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IT Governance For SME

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IT Governance for SME

IT Governance for SME

This IT Governance framework is tailored for the application within small and medium-sized
enterprises. The main purpose of the framework is to improve IT governance activities within small and
medium-sized enterprises by providing a generic framework including implementation guidance.

Figure 1: The framework.

Peter Josi 1
IT Governance for SME

Table of Content
1. Principles ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Self-Empowerment .............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Lightweight Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Compatibility ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Components ........................................................................................................................... 4

3. Processes ................................................................................................................................ 7

3.1 DP01: Backup and Recovery ................................................................................................................................ 8

3.2 SEC01: Users ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

3.3 SEC02: Endpoints and Network ......................................................................................................................... 11

3.4 SEC03: Physical Environment ............................................................................................................................. 13

3.5 CON01: Continuity Planning .............................................................................................................................. 14

3.6 CON02: Availability and Capacity ....................................................................................................................... 16

3.7 CON03: Change Management ........................................................................................................................... 18

3.8 CM01: Assets & Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 20

3.9 CM02: Licenses .................................................................................................................................................. 22

3.10 SP 01: Strategy ................................................................................................................................................... 23

3.11 SP02: Projects .................................................................................................................................................... 24

3.12 CI01: Incidents ................................................................................................................................................... 26

3.13 CI 02: Knowledge ............................................................................................................................................... 27

4. Lifecycle ................................................................................................................................ 28

4.1 Assess ................................................................................................................................................................. 29

4.2 Plan .................................................................................................................................................................... 30

4.3 Implement ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

5. Benefits ................................................................................................................................. 32

5.1 Usability ............................................................................................................................................................. 32

5.2 Compliance ........................................................................................................................................................ 33

5.3 Compatibility with COBIT 5 ................................................................................................................................ 33

5.4 Holism ................................................................................................................................................................ 35

Peter Josi 2
IT Governance for SME

1. Principles
The principles outline the characteristics of the framework and determine the scope of the framework
regarding the applicability and the operational area.

1.1 Self-Empowerment
The framework is simple and easy to understand. This makes it possible that the implementation can
be made by the company on its own, without special knowledge or external consulting necessary. The
framework comes with a built-in lifecycle and an assessment which facilitates the implementation process
by providing a step-by-step guidance.

1.2 Lightweight Approach

A framework should not be implemented for its own sake but should improve the overall maturity and
quality of the related IT processes. Therefore, this framework is based on a lightweight approach meaning
that no excessive requirements regarding the deliverables are prescribed.

The design of the framework is structured in a way that it fits well into the existing structures and
processes. Although processes are proposed, it does not automatically mean that these processes have
to be adopted in order to reach satisfactory results. The main objective of the segmentation into processes
is that the described tasks are logically structured and can be assigned to an existing role or person in the

1.3 Compatibility
Since there are already numerous frameworks in the area of IT Governance, it is not reasonable to
develop a distinct framework. This Framework is based on COBIT 5, but has been tailored for the needs
for small and medium-sized enterprises. This approach ensures compatibility and extendibility.
Companies that have implemented this framework can easily upgrade to COBIT 5 by consulting the
provided COBIT 5 mapping in chapter 5.3. The mapping reveals the COBIT 5 processes that are included
in this framework.

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IT Governance for SME

2. Components
The framework is divided into three layers, depicted in in a pyramid. The layers separate the domains
regarding their importance for a company master the daily business. The form of the pyramid graphically
expresses the level of importance that the layer has regarding to master the daily business.

Figure 2: Explanation of layers.

Usually, incidents at the bottom layer have great impact on daily business processes. Running backup
and recovery processes or a well-protected infrastructure is vital for the business. The layer Ensure
Continuity contains all key processes that are necessary for solid and stable provisioning of IT services.
The middle layer consolidates the planning and administrative tasks. Its main purpose is that IT services
are effectively managed and that IT divisions move from reactive to proactive management. Optimization
within the IT department is the intention of the top layer.

The domains are logically detached and the processes within the domains illustrate real-live processes
in a common IT operations department, based on a functional separation.

