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The Foundations of Quantum

Mechanics in the Philosophy of Nature

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By Grete Hermann
Translated from the German, with an Introduction, by Dirk Lumma

occupies a n important place in the histo~yof the philosophical interpretation
of quantum mechanics. The purpose of Hermann's writing on natural phi-
losophy is to examine the revision of the law of causality which quantum
mechanics seems to require at a fundamental level of theoretical description in physics.
It is Hermann's declared intention to show that quantum mechanics does not disprove
the concept of causaliv, 'fret has clarified [it] and has ~,enzovedfiomit other principles
which are not necessarily connected to it."' She attempts to show that this most "obvi-
ous" counter-example to the aprioricity of causality, quantztm theor?: is in fact not a
counter-example at all.
The central claim of Her~nan~z's essay published in tbe 1930s' implies that quan-
tzrm mechanics, "though predictively indeterministic, is retrodictive(y a causal theo~y.""
In her argument, Herman11 commits to tbe orthodo.~fi)r~tz~tlntioiz ( f q u a n t u m 1~2echan-
ics characterized in Bohr's enr(?tessays': the quantrrm postulate, the iden that all obser-
sntions "disturb" the object ~??rtenz,
the fin mework of complcmentn r i and ~ tbc reqw irr-
ment thnt the observing ageuc? be described by means of clnssicnl concepts. From today's
point of view, Hermann's essays mtlst also be considered part of the debate about tbe
completeness of the quantum mechanical description. For if she succccds, sbe will have
rejected all those approaches asfutile tvhieh aim to revise quantum theory on the basis of
additional parameters in order to reinstate the predictabi1it-j~of specific experimental
I n 1935, Bohr introduces a relational approacb to quantum tbeo~:vin his respons2
to the challenge by Einstein, Podolsk?, and Rosen."Eere, Bohr relativizes quantum
phenomena with respect to a kind of apparatus, to an experimentalfinvnelvo~~k of ccr-
tain general characteristics. In her essays, Hermann proposes a form of relationalism
thatgoes much further than Bohr's. For her, quantum mechanical phenomena are not
only relative to the experimental framework of observation, the
Beobachtungszusamme~~hang, but also relative to the concrete particular of the specif-
ic outcome of the observation, the Beobachtung. Such a notion of relativization to a
concrete particular is a key feature of Everett's formulation of quantum mechanics,'
proposed in 1957. Everett introduces a formal relativization procedure between quan-

1 Dirk Lumma is a draduate student in philosophy and physics at the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology.
- - - --- -- -

tum states, and many philosophers and physicists have used his formalism as the basisfor
metaphysically more explicit interpretations. Among these are DeWitt,8 Albert and
lo ewe^,^ Lo~kwood,~~ and Saunders," to name only a few. A more recent article dis-
cussing a relational interpretation of quantum mechanics was published in this jour-
nal three years ago.12
There have been many critical responses to Hermann's articles,13 awuing mostly
that her notion of relativization to specific experimental outcomes seems futile since it
does not adequately serve the purpose for which it was invented. Historically speaking,
Hermann nonethelessforms the missing link between the early Bohr, where the classical
observer interacts with the quantum system, and Everett'sframework, where the observ-
er is fully described in quantum mechanical terms, and where the Beobachtung is
expressed by the quantum state that is Everett-relative t o the observer state after the
completion of a measurement. Hermann's position should be seen as intermediate
between these two extreme positions, for she combines Bohr's classical observer with a rel-
ativization to a concrete particular.

