101 technical report prepared by Micon International for Endeavour Silver, effective date
December 31, 2010.
Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C., Leader, R.J. and San Martin, A.J., (2010), NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit
of the Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico:
unpublished NI 43-101 technical report prepared by Micon International for Endeavour Silver,
effective date December 31, 2009.
Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C., Leader, R.J. and San Martin, A.J., (2009), NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit
of the Resource and Reserves for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico:
unpublished NI 43-101 technical report prepared by Micon International for Endeavour Silver,
effective date December 31, 2008.
Beare, M., and Sostre, M., (2008), NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Guanajuato Mines Project,
Guanajuato State Mexico: unpublished NI 43-101 technical report prepared by SRK Consulting for
Endeavour Silver, effective date December 31, 2007.
Additional information was requested from and provided by EDR. With respect to Sections 6 through 13 of
this report, the authors have relied in part on historical information including exploration reports,
technical papers, sample descriptions, assay results, computer data, maps and drill logs generated by
previous operators and associated third party consultants. The authors cannot guarantee the quality,
completeness, or accuracy of historical information, nor its preparation in accordance with NI 43-101
standards. Historical documents and data sources used during the preparation of this report are cited in the
text, as appropriate, and are summarized in report Section 27.

2.3 Qualified Persons and Personal Inspection

This report is endorsed by the following Qualified Persons, as defined by NI 43-101: Mr. Zachary Black, Ms.
J.J. Brown, P.G., and Mr. Jeff Choquette, P.E., all of HRC.

Mr. Black, SME-RM, has 10 years of experience working on structurally controlled gold and silver resources
in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico and the southern United States. Mr. Black completed the mineral
resource estimate for the Milford Mineral Belt Project and is specifically responsible for Sections 1.4, 9
through 12 and 14 of this report.

Ms. Brown, P.G., SME-RM, has 17 years of professional experience as a consulting geologist and has
contributed to numerous mineral resource projects, including more than twenty gold, silver, and
polymetallic resources throughout the southwestern United States and South America over the past five
years. Ms. Brown is specifically responsible for report Sections 2 through 8.

Mr. Choquette, P.E., is a professional mining engineer with more than 18 years of domestic and
international experience in mine operations, mine engineering, project evaluation and financial analysis.
Mr. Choquette has been involved in industrial minerals, base metals and precious metal mining projects
around the world, and is responsible for the current report Sections 1.5, 13, and 15 through 27.

As Qualified Persons and representatives of HRC, Mr. Black and Mr. Choquette conducted an on-site
inspection of the Bolaitos property between August 29th and August 31st 2015. While on site, HRC reviewed

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Bolaitos Project Introduction

EDRs current operating procedures and associated drilling, logging, sampling, quality assurance and
quality control (QA/QC), grade control, and mine planning (short, medium, and long term) procedures.
HRC also inspected the laboratories at the Bolaitos mine properties, as well the plant and the
underground operations.

HRC met with the geology department to review the geologic understanding, sampling methods and types,
modeling (resources, reserves, and grade control), prior to inspecting the procedures in the mine and office
for collecting and handling the data. Once the geology department processes were understood, HRC
discussed with the mine planning and survey department the process for short, medium, and long term
mine planning. Reconciliation was discussed with both departments and the plant supervisors. The
laboratories were toured and the procedures were reviewed with the laboratory managers.

2.4 Units of Measure

Unless otherwise stated, all measurements reported here are in metric units, and currencies are expressed
in constant 2015 U.S. dollars.

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Bolaitos Project Reliance on Other Experts


HRC has fully relied upon and disclaims responsibility for information provided by EDR regarding property
ownership and mineral tenure for the Bolaitos Project. HRC has not reviewed the permitting
requirements nor independently verified the permit status or environmental liabilities associated with the
Project, and also disclaims responsibility for that information, which is presented here in report Sections 4
and 20, and which is presented as provided by EDR.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Property Description and Location


4.1 Project Location

The Bolaitos Project is located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, as shown in Figure 4-1. The mine
consists of three operating mines: the Bolaitos, Lucero, and Asuncion mines, which are located near the
town of La Luz, about 12 km to the northeast of Guanajuato (Figure 4-1). The Bolaitos mine and the
processing plant are situated approximately 5 km west of Cebada. All of the mines are readily accessed by
paved and gravel roads. EDR also owns the inactive Cebada mine, located about 5 km north of the city of
Guanajuato, and the inactive Golondrinas mine, which is 3.5 km to the southwest of Cebada. The ore
sourced during 2015 from the operating Bolaitos mines was trucked to the Bolaitos plant for campaign

Figure 4-1 Bolaitos Project Location

EDR acquired the Bolaitos mine Project in 2007 from Industrias Peoles S.A. de C.V. (Peoles), the owner
at the time, and Minas de la Luz, S.A. de C.V. (Minas de la Luz), the operator at the time. The acquisition
included the Mina Cebada, Mina Bolaitos, Mina Golondrinas and Mina Asuncin (as well as a few other
currently closed mines). Minas de la Luz continued as the operator of the mines until June, 2007, when
EDR assumed control. The Mina Asuncin is very close to the Mina Bolaitos and the two are currently
connected underground.

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Bolaitos Project Property Description and Location

4.2 Mineral Tenure, Agreements and Encumbrances

The Bolaitos Project consists of 25 mining concessions totaling 2,533 hectares (ha), including four
operating silver (gold) mines (Bolaitos, Lucero, Asuncion and Cebada), several past-producing silver
(gold) mines, and the 1,600 t/d Bolaitos processing plant. A map of the mineral concessions belonging to
the Bolaitos Project is presented in Figure 4-2, and mineral concession details are summarized in Table

Figure 4-2 Bolaitos Mine Claim Map

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Bolaitos Project Property Description and Location

Table 4-1 Summary of the Mineral Concessions Owned by Endeavour Silver

Term of Mineral Concession 2016 Annual Taxes (pesos)

Concession Name Title Number Hectares
From To 1st Half 2nd Half
La Cebada 171340 20/09/1982 19/09/2032 353.0373 50,601 50,601
El Puertecito 171537 20/10/1982 19/10/2032 441.9481 63,344 63,344
Bolaitos 171538 20/10/1982 19/10/2032 305.4762 43,784 43,784
La Paz 172120 26/09/1983 25/09/2033 413.0599 59,204 59,204
Unif. Golondrinas 188680 29/11/1990 28/11/1940 361.6543 51,836 51,836
Marion 189037 05/12/1990 04/12/1940 1.0498 150 150
Virginia 189038 05/12/1990 04/12/1940 7.1339 1,023 1,023
Ampl. a La Trinidad 190961 29/04/1991 28/04/1941 4.6061 660 660
Susy 191487 19/12/1991 18/12/2041 35.4282 5,078 5,078
Chuyita 191489 19/12/1991 18/12/2041 43.3159 6,208 6,208
Ana Rosa 191492 19/12/1991 18/12/2041 96.7364 13,865 13,865
La Trinidad 195076 25/08/1992 24/08/2042 4.4800 642 642
El Dolar 212398 04/10/2000 03/10/2050 3.1979 458 458
Lucero 238265 23/08/2011 02/08/2061 49.5060 1,002 1,002
Lucero 2 238024 12/07/2011 11/07/2061 8.0000 162 162
La Cebada 2, Fracc. 1 238982 15/11/2011 14/11/2061 95.3713 1,931 1,931
La Cebada 2, Fracc.2 238983 15/11/2011 14/11/2061 2.3183 47 47
La Cebada 1, Fracc. 2 241519 19/12/2012 18/12/2062 30.8472 625 625
La Cebada 1, Fracc. 1 241367 22/11/2012 21/11/1962 23.7041 480 480
La Cebada 1, Fracc. 3 241368 22/11/2012 21/11/1962 2.0579 42 42
La Cebada 1, Fracc. 5 241369 22/11/2012 21/11/1962 6.2726 127 127
Beln II 218896 23/01/2003 22/01/2053 92.6934 13,286 13,286
Ampliacion de Beln 194930 30/07/1992 09/07/2042 99.1049 14,205 14,205
Tajo de Adjuntas 231210 25/01/2008 24/01/2058 15.0000 1222 1222
Juanita 217034 14/06/2002 13/06/2052 36.5196 5234 5234
TOTAL 2532.5193 335,217 335,217

EDR has previously met all obligations of established agreements required to obtain the 100% control of all
25 concessions. Two areas retain a percentage in royalties for exploitation, and these are summarized in
Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Summary of the Endeavour Silvers Royalties

Area Agreement NSR Concession Name Title Number Hectares

Belen II 218896 92.6934

Sociedad Cooperativa de Produccin
Belen 2% Ampliacin de
Minera Metalurgica 194930 99.1049
Tajo de Gilberto Rodriguez Martinez 2% Tajo de Adjuntas 231210 15.0000
Adjuntas Hector Ezquivel Esparza 2% Juanita 217034 36.5196

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Property Description and Location

The annual 2016 concession tax for the Guanajuato properties is estimated to be approximately 670,433
Mexican pesos (pesos), which is equal to about US $37,246 at an exchange rate of 18.00 pesos to US $1.00.

In addition to the mineral rights, EDR has agreements with various private ranch owners that provide
access for exploration and exploitation purposes. Table 4-3 summarizes the surface access rights as of
December 31, 2015.

Table 4-3 Summary of Endeavour Silvers Surface Access Rights

Owner Area Name Validity Term

Catalina Gonzalez Ramirez La Luz 5 Years 15/07/2011 - 2016

J. Enrique Lara Ramirez La Luz 5 Years 23/07/2001 - 2016
Heriberto Morales Hurtado (Juana Hurtado Nuez) La Luz 5 Years 26/07/2011 - 2016
Juan Cortes Esparza (Hilaria Ortega) La Luz 5 Years 27/07/2011 - 2016
Miguel Rizo Cortes La Luz 5 Years 15/07/2011 - 2016
Octaviano Ramirez Ramirez La Luz 5 Years 26/07-2011 - 2016
Pablo Lara Ramirez La Luz 5 Years 25/07/2011 - 2016
Raymundo Rizo Sandoval La Luz 5 Years 19/07/2011 - 2016
Rosalio Rizo La Luz 5 Years 26/07/2011 - 2016
Rosalio Serratos Calvillo La Luz 5 Years 26/07/2011 - 2016
Sidronio Rios Gonzalez La Luz 5 Years 20/07/2011 - 2016
Tiburcio Villegas Ramirez La Luz 5 Years 27/07/2011 - 2016
Ramon Carlos Saucedo Leon La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 29/08/2012 - 2017
Hilario Ortega Gonzalez La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 29/08/2012 - 2017
Addendum Hilario Ortega Gonzalez La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 12/08/2015 - 2020
J. Ascencin y Pedro Saucedo Cardoso La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 25/06/2013 - 2018
Addendum J. Ascencin y Pedro Saucedo Cardoso La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 25/06/2015 - 2020
Pablo e Isidro Vallejo Olmos La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 5 Years 07/05/2013 - 2018
Pablo Vallejo Olmos (Gemma Esmeralda Vallejo Sandoval) La Joya Sur - Santa Gertrudis 10 Years 01/02/2008 - 2018
Addendum Sucesin Nicolas Mosqueda (Eduarda Saucedo e Hijos) San Cayetano - Siglo XX 3 Years 12/08/2015 - 2018
Martha Irma, Reyes Felipe, Eulalia Soledad Herrera Gonzalez San Cayetano - Siglo XX 3 Years 10/08/2015 - 2018
Fracc. V Ex Hacienda de Sta. Teresa Co-propietario Fam. Paramo San Cayetano - Siglo XX 5 Years 09/12/2013 - 2018
Fracc. VI Ex Hacienda Sta. Teresa Lic. Gloria Paramo Chavez San Cayetano - Siglo XX 5 Years 22/12/2013 - 2018
Eliseo Morales Morales Cebada - Bolaitos 10 Years 24/09/2010 - 2020
Florentino Ortega Camarillo Cebada - Bolaitos 15 Years 01/12/2007 - 2022
Benjamin Tapia Cruces Cebada - Bolaitos 15 Years 01/12/2007 - 2022
Alfredo Ortega Gonzalez Cebada - Bolaitos 15 Years 01/12/2007 - 2022
Cont. Y Addendum Ma. Concepcin Ortega Camarillo (apoderado J.
Cebada - Bolaitos 10 Years 30/05/2013 - 2023
Isabel Camarillo Ortega)
Rebeca Moreno Gaytan (Fraccin I) La Cuesta 5 Years 16/10/2015 - 2020
Rebeca Moreno Gaytan (Fraccin II) La Cuesta Fracc. II 5 Years 16/10/2015 - 2020
Aquileo Ramires Gonzales San Antonio de los Tiros 3 Years 17/12/2015 - 2018

4.3 Permits and Environmental Liabilities

EDR holds all necessary environmental and mine permits to conduct planned exploration, development,
and mining operations at the Bolaitos Project, and is in full compliance with applicable environmental and

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Bolaitos Project Property Description and Location

safety regulatory standards. HRC knows of no existing or potential future significant factors or risks that
might affect access, title, or the right or ability to perform work on the property.

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Bolanitos Project Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure & Physiography



5.1 Access and Climate

Primary access to the Bolaitos Project is provided by a newly constructed (2013) paved road from the city
of Guanajuato. The Leon/Guanajuato international airport provides international access to the area with
daily service from Los Angeles, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Mexico City.

The regional climate is temperate, with cool winters and mild summers. Rainfall occurs primarily during
the summer season, from June to September, and typical annual precipitation is about 50 cm per year.
From mid-December through January, nighttime temperatures fall to 7 to 10 C, and daytime high
temperatures in low 20 C range are typical. Snowfall is rare but has been known to occur at the higher
elevations throughout the region. Weather conditions rarely, if ever, restrict mining activity at Bolaitos,
and operations can be carried out year-round.

5.2 Local Resources and Infrastructure

The capital city of Guanajuato has a population of approximately 160,000 and hosts several universities
and post-secondary schools, including a mining college. Tourism is a principal industry in the area, and
numerous hotels and restaurants are available as a result. The area has a rich tradition of mining and there
is an ample supply of skilled personnel sufficient for both the underground mining operations and the
surface facilities. Most of the work force resides in local communities or in the city of Guanajuato. Supplies
required for the exploration programs and mining operations are purchased in either the city of
Guanajuato or Leon.

At each of the mine site on the Bolaitos Project, the water required for operations is supplied from
dewatering of the mines. The tailings facility at the Bolaitos mine is set up to recycle as much water as
possible back into the processing plant.

Power supply to the Bolaitos Project is provided by the national grid CFE (Comisin Federal de
Electricidad), and telephone communications are integrated into the national land-based telephone system
which provides reliable national and international direct dial telephone communications. Satellite
communications also provide phone and internet capabilities at the Bolaitos mine, though the satellite
phone and internet services are slow and sometimes unreliable. There is no cell phone service at any of the

Additional details regarding infrastructure specific to the Bolaitos Project are provided in Section 18 of this

5.3 Bolaitos Mine Physiography

The state of Guanajuato is situated along the southern edge of the Central Mexican Plateau and comprises
portions of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the Mexican Plateau, and the Sierra Madre Oriental. The
Bolaitos Project is located in the west central portion of the state, among a series of low mountains which

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Bolanitos Project Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure & Physiography

are part of the Sierra Madre Occidental. Grass, small trees and shrubs along with several varieties of cacti
make up most of the vegetation on the steeper hillsides, with larger trees found near springs and streams.
The area is mainly devoid of trees except in the valleys and where reforestation has taken place.

Even though there is a reasonable amount of rainfall each year, most of the creeks in the area are usually
dry, with the exception of man-made reservoirs surrounding the city of Guanajuato. Some cattle and/or
goat grazing is carried out in the area over the scrub land. Sections of more arable land have been
deforested to support small plots for growing crops.

5.4 Surface Rights

EDR has negotiated access and the right to use surface lands sufficient for many years of operation.
Sufficient area exists at the Bolaitos Project for all anticipated future surface infrastructure. Details
regarding surface rights for mining operations, availability of power sources, potential tailings storage
areas, potential waste disposal areas, and potential processing plant sites, are discussed in the relevant
sections of this report on mining methods, recovery methods and project infrastructure.

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Bolaitos Project History

The following paragraphs provide an abbreviated timeline of the history of Bolaitos Project:

1968 - Fresnillo Company acquired claims and incorporated Negociacin Minera Santa Luca
(now Cebada) and the Peregrina mine.
1973 - The contracting company Tormex S.A. completed a photogeological study in the area of
the Cebada mine holdings.
1976 Production began at the Cebada mine; between 1976 and 1995, the Cebada mine
produced 1,277,216 tonnes at an average grade of 4.04 g/t gold and 372 g/t silver.
2003 - Grupo Guanajuato closed the Torres, Sirena, Peregrina and Apolo mines. The Bolaitos,
Golondrinas, Asuncin and Cebada mines stayed in production on a break-even basis.
2007 - EDR acquired the Bolaitos Project, which included, Mina Cebada, Mina Bolaitos, Mina
Golondrinas and Mina Asuncin (as well as a few other currently closed mines), from Peoles,
the owner at the time, and Minas de la Luz, the operator at the time. Minas de la Luz was kept
on as the operator of the mines until June, 2007, when EDR assumed control.

6.1 Historical Exploration

Records from the mining operations provide surveyed information of the historical workings and
channel sample data from stopes, raises and drifts excavated on the mineralized zones. Limited drilling
on the properties has been conducted during the past 20 years, and none during the 10 years before
EDR took control. Several well mineralized and high-grade drill holes completed by Peoles have not
yet been followed-up, and these contribute to the remaining exploration potential for the property,
which includes untested areas both along the strike of the veins and at depth below the old workings.

6.2 Historical Production

In 2006, previous operator Minas de la Luz reported production of 255,766 oz silver and 3,349 oz gold from
76,532 tonnes of ore grading 128 g/t silver and 1.62 g/t gold from the Bolaitos, Cebada and Golondrinas
mines, with the Bolaitos plant operating at about 43% of its capacity.

6.3 Historic Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates

Bolaitos Mineral resource and reserve estimates which were produced prior to EDRs involvement with
the Bolaitos Project are not discussed in this report as they are historical in nature, were not completed
according to modern reporting standards, and are not considered reliable or relevant to the present day

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization


The following description of the geological setting for the Bolaitos Project is largely excerpted and
modified from the technical reports prepared by Micon (2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012). HRC has reviewed the
geologic data and information available, and finds the descriptions and interpretations provided in these
documents acceptable for use in this report.

7.1 Regional Geology

The mining district of Guanajuato is situated along the southern and eastern flanks of the Sierra Madre
Occidental geological province, a north-northwesterly trending linear volcanic belt of Tertiary age. It is
approximately 1,200 km long and 200 to 300 km in width. Rocks within the belt comprise flows and tuffs
of basaltic to rhyolitic composition with related intrusive bodies. The volcanic activity that produced the
bulk of the upper volcanic group ended by the late Oligocene, though there was some eruptive activity as
recently as 23 Ma (early Miocene). The volcanism was associated with subduction of the Farallon Plate and
resulted in accumulations of lava and tuffs on the order of 1 km thick. Later Basin and Range extensional
tectonism related to the opening of the Gulf of California resulted in block faulting, uplift, erosion and the
present day geomorphology of the belt. Strata within the belt occupy a broad antiform, longitudinally
transected by regional scale faults. A regional geologic map of the Bolaitos Project area is presented as
Figure 7-1.

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

Figure 7-1 Regional Geology of the Bolaitos Project Area (EDR, 2016; Modified from Clark, 2009)

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

The Guanajuato district is underlain by a volcano-sedimentary sequence of Mesozoic to Cenozoic age rocks.
There are three main northwest trending vein systems that cut these volcano-sedimentary sequences. The
vein systems from west to east are known as the La Luz, Veta Madre and La Sierra systems. These systems
are generally silver-rich with silver to gold ratios from 72:1 to 214:1. They are known along strike for 10 to
25 km.

The Bolaitos mine is located in eastern part of the Guanajuato mining district, in the southeastern portion
of the Sierra de Guanajuato, which is an anticlinal structure about 100 km long and 20 km wide. Bolaitos
is located on the northeast side of this structure where typical primary bedding textures dip 10 to 20 to
the north-northeast. Economic mineralization at Bolaitos is known to extend as much as 250 m vertically
from 2300 m to 2050 m elevation with the exception of the La Luz vein that extends 400 m vertically from
2300 m to 1900 m.

7.1.1 Stratigraphy
The stratigraphy of the Guanajuato mining district can be divided into a Mesozoic basement (Chiodi et al,
1988; Dvila and Martinez, 1987; Martinez-Reyes, 1992) and overlying Cenozoic units, as shown in Figure
7-2. The lower Mesozoic lithological units are the Esperanza and La Luz Formations which are composed of
marine sedimentary rocks, weakly to moderately metamorphosed and intensely deformed by shortening.
These rocks are unconformably overlain by the Tertiary Guanajuato Formation conglomerates, and the
Loseros, Bufa, Calderones, Cedros and Chichndaro Formations. The Tertiary rocks consist of continental
sediments and sedimentary rocks, which generally occupy lower topographic zones, and subaerial volcanic
rocks, which are principally exposed in the ranges and higher plateaus. The rocks of the Cenozoic cover
have experienced only extensional deformation and in some places are gently tilted. Tertiary-aged rocks
correspond to a period of tectonism accompanied by volcanism and intrusive magmatic activity.

Figure 7-2 does not depict the Peregrina intrusive, which is a floored body (laccolith) at the contact of the
Bufa Formation rhyolite and the Guanajuato Formation conglomerate. The uppermost portion of the
Peregrina intrusive extends into the Chichndaro Formation rhyolite. The thickness of each unit presented
graphically in the stratigraphic section represents the maximum thickness of that unit in the vicinity of the
Bolaitos mine.

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

Figure 7-2 Stratigraphic Column, Eastern Guanajuato Mining District

7.1.2 Esperanza Formation

The Esperanza Formation is composed of carbonaceous and calcareous shale interbedded with arenite,
limestone, and andesitic-to-basaltic lava flows, all weakly metamorphosed to phyllites, slates, and marble.
The thickness of the formation exceeds 600m.

7.1.3 La Luz Formation

The La Luz Formation overlies the Esperanza Formation and consists mainly of interbedded clastic
sedimentary rocks and massive and pillow tholeiitic basalts dated at 108.4 2 Ma. Locally, rhyolite tuffs and
agglomerates are present, and some volcanogenic massive sulfide occurrences have been reported. A
minimum thickness of at least 1,000 m is recognized, but the true thickness is unknown due to deformation
and sub-greenschist metamorphism. Included with the La Luz Formation are the La Palma diorite and La
Pelon tonalite, which form the upper part of the Guanajuato arc. Pervasive propylitic alteration is common.

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

7.1.4 Guanajuato Formation (Eocene to Oligocene)

The red conglomerate characteristic of the Guanajuato Formation lies in unconformable contact with the
Esperanza Formation and less frequently with the La Luz Formation andesite (Edwards, 1955). The
conglomerate consists of pebbles to boulders of quartz, limestone, granite and andesite belonging to older
rock units, all cemented by a clay matrix, with some interlayers of sandstone. Beds of volcanic arenites and
andesitic lavas occur at the base of the conglomerate. The Guanajuato conglomerate is estimated to be
between 1,500 and 2,000 m thick. Contemporaneous vertebrate paleontology and andesitic lavas (49 Ma,
Aranda-Gmez and McDowell, 1998) indicate that the unit is mid-Eocene to early Oligocene in age.

7.1.5 Loseros Formation (Cenozoic)

This overlying mid-Tertiary volcanic sequence is interpreted to be within, and adjacent to a caldera. The
Loseros tuff is a well-bedded, green to cream-red volcanic arenite from 10 m to 52 m thick. It is interpreted
to be a surge deposit at the base of the Cubo caldera filling and Oligocene in age.

7.1.6 Bufa Formation (Cenozoic)

The Bufa Formation rhyolite is a felsic ignimbrite that is approximately 360 m thick and lies above a sharp
to gradational contact. It is a sanidine-bearing rhyolite-ignimbrite with biotite as a mafic phase, and is often
massive, but locally bedded. Owing to moderate welding and extensive and pervasive silicification, it is a
hard rock that forms prominent cliffs east of the city of Guanajuato. It occasionally contains large lithic
clasts of various types, many of which were derived from the pre-volcanic basement. At Bolaitos, the Bufa
rhyolite has three mappable units: a lower breccia overlain by dense, red rhyolite porphyry, in turn
overlain by a massive to bedded ignimbrite. The cliff-forming Bufa rhyolite has been dated using the K-Ar
dating technique to be 37 3 Ma, placing it in the middle Oligocene.

7.1.7 Calderones Formation (Cenozoic)

The Calderones Formation contains a wide variety of volcanic rocks, including low- to medium-grade
ignimbrites, deposits of pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic surge layers related to phreatomagmatic activity,
airfall ash-rich tuffs, minor Plinian pumice layers, lahars, debris flows, reworked tuffaceous layers
deposited in water, tuff-breccias and mega-breccias. Ubiquitous and characteristic chlorite alteration
imparts a green to greenish blue color to almost all outcrops of the Calderones. Propylitic alteration
adjacent to veins and dikes is of local importance in many outcrops.

The Calderones Formation overlies the Bufa Formation at Bolaitos with a contact marked by a
megabreccia composed of large (often 5 to 10 m) fragments of the Esperanza, La Luz and Guanajuato
Formations. The Calderones Formation, which exceeds 300 m in thickness at Bolaitos, is the upper
caldera-filling unit above the surge deposit and the Bufa ignimbrites.

7.1.8 Cedros Andesite (Cenozoic)

Overlying the Calderones Formation is the Cedros Formation andesite, a 100 to 640-m thick unit, which
consists of grey to black andesitic lava flows with interlayered red beds and andesitic to dacitic tuffs.

The Cedros Formation is entirely post-caldera and is widespread.

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

7.1.9 Chichndaro Formation (Cenozoic)

The Chichndaro Formation rhyolite is a sequence of domes and lava flows interbedded with poorly sorted
volcanic breccias and tuffs. Fluidal porphyritic textures are characteristic in the domes and flows.

This lithologic unit is closely related to the hypabyssal Peregrina intrusion, and it ranges in thickness from
100 to 250 m. In places, the rhyolite domes contain disseminated tin and vapor-phase cavity-filling topaz
distributed along the flow foliation.

The Chichndaro rhyolite is the youngest volcanic unit in the Guanajuato mining district. Three K-Ar ages
obtained from this formation (Gross, 1975; Nieto- Samaniego et al, 1996) date the unit at 32 1 Ma, 30.8
0.8 Ma and 30.1 0.8 Ma.

7.1.10 Comanja Granite (Cenozoic)

The Comanja granite is a unit of batholithic size, apparently emplaced along the axis of the Sierra de
Guanajuato. It is Eocene in age and has been radiometrically dated at 53 3 Ma and 51 1 Ma by K-Ar in
biotite (Zimmermann et al, 1990). These dates establish the youngest relative age for the Bufa formation,
the youngest unit cut by the granite.

7.1.11 El Capulin Formation

The unconsolidated El Capulin Formation consists of tuffaceous sandstone and conglomerate overlain by
vesicular basalt, all of Quaternary age.

7.2 Structure
The following paragraphs are modified from the summary of the structural setting of the Guanajuato
mining district presented by Starling (2008), which focused on the Veta Madre but likely applies to the La
Luz system that composes the Bolaitos mine.

Pre-mineralization deformation during the Laramide orogeny (~80-40 Ma) resulted in west-northwest
trending pre-mineral folds and thrusts in the Esperanza Formation as observed in the Cebada mine on the
Veta Madre. Early post-Laramide extension (~30 Ma) was oriented north-south to north-northeast, and
controlled many vein deposits in the region (e.g. Fresnillo, Zacatecas, La Guitarra). Guanajuato appears to
lie on a north-northwest-trending terrane boundary which was reactivated as a sinistral transtensional
fault zone in conjunction with early stage intermediate-sulfidation style mineralization. Subsequent (~28
Ma) regional extension to the east-northeast-west-northwest resulted in basin and range-type deformation
and block faulting, and is associated with a second phase of mineralization in the Guanajuato district.

Along the Veta Madre vein system, ore shoots were controlled during early-stage mineralization by
counter-clockwise jogs along the main structure and at intersections with west-northwest and northeast
fault zones. These tended to generate relatively steep ore shoots plunging to the south along the Veta

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

During the second phase of mineralization, listric block faulting and tilting affected parts of the Veta Madre
veins and new systems such as La Luz developed. The veins at La Luz appear to have formed as extensional
arrays between reactivated west-northwest fault zones acting as dextral transtensional structures.

The second phase vein systems tend to have formed sub-horizontal ore zones either reflecting fluid mixing
zones or structural controls due to changes in dip of the fault surface. The overprint of two events means
that in some deposits ore shoots have more than one orientation and that there are vertical gaps in ore

Randall et al (1994) first proposed a caldera structure as a conceptual geologic model for the Guanajuato
mining district, citing the presence of a mega-breccia in the Calderones Formation and the distribution of
the Oligocene volcanic formations described above. The hypothesis states that the caldera collapse occurred
in at least two stages and the collapse was a trap-door type. The presence of a peripheral three-quarter ring
of rhyolite domes intruding along bounding faults, the location of the Oligocene volcanic formations
ponded within this ring, mega-breccia and topographic rim, all provide supporting evidence for this

Following caldera formation, normal faulting combined with hydrothermal activity around 27 Ma
(Buchanan, 1980) resulted in many of the silver-gold deposits found in the district. Within the Guanajuato
mining district there are three major mineralized fault systems, the La Luz, Veta Madre, and Sierra
systems. Veta Madre is a north-northwest trending fault system and the largest at 25 km long. The other
systems are subparallel to it. Mineralization occurs within these systems principally on normal faults
oriented parallel to the main trend.

7.3 Local Geology

Of the geological formations associated with the Guanajuato district only the Esperanza and La Luz
Formations occur in the Bolaitos mine area with mineralization residing primarily within the La Luz
Formation. Mineralization is known to dissipate at the contact with the Esperanza Formation (Figure 7-3).

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

Figure 7-3 Schematic Cross Section showing all known veins in the La Luz Sub-District

The Veta Madre historically was the most productive vein in the Guanajuato district, and is by far the most
continuous, having been traced on the surface for nearly 25 km. The vein dips from 35 to 55 to the
southwest with measured displacement of around 1,200m near the Las Torres mine and 1,700 m near La
Valenciana mine. The most productive veins at Bolaitos strike parallel to the Veta Madre system.

Bolaitos mineralization is directly related to faulting. Mineralization occurs as open-space fillings in

fracture zones or impregnations in locally porous wall rock. Veins which formed in relatively open spaces
are the main targets for mining.

There are 21 veins within the Bolaitos mine area that are included in the mineral resource estimate. These
mineralized veins are known to occur from an elevation of 2300 m down to an elevation of 1900 m (Figure

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

Figure 7-4 Surface Map Indicating the Location of the Veins and Mineral Concession Boundaries for the Bolaitos
Golondrinas (El Puertecito Area) Mines in the La Luz District, Guanajuato

7.3.1 Alteration
The hydrothermal alteration of the wall rock is prevalent in the Guanajuato District, and is an excellent
guideline in the mining prospection of Bolaitos. Alteration within the district is closely related to fractures,
veins and brecciated zones. Alteration halos surrounding these zones range from a few centimeters to
meters and can be divided into 4 alteration types: 1) propyllitic, 2) argillic, 3) phyllic, and 4) silicification.

Wall rock alteration at Bolaitos in general is not significantly altered at the depths of mineralization;
however, breccia zones within and near the primary structures do have the typical characteristics of low
sulphidation epithermal vein type alteration. Alteration encountered within the structures forms halos of

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

phyllic (sericite) and silicification alteration. Argillic and propyllitic alteration have been identified above
the mineralized level of 2300 m.