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IT Governance for SME

Figure 3: Explanation of domains.

In the following, each process is described in detail. Every process consists of a process goal,
enumeration and explanation of tasks and prescribes the necessary attributes that should be produced
or maintained. To enable monitoring functionalities, each process provides metrics that can be traced.
Additionally, best practices are provided.

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IT Governance for SME

Figure 4: Structure of a process.

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IT Governance for SME

3. Processes
As already mentioned, this framework is tailored out of COBIT 5 for the needs of small and medium-
sized enterprises. The content of the processes has been mainly taken out of the respective COBIT 5
processes (see the provided mapping in chapter 5.3). Where necessary, some minor changings have been

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IT Governance for SME

3.1 DP01: Backup and Recovery

3.1.1 Process Goal

Secure corporate data and ensure fast and efficient data recovery

3.1.2 Tasks

DP01.T01 Backup
Backup systems, applications, data and documentation according to a defined schedule. The following
considerations should be taken into account:

Frequency (monthly, weekly, daily etc.)

Mode of backup (e.g., disk mirroring for real-time backups , DVD for long-term retention)
Type of backup (e.g., full vs. incremental)
Type of media
Creation of logs
Monitoring and alerting
Physical and logical location of data sources
Security and access rights

Best Practice

Systems are usually backed up by creating images whereas data is backed up with file-based
backup routines. It is common to apply a grandfather-father-son backup policy for most backup
objects. This backup technique stores full copies of the backup source on a monthly basis,
incremental backups on a weekly basis and differential backups on a daily basis. This approach
ensures that any state can be restored, depending on the retention policy.
Backups should be stored on a secure location and ideally not the same location as the data
source whilst ensuring a fast recovery processes. It is recommended to use dual-destination
backup to encounter this challenge. Dual destination backup allows storing backup objects on two
(physically separated) locations. The first location should be quickly accessible in case of recovery
and the second location should satisfy the demand of a secure backup location (e.g. backup in the
cloud or in another company site).
Compliance with external laws and regulations must be adhered. Be aware that for some
industries (e.g. health) there are special requirements for data retention.

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IT Governance for SME

DP01.T02 Test backup objects

Periodically test backup objects through validation and restoration trials.

Best Practice

Validation and testing is a vital task to ensure the quality of the backup. It may happen that
backup objects cant be restored, for what reason ever, and proper and regular testing is essential
to perceive this misconduct. Whilst the restoration testing of data is a rather trivial process,
restoration testing of systems and applications is difficult because of the required peripheral
system that is necessary to check the functionality. The setup of virtual system environments has
proven to be an efficient way for restoration testing of systems and applications.

DP01.T03 Establish restoration routines

Ensure that in case of data loss staff is well trained in the recovery process. Minimal system downtime
or data leakage should be aimed-at.

3.1.3 Artifacts

DP01.A01 Backup and Recovery Plan

The backup and recovery plan should entail:

Documentation of the backup process and the backup routines (DP1.T01)

Testing scenarios and testing plan (DP1.T02)
Recovery plan (if necessary step-by-step instructions) for each backup object (DP1.T03)

3.1.4 Metrics
DP01.M01 Percent of backup files transferred and stored securely

DP01.M02 Frequency of tests

DP01.M03 Number of recovery exercises and tests that have achieved recovery objectives

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IT Governance for SME

3.2 SEC01: Users

3.2.1 Process Goal

Minimize the business impact of information security vulnerabilities and incidents caused by user

3.2.2 Tasks

DSS01.T02 User Security

Ensure that all users have information access rights in accordance with their business requirements.
Ensure that users are aware of security issues and establish user guidelines.

Best Practice

Maintain user access rights in accordance with business function and process requirements. Align
the management of identities and access rights to the defined roles and responsibilities, based on
least-privilege, need-to-have and need-to-know principles.
Manage user access lifecycle from creation of user account, to modifications and deletion
(especially with trainee-accounts) and perform regular management review of all accounts and
related privileges.
Clear policies help to improve the security standard and raise the security awareness. A user
policy should provide helpful information for users on how to behave and how to deal with
security threats.

