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CFD simulation of anaerobic digester with variable

sewage sludge rheology

K.J. Craig a,*, M.N. Nieuwoudt b, L.J. Niemand c

Thermoflow Research Group, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Pretoria,
Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028, South Africa
Westinghouse Electric South Africa, Centurion,South Africa
Shosalowe Inv, Leeuwfontein, Pretoria, South Africa

article info abstract

Article history: A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model that evaluates mechanical mixing in a full-
Received 2 March 2013 scale anaerobic digester was developed to investigate the influence of sewage sludge
Received in revised form rheology on the steady-state digester performance. Mechanical mixing is provided through
25 April 2013 an impeller located in a draft tube. Use is made of the Multiple Reference Frame model to
Accepted 5 May 2013 incorporate the rotating impeller. The non-Newtonian sludge is modeled using the Hershel
Available online 21 May 2013 eBulkley law because of the yield stress present in the fluid. Water is also used as modeling
fluid to illustrate the significant non-Newtonian effects of sewage sludge on mixing pat-
Keywords: terns. The variation of the sewage sludge rheology as a result of the digestion process is
CFD considered to determine its influence on both the required impeller torque and digester
Digester mixing patterns. It was found that when modeling the fluid with the HersheleBulkley law,
HersheleBulkley law the high slope of the sewage stress-strain curve at high shear rates causes significant
Impeller mixing viscous torque on the impeller surface. Although the overall fluid shear stress property is
Viscous torque reduced during digestion, this slope is increased with sludge age, causing an increase in
Sludge rheology impeller torque for digested sludge due to the high strain rates caused by the pumping
impeller. Consideration should be given to using the Bingham law to deal with high strain
rates. The overall mixing flow patterns of the digested sludge do however improve slightly.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction characteristics of the sludge (Monteiro, 1997). A useful by-

product of this process is the generation of biogases such as
The anaerobic digestion process is widely used to treat methane and carbon dioxide leading to an increased interest
biodegradable materials such as domestic sewage, agricul- in anaerobic digestion as part of a renewable energy solution.
tural manure and food waste. The biodegradable material Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is increasingly used
(sewage sludge in this study) is broken down by microorgan- to model anaerobic digester performance. Wu (2010a) simu-
isms in the absence of oxygen. A significant part of the organic lated mechanical draft tube mixing in an egg-shaped digester
solids in sewage sludge is decomposed to form other organic containing dairy cow manure sludge (using properties from
and inorganic compounds in dissolved form. This biological Achkari-Begdouri and Goodrich (1992)). The same fluid was
transformation has a strong influence on the rheological used by Wu and Chen (2008) for cylindrical digesters using

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 27 12 420 3515.

E-mail addresses: (K.J. Craig), (M.N. Nieuwoudt), (L.J. Niemand).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4486 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Nomenclature SST shear stress transport

TS total solids concentration, %
CFD computational fluid dynamics
Va average draft tube velocity, m/s
D Diameter, m
VOF volume of fluid
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
G Average velocity gradient, s1 Greek symbols
k consistency coefficient, s shear stress, Pa
LES large-eddy simulation sy yield shear stress, Pa
MRF multiple reference frame g_ strain rate, s1
N rotation speed, RPM _gc critical shear rate, s1
n power law index h apparent viscosity, Pa s
RANS Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes m dynamic viscosity, Pa s
Re Reynolds number u specific dissipation rate, s1
SMM sliding mesh method

