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Chapter 1 Introduction To Science PDF

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Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010


1. We see various natural phenomena in daily life. Natural
phenomena are things that happen in nature. PMR 07
i. lightning, rainbow, melting of ice, growth of a baby
into an adult and the fall of ball to the ground are a
few examples of natural phenomena.
ii. We want to know why and how all these things happen.
We search for answers. The study of science gives us
the answers.
2. Science is the systematic study of nature and how it affects us
and our environment.
3. The information produced from the study of science is known
as scientific knowledge.


1. Science plays important roles in our daily life. Here are some
i. Science helps us to understand ourselves. Knowing
how our body works, we can better take care of our
health and safety.
ii. Science also helps to understand our environment.
This helps us to improve the quality of our
environment and conserve it for our future generation


1. Science offers various career opportunities according to ones

area interest. Listed below are few examples:
i. Doctor
ii. Engineer
iii. Veterinarian
iv. Pharmacist
v. Architect
vi. Chemist
vii. Computer programmer
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

2. Science is divided into a number of areas of study, namely

i. Biology - the study of life
ii. Physics - the study of matter, energy, force
and motion.
iii. Chemistry - the study of the composition and
chemical properties of substances.
iv. Astronomy - the study of planet and stars in the
v. Geology - the study of rocks, minerals and the
structure of the universe.
vi. Meteorology - the study of weather and climate.
vii. Biochemistry - the study of chemical process in
living organisms.


1.. Listed below are some rules and safety precautions in the
i. never enter the laboratory unless a teacher is present.
ii. do not eat, drink or taste any chemicals.
iii. always follow the teachers instructions.
iv. and etc (notes has been given)

draw figure laboratory apparatus page PMR 2010

3. Bunsen burner are used on the containers of hazardous

chemical substances to show their characteristics. PMR 03


1. A scientific investigation is a series of steps done

systematically to study a problem or an event.
2. Each step involves the use of one or more science process
skills. PMR 03
3. The following shows the sequence of steps involved in a
scientific investigation.
4. Figure below shows some common laboratory apparatus and
their uses.
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

Salin dari m/s 9 Table 1.2

5. Some substances in the laboratory are hazardous or

i. Hazard warning symbols are placed on labels of bottles
or containers of hazardous substances to show the
danger of the substances.

symbol Danger of substances Examples handling techniques

Explosive * sodium, * keep in paraffin
potassium * avoid contact with
* easily explodes when mixed water
with other substances. * concentrated * keep away from
acids and alkalis other substances
including water.
Flammable or inflammable * organic solvent * keep away from fire
such as ethanol, or heat sources.
* easily catches fire and burns. petrol and

toxic/poisonous * mercury * do not inhale, touch

or taste the
* causes death or harm to the substances.
body if absorbed through the * keep in a looked
skin or inhaled cupboard.

Corrosive * concentrated * avoid contact with

acids and alkalis skin or eyes.
* cause damage to the skin or * spill on body parts
eyes upon contact. should be washed
away quickly under
running water.
irritant/harmful * ammonia * spill on body parts
solution, should be washed
chloroform, dilute with a lot of water.
acids and alkalis.

Radioactive * uranium, * keep in special lead

plutonium, containers.
* causes cancer or destroy radium.
bodily tissues.
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

6. The following shows the sequence of steps involved in a scientific

investigation. PMR 03

1. identifying the problem

first, we determine what we want to find out.
To do so, we need to observe things or happenings carefully to
obtain information. Based on our observation, we then ask
questions about the things or happening.

2. forming a hypothesis
To make a smart guess to explain the problem.
The hypothesis needs to be tested based on the evidence

3. planning an experiment
this section involves:
identifying the variables involved. A variable is conditioning
that influences the results of the experiment.
Determining the materials and apparatus required.
Determining the procedure to carry out the experiment,
method of collecting and analysing data.

4. carrying out the experiment

this section involves:
controlling the variables as planned so that the experiment is a
fair test.
Collecting data through observations and measurements. All
these must be done systematically, accurately, objectively and

5. analysing and interpreting data

explaining the collected data in an objective and logical
Giving an explaination about the pattern or relationship based
on the data collected.
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

6. making a conclusion
state whether the hypothesis is true.
A conclusion should be made based on the data and not
influenced by any unfair opinion.

7. writing a report on the experiment

present the aim, materials, apparatus and procedures, any
table or graph and conclusion clearly in the report.
It is important as a means of communication among scientists.


1. There are five physical quantities which can be

measured, that is length, mass, time, temperature and
electric current.
2. Physical quantities can be measured in System
International dUnits (SI) units. Its means International
System of Units.
3. The following table shows the physical quantities and
their SI unit.

Physical quantity SI unit Symbol

length Metre m
mass kilogram kg
time Second s
temperature Kelvin K
electric current Ampere A
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

Weight and Mass

1. The concept of weight and mass.

i. Weight is the gravitational force acting on an
ii. The greater the force pulling the object towards
the centre of Earth, the heavier of object.
iii. Spring balance is used to measure weight.

Lukis gambar m/s 18 figure 1.8

iv. Weight is measured in Newton (N)

1N = 0.1 kg
1 kg = 10 N

v. Mass is the amount of matter in an object.

vi. Mass of an object can be measured by using
beam balance, a lever balance or electronic

Lukis gambar m/s 18 photo 1.13

vii. The SI unit for mass is kilogram (kg). Mass can

also be measured in gram (g) and milligram

I kg = 1000 g
1g = 1000 mg

viii. The S.I. unit for length is the metre (m).

ix. The unit `metre is used to measure objects
such as cloth, tables, poles and running tracks.
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

x. Longer distances are measured in kilometres

(km) and shorter distances are measured in
centimetres (cm).
xi. The length of a curve is measured using a ruler
and a thread, or opisometer (measuring tool for
xii. Temperature is the degree of hotness or
xiii. The S.I. unit for temperature is the Kelvin (k).
xiv. However, in daily usage, temperature is
measured in the Celsius scale which is named
after the Swedish scientist, Anders Celsius. The
unit used for temperature is degrees Celsius
( 0 C).
xv. The volume of regular shape or irregular shape
solids can be measured using water
displacement method. The volume of water
displaced is equal to the volume of the object.
PMR 05

Standard form and prefixed form

1. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 000 000
2. The mass of a hydrogen atom is
3. For number like these, we can write them in the standard
form of a x 10 n

150 000 000 000m = 1.5 x 10 11 m

0.00000000000000000000000167 g= 1.67 x 10 24
Science Form 1 note Teacher zaidi@maher2010

4. We can also write physical quantities in the prefixed


prefix symbol numerical value value

tera T 1 000 000 000 000 x 10 12
giga G 1 000 000 000 x 10 9
mega M 1 000 000 x 10 6
kilo k 1 000 x 10 3
hector h 100 x 10 2
deca da 10 x 10 1
deci d 0.1 x 10 1
centi c 0.01 x 10 2
milli m 0.001 x 10 3
micro 0.000 001 x 10 6
nano n 0.000 000 001 x 10 9
pico p 0.000 000 000 001 x 10 12
femto f 0.000 000 000 000 001 x 10 15

5. we can also change 45 000g into the kilo prefix.

= 45 kg

6. change 3 m into the mm prefix.

3 x 1 000 = 3 000mm

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