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The Relationship Between Schizo-Affective, Schizophrenic and Mood Disorders in Patients Admitted at Mathari Psychiatric Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

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ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

The relationship between schizo-

affective, schizophrenic and mood
disorders in patients admitted at Mathari
Psychiatric Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

DM Ndetei1,2, L Khasakhala1,2, L Meneghini3, JL Aillon3

1Department of Psychiatry, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

2Africa Mental Health Foundation (AMHF), Nairobi, Kenya

3University of Turin, Turin, Italy

Objective: The prevalence of schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and the relationship between schizophrenia (SCZ), SAD and mood
disorders (MD) in non-Western countries is unknown. To determine the prevalence of SAD and the relationship between SCZ, SAD
and MD in relation to socio-demographic, clinical and therapeutic variables in 691 patients admitted at Mathari Psychiatric Hospital,
Kenya. Method: A cross-sectional comparative study using both clinician and SCID-1 for DSM-IV diagnoses. Results:
Approximately twenty three percent (n=160) met DSM-IV criteria for SAD using SCID-1. There were significant differences between
SCZ, SAD and MD regarding: affective and core symptoms of schizophrenia (with the exception of core symptoms of schizophrenia
between SCZ and SAD); presence of past trauma; a past suicide attempt; and comorbidity with alcohol and drug abuse disorders.
SAD and MD patients took significantly more mood stabilizers than SCZ patients. There were no significant differences between the
three groups regarding socio-demographic variables, brief psychiatric rating scale scores, cognitive performance, anxiety and
depressive symptoms, presence of obsessions, and usage of both antipsychotics and antidepressants. Conclusion: There is no
distinct demarcation between the three disorders. This lends support to recent evidence suggesting that SAD might constitute a
heterogeneous group composed of both SCZ and MD patients or a middle point of a continuum between SCZ and MD.

Keywords: Schizoaffective Disorder; Schizophrenia; Mood disorders; Epidemiology; Africa

Received: 17-05-2011
Accepted: 01-03-2012

Introduction survived and it constitutes a diagnosis currently used in

The Kraepelian dichotomy of psychoses1 does not cover all clinical practice.3
psychoses. This led Jacob Kasanin to coin the term As summarized by Cheniaux4, the controversy about
schizoaffective psychosis2 to include other psychotic SAD and its relationship with schizophrenia (SCZ) and mood
episodes that did not fit into the Kraepelian dichotomy, but disorders (MD) can be recapitulated into six different
nevertheless had good premorbid functioning and the possibilities: (1) an atypical form of SCZ with affective
presence of both affective episodes and core symptoms of symptoms4, (2) an atypical form of MD with core symptoms
schizophrenia. Since its first description in the literature, of schizophrenia6,7, (3) a co-morbidity between SCZ and
schizoaffective disorder (SAD) has raised considerable MD8 (4) a heterogeneous group composed by both SCZ and
discussion regarding its definition and its existence. MD9 (5) a completely separate condition, a third psychosis
Nevertheless, the construct of schizoaffective diagnosis has distinct from both SCZ and MD2,10 (6) a psychosis occupying
an intermediary position on a continuum between SCZ and
Prof DM Ndetei Findings from clinical, genetic, neuropsychological and
Africa Mental Health Foundation (AMHF), neurophysiological studies have failed to highlight a clear
P.O. Box 48423, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya demarcation between the two main psychotic syndromes i.e.
email: or MD and SCZ12, while evidence from brain imaging,

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ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