pumped mixing, and Yu et al. (2011) who considered me- nature of the mechanical mixing configuration does determine
chanical mixing using an axial flow impeller and a helical the influence of an MRF implementation. E.g., Bakker et al.
ribbon. Their modeling fluid was a non-Newtonian sludge (2009) modeled a pitch-blade turbine impeller agitating a
modeled by a power law whose coefficients were determined non-Newtonian slurry (modeled as a HersheleBulkley law
by a rheological experiment. Bridgeman (2012) modeled a cy- fluid) with a straight-bladed stator located in close proximity to
lindrical digester stirred by two six-blade paddles, again using the impeller. Because of the small gap between the impeller
the same dairy cow liquid manure properties as Wu (2010a). and stator, they found that the MRF approach couldnt capture
Wu (2010a), Yu et al. (2011) and Bridgeman (2012) used the MRF the strong time-dependent interaction between the two as the
(Multiple Reference Frame) approach in ANSYS Fluent (2010) SMM could. In the current application, the impeller is situated
to model the relative rotation of the impellers/stirrers in the in a stationary draft tube providing a constant axi-symmetric
computational domain. Meroney (2009) used water (Newto- boundary that enhances the ability of the MRF method to
nian) as modeling fluid for dilute sludge and simplified the accurately model the steady-state situation. Wu (2011) used
effect of impellers in draft tubes using fan boundary condi- the SMM for the LES simulations in that study, and since large-
tions. Terashima et al. (2009) used an imposed body force to eddy simulations are inherently transient, the additional cost
simulate the effect of a downward-pumping screw located in a of the SMM was not that much of a factor. Although the LES-
draft tube. Their study is the only digester CFD simulation in SMM results were better than the RANS-MRF results in that
the literature that assumed laminar flow. study, the slight increase in accuracy was judged not to be
Wu (2011) asserted that most digester applications are justified by the considerable increase in computational effort.
turbulent and used Large Eddy Simulation (LES) (Wu, 2012) This paper evaluates an anaerobic digester situated in a
and a range of 12 turbulence models (Wu, 2010b) to evaluate municipal waste water treatment plant. The work was
different turbulence closure methods. Of the Reynolds- prompted by the retrofitting of existing, old digesters with
Averaged NaviereStokes (RANS) models, the standard k-u new mixing equipment. It is therefore important that the CFD
performed the best. The high cost of LES limited the investi- modeling provides confidence of the mixing performance of
gation as to the improved turbulent resolution that can be the digester as well as gives an indication of the power
obtained with this model (Wu, 2010b). In evaluating a gas- required by the impeller/draft tube combination. Because of
mixed digester, Wu (2010a) decided on the SST k-u turbu- the fact that the digester modification has not been imple-
lence model for modeling gas mixing. Bakker et al. (2009) mented, full-scale validation is not possible. Of the CFD
found that the SST k-u turbulence model performed the best digester studies in literature, only Terashima et al. (2009)
in the modeling of an agitated non-Newtonian slurry. report full-scale results in the form of a tracer experiment.
When modeling the motion of an impeller or stirrer in a Lab-scale digester validation has been performed by other
bioreactor or chemical reactor, the incorporation of the me- researchers using CFD simulation (e.g., Bridgeman, 2012;
chanical mixer can be done in different ways. Apart from the Meroney, 2009; Yu et al., 2011) or through the use of simpler
MRF approach and simplified actuator plane methods (e.g., fan geometries like non-Newtonian pipe flow (Wu and Chen, 2008)
boundary condition, imposed body force) mentioned above, a or water agitated in a tank with a Rushton turbine (Wu, 2010c).
more accurate but more computationally intensive method is In general, these validation exercises show that CFD modeling
the Sliding Mesh Model (SMM), as implemented, e.g., in ANSYS is capable of predicting digester mixing and performance
Fluent (2010). Kritzinger (2010) compared the MRF method to provided that modeling features like grid independency,
the SMM and found that the MRF method provided reliable proper rheological treatment and impeller rotation are treated
engineering answers in a much shorter time (mainly because correctly.
the MRF allows for a steady-state solution while the SMM Domestic sewage or sludge exhibits yield stress behavior
method is inherently transient). In that study, the impeller (Monteiro, 1997) and as such is better modeled using the
interacted with stationary blades in a stirrer reactor. The exact HersheleBulkley or Bingham laws. The power law used for
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4487