3.2.3 Artifacts

SEC01.A01 User Policy

The user policy is an internal document that contains regulations. It should describe the desired
behavior with the use of information technology as well as in case of incidents and problems.

3.2.4 Metrics
SEC01.M01 Percent of stakeholders who understand policies

SEC01.M02 Frequency of policies review and update

SEC01.M03 Number of accounts incompliant with the policy

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3.3 SEC02: Endpoints and Network

3.3.1 Process Goal

Minimize the business impact of information security vulnerabilities and incidents caused by endpoints
or network devices

3.3.2 Tasks

SEC02.T01 Endpoint Security

Implement and maintain preventive, detective and corrective measures in place across the
organization to protect information systems and technology from malware (e.g., viruses, worms, spyware,
and spam) and ensure that endpoints are secure. Up-to-date virus software and proper patching on every
endpoint are the core security measures.

Best Practice

The management of malware solutions and system updates is centralized, enabling reporting
functionalities that permit better pro- and reactive measures in case of a security incident.
The hardening of endpoints is another useful security measure. The following reflections should be
taken into account (not conclusive):
Configure operating systems in a secure manner (e.g. local administrator rights)
Implement device lockdown mechanisms.
Manage remote access and control. (e.g. VPN)
Provide physical protection of endpoint devices.
Dispose of endpoint devices securely.

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IT Governance for SME

SEC02.T02 Network Security

Use security measures and related management procedures to protect information over all methods
of connectivity.

Best Practice

Nowadays, network devices offer a wide range of possibilities to face cyber security. Unified
Thread Management (UTM) has proven to be an efficient measure to protect the local network and
has become affordable not only for large enterprises. The following principles should be adopted:
Allow only authorized devices to have access to corporate information and the enterprise
network. Configure these devices to force password entry.
Implement network filtering mechanisms such as firewalls and intrusion detection software with
appropriate policies to control inbound and outbound traffic.
Encrypt information in transit according to its (implicit or explicit) classification.
Apply approved security protocols to network connectivity.
Configure network equipment in a secure manner.
Carry out periodic penetration testing to determine adequacy of network protection.
Carry out periodic testing of system security to determine adequacy of system protection.

3.3.3 Artifacts

SEC02.A01 Security Plan for Endpoints and Network

The security plan should cover:

The management of Endpoint Security (SEC02.T01)

The management of Network Security (SEC02.T02)

3.3.4 Metrics
SEC02.M01 Number of vulnerabilities discovered

SEC02.M02 Number of outstanding patches at a point in time

SEC02.M03 Number of incidents involving endpoint devices

SEC02.M04 Number of security incidents causing business disruption

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IT Governance for SME

3.4 SEC03: Physical Environment

3.4.1 Process Goal

Protect the physical infrastructure against unauthorized access.

3.4.2 Tasks

SEC02.T01 Physical Security

Define and implement procedures to grant, limit and revoke access to IT systems according to business
needs, including emergencies. This should apply to all persons entering the premises, including staff,
temporary staff, clients, vendors, visitors or any other third party.

Best Practice

Manage the requesting and granting of access to the computing facilities. Formal access requests
are to be completed and authorized by management of the IT site, and the request records
retained. The forms should specifically identify the areas to which the individual is granted access.
Ensure that access profiles remain current. Base access to IT sites (server rooms, buildings, areas
or zones) on job function and responsibilities.
Require visitors to be escorted at all times while onsite by a member of the IT operations group.
This is hard to implement in small and medium-sized enterprises and depends on several factors
(e.g. level of trust to the visitor, purpose of the task).
Conduct regular physical security awareness training.

3.4.3 Artifacts

SEC03.A01 Security Plan for physical Security

The security plan for physical security should cover:

The management of Physical Security (SEC03.T01)

3.4.4 Metrics
SEC03.M01 Number of physical-security related incidents

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3.5 CON01: Continuity Planning

3.5.1 Process Goal

Ensure continuity of critical business operations.