molecular neurobiology and genetics support an overlap based on their diagnoses using the study-described
across diagnostic boundaries in terms of both pathology and instruments.
etiology; as well as the existence of disorder-specific findings.
Furthermore, with respect to psychopathological symptoms, Instruments and procedure
no clear boundaries have been found between SCZ, SAD and A structured format interview was used to record the
MD.13 All of these data complement each other in suggesting patients socio-demographic information. This information
that SAD might constitute a heterogeneous group composed was standard as it was obtained from patients and their
by both SCZ and MD patients or a middle point of a relatives at the time of admission. Clinical information on
continuum between SCZ and MD.4,14 the diagnoses for which patients were being treated and
Limited epidemiologic data suggest SAD is up to one third past admissions was extracted from the patients files, also
as common as SCZ in Western cultures (e.g. the United States, using a structured format. The SCID-I20, which yields DSM-
Europe and Australia); however, the frequency in other IV diagnoses when a subject is interviewed was also used.
regions and the global prevalence rate is essentially The administration of the SCID is systematic as it probes for
unknown.15 A recent study conducted in four globally diverse all the symptoms suggested by the 16 screening questions.
regions (Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, India and the US) Clinicians with a psychiatric background who are trained
showed that, in a sample of 208 psychotic patients, the on its use can administer it. In this study, psychiatric nurses
frequency of SAD varied by region and ranged from 23.3% to were trained as research assistants to administer this
40.8%.15 There is a paucity of data in the African context instrument. The formats for the SCID questionnaire and the
regarding the prevalence of SAD as well as the relationship clinical notes were matched to ensure that both had the
between SCZ, SAD, and MD; except for anecdotal evidence same admission numbers in order to avoid crossover or
from a recent Kenyan study on 691 psychiatric in-patients repetition. The trained psychiatric nurses also administered
admitted at Mathari hospital. This study found a significant the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale21, Mini-Mental State
positive correlation between SCZ and Bipolar Disorder (BD), Examination22, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale23 and
suggesting an overlap between these two syndromes.16 An Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale24 to the patients.
earlier study in the same setting found an overlap of SCZ and The data was re-analyzed with DSM-IV criteria20 to
depression.17 In addition, Ethiopian research has documented confirm diagnosis of SAD, SCZ and MD. The rationale for
the lifetime prevalence of SAD to be 0.4% using a random this was that during the administration of SCID, we did not
community sample of 1420 individuals.18 Furthermore it is screen specifically for SAD. Thus, we decided to use DSM-
remarkable that an American study conducted on 156 IV criteria to re-analyze our data, because the clinical
African-American patients showed that the symptom clusters diagnoses extracted from the notes relied on the clinicians
for diagnoses of SAD overlapped in 41% of respondents with as a single assessment entity; while DSM-IV criteria for
MD and 71% respondents with SCZ, supporting the SAD require a monitoring of patients during a given period
assumption that schizoaffective disorder falls within the of time (criteria B and C). We also determined the
spectrum of schizophrenia disorders.19 prevalence of SAD using the Maj and Perris
This study attempts to fill this gap and also to contribute to classification.26
the current international debate about the definition and the The three groups were compared according to three
existence of SAD in relation to SCZ and MD as well as the types of variables: socio-demographic (sex, age, marital
validity of the Kraepelian dichotomy.1 We sought to determine status, number of children, occupation and religion); clinical
the prevalence of SAD in patients admitted to Mathari Hospital (brief psychiatric rating scale, symptoms at SCID, cognitive
and describe the socio-demographic, clinical and therapeutic performance, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms,
features of this condition. We also compared socio- past traumatic event, suicide attempt and presence of
demographic, clinical and therapeutic variables among obsessions); therapeutic (use of antipsychotics, mood
patients that suffer from SCZ, SAD and MD. stabilizers or antidepressants); and for comorbidity with
alcohol and drug dependence disorders.
The setting Ethics
Mathari hospital, which has a bed capacity of 600 (a third of Ethical clearance was obtained from the Mathari hospital
which are reserved for females), is Kenyas premier institutional ethical clearance committee. This committee is
psychiatric hospital, and is the national psychiatric teaching constituted according to the institutions regulatory
and referral hospital. The institution admits patients with requirements. There were no invasive procedures involved.
severe psychiatric disorders who cannot afford private Informed consent was obtained only for those who were
services and are considered too disturbed to be managed in well enough (mentally and physically) to participate in the
other public facilities or in the community. Its catchment area study. The questionnaires were anonymous and only the
is largely the Nairobi urban area where the facility is located, patients admission numbers were indicated on the filled
together with the close rural and urban environs to the city. questionnaires. Information about the study was provided
to the patients and their relatives who also signed informed
Participants consent to allow the respondent participate in the study.
Patients who met the following inclusion criteria were The patients and their relatives signed the informed
recruited to the study: in-patient in the month of June 2004; consent forms in the presence of the research assistant.
well enough and voluntarily accepted and signed informed Through this study, the patients benefited from a more
consent; further selection from among these patients was comprehensive evaluation of their psychiatric conditions.