liquid manure in the CFD studies mentioned above is there- consistency coefficient (k), plastic viscosity (mp) and power-law
fore not applicable in that it assumes zero yield stress in the index (n) are determined experimentally. It can be seen that
non-Newtonian fluid. In addition, Monteiro (1997) showed the Bingham law corresponds to the HersheleBulkley law
that the rheological properties of sewage sludge change dur- with n 1.
ing the digestion process. For batch operation, this means that In the implementation in ANSYS Fluent (2010), a critical
the power consumed by the impeller will change during shear rate parameter, g_ c , is added to avoid infinite apparent
operation and for sizing purposes, the maximum torque and viscosities at very low shear rates (due to the discontinuity at
power needs to be known. For continuous feed digesters, the g_ 0 in equation (3)). It is implemented via a switch between
sludge in the digester has a variation in age. For this reason, the linear stress-strain region and the shear-thinning/thick-
rheological properties ranging from raw to digested sludge are ening portion in the following manner:
used in the study to investigate this effect. g_
sy 2   
The paper starts with describing the theoretical model used g_ c g_
For g_  g_ c : h k 2  n n  1 (4)
for the CFD simulation, followed by a description of the rheo- g_ c g_ c
logical properties implemented. The geometric description
and meshing strategy used is explained next, thereafter CFD sy g_
For g_ > g_ c : h k (5)
model settings like turbulence modeling, boundary conditions g_ g_ c
used and the MRF approach are discussed. After a presentation Equation (4) reduces to equation (3) at g_ g_ c . Some re-
of mixing criteria, results are presented. These take the form of searchers assume a constant value for the apparent viscosity
a grid independence study, an evaluation of free-surface mo- below the critical shear rate instead of the linear relationship
tion on the results, the effect of sewage sludge age on the tor- shown in equation (4). E.g., Bakker et al. (2009) adjust this
que required for turning the impeller, and an overall discussion critical apparent viscosity (and hence the shear rate) until
of digester mixing patterns. Conclusions conclude the paper. their simulated results correspond to experimental pre-
dictions. As the data measured in Monteiro (1997) extend
down to a lower shear rate limit of 0.01 s1, this value is used
2. Theoretical model
for the critical shear rate in the current study, except for the
first case listed in Table 1, where 0 s1 is used, implying that
The commercial CFD code ANSYS Fluent (v.13.0, v.14.0 and
only equation (5) is used in the model. To illustrate the dif-
v.14.5) is used to determine the steady-state iso-thermal tur-
ference between the Monteiro (1997) data (for 3e4% total
bulent flow in the digester through solution of the Naviere-
solids (TS) by weight when raw) and the 5.4% TS liquid dairy
Stokes equations (continuity and conservation of momentum).
cow manure used by Wu (2010a), refer to Fig. 1 where the
The following sections discuss different aspects of the theo-
shear stress versus shear rate is plotted on a logelog scale.
retical model.
Both raw (0 days) and digested (40 days) sludge data from
2.1. Rheological properties Monteiro (1997) are shown together with HersheleBulkley law
fits that most closely resemble the single experiment
Domestic sludge seems to be better described by the Her- measured data (coefficients also presented in Table 1). At
sheleBulkley law (Monteiro, 1997), which is a combination of diminishing shear rates (as found in the body of the digester),
the power law and the Bingham law. The HersheleBulkley law the sewage sludge reaches a constant yield stress that de-
allows for shear-thinning or shear-thickening after yield, creases with sludge age. For liquid manure, the shear stress
depending on the power law index being less or more than required diminishes toward zero as the shear rate is reduced
one, respectively. Both the HersheleBulkley and Bingham (similar to that shown in Fig. 1 for water at 20  C, for com-
laws have a yield stress that needs to be overcome before the parison). At high shear rates however (as are found on the
fluid comes into motion. surfaces of the impeller and draft tube), a high shear stress is
required to bring the non-Newtonian fluid into motion. The
Bingham law : s sy mp g_ (1) slope of this curve at high shear rates increases with sewage
sludge age (Monteiro, 1997), implying that digested sludge
Hershel  Bulkley law : s sy kg_ n (2) remains difficult to pump using an impeller but that the bulk
digester fluid that experiences low shear rates is more easily
h sy kg_ n1 (3) kept in motion (lower shear stress required). Data from
Baudez et al. (2011) who only consider digested sewage sludge
where s is the shear stress, g_ the strain or shear rate and h the are also plotted in Fig. 1. Their 1.85% total solids concentration
apparent viscosity. The parameters yield stress (sy), (when digested) data match very well with that of Monteiro.

Table 1 e HersheleBulkley law coefficients for sewage sludge (based on Monteiro (1997)).
Sludge age [days] Yield stress, Power-law Consistency index, Critical shear rate,
sy [Pa] index, n k [] g_ c [s1]

0 (based on Monteiro data fits) 0.9 0.5 0.5 0

0 (single experiment result) 0.7 0.66 0.75 0.01
40 (single experiment result) 0.3 1.15 0.0017 0.01
4488 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Hershel-Bulkley n=0.66,k=0.75,ty=0.7

Hershel-Bulkley n=1.15,k=0.0017,ty=0.3

shear stress [Pa]

Monteiro single experiment (raw sludge)

Monteiro single experiment (digested sludge)

power law manure TS=5.4% (k=0.192, n=0.562)

Water @20C

Baudez et al., TS=1.85% digested

shear rate


0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
shear rate [1/s]

Fig. 1 e Rheological properties of sewage sludge (Monteiro, 1997), liquid manure (Achkari-Begdouri and Goodrich, 1992),
digested sludge (Baudez et al., 2011) and water with HersheleBulkley law fits for sewage sludge.