3.5.2 Tasks

CON01.T01 Develop and implement a business continuity response

Identify it services that are critical to the business operations and implement rational continuity

Best Practice

Identify potential scenarios likely to give rise to events that could cause significant disruptive
events. These events should then be classified regarding the time of disruption in case of failure
and their importance. The importance is often determined through the maximal tolerable outage.
The time required to recover should also be taken into consideration.
Identify measures that will reduce the likelihood through prevention and determine cost-effective
measures that are to be taken in case of an incident. These procedures should be well
documented so that in case of a disruptive event, a structured course of action can be taken.
Clear roles and responsibilities for each measure must exist.

CON01.T02 Exercise, test and review the business continuity plan

Test the continuity arrangements on a regular basis.

Best Practice

The testing of the continuity plan has multiple purposes. First you want to be sure that the
defined measures work as desired (verification). Secondly, staff is getting trained in dealing with
exceptional situations (learning) and last but not least, the procedures can be optimized by
accomplishing continuity tests (optimization).

3.5.3 Artifacts

CON01.A01 Continuity Plan

The continuity plan should contain:

- A business impact analysis with potential scenarios (CON01.T01)

- Incident response actions based on the continuity requirements(CON01.T01)
- Testing plan, containing the test objects and a time plan (CON01.T02)
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3.5.4 Metrics
CON01.M01 Number of critical business systems not covered by the continuity plan

CON01.M02 Percent of successful business continuity incidents

CON01.M03 Number of planned business continuity exercises

CON01.M04 Percent of executed business continuity exercises that have achieved its objectives

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IT Governance for SME

3.6 CON02: Availability and Capacity

3.6.1 Process Goal

Maintain service availability, efficient management of resources and optimization of system
performance through prediction of future performance and capacity requirements.

3.6.2 Tasks

CON02.T01 Identify availability and capacity requirements

Balance current and future needs for availability, performance and capacity with cost-effective service

Best Practice

Assess availability, performance and capacity of it services and resources and determine the
baselines. The assessment should consider the current and forecasted requirements. The
following criteria should be considered:
Customer requirements
Business priorities and objectives
Budget impact
Resource utilization
IT capabilities and industry trends
Ensure periodic monitoring (or where possible automated) and implement appropriate alerting
functionalities (e.g. free disk space).
Plan, prioritize availability, performance and capacity implications of changing business needs and
service requirements.

3.6.3 Artifacts

CON02.A01 Availability and Capacity Plan

The availability and capacity plan should contain:

Availability, performance and capacity baselines

Monitoring and alerting configuration
Action plan concerning availability and capacity for the next couple of years (depending on
industry and procurement strategy)

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IT Governance for SME

3.6.4 Metrics
CON02.M01 Percent of unplanned capacity, performance or availability upgrades versus planned

CON02.M02 Number of availability incidents

CON02.M03 Number of events where capacity has exceeded planned limits

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3.7 CON03: Change Management

3.7.1 Process Goal

Enable fast and reliable delivery of change to the business and mitigation of the risk of negatively
impacting the stability or integrity of the changed environment.

3.7.2 Tasks

CON03.T01 Manage Changes

Evaluate, prioritize and authorize change requests. Implement standard change procedures and ensure
proper monitoring and control mechanisms.

Best Practice

Ensure that all changes are conducted in a structured way. The following considerations should
be taken into account (a simple form is enough):
Impact assessment
Prioritization and authorization
Emergency changes,
Closure and documentation
All changes should be coordinated centrally through one consistent person, so that holistic
overview is ensured. This is vital to recognize possible dependencies.

CON03.T02 Prepare and execute Testing

Establish a test plan and required environments to test individual or integrated solution components,
including the business processes and supporting services, applications and infrastructure. Execute testing
continually based on the change plan.

Best Practice

Suitable testing of scheduled changes helps to verify that the solution will operate successfully in
the live environment and delivers the intended results.
Create a test plan and ensure that the test procedures should simulate real-world conditions.
For critical applications it is recommended to temporarily set up mirrored environments where
the real environment can be simulated at a very high degree of similarity. Note that not
everything can be simulated and that a certain residual risk will remain.
Make sure that the test results are logged.