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ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

Data analysis
Figure 1: Flow chart with number and percentage of
All the questionnaires were forwarded to a central point (the patients that suffer from Schizoaffective disorder,
Africa Mental Health Foundation offices) for data sorting, Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders adapted to DMV-IV
entry and cleaning. Data analysis was done using SPSS diagnoses from /ICD-10 & Maj and Perris classifications
Version 16. Descriptive statistics; frequencies and
percentages were used for narrating socio-demographic
characteristics and prevalence of psychiatric disorders
according to clinician and SCID20 diagnoses. To explore
relationships between continuous quantitative variables, the
ANOVA test (with Scheff correction for multiple
comparison) was performed, while for quantitative binary
variables we used 2 test (with Bonferroni correction for
multiple comparison; statistically significant if p < 0.0166).

As shown in Table I and Figure 1, using DSM-IV criteria, SCZ
was the most common disorder (n=170; 24.6% of total
patients), followed by SAD (n=160; 23.1%) and mood
disorders (n=125; 18.1%). Of the SAD participants, 85.6 % Furthermore, using Maj and Perris classification26, we
were manic type and 14.3 % were depressive type. The most found that 197 patients (28.5% of total patients) met the
frequent mood disorder was bipolar type I disorder (n=102; criteria for schizoaffective disorders (SADs). Thirty-seven of
81.6% of MD), while depressive episode or recurrent these patients (18.8% of SADs) were schizoaffective type I
depressive disorder accounted only for 18.4% of MD patients (characterized by the consecutive appearance of an
(n=23). While SCZ and bipolar affective disorder (BP) were affective and a schizophrenic syndrome) and 160 (82.2% of
commonly diagnosed by clinicians (respectively 276 patients SADs) were schizoaffective type II (that is marked by the
had SCZ and 212 BP), SAD was diagnosed in 37 patients, only concurrent appearance of a full schizophrenic and a full
16 of whom are included in our SAD classification based on affective syndrome; i.e. in accordance with DSM-IV
DSM-IV criteria. The age of onset of patients illnesses could classification of SAD).
not be ascertained accurately because the majority of
patients were referrals to hospital from general medical Socio-demographic characteristics
facilities across Kenya, and had been admitted more than The analysis of socio-demographic characteristics (Table II)
once to other medical facilities, and therefore could not recall did not show any statistically significant difference between
accurately the onset of their illness. the three groups, with reference to age, gender, marital
status, number of children, occupation and religion;
although we found a borderline difference (X2=5.465; df=2;
p= 0.065) for marital status: patients with MD were more
Table I: Number and frequency of patients that suffer from likely to be married than those with SCZ (p= 0.026;
schizoaffective disorder, Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders SCZMD). However, no difference was found between SCZ
adapted to DSM-IV diagnoses from ICD-10 and Maj and
and SAD and between SAD and MD for marital status
Perris classifications.
(SCZ=SAD=MD). SAD patients were comprised of almost
Diagnosis n. %
the same percentage of male (52.2%) and female (47.8%).
All the three disorders were found to be more common in
DSM-IV unmarried people, in Christians, and in manual workers,
casual labourers or self-employed patients. Each patient
Schizophrenia 170 24.6% had three children on average.

Schizoaffective disorder 160 23.1% Clinical and therapeutic variables

Schizoaffective disorder manic type 137 19.8% As shown in Table III, there was no difference among the
Schizoaffective disorder depressed type 23 3.32% three groups regarding brief psychiatric rating scale
scores, cognitive performance assessed with mini-mental
Mood Disorders 125 18.1%
state examination (MMSE), scores of anxiety and
Bipolar Affective disorder 102 14.8%
Depressive episode or Recurrent Depressive Disorder 23 3.3%
depression assessed with Hamilton rating scale and for
presence of obsessions.
Maj and Perris 1985 With the exception of disorganized speech (for which all
patients were negative) and core symptoms of
Schizoaffective Disorders 197 28.5% schizophrenia between SCZ and SAD, all clinical symptoms
Schizoaffective I 37 5.3% assessed with SCID were significantly different within the
Schizoaffective II 160 23.1% three groups. Respectively schizophrenic and
schizoaffective patients had more core symptoms of
Total number of patients 691 100% schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, behavioural and