Table 1 also lists the HersheleBulkley coefficient data for discussed under the Results section). To allow more gradual
raw sludge based on Monteiros own data fits for both his turning of the flow, a bellmouth-shaped rotating flow
experiments (the raw sludge total solids concentration deflector was also considered (Fig. 4).
differed for the two experiments listed (Monteiro (1997)). This The domain was meshed with mixed cells (hexahedral,
coefficient set was used for all simulations except those tetrahedral and prisms). Cells were concentrated in the impeller
evaluating the effect of sludge age (see Results section). area and draft tube inlet and outlet where the highest gradients

2.2. Geometry and meshing

The geometry and meshes were generated using GAMBIT

v.2.4.6. Various meshes were constructed to obtain a mesh
independent solution. The CFD model domain is displayed in
Fig. 2, with only the fluid part being modeled. The character-
istics of the digester are listed in Table 2. The upper boundary
is the assumed free-surface position. The draft tube that
contains a triple helix blade impeller near its top is located
centrally in the digester. The draft tube supports (see insert in
Fig. 2) are neglected in the model. The free surface is assumed
to be flat for most of the simulations (see exception later under
the Results section).
Two draft tube configurations were modeled. First a sta-
tionary cone-shaped flow deflector was modeled at the exit of
the draft tube to deflect the swirling impeller flow sideways
(Fig. 3). This type of deflector could cause a hydraulic jump in
the free surface of the digester (the free-surface treatment is Fig. 2 e CFD model geometry of digester and draft tube.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4489

are expected. To allow illustration of mesh independence in the

Table 2 e Digester characteristics.
results, a coarse (4.8 million cells), a medium (10.4 million cells)
Digester volume [m3] 1250 and a fine mesh (23 million cells) were generated, with a
Draft tube diameter [m] 0.61
refinement ration of 2.2. The Grid Convergence Index (GCI)
Impeller rotation rate [RPM] 500
Digester internal diameter [m] 13.5
method (Roach, 1998; ASME V&V 20, 2009) was used to quantify
Draft tube exit below free surface [m] 0.3 mesh independence (see section 2.7). The CFD simulation with
Impeller (top) position below free surface [m] 0.8 the fine mesh took about 1 week to reach convergence (about
40000 iterations) on a 64-core cluster. The coarse, medium and
fine mesh models are compared side-by-side in Fig. 5 for the
draft tube exit area. The draft tube thickness of 5 mm is included
in the model, with different mesh densities on either side of the
draft tube, as shown. The difference mesh sizes were obtained
by changing key mesh size parameters. E.g., the impeller mini-
mum mesh size ranged from 2 mm for the fine mesh, 5 mm for
the medium mesh and 8 mm for the coarse mesh. Fig. 6 com-
pares the impeller surface meshes. The digester maximum
mesh size ranged from 100 mm for the fine mesh, 150 mm for the
medium mesh and 200 mm for the coarse mesh. In addition to
the meshes mentioned above, a 2D axi-symmetric mesh of 336
thousand cells was generated to investigate free-surface move-
ment due to the impeller in a Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) model (see
Results section). This transient axi-symmetric model included a
layer of air above the sludge, and was solved with gravity enabled
and an initial condition assuming 100% sludge phase below the
initial free-surface position and 0% sludge phase above.

Fig. 3 e Impeller in draft tube with cone-shaped deflector. 2.3. Turbulent closure

The Reynolds number can be based on the impeller charac-

teristics (rotation speed, diameter) or the draft tube and Non-
Newtonian characteristics (draft tube diameter, average draft
tube velocity, consistency and power-law indices) (Metzner
and Reed, 1955). For the current application, with the
average draft tube velocity, Va is approximately 3.7 m/s based
on results presented below. The Reynolds number formulas
are (Chen, 1981):

Reimpeller water

rVa2n Dn
Redrafttube sludge
k0:75 0:25=nn 8n1

rVa D
Redrafttube water

For N 500RPM 8.33rev/s, r 998 kg/m3, m 0.001 Pa s,

k 0.5, n 0.5, D 0.6006m, Va z 3.7 m/s:,
Reimpeller 3.0E6,Redrafttube 2.8E5(sludge), Redrafttube 2.2E6(water)
Wu (2010a) lists 20000 as the turbulent Reynolds number
required for full mixing in the digester. Because of the turbu-
lent flow that is present in the domain, use is made of a tur-
bulence model. The SST k-u turbulence model is used to
provide turbulent closure (ANSYS Fluent, 2010).