Propyllitic alteration is the most widely distributed type and the strongest near fractures, especially in the
intersections of veins. The propyllitic alteration consists of epidote, chlorite, clays and calcite. Phyllic
(sericite) alteration is not as pervasive as the propyllitic alteration, and is generally encounter within or in
immediate contact with the vein. The typical mineral assemblage of this type of alteration consists of pyrite,
illite and sericite with occasional kaolinite and montmorillonite. Argillic alteration consists of kaolinite,
montmorillonite, and halloysite. Silicification is restricted to vein and breccia zones, and typically extends
only a few centimeters into the wall rock.

7.4 Mineralization
Mineralized veins at Bolaitos consist of the classic banded and brecciated epithermal variety. Silver occurs
primarily in dark sulfide-rich bands within the veins, with little mineralization within the wall rocks. The
major metallic minerals reported include pyrite, argentite, electrum and ruby silver, as well as some galena
and sphalerite, generally deeper in the veins. Mineralization is generally associated with phyllic (sericite)
and silicification alteration which forms haloes around the mineralizing structures. The vein textures are
attributed to the brittle fracturing-healing cycle of the fault-hosted veins during and/or after faulting
(Figure 7-5).

Figure 7-5 Lucero Vein in the Bolaitos Mine

Economic concentrations of precious metals are present in shoots distributed vertically and laterally
between non-mineralized segments of the veins. Overall, the style of mineralization is pinch-and-swell with
some flexures resulting in closures and others generating wide sigmoidal breccia zones.

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Bolaitos Project Geological Setting and Mineralization

Primary economic mineralization at Bolaitos is gold and silver. Bolaitos is postulated to be a low
sulphidation system with pyrite but no arsenopyrite.

The silver-rich veins of Bolaitos contain quartz, adularia, pyrite, acanthite, naumannite and native gold.
Native silver is widespread in small amounts. Much of the native silver is assumed to be supergene. Silver
sulfosalts (pyrargyrite and polybasite) are commonly found at depth.

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Bolaitos Project Deposit Types

The following description of the mineral deposit type associated with the Bolaitos mine property is
excerpted from the technical report prepared by Cameron (2012). HRC has reviewed the geologic data and
information available, and finds the descriptions and interpretations provided herein reasonably accurate
and suitable for use in this report.

The Guanajuato silver-gold district is characterized by classic, high grade silver-gold, epithermal vein
deposits with low sulfidation mineralization and adularia-sericite alteration. The Guanajuato veins are
typical of most epithermal silver-gold vein deposits in Mexico with respect to the volcanic or sedimentary
host rocks and the paragenesis and tenor of mineralization.

Epithermal systems form near the surface, usually in association with hot springs, and to depths on the
order of a few hundred meters. Hydrothermal processes are driven by remnant heat from volcanic activity.
Circulating thermal waters rising up through fissures eventually reach a level where the hydrostatic
pressure is low enough to allow boiling to occur. This can limit the vertical extent of the mineralization, as
the boiling and deposition of minerals is confined to a relatively narrow range of thermal and hydrostatic
conditions. In many cases, however, repeated healing and reopening of host structures can occur,
imparting cyclical vertical movement of the boiling zone and resulting in mineralization that spans a much
broader range of elevation.

As the mineralizing process is driven by filling of void spaces and fissures, mineralization geometry is
affected by the permeability and orientation of the host structures. Mineralization tends to favor dilatant
zones in areas where fractures branch or change orientation, which may be driven, in turn, by wall rock
competency and/or relative hardness of individual strata.

Low-sulfidation epithermal veins in Mexico typically have a well-defined, sub-horizontal ore horizon about
300 m to 500 m in vertical extent, where high grade ore shoots have been deposited by boiling
hydrothermal fluids. The minimum and maximum elevations of the mineralized horizons at the Bolaitos
mine have not yet been established precisely, but historic and current production spans an elevation range
from 1900 to 2300 m.

Low-sulfidation deposits are formed by the circulation of hydrothermal solutions that are near neutral in
pH, resulting in very little acidic alteration with the host rock units. The characteristic alteration
assemblages include illite, sericite and adularia that are typically hosted either by the veins themselves or in
the vein wall rocks. The hydrothermal fluid can travel along discrete fractures creating vein deposits, or it
can travel through permeable lithology such as poorly welded ignimbrite flows, where it may deposit its
load of precious metals in a disseminated fashion. In general, disseminated mineralization is found some
distance from the heat source. Figure 8-1 illustrates the spatial distribution of the alteration and veining
found in a hypothetical low-sulphidation hydrothermal system.

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Bolaitos Project Deposit Types

Figure 8-1 Alteration and Mineral Distributions within a Low Sulphidation Epithermal Vein System

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9.1 EDR Exploration Prior to 2015

Exploration activities conducted by EDR in recent years prior to 2015 are summarized in the following
paragraphs, and are discussed in greater detail in the technical reports prepared by Munroe (2014, 2015).

During 2013, EDR completed 6,728 m of drilling in 47 underground diamond drill holes at the Bolaitos
Project. A total of 2,638 samples were collected and submitted for assays. EDR completed 15,337 m of
drilling in 51 surface diamond drill holes at the Bolaitos Project. A total of 4,379 samples were collected
and submitted for assays. EDR also conducted geological mapping, trenching, soil geochemical and
sampling programs in La Luz (San Antonio de los Tiros, La Paz and Plateros), Belen (Ericka and Ana) and
Bolaitos South (San Cayetano and Emma) areas. A total of 1,233 samples were collected and submitted for

In 2014, EDR did not conduct any underground exploration drilling at the Bolaitos Project, but completed
28,167 m of drilling in 87 surface diamond drill holes. A total of 7,949 samples were collected and
submitted for assays. EDR also conducted geological mapping and sampling programs in Bolaitos South
(San Antonio, Lourdes, Margaritas, La Cuesta, and Laura). A total of 685 samples were collected and
submitted for assays.

9.2 2015 Exploration Activities

In 2015, EDR spent US $1,453,473 (including property holding costs) on exploration activities, including
drilling, at the Bolaitos Project. Geological mapping, sampling, and interpretation of the target areas at
Bolaitos included:

Bolaitos North (Bolaitos, San Ignacio, San Miguel & Realejo Veins);
Bolaitos South (San Antonio);
Ana Rosa and Belen (Erika, Ana, Edith and Perla).

Figure 9-1 shows the targets explored during 2015.

These activities were mainly conducted to complete the delineation of the Bolaitos North structures, and
to investigate possible targets of interest in the South West part of Belen and in the Ana Rosa claim (located
at SW of la Luz town).

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Figure 9-1 Surface Map Showing Exploration Targets

9.3 EDR Sampling Method and Approach

In order to establish exploration drill hole targets and support mineral resource estimates within the La
Luz vein system, EDR has collected surface outcrop, underground channel, surface channel samples, and
conducted numerous surface geologic mapping campaigns.

9.3.1 Surface Channel Samples

Chip channel samples are marked by a line at each end of the channel and are collected across zones of
mineralization, alteration, and structure by taking continuous (approximately 10 cm width) chips from a

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geologically defined traverse. The sample is chipped from the face with a mallet and chisel and captured by
a large canvas. The canvas is cleaned after each sample has been taken and a lithologic description is
recorded. The samples range from 1 to 2 meters long, depending on degree of mineralization and weigh
approximately 3 to 6 kilograms. Their location is recorded by a hand-held GPS unit.

9.3.2 Rock Chip Samples

As with the channel samples, single point rock chip samples are collected from an area of 1 to 2 meters in
diameter. Multiple chips are collected from different points in the sampling area with a resulting weight
from 1 to 3 kilograms. The chips are bagged and the same protocol is applied as with the channel samples.
The location is recorded with a hand held GPS unit.

9.3.3 Soil Chip Samples

The soil sample method is primarily utilized in areas with a higher degree of weathering. Where
appropriate, soil samples were taken from just below the organic horizon in pits dug by hand with shovels;
in other areas, soil samples constituted fine-grained material collected from weathered slopes. Soil samples
constituted approximately 400 g to 600 g of material with as much organic matter removed as possible by
screening or hand-picking. Soil sampling typically occurred on lines or grids with one sample taken every
50 m to 100 m. The grids or lines are oriented perpendicular to the structure being tested. Samples and
sample location were described by the geologist / sampling technician and location recorded by handheld

9.4 EDR Exploration Results

Exploration activities were designed to generate drill targets and to further refine areas of interest by
discriminating between mineralized and barren ground. Geochemical sampling has been successful
identifying vein systems anomalous in gold and silver, as well as identifying other modes of mineralization
(Rio Dike). Detailed geologic mapping is problematic in the Bolaitos Project area due to rugged terrain,
dense vegetation, and the homogeneity of the country rock, making it difficult to distinguish between units.
Table 9-1 summarizes the significant results from the 2015 exploration sampling. For the purpose of this
Technical Report a significant intercept is defined as a result with a silver equivalent (70:1) exceeding 30
g/t; however, EDR considers all results to be relevant and exhaustive list of the results is presented in
Appendix A.

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Table 9-1 Significant Intercepts from EDR's 2015 Exploration Program

Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
Bolaitos North BOL-1188 0.35 BV en cata al sur de Socv. Burgos 0.17 19 30.9 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0005
Bolaitos North BOL-1182 0.3 Vn a=90cm N5W/45SW desprendimiento al bajo 0.18 23 35.6 0.005 0.0002 0.0029
Bolaitos North BOL-1186 0.45 0.24 24 40.8 0.006 0.0003 0.005
Bolaitos North BOL-1183 0.3 Vn desprend. al bajo 0.26 23 41.2 0.0089 0.0002 0.0054
Bolaitos North BOL-1046 0.25 Vn al bajo de BV 0.48 9 42.6 0.0035 <0.0002 0.0059
Bolaitos North BOL-1191 0.5 0.2 36 50 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0015
Bolaitos North BOL-1174 0.3 BV en cata al sur de Socv. Burgos a=2.25m N25W/73NE 0.58 17 57.6 0.002 <0.0002 0.0017
Bolaitos North BOL-1047 0.35 Vn al bajo de BV 0.12 65 73.4 0.002 <0.0002 0.0024
Bolaitos North BOL-1200 3*2 Socavn sin nombre limite N de Lote Bolaitos 1.06 8 82.2 0.0031 0.0002 0.0029
Bolaitos North BOL-1173 0.2 1.13 14 93.1 0.0034 0.0002 0.0039
Bolaitos North BOL-1193 0.3 0.2 81 95 0.0008 0.0002 0.0012
Bolaitos North BOL-1192 0.2 Vl a=20cm N20E/86SE 0.35 170 194.5 0.0008 0.0003 0.0011
Bolaitos North BOL-1180 1*1 Flotados en cata aterrada 1.27 146 234.9 0.0002 <0.0002 0.001
Bolaitos North BOL-1195 0.2 BV en vereda fuera de lote 0.5 226 261 0.0006 0.0002 0.0006
Bolaitos North BOL-1171 0.3 Vn a=70cm N20W/80NE desprendimiento de BV 0.61 247 289.7 0.0018 0.0002 0.0014
Bolaitos North BOL-1194 0.2 BV a=40cm N10W/78NE en vereda fuera de lote 0.64 308 352.8 0.0016 0.0003 0.002
Bolaitos North BOL-1161 2*2 Mtra afuera de Socv. Burgos 0.9 465 528 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0019
Bolaitos South BOL-656 0.2 Vt 0.43 1 31.1 0.0019 0.0006 0.001
Bolaitos South BOL-655 0.2 Vt 0.1 37 44 0.0024 0.0004 0.0019
Bolaitos South BOL-652 0.25 Vl 0.43 123 153.1 0.0037 0.0006 0.0025
Bolaitos South BOL-654 0 FLOTADOS 3.76 186 449.2 0.0014 0.0007 0.0016
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1392 0.4 Vn 0.19 53 66.3 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1394 0.55 Vn 0.26 50 68.2 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0004
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1388 0.4 Vn-BAND 0.23 65 81.1 0.0001 <0.0002 <0.0002
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1378 0.5 Vn-Bx 0.36 72 97.2 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0004
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1466 0.4 Vl 0.21 85 99.7 0.001 <0.0002 0.003
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1379 0.65 Vn 0.21 103 117.7 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0002
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1417 0.45 Vn-Bx 0.24 104 120.8 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0017
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1383 0.35 Vn-BAND 0.39 102 129.3 0.0001 <0.0002 0.0003
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1377 0.3 Bx 0.81 81 137.7 0.0007 0.0004 0.0017
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1410 0.25 Vn-Bx 0.025 137 138.75 0.0018 0.0008 0.0025
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1382 0.8 Vn-BAND-Bx 1.01 73 143.7 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0014
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1393 0.3 Vn-BAND 0.14 178 187.8 0.0003 0.0002 0.0003

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Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1449 0.55 Vl 0.51 179 214.7 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0015
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1375 0 MAT. REZAGA EN Vn 1.41 125 223.7 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0006
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1434 0.55 Vn-Bx 0.3 248 269 0.0015 0.0004 0.0013
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1475 0.55 Vn-Bx 0.32 247 269.4 0.001 <0.0002 0.0008
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1451 0.35 Vn-Bx 2.84 78 276.8 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0004
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1476 0.45 Vn-Bx 0.53 244 281.1 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0016
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1483 0.6 Vl 3.35 153 387.5 0.0009 <0.0002 0.0004
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1484 0.6 Vn-BAND 5 57 407 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0003
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1408 0.35 Vn 0.26 452 470.2 0.0005 0.0002 0.0018
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1480 0.35 Vn-Bx 4.37 177 482.9 0.0024 <0.0002 0.001
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1387 0.3 Vn-Bx 2.2 832 986 0.0005 0.0006 0.0016
Dam Tunnel BOL-1106 0.25 Vl a=20cm N26E/44SE 0.25 30 47.5 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0017
Dam Tunnel BOL-1098 0.25 Vl a=8-20cm N36E/72SE 0.17 85 96.9 0.0033 <0.0002 0.0027
Edith BOL-1216 0.5 Bx 0.45 27 58.5 0.001 <0.0002 0.0036
Edith BOL-1217 0.2 Vn 0.6 39 81 0.0004 <0.0002 0.002
Edith BOL-1218 0.45 Vn 0.63 47 91.1 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0011
Edith BOL-1220 0.45 Vn 1.2 201 285 0.0018 <0.0002 0.0031
Perla BOL-1239 0.3 AND 0.26 13 31.2 0.0041 <0.0002 0.0058
Perla BOL-1245 0.45 MATERIAL FALLA 0.25 19 36.5 0.0032 0.0002 0.0052
Perla BOL-1235 0 FLOTADOS 0.31 17 38.7 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0006
Perla BOL-1246 0.05 Vl 0.21 24 38.7 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0007
Perla BOL-1251-A 0.1 Vt 0.21 31 45.7 0.002 <0.0002 0.0049
Perla BOL-1241 0 TERRERO 0.46 26 58.2 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0008
Perla BOL-1231 0.08 SILICIF 1.13 5 84.1 0.0016 0.0003 0.0059
Perla BOL-1232 0.15 Vt 1.03 48 120.1 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0007
Perla BOL-1237 0.2 Vn-BAND 0.86 80 140.2 0.0014 <0.0002 0.0023
Perla BOL-1234 0 FLOTADOS 1.6 42 154 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0015
Perla BOL-1240 0.4 Vn-BAND-Bx 0.73 117 168.1 0.0014 0.0003 0.0019
Perla BOL-1247 0.65 MATERIAL FALLA 0.67 138 184.9 0.0043 0.0003 0.0033
Perla BOL-1244 0.15 Vt 2.07 141 285.9 0.0005 <0.0002 0.001
Perla BOL-1238 0 TERRERO 5.53 136 523.1 0.0009 0.0002 0.0031
Perla BOL-1230 0 TERRERO 3.56 294 543.2 0.0006 0.0002 0.0008
Perla BOL-1242 0 TERRERO 8.57 312 911.9 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0016
Perla BOL-1236 0.3 Vn-BAND 25.9 202 2015 0.0043 0.0002 0.0039
Raices-San Bernab BOL-904 0.4 Vn-BAND-Bx 0.26 20 38.2 0.0031 0.0003 0.0022

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Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
Raices-San Bernab BOL-911 0.25 Vl 0.45 10 41.5 0.0035 <0.0002 0.0019
Raices-San Bernab BOL-704 0.25 Vl N23E/70NW a=0.09m 0.025 48 49.75 0.0015 0.0002 0.003
Raices-San Bernab BOL-702 0.2 Races Vn N4W/82SW a=0.20m 0.025 54 55.75 0.001 0.0002 0.0026
Raices-San Bernab BOL-800 0.9 AND 0.74 4 55.8 0.0009 0.0003 0.0049
Raices-San Bernab BOL-703 0.2 0.025 56 57.75 0.0019 0.0002 0.0065
Raices-San Bernab BOL-727 0.2 Vl a=0.03m N6E/58NW 0.93 2 67.1 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0012
Raices-San Bernab BOL-909 0.4 AND C/Vl 0.83 10 68.1 0.0071 <0.0002 0.0075
Raices-San Bernab BOL-738 0.3 Vn Soledad A=30cm 0.62 26 69.4 0.0018 <0.0002 0.0011
Raices-San Bernab BOL-913 0.4 Vn 0.93 35 100.1 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0014
Raices-San Bernab BOL-739 0.25 N15W/60SW 0.73 59 110.1 0.0105 0.0002 0.004
Raices-San Bernab BOL-735 0.2 Vl traza races vn a=0.15m N24E/71NW 1.45 24 125.5 0.0046 0.0003 0.0024
Raices-San Bernab BOL-901 0.6 AND 2.02 7 148.4 0.0011 0.0004 0.0079
Raices-San Bernab BOL-914 0 FLOTADOS 0.57 116 155.9 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0012
Raices-San Bernab BOL-798 0.4 Vn 1.17 80 161.9 0.0023 0.0003 0.0029
Raices-San Bernab BOL-908 TERRERO 2.93 10 215.1 0.0006 0.0002 0.0006
Raices-San Bernab BOL-715 0.3 Vl a=0.30m N15E/69NW 0.23 231 247.1 0.0029 0.0002 0.0038
Raices-San Bernab BOL-912 0.4 Vn 2.93 54 259.1 0.0024 0.0002 0.0019
Raices-San Bernab BOL-714 0.8 0.57 227 266.9 0.0046 <0.0002 0.0052
Raices-San Bernab BOL-622 0.2 Vl a=8cm 3.85 25 294.5 0.0093 0.0002 0.0048
Raices-San Bernab BOL-623 0.2 N26W/73SW 5.18 18 380.6 0.006 <0.0002 0.0037
Realejo BOL-813 0.2 Vl a03-9cm N10W/71SW 0.13 21 30.1 0.0016 <0.0002 0.0022
Realejo BOL-881 0.25 Vl a=70cm N30E/56SE 0.06 26 30.2 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0005
Realejo BOL-963 0.5 Vl Bx a=10cm N17W/49NE 0.07 29 33.9 0.0033 <0.0002 0.003
Realejo BOL-858 0.25 Vn a=20cm N58W/53NE 0.025 35 36.75 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0011
Realejo BOL-877 0.15 Vl a=8cm N74W/55NE 0.11 32 39.7 0.0024 0.0003 0.0022
Realejo BOL-975 0.2 Vl a=8-10cm N52W/44NE 0.14 34 43.8 0.0038 0.0002 0.0031
Realejo BOL-970 0.2 Vl a=5-10cm N27W/63NE 0.2 34 48 0.0015 0.0002 0.0017
Realejo BOL-997 0.3 0.1 54 61 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0007
Realejo BOL-999 0.2 0.39 39 66.3 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0007
Realejo BOL-863 0.2 Vl a=20cm N52W/49NE 0.14 57 66.8 0.0009 <0.0002 0.0011
Realejo BOL-874 0.25 Vl a=20cm N14W/53NE 0.07 67 71.9 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0008
Realejo BOL-960 0.2 Bx al bajo de Vl, a=2-5cm N10W/74NE 0.07 69 73.9 0.0029 0.0003 0.0036
Realejo BOL-851 0.2 Vl a=2-5cm N16W/89NE 0.14 65 74.8 0.005 <0.0002 0.0013
Realejo BOL-978 0.25 Vl a=4-8cm N75W/42NE 0.21 70 84.7 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0014
Realejo BOL-952 0.2 Bx al bajo de Vl a=2-8cm N42W/79NE 0.17 73 84.9 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0033

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Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
Realejo BOL-894 0.2 0.18 77 89.6 0.0011 0.0002 0.0021
Realejo BOL-807 0.2 Vl a=13cm N20W/68SW REALEJO VN En talud presa de jales 0.18 103 115.6 0.0011 <0.0002 0.0016
Realejo BOL-885 0.2 Vl a=20cm N84W/60NE 0.19 129 142.3 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0012
Realejo BOL-998 0.2 0.38 125 151.6 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0004
Realejo BOL-985 0.2 Vl a=10-15cm N26W/50NE 0.14 143 152.8 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0008
Realejo BOL-808 1 0.31 148 169.7 0.0015 <0.0002 0.0022
Realejo BOL-996 0.2 0.88 209 270.6 0.0008 0.0002 0.0008
Realejo BOL-995 0.2 Vn a=110cm N05E/80NW 4.12 209 497.4 0.0012 0.0002 0.001
Rio Dike BOL-1331 1.7 AND 0.13 33 42.1 0.0007 0.0004 0.0042
Rio Dike BOL-1352 1.5 DIQUE 0.27 24 42.9 0.0003 0.0005 0.0027
Rio Dike BOL-1332 1 AND 0.1 46 53 0.0004 0.0003 0.006
Rio Dike BOL-1325 0.75 DIQUE 0.025 79 80.75 0.0017 0.0004 0.0027
Rio Dike BOL-1326 1.2 Vn 0.025 170 171.75 0.0017 0.0004 0.0037
Rio Dike BOL-1330 0.8 AND 0.6 445 487 0.0006 0.0004 0.0022
San Ignacio BOL-1201 0.4 Vn-Bx 0.23 60 76.1 0.0006 0.0005 0.0026
San Ignacio BOL-602 0.35 0.11 71 78.7 0.0042 0.0003 0.0028
San Ignacio BOL-795 0.35 Vn 0.36 55 80.2 0.0011 0.0002 0.0011
San Ignacio BOL-780 0.35 AND 0.27 63 81.9 0.0019 0.0005 0.0047
San Ignacio BOL-796 0.3 Vn 0.3 62 83 0.0017 0.0002 0.0013
San Ignacio BOL-784 1.2 Vn 0.51 53 88.7 0.0005 0.0002 0.0005
San Ignacio BOL-782 0.5 Vl 0.23 75 91.1 0.0078 0.0006 0.003
San Ignacio BOL-670 0.3 Vn 0.18 90 102.6 0.001 0.0004 0.0013
San Ignacio BOL-675 0.2 Vn 0.23 100 116.1 0.0017 0.0005 0.0016
San Ignacio BOL-781 1.1 FLOTADOS 0.63 77 121.1 0.0006 0.0002 0.0009
San Ignacio BOL-1207 0.2 Vn 0.3 113 134 0.0003 0.0002 0.0008
San Ignacio BOL-682 0 FLOTADOS 0.025 138 139.75 0.0013 0.0002 0.0015
San Ignacio BOL-608 0.2 Vn San Bernabe a=35cm 0.25 127 144.5 0.0038 0.0022 0.0022
San Ignacio BOL-786 0.5 AND 0.37 141 166.9 0.0036 0.0004 0.0051
San Ignacio BOL-785 0.9 Vn 1.79 42 167.3 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0008
San Ignacio BOL-669 1.1 SILICIF 0.14 158 167.8 0.0008 0.0005 0.001
San Ignacio BOL-671 0.25 Vn 0.53 138 175.1 0.0014 0.0005 0.0013
San Ignacio BOL-674 0.5 Bx 0.26 201 219.2 0.0008 0.0006 0.001
San Ignacio BOL-793 0.55 AND 1.25 152 239.5 0.0022 0.0004 0.0059
San Ignacio BOL-603 0.2 Vn San Bernabe a=135cm 2.78 51 245.6 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0009
San Ignacio BOL-605 0.4 3.2 39 263 0.0013 0.0002 0.0006

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Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
San Ignacio BOL-1205 0.3 Vn-Bx 1.72 165 285.4 0.0004 0.0003 0.001
San Ignacio BOL-606 0.2 3.82 111 378.4 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0004
San Ignacio BOL-1203 0.6 Vn-Bx 2.59 331 512.3 0.0003 0.0003 0.0005
San Ignacio BOL-665 1.1 Vn 0.27 528 546.9 0.0044 0.0006 0.0029
San Ignacio BOL-1206 0.25 Bx 1.54 1225 1332.8 0.0064 0.001 0.0048
San Miguel BOL-769 0.3 Bx 0.25 39 56.5 0.004 0.0003 0.0034
San Miguel BOL-767 0.2 AND 0.1 54 61 0.0052 0.0002 0.0055
San Miguel BOL-942 0.2 Vt-Bx 0.46 36 68.2 0.0054 0.0002 0.0024
San Miguel BOL-940 0.45 Vl 0.27 53 71.9 0.0057 <0.0002 0.0048
San Miguel BOL-788 0.3 Vl-BAND 0.66 30 76.2 0.0038 0.0005 0.003
San Miguel BOL-929 0.5 Vl 1.03 6 78.1 0.005 0.0005 0.004
San Miguel BOL-936 0.4 Vn 0.74 28 79.8 0.0028 0.0002 0.0018
San Miguel BOL-947 0.6 Vn-Bx 1.05 14 87.5 0.0017 0.0004 0.0014
San Miguel BOL-772 0.35 Bx 0.92 24 88.4 0.0018 0.0003 0.0014
San Miguel BOL-934 0.5 CABALLO AND 0.53 56 93.1 0.0014 0.0004 0.0019
San Miguel BOL-695 0.7 Vn 1.18 14 96.6 0.0009 0.0002 0.0008
San Miguel BOL-778 0.3 Vl 0.65 52 97.5 0.0072 0.0004 0.0047
San Miguel BOL-775 1 Bx 1.08 22 97.6 0.0023 0.0003 0.0018
San Miguel BOL-774 1.5 Bx 1.1 25 102 0.0028 0.0005 0.0022
San Miguel BOL-776 1.1 Bx 0.83 46 104.1 0.0029 0.0007 0.0023
San Miguel BOL-941 0.25 Vt 1.45 11 112.5 0.003 0.0003 0.0038
San Miguel BOL-700 0.35 Bx 0.91 64 127.7 0.0057 0.0003 0.0046
San Miguel BOL-773 0.35 Bx-Vl 1.62 33 146.4 0.0015 0.0003 0.0015
San Miguel BOL-692 0.3 Vl 2.27 12 170.9 0.0019 0.001 0.003
San Miguel BOL-697 0.3 Vn 2.32 10 172.4 0.0021 0.0002 0.0017
San Miguel BOL-752 0.25 Vl 1.25 85 172.5 0.0067 0.0003 0.0037
San Miguel BOL-938 0.4 Vl 0.9 110 173 0.0063 <0.0002 0.0031
San Miguel BOL-933 0.6 Vl 2.48 8 181.6 0.0036 <0.0002 0.0046
San Miguel BOL-696 0.35 Vl 2.41 16 184.7 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0007
San Miguel BOL-768 0.2 Vt 0.47 161 193.9 0.0014 0.0003 0.0014
San Miguel BOL-777 1.2 Vn 1.56 105 214.2 0.0035 0.0006 0.0024
San Miguel BOL-943 0.4 Vn-Bx 2.71 57 246.7 0.0019 0.0004 0.0038
San Miguel BOL-766 0.3 Vl 0.98 332 400.6 0.0014 0.0006 0.0026
San Miguel BOL-694 0.4 Vn 8.95 117 743.5 0.0019 0.0005 0.0018
Soledad BOL-627 0.3 0.13 31 40.1 0.0068 <0.0002 0.0059

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Bolaitos Project Exploration

Au Ag Ageq
Area Sample ID Width (m) Structure Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(g/t)* (g/t)* (g/t)**
Soledad BOL-745 0.3 Vl a=0.01-0.04m NF/63NE 0.85 1 60.5 0.0023 0.0002 0.0057
Soledad BOL-801 0.25 Vl a=0.06m N65W/55NE 1.58 6 116.6 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0022
Soledad BOL-749 0.2 Vl a=0.02 a 0.04m N9W/75NE 1.66 6 122.2 0.003 0.0002 0.0045
Soledad BOL-631 0.2 Vl alto de posible Soledad Vein a=20 N32E/44SW 1.61 38 150.7 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0004
Soledad BOL-628 0.2 Posible Vn Soledad a=5-10cm N22W/82NE 0.63 254 298.1 0.0047 0.0005 0.0055
South-Central Realejo BOL-1020 0.3 Vl a=30cm N42E/78SE 0.62 6 49.4 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0011
South-Central Realejo BOL-639 0.2 RODADOS 0.13 53 62.1 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0005
South-Central Realejo BOL-636 0.25 Realejo Vein a=20-25cm N36W/78SW 1.82 30 157.4 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0004

* Below Detection Limit (BDL) results have been included as 1/2 the detection limit
** AgEq calculated using a 70:1 gold to silver ratio

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Bolaitos Project Drilling

Diamond drilling at the Bolaitos Project is conducted under two general modes of operation: one by the
exploration staff (surface exploration drilling) and the other by the mine staff (production and
underground exploration drilling). Production drilling is predominantly concerned with definition and
extension of the known mineralized zones in order to guide development and mining. Exploration drilling
is conducted further from the active mining area with the goal of expanding the resource base. Drilling
results from both programs were used in the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates presented in
this report. To date, all drilling completed at the El Cubo mine has been diamond core.

10.1 Surface Drilling Procedures

Surface drillholes are generally oriented to intersect the veins as close to perpendicular as possible. The
drillholes are typically drilled from the hanging wall, perpendicular to, and passing through the target
structure into the footwall, and no drilling is designed for intercepts with angles less than about 30 to the
target. Drillholes extend an average of 50 m beyond the target zone.

Underground drillholes are typically drilled from the hanging wall, and are ideally drilled perpendicular to
structures, but oblique intersection is required in some instances due to limitations of the drill station.
Underground positive angled holes (up holes) are generally drilled from the footwall using the same
criteria. All holes are designed to pass through the target and into the hanging or footwalls. Both surface
and underground drillholes are typically HQ to NQ in size.

On the drill site, the drill set-up is surveyed for azimuth, inclination and collar coordinates, with the drilling
subject to daily scrutiny and coordination by EDR geologists. Since 2010, surface holes are surveyed using a
Reflex multi-shot down-hole survey instrument normally at 50 m intervals from the bottom of the hole
back up to the collar. At underground drill stations, azimuth orientation lines are surveyed in prior to
drilling. Inclination of underground holes is collected using the Reflex EX-Shot survey device prior to
starting drilling.

The survey data obtained from the drillholes are transferred to databases in Vulcan and AutoCAD, and
are corrected for local magnetic declination, as necessary. Information for each drillhole is stored in
separate folders.

Drill core is collected daily and is transported to the core logging facility under EDR supervision. The core
storage facilities at El Cubo are well protected by high level security fences, and are under 24-hour
surveillance by security personnel to minimize any possibility of tampering with the dill cores.

When assay results are received from the laboratory, they are merged into an Excel spreadsheet for
importation and interpretation in AutoCAD software. The starting and ending point of each vein and/or
vein/vein breccia intercept is determined from a combination of geology notes in the logs and assay results.
Using approximate vein and drillhole orientation information a horizontal width is calculated for the
intercept to be used as part of a Vertical Longitudinal Projection (VLP).

