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Bromination Experiment

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Bromination of Alkenes



The carbon-carbon double bond, also known as an alkene, is a very important functional group in
organic chemistry, and is often used as a precursor in the synthesis of complex molecules. One of the
most common reactions that alkenes undergo is halogenation by an electrophilic addition mechanism.
The general mechanism for this reaction is shown below (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1: Electrophilic Addition Mechanism

The -electrons of the alkene attack the electrophile (E+) and generate a carbocation. The carbocation in
turn is attacked by a nucleophile (Nu-), and the result is a disubstituted alkane.

The two most common halogenation reactions are chlorination and bromination. The addition of these
halogens to alkenes yields 1,2-dihalides. Chlorinations reactions are used to synthesize over 6 million
tons per year of ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane) for use as a solvent and for subsequent
polymerization to produce poly(vinylchloride) known more commonly as PVC which is used for plumbing
and other commercial purposes.

The mechanism of this alkene halogenation is of importance because it explains the exclusive formation
of the trans-product. This can be explained by further analysis of the intermediate formed in the
mechanism. The following chlorination reaction involves a chloronium intermediate.

Scheme 2: Formation of Di-Halide via Chloronium Intermediate

In this case, the intermediate formed (indicated by brackets) plays a crucial role in the products
stereochemistry. The incoming nucleophillic chloride ion is forced to attack the top side of the
cyclohexane ring because the bottom side is shielded from attack by the positively charged chloronium
species. The result of this anti-addition is always the trans-product. The same effects occur in the
bromination of alkenes forming a bromonium ion intermediate and resulting in the trans-product.

Bromination of alkenes is widely applied in both the research laboratory and throughout industrial
practices. The halogenated alkanes can be easily obtained using liquid bromine in inert or acidic solvents
like dichlormethane (DCM) or glacial acetic acid (Scheme 3). Although these reactions are very robust
and can be completed as quickly as ten minutes,1 handling liquid bromine can be dangerous and
presents a hazard in the teaching laboratory. Fortunately other methods of brominating alkenes exist
that use milder reagents and provide similar yields and purity.

Scheme 3: Bromination Using Liquid Molecular Bromine

Djerassi and Schloz2 have shown that a sufficient alternative to liquid bromine is the organic salt
pyridinium tribromide (Scheme 4). This solid is significantly safer to handle, and the molecular
bromineis generated in situ (which means in the reaction mixture). Generation of the active reagent
occurs due to a chemical equilibrium between the pyridinium tribromide and molecular bromine
(Scheme 5). Recently Hutchison et al. have shown that hydrobromic acid and hydrogen peroxide in
ethanol provide another safe alternative with higher atom economy.3

Scheme 4: Bromination Using Safe Reagents

Scheme 5: Pyridinum Tribromide and Molecular Bromine Equilibrium

There are many prefixes to consider with stereochemistry. Configurations such as trans-, cis-, and meso-,
or R and S labeled chiral centers with the possibility of racemic mixtures indicated by () are all
necessary to differentiate between the three dimensional products that are actually formed.
Stereochemistry can be very difficult to visualize. Working slowly and methodically will provide the
correct and accurate results. Molecular model kits might also be helpful.

It is important to consider the stereochemistry of the products formed as a result of alkene bromination.
The possibility to generate chiral centers exists and therefore multiple products can be formed from one
reactant. Again, consider Scheme 4. Since each olefinic carbon in Scheme 4 has two methyl substituents,
bromination does not generate any chiral center, and only one product is observed. However, if the
substituents are changed, then chiral products may be formed. For example:

Unlike the first example, a chiral center is generated at only one of the carbons; therefore two
enantiomeric products are observed. More complicated results can be seen when two chiral centers are
generated and theoretically four products could potentially be observed. In actuality, only two of the
possible compounds are observed, the (R, S) and the (S, R) diastereomers, because they are the resulting
trans-products of the anti-addition mechanism.
Now let us look at the different possibilities for products resulting from the same substrate with
different stereo-conformations. First we will consider the cis-configuration as a starting material.

Two different products are observed. However, they are formed in a 1 : 1 ratio, so 50% of the products
are of the (R,R) configuration and the other 50% are of the (S,S) configuration. In our experiment today
we are unable to separate these, however they have the same melting point which we can use to
differentiate between the trans-products shown below.

Now we will consider the trans-configuration as a starting material. We can draw two possible products
for this reaction.

Initially it might appear as if two different products are formed. However upon careful examination of
the stereochemistry, we can prove otherwise. Let us focus on the stereochemistry of one of our above
products. If we rotate the molecule of product 2 so that carbon 2 is now on top and carbon 1 is on the
bottom the new stereochemical configuration is shown below.
Furthermore, if we take that configuration and rotate it so the methyl groups are in the same position as
our original products from the bromination reaction, we can make a stunning conclusion.