2.4. Impeller treatment

The MRF (Multiple Reference Frame) modeling method is used

to model the rotating impeller. In essence, a different
Fig. 4 e Impeller in draft tube with bell-mouth exit and flow (rotating) reference frame is used for the cell zone enclosing
deflector (a) Side view, and (b) View of draft tube exit flow gap. the impeller (see inserts in Figs. 3 and 4) than for the rest of the
4490 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Fig. 5 e Difference between coarse, medium and fine mesh models at impeller outlet for cone-shaped deflector (note
thickness of draft tube, as well as differing mesh distributions on impeller and digester faces) a) Fine mesh, b) Medium
mesh, and c) Coarse mesh.

domain (rest of draft tube and digester). The extent of the MRF 2.5. Boundary conditions and convergence
zone has an influence on the solution because of the treat-
ment of the interface between the zone that is rotating rela- The free surface of the digester was treated as a slip wall (i.e.,
tive to the zones that are stationary. The lower interface of the zero shear stress specified on this boundary). All the other walls
MRF was chosen to be 195 mm below the rotating impeller. were treated as no-slip smooth walls. As the digester is modeled
The upper interface of the MRF was chosen to be in the throat with no inlets or outlets, the flow patterns are established
of the impeller draft tube exit as indicated in Figs. 3 and 4a). through application of a rotation to the impeller MRF zone. The
The effect of the size of the MRF zone was not investigated.

Fig. 6 e Fine mesh in the region of the impeller (inserts Fig. 7 e Velocity magnitude contours on solid surfaces of
showing difference between medium and coarse mesh impeller, shaft and stationary cone-shaped flow deflector
models). (N [ 500RPM).
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4491

would have f1, f2 and f3, with f1 associated with the finest
mesh. The order of convergence, p, can then be calculated as
f3  f2
p ln lnr (6)
f2  f1

Richardson Extrapolation, neglecting higher-order terms,

gives an estimate of the exact performance parameter (at zero
grid spacing), as

f1  f2 rp f1  f2
fh0 f1 p (7)
rp  1 r 1
The Grid Convergence Index (GCI ) of the fine grid is defined

Fs jj
GCIfine (8)
rp  1

Fig. 8 e Velocity contours on solid surfaces of impeller, where Fs is a factor of safety (Fs 1.25 when a minimum of 3
shaft and rotating bellmouth-shaped flow deflector solutions are available (Roach, 1998)) and the relative error, ,
(N [ 500RPM). is
f2  f1

impeller rotation direction is set to provide upward pumping in When 3 solutions are available, we can calculate GCI12 and
normal operation. The surface velocities of the impeller and flow GCI23 in a dimensionless form, as
deflector are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 for the two draft tube con-
f2  f1 f3  f2
Fs F
figurations considered. In Fig. 7, the cone deflector is stationary, f1 f
while in Fig. 8, it can be seen that the bellmouth-shaped flow GCI12 and GCI23 (10)
rp  1 rp  1
deflector is rotating. Convergence is obtained when normalized
If we are in the asymptotic range of convergence, then
residuals have stabilized (typically all residuals less than 1E-3
except for u, less than 5E-3) and when the draft tube mass flow GCI23 zrp GCI12 : (11)
rate and impeller torque had stabilized.
Therefore, if

2.6. Mixing criteria GCI23

z1; (12)
rp GCI12
The U.S. EPA (1979) guideline for the lower limit of power then mesh independence is achieved.
dissipated per unit volume (also called Mixing Energy Level by
Wu (2010b)) is between 5 and 8 W/m3 for complete mixing in
pumped circulation anaerobic digesters. In addition, a lower 3. Results and discussion
limit of the average velocity gradient (or G-value) of between
50 and 80 s1 is recommended with a digester turnover time 3.1. Mesh independence and turbulence model
less than the range between 20 and 30 min.
Water is used as modeling fluid (20  C, 998 kg/m3, 0.001 Pa s)
2.7. Mesh independence using GCI when assessing mesh independence and the effect of the
choice of turbulence model. An impeller rotation rate of
The Grid Convergence Index (GCI) method (Roach, 1998; ASME 500RPM is used. Table 3 lists the integrated results obtained
V&V 20, 2009) proceeds in the following way. Given a series of when using the coarse, medium and fine mesh described
meshes with different sizes, the constant grid refinement above. The GCI parameters (draft tube mass flow rate and the
ratio, r, defines the relationship between successive meshes. If impeller torque) as well as the estimates and indices are given
r 2, then the mesh is doubled in each of the dimensions in Table 4 using the terms defined in equations (6) to (12). It
represented in the solution domain. Non-integer refinement can be seen that the meshes used are in the asymptotic range
can also be used as in this study, where r 2.2 is used. The aim (ratio w 1), implying that the fine mesh provides sufficiently
of grid refinement is to have a solution that is in the so-called accurate results. Although there is not a large change in the
asymptotic range, whereby the underlying theory of integrated quantities with changing mesh resolution, the flow
Richardson Extrapolation is valid asymptotically. patterns were significantly different. The medium mesh pat-
Assume that we can extract a performance parameter, f, terns were similar to those obtained using the fine mesh. The
from a CFD solution that is indicative of the accuracy of the CFD solution for the coarse mesh had more difficulty
solution. This parameter may be an integrated quantity (like converging on the monitored values, with the values in Table
impeller torque) or a performance metric (like the induced 3 being averaged values over a large range of iterations. The
draft tube mass flow rate) that represents the intent of the CFD rest of the results presented in the paper are those obtained
simulation. For three successively refined CFD solutions, we using the fine mesh.
4492 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Table 3 e Integrated results for mesh dependency study.