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IT Governance for SME

3.7.3 Artifacts

CON03.A01 Change Plan

The change plan should contain:

Description of the change management process

Overview about scheduled changes
Reference to the required respectively demanded forms (change request, test plan)

3.7.4 Metrics
CON03.M01 Percent of unsuccessful changes due to inadequate impact assessments

CON03.M02 Percent of total changes that are emergency fixes

CON03.M03 Number of executed tests

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3.8 CM01: Assets & Configuration

3.8.1 Process Goal

Account for all IT assets and optimize the value provided by these assets. Provide sufficient information
about service assets to enable the service to be effectively managed

3.8.2 Tasks

CM01.T01 Identify and Manage Assets

Manage IT assets though their life cycle. Make sure that their use delivers value at optimal cost, they
remain operational and physically protected.

Best Practice

Identify all assets and maintain alignment with the change- and configuration management.
Verify the existence of all owned assets by performing regular physical and logical inventory
checks and reconciliation.
Source, receive, verify, test and record all assets in a controlled manner, including physical
labeling, as required.

CM01.T02 Manage the Configuration

Define and maintain descriptions and relationships between key resources and capabilities required to
deliver IT-enabled services.

Best Practice

Define and agree on the scope and level of detail for configuration management.
Establish and maintain a logical model of the services, assets and infrastructure and how to
record configuration items and the relationships amongst them. A good point to start is a drawing
of the system landscape that proves a good overview by naturally selecting the level of detail.
Periodically verify live configuration items against the configuration repository by comparing
physical and logical configurations.

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IT Governance for SME

3.8.3 Artifacts

CM01.A01 Asset Register

The asset register should cover:

List of all IT assets with information about procurement, maintenance and disposal (e.g.
warranty information).

CM01.A02 Configuration Repository

The configuration repository should cover:

Graphical abstraction of the system landscape

Actual configuration of the selected configuration items
Description of the relationship among the configuration items.

3.8.4 Metrics
CM01.M01 Number of assets not utilized

CM01.M02 Number of deviations between the configuration repository and live


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3.9 CM02: Licenses

3.9.1 Process Goal

Ensure that licenses are procured in the right quantity.

3.9.2 Tasks

CM02.T01 Manage Licenses

Manage software licenses to ensure that the optimal number are acquired, retained and deployed in
relation to required business usage.

Best Practice

Maintain a register of all purchased software licenses and associated licenses agreements.
On a regular basis, conduct an audit to identify all instances of installed licensed software. Decide
whether there is a need to retain or terminate licenses in case of dissimilarities.

3.9.3 Artifacts

CM02.A01 License Register

The license register should cover:

The management of software licenses (contact information, license keys and agreements)
An actual overview about the current status

3.9.4 Metrics
CM02.M01 Percent of used licenses against paid-for licenses

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3.10 SP 01: Strategy

3.10.1 Process Goal

Align IT with business objectives.

3.10.2 Tasks

SP01.T01 Determine IT direction

Provide a holistic view of the current business and IT environment and the future direction.

Best Practice

Consider the current enterprise environment and business processes, as well as the external
environment of the enterprise (industry drivers, relevant regulations, basis for competition) for
the future direction.
Identify key stakeholders and obtain insight on their requirements. Then, identify and analyze
sources of change in the enterprise and ascertain priorities.
Make sure that the future direction is controlled / revised regularly

SP01.T02 Define and communicate road map

Develop initiatives and communicate to the stakeholders.

Best Practice

Define a road map based on the results of SP01.T01. Determine dependencies, overlaps,
synergies and impacts amongst initiatives.
Identify resource requirements, schedule budgets for each of the initiatives.

3.10.3 Artifacts

SP01.A01 Road Map

The road map is the strategy document regarding IT decisions. The road map should cover:

Statement about the future direction

Initiatives to be performed embedded in a chronology

3.10.4 Metrics
SP01.M01 Percent of projects that can be directly traced back to the strategy

SP01.M02 Frequency of updates to the road map

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3.11 SP02: Projects

3.11.1 Process Goal

Optimize the performance of IT-projects in response to changing enterprise priorities and demands.

3.11.2 Tasks

SP02.T01 Maintain the IT-Portfolio

Maintain portfolio of projects, IT services and IT assets.