tvhich casts d o u b t upon traditional \ k v s in the philosophy of nature,
especially upon the concept o f causality, implies that the predictive calcu-
lation of future processes in nature is restricted by a sharp, insurmount-
able limit. The idea of the Laplacian demon, who has complete knowledge of the
present state of nature, who oversees all laws of nature, and who can predict the
future course of events o n the basis of this knowledge, therefore loses all application
to nature. And yet this idea merely expressed the conviction that each process in
nature is in all its characteristics caused by previous events and must thus be pre-
dictable from these causes by someone knowledgeable of the laws of nature. Doubt
is cast upon the belief in the unlimited possibility of such [predictive] calculations,
and thus also upon the universal causal connection among events in nature.
The experimental basis for the considerations which culminate in the assertion
of insurmountable limits to predictive calculations is given in the so-called dualism
experiments. According to them, the classical distinction between radiative process-
es which involve the fast motion of small massive particles and those [processes] in
which a wave is evolving becomes inapplicable. In classical physics, a- and prays,
which are emitted by radioactive elements, were considered matter beams since they
leave line-like traces when passing through saturated water vapor, for example,
thereby demonstrating the discrete character of moving particles. The same rays,
however, lead to interference effects after having passed through or having been
reflected by a grating, and thus force upon the scientist the assumption of dealing
with a wave. In a similar way, the light rays, which have been unambiguously inter-
preted as wave evolutions since the discovev of the interference effects, have exhib-
ited properties that indicate their corpuscular nature.
Quantum mechanics does justice t o these experiments by assuming that each
atomic process must also be describable in the wave picture, each wave process also
in the corpuscular picture. But given the contrast between these two pictures, one
and the same process cannot possibly have both all characteristics of an evolving
wave and all attributes of a corpuscular motion. So the compatibility of both pic-
tures is only possible since the one of them limits the applicability of the other.
With the much-quoted uncertainty relations, Heisenberg has exactly calculated
the limitations which the wave and particle pictures, applied to the same physical
process, impose on each other. The most well-known of [these relations] prohibits,
in the particle picture, the simultaneous sharp determination of the position and the
momentum of particles: if Aq is the accuracy to which the position, say, of an elec-
tron, is given a i d Ap the accuracy of its mbmentum determination, then the rela-
tion Aq Ap 2 h holds, where h is Planck's constant.
In classical physics, the measurabilities of different quantities are independent of
each other. The physical state of a system can therefore be characterized by listing
the values of all relevant physical quantities. The quantum-mechanical formalism, in
contrast, needs a new type of sym-
bol for the state description which If position and momentum of a
exhibits mutual dependency in the particle in principle cannot both
determinability of different quanti-
ties. be measured with arbitrary accu -

the mathematical formalism pro-

viding the calculational rules valid
trajectory, which is just deter-
for their use closely follow the clas- mined by the IPresent LPosition and

sical theory. The classical descrip-

tion is compatible with the quan- momentum of the body?
tum-mechanical one as long i s its quantities remain undetermined to within an
accuracy such that the uncertainty relations are satisfied.
O n the other hand, this correspondence goes along \vith the fact that the quan-
tum-mechanical formalism does not allow one to determine the outcome of a niea-
surement in advance with arbitrary accuracy. Rather it allows us, depending on the
wavefunction by which the physical system was characterized before the measure-
ment, only the inference of more or less far-reaching probability statements.
Yet the proof that this formalism offers the basis only for limited predictions
does not ensure that the demonstrated limitations are insurmountable. Someone
who doubts them need not thereby criticize the formalism itself. It is possible that
this formalism will also prove itself in the future, as it has done so far. But what pre-
vents us from assuming that, as our physical knowledge increases, new formulas and
rules might be added to it which in combination with the present formal approach
might render exact predictions possible again? Everything depends upon the answer
to this question.
It suggests itself to read off the impossibility of such an increase [in knowledge]
from the uncertainty relations. If position and momentum of a particle in principle
cannot both be measured with arbitrary accuracy, then how could one gain secure
knowledge of the future trajectory, which is just determined by the present position
and momentum of the body?
This argument, however, is based on the view that, regardless of the uncertain-
ty relations, the electron, as a particle in the classical sense, has at any moment in