Coarse mesh Coarse mesh Medium Fine
SST k-u turbulence Reynolds Stress turbulence mesh mesh
model model

Draft tube mass flow rate [kg/s] 1091 1078 1078 1076
Steady-state operating impeller torque [Nm] 264 260 284 279
Volume turnover time [min] 19.1 19.3 19.3 19.3
Velocity gradient (G-value) [s1] 105 104 109 108
Power dissipated per unit volume/Mixing 11.1 10.9 11.9 11.7
Energy Level [W/m3]

Table 4 e Grid Convergence Index (GCI) parameters and estimates.

Quantity f3 f2 f1 p fh0 GCI12 GCI32 Asymptotic

Draft tube mass flow rate [kg/s] 1091 1078 1076 2.374 1076 0.042 0.271 0.988
Steady-state operating impeller 264 284 279 1.758 277 0.734 3.157 1.076
torque [Nm]

As discussed in Sections 1 and 2.6, the SST k-u turbulence of revolution was formed. A 3D steady-state simulation with
model is chosen for this study based on previous experience this perturbed but fixed free surface was performed to
and recommendations from other authors. To provide addi- investigate this influence on the impeller performance pa-
tional support for this choice, the Reynolds Stress turbulence rameters. The free-surface shape modeled is displayed in
model (RSM) was evaluated for the coarse mesh using water as Fig. 10. A sample result (see Fig. 11) for non-Newtonian
modeling fluid. The RSM uses 7 additional equations instead sludge shows that an unrealistic flow pattern is obtained.
of the 2 equations used for the SST k-u turbulence model. As The fixed free-surface slip wall causes the impeller jet to be
illustrated in Table 3, this higher-order turbulent closure deflected downward and attach to the outer surface of the
provides results that are within 1.5% of the coarse mesh SST draft tube before ingestion at the bottom of the draft tube.
result, justifying the use of the cheaper SST k-u turbulence This flow pattern was obtained for both water and non-
model for the rest of the results in this paper. Newtonian sludge. The impeller torque and draft tube
mass flow rate estimates were not influenced substantially
for water (less than 6%) implying that the draft tube flow is
3.2. Effect of free-surface assumption largely unaffected by the digester flow pattern. In order to
obtain a more physically realistic representation of the free-
Because of the close proximity of the free surface of the surface behavior, a transient VOF simulation incorporating
digester to the draft tube outlet (approximately 300 mm), it is both sludge and air would need to be performed on the 3D
expected that the impeller jet stream will interact with the geometry. An added complexity in such a model could be
free surface during operation. The question is how much the the treatment of a crust (should it form) in terms of its
deviation in the free-surface level from horizontal will characteristics (motion, break-up. etc.). Such an analysis is
impact the performance estimate of the impeller or the outside the scope of the present study. For the remainder of
digester mixing performance. The free-surface boundary is
modeled as a slip wall, i.e., no resistance (zero shear stress) is
imparted by the air above the fluid level to the fluid motion. If
the free surface is forced to remain horizontal, then the fluid
flow of the jet is forced to turn in a horizontal direction once
it impacts this surface. Apart from resulting in an incorrect
jet momentum (direction and magnitude), this could cause
an increase in the back pressure of the impeller.
To test the effect of this flat slip-wall assumption, a 2D
axi-symmetric CFD simulation was performed with the
Volume of Fluid (VOF) method (ANSYS, 2010) to get an esti-
mate of the free-surface movement for the average draft
tube velocity obtained with the 3D CFD model. This transient
simulation reached a steady-state free-surface position after
about 4 s (see Fig. 9 for a snapshot at 5.4sec). This position Fig. 9 e Free-surface position at t [ 5.4s (2D Axi-symmetric
(exported from ANSYS Fluent as a surface) was imported model, no swirl, HersheleBulkley non-Newtonian fluid
and parameterised as a spline curve in GAMBIT and a body model, 1000 kg/s mass flow rate).
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4493