Best Practice

Create and maintain portfolios of IT-enabled investment programs, IT services and IT assets,
which form the basis for the current IT budget and support the road map.
On a regular basis, monitor and optimize the performance of the IT-portfolio to exploit synergies,
eliminate duplication between programs and identify and mitigate risk.

SP02.T02 Manage projects

Maintain a standard approach for project management. Plan and monitor IT projects.

Best Practice

Enforce a standard approach for project management (e.g. Hermes (Schweizerische

Eidgenossenschaft, 2005), PMBoK (Project Management Institute, 2009)). Ensure that the
approach covers the full life cycle.
Establish and maintain project planning to guide project execution and control throughout the life
of the project.
Ensure that milestones are accompanied by significant deliverables requiring review and sign-off.

3.11.3 Artifacts

SP02.A01 IT-Portfolio
The IT-Portfolio should cover:

Consolidation of all current IT initiatives

Guidelines for projects (e.g. procedure model)
Monitoring and control mechanisms for projects

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3.11.4 Metrics
SP02.M01 Number of running initiatives

SP02.M02 Percent of successful initiatives

SP02.M03 Percent of projects undertaken without approved business cases

SP02.M04 Percent of deviations from the project plan

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IT Governance for SME

3.12 CI01: Incidents

3.12.1 Process Goal

Achieve increased productivity and minimize disruptions through quick resolution of user queries and
incidents. Increase availability, reduce costs and improve customer convenience and satisfaction by
reducing the number of operational problems.

3.12.2 Tasks

CI01.T01 Manage Incidents

Provide timely and effective response to user requests and resolution of all types of incidents.

Best Practice

Implement an incident register (e.g. ticketing system)

Define incident and service request classification and prioritization schemes to ensure consistent
approaches for handling, informing users about and conducting trend analysis.
Define appropriate support groups to assist with identification, root cause analysis and solution
determination. Define priority levels through consultation with the business and report the status
of identified incidents.
Make sure that known-errors are recorded and communicated.

3.12.3 Artifacts

CI01.A01 Incident Register

The incident register should cover:

Incident management procedures

All incident requests
Known errors

3.12.4 Metrics
CI01.M01 Number of incidents causing disruption to business-critical processes

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3.13 CI 02: Knowledge

3.13.1 Process Goal

Provide the IT-related knowledge required to support all staff in their work activities and for informed
decision making and enhanced productivity.

3.13.2 Tasks

CI02.T01 Manage IT-Knowledge

Maintain the availability of relevant, current, validated and reliable knowledge to support all process
activities and to facilitate decision making. Plan for the identification, gathering, organizing, maintaining,
use and retirement of knowledge.

Best Practice

Establish and maintain a knowledge database (e.g. Wiki). Define documentation standards.
Ensure user training and increase user awareness through training and sensitization.

3.13.3 Artifacts

CI02.A01 Knowledge Database

The Knowledge Data base must be able to:

Document unstructured information and transform it to knowledge.

Publish and make knowledge accessible to relevant stakeholders.

3.13.4 Metrics
CI02.M01 Level of satisfaction of users

CI02.M02 Frequency of updates in the knowledge database

CI02.M03 Percent of knowledge repository used

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4. Lifecycle
The lifecycle provides good guidance for implementing the framework. It is based on a continual
improvement process where first, the current situation is assessed, then the desired state is defined and
the necessary measures are taken. In the last step of the cycle, the defined initiatives are implemented.

The following premises should be taken into consideration.

IT governance cannot be implemented within a big-bang approach but needs to emerge slow and
A governance-aware enterprise culture is the foundation for successful implementation.
Management support is vital for the success.
Provided that these preconditions are covered, implementation proposals can begin.

Figure 5: Lifecycle.