time an exact position and an exactly-determined momentum, through which-
leaving aside any external disturbances-its future motion is fixed, and on the opin-
ion that this cause of the future physical course [of events] will forever be concealed
from observation. The uncertainty relations are therefore interpreted merely subjec-
tively and d o not seem to say anything about the nature of the physical systems
This subjective interpretation is incompatible with the derivation of these rela-
tions from the dualism of wave and particle pictures: by also subjecting each atomic
process to the characteristics of the wave picture, one restricts the application of the
corpuscular picture in such a way that not all characteristics of moving point mass-
es-in the classical sense-can be properties of the moving electron as well.
But if according to this reasoning the electron does not simultaneously have an
exact position and an exact momentum, then its exact position and its exact
momentum cannot be decisive for its hrther motion. Having dropped this assump-
tion, it becomes an open question whether one could not find other characteristics"
upon which the course of the motion depends and from which one could calculate
it in advance. The formalism of quantum mechanics does not acknowledge such
characteristics. From that, however, it does not follow that one is justified to declare
them impossible.
Discussions of numerous other attempts to prove the limitations of predictive
calculability as in principle insurmountable lead to similar considerations. All these
arguments do exhibit immense difficulties, which stand in the way of any attempt to
overcome the limitations of predictive calculability. But they leave open the decisive
question: there are indeed measurements in each quantum-mechanically character-
ized state of a physical system whose outcome cannot be predicted on the basis of
There can only be a single suf- knowing this state. But why should the
otherwise c o m m o n procedure in
ficient reason t o renounce as physics be blocked off, viz. to search
for new characteristics, t o refine the
fundamentally futile anyfar- state description of physical systems by
ther search for the causes of an means of them, and to find in them the
determinant for the previously non-
observed process: that one predictable measurement outcome?
already knows these causes. possibility Someone who flatly denies the
of such [new] characteristics
comes into conflict with the principle of the incompleteness of experience. There is
no other criterion for having recognized all characteristics significant to a [certain]
realm of nature except for the possibility of being able to understand all processes
belonging to this realm in light of their accordance with [natural] law. Whether one
has recognized these interrelations within natural law can be seen from one's ability
to derive predictions from them which prove themselves empirically correct.
Therefore, there can only be a single sufficient reason to renounce as funda-
mentally futile any further search for the causes of an observed process: that one
already knows these causes.
Consequently, the theory of quantum mechanics, asserting that the calculative
prediction of measurement outcomes will always be limited, is faced with the fol-
lowing dilemma. Either [the theory] itself provides the causes which completely
determine the outcomes of measurements-how could it then forbid the scientist to
search for these causes in a particular case and t o calculate the measurement out-
come from them in advance? O r else [the theory] does not provide these causes-
how could it then exclude the possibility of discovering these causes in the future
without arbitrarily anticipating the inquiry into unknown realms of natural science?
The quantum mechanical formalism contains a way out of this dilemma. The
solution of the difficulties is already hinted at by Bohr's correspondence principle.
This principle permits and requires us to take every consequence which follows clas-
sically from the characterization of the given circumstances also as the basis for the
quantum-mechanical Ansatze, provided the classical concepts are employed within
their appropriate realm of applicability in quantum mechanics.
In certain cases of Courses of ne p o s s 2 i l i ~of findinB new
events which cannot be predictive-
ly calculated by means of quantum characteristics which strictly
mechanics, just this analysis, from
the point of view of correspon-
determine the outcome of a mea-
dence, provides exact information surement is indeed precluded in
o n those physical determinants
upon which these courses of events quantum mechanics.
are dependent with respect to all their relevant characteristics. Those are the cases in
which such a course of events belongs to a measurement process and also serves to
establish a connection from the observed object to the measurement apparatus.
Consider the case of a measurement apparatus indicating the result of a mea-
surement through the position of a pointer; the step from reading this pointer posi-
tion to the quantum-mechanical Ansatz for the state of the observed physical sys-
tem then presupposes a theory of interaction between system and measurement
apparatus. This theory is solely founded on the classical concepts and shows by
means of them whether and to what extent the deflection of the pointer is condi-
tioned by the state of the object of measurement and [to what extent it] thus pro-
vides grounds for the determination [of the state]. The application of any electrical
or optical instrument, [or] any scale is therefore based on a retrodictive conclusion
from the measurement apparatus to the object of measurement. In this retrodictive
conclusion the pointer position of the measuring apparatus is explained as the nec-
essary effect which was forced upon the instrument by the system to be measured
during the measurement procedure.
If this concerns a measurement whose outcome was not quantum-mechanically
predictable, then apparently the same [reasoning] also applies to the pointer posi-
tion of the measurement apparatus through which the outcome of the measurement
is recorded. Yet for this unpredictable course of events the interpretation of the
measurement process itself provides the reasons which made it come about. So it
would be &tile to look for the cause of its occurrence in physical characteristics
which research might have failed to notice up to now. The theory of measurement
already has suficient explanatory reasons available.
Apparently, the case is not different for the state of the measured system. For it
is arbitrary for the course of a natural process whether it is itself regarded as the
object of measurement or whether it is of interest to the scientist only as a means of
measuring other processes.