separation (see Fig. 12). The influence of the flat free-surface

assumption is expected to be smaller as well. Although the
flow rate is increased through the draft tube as a result (see Table
4), and the impeller torque is lower (249 Nm for bellmouth exit
versus 306 Nm straight cone), the additional torque required to
rotate the flow deflector is significant (values to be given later).
The overall digester flow patterns are similar (see Fig. 13) but
the bellmouth jet has more momentum and therefore pene-
trates deeper into the digester than for the straight cone case.
The non-Newtonian nature of the sewage sludge can clearly be
seen because of the regions where the digester fluid remains
Fig. 10 e Modeled free-surface position (symmetric half
stagnant. Using a Newtonian fluid (water) for comparison re-
shown, draft tube not shown for clarity).
sults in a flow pattern where the whole digester forms a nearly
symmetric toroidal vortex (Fig. 13c). This illustrates the
importance of considering non-Newtonian rheology for
sewage sludges. Table 5 lists the mixing criteria for the two
designs, including the values for water as modeling fluid for
comparison. All the criteria for complete mixing are met. Note
that although the overall mixing criteria between water and
the non-Newtonian fluid are very similar (less than 9% devia-
tion), the mixing flow patterns are very different. This high-
lights the fact that digester design should include an analysis
such as the current one to evaluate the influence of non-
Newtonian fluid behavior. This statement is of increasing
importance for cases of higher solids concentration, as has
been shown, e.g., by Wu (2010a), due to the increasing non-
Newtonian behavior of high solids concentration sludge.

3.4. Effect of sludge age

To study the effect of sludge age, the two single experiment

Fig. 11 e Velocity magnitude contours (scale limited to
case data from Table 1 were used with the bellmouth-shaped
3.5 m/s) for fixed perturbed free-surface position
draft tube exit geometry and rotating flow deflector. Of in-
(HersheleBulkley Non-Newtonian fluid model, 500RPM).
terest here is the viscous torque of the rotating deflector
relative to the total torque of the impeller. The slopes of the
the simulations presented in this paper, a flat free surface respective fluids (0 versus 40 days) shear stress-strain curves
was assumed as depicted in Fig. 1. in Fig. 1 at high shear rates suggest that the digested sludge
would induce a higher viscous drag on the rotating surfaces
3.3. Comparison of draft tube exit geometry than that of raw sludge. This is confirmed in Table 6 where the
relative contributions to the overall torque are compared. The
The main influence of the bellmouth-shaped draft tube exit is to torque due to normal (pressure) forces on the rotating
guide the flow from vertical to horizontal with less flow deflector is negligible and is therefore not listed. The total

Fig. 12 e Effect of draft tube exit shape on draft tube flow patterns, HersheleBulkley (n [ 0.5, k [ 0.5, sy [ 0.9 Pa),
N [ 500RPM: a) Straight cone (stationary deflector), and, b) Bellmouth (rotating deflector).
4494 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Fig. 13 e Effect of draft tube exit shape on overall flow patterns, HersheleBulkley (n [ 0.5, k [ 0.5, sy [ 0.9 Pa),
N [ 500RPM: a) Straight cone (stationary deflector), b) Bellmouth (rotating deflector), and c) Water, stationary straight cone
deflector e All velocity scales clipped at 0.3 m/s.

Table 5 e Comparison of integrated quantities for different draft tube exit geometries.
Straight cone deflector Bellmouth rotating deflector

HersheleBulkley fluid Water HersheleBulkley fluid Water

Draft tube mass flow rate [kg/s] 1070 1076 1111 1112
Steady-state operating impeller torque [Nm] 306 279 249 237
Volume turnover time [min] 19.4 19.3 18.7 18.7
Velocity gradient (G-value) based on viscosity of water [s1] 113 108 102 99.6
Power dissipated per unit volume/Mixing Energy Level [W/m3] 12.8 11.7 10.4 9.92

Table 6 e Comparison of torque contributions for variation in sludge age.

Sludge Draft tube Impeller torque Impeller torque Total Rotating deflector Impeller rotating
age mass flow rate (pressure (viscous impeller torque (viscous deflector torque
[days] [kg/s] component) [Nm] component) [Nm] torque [Nm] component) [Nm] [Nm]

0 1079 261 69.7 330 288 618

40 1052 273 122 395 381 776
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4495

Fig. 14 e Effect of sludge age on overall flow patterns, N [ 500RPM: a) Raw sludge, and, b) Digested sludge e All velocity
scales clipped at 0.3 m/s.

Fig. 15 e Strain rate plots, N [ 500RPM: a) Raw sludge (single experiment), b) Digested sludge (single experiment), and c)
Raw sludge (averaged data) e All scales clipped at 3000 sL1.
4496 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7

Bingham law fits to his data. Fig. 16 compares the high strain
rate behavior of the two laws (HersheleBulkley and Bingham)
based on Monteiros averaged data for raw (0 days) and
digested (40 days) sludge. Note how the two HersheleBulkley
curves cross over at around 1700 s1 strain rate, while the
Bingham curves remain parallel on the logelog plot because of
the constant plastic viscosities of the two fluids.