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The center point of the intercept, horizontal width, and gold and silver assay values are plotted on VLPs of
each vein. These are used to guide further drilling, interpret mineralization shoots, and as the basis of
polygonal resource estimation.

10.2 EDR Core Logging Procedures

As the core is received at the core facility, geotechnical data is logged manually on paper sheets and entered
into Excel. The core is then manually logged for geological data and marked for sampling. Geological data
and sample information are entered directly into Excel spreadsheets.

10.3 EDR Drilling Programs and Results

10.3.1 2015 Drilling Summary

During 2015, a total of 9,506 m were drilled in 39 holes (underground & surface diamond drilling) at the
Bolaitos Project. Surface drilling was focused on the Bolaitos North (San Ignacio, San Miguel and
Bolaitos veins), Bolaitos South (Reyes and La Cuesta North) and Siglo XX areas. Underground drilling
was conducted on the La Joya, Gabriela and Daniela Footwall veins. A total of 4,937 samples were collected
and submitted for assays. The summary of the activities undertaken during 2015 is shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1 Bolaitos Project Surface & Underground Exploration Drilling Activities in 2015

Project Area Number of Holes Total Meters Number of Samples Taken

La Joya 6 1,271 431
Gabriela 5 556 264
Daniela (Fw) 3 699 175
San Ignacio 4 1,051 709
San Miguel 5 1,006 1,366
Bolaitos North 9 2,501 1,193
Reyes 2 648 221
La Cuesta North 2 707 322
Siglo XX 3 1,067 256
Total 39 9,506 4,937

Surface diamond drilling was conducted by Layne de Mexico S.A. de C.V. (Layne), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the USA-base Layne Christensen Company (Layne Christensen). Neither Layne nor Layne
Christensen holds an interest in EDR and both are independent of the company.

Underground diamond drilling was performed by an in-house drill capable of drilling NQ and HQ core
(VERSA Kmb-4 drill).

10.3.2 2105 Surface Drilling

In 2015, Exploration Drilling at the Bolaitos Project was focused on the Bolaitos North (San Ignacio, San
Miguel, and Bolaitos veins), Bolaitos South (Reyes and La Cuesta North) and Siglo XX areas.

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Bolaitos Project Drilling

10.3.3 Bolaitos System Surface Diamond Drilling Program

Historic data and the results from the mapping and sampling programs conducted over the Bolaitos veins
indicated that the Bolaitos system extended to the north. The drill program in this area was divided into
two targets, the San Ignacio and San Miguel target and the Bolaitos vein target.

Drillholes in the San Ignacio and San Miguel targets were designed to test for mineralization around the old
workings located at footwall of the Bolaitos vein. The primary objective was to identify mineralization
between the elevation of 2,000 to 2,100 masl. Historically this horizon has represented the higher grade
mineralization of the Bolaitos, Daniela, Karina and Lucero veins.

The northern extent of the Bolaitos vein was targeted with 9 drillholes. Seven of the nine holes completed
in the area are located between the portals of the Burgos Adit and the Las Palmas mines.

In 2015, EDR had completed a total of 4,557 m in 18 surface holes, drilled over the San Ignacio, San Miguel,
and Bolaitos veins at the Bolaitos North area (Figure 10-1). The summary of these programs is shown in
Tables 10-2 through 10-4.

Table 10-2 2015 Summary of San Ignacio Surface Diamond Drilling Program


IG-01 225 -51 HQ 420.55 15/04/2015 24/04/2015

IG-02A 234 -61 HQ 27.55 24/04/2015 26/04/2015
IG-02 234 -61 HQ 299.85 07/04/2015 01/05/2015
IG-03 199 -62 HQ 302.95 01/05/2015 06/05/2014
Total 1,050.90

Table 10-3 2015 Summary of San Miguel Surface Diamond Drilling Program

MG-01 225 -57 HQ 168.25 05/07/2015 09/07/2015
MG-02 263 -52 HQ 231.75 09/07/2015 14/07/2015
MG-03 270 -66 HQ 214.60 14/07/2015 18/07/2015
MG-04 186 -49 HQ 185.40 18/07/2015 22/07/2015
MG-05 241 -62 HQ 205.50 23/07/2014 27/07/2014
Total 1,005.50

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Table 10-4 2015 Summary of Bolaitos North Surface Diamond Drilling Program


BN-17 270 -45 HQ 191.25 07/05/2015 11/05/2015

BN-18 235 -59 HQ 245.00 11/05/2015 16/05/2015
BN-19 313 -57 HQ 303.00 16/05/2015 23/05/2015
BN-20 270 -69 HQ 296.90 22/05/2015 31/05/2015
BN-21 270 -51 HQ 310.65 01/06/2015 07/06/2015
BN-22 270 -45 HQ 250.95 08/06/2015 13/06/2015
BN-23 313 -57 HQ 315.10 13/06/2015 21/06/2015
BN-24 224 -62 HQ 338.20 21/06/2015 29/06/2015
BN-25 312 -46 HQ 249.90 29/06/2015 04/07/2015
Total 2,500.95

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Figure 10-1 Surface Map showing completed drill holes in the Bolaitos North Area.

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Significant intervals of gold mineralization were encountered in the San Miguel drilling program. The San
Ignacio drilling program intersected mineralization more typical of the Bolaitos system with silver and
gold. The intersections over the San Ignacio vein indicate the mineralization may not extend below an
elevation of 2,000 masl.

The Bolaitos vein drilling results indicate that the mineralization in the north is erratic and isolated. Zones
containing higher grade intercepts are assumed to be limited to 100 m or less of strike length.

Drilling results are summarized in Table 10-5, Table 10-6, and Table 10-7. The San Ignacio, San Miguel, and
Bolaitos veins intercepts are plotted on longitudinal sections in Figure 10-2, Figure 10-3, and Figure 10-4.

Table 10-5 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the San Ignacio area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure
From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Bolaitos Vein 14.10 18.00 3.90 3.38 57 1.81
Bolaitos Composite 14.10 17.10 3.00 2.60 65 2.21
Including 14.10 15.40 1.30 1.13 100 1.51
San Ignacio Vein 133.85 134.25 0.40 0.32 31 2.39
San Ignacio Composite 133.85 135.20 1.35 1.09 14 0.96
Including 133.85 134.25 0.40 0.32 31 2.39
Shell1 184.15 184.35 0.20 0.16 187 12.85
Shell1 Composite 184.15 185.55 1.40 1.13 28 1.89
Including 184.15 184.35 0.20 0.16 187 12.85
San Miguel Vein 212.60 216.70 4.10 3.36 27 19.26
Including 212.60 212.85 0.25 0.20 101 72.80
San Bernabe Vein 368.05 368.25 0.20 0.11 5 0.87
San Bernabe Composite 366.50 368.70 2.20 1.17 2 0.11
Including 368.05 368.25 0.20 0.11 5 0.87
Bolaitos Vein 12.80 18.95 6.15 3.28 80 1.86
Including 12.80 18.25 5.45 2.81 88 2.01
Bolaitos Vein 16.95 21.20 4.25 3.30 94 2.52
Including 17.95 18.70 0.75 0.58 123 5.92
San Ignacio Vein 162.60 165.00 2.40 1.67 69 2.46
San Ignacio Composite 162.60 165.60 3.00 2.08 59 2.24
Including 164.75 165.00 0.25 0.17 50 10.05
IG-02 Shell1 223.15 223.75 0.60 0.42 16 1.47
Shell1 Composite 222.05 223.75 1.70 1.18 9 0.59
Including 223.55 223.75 0.20 0.14 14 2.15
San Miguel Projection 259.30 261.60 2.30 1.60 3 0.10
San Miguel Composite 259.30 261.15 1.85 1.29 3 0.10
Including 259.30 259.95 0.65 0.45 3 0.16
Bolaitos Vein 24.20 28.90 4.70 2.70 24 0.88
Bolaitos Composite 24.20 26.45 2.25 1.29 41 1.68
Including 25.25 25.95 0.70 0.40 51 2.50
San Ignacio Vein 158.90 159.15 0.25 0.17 37 2.88
San Ignacio Composite 158.70 160.40 1.70 1.14 14 0.74
Including 158.90 159.15 0.25 0.17 37 2.88
Shell1 230.40 231.50 1.10 0.71 4 1.22
Shell1 Composite 230.05 231.80 1.75 1.12 3 0.78
Including 230.40 230.80 0.40 0.26 8 2.61
San Miguel Projection 293.25 293.50 0.25 0.17 1 0.06
San Miguel Composite 292.45 294.40 1.95 1.30 1 0.07
Including 293.50 294.40 0.90 0.60 1 0.06

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Table 10-6 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the San Miguel area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure
From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
San Ignacio Vein 26.60 27.25 0.65 0.45 180 2.14
San Ignacio Composite 26.25 28.80 2.55 1.77 249 0.79
Including 28.35 28.80 0.45 0.31 450 0.62
Shell1 82.65 83.35 0.70 0.54 8 0.30
Shell1 Composite 82.05 83.35 1.30 1.01 6 0.23
Including 82.65 82.85 0.20 0.16 10 0.38
San Miguel Vein 115.45 117.05 1.60 1.19 6 1.57
Including 115.95 116.20 0.25 0.19 9 2.29
San Ignacio Vein 19.00 21.25 2.25 1.62 63 0.09
San Ignacio Composite 18.45 20.10 1.65 1.19 162 0.22
Including 18.45 19.00 0.55 0.40 343 0.38
Shell1 88.90 89.35 0.45 0.33 106 1.36
Shell1 Composite 88.90 90.25 1.35 1.00 84 0.96
MG-02 Including 89.95 90.25 0.30 0.22 85 2.13
San Miguel Vein 122.95 125.90 2.95 1.90 11 4.60
Including 123.95 124.45 0.50 0.32 15 10.10
San Bernabe Projection 179.80 180.00 0.20 0.11 4 0.04
San Bernabe Composite 178.45 180.55 2.10 1.11 1 0.01
Including 179.80 180.00 0.20 0.11 4 0.04
San Ignacio Vein 28.15 29.60 1.45 0.81 47 0.36
San Ignacio Composite 27.70 29.60 1.90 1.06 50 0.30
Including 28.15 28.70 0.55 0.31 73 0.66
Shell1 108.75 110.90 2.15 1.23 36 23.69
MG-03 Shell1 Composite 108.75 111.70 2.95 1.69 29 19.02
Including 108.95 109.20 0.25 0.14 123 97.50
San Miguel Vein 169.40 169.60 0.20 0.11 18 2.63
San Miguel Composite 169.40 171.45 2.05 1.09 4 0.37
Including 169.40 169.60 0.20 0.11 18 2.63
San Ignacio Vein 27.60 30.55 2.95 2.05 104 0.50
San Ignacio Composite 29.20 31.10 1.90 1.32 385 0.48
Including 30.55 31.10 0.55 0.38 859 0.63
Shell1 Projection 81.20 81.40 0.20 0.15 59 0.16
MG-04 Shell1 Composite 81.20 82.55 1.35 0.99 11 0.04
Including 81.20 81.40 0.20 0.15 59 0.16
San Miguel Vein 149.50 151.80 2.30 1.68 7 3.12
San Miguel Composite 149.80 152.75 2.95 2.16 10 4.44
Including 152.40 152.75 0.35 0.26 27 17.05
San Ignacio Vein 24.95 25.85 0.90 0.67 5 0.20
San Ignacio Composite 24.70 26.20 1.50 1.11 4 0.17
Including 25.20 25.40 0.20 0.15 8 0.46
Shell1 67.15 68.45 1.30 0.87 130 8.45
MG-05 Shell1 Composite 66.35 68.45 2.10 1.41 114 5.47
Including 67.55 67.75 0.20 0.13 158 14.40
San Miguel Vein 153.60 155.30 1.70 1.18 8 2.18
San Miguel Composite 153.60 155.05 1.45 1.01 9 2.53
Including 154.05 154.40 0.35 0.24 9 5.39

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Bolaitos Project Drilling

Table 10-7 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the Bolaitos area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure
From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Bolaitos Vein 142.30 143.10 0.80 0.69 23 0.19
BN-17 Bolaitos Composite 142.30 143.70 1.40 1.20 18 0.25
Including 142.90 143.10 0.20 0.17 12 0.56
Bolaitos Vein 179.60 182.00 2.40 1.51 20 0.37
BN-18 Bolaitos Composite 180.30 182.00 1.70 1.07 21 0.40
Including 181.00 181.35 0.35 0.22 20 0.65
Bolaitos Vein 211.75 219.10 7.35 4.53 89 0.13
BN-19 Bolaitos Composite 213.30 216.65 3.35 2.06 141 0.19
Including 215.05 215.40 0.35 0.22 221 0.35
Bolaitos Vein 206.35 209.20 2.85 1.79 17 0.17
BN-20 Bolaitos Composite 207.10 208.95 1.85 1.16 24 0.16
Including 208.60 208.95 0.35 0.22 120 0.35
Bolaitos Vein 239.05 239.85 0.80 0.66 4 0.20
BN-21 Bolaitos Composite 238.60 239.85 1.25 1.02 3 0.14
Including 239.25 239.55 0.30 0.25 4 0.23
Bolaitos Vein 130.00 130.20 0.20 0.19 5 0.17
BN-22 Bolaitos Composite 128.75 130.20 1.45 1.36 4 0.10
Including 130.00 130.20 0.20 0.19 5 0.17
Bolaitos Vein 253.80 255.15 1.35 0.83 76 0.85
BN-23 Bolaitos Composite 253.45 255.15 1.70 1.05 84 0.83
Including 254.50 254.80 0.30 0.18 138 2.12
Bolaitos Vein 282.30 288.65 6.35 3.64 17 0.09
BN-24 Bolaitos Composite 282.30 284.20 1.90 1.09 23 0.06
Including 282.55 282.75 0.20 0.11 44 0.07
Bolaitos Vein 204.70 208.25 3.55 2.47 20 0.24
BN-25 Bolaitos Composite 206.70 208.25 1.55 1.08 34 0.37
Including 207.50 207.75 0.25 0.17 31 1.47

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Figure 10-2 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on San Ignacio Vein

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Figure 10-3 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on San Miguel Vein

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Figure 10-4 Longitudinal Section (Looking East) showing intersection points on Bolaitos Vein

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10.3.4 Bolaitos South Surface Diamond Drilling Program

A diamond drilling program was conducted in the Reyes and La Cuesta North areas, located at the
Bolaitos South area (Figure 10-5).

The drilling in the Reyes area was completed with the objective of identifying mineralization near areas of
existing development in the Reyes Adit. Two drillholes were completed in this area, one to the south of the
Estrella Shaft and the other in proximity of the historic holes RV-9, RV-10, and RV-15.

The Cuesta vein is located at the South West part of the El Puertecito claim and is parallel to the La Joya
and El Puertecito systems. The mapping and sampling program indicated mineralization approximately
700 m long, with elevated silver and gold values. Two holes were drilled in the north part of the La Cuesta
vein to test the extent of mineralization at depth.

In total 1,355 m of drillhole core was completed in 4 holes in the Bolaitos South area. Tables 10-8 and 10-9
summarize the information of these holes.

Table 10-8 2015 Summary of Reyes Surface Diamond Drilling Program


RV-16 58 -47 HQ 305.80 23/11/2015 27/11/2015

RV-17 60 -45 HQ 342.40 28/11/2015 05/12/2015
Total 648.20

Table 10-9 2015 Summary of La Cuesta North Surface Diamond Drilling Program


CTA-01 220 -60 HQ 347.20 06/12/2015 12/12/2015

CTA-02 220 -45 HQ 359.55 12/12/2015 18/12/2015
Total 706.75

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Figure 10-5 Surface Map showing completed drill holes in the Bolaitos South Area.

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The results of the Reyes vein in holes RV-16 and RV-17 indicate that the high grade zones towards south
and below an elevation of 2,100 masl represent thinner portions of the structure. The dimensions and
lower than expected grade, for the moment, to not warrant any new development, however, the results are
significant enough to warrant additional exploration work within the untested strike length of 200 m.

The results are summarized in Tables 10-10 and 10-11. The Reyes and La Cuesta veins intercepts are shown
on the longitudinal sections in Figure 10-6 and Figure 10-7.

Table 10-10 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the Reyes area.

Drill Hole Mineralized Interval Assay Results

ID From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Margaritas Vein 26.70 30.15 3.45 2.68 28 0.31
Margaritas Composite 28.45 30.15 1.70 1.32 29 0.48
Including 29.75 30.15 0.40 0.31 38 1.59
Reyes Vein 193.30 193.80 0.50 0.50 38 0.41
Reyes Composite 192.55 193.80 1.25 1.25 16 0.20
Including 193.50 193.80 0.30 0.30 43 0.52
La Loba Vein () 283.40 284.60 1.20 1.20 82 2.08
Including 284.40 284.60 0.20 0.20 199 4.20
Reyes Vein 82.60 83.10 0.50 0.50 51 0.72
Reyes Composite 82.60 84.05 1.45 1.39 39 0.65
Including 83.10 83.45 0.35 0.33 50 1.57
RV-17 La Loba Projection 1 163.40 165.00 1.60 1.57 44 0.09
La Loba Proj 1 Composite 163.40 164.80 1.40 1.37 48 0.10
Including 164.50 164.80 0.30 0.29 141 0.29
La Loba Projection 2 259.20 259.40 0.20 0.17 50 0.31

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Table 10-11 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the La Cuesta North area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole
Structure Core True Width
ID From (m) To (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Length (m) (m)
Veinlet 149.80 150.00 0.20 0.15 23 0.14
Veinlet 244.40 244.60 0.20 0.16 24 0.10
Fault 266.35 267.40 1.05 0.27 34 0.16
CTA-01 Veinlet 267.70 268.05 0.35 0.09 16 0.20
Veinlet 268.50 269.00 0.50 0.17 2 0.11
La Cuesta Vein 269.30 270.85 1.55 1.02 24 0.16
Including 269.30 269.55 0.25 0.16 52 0.13
Veinlet 34.15 34.55 0.40 0.26 281 1.95
Cabrera Carrica Vein 38.70 40.45 1.75 1.24 104 2.00
Cabrera Carrica Composite 38.35 40.45 2.10 1.48 98 1.79
Including 40.10 40.45 0.35 0.25 116 4.66
Veinlet 51.70 51.90 0.20 0.17 290 0.42
Hw Lourdes Vein 126.60 127.00 0.40 0.38 28 0.35
Veinlet 127.85 128.20 0.35 0.30 4 0.02
Lourdes Vein 136.10 138.25 2.15 1.84 111 0.62
Lourdes Composite 136.10 137.45 1.35 1.16 175 0.97
CTA-02 Including 136.35 136.70 0.35 0.30 448 3.38
Veinlet 139.90 140.10 0.20 0.16 2 0.03
Fault 140.35 140.75 0.40 0.36 9 0.11
Veinlet 141.45 141.70 0.25 0.18 20 0.40
La Cuesta Vein 292.95 293.20 0.25 0.21 50 0.10
La Cuesta Composite 292.30 293.50 1.20 0.99 11 0.03
Including 292.95 293.20 0.25 0.21 50 0.10
Veinlet 309.15 309.35 0.20 0.18 2 0.28
Veinlet 331.90 332.10 0.20 0.19 8 0.15
Veinlet 341.30 341.55 0.25 0.19 9 0.04

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Figure 10-6 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on Reyes Vein

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Figure 10-7 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on La Cuesta North Vein

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10.3.5 Siglo XX Surface Diamond Drilling Program

EDR completed 3 drillholes in the Siglo XX area, located around 800 m to the northeast and parallel to the
La Joya-El Puertecito system (Figure 10-8) totaling 1,06740 m (Table 10-12).

Table 10-12 2015 Summary of Siglo XX Surface Diamond Drilling Program

SXX-01 65 -45 HQ 327.50 29/10/2015 05/11/2015
SXX-02 96 -45 HQ 490.50 05/11/2015 16/11/2015
SXX-03 228 -45 HQ 249.40 17/11/2015 21/11/2015
Total 1,067.40

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Figure 10-8 Surface Map showing completed drill holes in the Siglo XX Area.

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The vein intersections in holes SXX-02 and SXX-03 resulted in marginal values that indicate that the gold
and silver are present below an elevation of 1,900 masl. This is similar to the depth of mineralization
referenced in the Veta Madre system. The results of the drilling program indicate that possible extensions
of mineralization may be found to the north and at depth.

The Siglo XX vein intercepts are summarized in Table 10-13 and the intercepts are plotted on the
longitudinal section in Figure 10-9.

Table 10-13 Surface Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the Siglo XX area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure Core Length True Width
From (m) To (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
(m) (m)
Veinlet 81.75 82.00 0.25 0.14 8 0.32
Fault 82.00 82.50 0.50 0.29 2 0.05
Veinlet 101.70 102.00 0.30 0.15 1 0.04
Veinlet 117.90 118.10 0.20 0.17 15 0.29
Veinlet 125.50 125.95 0.45 0.29 59 0.99
Hw SXX Vein 128.20 130.10 1.90 1.79 18 0.97
Including 129.40 129.60 0.20 0.19 50 2.53
Veinlet 184.20 184.60 0.40 0.20 1 0.01
Veinlet 193.15 193.40 0.25 0.13 <0.2 <0.005
Siglo XX Vein 266.10 266.80 0.70 0.56 <0.2 <0.005
Hw Siglo XX 119.30 120.10 0.80 0.75 41 1.11
Hw Siglo XX Composite 119.30 121.30 2.00 1.88 40 1.02
Including 119.30 119.80 0.50 0.47 53 1.30
Veinlet 122.50 122.85 0.35 0.17 30 0.62
SXX-02 Veinlet 124.05 124.25 0.20 0.05 28 0.39
Veinlet 158.55 159.25 0.70 0.24 14 0.45
Vein 160.20 163.65 3.45 1.18 28 0.64
Siglo XX Vein 419.70 420.60 0.90 0.50 <0.2 <0.005
Veinlet 456.85 457.10 0.25 0.09 <0.2 <0.005
Siglo XX Vein 206.40 206.60 0.20 0.13 801 0.79
SXX-03 Siglo XX Composite 206.40 207.95 1.55 1.00 104 0.11
Including 206.40 206.60 0.20 0.13 801 0.79

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Figure 10-9 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on Siglo XX Vein

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10.4 2015 Underground Drilling Program and Results

The underground drillhole program at Bolaitos focused on defining the extents of the La Joya, the Daniela
Footwall, and the Gabriela (located at footwall of Karina vein) veins. All underground drilling was
performed by an in-house (VERSA Kmb-4) drill rig.

10.4.1 La Joya System Underground Diamond Drilling Program

A total of 1,271.15 m were drilled in 6 underground holes in the La Joya vein area (Figure 10-10). The
summary of these holes are shown in Table 10-14.

Table 10-14 2015 Summary of La Joya Underground Diamond Drilling Program


LJU-01 72 -25 NQ 188.55 23/01/2015 30/01/2015

LJU-02 76 (+) 28.5 NQ 141.80 31/01/2015 11/02/2015
LJU-03 19 -30 HQ 210.00 11/02/2015 18/02/2015
LJU-04 44 -49 NQ 263.50 18/02/2015 25/02/2015
LJU-05 2 -26 NQ 272.60 26/02/2015 09/03/2015
LJU-06 44 -33 NQ 194.70 09/04/2015 15/04/2015
Total 1,271.15

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Figure 10-10 Map showing completed drill holes in the La Joya Area.

Drilling results are summarized in Table 10-15 and the La Joya vein intercepts are plotted on the
longitudinal section in Figure 10-11.

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Table 10-15 Underground Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the La Joya area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure Core Length True Width
From (m) To (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
(m) (m)
La Joya Vein 131.70 132.45 0.75 0.53 368 0.35
LJU-01 La Joya Composite 131.30 132.95 1.65 1.17 169 0.18
Including 132.15 132.45 0.30 0.21 862 0.66
Breccia 108.80 109.20 0.40 0.23 <0.2 <0.005
LJU-02 Veinlet 112.70 113.30 0.60 0.42 27 0.07
La Joya Vein 113.60 114.15 0.55 0.39 88 0.10
Vein (Hw) 134.50 135.55 1.05 0.63 287 14.03
Vein (Hw) Composite 134.50 136.55 2.05 1.27 148 6.97
Including 134.50 134.80 0.30 0.15 112 28.30
La Joya Vein 144.00 146.00 2.00 1.58 166 0.80
La Joya Composite 144.55 146.00 1.45 1.13 230 0.96
Including 144.85 145.45 0.60 0.49 300 0.72
Vein (Hw) 37.10 38.20 1.10 0.92 398 6.67
Vein (Hw) Composite 37.10 38.50 1.40 1.16 314 5.27
Including 37.10 37.40 0.30 0.26 1115 21.10
La Joya Vein 195.95 196.65 0.70 0.55 85 0.34
La Joya Composite 195.35 196.65 1.30 1.05 46 0.23
Including 196.30 196.65 0.35 0.27 174 0.40
Veinlet 32.50 32.80 0.30 0.15 156 0.80
Vein 34.05 34.40 0.35 0.35 455 12.90
LJU-05 La Joya Vein 204.20 205.00 0.80 0.57 140 2.93
La Joya Composite 203.55 205.00 1.45 1.03 91 2.33
Including 204.60 205.00 0.40 0.28 175 5.59
Veinlet 36.40 37.20 0.80 0.66 277 1.14
Veinlet 53.50 53.90 0.40 0.38 1 0.04
La Joya Vein 145.25 145.55 0.30 0.25 251 0.76
La Joya Composite 145.05 146.40 1.35 1.11 59 0.24
Including 145.25 145.55 0.30 0.25 251 0.76
Veinlet 152.85 153.05 0.20 0.08 15 0.21
Veinlet 153.45 153.80 0.35 0.29 11 0.46
Veinlet 154.40 155.05 0.65 0.61 14 0.16

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Figure 10-11 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on La Joya Vein

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10.4.2 Daniela Footwall and Gabriela Underground Diamond Drilling Program

A total of 1,254.70 m were drilled in 8 underground holes in the Daniela Footwall and Gabriela vein area
(Figure 10-12). The summary of these holes are shown in Tables 10-16 and 10-17. Two holes were
abandoned due to mechanical problems (one at Daniela and one at Gabriela).

Table 10-16 2015 Summary of Daniela Footwall Underground Diamond Drilling Program

DNU-01 36 -48 NQ 326.40 12/03/2015 23/03/2015
DNU-02A 52 -56 NQ 26.75 24/03/2015 25/03/2015
DNU-02 53 -59 NQ 346.00 26/03/2015 07/04/2015
Total 699.15

Table 10-17 2015 Summary of Gabriela Underground Diamond Drilling Program

GAU-01 240 -3 NQ 151.90 17/04/2015 21/04/2015
GAU-02A 180 (+) 6 NQ 4.75 22/04/2015 22/04/2015
GAU-02 180 (+) 6 NQ 106.75 22/04/2015 23/04/2015
GAU-03 216 0 NQ 110.10 24/04/2015 28/04/2015
GAU-04 226 (+) 22 NQ 182.05 28/04/2015 08/05/2015
Total 555.55

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Figure 10-12 Map showing completed drill holes in the Daniela Fw & Gabriela Area.

Drilling results are summarized in Tables 10-18 and 10-19 and the Gabriela vein intercepts are plotted on
the longitudinal section in Figure 10-13.

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Table 10-18 Underground Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the Daniela Fw area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure
From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Veinlet 74.65 74.95 0.30 0.15 48 0.17
Veinlet 78.30 78.80 0.50 0.13 <0.2 <0.005
Veinlet 82.30 82.60 0.30 0.15 3 0.25
DNU-01 Veinlet 153.85 154.20 0.35 0.25 2 0.38
Veinlet 158.35 158.65 0.30 0.29 7 0.39
Veinlet 174.70 175.10 0.40 0.31 4 0.21
Daniela Fw Projection 268.45 268.80 0.35 0.18 2 0.19
Veinlet 64.40 64.80 0.40 0.74 28 0.51
Veinlet 175.35 175.55 0.20 0.17 1 0.37
Veinlet 224.40 224.60 0.20 0.15 1 0.10
DNU-02 Veinlet 225.60 225.95 0.35 0.29 2 0.50
Veinlet 229.10 229.35 0.25 0.22 1 0.24
Daniela Fw Projection 274.25 274.45 0.20 0.19 2 0.18
Veinlet 331.30 331.85 0.55 0.28 1 0.42

Table 10-19 Underground Drill Hole Assay Summary for intercepts in the Gabriela area.

Mineralized Interval Assay Results

Drill Hole ID Structure
From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) True Width (m) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t)
Vein 43.60 44.85 1.25 0.88 68 5.50
Vein Composite 42.90 44.85 1.95 1.38 45 3.60
Including 44.40 44.60 0.20 0.14 125 12.45
Gabriela Vein 95.50 96.75 1.25 0.88 347 1.62
GAU-01 Gabriela Composite 95.50 97.25 1.75 1.13 273 1.27
Including 95.50 95.80 0.30 0.21 612 3.58
Veinlet 97.25 97.45 0.20 0.10 67 0.13
Veinlet 97.65 98.25 0.60 0.54 326 0.62
Veinlet 98.55 99.10 0.55 0.32 97 0.13
Veinlet 25.05 25.60 0.55 0.32 8 0.12
Veinlet 52.40 52.75 0.35 0.20 10 4.99
GAU-02 Gabriela Vein 59.90 62.25 2.35 1.60 446 3.09
Gabriela Composite 60.40 62.25 1.85 1.28 557 3.83
Including 61.50 61.75 0.25 0.19 1100 8.38
Veinlet 37.85 38.90 1.05 0.60 19 0.78
Veinlet 60.25 60.65 0.40 0.31 165 4.06
GAU-03 Gabriela Vein 67.80 69.90 2.10 1.55 497 7.18
Including 69.65 69.90 0.25 0.16 803 21.00
Veinlet 81.00 81.30 0.30 0.26 662 2.37
Veinlet 7.05 7.50 0.45 0.26 113 0.21
Vein 82.40 83.20 0.80 0.69 18 0.30
Vein 97.85 98.00 0.15 0.14 75 0.38
Vein 100.80 101.25 0.45 0.41 8 0.38
Gabriela Vein 103.95 105.00 1.05 1.01 79 0.32
Including 104.70 105.00 0.30 0.29 209 0.98
Fault 151.65 153.55 1.90 1.56 13 0.53
Veinlet 163.55 163.80 0.25 0.20 1 0.08

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Figure 10-13 Longitudinal Section (Looking NE) showing intersection points on Gabriela Vein

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Bolaitos Project Sample Preparation, Analyses and Security


The sample data relied upon during completion of the mineral resource and reserve estimates presented in
this report are from diamond drill core and underground chip channel samples.

11.1 Methods

11.1.1 Production Chip Channel Samples

Bolaitos employs standardized procedures for collecting underground grade control chip samples, and
these procedures are documented in a detailed, illustrated manual. Chip channel sampling is carried out
daily in accessible stopes and development headings by mine sampling technicians. Samples are located by
measuring with a tape from known survey points. The samples are taken perpendicular to the veins at 3m
to 5m intervals along drifts. Sample locations are cleaned and marked with two parallel, red spray paint
lines to guide the sampling. Chip samples are collected on all vein faces in drifts, crosscuts, raises, and
stopes. On faces and raises they are taken perpendicular to the dip of the vein to approximate true width.
Stopes are sampled across the roof (back) following the profile of the working.

The entire chip sample is divided into a number of discrete samples based on the geology (lithology). The
simplest configuration is a single vein where the chip sample would be divided based on one sample of the
wall rock on each side of the vein, and one sample of the vein. In more complex configurations, if there is
more than one vein present, or it is divided by waste rock, then each of the vein sections is sampled
separately. The chip samples are cut approximately 10 cm wide and 2 cm deep using a hammer and chisel.
The rock chips are collected in a net, placed on a canvas, and any fragments larger than 2.5 cm are broken
with a hammer. The maximum sample length is generally 1.5 m and minimum sample length is generally
0.2 m, though a few samples are taken over as narrow a width as 0.1 m.