The possibility of finding new characteristics which strictly determine the out-
come of a measurement is thus indeed precluded in quantum mechanics for the
only reason which is sufficient as a proof given the incompleteness of experience: the
characteristics determining the measurement outcome are already provided by quan-
tum mechanics itself:
That seems peculiar. If quantum mechanics knows how to explain completely
the measurement outcome after it occurred, why does [the theory] not provide the
means to calculate [this outcome] before the measurement o n the basis of the
explanatory reasons that become apparent afterwards?
The solution to this difficulty is again found in the correspondence principle.
The predictions which one reaches from the quantum-mechanical characterization
of a system cannot g o beyond those which can be derived from the classical repre-
sentations that have limited applicability only. If one nevertheless, after having read
off the measurement apparatus, explains its unpredictable pointer position by a the-
ory of the measurement process, then this theory traces the proccss of measurement
back to states which were not and could not have been contained in the previous
description of object and measurement apparatus. The description of systems in
quantum mechanics is therefore not unique, but only shows, as it were, an aspect of
a physical system which the scientist can comprehend on the basis of the [specific
o u t c o m e o f ] the observation made. Relative t o this specif<c o u t c o m e of
obsen.ation,li thc system has no sharp values with regard to certain physical quanti-
ties and accordingly has no characteristics from which the outcome of a sharp mea-
surement of these quantities could be inferred either. Yet if one carries out such a
measurement, which disturbs the system and takes it into another state, then one
obtains exact quantum-mechanical statements for the measured quantity and, more-
over, reasons for why just this unpredicted value of the measurement had to appear.
For a prediction of [this] result these reasons could still not be used; for they deter-
mine the system only relative t o the precise outcome of observation, which was
made in the measurement itself. So beforehand they could not have been available
to the physicist for predictive calculations.
This relative character of the quantum-mechanical way of dcscription becomes
clearly evident in an instructive thought experiment.16
Let the position of an electron be determined only by a [particular] plane; let
its location on this plane be unknown. Then, according to the uncertainty relations,
only the momentum component lying within the plane can be given; in the direc-
tion perpendicular [to the plane], the momentum remains undetermined.
A measurement of the electron position is to be carried out by illumination.
The deflected light is [assumed] to pass a microscope and to be absorbed by a pho-
tographic plate. For simplicity, we assume that the intensity of the light employed
for doing this is reduced such that the entire process involves only a single light
quantum. In accordance with the dualism of the wave and particle pictures, this
light quantum on the one hand is to be considered as a corpuscle which collides
with the electron according to the classical laws of the elastic collision, and on the
other hand as a wave which, deflected by the electron, evolves in the microscope
according to the classical laws of optics.
The principle of momentum conservation applies to the collision of light quan-
tum and electron: both are deflected in the collision; their momentum changes are
opposite and equal.
In order to obtain a focused image of the electron, we place the plate in the
microscope's image plane which corresponds t o the object plane and where, accord-
ing to classical theory, all wavelets originating in a point of the object plane are
recombined in one point. So we use the classical picture of a spherical wave that
expands from the point of collision One can be led to different
into all directions and that, insofar as
it hits the aperture of the microscope, ~ a v e f ~ n c t ifor o n the
~ same sys-
enters through [the m i c r o s c o ~ e ' s ]tem and at the same moment in
lenses. T h e entire aperture of the
microscope is thus involved in this time depend in^ on the frame-
process, and therefore it does n o t
make any sense-now again in the w o ~ k of observation on hand.
corpuscular picture-to distinguish a particular direction into which the light quan-
tum was reflected by the electron and along which it entered the microscope. It
thus follows that the change in momentum which the electron underwent in the
collision cannot be determined precisely either. So one will have to characterize the
state of the electron immediately after the collision by a wavefunction that describes
a sharp position, yet a momentum which is less sharp compared with [the one in]
the previous state.
One reaches a completely different description of the collision if one does not
mount the plate in the image plane, but in the focal plane of the microscope. In this
case, too, the plate will show a sharp image, for the light quantum only has enough
energy to excite a single atom on the plate. This point of the focal plane hit by the
light quantum is characteristic of a particular direction along which the light
entered the microscope. The [intuitive] idea of the wa\.c picture, which in this case
is used to interpret the observed outcome, is accordingly that of a bundle of parallel
rays ~vhichare recombined through their refraction in a single point of the focal
plane of the lenses. The direction along urhich the light quantum entered the
nlicroscope is therefore fixed; yet the position on the object plane at which it started
afier the collision with the electron remains undetermined. If the momentum of the
light quantum before the collision is known, then its change in momentum is also
determined by the direction of the light quantum after the collision; and thus,
according t o the principle of the conservation of momentum, [the change in
momentum] of the electron [is determined] as well. So even though in this case
nothing happened to the electron that did not happen in the first case, one nowr has
to characterize its state after the collision by a wavefunction with a blurred position
and a relatively sharp momentum.
The juxtaposition of these different possibilities apparently means that one can
be led to different wavefunctions for the same system and at the same moment in
time-viz. for the electron at the time immediately after the collision with the light
q u a n t u m d e p e n d i n g on the, let us say, framework of observation" on hand. The
quantum-mechanical characterization is not, like the classical one, attributed to the
physical system, as it were, "in itself','?.e., independently of the observations
through which one acquires knowledge of it.
What revision of the principle of causality of classical physics has to be made on
the basis of this result?