4. Conclusions

The paper has discussed the application of CFD to model

anaerobic digester performance for sewage sludge. Mechani-
cal mixing was provided through the use of an impeller situ-
ated in a centrally-located draft tube. The focus of the study
was on considering the sewage sludge as a non-Newtonian
Fig. 16 e Shear stress e strain rate plots: HersheleBulkley
fluid following the HersheleBulkley law and how this rheo-
versus Bingham law (Data from Monteiro (1997)).
logical behavior would influence both digester mixing per-
formance and impeller torque requirements. The effect of
sludge age (raw versus digested) was considered. The
impeller torque for the raw sludge (330Nm) in Table 6 is following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
significantly higher than the 249 Nm listed in Table 5 for the
averaged properties (Monteiro data fit in Table 1). This is due 1. As also found by other researchers, sludge rheology has a
to the fact that the single experiment data lead to a higher large influence on the mixing patterns prevalent in the
power-law index (0.66 versus 0.5) and higher consistency digester. The comparison of Newtonian water with non-
index (0.75 versus 0.5 than obtained when averaging the Newtonian sludge showed that symmetrical mixing pat-
data. The higher yield stress of the averaged data (0.9 versus terns with the whole of the digester being brought into
0.7Pa) doesnt play a role in the impeller region due to the high motion in a predictable fashion is possible for water. For
shear rates experienced there. sludge, the mixing pattern was influenced by the yield
The influence of rotating the flow deflector on the total stress property of the fluid, leading to more zones that are
required torque is significant, and for reduced operating costs, close to being stationary in the lower parts of the digester.
having this bellmouth deflector stationary should be 2. Sludge age has a significant influence on the torque
investigated. required to turn the impeller. In general, the stress-strain
The influence of sludge age on the flow patterns is dis- curve for digested sludge lies below that of raw sludge,
played in Fig. 14. For the raw sludge, the overall stress-strain implying that it should be easier to mix at the lower strain
behavior is higher than for digested sludge, which should rates experienced in the digester. Because of the higher
imply that the overall digester should be easier to mix when slope of the HersheleBulkley law stress-strain curve at high
containing digested sludge. The mixing zone for the raw shear rates for digested sludge however, the impeller ab-
sludge (Fig. 14a) doesnt extend as far down as for the digested sorbs more torque for digested sludge. This fact makes it
sludge case (Fig. 14b). The latter mixing pattern is also more crucial that the fluid properties of the sludge be known
symmetrical, implying more even mixing. accurately when designing the system. It is shown that
The strain rate of the fluid adjacent to the impeller and when using the Bingham law, the digested sludge rheology
shaft surface is depicted in Fig. 15. It can be seen that the curve remains below that of raw sludge.
digested sludge induces a higher strain rate, explaining the 3. Mesh independence of the integrated results (draft tube
higher torque in Table 6 due to a higher associated shear mass flow rate and steady-state operating impeller torque)
stress. For comparison, the Monteiro-averaged data case for was illustrated using the Grid Convergence Index (GCI)
raw sludge is also shown in Fig. 15c). Here the strain rate method. Fine mesh results are reported in the paper,
values are lower due to the lower consistency index and because although the integrated quantities of impeller
power-law index (Table 1), explaining the lower torque value torque and draft tube mass flow rate were within the
in Table 5. All plots in Fig. 15 are capped at a strain rate of asymptotic range for all three mesh resolutions, the flow
3000 s1 for comparison. It should be noted that the sources patterns in the digester were markedly different.
used for the rheological fluid properties (Monteiro, 4. Although the emphasis of this paper was not on evaluating
1997; Baudez et al., 2011) only report strain rates up to different turbulence models, it was shown that the SST k-u
1000 s1. It is not known whether the fluid will continue to turbulence model gave similar results as the Reynolds
adhere to the HersheleBulkley law above this value. High Stress turbulence model on a coarse mesh when using
shear rate performance is discussed in Baudez et al. (2011). water as modeling fluid.
They mention that digested sludge behaves as a shear- 5. The modification of the flow deflector above the draft tube
thinning yield stress fluid with a plateau viscosity at high exit from a straight stationary cone to a rotating bellmouth
shear rates. In other words, it follows the Bingham law shape had two main effects. The first was an improvement
described in equation (1). Monteiro (1997) also published of the flow by limiting the separation of flow at the draft tube
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 8 5 e4 4 9 7 4497

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