The samples are sealed in plastic bags with a string and sent to the laboratory at Bolaitos. Samples which
tend to be large, representing long sample intervals, can be too large for the bags provided and are reduced
in size at the sample site to 1-2kg by quartering. Care is taken to collect all of the fines for the selected
quarters. The samples are sealed in plastic bags and transported to the geology storage facility on surface.
From there the samples are taken to the laboratory at the Bolaitos mine site by contracted transporter.
Sample locations are plotted on stope plans using CAD software. The sample numbers and location data are
recorded in a spreadsheet database. Upon receipt of assays, technicians and geologists produce reports used
for day-to-day monitoring and grade control.

11.1.2 Exploration Sampling

EDRs exploration staff are responsible for regional and mine exploration within the Bolaitos mining
district, including the management, monitoring, surveying, and logging of surface and underground
diamond drilling.

Regardless of which program the core comes from, the process is the same. Core from diamond drilling is
placed in boxes which are sealed shut at the drill site. EDR personnel transport the core to the core facility.
Sample handling at the core facility follows a standard general procedure, during which depth markers are

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checked and confirmed; the outside of the boxes are labeled with interval information; core is washed and
photographed; and the recovery and modified rock quality designation (RQD) are logged for each drillhole.

All of EDRs surface and underground exploration drillholes are processed at the exploration core facility.

A cutting line is drawn on the core with a colored pencil, and sample tags are stapled in the boxes or
denoted by writing the sample number with a felt tip pen.

The core is split using a diamond saw.

11.2 Sample Preparation and Analysis

Mine production sampling including plant feed samples, concentrate and dor, are sent to EDRs in-house,
ISO-certified Bolaitos assay laboratory. The laboratory is set up in a single facility at the Bolaitos mine
with separate enclosed sections for sample preparation, fire assay with gravimetric finish, and atomic
absorption facilities. The facilities are located within the Bolaitos mine compound and operate 24 hours
per day.

11.2.1 Exploration Drilling 11.2.1

All samples of rock and drill core are bagged and tagged at the Guanajuato core facility and shipped to the
ALS preparation facility in Zacatecas, Mexico. After preparation, the samples are shipped to the ALS
laboratory in Vancouver, Canada, for analysis.

Upon arrival at the ALS preparation facility, all of the samples are logged into the laboratorys tracking
system (LOG-22). Then the entire sample is weighed, dried if necessary, and fine crushed to better than
70% passing 2 mm (-10 mesh). The sample is then split through a riffle splitter and a 250 g split is then
taken and pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns (-200 mesh).

The analysis procedures are summarized in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Summary of Analysis Procedures

Sample Lower Detection

Element Description Upper Detection Limit ALS Code
Type Limit
Au Fire Assay and AA analysis 0.005 ppm 10 ppm AUAA23
Ag Aqua Regia and AA analysis 0.2 ppm 100 ppm AA45AG
Core Au, Ag
Fire Assays
(Samples 0.05 ppm Au/ 1,000 ppm Au /
and Au,Ag ME-GRA21
>20ppm Ag 5 ppm Ag 10,000 ppm Ag
Gravimetric Finish
Au Fire Assay and AA analysis 0.005 ppm 10 ppm AUAA23
0.2 ppm Ag / 1 ppm
Rock Multielements Aqua Regia and ICP-AES 100 ppm Ag / 10,000
Cu / 2 ppm Pb/ 2 ME-ICP41
(35 Elements) Finish ppm Cu, Pb and Zn
ppm Zn
Aqua Regia and ICP-MS
Au 0.001 ppm 1 ppm
TL42-PKG Au-
Soil 0.002 ppm Ag /
Multielements Aqua Regia and ICP-MS and 100 ppm Ag / 10,000 TL42 + ME-MS41
0.01 ppm Cu, Pb and
(51 Elements) ICP-AES Finish ppm Cu, Pb and Zn

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ALS is an independent analytical laboratory company which services the mining industry around the world.
ALS is also an ISO-certified laboratory that employs a rigorous quality control system in its laboratory
methodology as well as a system of analytical blanks, standards and duplicates. Details of its accreditation,
analytical procedures and QA/QC program can be found at

In 2015, the average turn-around time required for analyses was approximately 2 weeks.

11.3 Sample Quality Control and Quality Assurance

11.3.1 Production Sampling

Sample quality assurance procedures underground include careful marking of the sample lines across the
faces or backs of the heading, recording measurements from known points to accurately locate the samples,
and measuring each sample length with a tape. Samples are collected carefully onto a canvas, conserving all
material. Oversize pieces are broken up, then the sample is rolled, coned, and quartered at the sample site
to reduce sample volume. Samples remain in the custody of the technicians and geologists who collected
them until they are delivered to designated sample storage areas on surface. Samples are collected from
each storage area by a contracted transporter and delivered to the assay lab on site at the Bolaitos mine.

Field duplicate samples are inserted at the frequency of about 1 in 20 chip lines. The last sample taken is a
duplicate sample. The sample interval to be duplicated is chosen at random from one of the vein intervals.
Waste duplicates are not collected. The sample is collected from a point approximately 10cm above the
original sample. Duplicate samples are sent with the rest of the samples from the chip line.

11.3.2 Production Samples

The QA/QC protocol for production samples involves repeat assays on pulp and reject assays, along with
in-house prepared blanks. No commercially available standards were used in 2015.

Maximum-minimum scatter plots for duplicate samples are shown in Figure 11-1 through Figure 11-6. In
general, results of the duplicate re-assays indicate a good correlation for silver and moderate to poor
correlation for gold. Acceptable failure rate for pulp duplicates is 10%. Silver pulps show a 6% failure rate
while gold shows a 42% failure rate.

Acceptable failure rate for reject duplicates is 20%. Silver rejects show a 12% failure rate while gold shows
a 33% failure rate.

Finally, failure rate for mine duplicates is 30%. Silver duplicates show a 26% failure rate while gold shows
a 45% failure rate.

Silver pairs with a mean value of 10x the detection limit were excluded. Gold pairs with a mean value of 15x
the detection limit were excluded. The higher gold failure rate may be caused by low precision near the
origin. Eliminating pairs that are close to detection will reduce the failure rate. Overall the results are
acceptable but could be improved.

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Figure 11-1 Silver Pulp Duplicates

Figure 11-2 Gold Pulp Duplicates

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Figure 11-3 Silver Reject Duplicates

Figure 11-4 Gold Reject Duplicates

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Figure 11-5 Silver Field Duplicates

Figure 11-6 Gold Field Duplicates

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Check assaying is performed to check the precision and accuracy of the primary laboratory, and to identify
errors due to sample handling. Check assaying consists of sending pulps and rejects to a secondary lab for
analysis and comparison against the primary lab.

No check assays from mine production were sent to secondary labs for analysis in 2015.

Coarse blanks monitor the integrity of sample preparation and are used to detect contamination during
crushing and grinding of samples. Blank failures can also occur during laboratory analysis or as the result
of a sample mix-up. A blank analysis 4 times the detection limit is considered a blank failure.

EDR submitted 614 coarse pulp blanks to the Bolaitos mine Laboratory to monitor sample preparation
during 2015. Blank samples had a failure rate of 1.5% and 3.3% for silver and gold, respectively.

11.3.3 Exploration Samples

During 2015, surface and underground drilling was supported by a QA/QC program conducted to monitor
the integrity of all assay results. Each batch of 20 samples included one blank, one duplicate and one
standard. Check assaying is also conducted at a frequency of approximately 5%. Discrepancies and
inconsistencies in the blank and duplicate data are resolved by re-assaying the pulp, reject or both.

In 2015, a total of 4,938 samples, including control samples, were submitted during the drilling exploration
program at Bolaitos. A summary of sample type and quantity is shown in Table 11-2. A total of 253 pulps
(~5%) were also submitted for check assays.

The sampling process, including handling of samples, preparation and analysis, is shown in the quality
control flow sheet, Figure 11-7.

Table 11-2 Summary of Sample Type and Number used during the 2015 Surface Exploration Program

Samples No. of Samples Percentage (%)

Standards 246 5.0%

Duplicates 242 4.9%

Blanks 246 5.0%

Normal 4,204 85.1%

Total 4,938 100.0%

Check Samples 253 5.1%

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Figure 11-7 Flow Sheet for Core Sampling, Sample Preparation and Analysis Sample Preparation and Analysis

Blank samples were inserted to monitor possible contamination during the preparation process and
analysis of the samples in the laboratory. Commercial Enviroplug Coarse (1/4) bentonite was used as the
blank material. Blank samples are inserted randomly into the sample batch and given unique sample
numbers in sequence with the other samples before being shipped to the laboratory.

Blank samples were inserted at an average rate of approximately 1 for each 20 original samples. The
control limit for blank samples is 10 times the minimum limit of detection of the assay method of the
element: 0.05 ppm for gold and 2.5 ppm for silver. Only a limited number of blank samples returned assay
values above the detection limits for gold. A total of 6 samples returned above the detection limit for silver.
Each failed sample was compared to the previous sample result. In each of the 6 failed blanks it was
determined by EDR that contamination from the previous sample was not responsible for the elevated
silver grades for the blank sample in question. Figure 11-8 and Figure 11-9 plot the blank analysis results for
gold and silver, respectively.

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Figure 11-8 Control Chart for Gold Assay from the Blank Samples Inserted into the Sample Stream

Figure 11-9 Control Chart for Silver Assay from the Blank Samples Inserted into the Sample Stream Exploration Duplicate Samples

Duplicate samples are used to monitor (a) potential mixing up of samples and (b) variability of the data as
a result of laboratory error or the lack of homogeneity of the samples.

Duplicate core samples were prepared by EDR personnel at the core storage facility. Randomly selected
sample intervals are prepared for duplicate analysis. The duplicates are then sampled by splitting the core
in half in the same manner as a normal sample, before crushing and splitting the sample into two equal
portions. Both samples are submitted to the laboratory as individual samples with unique sample numbers
for analysis. Duplicates are submitted at a ratio of one duplicate sample in every 20 samples submitted for

Discrepancies and inconsistencies in the duplicate sample data are resolved by re-assaying either the pulp
or reject or both. For the duplicate samples, graphical analysis shows an excellent correlation coefficient for
gold (0.99) and a moderate correlation for silver (0.78). Scatter plots for gold and silver are presented as
Figure 11-10 and Figure 11-11, respectively.

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Figure 11-10 Scatter Plot for Duplicate Samples for Gold

Figure 11-11 Scatter Plot for Duplicate Samples for Silver Standard Reference Samples

EDR uses commercial reference standards to monitor the accuracy of the laboratories. Standard reference
material (SRM) has been purchased from CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd. Each reference standard was

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prepared by the vendor at its own laboratories and shipped directly to EDR, along with a certificate of
analysis for each standard purchased.

In 2015, a total of 246 standard reference control samples were submitted at an average frequency of 1 for
each batch of 20 samples. Reference standards were ticketed with pre-assigned numbers in order to avoid
inadvertently using sample numbers that were being used during logging.

Two different standards were submitted and analyzed for gold and silver. Reference standard information
for 2015 is summarized in Table 11-3.

For graphical analysis, results for the standards were scrutinized relative to the mean or control limit (CL),
and a lower control limit (LL) and an upper control limit (UL), as shown in Table 11-4.

Table 11-3 Reference Standards Used for Endeavour Silvers Drilling Programs

Reference Standard Assays Reference Standard Assays

Reference Reference (Certificate) (Calculated)
Reference Source
Standard Number
Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t)
EDR-31 CDN-FCM-6 Cdn Resource Lab 2.15 157 2.18 152
EDR-39 CDN-ME-1305 Cdn Resource Lab 1.92 231 1.94 226

Table 11-4 Basis for Interpreting Standard Sample Assays

Limit Value
UL Plus 2 standard deviations from the mean
CL Recommended or Calculated value (mean) of standard reference material)
LL Minus 2 standard deviations from the mean

EDRs criteria for a batch failure include:

A reported value for a standard greater than 3 standard deviations from the mean is a failure.
Two consecutive values of a standard greater than 2 standard deviations from the mean is a
A blank value over the acceptable limit is a failure.

Results of each standard were reviewed separately. Most values for gold and silver were found to be within
the control limits, and the results are considered satisfactory. The mean of the ALS assays agrees well with
the mean value of the standard. Examples of the control charts for the standard reference material
generated by EDR are shown in Figures 11-12 through 11-15.

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Figure 11-12 Control Chart for Gold Assays from the Standard Reference Sample EDR-31

Figure 11-13 Control Chart for Silver Assays from the Standard Reference Sample EDR-31

Figure 11-14 Control Chart for Gold Assays from the Standard Reference Sample EDR-39

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Figure 11-15 Control Chart for Silver Assays from the Standard Reference Sample EDR-39 Exploration Check Assaying

EDR periodically conducts check analyses in order to evaluate the accuracy of the primary laboratory.
Random pulps selected from original core samples are sent to a second laboratory to verify the original
assay and monitor any possible deviation due to sample handling and laboratory procedures. EDR employs
the BSI-Inspectorate laboratory in Durango, Mexico, for check analyses.

Correlation coefficients are high (>0.97) for both silver and gold, indicating a high level of agreement
between the original ALS assay and the BSI-Inspectorate check assay. Figures 11-16 and 11-17 show the
correlations between the values of gold and silver respectively.

Figure 11-16 Scatter Plot of Check Assays for Gold

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Figure 11-17 Scatter Plot of Check Assays for Silver

11.4 Adequacy of Data

11.4.1 Adequacy of Mine Sampling Procedures

HRC concludes that the exploration and production sample preparation, security and analytical procedures
are correct and adequate for the purpose of this Technical Report. The sample methods and density are
appropriate and the samples are of sufficient quality to comprise a representative, unbiased database.

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Bolaitos Project Data Verification


The mineral resource and reserve estimates reported for the Bolaitos Project rely in part on the following
information provided to HRC by EDR, with an effective date of December 31, 2015:

Discussions with EDR personnel;

Personal investigation of the Bolaitos Project office;
A surface drilling, underground drilling, and channel sample and composite database
EDR modeled solids for veins 2100, Cecilia, Daniela Norte, Daniela Sur, Fernanda, Gabriela,
Karina, La Joya, La Luz Norte, Lana, Lucero, Plateros, Plateros Alto, Plateros Bajo, and Santa
EDR-estimated block models for Cecilia, Daniela Norte, Daniela Sur, Fernanda, Gabriela,
Karina, La Joya, La Luz Sur, Lana, Lucero 29520, Lucero 29566, Plateros, Plateros Alto, and
Plateros Bajo;
The most recent Technical Report NI43-101 Technical Report Resource and Reserve Estimates
for the Bolaitos Mines Project Gunajuato State Mexico dated February 25, 2015 and authored
by Michael J. Munroe., RM-SME;
EDR capping evaluations for silver and gold values;
An excel spreadsheet with variograms and estimation parameters (Copia de Parametros.xlxs);
Swath plots for block model validation purposes;
Polygonal 2-dimensional long sections for veins Belen, HW Belen, Bolanitios, Old Bolaitos,
Cebada, Golandrinas, La Joya, La Luz San Barnabe, and Plateros with resource and reserve

12.1 Database Audit

The surface drilling, underground drilling, and underground channel samples were combined into a single
database for mineral resource estimation. HRC conducted a thorough audit of the current EDR exploration
and operation sample databases. The following tasks were completed as part of the audit:

Performed a mechanical audit of the database;

Validated the geologic information compared to the paper logs;
Validated the assay values contained in the exploration database with assay certificates from
the EDR Bolaitos mine laboratory; and
Validated the assay values contained in the 2D polygonal long sections by comparing with
select, relevant historical assays and the original drawings.

HRC limited the audit to the rock-type, assay, drillhole collar, and survey data contained in the exploration

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Bolaitos Project Data Verification

12.1.1 Mechanical Audit

A mechanical audit of the combined database was completed using Leapfrog Geo software. The database
was checked for overlaps, gaps, duplicate channel samples total drillhole length inconsistencies, non-
numeric assay values, and negative numbers. The following list of drillholes were missing information:

No Assay Data
o Surface Drillholes
o Underground Drillholes
No Lithology Data
o Surface Drillholes
o Underground Drillholes

A total of 333 surface drillholes, 143 underground drillholes, and 10,007 underground channel samples
were imported into leapfrog for validation. Data with missing information were not used in the estimation
of mineral resources. Overlaps
Overlaps identified in the audit were corrected with EDR personnel. Gaps, Non-numeric Assay Values, and Negative Numbers

The software reported missing intervals for silver and gold. Below detection limit samples are reported as a
non-positive value of 0. All of the non-positive numbers (<0) were assumed to be non-sampled intervals
and were omitted from the dataset. No non-numeric assays were encountered in the audit. Table 12-1
below summarizes the number of intervals imported, the number of missing intervals, the number of non-
positive values and the number of valid assays for each element.
Table 12-1 Database Import Summary

Element Missing Non-Positive Values Assay Values

Ag (g/t) 3,592 3,290 62,528
Au (g/t) 3,592 5,369 64,762

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Bolaitos Project Data Verification Table Depth Consistency

The survey, assay, and geology tables maximum sample depth was checked as compared to the maximum
depth reported in the collar table for each drillhole. No intervals exceeded the reported drillhole depths.

12.2 Certificates
HRC received original assay certificates in excel format for the samples collected in 2015 in the current
database. A random manual check of 10% of the database against the original certificates was conducted.
The error rate within the database is considered to be less than 1% based on the number of samples spot

12.3 Adequacy of Data

HRC has reviewed EDRs check assay programs and considers the programs to provide adequate confidence
in the data. Samples that are associated with QA/QC failures are reviewed prior to inclusion in the
production and exploration databases; however, in production there is not always sufficient time for
corrective measures prior to exploitation of the stope being sampled. Improvements to the sampling
procedures and QA/QC failure corrective measures may improve the overall sample quality of the
production samples.

The laboratories are clean, well-documented, and appear to be working properly. HRC would however
recommend that EDR install a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) to eliminate human
error or correcting of values to an expected result. LIMS systems are proven to reduce errors in the
sampling process that result in considerable money lost. This system will automate the QA/QC reporting
for the geology department and the laboratory while reducing the time required to input data into a
database for modeling.

Exploration drilling, sampling, security, and analysis procedures are being conducted in manner that meets
or exceeds industry standard practice. All drill cores and cuttings from EDRs drilling have been
photographed. Drill logs have been digitally entered into exploration database organized and maintained in
Vulcan. The split core and cutting trays have been securely stored and are available for further checks.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing


13.1 Mineralogical Analysis

A mineralogical analysis of the concentrate samples at the University of San Luis Potosi determined that:

60-80% of silver is as Aguilarite Ag2(S,Se) (grains of size 10-60 m, 40% liberated),

15-45% of silver is as Pirargirite Ag3SbS3 (grains of size 10-40 m)
Up to 5% of silver is in Freibergite Cu12Sb4S12/Ag (grains of size 10-40 m),
Up to 5% of silver may be in Argentite Ag2S,
Up to 0.5% of silver may be in Cerargirite AgCl, and
Up to 10% of silver is in Electrum (3-90 m) associated with Aguilarite, Pyrite, and Calcite.

13.2 Gravity Concentration

In January 2013, preliminary gravity concentration tests were performed using a lab scale Falcon
concentrator. The samples were taken from flotation tailings, cyclone underflow, and ball mill discharge.
The tests were carried out at 60 to 300 earth gravity accelerations and water pressure 2 psi. Electrum was
observed by naked eye in gravity concentrates in all tests. The best results were obtained at 60 gravity
accelerations recovering 20% of silver and 36% of gold into a concentrate, however the concentrate grade
(3.4% of feed weight) was low (209 g/t Ag and 8 g/t Au).

In 2014 it was decided to perform a test on a larger scale under the same conditions. On April 14, 2014, at
the Bolaitos plant a test was a conducted by the Falcon staff. The test was completed on approx. 70 kg
(100%) of flotation tails and obtained 274 g of primary concentrate (0.39%). The primary concentrate was
cleaned in the same Falcon concentrator and obtained 60 g (0.085%) of 2 clean concentrate. This
concentrate was cleaned by a tentadura hand and obtained a concentrated final of 10.3 g (0.015%) with 258
g/t Ag and 20.8 g/t Au. The recovery of silver concentrate ultimately was 0.19% and gold was 1.1%. Based
on these results gravity concentration was found to be unprofitable. The estimated operating costs were
three times the estimated increase in revenue. If lower operating costs, higher metal prices and a change in
mineral with coarser gold materializes than the study should be reinvestigated.

13.3 13.3 Concentrate Sale vs. Cyanide Leaching

In 2008, EDR started processing the Bolaitos concentrate by cyanide leaching at the Guanacev plant. The
average recoveries were 88% of silver and 90% of gold. By the end of 2012, EDR found that concentrate
sale was more economic than cyanide leach and began shipping to the concentrate traders.

13.4 Comments on Section 13

The Bolaitos mines have a long history of successful operation and processing and have plans to continue.
The QP is of the opinion that the level of metallurgical testing is appropriate for the duration of the life of
the mine plan and is unaware of any processing factors or deleterious elements that could impact the
potential economic extraction of metal from the Bolaitos mines ore.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resouorce Estimates


Resource geologist Zachary J. Black, SME-RM, of HRC is responsible for the mineral resource estimate
presented here. Mr. Black is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, and is independent of EDR. EDR
estimated the mineral resource for the Bolaitos mine Project based on drillhole data constrained by
geologic vein boundaries under the direct supervision of HRC. Datamine Studio RM V1.0.73.0
(Datamine) software was used to audit the resource estimate in conjunction with Leapfrog Geo V.3.0.0
(Leapfrog), which was used to produce a geologic model. The metals of interest at Bolaitos are gold and

The mineral resources reported here are classified as Measured, Indicated and Inferred in accordance with
standards defined by Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) CIM Definition
Standards - For Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on
Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on May 10, 2014. Classification of the resources reflects the
relative confidence of the grade estimates.

14.1 Density
HRC applied a density of 2.61 t/m3 to convert volume into tonnage. The density is taken indirectly from the
NI43-101 Technical Report Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos Mines Project Guanajuato
State Mexico dated February 25, 2015, and authored by Michael J. Munroe.

14.2 Methodology
The Bolaitos mineral resource is comprised of 21 individual veins. The veins are further subdivided into
areas and modeling method. The mineral resources have been estimated using either a Vertical
Longitudinal Projection (VLP) polygonal method (9 veins) or as 3-dimensional (3D) block model (12
veins). The 3D models have been split into 2 areas based on the vein location within the deposit. Table 14-1
summarizes the vein by the modeling method and area.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resouorce Estimates

Table 14-1 Summary of Veins included in the Mineral Resource Estimate

Bolaitos Main Area

Vein Strike Dip Dip Direction

Cecilia 145 52 235
Daniela Norte 140 85 230
Daniela Sur 147 77 57
Fernanda 132 70 222
Gabriela 120 50 210
Karina 133 65 223
Lana 152 61 242
Lucero - 29520 162 55 252
Lucero - 29566 162 55 252
La Joya 131 78 41
La Luz Sur Area
Vein Strike Dip Dip Direction
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 173 66 263
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 173 66 263
2D Models
Vein Strike Dip Dip Direction
Belen - 56 -
HW Belen - 53 -
Bolaitos - 65
Old Bolaitos - - -
Cebada - - -
Golondrinas - - -
La Joya 131 78 41
La Luz - San Barnabe - 58 -
Plateros 148 73 238

14.3 Vertical Longitudinal Projection

The resources based on the 2D polygonal methods are estimated by using a fixed distance Vertical
Longitudinal Projection (VLP) from sample points. The VLPs are created by projecting vein geology and
underground workings onto a vertical 2D long section. Figure 14-1 displays the VLP for the Belene veins.
Resource blocks are constructed on the VLP based on the sample locations in the plane of the projection.
EDR geologists review the data for sample trends and delineate areas with similar characteristics along the
sample lines. The areas are then grouped based on mining requirements and the average grades and
thicknesses of the samples are tabulated for each block. Resource volumes are calculated from the
delineated area and the horizontal thickness of the vein, as recorded in the sample database. The volume
and density are used to determine the overall resource tonnage for each area, and the grades are reported
as a length weighted average of the samples inside each resource block.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

Figure 14-1 VLP Showing the Belen Vein with Indicated (blue), Inferred (purple), and Low Grade Resource Blocks (black)

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

14.3.1 Composite Calculations

Composites for 2D estimates are calculated from underground channel samples taken perpendicular to the
vein approximately every 3m along strike of the vein to determine variability in grade and thickness. The
samples are grouped into a uniform composite length by using a length weighted average to determine the
grade. A single or multiple composites are then used to determine the average grade of a resource block.

14.3.2 Area and Volume Calculations

HRC confirmed the areas reported in EDR resource sheets loading AutoCAD long VLPs provided by EDR
into ArcGIS software, and tracing the perimeter of the resource blocks and measuring the area with the
built in measuring tool. The dip of the vein and true thickness are known variables. Volume is calculated by
multiplying the area of the resource block by the horizontal thickness. The horizontal thickness is used for
volume calculations to compensate for the reduction in area when translating the vein to a VLP (Figure

Figure 14-2 Cross Section Diagram of VLP Method

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

14.3.3 VLP Mineral Resource Classification

The 2D estimates were classified based on the distance to the nearest sample. Measured mineral resources
are the area of the defined resource blocks within 10 meters of a sample. Indicated mineral resources are
the area of the defined resource blocks within 20 meters of a sample. Inferred mineral resources are those
blocks greater than 20 meters from a sample and have a value for estimated silver.

14.4 3D Block Model Method

14.4.1 Geologic Model

HRC validated the vein models provided by EDR using Leapfrog. Ten veins were modeled by EDR using a
series of cross-sectional interpretations. The sectional interpretations are based primarily on composite
intercepts and are used to construct 3D vein solids in Vulcan. Cross-sections orthogonal to the strike of the
vein and level plan sections were used to insure sample selections for compositing were contained within
the modeled veins. Figure 14-3 and Figure 14-4 are 5-meter-thick sections (vertical and level plan,
respectively) of the Karina vein with the composites displayed. The surfaces were evaluated in 3D to ensure
that both the down dip and along strike continuity was maintained throughout the model. Figure 14-5
through Figure 14-8 show the modeled veins sub-divided into 2 areas from different viewing perspectives.

Figure 14-3 Cross Section (5 Meter Thick) of Karina Vein showing Drillhole and Channel Samples, and Selected Composites

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Figure 14-4 Level Plan Section (5-Meter-Thick) of Karina Vein showing Samples and Selected Composites

Figure 14-5 Plan View of Main Bolaitos Area

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

Figure 14-6 Down Dip View of Main Bolaitos Area

Figure 14-7 Plan View of La Luz Sur Area

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

Figure 14-8 Long Section View of La Luz Sur Area

14.4.2 Block Model

The 3D geologic solids were converted to block models using Vulcan. The model prototypes are rotated
along strike and down dip and encompass the entire vein. Various block sizes were used along strike and
down dip. The blocks for thickness were sub-blocked to the vein thickness. A summary of the block model
parameters is shown in Table 14-2. The volume, tonnage, and average statistics for sample length, silver,
and gold are presented in Table 14-3.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

Table 14-2 Bolaitos Block Model Parameters

Origin Rotation Block Size Number of Blocks Maximum Extent

Cecilia 258,120 2,329,690 2,130 -7 0 0 150 1 1 1 210 102 258,270 2,329,900 2,232
Daniela Norte 258,400 2,329,680 2,100 -35 0 0 210 1 1 1 300 25 258,610 2,329,980 2,125
Daniela Sur 258,800 2,328,980 1,990 -35 0 0 420 1 1 1 900 500 259,220 2,329,880 2,490
Fernanda 258,700 2,329,000 2,090 -40 0 0 30 1 1 7 650 310 258,910 2,329,650 2,400
Gabriela 258,620 2,329,280 2,100 -70 0 0 210 1 1 1 300 252 258,830 2,329,580 2,352
Karina 258,700 2,328,900 2,080 -40 0 0 300 1 1 1 660 500 259,000 2,329,560 2,580
Lana 259,000 2,329,000 1,940 -30 0 0 360 1 1 1 1,000 450 259,360 2,330,000 2,390
Lucero - 29520 258,380 2,329,380 2,190 -15 0 0 120 1 1 1 240 100 258,500 2,329,620 2,290
Lucero - 29566 258,250 2,329,400 2,050 -15 0 0 120 3 3 1 220 50 258,370 2,330,060 2,200
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 256,600 2,330,250 1,850 0 -28 0 400 5 5 1 190 130 257,000 2,331,200 2,500
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 256,600 2,330,250 1,850 0 -28 0 400 5 5 1 190 130 257,000 2,331,200 2,500
La Joya 258,790 2,329,600 2,000 -41 0 0 360 1 1 1 330 400 259,150 2,329,930 2,400

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates

Table 14-3 Vein Model Sample Statistics

Volume Tonnage Average

(m3) (tonne) Interval Length Length (%) Ag (g/t) Au (g/t)
Cecilia 12,776 33,344 54 0.42 127 1.56
Daniela Norte 34,771 90,751 288 2.28 242 2.41
Daniela Sur 455,290 1,188,308 3,119 24.65 172 2.71
Fernanda 71,926 187,728 87 0.69 137 2.70
Gabriela 27,919 72,867 119 0.94 123 1.54
Karina 186,911 487,839 2,311 18.26 162 2.42
Lana 494,197 1,289,854 4,297 33.96 101 1.25
Lucero - 29520 41,863 109,262
538 4.25 182 2.78
Lucero - 29566 87,596 228,626
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 639,201 1,668,314 336 2.65 44 1.14
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 93,681 244,507 550 4.35 153 3.85
La Joya 144,348 376,749 67 0.53 159 0.88

Minable volumes, which exclude historical production and unclassified material, were coded into the block
models by EDR (Figure 14-9).

Figure 14-9 Long Section of Karina Vein Block Model with Mineable Volumes Coded Red

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14.4.3 Compositing
The assays intervals used to define the hanging wall and footwall intercepts within each vein were
composited into a single intercept and the true thickness was calculated using the vein dip and dip
direction. Descriptive statistics for the vein true thickness composites are presented in Table 14-4.

Table 14-4 Composite True Thickness Statistics by Vein

Minimum Maximum Mean

Vein Dip Dip Direction Std. Dev
(m) (m) (m)
Cecilia 52 235 0.02 1.8 0.42 0.41
Daniela Norte 85 230 0.19 4.4 1.39 0.74
Daniela Sur 77 57 0.10 6.2 2.04 0.89
Fernanda 70 222 0.10 2.3 0.74 0.44
Gabriela 50 210 0.00 3.0 0.57 0.54
Karina 65 223 0.02 5.0 1.40 0.80
Lana 61 242 0.01 4.8 1.25 0.76
Lucero - 29520 55 252 0.19 4.3 1.40 0.85
Lucero - 29566 55 252 0.19 4.3 1.40 0.85
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 66 263 0.14 5.6 1.65 1.11
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 66 263 0.00 8.0 1.54 1.16
La Joya 85 41 0.01 3.6 1.19 0.62

14.4.4 Capping
Grade capping is the practice for replacing any statistical outliers with a maximum value from the assumed
sampled distribution. This is done statistically to better understand the true mean of the sample
population. The estimation of highly skewed grade distribution can be sensitive to the presence of even a
few extreme values.

EDR utilized cumulative frequency plots, and sample statistics to determine appropriate capping values for
silver and gold in each vein. HRC reviewed and confirmed these capping values. The final dataset for grade
estimate in the block model consists of composites capped as presented in Table 14-5. Descriptive statistics
for the capped silver and gold composites are presented in Tables 14-6 and 14-7, respectively.