Two points of the preceding considerations are crucial for an answer: the limits
of predictive calculability of future events have indeed turned out to be in principle
insurmountable; yet there is no course of events for which no causes could be found
in the framework of the quantum-mechanical formalism.
Both claims seem t o contradict each other. While the first one states that
unavoidable limits are set to the application of causal inferences and to the control
over nature lent to human beings, the second one emphasizes the in principle unre-
stricted applicability of causal representations to which every natural process is
always subjected with regard to all physical features that characterize it.
The resolution to this conflict can only succeed on the basis of a discussion of
those concepts which play a crucial role in the quantum-mechanical results men-
tioned: the concept of predictive calculability of the course of nature on the one
hand and the [concept of] causal connection on the other hand.
We have already touched upon the close connection between both concepts.
The explanatory value of a physical hypothesis can only be verified by predictively
calculating the future course of events in nature. And without the possibility of such
a verification the assertion of causal connections loses the character of scientific
This relationship has in many cases wrongly lead to the assumption that one is,
strictly speaking, dealing with identical concepts here and that only the linguistic
description falsely suggests a distinction. With this interpretation the contradiction
between the two quantum-mechanical claims mentioned is unavoidable. If the rela-
tion between cause and effect consists of nothing more than the fact that the effect
can be predicted when the cause is known, then there exist no causes for events
which can in principle not be calculated predictively. Quantum mechanics presup-
poses and calls upon an explanation based on natural law also for events which are
not predictively calculable; this fact therefore shows that equating both concepts is
based on a confusion. The causal connection immediately concerns only the neces-
sary sequence of the events themselves. The possibility of calculating them predic-
tively on the basis of understandmg causal relationships provides the criterion for
the correct application of the concept of causation. Quantum mechanics forces [us]
to distinguish both concepts carefully.
Formulated independently of its criterion of applicability, the law of causality
states that nothing in nature happens which is not brought about in all its physically
~~~l~~~ causalityisnotonly determinable characteristics by previ-
ous events, that is, which does not suc-
~0nS~stent with quantum ceed them with necessity. In this sense,

presupposed by it. demonstrably presupposed by it.

But what about the criterion of
causality? Quantum mechanics has to rely on such a criterion as well and extracts it,
just as classical physics does, from the possibility of predicting future events. In con-
trast to classical physics, however, it has dropped the assumption that every causal
claim can immediately be tested via the prediction of its effect. Even for events
which cannot be calculated in advance, quantum mechanics provides a causal expla-
nation and verifies it via predictions. But this verification is achieved in a [rather]

roundabout way: from events which cannot be calculated predictively their cause is
inferred retrodictively; and assuming this cause existed, one can then in turn derive
predictions of coming events whose occurrence can be verified empirically. In this
way the blackening of the plate in the example dealt with is traced back to the colli-
sion between electron and light quantum, from which one can infer the electron
state that is still accessible to observation.
This new possibility of a merely mediate verification of causal claims has not
been taken serious by classical physics; this is due to the fact that the relative charac-
ter of the quantum-mechanical description of nature is alien to classical physics. For
classical physics the characterization of any system is unique and independent of the
way in which the observer acquires knowledge of it. And that is why it conclusively
reaches the position that, given sufficient experimental resolution and sufficient
knowledge of the natural laws, the examination of physical systems allows us to
determine the causes of their further time-evolution with arbitrary accuracy and
thus allows us to calculate this further time-evolution in advance.
The difficulties with which the advocate of the causal law is faced through the