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ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

Table II: Comparison between socio-demographic characteristics among patients with Schizophrenia (SCZ), Schizoaffective Disorder
(SAD) and Mood Disorders (MD) in accordance with DSM-IV classification

Schizophrenia Schizo affective Mood Disorders Statistic df p-Value Scheff comparaison

(SCZ) disorder (SAD) (MD)
(n= 170), (%) (n= 160), (%) (n= 125), (%) SCZ vs SAD vs SCZ vs
or SD or SD or SD SAD MD MD

Age 33.5 12.7 33.1 10.9 33.2 9.8 ANOVA F= 0.071 2 p= 0.931

Male 107 (62.9%) 83 (52.2%) 73 (58.4%) X2= 12.125 8 p= 0.146
Female 63 (37.1%) 76 (47.8%) 52 (41.6%)

Marital Status
Married 40 (24.4%) 44 (29.5%) 45 (37.2%) X2=5.465 2 p= 0.065 p= 0.311 p= 0.195 p= 0.026
Not married 124 (75.6%) 105 (70.5%) 76 (62.8%)

Number of Children 3.10 2.0 3.44 2.2 3.15 3.2 ANOVA F= 0.360 2 p= 0.698

Manual, casual
self-employed 45 (54.9%) 50 (53.8%) 43 (57.3%)
Formal 17 (20.7%) 13 (14.0%) 14 (18.7%) X2= 8.577 6 p= 0.199
housewife 10 (12.2%) 19 (20.4%) 16 (21.3%)
student 10 (12.2%) 11 (11.8%) 2 (2.7%)

Christian 148 (91.4%) 145 (93.5%) 119 (97.5%) X2= 4.647 2 p= 0.098
Muslim 14 (8.6%) 10 (6.5%) 3 (2.5%)

negative symptoms) than patients with MD; while for the three groups for usage of antipsychotics (mainly
affective symptoms (manic and depressive symptoms) the chlorpromazine) and antidepressants (mainly amitriptyline).
MD group showed higher scores than schizophrenic group, Antipsychotics were used by the majority of patients (from
but lower than SAD group. On the other hand there was no 88.8% to 93.1% of patients), while antidepressants were
significant difference between SCZ and SAD for used only by a minority (from 8% to 9.4%).
schizophrenia-like symptoms; while for manic and
depressive symptoms there was a significant difference Discussion
between these two groups: patients with SAD had more Our results show on the one hand, for the first time, that
manic and depressive symptoms than those of the schizoaffective disorder is a common psychiatric disorder
schizophrenic group. All these results had strong statistical in the African context, and on the other hand, that regarding
significance (p 0.003). socio-demographic, clinical and therapeutic features, there
As shown in Table III: a past traumatic event was is no demonstrable clear demarcation between SCZ, SAD
reported more commonly in SAD patients than in either and MD. This is in line with recent evidence that suggests
SCZ or MD patients, while suicide attempts in SAD patients that SAD might constitute a heterogeneous group
were higher only compared to MD patients. Comorbidity composed of both SCZ and MD patients or a middle point
with alcohol dependence disorder was more common in of a continuum between SCZ and MD.1,4,13
SAD than in SCZ; while drug dependence disorder was
more common in MD than in SCZ. No differences were Epidemiology
found: between SCZ and SAD concerning drug The finding (using DSM-IV criteria) that there were more
dependence disorder and suicide (the latter had a sub- SAD (n=160) than MD (n=125), but less than SCZ (n=170)
threshold difference when using correction for multiple and, even more using Maj and Perris criteria (patients who
comparison; p= 0.026); between SAD and MD for alcohol had not only concurrent but also consecutive appearance of
and drug dependence; and between SCZ and MD for an affective and a schizophrenic syndrome; n=197),
traumatic event, suicide attempt and alcohol dependence suggests that SAD was common in this cohort of Kenyan
disorder. patients and that it is less recognized by clinicians (n=37, of
Finally, with regard to treatment, we found a difference whom only 16 met DSM-IV criteria for SAD). These findings
between the three groups only for the use of mood are similar to what Kebede et al.18 found in the Ethiopian
stabilizers (carbamazepine). Specifically, mood stabilizers context (lifetime prevalence of SCZ: 0.5%; lifetime
were used more in SAD and MD (respectively 42.5% and prevalence of SAD: 0.4%) and further suggest that clinicians
39.2%) than in SCZ (22.9%), but there was no difference should pay more attention to the possibility of SAD,
between SAD and MD. No difference was found between preferably assisted by routine use of a diagnostic instrument