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IT Governance for SME

4.1 Assess
The primary goal of the assessment phase is to conduct an analysis of the current maturity regarding
IT governance tasks. The maturity-check provided within the framework (it-governance-for- offers an easy way to initially assess the current situation. It is also helpful
because by replying the questionnaire all relevant IT topics pop up and the assessor automatically
becomes confronted with practically relevant interrogations. In the best case the accomplishment of the
maturity-check not only helps to determine the actual state but already sensitizes the company regarding
the most important IT governance topics. Another advantage of the maturity-check is that the assessor
already starts working with the framework and thereby learns to know the structure of the framework
from the bottom. The following picture illustrates the result of an example assessment. Each process is
filled with the respective color that was calculated from the indications of the questionnaire. Red means
that the assessed process maturity is insufficient, orange indicates a little better process maturity and the
light green states that the process maturity is sufficient but there is still some room for improvement. The
dark green means that the process is implemented with a high process maturity.

Figure 6: Result of example assessment (on

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Once the maturity-check is done, the results must be analyzed. It is therefore vital to study the
framework and the proposed tasks, artifacts and metrics and already trying to make some linkage
between the framework and the real-life situation.

An assessment-report is the final delivery of this phase. It contains the findings from the maturity-
check as well as the subsequent analysis. The main purpose of this document is that the weaknesses are
clearly addressed so that it can serve as a base for decision making.

4.1.1 Artifact

4.2 Plan
In the planning phase, the desired state is defined and, with help of the assessment-report, an
implementation plan is set up. It is of great importance that the desired result is clear to everyone. The
desired result can be expressed with help of the assessment-report and the described artifacts in the

The implementation plan should consolidate all scheduled activities. For all activities, the following
information must be provided:

Result (e.g. process or artifact)
Time horizon
Responsible person(s)
Estimated implementation cost
Estimation of required manpower

This proceeding ensures a structured approach and enables monitoring and control of the
implementation progress. Prioritization should be with regards to the severity of the discovered weakness
during the assessment phase and the estimated overall expenditures. After the implementation-plan is
elaborated, it must be reviewed and approved by the management.

4.2.1 Artifact

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4.3 Implement
The implementation consists of the three main steps execute, monitor and review. The execution of
the activities happen according to the implementation plan and regular monitoring activities ensure the
implementation success. After completion, the result of the activity is reviewed and an overall
implementation-report concludes the implementation phase.

4.3.1 Artifact

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5. Benefits
This chapter lists the benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises of using this framework.

5.1 Usability
This framework has been specifically developed for small and medium-sized enterprises. Whereas the
content within the prescribed processes is tailored from COBIT 5 and therefore does not differ much
(where an equivalent process is existent in this framework), organizational recommendations such as
roles and responsibilities or the implementation guidance have not been adopted. Just from a rational
perspective it would not be reasonable to apply the provided roles and responsibilities from COBIT. The
organization of small and medium-sized enterprises simply does not allow such a setup. This framework
does not provide any role or responsibility. The company is absolutely free in deciding its organizational
structure and the framework can be implemented regardless of the organizational and operational
structure. Although COBIT does not prescribe an organizational structure by defining the roles and
responsibilities, the quantity of the described roles make an implementation within a small and medium-
sized enterprise nearly impossible. The lightweight design of this framework enables maximal flexibility.

As described in the frameworks principles, self-empowerment is another important factor that

determines the usability of the framework. The framework is structured in a simple and reasonable way
and is easily understandable. The simplicity of the structure is necessary for ensuring this self-
empowerment approach. A company should be able to set up this IT governance framework without
external help. Furthermore, the company should feel equal to manage the prescribed processes after
successful implementation. An IT governance initiative should not be started for its own sake but for the
sake of improving the IT processes. Therefore it is vital for any enterprise that the processes of this
framework become an integral part of the IT organization.

Peter Josi 32
IT Governance for SME

5.2 Compliance
Compliance with external laws and regulations can be improved by applying this framework. It does
not mean that the framework solves all challenges regarding compliance but the better each process is
implemented, the more probable it is that the compliance requirements are fulfilled. According to
Grnendahl et al. (Das IT-Gesetz: Compliance in der IT-Sicherheit, 2012, p. 13), IT governance helps to
improve the awareness regarding IT compliance issues. Additionally, clearly structured IT processes
provide a good overview across the IT landscape which eases to address compliance topics.