discoveries of quantum mechanics thus d o not stem from the principle of causality
itself. Rather, they derive from the tacitly implied assumption that the body of phys-
ical knowledge describes the course of events in nature adequately and indepen-
dently of a framework of observation. This statement is expressed in the assumption
that every causal connection between events gives grounds for the predictive calcu-
lation of the effect from the cause, indeed that the causal connection is actually
[even] identical with the possibility of this predictive calculation.
The t h e o n of quantum mechanics forces us to resolve this nisture of different
principles in the philosophy of nature, to drop the assumption of the absolute char-
acter of knowledge about nature, and to deal with the principle of causality inde-
pendently of this assumption. Quantum mechanics has therefore not contradicted
the law of causalin at all, but has clarified it and has removed from it other princi-
ples which are not necessarily connected to it. cp

'Grete Hermann, "Die Naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik," Die
4 2 ( 1935 j, p. 72 1.
Grete Hermann, "Die Naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Quanrtenmechanik,"
Abhandlutlgen der Fries'schen Schlrle 6,2 (1935), pp. 69-152, and "Die Naturphilosophischen
Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik," Dic Naturn'isscscl~aftei~ 4 2 (19351, pp. 718-721; Grete
Hermann, E. May, and Th. Vogel, Die Bedeutun& der Mod~rneizP&ik fiir die Theorie der
Erkenntnis (Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1937).
Max Jammer, 73e Philosop& of Quantum Mcchanics (New York: John Wile!. & Sons, 1974),
p. 209.
Niels Bohr, Atomic Theow and the Description of Nature (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1934).
W i e l s Bohr, "Quantum Mechanics and Physical Realih," Nature 136. (1935), p. 65, and
"Can Quantum-Mechanical Description o f Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?" Physical
Review 4 8 (1935), pp. 696-702.
A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, "Can Quantum-Mechanical Description o f Physical
Reality Be Considered Complete?" Physical Review 4 7 (1935), pp. 777-780.
Hugh Everett 111, " 'Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics," Reviews of
Modern Physics 29 (1957), pp. 454-462; see also John A. Wheeler, "Assessment of Everett's
'Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Theory," Reviews of Modern Physics 29, 3 (1957), pp.
"yce S. DeWitt, "Quntum Mechanics and Reality," Physics Today 23, 9 (1970), pp. 155-
165, and B. DeWitt and N. Graham, The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973).
David 2. Albert and Barry Loewer, "Interpreting the Many worlds Interpretation," Syzthese
77 (1988),pp. 195-213.
'" Michael Lockwnod, "What Schrodinger Should Have Learned from His Cat," in Michael
Bitbol and Oliver Darrigol (eds.), Erwin Schriirlinjer: Philoroph.~a n d the Birth of Q u a n t u m
Mechanics (Cedex: Editions Frontiers, 1992), pp. 363-384, and " 'Manv Minds' Interpretation of
Quantum Mechanics," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 7 , 2 (1996), pp. 159-188.
" Simon Saunders, "What is the Problem of Measurement?" The Hawavd Review of Philosophy

4 , pp. 4-22, and "Relativism," in R. Clifton (ed.), Perspectives on Quantum Realiq (Dordrecht:
Kluwer, 1995).
'' Saunders, "What is the Problem of measurement?"
l 3 Max Jammer, The P ~ ~ ~ o s o
/J! Mechanics, M . Straws, review of Grete Hermam,
"Die Naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der Quantenmachanik," The Journal of Unified Science
(Erkenntnis) 8, pp. 379-383; and Carl F. von Weizsacker, "Zur Deutung der Quantenmechanik,"
Zeitschrift fur Phvsik 118, 7-8, pp. 489-509.
" Hermann's term Merkmal is translated as "characteristic" in order to convey the vagueness

of the original text. With respect to discussions that were to follow later in the history of interpret-
ing quantum mechanics, however, a translation as "variable" \vould be more appropriate. [D.L.]
' T h e word Beobachtung is used to refer to a concrete particular here and is accordingly trans-
lated as "specific outcome of obsen~ation."[D.L.]
'" Weizsacker, "Onsbestimmung cines Elektrons durch ein Mikroskop," Zeitschrifttfiiv Physik
70,1/2 (1931),pp. 1143
I7 The term Beobachtungszusammenhangis translated as "framework of obsen~ation."[D.L.]
'"In German: "an sich." [D.L.]

Initially published in German under the title "Die naturphilosophischen Grundlagen der
Quantenmrchanik" in Die Natunvissenschaften 42 (1935), pp. 71835).


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