African Journal of Psychiatry March 2013 113

Table III: Comparison between clinical and therapeutic variables of patients with Schizophrenia (SCZ), Schizoaffective Disorder (SAD) and Mood Disorders (MD) in accordance with
DSM-IV classification

Schizophrenia Schizo affective Mood Disorders Statistic df p-Value Trend Scheff comparaison

(SCZ) disorder (SAD) (MD) (Scheff Ranges)

(n=170), (%) (n=160). (%) (n=125). (%) SCZ vs SAD vs SCZ vs
or SD or SD or SD SAD MD MD

Brief psychiatric rating Scale 17.7 15.0 20.01 14.8 18.5 15.5 ANOVA F= 1.038 2 p= 0.355
Symptoms at SCID (n.)
Delusions 3.89 2.39 3.44 2.22 0.52 1.26 ANOVA F= 106.646 2 p< 0.001** SCZ=SAD>MD SCZ>MD p= 0.144 p< 0.001** p< 0.001**
Hallucinations 2.27 1.37 2.07 1.46 0.34 0.77 ANOVA F= 94.779 2 p< 0.001** SCZ=SAD>MD SCZ>MD p= 0.379 p< 0.001** p< 0.001**
Disorganized speech 0 0 0 ANOVA 2
Behavioural symptoms 0.35 0.65 0.37 0.74 0.03 0.18 ANOVA F= 13.949 2 p< 0.001** SCZ=SAD>MD SCZ>MD p= 0.946 p< 0.001** p< 0.001**
Negative symptoms 0.35 0.55 0.34 0.56 0.13 0.34 ANOVA F= 8.016 2 p<0.001** SCZ=SAD>MD SCZ>MD p= 0.986 p= 0.003* p= 0.001**

African Journal of Psychiatry March 2013

Manic symptoms 0.25 0.54 4.49 2.35 2.37 2.21 ANOVA F= 218.950 2 p< 0.001** SCZ<SAD>MD SCZ<MD p< 0.001** p< 0.001** p< 0.001**
Depressive symptoms 0.37 0.87 2.11 2.78 1.19 2.03 ANOVA F= 30.183 2 p< 0.001** SCZ<SAD>MD SCZ<MD p< 0.001** p= 0.001** p= 0.003*
Cognitive performance (MMSE) 24.9 7.4 25.8 6.3 25.7 6.6 ANOVA F= 0.861 2 p= 0.423 p= 0.455 p= 0.967 p= 0.661
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 8.11 7.53 9.51 9.12 8.85 7.41 ANOVA F= 1.135 2 p= 0.322
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale 6.73 5.78 8.21 7.29 7.39 5.84 ANOVA F= 2.060 2 p= 0.129
Traumatic event
yes 25 (14.7%) 43 (26.9%) 10 (8.0%) X2= 18.736 2 p< 0.001** SCZ<SAD>MD SCZ=MD p= 0.007 p= 0.000 p= 0.101
no 145 (85.3%) 117 (73.1%) 115 (92.0%)
Suicide attempt
yes 8 (4.7%) 19 (11.9%) 4 (3.2%) X2= 10.216 2 p= 0.006* SCZ=SAD>MD SCZ=MD p= 0.026 p= 0.008 p= 0.568
no 162 (95.3%) 141 (88.1%) 121 (96.8%)
Alcohol Dependence Disorder
yes 25 (14.7%) 46 (28.8%) 26 (20.8%) X2= 9.720 2 p= 0.008* SCZ<SAD=MD SCH=MD p= 0.002 p= 0.133 p= 0.212
no 145 (85.3%) 114 (71.2%) 99 (79.2%)
Drug Dependence Disorder
yes 18 (10.6%) 28 (17.5%) 27 (21.6%) X2= 6.873 2 p= 0.032* SCZ=SAD=MD SCZ< MD p= 0.081 p= 0.450 p= 0.013
no 152 (89.4%) 132 (82.5%) 98 (78.4%)
Presence of obsessions
yes 9 (5.3%) 9 (5.6%) 10 (8.0%) X2= 1.033 2 p= 0.597
no 161 (94.7%) 151 (94.4%) 115 (92.0%)
Use of Antipsychotics
yes 151 (88.8%) 149 (93.1%) 115 (92.0%) X2= 2.037 2 p= 0.361
no 19 (11.2%) 11 (6.9%) 10 (8.0%)
Use of Mood stabilizers
yes 39 (22.9%) 68 (42.5%) 49 (39.2%) X2= 15.842 2 p< 0.001** SCZ<SAD=MD SCZ<MD p< 0.001 p= 0.628 p= 0.003
no 131 (77.1%) 92 (57.5%) 76 (60.8%)
Use of antidepressants
yes 16 (9.4%) 15 (9.4%) 10 (8.0%) X2= 0.215 2 p= 0.898
no 154 (90.6%) 145 (90.6%) 115 (92.0%)