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Table 14-5- Capping Limits for Silver and gold by Vein

Vein Silver Cap (g/t) Gold Cap (g/t)

Cecilia 560 6.00

Daniela Norte 1,400 15.00
Daniela Sur 730 15.00
Fernanda 680 15.00
Gabriela 1,100 6.00
Lana 870 17.00
Lucero - 29520 967 15.00
Lucero - 29566 967 15.00
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 669 18.00
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 669 18.00
La Joya 800 3.00

Table 14-6 Capped Silver Summary Statistics within Veins

Count Minimum Maximum Mean

Vein Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Cecilia 41 0 406 101 95 0.94
Daniela Norte 192 0 1,314 278 268 0.96
Daniela Sur 1,335 0 730 160 120 0.75
Fernanda 86 0 602 137 117 0.86
Gabriela 86 0 494 118 116 0.98
Karina 1,239 0 1,769 163 150 0.92
Lana 1,180 0 870 194 162 0.84
Lucero - 29520 300 0 967 167 169 0.94
Lucero - 29566
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 132 0 453 74 102 1.39
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 368 1 669 110 130 1.18
La Joya 45 0 800 173 213 1.23

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Table 14-7 Capped Gold Summary Statistics within Veins

Count Minimum Maximum Mean

Vein Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Cecilia 41 0.01 3.92 1.36 1.17 0.86
Daniela Norte 192 0.00 15.00 2.32 3.05 1.32
Daniela Sur 1,335 0.00 15.00 2.33 2.46 1.05
Fernanda 86 0.01 12.26 2.59 2.39 0.92
Gabriela 86 0.01 6.00 1.21 1.42 1.17
Karina 1,239 0.00 30.36 2.13 2.17 1.02
Lana 1,180 0.00 17.00 2.15 2.87 1.33
Lucero - 29520 300 0.00 15.00 2.27 2.62 0.94
Lucero - 29566
La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) 132 0.02 10.13 2.25 2.48 1.10
La Luz Sur (Channel Model) 368 0 14 2 3 1.07
La Joya 45 0 3 1 1 1.10

14.4.5 Variography
A variography analysis was completed by to establish spatial variability of silver and gold values in the
deposit. Variography establishes the appropriate contribution that any specific composite should have
when estimating a block volume value within a model. This is performed by comparing the orientation and
distance used in the estimation to the variability of other samples of similar relative direction and distance.

Variography was analyzed by EDR for silver and gold. The subsequent variograms defining the maximum
continuity were modeled with a spherical variogram. HRC reviewed the variogram model and as
determined them to be acceptable for use in estimation. The variogram parameters for silver and gold are
presented in Tables 14-8 and 14-9 respectively.

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Table 14-8 Summary of Silver Variogram Parameters

Cecilia Daniela Norte Daniela Sur Fernanda Gabriela Karina

Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1
0.260 0.500 0.380 0.360 0.100 0.780 1.890 1.780 0.260 0.731 0.260 0.731
Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1
Major 30 Major 10 Major 20 Major 22 Major 20 Major 22
Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 6 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 10
Minor 10 Minor 6 Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 8
Lana Lucero - 29520 Lucero - 29566 La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) La Luz Sur (Channel Model) La Joya
Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1
0.290 0.230 0.080 0.780 0.080 0.780 0.300 0.950 0.300 0.950 0.110 0.500
Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1
Major 22 Major 25 Major 25 Major 30 Major 30 Major 20
Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 30 Semi-Major 30 Semi-Major 10
Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 25 Minor 25 Minor 10

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Table 14-9 Summary of Gold Variogram Parameters

Cecilia Daniela Norte Daniela Sur Fernanda Gabriela Karina

Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1
18.000 0.600 0.360 0.740 0.040 0.590 0.034 1.590 0.180 1.090 0.176 1.090
Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1
Major 30 Major 10 Major 20 Major 22 Major 20 Major 22
Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 6 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 10
Minor 12 Minor 6 Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 12 Minor 8
Lana Lucero - 29520 Lucero - 29566 La Luz Sur (Drillhole Model) La Luz Sur (Channel Model) La Joya
Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1 Nugget (C0) C1
0.250 0.570 0.030 0.590 0.030 0.590 0.300 0.950 0.300 0.950 0.110 0.500
Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1 Distance1
Major 22 Major 25 Major 25 Major 30 Major 30 Major 20
Semi-Major 12 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 10 Semi-Major 30 Semi-Major 30 Semi-Major 10
Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 10 Minor 25 Minor 25 Minor 10

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14.4.6 Estimation Parameters

EDR used an ordinary kriging (OK) method to estimate the block models. The OK method was confirmed
by HRC for reporting as a reliable fit with drillhole data throughout the models. The search ellipse
parameters used for estimation are shown in Table 14-10.

Silver and gold grades were estimated in each vein by using a single search ellipse. The size, direction, and
anisotropy of the search ellipse depended on the variography, and the number of composites.

Table 14-10 Estimation Parameters

Vein Cecilia Daniela Norte Daniela Sur Fernanda Gabriela Karina

Number of Composites
Min 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max 8 6 8 8 8 8
Search Ellipsoid Rotation
AZI 263 240 60 270 200 235
DIP -45 -85 -70 -70 -52 -65
Search Ellipsoid Distance
Major 30 10 20 22 20 22
Semi-Major 12 6 10 12 12 10
Minor 10 6 10 10 12 8
La Luz Sur La Luz Sur
Vein Lana Lucero - 29520 Lucero - 29566 La Joya
(Drillhole Model) (Channel Model)
Number of Composites
Min 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max 8 4 6 8 8 8
Search Ellipsoid Rotation
AZI 220 255 255 270 270 65
DIP -55 -45 -55 -22 -22 -80
Search Ellipsoid Distance
Major 22 25 25 30 30 22
Semi-Major 12 10 10 30 30 10
Minor 10 10 10 25 25 8

14.4.7 Model Validation

The Bolaitos models were validated by the following methods:

Comparison of the global descriptive statistics from the Ordinary Krige (OK), Nearest Neighbor
(NN), and composite data, and
Inspection of the ID block model on long section in comparison to the composite grades.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Resource Estimates Comparison with Ordinary Krige and Nearest Neighbor Models

The NN model was run to serve as comparison with the estimated results from the OK method. Descriptive
statistics for the OK method along with those for the NN, and drillhole composites for gold and silver are
shown in Tables 14-11 and 14-12, respectively.

Table 14-11 Silver Model Descriptive Statistical Comparison

Samples Minimum Maximum Mean

Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 41 0 406 101 95 0.94

OK 10469 0 406 112 89 0.80
NN 10469 0 406 114 111 0.98
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
Daniela Norte

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 192 0 1314 278 268 0.96
OK 16209 0 1241 201 183 0.91
NN 16209 0 1314 201 222 1.11
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
Daniela Sur

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 1335 0 730 160 120 0.75
OK 156217 0 730 137 110 0.80
NN 156217 0 730 134 130 0.97
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 86 0 602 137 117 0.86

OK 80598 0 602 104 115 1.11
NN 80598 0 602 103 129 1.25
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 86 0 494 118 116 0.98

OK 16928 0 361 113 87 0.77
NN 16928 1 494 108 103 0.96
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 1239 0 1769 163 150 0.92

OK 107158 0 1537 133 118 0.88
NN 107158 0 1537 134 163 1.22
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 1180 0 870 194 162 0.84

OK 132047 0 878 137 143 1.04
NN 132047 0 878 135 173 1.29

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Table 14-11 (Cont.) Silver Model Descriptive Statistical Comparison

Samples Minimum Maximum Mean

Model Std. Dev. COV

Lucero - 29520
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
Composite 300 0 967 167 169 0.94
OK 14921 3 366 98 79 0.80
NN 14889 1 376 96 83 0.86
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
Lucero - 29566

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 300 0 967 167 169 0.94
OK 2490 0 545 98 119 1.22
NN 2490 0 958 81 122 1.50
La Luz Sur (Channel La Luz Sur (Drillhole

Samples Minimum Maximum Mean

Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 132 0 453 74 102 1.39

OK 16757 3 420 49 81 1.67
NN 16757 0 453 45 92 2.03
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 368 1 669 110 130 1.39

OK 6102 3 611 108 119 1.09
NN - - - - - -
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
Model Std. Dev. COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
La Joya

Composite 45 0 800 173 213 1.39

OK 24205 0 1005 113 143 1.27
NN 24205 0 1005 112 167 1.49

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Table 14-12 Gold Model Descriptive Statistical Comparison

Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.
Cecilia Composite 41 0.01 3.92 1.36 1.17 0.86
OK 10469 0.01 3.75 1.53 1.07 0.70
NN 10469 0.01 3.92 1.43 1.30 0.91
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Daniela Norte

Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.
Composite 192 0.00 15.00 2.32 3.05 1.32
OK 16209 0.01 10.69 1.55 1.90 1.22
NN 16209 0.00 15.80 1.52 2.49 1.63
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
Daniela Sur

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.

Composite 1335 0.00 15.00 2.33 2.46 1.05
OK 156217 0.00 14.01 2.15 2.41 1.12
NN 156217 0.00 15.00 2.08 2.76 1.33
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.

Composite 86 0.01 12.26 2.59 2.39 0.92

OK 80598 0.01 8.73 1.89 2.26 1.20
NN 80598 0.01 12.26 1.87 2.45 1.31
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.

Composite 86 0.01 6.00 1.21 1.42 1.17

OK 16928 0.02 5.72 1.20 1.21 1.01
NN 16928 0.02 6.59 1.22 1.55 1.27
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.

1239 0 30.36 2.13 2.17 1.02 0.47

OK 107158 -0.14 18.31 1.76 1.60 0.91
NN 107158 0.00 30.36 1.73 2.11 1.22
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.

Composite 1180 0.00 17.00 2.15 2.87 1.33

OK 132047 0.00 13.19 1.51 1.87 1.24
NN 132047 0.00 17.00 1.47 2.31 1.58
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Lucero - 29520

Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.
Composite 300 0.00 15.00 2.27 2.62 1.15
OK 14921 0.03 6.22 1.10 1.20 1.09
NN 14889 0.01 6.53 1.04 1.24 1.19

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Table 14-12 (Cont.) Gold Model Descriptive Statistical Comparison

Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

Lucero - 29566
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.
Composite 300 0.00 15.00 2.27 2.62 1.15
OK 2490 0.00 12.48 1.77 1.79 1.02
NN 2490 0.00 37.05 1.62 2.52 1.56
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean
(Channel Model) (Drillhole Model)

Model COV
La Luz Sur

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 132 0.02 10.13 2.25 2.48 1.10
OK 16757 0.02 9.37 1.43 1.95 1.36
NN 16757 0.00 9.37 1.39 2.12 1.53
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
La Luz Sur

(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)

Composite 368 0.02 13.99 2.48 2.65 1.07
OK 6102 0.02 10.23 2.48 2.41 0.97
NN - - - - - -
Samples Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Model COV
(n) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) Dev.
La Joya

Composite 45 0.01 3.00 0.81 0.89 1.10

OK 24205 0.01 3.90 0.72 0.76 1.06
NN 24205 0.01 3.90 0.71 0.85 1.20

The overall similarities of the statistical comparisons between the composites and models represent an
appropriate amount of smoothing to account for the proposed narrow vein mining method with minimum
dilution. The OK and NN models generally show similar means to the composites. The OK model has
similar variance to the composites based on the Coefficient of Variation (CV). This is based on the stopes
having similar statistics to the composites in operations; however, this will need to be continually examined
as additional data is made available. Sectional Inspection

A visual comparison of block grades with drillhole and channel composites was made in long section. The
block models follow the grade trends in the data with higher variability in the areas of denser sampling and
additional smoothing of the estimate as the distance from data increases. Figures 14-10 and 14-11 display
silver and gold long sections, respectively. Each long section is zoomed to a scale for viewing of the Daniela
vein as estimated with the composites overlaying the block grades.

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Figure 14-10 Long Section view of Daniela Sur Vein Block Model showing the Estimated Silver Grades and Composites

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Figure 14-11 Long Section view of Daniela Sur Vein Block Model showing the Estimated Gold Grades and Composites

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14.4.8 Mineral Resource Classification

The mineral resource classification for Bolaitos has not changed since the previous Technical Report.

Measured resources are those blocks that reside up to 10 m from production sample data or halfway to
adjacent data points, whichever is less.

Indicated resource blocks for the existing operations are within a maximum distance of 20 m from any data
point including development, chip samples or drill hole intercepts. For the exploration division's polygonal
resource estimates, a 25 m search radius is used in the definition of indicated resources.

Inferred mineral resources are those blocks/areas where confidence in the estimate is insufficient to enable
an evaluation of the economic viability worthy of public disclosure. For the mining operations, these are
outlined and estimated based on the mine's interpretation and confidence in the historical sampling results.
For the exploration division's polygonal resource estimates, a 50 m search radius is used in the definition of
inferred resources.

14.5 Bolaitos Mineral Resource Statement

The mineral resource estimate includes all analytical data obtained as of December 31, 2015. Mineral
resources are not mineral reserves and may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal,
socio-economic, political, or other factors.

Mineral resources are reported above a silver equivalent grade of 175 gpt, assuming a silver price of $17.60
per ounce. HRC used a cutoff grade to test for reasonable prospects for economic extraction. Baseline
assumptions for breakeven cutoff grade are based on Table 14-13:

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Table 14-13 Cutoff Grade Assumptions for Bolaitos Mine

Ag $/oz $17.60
Au $/oz $1,265.00
Concentrate Recovery Ag 76%
Concentrate Recovery Au 85%
Payable Ag 96%
Payable Au 96%
Mining Cost $/t $36.32
Process Cost $/t $19.91
G&A Cost $/t $15.77
SRF Costs $/t $0.00
Transport Cost $/t $0.00
NSR Ag $/g $0.41
NSR Au $/g $33.07
AgEq: Au $80.22
Mine Cutoff $ $72.01
Mill Cutoff $ $35.69
Mine Cutoff AgEq g/t 175
Mill Cutoff AgEq g/t 87
*SRF: Smelting, Refining, Freight, Incidentals

Based on these assumptions, HRC considers that reporting resources at a 175 g/t cutoff constitutes
reasonable prospects for economic extraction based on the current mining method and demonstrated

14.5.1 VLP Mineral Resource Estimate

The VLP mineral resource presented in Table 14-14 is exclusive of the mineral reserves.

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Table 14-14 Polygonal Resource at the Bolaitos, Effective Date of December 31, 2015

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0

Indicated 89,827 306 77 222,197 3.27 9,449

Measured + Indicated 89,827 306 77 222,197 3.27 9,449
Inferred 9,329 362 67 20,093 4.21 1,264

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
HW Belen

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 156,449 288 113 569,718 2.49 12,540
Measured + Indicated 156,449 288 113 569,718 2.49 12,540
Inferred 32,802 230 101 106,238 1.85 1,953

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 108,142 246 197 686,434 0.69 2,397
Measured + Indicated 108,142 246 197 686,434 0.69 2,397
Inferred 151,927 287 240 1,170,420 0.68 3,317

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Old Bolaitos

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Measured + Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Inferred 33,041 308 184 195,328 1.78 1,891

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 185,743 362 233 1,394,189 1.84 10,979
Measured + Indicated 185,743 362 233 1,394,189 1.84 10,979
Inferred 212,102 361 241 1,643,983 1.72 11,705

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Measured + Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Inferred 78,920 304 121 308,222 2.61 6,615

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Table 14-14 (Cont.) Polygonal Resource at the Bolaitos, Effective Date of December 31, 2015

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
La Joya

Indicated 45,205 292 199 289,345 1.32 1,920

Measured + Indicated 45,205 292 199 289,345 1.32 1,920
Inferred 6,367 187 126 25,821 0.87 179
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
La Luz - San Barnabe

Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Measured + Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Inferred 57,676 311 96 177,760 3.08 5,705
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.

Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Indicated 189,659 247 140 856,369 1.52 9,288
Measured + Indicated 189,659 0 0 856,369 0.00 9,288
Inferred 109,701 255 144 509,528 1.58 5,564
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 0 0 0 0 0.00 0

Indicated 775,023 292 161 4,018,252 1.87 46,573

Measured + Indicated 775,023 232 161 4,018,252 1.87 46,573
Inferred 691,865 307 187 4,157,392 1.72 38,193
Total 1,466,888 299 173 8,175,644 1.80 84,766

14.5.2 3D Block Model Mineral Resource Estimate

The VLP mineral resource presented in Table 14-15 is exclusive of the mineral reserves.

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Table 14-15 3D Block Model Resource at the Bolaitos Mine, Effective Date of December 31, 2015

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Measured 3,102 324 177 17,662 2.10 209

Indicated 1,954 418 250 15,679 2.40 151

Measured + Indicated 5,056 360 205 33,340 2.22 360
Inferred 7,365 407 225 53,187 2.60 616

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Daniela Norte

Measured 1,279 234 169 6,933 0.93 38

Indicated 324 469 363 3,781 1.52 16
Measured + Indicated 1,604 281 208 10,714 1.05 54
Inferred 4,832 440 347 53,892 1.33 207

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Daniela Sur

Measured 10,606 303 139 47,439 2.33 796

Indicated 3,492 345 164 18,394 2.59 291
Measured + Indicated 14,097 313 145 65,833 2.40 1,087
Inferred 22,078 337 176 124,786 2.30 1,635

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 2,429 347 169 13,227 2.87 224

Indicated 3,503 343 155 17,459 3.04 342
Measured + Indicated 5,932 345 161 30,686 2.97 566
Inferred 17,035 415 173 95,016 3.90 2,138

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 6,798 323 190 41,620 1.89 414

Indicated 8,182 330 186 48,949 2.05 540
Measured + Indicated 14,980 327 188 90,569 1.98 954
Inferred 9,940 352 163 51,944 2.71 866

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)

Measured 27,158 295 158 138,133 1.96 1,710

Indicated 11,773 352 185 70,167 2.38 900
Measured + Indicated 38,931 312 166 208,300 2.09 2,611

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Table 14-15 (Cont.) 3D Block Model Resource at the Bolaitos Mine, Effective Date of December 31, 2015

Inferred 28,735 364 178 164,179 2.66 2,457

Tonnes Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

(metric) (g/t) (g/t) (oz) (g/t) (oz)
Measured 10,729 295 180 62,204 1.64 567

Indicated 10,140 308 188 61,210 1.72 562

Measured + Indicated 20,870 302 184 123,414 1.68 1,128
Inferred 35,638 354 210 240,530 2.06 2,365
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Lucero - 29520

Measured 3,767 328 179 21,684 2.13 258

Indicated 2,054 299 154 10,174 2.07 137
Measured + Indicated 5,821 318 170 31,858 2.11 395
Inferred 15,175 328 126 61,297 2.89 1,408
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Lucero - 29566

Measured 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Measured + Indicated 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Inferred 60,062 363 138 266,872 3.21 6,203
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
La Luz Sur (Drillhole

Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 35,389 262 95 108,415 2.38 2,703

Indicated 124,345 258 96 384,267 2.31 9,230

Measured + Indicated 159,735 259 96 492,681 2.32 11,933
Inferred 399,065 393 143 1,836,490 3.56 45,719
Silver Equivalent Silver Gold
Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 101,258 289 140 457,317 2.13 6,920

Indicated 165,766 278 118 630,080 2.28 12,169

Measured + Indicated 267,024 282 127 1,087,397 2.22 19,088
Inferred 599,926 383 153 2,948,192 3.30 63,614
Total 866,950 352 145 4,035,589 2.97 82,703

14.5.3 Bolaitos Mineral Resource Statement

The mineral resources for the Bolaitos mine as of December 31st, 2015, are summarized in Table 14-16.
The resources are exclusive of the mineral reserves.

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Table 14-16 Mineral Resource Estimate, Effective Date December 31st, 2015

Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

Classification Tonnes
g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 101,200 289 140 457,317 2.13 6,920
Indicated 940,700 290 154 4,648,332 1.94 58,742
Measured + Indicated 1,042,000 289 152 5,105,649 1.96 65,662
Inferred 1,291,800 342 171 7,105,584 2.45 101,807
Total 2,333,800 319 163 12,211,233 2.23 167,469

1. Measured, Indicated and Inferred resource cut-off grades were 175 g/t silver equivalent at Bolaitos.
2. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no
certainty that all or any part of the mineral resources estimated will be converted into mineral reserves.
3. Metallurgical recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
4. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio
5. Price assumptions are $17.60 per ounce for silver and $1,260 per ounce for gold for resource cutoff
6. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Reserve Estimates


Mr. Jeff Choquette, P.E., MMSA QP Member, of HRC is responsible for the mineral reserve estimate
presented here. Mr. Choquette is Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and is independent of EDR. The
mineral reserve calculation was completed in accordance with NI 43-101 and has an effective date of
December 31st, 2015. Stope designs for reporting the reserves were created utilizing the updated
resources and cutoffs established for 2016. All of the stopes are within readily accessible areas of the active
mining areas. Ore is processed in the on-site mill and floatation process capable of processing 1,600 tpd.


HRC utilized Datamines Mineable Shape Optimizer (MSO) program to generate the stopes for the
reserve mine plan. The parameters used to create the stopes are listed below;

Cutoff Grade: 192 g/t AgEq

Minimum Mining Width: 0.8 m.
Cut and Fill Stope Size: 7m W x 4m H
Long Hole Stope Size: 7m W x 20m H
External Dilution Cut and Fill: 15%
External Dilution Long Hole: 30%
Silver Equivalent: 70:1 silver to gold
Gold Price: US $1,150/oz.
Silver Price: US $16/oz.
Gold Recovery: 84.7%
Silver Recovery: 75.9%

The stopes were only created with the updated Measured and Indicated resources including internal stope
dilution above the calculated cutoff and have demonstrated to be economically viable, therefore Measured
and Indicated mineral resources within the stopes have been converted to Proven and Probable reserves as
defined by NI 43-101. All Inferred material has been classified as waste.

EDR also has ore grade stockpiles from current and past mining areas which are classified as part of the
overall mineral reserve. These stockpiles are used frequently to balance the feed into the plant.

15.1.1 Dilution
Dilution is applied to Measured and Indicated resource blocks depending on the mining method chosen. For
blocks to be exploited using conventional cut and fill methods, external dilution was applied in the amount
of 15% at a grade of zero. For blocks to be exploited using long hole methods, external dilution was applied
in the amount of 30% at a grade of zero. Internal dilution is also applied based on any blocks that fall
inside the stope shape but are below cutoff. A mining recovery is also applied to converted resources and
is estimated at 95%. The overall result of these factors resulted in and overall dilution factor of 24.0% for

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There is no supporting documentation to support these dilutions or mining recovery estimates. HRC
recommends that individual dilution and recovery studies be performed on various veins and types of
reserve blocks to refine the global estimates used for dilution and mining recovery.

The global dilution and mining recovery factors at Bolaitos have varied over time depending on company
philosophy and experience in reconciling estimated mine production with mill sampling. Dilution and
mining recoveries are functions of many factors including workmanship, design, vein width, mining
method, extraction, and transport. Currently, there is limited information upon which to measure actual
dilution and recovery in the stopes, and transport system. The majority of stoping is now done using
longhole methods. Without a cavity measuring survey instrument, measuring dilution in these types of
stopes is problematic.

15.1.2 Cutoff Grade

The mining breakeven cut-off grade was utilized in Datamines MSO to generate the stope designs for
defining the reserves. The actual production cost data from the third quarter of 2015, reserve price
assumptions, and mill recoveries are used to calculate the reserve breakeven cut-off grade. The parameters
used for the calculation are presented in Table 15-1.

The cut-off is stated as silver equivalent since the ratio between gold and silver is variable and both
commodities are sold. The average cut-off grade used for the Bolaitos Project is 192 g/t Ag equivalent.
Silver equivalent grade is calculated as the silver grade + (gold grade * 70), taking into account gold and
silver prices and expected mill recoveries.

Table 15-1 Mineral Reserve Breakeven Cutoff for the Bolaitos Property

Bolaitos Reserve Cutoff

Ag $/oz $16.00
Au $/oz $1,150.00
Concentrate Recovery Ag 0.759
Concentrate Recovery Au 0.847
Payable Ag 0.96
Payable Au 0.96
Mining Cost $/t $36.32
Process Cost $/t $19.91
G&A Cost $/t $15.77
NSR Ag $/g $0.37
NSR Au $/g $30.06
Mine Cutoff $/t $72.01
Mine Cutoff AgEq g/t 192

15.1.3 Reconciliation of Mineral Reserves to Production

Production monitoring and reconciliation of mineral reserves are the ultimate activities by which the
mineral reserve estimate can continuously be calibrated and refined. The only valid confirmation of both
the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimate is through appropriate production monitoring and
reconciliation of the estimates with mine and mill production. Proper reconciliation is required to validate

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Reserve Estimates

the mineral reserve estimates and allows a check on the effectiveness of both estimation and operating
procedures. Reconciliations identify anomalies which may prompt changes to the mine/processing
operating practices and/or to the estimation procedure.

The geology staff at Bolaitos prepare reconciliations of the Life of Mine plan (LOM) to actual production
from sampling on a monthly basis.

The reconciliation compares the LOM with geology estimates from chip sampling and plant estimates based
on head grade sampling. Reconciliation estimates a negative variance on tonnes for both geology and LOM
as compared to the plant reported tonnes for 2015 (Table 15-2). Estimated tonnage was 28% higher for
geology and 26% higher for the plant than specified in the LOM. Silver equivalent grades although were
6% lower for geology and 5% lower for the plant than specified in the LOM.

Table 15-2 2015 Mine to Plant Reconciliation

LOM_2015 Geology Short Term Plant

Ore Mined 360,191 462,260 455,226

Grade Au 2.14 1.97 1.99
Grade Ag 121 117 118
Grade AgEq 271 255 257
Ounces Au 24,785 29,279 29,135
Ounces Ag 1,403,661 1,738,645 1,726,409
Ounces AgEq 3,138,666 3,788,169 3,765,858

Although the reconciliations conducted by EDR show good comparisons on planned values versus actual
values the reconciliation process should be improved to include the estimated tonnes and grade from the
resource models. By comparing the LOM plan on a monthly basis to the plant production the actual
physical location of the material mined may be different in the plan versus the actual area that was mined.
Due to the many faces that are mined during a day this can only be completed on an average monthly basis
due to blending of these areas into the mill. The monthly surveyed as mined areas should be created and
saved on a monthly basis for reporting the modeled tonnes for each month. The model predicted results
versus actuals can then be used to determine if dilution factors need to be adjusted or perhaps the resource
modeling parameters may require adjustment if there are large variances.

15.2 Reserve Classification

Mineral reserves are derived from measured and indicated resources after applying the economic
parameters as stated previously and utilizing Datamines MSO program to generate stope designs for the
reserve mine plan. The Bolaitos Project mineral reserves are derived and classified according to the
following criteria:

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Proven mineral reserves are the economically mineable part of the Measured resource for which
mining and processing / metallurgy information and other relevant factors demonstrate that
economic extraction is feasible. For Bolaitos Project, this applies to blocks located within
approximately 10m of existing development and for which EDR has a mine plan in place.
Probable mineral reserves are those Measured or Indicated mineral resource blocks which are
considered economic and for which EDR has a mine plan in place. For the Bolaitos mine project,
this is applicable to blocks located a maximum of 35m either vertically or horizontally from

Figure 15-1 shows reserve blocks depicted on a portion of a typical longitudinal section. Proven reserve
blocks are shown in red, Probable reserve blocks are shown in green. The mine planners have determined
that extraction of the blocks is feasible given grade, tonnes, costs, and access requirements.

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Figure 15-1 La Luz and Plateros Vein Resource and Reserve Section

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Reserve Estimates

15.3 Mineral Reserves

The Proven and Probable mineral reserves for the Bolaitos mine as of December 31, 2015 are summarized
in Table 15-3. The reserves are exclusive of the mineral resources reported in Section 14 of this report.

Table 15-3 Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves, Effective Date December 31, 2015

Tonnes (t x AgEq Ag (oz) Au Au (oz) * %

Classification Calc. Method Vein Ag g/t
1,000) g/t * 1,000 g/t 1,000 Dilution
Proven 3D Model Cecilia 1.0 378.7 256.1 8.2 1.75 0.06 16.8%
Daniela Sur 9.7 384.6 192.8 60.2 2.74 0.85 18.2%
Fernanda 0.9 301.0 149.8 4.1 2.44 0.07 15.1%
Gabriela 3.2 280.2 96.5 9.8 2.63 0.27 13.2%
Karina 3.3 352.5 139.5 14.8 3.04 0.32 19.7%
La Joya 6.1 255.6 181.8 35.8 1.09 0.22 35.8%
La Luz Sur Channel Model 82.9 351.1 134.9 359.6 3.18 8.48 27.6%
La Luz Sur Drillhole Model 11.1 228.4 57.3 20.4 2.52 0.90 25.6%
Lana 9.7 351.1 221.9 69.1 1.85 0.57 13.3%
Lucero 29520 3.3 280.9 100.7 10.6 2.57 0.27 20.8%
3D Model Total 131.1 335.2 140.6 592.6 2.85 12.00 25.2%
Stockpile Stockpile 74.5 249.5 98.0 234.7 2.16 5.18 0.0%
Stockpile Total 74.5 249.5 98.0 234.7 2.16 5.18 0.0%
Proven Total 205.6 304.1 125.2 827.3 2.60 17.18 16.1%
Probable 3D Model Cecilia 0.2 393.1 272.1 2.1 1.73 0.01 18.4%
Daniela Norte 1.1 495.5 375.3 13.2 1.72 0.06 24.7%
Daniela Sur 1.5 292.4 140.5 6.7 2.17 0.10 26.5%
Fernanda 0.9 308.8 147.9 4.3 2.86 0.08 19.1%
Gabriela 1.3 334.1 133.7 5.7 2.90 0.12 20.6%
Karina 2.2 331.6 137.4 9.7 2.77 0.20 14.8%
La Joya 1.0 274.6 187.9 6.3 1.31 0.04 32.3%
La Luz Sur Channel Model 28.6 352.3 121.0 111.1 3.48 3.20 33.2%
La Luz Sur Drillhole Model 123.2 255.7 86.1 340.8 2.64 10.46 35.3%
Lana 9.0 300.0 175.5 50.7 1.86 0.54 25.6%
Lucero 29520 3.6 302.6 98.6 11.3 2.91 0.34 15.0%
3D Model Total 172.6 279.0 101.3 562.0 2.73 15.15 33.4%
Probable Total 172.6 279.0 101.3 562.0 2.73 15.15 33.4%
Total Proven and Probable Reserves 378.1 292.6 114.3 1,389.3 2.66 32.34 24.0%

1. Reserve cut-off grades are based on a 192 g/t silver equivalent.

2. Metallurgical Recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
3. Mining Recoveries of 95% were applied.
4. Minimum mining widths were 0.8 metres.
5. Dilution factors averaged 24.0%. Dilution factors are calculated based on internal stope dilution calculations
and external dilution factors of 15% for cut and fill and 30% for long hole.
6. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio.
7. Price assumptions are $16 per ounce for silver and $1,150 per ounce for gold.
8. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.
9. Figures in table are rounded to reflect estimate precision; small differences generated by rounding are not
material to estimates.

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Bolaitos Project Mineral Reserve Estimates

15.3.1 Factors that may affect the Mineral Reserve Estimate

The Bolaitos operation is an operating mine with a relatively long history of production. The mine staff
possess considerable experience and knowledge with regard to the nature of the orebodies in and around
the Bolaitos property. Mine planning and operations need to continue to assure that the rate of waste
development is sufficient to maintain the production rates included in the mine plan.

It is unlikely that there will be a major change in ore metallurgy during the life of the current reserves, as
nearly all of the ore to be mined will come from veins with historic, recent, or current production.