5.3 Compatibility with COBIT 5

The framework is based on COBIT 5. Although compliance with COBIT 5 is not a direct advantage that
argues for the application of this framework, it may be beneficial to first adopt this framework than
directly applying COBIT 5. The implementation of COBIT 5 takes much more personal, organizational and
financial resources. The advantage emerges when an enterprise that actually has this framework in place
wants to upgrade to COBIT 5. All processes in this framework can be mapped to the COBIT 5 enabling
processes (ISACA, 2012) assuring upwards compatibility.

The following figure maps the processes within this framework with COBIT 5.

Peter Josi 33
IT Governance for SME

Figure 7: Mapping to COBIT 5.

Peter Josi 34
IT Governance for SME

5.4 Holism
IT governance can be considered to be the rooftop of all IT processes within the enterprise. It is
therefore important that an IT governance initiative covers all relevant aspects of IT.

The IT governance focus areas defined by the IT Governance Institute (IT Governance Institute & KPMG,
2003) provide a solid overview by enlisting the relevant parts of IT governance. The following table
contains a mapping between the processes prescribed in the framework and the IT governance focus

The respective color indicates the level of affiliation of the process to the IT governance focus area.
Grey means that there is no substantial coherence; the bright green indicates that the area is partially or
indirectly covered and the dark green signifies direct coverage of the focus area.

Strategic Resource Performance

Value Delivery Risk Management
Alignment Management Measurement

Solid backup and Risk management Data and

recovery policies process is part of Applications are
Backup &
fasten disaster the backup and crucial IT key
recovery. recovery plan. factors.

Good user security

The security plan
provides indirect
SEC01 implies the risk Staff is affected by
value through
Users management for the security plan.
user security.

Good endpoint and

The security plan Endpoints and
network security
SEC02 implies the risk Network devices
provides indirect
Endpoints & management for (Technology) are
value through
Network endpoint and securely configured
network security. and managed.

A well protected
The security plan
SEC03 implies risk
infrastructure Facilities are
Physical management for
prevents from theft properly managed.
Environment the physical

Peter Josi 35
IT Governance for SME

Strategic Resource Performance

Value Delivery Risk Management
Alignment Management Measurement

Risk management
CON01 practices are
Disruptive events
Continuity applied by
are reduced.
Planning establishing the
business impact.

Future needs
Proactive risk
CON02 regarding Optimal and cost-
Availability & availability and effective service
through monitoring
Capacity capacity are taken provisioning.
and alerting.
into account.

CON03 Risk is reduced

Improved flexibility
Change through proper
and agility.
Management testing

CM01 All IT assets are

Assets & Rational sourcing properly managed

Configuration and configured.

Effective and Software licenses

efficient are centrally
procurement managed

Future direction is
clear which leads to
alignment with
SP01 a concentration of
Strategy resources to the
objectives and
long-term IT goals

IT Portfolio
Exploit synergies
SP02 management of
and reduce
Projects programs, projects,
services and assets

Optimal end-user
support increases

Peter Josi 36
IT Governance for SME

Strategic Resource Performance

Value Delivery Risk Management
Alignment Management Measurement

Knowledge- Transformation of
Database enhances information into
productivity knowledge.

Table 1: Coverage of IT governance focus areas.

The table states that all focus areas are covered by the framework, except performance measurement.
Although performance measurement is not directly addressed, the defined metrics within the processes
provide the foundation for setting up concrete measures for assessing the performance. However, a direct
coverage of this focus area is indeed inexistent. This is due to the fact that performance measurement
was not rated to be that important in the interviews so that it should have been integrated in the
framework. A reason for this may be that the ability to measure the performance requires a certain
process maturity (repeatability) and, at most of the interview partners, this maturity level was still far

This framework should enable small and medium-sized enterprises to govern their IT in a simple and
pragmatic manner. By looking at the table, this statement can be confirmed. Rather strategic topics have
been reduced to an adequate minimum and special emphasis has been placed to operational topics. To
summarize, the framework covers all relevant IT processes for small and medium-sized enterprises and
its implementation is a good step towards IT governance.

Peter Josi 37

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