* = p< 0.05 Significative difference for quantitative variables.

** = p< 0.01 Strong Significative difference for quantitative variables.
= p< 0.0166 Significative difference for qualitative variables. p value significance adjusted with Bonferroni correction.
= p< 0.003 Strong Significative difference for qualitative variables. p value significance adjusted with Bonferroni correction.
Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination

ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

for SAD. The majority of SAD patients were on treatment with was found between SCZ and SAD (only for affective
antipsychotics, even though a sizeable proportion of them symptoms). These findings, if considered alone, might
(42.5%), (significantly higher than SCZ patients but similar to suggest that, in the African context, SAD and MD and SCZ
MD ones), were also taking a mood stabilizer. Though these and MD could be different disorders, while there is a more
are clinical observations, they reflect directly an close relationship between SCZ and SAD. This would drive
epidemiological pattern as perceived by the clinicians in us to a dichotomous model in which SAD could be a variant
that, although clinicians did not make a specific diagnosis of of SCZ. However the heterogeneity of socio-demographic
SAD, they did recognize and treat with mood stabilizers and of the other clinical variables (brief psychiatric rating
patients with mood instability. Nowadays there is no clear scale, Hamilton anxiety and depression scale, past traumatic
evidence that any pharmacological treatment is superior to event, suicide attempt, presence of obsessions, alcohol and
any other during acute or maintenance phases of SAD.14 drug dependence comorbidity), together with recent
However, if further studies demonstrate that a therapy is evidence from genetic studies11, probably suggests that
more effective than the others, it will have serious clinical these disorders, that share a common biological basis, may
implications in differentiating SAD from SCZ and MD. evolve with different clinical expressions, with a
Furthermore, it is also important to distinguish SAD from heterogeneity of presentation that is compatible both with
SCZ because, in accordance with ICD-10 criteria, SAD has a the hypothesis of a continuum between SCZ and MD and
more favorable outcome than SCZ.13 with the hypothesis that SAD constitutes a heterogeneous
group composed by both SCZ and MD patients.
Socio-demographic characteristics Therefore the totality of the clinical data in this study is
Socio-demographic characteristics generally reflect the quite comparable with the international literature, in which
characteristics of the young Kenyan population. Patients several studies have not found differences between SCZ,
admitted at Mathari Hospital represent the most SAD and MD on scores of the brief psychiatric rating
economically disadvantaged families who are also unlikely scale4,5,27,28, and with two studies that proved that there were
to have any medical insurance or subsidies, and are no differences in terms of comorbidity with anxiety
therefore entirely dependent on relatives (an overwhelming disorders.29 Cognitive performance also shows a similar
majority of Kenyans live on less than one US dollar a day). pattern between the three groups in various works4, in
The patients also tend to be highly disturbed and they particular Advokat et al30 who obtained similar findings
cannot be managed in the community or in general using the same instrument (mini-mental state examination).
facilities. As in our results, suicide attempt has been found more
The fact that we did not detect any difference between common in SAD than in MD in 5 studies, or similar between
the three groups according to age, gender, and marital SCZ and SAD in another two studies.4 Moreover a study
status, number of children, occupation and religion is in conducted by Pini et al28 demonstrated a similar pattern of
agreement with the heterogeneity of results present in the suicide attempt (SCZ=SAD>MD) to the current study.
literature. A recent review by Cheniaux et al.4 that examined Considering substance related disorder comorbidity rate,
155 papers related to SAD, SCZ and MD, reported that they reached the same conclusion that we drew from our
twenty-three studies failed to show any difference between data related to alcohol dependence (SCZ< SAD=MD),
SAD and SCZ regarding gender distribution, whereas although the majority of works28,31,32 do not describe
twelve reports found more females among SAD patients as similarities between SCZ, SAD and MD, as we found for
compared to SCZ. When the comparison was done between drug dependence in our sample (SCZ=SAD=MD).
SAD and MD, thirty-two of the studies revealed no In common with the majority of studies focused on this
difference between these two groups, whereas four found topic, we detected more core symptoms of schizophrenia in
fewer women in SAD when compared to MD. Only two SCZ and SAD than in MD, and more affective symptoms in
studies found proportionally more women in SAD than in MD and SAD than in SCZ.4 However our results differ from
MD. With regards to marital status, the proportion of SAD the literature since we found that SAD patients had more
patients that never married was equal (five studies) or affective symptoms than MD patients. These findings,
inferior (six studies) to SCZ patients. On the other hand, the together with the higher prevalence of a past trauma in SAD
proportion of SAD patients that never married was equal compared to SCZ and MD (SCZ<SAD>MD), are the
(nine studies) or superior (three studies) to MD. Similar variables in which SAD does not seem to reach an
findings were also found for the variable employment. The intermediate position between SCZ and SAD. This is
age of schizoaffective patients in this study is consistent contrary to what we claimed before regarding
with other findings that show how SAD onset is more schizophrenic symptoms.12,13,14
common in adults.27 Finally, from the therapheutic point of view, the fact that
among SCZ and SAD there was a high percentage of usage
Clinical and therapeutic variables of antipsychotics (nearly 90%) without distinction between
Similar to socio-demographic variables, all clinical features SCZ and SAD, while there was a higher consumption of
taken in totality do not suggest a clear demarcation mood stabilizers in SAD compared to SCZ, is similar to what
between SCZ, SAD and MD. At face value, concerning only Canuso et al15 found in a sample of psychotic patients
clinical symptoms, we found differences between the three evaluated in four globally diverse regions (Asia Pacific,
disorders, especially between SAD and MD and between Eastern Europe, India and the US); even if in our sample the
SCZ and MD (where both affective and core symptoms of percentage of patients that used mood stabilizers was
schizophrenia were different) while a smaller difference higher (42.5% vs 23.1%).