The process of mineral reserve estimation includes technical information which requires subsequent
calculations or estimates to derive sub-totals, totals and weighted averages. Such calculations or
estimations inherently involve a degree of rounding and consequently introduce a margin of error. The QP
does not consider these errors to be material to the reserve estimate.

Areas of uncertainty that may materially impact the mineral reserves presented in this report include the

Mining assumptions,
Dilution assumptions,
Exchange rates,
Changes in taxation or royalties,
Variations in commodity price,
Metallurgical recovery, and
Processing assumptions.

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Bolaitos Project Mining Methods


16.1 Mining Operations

As of June, 2007, EDR assumed management of day-to-day mining operations at the Bolaitos Project, in
order to allow for more flexibility in the operations and to continue optimizing the costs. As of December
31, 2015, the Bolaitos Project had a roster totaling 345 employees and an additional 223 contractors. The
mine's operating schedule consists of three 8-hour shifts 7 days a week. The miners are skilled and
experienced in vein mining and, according to EDR, the miners are currently unionized. There is an
incentive system in place rewarding personnel for safety and production. Technical services and overall
supervision are provided by EDR staff.

The mine employs geology, planning and surveying personnel and operates using detailed production plans
and schedules. All of the mining activities are conducted under the direct supervision and guidance of the
mine manager.

16.2 Ground Conditions

The ground conditions at the Bolaitos and Lucero mines are considered to be good. The rocks are
competent and require no special measures for support other than occasional rock bolting and regular
scaling. At the Cebada mine, the ground conditions are similar to the other mines, with the exception of the
hanging wall of the deposit which is comprised of a weak, laminated graphitic shale. The weak nature of
the hanging wall material requires additional rock bolting. The current cut and fill mining method is well
suited to these ground conditions. Cable bolting is required during the preparation of stopes for longhole
blasting. The cable bolts are installed by drilling holes in the hanging wall and fixing the bolts in place with
cement pumped into the hole.

16.3 Mining Method

Conventional drill and blast methods are used to extract the ore at Bolaitos, and access to the mining
areas is provided by ramps and audits. Mine development headings are drilled by jumbo and by jackleg.
Traditionally a conventional bottom-up cut and fill mining method was employed with waste rock brought
in using diesel or electric loaders. The rock used to backfill the stopes is either dropped down a bore hole
from surface or is generated from the waste development underground. Over the past several years a
transition to a modified long hole method has taken place wherever the width and dip of the vein is
applicable to this method.

Once sill development is completed and the limits of the ore have been defined, stope production can begin.
For conventional cut and fill stoping, ore is mined upward in horizontal slices using jackleg drills. Cut and
fill mining is a method of short hole mining with hole lengths usually less than 2m. For long hole mining
the holes are typically 10-12m in length but vary from 6 to 16m depending on the stope. Under certain
circumstances concrete is used as fill to create a solid floor. This enables mining from the stope below up to
the concrete pillar and recovering most, if not all of the ore pillar that would otherwise be left behind. This
process is usually reserved for high-grade floor pillars.

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Bolaitos Project Mining Methods

For cut and fill the production cycle starts by drilling upper holes using a jackleg. Geologists mark up the
vein, and the stope is drilled and blasted accordingly. Drillholes on the vein are blasted first. After the ore
has been mucked, the holes drilled in waste are then blasted to achieve the dimensions required for the
scoop to work in the next production lift.

By comparison, longhole open-stoping, holes are drilled upwards and/or downwards from the sill level.
Longhole methods are typically 6 to 16m in length and are more productive than cut and fill methods.
Longhole stoping is also cheaper than conventional cut and fill stoping. As with cut and fill methods,
longhole stopes are filled with waste rock from development headings or from surface waste.

Some of the ore produced with the longhole drill machines is generated by drilling old pillars. Other stopes
are blind by drilling uppers and blasting a slot at the far end of the stope to enable the ore to break in the
subsequent larger stope blasts. Uppers are drilled to a 10-15m height on vein projections in rows across the
width of the vein. The rows closest to the slot are blasted first. The stope is mucked clean, or at least
sufficiently to allow the next blast. The ore is extracted using remote- controlled scoops.

16.4 Mine equipment

The mine has its own fleet of scoops, trucks, and drills as summarized in Table 16-1. Ore is typically
delivered to the surface by contactors via truck haulage up the ramps. The list of contractor equipment
utilized inside the mine and on surface is listed in Table 16-2.

Table 16-1 Bolaitos Owned Mine Equipment

Loaders Capacity Model Qty

Scoop Tram 1.5 yds LT 270 1
Scoop Tram 2 yds Wagner 2D 3
Scoop Tram 2 yds LH 203 SANDVIK 5
Scoop Tram 2 yds TORO 151 1
Scoop Tram 3.5 yds LH 307 SANDVIK 4
Trucks Capacity Model Qty
Truck 10 t ELMACK 5
Truck 15 t TH 315 SANDVIK 2
Truck personnel transporter 1
Drills Capacity Model Qty
Drill RAPTOR MINI DH 174 1
Drill RAPTOR 44 1
Drill 18 LEG MACHINE 1
Other Capacity Model Qty
Tractor New Holland 8
Tractor New Holland Boomer 1
Tractor John Deere 1
Handler Manitou 1

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Bolaitos Project Mining Methods

Table 16-2 Contractor Mine Equipment

Loaders Capacity Model Qty

Scoop Tram 2 yds Atlas Copco 3
Scoop Tram 2 yds Sandvick 2
Scoop Tram 3.5 yds Sandvick 2
Scoop Tram 6 yds Atlas Copco 1
Loader 3 m3 Cat 928G 1
Excavator Hammer Cat 325C 1
Loader 3 m3 John Deere 624G 1
Trucks Capacity Model Qty
Truck 7t Low Profile
Truck 7 m3 Dump truck 11
Truck 14 m3 Dump truck 6
Drills Capacity Model Qty
Jumbo 16 ft Axera Sandvick 2
Jumbo 70 ft Resemin 1
Other Capacity Model Qty
Backhoe 1 yd3 Case 580 2
Cat Tractor D4 1

16.5 Mine Production

Table 16-3 summarizes the total 2015 Bolaitos production by month. A total of 466,141 mined tonnes
were reported in 2015 with 188,889 Ag ounces and 2,442 Au ounces.

Table 16-3 Summary of 2015 Bolaitos Production

Month Tonnes Ag (g/t) Au (g/t) AgEq (g/t) Ag (oz) Au (oz)

January 43,659 159 2.29 319 222,910 3,211
February 46,322 139 2.34 303 207,315 3,480
March 49,535 125 2.03 267 198,431 3,240
April 37,379 120 1.61 233 144,272 1,932
May 42,776 137 1.78 262 188,889 2,442
June 43,620 139 1.76 263 195,554 2,467
July 38,203 110 1.80 236 135,070 2,208
August 33,869 113 1.96 250 123,311 2,135
September 34,346 112 1.90 245 123,871 2,095
October 32,542 104 1.80 230 108,519 1,884
November 28,532 96 1.73 217 87,750 1,591
December 35,358 102 1.98 240 115,498 2,253
Total 466,141 124 1.93 259 1,851,390 28,938

Table 16-4 summarizes the actual production versus the budgeted production for 2015. Total development
for 2015 was 9,713 meters of advancement, of which 4,355 meters were in mineral development and 5,358
meters were in waste development. Waste development includes bypasses, ventilation raises and ore
passes, ramps, areas of waste vein, and cross-cuts to vein.

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Bolaitos Project Mining Methods

Table 16-4 Summary of 2015 Budget versus Actual Production

Actual as % of
Area Description Budget Actual Variance
No. of Days 341 318 -23 93%
Tonnes of Ore 391,600 455,226 63,626 116%
Silver Grade (g/t) 121 118 -3 98%
Gold Grade (g/t) 2.13 1.99 -0.14 93%
Plant Silver Recovery 80.1% 83.9% 3.77% 105%
Gold Recovery 82.7% 82.3% -0.39% 100%
Silver Ounces Recovered 1,220,238 1,449,773 229,535 119%
Gold Ounces Recovered 22,205 23,966 1,761 108%
No. of Days 360 360 0 100%
Tonnes of Ore 360,191 466,141 105,950 129%
Mine Silver Grade (g/t) 121 124 2 102%
Gold Grade (g/t) 2.14 1.93 -0.21 90%
Waste Development (m) 4,841 5,358 517 111%
Development Ore Development (m) 2,405 4,355 1,950 181%
Total (m) 7,246 9,713 2,467 134%

The remaining reserve life-of-mine plan is based on a nominal production rate of 1,200 tonnes per day of
ore mined from underground. This plan is also based on $16/oz silver and $1150/oz gold, and additional
parameters as shown in Table 15-1. Utilizing nominal production rates, the remaining reserves show an
expected mine life of 0.9 years. Total development planned for 2016 is 639 meters with 164 of those
meters in waste development and 475 meters in ore.

As stated previously in section 15.1.1, dilution is applied to Measured and Indicated resource blocks
depending on the mining method chosen. For blocks to be exploited using conventional cut and fill
methods, external dilution was applied in the amount of 15% at a grade of zero. For blocks to be exploited
using long hole methods, external dilution was applied in the amount of 30% at a grade of zero. Internal
dilution is also applied based on any blocks that fall inside the stope shape but are below cutoff. A mining
recovery is also applied to converted resources and is estimated at 95%. The overall result of these factors
resulted in an overall dilution factor of 24.0% for Bolaitos.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Recovery Methods


17.1 Production
As of December 31 2015, the Bolaitos mine produced 455,226t of ore grading 118 g/t silver and 1.99 g/t
gold from which 1,449,773 oz silver and 23,966 oz gold were recovered. Silver and gold recoveries averaged
83.9% and 82.3%, respectively.

17.2 Bolaitos Plant

The plant processing rate is 1,600 t/d after it was expanded from 1,200 t/d in 2012 adding a 6x16
vibration screen, four additional flotation cells 500 ft3 each, six 1st cleaner cells 100 ft3 each, six 2nd
cleaner cells 50 ft3 each, conveyor belts and a flocculent mixing system. A general view of the Bolaitos
processing plant is shown in Figure 17-1 and a process flow sheet is illustrated in Figure 17-2.

Figure 17-1 General View of the Bolaitos Processing Plant

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Bolaitos Project Recovery Methods

Figure 17-2 Process Flow Sheet of the Bolaitos Plant

Run-of-mine ore is hauled by 20 tonne dumper trucks and discharge on a grizzly with opening 11.
Oversize rock (>11) is broken by a backhoe hydraulic hammer. The undersize material falls in a feed bin
and further crushed in a primary jaw crusher of size 24x36. After the primary crusher the ore is held in
two coarse ore bins each with a 450 t capacity. Figure 17-3 shows the primary crushing circuit.

Figure 17-3 View of the Primary Crusher Circuit (left); Crushed Ore Bins (right)

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Bolaitos Project Recovery Methods

From the coarse ore bins the ore is conveyed to a 6x16 vibratory screen with openings 3/8, the undersize
product is conveyed to the fine ore bins. The oversize material is fed to a 4.25 standard head Symons
secondary cone crusher where the ore size is crushed down to 2. The secondary crusher product is
screened by a 5x10 vibratory screen with openings 3/8. The screen undersize product is conveyed to fine
ore bins and the oversize material is crushed by a tertiary cone crusher (Metso, HP200). Figure 17-4 shows
the secondary crushing circuit.

Figure 17-4 Vibration Screen, Single 6x16Deck (left); Fine Crushing Circuit (right)

The fine crushed ore (approx. 80-85% of -3/8) is stored in two ore bins. The storage capacity of the first
fine ore bin is 250 tonnes and of the second ore bin is 500 tonnes of ore.

The grinding circuit consists of two ball mills: No. 1 is of size 96 x 14 with a 600 HP motor, the No. 2 mill
is of size 11x187 with a 1000 HP motor. The mills are fed independently from respective ore bins. Figure
17-5 shows the two ball mills.

Figure 17-5 Original Ball Mill #1, size 96x14 (left), Ball Mill #2, size 11x187, 1000 HP Motor, and Fine Ore Bin on the back,
Both Installed in 2011 (right)

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Bolaitos Project Recovery Methods

The grinding product is the cyclone overflow with 70-75% passing 74 microns and flows further to the
flotation circuit. Each ball mill has a separate rougher and scavenger cell lines. The ball mill #1 line
consists of four (4) flotation cells with capacity 500 ft3 each. The ball mill #2 line consists of nine (9)
flotation cells with capacity 300 ft3 each. The rougher and scavenger concentrates from both lines are
combined and fed to the column flotation cell.

The flotation layout considers two cleaning stages though the 2nd cleaning stage was shut down in
December 2013 since the concentrate grade obtained in the column cell was meeting the target silver grade
between 7 and 9 kg/t. Figure 17-6 shows the cleaner cells and flocculent mixing system.

Figure 17-6 1st Cleaner Cells (left); Flocculent Mixing System (right)

The final concentrate flows by gravity to a thickener, where it is thickened to 60% of solids, then it is
pumped to a filter press where concentrate is dewatered down to 13-17% of moisture. The filtered
concentrate is stored, then loaded on 35 t trucks and shipped to concentrate traders. Figure 17-7 shows the
filter press and concentrate storage and shipment loading area.

Figure 17-7 Filter Press (left); Concentrate Storage and Shipment Loading Area (right)

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Project Infrastructure


EDR has all of the necessary mine and mill infrastructure to operate the Bolaitos Project efficiently and to
comply with all regulatory standards imposed by the various government agencies.

18.1 Mine Pumping

At the Bolaitos Project, only a limited amount of ground water is encountered, each mine contains a
principal sump that sends the water to the surface. Underground settlers/sumps ensure that the water
pumped to surface is largely free of solids. During development, further dewatering facilities are provided
to pump any ground water and mine service water to the water treatment facility. Dewatering lines are
advanced with the main ramp development.

18.2 Mine Ventilation

At the Bolaitos mine, eight raise boreholes were developed to improve the ventilation during progressive
periods of the mine development. Five of the raises were developed for the Bolaitos vein and the others
were developed for the Lucero vein areas.

The principal mine ventilation for the Bolaitos vein areas is provided by a 70,000 cfm exhaust fan that
was installed in borehole number one, with the fresh air drawn down the ramp and the other four
boreholes of the area. At the Lucero, Daniela Sur and Daniela Norte ramps, 4 exhaust fans are installed in
boreholes #8 (120k), #10 (80k), #12 (160k) and a conventional raise (80k), with the fresh air drawn in
through the ramps. This system is providing the ventilation requirements which are based on the amount
of diesel equipment running at any time, the system is an exhaust system).

Secondary ventilation is by conventional axial-vane mine fans that are from 24 to 42 inches in diameter
and 20 to 150 hp. These fans are blowing fresh air into the working areas using ventilation tubing to
deliver the necessary cfm.

Fresh air for the La Luz Mine is being provided through the access from the Los Angeles Shaft and enters
the mine on 310 level where most of the air flows to the 220 level through a series of ramps and
conventional raises.

On the 310 and 220 levels, the use of auxiliary electric ventilation fans are used to ventilate the stopes. The
total air flow is exhausting to surface through the Asuncion Shaft.

18.3 Mine Electrical

The electrical power for the mine is distributed by a series of substations connected to the public power
grid. Electric power arrives at the mine sites via 13.2 kV overhead transmission lines. Table 18-1
summarizes the location and capacity of the transformers installed in the Bolaitos Project.

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Bolaitos Project Project Infrastructure

Table 18-1 Summary of the Electric Installations at the Bolaitos Project

Area Location Power input (V) Power Output (V)
Capacity (kVA)
Surface 750 13,200 440
Plant Surface 1,000 13,200 440
Surface 500 13,200 440
Surface 1,000 13,200 2,300
Surface 750 13,200 440
Surface 500 2,300 440
Surface 750 13,200 2300
Lucero Ramp
underground 750 2,300 440
Underground 500 2,300 440
underground 300 2,300 440
Underground 300 2,300 440
Bolaitos mine Surface 750 13,200 440
Surface 1,000 13,200 2,300
Surface 300 2,300 440
Underground 200 2,300 440
Cebada Mine Underground 150 2,300 440
Underground 300 2,300 440
Underground 150 2,300 440
Underground 225 2,300 440
Surface 500 13,200 2,300
San Elias Surface 225 13,200 440
Underground 200 2,300 440
Santa Rosa Surface 500 13,200 440
Surface 300 13,200 440
Surface 500 13200 2,300

March 3, 2016 134

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Market Studies and Contracts


EDR has neither a hedging nor forward selling contract for any of its products. As of the date of issuing this
report, the company has not conducted any market studies, as gold and silver are commodities widely
traded in the world markets. Due to the size of the bullion market, which in 2014 saw a demand for silver
of 1.07 billion ounces, EDR's activities will not influence silver prices (it produced 7.2 million ounces, or less
than 1% of world demand).

EDR produces a silver concentrate which is then shipped for refining. The concentrate produced by EDR at
its mines is refined by third parties before being sold. To a large extent, silver concentrate is sold at the
spot price.

Table 19-1 summarizes the high and low average annual London PM gold and silver price per ounce from
2000 to 2015.

Table 19-1 Average Annual High and Low London PM Fix for Gold and Silver from 2000 to 2015 (prices expressed in US$/oz)

Gold Price (US$/oz) Silver Price (US$/oz)

High Low Average High Low Average

2000 312.70 263.80 279.12 5.45 4.57 4.95

2001 293.25 255.95 271.04 4.82 4.07 4.37
2002 349.30 277.75 309.67 5.10 4.24 4.60
2003 416.25 319.90 363.32 5.97 4.37 4.88
2004 454.20 375.00 409.16 8.29 5.50 6.66
2005 536.50 411.10 444.45 9.23 6.39 7.31
2006 725.00 524.75 603.46 14.94 8.83 11.55
2007 841.10 608.40 695.39 15.82 11.67 13.38
2008 1,011.25 712.50 871.96 20.92 8.88 14.99
2009 1,212.50 810.00 972.35 19.18 10.51 14.67
2010 1,421.00 1,058.00 1,224.53 30.70 15.14 20.19
2011 1,895.00 1,319.00 1,571.52 48.70 26.16 35.12
2012 1,791.75 1,540.00 1,668.98 37.23 26.67 31.15
2013 1,693.75 1,192.00 1,411.23 32.23 18.61 23.79
2014 1,385.00 1,142.00 1,266.40 22.05 15.28 19.08
2015 1,295.75 1,049.40 1,160.06 18.23 13.71 15.68

Over the period from 2000 to 2015, world silver and gold prices have increased significantly. This had a
favorable impact on revenue from production of most of the worlds silver mines, including the Bolaitos
Project. Between 2011 and 2015 there has been a significant reduction in the silver and gold prices, which
has caused much stress for mining companies around the world.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Market Studies and Contracts

EDR has no contracts or agreements for mining, smelting, refining, transportation, handling or sales, that
are outside normal or generally accepted practices within the mining industry. EDR has a policy of not
hedging or forward selling any of its products.

In addition to its own workforce, EDR has a number of contract mining companies working on the
Bolaitos property.

19.1 Contracts
Bolaitos has signed a number of contracts or agreements with domestic companies and legal persons in
order to cover its production and interests goals. Table 19-2 is a summary of the main contracts that EDR
has in place at the Bolaitos Mines Project.

Table 19-2 Contracts Held by the Bolaitos Project

Contract Description Contracting Organization
Mining Contractor Cominvi, S.A. de C.V. Valid & Updating
Tailings Dam Bank Construction Jose Vicente Morales Zarate 8-Apr-15
Freight Concentrate Capricornio Freight Carrirs SA de CV 31-Dec-16
Security and Surveillance Services Grupo Securitas Mexico SA de CV 8-May-16
Personnel Transportation Equipment Contracting Jose Dolores Olmos 31-Dec-16
Equipment Contracting Jose Vicente Morales Zarate Valid & Updating
Equipment Contracting Isabel Quezada Valid & Updating
Equipment Contracting Cesar Vicente Martinez Reyez Valid & Updating
Plant Maintenance Contract Labor Raul Rivera Beltran Valid & Updating
Ore Haulage Contract Jose Vicente Morales Zarate Valid & Updating
Ore Haulage Contract Raul Rivera Beltran Valid & Updating
Ore Haulage Contract J Isabel Camarillo Valid & Updating

The Bolaitos Mining Unit is under a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the National Mining Workers
Union. This agreement is for an indefinite term and has a yearly general salaries revision each April.

Third party contractors have been engaged to carry out civil engineering works in the Bolaitos Mining
Unit. As of 2015 some have been engaged for works to be carried out in the mid long term range, but
most are engaged for works in the short-term range. They are hired on a case by case basis.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Environmental Studies, Permitting & Social or Community Impact



20.1 Environmental Sustainability

The Bolaitos plant operates under the policy of zero industrial discharges into the environment and
monitors all effluents and the air quality on the site. Regular monitoring and laboratory testing are out-
sourced to qualified contractors. Regular meetings are held with the local ejido and President of the
Municipality of Guanajuato to discuss areas of mutual concern.

The mill and mine recycle batteries, oils, greases, steel and aluminum.

The following aspects are treated with special care by the company as they represent potential risks to the
operation. To reduce the possibility of an incident regarding any of these issues, Bolaitos has established
strict procedures of operation and monitoring in accordance to accepted standards.

The tailing dams require strict environmental and operation control.

Testing for water pollutants into rivers near the tailings dams.
Testing of discharge sewage pollutants.
Water recovery in tailings dams is to be returned to the plant for processing.
Testing of the combustion gases from laboratory's chimneys and foundry, and lead exposure
for lab workers.

20.2 Closure Plan

The Bolaitos closure budget includes funds for covering the tailings ponds and securing and cleaning up
the other surface and underground mine facilities, as summarized in Table 20-1.

Table 20-1 Closure Budget

Facilities Item US$

Stockpiles/shafts 47,000
Offices/shops/roads 25,000
Underground Mines
Subsidence 9,000
Mine surface areas 79,000
Sub-Total 160,000
Crushing Area 42,000
Grinding &
Milling & Flotation Plant 43,000
Related Facilities 157,000
Sub-Total 242,000
Tailings Dams Central Area 439,000
Sub-Total 439,000
Administrative Personnel 323,000
Sub-Total 323,000
Support Services Post Closure Costs 288,000
Sub-Total 288,000
Grand Total 1,452,000

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Bolaitos Project Environmental Studies, Permitting & Social or Community Impact

20.3 Permitting
EDR holds all necessary environmental and mine permits to conduct planned exploration, development and
mining operations on the Bolaitos Project.

Table 20-2 lists the existing permits governing the mining and milling operations.

Table 20-2 Summary of Environmental and Mining Permits for the Bolaitos Project

Issuing Date-Expiry/
Permit Type Permit
Agency Renewal

Envir Impact Stmt - Lucero Ramp 11/MP-0065/03/10 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

CUS - Lucero Ramp 11/DS-0066/03/10 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

MIA and EJT waste dump facilities, access and temporary
11/DS-0020/07/10 SEMARNAT Mine Closure
facilities in Lucero Ramp
CUS waste dump facilities, access and temporary facilities
11/MP-0164/07/10 SEMARNAT Mine Closure
in Lucero Ramp

MIA and EJT raise bore station in Lucero Ramp 11/MP-0072/04/10 SEMARNAT Permanent

CUS raise bore station in Lucero Ramp 11/DS-0152/02/10 SEMARNAT Permanent

MIA and EJT waste dump facilities in Lucero 11/MP-0164/07/10 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

CUS waste dump facilities in Lucero 11/DS-0202/08/11 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

Process Plant unique environmental license LAU-11-68/01503-09 SEMARNAT Permanent

MIA and EJT tailings dam - Authorization II 11/MP-0081/12/13 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

CSU tailings dam - Authorization II 11/DS-0119/05/13 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

MIA Raise bore station 1 in Veta la Luz 11/MP-0257/09/14 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

MIA Raise bore station 2 in Veta la Luz GTO.-131.1.1/0753/2015 SEMARNAT Mine Closure

Annual Operation Card COA COA 2014 SEMARNAT EVERY YEAR

20.4 Considerations of Social and Community Impacts

Bolaitos considers nearby communities as important stakeholders and, as such, the company pays special
attention to their problems and requests for support. A good neighbor and open-door policy characterizes
the relations with the seven communities inside and around the area of operations. A company
representative interacts with the local authorities frequently.

According to the population and housing census of 2010, the inhabitants in the surrounding communities
include 2,711 people living in the 7 locations. Women are 53.0% of the population. Table 20-3 presents
population by gender in the communities, and shows the relationship of Bolaitos with them, whether
directly or indirectly. The relationship with a community is indirect whenever it has a direct relationship

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Environmental Studies, Permitting & Social or Community Impact

with another mining company. The communities of Mineral de la Luz, Llanos de Santa Ana, Sangre de
Cristo, Mineral de Mexiamora, and Mineral de San Pedro Gilmo are located inside the area of current or
future influence. Two other communities are included due to their proximity. Regardless of the indirect
relationship with these two communities, Bolaitos considers that it has a shared commitment with them.

Table 20-3 Neighboring Community Population

Location Relationship
Total Male Female
Mineral de la Luz Direct 1040 489 551
Santa Ana (Santana) Indirect 636 318 318
Llanos de Santa Ana Direct 953 425 528
Mesa Cuata Indirect 314 144 170
Sangre de Cristo Direct 247 114 133
Mineral de Mexiamora Direct 103 55 48
Mineral de San Pedro Gilmonene Direct 102 49 53
Total 3395 1594 1801

Bolaitos has a policy of social responsibility based on community development. The tactic used to achieve
this strategic principle is focused on:

Education and Employability: Promoting learning opportunities ranging from basic education
to technical skills and supporting the creation and development of small business that provide
an economic alternative to mining related jobs.
Infrastructure: Supporting construction, improvement or rehabilitation of community
facilities, such as the Church, the playgrounds, or the roads.
Health: In partnership with government institutions, EDR promote several health campaigns
in the communities such as dental, vaccines, nutrition, pet control, and others.
Sports: Also in partnership with government institutions and NGOs, EDR supports summer
camps for children and in the last two years has sponsored one of the main races that happen
in Guanajuato.
Environment: EDR runs different environmental campaigns in the communities, such as the
recycling of electronics, the reuse of tires to rehabilitate recreational sites, reforestation
initiatives, cleaning up campaigns, and others.
Traditions and Culture: EDR supports throughout the year the different celebrations that
happen in the community, such as the day of the miner, mothers day, day of the death,
childrens day, Christmas celebrations, and others.

In addition, EDR responds to ongoing requests from the community. A large majority of the requests are
for discarded materials, but there are also some requests for in kind donations such as transportation of
materials, transportation to events, gifts for community celebration (such as childrens day), food, and
other assistance.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Environmental Studies, Permitting & Social or Community Impact

In order to carry out social responsibility actions, Bolaitos has an internal procedure intended to channel
the demands of the local communities, to assess their needs, to prioritize them, and to evaluate donations
to be made to improve quality of life. The company is interested in maintaining a social license to operate
by working together with the communities, providing communication support in resolving problems,
promoting good practices in social solidarity through a work plan with the localities, and aiming for
sustainability in all its actions.

The company works respectfully and in coordination with the natural leaders in the surrounding
communities, and with local authorities, educational institutions, and government agencies to achieve
sustainable development. Actions are mainly aimed at promoting education, sports, culture, health, and
environmental care.

The company provides garbage collection service to contribute to environmental sanitation and prevent
gastrointestinal diseases. The company also supplies medical services and medicines in cases of emergency
or whenever the community service is not available.

March 3, 2016 140

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Capital and Operating Costs


21.1 Capital Costs

In 2015, EDR's Bolaitos Project consisted of a modest size underground mining operation based at Cebada
and Bolaitos. The 2015 budget versus actual 2015 capital costs for the Bolaitos Project are summarized in
Table 21-1. The exploration drilling capital is not included as part of the 2015 actuals and budget in Table

Table 21-1 Budget 2015 and Actual 2015 Capital Costs for the Bolaitos Project

Actual 2015 Budget 2015

Cost (US$) Cost (US$)
Mine Development 6,057,349 3,004,715
Mine Equipment 92,434 238,600
Plant Equipment 801,619 1,414,310
Vehicles 22,122 47,800
Office and IT 71,935 137,900
Buildings 0 120,000
Total 7,045,459 4,963,325

21.2 Operating Costs

The cash cost of silver produced at the Bolaitos Project in fiscal year 2015 was US $4.31/oz, compared to
US $ 1.94/oz in 2015. Cash operating cost per ounce of silver is calculated net of gold credits and royalties.

On a per tonne of ore processed basis, the cash operating costs in 2015 averaged US $71.97 per tonne,
compared to US $87.44 in 2014 and US $79.47 in 2013. Table 21-2 also summarizes the 2016 planned
estimated operating cost for the Bolaitos Project, which is budgeted at US $74.74/t processed.

Table 21-2 Operating Costs for the Bolaitos Mines Project

Planned 2016
Department Actual 2014 (US$/t) Actual 2015 (US$/t)
Mining 37.86 35.15 34.00
Processing 33.44 23.69 28.00
G&A 16.14 13.13 12.74
Total 87.44 71.97 74.74

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Economic Analysis


EDR is a producing issuer as defined by NI 43101. An economic analysis has been excluded from this
technical report as the Bolaitos Project is currently in production and this technical report does not
include a material expansion of current production

March 3, 2016 142

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Adjacent Properties


The Bolaitos Project is located within the Guanajuato mining district, which hosts a number of historically
productive mines and in which mining has been carried out for more than 450 years. While a majority of
the past producers in the district are located on quartz veins similar or related to those located on the
Bolaitos property, there are no immediately adjacent properties which might materially affect the
interpretation or evaluation of the mineralization or exploration targets of the Bolaitos Project.

March 3, 2016 143

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Other Relevant Data and Information


This report summarizes all data and information material to the Bolaitos Project as of December 31, 2015.
HRC knows of no other relevant technical or other data or information that might materially impact the
interpretations and conclusions presented herein, nor of any additional information necessary to make the
report more understandable or not misleading.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Interpretation and Conclusions


EDRs Bolaitos Mines Project has an extensive mining history with well-known silver and gold bearing
vein systems. Ongoing exploration has continued to demonstrate the potential for the discovery of
additional resources at the project and within the district surrounding the mine. Outside of the currently
known reserve/resource areas, the mineral exploration potential for the Bolaitos Project is considered to
be very good. Parts of the known vein splays beyond the historically mined areas also represent good
exploration targets for additional resource tonnage

Since EDR took control of the Bolaitos Mines Project, new mining areas have enabled EDR to increase
production by providing additional sources of mill feed. EDRs operation management teams continue to
search for improvements in efficiency, lowering costs and researching and applying low-cost mining

25.1 December 31, 2015 Mineral Resource Estimate

The mineral resources for Bolaitos mine as of December 31, 2015, are summarized in Table 25-1. The
resources are exclusive of the mineral reserves.

Table 25-1 Mineral Resource Estimate, Effective Date December 31, 2015

Classification Silver Equivalent Silver Gold

g/t g/t oz. g/t oz.
Measured 101,200 289 140 457,317 2.13 6,920
Indicated 940,700 290 154 4,648,332 1.94 58,742
Measured + Indicated 1,042,000 289 152 5,105,649 1.96 65,662
Inferred 1,291,800 342 171 7,105,584 2.45 101,807
Total 2,333,800 319 163 12,211,233 2.23 167,469

1. Measured, Indicated and Inferred resource cut-off grades were 175 g/t silver equivalent at Bolaitos.
2. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no
certainty that all or any part of the mineral resources estimated will be converted into mineral reserves.
3. Metallurgical recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
4. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio
5. Price assumptions are $17.60 per ounce for silver and $1,260 per ounce for gold for resource cutoff
6. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.

