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Present Continuous

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The key takeaways are that the present continuous tense is used to describe actions happening now or planned for the future, while the simple present is used for habitual actions and general states.

The present continuous tense is used to describe actions happening now, actions happening in the near future, and fixed habits that always occur.

Verbs like feel, hear, see, smell, taste, want, wish, like, love, hate, prefer, mean, understand, know, remember, forget, contain and seem are usually not used in the continuous form because they describe mental states or perceptions rather than actions.



They don't (do
I play tennis on Does she know Habitual activities
Simple Present not) work in New
Mondays. him? - States
happening at the
He's (is) They aren't (are
Present What are you present moment.
working at the not) coming this
Continuous doing? Near future
moment. evening.
intention and
I'll (will) be They won't (will What will you
Future action at a
Future cooking dinner not) be living in be doing next
specific moment
Continuous when you Paris this time week at this
in the future.
arrive. next year. time?

Forming the present continuous tense

This tense is formed using two components: the verb BE (in the present tense), and the -ING form
of a verb. Here are the rules, using the example verb "sing":


I am singing
You are singing
He is singing
She is singing
It is singing
We are singing
They are singing

How to make the -ING form

With many verbs, you can simply add -ING to the end of the verb. However, with some verbs, you
need to change the ending a little. Here are the rules:

Verb ending in... How to make the -ING form Examples

1 vowel + 1 consonant Double the consonant, then add -ING swim - swimming
hit - hitting
get - getting
1 vowel + 1 consonant + E Remove E, then add -ING come - coming
lose - losing
live - living
[anything else] Add -ING say - saying
go - going

walk - walking

We use the Present Continuous, in the following cases.

a) When an action is happening now.

Ej: Harry is studying Math right now.
Claudia is painting a picture now.

b) When an action is happening in a near future.

Ej: I’m going to visit my brother tomorrow.
Susan is having her car fixed tomorrow.

c) When is a fixed characteristic that always happens.

Ej: My dad is always reading the headlines.
Margaret is always washing her glasses.

BE CAREFUL! Some verbs are not used in the continuous form - see below.

The verbs in the list below are normally used in the simple form, because they refer to states, rather
than actions or processes:

Senses / Perception
feel*, hear, see*, smell, taste
assume, believe, consider, doubt, feel (= think), find (= consider), suppose,
Mental states
forget, imagine, know, mean, notice, recognize, remember, understand
Emotions / desires
envy, fear, dislike, hate, hope, like, love, mind, prefer, regret, want, wish
contain, cost, hold, measure, weigh
look (=resemble), seem, be (in most cases), have (when it means to possess)*

I. Make sentences using the Present Continuous.

1. She / wear / earrings____________________________________________

2. It / rain / today_________________________________________________
3. I / have / good time_____________________________________________
4. They / wait / train______________________________________________
5. I / draw a picture_______________________________________________
6. The rabbit / eats a carrot_________________________________________
7. Mike / clean / the house / ________________________________________
8. He / cook / an omelette / for dinner_________________________________

9. Mike / smile at / me ____________________________________________
10. He / run / to catch / the bus ______________________________________
11. Mike / dance/ in / a / disco _______________________________________
12. He / yawn____________________________________________________

II. Change the following sentences from Simple Present into Present Continuous or vice

1. Andrew makes muffins._______________________________________

2. You cut the grass.___________________________________________
3. Simon is writing a letter for his uncle.___________________________
4. We are cleaning our room.____________________________________
5. Kathy dances with Bob._______________________________________
6. Jack and Colin save money for a book.___________________________
7. I’m studying for the test.______________________________________
8. My mother is cooking some cookies.____________________________
9. Jack plays with the dog._______________________________________
10. Pedro is praying at the Temple._________________________________

III. Write sentences about what these people are doing tomorrow.

1. Charles / call his grandmother._________________________________

2. Sally / watch T.V.___________________________________________

3. Joe /run / marathon__________________________________________

4. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon / the house_______________________________

5. I / celebrating / birthday.______________________________________

6. Bob / give / French exam._____________________________________

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

The simple present tense is often confused with the present continuous tense. This page will explain
when to use each one.

The simple present tense

The simple present tense is used for two main types of action:

Habits Actions which happen regularly (every day, every week, etc.)
States Things which do not often change (opinions, conditions, etc.)

Some examples will help to make this clearer:

Type of Examples Explanations

Habit Young-Mi goes to class every "Every day" is a habit.
It rains a lot in Vancouver. This means that it rains often.
Santos always talks about his "Always" means this is a habit.
Jerry spends Christmas with his This implies that he spends Christmas with his
parents. parents every year.
State Bianca lives in Florida. This is a state, because it doesn't change.
Jean-Paul has red hair. Someone's hair colour doesn't usually change.
Martin likes chocolate. When we like something, usually we will always
like it.
Anna believes in God. Beliefs and opinions are states. They don't often

The present continuous tense

The present continuous tense is used for two main types of action:

A temporary action happening Something which is going on right now (but it will stop in the
now future)
A definite plan for the future Something we intend to do, usually in the near future

Here are some examples:

Type of action Examples Explanations

Temporary action John is winning the Right now, John is winning, but the game isn't
happening right now game. finished yet.
It's raining outside. It's raining right now (but it may stop soon).
Soraya's working in the She's working there right now.
Sihol is spending He's spending Christmas with his family right
Christmas with his now, this year. (Maybe next year he won't.)
Definite plan for the I'm playing soccer This plan is already arranged and definite.
future tomorrow.
Sarah's leaving for San She has probably already bought her ticket.
Francisco on Friday.
The Olympics are taking This is already certain.
place here next year.
I'm having a party next All the plans have been made.

Simple Present or Present Continuous?

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous).

Next week, my friends and I ___________ (go) camping in the woods. I _______________
(organize) the food, because I ______________ (like) cooking. Dave _____________ (have) a big
car with a trailer, so he ______________ (plan) the transportation. Sam ____________ (bring) the
tent -- he __________ (go) camping every year, so he _____________ (have) a great tent and lots
of other equipment. My wife ____________ (think) we're crazy. She _________ (like) holidays in
comfortable hotels, so she _________ (take) a trip to Paris instead.

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