After all of those fun twists and turns we can conclude that we have in fact only made one product. A
final concept to consider is that of meso-compounds. In order to do this, we must look at the Fisher
projection of the above compound.

The stereochemistry does not change when converting to a Fisher Projection. The important thing to
notice is that a plane of symmetry can be drawn through the molecule. Whenever this is possible, the
compound is considered to be in a meso-configuration, and is not considered a chiral compound.
In the experiment you are about to perform, you will be given an unknown stilbene (trans-stilbene or
cis-stilbene) to perform the bromination reaction on. Each reactant will result in a different
configuration similar to the examples above. Fortunately, the resulting melting points (m.p.) are
drastically different and these can be used to identify the true configuration of your product.
Toxicity of Reagents

Acetic acid: Corrosive

Cinnamic acid: Irritant

Ethanol: Flammable, Irritant

Pyridinium tribromide: Corrosive, Lachrymator

Silver Nitrate: Toxic, Oxidizer, stains skin black



1.) The reaction will be performed using a technique called reflux. To understand this concept,
consider a boiling pot of water. If you were to leave this liquid boiling for too long it would all
evaporate. Now, if a cooling condenser is fixed to the top of the pot of water, then the hot
vapors will condense and drip back into the original pot. This cycle will continue as long as the
vapors dont get too hot, and the cold temperature of the condenser is maintained. This system
is referred to as refluxing.

Table 1: Table of Reagents:

Compound Molar Mass Quantity Density (g/mL) mmol Mole ratio

Unknown A 180.25 100 uL 1.011 ? ?
Unknown B 180.25 100 mg N/A ? ?
Glacial Acetic 60.05 2.00 mL 1.049 ? ?
Pyridinium 319.84 200 mg N/A ? ?

Add the spin vane to the 5 mL conical vial. Make sure the vane is pointing straight down. You will be
assigned an unknown alkene by your TA. Either unknown A or unknown B. Add the alkene followed by
2.00 mL of acetic acid and pyridinium tribromide successively. Record the exact masses/volumes of
these reactants. To assemble the reflux apparatus, attach the conical vial to the condenser using the
plastic adapter (Figure 3). Submerge the vial in the sand bath on the hot/stir plate and begin stirring.
Apply heat to the apparatus by slowly increasing the temperature of the hot/stir plate. Reflux the
mixture for 15 minutes, making sure all reactants have dissolved. Remove the apparatus from the sand
bath and allow it to cool to room temperature. Remove the stir bar with a magnetic wand and then add
2.5 mL of deionized or distilled water. Place the vial in an ice/water bath for 15 minutes. Carefully filter
the reaction mixture through a Hirsch funnel (Figure 2). If some precipitate goes through, filter the
filtrate again to maximize yield. Let the product by scraping it from the funnel and apply the vacuum for
15 minutes to dry. Transfer the product to a piece of pre-weighed wax weighing paper and determine
the experimental yield. Calculate the percent yield of your crude product.

Identification of Product

Product of trans-stilbene = M.P. = 238 C

Product of cis-stilbene = M.P. = 110 C

Melting Point Determination: Prepare a melting point capillary as demonstrated by your TA. Obtain the
melting point range of your product. Use this melting point to identify your product.

Silver Nitrate Test: Vicinal dihalides react with alcoholic silver nitrate to form a precipitate of the
corresponding silver halide. Dissolve approximately 10 mg of your product in 0.5 mL of 95 % ethanol
using a small test tube. Add 0.5 mL of 2% ethanolic silver nitrate. Allow the test tube to stand for at least
5 minutes. Record the presence or absence of a precipitate. What does this indicate?


1.) Fieser, L. F. ; Williamson, K. L., Organic Experiments: Houghton Mifflin: New York 1998; pp 24,515

2.) Dierassi, C. ; Scholz, C. R., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1948, 70, 417-418

3.) McKenzie, L. C. ; Huffman, L. M. ; Hutchison J. E., J. Chem. Ed. 2005, 82, 306-310
Pre-Lab Questions (10 pts):

1.) Predict all possible bromination products of the following substrate using the above reaction
conditions. Show stereochemistry (i.e. dashed and wedged bonds, and label chiral centers (R or S), if
necessary. (2pt for prediction, 2pt for stereochemistry)

2.) A researcher performs the above reaction starting with 0.150 g of the alkene substrate, 0.375 g of
pyridinium tribromide, and 2.00 mL of acetic acid. Only one product is observed.

a.) What is the limiting reagent? (2pt)

b.) What is the theoretical yield? (2pt)

c.) If the researcher obtains 0.301 g of pure product, what is the percent yield? (2pt)

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