For the year end 2015 there was an increase of 173,800 measured and indicated tonnes from the 2014
reported resources and a decrease of 368,000 inferred tonnes. The increase in measured and indicated
tonnes is based on new exploration data and conversion of inferred resources to measured and indicate
resources as the mine was developed during 2015.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Interpretation and Conclusions

25.2 December 31, 2015 Mineral Reserve Estimate

The mineral reserves for the Bolaitos mine as of December 31, 2015, are summarized in Table 25-2. The
reserves are exclusive of the mineral resources.

Table 25-2 Mineral Reserve Estimate, Effective Date December 31, 2015

Tonnes AgEq Ag (oz) * Au (oz) %

Classification Au g/t
(t x 1,000) g/t Ag g/t 1,000 * 1,000 Dilution
Proven 205.6 304.1 125.2 827.3 2.60 17.18 16.1%
Probable 172.6 279.0 101.3 562.0 2.73 15.15 33.4%
Total Proven and Probable Reserves 378.1 292.6 114.3 1,389.3 2.66 32.34 24.0%

1. Reserve cut-off grades are based on a 192 g/t silver equivalent.

2. Metallurgical Recoveries were 75.9% silver and 84.7% gold.
3. Mining Recoveries of 95% were applied.
4. Minimum mining widths were 0.8 meters.
5. Dilution factors averaged 24.0%. Dilution factors are calculated based on internal stope dilution
calculations and external dilution factors of 15% for cut and fill and 30% for long hole.
6. Silver equivalents are based on a 70:1 silver:gold ratio.
7. Price assumptions are $16 per ounce for silver and $1,150 per ounce for gold.
8. Mineral resources are estimated exclusive of and in addition to mineral reserves.
9. Figures in table are rounded to reflect estimate precision; small differences generated by rounding are
not material to estimates.

For the year end 2015 there was a decrease of 316,200 tonnes from the 2014 reported reserves with a total
of 466,141 tonnes reported as mined during 2015.

25.3 Conclusions
The mine staff possess considerable experience and knowledge with regard to the nature of the orebodies
in and around the Bolaitos property. Mine planning and operations need to continue to assure that the
rate of waste development is sufficient to maintain the production rates included in the mine plan.

A major change in ore metallurgy during the life of the current reserves is very unlikely, as nearly all of the
ore to be mined will come from veins with historic, recent, or current production.

Areas of uncertainty that may materially impact the mineral resources and reserves and subsequent mine
life presented in this report include the following:

Mining assumptions
Dilution assumptions
Exchange rates
Changes in taxation or royalties
Variations in commodity price

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Interpretation and Conclusions

Metallurgical recovery
Processing assumptions

The QP considers the Bolaitos resource and reserve estimates presented here to conform with the
requirements and guidelines set forth in Companion Policy 43-101CP and Form 43-101F1 (June 2011), and
the mineral resources and reserves presented herein are classified according to Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards - For Mineral Resources and Mineral
Reserves, prepared by the CIM Standing Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on
May 10, 2014. These resources and reserves form the basis for EDRs ongoing mining operations at the
Bolaitos Mines Project.

The QP is unaware of any significant technical, legal, environmental or political considerations which
would have an adverse effect on the extraction and processing of the resources and reserves located at the
Bolaitos Mines Project. Mineral resources which have not been converted to mineral reserves, and do not
demonstrate economic viability shall remain mineral resources. There is no certainty that all or any part of
the mineral resources estimated will be converted into mineral reserves.

The QP considers that the mineral concessions in the Bolaitos mining district controlled by EDR continue
to be highly prospective both along strike and down dip of the existing mineralization.

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Recommendations

Outside of the currently known reserve/resource areas, the mineral exploration potential for the Bolaitos
mines are considered to be very good. Parts of the known vein splays beyond the historically mined areas
also represent good exploration targets for additional resource tonnage. The concession areas contain many
veins and the QP considers there to be reasonable potential of discovering new veins and splays besides
those that are currently mapped.

An exploration budget has been developed for 2016 and discussed in the following section.

26.1 Exploration Program

In 2016, EDR will conduct a surface drilling program in the Bolaitos South area, with the objective to try
to find mineralization in the Gina, Maru and La Cuesta veins.

Regional exploration in 2016 will be focused on the Tlachiquera claim (recently staked), located at the NW
part of the District.

Table 26-1 summarizes the planned 2016 exploration budget for the Bolaitos Mines Project

Table 26-1 Bolaitos 2016 Priority Exploration Targets

2015 Program
Project Area
Meters Samples Budget US $

Surface Exploration Drilling

Bolaitos South 1,000 600 215,000

Total 1,000 600 215,000

26.2 Surface Exploration Program

The 2016 surface exploration program is planned to include 1,000 m of core, focused on the veins located in
the Bolaitos South area. Budgeted cost of the program is US $ 215 thousand (Table 26-1).

26.3 Underground Exploration Program

No underground exploration is planned for 2016 at the Bolaitos Mines Project.

26.4 Geology, Block Modeling, Mineral Resources and Reserves

HRC recommends that the process of converting mineral resources into reserves from 2D polygons to 3D
block models be continued. During the last couple of years, considerable progress has been made on this
process with only nine veins remaining to be converted to 3D. Additional modeling efforts should be made

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Recommendations

to define the mineralized brecciated areas as they have been an important source of economic material
encountered in the current operation, and could provide additional tonnage to support the mine plan.

EDR currently utilizes the exploration drilling and chip and muck samples in their resource and reserve
calculations. HRC recommends that future efforts focus on constructing block models for resource and
reserve reporting utilizing only the exploration and underground drilling results. The chip and muck
samples should be used to develop the production model. This will help keep data densities consistent in
each modeling effort and will provide another level in the reconciliation process to compare modeling

Although the reconciliations conducted by EDR show good comparison between planned versus actual
values, the reconciliation process should be improved to include the estimated tonnes and grade from the
resource models. Because the LOM plan is compared to the plant production on a monthly basis, the actual
physical location of the material mined may be different than the planned location. Due to the many stopes
that are mined during a day this can only be completed on an average monthly basis due to blending of
stope material into the mill. The monthly surveyed as mined areas should be created into triangulation
solids and saved on a monthly basis for reporting the modeled tonnes for each month. The combination of
the 3D block models and 2D and polygonal reserves makes this process difficult but considerable progress
has been made during the last year to get all resources and reserves into 3D block models. The model-
predicted results versus actual can then be used to determine if dilution factors need to be adjusted, or
perhaps the resource modeling parameters may require adjustment if there are large variances. The mill
production should be reconciled to the final concentrate shipments on a yearly basis, and resulting
adjustment factors should be explained and reported.

March 3, 2016 149

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project References

Aranda-Gmez, J.J., & McDowell, F.W. (1998). Paleogene extension in the southern Basin and Range
province of Mexico: Syndepositional tilting of Eocene red beds and Oligocene volcanic rocks in the
Guanajuato mining district. International Geology Review, 40(2), 116-134.

Berger, B.R., and P.I. Emmons, (1983). Conceptual models of epithermal precious metal deposits, in Shank,
W.C., ed., Cameron Volume on Unconventional Mineral Deposits, New York, American Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineering, and Society of Mining Engineers, 191-205.

Buchanan, L.J. (1980). Ore controls of vertically stacked deposits, Guanajuato, Mexico. American Institute of
Mining Engineers, 80-82.

Buchanan, L.J. (1981). Precious metal deposits associated with volcanic environments in the southwest.
Arizona Geological Society Digest, 14, 237-262.

Cameron, Donald E. (2012). Technical Report and Updated Resource and Reserve Estimate for the El Cubo
Mine Guanajuato, Mexico: unpublished NI 43-101 technical report prepared by Cameron, Donald
E., for Endeavor Silver, effective date June 01, 2012.

Crdenas, V.J., & Consejo de Recursos Minerales (Mexico). (1992). Geological-mining monograph of the
state of Guanajuato. Pachuca, Hdgo., Mxico: Consejo de Recursos Minerales., p.186

Cerca Martnez, L.M., Aguirre Daz, G. D. J., & Lopez Martnez, M. (2000). The geologic evolution of the
southern Sierra de Guanajuato, Mexico: a documented example of the transition from the Sierra
Madre Occidental to the Mexican Volcanic Belt. International Geology Review, 42(2), 131-151.

Chiodi, M., Monod, O., Busnardo, R., Gaspard, D., Snchez, A., & Yta, M. (1988). Une discordance ante
albienne date par une fauned'Ammonites et de Brachiopodes de type tthysien au Mexique
central. Geobios, 21(2), 125-135.

Clark, K.F., (1990). Ore Deposits of the Guanajuato District, Mexico, Mexico Silver Deposits, Society of
Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series Volume 6, pp 201 to 211.

Corbett, G.J., Leach, T.M. (1996). Southwest Pacific Rim gold - copper systems: structure, alteration and
mineralization. Workshop manual, 185 p.

Dvila-Alcocer, V. M., & Martnez-Reyes, J. (1987). Una edad cretcica para las rocas basales de la Sierra de
Guanajuato. In Simposio sobre la Geologa de la Sierra de Guanajuato, Programa y Resmenes:
Mxico, DF, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Instituto de Geologa (pp. 19-20).

Edwards, D.J., (1955). Studies of some early Tertiary red conglomerates of central Mexico: U.S. Geological
Survey, Professional Paper 264-H, p. 153-185.

Gross, W.H., (1975). New ore discovery and source of silver-gold veins, Guanajuato, Mexico: Economic
Geology, v. 70, p. 1 175-1 189.

March 3, 2016 150

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project References

Hollister, F.V. (1985). Discoveries of epithermal precious metal deposits: AIME, Case histories of mineral
discoveries, V. 1, pp. 168

Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C., Leader, R.J. and San Martin, A.J., (2009). NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit of the
Resource and Reserves for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, 163 p.

Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C., Leader, R.J. and San Martin, A.J., (2010). NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit of the
Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, 162

Lewis, W. J., Murahwi, C., and Leader, R. J. (2011). NI 43-101 Technical Report, Audit of the Resource and
Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, 160 p.

Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C. and San Martin, A.J., (2012). NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Resource and
Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico, 216 p.

Lewis, W.J., Murahwi, C. and San Martin, A.J., (2013). NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Resource and
Reserve Estimates for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico.

Martin, P.F., (1906). Mexico's Treasure-House (Guanajuato); An Illustrated and Descriptive Account of the
Mines and Their Operations in 1906, 259 p.

Munroe, M.J. (2014). NI 43-101 Technical Report Resource and Reserve Estimates for the Bolaitos Mines
Project, Guanajuato State, Mexico.

Moncada, D. and Bodnar, R.J. (2012a). Fluid Inclusions and Mineral Textures in Samples from the Cebada
Project Area, Guanajuato, Mexico, Private Company Report, p. 29.

Moncada, D. and Bodnar, R.J. (2012b). Identification of Target Areas for Exploration in the La Luz area,
Guanajuato, Mexico, Based on Fluid Inclusions and Mineral Textures, Private Company Report, p.

Moncada, D., Bodnar, R.J., Reynolds, T.J., Nieto, A., Vanderwall, W., & Brown, R. (2008). Fluid inclusion
and mineralogical evidence for boiling in the epithermal silver deposits at Guanajuato, Mexico.,
Ninth Pan American Conference on Research on Fluid Inclusions, Reston, Virginia, USA, H. E.
Belkin, ed., p. 41.

Morley, C and Moller, R, 2005. Iron ore mine reconciliation A case study from Sishen Iron Ore Mine,
South Africa, in Proceedings Iron Ore 2005, pp 311-318 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy: Melbourne).

Nieto-Samaniego, A.F., Macas-Romo, Consuelo, and Alaniz-Alvarez, S.A., (1996). Nuevas edades isotpicas
de la cubierta volcnica cenozoica de la parte meridional de la Mesa Central, Mxico: Revista
Mexicana de Ciencias Geolgicas, v. 13, no. 1, p. 117122.

March 3, 2016 151

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project References

Parrish, I.S. (1997). Geologist's Gordian Knot: To cut or not to cut. Mining Engineering, 49(4), 45-49.

Randall, J.A., Saldaa, A. E., & Clark, K.F. (1994). Exploration in a volcano-plutonic center at Guanajuato,
Mexico. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 89(8), 1722-1751.

Reyes, J.M., & Nieto-Samaniego, A.F. (1990). Efectos geolgicos de la tectnica reciente en la parte central
de Mxico. Revista mexicana de ciencias geolgicas, 9(1), 33-50.

Salas, G.P. (1991). Economic Geology, Mexico, Volume P-3 of the Geology of North America. The Decade of
North American Geology Project series by The Geological Society of America, Inc., 438 p.

Sinclair, A.J., & Blackwell, G.H. (2002). Applied mineral inventory estimation. Cambridge University Press.

Schofield, N. A. (2001). The myth of mine reconciliation. Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation
The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice (ed: A C Edwards) (pp. 601-610). Melbourne: The Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Southworth, J. R. (1905). Las minas de Mxico (edicin ilustrada): Historia, geologia, antigua mineria y
descripcin general de los estados mineros de la Repblica mexicana. En espaol ingls. Tomo
IX., octubre, 1905. Pub. bajo la autorizacin del gobierno, por J.R. Southworth. Liverpool, Eng:
Printed for the author by Blake & Mackenzie. 260 p.

SRK Consulting, (2008). NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Guanajuato Mines Project, Guanajuato State
Mexico, Prepared for Endeavour Silver Corp, 75 p.

Telluris Consulting (2008). Structural Review of the Deposits of the Northern Guanajuato District, Mexico,
Field Visit Conclusions 03-08 prepared for Endeavour Silver Corp. 23 p.

Thompson, J.E., (2007). Grade & Dilution Control (with commentary on Development, Mining Methods and
Backfill), private company report on Guanajuato Mines Project for Endeavour Corp.

Williams, A., (1905). The Romance of Mining: Containing Interesting Descriptions of the Methods of Mining
for Minerals in All Parts of the World. CA Pearson, Limited, 400p.

March 3, 2016 152

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices


March 3, 2016 153

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Bolaitos 2015 Exploration Results
Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

Bolaitos South BOL-651 0.17 MAT FALLA MATERIAL FALLA; FeO-MnO; TRAZAS Chl 0.32 6 0.0105 0.0009 0.0054


Bolaitos South BOL-652 0.25 Vl 0.43 123 0.0037 0.0006 0.0025
Bolaitos South BOL-653 0.4 Vl 0.02 0.4 0.0055 0.0006 0.0051
NW36SE/ 50 SW


Bolaitos South BOL-654 0 FLOTADOS 3.76 186 0.0014 0.0007 0.0016


Bolaitos South BOL-655 0.2 Vt 0.1 37 0.0024 0.0004 0.0019
MnO; NW20SE/ 80 AL SW
Bolaitos South BOL-656 0.2 Vt MnO; TRAZAS DISS ARG; TRAZAS ALT ARG; 0.43 1 0.0019 0.0006 0.001
Bolaitos South BOL-657 1 AND CABALLO AND; FeO-MnO; TRAZAS SIL 0.04 0.4 0.0026 0.0002 0.0066
Bolaitos South BOL-658 0.2 Vt 0.09 2 0.0011 0.0003 0.001
Bolaitos South BOL-659 0.2 Vl 0.08 2 0.0074 0.0005 0.0046
Bolaitos South BOL-660 0.2 Vt 0.05 3 0.002 0.0003 0.0012
Bolaitos South BOL-661 0.2 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO-MnO 0.07 1 0.0077 0.001 0.0061
Bolaitos South BOL-662 0.15 Vt 0.11 4 0.0022 0.0002 0.0023
S/ 75 W

Vn txt Bx Qz bco lechoso con frag`s Qz zoneados

BV N15W/75NE
Bolaitos North BOL-1040 0.4 por Py se obsv frags con alt verdosa poss valores 0.26 7 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0008
Au FeO moderado en fracts y dbil diss

March 3, 2016 154

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

Vn a=1m Vn txt Bx con al menos 3eventos de min frags de

N39W/79NE Qz bco lechoso en matriz de silice griscea con
Bolaitos North BOL-1045 0.4 0.07 9 0.0018 <0.0002 0.0035
desprendimientoal Py dis <1% y como ultimo evento vt de Qz trsl
bajo de BV drusado<3cm FeO moderado dis y en fracts

Bx en granodiorita Mg con Arg M vt de Qz bco-

Bolaitos North BOL-1046 0.25 Vn al bajo de BV 0.48 9 0.0035 <0.0002 0.0059
trsl drusado escaso con FeO S dis y en fracts

Bx Qz bco lechoso txt msv con Py incipiente y

Bolaitos North BOL-1047 0.35 Vn al bajo de BV trazas de pos Arg FeO moderado en fracts con 0.12 65 0.002 <0.0002 0.0024
escasos frag's Granodiorita

Vn txt msv-bx Qz trsl+Cca escasa txt

Vl a=35cm
Bolaitos North BOL-1155 0.4 sacaroide+vuggy Qz con Hem en cavidades FeO 0.08 12 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0025
moderado en fracts escaso MnO dis

Vn a=1.10m Vn txt msv-bx Qz trsl+cca moderada con escaso

Bolaitos North BOL-1157 0.35 N37W/65NE arriba vuggy Qz Pirolusita en fracts FeO moderado dis y 0.1 7 0.0006 0.0002 0.0013
de Socv. Burgos fracts Py incipiente

muestra de rodados de Qz txt masiva (Qz

trsl+cca txt sacaroide) y Bx Qz trsl con frags de
Mtra afuera de Socv.
Bolaitos North BOL-1161 2*2 Qz bco sulf dis Py 0-2% con Arg+Parg<1% 0.9 465 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0019
mayormente asociado a txt brechada. Muestra
afuera de Socavon Burgos

Vn a=70cm Vn txt msv Qz trsl+Cca moderada txt sacaroide

N20W/80NE Py dis 0-3% con trazas de pos Arg con alteracin
Bolaitos North BOL-1171 0.3 0.61 247 0.0018 0.0002 0.0014
desprendimiento de verdosa en partes posibles valores de Au FeO W-
BV M en fracts

Vn txt msv-bx Qz trsl+Cca moderada txt

Vn desprendimiento
Bolaitos North BOL-1172 0.4 sacaroide con escasos frags de Qz bco Py dis 0- 0.14 9 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0014
de BV
2% FeO moderado en fracts
Bolaitos North BOL-1173 0.2 Granodiorita Arg M Ox S FeO dis 1.13 14 0.0034 0.0002 0.0039

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
BV en cata al sur de
Socv. Burgos Vn txt Bx Qz bco-trsl con frags de granodiorita
Bolaitos North BOL-1174 0.3 0.58 17 0.002 <0.0002 0.0017
a=2.25m FeO M-S en fracts y dis

BV en cata al sur de Vn txt bx Qz trsl+cca moderada FeO W dis

Bolaitos North BOL-1175 0.55 0.13 6 0.0042 <0.0002 0.0028
Socv. Burgos moderado en fracts con Pirolusita en fracts

Subafloramiento alineado entre catas Qz txt

Flotados en cata msv-bx Qz trsl+Cca moderada txt sacaroide con
Bolaitos North BOL-1180 1*1 1.27 146 0.0002 <0.0002 0.001
aterrada Py dis <1% trazas de Arg+Parg FeO W en fracts y
escaso dis
Vn a=90cm
N5W/45SW Vn txt msv-bx Qz bco-trsl+Cca moderada FeO M
Bolaitos North BOL-1182 0.3 0.18 23 0.005 0.0002 0.0029
desprendimiento al en fracts Py incipiente con frags de Andesita Fg
Bx Qz bco-trsl con FeO moderado en fracts y
Bolaitos North BOL-1183 0.3 Vn desprend. al bajo 0.26 23 0.0089 0.0002 0.0054
dbil dis
Diorita txt afanitica Arg S FeO M-S dis y en fracts
Bolaitos North BOL-1184 0.3 Vn desprend. al bajo <0.05 21 0.0102 0.0004 0.0066
con escaso vt de Qz trsl
Bx Qz bco-trsl+Cca escasa txt sacaroide FeO
Bolaitos North BOL-1185 0.2 Vn desprend. al bajo 0.14 17 0.0023 0.0002 0.0027
moderado dis y fuerte en fracts
Granodiorita Arg S FeO M-S en fracts y dis con
Bolaitos North BOL-1186 0.45 0.24 24 0.006 0.0003 0.005
escaso vt <1cm de Qz trsl
BV a=85cm Vn Qz bco-trsl+Cca txt sacaroide con vt mm Qz
Bolaitos North BOL-1187 0.5 N5W/73NE en cata trsl drusado escaso Py dis 0-1% FeO moderado 0.1 18 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0005
al sur de Soc. Brugos en fracts dbil dis
BV en cata al sur de Vn txt Bx Qz trsl-bco FeO moderado dis fuerte
Bolaitos North BOL-1188 0.35 0.17 19 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0005
Socv. Burgos en fracts Py incipiente
Granodiorita Cg Arg W Ox moderada con vt 3cm
Bolaitos North BOL-1189 0.4 0.15 11 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0015
Qz trsl FeO en fracts y dis

Bolaitos North BOL-1191 0.5 Granodiorita Cg Wea M FeO S en fracts y dis 0.2 36 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0015

Vl txt Bx Qz bco+Cca txt sacaroide+Qz trsl

Vl a=20cm
Bolaitos North BOL-1192 0.2 drusado alto cont de FeO dis y en fracts Py dis 0- 0.35 170 0.0008 0.0003 0.0011
1% con trazas de pos Arg

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

Bx en granodiorita vetilleo de Qz bco lechoso

Bolaitos North BOL-1193 0.3 con Qz trsl coliforme de baja temperatura FeO 0.2 81 0.0008 0.0002 0.0012
M-S en fracts y dis Py <1% dis

BV a=40cm
Vn txt Bx Qz trsl+vuggy Qz con Hem-limonita en
Bolaitos North BOL-1194 0.2 N10W/78NE en 0.64 308 0.0016 0.0003 0.002
cavidades FeO dis moderado Py incipiente
vereda fuera de lote

Vn txt Bx Qz trsl con frags de Qz bco lechoso

BV en vereda fuera
Bolaitos North BOL-1195 0.2 vuggy Qz escaso Py dis 0-1% con trazas de Arg 0.5 226 0.0006 0.0002 0.0006
de lote
FeO moderado en fracts y dis

Muestras de terrero fuera de socavn en lmite

Socavn sin nombre
de Lote Bolaitos, frags de Vn de Cca txt msv-bx
Bolaitos North BOL-1200 3*2 limite N de Lote 1.06 8 0.0031 0.0002 0.0029
con cca rombodrica Py incipiente, frags con
clastos de andesita.

Vn Qz bco +Cca escasa con frag's de andesita,

San Ignacio BOL-602 0.35 0.11 71 0.0042 0.0003 0.0028

Vn San Bernabe Vn Qz bco-trsl-coloforme se obss finos oscuros

San Ignacio BOL-603 0.2 2.78 51 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0009
a=135cm posible Arg FeO M-S (Hem-Mn)

San Ignacio BOL-605 0.4 Vn Qz Vu bco-trsl con FeO M-S (Hem-Mn) 3.2 39 0.0013 0.0002 0.0006

Vn Ban Qzo bco-trsl coloforme con diss Arg-Parg

San Ignacio BOL-606 0.2 3.82 111 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0004
FeO W (Hem) en fracturas
Vn San Bernabe Bx Qz Vuggy bco-trsl+Cca escasa , FeO M-S
San Ignacio BOL-608 0.2 0.25 127 0.0038 0.0022 0.0022
a=35cm (Hem-Mn)
San Ignacio BOL-665 1.1 Vn 0.27 528 0.0044 0.0006 0.0029


San Ignacio BOL-669 1.1 SILICIF 0.14 158 0.0008 0.0005 0.001


San Ignacio BOL-670 0.3 Vn MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox; NW58SE/ 74 AL 0.18 90 0.001 0.0004 0.0013

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

San Ignacio BOL-671 0.25 Vn 0.53 138 0.0014 0.0005 0.0013


San Ignacio BOL-674 0.5 Bx 0.26 201 0.0008 0.0006 0.001
San Ignacio BOL-675 0.2 Vn 0.23 100 0.0017 0.0005 0.0016
San Ignacio BOL-682 0 FLOTADOS <0.05 138 0.0013 0.0002 0.0015
San Ignacio BOL-780 0.35 AND 0.27 63 0.0019 0.0005 0.0047


San Ignacio BOL-781 1.1 FLOTADOS 0.63 77 0.0006 0.0002 0.0009

San Ignacio BOL-782 0.5 Vl Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-ESQUELETICO)-Cca; FeO-MnO 0.23 75 0.0078 0.0006 0.003

San Ignacio BOL-784 1.2 Vn Vn; Qz(LECHOSO-ESQUELETICO)-Cca; FeO-MnO 0.51 53 0.0005 0.0002 0.0005


San Ignacio BOL-785 0.9 Vn 1.79 42 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0008
San Ignacio BOL-786 0.5 AND 0.37 141 0.0036 0.0004 0.0051


San Ignacio BOL-793 0.55 AND 1.25 152 0.0022 0.0004 0.0059


San Ignacio BOL-795 0.35 Vn 0.36 55 0.0011 0.0002 0.0011
San Ignacio BOL-796 0.3 Vn 0.3 62 0.0017 0.0002 0.0013

San Ignacio BOL-1201 0.4 Vn-Bx 0.23 60 0.0006 0.0005 0.0026


San Ignacio BOL-1203 0.6 Vn-Bx MnO; Chl; TRAZAS DISS Py-ARG; NW40SE/ 60 2.59 331 0.0003 0.0003 0.0005

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
San Ignacio BOL-1205 0.3 Vn-Bx TRAZAS DISS Py-ARG; RBO GENERAL NW22SE/ 1.72 165 0.0004 0.0003 0.001
62 AL NE
San Ignacio BOL-1206 0.25 Bx 1.54 1225 0.0064 0.001 0.0048
San Ignacio BOL-1207 0.2 Vn 0.3 113 0.0003 0.0002 0.0008
San Miguel BOL-692 0.3 Vl 2.27 12 0.0019 0.001 0.003
MnO; Chl; NE5SW/ 84 AL NE
San Miguel BOL-694 0.4 Vn MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox y ARG; NE3SW/ 82 8.95 117 0.0019 0.0005 0.0018


San Miguel BOL-695 0.7 Vn Qz VERDE CLARO; FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS Py- 1.18 14 0.0009 0.0002 0.0008


San Miguel BOL-696 0.35 Vl 2.41 16 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0007
FeO; Chl; NW20SE/ 70 AL SW
San Miguel BOL-697 0.3 Vn 2.32 10 0.0021 0.0002 0.0017
San Miguel BOL-700 0.35 Bx CRIST HEM; Chl; NW20SE/ 80 AL NE A 0.91 64 0.0057 0.0003 0.0046
San Miguel BOL-752 0.25 Vl 1.25 85 0.0067 0.0003 0.0037
San Miguel BOL-766 0.3 Vl MnO; Chl; NW50SE/ 65 AL NE; RUMBO 0.98 332 0.0014 0.0006 0.0026

San Miguel BOL-767 0.2 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS Qz 0.1 54 0.0052 0.0002 0.0055


San Miguel BOL-768 0.2 Vt 0.47 161 0.0014 0.0003 0.0014
MnO; Chl
San Miguel BOL-769 0.3 Bx MnO; TRAZAS DISS ARG; Chl; NW42SE/ 65 AL 0.25 39 0.004 0.0003 0.0034

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

San Miguel BOL-772 0.35 Bx Bx; Qz(ESQUELETICO-LECHOSO); FeO-MnO 0.92 24 0.0018 0.0003 0.0014

San Miguel BOL-773 0.35 Bx-Vl Bx-Vl; Qz(ESQUELETICO-LECHOSO); FeO-MnO 1.62 33 0.0015 0.0003 0.0015

San Miguel BOL-774 1.5 Bx Bx; Qz(ESQUELETICO-LECHOSO); FeO-MnO 1.1 25 0.0028 0.0005 0.0022

San Miguel BOL-775 1 Bx Bx; Qz(ESQUELETICO-LECHOSO); FeO-MnO 1.08 22 0.0023 0.0003 0.0018


San Miguel BOL-776 1.1 Bx 0.83 46 0.0029 0.0007 0.0023
San Miguel BOL-777 1.2 Vn 1.56 105 0.0035 0.0006 0.0024


San Miguel BOL-778 0.3 Vl 0.65 52 0.0072 0.0004 0.0047


San Miguel BOL-788 0.3 Vl-BAND 0.66 30 0.0038 0.0005 0.003

San Miguel BOL-929 0.5 Vl Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST); FeO-MnO; Chl-Ep 1.03 6 0.005 0.0005 0.004


San Miguel BOL-933 0.6 Vl 2.48 8 0.0036 <0.0002 0.0046


San Miguel BOL-934 0.5 CABALLO AND 0.53 56 0.0014 0.0004 0.0019


San Miguel BOL-936 0.4 Vn 0.74 28 0.0028 0.0002 0.0018


San Miguel BOL-938 0.4 Vl 0.9 110 0.0063 <0.0002 0.0031
San Miguel BOL-940 0.45 Vl 0.27 53 0.0057 <0.0002 0.0048


San Miguel BOL-941 0.25 Vt DISS Py-ARG-CRIST ox; RELIZ DE FALLA CON 1.45 11 0.003 0.0003 0.0038

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)


San Miguel BOL-942 0.2 Vt-Bx 0.46 36 0.0054 0.0002 0.0024


San Miguel BOL-943 0.4 Vn-Bx TRAZAS DISS Py-CRIST ox; NE5SW/ 72 AL W; 2.71 57 0.0019 0.0004 0.0038

San Miguel BOL-947 0.6 Vn-Bx 1.05 14 0.0017 0.0004 0.0014


Rio Dike BOL-1323 1.3 DIQUE C/T Vl 0.02 2 0.0001 0.0009 0.0009


Rio Dike BOL-1324 0.8 DIQUE C/T Vl 0.01 3 0.0002 0.0007 0.0011
Rio Dike BOL-1325 0.75 DIQUE <0.05 79 0.0017 0.0004 0.0027
Rio Dike BOL-1326 1.2 Vn MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox; NW55SE/ 71 AL <0.05 170 0.0017 0.0004 0.0037
Rio Dike BOL-1330 0.8 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO-MnO 0.6 445 0.0006 0.0004 0.0022
Rio Dike BOL-1331 1.7 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO-MnO 0.13 33 0.0007 0.0004 0.0042
Rio Dike BOL-1332 1 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO-MnO 0.1 46 0.0004 0.0003 0.006

Rio Dike BOL-1340 1.5 Vl Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST-ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO 0.01 2 0.0008 0.0008 0.0012

Rio Dike BOL-1342 1 Vl Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST-ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO 0.02 9 0.0001 0.0003 0.0008


Rio Dike BOL-1343 1 DIQUE <0.005 <0.2 0.0001 0.0009 0.0007
Rio Dike BOL-1346 1.5 DIQUE DIQUE RIO SIL; TRAZAS CRIST ox <0.005 1 0.0001 0.0009 0.0004
Rio Dike BOL-1348 1.3 DIQUE DIQUE RIO SIL; FeO-MnO <0.005 1 0.0001 0.0011 0.0004
Rio Dike BOL-1350 1.3 DIQUE 0.01 2 0.0001 0.0009 0.0004
Rio Dike BOL-1351 1.4 DIQUE DIQUE RIO SIL; TRAZAS FeO-MnO <0.005 1 0.0001 0.001 0.0005

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Rio Dike BOL-1352 1.5 DIQUE 0.27 24 0.0003 0.0005 0.0027
Rio Dike BOL-1357 1 DIQUE C/T Vl 0.01 1 0.0021 0.0003 0.0022
Rio Dike BOL-1358 0.6 DIQUE C/T Vl ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO; ALT ARG; TRAZAS 0.01 16 0.0013 0.0003 0.0037
Rio Dike BOL-1360 0.4 DIQUE <0.05 27 0.0027 <0.0002 0.0059
MnO; Chl