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ORIGINAL Afr J Psychiatry 2013;16:110-117

Furthermore it is remarkable that results from a recent Although from the clinical point of view SAD and SCZ seem
American study conducted on 156 African-American to be more closely related than SAD and MD, there was no
patients, are very close to our findings. In fact, in the clear demarcation between SCZ, SAD and MD and this is a
American study, there were no significant differences confirmation of recent research that refutes the
between SCZ, SAD and MD with respect to age, gender, Kraepelinian dichotomy. Furthermore this research
years of education, marital status, total number of symptoms suggests that SAD might constitute a heterogeneous group
and treatment status. Regarding clinical symptoms, there composed of both SCZ and MD patients, or a middle point
was, as in our study, a closer association between SCZ and of a continuum between SCZ and MD. According to the
SAD than between SAD and MD. The clusters of symptoms published literature, it appears that this is the first study
for diagnoses of SAD overlapped 41% with those of MD and conducted in Africa that has analyzed specifically the
71% with those of SCZ.19 relationship between SCZ, SAD and MD. In order to confirm
and enrich our findings, further studies should be
Limitations conducted to analyze both the socio-demographic and
As was reported previously16, the most important limitation clinical pattern of the sub-groups of SAD and MD, and to
of this study was the use of the SCID for making DSM-IV describe these diagnoses in terms of course and outcome,
diagnoses. The psychometric properties of the SCID, also in relationship with the therapies undertaken by
including the cultural appropriateness of the DSM-IV itself patients.
(which was developed in North America), have not been
documented in the African socio-cultural context. Besides Acknowledgements
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psychiatric epidemiology measures designed for the socio- study was done, Africa Mental Health Foundation (AMHF)
cultural contexts of developing countries exist. However, the for logistical support and Grace Mutevu of AMHF for
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