Rio Dike BOL-1361 0.35 DIQUE DIQUE RIO SIL-DELEZNABLE; ALT ARG; FeO-MnO 0.08 5 0.0029 0.0006 0.0016


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1375 0 MAT. REZAGA EN Vn 1.41 125 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0006
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1377 0.3 Bx Bx; Cca-Qz(LECHOSO); FeO-MnO 0.81 81 0.0007 0.0004 0.0017


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1378 0.5 Vn-Bx 0.36 72 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0004

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1379 0.65 Vn Vn; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST)-Cca (TRAZAS) 0.21 103 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0002
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1382 0.8 Vn-BAND-Bx 1.01 73 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0014


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1383 0.35 Vn-BAND 0.39 102 0.0001 <0.0002 0.0003

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1387 0.3 Vn-Bx 2.2 832 0.0005 0.0006 0.0016

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1388 0.4 Vn-BAND 0.23 65 0.0001 <0.0002 <0.0002

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1392 0.4 Vn 0.19 53 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002
NW40SE/ 67 AL NE

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1393 0.3 Vn-BAND Vn-BAND; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST)-Cca(TRAZAS) 0.14 178 0.0003 0.0002 0.0003

March 3, 2016 162

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1394 0.55 Vn Vn; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST)-Cca(TRAZAS) 0.26 50 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0004


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1408 0.35 Vn 0.26 452 0.0005 0.0002 0.0018
Py-ARG; NW20SE/ 67 AL NE


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1410 0.25 Vn-Bx <0.05 137 0.0018 0.0008 0.0025
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1417 0.45 Vn-Bx 0.24 104 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0017
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1434 0.55 Vn-Bx 0.3 248 0.0015 0.0004 0.0013
Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1449 0.55 Vl 0.51 179 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0015


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1451 0.35 Vn-Bx 2.84 78 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0004


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1466 0.4 Vl 0.21 85 0.001 <0.0002 0.003


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1475 0.55 Vn-Bx 0.32 247 0.001 <0.0002 0.0008


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1476 0.45 Vn-Bx 0.53 244 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0016

Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1480 0.35 Vn-Bx Vn-Bx; Qz(LECHOSO); TRAZAS DISS Py-ARG 4.37 177 0.0024 <0.0002 0.001


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1483 0.6 Vl 3.35 153 0.0009 <0.0002 0.0004


Bolaitos/Mina Grande BOL-1484 0.6 Vn-BAND 5 57 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0003

Andesita de Fg con vt's mm Qzo bco, drusado,

Raices-San Bernab BOL-622 0.2 Vl a=8cm 3.85 25 0.0093 0.0002 0.0048
Py incipiente FeO M-S en fx's, Arg W

Vl Qzo bco-drusado, Py <1%; FeO M-S (Mn) en

Raices-San Bernab BOL-623 0.2 N26W/73SW 5.18 18 0.006 <0.0002 0.0037

March 3, 2016 163

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)

Races Vn Vl txt bx Qz trsl drusado cristales pequeos con

Raices-San Bernab BOL-702 0.2 N4W/82SW escasa Cca+Qz trsl txt sacaroide FeO moderado <0.05 54 0.001 0.0002 0.0026
a=0.20m en fracts y diss

Andesita Fg Wea M FeO dis con vt<1cm de Qz

Raices-San Bernab BOL-703 0.2 <0.05 56 0.0019 0.0002 0.0065

Vetilla txt bx de Qz trsl drusado cristales

Vl N23E/70NW
Raices-San Bernab BOL-704 0.25 pequeos y vuggy Qz con FeO M-S en fracts y <0.05 48 0.0015 0.0002 0.003
cavidades con fragmentos de andesita de Fg

Vl desprendiemiento de Races Vn, Vl txt Bx Qz

Vl N31E/26NW
Raices-San Bernab BOL-712 0.2 trsl drusado+vuggy Qz FeO moderado en cavs y 0.07 3 0.0041 <0.0002 0.004
fracts escaso diss
Raices-San Bernab BOL-714 0.8 Andesita Fg Ox S FeO dis y en fracts 0.57 227 0.0046 <0.0002 0.0052

Vl txt bx Qz trsl-bco+Cca escasa Py dis <1%

Vl a=0.30m
Raices-San Bernab BOL-715 0.3 trazas pos Arg FeO en fracts moderado con frags 0.23 231 0.0029 0.0002 0.0038
pequeos de Andesita

Bx Qz trsl drusado+Cca escasa con escasos frags

Vl a=0.03m
Raices-San Bernab BOL-727 0.2 pequeos de andesita Py dis 0-1% FeO 0.93 2 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0012
moderado en fracts
Vl a=0.04m Bx Qz trsl drusado+vuggy Qz Cca escasa FeO M-S
Raices-San Bernab BOL-732 0.2 0.18 4 0.0058 0.0003 0.0053
N24W/76SW en cavs y fracts Py incipiente
Vl traza races vn
Bx Qz trsl drusado Cca escasa en andesita Fg FeO
Raices-San Bernab BOL-735 0.2 a=0.15m 1.45 24 0.0046 0.0003 0.0024
moderado en fracts
Vn Bx Qz trsl+Cca sacaroide-Vuggy Qz; Feo M en
Raices-San Bernab BOL-738 0.3 Vn Soledad A=30cm 0.62 26 0.0018 <0.0002 0.0011
cavidades y fx's

Sw en andesitas de Mg con vt's 1-2cm dde Qz

Raices-San Bernab BOL-739 0.25 N15W/60SW 0.73 59 0.0105 0.0002 0.004
trsl-drusado, cistales pequeos, feO en fx's y diss


Raices-San Bernab BOL-798 0.4 Vn 1.17 80 0.0023 0.0003 0.0029

March 3, 2016 164

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Raices-San Bernab BOL-800 0.9 AND ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO; Chl; TRAZAS DISS 0.74 4 0.0009 0.0003 0.0049
Raices-San Bernab BOL-901 0.6 AND ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO; Chl; TRAZAS DISS 2.02 7 0.0011 0.0004 0.0079

Raices-San Bernab BOL-904 0.4 Vn-BAND-Bx 0.26 20 0.0031 0.0003 0.0022
FeO-MnO;Chl; NW13SE/ 65 AL NE


Raices-San Bernab BOL-906 0.25 Vt 0.13 10 0.0048 <0.0002 0.0035
MnO;Chl-Ep; NW70SE/ 70 AL SW


Raices-San Bernab BOL-907 0.6 Vn 0.2 4 0.002 0.0002 0.0013

Raices-San Bernab BOL-908 TERRERO 2.93 10 0.0006 0.0002 0.0006

Raices-San Bernab BOL-909 0.4 AND C/Vl AND C/Vl; Qz(CRIST-LECHOSO); FeO-MnO; Chl 0.83 10 0.0071 <0.0002 0.0075


Raices-San Bernab BOL-910 0.6 Vn FeO-MnO; TRAZAS CRIST ox; NW10SE; Vn SAN 0.1 4 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0004
Raices-San Bernab BOL-911 0.25 Vl 0.45 10 0.0035 <0.0002 0.0019
Raices-San Bernab BOL-912 0.4 Vn MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox; SOCAVON; 2.93 54 0.0024 0.0002 0.0019
NW20SE/ 67 AL NE

Raices-San Bernab BOL-913 0.4 Vn 0.93 35 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0014

Raices-San Bernab BOL-914 0 FLOTADOS 0.57 116 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0012

Sw1 en andesitas Fg; vt's Qz drusado FeO en fx's,

Soledad BOL-627 0.3 0.13 31 0.0068 <0.0002 0.0059
Arg W

March 3, 2016 165

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Posible Vn Soledad
Vl Qz bco-trsl; Py <1% con frag's andesita, Arg
Soledad BOL-628 0.2 a=5-10cm 0.63 254 0.0047 0.0005 0.0055
W, FeO en fx's
Soledad BOL-629 0.45 Andesita Fg FeO M en fx's, Arg escasa 0.01 12 0.007 <0.0002 0.0068
Vl alto de posible
Vn Qz bco-trsl-sacaroide, Vuggy Qz con
Soledad BOL-631 0.2 Soledad Vein a=20 1.61 38 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0004
presencia de FeO M (Hem principalmente)
Soledad BOL-632 0.5 And de Fg con FeO M en fx's 0.01 2 0.006 <0.0002 0.0069
Vl al bajo
semiparalela a
Vl Bx Qz trsl-bco, Vuggy Qz con frag's de
Soledad BOL-633 0.15 posible Soledad Vn 0.07 3 0.0031 0.0002 0.0026
andesita; FeO M-S
Vl a=0.01-0.04m Sw en andesitas de Fg, Vt's Qz tsl-bco drusado
Soledad BOL-745 0.3 0.85 1 0.0023 0.0002 0.0057
NF/63NE de 1-4cm FeO M(lim-hem)
Vn a=0.19m
N6W/73NE SV Vn Qz Vuggy trsl-bco+Cca sacaroide Py <1%, FeO
Soledad BOL-747 0.25 0.17 7 0.0016 0.0003 0.003
Arriba de Tajo El M (Mn-Hem-Lim) en cavidades
Vl a=0.02 a 0.04m
Soledad BOL-749 0.2 Vl Qz trsl-bco-drusado Py incipiente; FeO M-S 1.66 6 0.003 0.0002 0.0045
Vl a=0.06m Vl Qz trsl-bco drusado trazas de Py FeO M-S
Soledad BOL-801 0.25 1.58 6 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0022
N65W/55NE (Hem)

Vl a=4cm Vl txt Bx Qz trsl drusado con escasa Cca en

South-Central Realejo BOL-1001 0.2 0.06 3 0.0047 0.0003 0.0046
N25W/69SW bandas delgadas FeO moderado en fracts y dis

Vl txt Bx Qz trsl drusado+Cca escasa con Hem en

Vl a=1-5cm
South-Central Realejo BOL-1011 0.2 cavidades en diorita de Mg Prop W FeO W en 0.01 9 0.0032 0.0002 0.0022

Vl a020cm Vn txt Bx Qz trsl de msv-drusado+Cca escasa

South-Central Realejo BOL-1014 0.2 0.27 2 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0012
N6W/80SW FeO moderado en fracts y dbil dis

Vl txt Bx con frags de andesita-diorita Qz trsl

Vl a=10cm
South-Central Realejo BOL-1017 0.2 drusado+Cca con Hem en cavidades Pirolusita 0.08 7 0.0024 0.0002 0.0046
escasa diss

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Bx Qz trsl+Cca txt sacaroide y Qz trsl drusado
Vl a=30cm
South-Central Realejo BOL-1020 0.3 FeO moderado en fracturas y escaso dis con Py 0.62 6 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0011
ox incipiente
Vl a=4cm Bx Qz trsl drusado+Cca moderado FeO en fracts
South-Central Realejo BOL-1023 0.2 0.02 1 0.0029 <0.0002 0.005
N4W/80SW W-M
Vl a=9-18cm
Vl Qz trsl+Cca escasa+vuggy Qz FeO moderado
South-Central Realejo BOL-1026 0.2 N12W/69SW 0.01 2 0.0016 0.0002 0.0011
en fracts Hem e cavidades FeO W diss
Realejo Vn

Vl a=12cm Vl Qz bco lechoso escaso+Qz trsl+Cca y vuggy Qz

South-Central Realejo BOL-1029 0.2 0.03 2 0.0033 0.0002 0.0024
N54W/52SW con Hem en cavidades FeO moderado en fracts

Vl a=18cm Vl txt Bx Qz trsl+Cca masiva txt sacaroide con

South-Central Realejo BOL-1032 0.2 N17W/70SW vuggy Qz al alto y bajo escasa Hem en cavidades 0.01 4 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0002
Realejo Vn FeO moderado en fracts

Vl a=1cm Diorita Mg , contiene 1 vl <2cm de Qzo, Vuggy

South-Central Realejo BOL-1064 0.3 0.02 2 0.0045 <0.0002 0.0024
N32W/60SW Qz; FeO en cavidades y diss en la roca

Vl a=1-5cm Vl Qz-Viggy Qz trsl con FeO en cavidades, ligera

South-Central Realejo BOL-1067 0.2 0.27 2 0.0018 0.0004 0.0014
N15E/83NW Arg al bajo
Realejo Vein a=20-
South-Central Realejo BOL-636 0.25 Realejo Vein a=20-25cm N36W/78SW 1.82 30 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0004
25cm N36W/78SW
Rodados de Qz trsl-bco, Vuggy Qz FeO S en
South-Central Realejo BOL-639 0.2 RODADOS 0.13 53 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0005
Realejo Vn Posible
Vl Qz trsl-bco escaso, Vuggy Qz, Py incipiente,
South-Central Realejo BOL-641 0.4 desprendimiento 0.11 14 0.0011 <0.0002 0.0007
a=40cm N64W/74NE
Realejo Vein a=20cm Vn Qz trsl-bco con FeO M (pirolousita) por
South-Central Realejo BOL-644 0.2 0.08 3 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0002
N10W/72SW intemperismo
Vl a=9cm
Bx Qz bco-trsl escaso en andesita Fg FeO W-M
South-Central Realejo BOL-825 0.2 N10E/82NW 0.11 15 0.0098 <0.0002 0.0022
en fracts
Realejo Vn
Andesita Fg poco fol Wea S FeO moderado en
South-Central Realejo BOL-827 1.1 0.12 4 0.0091 <0.0002 0.0061
Vl a=13cm Bx Qz trsl+Cca txt sacaroide con escaso vuggy Qz
South-Central Realejo BOL-828 0.2 0.11 17 0.0039 0.0003 0.0025
N85W/62SW FeO moderado en fracts

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Vl a=2cm Vl pequea txt bx Qz trtsl drusado FeO M-S dis
South-Central Realejo BOL-832 0.2 0.02 3 0.0052 0.0002 0.0027
N34W/70NE yen fracts en diorita de FmL
Vl a=15cm Bx Qz trsl escaso drusado con FeO M-S dis y en
South-Central Realejo BOL-838 0.2 0.11 2 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0035
N2W/69W fracts con Py ox incipiente
Bx a=50cm Bx en Diorita Fg Qz trsl drusado+Hem y FeO dis y
South-Central Realejo BOL-841 0.6 0.13 1 0.0021 <0.0002 0.0039
N10E/60NW en fracts

Bx Qz trsl drusado+Cca escasa con Hem escasa

Realejo Vn a=10cm
South-Central Realejo BOL-847 0.3 en cavs FeO dis y en fracts con Pirolusita escasa 0.02 5 0.0021 0.0002 0.0015
y trazas de pos sulf de Ag.

Vl a=13cm
Vn txt msv-bx Qz trsl+Cca txt sacaroide con Qz
Realejo BOL-807 0.2 trsl drusado y escaso boxwork FeO en fracts y 0.18 103 0.0011 <0.0002 0.0016
diss moderado con Pirolusita escasa
presa de jales
Vl desprendimiento Qz trsl+Cca txt sacaroide
Realejo BOL-808 1 FeO moderado diss y en fracts con frags de 0.31 148 0.0015 <0.0002 0.0022

Realejo BOL-810 0.45 Diorita Arg S con vt<1cm Qz trsl FeO M-S dis 0.19 10 0.0021 <0.0002 0.004

Vl a03-9cm Vl txt msv-bx Qz trsl+cca escasa con vuggy Qz

Realejo BOL-813 0.2 0.13 21 0.0016 <0.0002 0.0022
N10W/71SW FeO M-S en cavs y fracts
Vn txt bx Qz trsl drusado+Qz trsl+Cca sacaroide
Vl a=12cm
Realejo BOL-817 0.2 con vuggy Qz FeO moderado en fracts y cavs Vl 0.13 16 0.0143 <0.0002 0.0027
en andesita
Vl a=1-4cm Vl Qz trsl drusado+vuggy Qz FeO M-S en cavs Vl
Realejo BOL-822 0.2 0.02 8 0.003 <0.0002 0.0012
N18W/84SW en Diorita Mg Arg M
Vl a=10-20cm Vl Msv, Vuggy Qz trsl-bco de aspecto sacaroide,
Realejo BOL-992 0.2 0.13 11 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0016
N34E/78SW FeO M-S en fx's
Andesita Sa con vt's de Vuggy Qz, We W FeO M-
Realejo BOL-994 0.2 0.06 18 0.0079 <0.0002 0.0039
S en fx's y diss
Vn a=110cm Vn Vuggy Qz trsl-bco sacaroide, FeO M-S en
Realejo BOL-995 0.2 4.12 209 0.0012 0.0002 0.001
N05E/80NW cavidades y fx's
Vn Vuggy Qz trsl-bco sacaroide, oqueroso FeO
Realejo BOL-996 0.2 0.88 209 0.0008 0.0002 0.0008
M-S en cavidades

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Vn Vuggy Qz trsl sacaroide de aspecto Ban por
Realejo BOL-997 0.3 0.1 54 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0007
coloraciones causadas por FeO

Vn Qz Msv-vuggy Qz trsl-bco sacaroide FeO en

Realejo BOL-998 0.2 0.38 125 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0004
cavidades y fx's (pirolusita escasa)

Vn Vuggy Qz trsl-bco sacaroide FeO S en

Realejo BOL-999 0.2 0.39 39 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0007
Vl Qzo trsl-bco, Vuggy Qz, FeO M-S en fx's y
Vl a=2-5cm
Realejo BOL-851 0.2 cavidades; presenta un poco de diorita FeO W, 0.14 65 0.005 <0.0002 0.0013
Arg W
Vn a=20cm Vn Qz Msv, trsl-bco, escaso Vuggy, FeO en
Realejo BOL-858 0.25 <0.05 35 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0011
N58W/53NE cavidades y fx's

Vl a=20cm Vl bx de Qzo trsl-bco con pqueos frag's de

Realejo BOL-863 0.2 0.14 57 0.0009 <0.0002 0.0011
N52W/49NE andesita, FeO M-s en cavidades, We M

Vl a=2-10cm Vl >Vuggy Qz trsl con diss Py <1% FeO S en

Realejo BOL-871 0.15 0.09 16 0.0008 <0.0002 0.0008
N22W/50NE cavidades, ligeramente Arg
Vl a=20cm Vl Vuggy Qz trsl-bco Py incipiente FeO S en
Realejo BOL-874 0.25 0.07 67 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0008
N14W/53NE cavidades
Vl a=8cm
Realejo BOL-877 0.15 Vl Vuggy Qz trsl FeO en cavidades 0.11 32 0.0024 0.0003 0.0022
Vl a=70cm Vl Msv-Vuggy Qz trsl-bco, Py incipiente FeO S en
Realejo BOL-881 0.25 0.06 26 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0005
N30E/56SE cavidades y fx's
Vl Bx de Qz trsl-bco, Py incipiente, presenta
Vl a=20cm
Realejo BOL-885 0.2 fragmentos de andesita ; FeO M-S en cavidades 0.19 129 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0012
y fx's
Vl a=15-20cm Vl Bx-Sw2 de Qz trsl-bco, con frag's de andesita,
Realejo BOL-888 0.2 <0.05 28 0.0016 <0.0002 0.0023
N54W/86NE Py <1%, FeO M-S en fx's y diss
Bx Qz trsl, diss Py incipiente presenta frag's de
Realejo BOL-894 0.2 0.18 77 0.0011 0.0002 0.0021
andesita, FeO M, Sil W
Bx al bajo de Vl a=2-
Realejo BOL-952 0.2 Bx de Qz trsl FeO en fx's en andesitas de Fg 0.17 73 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0033
8cm N42W/79NE

Vl a=1-20cm Vl Bx sacaroide Qzo trsl-bco, FeOM en

Realejo BOL-957 0.2 0.03 17 0.0017 <0.0002 0.0024
N73W/72NE cavidades, presenta fragmentos de andeisita

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Bx al bajo de Vl, a=2- Andesita Sa, FeO M en fx's, presenta vt Bx de 2-
Realejo BOL-960 0.2 0.07 69 0.0029 0.0003 0.0036
5cm N10W/74NE 5cm de Qz trsl-bco
Vl Bx a=10cm Bx en adesita de Fg, vt's Vuggy Qz trsl-bco FeO
Realejo BOL-963 0.5 0.07 29 0.0033 <0.0002 0.003
N17W/49NE M en fx's
Vl a=8-10cm
Realejo BOL-967 0.2 Vl Vuggy Qz trsl-bco, FeO M-S en cavidades 0.03 14 0.0026 <0.0002 0.0019

Vl a=5-10cm Vl Vuggy Qz trsl-bco, FeO M-S en fx's y cavidades

Realejo BOL-970 0.2 0.2 34 0.0015 0.0002 0.0017
N27W/63NE con escasos frag's de andesita

Vl a=8-10cm Vl Bx Qzo trsl, Vuggy Qz con fragmentos de

Realejo BOL-975 0.2 0.14 34 0.0038 0.0002 0.0031
N52W/44NE andesita, FeO M en fx's
Vl a=4-8cm Vl de Qz Msv, Vuggy Qz trsl, FeO M en fx's y
Realejo BOL-978 0.25 0.21 70 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0014
N75W/42NE oquedades
Vl a=10-20cm Vn Qz trsl, Vuggy Qz, Py incipiente, FeO S-M en
Realejo BOL-981 0.2 0.03 16 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0005
N30W/78-84NE cavidades
Vl a=10-15cm
Realejo BOL-985 0.2 Vl Vuggy Qzo, Py incipiente, FeO M en fx's 0.14 143 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0008

Vl Bx de Qz, Vuggy Qz+Cca incipiente con

Vl a=4-7cm
Realejo BOL-989 0.2 fragmentos de andesita, ligeramente argilizada, 0.06 18 0.0027 <0.0002 0.0017
FeO M-S en fx's y cavidades

Vl a=30cm Vl Bx de Qz trsl-Cca, presenta fragmentos de

Dam Tunnel BOL-1095 0.3 0.07 4 0.0016 0.0002 0.0028
N10W/69SW andesita, FeO W
Vl a=8-20cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1098 0.25 Vl Msv Qzo trsl+Cca escasa con FeO M, Arg W 0.17 85 0.0033 <0.0002 0.0027
Vl a=30cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1103 0.35 Vl Msv Cca-Qz bco-trsl Sil W 0.02 10 0.002 <0.0002 0.0009
Vl a=20cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1106 0.25 Bx Cca-Qz trsl, Arg W, FeO W 0.25 30 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0017
Dam Tunnel BOL-1110 0.2 Andesita Fg, FeO W, Prop W 0.1 12 0.0014 0.0004 0.0034
Vl a=5-10cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1112 0.35 Andesitacon vt's mm Cca-Qz, FeO escasos 0.01 0 0.0046 0.0003 0.0057
Vn Msv de Qzo trsl-bco coloforme con FeO
Vn a=1.05cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1115 0.5 escasos, presenta escasos fragmentos 0.06 13 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0008

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Vn con material arcilloso de Qz trsl-bco Py <1%,
Dam Tunnel BOL-1116 0.2 0.07 20 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0009
frag's de Andesita, Arg M

Vn de Qzo trsl-bco con material arcilloso (Fag)

Dam Tunnel BOL-1117 0.3 0.1 11 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0002
posible producto de falla, FeO M-S, Arg M

F a=60cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1118 0.35 F alla Fag-Sa en andesitas, Arg M-S, FeO W 0.11 4 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0014
Vl a=5-10cm Andesita Fg, con vt de Qz msv bco, Prop W, FeO
Dam Tunnel BOL-1126 0.25 0.01 0 0.0015 <0.0002 0.0018
N46E/58SE W en fx's
Vl a=20cm Bx Qz trsl con frag`s de andesita, Prop W, FeO en
Dam Tunnel BOL-1129 0.2 0.03 6 0.0021 <0.0002 0.0009
N27W/86SW escasas Fx's
Vl a=20cm Bx de Qz trsl-bco con FeO M en algunas fx's con
Dam Tunnel BOL-1133 0.25 0.28 10 0.0016 <0.0002 0.0013
N20E/54SE fragmentos de andesita
Vl a=15cm
Dam Tunnel BOL-1136 0.2 Bx de Qz trsl Msv con fragmentos de andesita 0.02 17 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0015
Bx En andesita Fg con Vt de Qzo Msv trsl, Prop
Dam Tunnel BOL-1139 0.2 0.03 17 0.0027 <0.0002 0.0029
W, FeO escasa

Vl a=20-30cm Vn Qz coloforme Msv trsl-amatista escasa, Py

Dam Tunnel BOL-1141 0.2 0.06 11 0.001 <0.0002 0.0012
N05E/52SE <1%, presenta escasos frag's de andesita

Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST)-Cca; FeO-MnO; Chl-Ep;

Erika BOL-919 0.35 Vl 0.01 0 0.0006 <0.0002 0.0017


Erika BOL-920 0.15 Vl 0.22 0 0.002 <0.0002 0.0044
Chl; NW15SE


Erika BOL-921 0.15 Vt-BAND MnO; TRAZAS DISS Py-ARG; Chl-Ep; NW23SE/ <0.005 <0.2 0.0063 0.0002 0.002


Erika BOL-922 0.06 Vt-BAND MnO; TRAZAS DISS Py; Chl-Ep; N-S/ 75 AL W; <0.005 <0.2 0.0035 0.0002 0.0026

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)


Erika BOL-923 0 FLOTADOS <0.005 <0.2 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0005

Erika BOL-924 0.6 ALT ARG ALT ARG; ox-Fe; DELELZNABLE <0.005 <0.2 0.0059 0.0004 0.0063

Erika BOL-925 0.8 DIQUE DIQUE POCO SIL; ALT ARG; TRAZAS FeO-MnO <0.005 <0.2 0.0003 <0.0002 0.0007


Erika BOL-926 0.15 Vl <0.005 <0.2 0.0003 <0.0002 0.0005

Edith BOL-1215 0.45 MATERIAL FALLA MATERIAL DE FALLA DELEZNABLE; ALT ARG 0.12 2 0.0017 <0.0002 0.0045


Edith BOL-1216 0.5 Bx 0.45 27 0.001 <0.0002 0.0036
Edith BOL-1217 0.2 Vn FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox-Py-ARG; 0.6 39 0.0004 <0.0002 0.002
NE35SW/ 81 AL SE

Edith BOL-1218 0.45 Vn 0.63 47 0.0005 <0.0002 0.0011


Edith BOL-1219 0.35 DIQUE 0.09 1 0.0027 0.0003 0.0067
Edith BOL-1220 0.45 Vn FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS PY-ARG-CRIST ox; 1.2 201 0.0018 <0.0002 0.0031
NE60SW/ 85 AL SE

Perla BOL-1230 0 TERRERO 3.56 294 0.0006 0.0002 0.0008


Perla BOL-1231 0.08 SILICIF 1.13 5 0.0016 0.0003 0.0059
MnO; N-S/ 46 AL W
Perla BOL-1232 0.15 Vt FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS Py-CRIST ox; NW16SE/ 1.03 48 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0007
72 AL SW
Perla BOL-1233 0 FLOTADOS FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox; EN TRAZA 0.25 9 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0004

March 3, 2016 172

Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Perla BOL-1234 0 FLOTADOS TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox-ARG; EN TRAZA DE VETA 1.6 42 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0015

Perla BOL-1235 0 FLOTADOS Cca(TRAZAS); FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS CRIST ox ; 0.31 17 0.0002 <0.0002 0.0006

Perla BOL-1236 0.3 Vn-BAND 25.9 202 0.0043 0.0002 0.0039
NW4SE/ 44 AL W

Perla BOL-1237 0.2 Vn-BAND 0.86 80 0.0014 <0.0002 0.0023


Perla BOL-1238 0 TERRERO ESQUELETICO); ALTO CONT FeO-MnO; TRAZAS 5.53 136 0.0009 0.0002 0.0031

Perla BOL-1239 0.3 AND AND DELEZNABLE; FeO/MnO 0.26 13 0.0041 <0.0002 0.0058
Perla BOL-1240 0.4 Vn-BAND-Bx ESQUELETICO)-Cca; FeO-MnO; TRAZAS DISS 0.73 117 0.0014 0.0003 0.0019
CRIST ox; NE15SW/ 48 AL W


Perla BOL-1241 0 TERRERO 0.46 26 0.0004 <0.0002 0.0008


Perla BOL-1242 0 TERRERO 8.57 312 0.0019 <0.0002 0.0016


Perla BOL-1243 0.3 MATERIAL FALLA 0.14 8 0.0051 <0.0002 0.0076


Perla BOL-1244 0.15 Vt 2.07 141 0.0005 <0.0002 0.001

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Endeavour Silver Corp. NI 43-101 Technical Report
Bolaitos Project Appendices

Width Au Ag
Area Sample ID Structure Description Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%)
(m) (ppm) (ppm)
Perla BOL-1245 0.45 MATERIAL FALLA CRIST-ESQUELETICO); FeO-MnO; TRAZAS CRIST 0.25 19 0.0032 0.0002 0.0052
Perla BOL-1246 0.05 Vl Vl; Qz(LECHOSO-CRIST); TRAZAS FeO-MnO 0.21 24 0.0007 <0.0002 0.0007
Perla BOL-1247 0.65 MATERIAL FALLA 0.67 138 0.0043 0.0003 0.0033
Perla BOL-1248 0.5 Vl Cca(TRAZAS); FeO-MnO; TRAZAS CRIST ox N-S/ 0.04 3 0.0012 <0.0002 0.0012
50 AL W
Perla BOL-1249 1.6 MATERIAL FALLA 0.02 2 0.003 <0.0002 0.0052
Perla BOL-1250 0.6 MATERIAL FALLA TRAZAS Vl Qz(LECHOSO) AL BAJO 0.37 4 0.0035 0.0003 0.0054
Perla 0.1 Vt 0.21 31 0.002 <0.0002 0.0049
1251-A MnO; N-S/ 45 AL W
Andesita Fg con FeO eb fx's y diss por
Ana Rosa BOL-1143 0.9 <0.005 <0.2 0.0091 0.0004 0.0062
Vl a=10-15cm Vl compueta por frag's de Qz bco-trsl, vuggy Qz,
Ana Rosa BOL-1144 0.2 <0.005 0.2 0.0013 <0.0002 0.0008
N71E/82SE FeO W-M
Andesita Fg con FeO en algunas fracturas, Arg
Ana Rosa BOL-1145 0.9 <0.005 <0.2 0.0085 <0.0002 0.006
escasa, We M
Ana Rosa BOL-1146 0.65 Andesita Fg, trazas de Py, FeO en fx's <0.005 0.4 0.028 0.0005 0.0761
Creston Silicificado Creston de Qz bco lechoso en fragmentos trsl Py
Ana Rosa BOL-1147 0.3 <0.005 0.3 0.0474 0.0002 0.0364
a=30cm N19W/59NE <1%, FeO W
Ana Rosa BOL-1148 0.6 Andesita Fg, FeO escasos <0.005 <0.2 0.0014 0.0005 0.015
Ana Rosa BOL-1149 1 Andesita Fg, Prop W, FeO diss 0.01 1 0.0089 0.0002 0.0102
Andesita Fg con vl <1cm de Qz bco lechos, Prop
Ana Rosa BOL-1150 0.35 0.01 0.7 0.0104 0.0002 0.0095
Andesita de Fg con Vl 3-5cm de Qz trsl-bco
Vl a=3-5cm
Ana Rosa BOL-1251 0.2 lechoso con diss de Py 0-1%, Prop W se 0.07 1.9 0.0063 0.0005 0.0085
observen escasos FeO
Ana Rosa BOL-1252 1 Andesita Fg, Prop W, FeO en algunas fx mm 0.01 0.7 0.0067 0.0002 0.0072

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Bolaitos Project Appendices

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